
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
ubottuIn #ubuntu, brjann said: !ops ^^aoham is advertising, contact RainbowEyes for details02:28
* genii scrounges for more caffeine02:31
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:15
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:15
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:15
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:15
DaemonFCknock knock?06:19
persiaIf you've a query ask.  If someone is able to address it, they shall.06:20
DaemonFCwhen trying to connect to #ubuntu, I get diverted to a room whee a bot is telling me my router is all *cough unpoliteness*uncough*'d up and has a DCC Exploit or something06:21
Tm_TDaemonFC: yes06:21
DaemonFCthis has never happened before and nothing in my configuration has changed06:21
Tm_TDaemonFC: you haven't been around when exploit attack happened, then? (:06:21
DaemonFCTm_T, So what's with the sudden nature of the unpleasantness of the firmware that Linksys will probably never update again?06:22
jussi01DaemonFC: have you read the link in the topic of that channel?06:22
DaemonFCI just want to know exactly what's wrong on my end before I go around poking with things and make it look like it's OK again but have really left a problem unfixed06:23
Tm_TDaemonFC: the link will explain what's the deal (:06:24
DaemonFCso it's nothing more than changing a port?06:24
DaemonFCis there some kind of worm banging on people's clients?06:24
jussi01DaemonFC: yeah, all you need it to change the port06:25
DaemonFCalrighty then, it was just unexpected06:25
DaemonFCthanks and have a good one06:25
ubottuarand called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:25
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))06:32
* elky pokes the bot06:42
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.06:43
elkythen log me in, you inane pile of bytes06:43
elkymean bot.06:44
Myrttiit's slow, the ban database is getting slow06:44
elky... 3 minutes of slow06:44
elky<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about btlogin06:44
elkyfrom the /msg ubottu btlogin 3 minutes ago06:45
Tm_Tit's monday already?06:45
Myrttiyou did @login and then @btlogin?06:45
elkyit hates me06:46
persiaWell, that's clear.06:46
elkysomeone gimme a bt session link plzkthx06:46
elkyheh my previous session for it still works06:51
MenZaI'm watching out for igawoem in -ot.06:53
Myrtti!pm > aaron_liuj06:56
jussi01elky: you have done @login ?07:01
elkyto no avail07:01
jussi01can you please do it again, in channel?07:02
jussi01elky: ^^07:03
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:03
elkywtf, now you listen?07:03
jussi01every thing else work now? ;)07:04
elkyapparently yes07:04
elkyi did pm the login before, maybe that was the prob?07:05
jussi01tonyyarusso: ping07:07
petsoundshi all07:34
petsoundsis it possible to use ubottu in #ubuntu-id ? thanks07:35
dholbachgood morning07:41
knomemorning daniel07:41
Myrttimoin :-)07:41
dholbachhey :)07:42
* Myrtti goes to run errands before buses and mail traffic grinds to a halt07:42
jussi01jpds: could you drop a clone in there?07:48
jussi01(see the request from petsounds)07:49
knomemorning jussi0107:52
jussi01huomenta knome07:52
Myrttiyes, the Finnish mafia grows07:52
knomegonna go grab some breakfast now, see you guys later07:55
tonyyarussojussi01: pong08:22
jussi01tonyyarusso: PM08:22
jussi01Just a reminder for all that the memberships for the ops teams expire tomorrow, so if you havent renewed yet and want to....08:25
Tm_Tjussi01: and how I can make sure I haven't forgot any? (:08:27
jussi01Tm_T: look at your memberships on lp and the dates they expire?08:28
p1oooop!voice me08:39
mneptokp1oooop: request denied. anything else we can help you with?08:40
p1oooopI'd like to know why I was banned from ubuntu08:42
ubottuThe operation succeeded.08:42
mneptokplease stand by.08:43
mneptokit appears that the router you use is susceptible to a know exploit08:44
p1oooopoh my08:44
mneptokdid you get redirected to #ubuntu-read-topic, and if so, did you read the topic?08:44
p1oooopI guess IRC isn't safe anymore :P08:45
p1oooopI didn't follow the link though, should I do that08:45
p1oooopyeah, I'll do that08:45
