
chrisccoulsonis anybody seeing gpm crashes at startup?01:05
james_wnot me01:06
chrisccoulsoni've just seen like 5 new bug reports in a row, since i did an upload earlier01:06
chrisccoulsonbut they've all failed to retrace, and i cant recreate it01:06
james_wah, I won't have upgraded to that yet01:06
chrisccoulsonjames_w - please try :)01:06
RAOFchrisccoulson: Is it a crash when they press enter for the first time?01:08
chrisccoulsonRAOF, from the bug reports i've seen, gpm is just plain crashing as soon as it loads01:09
chrisccoulsonwithout having to do anything01:09
* RAOF can't immediately blame it on plymouth, then.01:09
chrisccoulsonright, i've got a clue whats going on now and why i don't see it01:10
chrisccoulsonthe HAL brightness code changed, and my laptop doesn't use HAL for brightness01:10
chrisccoulsoncj - did you just report a gnome-power-manager crash?01:14
james_wgpm fine after a session restart here01:16
chrisccoulsonwe must be pretty unlucky01:17
chrisccoulsonthe reports are flooding in now ;)01:17
james_wis it the g_type_create_instance one?01:17
chrisccoulsonjames_w - yeah01:17
james_wpretty odd stacktrace01:18
james_wyou could create an apport pattern for it to catch the duplicate flood01:18
chrisccoulsonthe retraces are failing because the dbgsym package isn't on ddebs yet01:18
chrisccoulsonif i could find someone to recreate it, i will send them the debug symbols ;)01:18
james_wit's at times like this you marvel at the efficiency of our QA process :-)01:19
james_wthe ones I'm looking at haven't been tagged failed-retrace01:19
james_w/usr/share/gnome-power-manager/gnome-power-bugreport: 80: devkit-power: not found01:21
* TheMuso is on a desktop when at home so not likely to be bitten by this bug.01:21
TheMusoI haven't updated yet either.01:21
chrisccoulsonjames_w - oh, that needs updating to upower01:22
james_wprobably not related01:22
james_wotherwise we would likely see it too01:22
chrisccoulsoni'm going to just diff the whole gpm source01:24
chrisccoulsoni might spot something there01:24
cjchrisccoulson: I don't think so.  not unless it was automatically reported.01:24
cjchrisccoulson: sounds like something I would have reported, though01:25
chrisccoulsoncj - you're not the reporter of bug 530364 then?01:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530364 in gnome-power-manager "gnome-power-manager crashed with SIGSEGV in free()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53036401:25
cjchrisccoulson: not me.  https://launchpad.net/~cjcollier <- me01:27
chrisccoulsonheh, sorry, wrong person then ;)01:28
chrisccoulsonah, spotted it anyway01:29
james_wyou found the bug?01:30
chrisccoulsonjames_w - yeah, an uninitialized GError in the HAL brightness initialization01:31
chrisccoulsonthats why i don't see it01:31
james_wnice catch01:31
james_wis that the undeclared one that caused the ftbfs?01:32
chrisccoulsonjames_w - yeah, i added in the declaration to fix the FTBFS, but forgot to initialize it ;)O01:32
chrisccoulsonso, thats sort-of my fault01:32
TheMusoGotta love those brown paper bag bugs. :p01:46
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
pittiGood morning07:13
nigel_nbmorning pitti :)07:31
pittihey nigel_nb07:33
nigel_nbhello, having a good week so far?07:34
pittiyes, indeed! how are you?07:35
nigel_nbnot bad.  In fact a great week :)07:37
nigel_nbfixing an mplayer bug now.07:39
nigel_nbbut it seems to have build troubles ugh!07:39
kermiacpitti: ping re: metacity (1:2.28.1-0ubuntu2) lucid07:45
pittikermiac: hi! what about metacity?07:45
kermiaca number of people have "run a terminal" defaulting to ALT+T, not CTRL+ALT+T07:45
kermiacany ideas?07:46
pittiyou mean they set it to that manually?07:46
kermiacno, it is defaulting to that07:46
pittigconftool -g /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_terminal07:46
kermiacin my case I have a stock standard alpha 3 with all updates & it is defaulting to that07:47
kermiacok, 1 sec07:47
kermiacpitti: that command returns <Alt>T07:49
pittikermiac: can you please pastebin the output of07:51
pittigconftool -a --ignore-schema-defaults /apps/metacity/global_keybindings07:51
kermiacok, 1 sec again :)07:52
pittikermiac: and check the output of07:53
pittigrep -B 1 run_command_terminal /var/lib/gconf/debian.defaults/%gconf-tree.xml07:53
kermiacpitti: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/fNxXL9fj07:56
kermiacsorry for being slow, got to C&P between karmic & lucid puters07:56
pittikermiac: oops, can you please redo the last one with -B2?07:56
kermiacok, will do07:56
pittikermiac: no need to copy&paste it, just check whether it says "<stringvalue>&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;Tab</stringvalue>"07:57
pittiargh, screw me07:57
pittikermiac: ignore my previous lines07:57
pittikermiac: so, please do that with -A107:57
pittiinstead of -B207:57
pittikermiac: and check whether it says "<stringvalue>&lt;Ctrl&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;T</stringvalue>"07:57
pittikermiac: or is missing the "&lt;Ctrl&gt;" bit07:58
kermiacpitti: says no file or directory. can you please give me the whole command again to ensure I input correctly?07:59
pittigrep -A1 run_command_terminal /var/lib/gconf/debian.defaults/%gconf-tree.xml07:59
kermiacok, that returns the string value above08:01
pittiok, so it looks like the value got changed in your local gconf tree08:01
pittikermiac: grep -r run_command_terminal ~/.gconf08:02
pittidoes that output anything?08:02
kermiac/home/kermiac/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/%gconf.xml:<entry name="run_command_terminal" mtime="1267426894" type="string">08:03
kermiacthat should've been 2 separate line08:03
pittiright, and that is Alt-T08:03
pittias the gconftool output from above showed08:03
* kermiac is in over his head08:04
pittikermiac: can you replicate this in the guest session or with a new user? did you ever open/change the keyboard shortcuts dialog?08:04
kermiacI have not changed any settings. Also this behaviour has been experienced by at least 3 other people.08:04
pittikermiac: oh, I assume you are running compiz? (with desktop effects008:04
kermiacI will try in a gues session08:04
kermiacum, whatever is default atm08:05
pittiI think compiz reads hte metacity keybindings and does something funky with them08:05
kermiacyes, I guess that's compiz. want me to try with desktop effects totally disabled?08:05
pittikermiac: it wouldn't help for your user, because your per-user gconf setting is already customized08:06
pittikermiac: what you could try is to unset the key for you with08:06
pittigconftool -u /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_terminal08:06
pittithen you should have ctrl+alt+t back08:06
pittiand then see what you have to do to get back alt+t08:06
kermiacok, I'll try it08:06
kermiacok, that removed the ALT+T binding08:07
kermiacbut CTRL+ALT+T isn't working08:08
pittiI think you have to restart your session for compiz to notice08:08
kermiacok, 1 sec08:08
pittiAmaranth: ^ how/when does compiz evaluate the metacity keybinding gconf settings?08:09
didrocksgood morning08:09
pittiAmaranth: I'm not sure how this can happen (forgetting the <Ctrl> modifier), any idea?08:09
pittididrocks: bonjour monsieur!08:09
kermiacpitti: ok, after restarting the session ALT+T is back08:09
didrocksGuten Tag pitti :)08:10
pittikermiac: and grep -r run_command_terminal ~/.gconf gives output again, I suppose?08:10
kermiac1 sec08:10
pittikermiac: ok, thanks; would you mind reporting a bug against compiz for that?08:10
kermiacok, should I just comment & change the package for the original bug report?08:11
pittikermiac: oh, if there's an existing one, please do08:11
kermiacbug 52985208:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 529852 in ubuntu "<Alt>T opens up terminal, even though I haven't assigned it anywhere" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52985208:11
kermiacok, will do. Thanks for your help pitti :)08:11
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:37
RAOFGood morning chrisccoulson!  Ready to take the baton for Chris-es in #ubuntu-desktop? :)08:39
pittihey chrisccoulson, good morning08:39
chrisccoulsonheh ;)08:39
RAOFIt's very much like the changing of the guard :)08:39
chrisccoulsonhey pitti08:39
chrisccoulsonRAOF - yeah. it's a shame you'll not be around for the 1630 meeting this afternoon ;)08:40
seb128hey chrisccoulson, RAOF, pitti08:40
chrisccoulsonthat would be confusing08:40
chrisccoulsonhey seb12808:40
RAOFEvening seb128 :)08:40
pittibonjour seb12808:40
chrisccoulsonwell, so much for an early night after my first day ;)08:40
seb128chrisccoulson, when did you go to bed?08:42
didrockshey chrisccoulson, RAOF :)08:42
didrockssalut seb12808:42
seb128lut didrocks08:42
chrisccoulsonseb128 - about 2am ;)08:42
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks08:42
seb128utch ;-)08:42
seb128chrisccoulson, at least no commuting early in the morning08:42
chrisccoulsoni was going to go to bed earlier but then my inbox suddenly started filling up with gpm crashes as everyone upgraded ;)08:42
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
seb128RAOF, thank you for the gjs update08:43
chrisccoulsoni also fixed the issue with the about-me dialog too08:43
seb128chrisccoulson, oh?08:43
seb128the gpm crashes are bugs in the new version?08:43
seb128oh, were08:43
seb128I see a late upload :-)08:43
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i had to declare a GError to fix a build failure with the new version, but i forgot to initialize it ;)08:44
chrisccoulsoni didn't see the crash, as it only affected people who don't use xrandr for brightness08:44
seb128ah I see08:44
chrisccoulsonand the about-me issue is due to a gtk change08:45
seb128chrisccoulson, oh? anything I should sponsor?08:47
seb128hey bratsche08:47
bratscheHey seb12808:47
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i pushed the change to bzr (for g-c-c)08:47
seb128chrisccoulson, ok thanks08:47
chrisccoulsoni'll send that upstream this morning too08:47
seb128bratsche, had a good night?08:47
chrisccoulsonthis is a pain, i have to go to my other computer to commit to gnome git08:55
lifelessbratsche: its what, 2am now ? :P08:56
vishchrisccoulson: i'm sending the nautilus unmount bug upstream , but you can confirm it happens , right?08:56
bratschelifeless: 9am08:56
lifelesswow, you're further east than I thought.08:57
lifelessbratsche: or are you in London or something atm ?08:57
bratschelifeless: If I were at home it would be 3am now, but I'm in London. :)08:57
chrisccoulsonvish - i haven't confirmed it yet, but i believe you ;)08:57
chrisccoulsoni can try in a bit, but i've got other stuff to do first08:57
seb128vish, I got similar issues with nautilus recently08:58
vishchrisccoulson: hehe , havent i heard that before ;p08:58
vishk.. upstreaming :)08:58
