
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
pleia2thanks nhandler!04:15
elkywould it be terribly wrong to hope someone can put the IWD story comp voting link up on fridge at some point in the next 6 days?04:35
nigelbnhandler: ^ ;)04:36
nhandlerelky: If you send me an email with what you put up (or a link to a blog post or something similar), I should be able to take care of it04:40
MarkDudeelky great interview on the Fridge. I missed it in FC magazine04:47
MarkDudeUbuntu Women should be its own bullet point IMO.04:49
dholbachgood morning07:41
akgranerREMINDER: UW Project Team Meeting - today March 2, 2010 - 2100UTC in #ubuntu-women-project Agenda: http://tinyurl.com/yglkr9v08:46
czajkowskiGroup honors three women for contributions to tech  http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=22310110009:21
* AlanBell likes the agenda09:39
czajkowskiAlanBell: agenda or agenda layout ;)09:40
AlanBellmeasurable goals ftw09:40
AlanBellmootbot friendly layout ftw09:40
* czajkowski nods and smiles09:40
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
PendulumAlanBell: as an FYI, there are actually 2 women up for membership today17:49
Pendulumissyl0 and a French woman who goes by kinouchou17:50
AlanBellI spotted that17:50
* Pendulum has a habit of looking at wikis of people up for membership and seeing if she can figure out who is likely to get membership and who isn't17:50
PendulumI see no reason to stop now that I no longer have to worry about my wiki17:51
Mamarokwhen is that meeting?17:51
AlanBellthere was a developer board membership meeting too I think17:51
Pendulumtoday at 20:00 UTC17:51
Pendulumwas there? (I don't follow those as much as I have no idea how developer board stuff goes)17:52
Mamarokoh, 2 meetings to attend today then :)17:52
AlanBellI don't know who (if anyone) was up for that one, just saw it on the fridge17:52
* Pendulum is hoping to be able to attend the meetings today, but isn't sure if it'll be possible :-/17:52
maco2the DMB is probably just going to be discussing archive reorg stuff some more17:54
maco2unless there's someone up for core dev17:54
maco2everything other than core-dev has been delegated, i think17:54
Pendulum*nods* I meant EMEA and UW meetings :)17:55
maco2and i think usually "such-and-such is going for core-dev" is discussed on mailing lists beforehand so that the DMB can get input from others such as the MOTU Council17:55
MichelleQ1hi al18:08
MichelleQ1all, rather18:08
Pendulumhi MichelleQ118:11
akgranerUDS ANNOUNCED!! Announcing The 10.10 !Ubuntu Developer Summit - http://www.jonobacon.org/ - check it out!19:21
issyl0If only I knew when my RS exam... wait, I do... I had a sheet of paper here somewhere... haha that's a laugh19:41
issyl018th!  WIN!19:41
maco2i have two exams on the 10th19:42
maco2will have to see if i can take them early19:42
issyl0Awww :(19:42
PendulumI'm due to quit my job around then. I may tell them I'm leaving a week earlier than I originally planned on making my final day19:42
akgranerhey anyone in here a Fridge admin?19:46
MichelleQ1"Not I," quacked the duck.19:48
* issyl0 goes to get caffeine.19:52
Pendulumissyl0: don't over-caffinate19:53
issyl0I know, I know :)19:53
MichelleQ1just sufficiently caffeinate.  :)19:54
Pendulumwell, yeah, but no point in making yourself jittery19:54
issyl0Pendulum: that's erm what I'm trying to stop ;)19:55
akgranermaco2, can you dent from the ubuntuwomen group about the meeting in an hour :-) and attach the agenda pls  - if you don't mind19:55
issyl0But it's a different kind of jittery, agreed.19:55
maco2akgraner: dented19:57
akgranerThanks!  who else can dent as ubuntuwomen?19:58
maco2akgraner: anyone who has joined the group :P19:59
akgranerwell don't you have to log in to get it to come from ubuntuwomen19:59
maco2no, its a group20:00
maco2anyone who has joined the group can send to it by putting !ubuntuwomen in their message20:01
maco2it's not a separate account20:01
akgranerOh I thought is was set up as a seperate account so that it comes from ubuntuwomen and doesn't just use the group name  - oops sorry I misunderstood how it was set up :-(20:02
maco2i dont think there's an account..20:03
akgraner:-) no worries20:04