mneptokattemtping to follow instructions before asking for help with the instructions is usually a good idea. ;)08:46
persiaSo, how does the voicing in this channel work?  Ops can see everything, but non-ops can't see each other?08:48
jussi01persia: no, voicing is done that ops are voiced and anyone can talk. the +v is for identification only.08:50
jussi01persia: same as #freenode08:50
* persia has never been to #freenode08:51
p1oooopso mneptok I was wondering what the exploit is08:51
persiajussi01: But that makes sense.  Thanks for the explanation.  I thought it was a strange hack.08:51
jussi01persia: yw08:51
* p1oooop thought voicing was necessary for talking before today :P08:51
persiap1oooop: Depends on the channel.  Does the link not give you enough infomation?08:52
p1oooophuh, again people ruin services for other people :P08:53
p1oooopanyone know who the "abusive users" are?08:53
mneptokany channel that is -m does not need +v or +o to speak08:53
jussi01p1oooop: there are many of them and they are usually removed from the network as soon as an attack happens08:57
p1oooopI would be surprised if they were not08:58
jussi01!modes| persia, this is a really good reference08:58
ubottupersia, this is a really good reference: There are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml08:58
p1oooopwell, time for me to go... don't wanna clog up the channel08:58
persiajussi01: Thanks.  I should delve ubottu's brain more often.09:02
jussi01persia: theres a lot there, but !search is really useful if you are looking for something.09:03
jussi01!search modes09:03
ubottuFound: framebuffer, umode, modes09:03
ubottuThere are many different channel and user modes on Freenode (see !freenode). Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml09:03
MyrttiPici: the realname looks like the turkish onjoin spammers14:44
PiciMyrtti: I didn't see where it was reported who was spamming14:44
Myrttijust do a lastlog on phaedra14:44
Picinevermind, I see it now14:44
MyrttiI kicked Guest02344 [~Laki_On_c@] earlier14:47
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
bjfhow does one go about changing a channel topic now that ops is required?16:23
ikoniabjf: which channel ?16:25
ikoniabjf: contact one of the ops team for that channel16:25
bjfhow do I know who the ops team is for any channel?16:26
persia /cs access #channel list16:26
ikonia /msg chanserv acccess #ubuntu-kerel list16:26
ikoniapersia: wow - quick16:26
bjf                     "/msg chanserv access #ubuntu-kernel list"  didn't tell me anything16:32
persiabjf: Tells me lamont zul mdz jdub16:33
persiabjf: Check a response from (notices) or similar.16:34
bjfpersia, all I got in the channel was: ">chanserv< access #ubuntu-kernel list"16:34
* persia takes to /query16:35
jussi01heya bjf, you all sorted out now? did persia get everything sorted for you?17:09
persiaNo actually, for some reason bjf was never able to get the access list directly.17:10
persiaI passed the relevant information, so the need is gone, but I don't understand why chanserv was being uncooperative17:10
persiabjf: What jussi01 is hinting at with the question is that those not ops are discouraged from idling in the channel.17:11
jussi01kkathman: Id go and get yourself a cloak also if I was you ;)17:17
kkathmana cloak?  does it need to be black?17:17
jussi01Just for those who dont know him, kkathman is an op from #kubuntu-offtopic17:18
Mamarokhi kkathman :)17:18
persiakkathman: Given your role, I'd suggest a blue one.17:18
* Mamarok was going to suggest so, too17:18
kkathmanHey Mamarok17:18
kkathmanHmm not sure I understand the blue vs. black but ok :)17:19
* Myrtti adds oil on the axis of the rotating door17:19
persiakkathman: "blue" being the colour most frequently associated with "Kubuntu".17:26
kkathmanpersia:   ahhh IC17:26
persiaKubuntu cloaks are usually something like "kubuntu/member/kkathman"17:26
Myrttireally? hm....17:27
persiaMyrtti: ?17:28
Mamarokkkathman: or, more prcisely, with KDE :)17:33
kkathmanMamarok: procedure to get one?  Or am I taking this too seriously:)17:33
Mamarokhm, I guess I need to pull out some cat hair again from my keyboard...17:33
Mamarokkkathman: well, are you a Kubuntu member?17:34