chrisccoulsonright, gpm fix committed in git09:01
seb128chrisccoulson, good job ;-)09:01
kermiacpitti: do you want me to assign you to bug 529852?09:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 529852 in compiz "<Alt>T opens up terminal, even though I haven't assigned it anywhere" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52985209:04
=== sabdfl1 is now known as sabdfl
pittikermiac: I won't be able to work on it, but I can talk to some people to find out the reason, so please go ahead09:05
kermiacok, np thanks pitti :)09:05
seb128pitti, you broke it you fix it :p09:05
seb128or let's drop your change otherwise09:05
seb128we have other things to debug, that was supposed to be a trivial keybinding change09:06
seb128if it's not let's forget about it?09:06
chrisccoulsonseb128 - bug 530501 is weird ;)09:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530501 in nautilus "idont no" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53050109:08
seb128confused users ;-)09:08
nigel_nbchrisccoulson: that is indeed an odd bug :)09:17
seb128didrocks, I think bug #530437 is your bug09:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530437 in nautilus "Inserting an SD card offers no applications to open the card with" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53043709:18
seb128didrocks, you don't have any photo import software on une?09:19
seb128ie nothing dealing with cameras and import?09:19
chrisccoulsonhmmm, interesting gnome-panel security bug: "I deleted all my gnome-panel panels by mistake. I went to terminal, and typed in sudo gnome-panel (wouldn't work in ALT+F2). I LITERALLY BECAME ROOT. I WAS IN ROOTS HOME FOLDER AND ALL, I HAD ALL IT'S PRIVELIDGES."09:24
pittisudo works, stop the line!09:28
chrisccoulsonits amazing that the user seems genuinely surprised09:29
chrisccoulsonseb128 - do you have any opinion on bug 464783?09:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 464783 in gnome-terminal "gnome-terminal should default to 80x25 for application compatibility" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46478309:32
seb128I've never been annoyed by that09:33
seb128but I don't use lot of command line tools which rely on that layout09:33
didrocksseb128: sorry, I was on phone, there is an issue with automount stuff in netbook-launcher (for instance, clicking on a partition in n-l doesn't mount it). It can be related. I'm logging it, thanks09:34
seb128I will let other people comment there ;-)09:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks09:34
seb128didrocks, that one seems rather than you have no camera software09:34
seb128ie no f-spot, no gthumb09:34
didrocksseb128: let me open the bug report, just looked at the title :)09:34
seb128nothing able to import photos from a camera09:34
didrocksI was thinking we had gthumb, let me check09:35
seb128oh you do?09:35
didrocks(no f-spot for sure)09:35
seb128so you might want to debug why it's not listed there09:35
didrocksI'm booting :)09:35
seb128gthumb is listed as an import app there09:35
seb128but that's on my laptop not on une09:36
didrocksoh no gthumb, I was really thinking we added it09:36
seb128didrocks, ok, so it's your bug09:36
didrocksright :)09:36
seb128your users want a camera import software ;-)09:36
didrockssure ^^09:36
seb128didrocks, thanks09:36
didrocksthanks to you :)09:36
chrisccoulsonright, time to brew some coffee09:41
didrocksno objection of putting back gthumb to main? it was demoted in lucid (and depends now on libopenraw) which has always been in universe09:47
TheMusoRAOF: ok found what the alsa problem is. Just gotta work out a sane fix to patch in and send upstream and we should be good to go.09:49
cassidyseb128, hi! Any plan to package latest gnome-icon-theme release? I'd like to start using it in Empathy09:52
RAOFTheMuso: Excellent.  Yay for non-regressing nouveau on PPC!09:52
seb128cassidy, isn't that late in the cycle for ui changes?09:52
TheMusoRAOF: If the kernel team give it the ok, indeed.09:53
seb128cassidy, we can package it today I guess09:53
cassidyseb128, I'd ask to the RT before, but I'd *really* like to get rid of the status icons in Empathy09:53
chrisccoulsondidrocks - gthumb hasn't been properly ported to gio yet has it?09:53
seb128cassidy, I'm not convinced that should go in this cycle09:54
seb128cassidy, how will that work with other icon themes?09:54
chrisccoulson(or it hadn't last time i looked)09:54
seb1282.11 might have09:54
cassidyseb128, gnome-icon-theme now ships status icons as defined in the naming spec; it totally make sense for Empathy to use them09:54
seb128cassidy, right, but what about other themes, will that break anything for those users who don't use the gnome theme?09:55
seb128cassidy, like is there a fallback and where in those cases?09:55
cassidyseb128, my plan was to fallback to current icons yeah09:55
seb128cassidy, or do we need to fix all the themes?09:55
seb128cassidy, so you would keep the current icons in empathy installed in hicolor?09:55
cassidydidn't GTK+ automatically fallback to gnome-icon-theme if the theme doesn't implement an icon?09:56
seb128only if you use a theme which inherit from gnome09:56
cassidyI see09:56
seb128which is not always the case under other desktops09:56
cassidyI guess I'd keep them for now as fb then09:56
seb128ok, seems good then ;-)09:57
seb128will update g-i-t09:57
didrockschrisccoulson: right, it still depends on gvfs-bin. Does it really matter compared to having no app for opening your photos? (I don't have too much clue on gio port)09:57
cassidyseb128,  I'm not sure I'll actually do it but having the package is always good09:57
cassidywe were waiting for this release since months09:57
chrisccoulsondidrocks - gthumb seems to keep having issues where it conflicts with gvfs09:58
seb128we should probably update to 2.1109:58
seb128debian has it09:58
chrisccoulsonie, gvfs mounts camera to gphoto URI, then gthumb tries to mount camera too09:58
chrisccoulsonand gthumb fails because only one application can access it09:58
seb128they did quite some refactoring apparently09:58
chrisccoulsoni've not seen if 2.11 is any better09:59
seb128chrisccoulson, I though the wrapper was doing a gvfs-umount to avoid that?09:59
didrockschrisccoulson: each time? let me give it a try09:59
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i think so09:59
chrisccoulsonbut that's not very nice09:59
chrisccoulsondidrocks - bug 442448 for example10:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442448 in gthumb "gthumb photo import tool fails, error in io-library" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44244810:01
didrockswhat's is the wrapper?10:01
pittiquilt shell is nice; that makes 99_autoreconf.patch so much easier10:01
chrisccoulsondidrocks - i think the Exec line in the desktop file does some hackery to gvfs-umount camera devices when opening gthumb10:01
seb128I need to try this one10:01
chrisccoulsonto ensure it can get a lock on the device10:01
chrisccoulsonpitti - i wrote a small script for doing autotools update with quilt10:02
chrisccoulsonis there a shell too?10:02
pittiquilt shell10:02
seb128it's quite new10:02
TheMusourgh this is a mess.10:03
chrisccoulsonTheMuso - ?10:03
TheMusochrisccoulson: re what I was talking with to RAOF above.10:04
didrockschrisccoulson: well, you're right, that doesn't work at all10:06
chrisccoulsondidrocks - maybe try 2.1110:06
chrisccoulsoni know there has been some effort on a gio port, but i don't know how far it got10:06
didrocksok, let's see10:06
seb128debian has it if you want to try10:07
RAOFTheMuso: After I've finished the washing up I can show you how to easily just not build the alsa bits.10:08
asacchrisccoulson: hi10:08
chrisccoulsonhi asac, how are you?10:08
asacgreat ;)10:08
RAOFTheMuso: If that's helpful.10:08
TheMusoRAOF: Its fine, this is fixable, its just a mess. It needs to be fixed for upstream regardless.10:08
RAOFTheMuso: I guess ALSA failing to build on PPC64 is probably even more concerning than not having nouveau in Lucid :)10:09
TheMusoRAOF: yeah probably. It builds in the kernel fine, but due to the alsa folks not defining __powerpc64__ in the alsa-driver config/makefiles, it craps out.10:09
chrisccoulsoni'm going to take the libwnck update if nobody wants to do it10:14
seb128chrisccoulson, please do10:14
chrisccoulsoncool, i'll do that now10:14
* seb128 wonders if pitti just ignore him today10:15
pittiseb128: ? I said good morning :)10:15
seb128pitti, still waiting for you to reply to that alt-t bug10:16
seb128or rather my comment about it before ;-)10:16
pittiseb128: ah, I got the bug mail10:16
pittiseb128: and waiting for Amaranth to explain to me what compiz does with metacity's keybindings10:16
didrocksseb128: I have the same feeling with cjwatson about the ubiquity merge :)10:16
seb128oh ok10:16
pittiseb128: merely starting compiz causes the user's gconf key to be set to Alt+T10:16
seb128didrocks, which is?10:16
pittiseb128: and that can hardly be related to changing the system wide default value? (which is correct)10:17
seb128pitti, ok, I had the impression you were not interested by debugging it before reading your comment10:17
seb128pitti, so I was suggesting just reverting the change10:17
seb128pitti, we have other issues to track10:17
didrocksseb128: you know, my favorite subject for the last 3 weeks, wallpaper caching (and ubiquity, chapter 5!)10:17
pittiseb128: but yes, if it's nontrivial, let's revert it10:17
pittiseb128: it might destroy other keybindings as well, though10:17
seb128ok, let's wait a bit for compiz guys to comment10:17
seb128and revert otherwise10:17
pittiok, one more indicator patch in lucid10:18
seb128didrocks, right, but what about it now?10:18
seb128pitti, oh, which one?10:18
seb128I'm wondering if we should start running autoreconf a buildtime...10:19
seb128though we might as well stay on what we have for lucid now10:19
didrocksseb128: I just hl with the branch yesterday and proposed the merge for higher visibility today. Just waiting for an ack or a "looking at it later" to ensure my hilight was seen :) (and hopefully, to close the wallpaper book :))10:19
seb128upstream versions will not change a lot10:19
seb128and rework our packaging workflow next cycle10:19
seb128didrocks, oh ok, I didn't put the "same feeling" in context before10:20
seb128didrocks, I though it started going to roundtrips with "not the right component to change"10:20
didrocksseb128: oh no, hopefully, this time it should be ok :)10:21
pittiseb128: for lucid+1, this might be appropriate indeed10:22
didrocks2.11.1 is nicer at least with my camera :)10:28
didrocksbut I need to patch it because the importer doesn't fit at all on a netbook screen10:29
pittiseb128: ok, so AFAICS we have g-s-d/libgnomekbd, vino, banshee, and brasero indicator patches left10:33
seb128pitti, ok10:34
seb128pitti, g-s-d,libgnomekbd is on my list10:34
