
kirklandsmoser: around?00:12
kirklandsmoser: can you please confirm https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm/+bug/458201 on Lucid?00:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 458201 in qemu-kvm "kernel stacktrace on volume detach in kvm guest" [Low,Confirmed]00:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #455411 in qemu-kvm (main) "Conffiles from kvm are left around on upgrade from Jaunty" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45541100:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #530402 in openvpn (main) "openvpn 'The VPN connection failed because the VPN service failed to start' error while connecting using nm-applet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53040200:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #460542 in qemu-kvm "qemu-img complains about "Unknown option 'size'" when using host_device format" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46054200:26
smoserkirkland, i'll try reproduce tomorrow.00:46
kirklandsmoser: thanks00:48
wwwalguien puede ayudarme en espanol?01:16
wwwtengo una duda y necesito apoyo01:17
wwwno ppl can't help me in spanish?01:20
KurtKrautwww, I think you will have more chances of getting help if you take the effort to explain your problem in english01:25
wwwok KurtKraut01:25
wwwi like to shared the internet like that01:26
wwwthis is the server ( i configure to do that )01:26
wwwi like this computer conect to the intertnet and shared to a router i have ( sisco wrt54g201:27
wwwto share to all network wlan and lan01:27
wwwi have bad english sorry01:27
wwwKurtKraut: you can understand me01:27
KurtKrautwww, thanks to my portuguese, yes, I can understand what you tried to say. You have a server with Ubuntu installed. This server has two ethernet cards: one plugged to a router that has access to the internet and other ethernet card that is pluged to a LAN. You want to the computers at LAN to access the internet. Right?01:29
wwwwireless lan and cable lan with the router01:31
KurtKrautwww, can you make a drawing, an image of your topology?01:31
wwwi think i can't because i don't install the xserver right now01:32
wwwif y like think... i can explaint you the network01:33
KurtKrautwww, but explaining the network by text is quite difficult. Mainly because you cannot communicate well in english. Could you create a drawing like this? http://www.antamedia.com/manuals/hotspot/topology3.jpg01:34
KurtKrautwww, pudes crear una image como eso? http://www.antamedia.com/manuals/hotspot/topology3.jpg01:35
wwwin lynx?01:35
wwwlet me see01:35
wwwhow i can copy paste in terminal?01:36
wwwKurtKraut: sorry im new in linux01:38
wwwim only need help to shared the internet with other computer in my network with my router01:40
KurtKrautwww. No, usted no entiendes. Quiero que usted crear un dibujo paraque yo y otros aquí entender cómo son las conexiones entre sus computadoras y equipos que tiene en su red. El término técnico para esto es "la topología".01:43
wwwKurtKraut: let me see01:43
bogeyd6!english | KurtKraut01:44
ubottuKurtKraut: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:44
bogeyd6!spanish | KurtKraut01:44
ubottuKurtKraut: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:45
KurtKraut!spanish | www01:45
ubottuwww: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:45
persiabogeyd6: "!es" works01:45
bogeyd6yah i forgetted01:45
bogeyd6just wanting to help people get to the right place for them01:46
persiabogeyd6: Understood.  And it's tricky to get the right code.01:47
persiae.g. !el is one that takes some thinking about for most English speakers.01:48
ruben23how do i install openssh server  on my ubuntu server01:53
persia`apt-get install openssh-server` ?01:55
ruben23yep done thanks01:55
persiaruben23: The parallel command likely works for everything else you want to install as well :)01:55
zulpersia: sudo apt-get install openssh-server01:58
persiazul: I usually consider sudo to be an implementation detail, but yes, and I'll try to correct future statements.01:59
zulpersia: im just yanking your chain01:59
* persia should really invest in a good container in which to keep that coiled02:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #427876 in qemu-kvm (main) "Unable to clean package without having all build-dep" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42787602:02
persiaThat's not a bug.02:02
hinkAnyone looking for a full time Linux job in the Dallas area03:13
twbhink: my arms aren't that long.03:18
persiatwb: The Pacific isn't *that* big :p03:18
hinktwb: we can provide snorkel/scuba equipment03:18
=== FrozenIce is now known as FrozenLava
twbI'm not licensed to use SCUBA gear.03:18
hinktwb: licensed? lol just a tank and some flippers.03:19
=== FrozenLava is now known as PolarBear
twbMaybe out in the free west03:19
hinkI do have a question though. Is there a way to allow multiple users to SSH into a host and have sudo privileges without knowing the remote host password and without managing more than a single public key?03:26
hinkSort of like a proxy or key manager03:27
twbYou can give them key-based entry coupled with passwordless sudo and/or ssh forced commands.03:28
twbIMO it's inevitably wrong for two users to share an SSH keypair, though.03:28
hinktwb: that's fine, but say i have 5 admins. How do they auth with the same key without having the key on their system. There needs to be a jumbox of some sort. So the key is never stored on their system.03:29
twbWhy can't they have their own keys, on their own systems?03:29
hinkThis way I can install a key on hundreds of systems and if a sysadmin leaves. I just remove their access to the proxy instead of going through hundreds of authorized_keys files03:29
twbIncidentally, ssh-agent is the proxy you're talking about.03:29
twbhink: it also means the "proxy" is a SPOF for all access to all hosts03:30
persiahink: Just set up a system that manages the authorised keys remotely from one known good set.03:30
twbIt's not hard to iterate over hosts to remove a single key, though.  That would suffice to guard against post-facto malice, but not malice aforethought.03:31
persiahink: So you use some server farm management tool to keep the file in sync with a central source.03:31
twbpersia: you mean like puppet?03:31
persiaAlternately, if you don't use a farm management tool, add a cron job that pulls, compares, and updates every (minute, hour, day, etc.) as needed.03:31
persiatwb: puppet is one of the tools that do what I describe, yes.03:31
hinkpersia: thats an idea03:32
twbI babysit a lot of single-server SOHOs, so I'm a bit nervous to deploy a puppetmaster here and clients there, because of the relationship that implies.03:32
