
maxjezyhello, anyone on 32bit ubuntu 9.10 have any time to help me?00:00
MaimsterBluesKaj-Laptop Nope. Just in old installation of ubuntu.00:00
actionParsnip!anyone | maxjezy00:00
ubottumaxjezy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:00
chrismAnyone have any idea why IcedTea would keep using ALSA for output even when it's set to use Pulse?00:00
hiexpomaxjezy, just ask your question00:00
maxjezyhiexpo, it's a bit complexed00:00
mrbucketSo, I just submitted https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/530353 as a bug. Has anyone run into this issue in addition to myself?00:00
MaimsterBluesKaj-Laptop Thinking of letting gparted have a look at the drive.00:00
hiexpostart typing00:01
hodgedoes ubuntu come with Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum00:01
BluesKaj-LaptopMaimster, was about to suggest gparted..it's the way to go00:01
mrbuckethm. no link bot. Anyways... "Machine with 2+ interfaces will only respond to pings from same subnet"00:01
maxjezyi need someone to test install blender, then add a ppa and install yafaray and yafaray-blender00:01
maxjezythen test it out00:01
maxjezyplease help me someone00:01
actionParsnipmaxjezy: whats your issue?00:02
maxjezyit's not working for me00:02
MaimsterBluesKaj-Laptop I might get lucky. I just loaded it now let's see can it find the other drive. Which is not mounted.00:02
hodgeactionParsnip, does ubuntu vome with Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum?00:02
actionParsnipmaxjezy: can you give details00:02
actionParsniphodge: not sure what that is00:02
maxjezyactionParsnip, i need someone to confirm if it's wrong on my computer or if it's on anyone elses to00:02
bong904how to switch eth0 to eth100:02
mrbuckethodge: you can always search packages.ubuntu.com for the package00:02
actionParsnipmaxjezy: are you at the install stage?00:03
mrbucketbong904: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistant-net.rules or something like that00:03
brjannhodge: no, it doesn't. see package libcrypt-openssl-bignum-perl00:03
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mrbucketbong904: look in that file and you should have your answer00:03
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maxjezyactionParsnip, it's installed00:03
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maxjezybut does not show up in blender00:04
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actionParsnipmaxjezy: i dont use blender00:04
ubottublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro00:04
Thunder_staranyone help me with java problem00:04
actionParsnip!anyone | Thunder_star00:04
ubottuThunder_star: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:04
bong904mrbucket: thanks00:05
Loshamaxjezy: incredibly, there is a #blender channel....00:05
Thunder_stari am trying to get runescape to work but it keeps telling me i need to install java ( i have java 6 installed )00:05
JohnWittleThunder_star: what browser?00:05
maxjezyLosha, yes00:06
maxjezybut they dont help me00:06
maxjezyall using 64 bit systems00:06
MaimsterBluesKaj-Laptop GParted see it, however it sees it as 2TB!! Its only a 40GB drive.00:06
maxjezyi need a 32bit system user00:06
mrbucketHas anyone had issues with multiple interfaces and networks on Ubuntu 9.10 when it comes to the way the kernel handles requests to the non-local subnet? i.e. host on can ping server eth0 but not server eth2
Loshamrbucket: My first guess would be to suspect that the routing table isn't configured correctly...00:07
mrbucketlosha: it is configured correctly. the machine receives the packets, however doesnt generate a response on any interface.00:08
mrbucketlosha: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/53035300:08
tonyyarussoI installed Google Earth via the builder package on Ubuntu 9.10, and it installed fine, but when I run it the display flickers like crazy.  Any idea how to fix this?00:08
od3n_what the command to changes the rigths to a folder?00:08
od3n_or file00:08
tonyyarussood3n_: chown and chmod00:08
mrbucketod3n_: chown, chgrp, and chmod00:08
od3n_chmod or somethin g00:08
zeleftikamMacBook on Ubuntu 9.10: For some reason, audio is output via the optical digital link (there is a red light coming out of my computer) instead of the internal speakers. how do i change the output hardware?00:09
od3n_ahh yeah so will I need the full path to do that as well00:09
mrbucketod3n_: /bin/chmod?00:09
mrbucketod3n_: should be in your $PATH00:09
Loshamrbucket: I stand corrected, looks like a bug...00:09
mrbucketlosha: well, I submitted that. But, I wasnt sure if other people agreed that it could be a bug.00:09
meatbundoes live cd comes with dd?00:10
mrbucketmeatbun: i imagine it does00:10
* Thunder_star will return shortly00:11
* Thunder_star has returned00:11
meatbunmrbucket: hm... how sure are u?00:11
Loshamrbucket: well, someone here *might* know, but eventually it will hopefully get triaged/assigned/verified/debugged/fixed etc...00:11
Thunder_starjohn wittle r u still there00:11
mrbucketmeatbun: well, dd comes in busybox which comes in a ton of embedded software so id be surprised if it wasnt on the livecd.00:12
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sbapevening all!  can someone assist me in changing the compile flags of a .deb package? or point me in the correct direction00:12
eeliany good ubuntu book recommendation?00:12
mrbucketlosha: yeah. whats the usual timeframe for that kind of thing?00:12
eelifor larning the stuff!00:12
meatbunmrbucket: i know it's on knippix... cause i ve used dd on it before... not sure for ubunt00:12
greezmunkeyDoes "dd" care what is on a HDD? In other words, if all I want to do is move the data on one drive to another, will dd handle it?00:13
mrbucketgreezmunkey: it does not.00:13
Loshameatbun: dd is such a basic command for drive maintenance I can't imagine it's not on the live cd.00:13
meatbundd is more like binary writing00:13
meatbunLosha: ok.00:13
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JJJMainEXIT gotta run00:14
meatbuni ll see later today. but will be cumbersome if it's not. as i will have to do more physical labor ;)00:14
* Typos_King hands jjjmain a /00:14
* Thunder_star is still waiting for a suggestion00:15
Loshamrbucket: sorry, couldn't tell you. I've never actually filed a bug myself, and rarely needed to look one up (running 8.04)00:15
greezmunkeymrbucket, ok, one more if I succeed in moving the data to a larger HDD, then does gparted care how a drive is formatted for it to expand the partition on the new drive?00:15
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mrbucketgreezmunkey: i dont think so, but.. i dunno.00:15
Loshameatbun: I googled "is dd in ubuntu live cd" and the results imply it's there...00:15
meatbunLosha: cool. thx00:16
Zopiacis there a way to get true transparency for the gnome-panel (so that applications behind it will show through) and keep icons and text opaque? ive tried various things ive found online but nothing does it right00:16
timis anyone using the nouveau driver?00:16
Zopiaceither the icons will be transparent as well or its fake transparency, just showing the desktop and not underlaid application windows00:17
awesomo4kXRANDR extension missing !  arrgh.. what's the fix (I need xinerama).00:17
brjanngreezmunkey: using dd to copy to a drive that isn't exactly the same is sketchy at best00:17
BluesKaj-LaptopMaimster, repair option for that partition is probly in order...let's hope it's fixable00:17
synapse_How can I make make the Main Menu (gnome menu) function from a right click on the desktop?  I want the same menus available from a right click on the desktop00:17
blakkheimsynapse_: compiz-deskmenu00:18
synapse_I dont use compiz00:18
brjanngreezmunkey: why not just use gparted to copy partitions from one disk to another?00:18
blakkheimsynapse_: can't help you then sorry00:18
Loshagreezmunkey: in general, as long as there is *contiguous* free space, you can enlarge an existing partition, but I've only ever done it with ext3 and ntfs. In general, I would make an empty, larger partition first, and then copy the contents of the smaller partition to it, using tar, or dump, etc...00:18
sbap1I'd like to change the compile flags in a apt-get .deb package.  Is there any way to do this??00:19
Loshasbap: a source .deb?00:19
synapse_download the source?00:20
sbapwell ya00:20
sbapbut i need an extra flag when it compiles00:20
sbapwhere would I edit that?00:20
flaargsbap which package and what flag00:21
ajnewboldwhat are the chances that Ubuntu will run on this? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Acer+-+Aspire+Laptop+with+AMD+Athlon%26%23153%3B+Single-Core+Processor/9555769.p?skuId=9555769&id=1218127632130#tabbed-customerreviews  There's no mention of the device on the site anywhere :/00:21
Loshasbap: depends on how it builds. If you're lucky there's a single Makefile which you can edit00:21
sbapflaarg:  mpd and I want to compile with lame support00:21
synapse_try fooling around with debuild00:21
infidis there a way to display a message in the gnome-panel? Ie have my favorite quote from an author always show on the gnome panel?00:22
flaargum doesnt mpd come with lame support?00:22
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Guest52165i have a problem with apt i cant install or uninstall or update any software00:22
Guest52165it says E: Error de lectura - read (21: Es un directorio)00:22
sbapflaarg:  nope.  it outputs in oog00:22
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sbapflaarg:  which normally i wouldnt care about, but I have an app that will only accept httpd streaming from lame outputs00:23
xeonwhy " Cannot send to channel" for some channels?00:23
flaargsbap: ah for streaming00:23
sbapflaarg: ya00:23
synapse_xeon: not registered on freenode probably00:23
sbapflaarg:  ive done it by compiling from source.  but deb is so much nicer00:23
flaargsbap: have you done apt-get source mpd?00:24
sbapflaarg:  everything is neat and tidy.  not hacked together by myself :)00:24
flaargin the debian dir edit the rules file and change --disable-lame to --enable-lame00:25
flaargand rebuild the package00:25
flaargdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot00:25
sbapflaarg:  ok let me try that.  So i can essentially leave my existing mpd intall intact?00:25
xeonif a.out is dependent on a so., what should be set up to ensure a.out is invoked without any problem?00:26
sbapflaarg:  or should i remove it00:26
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flaargchange the version to a newer one00:26
synapse_<synapse_> try fooling around with debuild00:26
Loshaajnewbold: unless you find a google reference where someone says they successfully installed ubuntu on an AS5532-5535, it's a gamble. I suppose you could show up at best buy with a live cd and see if it runs...00:27
synapse_I don't see why you can't use debuild to do that00:27
ajnewboldLosha: hey, that's a great idea -- the livecd :)00:27
synapse_can't you set the ENV for whatever flags you want and use debuild?00:27
flaargI have never used bebuild00:27
synapse_neither have I00:28
Principittohow is the ubuntu spanish channel?00:28
sbapi certainly havent either :)00:28
synapse_no habla espanol00:28
Losha!es | Principitto Try it yourself00:28
ubottuPrincipitto Try it yourself: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:28
flaargsbap: anyway you can do what I said, remove your currently installed mpd, install that one, set it to not update and you should be good to go00:28
synapse_heh, like a computer "language" has phonetics00:29
sbapflaarg:  ok.  how do I set it to not update?00:29
synapse_GAWK, GREP, FSCK, blah blah blah00:29
Loshaxeon: the particular .so needs to be installed, usually in /usr/lib...00:30
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flaargsbap: man aptitude00:30
yellowroost924hi everyone. when i'm on this textures website ( zentextures.com) I don't see the images. can you (anyone)?00:30
sbapfiiine ;)  thanks tho00:30
sbapill give it a whirl00:30
flaargsbap: hold is what you are looking for btw00:31
Loshayellowroost924: yes, I see them. A bit brown & boring but they're there...00:31
xeonLosha: what if .so is in the same dir as a.out? any path should be set up?00:31
yellowroost924Losha: thanks. it must be my opendns filtering.00:31
oLifeupdate drums up this error: E: Type 'universe' is not known on line 14 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list00:32
flaargoLife: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list00:32
oLifeflaarg: Not familiar with pastebin00:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:33
Loshaxeon: you can't just put an .so anywhere and expect it to be used. That would be a big security hole. Google LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the details, too many to cover here....00:33
oLife!paste # Salimane Adjao Moustapha's Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 Sources list00:33
oLife# Repository List based on standard Karmic with many extra packages00:33
oLife# If you get errors about missing keys, lookup the key in this file00:33
FloodBot2oLife: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:33
oLife# and run these commands (replace KEY with the key number):00:33
bIGHhAnyone knows relationships (if any?...) between this #debian and Efnet One ?00:34
flaargneither one is official00:35
flaargthe official #debian is on oftc00:35
oLifeSorry, that was all kinds of wrong00:35
oLifeNow I know what pastebin is :300:35
bIGHhUgh... Happy to learn it ! Thanks flaarg.00:36
flaargoLife: oh god what happened to your sources.list00:36
oLifeflaarg: http://theindexer.wordpress.com/2009/10/25/to-do-list-after-installing-ubuntu-9-10-aka-karmic-koala/00:36
LoshaoLife: looks like you cut & paste the first paragraph from somewhere. It has spurious newlines starting at line 1400:37
oLifeI replaced it with, what I thought, was a more complete sources.list00:37
flaargoLife: just a sec im going to fix it00:37
sbapflaarg: one last thing. "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot"  what is the syntax there?  what I am calling with dpkg-buildpackage?00:37
flaargyou are actually calling debian/rules00:37
* bIGHh take a big breath... (Hopefully for BanNet aka Efnet their #debian is untrusted then)00:37
flaargbut you build deb using fakeroot00:37
flaargthat you can install00:38
flaargyou don't have to be root to use dpkg-buildpackage00:38
sbapshould i just run that in the mpd source folder then?00:38
flaargbut you don't need a target00:38
flaargrun it in the dir that has the debian directory in it00:38
meatbuni tried downloading technet trail software, but the java-download-manager thing does not work on linux. any1 have same prob?00:38
oLifeflaarg: I used nano to edit sources, per interwebs instructions, and I hit a number of key combinations out of habit. Looks like I got burned.00:38
meatbunfrom msoft00:38
ibmellshas anyone ever installed puppy 4.3.1 to zip and it work  if so tell me how00:39
sbapok its calling for dependencies00:39
MsTeganWhen I try and upgrade my camera driver I get this error message: Warning: Failed to get microcode status. Error: Failed to upload firmware to device: Broken pipe (code -32).00:39
flaargsbap: run sudo apt-get debuild-deps mpd00:39
flaargsbap: run sudo apt-get build-deps mpd00:39
* Losha thinks: so much for java being platform independent00:39
sbap:~/lame/mpd-0.15.4$ sudo apt-get build-deps mpd00:40
sbapE: Invalid operation build-deps00:40
trismsbap: it is build-dep00:40
flaargsbap: run sudo apt-get build-dep mpd00:40
flaargsry am doing 14 things at once lol00:40
oLifeI'm in not hurry good sir00:41
sbapo np i understand :)00:41
sbapi actually shoulda caught that00:41
sbapill prolly have to grab lame too00:42
sbapi bet its not a dependancy00:42
flaargoLife: switch your sources.list with this one http://paste.ubuntu.com/386662/00:42
flaargsbap: yah00:42
flaargoLife: every deb line needs to start with deb or deb-src, you can't split up lines like you had for future reference00:43
Loshaflaarg: you have a typo on line 13: uniiverse00:43
flaargwait, line 13 is wrong, change uniiverse to universe00:43
flaargat least I didnt put a :wq in there, I do that often too00:44
Loshaflaarg: :-)00:44
xeonLosha: why LD_LIBRARY_PATH is bad? the link is broken. can you give a hint?00:45
sephiroth_join #fictionmania00:45
NyaRhey what application handles the translucent popups that annoy me?00:45
NyaRubuntu 91000:45
Loshaxeon: this link works for me: http://xahlee.org/UnixResource_dir/_/ldpath.html00:46
oLifeflaarg: sudo gedit apt/etc/sources.list  brings me to a blank text document and another error: Could not find the file /home/ownlife/apt/etc/sources.list.   gig00:48
flaargoLife: /etc/apt/sources.list00:48
flaargsudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list00:48
flaargyou can use gedit instead of nano00:49
synapseHow do I change the number of workspaces I have?00:49
synapseI need 400:49
synapsecant figure out where the hell to go00:49
flaargsynapse: in gnome the easiest way is to right click the workspaces applet and change the preferences00:49
Elroxits gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list00:49
histosynapse: right click on the workspace switcher is one way00:50
trismNyaR: notify-osd00:50
synapseflaarg: I right click on my workspaces and it only gives on the panel and it only gives me options to change the columns/rows00:50
PyjamaSpanksynapse: or use ccsm if it's installed, general options, desktop size00:50
flaargsynapse: increase columns to increase workspaces00:50
NyaRthx trsim00:50
synapseno way00:51
synapseI should have tried that00:51
synapsecause I dont have any panels00:51
SillyIs there a simple way to force my computer to always connect to a specific wireless network? (i.e. connect to netwokr X on startup and if I'm ever disconnect retry connecting forever, this is a desktop with a wireless card so I will only want to change it when I move the desktop to another location)00:51
synapseI got rid of all that garbage00:51
oLifeDoes ^O WriteOut mean save?00:51
flaargin nano, just ctrl^x and it will ask if you want to save00:51
sbapwowza lots of dependancies for mpd hah00:52
oLife[ Error writing etc/apt/sources.list: No such file or directory ]00:52
oLifeMaybe I should play IT and restart?00:52
flaargoLife: you are forgetting the preceding /00:52
flaargits /etc/apt/sources.list not etc/apt/sources.list00:52
trismSilly: in the network manager connection editor, make sure to check the "Available to all users" box and it should do what you want by default00:53
nocturnuscan someone please help me offset a page for printing using the command 'lp' ?00:53
oLifeI'm glad this is such a professional environment, because that's plenty of material for the flame train. Thanks!00:53
Sillytrism: Ok, I'll try that.00:53
nocturnusthis is what i've been trying to so, doesn't work: lp -d pdf -o page-left=72 -o number-up=1 ~/principia.pdf00:53
dsnydersHI all!  Does anyone have kpovmodeler working on 9.04?00:53
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ibmellsbest to use usb wireless with linux allways work for me00:54
barfI am quiet new to IRC, does anyone have a recommendation for an ncurses based IRC client? I’d prefer one with tabbed browsing00:55
trismbarf: irssi00:55
sentabihow to upgrate 9.04 to 9.10 from .iso ?00:55
flaargirssi, but you will have to learn how to use it, another option is weechat00:55
flaargneither one has tabs per say, but you can switch windows using alt+a number00:55
barftabbing with different keys :-p00:56
barfSo irssi is the way to go?00:56
barfThank you00:56
bitfox@flaarg: do you use irssi?00:58
flaargyes I use irssi00:58
bitfoxI try to install weechat... but it doesn't connect to servers00:59
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bitfoxThere are two different weechat versions00:59
bitfoxclient and the core00:59
flaargI dont know weechat, other than a lot of people use it00:59
flaargmore use irssi im sure though01:00
flaargand you need both for weechat01:00
flaargthey are making more clients for weechat that will connect with core01:00
flaargright now there is just hte ncurses01:00
bitfoxirssi... I'm finding some screenshots01:00
AgentGreendoes anyne know a guy that comes here by the name something squid01:00
flaargof course irssi used to have a bunch of interfaces other than ncurses but they have gone the way of the dodo01:00
seanbrystoneGeekSquid, is his name01:01
flaarguse irssi in screen so you can ssh into your computer from away and have irssi :D01:01
AgentGreenthat's the one01:01
AgentGreenthanks man01:01
oLifeflaarg: ssh?01:02
flaargssh lets you connect to your computer securely from other computers if you have it set up right.01:02
bitfoxI would know if irssi make available the division of server messages from user messages01:04
bitfoxusually i use xchat... but the problem is that xchat doesn't offer this service01:05
dsnydersbitfox, do you mean server messages like comutamike has quit (Quit: Leaving.)?01:06
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BluesKaj-Laptopmost irc clients have that option but you have go into configure to find the options01:07
oLifei just uninstalled xchat - irssi looks good to me01:07
bitfoxdsnyders: yes01:07
blue113Hello here.01:07
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sbap<flaarg> there are ridiculous dependancies for mpd haha.  still downloading01:08
blue113Is there a way to record what my speakers plays (without putting a microphone in front of them) ?01:08
PyjamaSpankblue113: i tried that as well, i didnt' find an answer. I could't pipe the sound to the input of Audacity01:09
bitfoxBluesKaj-Laptop: I try to find the option but xchat has only the option to disable all server messages01:09
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goukiAnyone with NTP problems under 9.10? It keeps delaying.01:10
FLOYD|Partyanyone familiar with teamspeak 3?01:10
hiexpoanyone \ gouki01:11
BluesKaj-Laptopbitfox, there's a kde irc client/konversation which has those options01:11
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PyjamaSpankblue112/3: I wanted to rip the sound from a video and had to use "ffmpeg -i video_source.avi sound_dest.wav"01:12
hiexpo!anyone \ gouki01:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:12
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.01:12
bitfoxkonversation... I tried it01:13
blue112PyjamaSpank, I see. It's more like ripping the sound from skype for me :)01:13
bitfoxi love xchat...01:13
bitfoxActually I'm using another irc client... kvirc... this is very good01:13
ibmellslinux has lost it on allmost  all os ubuntu for 1 mint past 5 ubuntu past 8.04  been around seen 200101:13
dsnydersbitfox, I've looked through all the settings on xchat.  I don't see where it is set, but my quit messages are brown, and join messages are green.  Usernames are individually colored, and regular text is black.  All is on a white background.01:13
feedmecerealHow do I get Ubuntu to detect my new sound card instead of the on-board sound.01:14
flaargfeedmecereal: turn off your on-board in your bios unless you really need 2 sound-cards01:14
Baattioh great01:14
BaattiFolks, I ruined my External HD :(01:14
feedmecerealflaarg: thanks, I didn't think of that01:14
PyjamaSpankblue112: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=841026101:14
Baatti's broken01:14
bIGHhbitfox: they sucks, i do prefer irssi or any in text mode...01:14
Jon-Where are application logs generally kept? Looking for the log file from fcrackzip I have heard it does make one.01:15
flaargJon-: most log in /var/log01:15
BaattiIts not even being seen in my Device Manager01:15
LurkersAJon, /var/log01:15
hiexpodsnyders, when you hit options you will see all the color tabs there each one is for a differant item or so01:15
oLifeTrying to install Mediatomb for that sweet upnp action however I can't find it on the repository01:15
blue112PyjamaSpank, I'm trying that, thanks.01:15
BluesKaj-Laptopibmells, pls don't translate from another language into english with one of those translate sites..they don't work01:15
bitfoxdsnyders: I saw there too... I found nothing01:15
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bitfoxbIGHh: I'm try to download irssi01:16
FrozenFireIs there a CLI tool that can be used to modify the properties (title, author, album, etc) of AVI video files?01:16
BaattiAnyone able to help me fix my Seagate Freeagent Desktop 1.5 TB ext hdd?01:16
FrozenFireBaatti: Depends on the issue01:17
FrozenFireWhat's wrong with it?01:17
LurkersABaatti: You need to give a little more info as to what the issue is01:17
hiexpoanyone | baaba01:17
Jon-flaarg: And if not found there, then was not made?01:17
thiebaude!anyone | baaba01:17
ubottubaaba: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:17
BaattiI attempted to partition it and place Ubuntu on it. Ubuntu worked for the first two boots. Now it won't boot form the ext hdd... and my ext hdd is not being located in Windows Device Manager01:18
flaargJon-: I don't know, some log in a config dir in your home directory some log other places, its pretty much up to the program developer where to log01:18
flaargor even if to log01:18
Baattiits blinking rapidly when its plugged into USB drive, but it isn't working at all01:18
LurkersABaatti: Is it spinning up?01:18
tilenhello i want to install virtualbox-ose but i get error http://pastebin.com/4X5RsJ4M01:19
bitfoxdsnyders: I'm going to ask in xchat channel...01:19
Jon-Anyone have experiance with fcrackzip? I am trying to use a dictionary file but I don't want to have to start at the beginning each time, any way to pause/remember progress?01:19
BaattiI don't hear it spinning, no01:19
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hiexpoanyone | Jon-01:19
tilenanyone know?01:20
dsnydershiexpo, the color option page shows "mIRC colors", "local colors" and various interface colors.  There's no specific setting for Quit message color, Join message color, etc.01:20
bitfoxbIGHh: Now, I have irssi01:20
bitfoxit is fantastic...01:20
Jon-hiexpo: What do you mea01:20
tilenhttp://pastebin.com/4X5RsJ4M anyone know what is problem :S01:20
hiexpoJon-, sorry01:20
LurkersAilovethislinuxst: Please tell us what the problem is, and someone may be able to help01:20
dsnydersilovethislinuxst, we cannot help.  We do not know the problem.01:21
ilovethislinuxsti'm trying to do all this technical stuff when i don't even know how01:21
dsnydersilovethislinuxst, are you having issues with kpovmodeler too?01:21
ilovethislinuxsti want to create a nickname01:21
ilovethislinuxston this nickserve thing01:21
Jon-Anyone have experience with fcrackzip? I am trying to use a dictionary file but I don't want to have to start at the beginning each time, any way to pause/remember progress?01:21
hiexpodsnyders, there in there when you hit colors there's a lot of differant colors look for the one that is the same color as you are seeing and what to change and edit it01:22
FrozenFireilovethislinuxst: Head to #freenode for IRC help01:22
BaattiLurkersA: as my drive is not appearing to be spinning, what do you suppose the problem is?01:22
ardchoille!register > ilovethislinuxst01:22
ubottuilovethislinuxst, please see my private message01:22
ilovethislinuxstit disappeared before i could read it01:22
ilovethislinuxsthow do i make it stay up01:22
ilovethislinuxstyour message i mean?01:22
hiexpodsnyders, xchat right?01:22
LurkersABaatti: I would pick that it is a Hardware fault if it isn't trying to spin up when it is connected01:22
Jon-ilovethislinuxst:  See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration01:23
ardchoilleilovethislinuxst:  http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration01:23
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BaattiMy hardware brokeded01:23
dsnydershiexpo, yeah.  But I'm having a kpovmodeler issue.  bitfox is the one with chat color issues.01:23
seanbrystonewhat's a good program for Ubuntu to organize stuff like all your collections, like an easy to use database or something?01:23
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ilovethislinuxstit won't take my email at yahoo01:24
CoJaBo-AztecHow do I list any scheduled tasks that would run on the first of each month? Xorg is crashing monthly, and it seems too regular to not be something scheduled messing it up..01:24
hiexpodsnyders, oh ok sorry thought it was xchat my misunderstanding01:24
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hiexposeanbrystone, like orginize what dvd etc?01:25
dsnydershiexpo, I was helping bitfox set the colors on xchat.  But there's no specific mapping on my version of xchat for which type of message is what color.01:25
oLifecan someone recommend noob-friendly upnp program?01:25
Mafiawarzhello all01:25
bitfoxdsnyders: ok... I want create a separate window for server messages01:26
Mafiawarzim new in ubuntu i try to login on empathy im client i config... accounts but nothing heppen i cant find login button?01:26
seanbrystonehiexpo, no, backups and stuff, like i have a growing paper list of stuff ive backed up and wanted to digitize it somehow01:26
ilovethislinuxsti'm in nickserve and it won't take my yahoo email01:26
bIGHhbitfox: Your best is The best... eheh. ;)01:27
LurkersAilovethislinuxst: join #freenode and ask there01:27
Mafiawarzim new in ubuntu i try to login on empathy im client i config... accounts but nothing heppen i cant find login button?01:27
ilovethislinuxstoh i see ok01:27
hiexposeanbrystone, oh ok just keep asking someone with that type of knowledge will assist you01:27
seanbrystoneok thx anyways hiexpo :D01:28
hiexpono prob01:28
dsnydersbitfox, I don't know xchat well enough to be able to help you.  For me, as long as it highlights the messages to me, I'm happy.01:28
LurkersAseanbrystone: If you are looking for a simple DB, try OpenOffice Base01:28
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seanbrystoneLurkersA, yeah that's what i was thinking too thanks :)01:29
LurkersAseanbrystone: It is about equivilent to MS Access01:29
dsnydersbitfox, maybe there is an xchat channel :-)01:29
Jon-Anyone have experience with fcrackzip? I am trying to use a dictionary file but I don't want to have to start at the beginning each time, any way to pause/remember progress?01:29
hiexpodsnyders, when you hit settings peferances / colors do you get a window with a lot of colors with numbers on them01:30
bitfoxdsnyders: I asked in xchat channel... but I didn't receive answers01:30
bitfoxthanks... for support01:31
dsnydershiexpo, Yes, but the colors simply have numbers from 0 to 15 with no indication as to what they are for.01:31
dsnydershiexpo, other than mIRC colors, local colors01:32
_iTrollhey guys, i need to patch a single module from the stock kernel, should i download the kernel source package, then "make allnoconfig" and then select the individual driver to build it?01:32
hiexpodsnyders, ok yes thats the ones i had to go through that also what a mess / so what i did was look at the color there i wanted to changed and clicked the color until i figured it out01:33
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keyboardtalkEverytime my wireless internet reconnects, I have to re-enter the passphrase. How can I do this automatically?01:34
flaarg_iTroll: this seems relevant although I have never done what you are trying to do: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/build-linux-kernel-module-against-installed-kernel-source-tree.html01:34
dsnydershiexpo, bitfox wants his system messages (so-and-so has quit, what's-his-face has joined, etc) in a different window.01:34
bitfoxdsnyders: yes :-)01:35
K-RichCould someone tell me into what file i would put an export command into so that it will be executed when i login ?01:35
sbap flaarg: in theory, shouldnt all the init scripts still exist?  all i did was change one compile flag01:35
K-Richor better when all users login ?01:35
flaargsbap: yes01:35
_iTrollflaarg: thanks but thats not quite what im looking for, thats for building your own modules against your running kernel01:35
sbap flaarg: mpd service wont start :|01:35
sbap flaarg: daemon sorry :)01:35
flaargsbap: sudo killall -9 mpd01:35
hiexpooh in a differant window yikes01:36
downstairsAnyone else having the keyboard and mouse freeze on startup?01:36
sbapno processes01:36
flaargmpd initscripts don't always kill mpd all the way01:36
flaargjust a sec going to try to build mpd with lame01:36
seanbrystonei installed openoffice database and its listed in the menu, but when i click on it nothing happens01:36
Nolan2 Okay, Ubuntu isn't booting now... I'm going to reinstall it. I'm on the LiveCD trying to copy files from the old Ubuntu on to my flash drive01:36
flaargsbap: might be a minute, need like half a gig of dev files :*(01:37
Nolan2and it's telling me "the folder cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to read it"01:37
dsnydersHi all!  Has anyone got kpovmodeler to work in 9.04?01:37
Nolan2is there a command that can help me read all the files/folders in that directory?01:38
flaargsbap: what is the error that you are getting01:38
sbapwhen i just attempt to start he daemon01:38
sbap:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/mpd start01:39
sbapits like nothingness01:39
flaargis there a /etc/init.d/mpd?01:39
sbapdpkg-deb: warning: 'debian/mpd-dbg/DEBIAN/control' contains user-defined field 'Original-Maintainer'01:39
sbapdpkg-deb: building package `mpd-dbg' in `../mpd-dbg_0.15.4-1ubuntu1_i386.deb'.01:39
sbapdpkg-deb: warning: ignoring 1 warnings about the control file(s)01:39
sbapi did notice that ^01:39
FloodBot2sbap: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:39
Blue1are there any linux video editing programmes that would let me reauther a dvd?01:40
bitfoxbye bye01:40
TecnoBratAnyone ever seen this? I login to ubuntu and there is a grey box ... goes away once my desktop loads ... http://i47.tinypic.com/2dhd5rt.jpg01:40
TecnoBratRunning karmic was upgraded from jaunty01:41
seanbrystonei installed openoffice database and its listed in the menu, but when i click on it nothing happens01:42
dsnydersI'm getting multiple images in my windows in kpovmodeler.  Is anyone else having problems?01:43
sbapflaarg:  sorry, yes there is a /etc/init.d/mpd01:44
ma990157hello, i've just got an ipod shuffle 2nd generation but i can't mount it on ubuntu, could someone help me please????01:44
flaargwhat happens if you run mpd without the initscript01:44
flaargjust mpd01:44
dsnydersI'm trying to find out if this is just my machine.01:44
Nolan2does anyone know the command that I should set to make several files/folders readable?01:44
Nolan2It's saying I don't have read access.01:45
LurkersANolan2: man chmod01:45
dsnydersI get it even after a fresh install.01:45
sbapflaarg: says command not found01:45
flaargsbap: did you install the mpd deb?01:45
enthdegreeHow do I put a '|' every 160 characters in a string?01:45
dsnydersSee: http://imagebin.org/8579201:45
flaargsudo dpkg -i mpd-something.deb01:45
dsnydersMultiple images.01:46
sbapflaarg: i did at one point, but removed it before starting thie process01:46
flaargah ok01:46
Nolan2LurkersA, okay I knew that.. but it's being stupid -.-01:46
flaarggo to the dir right before you ran dpkg-buildpackage and instll the deb there01:46
dsnydersSo, I want to know...01:46
LurkersANolan2: Are you using it with sudo?01:46
dsnydersIs anyone running kpovmodeler in 9.04?01:46
flaargdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot just builds the deb, it doesn't install it01:47
LurkersANolan2: What is it doing?01:47
Nolan2I'm doing this from the liveCD trying to get files off of the ubuntu installation01:47
dsnydersIf so, are you having the same problem?01:47
tony_any wow addicts in here?01:47
Nolan2LurkersA, I guess it's a long process since there's multiple directories.01:47
dsnyders... or is it working like it should?01:47
Nolan2do i just use chmod +wrx * ?01:48
ma990157hello, i've just got an ipod shuffle 2nd generation but i can't mount it on ubuntu karmic, could someone help me please????01:48
sbapflaarg:  there are two of em.  mpd-dbg_0.15.4-1ubuntu1_i386.deb & mpd_0.15.4-1ubuntu1_i386.deb01:48
downstairsI'm having problem with the keyboard and mouse freezing once X starts... recovery terminal works fine but there isn't much in the logs that is helpful.  Anyone offer suggestions?  HAL problem?01:48
sbapassuming the second01:49
BeeRhey all01:49
flaargsbap: install the non-dbg one so sudo dpkg -i mpd_0.15.4-1ubuntu1_i386.deb01:49
LurkersANolan2: check for the recursive flag in the man page01:49
flaargthen run sudo aptitude hold mpd01:49
BeeRanyone familiar with the server addictz.net? Is that server down?01:49
_jucaNolan2: sudo chmod -r a+w /directory for each directory you need the permissions. it will set the permissions in a recursive mode01:49
BeeRim confused01:49
Nolan2Thank you _juca01:50
Nolan2I'm such an idiot :(01:50
torrancewhi, i'm trying to debug a kernel related error on Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop, would anyone mind helping?01:50
brjann_juca, Nolan2: should be chmod -R, not -r01:50
seanbrystoneBeeR, real subtle. ;)01:50
torrancew(64 bit version)01:50
Nolan2_juca another question, does that also Chmod the specific files in that directory?01:51
hikenbootI am trying to compile a custom kernel it gives the following error http://pastebin.ca/1818251 anyone able to help01:51
_jucabrjann: sorry man. sometimes I can't execute a command in recursive mode because it is -r or -R. I never know what is the right one.01:51
BeeRseanbrystone heh sorry but i havent been there in ages01:52
brjann_juca: no worries, I know the feeling :)01:52
BeeRjust was wondering why i can't connect to that network01:52
sbapflaarg: ok. unfortunately mpd is still barking that I dont have the lame encoder01:52
rastaseanthe damn account manager wants to know my password when launching empathy IM but i type in my password. never works01:52
seanbrystonei installed openoffice database and its listed in the menu, but when i click on it nothing happens01:52
torrancewspecifically, the hda-intel module is causing a 'spurious response' for me01:52
flaargsbap: did you install liblame?01:53
rimpanybody good with jack audio control01:53
sbapflaarg: I just did lame... ARGH01:53
brjannBeeR: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ :)01:53
dsnydersrastasean, tell him to mind his own business.  You are never supposed to reveal passwords.01:53
flaarghikenboot: try the option --append-to-version=-final-union01:53
BeeRbrjann ill check it now ))01:53
rastaseanubuntu account manager, dsnyders01:53
flaarghikenboot: try the option --append-to-version=-final-union-try301:53
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TecnoBratAnyone ever seen this? I login to ubuntu and there is a grey box ... goes away once my desktop loads ... http://i47.tinypic.com/2dhd5rt.jpg ... Running karmic, upgraded from jaunty01:54
_jucaNolan2, brjann: when I do that, it Chmod every directory and file in it01:54
sbapflaarg: ok.. so im going to remove the package.  delete the .deb's i created. rebuild the .debs after installing liblame01:54
Nolan2brjann, does sudo chmod -R a+w /directory also CHMOD the files inside the directory01:54
brjannNolan2, _juca: correct, chmod -R operates on directories and files01:54
uvacavwhats the appropriate way to download updates for alpha 3?01:54
dsnydersrastasean, a split second after hitting enter I had the thought that maybe you were talking about a piece of software.01:54
brjannNolan2: do you just want to do directories?01:54
Nolan2oh okay.01:54
flaargsbap: well you can, but try to just install liblame and see if it works01:54
flaargif you installed the lame dev01:54
BeeR brjann that site can track irc networks or only websites???01:54
flaarglame has some weirdness01:55
Nolan2No brjann, files and directories01:55
sbapill try that first01:55
BeeRbecause Im talking about the network01:55
uvacavjoin #ubuntu-dev01:55
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flaargsince its complaining about lame binaries it probably compiled right01:55
brjannBeeR: oh, just websites I believe. sorry about that :)01:55
hikenbootflaarg, figured it out need to do make-kpkg clean01:55
YendorAnyone able to help me figure out why I can't connect to my Airport Extreme-based wireless network on 9.10?01:55
rimpanybody good with audio setup for recording01:55
brjannNolan2: then chmod -R is what you want :)01:55
sbapya it compiled correectly looks like.  the config calls the lame encoder so it barks when it starts01:56
BeeRbrjann thats kool01:56
flaargsbap: does it still messup after you installed lame?01:56
TecnoBratYendor: WEP or WPA?01:56
ksianI cannot see my hard drive in /dev/.. can someone please help me01:57
BeeRany websites that can check the status of a IRC network?01:57
YendorTecnoBrat: Neither, just a plain old open network.01:57
flaargsbap: libmp3lame0 I think is what you want01:57
TecnoBratYendor: hmmm01:57
rimpis anybody going to even acknowledge my question01:57
sbapcool i was just searching for the correct package01:57
natetheisBeeR: Try using a web ping.01:57
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ocular@ksian -- do you mean your internal drive where ubuntu is installed or some other drive?01:58
BeeRnatetheis what do you mean bud/01:58
TecnoBratYendor: worked in earlier version of ubuntu?01:58
BeeRhow do you do that?01:58
YendorTecnoBrat: bcm4306 card, 5-year-old hp laptop, b43-fwcutter installed.01:58
ksianactualy the problem is quite complicated, I will try to explain01:58
natetheisBeeR: http://www.selfseo.com/ping_test.php01:58
natetheisfor one01:58
BeeRtnx ))01:59
YendorTecnoBrat: I've not used the laptop in a year and a half; It was in various states of working and not working prior to that for its entire life.01:59
natetheisBeeR: That will check if the server's reachable so it's sort of what you want01:59
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TecnoBratYendor: hmmm, odd ... network-manager?01:59
TecnoBratand what does it do exactlt02:00
Nolan2brjann, how do I chmod a file with a space in the directory?02:00
YendorTecnoBrat: Let me go retrieve the laptop from upstairs.  Sorry, left it up there.  Just a min.02:00
ksianthey ware fine some time ago but, now they are mounted as USB devices. initialy they where mounted as sda, and sdb.#02:00
sbapflaarg:  still faling on me.  installed libmp3lame-dev too02:00
brjannNolan2: "Directory\ With\ Spaces"02:00
sbapflaarg:  ill rebuild the .deb02:00
brjannNolan2: wait, actually, you don't need the backslashes if you're using double quotes, my bad. just "Directory With Spaces" would work02:01
flaargsbap: :( well its beyond me quick google found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139869302:01
Nolan2Ah, okay.02:01
* Nolan2 noob :/02:01
ocularksian: continue...02:02
Nolan2brjann, I just did chmod -R "Azerus Downloads" and it said Chmod: missing operand after 'Azureus Downloads'02:03
brjannNolan2: you didn't give it a mode02:03
Nolan2oops >.>02:03
TecnoBratNolan2: also you spelled Azereus wrong :P02:04
ksiannow when I open disk utility i can see only one hard drive, but it is strange because all the partitions from both drives are inside that one02:04
ksianI must make a picture to explain better02:04
sbapflaarg:  ill poke around at it.  really appreciate your time and help.  i have a much better grasp on this now :)02:04
TecnoBraterr so did I!02:04
Nolan2TecnoBrat, only on here :P02:04
YendorTecnoBrat: OK, laptop retrieved.  It was upstairs because that's where the wired connection is.  But down here, I have wireless working (on this computer, not the laptop), so any notes will have to be hand-copied from the other screen02:04
Nolan2I spelled it right on the ubuntu machine02:04
YendorTecnoBrat: That aside.......What do you want/need to know?02:04
TecnoBratYendor: what happens when you try to connect02:05
brjannNolan2: no, the first letter is some combination of u (user), g (group), o (other), and a (all). then +, -, or =. then some combination of r (read), w (write), and x (execute). so a+r would be "all plus read", go-w = "group and other minus write", etc02:05
YendorTecnoBrat: ifdown wlan0; ifup wlan002:05
YendorSIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 132 (twice).......receive_packet failed on wlan0: Network is down02:06
ksiani put a picture here http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/4900/screenshotvs.png02:06
YendorInterlaced with DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to
ksianthe device is mounted as a USB device, but is only an internal ata hdd02:07
Iceman_Bhow can I manually release and renew a dhcp lease on eth0 ?02:07
ocularksian: ok...  but you're using a usb enclosure right?02:07
TecnoBratYendor: so you aren't using network-manager or wifi-radar?02:07
ocularksian: so what's the problem exactly?  you can't access one of the partitions on the drive, or?02:07
YendorTecnoBrat: Never heard of wifi-radar, and I believe I've tried network-manager to no avail.02:07
TecnoBrattry wifi-radar, I've had success with that card and it before02:08
CajunTechieHello everyone. Quick questions: is there a way to force WUBI to install the 32 bit version of the os OR is there a way to reliably run 32 bit software on the 64 bit version?02:08
YendorTecnoBrat: Heh.  Remember that part about the network being upstairs?02:08
feedmecerealIs there some way that I can get Ubuntu to detect and install the drivers for new hardware automatically like in Windows?02:08
brjannfeedmecereal: it pretty much already does02:09
meowbuntuis the latest ubuntu lts out yet02:09
brjann!lucid | meowbuntu02:09
ubottumeowbuntu: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+102:09
feedmecerealbrjann: It didn't seem to do that for my sound card and I'm having a hard time finding a driver for it to work in Ubuntu.02:09
feedmecerealIt does detect my sound card though.02:10
Nolan2brjann i just did sudo chmod -R a+w "My Music" yet it's telling me You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "My Music"02:10
brjannNolan2: what's the output of   ls -l "My Music"   ?02:10
FoolsRunHi, are the proprietary nvidia drivers just really, really terrible at recognizing EDID information?02:11
brjannfeedmecereal: I wish I could help -- I know almost nothing about sound troubleshooting, sorry :(02:11
FoolsRunI've sat here and restarted gdm four times and gotten four different resolutions without changing anything02:11
YendorTecnoBrat: Any command-line incantations you're aware of that might help?02:11
YendorTecnoBrat: I'm 100% comfortable at the CLI02:11
Nolan2brjannnnot open directory My Music: Permission denied02:12
mtx_initWhy not just use nvidia-config or whatever its called to proerly configure your xorg.conf FoolsRun02:12
FoolsRunmtx_init: it doesn't. It doesn't detect my monitor about 75% of the time02:12
neezerI'm running 10.04 and it is amazing!!02:12
mtx_initalso just use envy to install your drivers, it does a charming job02:12
Principittoi cant install or uninstall or update mi sofware02:12
brjannNolan2: how about     ls -l .     and copy/paste the line for that directory02:12
FoolsRunmtx_init: I had better luck with the ubuntu proprietary driver tool02:13
Nolan2Okay brjann.02:13
neezeronly one problem that I have seen on a laptop that has given me LOTS of problems with sound playback.02:13
xangua!help | ilovethislinuxst02:13
ubottuilovethislinuxst: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:13
bertmanphxFoolsRun, what type of monitor?02:13
CajunTechieJust found the answer to my problem 'wubi --32bit'02:13
ilovethislinuxstk thanks02:13
dsnydersIs anyone running kpovmodeler on 9.04?02:13
FoolsRunbertmanphx: it's an HDTV.02:13
feedmecerealCan anyone help me with my sound card? lspci -v tells me that it is an ESS Technology ES1978 Maestro 2E (rev 10).02:14
bertmanphxoh, can be funky......02:14
FoolsRunbertmanphx: I just got it to work, eighth GDM restart without changing anything02:14
FoolsRunJust "up arrow, enter, up arrow, enter" until it worked02:14
ilovethislinuxsti want to build a photography website for my gf. i know nothing about anything. does ubuntu provide a good option to create a website?02:14
bertmanphxsometimes the tv manufacturers cheat and stretch the image, confusing "X"02:14
FoolsRunbertmanphx: does that explain why it worked on the eighth restart of X?02:14
FoolsRunSeriously all I did was sit here and restart x until it worked02:15
bertmanphxdon't shut it off :)02:15
rastaseandsnyders: hello02:15
MaletorOK - I have 2TBs that I just put into a RAID5 (three drives - as such [http://lookpic.com/i/542/IvfLaw5W.png]. I want to put my fourth drive, the one with all the data I want preserved, added (grown?) to the RAID array. How do I do this?02:15
dsnydersHi rastasean02:15
FoolsRunbertmanphx: buy a new vidcard with a DVI-out and hope that fixes it02:15
brjannfeedmecereal: eh, maybe I can help you narrow down the problem a bit more. are you comfortable with the command line?02:15
CkhiKuzad<3 screen02:15
Nolan2brjann: total 9602:16
Nolan2drwx-w--w- 429 1000 1000 20480 2009-12-12 20:47 My Music02:16
Nolan2drwx-w--w-   3 1000 1000 73728 2010-02-28 01:30 Shared02:16
feedmecerealbrjann: I'm realativly comfortable.02:16
dsnydersrastasean, You have to type in enough of the name to isolate it from the others before tab completion will work.02:16
YendorTecnoBrat: No ideas about CLI incantations?  No network connection means no downloading wifi-radar02:16
rastaseanrastasean, i think i got it02:16
dsnydersrastasean, Otherwise, it will take the first match.02:16
brjannfeedmecereal: alright, run     lsmod | grep es197802:16
sbapflaarg:  got it! compile flag is "--enable-lame-encoder"02:17
brjannNolan2: hm, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to read that directory02:17
flaargsbap: great!02:17
rastaseandsnyders, so how about pleasing the account manager for using empathy im02:17
feedmecerealbrjann: ok, now what02:17