seb128it will be g-s-d only we agreed on that10:34
seb128easier to maintain for us10:34
pittiseb128: ah, good; can I assign that to you then?10:34
seb128banshee is for universe10:34
pittiseb128: I'll take a look at brasero10:34
seb128yes please10:34
pittichrisccoulson: you just earned your first work item with your new firefox hat :)10:45
chrisccoulsonpitti - excellent :)10:45
pittichrisccoulson: I added you to canonical-desktop-team and regenerate the work item charts now10:45
pittichrisccoulson: have you heard about the work item tracker already?10:46
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i've seen that10:46
didrocksseb128: can you sync gthumb 3:2.11.1-2 from debian unstable, please?10:49
seb128didrocks, ok10:50
didrocksseb128: thanks :)10:51
pittibryceh: if you create a meeting page, please use the meeting template10:51
pittichrisccoulson: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html -> updated now11:02
sabdflwhy does the printer driver subsystem use alien?11:02
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks, looking now :)11:03
pittisabdfl: hm, it shouldn't any more; openprinting.org now has proper .deb packages as well11:05
pittitkamppeter: ^11:05
pittisabdfl: where did you see it using alien?11:05
seb128didrocks, you might want to move the nautilus bug somewhere else too11:08
didrocksseb128: right, the ubuntu-netbook metapackage seems to be a good choice11:09
tkamppeterpitti, sabdfl: I do not remember that we have ever used alien in the printing subsystem of Ubuntu. I have always put up LSB packages on OpenPrinting in both RPM and Debian formats.11:09
seb128didrocks, gthumb synced btw11:10
* didrocks hugs seb12811:10
* seb128 hugs didrocks11:10
pitti$ automake11:35
pittigtk-doc.make:53: GTK_DOC_BUILD_HTML does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL11:35
pittiseb128: ^ did you see that before by chacne? (autoreconfing brasero)11:35
seb128pitti, yes11:36
seb128try running gtkdocize11:37
seb128I think that's it11:37
seb128or the upstream autogen.sh11:37
seb128that usually works too11:37
pittithere's no autogen.sh11:37
pittibut gtkdocize did the trick11:37
seb128get it from git ;-)11:37
* pitti hugs seb12811:37
* seb128 hugs pitti11:37
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i pushed the libwnck update to bzr now12:30
chrisccoulsonthat was a nice and simple one ;)12:30
chrisccoulsoni'll take gedit after lunch12:31
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm just back from lunch12:36
seb128chrisccoulson, you don't have upload access to libwnck?12:36
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm assuming now. i can't upload gnome-panel, so i don't think i'll be able to upload libwnck either12:37
seb128those sets are mystery to me12:38
seb128sponsoring now ;-)12:38
chrisccoulsoni don't think anything in desktop-core (where gnome-panel is) can pull in anything from ubuntu-desktop (which is what i can upload)12:38
didrockschrisccoulson: you're right12:39
didrocks$ ./edit_acl.py query -s libwnck12:39
didrocks== All uploaders for package 'libwnck' ==12:39
didrocksArchive Upload Rights for ubuntu-core-dev: package set 'core' in karmic12:39
didrocksArchive Upload Rights for ubuntu-core-dev: package set 'core' in lucid12:39
seb128you guys should have access to desktop-core too12:39
seb128didrocks, didn't you run for main upload rights?12:39
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i need to apply for core-dev for that ;)12:39
didrocksseb128: right, the meeting is in a few hours :)12:39
chrisccoulsonyay didrocks \o/12:39
* didrocks crosses fingers :)12:40
seb128debcommit got the version wrong, weird12:40
didrocksseb128: you mean, the debian one?12:41
seb128debcommit: failed tagging with 1:2.29.6-0ubuntu112:41
seb128libwnck (1:2.29.91-0ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low12:41
seb128in the changelog12:41
didrockshum, no, so I didn't get that issue (sometime from a merge, it took the last debian revision… but I only had this one and can't reproduce)12:41
chrisccoulsonthat's very strange indeed12:42
chrisccoulsonanyway, me -> lunch :)12:42
seb128chrisccoulson, enjoy!12:42
didrocksenjoy chrisccoulson :)12:43
rickspencer3pitti, wow! thanks for handling the meeting setup for me12:56
pittirickspencer3: good morning12:56
rickspencer3pitti, do you think it's possible for us to start the meeting 30 minutes late?12:56
rickspencer3I am doing a class for Opp. Dev. Week that overlaps it a bit12:56
didrocksgood morning rickspencer312:58
rickspencer3hi didrocks12:58
seb128hey rickspencer313:00
rickspencer3hi seb12813:01
pittirickspencer3: no problem from my side13:03
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rickspencer3thanks pitti13:05
rickspencer3pitti, thank you for taking care of the template and adding the new Chris's to the lp team13:06
pittirickspencer3: you're welcome13:07
pittirickspencer3: it occurred to me when I assigned chrisccoulson his first work item :)13:07
rickspencer3pitti, I assume that work item was for compiz?13:09
pittirickspencer3: yes, "take over maintenance and fix all bugs"13:09
rickspencer3sounds about right13:09
didrockschrisccoulson: no luck, that's because RAOF is in Sydney and you're in Europa that your are technically the last newcomer :)13:11
chrisccoulsonheh ;)13:11
chrisccoulsoni hear robert_ancell would like to maintain compiz13:12
didrockschrisccoulson: no, he's maintaining all the featured apps that he proposed :)13:14
chrisccoulsonpitti - do you want me to add my activities to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-03-02 this week? (there's no heading with my name in the template)13:29
pittichrisccoulson: I didn't expect you to have a report after just one day, but if you want, go ahead :)13:38
chrisccoulsonwell, it might be a fairly short report ;)13:39
chrisccoulsonhmmm, sound seems to broken on my laptop today13:47
* mvo celebrates commit r600 in s-c14:04
seb128mvo, rock on ;-=)14:05
* pitti yays mvo14:05
kenvandinemvo, almost caught up with gwibber :)14:06
kenvandineand gwibber is much old14:06
* kenvandine reboots to see if it makes desktopcouch happier14:06
seb128chrisccoulson, bug #530684 is yours14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530684 in gnome-user-share "nautilus errors in ~/.xsession-errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53068414:07
seb128kenvandine, hey14:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i just pinged hadess on #gnome-hackers about that one14:08
chrisccoulsonit seems it needs to register a different type name, to not conflict with nautilus-share14:08
kenvandinehey seb12814:12
james_wpitti: did you upload your fixes to the Xsession startup patch to Ubuntu?14:12
pittijames_w: not sure which patch you mean?14:12
james_wdebian bug 57044714:13
ubottuDebian bug 570447 in xorg "x11-common: Optimize speed of Xsession.d scripts" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/57044714:13
pittijames_w: yes, I did14:13
james_wbug 53067514:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530675 in dbus "75dbus_dbus-launch: 13: has_option: not found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53067514:13
james_w20x11-common_process-args doesn't define has_option in my copy from 1:7.5+1ubuntu914:14
pittiindeed, I seem to get that as well14:14
chrisccoulsoni remember seeing that too14:14
james_wso either conffile handling meaning the changes aren't applied, or I'm misreading your patch14:14
pittiit was definitively in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39389960/xorg_1%3A7.5%2B1ubuntu5_1%3A7.5%2B1ubuntu6.diff.gz14:15
pittiaah -- http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39589649/xorg_1%3A7.5%2B1ubuntu6_1%3A7.5%2B1ubuntu7.diff.gz reverted my patch14:16
pittijames_w: thanks for pointing out! will reupload14:16
james_wshall I reassign that bug and you drop the number in the changelog?14:17
pittialready done14:17
* james_w hugs pitti14:18
james_wI should have known I would never beat you14:18
james_wpitti: I'm testing that PreconditionFailed thing, and I can't get it to error on staging by just adding a tag or editing the description14:18
pittiapparently you beat me by miles for discovering that bug in the first place!14:18
james_wpitti: have you ever tested against staging?14:18
pittijames_w: yes, the test suite runs against staging14:19
seb128mvo, is software-center having a weird category known?14:19
seb128mvo, the same seems to made of glyphs14:19
seb128or using an alphabet when is not the latin one14:19
pittijames_w: I thought this bug would already have a reproducer, but I can write one; should be easy14:19
mvoseb128: its thai14:19
seb128latin or european, whatever you call what we use14:19
mvoseb128: its a feature - learn it14:19
james_wpitti: there are a couple on there14:19
mvo(just kidding)14:20
* seb128 hugs mvo14:20
mvoa bug14:20
mvoa BUG14:20
james_wpitti: I'm just trying to narrow it down14:20
mvoseb128: yes - I fixed it this morning, sorry for that14:20
seb128mvo, ie want me to report it or you will handle without that?14:20
seb128mvo, ok all good then14:20
* seb128 goes back to testing14:20
mvono need to report, already fixed in bzr, it got confused when the xml was translated inline14:20
seb128mvo, the featured category is really nice now ;-)14:21
seb128well done!14:21
mvothanks! next version will include eclipse and fretsonfire14:22
mvowell, you guys did the hard work of piccking good candidates :)14:22
kenvandinecrap... desktopcouch is busted14:23
pittijames_w: uploading; thanks again for pointing out14:28
james_wthanks for fixing14:28
pittibryceh, tjaalton: I uploaded a new xorg to reapply the changes from ubuntu6 (which got clobbered in ubuntu7); can you please commit this into your git?14:28
james_wheh, I can't seem to set a tag on staging at all, that's why I can't reproduce yet14:30
james_w\o/ huats14:30
huatshello james_w !!!14:34
huatssorry I must leave :)14:34
huatsmy connection was not intentional ;)14:34
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
pittijames_w: might be that staging is currently broken14:39
pittijames_w: my test suite doesn't run at all; if I try to file a bug, I get a page "Please wait while bug data is processed. This page will refresh every 10 seconds until processing is complete."14:39
pittiand that page regreshes itself for about 20 minutes already14:39
pittiperhaps it's related to that?14:39
james_wI can reproduce now using the newMessage reproducer14:40
james_wbut not just by manipulating tags like you seem to be able to14:40
pittiargh, my xorg upload got rejected14:40
seb128how come?14:41
pittithere was another ubuntu10 already today14:41
seb128ah yes14:41
* pitti quickly uploads 11 until someone else comes along :)14:42
jcastrohey for lucid this straciallatela thing is still maintained right? (the vanilla gnome thing)14:43
pittijcastro: in principle yes14:43