kkathmanIt's been a long time ago...I think so...my name appears in the K documenation that I helped write17:34
Myrttii've not heard of kubuntu cloaks before17:35
persiakkathman: What's your LP ID?17:35
kkathmanbut I couldn't swear to it....i have the launchpage stuff17:35
Mamarokkkathman: then ask Riddell or some other Kubuntu person to get you a cloak17:35
persiaMyrtti: I believe there to also be edubuntu cloaks, but similarly rare.17:35
Myrttikubuntu members are ubuntu members and get ubuntu cloak afaik, but ymmv17:36
MamarokMyrtti: no, there are Kubuntu cloaks, since like ever17:36
kkathmanpersia https://launchpad.net/~kkathman17:37
persiaAh, you aren't a Kubuntu Member17:37
PiciI don't remember the last time I granted a Kubuntu member cloak17:38
jussi01I am a kubuntu member... points to cloak17:41
Picijussi01: Perhaps you should be using your own account too.17:41
Mamarokjussi01: your cloak says ubuntu17:41
kkathmanok Pici :)17:41
jussi01Pici: hrm? :D17:42
kkathmanso am I understanding that the cloak isn't being offered and I should just forget it then?17:42
Picikkathman: You can request an unaffiliated cloak from #freenode17:42
Mamarokkkathman: member cloaks are for members, and there is a clear process on how to become a member:17:42
Mamarok!member | kkathman17:43
ubottukkathman: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember17:43
persiakkathman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Membership17:43
* persia has a blue-shaded link :p17:43
Mamarokpersia: you beat me on that one :)17:43
* persia had the advantage of having been digging on the wiki for 5 minutes17:43
kkathmanseems like I went through that once before but I didn't meet qualifications for being a member17:43
persiakkathman: Perhaps that was a while ago?17:44
kkathmanthere was something IIRC that had to do with you had to be involved in the development or doing packaging..17:45
persiakkathman: That's not what the wiki page says.  "Contributions in all areas are welcome ..."17:45
kkathmanI wroked on the K-documentation wtih robotgeek  but apparently that didn't qualify as whatever "contribution" criteria they were using at the time17:45
persiaTry again.  I bet that's changed.17:46
Myrttii've not packaged anything in my life, so the rules have changed17:46
PiciThe contribution needs to bee sustained though.17:46
kkathmanPici  I see17:46
kkathmanI remember that I just couldn't meet the requirements....I traveled a lot back then and was not home for a while17:47
Mamarokkkathman: nah, I am a member since quite some time, there never was need of being a packager17:48
persiaMight have been different for Kubuntu way-back-when, but that was a bug that was fixed.17:49
ubottuIn ubottu, livy said: no no, wine is helpful18:02
Tm_Thi kkathman18:08
kkathmanHi Tm_T :)18:08
Tm_Tjussi01: oh and yeah, I haven't seen kubuntu cloaks (:18:12
jonocan you voice kenvandine in #ubuntu-classroom18:15
kkathmanIt seems a rather involved process...to be a "member".   But I understand the need I suppose.18:16
Tm_Tkkathman: use kubuntu-path, more familiar faces18:16
kkathmanTm_T:  huh?18:17
Tm_Tkkathman: to be ubuntu-member, you get yourself through one of regional boards or some team board, like kubuntu18:18
Myrttior ubuntu motu18:18
Myrttithose are pretty much the options though18:18
kkathmanMamarok:  back when I joined, there was no "stated" requirement to be a packager, but I was told by the powers that be at the time, that it was almost a requirement that you be in development.  For instance, promoting and teaching in a company wasn't enough.18:19
Tm_Tkkathman: times have changed (:18:19
Myrttiyeah, even I'm a member18:19
Tm_Tbeing a packager is prolly easiest way to show your contributions though18:20
kkathmanTm_T:  I understand.  The wiki says you have to basically petition, get on the agenda of some meeting, basically prepare a statement, etc.18:20
Mamarokkkathman: it's the same for everyone :)18:21
Tm_Tkkathman: yeah, like "I've been around in $channels helping people, advocating in local business and so on" (:18:21
kkathmanI couldn't show continual contribution other than being in $k-o all the time, basically.  I did work on the doc at one time18:21