brjannfeedmecereal: anything come back?02:17
feedmecerealbrjann: no02:17
sbapflaarg: thanks!!02:17
brjannfeedmecereal: okay, gimme a sec02:18
K-Richcould someone help me, i need to set a global env variable at x login02:18
Nolan2brjann, how would I go about transferring those directories and their contents to a flash drive using terminal?02:18
FoolsRunUbuntu looks damned good at ridiculously large resolutions, though02:18
brjannNolan2: well you can't if it won't let you read the directories ;)02:18
feedmecerealbrjann, BTW, I've been using Ubuntu since 7.04 but I'm still not really an expert at the CLI.02:18
Nolan2So how do I get the files?02:19
YendorK-Rich: You mean when you login as your user?02:19
dsnydersrastasean, I don't know anything about empathy im.02:19
rastaseandsnyders, what IM program do you recommend?02:19
K-RichYendor: yes..... i would prefer for when any user logs in, webcam issue02:19
MaletorOK - I have 2TBs that I just put into a RAID5 (three drives - as such [http://lookpic.com/i/542/IvfLaw5W.png]. I want to put my fourth drive, the one with all the data I want preserved, added (grown?) to the RAID array. How do I do this?02:19
brjannfeedmecereal: no problem. it's strange, i don't see an es1978 driver in karmic02:20
K-RichYendor: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so02:20
dsnydersrastasean, use whichever one you're comfortable with.  xchat is good enough for me.02:20
TecnoBratYendor: I've gotta run out .. but I'd suggest going through this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo02:20
YendorK-Rich: You can edit /etc/profile02:20
Nolan2brjann... Wow I feel stupid...02:20
feedmecerealbrjann: damn, oh well, I guess I'm out of luck then with this sound card.02:20
YendorTecnoBrat: Thanks.  I'll peruse it02:21
Nolan2brjann: I can read the files off of the windows installation rofl.02:21
brjannfeedmecereal: nah, don't give up yet. there used to be one, which means it's probably called something else :)02:21
brjannNolan2: haha02:21
feedmecerealbrjann: I did find one that was an rpm but I couldn't figure out how to install it.02:21
RickJonescould someone help me with a installation error?02:21
brjannfeedmecereal: try    lsmod | grep snd_es02:22
RickJoneswhen I try to install ubuntu via boot it just shows a ubuntu logo02:22
RickJonesand then nothing happens after that02:22
feedmecerealbrjann: nothing seemed to happen02:22
YendorK-Rich: sudo $EDITOR /etc/profile (replace $EDITOR with your favorite editor)02:22
K-RichYendor: let me try that and i will return02:22
FoolsRunCan anyone report good or bad luck with a Geforce FX5500 in Ubuntu?02:23
RickJonescan someone advice me on what to do?02:23
K-RichYendor: was already on it.....     let me restart and brb with results02:23
YendorK-Rich: After the line: if [ "$BASH" ]; then (by default, line 14), add your LD_PRELOAD thing02:23
brjannfeedmecereal: okay. it looks like the 1978 actually uses the 1968 driver, which is in karmic. but it doesn't appear to be loading. so one second while I figure out how best to test it02:23
RickJonescan someone advice me on what to do please?02:24
RickJonesI am trying to install ubuntu but it freezes02:24
rastaseanRickJones, be more specific02:24
brjannfeedmecereal: okay, try this02:24
rastaseanRickJones, what system02:25
RickJonesalright I am able to select the language02:25
brjannfeedmecereal: gksu gedit /etc/modules02:25
RickJonesthen it shows a glowing ubuntu logo02:25
RickJonesit glows for about 15 seconds02:25
RickJonesthen it freezes no response02:25
feedmecerealbrjann: yes02:25
rastaseanRickJones, maybe its reading the disc?02:25
RickJonesits been reading the disk for about one hour then02:25
RainbowEyes^^aoham is advertising >.>02:25
RickJonesis that normal?02:26
brjannfeedmecereal: at the bottom of the file add a line containing      snd-es196802:26
rastaseanRickJones, its a big disc02:26
jeff__Hi, can anyone tell me how to send a message to a local user when i am remotly loged into a ubuntu box ?02:26
rastaseanjeff__, like ssh?02:26
RainbowEyesuh, ^^aoham is advertising02:26
* RainbowEyes considers copy pasting the query02:26
rastaseanRickJones, yeah like 691MB for ubuntu02:26
jeff__yes im useing ssh + freenx on the box02:26
RickJonesthe logo is not glowing anymore02:26
feedmecerealbrjann: ok02:26
brjannfeedmecereal: then save and close gedit02:26
RickJonesits been like that forever now02:26
rastaseanjeff__, can't you use write?02:26
RainbowEyesno ops around?02:27
Yendorjeff__: Is the "wall" command what you're looking for?02:27
jeff__umm not sure i will look up wall ... free nx lets more than one person loginto a ubuntu box02:27
feedmecerealbrjann: still no sound. Should I reboot now?02:27
brjannfeedmecereal: yep, that'll only take effect on reboot (if it works)02:27
rastaseanpeace out02:28
feedmecerealbrjann: thanks. Hold on!02:28
brjann!ops ^^aoham is advertising, contact RainbowEyes for details02:28
jeff__ya i bleave that will do it Yendor ... thanks02:29
Yendorjeff__: np, good luck02:29
geniiRainbowEyes: You're being harassed by ^^aoham ?02:29
RainbowEyesno, I just wanted to warn the ops that ^^aoham is advertising a network02:30
genii^^aoham: Please desist, no advertising in here02:30
RickJonesis there a way to check if the cd is installing?02:31
RickJonesinstead of just seeing a logo in the middle of the screen?02:32
Dr_WillisRickJones:  check the consoles02:32
Dr_Willisand  top command perhas02:32
RickJonesIm new to this im sorry02:32
Dr_Willisalt-ctrl-f1 through f602:32
brjannfeedmecereal: any luck?02:32
RickJonesit wont let me do that02:32
RickJonesatm its frozen on the ubuntu logo in the middle of the screen02:33
n16h7f0xare the secure-delete tools in the repositories (from thc) really secure?02:33
Dr_Willissounds like its hung/crashed02:33
feedmecerealbrjann: It mostly seemed to work! But now, sound seems to be skipping sometimes. Hmm?02:33
RickJonesDr Willis can you help me thru this?02:33
gamedreamerjoin #</hak5>02:33
Dr_Willisn16h7f0x:  as secure as they can be3 i imagine.  read up on th especific tools02:33
Dr_WillisRickJones:  if the pc is crashing - not a lot of magic i can do remotely02:33
RickJoneshow do I know its crashing?02:34
RickJonesI mean it runs windows xp pro perfectly fine02:34
RickJonesI just want it to be ubuntu lol02:34
daroluRickJones: I had that problem once (freezing at the [at the time] usplash), I had to install a different kernel and start up with it, maybe you'll problem can be solved that way too.02:34
brjannfeedmecereal: heh, ye olde linux skipping sound problem.02:34
RickJonesdarolu what do you mean different kernal?02:35
brjannfeedmecereal: you are running karmic, right?02:35
feedmecerealbrjann: Yes, so this is a common problem?02:35
daroluRickJones: the kernel I was trying to boot was damaged I suppose, so I installed a different (older) one to boot.02:35
Dr_WillisRickJones:  if its totally hung - it crashed. You did check the md5sum? does it EVER get to the desktop? did you do an actual install yet?02:35
Loshan16h7f0x: dunno. Just how sensitive is the information you're trying to get rid of?02:35
daroluto boot with*02:35
RickJonesno I havent installed yet02:35
RickJoneswhat happens is I see the lang selection on boot02:36
brjannfeedmecereal: common enough. seems to be something related to the sound server, pulseaudio. I *really* don't know anything about pulse. you might find help with skipping audio here, or maybe in #pulseaudio02:36
daroluRickJones: aaah if you haven't installed then your iso might be damaged02:36
dsnydersDoes anyone have a working kpovmodeler in 9.04?02:36
kevcoxI just put a fresh new Ubuntu Server on the open internet yet I cannot access it unless I'm on the same subnet as the ISP.  Why?02:36
darolucan be a damaged RAM too.02:36
RickJonesis there a way to get an older kernal then?02:36
feedmecerealbrjann: Alright then. I can't thank you enough anyway for helping me. Thanks again!!!02:36
RickJonesI mean I just installed and burnt this on a DVD02:36
RickJonesfrom ubuntu02:36
daroluRickJones: nevermind what I said, I thought you had installed it02:36
brjannfeedmecereal: you're welcome :) glad we got you 90% there! :)02:36
Siph0nI have a live version with persistent changes of ubuntu (9.10) on my flash drive. The flash drive (/dev/sdb1) is mounted to /cdrom . / has 80MB left, and /cdrom has 14GB left. Is there any way to increase the size of / (while decreasing the size of /cdrom)?02:37
K-RichYendor: no luck on that.....02:37
kevcoxAnyone good with Ubuntu Server on the open Internet?  I cannot get my box to talk to anything else but what is on the same subnet.02:38
YendorK-Rich: Hmmm02:38
goddardI have a netbook here and I am trying to get it working no cd rom and the attempt to get a flash drive booted up faild.  I need to wipe this computer clean because something is stopping it fromworking what do I do it does have PXE but I am not familar with it02:38
K-RichYendor: i think i may have figured out a way to just make some scripts though, so i think i got it for now....02:39
YendorK-Rich: export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so02:39
RickJonesso guys any ideas/help?02:39
RickJonesI really want to use Ubuntu02:39
K-RichYendor: in same file?02:39
YendorK-Rich: Well, that's what you pasted me earlier, except I added the "export"02:39
YendorK-Rich: I think you'll have to make sure the "export" is there.02:40
dsnydersgoddard, PXE is somewhat complex to set up.  You will need a pxe server and dhcp.02:40
K-RichYendor: of note, at console and another terminal ' echo $LD_PRELOAD ' displays the correct value02:40
kevcoxAnyone know of another room that might help with Ubuntu simple networking issues?02:40
kevcoxServer edition02:40
YendorK-Rich: Actually, hmm.  I think that'll only work if someone opens a bash shell (terminal).  Not sure if it'll run if they just login to X and attempt to use the webcam02:40
dsnyderskevcox, what is the problem?02:41
=== shennyg is now known as shennyg|away
RickJonesso guys any ideas/help?02:41
daroluRickJones: do what Dr_Willis said, do a mdsum check of your iso file; also check the integrity of your memory02:41
MaletorOK - I have 2TBs that I just put into a RAID5 (three drives - as such [http://lookpic.com/i/542/IvfLaw5W.png]. I want to put my fourth drive, the one with all the data I want preserved, added (grown?) to the RAID array. How do I do this?02:42
Principitto<Principitto> E: Error de lectura - read (21: Es un directorio)02:42
LeempI have a pgp key block.. how do i add it to my key list? I have saved it to a file and tried to use that file in apt-key add file. with no luck. The command returns "gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found"02:43
cfeddeMaletor: it's hard to grow a raid group once it has been created.  You'll have to stage the data somewhere so that it is available to be merged after the filesystem is created and mounted.02:43
nonameNNhey guys, is there any way to change default theme for all user? i want to use clearlooks instead of human02:44
jaypurhi every102:44
Maletorcfedde - i'm so lost i don't know where to begin02:45
Dr_WillisnonameNN:  proberly is. but if the users allready exist  then you would have to go thro9ugh each of their homes and change their settings02:45
Dr_WillisnonameNN:  which is not a good idea02:45
sobczykanyone knows whether the dell 1520 wireless-n is supported in ubuntu?02:46
=== shennyg|away is now known as shennyg
Maletorcfeed - i have 4 total drives and only 3 are in a raid 5 right now. i want to add my fourth drive? can't i just add this one as a slave and copy all the data to the existing raid then make my 3 drive raid a 4 drive raid?02:46
nonameNNDr_Willis: ok... i still want to do it... how can i do it?02:46
RickJonesok so I ran a test02:46
goddarddsnyders I dont know what else to do here02:46
RickJonesit says errors found in 52 files02:47
darolusobczyk: erad this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported02:47
goddardinstallations from usb just hang on load02:47
Siph0nCan I change the ownership of any of the folders of my live environment on my usb drive? /dev/sdb1 (my flash drive with the live environment) is mounted to /cdrom . I try sudo chown ubuntu /cdrom/Downloads , and it says permission denied.02:47
RickJonesbut now where do I install it from?02:47
RickJonesI mean I installed this from the official odwnload page02:47
jungletekWould this be the right chan for help with b43? Specifically getting WPA or WPA2 working. Mind you, it did before with my router's stock firmware, but only works in windows now that i flashed the router with dd-wrt...02:47
Dr_WillisnonameNN:  with some shell scripting and proberly nasty use of the gconf editor. I would guess02:47
dsnydersgoddard, you might find some joy at www.pendrivelinux.org.02:47
cfeddeMaletor: when a raid group is initialized it will loose all the data in the group.02:48
goddarddsnyders I will give it a shoot02:48
Dr_WillisnonameNN:  unless the default theme settings are in a file. But i think they are in the gconf settings somewhere02:48
daroluRickJones: download it again, files can get corrupted when you download them. I recommed using torrents02:48
Dr_WillisnonameNN:  you could just rename the system theme/files :) but thats still a hack02:48
Maletori'm not initializing - i'm growing02:48
YendorAnyone knowledgeable about getting a b43 card to talk to an Apple Airport Extreme in 9.10?02:48
jungletekdamn b4302:48
Yendorjungletek: Have you installed b43-fwcutter?02:49
LeempCan anyone give any information on the error "gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found"? The key is official.. What is going wrong?02:49
Maletorso to do RAID anything i have to start with 0?02:49
brjannMaletor: I would recommend copying the data from the single disk to the array, verifying it, and only then adding the single disk into the array02:49
jungletekYendor: yes, and as i said, prior to fiddling with my router's firmware, i had my card working with fwcutter. WPA was working.02:49
cfeddeMaletor: exactly.  You can stage all the data somewhere else.02:49
Maletorbrjann and cfedde that is conflicting02:50
xeontar xvzf ..."tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors". why is that?02:50
Yendorjungletek: You've just exceeded my knowledge about WPA then.  I have a couple old devices that don't do WPA, so I've got an open network.  Don't particularly care.02:50
cfeddeMaletor: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40846102:50
Hebram!ssh > Hebram02:50
ubottuHebram, please see my private message02:50
sobczykdarolu: not may dell cards there02:51
cfeddeMaletor: you can grow a file system that is built on LVM but only through concatination. (raid 0)02:51
jungletekYendor: I appreciate the effort. Thanks anyway :/02:51
cfeddeMaletor: if you want to add a disk to a raid group then the data has to be re-striped over all the drives in the group.02:52
=== shennyg is now known as shennyg|away
Yendorjungletek: Sorry I couldn't help more.  Got my own b43 issues.  ;-)02:52
optimus_i have a problem that i cant really find on the message boards02:52
RickJonesguys I have a AMD chipset02:53
jungletekYendor: yeah, so i see. out of curiosity, is your system even recognizing the card?02:53
RickJonesdo I download ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent ??02:53
GneaRickJones: is it 64bit?02:53
cfeddeMaletor: current lunux md based ext4fs raid groups don't support that.02:53
Maletorcfdedde: so what's the plan of action?02:53
Yendorjungletek: Yep, it appears to be.  "lshw -C network" shows that it has a driver.  I can see the card under the Network Tools.  It just won't connect to my wide-open network.02:54
cfeddeMaletor: stage all the data somewhere else (cd, another drive something) make the new raid group.02:54
systematicalim experiencing problems with the vino remote desktop server, it keeps switching to local network access only...02:54
arandRickJones: not necessarily, amd64 just denotes that it's 64bit (since amd was the first one to come up with the technology, bot intel and amd uses the same)02:54
Maletorcfedde - i might be able to get hold of a temp. holding space, but for hypothetical how would you do this?02:54
cfeddeMaletor: copy the data back to the raid group.02:54
jungletekYendor: will it do so without any encryption?02:54
systematicalis anyone able to assist me with my vino problem?02:54
Yendorjungletek: There is no encryption on my network.  It can't even see it.02:54
Maletorcfedde: how do i add my 1tb after i backup the data?02:55
cfeddeMaletor: even if everything works perfectly you still need a backup.02:55
=== root is now known as Guest90263
optimus_my home screen on the netbook edition is not clickable, i can only use the arrow keys to select something, and sometimes it freezes. what could my problem be?02:55
jungletekYendor: dunno if this applies, but iirc, i had to do something like sudo modprobe b43, and then restart02:55
jungletekafter b43-fwcutter02:55
Yendorjungletek: Thanks; I've restarted this thing multiple times.02:55
jungletekYendor: let me see if i can find the specific instructions i saved in case i had to do it again :D02:56
Yendorjungletek: In fact, I had it connected via wireless earlier.  So I know it's *possible*....But then I said "Hey, let's reboot and see if the connection is still there!" and........it wasn't.02:56
cfeddeMaletor: familiarize yourself with the procedure for creating a raid group. decide on a plan that best meets your need. then implement. http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO.html02:57
cfeddeMaletor: if you have a disk controler that supports raid you can do it at that level too.02:58
marcosboa noite a todos!02:58
cfeddestill it will delete all the data on all the drives that are in the group.02:58
optimus_could someone help me?02:59
Maletorcfedde: i don't think i have a hardware controller but my motherboard supports fake raid02:59
jungletekYendor: don't know if it will help you, but i found the document. it's an mhtml file... want me to dcc it?02:59
Maletorcfedde: i definitely want RAID 5 - i don't want to lose data03:00
arandoptimus_: just ask, if anyone knows they'll answer03:00
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:00
optimus_ok, my home screen on the netbook edition is not clickable, i can only use the arrow keys to select something, and sometimes it freezes. what could my problem be?03:00
cfeddeMaletor: you could buy a device like the drobo that lets you add and move drives through proprietery magic.03:00
brjanncfedde: may I PM you?03:00
LeempHow do you authenticate a package from an external repo? When i try to add their pgp key i get an error: "gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found"03:01
ChogyDanMaletor: I thought backup was better than RAID for backup purposes03:01
StrigoidesCan anyone help me with partitions?03:02
cfeddebrjann: your away says that I cannot.03:02
Maletortoo $$$$$$$$03:02
brjanncfedde: whoops, sorry03:02
jungletekStrigoides: what specifically03:02
MaletorChogyDan - what if there is no where to back up to?03:03
NyaRcan anyone connect to AIM with evolution?03:03
NyaRI've been unable to do so03:03
MaletorChogyDan - because it's 3TB of stuff03:03
m0arWhen I boot I want to get to a console login, when I login there I want it to be as logging in with GDM; straight into X. Possible?03:03
blakkheimNyaR: evolution is an email client03:03
NyaRempathy my bad ;)03:03
usserRAID != Backup03:03
blakkheimNyaR: try finch instead of empathy03:03
optimus_my home screen on the netbook edition is not clickable, i can only use the arrow keys to select something, and sometimes it freezes. what could my problem be?03:03
blakkheimNyaR: i'm using it on aim right now03:03
ChogyDanMaletor: that's allot.  but I mean, external drives aren't going to be that much more expensive that extra RAID drives03:04
usserm0ar, sure just add startx to your .profile03:04
Maletorusser: - ok so where do i put the data?03:04
StrigoidesWell, My hard drive is in two partitions (Windoze and Ubuntu) Since I originally just had Windoze on it, all my music and other thing are on my Windoze partition, so I have to manually mount said Windoze partition everytime I long in. Is there a way to auto mount partitions?03:04
NyaRi got a network error, gonna try finch03:04
m0arusser: Explain? :303:04
usserMaletor, another drive, tape, dvd, usb sticks03:04
Maletorusser: for 3TB?03:04
jungletekStrigoides: not technically about partitions, more about mounting disks03:04
Maletorno cd burner on the box03:04
jungletekand unfortunately, i'd like to know also03:04
StrigoidesYeah, I guess03:04
ChogyDanStrigoides: fstab03:05
jungletekthanks ChogyDan, i'll google it03:05
usserm0ar, it should be ~/.bash_profile or just .profile03:05
ChogyDan!fstab | Strigoides jungletek03:05
ubottuStrigoides jungletek: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:05
DeltaLima28do you know what command displays all of your historic commands03:05
m0arusser: What exactly will that do? :)03:05
brjannDeltaLima28: history03:05
DeltaLima28brjann, thanks03:06
NyaRblakkheim, is there a ppa for finch?03:06
StrigoidesThanks ubottu03:06
usserm0ar, this .bash_profile is the file commands in which are executed when you login03:06
blakkheimNyaR: it's in the regular repositories03:06
NyaRis it called pidgin there?03:06
blakkheimNyaR: no03:06
blakkheimNyaR: sudo aptitude install finch03:06
NyaRok got it thanks03:06
Yendorjungletek: Sorry, dunno what dcc is......  That, and I had to go say g'night to the kids.  :)03:07
m0arusser: .profile == .bash_profile?03:07
jungletekYendor: ah, no problem. dcc is for file transfers over irc03:07
marcosgood night guys!03:07
Yendorjungletek: Sure, we can give that a try.  No http address for it?03:08
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:08
marcoscan anyone help me on the Ubuntu 9.1003:08
NyaRthats not connecting either must be independent of program ;(03:08
marcosneed to know how to get the graphical interface it ... remember that the version was only 9:04 to chmod-x / etc / gdm and now?03:09
m0arusser: So basically:  apt-get remove gdm, add startx to .profile?03:09
TruculentI just installed Ubuntu 9.10 over a short lived install of Sidux and now Ubuntu is warning me that two of my hard drives are failing due to too many bad sectors.  How can I find out more about this?  I don't think they are actually failing03:10
LeempHow do you authenticate a package from an external repo? When i try to add their pgp key i get an error: "gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found" Anyone? This has to be simple..03:11
arandTruculent: the disk utility inn the admin menu should tell you more.03:11
brjannLeemp: probably just a typo in your command03:11
brjannLeemp: how are you trying to add it?03:11
Leempbrjann: apt-key add file03:11
Nafaiquick question -- I just changed my shell to zsh with chsh, and I have gnome-terminal set to use a login shell.  But when I start gnome-terminal, it still starts bash03:12
brjannLeemp: oh, not one of the long wget-pipe-etc commands, then03:12
hinkAnyone looking for a full time Linux job in the Dallas area03:12
flaargbrjann: you need the gpg key from that repo03:12
bethanywhen i bootup into ubuntu i get a filesystem check failed. im in the maintanence shell but i have no idea what to do03:12
Maletorcfedde - are you still around?03:12
cfeddeMaletor: I've heard out of band that adding a drive to a raid5 might work.  I just would not want to do it without good backups first.03:12
brjannLeemp: have you opened the file to make sure it's actually got a gpg key in it?03:13
Leempwell, sudo03:13
Leempbrjann: I've tried it many different ways.03:13
Leempbrjann: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Ubuntu+and+Debian+packages is the key i am trying to add03:13
TruculentArand:  It tells me how many are supposedly failing, and which sectors are bad, but not much more, is there a way to scan them or anything?  What is my next move?03:13
LeempI've also tried --import directly from the gpg command03:13
FloodBot2Leemp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:13
Maletorout of band?03:13
LeempWhoa, lag spike03:13
marcoshow do I add the startx in the profile?03:13
Leempbrjann: Yup03:13
jungletekYendor: i messaged you a few minutes ago03:13
marcoshow do I add the startx in the profile?03:13
jungletekwith an http link03:13
cfeddeMaletor: brjann from this channel overheard our conversation and asserted that it has worked for him.03:14
Leempbrjann: It's in there, and properly formed03:14
brjannLeemp: okay, and i'm assuming you simply copied that block of text from the page into gedit?03:14
puffMy usb enclosure drive stopped automounting.03:14
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:14
Leempbrjann: Tried multiple ways, gedit being one of them03:14
Leempbrjann: Nano, etc03:14
brjannLeemp: rgr, let me try03:14
LeempI've also tried this on two separate computers heh.03:15
puffIs there any way to nudge autommount and get it to run again?03:15
Yendorjungletek: Hmmm.  Don't think I received the message.03:15
arandTruculent: I know HD vendors have tools for re-allocating and disabling bad sectors, but that often requires a full disk format, it the amount of bad sectors are _constant_, it shouldn't be too much trouble, if they increase though, that's a big warning flag...03:15
brjannLeemp: okay, at the very least i'm getting the same error as you :)03:15
Leempbrjann: I mean, it seems like everyone else is having no issues with this. I have not seen one person ask about the key being bad. I seem to be the only one, and no one answered03:16
brjanncfedde: you're trying to get me in trouble! :)03:16
Leempbrjann: Thanks! I assumed i was doing something stupid03:16
Leempbrjann: I've been searching for hours.03:16
jungletekYendor: just spammed you with it in a PM03:16
Leempbrjann: Last time i gave up and just compiled the damn thing myself.03:16
marcoshow do I add the startx in the profile?03:16
brjannLeemp: haha03:16
Truculentarand:  they aren't increasing, thanks.  I've been monitoring them for a few hours, I think it might be a false alarm.03:17
Yendorjungletek: I saw that you sent me something, but this Colloquy.app doesn't appear to actually show me the message.03:17
cfeddebrjann and Maletor  google leads me here: http://scotgate.org/2006/07/03/growing-a-raid5-array-mdadm/03:17
Maletorbrjann - how do i grow a raid 503:17
Leempbrjann: So apt-key add file *should* work?03:17
arandTruculent: That's not a matter of hours, but days/weeks03:17
Leempbrjann: If so, i'l repost on the mailing list.03:17
marcoshow do I add the startx in the profile?03:17
jungletekYendor: i don't know what that is, sorry... i use a real irc client ;)03:17
brjannleemp: might be something dumb we're missing03:17
Yendorjungletek: Heh.  Neither do I, really.  It's an OSX IRC client.03:17
Leempbrjann: I saw mention of a different key server, one sec03:18
Yendorjungletek: Just grabbed it off the internets tonight.  Since wireless no worky on the laptop, can't do IRC on said laptop until wireless worky.  :)03:18
marcoswould like the Ubuntu 9.10 only start in text mode, as I do?03:18
brjannMaletor, cfedde: yes, the procedure described in cfedde's link is essentially the one I've used.03:18
Truculentarand:  I see that now, I'm just going to have to replace them I guess.03:18
jungletekYendor: unless i'm severely mistaken, you can get xchat for osx03:18
jungletekup to you though03:18
arandbethany: In the maintenance shell does it say "run fsck manually"?03:18
Leempbrjann: pgp.mit.edu03:19
jungletekYendor: here's the link http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4797697&postcount=203:19
marcoswould like the Ubuntu 9.10 only start in text mode, as I do?03:19
bethanyarand: not sure i typed cat /etc/fstab03:19
quontrexanyone know what it takes to make vmware work on 9.1003:20
bethanysays my / partition errors=remount -ro 003:20
Yendorjungletek: Thanks for the link.......Only thing is, it doesn't list my wireless network on the top panel after a restart.03:20
YendorRestarting now (again) to confirm.03:20
infidis there a way to display a message in the gnome-panel? Ie have my favorite quote from an author always show on the gnome panel?03:20
marcoswould like the Ubuntu 9.10 only start in text mode, as I do?03:20
brjannLeemp: haha, you know what the problem is?03:21
Leempbrjann: I'm all ears03:21
rahdukeis anyone registered with newzbin.com ??03:21
brjannLeemp: there should be 5 hyphens on either side of the BEGIN.. END.. blocks, not 403:21
YendorYep, confirmed.  Wrireless Networks: disconnected.  No networks listed.03:21
awesomo4koh yeah newzbin rocks03:21
arandbethany: yea, at this stage the system has pretty much decided not to tuch the filesystem before it's checked thouroughly, are you still at the maintenance shell now?03:21
jungletekYendor: try opening a terminal and doing: iwlist scan03:21
Leempbrjann: Good lord. Those people are killing me.03:21
brjannLeemp: they're testing you!03:21
flaargLeemp: figured it out03:22
bethanyarand: ya i am ive been googling but i just am at a loss of what to do.03:22
rahdukeawesomo4k: can you hook me up with an invite?03:22
YendorYendor: No scan results03:22
flaargLeemp: http://paste.ubuntu.com/386720/03:22
Leempbrjann: All together, including last time i tried this, i've probably spent hours on it.03:22
flaargtry that03:22
Leempbrjann: 8+03:22
Yendorjungletek: No scan results.  Oops.  :)03:22
flaargthe gpg format was invalid03:22
flaargwould you believe it had one less - on the header and footer?03:22
flaargthan its supposed to03:22
bethanyarand: it happened a few days ago too so i reinstaled / ... so maybe its my hdd going bad? win still boots fine. and its always my / partition that does this.03:23
jungletekYendor: sounds like the card might not be recognized... but I'm far from an expert03:23
puffSo,my usb enclosure drive (western digital my book) all of  sudden stopped automounting.03:23
Leempflaarg: That's what brjann said hehe :)03:23
flaargah lol03:23
bethanyarand: my baby unplugs my laptop that doesnt charge anymore several times a day.03:23
flaargmsg the dev and tell them to fix it03:23
puffIt's plugged into my dock, so I tried plugging it straight into my laptop, no automount.  It shows up in dmesg and /var/log/syslog, but I don't see any error or isue with atuomount.03:23
puffI tried tomanually mount it but it says I need the file type.  How do I find the filetype?03:23
Leempflaarg: Will do. I can't believe no one mentioned it yet03:23
brjannMaletor: are you still around?03:24
Maletorbrjann - yes03:24
flaargI suspect that not too many people that use it installed the package yet I guess03:24
Maletoris this setup correctly? http://lookpic.com/i/455/ZFVae5YS.png03:24
Yendorjungletek: thanks.  I'll keep plugging away at it.  I know it *can* work.  I just don't know what the correct magical incantations are.03:24
theresaI have a Dell laptop with the following error after an upgrade. Here is the error message: init: networking main process (477) terminated with status 103:24
arandbethany: reapeated fsck errors could be a sign of hardware failiure, but yes, repoeated power cuts can also do messy things to the filesystem if not shutdown cleanly.03:24
arandbethany: are there important data on the filesystem in question?03:24
joppan_anyone help needed i have downlaoded 10.04 alpha 3 i386 iso and burned ..wnat to upgarde from 9.10 ..without losing existing settings03:25
bethanyno its just / i was trying to avoid having to reinstall all my apps again.03:25
jungletekYendor: yeah, i had mine working once, then did something because it seemed flaky and then there was nothing i could do to get it to work again. so i re-installed and didn't do what i did the first time ;)03:25
jungletekbest of luck03:25
brjannMaletor: looks fine. i wanted to make sure you understood the procedure cfedde linked to above03:25
theresaI was finally able to get in with chmodding the /etc/init.d/networking to 00003:25
arandbethany: there is a command available which will either fix it or if unlucky break it even more (I've experienced both)...03:26
Leempflaarg: Hmm, i ran apt-key add, and it said "OK". Though, apt-get still says the package from them cannot be authenticated. Any ideas? Is there a keyring i need to update or something? For kicks i ran apt-get/key update03:26
marcosCan anyone help me? in ubuntu 9.04 I was doing that the system was straight to the text only mode with the command chmod-x / etc / gdm, but at 9:10 I was unsuspecting because the same method did not work, somebody any tips?03:26
brjannMaletor: and I also wanted to make sure you understood that cfedde's procedure of copying the data elsewhere and building the full 4-disk array is much safer than growing the array03:26
bethanyarand: well aslong as it only breaks / and not /home with it03:26
arandbethany: Do you have them on separate partitions?03:27
brjannMaletor: tell you what, let's go to PMs, because I don't want you to misunderstand anything before you start if you choose this method03:27
brjannMaletor: ok?03:27
bethanyarand: ya i do03:27
theresaAlthough, chmodding to 000 still brings up the same error message on reboot.03:28
joppan_anyone help needed i have downlaoded 10.04 alpha 3 i386 iso and burned ..wnat to upgarde from 9.10 ..without losing existing settings03:28
brjann!lucid | joppan_03:28
ubottujoppan_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+103:28
theresaI've tried to "startx" after chmodding. It will let me in, but KDE crashes right after login03:28
theresaIs there a way for me to remove the installed network packages?03:28
supercom32I have a machine that is triple boot. 2 Linux, 1 Windows. Using grub2, how do I change the grub menu order so that one particular Linux OS at the top of the list? I keep changing the orders in grub.d but no to no difference. Any ideas?03:29
xxthink_How to stop apt-mirror?03:30
Leempbrjann: Hmm, i ran apt-key add, and it said "OK". Though, apt-get still says the package from them cannot be authenticated. Any ideas? Is there a keyring i need to update or something? For kicks i ran apt-get/key update03:30
marcosCan anyone help me? in ubuntu 9.04 I was doing that the system was straight to the text only mode with the command chmod-x / etc / gdm, but at 9.10 I was unsuspecting because the same method did not work, somebody any tips?03:30
brjannLeemp: hm. I really don't know :(03:31
Leempbrjann: K :)03:31
arandbethany: Recommendations: QUOTE: "Try recommending to boot a liveCD first, perform a dd backup, force-mount the filesystem, attempt to extract /etc, and then pull the trigger.  That makes is less likely to be horrible when something goes wrong."03:31
flaargLeemp: talk the package maintainer, its their responsibility to make it easy to add the gpg key.03:31
Leempflaarg: Righto :)03:32
flaargLeemp: also if you can't get the key to verify I suggest not using the package.  Its easy to add bad stuff to debs and get away with it if its not signed.03:32
princezudaHey I'm trying to extract a tarball of sphinx on ubuntu through my terminal and I'm not sure how to do it exactly.03:32
flaargeven if it is signed03:32
Leempflaarg: Shouldn't it be relatively secure, given that it's their own private server?03:32
arandbethany: or you could just "close-eyes-pull-trigger", as someone so nicely put it.03:33
flaargLeemp: yes, but you don't know who has access to their server03:33
Leempflaarg: Ignoring all hacking junk, ofcourse03:33
blakkheimprincezuda: man tar03:33
flaargI susped the package is fine03:33
puffprincezuda:  It's probably gippped, so first unzip it, then untar it.  unzip is done iwth "unzip", tar is done with the expand option to tar.  MAn tar for details.03:33
feedmecerealHow do I get the package libasound2-dev installed? I get the error message "  Depends: libasound2 (=1.0.20-3ubuntu6.1) but 1.0.21a-1ubuntu2~ricotz1 is to be installed."03:34
TensaiSo... I don't have a /boot/grub/menu.lst file with a default install of 9.1003:34
TensaiAny idea why?03:34
ArsinIs there a KDE Ubuntu support, or is this it?03:34
r00tintheb0xI'm about to down a Ubuntu ISO for my triple core Phenom 64bit proc. Should I just install the 32 bit version?03:34
flaargTensai: 9.10 uses grub203:34
TensaiThat would be why03:34
puffprincezuda:  I recommend using the list contents option of tar first, to make sure what its going to unpack.  Normally people create a tar with an enclosing directory, but not always.03:34
BluesKajprincezuda, use the unp app it does it all when extarcting03:34
Tm_TArsin: #kubuntu03:34
flaargTensai: the file you edit is in /etc/default/grub03:35
flaargthen update-grub03:35
supercom32I have a machine that is triple boot. 2 Linux, 1 Windows. Using grub2, how do I change the grub menu order so that one particular Linux OS is at the top of the list? I keep changing the orders in grub.d but nothing happens. Any ideas?03:35
princezudapuff: it is a tar.gz03:35
jungletekI'm using the gnome distro of mint. If I use package manager to upgrade my kernel, is that totally stupid? Should I wait for the maintainers of the distro to release the kernel update through the mintupdate utility?03:35
flaargsupercom32: update-grub overwrites grub.d using the settings from /etc/default/grub03:36
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)03:36
jiohdijungletek: you will likely break your system if you do not03:36
puffprincezuda:  Yeah, that's a gzip.03:36
gerzelHey I'm installing Ubuntu on an ASUA eeePC 701, w/o ARM proccessor, but solid state memory.  How do I get into the more advanced package selection as the installer doesn't seem to give me much of any options.03:36
puffprincezuda:  That's a gnu zip file, so unzip should owrk on it.03:36
gerzelI'm using the minimal iso03:36
supercom32flaarg: I don't see any boot order information my default grub. Do I need to add this?03:36
jungletekRandom832: sorry, i understand03:36
puffprincezuda:  Or "man -k zip" to see what other tools you can use.03:36
flaargsupercom32: no idea, I don't know grub2 that well yet03:37
jungletekjiohdi: thanks, I assumed as much.03:37
arandflaarg: ( supercom32 ) wrong, it uses the scripts from grub.d to overwrite grub.cfg03:37
flaargI just know that changing stuff in /boot/grub often won't work due to update-grub overwriting it03:37
n1lqjkarmic has me so frustrated, I can't capture sound on the card directly with sound recorder, anyone know the fix?03:37
ChogyDanjungletek: I thought mint is based off the ubuntu repos, but you would have to ask the mint folks03:37
xxthinkHow to stop apt-mirror03:37
jiohdijungletek: I have not had much luck with mint... starts off fine but after a few updates it goes bonkers03:37
jungletekChogyDan: is is, AFAIK03:37
r00tintheb0xI'm about to down a Ubuntu ISO for my triple core Phenom 64bit proc. Should I just install the 32 bit version?03:37
supercom32arand: So changing the numbers in grub.d won't effect boot order? Where do I need to change to get a particular boot OS to be topmost?03:38
flaargI really dislike a lot of design changes in grub203:38
jungletekjiohdi: I broke it once by removing the wrong thing03:38
jungletekbut it's stable for me03:38
Jon-Anyone have experience with fcrackzip? I am trying to use a dictionary file but I don't want to have to start at the beginning each time, any way to pause/remember progress?03:38
jungletekif you don't count problems with compiz03:38
neezeranyone here have experience with ipod touch and rhythmbox?03:38
jiohdijungletek: I have since moved back to ubuntu and no problems so far03:39
Pi have this hardcore problem E: Read error - read (21 Is a directory)03:39
Pany ideas?¿03:39
=== P is now known as Principitto
arandsupercom32: I'm not sure boot order is available as a parameter for the /etc/default/grub file... or in any simple way for grub2 at all, hacking the grub.d scripts would probably be the way to do it (followed by running update-grub), but I don't know how.03:39
dj_segfault1neezer: No, but I haven't heard of ANYTHING under Linux that can talk to the Touch.03:39
n1lqjanyone have experience with sound capture in sound recorder I have no capture since upgrade to karmic03:39
PrincipittoE: Read error - read (21 Is a directory)03:39
flaargPrincipitto: 21 is a directory03:40
supercom32arand: I'm told changing the script numbers would do it. But I forgot to do a update-grub so I'm trying that again to see if it works.03:40
hackooi dont know whats going on, my /home/devendra partition is filling itself. I can see its used space is increasing.03:40
neezerjiohdi, I recently tried to drag and drop a song into my touch, and now when I try to open my music player it says it is empty. when I browse my ipod music in rhythmbox I see all my music.03:40
Principittowhen i try to do something whit apt-get it gives that error back 21 is a directory03:40
rudolf_I've just installed ubuntu on my brothers computer but ran into a problem. He could connect to my computer out of the box. BUT - after installing the updates for him to share - he can not connect to our network but can get on internet just fine as before. Any ideas?03:41
hackoo29 mb left now 25mp and so on..03:41
hackoois it some virus in ubuntu ?03:41
flaarghackoo: some program you are running is writing something to a file continuosly03:41
hackooo byte free now03:41
hackooflaarg: dont see anyprogram here03:42
neezerdj_segfault1, I am using lucid, and it recognized it right off the bad.03:42
flaarglook for a file continuing to get larger03:42
flaargthen lsof it03:42
xxthinkHow to stop apt-mirror03:42
dj_segfault1neezer: as what?03:42
Principittoi justa cant upgrade or install or uninstall anything and it says E: Read error - read (21 Is a directory)03:42
neezerdj_segfault1, an ipod touch03:43
hackooflaarg: ok, but what is lsof ? how to manage running hidden demons and proccess like samba negios and all03:43
arandbethany: You still there?03:43
flaarghackoo: lsof will tell you what process is accessing a file03:43
dj_segfault1neezer: Fascinating.  Using what program?03:43
bethanyarand: ya03:44
hackooflaarg: ok03:44
bethanyi ran fsk on / and it said it was clean. so i trried /home and theres all types of errors03:44
flaarghackoo: lots of programs write logs and other stuff to files.  its not advisable to have little to no freespace available03:44
flaargPrincipitto: rmdir /var/lib/dpkg/status03:44
flaargtouch /var/lib/dpkg/status03:44
neezerdj_seffault1, I can browse the files using nautilus, but it just shows up as a device in rhythmbox and I can see all of my music...I can even play some of it on my laptop....but it has really screwed up my touch now cause it says no music on it.03:44
hackooflaarg: now I have 0 bytes left in /home/devendra03:45
flaarghackoo: really there is no way for us to know what program is doing that.  For instance right now irssi is writing a log of what is going on in irc03:45
PrincipittoFlaarg it says it cant deleted that isnt a derectory03:45
flaargfor me03:45
flaargPrincipitto: well ok thats just what I found googling for that03:45
Principittoi google it too and i found that too03:46
dj_segfault1neezer: So it sees it as an external USB storage device, but not a music player.  Sorry to hear your music got messed up.  Hope you had it backed up.03:46
arandbethany: hmm, that is normally quite a bad sign. And if that's where the important files are I'd definitely say a partition clone using dd would be a good idea to make sure.03:46
arandbethany: was this from the maintenance shell?03:46
neezerI'm not so sure it sees it as just an external usb mass storage...why else would it show up in rhythmbox?03:46
neezerdj_segfault1, the music is still on the device, for some reason it isn't recognizing it though.03:47
dj_segfault1neezer: If you put MP3 files on a thumbdrive you can play them from rhythmbox too.03:47
arandbethany: How did you run fsck and what kind of errors did it give03:47
spackestanyone out there build a xen kernel on squeeze?03:48
bethanyarand: i just typed fsck /dev/sda7 in maint shell03:48
Picispackest: Thats a more appropriate topic for #debian03:48
flaargspackest: this is #ubuntu not #debian, and there is a xen kernel in the repo for squeeze03:48
flaargyes really03:48
spackestactually, I am running ubuntu server 9.10, now that I think about it :)  was squeeze on another cluster03:49
spackestplaying with uec03:49
bethany'error reading  block 5505075 [attempt to read block from file system resulted in short read] while getting next inode from scan03:49
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:49
cajunI'm having to make room on my HD from a Live USB install.  How do I empty the trash on the HD?  I see files in that trash but I can't delete them or empty the trash.03:50
PrincipittoUbuntu in spanish?03:50
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:51
spackestso how about ubuntu server 9.10 and xen?03:51
tambuAnyone know a way to force a refresh of usb device.. my mouse and keyboard are not picking up(usb) seems since I upgraded to 9.10 it's been very flacky03:51
flaargspackest: xen-server03:52
=== [1]r00tintheb0x is now known as r00tintheb0x
cyberbluntzcould someone help me figure out why my PC cpu's are idling so high in ubuntu?03:52
cyberbluntzboth cpu are around 30%03:52
meowbuntuany one able to get ubuntu running on a mac g303:52
blakkheimcyberbluntz: look in top or htop03:52
flaargspackest: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen03:53
cyberbluntzwhat is that?03:53
blakkheimcyberbluntz: sudo aptitude install htop; htop03:53
flaarghtop is a nice ncurses interface to top03:54
cyberbluntzso then I should install top 1st?03:54
flaargtop is already installed03:54
=== Hutley is now known as Guest96371
blakkheimcyberbluntz: top is part of the coreutils package03:55
spackestflaarg: thanks, I am taking a look03:55
=== Guest96371 is now known as Hutley_
flaargspackest: also im not sure that squeeze has a xen kernel, I know lenny does03:55
cyberbluntzok this is nice03:56
FictionHello, anyone want to help out a newb fix something :D03:56
spackestflaarg: yip, been my experience.  nothing seemingly useful on apt-cache search xen on squeeze03:56
knoppiesFiction, what are we fixing?03:56
FictionI cant get my sound to work03:57
goddardAlright got it working03:57
hwildehelp, my sound card disappeared.   my sound card was and has been working fine for over a year.  now it is not recognized I get no sound options at all.  here is lspci   http://paste.ubuntu.com/386635/   here is lsmod http://paste.ubuntu.com/386637/   please help03:57
knoppiesFiction, Im no good at that, but if you give us some more details, someone in the channel will be more than happy to help.03:57
Fictionit was working very very badly, but then i installed flash and its not working at all03:57
flaargspackest: the debian multiarch install cd supports xen if thats any help03:58
Fictioni think its the sound card ...  on board03:58
knoppiesFiction, what version of ubuntu?03:58
Fictiondrivers prob03:58
cyberbluntzwhat is the usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs?03:58
Fictionits not working in any version first tried ubuntu 9.10 then another distro now ubuntu studio 9.10 x8603:58
=== jdobrien_ is now known as webm0nk3y
lyraei can't change permission on some folders. why? to be specific, it's folders in a mounted hard drive03:59
flaarghwilde: you have a soundcard listed in both your lspci and lsmod03:59
brjanncyberbluntz: that's the gnome virtual file system, it's in charge of mounting things like remote ssh folders and usb sticks nowadays03:59
hwildeflaarg, correct, and no sounds, no volume control.03:59
Fictionim thinking about just going to buy a sound card to hope that fixed03:59
hwildeflaarg, this is what I get when I go to preferences, sound,  "waiting for sound system to respond"  http://i45.tinypic.com/29lye51.jpg04:01
hwildeflaarg, in totem the sound option is greyed out04:01
spackestflaarg: you mean if I install debian squeeze multiarch I can just choose a xen kernel?04:01
Fictionwant me to post mother board or is there a way i can find out what sound card my mb is useing04:01
flaargspackest: I think so04:02
flaarghwilde: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138274404:02
spackestI have a eucalyptus demo tomorrow.  I have it working on debian lenny and would like to show it working on a vmware cluster running ubuntu, but am about to give up the ghost04:02
hwildeFiction, lspci04:02
spackestthought is that adding nodes easily via vmware would be great and then we have some helper software to help launch things on eucalyptus04:03
Fiction Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc HD48x0 audio04:03
Fiction not working at all04:03
cyberbluntz/usr/bin/x :0 -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-TZit7B/database is this seem suspicious?04:03
flaargspackest: I have no idea about what you are talking about :p never done anything with xen other than get mad that I accidently installed many years ago04:04
flaargcyberbluntz: no04:04
flaargcyberbluntz: gdm has the xauth04:04
cyberbluntzi tried to man it04:04
spackestflaarg: do you know how to accidentally install it on 9.10? :)04:04
flaargcyberbluntz: you are running x with gdm, thats supposed to happen04:04
spackestgo through the page you sent me, but it is rather tough going04:05
flaargspackest: I was compiling my own kernel and accidently had it set to xen04:05
spackestwas hoping for a nice apt-get install, but alas, no04:05
cyberbluntzWhere would be a good place to find more info into these processes?04:05
flaargcyberbluntz: google and the man pages for the processes04:05
hwildeHelp my sound stopped working.  lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/386635/  |  lsmod http://paste.ubuntu.com/386637/  |  aplay -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/386734/  |  Preferences -> Sound  "Waiting for sound system to respond"  http://i45.tinypic.com/29lye51.jpg  |  no volume controls in apps and no sound please help04:06
ng0nanyone know the story on #anonomouse ?04:06