pittibut all the indicator changes can't be reverted at runtime14:43
pittiso it becomes less and less useful these days14:44
jcastrobut if it doesn't run indicator-session then theoretically the apps should fall back right?14:44
pittino, the tests for appindicator are at build time, and with #ifdefs usually14:44
pittithe Python changes are usually at runtime, but even they would just trigger the indicator over d-bus activation14:45
pittifortunately the package has never been in main :)14:46
seb128pitti, no, they fallback14:47
pittiseb128: the python ones? how?14:47
seb128but the fallback is the libappindicator one14:47
seb128the libappindicator fallback to notification area14:48
seb128if there is no applet running14:48
seb128or rather no indicator service14:48
pittiwell, but that doesn't help really?14:48
pittisince the behaviour of those is different14:48
seb128well sort of14:48
seb128it's a middle way yes14:48
pittii. e. they have menus instead of reacting to clicks straight away, etc.14:48
seb128you are back to notification area14:48
seb128but with the same menus14:48
seb128I don't think we can do better14:49
pittiI agree14:49
james_wpitti: bug updated with some ideas for fixing this (nothing you can use currently)14:51
pittijames_w: you rock, thanks14:52
james_wpitti: if you can reproduce this using purely tag/status/etc. modifications on an existing bug I would love to know how14:52
james_wbecause what I just wrote doesn't cover that at all14:52
james_wand I wasn't able to trigger it using tags before staging took a nap14:52
pittijames_w: I'm not sure I can; I think it often happens with attribute changes and operations14:52
pittimy work around is to create fresh bug objects after just about every change14:53
james_w.lp_refresh() might save you some typing14:53
james_wjust causes it to re-GET itself, so you don't have to know where it came from14:54
pittioh, nice14:54
james_wthe new bug heat stuff will mean that we get 412s randomly from now on anyway14:56
james_wbecause a script run from cron will occasionally update the value of heat in the bug between GET and PATCH14:56
tjaaltonpitti: yep, pushed14:58
pittitjaalton: cheers14:58
jcastrosimplescan is getting famous!15:19
hyperairnow if only my scanner would get proper linux drivers!15:20
pittisimple-scan rocks indeed!15:23
rickspencer3jcastro, interesting how implementing *fewer* features seems like genius to people15:24
pittirickspencer3: xsane doesn't have the option of converting multiple pages into a PDF, or quantizing colors15:25
jcastroI have fond memories of xsane, but it's about time to let it rest.15:25
pittimulti-page PDFs for document is what pretty much everybody wants, but can't get from xsane or gimp15:25
jcastroI am actually buying a scanner now15:26
rickspencer3is it too late for me to say that simple scan was my idea?15:26
* rickspencer3 thinks about how to grub credit for this15:26
* pitti cheers rickspencer315:26
mdeslaurscanner drivers is a sore spot15:26
rickspencer3nope, there is no way, it was all robert15:26
pittijcastro: beware, though; when I bought mine, _none_ of the ones that were in the shops would work with Linux15:26
rickspencer3but I'll think of something15:26
pittijcastro: I bought an used one from ebay15:26
rickspencer3my scanner "just works"15:27
jcastropitti: yeah, the due diligance on scanners is painful. :(15:27
jcastrowhat I want is some neat receipts like thing to make expenses suck less15:27
pittijcastro: http://www.sane-project.org/lists/sane-mfgs-cvs.html FTW :)15:27
pittijcastro: 99% of what my scanner does is to scan snail mail of insurance companies and the like into PDFs15:27
* pitti hates paper15:28
pittitjaalton: 107_dont_filter_input_subsys.diff > that now means x.org reacts/wakes up for every udev event? wouldn't it be more efficient to just extend the matches to "input" and (I suppose) "serial"?15:30
tjaaltonpitti: that's what got in 1.8rc15:32
pittitjaalton: it shouldn't hurt functionality wise, the filter is primarily meant to avoid unnecessary wakeups/comparisons in the callback15:33
tjaaltonpitti: ok, I understand..15:33
tjaaltonso, "maybe" :)15:33
pittitjaalton: not a biggie, it just caught my eye on -changes, and I was curious15:33
tjaaltonI need to test it on my tablet too15:33
pittitjaalton: so serial wacom tables aren't class "input" then?15:34
tjaaltonI'd guess this was discussed already, will check15:34
tjaaltonpitti: no, 'tty'15:34
pittii. e. the kernel doesn't even have an evdev device for it?15:34
pittiah, I see15:34
pittithe wacom driver talks to the device directly, not through input.h, I suppose15:34
tjaaltonsomething like that15:34
tjaaltonactually the subsystem is pnp, tty is for the tty device15:38
* Ng hrms at all the funky new stuff that appears when connecting an iphone to lucid. I need to get rhythmbox reading this :D15:39
rickspencer3pitti, I'm thinking that didrocks might want to start working for coredev in the next couple of years, what do you think?15:39
didrocksrickspencer3: didn't we agree on centuries, rather? ;)15:39
pittirickspencer3: I agree; the DMB meeting should happen right now, I hope he'll get approved15:39
pittididrocks: how is it going?15:39
didrockspitti: it's just done, approved \o/15:39
pittididrocks: well done15:40
* pitti ^5s didrocks15:40
didrocksthanks pitti!15:40
* didrocks hugs pitti15:40
didrockswith such good sponsors… :)15:40
seb128didrocks, congrats!15:41
didrocksseb128: thanks ;) and thanks for your testimonial again!15:41
tjaaltonpitti: http://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-devel/2010-February/005618.html15:41
seb128didrocks, np ;-)15:42
tjaaltonpitti: so it's unnecessary to filter by the subsystem, since it's already done with ID_INPUT15:42
nigelbseb128: looks like the rhythmbox package failed on amd64 (I only built on i386)15:46
seb128nigelb, thanks for the work btw15:47
seb128sorry it took me a while to review it15:47
nigelbseb128: happy to help :)  you're a busy man15:47
nigelbis there anything i can do on the build failure?15:47
seb128look to the build log15:47
nigelbit says "cp: cannot stat `./debian/source_rhythmbox.py': No such file or directory"15:47
seb128I used the debdiff15:48
seb128and forgot to bzr add15:48
seb128sorry, fixing that15:48
nigelbjoin the club15:48
seb128I hate that with bzr packaging15:48
seb128I keep doing that15:48
nigelbI made the same mistake, and rebuilt like 5 times15:48
nigelbuntil Laney pointed out bzr add15:49
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
didrocksseb128: well, tomboy will be back in UNE image for U1, so maybe the best thing is to take fspot back for importing photo? what do you think? (I speak about less effort and higher maintainability)16:11
seb128didrocks, I think it makes sense to work on the same applications16:13
didrocksagreed :)16:13
LaserJockdidrocks: it does't make UNE have a tad less "lite-weight for netbooks" feel16:18
didrocksLaserJock: I agree, but gthumb is bringing two more depends in universe and nobody who knows the code. I think we can do that for lucid and discuss at UDS about default apps for lucid +1, trying to get lite-weight stuff (just trying to weigh the risk vs remaining time)16:19
didrocksand lucid+1 seems a good time to experiment with that16:20
LaserJockwell, it's not making it worse anyway16:20
didrocksright, we need a photo importer app16:20
LaserJockTomboy at least seems to have pretty decent performace for me (little slow on startup but otherwise OK)16:20
didrockssame on my netbook16:21
LaserJockf-spot is ... less than ideal, but not worse than what people have done in the past since it's been default for Ubuntu16:21
didrocksLaserJock: I tried gthumb and in addition to the added universe depends, it needs to be patch as it has fixed screensize16:22
didrocksso, let's add f-spot to have some photo importer tools until we discuss all those issues at UDS16:23
LaserJockdidrocks: so we're not doing Picasa ;p16:26
didrocksLaserJock: not for that release at least ;)16:26
brycehpitti, meeting?16:42
seb128bryceh, 30 min later16:42
pittibryceh: in 18 mins16:42
brycehpitti, is this a one time move or permanent change?16:43
pittibryceh: just today16:43
seb128bryceh, rickspencer3 is having udw class16:43
seb128or whatever it's called16:43
seb128bryceh, you should have got email about it ;-)16:44
* tseliot wasn't notified either16:49
seb128tseliot, read emails?16:51
seb128you are both in Cc of that email16:51
brycehseb128, no I do not read email in bed ;-)16:51
bryceh(or while brushing teeth, as more likely in this case ;-))16:52
tseliotseb128: I read that email but I kind of skipped that line o_O16:52
seb128bryceh, hehe ;-)16:52
seb128ok let me try to start a guest session16:53
seb128if I go offline that thanks to plymouth still being broken16:53
didrocksI think plymouth is still broken so…16:54
chrisccoulsonpitti - do you think bug 444993 is worth a SRU in karmic? the change is trivial, and it seems that users are bugging vuntz upstream about the issue too, even though it's fixed16:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444993 in gnome-session "Toggling an application in gnome-session-properties and then closing too quickly can cause the change to not be recorded" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44499316:55
pittichrisccoulson: not high impact, so it could only fall under the "trivial and obvious patch" category; is it?16:55
rickspencer3hi all16:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, the patch is to properly unref a widget on shutdown IIRC, so that everything is saved properly16:56
rickspencer3my class is over16:56
rickspencer3so team meeting in 4 minutes16:56
pittichrisccoulson: sounds fine16:56
pittirickspencer3: how did it go?16:56
rickspencer3pitti, excellent16:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks. would you mind adding a karmic task to the bug?16:56
rickspencer3I suspect we will see a goocanvas based desktop to ship for Lucid + 116:56
rickspencer3j/k of coruse16:57
pittirickspencer3: FYI, I reviewed https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-featured-applications, but moved the milestone to beta-216:57
seb128yes, switch user still crash xorg with plymouth there16:58
pittichrisccoulson: done16:58
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks16:58
seb128Keybuk, is there any info that would useful to fix that plymouth getting over xorg issue?16:58
seb128Keybuk, I still get it every time I try opening a guest session16:59
chrisccoulsoni still haven't installed plymouth again, it makes it impossible for me to do anything useful16:59
Keybukseb128: I don't know that bug?16:59
Keybukby the time you start a guest session, plymouth should be long gone16:59
seb128I get a text vt over xorg16:59
seb128when I try to open a guest session17:00