Mamarokkkathman: prepare a wiki, make yourself known, the work you do, etc.18:21
kkathmanso perhaps I should just resign the ops.  Nalioth was the one that opped me way back when because he wanted a little more grey hair in there... now perhaps not necessary18:22
Myrttiyou can be an op without being a member18:22
kkathmanMamarok:  its in my launchpad wiki18:22
Myrttiit makes things easier, but it's not necessary18:23
kkathmanAlthough I should update that content a bit18:23
kkathmanMyrtti:  at one point you couldn't though....k-o was the exception I think18:23
Mamarokkkathman: no need to resign, you can get an uaffiliated cloak quite easily18:24
Picikkathman: There are a number of ops who are not members and many of us got our membership because we were operators, not the other way around.18:24
kkathmanMamarok:  I'd like an affiliated one...with Megan Fox if that's possible18:24
kkathmanPici lol - I've been one basically since I guess. Warty18:25
kkathmanthats a long time :)18:25
kkathmanNalioth, Robotgeek and I actually had a lunch togehter...pretty fun18:26
kkathmanthat was when robotgeek was still in the DFW area18:26
Picikkathman: neat :)  If you still want a cloak, you're going to need to ask in #freenode18:29
kkathmanOk... I'll ask in there then.  That would be the unaffiliated one?18:29
kkathmanI don't mind pursuing the membership in kubuntu, but I feel I'd be pretty light on contirbution...ops for 5 years, worked on the K-documentation a few years ago...That about it...so probably too light to be considered18:31
Tm_Tkkathman: being a helper in channels is contribution18:32
kkathmanI appreciate that Tm_T :)  We go back a ways too eh?18:32
MyrttiMegan Fox, eh... right...18:32
Tm_Tkkathman: only some, err, 5 years or so (:18:33
kkathmanto me that's a while :)18:33
persiakkathman: Do apply rather than giving up.  I sit on a couple of the various boards and councils that grant membership, and I promise that if you've been doing steady work since way back when, and folk vouch for you, you can become a memeber.18:34
kkathmanpersia  okie dokie18:35
=== KB1JWQ is now known as Sorthum
=== Sorthum is now known as KB1JWQ
Mamarokkkathman: that was not even remotely funny...18:48
MamarokMegan Fox, you should know better as an op :(18:49
kkathmanWas there something wrong?  Was just a funny.  Apologize if anyone was offended...18:50
Tm_Toh the drama in -irc19:04
* Pici is watching, quietly19:05
Tm_TI don't know -de channels enough to be able to comment in useful way19:05
* MenZa either19:12
* MenZa tries to refresh his German19:15
* Pici uses gtrans.pl19:15
Myrttiheckler action19:16
Myrttiremind me again why it's a good idea to allow idling in here?19:16
Myrttino, don't answer19:17
Tm_TMyrtti: because we don't hug others enough?19:17
MenZaShould I check out the logs from the channel?19:20
jussi01MenZa: it should be logged by the eubot19:26
MenZagood point19:26
PiciMenZa: Thanks for trying to mediate in there19:46
MenZaHappy to help.19:47
MenZaThe -de IRC guidelines page is phenomenal.19:55
Myrttiit looks nice19:57
Myrttithe little I understand of it19:57
MenZaI love their appeals section20:00
MenZa"Take a deeeeeep breath, stay calm, and don't get emotional"20:00
jussi01can someone ping me in 35 mins, just so I remember? :D (cakes in the oven and no cake timer... :D )20:02
Picijussi01: man at20:03
jussi01MenZa: really well done in there, thanks from me also :)20:08
MenZaRight, I'm off to nurse my sick girlfriend. The poor girl's sick.20:10
* MenZa tautologises.20:10
* genii slides MenZa a thermos of coffee for the journey20:25
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.20:30
Picistaff, ty.20:39
MenZagenii: Thankies20:43
gnomefreakdid anyone post minutes from sundays meeting?21:16
persiaIsn't that why we have logs?21:18
gnomefreaki thought minutes were shorter than a log of the whole channel21:26
gnomefreaksorry was on phone21:26
persiaOh yeah, can be :)21:29
jussi01yeah, I havent yet posted them, sorry21:49
jussi01they are on mootbots logging still21:49
gnomefreakjussi01: no problem21:50
* gnomefreak can wait as long as need be21:50
topylicould only wait for 3 minutes :)21:53

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