rageHello, I need a USB device to magically chown its location in /dev/bus/usb/.. to root:nut . Can someone point me in the right direct on how to write a rule to do so?04:06
cyberbluntzI heard all the ps3 that arent the slim ones got a vbad bug04:07
ng0nwhat is a p2p irc server ?04:07
cyberbluntzknow anything about that?04:07
hwilderage, /etc/udev/rules.d   then look for either usb or storage type stuff04:07
flaargrage: udev04:07
hwilde!ot | cyberbluntz04:08
ubottucyberbluntz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:08
drfrankenstein2i removed the bar at the bottom of my screen, and then I was able to add it back, but I can't add to the bar the ability to minimize thigns to it04:08
FictionIS there a way, or how do i fix this.  looks like its detecting 2 sound cards. would that cause a problem with sound and how would i turn one off?04:08
drfrankenstein2if that makes sense04:08
ragehwilde: flaarg: Thanks, that should be enough to get me going again04:08
ng0nunderstand.  tnx.04:08
hwildedrfrankenstein2, right click, add, windows list04:09
cyberbluntz/usr/bin/compiz.real --ignore-desktop-hints --replace-- I didnt even think this was working04:09
drfrankenstein2hwilde: thank you so much!04:10
cyberbluntzI dont understand why this is idling at nearly 50% when in windows7 it would be idling at about 10%04:11
flaargthis isn't windows, don't compare the two like that04:11
muri_oneit's a fair comparison04:11
flaargalso htop will list what processes are using cpu04:12
hwildecyberbluntz, System -> Administration -> System Monitor   Processes tab   what is taking up cpu?04:12
flaargif something is taking up a lot of cpu you can figure out what it is04:12
holyguyverHow do I remove a folder when rm -r doesn't work?04:12
AllHailTheGeekis there a nautilus plugin for committing a local git repo to a remote server?04:12
arandbethany: if /dev/sda7 is your /home and important I would definitley do a dd backup before doing any more fsck.04:12
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, -rf04:12
AllHailTheGeeknot -r04:12
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek,  rf to force?04:13
AllHailTheGeeknot sure, just know it works04:13
AllHailTheGeekwhats the big picture?04:13
rageDo udev rules take effect immediately? (ie, upon next device connection?)04:13
cyberbluntzim using htop04:13
holyguyverOkay, thanks04:13
=== P is now known as Guest75501
Guest75501E: Read error - read (21 Is a directory)04:14
cyberbluntzit lists different things between the 204:14
cyberbluntzthe only things that are showing up in the system monitor are the gnome system monitor at 4-8% and the volume monitor is 2-6% everything else is sleeping04:15
muri_oneholister: in what way didn't it work?04:16
hwildecyberbluntz, q.e.d.04:16
muri_oneholister: doh sorry04:16
spackestquite easily done :)04:16
flaargquod erat demonstrandum04:16
spackestor that :)04:17
spackestcyberbluntz: think euclid put it at the end of his proofs, maybe?04:17
cyberbluntzthe process's and the total usage % is not adding up04:19
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cyberbluntzby the htop results it should be around 3%04:19
AllHailTheGeekcyberbluntz, are any processes running as root?04:19
bradenso whats up with evolution not supporting OWA exchange 2007 accounts? I know MS sucks and so does screen scraping but a lot of us have to use it... Am I reading correctly when I see that there are no plans on supporting email via web access on exchange 2007?04:20
cyberbluntzyes a lot04:20
AllHailTheGeeksaid processes may be hidden04:20
Mafiawarzcan anyone tell me how to use  EMpathy IM ???04:20
cyberbluntz/sbin/getty -8 38400 tty1-604:20
Mafiawarzcan anyone tell me how to use  EMpathy IM ??? on ubuntu04:20
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ga_sk8erbeen a while. whats the terminal command to update everything04:20
cyberbluntzmean the are 6 all together starting at 104:20
cyberbluntzand then the usr/bin/x04:21
Maletoris there any protocol faster than smb on a local network?04:21
blakkheimga_sk8er: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude full-upgrade04:22
spackestga_sk8er: apt-get upgrade?04:22
cyberbluntzwhat would you say about those geek?04:22
ga_sk8erok thanks04:22
ga_sk8eri was trying sudo yum update04:22
mattgyveranyone know how to stop wine applications from starting in their own 'Wine System Tray' and just show on the normal gnome panel?04:22
cyberbluntz/sbin/wpa_supplicant -u -s04:22
cyberbluntz/sbin/dhcclient -d -sf /usr/lib/networkmanager/nm-dhcp-cl04:23
cyberbluntzits spiking up to 80% at times04:23
meepmoopI'm looking to use my webserver just to host a chatroom for friends and whoever is there anything you can recommend for this purpose?04:25
p1oooopmattgyver: do not emulate a "windows desktop"04:25
p1oooopthat's my advice.04:25
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, rm -rf did not work04:25
Fictioncan anyone tell me how to disable a driver04:26
complexityOMG you ppl are not telling ppl to rm -rf04:26
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, you should have stayed, and not left.04:26
holyguyvercomplexity, Yes he did tell me to04:26
Gryllidahello. maybe you can join #openoffice.org ? there is nobody active at that channel, and i need some help about openoffice; i suppose some of you ubuntu users use openoffice too. thanks!04:26
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, what error/response are you getting?04:27
complexityholyguyver, run..if you do that with sudo it will wipe your harddrive04:27
AllHailTheGeekwhat is the situation, etc04:27
AllHailTheGeekcomplexity, eh04:27
holyguyverIt didn't give any message04:27
AllHailTheGeekcomplexity, if depends on where he runs it.04:27
complexityyes it does04:27
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, That is not sometihng to joke about :(04:27
AllHailTheGeekcomplexity, no, only if he rm -rf /04:28
complexityI am not joking..if you log in as root, it will wipe your drive04:28
AllHailTheGeekif as root only.04:28
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, I left because I had faith that you had given me help04:28
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, you did not provide enough info.04:28
complexityI was just browsing...thought I saw evil....04:28
AllHailTheGeekok, holyguyver lets start from square one.04:28
AllHailTheGeekwhat are you deleting?04:28
AllHailTheGeekwhat user is it under?04:29
ga_sk8erwhats the antivirus in linux...i need to scan my old windows drive04:29
holyguyverIt is under me & it is simply a folder04:29
AllHailTheGeekI mean, what user owns the target04:29
Gryllidaga_sk8er: Clam AV04:29
holyguyverI own the target04:29
complexityga_sk8er there is clamav\04:29
ga_sk8erok thanx04:29
meepmoopcan I ask why not just delete it graphically?04:29
mattgyverp1oooop, well its not exactly my aim unfortunately for remote assistant purposes for clients i have to have VNC's listener running for a SC application i have setup04:29
cyberbluntzAllHailTheGeek: could you help me try to kill these processes?04:29
AllHailTheGeekmeepmoop, I'm assuming that failed.04:30
Gryllida!antivirus | ga_sk8er04:30
ubottuga_sk8er: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus04:30
p1oooopmattgyver: huh?04:30
meepmoopI mean technically he could I suppose use the command recommended to him as long as it specifically points at the folder04:30
AllHailTheGeekcyberbluntz, what processes?04:30
p1oooopmattgyver: did I do something?04:30
holyguyverBecause every time I try to delete it graphically or even view it it freezes & crashes Nutelius, Konqueror, Dolphin, PCMan, & Krusader.04:30
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, what are the permissions?04:30
mattgyverp1oooop, no way fellow i thought maybe you were being sarcastic, is that actually an option or something i should look for?04:30
cyberbluntz/sbin/getty -8 38400 ttyl104:30
ga_sk8erubottu. i knowe. im gonna get some files from my windows drive but it screwed up last night. i want to scan it before i start pulling files04:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:31
AllHailTheGeekmind I don't think that would matter.04:31
holyguyverIt gives full permissions04:31
AllHailTheGeekyou mean HAS04:31
AllHailTheGeekie 77704:31
p1oooopmattgyver: what?04:31
AllHailTheGeekls the file, and paste one single line04:31
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, ^04:31
p1oooopmattgyver: sorry, kinda clueless :P04:31
mattgyverp1oooop, you said something about dont emulate a windows desktop :) is there a setting or so in wine, or were you j/k?04:31
ga_sk8erlol ubottu04:31
AllHailTheGeekga_sk8er, ubottu /is/ a bot04:32
p1oooopsorry bout that, brainfart :P04:32
holyguyverIt is not a file04:32
Gryllidaga_sk8er, yes, at the page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus you will find some useful advice about other anti-viruses, ClamAV is not the only one04:32
ga_sk8eroh ok i thought they wer just joking04:32
meepmoopholyguyver:ls the directory and paste the results04:32
AllHailTheGeekga_sk8er, Gryllida> !antivirus | ga_sk8er04:32
robbanyone here installed nvidia drivers (.96) from the 8.04 source to 9.10?04:32
ga_sk8ergrylida. i just need 1 to scan my windows stuff04:32
p1oooopmattgyver: there is a setting in wine similar to that... lemme find the "exact" setting04:32
holyguyverOkay but it will only freeze ls same as it freezes rm04:32
ga_sk8erthe antivirus i had on windows said that my windows kernel was a virus04:33
AllHailTheGeekwait, it freezes rm?04:33
mattgyverp1oooop, okay cool sorry i was totally off base with that, no hard feelings :)04:33
AllHailTheGeekyou said it had no response04:33
meepmoopholyguyver:it causes your comp to freeze?04:33
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, Yes it even froze rm -rf04:33
Gryllidaga_sk8er, yes, you can do it using the ClamAV, or anything you find at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus04:33
p1oooopmattgyver: of course not :)04:33
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, sounds like you have a bad HDD04:33
holyguyvermeepmoop, nope not my comp04:33
meepmoopdoes it lock up then release after a period?04:33
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, Nope the rest of the harddrive is working  fine04:33
ga_sk8erGryllida i already found clam av through ubuntu software center04:34
p1oooopmattgyver: under the graphics tab of the WINE configuration tab04:34
holyguyvermeep nope it does not release04:34
mattgyverp1oooop, i think i see the option your talking about, "Emulate a virtual desktop" however to my dismay it is unchecked already :(04:34
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, I mean sounds like you have bad sectors04:34
p1oooopmattgyver: huh04:34
p1oooopmattgyver: what version you running?04:34
Gryllidaga_sk8er: nice04:34
holyguyvermeepmoop, nope it does not release04:34
mattgyverp1oooop, 1.0.104:34
Gryllidaga_sk8er: you want another one? or just installing clam av and everything fine?04:34
holyguyvermeepmoop, it does not freeze my computer, only whatever program accesses the folder04:35
meepmoopholyguyver: I agree with allhailthegeek you have bad sectors with your hard drive more than likely04:35
tambuJust upgraded to 9.10 and I lost all sound for my user.. weird thing is I get sounds during ubuntu startup (run as root)? is there some new group or something a user must be part of to use the sound card?04:35
cyberbluntzThis is becoming pretty annoying04:35
holyguyvermeepmoop, & AllHailTheGeek this problem never happened until I created this folder last night04:35
meepmooptambu:there is a speaker in the toolbar top right when I installed karmic for some reason it makes me turn it up every time is that turned up?04:36
resnolooking for resources on doing x11 forwarding using ssh04:36
ga_sk8erim gonna try clam av for now Gryllida04:36
Gryllidaga_sk8er: okay04:36
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, & meepmoop this problem started when an unraring of a file melfunctioned & this is the contents of the unrar04:36
tambumeepmoop, it's turned all the way up.. when I click the sound bar there is no sound when I go into sound preferences -> hardware.. it is blank04:36
p1oooopmattgyver: that explains alot... I don't think they implemented that feature at that time04:36
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, still sounds like a bad HDD04:36
paissadcan you download successfully the geolitecity.dat.gz file ?04:37
mattgyverp1oooop, okay ill just upgrade it manually as im just using whats standard with 9.10 anyway04:37
Losharesno: plenty of on target hits when you google for 'x11 forwarding using ssh'04:37
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, this happened on more then one hard drive when I copied the folder onto a second harddrive.04:37
AllHailTheGeekcyberbluntz, youstill haven't told me what processes04:37
paissadwget always times out for me !!!04:37
Gryllidahello. maybe you can join #openoffice.org ? there is nobody active at that channel, and i need some help about openoffice; i suppose some of you ubuntu users use openoffice too. thanks!04:37
p1oooopmattgyver: 9.10 comes with WINE?04:37
cyberbluntzytes i did04:37
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, the very same thing?04:37
meepmoopholyguyver, what is it that you're unraring and how?04:37
mattgyverp1oooop, you know what, no it doesnt i installed it from the repos sorry04:37
AllHailTheGeekcyberbluntz, sorry, didn't catch it then, care to repeat?04:37
robbmy koala seems to have fallen asleep while doing aforementioned driver install04:37
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, Yes the very same rthing happened when I copied this same folder onto a second hartd drive04:38
cyberbluntz6 lines after you asked the question04:38
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holyguyvermeepmoop, it is a DVD rip that unrared only half way the unrar program crashing in the middle of writing a file04:38
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, ofc it's still going to freeze, you are ccessing the same damaged sectors04:38
Gryllidai have upgraded to OOo 3.2 at Windows XP. previously using 3.1.1. i use classic appearance (influences icons of toolbar buttons). in 3.2, i saw awful blueish backgrounds of buttons when hovered. is there a way to get rid of them?04:39
srinii got grub error 5 how to solve this?04:39
p1oooopmattgyver: I'd go with the repos for ubuntu04:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:39
Gryllidado you note this behavior at Ubuntu, that one I described?04:39
AllHailTheGeekcyberbluntz, /sbin/getty -8 38400 ttyl1 >> sudo killall getty04:39
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, no on a complelety differant hard drive & when accessing the folder on the other harddrive it will not delete on neither hard drive now04:39
mattgyverp1oooop, okay its not really a big thing just annoying really.04:40
cyberbluntzDo you know what getty is?04:40
AllHailTheGeekno idea :)04:40
Loshaholyguyver: if it's truly a disk problem, I'd expect messages in dmesg....04:40
AllHailTheGeekLosha, good point04:40
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, so this folder damaged secotrs on two differant harddrives?04:40
dermothhello there... There's something that trickled be for quite some time and I could never find any doc on this... I'm running Ubuntu Hardy (same problems since 6.x though). When I set the IO scheduler it always gets reverted after some time...04:40
ga_sk8erklam av is scanning away now04:40
Loshaholyguyver: doesn't sound very likely when you put it that way....04:41
holyguyverLosha no it will simply freeze the dmesg cammand04:41
* AllHailTheGeek agrees with Losha04:41
dermothI though it could be a setting, but even "find /etc/ -type f|xargs grep cfq" hasn't returned anything04:41
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, I doubt it.04:41
AllHailTheGeekas dmesg is a log04:41
AllHailTheGeektry it just the same04:41
holyguyverThen give me the cammand & I will tell you the output04:41
AllHailTheGeekdmesg :/04:41
AllHailTheGeekpastebin the results04:41
darolusrini: open a terminal and type "sudo fdisk -l" (without quot. marks, that's an L not a -one-) and pastebin your result please.04:41
p1oooopmattgyver: yeah... but, hey... it was free anyway :)04:42
srinidarolu: the system is not booting04:42
holyguyverLosha AllHailTheGeek the resaults were so big that the terminal cut off the upper part of the resaults04:43
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, thats fine, paste what you can see.04:43
darolusrini: I know, grub error 5 means a bad partition table; I thought you were using LiveCD, boot with the LiveCD, then open a terminal and type "sudo fdisk -l"04:43
AllHailTheGeeksrini, do you have a livecd/other live computer?04:43
* AllHailTheGeek leaves this to darolu :P04:43
srinidarolu: yah.. i have live  CD04:44
meowbuntuhi is there kubuntu studio out there04:44
darolu*Everybody is welcome, specially AllHailTheGeek :D04:44
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, Losh, meepmoop http://paste.ubuntu.com/386752/04:44
sriniAllHailTheGeek: Let me know the steps to solve that problem04:44
NolanNight everyone. Thanks for the support.04:44
darolu<darolu> srini: I know, grub error 5 means a bad partition table; boot with the LiveCD, then open a terminal and type "sudo fdisk -l" pastebin the result04:45
ga_sk8eri know this is all linux ppl but i kinda have a windows question. i lost power last night & today my pc wouldnt boot into windows. i reloaded windows from a fresh copy (formatted) & it still wont find my network card even though i install the driver i got from nvidia04:45
cyberbluntzIt doesnt seem to be working04:45
blakkheim!windows | ga_sk8er04:45
ubottuga_sk8er: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents04:45
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, Losha, meepmoop, well?04:47
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, sec04:47
srinidarolu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/386753/04:48
cyberbluntzok, so these getty'sare virtual machines running on my comp?04:49
Loshaholyguyver: I see a lot going on. usb drives coming & going, virtualbox running, some backtraces. No bad disk reads, btw. Dunno what to make of it though...04:49
dermothHi... Anyone knows what could reset the IO scheduler on Ubuntu? I'm running Ubuntu Hardy (same problems since 6.x though). When I set the IO scheduler it always gets reverted after some time...04:50
dermothI though it could be a setting, but even "find /etc/ -type f|xargs grep cfq" hasn't returned anything04:50
Loshacyberbluntz: gettys are usually processes that sit on ttys waiting for someone to login.04:51
holyguyverLosha, yes, see I told you guys no bad disk reads was happening04:51
robbsomething irregular with the folder itself then04:51
holyguyverLosha, I think I know what is the matter, I just do not know how to fix it.04:51
robbcorrupt or such04:51
Loshaholyguyver: it was worth checking. Your machine doesn't look normal. Usually a hang like this comes from trying to access a network folder whose server is dead...04:52
Loshaholyguyver: what is your theory?04:52
holyguyverLosha, I think what happened was whenever it was unraring & the unrar program crashed that it left the vob file open so whenever the computer goes to read it, it reads it forever unending.04:52
darolusrini: I notice two linux partitions, make sure the boot flag is on the right one04:52
bob75how do I make ubuntu 8.10 log in without password?04:53
srinidarolu: How to da04:53
srinidarolu: how to do04:54
Loshaholyguyver: time to do the basics. Please open a terminal and paste the output of 'sudo fdisk -l'04:54
holyguyverBut this is not on my internal harddrive04:54
darolusrini: your first partition (/dev/sda1) seems rather small, what do you have there? and you can do that with GParted, under System - Admin04:54
holyguyverLosha But this is not on my internal harddrive04:54
Loshaholyguyver: what kind of drive is it? An external USB ?04:54
holyguyverLosha yes04:55
cajunI'm having to make room on my HD from a Live USB install.  How do I empty the trash on the HD?  I see files in that trash but I can't delete them or empty the trash.04:55
brjannbob75: does 8.10 have a System > Administration > Login Screen menu item or something similar?04:55
Loshaholyguyver: can you unmount the usb drive?04:55
srinidarolu: i created only / /home and swap partitions.. there is no /boot partition04:55
holyguyverLosha I have done that allready04:55
bob75login window04:56
Loshaholyguyver: please unmount it, and then run sudo fsck on the device. Do you know the device name?04:56
brjannbob75: great. click the unlock button and enter your password, and you should be able to choose to log in automatically04:56
holyguyverYes I know the device name04:56
holyguyverLosha, yes I know the device name04:57
holyguyverLosha, First before I do that, tell mee what your plan is.04:57
robinking623orson: i have really weird result with my pcmcia04:57
brjannbob75: no problem :)04:58
rebelstaranybody knows command to install Veoh on ubuntu 9.10?04:58
yuvarajcan anyone please suggest a application which will show me which application are using my internet connection?04:58
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, do you have anything to say about that pastebin?04:58
Loshaholyguyver: well, first step is to see if the drive passes fsck. Then we need to look at the filesystem via the CLI, not via those fancy (and buggy) file manager programs04:58
AllHailTheGeekI unfortunately have no clue04:58
holyguyverLosha it is a 1TB drive, that viewing might take a while04:59
rebelstaranybody knows command to install Veoh on ubuntu 9.10?..i tried sudo apt-get install veoh...but it doesnt work04:59
holyguyverALso Losha it is formatted in NTFS04:59
darolusrini: your /boot is within your / one, your partition table looks all right, asuming you have / in /dev/sda1 and /home in /dev/sda5. Try reinstalling grub (seems like you have grub legacy [grub 1]), follow this instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#Recovering GRUB Manually04:59
bob75running dell latitude with nvidia 440 go and when I ran 9.10 it installed drivers that gave me black screen. 8.10 wont do that after updates will it?04:59
darolusrini: you'll need Ubuntu 9.04 LiveCD (or previous)05:00
syki love dead people.05:00
rebelstaranybody knows command to install Veoh on ubuntu 9.10?..i tried sudo apt-get install veoh...but it doesnt work05:01
srinidarolu: if i install the grub means it will be solve???05:01
holyguyverrebelstar, tried apt-get install youtube?05:01
Loshaholyguyver: Hmm. Well the stacktrace in your dmesg suggests the problem happens when you lookup a filename. You may need to take the usb drive and attach it to a windows machine to run a proper chkdisk.05:01
cajunI'm having to make room on my HD from a Live USB install.  How do I empty the trash on the HD?  I see files in that trash but I can't delete them or empty the trash.05:01
yuvarajcan anyone please suggest a application which will show me which application are using my internet connection?05:02
rebelstarholyguyver: i wanted to install veoh player i mean..youtube works05:02
holyguyverLosha I do not own a Windows machine & do not know anyone who does & I am not joking, I am a hermit, I only ever speak to my mother & I switched her to Linux 3 years ago.05:02
darolusrini: most likely, it will be a fresh install of it05:02
Loshaholyguyver: so how did you end up with an ntfs filesystem on your USB drive?05:02
blakkheimholyguyver: same here05:02
srinidarolu: Ok thanks05:03
=== nullvariable1 is now known as nullvariable
holyguyverLosha I always format my externals in that so that if my computer ever fails or if I have to hook them up to a windows computer, it will be able to read them.05:03
Loshaholyguyver: congratulations. That time has arrived....05:03
holyguyverLosha my computer failed?05:04
rebelstarholyguyver:sorry i did not understand ur previous reply05:04
holyguyverLosha are you saying Linux sucks?05:04
yuvarajplz suggest  program to see which applications are using my internet connection?05:04
puffyuvaraj: netsata -nlp05:04
AllHailTheGeek<holyguyver> Losha are you saying Linux sucks?05:05
=== nullvariable1 is now known as nullvariable
puffyuvaraj:  That is, netstat -nlp will show all incoming and outgoing cnnections.05:05
AllHailTheGeekhow the /hell/ do you arrive to that conclusion?05:05
rajGUYS FEDORA SUCKS lol ... it violated opensource i just found that out today FEDORA doesnt allow anyone from  Cuba, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria and china to use tehir software .. why is that?05:05
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, Losha said that Linux failed & that I should use a Windows machine05:05
petsoundsraj, #fedora05:05
cajunI'm having to make room on my HD from a Live USB install.  How do I empty the trash on the HD?  I see files in that trash but I can't delete them or empty the trash.05:06
Loshaholyguyver: No. I'm saying using ntfs on linux is less reliable that using ext3, and the only way to properly check an ntfs volume is via windows chkdisk.05:06
rajGUYS FEDORA SUCKS lol ... it violated opensource i just found that out today FEDORA doesnt allow anyone from  Cuba, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria and china to use their software .. why is that?05:06
rebelstarhow can i run  videos which require veoh??05:06
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, I see no references by him to use Windows.05:06
rebelstari cant install it05:06
yuvarajgot it..thank you05:06
sloopyraj, probly because of USA law, but that is OT discussion here...05:06
brjannrebelstar: it looks like to get veoh to work in ubuntu, you need wine. so you might want to try asking in #winehq instead05:07
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, <Losha> holyguyver: Hmm. Well the stacktrace in your dmesg suggests the problem happens when you lookup a filename. You may need to take the usb drive and attach it to a windows machine to run a proper chkdisk.05:07
dsnydersHI all.  How do I set up two ip addresses on the same network card?05:07
rebelstartahnsk brjann05:07
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, there it is05:07
ssmydsnyders: you don't. pretty sure that's not possible.05:07
DrMrHorseraj: #ubuntu-offtopic05:07
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, you fail at interpereting.05:07
sloopydsnyders, IIRC alias the driver05:07
AllHailTheGeekAnd I at spelling, apparently05:08
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, he said to hook it up to a Windows machine, isn't that saying to use Windows?05:08
brjannssmy: sure it is05:08
AllHailTheGeekHe never meant to replace your linux with windows.05:08
hwildecopy all of the data off the ntfs drive immediately.  reformat it to ext3.  q.e.d.05:08
holyguyverAllHailTheGeek, AllHailTheGeek> holyguyver, I see no references by him to use Windows.05:08
AllHailTheGeekthus returning to your comment that he said linux sucks05:08
ssmybrjann: i'll take your word for it. dsnyders: what brjann said apparently.05:08
AllHailTheGeekholyguyver, I stood corrected in that.05:09
holyguyverYou never said anything about replacing my system05:09
sloopydsnyders, also, firestarter-cpu usage= 130-150%/200. script using iptables = 25-30%/20005:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:09
AllHailTheGeekI'm going to leave this convo while you're behind ;)05:09
holyguyverOkay, well ahve a good night05:09
aaron_liujgclient sync05:10
brjanndsnyders: I've never done it, but I know that inside the network-manager connection setup you can add multiple addresses under the ipv4 tab05:10
neil_din 9.10: I keep getting a warning about a HDD failure, I want to stop this popping up!  what do I do?05:10
aaron_liuj Error: git version < minimum required 1.6.605:10
aaron_liujhow to do05:10
dsnydersssmy, of course it's possible.  All the nic card does is send and receive ethernet packets.  What gets put into those ethernet packets is solely up to the os.05:10
sloopyneil_d, replace the HDD05:10
holyguyverAnyway Losha, tell me this, could my theiry about a file with no ending be the cause?05:10
Loshaholyguyver: You cannot do the full range of ntfs operations on ntfs volumes from current linux machines. It is, after all, a proprietary microsoft filesystem format which has been painstakingly reverse engineered (because microsoft won't release the specs) and so not all possible scenarios are handled properly.05:10
DasEineil_d: verify it's not mean, use smartmontools05:10
neil_dsloopy: all HDD test perfect!05:10
brjanndsnyders: (and of course under the ipv6 tab, if you need it)05:11
holyguyverLosha I know that but ym big question is on weather my theory could be correct05:11
sloopyneil_d, something isnt testing perfect...05:11
Loshaholyguyver: if it was ext3, the answer would be no. Since it's ntfs, I can't be sure. Either way, files are not supposed to be 'endless'....05:11
neil_dDasEi: is smartmontools doing the poppup.05:11
DasEineil_d: if you're sure, can disable smart for it, but don't come later if there was data-loss, better have a backup or mirror of that drive05:11
sloopyneil_d, check the SMART status05:12
holyguyverLosha what I mean is looping05:12
holyguyverWhat if the file causes an endless loop read05:12
DasEineil_d: yes, if smart is enabled, you get such popups05:12
Loshaholyguyver: I repeat. On a healthy filesystem, files do not cause looping....05:12
jocharhi anyone here who can help me with bluetooth problems?05:13
holyguyverLosha this is a folder05:13
sloopyneil_d, System>Administration>Disk Utility   and then click the more information link on the HD in question...05:13
jochari cannot power on bluetooth :(05:13
brjanndsnyders: if network-manager doesn't work, you can try reading http://adventuresinswitching.blogspot.com/2008/05/setup-multiple-ip-addresses-on-ubuntu.html05:13
aaron_liujgclient sync05:13
aaron_liujError: git version < minimum required 1.6.605:13
jocharim using latest karmic 9.10 32bit05:13
Loshaholyguyver: I can't help you any further. My best advice is to run chkdisk on the volume. Feel free to ask for a second opinion from someone else....05:13
aaron_liujReading state information... Done05:14
aaron_liujgit is already the newest version.05:14
aaron_liuj0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 270 not upgraded.05:14
FloodBot2aaron_liuj: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:14
holyguyverLosha, thank you, but I refuse to use Windows.05:14
holyguyverLosha I know I know I should abandon NTFS then :p05:14
holyguyverLosha anyway thank you for trying.05:14
dsnydersbrjann, I am walking someone through it.  They are connected remotely.05:14
sloopyholyguyver, refuse to use windows, but still use NTFS?05:15
Loshaholyguyver: your choice entirely. I have no opinion on the matter. I'm simply saying what I think will yield the best results. Best of luck...05:15
brjanndsnyders: good luck with that ;)05:15
holyguyverLosha, thank you.05:15
holyguyverSloopy, yeah it comes from a long history, in time a person occasionaly makes bad desisions :p05:15
xeerI am trying to route incoming internet to my eth0, but the device connected to the eth0 is picking up the wrong ip ( instead of would I make the modifications in /etc/networ/interfaces?05:16
holyguyversloopy back in 2003 I switched to Linux but I decided to partition my external harddrives in NTFS just in case my computer ever died & I needed to access the hardrives in an emergancey from whatever computer was at hand.05:16
sloopyholyguyver, yes, and the bad decision is to not use windows...05:17
holyguyversloopy however ym system is working & as long as it is I have no need to access them from a differant non-linux system05:17
DasEixeer: can, need a static ip ?05:17
holyguyversloopy, I disagree with you under the preaching of RMS05:17
d3c0nwhy not chose fat instead of ntfs is your main goal is compatibility?05:17
sloopyholyguyver, if they are corrupt, the you do need windows...05:17
sloopyholyguyver, i am not preaching RMS...05:18
clickmehi everyone05:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:18
d3c0nholyguyver have your tried running something like hirens boot cd?05:18
holyguyverd3c0n, Because fat doesn't allow enough characters in the file/folder names05:18
meowbuntuhi is there kubuntu studio out there05:18
daroluclickme: hi, ask your question!05:18
holyguyverd3c0n, never heard of that CD05:18
brjannholyguyver: when you next consider a filesystem for your external hard drives, you should take into consideration that no linux ntfs filesystem repair utility exists (outside of the very limited ntfsfix)05:18
neil_dsloopy: DasEi: found it thanks.05:18
sloopyneil_d, np05:19
d3c0nholyguyver its a utility disk it contains a small installation of windows but you don't need to run it, there is a program i think its called hdd regenerator on the boot disk05:19
clickmewow i was about to check and see if i did anything wrong how can i add this IRC in empathy05:19
d3c0nit can run directly from the cd in dos05:19
holyguyverWhy does no one understand my file system is fine, simply Losha wanted me to check it, that is it, but it is fine, all I want to do is delete a folder.05:19
sloopyholyguyver, why cant you delete it?05:20
d3c0nholyguyver oh im sorry I misunderstood, i thought you were having corruption problems05:20
daroluclickme: enter empathy and press F4, add a new account, on the right panel you'll find a drop-down menu with IRC option in it05:20
neil_dsloopy: it says. "Relocated Sector count: Normalized:93  Worst:93  Threshold:36  Value: 319 Sectors"\05:20
brjannholyguyver: i'm not saying your filesystem is broken now. i'm merely recommending that you consider that for the future, that's all.05:20
clickmek following05:21
holyguyversloopy every time I try to delete this folder one copy of it is on NTFS & the other is on ext3 fielsystems on seperate harddrives & it will not delete from either05:21
LaPrinjHey, I'm in need of some help.05:21
brjann!help | LaPrinj05:21
ubottuLaPrinj: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:21
sloopyneil_d, you have alot of bad sectors that had to be relocated to good sectors, the drive is dying...05:21
holyguyverbrjann, please read what I just wrote to sloop05:22
d3c0nholyguyver have you tried taking ownership of the files?05:22
holyguyverd3c0n, I do own the files05:22
sloopyholyguyver, why wont it delete on the ext3?05:22
d3c0nok just checking i know sometimes permissions can get a lil fussy05:22
holyguyversloopy, bevcause the folder is corrupted05:23
brjannholyguyver: the folder being corrupted and the filesystem being fine would seem to be mutually exclusive concepts05:23
arandholyguyver: Sounds like chkdsk might be in order, http://neosmart.net/blog/2008/windows-vista-recovery-disc-download/ might be useful for that purpose if you do not have a win CD05:23
sloopyholyguyver, and fsck.ext3 cant fix it?05:23
neil_dsloopy: it is only a few months old (and part of a RAID5 setup). I wish there was a way for the threshold to be changed. so it would tell me if it got any worse.05:23
holyguyverI give up, it is only 2GB out of a 1TB harddrive I will just ignore the folder.05:24
sloopyneil_d, if it is only a few months old then RMA it...05:24
holyguyverthat better sllopy?05:24
sloopyholyguyver, corruptions are like rabbits, unless fixed, they spread...05:25
abhifxhi, i am running ubuntu as a guest O/s on windows.. i am having hard times with sharing folder... can someone guide me please05:25
tambuNeed some help getting my sound card to work post 9.10 Creative SB Live.. it shows in lspci the emu10k1 modules are loaded in lsmod. but aplay shows "no soundcards found"05:25
holyguyversloopy it is not a corrupted harddrive, it is onyl 1 folder05:25
sloopyholyguyver, ultimatly it is up to you, what you do about it is your choice...05:25
DasEiabhifx: vbox ?05:25
holyguyversloopy & as stated I know exactly how it became corrupted05:25
LaPrinjI installed Ubuntu for the first time today on my family computer. I've never used Linux, but always knew that it's not prone to viruses at all like Windows and this computer's close to death (parents/sister kept doing things which caused viruses to load and caused a lot of damage). I got this working, and mostly got the hang of it, except I messed up the video. I tried installing EnvyNG and attempted at installing an unrecommended version o05:25
neil_dsloopy: yeh! I think I will.  that will be the second time I done this.. the first one had a complete failure after a couple of days.05:26
Loshaholyguyver: can we try and debug the one on ext3 together?05:26
abhifxDasEi, yes05:26
DasEiabhifx: there is #vbox and it's also well mentioned on the faq of vbox'es homepage05:26
MaletorLinux stands for = doesn't work well with gui05:26
neil_dsloopy: it seems that the 1TB drives aren't very reliable.05:26
holyguyverLosha I would rather just forget about it & just lose 2GBs05:26
LaPrinjI hope that description provides as much insight as possible.05:26
holyguyverI have spent too much time onj this05:27
sloopyneil_d, yeah the 500G i have in my file server started getting flakey after only 350 POH's on it...05:27
brjannLaPrinj: your description cut off after "installing an unrecommended version"05:27
Loshaholyguyver: ok. If you change your mind, we'll be here...05:27
holyguyverLosha, thank you05:27
abhifxDasEi, i know... but isnt it a more ubuntu specific problem? plus the documentation is not working.. for me05:27
LaPrinjof the ATI driver to make my graphics card work with Ubuntu. I have an ATI Radeon X1650 Pro card in this computer and it's a legacy card which I read isn't supported thru ATI on Ubuntu 9.10. Now, after a lot of failed attempts, this computer is stuck in a void of very low resolution due to no drivers being available. Even the original generic drivers don't work anymore.05:27
LaPrinjCopied and pasted.05:27
neil_dsloopy: "POH"?05:27
DomRnate212Hello everyone, I'm looking to consolidate and save electricity...I wanted to set up my Ubuntu server to run NAT/Firewall/DHCP/Apache/Fileshare from a 2 or 3 nic setup...is this possible?  Couldn't really find anything online regarding this type of setup.  Thanks.05:28
sloopyneil_d, WD RMA'ed it and sent me a new one... 3g SATA to replace the 1.5g sata, so free 'upgrade' :')05:28
sloopyneil_d, Power On Hours...05:28
LaPrinjAny ideas?05:28
DasEiabhifx: no, it's more a windows specific problem05:28
d3c0ndonrnate i dont see any reason why it cant be done with 2 nics05:28
brjannLaPrinj: since troubleshooting video can be such a pain, if it were my computer and I'd just installed ubuntu today, i would reinstall :)05:29
neil_dsloopy: I didn't know they went to 3G yet.. the highest I have heard of is 2G05:29
srinath_manDomRnate212: Yes, it's possible, but not recommended05:29
abhifxDasEi, ok.. thx.05:29
sloopyneil_d,  heh yeah common confusion point, i mean 3.0Gb/s05:29
zetherooanyone know what the mint IRC channel is?05:29
blakkheim!mintsupport | zetheroo05:29
ubottuzetheroo: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org05:29
neil_dsloopy: ok.  POHs = 104.5 days here05:30
zetherooblakkheim: thanks05:30
clickmewhat can i do about kernel updates and nvidia drivers not working after, is there a back app i can use>05:30
LaPrinjHowever, would there be any way at all to get the video card working? Normally, I could use all the bells and whistles of Ubuntu with no problem with the driver installed for the card. Without it, a lot of features are unusable (ie. the cube to interchange between workspaces). Otherwise, should I go for another distro, like Debian?05:30
sloopyneil_d, yeah definitly too many bad sectors for such a 'young' drive...05:31
DomRnate212Oh ok, thanks...I didn't know if I'd be risking a network loop or a security hole (I imagine security could be an issue)05:31
LaPrinjEven the wiggly window feature had static lines showing up when I moved them around, which I know should not be the case.05:31
Steilhow can i get network manager vpnc plugin to use a rootcert?05:31
clickmesloopy is it a wester digital WD Caviar Green05:31
brjannLaPrinj: did you try the xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd driver?05:32
LaPrinjOr would it be advisable to scrap, and go for the commercialites like Windwos and Macintosh (which are annoying).05:32
d3c0ndomrnate you can set your firewall on different nics and assign a zone to them05:32
sloopyclickme, my 500G was a caviar, but dont think it was a green series...05:32
LaPrinjLet me check.05:32
brjannLaPrinj: that's the one which lists the X1650 in the ubuntu repositories05:33
sloopyand damn, i just looked at my 1Tb drive and it has 4 reallocated sectors already and only has a POH's of 70 days...05:33
neil_dsloopy: the other 3 drives all have no bad sectors.05:33
LaPrinjYes, both that and xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd-dbg are installed.05:33
clickmestill new at this :p05:34
neil_dsloopy: oh my!05:34
dividebyzer0Steil - I think this link may be what your looking for - in the comments http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-setup-cisco-vpn-using-vpnc-ubuntu-jaunty-9-04.html05:34
DomRnate212d3c0n:  Ok I'll look into setting up separate zones, thanks.05:34
neil_dsloopy: I like the SpinRite from grc.com.05:34
brjannLaPrinj: okay, research05:35
brjannLaPrinj: sorry, i mean i'm researching ;)05:35
ArsinIs there a command that will suspend after a certian time like how there is "sudo shutdown -h xxxxx05:35
sloopyneil_d, my file server has two 500G, one 1TB, and a 80GB internal and a 650Gb on usb205:35
LaPrinjI find it strange. Since, when I go to the System>Preferences>Display panel, I have no way of getting a higher resolution than 800x600 and it shows my monitor as Unknown. Before using EnvyNG, it detected that it was an HP 19" monitor and allowed me to use the native 1024xsomethingIcan'tremember...05:35
LoshaDomRnate212: the biggest risk is that you'll get the firewalling configuration wrong somehow, or that someone will compromise your server. I'd think a $40 linksys box to handle the NAT/DHCP/Firewall portion would be cheap insurance..05:35
LaPrinjThank you, big time.05:36
brjannLaPrinj: well it may have just broken down and decided to go with a failsafe which doesn't even bother to talk to the monitor05:36
LaPrinjWould that mean the card is fried?05:36
neil_dsloopy: mine has 4 x 1TB drives.05:37
brjannLaPrinj: nono, merely that the system was confused and decided to go with a driver it knew would work but that offers no features.05:37
DomRnate212Losha:  My experience with consumer boxes is that they normally don't handle larger networks of 15 or more people...of course that was several years ago05:37
arandArsin: possibly "sleep ## && suspend"05:37
d3c0ndomrnate what type of network are you trying to setup05:38
dividebyzer0arsin: apmd – controls power management tasks05:38
dividebyzer0apm – command line access to print current battery status or suspend power05:38
dividebyzer0xapm – battery meter for X Window05:38
dividebyzer0should probably be the apmd command I don't know the options off the top off my head though05:38
Jordan_Uneil_d, A drive that would benefit spinrite is probably on its last legs anyway.05:38
FlonnezillaHey, can someone tell me how to find out what version of a package is installed? I'm trying to help someone out and I am not really familiar with apt-get and such05:38
Jordan_UFlonnezilla, apt-cache policy packagename05:39
LaPrinjDamn. What are my options? The only one I found through research was to switch to Debian or an easy alternative with an older something that allows the original ATI drivers to work. The other one was to wait until ATI decided to get its corporate head out of its corporate ass and pay some attention to providing up-to-date support for Linux.05:39
DomRnate212d3c0n:  One nic to Internet,  one nic to handle DHCP and NAT passthrough to switch on internal network, and an Apache server to reach both05:39
FlonnezillaJordan_U: thanks05:39
sloopyneil_d, the 650 is backup, only stuff that cant be lost is 'mirrored' on it from the others...05:39
LaPrinjI highly doubt that ATI would do that either.05:39
d3c0ndomrnate perhaps i should rephrase, is this a home or office network?05:39
dividebyzer0LaPrinj: I wish ATI would do that...05:39
brjannLaPrinj: the X1650 should work, it's got a driver and everything. :)05:39
Jordan_UFlonnezilla, You're welcome.05:40
DomRnate212d3c0n:  Sorry, small office.05:40
brjannLaPrinj: you can always try going through the xorg reconfiguration and trying to select the driver manually05:40
LoshaDomRnate212: it's true, the consumer boxes aren't sized for larger networks. There's a cost vs. security trade off though...05:40
LaPrinjI really wish. Should I reinstall and then go for installing only select packages? And if so, which ones should I only reinstall.05:40
LaPrinjHmm, how would I do that?05:41
SteilHi guys, I'm having issues with network-manager-vpnc not wanting to connect to a vpn that requires a rootcert, any ideas?05:41
Maz3Mikehey guys05:41
Maz3MikeI just installed the server version of ubuntu05:41
brjannLaPrinj: are you logged on to that machine now?05:41
Maz3MikeHowever, I dont see the inittab..how do I access this?05:41
brjannLaPrinj: as in, are you talking to us on that machine?05:41
LaPrinjYeah, for sure.05:42
sloopyLaPrinj, does ddcprobe give any info?05:42
brjannLaPrinj: bummer, as this procedure involves killing xorg and dropping to a virtual terminal ;)05:42
LoshaMaz3Mike: inittab is gone, I forget what replaced it. What are you trying to do?05:42
DomRnate212Losha:  Yeah, it sounds like I'd be better off with 2 linux boxes or a commercial type of NAT/Router...05:42
DomRnate212Losha:  just trying to conserve :-)05:43
LaPrinjI'm not sure what that is. I just started on Linux today... Well, technically yesterday EST.05:43
d3c0ndomrnate I tend to agree with losha, when dealing with buisness security and what not such as financial files and what its not really the time to cheap out, its kinda like tires or brakes.  You might look into something like the cisco linksys rv082 or something similar they have dual wan if you want redundancy or you can load balance05:43
Maz3MikeLosha: I want to go from runlevel 3 to 5..sooo it should be very simple05:43
LaPrinjI'll do whatever it takes. I just want to give my parents a failsafe option while gratifying my graphical curiosities.05:43
sloopyLaPrinj, it reads the DDC info from the monitor and displays it...05:43
LoshaDomRnate212: I would think the cost of a breakin far exceeds the cost of an additional box...05:43
LaPrinjI'd assume not since the display preferences shows it as Unknown.05:44
brjannLaPrinj: here's the procedure: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/columns/how_to_fix_your_computers_graphics_with_dpkg-reconfigure05:44
sloopyLaPrinj, try running it...05:44
d3c0nDomrnate however like i did say before it is possible, and thats what the question was05:44
LaPrinjPerhaps... Would remote desktop viewer help showing the problem?05:45
=== kaie is now known as Guest64291
brjannLaPrinj: so if you're going to attempt that I'd either print it out or have it up on another computer05:45
LoshaMaz3Mike: It should, but ubuntu has pretty much done away with runlevels and the result is a mess using 'upstart' or some such. Not one of their better ideas...05:45
natethegreat1419Hello Everyone.05:45
MrPocketsso if i want to add another place to the PLACES menu,  ..how?05:45
natethegreat1419Bookmark it Pockets05:45
brjannMrPockets: via the Bookmarks menu in any file browser window05:45
DomRnate212d3c0n and Losha :  Well I agree with that lol, I just was checking to see if it was a common setup or not, I'll probably go with a lower powered box for NAT/Firewall/DHCP and a larger one for Webserver/Fileshare05:46
clickmeyay got it working05:46
LaPrinjI have a laptop. I'll open this on that and go through it.05:46
DomRnate212d3c0n and Losha:  Thank you for advice :-)05:46
LaPrinjIf I hit any roadblocks, I'll get right back here.05:46
LaPrinjI really really appreciate your help brjann. Thanks so much.05:46
d3c0ndomrnate no problem, hope it helped you out a lil05:47
brjannLaPrinj: no problem, hope it helps. when you pick your driver, try either radeon or radeonhd, and make sure to leave the defaults alone when the guide says to :)05:47
LoshaDomRnate212: I would feel safer with such a setup. The NAT/Firewall/DHCP doesn't actually need much juice just to ferry packets back and forth...05:47
cyberbluntzwhats the haldaemo05:47
brjanncyberbluntz: the process that run the hardware abstraction layer05:48
clickmei have a few problems05:48
LaPrinjThank you again. I'll be saying that a lot more when this thing works again.05:48
LaPrinjTake care!05:49
clickmehow can i restore Cairos-Dock Themes05:49
Flonnezillais there a way for someone running xubuntu 8.04 to install a package from the 9.10 repos?05:49
brjannLaPrinj: heh, you too :)05:49
brjannFlonnezilla: not a good way :)05:49
Flonnezillahe needs a newer version of qt to compile an emulator05:49
brjannFlonnezilla: the trouble is, all but the most trivial of applications will have wildly different dependencies, ... yeah, there's almost no way you could get 9.10's version of qt working on 8.0405:50
Flonnezilladamn, that sucks05:50
brjannFlonnezilla: is he sure he has to compile it himself?05:50
cyberbluntzbrjann may I send you a pm?05:51
Flonnezillathat's what the compilation guide says to do05:51
brjanncyberbluntz: sure05:51
Flonnezillahold on i have a link05:51
brjannFlonnezilla: no, i mean, maybe someone's already compiled a binary package for 8.04?05:51
Sa[i]nTWhen i right-click my desktop and go to "Create Document", it just says "No Templates Installed". How then, would I install templates?05:51
FlonnezillaI dunno05:51
Flonnezillahow would I go about searching for that? is there a site for this kind of thing, or should I just go to google?05:52