pittiKeybuk: bug 52378817:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523788 in plymouth "Only see X mouse cursor on VT during boot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52378817:00
pittiit's the one why half of the people have plymouth uninstalled right now17:00
Keybukpitti: that says "during boot"17:00
Keybukseb128 said "guest session"17:00
KeybukI know the cause of all of the "during boot" problems I think17:00
pittiseb128: you confirmed it during boot, though17:00
KeybukI do not know anything about guest session problems17:00
chrisccoulsonso, bug 523788 is probably the issue i see then17:00
seb128pitti, yes, I get that during boot too but not every time17:00
seb128Keybuk, bug #51113417:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 511134 in plymouth "get a text vt over xorg when trying to switch users" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51113417:01
rickspencer3ArneGoetje, ccheney chrisccoulson, bryceh, pitti, seb128,17:01
rickspencer3who am I forgetting?17:01
pittiboth during boot and for guest session gdm starts a new X server, so it's not entirely implausible for the two effects to be related?17:01
seb128Keybuk, does anybody read plymouth bugs? :-(17:01
seb128rickspencer3, hey17:01
rickspencer3anyway, team meeting now, right?17:01
Keybukseb128: no point17:02
ccheneyhi :)17:02
rickspencer3hi tkamppeter17:02
Keybukit's like being a doctor at A&E after a major incident17:02
Keybukyou know the cause of all the problems the patients are experiencing ;)17:02
bryceh"Just uninstall the airplane crash, and you'll be right back to normal"17:03
Keybukpitti: it's completely impossible for the two effects to be related - plymouth isn't running when you switch users17:03
Keybukthe symptoms may be the same, of course17:03
rickspencer3so first order of business ...17:03
Keybukbut the cause won't be17:03
rickspencer3ok team meeting time17:03
didrocksme, that's because I'm no more the compiz maintainer o/17:03
pittiKeybuk: ah, thanks17:03
* rickspencer3 taps mic17:03
rickspencer3is this think on?17:03
Keybukpitti: I bet the switch user bug is that the first X server is created on the active VT because plymouth is running17:03
rickspencer3I've lost of control of the meeting before it even started :/17:04
seb128Keybuk, meeting, let's discuss that later17:04
Keybukpitti: and the second X server is created by gdm, and forced onto vt7 because the firstserver.stamp file doesn't exist17:04
seb128or somewhere else17:04
Keybukpitti: so the two leap on each other17:04
rickspencer3let's go17:04
seb128rickspencer3, we listen ;-)17:04
rickspencer3here are the the actions from last week are done17:05
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to arrange call/meeting with ara, pitti, and seb128 regarding upgrade testing17:05
rickspencer3RESULT: Not done yet17:05
rickspencer3I'll get to this this week I hope17:05
rickspencer3thanks to robert_ancell for doing a really really wonderful job with driving the Featured Apps spec17:06
rickspencer3let's finalize that in next week's meeting17:06
rickspencer3next item17:06
rickspencer3we have quite the explosion of Chris's on the desktop team17:06
rickspencer3Chris Coulson, new Firefox and NM maintainer17:06
* chrisccoulson waves17:07
rickspencer3hi chrisccoulson, based in England, correct?17:07
chrisccoulsonthat's correct17:07
rickspencer3I'm sure everyone in the Ubuntu community knows chrisccoulson for his many years of contributions17:07
rickspencer3our other new Chris is Chris Rogers, new UNE maintainer, also with a specialty in xorg maintenance17:08
rickspencer3based in Sydney17:08
rickspencer3so he's asleep atm17:08
rickspencer3and goes by RAOF17:08
* pitti makes a mental note to ask for deciphering his nick tomorrow morning17:08
rickspencer3thanks pitti17:08
rickspencer3perhaps that doesn't require an ACTION :)17:09
brycehand btw found out his official last name is "Halse Rogers" not just Rogers17:09
rickspencer3my bad17:09
rickspencer3thanks bryceh17:09
* pitti updates his muttaliases17:09
rickspencer3now I have to wonder who this Chris Rogers guy we hired is then?17:09
brycehrickspencer3, heh17:09
rickspencer3so kenvandine is not available atm17:09
rickspencer3so no partner update today17:09
rickspencer3I will mention U1 briefly in the release status section though17:10
rickspencer3Riddell, kubuntu update?17:10
rickspencer3I forgot to remind Riddell, so let's move on17:11
rickspencer3ccheney, mozilla update?17:11
pittiapparnetly KDE 4.4.1 is just being landed17:11
ccheneyrickspencer3: i got the libsoup2.4-gnome, libproxy, webkit bits done working on epiphany itself now17:12
rickspencer3ccheney, what's the status of the backporting?17:12
rickspencer3ccheney, does epiphany seem as straight forward as asac was hoping?17:12
ccheneynot too bad but certainly not straight forward17:12
rickspencer3ccheney, will you be done by eow?17:13
ccheneyit requires forward porting code from hardy version to the new version since the new version uses gtk bits that moved out of it in new epiphany/gtk17:13
ccheneyi think i will be done by eow yea17:13
ccheneyi don't know if the resulting stuff will run, so there will likely be debugging after i finish the code17:13
rickspencer3I will sleep better when that is done :)17:13
rickspencer3well, yeah17:13
rickspencer3we should consider that as part of the project as well ;)17:14
ccheneybut i think i can have the stuff at least preliminary finished by eow17:14
rickspencer3thanks ccheney17:14
rickspencer3next is release status17:14
rickspencer3I have a few items, but as usual, I would like to hand the mic to pitti to cover bugs and work items17:14
* rickspencer3 hands mic to pitti17:14
Riddellyes we're in the middle of releasing 4.4.117:14
rickspencer3thanks Riddell17:14
rickspencer3feel free to finish with the Kubuntu team and check back later!17:15
rickspencer3first things first, after all17:15
pittiI don't have a lot this week17:15
rickspencer3music to my ears17:15
Riddell prio17:15
pittimy most important message is to congratulate all of you for alpha-317:15
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-lucid-alpha-3.html looks exemplary17:15
pittiat the beginning we said this was a very optimistic list of WIs17:15
pittiand we didn't drop too much17:15
pittifor now, I'd just like everyone (the new CHrises in particular) to be aware of http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html17:16
pittiso kenvandine has like 70% of the WIs, and everyone else can twiddle thumbs^W^Wfix bugs17:16
rickspencer3fix bugs!17:17
kenvandinehey... most of those are in the dx integration one17:17
kenvandinewhich dbarth was going to clean up17:17
pittikenvandine: how much of SFTS is bonus at this point? I guess the "launch by defualt" bits aren't17:17
rickspencer3kenvandine, we know17:17
seb128I did clean quite some dx integration ones17:17
brycehI like that desktop-bugs is helping us do WI's now17:17
pittibryceh: oops -- artifact from using linked bugs..17:18
pittinothing else from me this week17:18
rickspencer3so to answer your question pitti17:18
kenvandineseb128, he needs to assign the individual WIs to his team members17:19
rickspencer3I don't know the specific work items, but sabdfl was quite excited to finish out sfts with this extra level of integration effort17:19
rickspencer3so I think they are not-optional17:19
seb128kenvandine, ok17:19
kenvandinerickspencer3, there are like 2 of those i think17:19
pittibut there's also some "add exceptiion handling to foo" bits17:19
pittiwhich I'm not sure about; they sound like robustness fixes17:20
kenvandinepitti, that is currently blocked17:20
rickspencer3I am betting that those come back to us as bugs that need to be fixed ;)17:20
kenvandinei am waiting for ryan to land some changes...17:20
kenvandineyeah... i warned you there would be a FFE17:21
rickspencer3yeah yeah17:21
rickspencer3but c'mon everyone17:21
pittikenvandine: for a new gwibber version?17:21
rickspencer3we need to lock down so we can stop churn and fix bugs17:21
kenvandineright now there is no way for us to capture individual  failures17:21
kenvandinelike an operation that fails for just one service17:21
kenvandineryan promised it like over a week ago...17:22
rickspencer3let's move on17:22
kenvandineit shouldn't be high risk... but it blocks the last thing i want to do for exception handling17:22
rickspencer3so also wrt to release status17:22
rickspencer3the U1 team is locking down bits for Lucid17:23
rickspencer3they have postponed some work items regarding control panel17:23
rickspencer3Should have UI for user defined folders any day now17:23
rickspencer3we already touched on Gwibber17:24
rickspencer3note that we will not call it "Gwibber" in teh UI17:24
rickspencer3I forget what it will be called in the UI, I presume it is specified in the blueprint17:25
rickspencer3anything else wrt release status, or shall we move on?17:25
rickspencer3x cursor at boot time17:26
rickspencer3so currently, plymouth loads to show some boot progress17:26
rickspencer3then x loads17:26
rickspencer3at which point it displays the spinng cursor17:26
kenvandinenote: it will be called gwibber, but the window title bars will be more generic like "Broadcast messages"17:27
rickspencer3sabdfl asks that we hide this cursor17:27
rickspencer3bryceh, I assume this is not trivial, but also not terribly complicated17:27
seb128seems an xorg task, could be for RAOF maybe if he doesn't have too much to do already?17:27
pittiit could also be done by gdm, I suppose?17:27
rickspencer3seb128, that's what I was thinking, but I would like kenvandine and tseliot to provide guidance and oversight17:28
rickspencer3pitti, hmmm, good point17:28
pittisetting the mouse coursor to an invisible one, and changing to the normal one once it's done loading?17:28
seb128pitti, gdm doesn't fix the gdm to desktop stage though17:28
* pitti doesn't know whether that's possible in gdm, though17:28
kenvandinei know bratsche looked into this in karmic17:28
brycehrickspencer3, you can set the mouse cursor to an invisible cursor pretty easily17:28
tseliotrickspencer3: we could move the cursor below the logo perhaps?17:28
seb128dx came with a gdm workaround in karmic17:28
rickspencer3sounds like there are some options17:29
kenvandineyeah, i bet bratsche can give us advice17:29
didrocksseb128: we still need the cursor once gdm is loaded to select user, session, and so on…17:29
pittitseliot: that sounds complex; it's a sprite on top of everything usually, isn't it? and hardware rendered?17:29
seb128didrocks, that's busy cursor17:29
seb128the issue there was, what happen when plymouth is not used17:29
seb128or xsplash17:29
seb128gdm should be spinning cursor in those cases17:29
pittishould it?17:29
pittiit doesn't seem plymouth related at all to me17:30
seb128otherwise you get an empty screen and no activity17:30
seb128well, when you have an animation you know things happen17:30