akgraner15 minutes :-)20:45
Pendulumbtw, issyl0 is up right now at the EMEA meeting20:46
akgraneryep it is almost that time folks :-)20:59
maco2issyl0's in!20:59
maco2rikkikite: hi rikki!20:59
maco2issyl0 just got voted in as an ubuntu member20:59
issyl0Well that was an interrogation and a half!20:59
akgranerok lets get started - maco can you remind folks in -women to come here pls :-)21:00
maco2rikkikite: oh er, this is mackenzie. we met at OLF.21:00
rikkikitehi all21:00
akgranerhey rikkikite  :-)21:00
Mootbot-UKMeeting started at 21:00. The chair is akgraner.21:00
Mootbot-UKCommands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]21:00
akgranerhere is the agenda for today's meeting - it is a bit long   - but wanted to start the discussion21:01
Mootbot-UKLINK received:  http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/March2010/Agenda21:01
pleia2issyl0: congrats! :D21:01
akgraneralso for this meeting the mootbot-uk is a new mootbot with will give some different outputs21:01
maco2akgraner: the thing we were talking about about a blog the other day isnt on the agenda. is it being included in the "PR" agenda item?21:01
akgranerCongrats issyl0 !21:01
akgranermaco2, yes21:02
akgranerso who is here for the meeting?21:02
pleia2o/ (but at work, so standard conditions apply ;))21:02
AlanBellpresent, but on a blackberry21:02
Pendulum(/me is also at work so maybe only partially here)21:02
akgraneralright I am sure there will be others who join in as we progress through the agenda21:03
valorieI'm here21:03
issyl0akgraner, pleia2, thanksssss!21:03
akgranerwelcome everyone I'll give you a sec to open the wiki21:03
akgraner[TOPIC] - Open Items21:04
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - Open Items21:04
akgraner[TOPIC] - MENTORING PROGRAM - Reviving the Mentoring program. Why? Ubuntu has many training programs and yet some folks forget that its sometimes harder to ask silly questions and learn with a room full of strangers on irc. Some points to consider:21:04
akgraner    * The focus should be on women being encouraged and getting one-one mentoring for any technical task of her choice (sometimes this choice can be difficult and needs advice)21:04
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - MENTORING PROGRAM - Reviving the Mentoring program. Why? Ubuntu has many training programs and yet some folks forget that its sometimes harder to ask silly questions and learn with a room full of strangers on irc. Some points to consider:21:04
akgranersvaksha, added this to the agenda but I believe it is something we all want to see succeed...21:05
akgranerright now I believe we have people listed on the wiki who are are willing to be mentors - but is anyone actively mentoring anyone?21:06
Mootbot-UKLINK received:  http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/MentoringFAQ21:06
Mamarokakgraner: nobody reported any mentorship AFAIK21:07
akgranerand here is the link to the mentoring program as it appears on the website - http://www.ubuntu-women.org/mentoring.html21:07
valorieit would be nice if both those giving and getting mentoring would blog about it21:07
Mamarokso maybe if mentors actually have mentees they should report it, either on their blog and/or on the wiki21:08
Mamarokvalorie: :)21:08
Pendulumshould someone maybe actually blog about the mentorship program?21:08
Mamarokthat would be useful, indeed21:08
akgraner[idea] blog about mentorship program21:08
Mootbot-UKIDEA received:  blog about mentorship program21:08
Pendulumit's not something we necessarily talk about and it may need a little publicity21:08
Mamarokto make it known to a wider public21:08
* Mamarok plans a blog21:08
maco2im not activey mentoring anyone atm. tell me if you want to learn about motu!21:08
akgraner[idea] mentors and mentees talk about it/discuss it as well blog, mailing lists, irc etc21:09
Mootbot-UKIDEA received:  mentors and mentees talk about it/discuss it as well blog, mailing lists, irc etc21:09
akgranerwho on the team has blogs?21:09
pleia2we can look at planet.ubuntu-women.org for that :)21:10
maco2pleia2: haha fair point21:10
Mamarokand maybe encourage those who are not on planet yet to get added21:10