Flonnezillaalso, I just have to say, this channel is a lot more helpful than any other linux-related channel I've ever used05:53
brjannFlonnezilla: a little of both. lots of packages can be found at launchpad.net, but it can be hard to find stuff05:53
nomad77 Flonnezilla not guarranteed but maybe,course not official http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1210890&page=305:54
clickmeHello everyone05:55
LoshaFlonnezilla: also check http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy-backports/. Sometimes stuff is 'backported' to hardy....05:56
AscavasaionMy bluetooth-applet has gone haywire.  It does not allow me to browse/detect USB devices.  It suddenly started detecting two USB bluetooth dongles when there is definitely only one bluetooth device in the computer.  I can pon scriptfilename and the latop connects to the USB bluetooth dongle and cellphone and works perfectly.  PLEASE can someone help me sort out this stupid bluetooth applet nonsense.?05:58
indushello all05:58
AscavasaionHello indus05:59
brjannFlonnezilla: i haven't found anything, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. hardy's kind of old, so links are starting to die off i think05:59
clickmehello can anyone see me05:59
Ascavasaionclickme: hehehehe05:59
kondohello all05:59
FlonnezillaI'm thinking his best bet is to install an old version of bsnes from before it required qt 4.5.x05:59
Ascavasaionclickme: Put your webcam on, then we can see you.05:59
fridaybluehello all, How to connect Reliance Netconnect Broadband+ in ubuntu 9.1005:59
indusfridayblue, hi06:00
clickmewell i guess i will come back another days take care all06:00
indusclickme, yes06:00
indusfridayblue, right click on network icon06:01
fridayblueIndus, hello06:01
brjannFlonnezilla: may be the only bet :)06:01
indusfridayblue, go to mobile broadband and select country india etc , very easy06:01
fridayblueindus Go ahead06:01
indusfridayblue, do you have username and password? if not then get it from the windows application06:01
kondohow can  open outlook window06:02
fridayblueIndus: yes, I have I configured that.06:03
fridayblueindus: where Could I watch the connection for log..06:03
AscavasaionMy bluetooth-applet has gone haywire.  It does not allow me to browse/detect USB devices.  It suddenly started detecting two USB bluetooth dongles when there is definitely only one bluetooth device in the computer.  I can pon scriptfilename and the latop connects to the USB bluetooth dongle and cellphone and works perfectly.  PLEASE can someone help me sort out this stupid bluetooth applet nonsense.?06:04
kifoHi, I'm trying out the Awesome window manager, and for some reason opera wont tile. any ideas on what is wrong?06:05
morphixAscavasaion: i use blueman instead, much better, too many problems with the default bluetooth applet06:05
kifoEverything else tiles just fine, but opera wont tile/share06:05
indusfridayblue, no idea06:05
Ascavasaionmorphix: Let me try it... I am desperate.06:06
fridayblueindus: I am done with all the steps, but still an facing the issue..06:06
Coded1ive been having problems since my last update (2 days ago i think) apps seem to just hang and even when i kill the process the actual kill gets hung up06:06
fridaybluetheir is no visibility of getting connected06:06
indusfridayblue, what issue06:06
fridayblueindus: any clue to debug06:06
ga_sk8erwhats terminal command to become root06:07
ga_sk8eri thought it was sudo06:07
fridayblueindus: ifconfig doesn't show any modem interface06:07
dividebyzer0well not to permantly be root but for the session gives that command root priviliges I believe06:07
indusfridayblue, it shows as a usb device basically06:07
brjanndividebyzer0: sudo <command> runs command as root06:08
indusfridayblue, did you configure it from network icon?06:08
ga_sk8erok i was typing whole thing wrong sudo apt-get install programname06:08
fridayblueindus: yes I did06:08
=== demonspork_ is now known as demonspork
kifoGah greedy opera, wmii is too buggy to use and awesome rocks but just the one issue makes it totally unusable, totally defeats the purpose of a tiling window manager if opera wont share06:08
* phantomgraph just checking something with my network settings .. please ignore..06:08
ga_sk8erwhats the command name for installing java. i tried "sudo apt-get install java"06:08
phantomgraphThanks all.. got the ping back from the server...06:09
knoppieshow secure is SSH? If I wanted to sync tomboy notes via SSH over the internet, and some of these notes contained passwords in them, should I be concerned?06:09
Tm_Tknoppies: no06:09
kifoga_sk8er: try hitting tab and looking at the list that shows up, hit tab after you type java i mean06:09
brjannknoppies: ssh is very secure.06:09
dividebyzer0ga_sk8er: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts06:10
ga_sk8erok kifo ill try it thanks06:10
knoppiesTm_T, brjann, thanks.06:10
demonsporkI am trying to install server 9.10. This install does not have access to the internet. Is there any way I can skip the "Checking package server" step, because it keeps hanging on that step, it never gives up trying to get something it will never have06:10
kifoI imagine this is something wrong with my computer or something, no one else seems to have any problems like this with awesome, I cant findany mention of it anywhere06:10
kifomaybe i have to learn lua :(06:11
dividebyzer0brjann: thank you for that though, I'm still new and I hope that by working to try to help others I'll get better with it myself as well06:13
kifoIts like there isnt a tiling window manager that exists that doesnt have some horrible bizarre flaw or bug in it that makes it unusable06:13
indusdemonspork, try removing the network cable06:13
brjanndividebyzer0: i don't even remember what i did, but you're welcome :) and teaching is the best way to learn anything06:14
LexFXHi all. i like UBUNTU,06:14
natethegreat1419ME TOO06:14
=== jean-claude is now known as focus
DIPLOMAT|WARLORD?DCC SEND "diaper_jesus" 0 0 006:15
demonsporkindus, the issue is that it is a network install, so that isn't an option06:15
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.06:15
=== focus is now known as jean-claude
=== jean-claude is now known as focus
=== focus is now known as jean-claude
indusdemonspork, hm06:16
ga_sk8erty kifo & dividebyzero0 it works06:16
nomad77  /msg ubottu exploit06:17
dividebyzer0ga_sk8er no prob, to make sure you can always type "java -version" in the terminal to check06:17
{C}ronoson my laptop firefox works but i cannot connect to any im client, not even irc06:17
bob75can I make my laptop auto log in without password from suspend mode?06:18
FoolishOwlI'm trying to remember a command line utility, similar to cut, that splits a line into an array, based on a delimiter.06:18
ga_sk8erok i used ubuntu before but its been a few months06:19
ga_sk8erforgot some commands06:19
dividebyzer0FoolishOwl: I may not know it but this might help you http://ss64.com/bash/06:21
dividebyzer0its an a-z list of bash commands06:21
brjannFoolishOwl: split, perhaps?06:22
FoolishOwlbrjann, split chops up files into smaller files, so that's not it.06:22
* brjann thinks06:23
demonsporkI am doing a network install of Ubuntu, but I have no internet access. I need help with either of the following: Disable the "Checking the Ubuntu archive mirror" step in the 9.10 server install.  The other option is how do I route the traffic through the box that is hosting the netboot. It has one interface attached to the internet. The other interface is running a DHCP and TFTP server and is serving the 9.10 server netboot. This inter06:23
demonsporkface is connected to the computer I am trying to install on06:23
arcwireHello, looking for some help getting sound working on 9.10006:23
* dividebyzer0 looks for a PDF for FoolishOwl06:24
kondoI'm getting problem,I install office 2007 in ubuntu 9.10,can not open outlook window?06:24
SailorMonona c0sm0s speedracer79 Sailor Whopper wisnut jeranen gamphani nikhil_ pshr_ dashua realcoolguy cyphaw syn-ack FoolishOwl kyle_ bazhang Maletor arcwire {C}ronos asdf` Hetor` vices206:24
SailorErikw daftykins GWild petsounds-eee ian45_ croppa cbx muteprint DarkSector knoppies Coded1 hughhalf paulproteus CosmicHippo demonspork thecliff dmbkiwi FelipeMcMont omeddragon hateball06:24
Sailorgatekeep asqq fridayblue kondo cooper AmokPaule whit2spring Ascavasaion indus Dougdoug4_ wasauce funkycat90210 Quan-Time kaie` Zus SiaCo MrPockets kappaccino daya Stik Torrieri Inconis06:24
Sailorjan247 Mowah MK-BB Zibi nomad77 frankS2 dinosaurvskitten ne1 orbframe dividebyzer0 FrozenFire toppy zetheroo magez eon01 jasonb kiss_kill m_anish katie11 DomRnate212 jaykay Sonota LLStarks06:24
Sailorxeer devendra eto jochar meero neil_d aaron_liuj Kravl1n hbsmiley7 raj nin42 shazbotmcnasty lee__ effigy kthomas_vh KiLaHuRtZ Killeroid hardwalker goldegg diwant SandGorgon madhu JumboJellyfish06:24
FloodBot2Sailor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:24
Sailorcgkm q0_0p Rave1 bo255in syk haji laknath Zhenya Wanderer rungss NHLPA gip darolu eycel jm-test sq377 resno jean-claude GrumpyOldTree nikolam ipw2200user robb ripps Cavisty^gerber complexity06:24
Sailornewbyx86 meepmoop Jon- opop feiyu fxhp maco2 aperson crixfer dvz- blueghost AllHailTheGeek basanta MorphyNOR kfizz Ox83 Greyhound_ mau_restor SauLus StrangeCharm rage young001 |dinya_|06:24
FoolishOwldividebyzer0, I'm looking through a couple of pdfs now.06:25
zetherooSailor: get stuffed!06:25
WhopperDon't highlight me unless needed, thank you06:25
AllHailTheGeekWhopper, was a bot06:25
JumboJellyfishsailor, you are a n00b06:25
Ascavasaionmorphix: It never worked... now nothing works.06:25
ElyseElyse Monona c0sm0s speedracer79 Whopper wisnut jeranen gamphani nikhil_ pshr_ dashua realcoolguy cyphaw syn-ack FoolishOwl kyle_ bazhang Maletor arcwire {C}ronos asdf` Hetor` vices206:25
ElyseErikw daftykins GWild petsounds-eee ian45_ croppa cbx muteprint DarkSector knoppies Coded1 hughhalf paulproteus CosmicHippo demonspork thecliff dmbkiwi FelipeMcMont omeddragon hateball06:25
WhopperAllHailTheGeek, oh ok06:25
Elysegatekeep asqq fridayblue kondo cooper AmokPaule whit2spring Ascavasaion indus Dougdoug4_ wasauce funkycat90210 Quan-Time kaie` Zus SiaCo MrPockets kappaccino daya Stik Torrieri Inconis06:25
syn-ackwow, that was a waste of bandwidth06:25
FloodBot2Elyse: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:25
Elysejan247 Mowah MK-BB Zibi nomad77 frankS2 dinosaurvskitten ne1 orbframe dividebyzer0 FrozenFire toppy zetheroo magez eon01 jasonb kiss_kill m_anish katie11 DomRnate212 jaykay Sonota LLStarks06:25
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:25
kthomas_vhyeah,  fun06:26
syn-ackarcwire seems to be the botmaster06:26
dividebyzer0FoolishOwl: what I did in the past with a HTML file was this "grep 'href=' index.html |cut -d'/' -f3"06:26
kthomas_vhI *was* coding06:26
cyberbluntzHow can I put an Icon on my desktop, for example, putty06:26
dividebyzer0this finds all the href= in the file, then the delimiter ends it at /06:26
dividebyzer0not sure if that helps06:27
AllHailTheGeeksyn-ack, do you have proof?06:27
syn-ackthe luser command right before the listings06:27
AllHailTheGeekCan't be.06:28
cyberbluntzIve tried right clicking it and adding to desktop also tried drag and drop it06:28
AllHailTheGeekhe said lusers before the bots joined.06:28
syn-ackAllHailTheGeek: did he? I'm lag bursting06:28
ga_sk8ernow im having video issues06:29
AscavasaionOkay, Ubuntu has to do some SERIOUS work on Bluetooth... it is dreadful.06:29
demonsporkhow do I add a route that allows other computers to connect to the internet through my other ethernet port. A bridge won't work because this computer is the dhcp server for this network, and that breaks when I make a bridge to the internet06:29
ga_sk8erhow can i make it detect my monitor so i can shrink my screen size?06:29
c0sm0shey, i'm having trouble connecting to a WPA wifi network that i have the password for. From my chair I can connect using my Android mobile, but Karmic can't seem to acknowledge the p/w. There is also an open network that I am currently using, and I can connect with no problem. Any ideas?06:30
AllHailTheGeekactually, as the lsusers is one sec from the bot joining, I could be the one lagging.06:30
dividebyzer0Ascavasaion: Honestly I felt the 9.10 release was a step back in many ways -- not just bluetooth06:30
Ascavasaiondividebyzer0: I have been trying for over  amonth now to get bluetooth working... and the Gnome stuff sucks.06:30
ga_sk8erhow can i make it detect my monitor so i can shrink my screen size?06:31
dividebyzer0I don't use bluetooth specifically but do you know of potentially a KDE based bluetooth tool that may work? you could always install KDE on top if need be06:31
Ascavasaiondividebyzer0: It neither detects my cellphone via the bluetooth dongle, and my phone detects the computer but cannot connect.06:31
MckileMckile SEANKuo meatbun croppa Enissay kondo_ ga_sk8er nikhil_ katie11 arcwire DaemonFC MinorityNZ CosmicB pshr_ tomatoes7 Monona c0sm0s speedracer79 Whopper jeranen gamphani dashua realcoolguy06:31
Mckilecyphaw syn-ack FoolishOwl kyle_ bazhang Maletor {C}ronos asdf` Hetor` vices2 Erikw daftykins GWild petsounds-eee ian45_ cbx muteprint DarkSector knoppies Coded1 hughhalf paulproteus demonspork06:31
Mckilethecliff dmbkiwi FelipeMcMont omeddragon hateball gatekeep asqq fridayblue kondo cooper AmokPaule whit2spring Ascavasaion indus Dougdoug4_ funkycat90210 Quan-Time kaie` Zus MrPockets06:31
Mckilekappaccino daya Stik Torrieri Inconis jan247 Mowah MK-BB nomad77 frankS2 dinosaurvskitten ne1 orbframe dividebyzer0 FrozenFire toppy zetheroo magez eon01 jasonb m_anish DomRnate212 jaykay06:31
FloodBot2Mckile: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:31
kaie`why is this happening?06:32
zetheroodamn it06:32
DarkSectorman what the hell is happennig06:32
WhopperIt is happening in freenode, linux, and multiple support channels06:32
DarkSectoris this like a rouge bot spree ?06:32
DaemonFCkaie`, cause someone is being an idiot and trying to boot people06:32
nomad77get a staffer to k-line that guy06:32
Whopperit is knocking me off line because I have a netgear router..06:32
DarkSectorbazhang: are they bots ?06:32
ga_sk8erwhy is someone just going through typing usernames?06:32
MinorityNZYeah, they're bots. Happens in other channels as well.06:32
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel06:32
WhopperDarkSector, some are bots, some are people...mostly bots however06:33
arcwireDoes 9.10 support AD1884 - Previous versions, my sound was working fine.06:33
Zusare any of these people really need something or just spam?06:33
arcwireTotally confused here...06:33
=== syntax is now known as Guest46537
DaemonFCZus, Crude attack, not even script kiddie grade06:33
petsounds-eeega_sk8er, what's your video card?06:33
DaemonFCit's jsut a crapflood of malformed DCC requests06:33
AscavasaionI find it hard that not one person on this planet knows how to fix bluetooth in Ubuntu.  Frightening!06:33
Myrttimove on people, their goal is to raise attention, and discussing it makes them succeed and try again06:33
ZusDaemonFC,   thanks...06:34
StrangeCharmAscavasaion, 'fix' implies that it might once have been working06:34
arcwirewhen I do aplay -vv text.wav..it plays it but no sound on front..just the headphones06:34
kondo_I'm getting problem,I install office 2007 in ubuntu 9.10,cannot open the Outlook window06:34
dividebyzer0Ascavasaion: have you looked into a Bluetooth manager like Blueman -- not sure if this would help solve the issue or not06:34
AscavasaionStrangeCharm: It was.  but when I tried to connect with 'pon' it screwed up.  pon now works, but through gnome everything is broken.06:35
Ascavasaiondividebyzer0: I installed blueman... same problem.  Except that blueman cannot be found anywhere.06:35
aaron_liujI use the ubuntu 9.04 ,bu i cannot to update git06:35
arcwireI have tried "options snd-hda-intel model=thinkpad,basic,mobile,laptop." nothing works...06:35
aaron_liujI use the ubuntu 9.04 ,but i cannot to update git06:35
c0sm0soh wow, yeah, I'm a person, and I came here for some assistance. any humans that can help with wifi issues?06:35
dividebyzer0Ascavasaion: hm, sorry to heard that... let me see if there is anything I may be able to find and suggest06:35
aaron_liujI use the ubuntu 9.04 ,bu i cannot to update git,how to do his06:36
aaron_liujI use the ubuntu 9.04 ,bu i cannot to update git,how to do this06:36
arcwireI think I am moving back a version...06:36
c0sm0sI am using Karmic and i have never been able to sucessfully login to any encrypted wifi network06:36
Ascavasaiondividebyzer0: I wish you would.06:37
=== Nightwolf42 is now known as Nightwolf
Ascavasaiondividebyzer0: Uninstalling all 'blue' entries in Synaptic and reinstalling them made no difference either.06:37
kondo_I'm getting problem,I install office 2007 in ubuntu 9.10,cannot open the Outlook window06:37
arcwireIs there anything on Karmic...that should really make me troubleshoot this issue...06:37
aaron_liujI use the ubuntu 9.04 ,bu i cannot to update git,how to do this ,when i apt-get install git ,but it tell me it newer one already,but gclient needs a git 1.6.6 version,06:37
cyberbluntzHow do I change what my MAC adress says it is in linux?06:39
dividebyzer0Ascavasaion: are you using wireless or hardwired internet connection?06:39
kondo_Dividebyzer0:I'm getting problem,I install office 2007 in ubuntu 9.10,cannot open the Outlook window06:39
aaron_liuj I use the ubuntu 9.04 ,git version is but i cannot to update it,how to do this ,when i apt-get install git ,but it tell me it's a newer one already ,but gclient needs a git 1.6.6 version06:39
Ascavasaiondividebyzer0: You mean to chat here?  Or when I use bluetooth?06:39
dividebyzer0Ascavasaion: on the machine that you use bluetooth with [when your using it]06:40
aaron_liujwould u pls help me06:40
motaka2hello from today i recieve i cant mount any external devices like my memory stick or windows drive, what do u think the problem is?06:40
ZykoticK9kondo, this might explain it http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=753306:40
aaron_liuj I use the ubuntu 9.04 ,git version is but i cannot to update it,how to do this ,when i apt-get install git ,but it tell me it's a newer one already ,but gclient needs a git 1.6.6 version06:40
AscavasaionWell, I am chatting through ADSL fixed line right now.  but I like to chat through cellphone dialup via bluetooth dongle when I am not near a wired point.06:41
aaron_liuj I use the ubuntu 9.04 ,git version is but i cannot to update it,how to do this ,when i apt-get install git ,but it tell me it's a newer one already ,but gclient needs a git 1.6.6 version06:41
Myrtti!patience | aaron_liuj06:41
ubottuaaron_liuj: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.06:41
cyberbluntzcan you change what your MAC says it is in ubuntu?06:41
sykaaron_liuj, stop spaming please06:41
arcwireI am sorry...how should I properly solicit help...?06:41
dividebyzer0Ascavasaion: hm, ok. I read a few places that individuals were needing specific wireless card drivers [when connecting via wi-fi] for the bluetooth to also work06:42
dividebyzer0kondo_ what version of wine do you have?06:42
Ascavasaiondividebyzer0: This is a bluetooth problem.  It worked.  Now it does not.  Bluetooth-applet no longer detects cellphone.06:42
ZykoticK9cyberbluntz, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu/06:43
aaron_liujwould u pls help me06:44
WhopperWill ubuntu work good on a 512MB RAM 1ghz 40gb HD pc from 2002?06:44
blakkheim!u | aaron_liuj06:44
ubottuaaron_liuj: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.06:44
indusWhopper, works fine06:45
thinkfasthey all06:45
AscavasaionI need a way of deleting all races of bluetooth and its settings and then reinstalling it.  sudo aptitude reinstall does not work.06:45
federico@ whopper yeah it shoulds work06:45
blakkheimWhopper: ubuntu minimal iso will be ok, i wouldn't install the default, bloated desktop iso on it though06:45
federicoalso the normale iso ;)06:45
WhopperOkay, thank you gents06:45
indusaaron_liuj, what is gclient06:45
brjannAscavasaion: how about sudo aptitude purge --purge-unused <packages>06:45
thinkfastjust wondering if i could get some help renaming a bunch of images in a directory, some have .jpg.jpg and some are .JPG - i want them all to be just .jpg06:45
indusWhopper, but it will be a little sluggish06:45
WhopperI'll install it with xfce or something...or try wait till this new Lubuntu thing comes out06:45
Ascavasaionbrjann: let me try... I am desperate06:46
arcwiredoes that help06:46
sykWhopper, simply choose xubuntu then? it comes with xfce ;)06:46
federicoif u wait for the new ubuntu the version with lxde will be avaiable06:46
=== jon is now known as Guest95801
blakkheimxubuntu is still bloated :/06:46
Whopperindus, that I can deal with, I can't expect crystal clear performance ;)06:46
aaron_liujfor compile google chrome06:46
brjannarcwire: what sound card did you have again?06:46
federicoxubuntu has a lot of gnome dependencies06:46
WhopperEven on Damn Small Linux it is a tad sluggish, so I figure I'll have a proper OS06:46
cyberbluntzCmon guys . . I know some knows how to change the given MAC06:46
indusWhopper, but it should work reasonably well06:46
* thinkfast looks around06:47
thinkfastcan anyone help me out?06:47
WhopperOkies :)06:47
arcwireAnyone had to fix asound issues...06:47
zubin71hi, i just came across the term "upstream" ; im writing a blog post on introdunction to open source contribution... id like some help explaining that term. is there some community documentation i could refer people to?06:47
dividebyzer0# apt-get --purge remove bluez-utils bluez-gnome06:47
Myrttiaaron_liuj: but... you can install it from their site?06:48
rajsteveCan someone tell me if my POST is newb friendly? for new users? I sit on how to get the sound to work on ubuntu without crackling/popping along with how to fix muted laptops/ here is the link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8903129#post890312906:48
cyberbluntznvm I found it06:48
sykcyberbluntz, ifconfig ath0 down ifconfig hw ether 0:1:2:3:4:506:48
sykifconfig ath0 up06:48
federicothinkfast, what do u need06:48
rajhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8903129#post8903129Can someone tell me if my POST is newb friendly? for new users? I sit on how to get the sound to work on ubuntu without crackling/popping along with how to fix muted laptops/ here is the link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8903129#post890312906:48
Ascavasaionbrjann: Nope... never worked... sigh... Ubuntu is flawed.06:48
sykath0 = your wlan device06:48
thinkfastjust wondering if i could get some help renaming a bunch of images in a directory, some have .jpg.jpg and some are .JPG - i want them all to be just .jpg06:48
dividebyzer0yes Ascavasaion?06:48
federicoisn't it the same thing?06:48
rajCan someone tell me if my POST is newb friendly? for new users? its on how to get the sound to work on ubuntu without crackling/popping along with how to fix muted laptops/ here is the link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8903129#post890312906:49
Ascavasaiondividebyzer0: I am trying that now'06:49
brjannAscavasaion: boo. sorry :(06:49
blakkheim!repeat | raj, thinkfast06:49
ubotturaj, thinkfast: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.06:49
dividebyzer0Ascavasaion: that's one that you should be able to run after disabling bluetooth06:49
thinkfastfederico asked me what i needed again06:49
thinkfastie. image.jpg.jpg image.JPG i want to rename them all to image.jpg06:50
kondo_dividebyzore: i'M using wine 1.1.1406:50
Whopperbasically renaming an all caps JPG to a lowercase jpg06:50
sykraj, tell them how to start the terminal ;)06:50
federicobut do they have a specific name this images or just image (1) image (2)...06:50
thinkfastand all .jpg.jpg to just .jpg06:50
brjannthinkfast: you can use the rename utility, like so: rename 's/.JPG/.jpg/' * && rename 's/.jpg.jpg/.jpg/' *06:50
brjannprobably a more elegant way to do it, but eh06:50
dividebyzer0kondo_ I believe you need wine 1.1.32 as seen here http://www.wine-reviews.net/wine-reviews/microsoft/office-2007-in-ubuntu-910-with-wine-1132.html06:50
WhopperAh, I gotcha06:50
thinkfastok great ill give that a go, thanks brjann06:51
federicobrjann is apparently better than me in this topic ;)06:51
brjannthinkfast: no problem :)06:51
brjannfederico: nah, just been thinking about it longer ;)06:51
rajsyk: lol :)06:51
brjannbrjann: i mean it! he asked a few minutes before you asked him what he needed, i've been thinking about it ever since06:51
rinaldoanybody home..??06:52
brjann!hi | rinaldo06:52
dividebyzer0Ascavasaion: have you also tried uninstalling bluetooth through the synaptic package manager?06:52
ubotturinaldo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:52
cyberbluntzauto lo iface lo inet loopback, does this seem right?06:52
Ascavasaiondividebyzer0: Yep.06:52
Zuswill i be abled to open 2 diferent email adresses with evolution?06:53
brjannAscavasaion: oh, wait. bluetooth config stuff is likely stored on a per-user basis, so the purge/reinstall methods wouldn't touch them anyway. you need to seek out and destroy the config stuff in your home directory06:53
rinaldoplease help me! I have a problem!!!06:53
knoppies!ask | rinaldo06:54
ubotturinaldo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:54
root__what's wrong06:54
Ascavasaionbrjann: sigh06:54
cyberbluntzhere the line toadd hwaddress ether 01:02:03:04:05:0606:54
brjannAscavasaion: i have no idea what directories might be involved, but you might get a few clues from:   find ~/ -iname '*blue' -type d06:54
rinaldocan anybody help me?06:54
brjannAscavasaion: whoops, add another star after blue06:54
knoppiesrinaldo, idk, I have no idea what your problem is.06:54
thinkfastthat worked like a charm, thanks again brjann06:54
brjannthinkfast: no problem :)06:54
brjannAscavasaion: find ~/ -iname '*blue*' -type d06:55
AscavasaionI am doing a sudo apt-get --purge remove bluez bluetooth libbluetooth3 bluez-gstreamer bluez-compat06:55
ga_sk8erissues with screen resolution. i think i need to install monitor driver06:55
dividebyzer0ga_sk8er: what graphics card?06:55
cyberbluntzis lo default generic?06:55
aaron_liuj i can install git06:55
ga_sk8ersmallest video size i can do is 600x48006:55
brjanncyberbluntz: lo is the loopback adapter06:55
knoppiesga_sk8er, you mean video card driver?06:56
ga_sk8eri installed the video card driver but it wont let me make my stuff smaller06:56
knoppiesga_sk8er, things seem 'smaller' when your resolution gets bigger.06:56
rinaldoI have dell inspiron 1440 with Windows XP SP2. I install ubuntu inside windows. But, if i forgot to restart my computer after using ubuntu, my ubuntu can't used tommorow!!!06:56
dividebyzer0ga_sk8er, what resolution are you looking to achieve06:57
rinaldoplease help me!!06:57
cyberbluntzcan I rightly change it to eth0 and the inet dhcp?06:57
ga_sk8erbot i can only do 320x 240or 640x 48006:57
brjanncyberbluntz: no. the loopback adapter is a virtual device that's built into the kernel06:58
AscavasaionNope, still not working... bluetooth is badly supported in Ubuntu06:59
dividebyzer0Ascavasaion: Configuration information is located in the /etc/bluetooth directory, along with the /etc/pcmcia directory for notebooks. The HCI information is saved in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf, and RFCOMM configuration information is in /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf. The Bluetooth service script, /etc/rc.d/init.d/bluetooth, is used to start and stop Bluetooth services. This script will start up the Bluetooth daemon for HCI devices, hcid, and run any dete06:59
Ascavasaionthanks dividebyzer007:00
ga_sk8eri can only do 320x240 or 640x48007:00
meowbuntuhi i am looking for a application called opensong. i have installed it from the site but cant get it to work on ubuntu9.10/ i know it comes packaged with ubuntuce so i should be able to get it.07:00
rinaldocan anybody help me?07:00
dividebyzer0Ascavasaion: no problem, trying to see what I can do http://computingtech.blogspot.com/2009/01/using-bluetooth-in-ubuntu.html07:00
ga_sk8erif i could get monitor driver i thgink i can make it work07:03
KartagisGuest02344, is a spammer07:03
meowbuntuga_sk8er, what monitor07:03
ga_sk8erhp pavilion vx7407:03
SandGorgonis mrxvt being developed anymore - it does not have unicode support, but I dont like rxvt-unicode (slower than mrxvt, tab support via perl plugin is very basic )07:03
Himarihi, if I put an incorrect script in /etc/init.d and make it start at boot, then the script fails and server is unable to prompt for a login - which means I cannot even login, how can I disable the service and login to the server?07:03
meowbuntuga_sounds like graphicks card more to me07:04
meowbuntu^ ga_sk8er07:04
meowbuntu!intell | ga_sk8er07:04
meowbuntuga_sk8er, what07:04
meowbuntu!intel | ga_sk8er07:05
ubottuga_sk8er: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.07:05
ga_sk8erits nvidia07:05
ga_sk8ernvidia video card which i installed driver for07:05
ga_sk8ermonitor is hp pavilion vx7407:05
rajFOR anyone that is having trouble with sound on HDA cards try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8903129#post890312907:06
pierce1so is the apt-url installed from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ supposed to work?07:07
=== pierce1 is now known as pierce
meowbuntuga_sk8er, google ubuntu9.10 (g'card moddle)07:07
meowbuntucyberbluntz, test failed07:07
piercelooks like adobe-flashplugin isn't in the partner repo, even though it looks like it should be07:08
cyberbluntzhow do i see my MAC and the rest of the network info07:08
piercecyberbluntz: ifconfig -a07:08
meowbuntuhi i am looking for a application called opensong. i have installed it from the site but cant get it to work on ubuntu9.10/ i know it comes packaged with ubuntuce so i should be able to get it.07:08
ga_sk8ermeowbuntu what u mena. i got graphic card driver installed. i think i need monitor driver07:08
rajFor anyone with SOUND problems on an HDA card / laptop try this solution that i posted just now: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8903129#post890312907:09
petsounds-eeeoops :D07:09
meowbuntuga_sk8er, then google away and ask others here. #ubuntu is great.07:10
ga_sk8erhow do i get the driver for the monitor...not video card, but monitor07:10
AscavasaionIt is official... this cannot be fixed by any skills in me, or anyone on any howto site on the web.07:11
Ascavasaiondividebyzer0: thanks for trying buddy.07:11
brjannmeowbuntu: opensong doesn't appear to be in the ubuntu repositories, but they've released a .deb which you should be able to install using gdebi. it's here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensong/files/OpenSong/07:12
fuzzybunnyhey everyone for some reason my laptop keeps completely locking(like I will have to hold down the power button) every once in a while. I have since been monitoring my cpu usage and the temperatures of things and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. I also did a memory test and it id the first pass without any problems. I have checked the logs at the time when the problem happened and there were not any errors or anything. Do07:12
fuzzybunnyes anyone know of any other things I could do to try to isolate down this problem?07:12
nerikoHi. Not sure if I'm in the right area. Just had a firefox upgrade to 3.5.8 and now none of my java pages work.07:13
meowbuntubrjann, it comes packaged with ubuntu ce.  also i tryed the latest download it installed but its not in the menu adn i cant seem to run it07:13
=== neriko is now known as Neriko
clrgfuzzybunny: Maybe not your entire system freezes, just the graphics driver. By saying you checked the logs, you mean /var/log/messages or dmesg | tail or so?07:13
meowbuntubrjann, can you find a ppa for it then07:14
fuzzybunnyoh and sorry guys I was playing MAME when it froze07:14
clrgneriko: Maybe ask #firefox07:14
NerikoThanks, clrg07:14
dividebyzer0Ascavasaion sorry couldn't be of more help!07:14
AscavasaionI think Microsoft is behind Linux... it is there way to get people to move back to Windows.  You try Linux, realise that it is never going to work properly and then you move back to Windows live happily every after.07:14
ZykoticK9!ot > Ascavasaion07:15
ubottuAscavasaion, please see my private message07:15
brjannmeowbuntu: i'm not seeing any launchpad ppas for opensong07:16
meowbuntuAscavasaion, so what you really mean is that windows is better than any linux os07:16
clrgPlease discuss that in #ubuntu-offtopic.07:16
dividebyzer0i think it's more that it depends on the needs of the users in question07:16
meowbuntubrjann, can you find the verson packaged with ubuntuce then07:16
fuzzybunnyclrg, yeah the entire system locks I can't even get to the other terminals by pressing CTRL07:16
Ascavasaionmeowbuntu: In the fact that it works... yes. :(  I really liked Ubuntu.07:16
AscavasaionZykoticK9: hehehehehehehe07:17
meowbuntuclrg, who discus what in oftopic07:17
rinaldoanybody indonesian?07:17
Ascavasaionmeowbuntu: They want me to rant and rave in that other channel.07:17
fuzzybunnyclrg, yeah the entire system locks I can't even get to the other terminals by pressing CTRL+ALT+f1 and I checked the messages log at the time that the problem happend and there weren't any errors or anything07:17
petsounds-eeerinaldo, me07:17
meowbuntuAscavasaion, then go there07:17
Ascavasaionmeowbuntu: Naaaah, you guys need to hear it.,07:17
FictionHello, can anyone help a noob get his sound to work, it was working, very baddly with glitching, then i installed flash and it no longer works,07:18
fuzzybunny!ot > fuzzybunny07:18
ubottufuzzybunny, please see my private message07:18
meowbuntuAscavasaion, no they dont07:18
meowbuntuthis is a ubuntu help chanel07:18
Ascavasaionmeowbuntu: Shush little on.07:18
meowbuntu!topic | Ascavasaion07:19
ubottuAscavasaion: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic07:19
brjannmeowbuntu: i have no idea where ubuntuce's repository lives :)07:19
meowbuntubrjann, yea i am trying to find it07:19
rinaldocan anybody help me?07:19
brjannmeowbuntu: does Alt-F2 and then typing    opensong   into the box and clicking run not do anything at all?07:20
AscavasaionMy bluetooth-applet has gone haywire.  It does not allow me to browse/detect USB devices.  It suddenly started detecting two USB bluetooth dongles when there is definitely only one bluetooth device in the computer.  I can pon scriptfilename and the latop connects to the USB bluetooth dongle and cellphone and works perfectly.  PLEASE can someone help me sort out this stupid bluetooth applet nonsense.?07:20
meowbuntubrjann, i already tryed that in terminal so that wont work no07:20
axi'm running 9.10, i have a thinkpad x32 and a ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY, my video performance [especially flash in my web browser] is significantly worse than it was with earlier versions of ubuntu.07:21
e3a23my ubuntu is no working07:21
axsomeone earlier told me to try the open source drivers in 9.10, and this is what i'm using07:21
petsounds-eee!id | rinaldo07:21
ubotturinaldo: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:21
alankilaax: perhaps fault of compiz (Appearance / Effects). Try disabling it?07:21
axalankila: i have 'no effects'07:21
alankilano idea then.07:21
rinaldoi have dell inspiron 1440 with Windows XP Home. I install ubuntu 9.10 inside windows. if i forgot to restart my computer to windows, i cant start my ubuntu again! please help me!!!07:22
rinaldohey petsounds-eee!!!07:22
brjannmeowbuntu: hm. sorry, i'm out of ideas; i don't know why the .deb from sourceforge wouldn't work, if all the dependencies were satisfied. unless the .deb itself was broken07:22
ga_sk8erim trying to delete a driver but i dont have permission for it. how do i get into root07:22
e3a23rinaldo how are u07:22
DJ_HaMsTahow do i know what kind of groups are in my OS ?07:23
DJ_HaMsTathis is ubuntu 9.1007:23
meowbuntualt+f2 opensong run has the app icon but i get this http://imagebin.ca/view/7q_bT3B.html07:23
meowbuntu^ brjann07:23
brjannmeowbuntu: oh, interesting07:23
brjannmeowbuntu: open up your terminal and type    mkdir opensong07:23
FictionSo can anyone try to help me with me getting no sound in ubuntu x86 ive treyed 6 quides and no ones been able to help for 4 days now....07:23
petsounds-eeerinaldo, join ke #ubuntu-id nanti saya bantu pake bahasa indonesia :)07:23
brjannmeowbuntu: then try running it again07:23
e3a23ubuntu me cross over not istaall07:24
cyberbluntzwmaster0  Link encap:UNSPEC what would this be?07:24
Enf`Hey guys, if I wanted to build a package and install it in say /opt/somepackage, how do I go around it?07:24
Enf`I mean, I've tried setting prefix or even ./configure --prefix but it seems like I'm always getting Permission denied each time I run pbuilder07:24
ga_sk8erFiction. did u just install ubuntu?07:24
Enf`anything I left out?07:24
Fictionive updated everything though07:25
ga_sk8erat top on the bar is an icon for the sound07:25
ga_sk8erclick on it & move the sound up07:25
meowbuntubrjann, it ran opensong file browser i dont think that is right07:25
Fictionallready been done07:25
ga_sk8eroh. idk then07:25
Fictioni think its becasue its loading 2 drivers from the motherboard.  on board sound07:25
AscavasaionMy bluetooth-applet has gone haywire.  It does not allow me to browse/detect USB devices.  It suddenly started detecting two USB bluetooth dongles when there is definitely only one bluetooth device in the computer.  I can pon scriptfilename and the latop connects to the USB bluetooth dongle and cellphone and works perfectly.  PLEASE can someone help me sort out this stupid bluetooth applet nonsense.?07:26
Fictioni just have no clue how do remove or anything07:26
Ghost1227i'm trying to write a daemon for debian/ubuntu, but i don't understand the # Required-Start: and # Required-Stop: lines in the skeleton file... can anyone give me a few tips?07:26
brjannmeowbuntu: ah, heh. yeah, it's confused. try    /usr/bin/opensong   instead07:26
robertsaronI am trying to set up my own IRC server, for me and some friends, and cannot find the the ircd.conf file, anyone know where that is located?07:26
Ghost1227got it07:27
meowbuntubrjann, run /usr/bin/opensong07:27
brjannmeowbuntu: yes07:27
dsnydersHas anyone gotten kpovmodeler to work in 9.04?07:27
brjannmeowbuntu: Alt-F2 and type    /usr/bin/opensong    and then click run07:27
Jon-I am looking for a Windows7 like feature in ubuntu: Hit a key combination to let X-numbered item in taskbar open [ie, key + 1 = open first listed item in taskbar]. Please tell me there is a way to do this?07:28
meowbuntubrjann, again it gives icon but its not there07:28
brjannmeowbuntu: (at least, i'm assuming that's where it would have installed to.)07:28
brjannmeowbuntu: what do you mean, it gives an icon?07:28
meowbuntubrjann, you have not used alt-f2 ???? it hives the assosicated icon in the icon box.07:29
meowbuntuhives = gives07:29
cyberbluntzauto lo; iface lo inet loopback; hwaddress ether 01:22:33:44:33:22 ? or does the ether need to be loop?07:29
brjannmeowbuntu: ah, i know what you mean now, sorry07:29
brjannmeowbuntu: okay, back to the terminal, and you can     rmdir opensong    too, we don't need that any more07:30
meowbuntuits there but broken shall i try a reinstall07:30
Jon-I am looking for a Windows7 like feature in ubuntu: Hit a key combination to let X-numbered item in taskbar open [ie, key + 1 = open first listed item in taskbar]. Please tell me there is a way to do this?07:30
brjannmeowbuntu: sure, couldn't hurt :)07:30
meowbuntubrjann, i can always run opensong in wine but dont see the point if there is a .deb available07:31
brjannmeowbuntu: i understand, and agree07:31
brjannmeowbuntu: do you have the same .deb that was on the sourceforge page i linked to earlier?07:32
AscavasaionMy bluetooth-applet has gone haywire.  It does not allow me to browse/detect USB devices.  It suddenly started detecting two USB bluetooth dongles when there is definitely only one bluetooth device in the computer.  I can pon scriptfilename and the latop connects to the USB bluetooth dongle and cellphone and works perfectly.  PLEASE can someone help me sort out this stupid bluetooth applet nonsense.?07:32
=== neriko is now known as Neriko
chdhow do I open wireshark as root?07:33
chdits not picking up my connections07:33
robertsaroni followed the tutorial here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrcServer for setting up an IRC server, but there is no ircd.conf file on my system. any ideas?07:33
meowbuntubrjann, i went to the opensong page and found a ubuntu .deb installer. i used that07:33
Kartagishelp please. my usb hdd is not recognized at all. here are the outputs: http://suigeneris.pastebin.com/D2zhL6F707:33
brjannmeowbuntu: yes, but which version? they had two listed07:33
meowbuntu^ i assume thats where you got it07:33
rwwchd: gksudo wireshark, I think07:34
AndyS2chd: don't you want to start dumpcap as root and wireshark as user?07:34
meowbuntubrjann, oh i used 1.5 adn it installed 1.6 i think07:34
brjannmeowbuntu: okay, that's the same one i've got, then07:34
meowbuntubrjann, and it works for you07:35
brjannmeowbuntu: seems to07:35
meowbuntuits a program for displaying songwords on a projector and more07:36
Jon-HELP! I just ran "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dockbar-main/ppa"  and now my apt-get update freezes. I can't find anything new in /etc/apt/sources.list  please help me remove this entry!07:36
brjannmeowbuntu: right, looks like it's working07:36
Jon-I was instructed to run this ^^ from dockbarx page http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/DockbarX?content=101604   someone PLEASE help this is an emergency and it's very late at night.07:37
lanksdoes anyone know the command to use grub in ubuntu 9.10 live cd?07:38
chdAndyS2, whats dumpcap?07:38
frankS2lanks: its grub07:38
Jon-HELP! I just ran "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dockbar-main/ppa"  and now my apt-get update freezes. I can't find anything new in /etc/apt/sources.list  please help me remove this entry!07:38
arandJon-: Calm down.07:39
AndyS2chd: it's a little program made by the wireshark people so you don't have to start wireshark as root :)07:39
brjannmeowbuntu: do you still have the .deb downloaded? if not, download it again please?07:39
lanksits says the program grub is not currently installed07:39
meowbuntui have it07:39
meowbuntui reinstalled with same error07:39
AndyS2chd: you only have to run the network dumping utility dumpcap as root, make the dump readable and open it as a user in wireshark07:39
meowbuntu^ brjann07:39
arandJon-: what is the error of apt-get update?07:39
Jon-arand: I have a midterm tomorrow I need rest and I need apt-get update to be working for tomorrow too. This is a bit of an emergency for me. I can't find anything new in /etc/apt/sources.list how the hell do I remove this new entry?07:39
brjannmeowbuntu: does the installation process give an error?07:39
brjannmeowbuntu: or is it just running it?07:39
arandJon-: PPAs gets added in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*07:40
meowbuntuit runs it07:40
sYskkive installed ubuntu on VirtualBox and cant recall my password. whenever I boot, it loads with my username and doesnt prompt me for a password... is there any way to reset my pass?07:41
meowbuntubrjann,  ^07:41
brjannmeowbuntu: i'm sorry, maybe i wasn't clear. does the installation processing finish successfully?07:41
meowbuntubrjann, you where adn i said it runs it07:41
brjannmeowbuntu: hehe, that's what I'm unclear about :) what runs what?07:41
Jon-arand: I did an rm of the 404ing headers, but now apt-get update still freezes on 99 percent saying "waiting for headers"07:42
lankshmm i had two partitions one had ubuntu 9.10 desktop and I just install windows on the other, now when I boot it just boots windows any ideas as to how I can repair the grub boot?07:42
Jon-[bunch of lines stripped]07:42
sYskkis it possible that root still has the default password... ive tried all my usual passes and they wont work07:42
Haffelanks: You need to reinstall grub.07:42
meowbuntubrjann, the install runs as it is supposed to with no errors comming up and everthing seems fine. it works as all other apps i have installed. fine07:42
HaffeGoogle after 'restoring grub after windows install'07:42
brjannsYskk: root doesn't have a password07:42
brjannmeowbuntu: okay, good07:42
meowbuntubrjann, root has a password its the user login password07:43
Jon-arand: It's very late here and I need this done, please a moment of your time. Freezing, 99 percent, no noticeable error messages, waiting for headers.07:43
ZykoticK9sYskk, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword07:43
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:44
brjannmeowbuntu: no, root's password is actually empty, so that root logins always fail.07:44
brjannmeowbuntu: yeah, what ubottu said. :)07:44
Jon-arand: I did a rm badpackagestart* from /etc/apt/sources.d/ and now it still is freezing at 99%07:44
brjannmeowbuntu: anyway! still have that terminal open?07:44
cyberbluntzWoot! got it set to random mac07:45
meowbuntunow i am getting sick of this opensong failing i'm going to use the less than perfect wine install soon07:45
arandJon-: Jon- hmm, that is actually happening here as well (freeze on headers) what server are you using for updates?07:45
sYskk<ubottu: i know but i cant even recall my own password... the weird thing is that im not prompted for any password at boot07:45
meowbuntuyes i do brjann07:45
Jon-arand: waterloo07:45
brjannmeowbuntu: try       /opt/OpenSong/opensong07:46
arandJon-: but from what I can tell maybe getdeb is the problematic one..07:46
Jon-arand: meaning?07:46
arandJon-: I'm on the normal gb.archive server so that shouldn't be it then...07:47
Kartagishelp please. my usb hdd is not recognized at all. here are the outputs: http://suigeneris.pastebin.com/D2zhL6F707:47
arandJon-: DO you have the getdeb repo added?07:47
sYskkok ill try recovery mode07:47
Jon-arand: Not that I know of07:47
meowbuntubrjann, just for you info can i pm you something07:48
brjannsYskk: have you seen this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword07:48
brjannmeowbuntu: sure thing07:48
arandJon-: Hmm, for me removing the getdeb (playdeb) repo solved it.07:48
=== star is now known as Guest72000
roszakHello all.  I just installed karmic and cannot get it to recognize the external monitor I have hooked up to my vga port on my hp dv7 laptop.  Any ideas on how I can get it to recognize the monitor?  Other computers recognize the dell monitor, so I know the device functions.07:49
arandJon-: So if you do not have getdeb, the symptoms are still that of a server not connecting, so try changing server in admin menu>software sources07:49
brjannmeowbuntu: any luck running       /opt/OpenSong/opensong       from the command line?07:50
meowbuntuhold on its taking a while on my slow computer07:51
brjannmeowbuntu: hehe, no problem07:51
=== tek is now known as Guest93969
apoc90can someone help me with LM-SENSORS? it keeps telling me "no sensors detected" when i run sensors-detect07:52
brjannsYskk: great :)07:52
rinaldoanybody indonesian?07:52
meowbuntubrjann, it seems to be setting it up for the first time07:52
Jon-arand: My full repos are on pastebin http://pastebin.com/fjQkvJqZ07:53
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:53
brjannmeowbuntu: fantastic. we can set you up a menu item so you don't have to run it from the command line07:53
indus!id | rinaldo07:53
ubotturinaldo: please see above07:53
clawswhat d o i need to search for to be able to get the "mac" like 3d menu goin on  :)07:53
meowbuntuyea i know the basics07:53
rinaldowhat, ubottu?07:53
brjannmeowbuntu: okay! it looks like the icon is /opt/OpenSong/opensong.xpm07:54
Guest93969what do you guys think about Tor07:54
Jon-Guest93969: What do you mean? I use it from time to time.07:55
meowbuntunow where to put it under other, or graphics or sound & video07:55
* rinaldo slaps pts_ around a bit with a large trout07:55
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
brjannclaws: i'm not sure it has all of what you're looking for, but the default ubuntu window manager, compiz, has a number of bells and whistles you can turn on07:56
brjann!compiz | claws07:56
ubottuclaws: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz07:56
Colloguy5/join bash07:56
arandJon-: Seems to be nothing wrong with the waterloo server what other repos do you have in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ?07:56
Jon-arand: That was a full copy of vims output, which is just a system ls. That's everything.07:57
rinaldohey ubottu! there are no answer in #ubuntu-id!07:57
brjann!cube | claws this too07:58
ubottuclaws this too: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubottu compiz » and « /msg ubottu effects »07:58
Jon-arand: It seems to stop at 99% of my last package, regardless of what it is [I uncommented tor as it was the last one and now it's stopping at the one before that]07:58
Jon-arand: commented*07:59
arandJon-: oops sorry didn't see the last entries, ok, go into software sources, other software, and disable all the additional repos and re-enable one by one.07:59
pinuccio5169ciao a tutti07:59
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »07:59
clawsbrjann, thank you for that :) ... but i wasnt realy looking for the cube thingie.. im thinking of shortcuts on the desktop, usualy at the bottom. sorry i dont even know what its called08:00
benjasGood morning, is it possible to sort application launchers on the panel by name?08:00
brjannclaws: i know, but that's what everyone comes in asking about. there are other effects you can enable with compiz-fusion.08:00