seb128when you get an empty stalled screen not so much17:30
tseliotmaybe it's something that the plymouth upstart job can do?17:30
tseliot(hide the cursor)17:30
seb128also what happen for people using an another login manager?17:31
seb128ie kubuntu17:31
tseliotso that it's done only if you pass splash on boot17:31
didrocksI agree with seb128, when gdm take some time and you don't have plymouth, it's good to have a feedback that the system isn't frozen17:31
tseliotgood point17:31
seb128I would prefer to have that change in right place that a gdm specific workaround17:31
rickspencer3ok, who can be on point to make this happen, even if RAOF ends up with the implementation, I don't feel it would be fair to ask him to design a solution17:31
* rickspencer3 hears scampering noises17:31
pittiseb128: hm, I had actually thought that it would be safer to do in gdm17:32
pittiso that we don't break kdm, XFCE, and whatnot17:32
seb128well I would prefer having plymouth going over mouse17:32
seb128if that's possible17:32
seb128but I don't know if that is17:32
chrisccoulsonpitti - isn't it only the greeter which has a connection to the display?17:32
chrisccoulson(in which case, it would be too late wouldn't it?)17:32
pittiseb128: that sounds hard to do (since it's rendered by hardware), but ICBW17:32
seb128or mouse turned off during plymouth run17:32
pittichrisccoulson: the slave starts X17:33
seb128like the plymouth script could turn curser off and on17:33
seb128well, I said what I had to say17:33
pittichrisccoulson: it could pass options to X, or run programs in it (which it already does with the greeter)17:33
tseliotseb128: when you see the cursor it means that plymouth has been already deactivated and left the bootsplash in the framebuffer17:33
seb128I will let people who know figure ;-)17:33
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, ok, i didn't realise that17:33
pittiwell, it's one of these little things which are again regression prone and nontrivial to implement17:33
pitti(sounds like 20 new indicators *cough*)17:33
seb128I know we had the "hide cursor" discussion during dapper ui sprint17:34
seb128ie a while ago ;-)17:34
seb128and it's coming back regularly since and nobody came with a good way to do it17:34
pittirickspencer3: I guess we also don't really have an option to say "no", right?17:34
seb128so it's probably not trivial17:34
rickspencer3pitti, well17:34
rickspencer3I can't say "no"17:34
rickspencer3but I can say "it's hard, costly, and buggy"17:35
rickspencer3and based on this conversation I will do that17:35
rickspencer3however, we still need to try17:35
bratscheAs I recall seb128 is right that the cursor should be disabled by Xorg to begin with.. if you disable it in gdm then you're still probably going to see the cursor briefly before gdm starts.17:35
pittiI think I could give me a hard limit of one hour to ask people and play around with that17:35
seb128if nobody comes with a good idea I guess I would go with the gdm hack17:35
rickspencer3pitti, would you be willing to coordinate a plan of attack?17:35
pittibratsche: ok, thanks; that helps already17:36
rickspencer3I'll summarize a list of options from this discussion to discuss with sabdfl17:36
pittibut if we change X to hide the cursor by default, we'd break all non-gdm setups17:36
tseliothow about making the cursor invisible?17:36
tseliotand making it visible after we're done with gdm, etc.?17:36
pittitseliot: invisible, hide, still the same problem -- something has to turn it back on later17:36
bratschepitti: I'm not sure.. don't most other display managers set the cursor at some point?17:36
pittii. e. fix gdm, kdm, xdm, ldm, raw X, custom setups without a WM, etc.17:37
pittibratsche: xdm certainly doesn't :)17:37
bratscheOh, hmm.17:37
pittiand I get bug reports where people use startx17:37
pittiwhich is fine for specialized setups, embedded stuff, and whatnot17:37
* mclasen recommends asking upstream...17:38
tseliotpitti: we can make the cursor visible again when stopping the plymouth upstart job17:38
pittihence my original point to limit it to gdm itself17:38
Keybukisn't there an X patch around somewhere that adds a command-line option to hide the cursor by default17:38
Keybukin which case, you could add that option from the existing gdm plymouth transition patch17:38
Keybuk(likewise kdm)17:38
pittiso that gdm says "start X with cursor hidden" and enables it later on17:38
tseliotKeybuk: yep17:38
pittiso that we can avoid changing the default X behaviour17:38
Keybukthat'd mean that the cursor is *only* hidden in the cases where we've already got a patched window manager17:39
Keybukand in the case where plymouth was running17:39
pittiKeybuk: exactly17:39
Keybukthat way you then just need a second half of the patch to turn the cursor back on ;-)17:39
seb128can we do what mclasen recommends too17:39
seb128and ask upstream if they have an idea on how to do that too17:39
pittiok, sounds good17:40
rickspencer3I will be happy for this conv. to carry on17:40
rickspencer3but let's window down the meeting first17:40
rickspencer3then I can let you get back to the discussion17:40
pittiI think we covered all we can in the meeting17:40
rickspencer3any other business?\17:41
KeybukFedora seem to have a patch for this17:41
seb128yes was a reply to pitti's comment17:41
pittirickspencer3: I'll take the action to coordinate this, file bug, investigate options, etc.17:41
seb128no other business17:41
rickspencer3pitti, thank you!17:41
rickspencer3that's a wrap17:41
rickspencer3thanks all17:41
* rickspencer3 taps gavel17:41
chrisccoulsonthanks :)17:42
didrocksthanks, was interesting :)17:42
rickspencer3btw, I'm stepping out for an hour or so17:42
rickspencer3back for an early Eastern edition17:42
rickspencer3oh, back way before then17:42
pittithanks everyone17:42
tseliotKeybuk: any links to patch?17:44
Keybuktseliot: none, I just know I've seen it somewhere :p17:45
Keybukgoogling for "patch" and "pointer" is err, not helpful17:45
tseliotKeybuk: ah, ok17:45
KeybukI think it might be a configure option actually17:46
Keybuk./configure --enable-null-root-cursor17:46
didrocksKeybuk: try "yahooing", maybe? ;)17:47
mclasenor look at the fedora package...17:47
Keybukour X server package has the ability to be built with ./configure --enable-null-root-cursor17:47
Keybukwhich modifies the dix/cursor.c's CreateRootCursor() function17:48
KeybukI guess we'd want that to be moved to if() rather than #if and turned into a command-line option17:48
Keybuksomeone will have to write that patch17:48
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|capoeira
tjaaltonwhat about hiding it until some amount of movement?17:52
tjaaltonno, I'm not volunteering ;)17:52
pittimclasen: I don't see a patch for this in http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/devel/xorg-x11-server/, though (but thanks for pointing out, will dig further)17:52
chrisccoulsoni just tried looking there too17:52
seb128me too ;-)17:53
kklimondahey, what is the dell mini model you use for tests?17:54
pittianyway, /me waves good night17:54
pittigotta run now17:54
kklimondag'night pitti17:54
chrisccoulson'night pitti17:54
seb128pitti, see you17:54
seb128kklimonda, mini10v17:54
mclasenpitti: we definitively had code for hide-the-cursor initially, though17:54
didrocksgood night pitti17:55
chrisccoulsonmclasen - http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/rpms/xorg-x11-server/OLPC-3/xserver-1.5.0-hide-cursor.patch?revision=1.1&view=markup ?17:57
=== kenvandine is now known as kenvandine[busy]
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that change is in the latest version anyway18:00
=== kenvandine[busy] is now known as kenvandine
LaserJockkenvandine: are there any particular tricks I can play if gwibber stops starting up?18:35
LaserJockkenvandine: like, can I temporarily move my config?18:35
seb128chrisccoulson, wb18:43
chrisccoulsonhey seb12818:43
kenvandineLaserJock, known desktopcouch bug18:50
kenvandinebeing worked on now18:50
LaserJockkenvandine: oh, well fine then, I won't worry about debugging :-)18:53
LaserJockI thought it was a local issue18:53
kenvandineLaserJock, thx though :)18:54
kenvandineCardinalFang is working it now18:54
kenvandineLaserJock, for reference bug 53071618:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530716 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch starts, but applications can't access it" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53071618:57
LaserJockkenvandine: thanks19:00
chrisccoulsonright, baby time19:10
baptiste_«-- Chris Coulson <chris.coulson@canonical.com>» whoow20:17
baptiste_did I miss something20:17
chrisccoulsonhey baptiste_20:23
chrisccoulsonhow are you?20:23
baptiste_so You're now working for canonical20:24
baptiste_I thought you didn't want to20:24
chrisccoulsondid i say that?20:24
chrisccoulsonand yes, i am now, since yesterday :)20:24
baptiste_at least you deserve it :) congrats20:25
chrisccoulsonbah, hadess is not around anymore20:27
chrisccoulsoni have a small fix for a build issue in g-u-s and i'm not sure whether to just go ahead and commit it20:27
baptiste_you have a GNOME git account?20:28
chrisccoulsonbaptiste_ - yeah20:29
chrisccoulsonbut i don't normally commit without asking to module maintainer first20:29
seb128don't I would say20:30
seb128that's fine when you have worked a bit with the maintainer and he tells you to commit small fixes20:30
seb128but when you didn't ask before20:30
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll wait until tomorrow then20:31
chrisccoulsonright, i'm going to update gedit now20:40
baptiste_sometimes hades comes back online later in the evening20:41
seb128chrisccoulson, feel free to call it a day20:41
seb128there is no hurry20:41
seb128I will not stop you if you want to do it though ;-)20:41
seb128there is gtksourceview2 to do to20:41
chrisccoulsoni don't plan to do very much tonight, after having a late night last night20:41
seb128if you want to do the set20:41
chrisccoulsonbut a couple of updates isn't too bad20:42
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can look at gtksourceview2 too20:42
chrisccoulsonand a bit of bug triage whilst watching TV20:42
seb128I will do that to but before time to take a shower20:43
seb128be back in a bit20:43
didrockschrisccoulson: can we swap? I do the gedit update and you loose your hair trying to patch LP :)20:43
seb128I will also try to get that xorg crash reported20:44
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks20:44
chrisccoulsonyou want to do those updates instead? ;)20:44
didrockschrisccoulson: if you do the LP work, yes ;)20:44
seb128you both want extra tasks? ;-)20:45
seb128I'm sure I can find things to do for you!20:45
didrockschrisccoulson: that's the time when we have to run, I guess :)20:45
seb128anyway I'm the one running for now20:46