twbBut for a rack full of gear, it's fantastic.03:32
persiahink: The important bit is that each admin has their *own* key, and each server has the list of keys.  Otherwise you have to both patch all the servers *and* redistribute keys every time, which is bound to end in operational failure.03:32
twbIncidentally, how can I get opensshd to log WHICH key was used to gain entry?03:34
hinktwb, persia: The only issue with a single file with authorized keys is that the client may have keys of their own on a single server.03:35
twbhink: with appropriate dancing, you can leave the client's part of the authorized_keys file alone.03:36
hinki love to dance03:36
persiahink: Easy way to work around that is to have different accounts for service provider and client as ssh targets, and use sudo from those accounts for elevated permissions.03:36
twbThat, too03:36
ruben23hi during fresh install..with ubuntu- do i need to set something on the repo..?03:38
persiaruben23: Could you restate the question?03:38
ruben23i cant update and install03:38
twbruben23: insufficient data.03:39
hinkruben23: You most likely need to sudy03:39
ruben23im at rrot03:39
hinkSir, did you powercycle your modem?03:40
twbLet's find out what the error message is, rather than guessing, eh?03:40
hinktwb: that never works03:40
persiaLots of folk don't even have "modem"s as such :)03:40
twbpersia: ATM is still modulated and demodulated.03:40
twbOops, no it doesn't.03:42
persiatwb: I have ethernet to the national grid.  No modem.  It all depends on where you are.03:42
twbGranted.  It'd be exceptional to get that in .au.03:43
persiatwb: Plus, folks with managed connections (building-wide, block-wide, etc.) often don't have any direct connection.03:43
persiatwb: Oh.  Yes.  In the land of wet strings, modems are more common :)03:43
twbThere are election promises of FTTH for 90% of the capita, but I'll believe that when I see it.03:46
pwnguinyou know what would be superb?03:53
twbpwnguin: a rocket that shoots kippers.03:53
pwnguina smarter /etc merge on upgrade03:54
twbIsn't that why you use git for /etc?03:54
pwnguinwell, upgrade presents one big patch03:54
pwnguinit'd be nice to confirm / deny individual hunk03:55
pwnguinand maybe automate changes to spelling fixes in comments03:55
twbThat's what the "open a shell" option is for.03:55
persiaNo, that's a limitation of etckeeper hooks.03:55
twbAssuming you're talking about conffile conflict handling in dpkg03:55
persiaIdeally, etckeeper would be able to track each change as a potential commit, and let the admin deal with each individually.03:56
twbpersia: granted.03:56
pwnguinpersia has my general vision03:56
twbIf you want to get technical, etckeeper's darcs backend defaults to interactive.03:56
pwnguinthough it'd be handy to have heuristics to handle comments03:56
persiapwnguin: Go implement it.  It mostly just needs smarter heuristics and per-file/per-upgrade tracking.03:57
twbpwnguin: that would involve etckeeper knowing what format comments take in each kind of file03:57
pwnguintwb: thats kinda what heuristics mean03:57
persiaProbably a small extension to dpkg and a larger extension to etckeeper to use multiple strands (how this is implemented depends on the VCS in use)03:57
twbpwnguin: and THAT means you need to know what encoding the file is in.03:57
pwnguinhmm. encoding might be tricky because ive got no clue how that works03:58
persiatwb: No.  You just need to know what set of files changed for each upgrade, and let the VCS and the user sort it.03:58
twbpwnguin: I'm involved in Darcs' development, and I can tell you that what *looks* like a really trivial issue to the end user turns out to be... nontrivial to handle reliably.03:58
pwnguinfor the most part /etc comments should start with ; or #03:59
twbpwnguin: except when they don't, of course...03:59
twbe.g. if you have an XML config file (/etc/gconf.d/gconf.xml.mandatory/%gconf-tree.xml?), or inline comments.03:59
persiaWhy do we care about the internal representation of the files?04:00
pwnguinwell, you can either use heuristics to improve user prompts or tune them to where false positives are rare.04:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #530468 in vlan (main) "[FFE] Build udeb for vlan" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53046804:01
twbA conventional VCS needs to at least care if they're binary or text (split on \n) files.04:01
persiaOnly for actually performing the merge.04:02
pwnguinor displaying a diff04:02
persiaIn terms of allowing the admin to sort through each merge separately, it doesn't matter.04:02
twbA conventional VCS needs to know at commit time, because it stores commits as diffs.04:02
persiaRight, but the idea is to *not* commit during the dpkg run, but rather dump the admin into an interactive session to compare stuff after the dpkg run is complete.04:03
pwnguinhere's a different idea04:05
pwnguinive really only made one change to php.ini, to increase from 16 to 3204:05
pwnguinrather than try to merge the new maintainer into the old file04:05
persiaThat's more advanced, and gets into the much more complicated mess twb is implying.04:05
twbI think the crux of pwnguin immediate issue is that dpkg is doing a two-way merge between HEADs -- not even a three-way merge between HEADs and ancestor (let alone an n-way commuting merge).04:06
pwnguinright, a 3 way merge04:07
persiaI think there are two issues.  1) etckeeper does a poor job of managing mass changes associated with a large upgrade and 2) dpkg merging is suboptimal04:07
twbpwnguin: you can do that by dropping into a shell and comparing .dpkg-new/.dpkg-old against the etckeeper history.04:08
twbpersia: agreed.04:08
pwnguintwb: unfortunately, for the moment all ive been doing is letting etc-keeper collect data04:09
pwnguinat some point i should bother learning what it does04:09
pwnguinhow to use it i mean04:09
persiapwnguin: It just stores each state of config changes as a new revision in the VCS.  Handy for history, but not very granular.04:10
pwnguinpersia: right. i just haven't bothered working with it at all. poor writing on my part above04:10
twbOur sysadmins are in the habit of using RCS for /etc/foorc04:11
twbSo I am trying to train them to instead call "etckeeper commit" after changing foorc04:11
twb(Instead of ci -u or whatever it is.)04:11
pwnguinheh, at work im lucky if anyone knows what RCS is04:11
* persia is glad not to have used RCS in over a decade04:12
pwnguini have a meeting tomorrow to integrate our RCS system for students with ldap04:12
pwnguinyou mean, THE rcs, and not A rcs?04:12