meowbuntuthanks brjann all done with app menu and everthing great.08:00
brjannmeowbuntu: glad to hear it :)08:01
arandbenjas: I think very littlr sorting at all is possible on panels, unfortunately08:01
meowbuntuwith opensource combined knowledge gets things done08:01
Jon-arand: It worked it just seems to be sitting at 99% for like a minute and a half solid. =/08:01
benjasarand: Ok cheers.08:01
Jon-arand: I'll get to the bottom of this later right now I need sleep, cheers.08:03
AndyS2good luck at midterms, Jon-08:03
Jon-AndyS2: Thanks. Analysis of algorithms is a bitch ;o08:04
arandJon-: Good luck.08:04
Fiction_Can anyone help me with a weird problem useing  alsamixer.  Master is set to 00 and i get no sound.  if i raise it at all flash stopes working and i still have no sound08:10
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
Guest93969how can I see my distro? I'm pretty sure its karmic but not sure08:13
GneaGuest93969: lsb_release -a08:13
sixofouris there an easy way to switch to a  real time kernal in latest kubuntu?08:16
Ryan1I'm running Lucid on a laptop and the screen goes blank while booting after the fsck. I don't think it boots at all. How can I resolve this?08:16
orson!lucid | Ryan108:17
ubottuRyan1: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+108:17
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa
arand!rt | sixofour08:17
ubottusixofour: The RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/08:17
Guest93969how doI add a gpg key used to sign the packages by running?08:17
arandsixofour: sorry, that's not very useful...08:18
HunterFettGreetings, folks.08:18
klathere's a -rt linux image you could install... that's all is needed afaik08:19
sixofouryeah, but i'n a linux novice08:19
HunterFettI just installed kubuntu for the first time. I managed to get mplayer installed, but I can't figure out how to play the .mkv files I have.08:19
HunterFettAnybody able to help?08:19
=== Traveler4 is now known as x-calibur
priyankhi everone i am having problem with my installed ubuntu on my ext hdd. that the system slowdowns with normal visual effect it works good with none visual effect.i have 2gb of my swap partition.my system was working completely fine till yesterday in normal mode but i dont what has happend to it today.i also had updated with latest updates of ubuntu till yeterday but it was working fine but today a hell.can any body help me?08:20
sixofouri want to do some audio production on linux in my spare time using lmms, realtime kernal is needed to have any kind of quality sound08:20
klaHunterFett, try installing restricted extras package08:20
HunterFettWhich one? There's about nineteen-bajillion of them.08:20
x-caliburhi there, how can i chmod a directory to give full control over a directory, but do not allow deltion of files08:20
kla!restricted | HunterFett : apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras I believe08:21
ubottuHunterFett : apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras I believe: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:21
sixofourkla how do i install it, and will it esplode my pc or ruin my current install?08:21
priyankji hunterfett just open the filw with open player and installed the req. codecs.actually ull need int. conn. as soon as ull open the file to play it will ask for missing codecs it will automatically go and find the codecs install them08:22
sixofoursomething tells me that rt kernal not being default, means there is a downside to having the rt kernal..what is it?08:22
HunterFettWell I just installed the restricted extras package, I think.08:23
priyankhi everone i am having problem with my installed ubuntu on my ext hdd. that the system slowdowns with normal visual effect it works good with none visual effect.i have 2gb of my swap partition.my system was working completely fine till yesterday in normal mode but i dont what has happend to it today.i also had updated with latest updates of ubuntu till yeterday but it was working fine but today a hell.can any body help me?08:23
HunterFettLemme see if that helps. But mplayer did not ask for any codec downloads at all.08:23
orsonx-calibur: if you have "full control" you can delete08:23
x-caliburorson: i need full control, except people can't delete08:23
orsonx-calibur: makes no sense08:23
x-caliburorson: why not....08:24
orsonx-calibur: read "man chmod" about sticky bit, maybe it helps you08:24
priyankhi everone i am having problem with my installed ubuntu on my ext hdd. that the system slowdowns with normal visual effect it works good with none visual effect.i have 2gb of my swap partition.my system was working completely fine till yesterday in normal mode but i dont what has happend to it today.i also had updated with latest updates of ubuntu till yeterday but it was working fine but today a hell.can any body help me?08:24
orsonorson: because if one cannot delete stuff, he hasn't "full control"08:24
x-caliburorson: i want to use it for sharing foto's and don't want them deleted.08:24
arandsixofour: Simply install the linux-rt package, if that specific kernel doesn't work, it should be possible to simply boot into the normal version08:24
x-caliburorson: i understand that.08:25
sixofouryou mean apt-get linux-rt?08:25
klasixofour, sudo apt-get install <package>08:25
klasixofour, 'apt-cache search <term>' to find out what you're looking ofr08:25
arandsixofour: yes (and what kla said)08:26
HunterFettOkay, so the restricted extras package didn't work, and I can't seem to find this open player.08:26
velenohello. is it possible to configure the login manager so that , if the username given to login matches a certain reg-exp, its value is modified "before" submitting the login-form ? For example: username given in the form: pippo@myuniv.com -> someprefix-pippo@myuniv.com, matching every username ending @myuniv.com ..08:26
sixofourguess this will require a reboot08:26
sixofouris there a downside to using rt?08:26
Guest93969whats default privoxy or yum?08:26
klasixofour, don't use it if you're running any servers08:27
sixofournah, just firefox lmms and open office08:27
sixofourcasual usage08:27
arandsixofour: No idea, more resourcy? less default-tested-standard-stable..?08:27
klasixofour, no downside then, you'll hardly notice much difference if you don't use multimedia apps and such08:29
sixofouri use music players08:29
sixofourbut lmms is the only rt requirement08:29
klaGuest93969, not sure I understand. Are you asking if the default (for what?) is privoxy or yum (the fedora thing) ?08:30
klaGuest93969, also get a real nickname plz :p08:30
HunterFettWell crap. So I downloaded VLC, and the video is working wonderfully. Beautiful and crisp as ever. Only there's no audio coming from VLC. There's audio coming from amarok, but not VLC.08:31
klaHunterFett, huh select audio output type from configuration in VLC08:31
HunterFettkla, I'm not sure if I follow.08:32
HunterFettGeneral VLC preferences...?08:32
x-caliburorson: thanks, i think that will do the trick ;)08:33
klaHunterFett, Tools->Preferences->Audio->Output->Type should give you a list, experiment with the options.08:33
Polysicsi need to install windows AFTER installing ubuntu... i don't want to but i need to :-)08:34
Polysicshow do i go about? i suppose i need a partition08:34
Polysicspop in a live CD and use gparted?08:34
klaPolysics, depends on your needs, you can even install windows on a Virtual machine08:34
sixofour_how can i see what kernal i am using?08:35
klaPolysics, but if you do need to install, you'll need spare partition, if you don't have space use a live partitioning tool to make room, then install windows, then reinstall boot manager (grub)08:35
klasixofour_, uname -a08:35
HunterFettkla, I went through al the options and nothing has worked...08:35
sixofour_Linux MrBlowtatoes 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 01:26:53 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux08:36
sixofour_guess its not real time08:36
sixofour_how do i change?08:36
Polysicskla, i do have windows in a VM with Virtualbox, but unfortunately the microphone does not work08:36
klaHunterFett, try kde configuration center then under Multimedia experiment with different backends08:36
Polysicsi only need Windows to test a Voip app we are developing, so i need it :-)08:36
klaPolysics, I see. Well you can do a real install, it's more involved but possible.08:37
kubancwhere do i change gnome-panel hide and un-hide delay?08:37
kla!es | jad08:38
ubottujad: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.08:38
jadno im not spanish08:39
klajad, right you said hola so I assumed you spoke spaish. so do you have an issue you need assistance with?08:39
jadyes plz08:39
jadin  bash scripts: i wanna run something when something happens, is there something that listens for a certain variable or smthn08:40
sixofour_how di i switch to the rt kernal?08:40
kubancalready solved it08:40
sixofour_you said something 4 times in one sentence08:40
jadtrue :)08:41
barnaby_bSomeone sent me a code sample using PHP4 ,,, and the last ubuntu release to have that in the repo's would be... Edgy?08:41
barnaby_bI don't want to compile php4 ... and VMWare doesn't seem to work on karmic08:41
barnaby_bwould it be bad form to just call them and say "please send code that isn't 5 years old and can run in php5"?   Or is there an easy way I can make php4 code run in Karmic?08:43
=== Guest11795 is now known as isp
klajad, depends on the way you could detect how that even you're looking for happened, can you be more specific. Also the people in #bash may be able to help you more, if you can find any of them not idling08:43
sixofour_how do i switch to the rt kernal?08:43
klasixofour_, you have to boot into it from the GRUB menu when you (re)start your machine08:44
sixofour_howdo i get to the grub menu?08:44
jadto be more specific, I know when the network is up when    `iwconfig wlan0 | grep essid -i | wc -l`        returns 1,  0 when not.     When the network is up I wanna run checkgmail08:44
klasixofour_, just restart your computer, a menu wil lshow up to let you select what OS you want to run08:45
sixofour_a menu diodn't show up08:45
barnaby_bhhmm, I wonder if schroot would do the trick :-/08:45
sixofour_it went to normal generic linux08:45
syk_sixofour_, hit esc on boot08:46
scy_th3Does anyone play quake3 using Ubuntu? If so I need a little bit of help.08:46
klajad, yes I see, it would be easier if you can plug the script you want with the ifup.d mechanism instead08:47
jadkla, thx, ill look that up08:47
indusscy_th3, hi08:47
cyberbluntzwhy does it deny me when I try to use tor?08:48
indusscy_th3, use the ioquake3 installer , google for it08:48
klajad, under /etc/network/if-up.d/ or somesuch08:48
indusscy_th3, the quake 3 installer has a lot of problems, just google ioquake3 and use it to install08:48
scy_th3indus, thanks, I have that installed already. The sound 'does' seem to work in it. But it does not connect to the servers I like to play.08:48
indusscy_th3, yeah hmm that i dont know maybe change internet settings or join direct with ip adress08:49
indusscy_th3, try quake4 its great08:49
dork!pt > danx08:49
ubottudanx, please see my private message08:49
klacyberbluntz, you will have to edit the tor config file and configure which listen address you want then connect to it as it shows08:49
nomnexHow can I move several sub-directories at once using mv command? I am in /home. Command: mv -vi Desktop/dir1/(subdirX/subdirY) Desktop/dir2/ - what's the correct syntax for the part (subdirX/subdirY)? thanks08:50
klacyb3r3li0g, sudoedit /etc/tor/torrc08:50
=== mun_ is now known as mun
scy_th3indus, thanks, but there is just something about quake3 that keeps me...q4 is okay but the psychics are much different.08:50
klacyberbluntz, ^ that was for you, and also don't forget to 'sudo service tor restart' after that08:50
brand0nwhats the hotkey to activate the desktop cube?08:50
scy_th3indus, when using slackware a while back, all I had to do is add the 'user' to the /etc/group audio and it would work08:51
orsonnomnex: mv dir1 dir208:51
brjannnomnex: you can specify more than one source using mv; the last argument is always the destination. so mv dir1 dir2 dir3 will move dir1 and dir2 into dir308:51
scy_th3indus,  I appreciate your help though.08:51
syk_brand0n, install ccsm in the software center, it lets you configure _everything_ you need in compiz08:51
brand0nim in it right now syk_08:52
meatbunin transmission, how come i dont have that activity chart with all those blue blocks?  http://www.transmissionbt.com/help/gtk/1.5x/gfx/inspector.jpg08:52
sixofourpressing escape didn't do anything syk_08:52
brand0nbut i cant seem to find how to enable desktop cube08:52
brand0ni have it turned on already, it just doesnt let me set a hotkey that activates it08:52
klameatbun, #transmission08:52
brand0ni was wondering what it is by default08:52
syk_activate desktop cube08:52
syk_hotkeys: strg+alt08:52
syk_+left mouse08:52
arandbrand0n: ctrl+alt+click08:52
brand0nthat doesnt work for me08:53
syk_ah yes, ctrl @ english :(08:53
indusscy_th3, ok, i like quake 4 over q3 , great sounds ,looks great and plays great too08:53
brand0nmaybe i gotta relogin since i didnt have multiple workspaces enabled at first08:53
brand0nbut thanks for the info guys08:53
meatbunkla: no, i it's an ubuntu prob. i was running ubuntu someversion.x.1 then upgrade to someversion x.2 and it gone08:53
indusscy_th3, no female player sounds though,but somone might create it maybe08:53
nomnexbrjann, it (I mean I) fail...08:53
nomnexmt@fmv:~$ mv -iv Desktop/newdir1/dir1 dir2 Desktop/newdir2/08:53
nomnex`Desktop/newdir1/dir1' -> `Desktop/newdir2/dir1'08:53
nomnexmv: cannot stat `dir2': No such file or directory08:53
FloodBot2nomnex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:53
indusscy_th3, anyways good luck08:53
brjannnomnex: you need to specify the full path to dir2, as in mv -iv Desktop/newdir1/dir1 Desktop/newdir1/dir2 Desktop/newdir2/08:54
brjannnomnex: though you might be able to do bash expansion, with mv iv Desktop/newdir1/{dir1,dir2} Desktop/newdir208:55
brjannnor sure08:55
cyberbluntzSocksListenAddress # accept connections only from localhost08:56
Unislashhey all, i was wondering what your opinions on using gparted to *resize* my windows partition (ntfs of course) is. i'm making it larger, if it matters (for storage) :-)08:56
cyberbluntzwhat do i change it too?08:56
p1oooophome sweet home
nomnexbrjann, the second option is what I was looking for, many thanks08:57
Unislashi've read places that it's kind of risky to resize partitions, but i have no idea what effects chances or even what kind of chances there are... hence the question08:57
brjannnomnex: no problem :)08:57
brjannUnislash: enlarging ntfs partitions with gparted should be fine, though here's a warning from gparted's faq: When resizing boot NTFS partitions, it is advisable to perform this as a single operation only. After resizing, boot into Windows twice to allow Windows to perform its checking operations.08:58
p1oooopdoes anyone know how to make GRUB boot from a NFS?08:59
GaduI installed a couple .deb packages and rebooted only to get "Mount of filesystem failed" as I'm dropped to a maintenance shell. How do I uninstall the packages from this shell or from a live cd?08:59
p1oooopmaybe with an init file08:59
p1oooopor a kernel CD09:00
raddyHello Everybody09:00
Unislashbrjann: hmmm, interesting. i'll keep reading stuff :)09:00
raddyI authored a german language site in ubuntu using komposer09:00
raddyI haven't specified a selected font to be used anywhere.09:01
Gadutried the usual commands from removing them from the maintenance shell to no avail and I don't know how to remove packages from an installed system with a live cd09:01
raddyBut when i uploaded my web site to internet, german charactors are not appearing :(09:01
arandGadu: It'sprobably not the packages that are wrong per see, but the filesystem that's messy09:02
Gadueverything was working famously until I installed those09:02
Gaduwhich was the only change I had made prior to the last reboot it had09:02
raddycan anybody help me.09:02
raddyYour help is urgently required.09:02
fivetwentysixraddy, what was the question?09:03
arandGadu: It may be that in the process of writing exposed something corrupt in the filesystem, or a bd block on the disk...09:03
Gaduand I will certainly look into that after removing those packages09:03
meatbuni am on ubuntu 9.04 was using 8.x, after this , transimssion sucks. did htye put an old version in there?09:03
Gadujust to be certain09:04
Cyber_AkumaIs 5gb enough space to set aside for Xubuntu?09:04
brjannraddy: #kde might be able to help more, since you were using komposer09:04
raddyfivetwentysix : i authered a german language site using komposer, at the time i didn't specify any fonts to be used, all was fine until i uploaded the website, not german text or not appearing correctly even in my own system.09:05
arandGadu: You will probably need to get around the filesystem errors first, the package problem is secondary in this case..09:05
p1oooopCyber_Akuma: it should be enough, but you can't do much with 5GB09:05
raddybrjann:  Don't joke, kompozer is a mozilla based html editor09:05
arandGadu: The filesystem which has failed, are there critical data on it?09:05
fivetwentysixraddy, so the problem is the site or your computer not dis-playing German text?09:06
brjannraddy: oh, my bad. i see the K, i think KDE.09:06
GaduI'm still not convinced that installing a package uncovered some underlying problem. there must be a way to uninstall a package with a live cd, chroot perhaps?09:06
raddyfivetwentysix:  yeah.09:06
nomnexI have got 3 files (probably movies). Extension .md0, .mdf, .mds, how can I play them09:06
fivetwentysixraddy, may I have a link to your website?09:06
arandGadu: I recently had a discussion about what to recommend users in this case, might be worth a read, sine the dicision on how much precaution to take is yours: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/386848/09:07
raddyfivetwentysix:  http://www.interchainsol.com/de/09:07
stage2hi, im trying to print out source codes from this program, it contains folders, and files. any idea on how i might do this?09:07
ZykoticK9nomnex, those are CD image files (forget the name...)09:07
raddyfivetwentysix: It won't display correctly for you too.09:07
nomnexZykoticK9, thanks, I will mount them as an ISO then09:08
ZykoticK9nomnex, i think AcetoneISO can do it - can't just use regular loopback cd mount i'm affriad09:08
nomnexZykoticK9, got it, thanks09:09
orsonraddy: broken charset, iso8859-1 and umlauts are .... baeh09:13
raddyorson:  I haven't set character set,09:14
orsonraddy: then do it now09:14
raddyorson: ohh, what charset i should choose?09:15
orsonraddy: 8859-15 or utf809:15
orsonraddy: and consider encoding of umlauts09:15
raddyorson : thank you very much, you save my day.09:18
orsonraddy: http://de.selfhtml.org09:19
brjann!it | hierro09:19
ubottuhierro: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:19
objornhow do you list the dir file path for each file listed in ls?09:19
cyberbluntzdamnit it09:21
Evetwhich app is sound mixer for gnome?09:21
cyberbluntzYou are banned from this server- Due to abuse we currently accept tor connections via our tor-sasl service only. See freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml - questions can be directed to klines@freenode.net09:21
cyberbluntz* Closing Link: d173-183-145-137.abhsia.telus.net (K-Lined)09:21
cyberbluntz* Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).09:21
cyberbluntzthats wtf09:21
brjannobjorn: you mean you want the full patch of each file?09:21
brjannobjorn: path, i mean09:22
stevecamis there any face logon software for ubuntu?09:22
erUSULcyberbluntz: #freenode looks like a better place to ask about it09:22
arandcyberbluntz: language please, and yes, freenode makes you go through hoops if you use tor.09:22
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
cyberbluntzits only freenode?09:23
objornbrjann: yes09:23
objorni was told to use find09:23
objornthat seems to be what i want09:23
xdemohi, logging into fluxbox takes 30/40 seconds... which is odd, as my laptop loads it in under 3 seconds, and this computer is way faster. What could be wrong? Heres my startup script if it helps... http://pastebin.com/GyvjbURL09:24
brjannobjorn: find can do that, yes09:24
DJonesSorry, wrong window09:24
objornhowever, find /home/safar/ netbook returns files that don't have that anywhere as a dir path or a file name09:24
hierro! list09:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:24
Evethow to run (which command) sound mixer?09:24
arandcyberbluntz: many networks ban tor..09:24
brjannobjorn: find takes into consideration the directory you're currently in09:25
skysbird2i encounter a problem09:25
=== che is now known as Guest45303
cyberbluntzBut why?09:25
skysbird2i use netboot to install ubuntu09:25
brjannobjorn: so the "netbook" directory will be treated as relative to your current directory09:25
erUSULEvet: alsamixer09:25
arandcyberbluntz: abuse and ban-evasion, but #freenode is the place to discuss this topic09:26
skysbird2is there somebody encountered the same problem??09:26
puffHm, I have these avis, when I play them, the sound levels are fairly low;  if I turn up all the volume controls (system, player, etc) it's almost adequate.  Is there any way to tawek them further?09:26
objornbrjann: i'm looking for a file that contains "netbook" in the title09:26
erUSULobjorn: find /home/safar/ -name '*netbook*'09:26
Evetwohooo erUSUL, its text based. thanks you09:26
objorni forgot about -name09:26
puffobjorn: Or find /whatever | fgrep -i netbook09:26
erUSULobjorn: see find's man page. usually just "guessing" a commands syntax do not work09:27
puffobjorn:  or if you really want to get complicated, find /whatever | egrep "somefunkyregex"09:27
Gaduarand: chroot from a livecd so I could uninstall the packages solved the issue entirely...09:27
brjannerUSUL: especially as convoluted as find can be...09:27
erUSULbrjann: ditto :)09:28
basajaun9.10 How so I assign static mount point to usb storage devices?09:28
arandGadu: ok, I was assuming that the filesystem eror wouldn't allow mounting at all, which is normally the case.09:28
brjann!fstab | basajuan09:28
orsonpuff: no need to grep, find has regex-options09:28
ubottubasajuan: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions09:28
cyberbluntzDo I have to manually edit the torcc everytime my IP changes or chan I put in an exception like localhost?09:28
=== eli_ is now known as Elirips
puffAnyone have a clue how to up the volume on this AVI?09:29
skysbird2https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-installer/2009-March/000351.html  anybody have the same issues?09:30
brjannpuff: I think VLC has a volume meter that goes up to 200%09:30
puffbrjann: Cool, I'll try it in vlc.09:30
xdemodoes anyone know why fluxbox takes ages to load in karmic? and possibly how to fix it09:31
puffbrjann: muuuuuuch better.09:31
puffbrjann: Thanks.09:31
brjannpuff: np :)09:31
Cyber_AkumaHmmm, I am mostly installing xbuntu as an emergency/recovery partition, not sure if they will actually use it for real or not..... wonder if I should use ext3 or ext409:33
clotterm1hi! i need to compare the io performance of two (different) systems. is there any tool to test the performance on the same circumstances?09:34
tdnI am trying to add this ldif http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1494.html, using this command: ldapadd -h localhost -f sogo.ldif -x -w ********** -D cn=Manager,dc=sikkerhed,dc=org    I get the error: ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49). If I do not specify password, I get this error: ldap_bind: Server is unwilling to perform (53) additional info: unauthenticated bind (DN with no password) disallowed. My slapd.conf is here: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P109:34
tdnThis is what is written in the syslog, while trying to add sogo.ldiff using password: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1495.html09:35
brjannCyber_Akuma: ext3 is forward-compatible with ext4, but ubuntu's default ext4 configuration isn't backwards-compatible with ext3. if that helps at all.09:35
Slik_can anybody help me with eeepc and ubuntu ?09:36
EliripsHello. Ubuntu 9.10 comes with KDE 4.x by default, not? Is it easy to support KDE 3 instead?09:36
Eliripsi mean "to install KDE 3 instead"...09:36
brjannCyber_Akuma: (meaning that you can mount ext3 as ext4 and get some of the benefits of the new filesystem, but you can't mount ext4 as ext3 the way ubuntu installs it.)09:36
orsonElirips: there is a special kde3-5 version by apearson(?), google for it09:36
hierroopen jock#ferrari09:37
e2c4how to do kickstart installation in ubuntu09:38
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning09:38
Eliripsorson, thanks a lot, found it at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Karmic09:38
erUSUL!hi | hierro09:38
ubottuhierro: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:38
hierro! list09:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:38
linduxedhow much swap would be optimal for a netbook with 1 GB RAM?09:39
rwwe2c4: I haven't used it personally, but https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html might be useful.,09:40
orsonlinduxed: if you intend to use hibernation, use about 1.5GB09:40
linduxedorson: ok thx09:40
erUSULlinduxed: depends if you want to suspend to disk you need > 1GiB if not 512 MiB just in case should be enough09:41
linduxed1 GB it is then09:42
nomnexhow can I umount? umount: /media/iso: device is busy.09:45
e2c4Make sure no file is open from /media/iso09:45
brjannnomnex: make sure that no programs are currently accessing anything in that directory, and make sure *you're* not currently in that directory in the terminal09:45
e2c4when will ubuntu 10.4 release09:46
rwwe2c4: end of April09:46
hemanth_e2c4, April 2809:46
xdemoI hear that compiling fluxbox with --disable-xmb will supposedly fix loading issue with fluxbox in karmic, is there any other way without having to recompile it?09:47
rwwubottu: pm | e2c409:47
ubottue2c4: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:47
nomnexbrjann, the second part was the key, again thanks.09:47
brjannnomnex: no problem :)09:48
kondocyberbluntz:I'm getting problem,how ca I open outlook 2007 in ubuntu,I used wine 1.1.32 and 1.1.3809:48
developerCan someone in here recommend a good ubuntu book? containing information about essential features and how to configure them!09:49
hystreniwhen i write "apt-get install msttcorefonts09:50
hystreni" in the terminal it asks me if im root, what do i do to become "root" in terminal?09:50
stage2hystreni: sudo command09:50
stage2sudo aptitude install nmap ... etc etc09:50
hystrenistage2, ty ^^09:51
stage2np np09:51
adri_Hi, is there a software that allows me to manage the stuff I install manually in a way similar to apt-get? I'm tired of manually doing make install's when the version I want is not in the official ubuntu repository.09:51
developerkan någon rekkomendera en bra ubuntu bok09:51
orsondevendra: ubuntupocketguide, free pdf  download.09:51
stage2argonaut: synaptic included in ubuntu09:51
Slik_can anybody assist me with some questions regarding eeepc and ubuntu ?09:51
=== emachala_ is now known as emachala
stage2developer: ubuntu has some good books, check out barnes and nobles or amazon, they are a few good ones, just cant remember them off hand09:52
developerok thanks09:52
arandadri_: checkinstall instead of make install will create a debian package which uses the package management system.09:52
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
stage2adri_: synaptic09:52
adri_arand, stage2, thanks I'll look at those09:53
erUSUL!checkinstall | adri_09:54
ubottuadri_: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!09:54
Mohammad[B]where is firefox plugins directory in ubuntu ?09:54
stage2Mohammad[B]: ~/.mozilla09:55
Slik_stage2 do you know why ubuntu does not detect any restrictive drivers on assus eeepc 1101 ha ?09:56
=== assos_ is now known as assos
stage2Slik_: it may not offer any, you can also try sudo aptitude update first, but probably doesnt have any09:56
Mohammad[B]stage2, .mozilla/plugin and .mozilla/firefox/ is empty09:56
stage2Mohammad[B]: there is another location, ill search in a sec09:57
erUSULstage2: becouse the machine does not have any hardware that needs them ???09:57
MyrttiMohammad[B]: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ is where the system wide ones are09:57
Mohammad[B]stage2, ok thanks09:57
stage2Slik_: erUSUL: cause ubuntu may not support the hardware09:58
stage2Slik_: whats the specific driver your lookin for?09:58
m_fulderI've added this two lines to my rc.local file : sudo umount /media/PACKARDBELL09:58
m_fuldersudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/external   still my external HDD won't remount on startup why?09:58
Myrttim_fulder: you should do it in fstab09:58
erUSULstage2: or (more likely) because ubuntu has *free* drivers for all the hard in the machine09:58
m_fulderMyrtti, what's fstab?09:59
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions09:59
cyberbluntzI guess there are many servers banning it09:59
kondoubottu:I'm getting problem,how ca I open outlook 2007 in ubuntu,I used wine 1.1.32 and 1.1.3809:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:59
Myrttim_fulder: a great howto and explanation is www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html in addition to the ones erUSUL and ubottu the bot gave you09:59
Mohammad[B]Myrtti, oh thanks09:59
m_fulderah ok09:59
cyberbluntzBut some offer another mode such as +h09:59
=== horndog_ is now known as horndog
Myrtticyberbluntz: please take the issue to #freenode10:00
cyberbluntzWhat is proper syntax to type in mode command to server?10:00
stage2cyberbluntz: for a channel, /mode +S in the chan window10:01
kokoveron! list10:01
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:01
AndyGraybeali messed up, i just typed: sudo iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --jump MASQUERADE  --source            ..... how do i remove that?10:01
AndyGraybealhow do i undo what i just did with iptables?10:02
ikoniaAndyGraybeal: look at iptables -X and iptables -F, be aware of the channels #netfilter and #iptables10:02
AndyGraybealaah thank you ikonia10:02
erUSULAndyGraybeal: s/--append/--remove/10:03
kokoveronopen jock#ferrari10:03
AndyGraybealerUSUL: thank you10:03
hagedornAndyFraybeal: http://pastie.org/84951110:03
AndyGraybealthank you hagedorn10:03
rwwkokoveron: Hello.10:04
infidis there a way to convert a swf file to an mpg in linux?10:04
indushow to view swf files in linux from a cd10:04
indusi have a nice cd authored with flash , i cant play that in ubuntu10:05
erUSULindus: with a browser that has the flash plugin10:05
indusits a cd10:05
erUSULindus: browsers can open files10:05
indusi tried with browser but its absolutely hopeless10:05
indusno images nothing , no hyperlink no sound10:06
demonsporkwhat can I install to enable mouse support in a CLI only server install?10:06
indusi want the cd to auto run like it does in windows10:06
erUSULdemonspork: gmp10:06
erUSUL!info gmp10:06
ubottuPackage gmp does not exist in karmic10:06
brjann!info gpm10:06
ubottugpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.4-3.2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 209 kB, installed size 548 kB10:06
=== huayra_ is now known as huayra
brjannerUSUL: ;)10:06
indusnot possible i believe10:06
induswhat a severe drawback10:07
erUSULbrjann: d**m10:07
m_fulderMyrtti, thanks I've now read through that tutorial..if I open up my fstab file there is no info about my external USB HDD :S  still it gets mounted on startup why is that?10:07
indusits a presentation cd10:08
hagedornffmpeg -i video.flv -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320×240 video.mpg10:08
erUSULm_fulder: hotplugged devices like usb flash and disks are mounted for users with devicekit10:08
indusreboot to view a cd rom yikes10:08
m_fulderso I should just add the mounting options manually if I want to mount my external to another direction erUSUL ?10:09
AndyGraybealso i have a question, i have two NICs, and two networks - one NIC is, it's bridged to my KVM/Libvirt VM's.  the other NIC is, it's set to run dhcpd to terminal clients.  i want the terminal clients to get to the VMs as well as route out to the internet ( is internet facing, though through another NAT on my firewall)10:09
AndyGraybealhow would i do this?10:09
Myrttim_fulder: gets mounted on startup, or when you login? is it an external hdd?10:09
Jimi_NeutralHi all. I have just put a new drive in my ubuntu box. It needs to be formatted.....i need it as a slave just for storage....do I format it with ext2 filesytem?10:09
induserUSUL, havent you heard of a flash authored cd?10:09
m_fulderMyrtti,  yes it's external10:09
erUSULindus: yes; they are windows only what can i say :(10:09
indusall presentation material is authored with it10:09
m_fulderand yes it gets mounted auto.10:09
Myrttim_fulder: that's because of some external hard drive detection magic10:09
indusi tried installing with wine shockwave, but not sure how that works10:10
erUSULm_fulder: man devkit-disks10:10
m_fulderok :) but will it still remount if I write where it shoul be mounted in my fstab Myrtti ?10:10
erUSULm_fulder: that's how is mounted.10:10
m_fulderremounted *10:10
Jimi_NeutralHi all. I have just put a new drive in my ubuntu box. It needs to be formatted.....i need it as a slave just for storage....do I format it with ext2 filesytem or ext3 or something else?10:11
erUSULJimi_Neutral: ext4 ?10:11
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Jimi_NeutralerUSUL, not on there as an option10:11
stage2ext4 isnt supported allways, id would use ext310:11
erUSULJimi_Neutral: then ext310:12
Jimi_NeutralerUSUL, ok ty10:12
Jimi_Neutralty stage10:12
blue112Hello here10:12
davephey. im getting this when i try to run an apt-get upgrade10:12
davepThe following packages have been kept back:10:12
blue112Is there a way to have both Alsa and PulseAudio installed, and to choose to use one or another ?10:12
induslinux su*ks10:12
davepwhich includes stuff like  linux-generic-pae10:13
davep  linux-headers-generic-pae linux-image-generic-pae10:13
blue112notroll è_é10:13
davepi recently uninstalled an unofficial kernel. have i messed something up?10:13
=== demonspol is now known as demonspork
erUSULdavep: if you still have the more recent one; no10:15
FloodBot2kokoveron: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:15
davepthe unofficial one was more recent. i switched to it to correct a driver issue which is no longer relevant10:15
marc__Yeah. Having a tidbit of trouble with Ubuntu. Long story short, I removed my display manager (XDM), and now I cannot log back in.10:17
rwwkokoveron: This isn't a file-sharing channel. Please stop thinking it is :(10:19
orsonmarc__: ctrl-alt-f1 - login, sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install gdm10:20
orsonmarc__: or kdm/xdm/slim whatever you want10:21
marc__orson: I am on tty1 when I am doing it, but it never logs me in.10:21
marc__Takes me back to the login.10:21
orsonmarc__: sudo service gdm start10:21
pikeshouse88hey guys. do you think i'd experience heavy load running nessus webmin and pandora fms all on the same box? it's intel atom dual core10:21
marc__orson: Back to problem #1. Can't login, can't reach command line.10:22
orsonmarc__: xdm starts?10:22
marc__orson: no, just the tty login10:22
orsonmarc__: what happens if you try to log-in?10:22
marc__orson: type in username, pass, then jumps back to the login form10:23
Jimi_NeutralHi i have just installed a slave drive but I do not have rights to change anything....how would i set rights so i can add folders to it and so on.10:23
orsonmarc__: wrong password10:23
olskolircwhat is the command to configure my sound please? dpkg-reconfigure what?10:23
pikeshouse88would i get major slowdown?10:23
instalatorexplease, i want install ubuntu-current from hda4 to hda5, what way is possible? i have downloaded iso..10:23
marc__orson: No, I see a small flicker of what would be displayed (intro, etc), but gets kicked back to login.10:24
WierdAARHello people. Does any of you know of a functioning mtp (creative zen) manager for ubuntu (xubuntu) ? I've tired gnomad2 but, I doesn't have support for podcastm, kzen I can't get to find my Zen, and bashee media player is bulky, slow and doesn't reconize all the music on my Zen.. Any ideas?10:24
Myrttikokoveron: please stop10:24
orsonmarc__: have you recently edited your ~/.bashrc  ~/.profile?10:24
hittti need some help, i think i erased ~ somehow,10:25
Jimi_NeutralHi i have just installed a slave drive but I do not have rights to change anything....how would i set rights so i can add folders to it and so on.10:25
marc__orson: Yeah, but I had previously removed xdm (about 10-20 minutes before) and it was fine regardless of that. Now, suddenly it isn't working.10:25
orsonJimi_Neutral: sudo chown youruser:youruser /your/mountpoint10:26
stage2Jimi_Neutral: sudo chown -R Jimi:Jimi file/10:26
marc__orson: I mean, I could nuke the install, but I would prefer not to. Too many nice configs that I would have to rewrite. lol10:26
Jimi_Neutralorson, do i have to restart because that seems not to have done anything10:27
orsonmarc__: try booting in recovery-mode or use a live-cd and check10:27
marc__orson: will do10:27
orsonJimi_Neutral: just use it10:27
marc__Thanks, bro.10:27
WierdAARHello people. Does any of you know of a functioning mtp (creative zen) manager for ubuntu (xubuntu) ? I've tired gnomad2 but, I doesn't have support for podcastm, kzen I can't get to find my Zen, and bashee media player is bulky, slow and doesn't reconize all the music on my Zen.. Any ideas?10:28
Jimi_Neutralorson, the path to it is /media/disk so I am assuming that is what will be in place of your/mountpoint......i cant use it, i still cant make any folders in it or write to it10:28
erUSULWierdAAR: banshee and rhythmbox have mtp plugins afaik ... tried them ?10:28
orsonJimi_Neutral: "sudo chown -R youruser:youruser /media/disk"10:28
orsonJimi_Neutral: "youruser" == your username ;)10:29
kokoveronopen jock#ferrari10:29
Jimi_Neutralorson, its ok I got it...it was the lost and found bit i was trying to get into and iut wouldnt let me...sorted now...ty :)10:29
orsonJimi_Neutral: :D  special dir, don't touch it10:29
WierdAARerUSUL, I have tired Banshee, but it's really slow and doesn't read my zen properly.. Will try rhytmbox again though.. thx10:30
williamkwrplease ca i register my nickname10:30
orson!register | williamkwr10:30
ubottuwilliamkwr: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode10:30
Nikolas-13rusHi all10:31
kokoveronhello ! list10:31
Jimi_Neutralorson, ah ok :)10:31
orsonJimi_Neutral: it used by fsck in case of fs-errors10:32
crawlerWierdAAR: have a look see: http://www.centriment.com/2009/06/05/creative-zen-x-fi-on-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackpole/10:32
Jimi_Neutralorson, ok cheers :)10:32
Nikolas-13rusРускоговорящие есть?10:33
arand!ru | Nikolas-13rus10:33
ubottuNikolas-13rus: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:33
sicpsnakeorson: Marc here. Thanks for the tip, bro; Totally forgot about recovery mode. You're a lifesaver. ;P10:33
orsonkokoveron: please stop that nonsense10:34
=== heroin is now known as Guest73529
WierdAARcrawler, thanks.. will do10:34
orsoncoffeetime, /me starts talking to a dumb bot :(10:34
olskolirchow do I switch my media from pulse to alsa?10:34
kokoveron! list10:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:35
xuansamKo nói duoc tieng anh, thong cam!10:41
Zusafter downloaded the UCoC and running  gpg --clearsign UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt in terminal and enter my passphrase i get a error. can anyone please help?10:42
erUSULZus: what error ?10:42
ZuserUSUL, file open error, no such file directory, gpg angent not availabel in this session10:43
erUSULZus: is the file in your home folder? or maybe you downloaded it to Desktop ?10:43
drfrankenstein2where are my applications located?10:44
hittti was using gnome, but with the K login manager, and tried to make it auto login into my account, and now ecryptfs isnt working automatically10:44
hitttwhat can i do? (or how can i bring back the Gnome login manager)10:44
ZuserUSUL, it was in download folder then, i got the msg, so i tried it  with file  on my desktop, then i chaged the name of the file  too. nothing has worked10:44
kokoveronopen jock#ferrari10:45
erUSULZus: have you generated your keys ?10:45
ZuserUSUL,  yes i have10:45
ZuserUSUL,  as far as i know,... it shows on my profile  now anyways...10:46
cyberbluntzpeople are awfully pissy today .  .10:46
tomatoes7you've only just noticed that now!10:46
erUSULZus: do « ls -l Ubuntu* && gpg --clearsign UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt » paste the output on a pastebin10:47
* tomatoes7 slaps cyberbluntz with a large trout10:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:47
gilgameshnick trigun10:49
=== gilgamesh is now known as trigun
tomatoes7whats new trigun10:50
ZuserUSUL,  one sec10:50
tomatoes7i love having opposable thumbs10:51
Jimi_NeutralCan clonezilla save an image of a machine to a slave drive? I have put in the right path but clonezilla says that path doesnt exist....it is /media/disk/cloneimages10:52
qebabThat's really quite shocking, tomatoes7.10:52
bazhangtomatoes7, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here10:52
bullgardSynaptic: "telepathy-butterfly: MSN connection manager for telepathy that handles presence, personal messages, conversations, avatars, groups and audio/video chat." What does 'MSN'stand for?10:52
the-dudeI created a update for a package in Debian, do I need to notify Ubuntu to use it as well? if so how ?10:53
Jimi_Neutralit says use absolute path but i would have thought thats what it is cause it says that in the address baer10:53
arandbullgard: originally microsoft network, now live.10:54
Myrttibullgard: microsoft live's old name10:54
Jimi_Neutralany help would be greatly apprciated10:54
rwwbullgard: MSN Messenger = Windows Live Messenger = Microsoft's instant messaging thing10:54
rwwbullgard: originally, MicroSoft Network10:54
ZuserUSUL,  ok i  ran the terminal ya asked for  i got cannot access no such file  or directory10:54
bullgard!sound |  olskolirc10:55
ubottuolskolirc: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:55
erUSULZus: so the file is not there? find it and cd to where the file is10:55
yuvarajif i have two internet connections(mobile dialup and a dsl connection) ,can i use both at the same time?10:56
ZuserUSUL, its in downloads folder10:56
erUSULZus: so go there. « cd Downloads » (keep in mind linux is case sesitive10:57
bullgardarand, Myrtti, rww: Thank you very much for your help.10:57
ZuserUSUL,  um... out of no reason it just worked... for a second  i began to worry i misspeled my passhrase.10:58
erUSUL!yay | Zus10:58
ubottuZus: Glad you made it! :-)10:58
ZuserUSUL, wot i was doing was  right clicking  in downloads folder and  open in terninal  it asked for my passphrase  i kept getting the error..10:59
Zusyou can not change your passphrase correct? id have to remake another  gpg/pgp key?11:00
erUSULZus: ok ;) something weird happens with the open terminal here then ...11:00
erUSULZus: you can change it if you want11:00
Myrttithe-dude: why don't you join #ubuntu-motu and ask11:01
Jimi_NeutralI have installed a slave drive in my ubuntu box....the path is /media/disk and i have made a folder called cloneimages so the path to the file is media/disk/cloneimages yes clonezilla says this directory does not exist....is there something i am missing...is this path not the full path?11:01
Jimi_Neutralshould it be media/disk/cloneimages?11:02
ZuserUSUL,  after seeing  1 how its displayed 2 learning wot gpg/pgp is yes i'd like to change it....11:02
oriPLease help: I'm using last.fm (program) and suddenly got an: Error: Starting radio failed. Unknown error.11:02
Jimi_Neutralit asks for absolute path....does anyone know what this would be11:03
olskolirchow do I switch my system from pulse to alsa or modprobe my alsa?11:03
ZuserUSUL,  now i cant open that output file...11:03
erUSULZus: in Aplications>Accesories>(keys and passwords)Seahorse11:03
erUSULZus: go to second tab right click on your keypair choose properties. in the first tab there is a button to change passphrase11:04
erUSULolskolirc: pulseaudio needs the alsa drivers (modprobed) to work11:04
oriPLease help: I'm using last.fm (program) and suddenly got an: Error: Starting radio failed. Unknown error.11:04
olskolirchow do I switch my system from pulse to alsa or modprobe my alsa?11:05
olskolirchow do I get alsa?11:05
erUSULolskolirc: alsa in installed by default in all ubuntu systems11:05
ZuserUSUL,  oh thanks i see it...i cannot open the file output by the terminal command. there is no application installed for  PGP/MIME-encrypted message header files???? wot am i not doing  right?11:06
olskolirchow do I enable alsa to work with my media players I cant hear anything I can only hear amarok11:06
rwwZus: install seahorse-plugins11:06
llutzJimi_Neutral: the absolute path would be /media/disk/cloneimage/11:06
Zusare they in synaptic package manager?11:08
Jimi_Neutralllutz, hey bid, long time no hassle lol....ty, lokos like i missed the end character....thanks again :)11:09
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obiwan_hey guys11:10
m_anishHi, is there any application/server-extension in ubuntu that will allow me to host a powerpoint/open-office presentation on a web/http server so that a user may be able to remotely view the content without first downloading it?11:10
obiwan_please anybody knows why is by default in all ubuntu /etc/hosts11:10
orbital_foxobiwan_, what is your router settings?11:11
llutzobiwan_: thats localhost loopback, it's important to have11:11
orbital_foxllutz, isnt loopback only ?11:11
llutzoops, i'd overseen that1.1, sorry11:12
llutz135dpi are too small for old men :(11:12
orbital_foxdont be harsh on your self :P11:13
orbital_foxobiwan_, so?11:13
orbital_foxobiwan_, have you ever tweaked any network/system config files/settings?11:13
Zusis there any reason for an import failed? keys were found but not imported?11:13
erUSULobiwan_: is for a requirement of some odd saoftware http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/what-does-
llutzobiwan_: read section 10.4 of debian reference manual11:14
=== kaolbrec|Lame is now known as kaolbrec
cyberbluntzOk, Im trying to get vidalia configured, and since I already have tor running it prompts me to stop it and let vidalia run it. Also says that I'm going to have to manually disavle Tor starting automatically on boot. How do I do that part?11:16
llutzcyberbluntz: sudo update-rc.d -f tor remove11:16
obiwan_orbital_fox: sry i was looking on the internet11:16
obiwan_i got a router, but it isn't routers thing11:16
obiwan_every ubuntu has it11:17
obiwan_it's a thing about debian, it's the only i could find11:17
obiwan_ohh ok erUSUL thanksssss (asias :))11:17
erUSULobiwan_: no hay de que11:17
obiwan_thank you too llutz :) i found a link in a web but it didn't exist  hehe i'll search more in deep on that11:17
Shambathaving some problems with a usb wifi adapter on my ubuntu-arm installation ... my messsages file says the device is loading: "usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using orion-ehci and address 2" but wlan0 interface wont come up ... getting the error: wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device11:18
cyberbluntzok ty11:18
obiwan_oh llut11:19
obiwan_llutz i  meant did you notice right? it's not
llutzobiwan_: yes i misread you, sry11:20
orbital_foxShambat, have you checkec for other devise names? i remember wireless interfaces sometimes would get other names11:20
Shambatorbital_fox: do you mean other than wlan0?11:20
Shambatthere is nothing in iwconfig or ifconfig11:21
zetherooOpenOffice seems really glitchy11:21
orbital_foxShambat, yeah.. i dont remember what the other name used to be, but there is another common one11:21
orbital_foxis it just a usb wireless adapter?11:21
zetherooconstantly greying out like it wants to freeze up11:21
zetherooand I have HEAPS of resources .. so it's not that .11:22
orbital_foxzetheroo, thats java for you :P11:22
zetherooorbital_fox: is that what it is ...?11:22
orbital_foxzetheroo, i cant say for sure, but im sure its part of it, if not the only problem11:23
obiwan_ok i understood anyway llutz11:23
Shambatorbital_fox: owconfig has only lo and eth0 ... eth0 is the ethernet port11:23
obiwan_llutz fyi if you didn't know, all 127.x.x.x are loopback ip's. today i learnt something new :)11:23
zetherooorbital_fox: that is really going to have to change ... I am only working on a few presentations and documents but it feels so jerky and bogged down ... :(11:24
orbital_foxShambat, ok, so it a wireless internet adapter?11:24
obiwan_gotta go take care guys bye11:24
Shambatorbital_fox: yeah11:24
orbital_foxzetheroo, here is a tip from my experience.. if you have a lot of pictures in them.. crop them with gimp instead of resizing them in the Presentation app11:25
zetheroowhat does it mean when I have a "Zombie" process in System monitor?11:25
orbital_foxShambat, have you checked the hardware compatibility list?11:25
zetherooorbital_fox: yeah ... that is what I do ;)11:25
orbital_foxzetheroo, the app has gone rogue and its not responding11:25
Shambatorbital_fox: it should be ok, the module was in the kernel11:25
zetherooorbital_fox: hmm .. it's nautilus and there are 6 of them in Zombie state11:26
kubancwhat should i DO, if i get this error installing OpenOffice deb packages:  Dependency is no satisfiable: ooobasics3.2-en-US11:26