seb128trying to get that xorg crash reported20:46
didrocksseb128: enjoy your evening :)20:46
didrockstoo late ^^20:46
chrisccoulsondidrocks - LP work?20:46
chrisccoulsonheh, he disappeared quickly there ;)20:46
rickspencer3something must be wrong20:54
rickspencer3I am actually prepared for the Eastern Edition meeting20:54
RAOFGood morning.20:59
NafaiRAOF: Congrats on joining Canonical! :)20:59
chrisccoulsonooh, another chris ;)21:00
didrocksgood morning RAOF21:00
didrockschrisccoulson: right ;)21:00
TheMusoGood morning21:01
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3, is that because you're in a different time zone this week?21:01
RAOFGood, bright, sunny morning to you too.21:01
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, I don't know21:02
kenvandinerickspencer3, maybe because you are further east?21:02
chrisccoulsonbrb, session restart21:02
TheMusoSo we move the meeting earlier for this morning. I receive a call yesterday to move the appointment I had later this morning to late next week. Oh well never mind.21:03
rickspencer3TheMuso, RAOF, robert_ancell ready for Eastern edition?21:03
RAOFWe're all up nowe :)21:03
TheMusorickspencer3: sure21:03
RAOFrickspencer3: Yes.21:03
TheMusoRAOF: Yeah I know. Just annoying.21:03
brycehhmm, maybe I should move to the eastern edition with raof21:04
rickspencer3bryceh, that would be fine it it works for you21:04
rickspencer3anyway, please peruse the wiki for the minutes from this morning21:04
* TheMuso reads...21:05
rickspencer3RAOF, so typically at this point, folks read the meeting minutes from the Euro Edition21:06
rickspencer3and then we walk through it real quick21:06
TheMusohrm interesting.21:07
RAOFThis might also be where I say my surname is “Halse Rogers”, not “Rogers” :)21:07
rickspencer3RAOF, yeah, you can see that in the minutes21:07
rickspencer3TheMuso, what's "oh interesting?"21:07
TheMusorickspencer3: The X cursor. Doesn't affect me, but wanting it gone is interesting from a technical perspective.21:07
TheMusoAnd a user perspective21:08
* kenvandine is anxiously awaiting a fixed desktopcouch... 21:09
TheMusorickspencer3: As for audio, I think the only thing noteworthy this week is that performance bugs for applications that don't have native pulseaudio support should be fixed.21:09
TheMusoWhen used in Ubuntu via pulseaudio.21:10
rickspencer3TheMuso, does this effect pygame?21:10
rickspencer3I assigned you a bug about that I believe21:10
TheMusorickspencer3: No, as libsdl has native pulse support.21:10
TheMusorickspencer3: Yes I saw that, and I asked a question in the bug in question.21:10
TheMusoAnd what is more, things have been set up such that the pulseaudio output version of libsdl is on the CD21:11
rickspencer3TheMuso, unfortunately I don't quite grock all that, I'll look at the bug21:11
TheMusorickspencer3: ok21:11
rickspencer3RAOF, robert_ancell done looking through the minutes?21:11
robert_ancellrickspencer3, yup.  A lot of X cursor discussion :)21:12
TheMusorickspencer3: There is several binary packages of libsdl, all linking against different audio backends. The seeds have been tweaked such that the version of libsdl that is shipped, is the version that has pulseaudio output support.21:12
rickspencer3TheMuso, so presumedly the pygame bug is now fixed in Lucid by that?21:13
TheMusorickspencer3: Yes.21:13
RAOFrickspencer3: Yup.21:13
TheMusoWhich is why I asked for people to check in the bug.21:13
rickspencer3let's roll21:13
rickspencer3welcome to the Chris's of the world21:14
robert_ancellRAOF, welcome!21:14
rickspencer3RAOF, very groovy to have you on board21:14
rickspencer3I will leave it to pitti to work with you to decipher your irc nick21:14
rickspencer3I still need to follow up with ara wrt upgrade testing21:15
rickspencer3for partner update, the key thing here is that U1 team is postponing some features in order to buckle down and deliver with quality in Lucid21:15
rickspencer3big day for Riddell, as KDE 4.4.1 landed21:16
rickspencer3this means lots of packaging and uploading21:16
rickspencer3and lots of new goodness21:16
rickspencer3in terms of mozilla status ...21:16
rickspencer3seems that only ephinany is left for the hideous backporting work21:16
rickspencer3next week ccheney will switch to functional testing and bugfixing21:17
rickspencer3release status wise21:17
rickspencer3highlights here are that desktop team did not postpone much!21:17
rickspencer3it is not past time to change things21:17
rickspencer3most efffort should be bug fix oriented now21:18
rickspencer3there are some exceptions21:18
rickspencer3especially wrt social from the start21:18
rickspencer3there is a feature or two to add21:18
rickspencer3and some bugs to fix21:18
rickspencer3and some UI to push around21:18
rickspencer3then was the xcursor discussion21:19
rickspencer3pitti will be leading those efforts21:19
rickspencer3I'll give sabdfl a status tomorrow, and we'll take it from there21:19
rickspencer3 21:19
rickspencer3any questions, comments, additions?21:19
TheMusoOther than my audio update above, no.21:19
robert_ancellnot from me21:20
RAOFI'll be sending out a (hopefully final) call for nouveau testing soon, hopefully today.  It'd be nice if everyone with nvidia hardware gives it a whirl.21:20
rickspencer3thanks RAOF21:21
rickspencer3RAOF, so for the team meeting next week, it will go like21:21
rickspencer3on Monday I will forget to send out a reminder to provide an activity report and to attend the meeting21:21
rickspencer3then on Tuesday pitti will notice this and do it for me21:22
rickspencer3RAOF, so just look over the other activity reports and base yours off that21:22
rickspencer3if there is anything that you do that you feel should not be shared publicaly, you can send that along privately21:22
rickspencer3but this doesn't happen too much21:22
rickspencer3make sense21:22
RAOFOk.  The one I sent you seems a little verbose compared to the ones on the wiki.21:23
* rickspencer3 looks21:23
RAOFMakes sense.  And mail the report to you, or put it straight on the wiki, or don't care?21:23
rickspencer3RAOF, it's easier for me if you just put it on the wiki21:23
rickspencer3but if you prefer to email it, that is fine also21:24
RAOFWiki is easy.21:24
* rickspencer3 reads activity report21:24
brycehRAOF, yeah I just stick it in wiki21:24
rickspencer3RAOF, I see you have some agenda items21:24
RAOFOh, yes.21:25
rickspencer3do you want to discuss that now?21:25
Keybukpitti: since adding an important sleep statement, I can replicate the plymouth issue everytime now :p21:25
RAOFMight as well raise it.21:25
RAOFI was talking with Laney in #debian-cli, and there's a bit of dissatisfaction about desktop team members patching stuff that the cli-{apps,libs} teams maintain and not sending patches back up.21:27
rickspencer3RAOF raises the issue debian maintainers for mono feel that our patches are not flowing upstream to debian fast enough21:27
rickspencer3RAOF, what is blocking the flow of packages back to debian?21:27
rickspencer3also note that we will never be able to make every upstream happy and also make our users happy21:28
RAOFI think it's a lack of communication.21:28
RAOFYeah, there's a tension there.21:28
rickspencer3(not that this specific situation can't be improved)21:28
rickspencer3 "lack of communication" sounds rather vague21:28
RAOFI'm not sure what effect the construction of a pkg-cli package set in Ubuntu will have, either.21:29
rickspencer3are our patches not done publically in LP?21:29
rickspencer3RAOF, I don't know what pkg-cli is21:29
rickspencer3is this all mono stuff?21:29
brycehrick, it's probably a push vs. pull dichotomy21:29
brycehlike they're expecting to see us push patches up, we're expecting them to pull them from us?21:29
RAOFrickspencer3: There's a proposal before the TB to create a pkg-cli-{apps,libs} package set that would mirror the Debian pkg-cli-{apps,libs} maintained packages.21:30
LaneyIt's not a proposal. It's been approved.21:30
RAOFSince almost all of the Debian pkg-cli-{apps,libs} team members actually primarily work in Ubuntu, this makes quite a lot of sense.21:30
RAOFLaney: Ah, thanks.21:30
jcastroLaney: does that approval fix your concerns?21:31
RAOFbryceh: I think possible just a ping that we *have* touched a package would be nice - there's almost always someone from the team around in IRC.21:32
Laneyno, that's really orthogonal21:32
rickspencer3RAOF, that sounds like something that should be automated21:32
robert_ancellis there an easy way to purge all uninstalled packages?21:32
RAOFrickspencer3: True.  Can you subscribe to uploads to a package set in LP?21:33
Nafairobert_ancell: http://ascending.wordpress.com/2007/04/10/apt-tip-purge-removed-packages/21:33
NafaiIf you find a simpler way, let me know :)21:33
robert_ancellNafai, thanks!21:33
rickspencer3RAOF, I don't know21:33
rickspencer3but if they just want to know when stuff has changed, that's very basic tooling21:33
robert_ancellpackages leave their upstart files around which causes warnings on boot (and potentially all sorts of dangerous behaviour)21:34
LaneyWhat we want ideally is for people to do changes directly in Debian, since it's a goal to keep stuff in sync.21:34
RAOFLaney: Would a ping be sufficient?  There's a tension here between not wanting to have a maintainer-lock in Ubuntu and sensibly collaborating with the maintaining team.21:34
LaneyWhat is more realistic is for uploaders to think about whether their patches are something Debian might want, and file reports pushing them back.21:34
Laneythat's what we ask for MOTU stuff, and it makes just as much sense here21:34
rickspencer3this is just normal sending patches upstream workflow21:35
rickspencer3is there a reason that mono is impacted differentially by this?21:35
Laneyfor GNOME, you guys tend to follow upstream and not Debian so it doesn't make as much sense there21:35
Laneybut the mono stuff (tomboy excepted) follows Debian more closely21:35
Laneyand, as RAOF said, we are mostly Ubuntu users in the Debian team anyway, so we are likely to be receptive to fixes that you guys want for Ubuntu releases21:36
RAOFMono's a bit different because the Debian team maintaining it is full of Ubuntuites.21:36
jcastroin the past I thought most of the work happened in debian and was just synced back, is that not the case anymore?21:36
Laneythat's the current topic :)21:36
RAOFjcastro: That's what we want to preserve21:36
rickspencer3the f-spot patch is ideosyncratic, so not a good example21:37
LaneySo the thing that triggered this was the latest f-spot upload. This seems to have been a patch sweep of LP.21:37
rickspencer3I am wondering if this is really a widespread issue21:37
Laneywell once a package falls out of sync without anything done about it, it gets harder to get it back in that state21:37
LaneyI guess I want to know if you guys consider that something that you want to work towards21:38