twbpwnguin: um, RCS isn't a class of systems.04:12
twbYes, we mean "the" rcs.04:13
efleming969does UFW support configuring port redirects? ie iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 808004:13
pwnguinive commonly seen RCS to mean 'revision control system'04:13
twbefleming969: if you're prepared to write iptables-restore fragments by hand, it supports anything iptables-restore can do.04:13
twbpwnguin: to disambiguate, I use "VCS">04:13
persiapwnguin: "VCS" is typically used as a generic term to avoid semantic collision.04:13
efleming969twb: ah, but not through the command interface?04:14
pwnguinwe have this legacy rhel 2 system04:14
twbefleming969: AFAIK, no, but I don't do ufw much04:14
pwnguinwith a bunch of php and file copies for revision control04:15
twbpwnguin: we have FC1 in our core network :-/04:15
pwnguini haven't decided how to resolve that system04:16
efleming969twb: i'm using server 9.10, where do you usually put your iptable rules (iptable-restore)?04:16
pwnguinthe braindamage is very deep with it so I'm inclined to drop as much custom stuff in favor of open source apps04:16
pwnguinas possible04:17
twbefleming969: I don't use non-LTS releases.04:18
twbefleming969: but I recommend iptables-persistent.04:18
pwnguinive been called a poor sysadmin for this, but i really hate firewalls04:19
efleming969twb: thanks, i'll look into it.04:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #524447 in qemu-kvm "virsh save is very slow" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52444704:21
pwnguinrandom question that's been bugging me for years: i've removed a package without --purge, how do i remove the conf files after the fact?04:29
twbpwnguin: purge does that04:30
pwnguini understand that --purge removes the conf files, but if i try to remove a package thats already removed, --purge doesn't happen04:31
zroyschreinstall then purge?04:31
twbpurge isn't remove04:31
persiapwnguin: Just purge the removed package.04:32
persiapwnguin: dpkg -P or aptitude purge or apt-get --purge remove or ...04:33
pwnguindoesn't work that i can see04:33
persiaOK.  Give me a transscript of a session showing it not working.04:33
pwnguinworking on it04:34
* persia is doubtful this is possible.04:34
persiaSomething like `dpkg -l ${PACKAGE}; dpkg -P ${PACKAGE}; dpkg -l ${PACKAGE}` should be sufficient to demonstrate that it works.04:34
twbpwnguin: um, do you read what you paste?04:35
pwnguinhold on04:35
pwnguinsame thing with sudo04:36
persiaWell, try with aptitude purge or dpkg -P then.04:36
twb# aptitude install -yR nvi &>/dev/null && aptitude search ~n^nvi$ && aptitude remove -yR nvi &>/dev/null && aptitude search ~n^nvi$ && aptitude -yR purge nvi &>/dev/null && aptitude search ~n^nvi$ | cat04:36
twbi   nvi - 4.4BSD re-implementation of vi04:36
twbc   nvi - 4.4BSD re-implementation of vi04:36
twbp   nvi - 4.4BSD re-implementation of vi04:36
persiaI *thought* apt-get --purge remove worked, but I haven't tried that one in an immensely long time (perhaps before ever using Ubuntu)04:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:36
pwnguintwb: did YOU read what i pasted?04:37
resnolooking for resources on doing x11 forwarding using ssh04:37
twbpwnguin: yes.  I saw that you failed to run as root.04:37
pwnguinapologies for including both the failed and successful attempt04:37
pwnguinbut the successful version was there :P04:37
twbOh, mea culpa04:37
twbShrug.  Use aptitude.04:38
pwnguinyea, looks like apt-get doesn't work but dpkg -P did04:38
pwnguinpersia: thanks for the tips04:40
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uvirtbotNew bug: #530513 in eucalyptus (main) "openssh-client in lucid cannot connect to openssh-server in karmic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53051307:21
larsemilso my company want me to set up a service for VPS's, and i am going the ubuntu-server as host way. should i be looking into UEC or just going the familiar kvm way??07:56
twbSeems to me UEC is kinda specialized08:12
persiaI think it depends on what one wants.  On-demand instances are fundamentally different than long-running instances.08:14
twbI guess I read too much into his use of "VPS"08:16
persiatwb: One could implement a VPS in UEC, but it's different somehow :)08:17
larsemilthen i just go for the way i am used to. :)08:18
twbI *still* can't get access to the VT-enabled hosts at work :-/08:19
twbOne is running a quickbooks vmware VM on 8.04, and modprobing kvm hard-locks the whole system.  The other is running... sigh... rp-pppoe.08:19
DavieyUEC would be lots more exciting if there was a billing data source :)08:25
Pierrebi got a problem trying to authenticate from AD to the ubuntu server08:26
PierrebWe want to use the ubuntu server as a fpt server and users use their AD accounts to login to it08:26
persiaDaviey: How do you mean?  Is this not just accounting metrics on various types of usage?08:26
PierrebProblem is i cant get the ubuntu server to convert SID>UID08:27
Pierrebany idea how to solve this?08:27
Davieypersia: exactly that, but currently extraction would mean a dirty world of scripts, rather than an API.08:27
persiaDaviey: I think an API would just sit on top of a dirty world of scripts.  Maybe you'll write the scripts?08:28
Davieypersia: well libvirt provides an API for the rest of the stack, but is more than a hacky bunch of scripts :)08:35
persiaDaviey: Ah, yes.  Hrm.  That makes it more of an integration effort :(08:37
merlijn-hi, I am conducting some tests with UEC and trying to get Landscape to recognize the CLC as a Cloud08:40
twbPierreb: FPT?08:40
merlijn-but it is giving me a fairly uninformative error: There was an error communicating with the cloud.08:40
Pierrebtwb: yes its running  vsfto08:41
twbOh, FTP.08:41
twbDon't do that.08:41
Pierrebtwb: its the solution they want so...08:42
twbPierreb: it's your job to convince them not to want stupid things.08:43
Pierrebnah its good and they want it08:43
twbLike when you have kids, you put the detergent on the high shelf.  It is the same with customers.08:44
Pierrebim just tired of this problem and want to solve it08:44
Pierrebi dont really care if ftp/sftp/whatever is better08:44
twbPierreb: you should.08:44
Pierrebthat is not for me to decide08:44
loolkirkland: Ah my bad, I didn't think the order would matter and I initially added esd to match the Debian package then removed it08:51
loolkirkland: I see you fixed this already, thanks08:56
=== hyperlinx_ is now known as hyperlinx
OmahnHas anyone seen this message on upgrading 8.04 to 10.04?09:01
Omahnmount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device09:01
OmahnFollowed by:09:01