erUSULzetheroo: Z    Defunct ("zombie") process, terminated but not reaped by its parent. <<<< from ps man page11:26
orbital_foxShambat,  there is more info on that list other than support modules.. such as hints and tips to get things working11:26
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orbital_foxzetheroo,  are you sure your hdd I/O has not locked up or something?11:27
Shambatorbital_fox: ok, do you have a link to it?11:27
zetherooerUSUL: I tried killing them ... but they are still there11:27
orbital_foxShambat, sec.. what version of Ubuntu do you have?11:27
orbital_foxzetheroo, relog to your account11:27
erUSULzetheroo: becouse they already dead you can not kill them11:27
cyberbluntzwhat some other system tools for my folder besides htop? also I would like to find some port scanners with options11:27
zetherooorbital_fox: yeah may have to11:27
Shambatorbital_fox: its 9.04 kernel 2.6.33 something11:28
zetherooerUSUL: hehe ... bloody zombies ...11:28
ShambatI need armv5 support so I havent gone to 9.1011:28
orbital_foxShambat, check this for starters https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported11:28
orbital_foxright i need to get back to coding or ill get whipped :P11:29
zetherooerUSUL: looks like it had something to do with a screenlet i was using to mount and unmount USB volumes11:29
DexterLBw00t I succeeded in customising ubuntu in a way that allows me to work a lot faster in it than in windoze and confuses the rest of my family enough to not touch my stuff11:32
erUSULzetheroo: reasonable; most zombie/uninterruptable processes are the result of a filesystem disappearing (unplugg the usb disk without umounting)11:32
zetherooerUSUL: well I did not do that but as soon as I quit the screenlet the zombies disappeared11:33
johngilbroughI'm trying to register my nickname but when I do a "/msg NickServ VERIFY...." it says to "please log in before ...." - so how does one "log in"?11:34
arand!register | johngilbrough11:34
ubottujohngilbrough: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode11:34
trijntje /msg nickserv identify password11:34
johngilbrough!register | johngilbrough11:35
ubottujohngilbrough, please see my private message11:35
arandjohngilbrough: sorry, yea, what trijntje said.11:35
DexterLBlol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_process11:35
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erUSULzetheroo: quoting ps man page again "...terminated but not reaped by its parent." clearly the screenlet was the parent of that processes and it *repaed* them when it was terminated11:37
thedooranyone using the 10.04 alpha?11:38
trijntjethat wiki is pretty funny to read, about zombies and orphans and killing children11:38
erUSULdo not forget daemons11:38
trijntjea computer is a scary place..11:39
LachlanHGuys, having trouble accessing MySQL on my Ubuntu server externally. UFW is not enabled. Any ideas?11:39
ScareyLachlanH, is it behind a router? (nat related) ?11:40
erUSUL!lucid | thedoor11:40
ubottuthedoor: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+111:40
LachlanHNah, on the same LAN. HTTP and SSH are accessible.11:40
LachlanHMySQL server is definitely running, can access locally.11:41
erUSULLachlanH: maybe it is binded only to localhost not to the lan iface ?11:41
LachlanHerUSUL, hmm that's possible. Thanks for the suggestion.11:42
mentrIs it possible to send a window from one xsession to another? (I have two monitors)11:42
olskolircI still cant get sound11:43
LachlanHerUSUL, that was it. Thanks for that.11:43
rethusif i startup my pc, on loginscreen (of xubuntu) the keyboad didn't work. Have first to reconnect the usb-keyboard... than it works... what could be the problem?11:43
Sleeping_MenaceHi. Anyone have a moment for an unusual networking question?11:43
erUSULLachlanH: no problem11:44
erUSUL!ask | Sleeping_Menace11:44
ubottuSleeping_Menace: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:44
dratoneHi guys. I've got a bit of a problem, and could really use any help you guys can provide me. I've got a ubuntu server in a datacenter (hence the fact I don't want to reboot the machine if I can prevent it), and resently I added a Nokia phone as a SMS modem for an experiment. This phone is connected through USB, how ever the phone seems to have locked up the USB connection. I used to be able to fix this by doing rmmod uhci_hcd; modprobe uhci_hcd to reset th11:44
bullgarddratone: Your message is too long.11:45
bullgarddratone: It has been cut off after "to reset".11:46
dratonebullgard: sorry, didn't realize that: to continue11:46
dratoneto reset the USB ports, however this module is now built into the kernel. Is there anyway  to reset the USB port through either userland or kernel module interfacing? I've got root rights on the machine in question. Any other  suggestions (other then buy diffrent hardware ;)) are appreciated aswell. I've tried googling but all the suggestions that came up failed  miserably11:46
Sleeping_MenaceI have Ubuntu 9.10 server installed on an HP DL585. It's got 4 network interfaces, 2 built in, two on an add in card. . The two built in are on my first network, on which my gateway is, the second two, are on a separate, storage only network. I seem to be running into an issue, with two interfaces on the same network --very long delays, timeouts..etc.. this is regardless of the interfaces being statically set, o11:46
Sleeping_Menacer with dhcp. -- has anyone seen this?11:46
erUSULdratone: maybe there is a special file under sys to do what you want. poke around a little11:47
dratoneerUSUL: well, I found a /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb2/power/level file, which according to one of the tips I got you can use to reset the device by doing echo "suspend" > level - but I got an IO error Device or resource busy11:49
tdnWhen I try to install the package "luma" I get this error: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1497.html11:50
tdnluma: Depends: python-qt3 (>= 3.11) but it is not going to be installed11:50
morphixI have installed squid and have enabled SNMP but when i try to run an SNMP query cache.log shows Failed SNMP agent query from :
tdnHow do I fix this?11:50
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erUSULdratone: no search for unbind files11:51
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erUSULdratone: see here http://lwn.net/Articles/143397/11:51
SamsteinI have a Linksys WUSB54GC version 3 Im trying to get to work under 9.10, i want it to see wireless networks so i can connect to my one...anyone have any ideas?11:51
erUSULdratone: the examples are about usb11:51
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mrpinkyHi :D I accidentally dragged-and-dropped an image onto the start bar at the top of my screen, and it became the background of the start bar. How can I get the default background back?11:51
morphixtdn: have you tried re-installing python-qt311:52
Jimi_NeutralFor some reason myclient that I am trying to clone, when it boots up, is not booting from lan and going into the clonezilla enviroment...it did earlier, then i changed permissions on the slave drive....then i rebooted and set up the enviroment for clonezilla as i always do but now the client wont connect...it just sits on dhcp with the spinning / and then boots to windows.11:52
morphixthen try to install luma11:52
tdnmorphix, nope.11:52
morphixtdn: i would suggest it11:52
dratoneerUSUL: Loving that! Any tips you can give me on finding the usb device ID? I know its on port 2 device 4 - but not sure regarding the actual address you need to enter (example is 1-1:1.0)11:52
tdnmorphix, apt-get install --reinstall python-qt3 ?11:53
tdnmorphix, this gives me:   python-qt3: Depends: python-sip4 (<= 4.10) but 4.10.0-2ubuntu2~karmic1~ppa2 is to be installed11:53
Sleeping_Menaceanyone? having issus with multiple interfaces on a subnet?.. seems to be a routing issue possibly?11:53
erUSULdratone: i can only advice to use tree on the /sys/ paths to get a general overview11:53
SamsteinI have a Linksys WUSB54GC version 3 Im trying to get to work under 9.10, i want it to see wireless networks so i can connect to my one...anyone have any ideas?11:53
dratoneerUSUL: thanks! for the tips11:54
olskolircI still don't have sound11:54
trijntje!details | olskolirc11:55
ubottuolskolirc: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:55
Jimi_Neutraldoes anyone know much about clonezilla here?11:55
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Zushow do you remove a gpg key from LP and on my pc?11:56
olskolircI just upgraded from Intrepid to Karamic I can hear my mp3's in amarok but not in any other player11:56
morphixtdn: so try installing python-sip411:56
morphixapt-get install python-sip411:56
tdnmorphix, python-sip4 is already the newest version.11:56
trijntjeolskolirc, using kubuntu? You might want to ask in #kubuntu, I believe you have a common problem11:56
orbital_foxSamstein, http://funcation.blogspot.com/11:56
orbital_foxSamstein, im only back momentarily but i did a search and found the link above11:57
tdnmorphix, other ideas?11:58
morphixtdn: the problem is with python-sip411:58
tdnHmm... Ok. Can it be fixed somehow?11:58
morphixtdn: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure python-sip411:59
tdnmorphix, done.12:00
tdn  python-qt3: Depends: python-sip4 (<= 4.10) but 4.10.0-2ubuntu2~karmic1~ppa2 is to be installed12:00
adambuntuSARWFA, hi12:00
tdnmorphix, still get that one on reinstall python-qt312:00
morphixno idea then12:01
tdnmorphix, ok12:01
jadakrenGot a case of a laptop changing: /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state from open to closed when laptop lid opens & closes, however it does not fire off the appropriate DBUS signal. any thoughts ?12:03
bazhangSARWFA, did you have an ubuntu support question12:04
morphixstupid fkn squid12:05
Zushow come there is "no data" when i copy and paste the text from the  CoC?12:05
jadakren!language > morphix12:05
ubottumorphix, please see my private message12:05
hellz_bellzhow do i add a folder to my path without destroying the whole $PATH variable12:06
aciculaexport PATH=$PATH:/my/new/directory12:06
jadakrenhellz_bellz, open your ~/.profile12:06
crixtianomaximize your memory with:12:07
crixtiano$ sudo rm /home12:07
SwedeMikecrixtiano: don't do that.12:07
aciculacrixtiano: trying to get permabanned?12:07
hellz_bellzno funny crixtiano12:07
crixtianook guys, sorry!12:08
hellz_bellznewbs will try that12:08
olskolirchere guys hang onto this; it fixed my sound http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116069012:08
hellz_bellzassume everyone knows nothing untill proven otherqwise12:08
crixtianoI guess funny, but sorry, ok?12:08
aciculacrixtiano: its not funny12:08
crixtianohellz_bellz, ok, I understand now, sorry12:08
SwedeMikecrixtiano: you guessed wrong.12:08
indusis this the ubuntu channel?12:08
the_germanis somebody using xmonad here?12:08
aciculaindus: this is the ubuntu support channel yes12:09
crixtianoSwedeMike, yep, I know now12:09
indusdoesnt look like it :D12:09
SwedeMikeindus: you trying to be funny too? not succeeding.12:09
rethusif i startup my pc, on loginscreen (of xubuntu) the keyboad didn't work. Have first to reconnect the usb-keyboard... than it works... what could be the problem?12:09
indusfunny , no12:10
acicularethus: is the usb keyboard plugged in directly to the computer or via a HUB12:10
hyperstreamis there a command in ubuntu where i can listen to a port?12:10
aciculahyperstream: a network port?12:10
erUSULhyperstream: define listen12:10
rethusacicula: directly in pc12:10
hyperstreamacicula, yeah, trying to test my port forwarding12:10
aciculahyperstream: netcat, sockets.h or wireshark ?12:11
aaron_liujAM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT: command not found12:11
rethusacicula: usb keyboard in bios also activated12:11
erUSULhyperstream: nc -l portnumber12:11
industry ethereal gui12:11
hyperstreamerUSUL, that is it, thank you very much12:11
Jimi_Neutrali have access to this slave drive and I have set the path in clonezilla as to what i see in the address bar '/media/disk/cloneimages/ but when clonezilla gets to a certain point in the set up it says that  that mount point doies not exist12:11
Jimi_Neutralplease help12:11
Sloi cant get openssh installed12:12
Slosudo apt-get install openssh-server12:12
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:12
SloPackage openssh-server is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:12
acicularethus: dunno, it happens to me with my mouse too, replugging works for me too12:12
erUSUL!info openssh-server12:12
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1p1-6ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 278 kB, installed size 748 kB12:12
ragsagari installed ubuntu 9.10 just now, no grub got installed. so i added manually one for ubuntu 9.10. But iam not able to boot from it12:13
SwedeMikeSlo: apt-get install ssh12:13
ragsagaroutput of fdisk -l http://pastebin.com/JzR9Lqcq12:13
zer0_mooddoes any1 know how to install ragnarok online on ubu 9.10 ?12:13
ragsagarubuntu grub menu entry http://pastebin.com/8bQ3cLHz12:13
SloSwedeMike: Package ssh is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:13
etohello rdesktop in carmic koala hangs somebody has an idea where can be the problem?12:13
SwedeMikeSlo: you must have something else wrong in your apt-sources or something, because that should work.12:14
erUSULSlo: check your sources in System>Admin.,>softare sources12:14
zer0_mooddoes any1 know how to install ragnarok online on ubu 9.10 ?12:14
acicularagsagar: dont you have to specify where to but the MBR , and this has to be first hd thats booted?12:14
ragsagaracicula, iam using debian's grub12:14
archmani'm trying out this hibernation option in jaunty, however, it fails with the message "not enough swap" even though I had more swap space than the used ram - any way to work it out?12:15
aciculaso how do you boot the ubuntu grub, chainload?12:15
aciculaor add it to the debian ?12:15
SwedeMikezer0_mood: try googling for ragnarok and ubuntu, and you find things to help you.12:15
acicularagsagar: so you get a grub but its just not working?12:15
erUSULarchman: then the used ram or than the total ram ???12:15
ragsagari had ubuntu 9.04 earlier, i booted it using debian's grub12:15
zer0_moodi cant find anything12:16
ragsagari just manipulated entry for ubuntu 9.1012:16
ragsagaracicula, when loading iam getting some kind of error12:16
archmanerUSUL: used RAM atm is 400MB - Free swap is 800MB ATM12:16
dratoneerUSUL: Unfortunatly, no luck, I unloaded the proper device (/dev/ttyACM0 disappeared) and even unloaded the hub from /sys/bus/usb/drivers/hub, but after I reinitiate it, the phone still isn't responding to commands.12:16
archmanerUSUL: do i just need a swap >= ram?12:16
acicularagsagar: can you paste the error12:17
SloThanks SwedeMike12:17
erUSULarchman: swap needs to be equal or more then total ram12:17
archmanerUSUL, aaaaaah, knew it :/12:17
ragsagaracicula, oh sorry i dont remember , one sec i will find out now12:17
erUSULdratone: :/ sorry no more ideas12:17
rethusacicula:  strange things12:17
quietonedisplay preferences has decided to no longer find my HDMI TV. Where do I begin to fix this?12:17
archmanerUSUL, but why, if the used ram is less than free swap space...interesting...12:17
aciculai think its more, swap needs to hold used swap+mem?12:17
rethusacicula: have reload system and starts cleanly with keyboard12:17
rethusdo not understnd this12:18
archmanacicula, aah :/12:18
ragsagarbtw i tried grub-install in ubuntu 9.10's partition, but iam getting " No such disk " or something when booting before the menu12:18
aciculano such disk means it cant find the disk12:18
archmanacicula, erm, i'd have it enough anyway :D12:18
dratoneerUSUL: thanks anyway :) I'll try more when I'm at the server. Might be able to do something then (though I doubt it). I appreciate the lesson about /sys though! Will come in handy12:18
erUSULarchman: the suspend code is not very refined. it just copies everything on unused swap. so the real rquirement is "free swap equal or more than total ram"12:18
aciculamake sense to just carbon copy the ram12:19
archmanerUSUL, :(12:19
archmanerUSUL, thanks for the help :)12:19
aciculainstead of trying to sift out the fragments12:19
acicula(that are in use)12:19
erUSULarchman: tuxonice is more refined in that sense it can compress the ram afaik12:19
archmanerUSUL: so i might be able to use it, even though i have less swap than ram?12:20
jyu_ho lanciato qbitterrent e non lo vedo più12:20
zvacet!it | jyu_12:21
ubottujyu_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:21
aciculajyu_: what language/country?12:21
archmanerUSUL: hmm, reading on about it...you ever tried it? (tuxonice)12:22
swiftarrowHi all, I have a problem, and it seems to be rather obscure, since I can't find a solution via Google :O   Here it is:  I'm trying to install FreeCAD, which depends on python-pivy, which depends on libqt4-opengl_4.5.3   The problem is that the latest version in the repos is only 4.5.0, so I can't install python-pivy.  I've got the debs for 4.5.3 from the debian repos, but when I install them, synaptic says half my other programs are broken and wants12:22
swiftarrow to remove them before doing anything else...  Any ideas?  TIA!12:22
erUSULarchman: no12:22
Dr_Willisswiftarrow:  you should look for a ubuntu ppa for that package. or use source perhaps.12:23
archmanerUSUL: aaah it can also write to file12:23
jyu_qualcuno mi aiuta12:24
|pez|Do any if you lovely people have Spotify running under Wine on 9.10?12:24
aciculaswiftarrow: paste output on pastebin, such packages can sometime remove a lib that stuff depends on12:24
erUSUL!it | jyu_12:24
aciculappa/building for source may be easier then using a random deb(just cuz its deb wont mean it work with ubuntu)12:24
ubottujyu_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:24
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hellz_bellzokay so the export thing only works for a single session and editing the .profile does absolutley nothing12:25
jyu_come faccio a rivedere i programmi che ho l'anciato12:25
phnom|pez|: Yep, and it works fine12:25
swiftarrowDr_Willis, acicula, When I installed using sudo dpkg -i *, it upgraded the packages, but after that if I try to run synaptic or apt-get it says that a number of my programs (virtualbox, inkscape, scribus, etc) have broken dependancies, so It want's to remove those programs.  I've downgraded the packages thinking that there must be a better way.12:25
ragsagaracicula, Error 21, Selected disk does not exist12:25
|pez|phnom: Did you do anything special to get it to work?  It played half a track here and just stopped. :\12:26
ragsagaracicula, i heard that ubuntu 9.10 is using grub2, is this something related to that?12:26
acicularagsagar: its related to an incomplete/faulty configuration by the looks of it12:26
hellz_bellzhow would i permanantly add a folder to both the user and the root paths12:27
phnom|pez|: I had to upgrade wine.12:27
aciculaif you use the debian grub to boot ubuntu then whatever ubuntu uses to boot becomes irrelevant12:27
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phnom|pez|: I added the pp:ubuntu-wine/ppa, removed wine and installed wine1.212:27
|pez|phnom: I installed everything today, so I should have a newish version, shouldn't I?  :D12:28
ragsagar acicula , but i was using debain's grub to boot ubuntu 9.04 without any probs12:28
phnom|pez|: I think the wine in the default repos are of a earlier version then 1.212:28
acicularagsagar: the way you described it the bootloader used by ubuntu is not a factor in the boot process12:29
phnom|pez|: Check your version by typing "wine --version" in terminal, mine says "wine-1.1.39"12:29
|pez|Aight, I'll see if I can update it,and then get back to ya ;D12:29
aciculacan you paste the config from the grub you are using to boot your debian install and ubuntu install?12:29
aciculaon pastebin12:29
ragsagaracicula, which file?12:30
|pez|Wine version is 1.0.1, apparently12:30
etowhat is the latest LTS release?12:30
etostill 8.04?12:30
blue112Is there a way to have both Alsa and PulseAudio installed, and to choose to use one or another ?12:30
aciculaswiftarrow: a solution was given, build (a deb) from source, find a ppa where it is prepackaged or find someone to packege it for you12:30
aciculaeto: think so12:30
ragsagaracicula, menu.lst of debian and grub.cfg of ubuntu?12:31
acicularagsagar: err the one you changed12:31
etoand isnt 10.coming?12:31
acicularagsagar: the debian one12:31
etoi have 8.04 RDP clients and those work12:31
phnom|pez|: I had to do "sudo aptitude remove wine" and then "sudo aptitude install wine1.2" to get it to work properly12:31
aciculaeto: why would it not be comming12:31
etobut 9.10 is dropping RDP connection periodically12:31
jyu_ho lanciato un programma  enon lo vedfopiu12:31
acicula!it | jyu_12:32
ubottujyu_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:32
|pez|ah, whoops, I think I just told ubuntu to upgrade everything on my system XD12:32
etomight that connection drop be caused by the fact is not LTS?12:32
aciculajyu_: english please12:32
phnom|pez|: To get the absolutely newest one you have to add the wine repository12:32
ragsagaracicula, http://pastebin.com/wiaWEGDs12:32
aciculaeto: dont think thats related12:32
matteo1990_I get an error while installing a package (Kalzium) now i can't apt-get install anything. If i run dpkg --configure -a i get http://pastebin.com/Gyis1wZV ANy help?12:32
etowell then what's the issue?12:32
etoall 8.04 mqachines are rock solid12:33
eto9.10 is alway moaning12:33
lightpriest_why does transmission-daemon's config file gets overwrites on every restart?12:33
lightpriest_i can't seem to configure it12:33
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|pez|phnom: Ah, I'll try adding that, and then getting the newest one.12:33
acicularagsagar: if it says no such disk then your config is off, can you list the partitions on disk hd1?12:34
matteo1990_I get an error while installing a package (Kalzium) now i can't apt-get install anything. If i run dpkg --configure -a i get http://pastebin.com/Gyis1wZV ANy help?12:34
aciculaso maybe its hd1,7 or h1,9?12:34
digitigI can't get sound working right on Ubuntu -- it sounds as if it's chopped into one-second slices! Works ok on MS Windows. Where should I start looking to solve this?12:34
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:35
aciculaeto: well i dont have my crystal ball here so i dont know, lts just means more focus on stability and continuity where as non-lts focus more on features.12:36
ragsagaracicula, http://pastebin.com/KQkSmGSG12:36
digitigubottu: Double-clicking the volume control doesn't do anything. This is all sound, not just playing audio files -- system sounds are mangled too.12:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:37
acicularagsagar: heu12:37
matteo1990_I get an error while installing a package (Kalzium) now i can't apt-get install anything. If i run dpkg --configure -a i get http://pastebin.com/Gyis1wZV ANy help?12:37
acicularagsagar: do you have a second disk?12:37
acicula!repeat | matteo1990_12:37
ubottumatteo1990_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.12:37
etoacicula that means that potentially any update is much prone to break something in non LTS release, right? So for "business" use I should revert to 8.04 and wait till 10, correct?12:38
abe3kj #ubuntu+112:38
swiftarrowacicula, Thanks for your reply.  I _Already have_ the packages to install the latest ones, but when I install the latest version, synaptic says that my other software has broken dependancies (and doesn't give up until I restore the older versions).  I'm just upgrading a package, so is there a way for it to recognize that?12:38
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
ragsagaracicula, yeah thats the second one12:39
swiftarrowacicula, I'm installing via dpkg, not via repos.  I've only found debian repos to have this package12:39
ragsagaracicula, first one is /dev/sda12:39
aciculaswiftarrow: you cannot selectively upgrade a package within a disribution, nor mixin random debs and expect it to work, thats not how a distribution works unfortunatly12:39
acicularagsagar: yeah but your grub says hd1,812:39
aciculaso thats corresponds with /dev/sdb912:40
jyu__di chatt s ecerco di metterlo giu scompare copletamente12:40
aciculajyu__: english please12:40
jyu__anche questo programma12:40
Kangarooowhats the name of programm witch asks for restart when updates are made? is it called restard?12:40
ActionParsnipyo yo yo]12:40
swiftarrowacicula, but if I had synaptic get the upgraded libs via some repo all would be fine?12:40
ragsagaracicula, yeah12:40
Kangaroooi mean restartd ?12:40
ragsagaracicula, hdd8 -> (hd1,8)12:41
aciculaswiftarrow: well repos as in ppa can work, but it depends on how well the ppa packages are maintained, but typically it should solve the depencies12:41
acicularagsagar: try hd1,712:41
ragsagaracicula, sda6 -> (hd0,4)12:41
ragsagari think i tried it12:41
Dan_Ehow do you get rid of the popup up box that says restart in 60 sec, shutdown in 60 sec,etc?12:41
swiftarrowacicula, I've already resolved the dependancies for the upgrades.  it's my existing software that complains of being broken, but this is just a minor version change.  Let's say I just force install them, would it be catastrophic?12:42
ragsagaracicula, ok let me try, will be back :)12:42
ActionParsnipDan_E: whats the name of the window?12:42
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Futkihow to reboot in a given time crontab?12:43
Dan_Erestart, and shutdown12:43
aciculaswiftarrow: well the software is build against a lib of say version 1.0.1, and you force it to work with 1.0.2, it will probably work, but it also breaks the dependency system, as far as that goes it will now think there is no 1.0.1 library anymore since you are forcing stuff12:43
digitigOk, can anybody who isn't a bot help with my sound problem? The links I received seem to be all about no sound, not mangled sound.12:43
aciculaswiftarrow: so short answer yes it may work, and yes you can forcibly install debs that are not packaged for your distribution, but well you take a risk in doing so12:44
ActionParsnipdigitig: run: sudo lshw -C sound | grep -i product]12:44
ActionParsnipdigitig: run: sudo lshw -C sound | grep -i product12:44
swiftarrowacicula, is there a way to make it think that the 4.5.0 is still installed? sym links or something?  (grey area for me)12:44
aciculain that sense a broken dependency does not mean a broken package per se12:44
ActionParsnipdigitig: then websearch that, the line will show the sound chip you have and will help in websearches12:44
aciculaswiftarrow: dependencies are maintained in apt itself12:45
ActionParsnipDan_E: if you run: ps -ef | less     can you see a likely process to kill?12:45
aciculasymlinkling may be needed when you have a libc.so.7 and your app still expected it to be called libc.so.612:45
Futkihow to reboot in a given time crontab?12:45
pdanii installed lucid, and i can't find sun-java6-* packages12:45
aciculaagain, dependency issues from apt may not translate into runtime problems with the program12:45
pdaniwhere can i download them?12:45
aciculapdani: try ubuntu+112:45
ActionParsnip!lucid | pdani12:45
ubottupdani: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+112:45
swiftarrowacicula, right, I've had to do that before...   well, I guess I'll just try it and see.  downgrading again isn't hard.  Thanks for your time!12:46
aciculaFutki: crontab -e and add the command?12:46
aciculaswiftarrow: i'd just grab the source and dunk it in your home or /locl12:46
acicula err /usr/local/12:46
swiftarrowacicula, but then the program that depends on that would also need to be altered to look in that place, right?12:46
aciculaor make a quick deb i suppose but i dont know much12:47
aciculaswiftarrow: LD_LIBRARY_PATH12:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:47
aciculabut i think llocal is already part of the lib/bin search path12:47
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swiftarrowacicula, never heard of it :)  Hmmm....12:47
aciculaswiftarrow: you can probably get away with grabbing the deb descriptor of the original package lib and updating it for your new one12:48
aciculaubuntu wiki deb packaging prolly has some pointers12:48
swiftarrowacicula, Ok, I'll go look there.  thanks!12:48
Gangrelanyone knows if aion works on linux?12:49
digitigactionparsnip: Ok, CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller. I can find some reports of it not working at all with some distros (with no resolution) but nothing about mangled sound.12:50
aciculaGangrel: winehq maintains an application db for wine, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1787712:50
ActionParsnipdigitig: if its mangled then try: cd; killall pulseaudio; rm -rf ~/.pulse*    then press alt+f2 and type pulseaudio12:51
zagabarI am getting an annoying error. The error is this: http://pallkars.net/~uploader/uploads/shot.PNG And I get it when adding the table rule "iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE". This don't mess up ampache, websites, ftp, ssh nor any other service that I have noticed except squirrelmail and thunderbird. I can still access the mail with mutt via ssh though. Some guy told me that this is probably an IMAP problem and I have dovecot 1.1.11. I am running12:52
viictor_hola como te va?12:52
researcher1I want to have access to all the softwares supported by Ubuntu. How can I get them in Synaptic?12:52
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:52
viictor_soi victorr12:53
acicula!es | viictor_12:53
ubottuviictor_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:53
acicularesearcher1: err you want to install all available packages?12:54
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:54
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lightpriest_hey ActionParsnip12:54
viictor_soi de españa12:54
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:54
researcher1acicula: I dont want to install all but like to read information about them all then decide to install or not12:54
viictor_putos guiris12:55
aciculaviictor_: watch your language12:55
hk_99hey there, i just performed an smartctl extended long test but gpt trpuble to interpret the results in the log12:55
acicularesearcher1: apt-cache tells you about a package or you can browse the software store(ubuntu softwre center) via the main menu12:55
jyu__ma è possibile parlare con qualcuno12:56
jyu__c'è qualcono12:56
researcher1acicula: is the list of software available in Synaptic, Apt-cache n software store(ubuntu softwre center) same?12:56
Dan_Eif i remove this from the panel how do i shut down? indicator-applet-session 0.112:57
acicularesearcher1: they represent the same information in different ways12:57
hk_99does " Aborted by host  " mean that the test didnt perform well or that the programme itself simply stopped?12:57
aciculaDan_E: logout and then shutdown or shutdown via a console?12:58
aciculahk_99: what test?12:58
phnomDan_E: Then there should be a shutdown in the system menu12:58
Dan_Ethis is the only place there is a shutdown option12:58
hk_99smartctl long test12:58
researcher1acicula: Im more interested in knowing what the program is for n whats its star rating before I make up my m ind to install12:58
theadminGrah. Somebody, help me to get Apache to autostart!12:58
aciculawell those programs will let you read the package description12:59
phnomDan_E: When you remove it the shutdown, reboot etc. can be found in the main menu/system menu12:59
researcher1ok.thanks. What about their star rating of reviews by users? is it available anywhere?12:59
aciculasynaptic i suppose13:00
aciculahk_99: dunno my disk never was able to complete the smartctl self test either, but it works just fine13:01
aciculacan you post your log on pastebin?13:02
WierdAARIf I want simple video editing similar to windows movie maker (only actually good); What program should I go for?13:02
|pez|phnom: Works flawlessly now. ^___^  Now I just need to get my wireless detection up and running, and it's all good. XD13:03
Kangarooowhats the name of programm witch asks for restart when updates are made? is it called restartd?13:03
Kangaroooand whats the name of programm witch on shutdown asks for password?13:04
orbital_foxKangarooo, i dont undestand your questions13:04
orbital_foxKangarooo, any programs which you dont have access to, will typically ask you for a password (root access)13:05
WierdAARIf I want simple video editing similar to windows movie maker (only actually good); What program should I go for?13:06
indusWierdAAR, try pitivi13:06
Kangaroooorbital_fox: whats the names of thouse proceses. one proces witch after making updates makes blue round arrow and clicking it computer restarts. other process when shutting down computer asks for password to make shutdown.13:06
indusWierdAAR, or kino13:06
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StargazeWierdAAR: pitivi, lives13:06
theadminKangarooo: First one is just update-manager13:07
theadminKangarooo: Second one is, uhm, gksu. It as well asks for all other passwords13:07
Dan_Ei have 2 kernels installed 2.6.31-14 and -19 can i remove -14, and if so can i do it with synaptic? -19 works well.13:08
WierdAARindus, Pivity looks excatly like what I was looking for.. Thx!13:08
theadminDan_E: You certainly can13:08
indusWierdAAR, welcome, and if you wait till april, 10.04 comes with pitivi default13:08
theadminDan_E: Just make sure you're not using it on moment of removal13:08
Stargazei'm unable to decrypt gpg-files13:08
indusWierdAAR, do report bugs on pitivi if you find, it needs help13:09
Dan_Eusing -1913:09
ghufranhi. i am tryign to install ssl on ubuntu .. i tried: sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache-mod-ssl but it says this package has no installation candidate.13:09
acicula!details | Stargaze13:09
ubottuStargaze: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:09
WierdAARindus, Will do.. !13:09
ralleanyone know how to switch the default vsftpd directory to the default apache2 directory so i can connect with my ftp client to the webserver?13:09
Stargazeit says: There is no application installed for PGP/MIME-encrypted message header files13:09
ikoniaralle: the directory has nothing to do with it13:10
Stargazesolutions i found on google do not help me13:10
ikoniaralle: just remove the choot options and nagivate to the webserver Document Root13:10
aciculaghufran: means there is no package by that name13:10
theadminStargaze: Uh, guess you removed your PGP client. try "gpg -d /path/to/file.gpg"13:10
aciculaghufran: try searching with apt-cache search for the apropriate package?13:10
Stargazei turned the files into .asc files, but they need to be decrypted, too13:10
Dan_Ewill that remove it from the grub or do i have to do that manually?13:10
theadminDan_E: It will be done automatically13:11
ghufranacicula: this package is mentioned in multiple how-tos13:11
Dan_Eand do i have to do a grub update?13:11
ralleikonia: than what do i have to do?13:11
ghufranacicula: i am unable to find it through cache search though13:11
theadminDan_E: It's one of post-removal triggers for kernels, so basically no13:11
aciculaghufran: qed.., what howto are you following13:11
aciculais it updated for 9.04?13:12
Stargazetheadmin: that gives me a lot of unreadable ascii on the screen13:12
ghufranacicula: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-4466.html13:12
ikoniaralle: nothing - it's done13:12
PhongHi everybody13:12
aciculaghufran: its from 2004, try searching for something more current?13:12
acicula!lamp | ghufran13:12
ubottughufran: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:12
theadminStargaze: Uh, are you sure that's normal PGP file? I mean, it might be damaged or something.13:12
ghufranacicula: doesnt look like it is .. i am on 9.1 but thats the one that came up in google13:12
aciculai'd start there13:12
aciculaghufran: your googlefu needs some practice, what search terms did you use?13:13
ghufranacicula: install ssl ubuntu 9.113:13
dratoneWith modprobe you can force a specific device to use a specific module (for instance, usbserial) by doing modprobe usbserial vendor=0x04d813:14
dratoneis there any way to do that with build in modules?13:14
dratone(sorry, copy-paste error, hence the multiple lines)13:14
ralleikonia: thx that did the trick13:15
Kangarooook thx theadmin. heres the bug report witch i had on 5 computers https://bugs.launchpad.net/update-manager/+bug/530161 . i didnt know to whitch process report this13:15
ikoniaralle: no sweat13:15
aciculaghufran: well google for apache ssl ubuntu 9.10, or just start at the wiki page ubottu linked13:15
Stargazetheadmin: not better with another encrypted file13:15
theadminStargaze: Oh wait wait, i got it13:15
aciculaghufran: and stay away from howtos that are older then the current LTS ;)13:15
ghufranacicula: im looking to install just the module.. everything else is installed13:15
aciculaghufran: isnt it in the default apache2 package/13:16
ghufranacicula: it looks like its now :S13:16
theadminStargaze: It outputs the decrypted contents to stdout, thinking it's a text file... so try "gpg -d /path/to/encrypted/file.gpg > /path/to/decrypted/file"13:16
Stargazetrying :)13:16
digitigActionParsnip: Thanks -- that might have done it. I could do with a tone generator application, because with music files it's not always easy to tell the problem from the beat of the music!13:17
aciculaghufran: think you just need to add the defined for ssl in your httpd.conf & set a cert13:17
PhongHi everybody, I got a big problem on my ubuntu. I cant boot anymore13:18
chili555dratone: you can probably set up an options file in /etc/modprobe.d13:18
theadminPhong: Any errors, anything?13:18
Phongmy /boo partition is not regognize anymore, when i tried to manually mount it it tell my  (wrong fs type error...)13:18
hystreniHow do i locate the "C:windows/porgram files/CCP/eve" map on ubuntu? i cant find it13:18
|pez|Well, that's annoying. my onboard wireless card doesn't work. But the usb-dongle I put in worked like a charm out of the box XD13:18
theadminPhong: I see, did you try to fsck it?13:19
aciculahystreni: its under ~/.wine/drive_c/program files etc13:19
Phongtrying now13:19
aciculahystreni: should be a link added in the menu to the eve client too13:19
Stargazetheadmin: you rule :)))13:19
yarriHej! I have a weird problem with GNU Nano editor. After use it leaves files with weird names, like:13:19
Stargazeit works, tnx13:19
hystreniacicula, Thanks ^^ but is teher a way to locate in another way?13:19
yarriI cannot figure out why.13:19
swiftarrowacicula, I couldn't find any way to do it, so now I'm installing it on my other computer which runs karmic.  Don't know why I didn't do that before.13:20
yarriThanks for help13:20
aciculahystreni: locate(requires an updatedb) or find13:20
aciculaor accessories->find files13:20
PhongOne or more block group descriptor checksum invalid13:20
aciculayarri: set to automatically backup?13:20
theadminyarri: Those are backups.13:20
Stargazetheadmin: how can I make nautilus do this?13:21
hystreniacicula, ty again13:21
aciculaPhong: heu any hw errors in dmesg?13:21
theadminStargaze: I dunno, in 9.04 we had a graphical GPG client called "seahorse"13:21
theadminStargaze: Ah, it's still there. Try just telling it to open .gpg files with it13:21
orbital_foxtheadmin, Applications>accessories>Encryptions keys and passwords13:21
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Stargazei disabled seahorse at startup13:22
zambadoes tomcat5.5 rely on jre 5.x?13:22
PhongI fixed the partition with fsck, I can mount it now13:22
Phongtry to reboot13:22
jewardHow do I change a password in a wubi install from Windows?13:23
mzimbreshi, I am trying to open firefox, but an error message says that there is a process already open, so I try to find it with $ ps -ef | grep firefox, but nothing is found. How can the process be running if it is not found by ps? How to kill it?13:23
yarritheadmin, acicula - me bad. Thanks13:23
theadminjeward: That ain't possible, Windows can't mount Linux partitions13:23
aciculazamba: no but it requires a minimum version(java specfication) of the jvm13:23
PhongIt is working fine now, thank you13:24
orbital_foxzamba, my package manager has tomcat613:24
XeliHey people my wifi stopped working all of the sudden i think i might have uninstalled some program which was needed... it's detected in dmesg (although it gets converted from eth1 to eth2 dunno why..) when i load the module it won't help, and the only thing that's really not working is iwlist scan... it gives back Failed to read scan data: inv arg...13:24
jewardtheadmin: Okay, I'm booted from a xubuntu live CD, can I do it from there?13:24
Sachowindows can mount ext2 through an external program :P13:24
meteor.:::] Ci40 @ Tutti [:::. »BuTT3rF|y sCr|pT«»rEvOLuTiOnZ»v3.1.5«13:24
theadminmzimbres: Well, just try "killall firefox"13:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:24
orbital_foxzamba, does your package manager not say?13:24
aciculazamba: err thats exactly what you asked, erm yes iirc tomcat5.5 needs java 5 or higher13:24
aciculameteor: go away this is not a warez channel13:24
orihow do i access the root terminal, if i wanna install the game vdrift?13:25
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)13:25
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o13:25
zambaacicula: OR higher.. ok.. meaning 6.x will work13:25
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct13:25
jewardI have a wubi install mounted under a Xubuntu live CD, how can I change the wubi password?13:25
aciculazamba: well, in theory it should13:25
Jb_firefoxxHi all13:26
yarritheadmin, acicula - I thought that the files will have "~" in the back and not "!"13:26
mzimbrestheadmin, The process has not been found ...13:26
zambaacicula: oh, i love those two words together in a sentence.. "should" and "theory" :p13:26
theadminmzimbres: Weird13:26
chili555Xeli: is it the same with sudo iwlist eth2 scan?13:26
aciculazamba: well i've had java programs that needed 5 and would not work with 613:26
zambaacicula: hm, ok.. do you have any experience debugging tomcat and/or java programs?13:27
aciculazamba, not sure what tomcat is at but im pretty sure it is well definied in the tomcat doc13:27
aciculazamba: its been awhile but yes i do13:27
mzimbrestheadmin, which kind of process are not listed by ps?13:27
theadminacicula: AFAIR tomcat is some kind of server software based on Apache and Java13:27
orihow do i access the root terminal, if i wanna install the game vdrift?13:27
theadminmzimbres: Maybe those which you don't own, dunno13:27
theadminori: sudo -i13:27
jadakrenori, why would you want ot... last i read you dont need to13:27
remoteCTRL1ori sudo apt-get install vdrift13:28
aciculatheadmin: its a servlet container basically13:28
jadakrenori, also : preamble to getting your system owned = installing lol software as root13:28
orijadakren: i tried,said: are you in root?13:28
compumanhey guys whats up13:28
Xelichili555, i tried it under sudo actually so yeah13:29
jewardI have a wubi install mounted under a Xubuntu live CD, how can I change the wubi password?13:29
remoteCTRL1ori: why dont you for a try try out what ppl keep suggesting you?13:29
oriremoteCTRL1: didn't work. couldnt findpackage vdrift13:29
remoteCTRL1did you put the sudo infront of the command?13:29
compumanI finally got my ubuntu install on my laptop and i can login with faILsafe GNOME but i cant get in on a regular GNOME even with root!13:30
compumanany help?13:30
orly_owlWhat video editing program will let me out a black bar over part of the video?13:30
oriJadakren: i dont understand13:30
orly_owl*let me put13:30
oriremoteCTRL1: lol, i dont know what im not doing13:31
chili555Xeli: does rfkill list verify that the software and hardware switches are all enabled?13:31
PiciremoteCTRL1: Please don't use caps.I don't see vdrift in the repositories13:31
remoteCTRL1Pici: well that explains alot:)13:31
remoteCTRL1Pici: ori sry for my impatience...13:32
oriremoteCTRL1: lol, no prob. i just tried that. got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/386985/13:32
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compumanany help?13:32
XeliChili555, i have program called rfkill nor can i install one from the repos. What does it check for?13:32
compumanI finally got my ubuntu install on my laptop and i can login with faILsafe GNOME but i cant get in on a regular GNOME even with root!13:32
aciculachili555: yeah13:33
jewardI have a wubi install mounted under a Xubuntu live CD, how can I change the wubi password?13:33
Xelicompuman, you can never logon to gnome with root13:33
nvsbli think my desktopcouch is broken13:33
nvsblcan someone help me fix it?13:33
aciculanvsbl: can you describe the problem13:33
jewardWhere is the wubi passwd file?13:34
compumani know but i shoul be able to login into root without going into failsafe13:34
remoteCTRL1ori:  get it there: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/GAMES-ENTERTAINMENT/Simulation/VDrift-5116.shtml13:34
chili555Xeli: it checks to see if the hardare switch and the software (Fn+F5, for example) key combo have allowed the wifi radio to actually operate13:34
oriremoteCTRL1: thanx13:34
remoteCTRL1ori: np13:34
chili555Xeli: is the LED glowing or blinking?13:35
nvsblacicula: whenever i try to run various programs (gwibber, lernid), they fail. they return this: "ImportError: cannot import name oauth"13:35
Xelichili555, but all the other functions of iwlist seem to be working so it should be on? The LED is not blinking13:36
aciculagwibber uses desktopcouch?13:36
compumanI finally got my ubuntu install on my laptop and i can login with faILsafe GNOME but i cant get in on a regular GNOME even with root!13:36
aciculanvsbl: dunno, did googling the error dig up anything?13:36
Xelichili555, omfg i just noticed that i do have a button to switch wifi on and off, it works now haha i feel so stupid, thanks ;)13:36
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StikBeen there done that Xeli lol13:36
chili555Xeli: glad its working!!13:36
jewardI have a wubi install mounted under a Xubuntu live CD, how can I change the wubi password?  Where is the wubi passwd file13:36
spencercan anyone help me with upstart??? It seems like upstart 0.6.3-11 is not starting some of my /etc/init.d scripts.13:37
nvsblacicula: no one seems to have had this problem that i cans ee13:37
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ultrazspencer: what is wubi?13:37
hystrenihow do u make a file that when u click it start a commando?13:37
spencerultraz: it's windows installer for ubuntu13:38
MindSparkhi, I have a server that mounts a davfs. Whenever I start writing to that directory, everything hangs and the server needs to be rebooted because it cannot be accessed using ssh anymore. Any clues ?13:38
jgcpwhat is the command to install gstreamer bad and ugly through apt?13:38
spencercan anyone help me with upstart??? It seems like upstart 0.6.3-11 is not starting some of my /etc/init.d scripts.13:38
spencerMindSpark: this is an issue with upstart 0.6.3-11, i have the same problem13:38
MindSparkspencer, what is upstart ?13:39
hystrenihow do u make a file that when u click it start a commando? do any1 know?13:39
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spencerMindspark: that's like the service manager in ubuntu so to speak.13:39
spencerMindSpark: it's replacing the old rc.# scripts13:39
MindSparkspencer, but I mount manually, I don't let ubuntu do it for me13:40
MindSparkwould this still be applicable ?13:40
aciculanvsbl: idunno then13:40
spencerMindSpark: i have a couple startup scripts in /etc/init.d/ as well it's not starting up the same fashion as my ssh server.13:41
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aciculaspencer: how does upstart remotely relate to mounting via webdav?13:41
foxleolyfirst time been here13:41
nvsblacicula: s'all good. i posted on the forums as well. thanks13:41
MindSparkspencer, but I don't. I just do mount -t davfs 'http://host/folder' 'dir'13:41
MindSparkI don't have this written in any script13:42
MindSparkI do it from bash13:42
spencerMindSpark: is sshd starting on the actual machine??13:42
MindSparkspencer, yes13:42
jewardAnybody know where the wubi passwd file is?13:42
Gangrelany idea how to run bin files?13:43
spencerMindSpark, are you sure after reboot, the sshd is started?13:43
orly_owlWhat video editing program will let me put a black bar over part of the video?13:43
MindSparkspencer, I don't have physical access to the server. It's a dedicated server at a hosting company. So I am sure it is, or else I wouldn't be able to access it13:44
ddavidspls i wld like to know why it is so hard to get themes to work alone on ubuntu without any dependencies...?13:44
Jaimiemake sure its +x Gangrel13:44
nvsblorly_owl: cinelerra, perhaps13:44
MindSparkorly_owl, ffmpeg13:44
GangrelJaimie, you mean?13:45
orly_owlMindSpark: How would I do that in ffmpeg?13:45
mzimbreshi, I am trying to open Firefox, but an error message says that there is a process already open, so I try to find it with $ ps -ef | grep firefox, but nothing is found. How can the process be running if it is not found by ps? How to kill it?13:45
MindSparkorly_owl, #ffmpeg13:45
spencerMindSpark: oh then i guess that's correct then.. sorry i thought it's the same issue i have...13:45
Jaimieare you in the console Gangrel ?13:45
MindSparkspencer, ok, thanks.13:45
Gangreljaimie, yes13:46
SealedWithAKissUpon booting Ubuntu produces three error messages before attempting to display my desktop. Something like 'Could not update ICEauthority', plus a couple of other referencing my home directory and Nautilus. I have booted into a LiveCD and have mounted and chrooted into my Linux partition. However when I attempt to access /home/directory using the command ecryptfs-mount-private I receive the error ERROR: Encrypted private director13:46