rickspencer3Laney, in general, we prefer not to carry patches21:38
rickspencer3if we do work and it makes sense for upstream21:38
rickspencer3it's better for everyone if the patch goes upstream21:39
robert_ancellright, so I made the Launchpad integration patch - I want to look at making libupstream-gtk in Lucid+1 so we can push all these patches upstream21:39
Laneyso, what you have here are Debian maintainers that want to work with you guys21:39
rickspencer3this is a time in the cycle when we tend to fall behind with upstream patches21:39
rickspencer3Laney, right21:39
rickspencer3I think this is a good heads up, but I am not sure the problem has really festered at this point21:40
Laneywell it's best to bring it up before it becomes a big problem21:40
rickspencer3I think we should ask jcastro to look into it and let us know if there is more falling on the floor than I think21:40
rickspencer3Laney, yes agreed21:40
rickspencer3please, never hesitate to speak up21:40
jcastroRAOF: I'd like to have a follow up hallway discussion at UDS too ..21:40
rickspencer3this is an important issue, and we take it seriously21:41
RAOFjcastro: I look forward to it! :)21:41
jcastrothe debian/ubuntu collab in the mono team has always been an excellent example of collaboration, we'd like to not lose that21:41
rickspencer3thanks Laney and RAOF21:41
brycehjcastro, I've wondered if it might make sense to have something like an inverse of the merge-o-matic... that flags packages with patches that need review for going upstream21:41
Laneywe would welcome desktop team members to work directly in Debian21:42
Laneythe benefit to Ubuntu is the same21:42
brycehjcastro, and some way to track patches which have been reviewed and deemed only valid for Ubuntu or something21:42
jcastrobryceh: the +patches view lands on thursday which might help21:42
Laney(and now that we all have RAOF, maybe this can happen ;)21:42
RAOFbryceh: That would be a nice bonus for DEP-3 headers, I suspect.  Having something that parses & uses them.21:43
jcastroLaney: every UDS we have a debian healthcheck session, I will add this to the agenda21:43
Laneyhopefully I can be there21:43
RAOFGood morning21:51
seb128hey RAOF21:52
LaserJockjcastro: do you have any numbers on % of upstreamed patches? Is that even remotely quantifable?21:52
jcastro hah, man.21:53
jcastroask for a pony instead, it's more realistic21:53
LaneyIt's realistic if you insist on DEP3 headers :)21:54
Laneywhich itself is unrealistic21:54
* Laney runs21:54
RAOFsubmittodebian would make a low-end estimate possible, I'd have thought.21:54
jcastroyeah, but you have to think about other things too, like people who don't use submittodebian (larger number of people raised their hands when I asked that question than I was expecting)21:55
jcastroor the group of people who are DDs and fix it in debian directly21:55
jcastroor the group of people who are maintainers in an $upstream and fix it there directly ...21:56
RAOFYes.  It would be a *very* conservative lower bound.21:56
jcastroI think the way to go about it is just continue to improve team-to-team relationships across projects instead of trying to figure out a number we know will be wrong anyway21:59
jcastroRAOF: that said on thursday lp will land a +patches view that will make patches harder to miss22:01
LaserJockjcastro: I wondered if you could use something like Closes: LP #xxxx in Debian changelog entries for instance22:02
LaserJockalthough that sounds really hackish22:02
LaneyThat already happens22:03
jcastroit's on the list of things to look at actually22:03
LaserJockI swear I could do a PhD just on data mining Ubuntu-Debian bug stuff22:03
jcastroLaserJock: also, some upstreams have the lp plugin installed, we could probably start measuring there22:03
jcastroLaserJock: we had this discussion at UDS, the problem is that most of the ideas we want take a bunch of effort and we only have like 4 dudes on the lp bugs team22:04
jcastrobut +patches will be a start22:04
Laneywho is that view aimed at?22:04
jcastroyou can use it on a team, a person, a package, or a project22:05
LaserJockjcastro: is +patches on the source package or on individual bug reports or ?22:05
jcastroat some point I want it to suck in sources from external bug trackers as well22:05
jcastroso you can do lp.net/tomboy/+patches and see the world22:05
jcastro(or whatever)22:05
LaserJockthat's what I really loved about Harvest22:06
LaserJockwas looking at Fedora patches22:06
jcastroyeah it's basically harvest with a larger scope22:06
LaserJockI would take a package-of-interest and look around at other distros and see what all people were doing22:06
LaserJockI ended up finding a great patch from Zenwalk for an upstream project I maintain doing that22:07
jcastroLaserJock: Laney: I'll blog about it when it lands, afterwards I'd love to have a discussion on how to make it work out better for you.22:08
* jcastro has to take off now22:08
LaserJockI still wish we had a "Push to Debian" button in LP22:09
LaserJockeven if it just spat out a properly formated email :-)22:09
LaneyIt's not that much effort to fire up reportbug -B debian xxx and type away22:10
seb128when you don't get flamed for having an ubuntu version in the log22:11
seb128I tend to not bother sending most of the changes to debian because we get those upstream usually so they go back to debian too with the next update22:12
bryceh(actually jcristau has specifically told me he prefers that)22:13
Laneyit makes sense for the packages where you follow the development series22:14
LaserJockLaney: I hate reportbug and rarely use it, I would love something in LP22:14
LaneyLaserJock: have you tried the gtk+ UI?22:14
LaserJockno, last time I used it was probably 3 years ago22:14
RAOFThat seems to crash with alarming frequency for me.22:14
LaserJockI rarely report bugs to Debian and instead usually talk to developers directly22:15
LaserJockbut I don't have that much patch pushing to do22:15
brycehyeah, I'd probably send more stuff to debian if the tools were easier.22:17
LaneyYou can use your normal mail client if you learn the syntax of submit@bdo22:17
seb128kenvandine, there?22:18
Nafaibryceh: Heh, I have long-time Debian friends that complain about Ubuntu and having to use a web interface for bug stuff :)22:18
seb128kenvandine, are you getting somewhere with the f-spot editing change?22:18
seb128Nafai, you can use emails with launchpad22:18
NafaiI've recently learned this22:19
Laneythere's a little bit of give involved in learning the tools, but the real benefit is worth it imo22:19
LaserJockI completly fail on the email methods, apparently I'm too dumb for it :-)22:20
LaserJockI end up with dupes and all kinds of weirdness22:20
bryceh"learn the syntax" != "easy"  ;-)22:20
brycehI do it rarely enough that I have to re-learn the syntax every time22:21
* TheMuso almost always uses email for bugs that require simple changes, i.e status change etc.22:21
brycehI've tried using the command line tools to do the mail formatting and such, but find they don't simplify much22:21
LaneyI don't contend that it's easy, just that doing it is worth it22:22
LaserJockif I care enough I just become a DM on the package22:22
LaserJockthat also works for a limited number of bugs22:23
brycehLaney, ok, well I remain to be convinced of this ;-)22:24
Laneyobviously depends on the individuals/teams concerned. Some may find that tossing a URL to a patch works well.22:25
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seb128RAOF, you do gtk# hacking right? ;-) did you ever worked on f-spot before?22:29
RAOFseb128: I've done some gtk# hacking; I haven't touched f-spot before.22:29
RAOFNeed help with the f-spot editing change?22:30
seb128yes, I was going to suggest that22:30
seb128kenvandine seems to face issues with that22:30
seb128and to be busy with gwibber and other things too22:30
seb128I've the feeling he could use some help there22:30
seb128did you talk with him about that already?22:31
RAOFI haven't, no.22:31
seb128can you try to check with him when he's around maybe?22:31
RAOFYeah, I will.22:31
seb128I'm not sure how much work you have on your plates already so feel free to say no22:31
seb128but that's a change which we should have got in lucid for alpha322:32
seb128so would be nice to get that moving now ;-)22:32
seb128RAOF, thanks22:32
seb128kenvandine, ^22:32
seb128didrocks, can you push the gnome-games update you did to bzr?22:36
* seb128 grrrrs at robert_ancell for gnome-games renames22:52
robert_ancellseb128, what's wrong with the renames?22:53
seb128they annoy me22:53
seb128first a tetris not named tetris doesn't make sense :p22:53
seb128and they break scoring now22:53
seb128I need to migrate score in postinst22:54
robert_ancellseb128, oh, that's not my fault.  I think the names are crap too22:54
seb128and create the correct score files there too22:54
seb128right now scoring is not working for new names22:54
robert_ancellseb128, I personally would have liked to drop tetris as it always seems to be problematic22:54
seb128we can drop it from the default install if we didn't yet22:54
seb128or you speak about upstream?22:55
seb128robert_ancell, good work on the feature apps btw!22:55
robert_ancellseb128, no, in ubuntu22:55
seb128I like the list22:55
seb128and you did a good job justifying the changes etc22:55
robert_ancellseb128, cool, it sounds like just a few modifications and we'll be done!22:55
robert_ancellseb128, have you used miro?22:55
seb128changes -> choices22:55
seb128robert_ancell, no22:55
* TheMuso finds what was gnome tetris, and thinks the new name is stupid. Nobody will recognise it for what it really is.22:57
robert_ancellseb128, TheMuso we could patch the desktop entry?22:57
TheMusoI would think so, but its not up to me.22:58
seb128I still don't get why upstream did that22:58
seb128and why you didn't oppose them since you are part of their team ;-)22:58
robert_ancellseb128, legal fear of the term "tetris"22:59
robert_ancellseb128, I wouldn't say that the GNOME Games team is really that organised when it comes to making decisions.  Stuff just generally happens22:59
seb128I fail to see somebody suing gnome for calling a game gnometris23:00
seb128robert_ancell, I'm wondering if swell-foop and lightsoff are buggy23:12
seb128their makefiles don't install score files?23:12
robert_ancellseb128, I'd say they are buggy.  They're very new23:12
seb128those opengl games are too slow to be played on my laptop wth?23:21
azteechanyone here have a recommendation for a good Howto for Ubuntu and hackintosh (snow leopard 10.6) ?23:23
azteechhave someone that is interested is dual booting the two OS's23:24
seb128azteech, not me23:29
brycehwb rickspencer323:37
rickspencer3thanks bryceh23:37
rickspencer3weird being on East Coast time23:37
azteechseb128, thanks ..23:40
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