akgranerpleia2, you beat me to that I wanted people to see who all in here has blogs then point to planet ubuntu-women :-)21:11
czajkowskiI'll blog about it, not down as a mentor but shall blog and poke folks21:11
akgranerso I don't think getting the word out will be an issues - what about the program as it is right now besides communication needs to be revamped?21:12
akgranerbesides outward community facing communication I mean21:12
akgranersuggestions? ideas? wish list?21:13
axoloteAs someone who is really stoked about the Opportunistic Developer possibilities, I'd love to see some mentorship in some of the tools that are being pushed for app development (e.g., python, desktopcouch,pygtk, quickly, bazaar, ground control, etc.)21:13
akgraner[idea] -  Opportunistic Developer possibilities, I'd love to see some mentorship in some of the tools that are being pushed for app development (e.g., python, desktopcouch,pygtk, quickly, bazaar, ground control, etc.)21:14
Mootbot-UKIDEA received:  -  Opportunistic Developer possibilities, I'd love to see some mentorship in some of the tools that are being pushed for app development (e.g., python, desktopcouch,pygtk, quickly, bazaar, ground control, etc.)21:14
maco2heh bazaar is the only one of those i can use21:14
PendulumI really think pushing for female mentors when possible21:14
maco2axolote: i hear ground control is broken right now due to the openid changes to launchpad21:14
akkaxolote: Do we have any mentees who want help with development? I didn't think we did.21:14
axolotemaco2: yes it is.21:14
akgraner[idea] more female mentors21:15
Mootbot-UKIDEA received:  more female mentors21:15
valoriesorry, my wireless cut out21:15
valoriereading up21:15
maco2akgraner: if we do, i havent heard about them, cuz development is what i'm willing to mentor on21:15
akkMe too.21:15
maiatodayI wouldn't mind doing some dev work21:15
maco2that was aimed at akk21:15
maiatodaybeing a mentee that is21:15
akkI had the impression we had a substantial list of mentor volunteers but no mentees ever asked.21:16
maiatodayI'll mail you maco221:16
maco2maiatoday: ok21:16
akgraner[action] those willing to be mentors make sure you are listed on the mentors page21:16
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  those willing to be mentors make sure you are listed on the mentors page21:16
pleia2would mentors have to be "ubuntu women mentors" or can we link people up with existing mentorship programs? (i'd prefer the latter)21:17
pleia2the latter is kinda what we do now, it's just not documented21:17
PendulumI think it should be a mix of both21:18
Pendulumbecause if I asked in UW for a mentor, I'd be specifically looking for a female mentor for whatever reason21:18
axolotei think we should accept any help/metorship that is available21:18
pleia2I dunno, a lot of women come here looking for direction21:18
akgraner[idea] link ubuntu women project team members up with existing mentors in the community21:18
Mootbot-UKIDEA received:  link ubuntu women project team members up with existing mentors in the community21:18
Pendulumbut I recognize that for some people what they're really looking for is general direction21:18
pleia2not specifically women to mentor them, just *someone*21:19
pleia2since they don't know where to start in the community21:19
axoloteeventually, as more women become more comfortable with developing, we can get more women mentoring other women.21:19
axoloteBut, I think that in the context of "opportunistic development", we can really get more women contributing on the development side, provided we have other experienced people willing to mentor in the aforementioned tools.21:19
PendulumI would suggest, however, that when we know that there is a women-friendly mentor out in the community (whether female or male or chicken) that we direct that way since as much as I hate to say it, there are people in the Ubuntu community who are not21:19
maco2axolote: pykde and kapptemplate too?21:19
pleia2Pendulum: *nod*21:20
maiatodaymaybe the concept of a buddy from ubuntu-women more than a mentor just to encourage whoever is being mentored to take a step21:20