Omahnudevd[857]: error getting socket: Invaild argument09:01
OmahnBoot then bombs out with a segfault and drops to the initramfs.09:01
twbOmahn: this is after upgrading *everything* ?09:04
Omahntwb: Yep, 'do-release-upgrade -d' from 8.04 LTS09:04
OmahnIt's repeatable too, I've upgraded this server 3 times over the past 24 hours with the same result each time.09:05
twbHow can you upgrade more than once?09:05
Omahntwb: It's a VM.09:05
twbYou mean you rolled back to a snapshot?09:05
Omahntwb: I just take snapshots and roll back as required.09:05
OmahnJust going to try again now to see if anything was pushed over night that makes a difference.09:06
twbAfter do-r-u'ing, and before rebooting, confirm that sources.list points to lucid, then aptitude upgrade && aptitude -sy full-upgrade.  Does it offer to install/remove anything?09:06
OmahnI'll try that now.09:06
twbWhen I tried that Ubuntu d-r-u crap the other day, it fell over completely.09:06
twbSo I'm not convinced that it's actually doing its job.09:07
Omahntwb: That's quite worrying. I hope it improves before release :-)09:07
twbAnyway, that kind of failure you reported could be caused by booting the wrong kernel after upgrading udev, or possibly by building the initramfs with modules=dep instead of modules=most09:07
twbOmahn: if you're going to report a bug, you should include the output of "dpkg --get-selections" both before and after the d-r-u.09:08
Omahntwb: ta. I'll take a copy this time before I start the upgrade09:08
Omahntwb: FYI - Following the upgrade the system is attempting to boot 2.6.24-27-server - that doesn't look right does it...09:09
twbOmahn: I'd also like a pastebin of your menu.lst or grub.conf both before and after.09:09
Omahntwb: Looks like grub is failing to install/update. The grub boot menu is only show 8.04.4 entries.09:10
twbOmahn: lucid/i386 currently has 2.6.32-14-server09:10
twb8.04 ships .24?  Surely that's from -backports09:10
Omahntwb: Any idea if the upgrade process should be installing grub 2 or leaving the old grub?09:10
twbOmahn: last time I looked, it installed a chainload into the grub legacy menu09:10
twbOmahn: that was on Debian -- Ubuntu might have played silly buggers with it09:11
Omahntwb: Yes 8.04 has 2.6.24 as standard09:18
OmahnLooks like 2.6.32 isn't getting installed at all.09:18
OmahnNo sign of it in /boot/09:18
johngilbroughI've just installed 8.04 LAMP on a vps - looking good so far - and am now trying to get mail up and running with postfix & dovecot.  How do I get postfix to relay all mail for any dovecot user?09:27
johngilbroughAison - This is my first time here - is this a dead channel?09:31
twbOmahn: you're right.  My 2.6.18 scars must be from RHEL or something09:31
Omahntwb: Yep, rhel5 ships with 2.6.1809:32
Aisonjohngilbrough, don't think so ;)  I allways idle here09:32
twbOmahn: do you have a kernel metapackage installed?  You should by default, but maybe an admin removed it.09:32
Omahntwb: I'll check in a moment, just updating vmware-tools.09:33
Omahntwb: What the kernel metapackage names?09:33
OmahnI'm back in 8.04 now.09:33
twbaptitude search ~i~smetapackage09:33
iLLiZTYou shouldnt' bother with vmware-tools until you've finalized your kernel.09:33
Roxyhart0My new users can not reach the profiles on the server, just create profiles in the local windows machine. however, the old users doesn't have any problem. somebody know what could be the reason?09:34
iLLiZTSince any kernel version changes will make you have to reinstall vmware tools anyway.09:34
OmahniLLiZT: Not really true, we certainly want it running as often as possible to prevent VMware from swapping.09:34
twbiLLiZT: even then, I found that vmware-tools was utterly useless for VMs running on a headless vmware-server host.  For ESX, maybe it is useful for hgfs or something...09:34
Omahntwb: It prevents swapping when the ESX host comes under memory pressure if the tools are installed.09:35
Omahntwb: I have linux-image-server metapackage installed.09:35
twbI can't speak for ESX, only vmware-server.09:35
OmahnI can't speak for vmware-server, only ESX. :-)09:35
iLLiZTWell, both are sort of right.09:36
twbOmahn: if you open the aptitude GUI, and sources.list contains lucid entries, and you've "aptitude update"d lately, it should say that metapackage can be upgraded to depend on a .32 kernel09:36
maxagazHow to put this : "sudo ip addr add dev eth0" in my /etc/network/interface (or somewhere else?) ?09:36
twbOmahn: maybe this is related to the -server variant being removed from some architectures?09:36
Omahntwb: Never used the aptitude GUI :-) I'll add the lucid entries to see what I get09:37
Omahntwb: This box is amd6409:37
Omahn(As are all our machines)09:37
OmahnJust taking another snapshot, just in case...09:38
tdnI have installed openldap and I am trying to add this ldif http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1494.html, using this command: ldapadd -h localhost -f sogo.ldif -x -w ********** -D cn=Manager,dc=sikkerhed,dc=org    I get the error: ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49). If I do not specify password, I get this error: ldap_bind: Server is unwilling to perform (53) additional info: unauthenticated bind (DN with no password) disallowed. My slapd.conf is he09:40
tdnThis is what is written in the syslog, while trying to add sogo.ldiff using password: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1495.html09:40
johngilbroughAison - when you responded, that line case across as red, making it stand out.  How did you do that?09:41
Roxyhart0hi, My new users can not reach the profiles on the server, just create profiles in the local windows machine. however, the old users doesn't have any problem. somebody know what could be the reason?09:41
tdnjohngilbrough, probably because it started with your username?09:42
Omahntwb: Aptitude is reporting that linux-image-server ( => will be done. I'm going to try the upgrade again and check over the logs.09:42
johngilbroughtdn - makes sense - does one need to type in the other person's user name each time?09:42
johngilbroughor is there some double-click trick?09:43
Aisonjohngilbrough, if the line contains your name, this line is marked red in your irc client09:43
tdnjohngilbrough, check your irc client's doc.09:43
twbjohngilbrough: I don't even type the first letter of someone's name.  I just hit TAB and it completes most-recently-spake order.  If I REALLY need to disambiguate, I might type just the first letter.09:44
twbjohngilbrough: sticking "foo:" in front of a message is a convention to indicate you're speaking to a specific person, rather than just declaiming.09:45
johngilbroughtwb, there we go.  Alright.09:45