SealedWithAKissy is not setup properly. Can anybody help please?13:46
MindSparkorly_owl, there's also kino, but I don't know if you can do that using kino13:46
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aciculaSealedWithAKiss: did you reuse the home partition from a previous installation?13:46
aciculaSealedWithAKiss: the error stems from the home directory not being decrypted, probably because the password you entered does not match the one used to lock the encryption key13:47
Jaimietry opening terminal gangrel and drag the bin file into it13:47
motaka2what is the best way to install LAMP with php5.3 on ubuntu 9 ?13:48
Osehow can I disable the password requirement for mounting other partitions?13:48
sudiptawhat is a suitable c++ ide for karmic?13:48
hl_99hey guys, i know its better to first install windows and then linux. but is the other way around that bad? its just about grub right?13:48
Jaimieif not you have to "chmod  +x /path/to/file"13:48
Jaimieand then ./file13:48
nvsblwill lucid have plymouth?13:49
aciculahl_99: correct13:49
aciculahl_99: well and repartitioning/resizing if needed13:49
hl_99acicula yeah okay but there are ways to fix that right?13:50
SealedWithAKissacicula, I don't think so no. I can't be sure though. Also, I haven't been asked to enter a password at any point. When I boot the faulty partition, it doesn't ask me to login. It produces the three errors and then displays a blank default desktop background with no menus or anything.13:50
aciculahl_99: yeh13:50
hl_99ok thx13:50
aciculai do think so, i've seen the error come up before, you installed therefore you entered a password somewehere, are you auto logging in13:51
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SealedWithAKissacicula, this is like the millionth problem I have had with Karmic since installing a week ago. I feel like giving up.13:51
aciculaSealedWithAKiss: im hoping the lts will be better too13:51
StargazeSealedWithAKiss: lucid is coming out in a few weeks from now13:51
SealedWithAKissacicula, I'm not auto logging in.13:52
aciculaSealedWithAKiss: then you are entering an account/password when you login to the desktop right13:52
SealedWithAKissacicula, usually yes. Not now though, it doesn't ask for either.13:52
aciculahmm thats odd13:53
aciculabut you do get errors about nautilus pertaining to your home directory?13:54
SealedWithAKissacicula, three consecutive errors, then a blank desktop with no menus or icons. No login screen is displayed at any point.13:54
aciculacan you give the errors?13:54
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scoon1329I'm having trouble getting my webcam (device id 0ac8:3420 - Venus USB2.0 Camera) to work with Skype on Ubuntu 9.10 amd64. I've found that the driver may have issues with it at any other resolution than 640x480 and this is confirmed in Cheese as the camera will only work in 640x480 resolution, but I'm stuck as to where to go to fix this.14:03
new_lubuntu_userhi, i need help with lubuntu... can anybody assisst me please?14:04
Zuscan some one  please explain why there would be no data when signing the UCoC?14:04
new_lubuntu_userany body help?14:04
Flnrock2bBonjours ^^14:05
rzx237new_lubuntu_user: whats the problem?14:05
new_lubuntu_useri was trying to install lubuntu on my pc, but it seems that the "Install Lubuntu 9.10 doesn't work"14:05
new_lubuntu_userim on the livecd now14:05
acicula!details | new_lubuntu_user14:05
ubottunew_lubuntu_user: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:05
hikenbootanyone know what package provides iscsi sendsigs.omit.d ?14:06
new_lubuntu_userok... let me say my problem in a whole...14:06
new_lubuntu_userhi, sorry got dc...14:07
new_lubuntu_userhere is what's happening...14:07
spencercan anyone help me with upstart??? It seems like upstart 0.6.3-11 is not starting some of my /etc/init.d scripts.14:08
new_lubuntu_useri run the live cd of LUBUNTU 9.10 i burned, it worked fine, im using it now, so i wanted to install it on my pc as a dual boot with xp, but the icon "Install Lubuntu 9.10" seems to not work...14:08
new_lubuntu_userso can anybody help me?14:09
scoon1329define "seems not to work" does nothing happen at all?14:09
new_lubuntu_useryes, i tried, executing it, nothing happens14:10
acicula!upstart | spencer14:10
ubottuspencer: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:10
etsorbme8where or what log file would you look at for shutdown errors or halts during shutdown and does not completely shutdown and would like to find out what is causing this?14:10
defaultIm trying to complete a script for a unix class. In solaris we use chmod +x14:10
defaultDoesnt seem to work in ubunti14:10
aciculain the faq you can find a command that tells you whats started when and how and whats running now14:11
new_lubuntu_useri mean, nothing happens when i try to run or execute the icon, it just stay there14:11
aciculadefault: chmod works the same in ubuntu as it does on solaris14:11
defaultchmod +x alone wont let me run the script though14:12
aciculayou click on the install ubuntu icon on the desktop?14:12
aciculawell you ned to call the script14:12
aciculanew_lubuntu_user: give it a bit of time or try the alternate install? dunno really14:12
defaultI did. I remember someone telling me another way to do it in ubuntu but I forgot how14:12
new_lubuntu_useri tried looking for a menu, but it doesn't show it anywhere either, just the icon14:12
llutzdefault: sh script14:12
defaultoh so its sh to run it14:13
new_lubuntu_userhow can i do the alternate install without making a mistake of installing it on a different partition/14:13
defaultIn solaris we type just the name of the file. Thanks. I'll remember sh14:13
llutzdefault: solaris has "." in PATH? linux hasnt14:13
llutzdefault: so "./script" should do14:14
hikenbootI have a problem dpkg is telling me to fix a dpkg error by running dpkg --configure -a unfortunately the fix is to install another package which dpkg wont allow me to do because of the error14:14
llutzs/linux/most linux distros/14:14
defaultThat works too thanks14:14
primoolka ke pasa14:15
new_lubuntu_userhelp? so how do i do the alternate install without making a mistake of formatting a  different partition? coz i tried it a couple of times, the icon really won't work..14:15
morpheushi all14:17
kondohikenboot:I'm getting problem,I install office 2007 in ubuntu 9.10,I cannot open outlook and I try to use wine 1.1.32 still problem14:17
enrabacuriososolá a todos14:17
morpheushow to give for QEMU more than 2gb of memory?14:18
hikenbootkondo what is the problem you are getting14:18
hikenbootkondo, did you try #wine-hq?14:18
hikenbootsorry kondo #winehq14:18
new_lubuntu_userso no one can really help me with my problem with installing LUBUNTU?14:19
aciculamorpheus: you cant specify more then 2gb or are you not specifying at all14:19
aciculawhats Lubuntu?14:19
enrabacuriososos enrabo a todos14:19
enrabacuriosossim sim,enrabo-te a ti tbm14:19
enrabacuriososquem quer ser primeiro14:19
FloodBot2enrabacuriosos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:19
enrabacuriososoh morpheus,queres ser tu o primeiro a ser enrabado?14:19
hikenbootnew_lubuntu_user, whats the problem14:19
Pici!pt | enrabacuriosos14:19
ubottuenrabacuriosos: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:19
morpheusacicula \qemu: at most 2047 MB RAM can be simulated14:20
new_lubuntu_useri run the live cd of LUBUNTU 9.10 i burned, it worked fine, im using it now, so i wanted to install it on my pc as a dual boot with xp, but the icon "Install Lubuntu 9.10" seems to not work..14:20
aciculamorpheus: i guess not then14:20
hikenbootnew_lubuntu_user, did you backup your windows partition?14:20
Stargazenew_lubuntu_user: restart the pc with the cd inside and choose installation14:20
new_lubuntu_userLubuntu is a light weight version of ubuntu, that's what the wiki says...14:20
aciculanew_lubuntu_user: try the default ubuntu installation iso first?14:21
kondohikenboot:I'm getting Cannot start Ms office Outlook,cannot open the outlook window14:21
new_lubuntu_userwell, when i try to boot using the cd, the only thing i see is, "to run lubuntu, press enter or live"14:21
hikenbootkondo goto #winehq14:21
hikenbootkondo they will help you debug it14:21
hikenbootnew_lubuntu_user, why dont you just use ubuntu instead of ubuntu lite?14:22
new_lubuntu_useri haven't, i have four partitions, and it ok if i have the windows removed as long as two out of the four partions i have wont be harmed14:22
new_lubuntu_usermy pc can't havndle the weight of ubuntu, coz i just have 256 ram, and it shared with my onboard video card14:23
hikenbootnew_lubuntu_user, you need to back up your data before installing a second operating system...if you dont want to loose it then be sure to back it up...it only makes sense!14:23
new_lubuntu_userok, ill do that, but i have to fid out first how i'll be able to install this if the icon won't work14:23
hikenbootnew_lubuntu_user, find out what the icon is pointing to and run it with gksu14:24
new_lubuntu_usergksu? just type it? where?14:24
new_lubuntu_userby pointing to, you mean, the location?14:25
Stargazenew_lubuntu_user: check out ubuntuclips.org pls :)14:25
new_lubuntu_usercoz the exact file name is "ubiquity-gtkui.desktop"14:25
new_lubuntu_userand the location is "/home/ubuntu/Desktop"14:25
hikenbootnew_lubuntu_user, open a console14:25
new_lubuntu_userhow do i open one? sorry... im really not that familiar with the terms14:26
hikenbootnew_lubuntu_user, open ubiguity-gtkui.desktop in an editor and see whats in it14:26
hikenbootdoes the lubuntu have a menu?14:26
new_lubuntu_userlike leafpad, right?14:27
ddavidsdoes anyone knw of a channel where i can get help on sound (alsa) issues?14:27
hikenbootusually its under applications accessories terminal at least in ubuntu14:27
Vesperonhi to all14:27
hikenbootddavids, #alsa i think14:27
new_lubuntu_userok, got the terminal open14:27
DasEiddavids: common questions here, or go to alsaproject's homepage14:27
Vesperoni need some help with empathy14:27
new_lubuntu_userwhen i opened the icon with leafpad, it shows lots of things, i really can't understad...14:28
blinkizHi. Having problem that tty1 to tty6 just look like fuss on this new computer. What can be wrong? Am having a ATI Radeon HD 3870 in this computer.14:28
Als_join #emc14:28
hikenboottype in gedit /home/ubuntu/Desktop/ubiquity-gtkui.deskto14:28
blinkiztty7, X window, looks alright.14:28
hystrenii need help, im trying to Play EVE online, but to do that i need to find the Prefs.ini file... and i cannot find it anywhere :S14:28
new_lubuntu_userok, ill try it14:29
ddavidsDasEi: i have been getting sound from my internal speakers on my desktop even when headphones are connected and i am looking to fix this...14:29
new_lubuntu_userwhen i tried typing it, it shows lots of things again, which i cannot understand14:30
DasEiddavids: you speak of the system's internal (signal-beep) speaker ?14:30
new_lubuntu_userbut most of them says, command not found14:30
ddavidsno, i mean the main system speaker14:30
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new_lubuntu_userit shows, errors, warnings, command not found,14:31
new_lubuntu_userand it seems like it different languages14:31
hikenbootnew_lubuntu_user, open a browser and use pastebin.ca and copy it to their and post the link14:32
new_lubuntu_userand the end says, its a syntax error, unexpected end of file14:32
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new_lubuntu_userok, ill do that14:32
Vesperonhow do i get facebook in empathy if any one can help contact me in a private window.......thanks in advance!14:32
DasEiddavids: did you try pavucontrol or gnome-alsamixer to seperate the channels ? pulseaudio /w jack another solution, once your hardware is correctly known by the os14:32
rarianrakistaAnyone ever tried the " Ultimate Edition "  based on Ubuntu ?14:32
Picirarianrakista: Yes, and we do not support it here.14:33
Vesperonnot me....!!14:33
Pici!ultimate | rarianrakista14:33
ubotturarianrakista: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition14:33
MindSparkwhat's a zombie process ?14:33
etsorbme8what would happen if I got rid of "ro quiet splash" in the grub boot-up menu? or what should i have if I want to see text bootup and shutdown? scroll?14:33
rarianrakistaWas not asking if you support it, just wandering if anyone had tried it14:33
drizzt_MindSpark, this is one which no longer sheduled but yet not terminated14:34
hikenbootnew_lubuntu_user, got to go an emergency post the contents of that file and see if someone else can tell you how to execute the link from a console prompt14:34
Myrttirarianrakista: not worth the trouble14:34
thisdotpheonixwhich is the tool commonly used in ubuntu to monitor download14:34
aciculaetsorbme8: think removing quiet and splash will give you the kernel messages during boot14:34
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new_lubuntu_useri should go to that site, right?14:34
ddavidsim sorry but i dont have pavucontrol. i have tried different optioons on alsamixer but no success...14:34
thisdotpheonixsorry monitor bandwidth14:34
acicularo pertains to initially mounting the root fs, but not sure, in any case thats best left there?14:34
drizzt_how to intall the ubuntu into separate folder?14:34
DasEiMindSpark: like if you close (or crash) an app, but the pid is still up14:34
rarianrakistaKK, I'll just stick with the 10.x ubuntu I am running14:34
new_lubuntu_userok, thanks14:34
etsorbme8acicula; thanks I will try that14:35
MindSparkDasEi, does that mean it's no longer doing anything ? I am basically copying files to davfs14:35
Picinew_lubuntu_user: If you have the harddrive space, it may be easier for you to install from the Ubuntu Live CD and then install the lubuntu-desktop package afterwards.14:36
new_lubuntu_userbut, ubuntu is a lot bigger than lubuntu, i have the space, the problem is with the RAM i got...14:36
DJonesVesperon: Did you get sorted with your facebook chat on empathy query? If not, there's a blog posting here that explains how to do it http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2010/02/11/using-facebook-xmpp-chat-on-ubuntu/14:36
DasEiMindSpark: davfs I don't understand14:37
aciculanew_lubuntu_user: try xubuntu, which is (better) supported here?14:37
new_lubuntu_userthat's the reason why i want to install LUBUNTU, coz it allows me to still use my pc...14:37
hystreniI need help findign a file that dosent come up when i use "search for files" in any of my directorys... it menas it dosent exists or its hidden?14:37
Vesperongonna check it out now14:37
MindSparkDasEi, I have a remote filesystem of type webdav mounted to a directory and copying files to it, my guess is that this is the zombie process14:37
aciculanew_lubuntu_user: yeah but from what i gather the install cd's from lubuntu are still in alpha/beta14:37
new_lubuntu_userwhat are the specs i need to run xubuntu on my PC?14:37
Pici!requirements-#xubuntu | new_lubuntu_user14:38
ubottunew_lubuntu_user: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Xubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu14:38
new_lubuntu_userok, ill check on it14:38
Vesperoni have been to that site before and i tried this way but does not load the fotos of my contacts14:38
ddavidsDasEi: do i have to have pulse audio b4 i can resolve it?14:38
n8whow do i clean up a memory?ive tried "echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches" but then i have to use "su"...14:38
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drizzt_and second question, how does the kernel know character maps before it can mount / ?14:38
n8wusin su is ok,but i cant see any difference while usin free -m under my regular account14:39
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n8wi can see the impact of echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches under the root,but not under my user account14:39
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aciculadrizzt_: some are compiled in afaik, has a bunch of locale options too14:39
DasEiddavids:so jackd (and not jack, that's an audio ripper) and pulseaudio should do jack-sensing14:39
drizzt_acicula, is there a way to find out which were compiled into kernel?14:40
DasEiMindSpark: why not use rsync and a progress indicator or wuch the network -  throughput to determine ?14:40
ddavidsDasEi: do i do jackd at the terminal?14:40
aciculadrizzt_: kernel config is stored in /boot/14:41
MindSparkDasEi, I don't know what rsync is, but that sounds like a pretty good method14:41
Dr_Willisrsync - the WONDER toll14:41
DasEi!info rsync14:41
ubottursync (source: rsync): fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 3.0.6-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 341 kB, installed size 704 kB14:41
Dr_Willistool :)14:41
phaedrahas anyone else gotten a spam pm from hyjnxa when they got on the channel?14:41
MindSparkthe server I am uploading to doesn't have ftp/sftp or anything, just webdav14:41
MindSparkdoes rsync work with that too ?14:42
aciculaphaedra: report it on #freenode14:42
DasEiMindSpark: it autoresumes and with the option -P shows you a progress-bar and throughput, handle like cp14:42
dooniewhat's the most lightweight java package for ubuntu? Getting a few options when i write 'java' but not sure of any of them.. tutorials say sun, but 200mb isn't that light weight :)14:42
DasEiMindSpark: must understand the protocoll, can just try it14:42
MindSparkDasEi, alright, I'll give it a shot14:43
MindSparkthanks guys !14:43
MindSparkand ladies :)14:43
Dr_WillisHmm. does cp have a Progress bar option? Never noticed that14:43
doonienot that I know, rsync does though14:44
MindSparkDr_Willis, does it ? what's the option for that ?14:44
phaedraok, i was told to just use /ignore on it....14:44
ubyserverHope you all are well.14:44
Dr_WillisMindSpark:  no idea. but aparently rsync does :)14:44
drizzt_how to intall the ubuntu into separate folder?14:44
MindSparkyep, that's the cool thing actually14:44
DasEiddavids:I must look it up myself (some time ago for me, I use the switch ~ amp off); jackd is a prog that senses/monitors if a plug is put in like headphones and then acts14:45
=== jofo_ is now known as jofo
DasEiDr_Willis: cp itself not, least not with no trick, rsync does14:46
ddavidsDasEi: id really appreciate it if u cld help...14:46
DasEiddavids: looking for it14:46
nickolassorry my laptop froze14:46
nickolasit happes often lately14:46
ubyserverHello. If I wanted to compile and run code that was displayed on a webpage what would I need to do?14:47
rifterDr_Willis, no progress bar for cp.  doonie is right about rsync14:47
ubyserverI started by copy & pasting into a file14:47
ubyserverDo I now ./configure that file14:47
rifterDr_Willis, rsync is great for a lot of things14:47
drizzt_ubyserver, you should autotoolize it first :)14:47
gajancan anybody please tell me how do i have the option for both fresh installation and upgrade , while using kickstart ?14:47
skabasjehey. I want to install ubuntu from my flash drive, when i use unetboot and then try to boot from the flash drive, it says some file is missing. nltdr or something.... why?14:47
drizzt_ubyserver, what language your code is in?14:48
ubyserverI don't understand. This is where I am getting the code from.14:48
rifterubyserver, it depends greatly on what kind of code you are talking about14:48
drizzt_ubyserver, cc <file> should work14:48
rifterskabasje, the nt boot loader is still on the boot sector, that's why you're getting ntldr errors14:49
rifterskabasje, windows boot loader14:49
skabasjeHow do I fix this?14:49
ubyserverdrizzt_, file not recognized14:49
rifterubyserver, well unless there is a configure script there ./configre won't do anything14:49
Giant81anyone know where I would start troubleshooting my audio?14:50
rifterskabasje, well the error is coming from the windows boot loader being on whatever drive your bios is first booting.  if that is ndesirable you need to install a linux one like lilo or grub14:50
ubyserverrifter, It is text that I would like to compile and run. What do I do.14:50
skabasjeBut, I did it before14:50
skabasjeIt worked before, trying to do this.14:50
skabasjeSo, how do I do this if my windows installation is corrupt?14:51
rifterubyserver, well you can try gcc yourfile.c -o whatyouwahttocallit14:51
rifterubyserver, gcc is the c compiler.  configure scripts make makefiles and makefiles tell make waht to do.  but a simple c program should compile either form a make in that directory or with a direct gcc command. when in doubt start with gcc like what I told you14:52
ubyserverrifter, I don't know if I started out right but I used gedit to create the file.14:52
ubyserverrifter, maybe it saved as .txt14:52
drizzt_ubyserver, does it have .c extension?14:52
rifterubyserver, that chould be fine14:52
ubyserverI did not save with .c ext14:52
ubyserverrifter, alright.14:53
drizzt_ok so rename it now and run cc on it14:53
rifterubyserver, well technically extensions shouldn't matter but the convention is to name c programs .c and c++ programs .cpp14:53
TheAshManis there a way to make rsync listen for changes to the filesystem?14:53
rifterubyserver, but it will probably compile just the same as long as you pass the right filename to gcc14:53
Dan_EGiant81: what is wrong with your audio?14:53
Lachancerifter, Correct - in Linux file extensions are there for humans, not for the computer. =)14:53
skabasjeSo, no way for me to install ubuntu from flash drive if windows installation is corrupt?14:53
ubyserveralright I got a.out14:54
davidgomesanyone here can help me with the java web start ? i think there is some problems with the proxy. How can i set it ?14:54
rifterLachance, yeah I knew that but I couldn't remember for sure if gcc did some weird processing based on filenames14:54
DasEiddavids: which soundcard are you using ?14:54
Giant81Dan_E: I have 2 audio devices, the onboard and the HDMI port.  I am getting no audio from the onboard even though it was selected.  I went to uninstall the onboard and re-install it but I'm not sure how to 're-install' hardware on ubuntu14:54
Giant81Dan_E: so all I see now is the HDMI ...14:54
davidgomeshow can i see it14:54
Lachancerifter, gcc is part of the GNU project, so no it does not. =)14:54
davidgomesintel .. con14:54
ubyserverdrizzt_, result of your consult was a.out14:54
davidgomesthe sound is working14:55
rifterskabasje, the windows being corrupt does not matter14:55
drizzt_ubyserver, so type ./a.out <ans some paramaters maybe>14:55
ddavidsDasEi: i dont understand pls...14:55
skabasjeSo, if it doesn't matter, what steps should I follow to get ubuntu working on the system?14:55
rifterskabasje, what you need to do if the drive that is booting with the windows boot loader is not something you need in your boot chain right now is change the boot order in your bios14:55
ddavidsDasEi: how do i check tht?14:56
skabasjeI changed the boot order, the flash disk is on top14:56
Lachanceskabasje, as long as you can boot off the flash drive and get some kind of Live environment running, no it does not. Are you overwriting Windows?14:56
DasEiddavids: lspci | grep audio14:56
ubyserverthank you.14:56
ubyserverI will return :)14:56
fuzzygoldAnyone managed to remote desktop to pc connected via mobile broadband? PC running Ubuntu 9.1014:56
skabasjeI get the, nltdr file is missing error. *donno if it's nltdr :P*14:56
DasEiddavids: sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer14:57
ddavidsAudio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)14:57
skabasjeyes, nltdr14:57
rifterskabasje, well, either the flash disk is not being booted or there is something wrong with what you've done there.. you say you installed ubuntu to the flash disk?14:57
skabasjeI used unetbootin14:57
DasEiddavids:  gnome-alsamixer, shall also provide a driver  (upper left corner)14:57
rifterskabasje, you should boot to a livecd and see if you can see the partitions there14:57
skabasjeI want to install ubuntu on the notebook, using my flash disk14:57
rifterskabasje, ah14:58
skabasjeIt doesnt have a cd drive. It's an eeepc14:58
skabasje*which is satans invention I swear*14:58
drizzt_skabasje, not all flash drives can be boot from14:58
Giant81Dan_E: http://pastebin.com/6VT93rm714:58
ujjainHello. I have the feeling I am screwed and unable to reinstall grub2, because all howto's assume you do not have a seperate /boot partition. I have 2 partitions, 1 ext3=/boot and 1 LVM with swap and ext4. Can somebody please guide me to the grub2 process? I have been trying for 3 hours now. Even a basic command as root (hd0,4) fails, even though I mounted /dev/sda5.14:58
skabasjeThis one can, I've used it for ubuntu, windows 7, windows xp, It works.14:58
leander_craigskabsje , does the notebook suppoet usb boot?14:58
ddavidsDasEi: i have gotten the gnome alsamixer...wht next?14:59
DasEiddavids:  gnome-alsamixer     (start it)14:59
Giant81Dan_E: when I went to system-admin-hardware it only showed my video drivers.. it looks like it's installed right, but I don't see it in the list of audio devices14:59
overlordI had been using ubuntu 9.04 with "/" as mount point on a 20gb partition and the rest 60gb was a ntfs partition. I tried to upgrade to 9.10 without installing but had a lot of error. On the upgraded system I could not copy/paste on the ntfs partition as it gave me an input/output error. Now I install 9.10 from scratch. Now the 60gb media does not mount. I get the following error: http://pastebin.com/BUNydAUP14:59
Lachanceujjain, I think there is a GRUB channel. You might get more support there? I'll check...15:00
DasEiddavids: apart from more then two channels should also see a driver in it's upper left corner15:00
rifterfuzzygold, what's most important there is that you can interrogate an external ip address for the machine and thatyou have control of the firewalls between you so the right ports are opened15:00
Giant81DasEi: I'm following you helping ddavids, I think I'm in the same boat... I'll just lurk for a min and see if my problem goes away15:00
Lachanceujjain, Yeah, it's there.15:00
ujjainlaclasse: I will check in #grub. :)15:01
drizzt_does ubuntu have firewall by default?15:01
ujjainLachance: thank you.15:01
Pici!firewall | drizzt_15:01
ubottudrizzt_: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist15:01
ddavidsDasEi: i dont see the driver, does it have a name?15:01
Lachanceujjain, Let us know how it goes! =) Good luck!15:01
rifterskabasje, well there's only two possibilities here.  either you have a windows boot loader on that flash drive or it's being passed over for a drive that does15:01
hikenbootfigured out how to get around a broken package that wont allow any install because sudo aptitude install -f or dpkg -a --configure fails the command is sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq <package-name> in case anyone else has the problem!15:01
DasEiddavids: you should see a card model there15:02
ddavidsDasEi: i can only see the Analog Devices AD1884 and the controls under it...15:02
ddavidsDasEi: yes io do...15:02
Lachancehikenboot, Good find! =D15:02
skabasjeSo, am screwed15:02
DasEiddavids: this means theres is a driver loaded then, this was my question about15:02
dinosaurvskittendoes anyone else have problems with skype lagging every 5-6 seconds and scrambling the sound?15:02
Lachanceskabasje, What're you on now?15:02
dinosaurvskittenworks fine on windows, as usual15:02
ddavidsDasEi: ok15:02
drizzt_how to intall the ubuntu into separate folder on my disk?15:02
rifterskabasje, and unfortunately the best way to find out is to be able to boot into some environment where you can check the partitions and boot loader of that flash drive and make sure you have a bootable primary partitionon it and that the right bootloader is installed in the boot block15:02
ddavidsDasEi: so wht do i do frm ere?15:03
oriremotectrl1: dou know how i install vdrift?15:03
skabasjeI just downloaded ubuntu 9.10, *the latest*, i used unetbootin to make the flash disk bootable, and these are all the steps I took.15:03
overlordI had been using ubuntu 9.04 with "/" as mount point on a 20gb partition and the rest 60gb was a ntfs partition. I tried to upgrade to 9.10 without installing but had a lot of error. On the upgraded system I could not copy/paste on the ntfs partition as it gave me an input/output error. Now I installed 9.10 from scratch. Now the 60gb media does not mount. I get the following error: http://pastebin.com/BUNydAUP15:03
skabasjeI'm on my desktop.15:03
dinosaurvskittenI'm not doing anything cpu intensive and skype is around 15%15:03
rifterskabasje, right so that's my point15:03
oriCan someone tell me how to install vdrift-2009-06-15-src.tar.bz2?15:03
rifterskabasje, you should be able to figure this out on your desktop15:03
skabasjeI should be... But I'm not. I've tried, trust me :P15:04
rifterskabasje, does your desktop have a cd drive or is it an eeepc too?15:04
Lachanceori, tar -xf vdrift-2009-06-15-src.tar.bz2 and look for a readme file, a .deb package, etc.15:04
skabasjeit has a cd drive15:04
rifterskabasje, what os is the desktop running15:04
DasEiddavids: I haven't googled your chip yet, but I assume it's least a 4 channel, so there should be a fader for phone and normal output, also in the button can set differnt modi of how card is being used15:04
skabasjeBut I don't have a cd of ubuntu. Windows 715:04
Lachanceoverlord, You're trying to keep two, bootable parts? (Ubuntu and Windows?)15:04
matteo1990_overlord, Do you have a pc with windows?15:04
orilachance: thanx extracting...15:05
rifterskabasje, ok .. I haven't tried windows 7 but I wonder if it still has fdisk on the command line15:05
overlordLachance: I only have ubuntu. I just have a partition on ntfs.15:05
overlordmatteo1990: no15:05
rifterskabasje, if it does you can at least see the partitions even though you can't mount them15:05
overlordmatteo1990_: no15:05
skabasjeI can use the flash disk15:06
Lachanceoverlord, NTFS is the file system for Windows. Am I missing something? >_>15:06
skabasjeI can see the files15:06
skabasjeand it has the ubuntu icon aswel15:06
skabasjeIs it because I quick formatted it ntfs?15:06
overlordLachance: I did have windows installed previously. And there was some data on the partiton which i required. so, i did not format it.15:06
matteo1990_overlord, i fixed this problem running chkdsk /f on windows as he suggest. Aniway you can fine a windows pc everywhere..15:06
ddavidsDasEi: thanks for ur efforts...15:06
rifterskabasje, yes15:07
Lachanceoverlord, I figured as much. But, you see, the problem is that NTFS is the file system for WINDOWS. As such it's proprietary and Ubuntu, to my knowledge, can't mount it.15:07
overlordmatteo1990_: unfortunately i had windows only on my laptop which is getting serviced as of now.15:07
skabasjeit should be FAT?15:07
rifterskabasje, I don't think you can boot linux from an ntfs partition15:07
drizzt_how to intall the ubuntu into separate folder on my disk? come one, I haven't got all day15:07
skabasjelet me try fat, brb15:07
Lachance!patience | drizzt_15:08
ubottudrizzt_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:08
overlordLachance: I had been using this partition when i was on 9.04..8.10..8.04...15:08
=== schlaftier1 is now known as schlaftier
DasEiddavids: did it do the job ? else there is the solution with jack-sensing, but as have used it once longer ago, I'm not the best at it, jackd was package, as said15:08
skabasjefat, fat(32) or xfat :S15:08
alive1o hello there...15:08
orsonLachance: mounting ntfs isn't a problem since ages15:08
rifter<skabasje> well I would expect it to be a linux native type partition like ext3 etx4 .. but I haven't tried this  unetbootin let me see if I can find something on it15:08
drizzt_damn I would use ubuntuforums if someone would ever answer the posts  here15:09
skabasjewhich fat? :P regulat fat?15:09
Lachancedrizzt_, What're you trying to do? Create a seperate partition to install Ubuntu into on an HDD with an existing OS?15:09
Lachanceorson, =O I don't use Windows, at all, so I wouldn't know too much about it.15:09
matteo1990_Hi all i have , according to lsusb, an Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode). It can't see my mobile phone and my wii controller... How can i fix it?15:09
Gangrelhow can i log as super user in terminal? cause su doesn't work15:10
LachanceI know how to stab Windows with a knife and that's it. (No offense to those who love/use Windows)15:10
ddavidsDasEi: was i just supposed to open gnome-alsamixer and close it? cos i didnt get what u told me to alter in there?15:10
orsonGangrel: sudo -i15:10
rifterLachance, there've been ntfs drivers in linux for a very long time, and for at least several versionsnow ubuntu has included the read/write versions15:10
LachanceGangrel, sudo su. Yeah, I know, it's asinine15:10
alive1Gangrel: sudo -s15:10
YerushalmiDoes anybody know what the controls are for FCE Ultra? And I'm not talking about the customizable gamepad - I'm talking about "save state" and "load state" and suchlike.15:10
dinosaurvskittenhas anyone here gotten skype to actually work and not distort your calls as though you were calling from the middle of nowhere over cans linked together with a string?15:10
Lachancerifter, *noted* Perhaps you can help overlord? Like I said, I don't use Windows, so I wouldn't know.15:10
hikenbootanyone know how i configure startup runlevel values for lsb and open-iscsi? for that matter it might be a generic method but i have never done it15:10
LachanceBoker Tov, Yerushalmi! =D15:11
rifterLachance, sure15:11
ubyserverThank you very much for that rifter and drizzt_15:11
DasEiddavids: no, it should give you faders to be muted or not, and also lets you configure the use of your soudchip15:11
YerushalmiHah, tzohorayim tovim, Lachance.15:11
rifterYerushalmi, I have them somewhere .. if I remember right the number keys pick a state and f5 saves and f7 loads15:11
Gangrelcan someon help me install the damned regnum online? the installer is a .bin file15:11
Gangrelthat i cannot make it to work15:12
Yerushalmirifter: Awesome. Do you know where the states get saved to?15:12
alive1Gangrel: sudo sh installer.bin15:12
innatechHaving a little trouble managing symlinks. I have an nv-raid stripe at /mnt/nvraid0 . I want to link /var/videos/ to /mnt/nvraid0/va1/ such that everything I write to /var/videos/ is actually stored on the array. I tried to set this up doing ln -s  /mnt/nvraid0/va1/   /var/videos/ . Did I do it backwards? The wrong partition is growing.15:12
hikenbootGangrel, what exactly doesnt work15:12
Yerushalmirifter: Also, what idiot makes a program without giving out keymap  information? :)15:12
GangrelaLive1 doesn't work15:13
alive1Gangrel: what does it say?15:13
Gangrelhikenboot, i cannot make it to install15:13
LachanceGangrel, did you chmod +x before running sh?15:13
alive1does it just quit without any message?15:13
lostcaus1sorry, forgot the /15:13
GangrelLachance yes15:13
hikenbootGangrel, dont keep us guessing what does it say15:13
GangrelaLive1, regnum: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected15:14
LachanceGangrel, then it needs to be smacked with a rake! =O15:14
GangrelLachance, what?15:14
hikenbootGangrel, if you dont have scripting experience your going to have to go back to the people who made it15:14
alive1Gangrel: what's the output of "strings installer.bin|head"15:15
Gangrelnvm ty for trying i will solve it through forums15:15
alive1just the top line15:15
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:16
Gangrelalive1, http://paste.ubuntu.com/387037/ check this15:17
alive1oh... well... try going to forums then =/15:17
alive1Gangrel: or ask the package provider for ubuntu instructions15:18
Giant81DasEi: Dan_E, maybe one of you has come by this, or can point me in the right direction.  Through your help it looks like my driver is loaded, gnome-alsamixer is installed, but when I do an "lshw -c multimedia" and found it's set at "unclaimed"15:18
Dan_Eyou dont have sound i assume15:18
Giant81DasEi, Dan_E, http://pastebin.com/0X4PLiUT  Shows the output of what I ran15:18
siomawhats up guys15:18
hikenbootGangrel, try putting a } at the bottom of the file shown in your pastebin15:19
KwpolskaI've got a Pentagram Cerberus P 6331-42 router. My network IP is not everytime the same. How to make it only one, nonchangable, as in Windows? I need to setup a dyndns15:19
Dan_Ein terminal alsamixer and be sure no mm's should be m increase all to max hit f5 and f6 to check all15:20
ActionParsnipyo yo yo15:20
motaka2how can i find httpd.conf ?15:20
Dan_Etype alsamixer15:20
Stargazemotaka2: locate httpd.conf15:20
oahhoguys any help how to make a desktop theme?15:20
ActionParsnipmotaka2: sudo find / -name "httpd.conf"15:20
motaka2Stargaze: that doesnt dispaly it15:21
ActionParsnip!theme | oahho15:21
ubottuoahho: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:21
ActionParsnipmotaka2: then the file is missin15:21
oahhoActionParsnip:  i want to make my own theme15:21
oahhorather than applying the available15:21
Stargazemotaka2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51161815:22
skabasjeFAT seems to work so far.15:22
motaka2ActionParsnip: look i have already installed apatche by apt-get i need to find it's httpd .conf but i can find it15:22
Stargazeoahho: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51161815:22
geniimotaka2: Did you install apache or apache2 ?15:22
drizzt_how to intall the ubuntu into separate folder on my disk?15:23
motaka2genii: yes i do, and i have tested it15:23
DasEiGiant81: you have another problem there, as there are two sound chips, which the intel is the one to be used more easily I think, got to change it under preferences,sound and then make sure correct driver get's loaded, default sound-card15:23
oahhothanks Stargaze  i guess i found a link there :)15:23
geniimotaka2: Which one, 1.x series apache or 2.x series apache?15:23
motaka2genii: i think thats 2.x15:24
Giant81Dan_E: problem is that I only see 0's now... the device is HDA ATI HDMI15:24
DasEiGiant81: sudo apt-get install pastebinit15:24
ActionParsnipmotaka2: http://www.faqs.org/docs/securing/chap29sec245.html15:24
Dan_Eup arrow15:24
ActionParsnipmotaka2: may help15:24
ActionParsnipmotaka2: there are sample files all over15:24
DasEiGiant81: pastebinit /var/log/syslog15:25
DasEiurl here..15:25
matteo1990_Hi all i have , according to lsusb, an Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode). It can't see my mobile phone and my wii controller... How can i fix it?15:25
YerushalmiDoes anybody know where FCE Ultra stores its save states?15:25
ActionParsnipoahho: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/GtkThemes15:26
geniimotaka2: OK, so then the files you look at are /etc/apache2/ports.conf /etc/apache2/apache2.conf  and /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default15:26
abhi_nav_I have disabled sounds for desktop-login and logouts. But still in the login windows where user have to type username then press enter and type password, when this windows appears a sound plays. How to stop or disaboel this sound?15:26
Giant81DasEi: that just shows http://pastebin.com15:26
oahhoya thanks ActionParsnip  Im on it :)15:26
drizzt_dammit ubuntu is woven from bugs15:26
Giant81DasEi: The problem is that I don't see the second card anymore under sound preferences15:27
orsondrizzt_: report them15:27
drizzt_when I press Alt key my console freezes until I switch to another wtf15:27
riftersorry guys .. I horked compiz somehow and couldn't get back :P15:27
Kwpolskaabhi_nav_: gksu -u gdm gnome-control-center15:27
Kwpolskaselect sound and remove it by you-know-how15:27
motaka2look genii i have installed apache through apt-get and i have created my libphp.so , do u know how i can tell apache to use this .so file?15:27
skabasjeffs, resizing the disk takes a LONG time15:27
Giant81DasEi: even when I did, and it was selected as the default, and volume was turned up, I got no audio.  along the way trying to troubleshoot it, I lost the Intel from the sound preferences and I'm unsure of how to get it back15:28
Stargazerifter: try Alt-F2 emerals --replace15:28
FraZsalut à tous15:28
Stargazeemerald (sorry)15:28
skabasjesalut :P15:28
FraZKriZZZ ?15:28
abhi_nav_Kwpolska: gtk-warning: it says cannot open display.15:28
Dan_EGiant81: I am sure DasEi can help you better than I. sorry15:28
Kwpolskaboo ubuntu15:28
geniimotaka2: With a2enmod command15:28
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:28
Giant81Dan_E: it's a funny problem15:29
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:29
ActionParsnip!emerald | Stargaze15:29
ubottuStargaze: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.15:29
Giant81Dan_E: but thanks for the help you were able to give15:29
Dan_Edid you increase the volume in alsamixer?15:29
Dan_Ef5 and f6?15:29
FraZessai concluant15:30
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro15:30
abhi_nav_Kwpolska: what do you mean by boo? what should i do?15:30
Dan_Eno mm's?15:30
Giant81but it doesn't matter with the HDMI output, and the Intel is not showing up15:30
Giant81no mm's15:30
DasEiGiant81: I'm little laggy, since I'm doing some stuff besides;; pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com /var/log/syslog15:30
abhi_nav_I have disabled sounds for desktop-login and logouts. But still in the login windows where user have to type username then press enter and type password, when this windows appears a sound plays. How to stop or disaboel this sound?15:30
rifterStargaze, I don'thave that command, but anyway compiz started eating all my cpu after I started gfceux to test those buttons, and even after I killed gfceux, it was still eating cpu.. and killing the compiz process made my desktop quit working right so I bit the bullet and rebooted :P  I guess logging out and in would have fixed it, too, and if I knew a way to restart the gnome processes withought making all my apps restart too I guess I would have done th15:31
rifterStargaze, but I had to get back up as fast as possible15:31
Seven_Six_TwoI've mounted a dir through nfs at home and then put my laptop to sleep and went to school. now I can't seem to unmount it even after disconnecting and reconnecting, and also restarting the nfs-kernel-server and commenting out the fstab entry on my laptop. it keeps saying the device is busy15:31
soreaurifter: Sounds like a possible video driver memory leak15:31
ActionParsnipSeven_Six_Two: try: sudo umount -f /mount/point15:31
drizzt_shit ubuntu-bug segfaulted, it's damned LTS, why is it in such condition?15:31
ActionParsnip!ohmy | drizzt_15:32
ubottudrizzt_: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.15:32
riftersoreau, well i have other issues which point to video driver issues, but that's for another time15:32
Seven_Six_TwoActionParsnip, ok. I didn't try to force15:32
jyuaiuto scompaiono tutti iprogrammi che apro non stasnno piu in basso15:32
Pici!it | jyu15:32
ubottujyu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:32
Giant81brb, logging into IRC from the laptop15:32
ActionParsnipSeven_Six_Two: looks like its needed in your case15:32
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:33
drizzt_ok so could some smarta$$ tell me which package is related to virtual consoles and keyboard input there?15:33
Seven_Six_Twoumount.nfs: /home/fathea/desktopaudio: device is busy15:33
vip512Hello ! i need help unstalling ubuntu remix on my notebook can some one give me a hand please15:33
ActionParsnipSeven_Six_Two: is your pwd in that location?15:33
giantOK I'm on my laptop now15:33
lazy^Seven_Six_Two: use umount -l /home/fathea/desktopaudio15:33
Pici!attitude | drizzt_15:33
ubottudrizzt_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:33
UrdaQuestion: anybody know where PEAR is in Ubuntu 9.10?15:34
DasEiGiant81: that was the whole syslog ? quite short, and lots of lines saying spurious response from hda-intel15:34
giantDasEi, easier to copy paste from the laptop...15:34
ActionParsnipUrda: what's pear?15:34
ActionParsnip!info pear15:34
ubottuPackage pear does not exist in karmic15:34
drizzt_right quote some !boilerplate instead of answer15:34
giantDasEi, yes, that is what I see too, I should go googleing on that15:34
DasEiGiant81: just copy the url from trml15:34
UrdaActionParsnip: PEAR -> PEAR  - PHP Extension and Application Repository15:34
Oasacan some one say an alternative to Maple/Mathematicia15:34
ubottuTo install Maple, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Maple15:34
Seven_Six_TwoActionParsnip, thanks. I got an error with -f , but apparently it worked.15:34
ActionParsnipUrda: gotcha15:34
geniimotaka2: Sorry, I do not assist by private message unless sensitive information is involved. It may be inconvenient for you but this is my policy. For apache-specific assistance you can also always try the ##httpd channel15:34
Stargazevip512: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91678415:34
Kwpolskaabhi_nav_: wait for help here. i can't help you15:34
DasEiGiant81: pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com /var/log/syslog15:34
ActionParsnipSeven_Six_Two: thats fine :)15:34
riftergreat ... I was going to try an dpick up where I left off, but it looks liek xchat is overwriting the logs each time instead of appending :P15:34
agatronI'm wondering if anyone has any experience with running world of warcraft in wine on ubuntu? I'm getting some weird graphical issues I just can't figure out.15:35
ubottuPHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/php5.html15:35
abhi_nav_Kwpolska: No probs. Ok. thnx :)15:35
Oasaany software which draws graphs ?15:35
remoteCTRL1i am trying to repair a broken grub, so i am doing sudo grub-install --recheck hd0,0 but that gives me the error invalid device hd0,0, according to man pages that would be the correct syntax but obviously it isnt any help on the syntax please?15:35
djoefHi, How can I access a local IP adres through extranet ? (or is this impossible) (Goal = print through vpn connetion, via browser)15:35
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN15:35
PiciUrda: The package name is php-pear15:35
remoteCTRL1djoef: you need to portforward throught eh firewall15:36
drizzt_agatron, I think with recent wine it should be fine if your graphic driver allows it15:36
UrdaPici: ActionParsnip, it was in /usr/share/php/PEAR .... kept trying to go to /usr/share/PEAR15:36
Urdafound it :)15:36
lazy^djoef: use iptables for portforwarding15:36
ActionParsnipOasa: gnuplot15:36
agatrondrizzt_, I'm worried that I have an incorrect driver. I am using "Nvidia X Server"15:36
ActionParsnipUrda: sweet, symlink it if you wish ;)15:37
DasEiGiant81:why do you paste from that laptop ? no network, too ?15:37
UrdaActionParsnip: already done XD15:37
brokepunkanyone here know networking with virtualbox? nobody seems to be responding on their channel...15:37
ActionParsnipUrda: 2 laps ahead eh. like it15:37
motaka2this does not work in ubuntu 9.04: sudo checkinstall --fstrans=no15:37
alive1Anybody savvy with networking here? My whole system crashes and becomes un-usable when I try to bridge a bonded interface: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/qU0wdAvn15:37
UrdaFigures though, everytime I get stuck, the few minutes after I post the question I figure it out :)15:37
Giant81DasEi: the laptop is the machine that has Ubuntu on it... I'm chatting on both my tower and my laptop15:37
ActionParsnipbrokepunk: sup15:37
djoeflazy^, remoteCTRL1 I know the IP adress to the jetdirect, and this is how I did it before, but this is not what you mean right ? (//ipadressofprinter)15:37
erUSULOasa: if you want symbolic maths package try wxmaxima15:37
DasEiGiant81: so better on that lappi, for confidence15:38
brokepunkactionParsnip: Hello...15:38
=== mentr_bnc is now known as mentr
agatrondrizzt_, game play is very smooth, and it works great, but movement can be less fluid. for example, wings on a flying mount stop flapping when moving over certain axis.15:38
ActionParsnipbrokepunk: you said you were having issues in vbox?15:38
skabasjeI like chocolate chip cookies.15:38
drizzt_why Firestarter is in English? do only 'mail' repository get translated?15:38
ActionParsnip!ot > skabasje15:38
ubottuskabasje, please see my private message15:38
Piciskabasje: I like when people use #ubuntu-offtopic15:38
giantDasEi, convenience more than anything, it's easier to copy paste from teh cli then to have to re-type it on another computer15:38
brokepunkActionParsnip: Yes sir, cannot get an xp guest client to see a 2k8 server guest15:38
skabasjeActionParsnip, why so cruel15:39
ActionParsnipbrokepunk: have you used bridged LAN for both systems?15:39
DasEigiant: is what I thought, be on the machine you're talking about15:39
skabasjeI was just throwing in 1 random comment.15:39
brokepunkActionParsnip: Tried all the networking options... I can get them to ping but cannot get the xp maching to join the 2k8 server...15:39
ActionParsnipskabasje: because its offtopic here, this is support ONLY. For idle chat use #ubuntu-offtopic15:39
=== mentr is now known as mentr_bnc
brokepunkActionParsnip: tried bridged and internal network15:39
OasaThank you all15:40
skabasjefunbreaker :(15:40
ActionParsnipbrokepunk: if they can ping then your support is in ##windows15:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:40
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:40
giantDasEi, no worries.. this is the machine I'm talking about15:40
ActionParsnipbrokepunk: oce their is a logical link the issue is windows based15:40
brokepunkActionParsnip: Thanks, Ill try that...15:40
remoteCTRL1djoef: you say you want to print there from the extranet that means either you need to enable the source's ip adress on the printer that you are trying to print to or if behind a firewall you need to portforward to the printer15:40