akgranerso how does the sound over the next two weeks we update/create a list of UW team members who are willing to mentor or who need mentorship21:20
maco2axolote: those are the tools im currently learning to use. apparently kapptemplate is like kde's version of quickly21:20
axolotemaco2: of course :)  Those were just examples, hence the e.g., :)21:20
pleia2I just don't really like the idea of a static mentor list since it gets outdated so quickly, and leveraging existing programs as well will really broaden the ability for us to offer mentors21:21
axolotemaiatoday: yeah, a dev buddy would be great too.21:21
akgraneralso durning the next 2 weeks we clean up the wiki's and get the pages polished21:21
akkWhat is the current mentoring page?21:21
akkGoogling for ubuntu women mentors took me to http://ubuntu-women.org/mentoring.html21:22
akgranerakk, I am not sure we have a list as of right now other than the team list21:22
maco2akk: a static page on ubuntu-women.org, not even a wiki page21:22
akkwhich doesn't list either me or maco21:22
pleia2that static page links to a bunch of wiki page21:22
akgranerakk - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/MentoringFAQ21:22
maco2though i think we started making a list on the wiki..21:22
akkso it looks like we have an out-of-date page that's first on google21:22
valorieperhaps the static page should just point to a wiki page?21:22
pleia2akk: yeah, it's all a mess :) that's why we are having this meeting21:22
valorieexplain the basics > wiki which can be kept up-to-date21:23
pleia2all need to be rewritten21:23
akkWeird, just a month or two ago I got mail asking for my info to update the mentoring page, so I figured that part had been updated.21:23
akgranerso who can take ownership of cleaning up the mentoring wiki's21:23
akgranerand who can help21:23
akkWhat happened to that info?21:23
akgranerpeople were cleaning and adding to this page - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Profiles21:23
akgranerakk this is the one people were working 2 weeks or so ago21:24
akkI'm not even on that page -- never heard of it before.21:24
akkBut no, the mail I'm talking about was specifically for "the" mentoring page (I guess there isn't just one, though).21:24
akgranerso the action item is to clean up the mentoring wiki's but who will talk the lead on that?21:24
akgranerakk I haven't seem one :-(21:25
akkThere was also a question about "are you willing to mentor guys, since we don't have any women asking?"21:25
akgranerwouldn't that be up to the individual mentor?21:26
pleia2akk: are you sure you're not thinking of debian women?21:26
pleia2they just redid their mentoring program a couple months ago21:26
akkpleia2: I just found the message -- yes, maybe it was for Debian, not Ubuntu. The message wasn't very clear and I guess I just assumed Ubuntu.21:27
akkOkay, sorry, I was confused.21:27
axoloteSorry, so which page is or will be the official mentoring page?21:27
maco2i think it should be the wiki pae21:27
maco2easier to update21:27
pleia2maco2: +121:27
akgraner[ACTION] clean up mentoring wiki pages  - then roll out a campaign to communicate it to the community21:27
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  clean up mentoring wiki pages  - then roll out a campaign to communicate it to the community21:28
Pendulumif I can get some guidance, I'm willing to do it21:28
akgraner[ACTION] Pendulum to drive efforts to clean up wiki's with guidance from team members21:29
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  Pendulum to drive efforts to clean up wiki's with guidance from team members21:29
pleia2I can help too, and since I have access to the server I can sort out getting our menu and that static page removed/redirected21:29
Pendulumpleia2: good since I definitely can't do that bit, thanks :)21:29
akgraneronce we have the wiki's polished we can take that and clean up with website - yes?21:30
axolotejust to confirm, we're referring to this page?: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/MentoringFAQ21:30
pleia2axolote: referring to all our mentoring pages21:30
akgranerand all the supporting pages21:30
pleia2there are a number of them21:30
akgranerpleia2,  - once the wiki's represent the mentoring program correctly - will be an easy fix to clean up that area on the website?21:31