Omahntwb: I suspect this is part of the problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/386882/10:10
Omahntwb: The upgrade carries on though, I would have expected it to abort at that point.10:10
twbOmahn: that would assume the upgrade code wasn't written by idiots10:10
* twb rants10:10
twbNote that I'm AT ALL annoyed by live-helper doing the same thing at me all day today.10:11
Omahn:-) 613 open bugs on update-manager. ouch.10:11
Omahn'Upgrade complete' - The upgrade is completed but there were errors during the upgrade process.10:14
OmahnSeems bit mild. Something more along the lines of, 'DONT REBOOT!! YOUR SYSTEM IS B0RKED' might be better. :-)10:14
a_okthe ssh host-key  has changed on one of my servers. I get the message that i need to add this key to my .ssh/known_hosts file. I don't understand the syntax though. i know where to add the public key but that is it10:15
a_okcan someone help me out with this?10:17
twbOmahn: in this case it looks like the kernel package is at fault, not upgrade-mangler10:19
twba_ok: you need to delete the referenced line from (probably) ~/.ssh/known_hosts10:19
twba_ok: that's assuming that the host key change is legitimate -- if not, someone might be trying to trick you10:19
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a_oktwb: no its legid checked fingerprint. I just found out how to find hashed hosts10:20
Omahntwb: Agreed, I'm just pruning some old kernels just to make sure disk space isn't an issue then I'll be repeating the upgrade.10:30
OmahnCan anybody improve this one liner to remove all but current running kernel?10:58
Omahn dpkg --get-selections | grep linux-image-2.6 | grep -v `uname -r` | cut -f 1 | xargs apt-get remove10:58
twbI'd never automate that11:31
twbMaybe xargs aptitude --schedule-only purge, and then later manually call "aptitude install --visual-preview" to action it.11:32
twbOmahn: how about this: aptitude --schedule-only purge ~i~nlinux-image && aptitude --schedule-only keep ~i~n`uname -r` && aptitude --visual-preview install11:33
OmahnI'm not familiar with aptitude unfortunately. I should really look into it :-)11:36
* persia idly notes that not all ubuntu upgrade paths are aggressively tested with aptitude, and aptitude fans may want to test against new releases and file bugs where there are resolver differences11:41
twbpersia: meaning that upgrade-mangler uses apt-get internally?11:43
OmahnI'll be sticking with do-release-upgrade for major upgrades11:43
Omahntwb: Yep.11:43
persiatwb: No, but apt-python, which uses libept (if I remember correctly), which is also used by apt-get.11:44
persia(or maybe python-apt)11:44
* persia hasn't looked in a while11:44
twbWasn't libept introduced by aptitude?11:44
twbI mean, I'm all for *trying* to use d-r-u, I just haven't seen it work yet.11:45
persiatwb: Hrm.  Seems to be python-apt -> libapt-*11:46
twbOh, lib*E*pt was a typo?11:46
twbWhatever, it doesn't matter.11:46
persiatwb: No, a thinko :)11:46
persiaBut aptitude doesn't appear to use libept either.11:47
twbpersia: it does on Debian11:47
persiaAnd also on Ubuntu.  I just got confused by line breaks :/11:48
* persia stops trying11:48
twb$ aptitude -F%p search '?depends(libept0)' ==> aptitude aptitude-gtk debtags debtags-edit ept-cache goplay libept-dev packagesearch11:48
* Omahn gives in a files bug #53063211:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 530632 in initramfs-tools "Upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04 fails on update-initramfs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53063211:54
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ahasenackis there a guide somewhere specific for using ssl certificates with eucalyptus in ubuntu?12:59
twbahasenack: ubuntu-serverguide?13:04
twb(Just guessing.)13:04
zulttx: php 5.3 is just waiting for a binary new fyi13:52
ttxzul: kewl13:55
zulill have to rebuild alot of the modules for php 5.3 in universe though13:58
AnAntHello, is there a directory service package in Ubuntu ?13:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #530687 in postfix (main) "updates not installing properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53068714:02
henkjanAnAnt: openldap is what you are looking for14:03
AnAnthenkjan: I was told that there is something based on LDAP (probably that includes openldap) that is easier to configure14:05
AnAntbut I dunno what it is called14:05
zulttx: for that samba gecos "bug" it should be fixed in git and i think it might be fixed in 3.4.6 which is in progress14:05
ttxzul: that's one for you then :)14:06
AnAntanyways, where I can get help about configuring openldap for ubuntu ?14:12
AnAntah, found it14:12
kirklandlool: sure thing, no problem ;-)14:21
smoserttx were you going to sponsor bug 475354/bug 519870 and bug 520734 ?14:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 475354 in eucalyptus "Hostname not set correctly on UEC cloud due to IP address in local-hostname manifest data (DNS)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47535414:24
uvirtbotsmoser: Bug 519870 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/519870 is private14:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 520734 in ec2-init "error with ec2-init pkg when running apt-get upgrade" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52073414:24
ttxsmoser: it's done already14:26
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ttx(the karmic-proposed SRU)14:27
smoserah. i see. thanks.14:27
smoserso why did it move from in progress to triaged?14:27
ttxsmoser: the SRU team uses status in a weird way14:29
ttxsmoser: i never completely understood it, but in most cases they don't want you near the fixcommitted/fixreleased states14:30
ttxsince they use it in their workflow14:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #517300 in likewise-open (main) "[armel] likewise-open needs porting to ARM" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51730014:36
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uvirtbotNew bug: #530714 in openssh (main) "Can't sftp to directories with brackets in the name." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53071414:41
AnAntHello, I have several Ubuntu machines on the same network. The issue is when there are Ubuntu updates, they get downloaded several times (once for each machine), hence wasting the internet bandwidth, is there a way to make the machines get the updates from one of them ?14:45
persiaAnAnt: The formal way is to run a local (potentially partial) mirror, or a caching proxy for the network.14:46
persiaAnAnt: The desktopy way is http://castrojo.wordpress.com/2010/02/28/zeroconfing-squid-deb-proxy/14:46