pleia2akgraner: yep21:31
axoloteokay, so the one on ubuntu-women.org as well, + others. okay, got it.21:31
pleia2I can change the link in the menu and set up a redirect on http://ubuntu-women.org/mentoring.html21:32
akgranerpleia2, will you take ownership of transition the wiki info to the website and do you want to train anyone to help with that?21:32
pleia2akgraner: I'll do it21:32
akgranerie mentor :-)21:32
pleia2I can train someone else too, but we'd also need to give them shell access to the server (this is done by contacting canonical, can take a while)21:33
akgranerpleia2, ahh ok :-) thanks!!21:33
Pendulumpleia2: well depending on how extensive the wiki clean up needs to be ;)21:34
akgraner[ACTION] pleia2 to make sure the website reflects the wiki's when the wiki's are completed to team satisfaction21:34
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  pleia2 to make sure the website reflects the wiki's when the wiki's are completed to team satisfaction21:34
akgranerok next topic then21:35
akgraner[TOPIC] - INCREASING NUMBER OF WOMEN UBUNTU MEMBERS - Percentage targets for proportion of women Ubuntu Members to be discussed further21:35
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - INCREASING NUMBER OF WOMEN UBUNTU MEMBERS - Percentage targets for proportion of women Ubuntu Members to be discussed further21:35
akgranerThis was discussed back in January - and AlanBell bell has done a remarkable job setting the spreadsheets and wiki's with all the data21:36
akgranerI am not convinced that we should target Ubuntu Memebership right away21:36
akgranerI think increased Ubuntu Membership will happen as we become more active in the areas listed as measurable goals under new business21:37
AlanBellneither am I!21:37
axoloteI agree.21:37
AlanBellit is a side effect of everything the group does21:38
valorieI hope we continue to encourage, promote, and high five new members though21:38
akgranerIs there anyone who would like to help AlanBell maintain the metrics21:38
maiatodayif there are more active women, membership will follow by itself21:38
AlanBellit is measurable and can have targets against it21:38
pleia2it's great to keep track of so we can measure progress21:38
AlanBellbut they should be achieved by just getting more people involved21:39
czajkowskiI'll help AlanBell with the maintaining of the metrics?21:39
valoriewell, and always saying 'you can do it'21:39
akgraneralso any objections looking at the new items on the agenda as this ties into those?21:39
valorieand being willing to help with wikis and such21:39
AlanBellI see it as a good measure of the overall sucess of the project21:39
akgraner[ACTION] czajkowski to help AlanBell bell with updating ubuntu membership metrics21:40
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  czajkowski to help AlanBell bell with updating ubuntu membership metrics21:40
AlanBellthanks czajkowski !21:41
akgraner[idea] review and present this data at UDS  - as a way to measure overall community change21:41
Mootbot-UKIDEA received:  review and present this data at UDS  - as a way to measure overall community change21:41
czajkowskiAlanBell: nay bother21:41
akgranerthanks czajkowski!21:41
czajkowskigood idea also21:42
valoriethank you, and thank you to Pendulum too21:42
akgranerand by change I hope it will show progress, growth, etc by both men and women but over time see some balance21:43
* valorie is jammed right now and can't offer to volunteer any more....21:43
akgraner[ACTION] akgraner to talk to community team about best ways to present metrics at UDS21:43
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  akgraner to talk to community team about best ways to present metrics at UDS21:43
akgranerok so we have about 15 mins left - so I am not going to lay out all the agenda items but will run through them right quick and post them to the mailing list for further discussion - is that ok with you all?21:44
akgranerhowever there is one that need some discussion today -21:45
akgraner[TOPIC] - New Items21:45
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - New Items21:45
akgraner[TOPIC] - UBUNTU WOMEN DAY - International Women's Day: Ubuntu Women's Day - Highlighting women within the Ubuntu Community21:46
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - UBUNTU WOMEN DAY - International Women's Day: Ubuntu Women's Day - Highlighting women within the Ubuntu Community21:46
akgranerso it was suggested that we have an Ubuntu Women day where the Ubuntu Community is encouraged to take a back from Ada Love Day and blog about women in the Ubuntu Community21:47
akgranerwhat do you all think?  Considering March 8th is around the corner if we are going to do this we need to get it announced NLT tomorrow morning21:48
akgranercomments, concerns. ideas, objections???21:49
PendulumI think it's generally a good idea21:49
czajkowskiIs it a a bit late, would it be best to put aside a month some time to do this ? like May month of blog about women in Ubuntun ?21:49
czajkowskiis there enough time is what I'm trying to get at21:50
valoriequestion -- are there other 'month of blog' stuff in Ubuntu?21:50
akgraneralso the voting for our Other competiton will be on the Fridge if it is not already and to various blogs and mailing lists - one it hits the Fridge can you all that have blogs grab it an get it out as well?21:50
czajkowskivalorie: no idea, was just an idea tbh. I'd rather do something properly then half assed with a week to do it21:51
valorieI'm just wondering if we advocate for a month of blogging about women, if there would be a backlash against that21:51
maco2valorie: not that im aware of21:51
czajkowskivalorie: same could be said about a day, shrugs21:51
valorieI'm not sure my concern is valid21:52
akgranervalorie, czajkowski  - I think if we all blogged about it and it was on the Fridge - as well as Ubuntu User, OMG!Ubuntu, workwithu, and all the mailing lists we could get some good feedback21:52
valoriebut when I think about Skud's blog and etc. -- ugh21:52
czajkowskiakgraner: I think it's a great idea don't get me wrong, just 6 days to do so means it may not get done well21:52
akgranerthis would be on March 8th, in conjunction with International Women's Day21:52
axoloteIf it is too late for international women's day, perhaps the blogging could coincide with the april ubuntu release.21:52
czajkowskiaxolote: nice idea21:53
pleia2we could just promote http://findingada.com/21:53
akgranerpleia2, that was the other idea :-)21:53
pleia2ah yes, I see now :)21:53
axolotethere will be increased interest in ubuntu in general at that time (per usual), so a blogging blast might be good visibility for ubuntu women.21:54
akgranerSo reserve this idea for March 24? and promote the heck out of Finding Ada21:54
czajkowski24/03 sounds way more atainable21:55
Pendulumwe could do it as Ubuntu Women do Finding Ada, and ask people in the Ubuntu community to especially look within itself for women21:56
akgraner[Action]  - Ubuntu Women Project to promote http://findingada.com/  - and encourage community members to look at women with the Ubuntu Community as well21:56
Mootbot-UKACTION received:   - Ubuntu Women Project to promote http://findingada.com/  - and encourage community members to look at women with the Ubuntu Community as well21:56
akgranerok 4 mins21:57
czajkowskiCan I just make one suggestion, when schedling meetings can we try and not clash or run close to meetings taking place in -meeting in case some folks are in there that are in here also, happened last time loco council one and I had to split between two, and tonight membership board was on so if folks go for membership they may ahve to split between 221:57
akgranerI'll look at the schedule closer :-)21:57
akgranerthe other new items I will take to the mailing list21:58
akgraner[TOPIC] - Announcements21:58
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - Announcements21:58
* valorie is glad to finally make it to a meeting!21:58
akgraner[TOPIC] - SCaLE 8x - http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/21:58
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - SCaLE 8x - http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/21:58
akgranerthank you to all the Ubuntu Women team members who were able to make there and meet up, attend and contribute to the success of SCaLE8x, WIOS, Ubucons et al21:59