AnAntpersia: that desktopy seems sort of fast14:47
persiaBut kinda not what you want to do if you have an SLA to meet.14:47
AnAntSLA ?14:47
AnAntI don't understand what you mean by this ?14:48
AnAntwhat Service Level Agreement ?14:48
AnAntare you talking about legal issues ?14:48
persiaUsually just tort if legal.14:51
persiaTo put it another way: if you've 10 systems, jcastro's hints can help.  If you're managing 300, it's the wrong way to solve the problem.14:52
persiaOr: if you have a network that can have a dedicated mirror for a number of clients that are expected to update on some schedule and you'd like some control over the process, you want to manage a local archive or a local mirror (depending).14:52
AnAntah, ok14:53
persiaIf you just have your peronal machines, or maybe some from people who don't mind if it's not quite perfect, then you can use avahi.14:53
AnAntnah, we're still small :)14:53
jcastro^^^ bunch of mirror scripts14:53
uvirtbotjcastro: Error: "^^" is not a valid command.14:53
* persia likes ubumirror14:53
jcastrome too14:54
zulor you could install *cough* landscape *cough*14:54
AnAntzul: hmmm, you need Cataflam ?14:55
persiazul: That's even heavier weight :)14:55
AnAntso does that squid-deb-proxy serve users from /var/cache/apt/archives/ or what ?15:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #530734 in krb5 (main) "ubuntu karmic update failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53073415:06
TeTeTkirkland: anything you want me to check today? I have 50 minutes before a team meeting lfet15:07
bogeyd6What is a command line way, without mounting, that I can copy a file from the linux machine to another linux machines network share?15:21
mathiazbogeyd6: scp is an option15:22
bogeyd6mathiaz, ty15:29
AnAnthow can an LDAP user change his password ?15:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #530752 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "Package mysql test suite" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53075215:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #522514 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52251415:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #530753 in eucalyptus (main) "Error trying to install images from store" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53075315:42
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zulmathiaz: ping are you going to package the mysql testsuite?15:56
zulsmoser: ping16:17
mathiazzul: well - If you could take a look at it, it would be great16:19
mathiazzul: something similar to the puppet-testsuite package16:19
smosermathiaz, what state is DC UEC in16:19
zulmathiaz: sure lemme work through the php5 transition stuff im working on16:19
mathiazsmoser: I'm using it to add support for multi-network install16:19
zulsmoser: whats your ec2 php api package called?16:19
mathiazzul: cloudfusion16:19
zulmathiaz: thanks16:20
mathiazsmoser: do you need a UEC operating now?16:20
smoserno, it woudl be nice if it were operating at some point :)16:20
mathiazsmoser: well - a UEC setup can be spanned in half an hour16:21
mathiazsmoser: so if you really need it now you can take the rig for a few hours16:21
smosernah. just please either ping me when you leave it up, or ping me when your done.16:22
smoserideally done and in an operable state :)16:22
mathiazsmoser: ok16:23
OmahnHas anyone else come across bug #530632 when upgrading 8.04 to 10.04?16:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 530632 in initramfs-tools "Upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04 fails on update-initramfs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53063216:23
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mathiazcjwatson: hi! I spent some time yesterday to setup vlan in the installer16:41
mathiazcjwatson: the first issue I ran into was the that vlan related kernel modules were not available in the installer16:42
mathiazcjwatson: bug 53045916:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 530459 in linux "Include 8021q module in the installer for VLAN support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53045916:42
mathiazcjwatson: what's required to get a kernel module to be included on the installer medias?16:42
cjwatsonmathiaz: talk to the kernel team, debian.master/d-i/ in the kernel tree controls a lot of this stuff16:55
mathiazcjwatson: ok - thanks.16:55
mathiazcjwatson: the next issue I ran into was creating a udeb - bug 53046816:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 530468 in vlan "[FFE] Build udeb for vlan" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53046816:55
mathiazcjwatson: IIUC that would help in being able to install vlan-udeb in the installer16:56
cjwatsonmathiaz: yes, it would be easier.  with vlan-udeb in main, you could use anna/choose_modules=vlan-udeb rather than an early_command16:56
mathiazcjwatson: basically the following script run as an early command makes vlan working in the installer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/387099/16:57
mathiazcjwatson: the two bugs mentioned above would help getting rid of line 1 to 1216:57
cjwatsonmathiaz: any reason you didn't add "XB-Installer-Menu-Item: 99999" so that it's listed in anna?16:57
mathiazcjwatson: no reason - I was just trying to get something working16:58
mathiazcjwatson: to have a proof of concept16:58
mathiazcjwatson: I'll add XB-Installer-Menu-Item: 99999 to the vlan-udeb16:58
cjwatsonmathiaz: your udeb looks OK aside from that, though you might want to depend on whatever-modules (depending on where the kernel modules go)16:58
cjwatsonI don't know offhand which udeb would be appropriate for that16:59
mathiazcjwatson: now the question is how can I get rid of the networking commands (line 14 - 25 in http://paste.ubuntu.com/387099/)?16:59
cjwatson(why is this coming up now after feature freeze? :-( )16:59
cjwatsonyou would probably have to write an actual UI, give vlan-udeb a postinst, insert it into the menu in a sensible place, etc.17:00
cjwatsonI would recommend doing that for lucid+1 not lucid17:00
mathiazcjwatson: sure - that's part of automating the installation of UEC on multi networks17:01
mathiazcjwatson: I'm not aiming at having full support of vlan in the installer17:01
cjwatsonperhaps it would be appropriate to do it in eucalyptus-udeb then17:01
mathiazcjwatson: just enough so that I can automated the installation17:01
mathiazcjwatson: would it be possible to rerun the network configuration component in the early command?17:01