akgraner[TOPIC] - International Women's Day Competition Voting - ends march 7th, 2400UTC21:59
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - International Women's Day Competition Voting - ends march 7th, 2400UTC21:59
akgranerYou should see the write on the Fridge about this today  - please grab it and get it out to the community when you see it22:00
akgraner[TOPIC] - Reminder that Ubuntu Opportunistic Developer Week ongoing this week and ends on March 6th22:00
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - Reminder that Ubuntu Opportunistic Developer Week ongoing this week and ends on March 6th22:00
akgranerplease attend if you can and if you can't and you can blog about it please do22:01
akgraner[TOPIC] - Events - http://fossevents.org/22:01
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - Events - http://fossevents.org/22:01
akgraneralso reminder that this calendar exists if an open source event you know about is not on there please send the info - czajkowski and issyl0  both help with this calendar22:02
akgraneralrighty sorry for the rush of stuff in the last 15 mins22:02
issyl0Yes, and that calendar is fossevents.org22:03
czajkowskithats what the link says :)22:03
akgranermeeting in two weeks  - to start working on goals for Lucid, and see where the mentoring program stands?22:03
issyl0czajkowski: oh, yeah.  Sorry, that's me not reading above where the HL was :P22:03
issyl0Woo, OK.22:04
akgranerit that ok with everyone22:04
akgranerI'll check the calendar to see what other events are going on and do my best to see that people aren't split between meetings22:04
AlanBellsounds good22:04
Pendulumakgraner: can we try a day other than Thursday if possible? since Tuesdays seem to be meeting day for everyone so may contribute to the level of people being split22:05
Pendulumerr... other than Tuesday22:05
akgraneralright then if there are no overriding objections22:05
czajkowskiaye tuesday does seem to be rather Ubuntu meeting tastic22:06
akgranerI'll take a look and and see if I can't come up with a poll that excludes other meetings yet gives the best neutral time zones :-)22:06
akgraner[Action] - meeting in two weeks  - to start working on goals for Lucid, and see where the mentoring program stands22:07
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  - meeting in two weeks  - to start working on goals for Lucid, and see where the mentoring program stands22:07
akgraneranything else?22:07
akgranergoing once22:07
akgranergoing twice22:07
akgranerThanks everyone see you in two weeks!22:07
Mootbot-UKMeeting finished at 22:07.22:07
AlanBellinstaminutes :-)22:08
maiatodaydon't even have to add water22:08
akgranerAlanBell, thank you!22:08
axolotewow, nice. :)22:08
akgranerAlanBell, I am loving this bot!22:10
akgranerLogs, action items, minutes all right there22:11
* MichelleQ1 just walked through the door. 22:12
MichelleQ1sigh.  Will read the logs.22:12
akgranercan you all take a look at the logs right quick - I am of the mind set that very little will need to be added to them?  do we still need separate notes?22:12
akgranerOther than the measurable goals that will go to the list for discussion b/c we didn't get to those22:12
Pendulumthe only thing is if we want a separate list of attendees22:14
AlanBellI would be very interested in opinions of the minutes from the bot, and things you would change about them. The aim is to have the post-meeting procedure be copy-paste-done22:14
akgranerDaviey, I am loving the mootbot-uk many thanks to you and AlanBell for hacking on it22:14
AlanBellPendulum: look at the bottom!22:14
AlanBellhttp://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/20100302#People Present22:14
PendulumAlanBell: ah, hadn't gotten that far yet!22:14
akgranerPendulum, they are just in a different area on the wiki22:15
AlanBellit summarises people present, actions recorded and vote outcomes (although that bit is a bit broken in the live bot at the moment)22:15
axolotelogs look great to me, imho.22:16
axolotei have a quick question about the members list on the profiles page (http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Profiles): are those members of the launchpad team or official ubuntu members who are also members of the launchpad team, or else? :)22:19