cjwatsonat this point, I don't think I understand the requirements in enough generality to make good recommendations; if it's specifically for UEC, though, eucalyptus-udeb seems like a more appropriate place than vlan-udeb17:01
cjwatsonno, it's not17:02
cjwatsonsorry, that's seriously complicated weird stuff you're getting into if you try17:02
mathiazcjwatson: yeah - I know17:02
OmahnSpeaking as a enterprise ubuntu user, vlan support in the installer would be very useful.17:02
cjwatsonOmahn: sure, but a month and a bit before release is not the time to try and design it in general17:03
OmahnWe currently have to fiddle with switch settings, do the preseeded build and then change the switch settings back.17:03
Omahncjwatson: Hell no :-) Support in Lucid+1 would be good though.17:03
cjwatsonperhaps somebody could put it on the UDS agenda, where we can design it properly17:04
OmahnI would be more than happy to help testing.17:04
mathiazcjwatson: right - so it seems that what's reasonable for lucid is to get the vlan kernel modules and the vlan udeb?17:04
cjwatsonmathiaz: I'm not sure17:04
cjwatsonI don't have the cycles to think about this beyond the recommendations I've made so far17:04
mathiazcjwatson: once both are available I can tear up and down the network configuration in the early command script17:05
cjwatsonI can make sort of off-the-cuff "how do I do this" comments17:05
Omahnmathiaz: Wouldn't it be better to go in 10.04.1 ?17:05
cjwatsonOmahn: no new features in point releases.17:05
mathiazOmahn: nope - it's a new feature17:05
cjwatsonbut I can't do full-scale design17:05
OmahnWe've had new features in 8.04.x releases.17:05
cjwatsonOmahn: I'd veto this sort of installer change.  sorry17:05
OmahnLike failed RAID boot support.17:05
Omahncjwatson: Ok :-)17:05
cjwatsonthat was a bug fix for a previous attempt to make it work17:05
OmahnFair point17:06
cjwatsonactually maybe it was slightly more than that - but it was much simpler than this, anyway17:06
cjwatsonmathiaz: having just the kernel modules and vconfig should give you enough flexibility to do ad-hoc things elsewhere, I imagine, yes17:08
OmahnWhich channel would it be best to ask about my failing 8.04 -> 10.04 upgrades failing?17:08
mathiazcjwatson: yes - that's what I was thinking for lucid17:08
mathiazcjwatson: bug 530459 should cover the kernel modules17:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 530459 in linux "[FFE] Include 8021q module in the installer for VLAN support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53045917:09
mathiazcjwatson: and bug 530468 should cover config17:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 530468 in vlan "[FFE] Build udeb for vlan" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53046817:09
mathiazcjwatson: that's enough to bootstrap vconfig with a custom early_command script17:10
mathiazcjwatson: integration in the installer would be discussed at the next UDS17:10
cjwatsonmathiaz: ok17:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #530814 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.6.5-3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53081417:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #530816 in euca2ools (main) "euca-run-instances help shows --keypair, should be --key" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53081617:16
\shanyone with a clue how to say vmbuilder to use VDE instead of bridged networks? or how can someone tweak it to do use it?17:27
\shoh man...my syntax style is bad17:28
mtx_initwhy does nano open when I do visudo?17:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #530832 in vsftpd (main) "vsftpd 2.2.2-3ubuntu4 fails to upgrade because no ftp group" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53083217:45
MatBoyoops, I did a remove --purge for a too new kernel... and now my menu.lst is gone18:05
persiaMatBoy: Install a replacement kernel before you reboot.18:09
persiaOr if it's too late, boot off something else, chroot into the target filesystem, and install a kernel, then reboot.18:09
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uvirtbotNew bug: #530877 in php5 (main) "E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53087719:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #527275 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu7 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script killed by signal (Interrupt)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52727519:47
mathiazapw: hi!19:49
mathiazapw: how should I do to create a kernel-module udeb to for 8021q (vlan) modules?19:50
kirklandcjwatson: the $logfile thing ... I'm not understanding that19:50
mathiazapw: see bug 53045919:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 530459 in linux "[FFE] Include 8021q module in the installer for VLAN support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53045919:50
mathiazapw: add a stanza to debian.master/d-i/package-list and create a file under debian.master/d-i/modules/ ?19:51
hinkHow can i remove a script after running it without running a different command20:08
persiahink: There's lots of ways, from simple to complex.  The name of the script is $0 which can help.20:15
persia(note that this presumes POSIX shell scripts : other scripting languages have other conventions)20:15
hinkthanks persla.... i just got schooled in the ##linux channel. Apparently linux loads the script into mem before running so I can delete it from the script itself20:16
persiaI'd recommend adjusting your use case so you don't need to do that.  Given other context, probably something like running the script via ssh remotely from a known clean copy.20:18
apwmathiaz, about right yes20:27
mathiazapw: yeah - I've got something working20:27
zulummm...cloudfront never made it in?20:27
mathiazapw: I'm just struggling with git to get this properly patched20:28
apwmathiaz, ok ... get it to us soon, kernel freeze is imminent, and we close the tree before to get it ready in time20:28
Hawkeyhi.. need little help... with connectiong my usb WD BOOK to ubuntu server... could anyone tell me how to exactly do that?20:29
Hawkeyevent there are some data on USB?20:30
hinkpersia: its a setup script that sets up a newly deployed VM from a template20:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #475183 in bind9 (main) "host crashed with signal 7 in dst_lib_init()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47518320:37
Hawkeysome advice?20:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #530945 in keepalived (main) "Please backport keepalived 1.1.17-2 to Karmic from Lucid" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53094520:46
sherrHawkey: In shell, I would "tail -f /var/log/syslog", and watch for what device the disk gets.20:50
sherrHawkey: Then ..20:50
sherrIf I see it gets device /dev/sdd (and lists partitions sdd1 say), I ...20:51
cjwatsonkirkland: which bit are you having trouble with?20:51
bcurtiswxHi.  I just bought a domain and now I want people to be able to go to www.mydomain.com and have it reach my computer.  I have an account on afraid.org, and my IP blocks port 80.  Whats the best way to go about getting my website available to everyone outside20:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #530949 in samba (main) "mount.cifs yields garbled directory listing where smbclient works" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53094920:51
sherrHawkey: "mkdir /mnt/tmp" (say) and "mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/tmp" and access files via /mnt/tmp20:52
sherrHawkey: If the disk is formatted NTFS (say), you will have to mount it using the "-t ntfs-3g" option etc.20:52
Hawkeyhmm looks like some error20:54
sherrbcurtiswx: you need to set your domain up such that it points to the IP address (etc.) of the host your site resides on.20:54
bcurtiswxsherr: done that (with afirad.org)20:54
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cjwatsonyou have to have a machine with port 80 accessible somewhere - there isn't much way around that20:56
bcurtiswxsherr: since I can't use port 80 (incoming) due to my IP, what the most common way done to circumvent that?20:56
sherrPut the site20:56
pmatulisbcurtiswx: buy a url forwarding service20:56
pmatulishttp://www.dyndns.com/services/webredirect/ is one20:56
sherrbcurtiswx: or put th site on port 8080 (say)20:56
cjwatson(you can use an explicit port in the url, but nobody wants to do that)20:56
geniiWhen you chroot into a virtual machine from the host and run something there, what user owns the process?20:57
sherrbcurtiswx: get a different ISP :-)20:57
cjwatsonthe standard workaround is simply to host your site somewhere else20:57
bcurtiswxsherr: it's either verizon (expensive) vs. Cox.net (less espensive) here and i have no other options20:57
bcurtiswxcjwatson: yeah, i know.  I'd just rather not spend the $$20:57
cjwatsongenii: chroot requires root, so any process started by it starts out as root.  but you don't normally chroot into a vm ...20:58
Hawkeysherr hmm Kernel logging (proc) stopped ... i don't like that20:58
cjwatsonbcurtiswx: website hosting alone is often cheaper than full isp access.  I don't know your region though20:59
bcurtiswxcjwatson, pmatulis, sherr: ty21:00
Hawkeysherr seems something is very very wrong...21:01
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pmatulisbcurtiswx: i had to do the same for a few years when i was with videotron.ca.  dyndns.org is pretty cheap ($30/yr IIRC)21:07
sherrHawkey: if there's an error somewhere, paste in pastebin and let's have a look21:15
Hawkeylooks like some kernel error21:16
Hawkeysherr when i type tail -f /var/log/syslog21:18
Hawkeyi get few lines, pop3d, postfix, cron..21:18
Hawkeyand on the last kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped21:18
Hawkeyand everything is hanging .. waiting for something21:18
sherrHawkey: but your shell is working - and the system might be working : http://paste.ubuntu.com/21:21
Hawkeyyeah, but what could i past?21:21
Hawkeythat syslog has hmm 10 lines21:21
sherrHawkey: well, I don't know. Check logs - dmesg, syslog.* etc. Event history. What can I say?21:23
Hawkeymmm interface setting is wrong21:24
Hawkeyseems i cannot save file21:24
smosererichammond, ping21:35
smoserso it looks like you've at least considered putting bucket name in 'name'21:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #527264 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.6.5-3 failed to install/upgrade: " [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52726421:41
lamontI hate all those "postfix won't upgrade" bugs21:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #528936 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.6.5-3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (dup-of: 523896)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52893621:56
Bizzehhey, what is the recommended FTPD for quick, simple and easy setup?21:59
eekeekI have a basic Xubuntu 9.10 server. I want to achieve case insensitive urls. I have mod_rewrite installed and working with a .htaccess file inside the /www folder. But I do not know how to configure the correct apache file(s). Can someone suggest a good step-by-step tutorial?21:59
Hawkeysherr my linux FS seems to be read only.. cant do anything22:01
MatBoypersia: yeah, was allsolved no issues :) thanks22:01
sherrHawkey: what makes you say that? wat are you doing?22:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #529004 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5 upgrade fails - cannot stop mysqld" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52900422:06
Hawkeysherr i was testing isp config tool.. seems that my problem is cos of that22:08
Hawkeylooks like i screwed it up22:09
sherrHawkey: you are too vague for me to offer any advice or help. If you can be more specific, maybe I can offer advice.22:12
Hawkeyi would like to22:13
Hawkeybut don't know where to start22:13
Hawkeyseems partition is mounted for read only22:13
Hawkeydon't know how to switch it to rw22:14
sherrHawkey: what partition? what directory/folder are you trying to write to?22:15
Hawkeyto /dev/sda122:16
Hawkeyprimary disk22:16
sherrMounted on? What is output of "mount" (pastebin)22:17
Hawkeymountpoint is / but i think about wrong options... errors=remount-ro22:19
Hawkeybut no i cant change it22:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #520277 in puppet (main) "no provider options in package type" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52027722:21
sherrHawkey: Output of mount? I'm not sure I can help, sorry. Maybe a reboot - but if it is a failing disk, or disk/fs problems, I'd be cautious in case it fails to come back up. But I have no idea. Sorry.22:23
Hawkeysherr ok.. lets try it different... is there a livecd which i could run read data from hdd but live cd could handle flash drive connection?22:30
sherrHawkey: I hear Ubuntu do LiveCD's. Try their web site.22:32
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Hawkeyhmm some command to ignore fstab setting, i mean hot to ignore it's options .. need to remount drivi but without fstab specifics, is that possible?23:22
Hawkeyanyway how to ignore fstab when using mount command?23:32
Hawkeyi've wrong options there, but cant change them cos system is read-only23:32
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