valorieAlanBell: why is your name the only underlined one in the list of attendees?22:19
Pendulumaxolote: they're anyone who felt like putting themselves on the list22:20
AlanBellI have a CamelCase name22:20
valorieah, got it22:20
* valorie should go by ValOrie22:20
AlanBellthat is why all the nicks are wrapped in verbatim tags22:20
AlanBellwe had a -uk meeting and all the links to me just looked silly22:20
axolotecool. thanks pendulum.22:21
akgranerbecause his irc nick is the same as his wiki page name - right22:21
valoriewell, he doesn't have a wikipage22:21
valorieon our wiki22:21
AlanBellakgraner: it is worse for people who have a camelcase IRC name that isn't the wiki22:21
AlanBelloh, good point, like I don't here.22:21
valorieI used to go by ValorieZ22:21
valoriebut I don't like the look of that22:22
valorieso angular22:22
valorielooks super in pen and ink22:22
valorieesp. in italic22:23
Pendulumvalorie: I can picture that in a really nice blue pen looking stunning22:24
valorieZs are so fun to write22:24
valorieI used to a lot of calligraphy22:24
Pendulumerm... I'm not a publishing geek at all... really...22:24
valorieI grew up watching Zorro, and loved his swish swish swish22:25
valoriebirth name was Cowan22:25
valorieso didn't get that Z until I was married22:25
MichelleQ1I've never mastered the cursive Q.22:27
MichelleQ1so of course I named a kid with a Q name.22:27
Pendulummy parents chose not to name my brother something because one of them couldn't spell it, I wonder if they took ability to write it into account too22:29
Pendulum(the name they rejected was Llywelyn, or one of the spellings thereof)22:30
MichelleQ1yeah, I don't think I'd keep that one straight, either22:30
Pendulumas much as I like it as a name, I suspect picking something different also did much to keep him from being beat-up on the playground22:31
Pendulum(considering we grew up in the US)22:31
MichelleQ1I'm inclined to agree22:32
valoriea big fat pen-drawn Q is a thing of beauty22:33
MichelleQ1Indeed.  I just fail miserably at it.22:33
valorieI love all the letters, really22:33
valorieloved my callig. classes22:33
MichelleQ1it's truly an art.22:34
valorieoh gosh, the beautiful old hand-done bibles and other documents22:34
valorieI'm in awe22:34
MichelleQ1I'm trying to remember...  there was a project a while back that scanned ancient texts and put them into an accessible database.22:36
MichelleQ1you could examine the decorated texts from the comfort of one's own computer.22:36
MichelleQ1it was fabulous22:36
valorieyes, I've seen some of that22:39
valorieif I ever get to go to Scotland again, I hope to visit one of the big libraries and see some of their ancient texts22:39
MichelleQ1I'm trying desperately to remember it for you, valorie.  I'm googling it now.22:40
valoriehas loads of projects22:41
valoriethe British Library has an immense collection22:41
valoriethe French are putting much of that material online as well22:42
valorieand the Irish Nat. Library and/or Archives22:42
MichelleQ1it may be the British Library that I'm thinking of.  It's been years since I had to reference it22:42
valoriein fact, mediaval docs of all sorts are starting to become available at a great rate22:43
MichelleQ1BWAHAHAHAHA!  My daughter (4) is in her room singing Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" at the top of her lungs.22:43
* MichelleQ1 ends tangent.22:43
valorielegal documents, old wills, etc.22:43
valorieit's super22:43
MichelleQ1valorie: I think this was the one I used http://www.kb.nl/manuscripts/22:43
valorieMichelleQ1: one of the best hairbrush songs EVAR22:44
valoriemy daughter's favorite was Bon Jovi22:44
akgranerAlanBell, so you just grabbed the text file and dropped on a wiki or did you have to do something else special?22:44
AlanBellnothing special22:45
AlanBellthat is the source and I copied and pasted into the wiki page22:46
akgranerthat's what I thought :-)22:46
AlanBellany manual editing required is a bug22:47
akgranerahh gotcha22:47
akgranerthat is so much easier  :-)22:49

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