DasEiGiant: lspci | grep audio | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com15:40
giantDasEi, all outputs I've shown are from the laptop with the problem15:40
brokepunkActionParsnip: Makes sense15:40
ActionParsnipbrokepunk: no worries duder15:41
ujjainIt is possible to burn cds under ubuntu live cd?15:41
ActionParsnipujjain: sure15:41
giantDasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/387055/15:41
ujjainActionParsnip: Ok, my dvd-player is blocked by live CD...15:41
DasEiujjain: yes , a question of available ram15:41
rmozdenHow do I get ipset to work without recompiling the kernel??15:41
drizzt_(1) how can I install Ubuntu into the separate folder?15:41
ujjain3gb, a lot.15:42
ActionParsnipujjain: you should be able to setup the iso and then the software will see an unusable cd and jack it out (makes sense, not tried it)15:42
giantDasEi, what I find interesting is this http://paste.ubuntu.com/387056/15:42
DasEigiant: I suggest you install latest alsa package15:43
jeevanmy pidgin is not connecting to yahoo server..?15:44
giantDasEi, sudo apt-get install alsa?15:44
Kwpolskayes, giant15:44
ActionParsnipujjain: if not you may have to use a usb stick, or make a usb stick bootable with ubuntu then burn using the now free cd drive15:44
giantDasEi, "alsa-base is already the newest version."15:44
ujjainI do not have a USB stick :) And I just need to fix grub215:45
ujjainthat's why I wanna burn super grub cd15:45
DasEigiant: wget ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-
rmozdenujjain, You trying to fix a dual-boot prob?15:45
djoefremoteCTRL1, that makes me think, I can ping to the printer.. so I could edit the printer to allow my adress to print directly on it ?15:45
ujjainrmozden: Yes! Windows replaced MBR.15:45
giantDasEi, dpkg -i ? or is this source and needs to be built?15:45
skabasjeOkay, so I installed ubuntu... Now I want internet. How do I do this?15:46
DasEigiant: sudo mkdir /usr/src/alsa15:46
ActionParsnip!grub | ujjain15:46
ubottuujjain: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:46
remoteCTRL1djoef: basically thats the wway you do it15:46
ujjainI have been googling Grub for 3 hours now and trying different commands.15:46
DasEigiant: sudo mv alsa-driver- /usr/src/alsa15:46
skabasjehttp://invaleed.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/install-bcm94311mcg-wlan-mini-pci-ubuntu-710/ is this one good enough?15:46
ujjainEven the original recover from Windows howto. It does not work!15:46
rmozdenujjain, There are a ton of direction via google.  I just had to do that. Let me see if I can find you the link I just used15:46
ActionParsnipujjain: the guide there is the official doc on how to restore it15:46
DasEigiant: cd /usr/src/alsa15:47
ujjainActionParsnip: I used that one and also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows15:47
=== cp is now known as Guest34300
remoteCTRL1ujjain: just execute sudo grub-install /dev/sda and then update-grub15:47
djoefremoteCTRL1, could I bypass the spooler this way ?15:47
ujjainI used sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 /dev/sda5 as they told me to.15:47
djoefso directly print to the printer (once it knows my ip adress) ?15:47
DasEigiant: sudo tar -xjf  alsa*15:47
rmozdenujjain, here's the link I just used:  http://linuxers.org/howto/how-recover-grub2-ubuntu-910-karmic-koala15:47
skabasjek ignore me :15:48
DasEigiant: cd alsa-driver-
remoteCTRL1djoef: why would you want that? and nope, only if you got a print server and bypass that one15:48
DasEi^ ? dir right ?15:48
rmozdenujjain, fixed me in 5 min15:48
giantDasEi, ./configure; make; make install;15:48
Red_HamsterXujjain, 0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 was the UUID of the author's drive, not necessarily yours.15:48
Red_HamsterXI'll update the wiki, though, since that's not made very clear.15:48
ujjainRed_HamsterX: I realize that.15:48
ujjainIt is clear.15:49
djoefremoteCTRL1, because I do not get access to this printer through "unsafe" ubuntu15:49
ujjainI used /media/b2.... what was in my Ubuntu.15:49
remoteCTRL1ujjain: root dir is not what you got there its maybe / but not a /dev/someUID path afaik15:49
ActionParsnipskabasje: sure, it will work in any release as its just compiling stuff15:49
djoefremoteCTRL1, as in I am not allowed to use the local network15:49
remoteCTRL1djoef: whatya mean by unsafe?15:49
rmozdenujjain, That link I gave you resolved some of the same issues I was having.15:49
remoteCTRL1djoef: lowl15:49
djoefwell lets say the IT service does not support it15:49
ActionParsnipskabasje: the file  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist will need to e  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf15:49
djoefBut I would like to stay working in ubuntu :)15:49
remoteCTRL1djoef: in that case youre doomed id say15:50
ujjainI see, well, it really tires me out :( It did not work for me.15:50
DasEigiant: sudo it15:50
djoefanyway, they let me connect to the network through vpn, and I wanted to try by surfing to the printer this way15:50
ActionParsnipskabasje: the ndiswrapper in the repo will be fine enough, you dont really need to compile it15:50
remoteCTRL1ujjain: did you try what i suggested?15:50
ActionParsnipskabasje: you can also use ndisgtk instead15:50
giantDasEi, thanks, it's building now, we'll see if it works15:50
djoeflike extranet/ipadress of printer15:50
skabasjeit doesnt15:50
=== syntax is now known as syntax^^
skabasjeit's not my notebook, i tried, it doesnt work :P15:51
ujjainremoteCTRL1: It's in my Firefox, I will read http://linuxers.org/howto/how-recover-grub2-ubuntu-910-karmic-koala :)15:51
rmozdenujjain, The link I gavce you has direction to pull your current grub.cfg from the drive and utilize it.  Only thing I didnt mount was the /dev/sda2 one15:51
DasEigiant: say when ready done15:51
ujjainI have a seperate /boot partition, which does not make it easier because every Ubuntu-howto assumes you have /boot on your main partition, and I use LVM. :( Should have never done either of them I guess.15:51
remoteCTRL1ujjain: good luck15:51
rmozdenujjain, literally took me 5 min to fix from a live cd15:51
ujjainI had it running before I ran fixboot fixbr in Windows Recovery Disc, because Windows did not work. I should have known better.15:52
giantDasEi, done15:52
rmozdenujjain, ouch15:52
ujjainrmozden: I understand, I had it 3 years ago and took me 5 minutes to.15:52
ujjainI have no idea why it does not work now.15:52
jeevanmy pidgin is not connecting to yahoo server..?15:52
DasEigiant: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart && dmesg | pastebinit -b http://pastebin.ubunut.com15:53
rmozdenSo, anyone know of a way to use ipset with karmic without having to recompile the kernel??15:53
remoteCTRL1ujjain: hahaha nice one, yep... without supergrub disk you need to use grub directions but it isnt so hard to do basically i already gave you the precise commands;)15:53
djoefoops remoteCTRL1, thanks ;)15:53
remoteCTRL1djoef: yes?15:53
ActionParsnipjeevan: yahoo change servers lots15:53
ActionParsnipjeevan: try adding the pidgin ppa15:53
remoteCTRL1djoef: ah kk, np15:53
DasEigiant: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart && dmesg | pastebinit -b http://pastebin.ubuntu.com   , gnarf pastebinit15:53
remoteCTRL1djoef: one more thing15:53
ujjainremoteCTRL1: http://linuxers.org/howto/how-recover-grub2-ubuntu-910-karmi << This assums you can chroot because you have no seperate /boot partition.15:53
jeevan<ActionParsnip: so wat to do now15:53
jagjrmy screen randomly locks itself15:53
ActionParsnipjeevan: hunt around for good yahoo servers15:53
remoteCTRL1djoef: if your printers are browsable you can search for them in ubuntu and just use them, i seriously doubt that your it will notice that you printed from linux not windows15:54
ActionParsnipjeevan: add the pidgin ppa, the newer version may have the yahoo servers already in15:54
l3nsi am tempted to try out windows 7 :D15:54
jagjreverytime i type it locks15:54
ActionParsnip!ot | l3ns15:54
ubottul3ns: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:54
giantDasEi, patebinit is being retarded, even with the right url it won't take it :( but it's restarted15:54
ujjainI am thinking of rebooting now and test, because I was able to give '/boot' a boot flag in fdisk via Administration -> Disk Utility.15:54
remoteCTRL1ujjain: of course you can chroot, you even need to otherwise it wont work15:54
jagjrim having to enter my password 100's of times15:54
ujjainIt did not have that before, I think a boot partition should at least have a /boot flag.15:54
skabasjeI hate ubuntu and it's non wifi driver supporting sarcasm :(15:54
ujjainremoteCTRL1: How do I chkroot with LVM?15:54
DasEiujjain: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide,  seperated mentioned there15:54
ujjainI can mount /boot as /mnt.15:55
rmozdenl3ns, Windows 7 is better then Vista but I'm still having a hard time justifying the cost of the license just to play windows based games15:55
ActionParsnipskabasje: its not ubuntu, its hardware developers15:55
skabasjeok, yeah.15:55
RMsAshould I wait for the next version of Ubuntu or try the CD from Linux magazine "lucid"?15:55
jagjrhow can i disable screen lock15:55
skabasjebut still, ubuntu should figure something out15:55
ActionParsnipskabasje: companys like nvidia and intel and hp embrace linux greatly and teir products will work excellently15:55
remoteCTRL1ujjain: you might need some lvm commands there, first fint the volume group with vgscan then vgchange then lvscan then youre supposed to be able to mount15:55
DasEigiant: ret.. yep;;                cd15:55
ActionParsnipskabasje: it'snot linuxes fault in any way15:56
l3nsrmozden: it's not actually about games that i'm after of. it's the media and presentation that i'm after with windows 7. it's something linux is not good at. :(15:56
skabasjeno ubuntu for me ?15:56
jagjrhow can i diable screen lock?15:56
DasEigiant: dmesg > dmesg.txt && pastebinit dmesg.txt15:56
djoefremoteCTRL1, that is how I did it till now15:56
ActionParsnipskabasje: sure,ubuntu for allif it fits your needs15:56
djoefbut with the new vpn this does not work anymore15:56
jhammelhi; i just bought a computer preinstalled with ubuntu;  widescreen works with gnome but i want to use fluxbox which uses a lower res15:56
djoefI should be able to do this through this extranet thing15:56
ActionParsnipskabasje: if you need wifi and you need ndiswrapper, use ndisgtk and use the xp32 or xp64 driver15:56
skabasjeIt doesn't, because I can't use the internet :P15:57
rmozdenskabasje, Talk to the hardware vendors as it is them that keeps specs closed so no one can make a open source drivers for their stuff15:57
jhammeli don't even have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf, so am a bit confused how that gets set15:57
djoefbut I can't find the right way to formulate the link15:57
natrixnatrix89Hi. After I installed mythtv ubuntu always asks for password when I try to shutdown. Because it thinks other users are logged in so it wont let me shut down. How can I find what user could it be and delete that user?15:57
riftersorry I had to check my solution.. I could not find any way to tell xchat not to overwrite log files (which is dumb) but at least by specifying the logfiles as %n-%c-%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M.log they should be unique each session now15:57
jagjrcan anyone help me?15:57
ActionParsnipdjoef: udev and hal work out stuff, you can add an xorg.conf and it will be used15:57
ujjainremoteCTRL1: Thanks a lot! Can you please save those 2 links for me and give then to me when I come back after reboot? I cannot save bookmarks on a live CD.15:57
remoteCTRL1djoef: well you need to be able to connect to where the vpn terminates everything else is business as usual15:57
natrixnatrix89jagjr: theres an applet for that15:57
DasEijagjr: the screensaver ?15:57
ActionParsnipskabasje: ndisgtk will sort you out dude15:57
rifterjagjr, sure15:57
natrixnatrix89jagjr: its called inhibit applet15:57
remoteCTRL1ujjain: gimme the links once more pls15:58
jagjrit locks randomly15:58
rifterjagjr, are you talking about the automatic screen lock?15:58
jagjrand it's annoying15:58
ujjainremoteCTRL1: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide http://linuxers.org/howto/how-recover-grub2-ubuntu-910-karmic-koala15:58
jagjrit didnt use to be automatic15:58
brokepunkneed help grepping data from dkpg please15:58
remoteCTRL1ujjain: but why would you reboot now?15:58
skabasjeInvalid operation ndisgtk15:58
ujjainremoteCTRL1: I added the boot flag via disk utility, I feel it might make a difference.15:58
rifterjagjr, check under System -> Preferences -> Screensaver15:58
giantgiant@giant-laptop:~$ dmesg > dmesg.txt && pastebinit dmesg.txt15:58
ActionParsnipskabasje: install it from the livecd. i recommend you use a wired connection until you get righted15:58
ujjainback in 3min!15:59
remoteCTRL1ujjain: nope it wont15:59
ujjainwhy not?15:59
rmozdenSo I have about 95k lines worth of CIDR block addresses to add into my firewall which is iptables.  I dont want to do it that way because it will take forever to process the script.  I'd like to use ipset to do this and simplify the problem but is there a way to use it without recompiling the kernel??15:59
ujjainI have grub2 perfectly installed on /boot...15:59
jagjri know what it was15:59
ujjainon /dev/sda5 actually.15:59
jagjri had blueproximity on15:59
DasEigiant: quity nasty that, sorry for that15:59
jagjrand my phones downstairs :/15:59
ujjainif it would just boot /dev/sda5, Iḿ fine.15:59
remoteCTRL1ujjain: very well:)15:59
natrixnatrix89jagjr: :D15:59
rifterjagjr, make sure that lock screen is unchecked, or at least if you don't wantit to happen automatically then change the setting that turns on the screensaver when idle15:59
skabasjeI searched for it in the software center, it says windows wireless driver. imma install it15:59
rmozdenujjain, hope it works for you15:59
giantgiant@giant-laptop:~$ dmesg > dmesg.txt && more ./dmesg.txt |  pastebinit -b http://pastebin.ubuntu.com15:59
giantUnknown website, please post a bugreport to request this pastebin to be added (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com)15:59
ujjainthanks! back in 3min.15:59
DasEigiant:  pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com dmesg.txt16:00
jagjrthanks guys16:00
natrixnatrix89After I installed mythtv ubuntu always asks for password when I try to shutdown. Because it thinks other users are logged in so it wont let me shut down. How can I find what user could it be and delete that user?16:00
matteo1990_Hi all i have , according to lsusb, an Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode). It can't see my mobile phone and my wii controller... How can i fix it?16:00
natrixnatrix89How can i list users logged in?16:00
skabasjeI cant install it. it says: Not available in the current data16:00
DasEinatrixnatrix89: who16:00
geniinatrixnatrix89: or just "w"16:00
giantDasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/387073/16:00
brokepunkcan anyone help me with a grep question16:01
natrixnatrix89DasEi: hmm. theres only me there16:01
researcher1whats the best way to clean uninstall and remove duplicate files/application ?16:01
natrixnatrix89jancis   tty7     :0               17:50     ?    20.07s  0.12s gnome-session16:01
natrixnatrix89jancis   pts/0    :0.0             18:00    0.00s  0.19s  0.00s w16:01
riftermatteo1990_, the security on bluetooth devices requires that you give permission on the device for it to be seen and connected to16:01
ActionParsnipmatteo1990_: try: sudo hcitool dev; sudo hcitool scan16:01
rmozdenSo no one has any idea about ipset?16:01
remoteCTRL1rmozden: what was the question?16:01
skabasjei dont get it. it's there, but I can't install it.16:02
DasEinatrixnatrix89: should there be others ?16:02
rifter<rmozden> So I have about 95k lines worth of CIDR block addresses to add into my firewall which is iptables.  I dont want to do it that way because it will take forever to process the script.  I'd like to use ipset to do this and simplify the problem but is there a way to use it without recompiling the kernel??16:02
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, So I have about 95k lines worth of CIDR block addresses to add into my firewall which is iptables.  I dont want to do it that way because it will take forever to process the script.  I'd like to use ipset to do this and simplify the problem but is there a way to use it without recompiling the kernel??16:02
natrixnatrix89DasEi: After I installed mythtv ubuntu always asks for password when I try to shutdown. Because it thinks other users are logged in so it wont let me shut down. How can I find what user could it be and delete that user?16:02
rmozdenrifter, thx16:02
chili555brokepunk: ask the ? pls16:02
rifterrmozden, and I unfortunately have no clue ;)16:02
remoteCTRL1rmozden: err... ok i'm out:D16:02
Giant81DasEi: I see line 80716:02
holisterI'm trying to get autofs-nfs homedirs working, and they do, except one thing: the user's directories are created as the nobody user, which makes CrossOver refuse to run... the only thing i can find is 2 posts to mailing lists of people that are having the same problem and no responses...16:03
remoteCTRL1skabasje: what?16:03
skabasjeAll applications say the same16:03
Kimoi have a problem in my Xorg.conf16:03
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, I'm trying to avoid needing a kernel compile but it seems that I'm sol for that if I want to use ipset16:03
remoteCTRL1skabasje: paste your error message and explain what you are trying to acchieve16:03
Kimoi want a original xorg.conf for nvidia 520016:03
jiffehow do I go about resizing an ext3 filesystem?  I have a vmware disk with no partitioning that I have an ext3 filesystem on, I resized the disk in vmware but when I run resize2fs it doesn't see a change16:03
brokepunki was trying to use the " dpkg -l | grep virtualbox | pasteinit -" I  at the request of a person helping me work on a issue i am having with virtualbox...I do not have pasteinit and need to find a way to get the data he needs to a text doc16:03
remoteCTRL1rmozden: sry buddy but this really exeeds my expertise...16:04
ActionParsnipskabasje: you need to add the install cd as a repo in software sources16:04
DasEinatrixnatrix89: users and groups > to be set there, and whoami tells which user is currently your account16:04
PyjamaSpankI've got 2 hard drives. How can I change the order they show up in Nautilus under places? Something to do with fstab?16:04
remoteCTRL1jiffe: use gparted16:04
ActionParsnipskabasje: id really get a wired connection though, makeslife so much easier16:04
brokepunkchili555: i was trying to use the " dpkg -l | grep virtualbox | pasteinit -" I  at the request of a person helping me work on a issue i am having with virtualbox...I do not have pasteinit and need to find a way to get the data he needs to a text doc16:04
skabasjeI look them up in the software center, double click on em so i get the description, and it just says not available in the current data, license: open source, Price: free, Canocial provides critical updates for openoffice.org office suite *or any other app i look at* But no install button16:04
llutzbrokepunk: dpkg -l | grep virtualbox  >file.foo16:04
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, This is what I get for trying to block the script kiddies16:04
skabasjeI am on a wired connection16:04
brokepunkllutz: thank you, I will try that16:04
remoteCTRL1rmozden: pardon?16:05
feedmecerealHi folks. I'm trying to get a sound driver installed as described on http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/BrokenSoundDrivers but I get an error message when I try to install the package libasound2-dev. Can anyone help me with this?16:05
chili555brokepunk: dpkg -l | grep virtualbox > virtual.txt maybe??16:05
ActionParsnipskabasje: cool. then run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get install ndisgtk16:05
natrixnatrix89DasEi: do you mean I should change the group I belong to or what?16:05
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, the need for ipset is so that my iptables script doesnt have 200k lines in it from all the country blocks and take 2 days to finish16:05
skabasjeyeah, and ubuntu is designed to be easy16:05
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, script kiddies = wanna be hackers16:06
ActionParsnipskabasje: its a lot easy, try install gentoo then tell me how easy ubuntu is16:06
jiffeparted doesn't see the change either16:06
DasEigiant: try a reboot, as I don't know the exact model and then re-do dmeg to see if upstart find a better driver now, sudo reboot16:06
skabasjegentoo? whats gentoo?16:06
remoteCTRL1rmozden: yeah i know what those are but i never had the urge to protect myself against those with 200k lines of code...?16:06
Stargazeskabasje: check distrowatch.com16:06
brokepunkchili555: that did it... I tried the same, but added a second pipe...16:06
brokepunkclili555: thank you.16:07
ActionParsnipskabasje: a very tecnical version of linux which starts you from a live text based environment which you slowly build by compiling source16:07
Giant81DasEi: true, we'll see what happens.  It's just been annoying.  I'm on a Dell 1745 laptop if that helps16:07
skabasjetry installing windows, and see how hard ubuntu is16:07
ActionParsnipskabasje: my first gentoo install took about a week and a half to get a desktop16:07
chili555brokepunk: glad its working16:07
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, I was blocking entire countries using CIDR addresses.  When I get rid of the rest of the world except from where I have friends/family/necessary needs of communication, it comes out to over 100k lines of CIDR addresses16:07
remoteCTRL1ActionParsnip: :DD with or without selinux?16:08
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, So by the time I translate that into drop commands for my firewall, is over 200k lines in my iptables script16:08
ActionParsnipskabasje: on my main pc it took me 2 hours to get sound and increase page file in vista, it all works immediately out of te box in linux16:08
skabasjenot with me now does it :P16:08
remoteCTRL1rmozden: why the heck would you do that? linux is save man16:08
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL1: just bootloader, kernel, xorg and fluxbox16:08
skabasjeand am talking about windows 7.16:08
jifferemoteCTRL1: yeah when I run parted it won't let me resize larger than the original size16:09
ActionParsnipskabasje: exactly so what is easy for one isnt easy for another16:09
DasEinatrixnatrix89: check if your regular user is in the admin group16:09
skabasjecuz tbh, no normal person would go running around entering commands to get his os wroking anymore16:09
remoteCTRL1ActionParsnip: well i knew its complicated but i wasnt aware that its freaknerdy...16:09
ActionParsnipskabasje: generally, ubuntu is asier than other linuxes16:09
SattvicDoes anyone know if I can burn a 900MB ISO file with a Cd-Writer on a DVD?16:09
natrixnatrix89DasEi: yes. it is.16:09
skabasjeno u cant16:09
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, it's safer then windows but considering I'm a info security analyst, I know *nix has it's downfalls too.  Why would I want to allow unnecessary traffic a means to even attempt to get in?16:09
adarsha@Sattvic: does the cd hold 900 mb?16:09
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL1: was my first one, i can throw one up in a day or so now16:10
skabasjehe said dvd16:10
remoteCTRL1jiffe: got a lvm volume there? if so you need to extend the volume group before extending the volume16:10
Giant81DasEi: we're getting there. I now see the device under the sound preferences16:10
jifferemoteCTRL1: no, I just did an mkfs.ext3 on /dev/sdb directly16:10
geniiSattvic: CD and DVD use different kinds of lasers, so you can't use a CD writer to burn a DVD16:10
remoteCTRL1rmozden: ever considered whitelisting instead of blacklisting?16:10
adarsha@Sattvic: Oh! u r burning to a dvd? u'll need a dvd writer na?16:10
Sattvic@adarsha: No, the CDs only go up to 800MB, but the DVDs go much higher - do I need a DVD burner for this?16:10
adarsha@Sattvic: yeah.16:10
ActionParsnipnatrixnatrix89: if the iso is a dvd iso then yes, i recommend you use a usb stick (assuminig the destination system can boot usb)16:10
remoteCTRL1ActionParsnip: youre my hero, man:) with or without selinux? :D16:10
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, You have my attention on that - got something I can read to do it?16:11
remoteCTRL1jiffe: which is not so good you should create partitions there first, even if you plan on using the whole disk with it16:11
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL1: not sure, guessing not, i just got lan and boot then installed fluxbox and let it bake overnight16:11
seicherlbobhi there! can someone tell me, how Pulse, Phonon, Alsa and Xine work together? I got troubles with the sound setup here and would like to know, how these things work together, before i start configuring everything.16:11
Sattvic@adarsha: even if it is an ISO image and not a DVD?16:11
=== vincent is now known as Guest88809
Guest88809I a looking for a script that downloads deb packets including their dependencies, but doesn't install the packets.16:12
jifferemoteCTRL1: ok I'll give that a shot16:12
adarsha@Sattvic: iso images are just image files that can hold anything (either cd or dvd )16:12
remoteCTRL1rmozden: err nothing specific now, but either you block it all and allow specific things to get through or you allow it all and block specific things which is what you are doing if i am not mistaken16:12
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skabasjesudo apt-get upgrade;  what exactly does this do? It takes a lot of time.16:12
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remoteCTRL1ActionParsnip: hehe 12h of compiling?16:13
adarsha@Sattvic: u can burn a cd iso image to a dvd, but u need the appropriate hardware for that. Cd writers can't burn dvds16:13
remoteCTRL1jiffe: good luck!16:13
woody_i have a question, i just got a gateway netbook and loaded it with xubuntu. i cant find drivers for the intel bluetooth or sd card reader. anyone know of a solution?16:13
Sattvic@adarsha:  Hmm - so can I transfer the iso file to my thumbdrive and give to my friend to burn an image for me?16:13
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL1: 650Mhz cpu + 256Mb ram on PATA HDD, 12h + the rest16:13
vverheijenI a looking for a script that downloads deb packets including their dependencies, but doesn't install the packets.16:13
Red_HamsterXskabasje, it updates all of the software on your system.16:13
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, I'd use the hosts.deny files but there is a limitation there too on the ammount of lines that can be used at once16:13
remoteCTRL1ActionParsnip: aw my gawd16:13
ActionParsnipvverheijen: apt-get can be told to only download16:13
ujjainSo, that did not work :(16:13
skabasjethat's quite a lot damn16:13
gabrielalqum br?16:13
MrPocketsHow oftern do you guys update Ubuntu?16:14
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL1: yep, was overnight then i had work so i didnt care16:14
DasEinatrixnatrix89: or your problem is the other way round, that myth starts a process as root in bootup, that stops the regular user from terminating it16:14
leander_craigonboard bluetooth or is it a dongle/16:14
adarsha@Sattvic: yeah.16:14
ActionParsnipMrPockets: nearly every 2 or 3 hours as I am on lucid16:14
MrPocketsdo you find it breaks things?16:14
MrPocketsthe updates?16:14
remoteCTRL1rmozden: look dude IF iuse iüptables i install firestarter and use that one as an ordinary standard firewall with gui n stuff, block it all and then open up for specific things, that gives me like 30 lines in the iptables config;)16:14
woody_my bluetooth is onboard, as is the card reader16:14
ActionParsnipMrPockets: no never16:15
remoteCTRL1ActionParsnip: did it just for the fun of it or are you actually working with it?16:15
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, This isnt for my desktop, it's for my server16:15
Giant81DasEi: , I'm sure you get this quite often, but THANK YOU, a couple clicks through the preferences and I've got sound16:15
Sattvic@adarsha: thanks for the info16:15
DasEi!yay | giant16:15
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL1: its a headless samba/torrent/file/backup server16:15
ubottugiant: Glad you made it! :-)16:15
* Dan_E is happy for Giant81 been there!16:16
Giant81DasEi: I went through the same preferences before I started messing with it, and they wouldn't work, the new drivers are probably what did it16:16
motaka2how to update list of installed packages16:16
remoteCTRL1rmozden: well in that case skip the gui, yet still block it all and then open up what you need to have opened... blacklisting 200k lines of ipadresses apeears quite exagerated to me16:16
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL1: although its making some nasty noises lately so might get a fitpc to replace16:16
brokepunkActionParsnip: you are doing backups to the same place you have your torrents?16:16
adarsha@Sattvic: sure! :)16:16
ActionParsnipbrokepunk: no, to a firewire hdd16:16
brokepunkActionParsnip: ok... bad business, that16:17
ActionParsnipbrokepunk: why?16:17
* Giant81 thinks !yay does not convey his happyness. There should be a !w00t16:17
Giant81!w00t Giant8116:17
DasEiGiant81: yes, with that vid it'll be more fun in lucid for you, as the graphics are up quite far, a matter of time when sound (which is better chipset) will do, also16:17
skabasjethe updates asks me something :P16:17
remoteCTRL1ActionParsnip: i see... i really like those network storage arrays with samba... but dont ask me for specifics now i just accidentally found an articel the other day that i am for sure not ever gonna find again:D16:17
charzeroIf I want to have an xfs formatted device as /var but xfs is in a module, is it sufficient to have / (and /lib) mounted before /var (fs_passno=2 for /var) or do I have to set something else up?16:17
ActionParsnipbrokepunk: stuff is stored locally, backup runs every night to the firewire16:17
skabasjewhat's a grub?16:17
brokepunkActionParsnip: if all you have is nameless data in your backups, I guess not bad at all..16:17
jifferemoteCTRL1: does the same thing on /dev/sdb116:17
ActionParsnipskabasje: its the bootloader16:18
ActionParsnipbrokepunk: its worked for a good while16:18
skabasjeah, it says there is a new version or something, and that the current one has been locally modified, what do I do?16:18
remoteCTRL1jiffe: seriously? you got one partition on your sdb device now, right? and youre trying to INCREASE that one?16:18
ActionParsnipskabasje: sudo apt-get --reinstall install packagename16:18
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, My firewall is custom since it does some rate limiting, connection tweaks and then firewall rules. When I get some botnet trying to get to samba shares/firewalled ports, it junks up my connection.  Since I get them from multiple countries, the best solution to be proactive was to block all except where I do work at or have communications with.  ipset would be the ideal way to set that up as I would only need 4 li16:18
rmozdennes in my iptables script to use that 'group' and also be able to adjust it on the fly as need be.16:18
skabasjeinstall the package maintainer's version, keep the local version currently installed16:18
rmrfslashSo why is TinyCore 10 MB and Ubuntu Mini is 133 MB16:19
ActionParsnipskabasje: if its a new install use the maintainers16:19
ActionParsniprmrfslash: puppy is 80mb16:19
rmrfslashDSL is 50 MB16:19
charzeroHow do I get it to load kernel modules before setting up other filesystems?16:19
rmrfslashok so Ubuntu Mini is 13316:19
rmrfslashhow could it be that large16:20
DasEinatrixnatrix89: I found a similar issue to yours, but I'm little nervous, it suggests removing some part of pulseaudio, but I'm not in the deep of myth (too much overhead for my uses), but -own your own risk, we can try this16:20
remoteCTRL1rmozden: i dont get you buddy you can just block it all, and then whitelist the ips that you are working on16:20
ActionParsniprmrfslash: theres ulite too, not sure the size there16:20
delimaxhello all. i installed karmic x64 yesterday and i'm very impressed so far at how easy it is to use. it's great!16:20
remoteCTRL1rmozden: without having to block it on a per ip basis that is completely weird, dude;)16:21
ActionParsniprmrfslash: depends whats in it, you will most likely find its kernel modules and drivers16:21
ActionParsnipdelimax: glad you like it16:21
skabasjeis there like, a short key to open the terminal?16:21
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, Not really.  You ever worked in IT security?  It's done like that all the time16:21
jifferemoteCTRL1: that is correct, created 1 partition with fdisk and mkfs'ed to ext3, expanded it from 8gb to 12gb in vmware and parted is still showing max of 8587MB even after reboot16:21
rmrfslashThen I guess it's a mystery how TimyCore got so tiny16:21
ActionParsnipskabasje: i use guake and use F12 to drop down/hide the terminal16:21
ActionParsnipskabasje: if you are using kde then use yakuake16:22
skabasjeyakuake? are you making up words now? :P16:22
ActionParsnip!info yakuake | skabasje16:22
ubottuskabasje: yakuake (source: yakuake): a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.6-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 373 kB, installed size 1888 kB16:22
ActionParsnipskabasje: so, no I'm not making up words16:23
skabasjeyes! now I know exactly what it does :P16:23
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remoteCTRL1rmozden: i adminster two university institutes and i use ipcop as a firewall and i do it the way that i described, IBLOCK EVERYTHING! and then i open up specifc ports for either ALL or for specific ips and thats it16:23
FloodBot2ervasd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:23
jifferemoteCTRL1: alright, I was choosing /dev/sdb1 when running parted, when running it against /dev/sdb and choosing partition 1 I am now getting that there is an incompatible feature enabled on it16:23
ActionParsnipskabasje: so you can use guake instead of terminal and a hotkey will hide / show the terminal16:23
remoteCTRL1jiffe: there you go! do the partitioning in gparted and then youll be fine, just delete and recreate it16:24
charzeroHow do I get the moduels in /etc/modules to be loaded before filesystems in /etc/fstab with an fs_passno of 2?16:25
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, I'll look into it16:25
jifferemoteCTRL1: that sounds destructuve16:25
jifferemoteCTRL1: destructive rather16:25
skabasjesudo apt-get install ndisgtk16:25
skabasjeI did this one. Now what do I do :$?16:25
stdiseasejiffe, try a resize2fs again on it, back up your stuff16:25
Hebramrmozden:  The way that remoteCTRL1 explains is the way to do it.  Otherwise you will be configuring firewall rules until the end of time.  Deny all then allow what you need.16:25
remoteCTRL1rmozden: you gotta consider one thing: dynamic ips its completely useless attempting to block script kiddies by ip if they got a new one in 8 hours;)16:26
remoteCTRL1Hebram: thanks dude:)16:26
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, That why you block via a CIDR16:26
jiffestdisease: resize2fs still says 'The filesystem is already 2096474 blocks long.  Nothing to do!'16:26
remoteCTRL1jiffe: sure is, same as mk3fs16:26
ujjaindoes it matter if I not unmount a partitoin? because it errors.16:26
remoteCTRL1rmozden: come again?16:27
DasEiujjain: more whole story ?16:27
jifferemoteCTRL1: yeah, I'm not trying to recreate it, I was hoping to be able to just resize it16:27
abhi_nav!details | ujjain16:27
ubottuujjain: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:27
remoteCTRL1jiffe: if you mk3fsed it previously your data are gone anyways;)16:27
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, I've never blocked by individual ip address, always by CIDR address so I catch their entire network.  ie: addressing16:28
jifferemoteCTRL1: I'm doing this on a test machine before I do it elsewhere16:28
stdiseaseabhi_nav, DasEi : heh whoever it is they quit, people!16:28
abhi_navI see16:28
abhi_navI didnt notice that16:28
remoteCTRL1jiffe wise thing to do:)16:28
abhi_navstdisease:   :) :) :)16:29
remoteCTRL1rmozden: look you consider yourself an it security specialist, i dont want to appear condescending but learn your basics, man16:29
stdiseaseblech this candy tastes rather surgical16:30
remoteCTRL1rmozden: we got a saying in my country: to carry the church arround the cross and that is what youre doing16:30
Snicksiei got a question about ubuntu-one, the online storage. I got a launchpad account, have an online storage, but it looks like there's something wrong. i can't really connect or so, are there some things i'm missing? (standard 9.10 configuration, upgraded from a clean 9.04 ubuntu)16:31
bitsmarthi folks, I am wondering if fuseblk is only used to mount a drive when the user is non-root? that is my first question...16:31
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, I never called myself a specalist, just stated my job title.  An anylast isnt a specalist.  As for the whitelist bit, I'm reading as we chat so no need for belittling me nor will I feed into it's behavior16:31
Hebramrmozden:  You can do it anyway you want.  The question is how much time do you want to spend in front of your keyboard building rules.  You can either be reactive 24/7 and do it your way, or just allow what you *need*.  The latter requires administration only once in a while.16:32
PiciSnicksie: Ubuntu One support is in #ubuntuone16:32
Snicksieokay, thanks Pici ;)16:32
stdiseasebitsmart, fuseblk is used to mount a file a system whose support is written using the FUSE framework16:33
remoteCTRL1rmozden: sorry if i offended you but you really need to understand that in your line of business!:)16:33
remoteCTRL1ok nice evening everybody16:33
rmozdenHebram, took me 5 min to generate the rules via my parse script16:33
stdiseasebitsmart, root or non-root16:33
jhammeli'm trying to get full resolution (widescreen) working in fluxbox;  it works in gnome, so the system is capable, and works if i run gnome-session in fluxbox and change with the gnome-display-properties app16:34
jhammelanyone know where i should look?16:34
ActionParsnipjhammel: use xorg.conf dude16:34
andreas__How can i record my mic and my speaker in recordmydesktop..?16:34
stdiseasejhammel, try command 'xrandr'16:34
Pelusakien ere16:34
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, My line of business is an auditor.  Why I didnt get that title with it I dont know.  My main focus is PCI-DSS16:34
jhammelstdisease: thanks, looking into it16:35
Hebramrmozden:  And how much extra load are you putting on your firewall processing all those extra rules?16:35
jhammelActionParsnip: well, funny thing16:35
Pelusain spanish please16:35
jhammelActionParsnip: i can't find an xorg.conf on my system16:35
stdisease!es | Pelusa16:35
ubottuPelusa: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:35
bitsmartstdisease: ok, thanks. my next question is if I want my ntfs HDD mounted through fstab, can I use the syntax generated by Xwindows to mount it? in other words, it successfully mounts when I double-click it, and appears like so in mtab:  /dev/sda1 /media/Media_ fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 0       so can I then add that to fstab and have it work?16:35
stdiseasebitsmart, use filesystem type 'ntfs-3g' and options 'defaults'16:36
ActionParsnipjhammel: karmic doesn't ship with one but if one exists it will be obeyed16:36
dogge10hey, is it possible to mount a usb pen drive as a non-root user with write permissions on that user under 9.10?16:36
rmozdenHebram, Amazingly enough, it doesnt load on the mahine much but takes forever to process.  Considering I have a twin dual-core HE rackmount in my house, only saw 30% of one proc being used to process it16:36
bitsmartstdisease, like this?   /dev/sda1                     /media/Media    ntfs  defaults                  0  016:36
jhammelActionParsnip: ahh, good to know;  it seems strange that it wouldn't be there16:36
bitsmartstdisease, like this?   /dev/sda1                     /media/Media    ntfs-3g  defaults                  0  016:36
stdiseasebitsmart, ntfs-3g not 'ntfs'16:36
andreas__How can i record my mic and my speaker in recordmydesktop..?16:37
ActionParsnipjhammel: oh ive madeplenty of noise about this dude, very annoying for those folks who actually needit16:37
pjmtlgHi all. Any chance one of you guys use espn player on ubuntu ?16:37
jhammelActionParsnip: and those that expect to find it; thanks16:37
stdiseasebitsmart, yes, but best to leave /media for dynamically mounted media, use something under /mnt instead . but those are just conveniences of course that line is valid16:37
RoloHiya.  After installing an update the other day to my Karmic 64 system I can now only log in to Gnome  in Failsafe mode.  I don't know what to do next.  Nobody's really made any suggestion on the forum, can anyone help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8904814#post8904814 Thanks loads for any assitance!16:37
ActionParsnipRolo: do you get a log on screen?16:38
dogge10hey, is it possible to mount a usb pen drive as a non-root user with write permissions on that user under 9.10?16:38
bitsmartstdisease, ok thanks. now how can I get that drive to be unmounted at shutdown or reboot? do I have to add a line into the halt and reboot scripts?16:38
rmozdenremoteCTRL1, Whitelisting is going to be a problem too since that in itself is about 30k lines of allows16:39
RoloActionParsip> Yes, I get the login screen, then I enter my username and password and the screen goes blank for a moment then the login screen just comes back.  I don't see an error and can't find any in logs, but not sure which logs I should be looking in.  Thanks for your help :>16:39
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RoloCan log in via SSH and FreeNX.  Tried installing KDE to see what that did but that fails in the same way as loggin in to Gnome.16:39
papapepRolo: try to run "startx" as regular user, and see what error messages it shows16:39
Rolopapapep: I logged in via tty and tried to run startx this morning and it said it wouldnt run as it was already running.  I removed the tmp file and it said the same thing, I can't remember if that was with sudo or not.16:40
RoloI'm remote at the mo16:40
stdiseasebitsmart, it'll be mounted and unmounted automatically just as for the other file systems on your fstab16:40
papapepRolo: then you should wait to be local16:41
Rolopapapep: if I run startx via ssh it says X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.16:41
Roloxinit:  Server error.16:41
RoloIs that expected?16:41
papapepRolo: yes16:41
bitsmartstdisease, ok. I was concerned because twice now the drive seems to have gotten errors and needed to be checked by chkdsk in Windows, and I wondered if maybe it was not being unmounted16:41
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RoloOkay, I can come back later when I'm local if need be.  In the meantime, is there any log I can check for some sort of error?  It's hard to search for help with no error message.16:42
jiffecool, got it to work, recreating the partition with fdisk isn't as destructive as I thought16:42
digitigOk, what does this error mean, and what do I do about it? (Received when running system update): "W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://repository.cairo-dock.org karmic Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2"16:42
skabasjeI installed the NDIS wrapper, but the bottom of the tutorial says it's been corrected with the new ubuntu, but it doesnt work. my wifi doesnt work.16:42
jcrawfordhey guys any thoughts as to why my apache would be looking for an .htaccess in my ~/ directory?  I setup a vhost that is giving a 403 Forbidden due to this error. [Tue Mar 02 11:20:21 2010] [crit] [client] (13)Permission denied: /home/jocrawfo/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable16:43
jcrawfordi used the Ubuntu apache packages16:43
teagedoes anyone know where ubuntu 9.10 keeps the wireless drivers at?16:45
papapepRolo: usually in /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:46
dimulsteage, there is no drivers in linux16:46
stdiseasejcrawford, like it said, is that file ~/.htaccess readable to the apache server ? What are the permissions on that file? and what user:group is apache running as?16:47
dimulsteage, its called module for kernel16:47
rifterok, so I am trying to figure out how to make my removable media (like usb drives) mount to consistent, sensible places.  However,the old way of doing this, with hal and rules, is apparently deprecated in 9.10, and all the gui methods of changing this are gone as well16:47
teagedimuls: then why did i have to install it. ? i had to install the driver.16:47
teagedimuls: ic16:47
stdiseaseteage, driver *is* usually just a module16:47
SilverFoxwhat would cause connecting to my webserver to be slow (once connected, everything is quick)?  Connecting via IP is slow as well.   Should I be looking at UFW or Apache?16:48
rifterthe only post I have found that even tries to pretend to talk about 9.10 suggests using fstab, but the problem with that is anything you put there the system is going to try to mount at boot. fstab is notthe right place for removable media imho16:48
skabasjevim: command not found16:48
ni1steage, /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/net/wireless probably16:48
dimulsi don't know what you did.. but there is no drivers in linux16:48
stdiseaseSilverFox, or DNS...16:48
ni1sdimuls, ofcourse there is16:48
rifterbesides that, fstab requires the mountpoint to exist.  whatever gnome is doingto mount things in /media does not require that16:48
SilverFoxstdisease: connecting via IP is slow as well.16:48
SilverFoxor maybe php...16:49
rifterI realize that using UUIDs is going to be part of my solution, I jsut need to figure out where to put them16:49
rifterwe got rid of hal... what is in itsplace?16:50
dimulsni1s, where?16:50
ni1srifter, a custom HAL fdi file should probably do the trick16:50
stdiseaserifter, we did? It's still there in 10.4 alpha16:50
ni1sdimuls, where what?16:50
rifternils, hal files apparently no longer work in 9.1016:50
dimulsni1s, sory, nothing16:51
f3n1xHow to run a program async. via console in DEBIAN?16:51
rifterstdisease, well then what I am reading is wrong in the wikidocs, howtos, and forums.. it all says hal is deprecated in 9.10 and that the rules no longer work16:51
stdiseaserifter, ass for trying to automatically mount at boot you can append 'noauto' to options16:51
Picif3n1x: ask in #debian16:51
skabasjeseriously, how do I add a line to a file, If I can't safe it?16:51
Jimi_NeutralDoes anyone know why when i boot into clonezilla with a client to be cloned i get an error saying cannot continue because the path does not exist even though it does? It is a slave drive, permissions are set so it can be written to and everything is good as far as I can see16:51
stdiseaserifter, *as , oops16:51
rifterstdisease, in fstab you mean ..put noauto?16:51
stdiseaserifter, correct, fstab16:52
papapepf3n1x: anacron?16:52
ni1srifter, HAL runs on my 9.1016:52
KimoHow to remove all graphique seting frm ubuntu16:52
spartano\server irc.en3rgie.net16:52
Kimoto become like the first instalation16:52
rifterstdisease, if I do it that way, will the drive still automatically mount when I attach it?16:52
Amnesiasorry i am new to ubuntu and stated just today so i was wondering if any1 could tell me how to log in through super user account in ubuntu..... i hav eversion 8.1016:53
Pici!sudo | Amnesia16:53
ubottuAmnesia: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:53
spartano\server irc.darksin.net16:53
jcrawfordstdisease, the question is WHY it is looking in my home directory for an .htaccess at all16:53
KimoSomeOne can help me plz16:53
rifternils, ok.. so you have custom hal rules?  because if those still work, I think it might be a better solution than fstab16:53
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dogge10hey, is it possible to mount a usb pen drive as a non-root user with write permissions on that user under 9.10?16:53
dimulsKimo, maybe remove old user and add new one16:54
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:54
stdiseaserifter, if HAL is running I think it'll mount it according to fstab rules, but I can't be sure. Otherwise just mount from command line, put option 'user' to avoid sudo16:54
Kimohow i can do that16:54
=== SherlockHolmes is now known as Linkadmin
StargazeKimo: http://beginlinux.wordpress.com/2009/05/14/ubuntu-9-04-cleanup-with-computer-janitor/16:54
skabasjeplease help :P I'm getting tired of trying...16:54
albechis there no zlib-dev package available?16:54
ni1salbech, zlib1g-dev16:55
Kimonon non i have some trouble in X.org and graphique card i want to restore my pc like the first use16:55
rifterstdisease, well, I want the drives to still automount when they get attached,like they do now.  I just want to change the mountpoint to something more sensible than the uuid, which is what they mount as now16:55
ni1sskabasje, whats the problem?16:55
albechni1s, ahh thanks16:55
ni1salbech, you're welcome16:55
skabasjeI cant get the wireless driver to work. I tried this 4 times alread, and I really want to use ubuntu16:55
ni1sskabasje, what's card do you have?16:56
Kimo i have some trouble in X.org and graphique card i want to restore my pc like the first use16:56
stdiseaserifter, on my debian sid for example, they mount as '/media/disk' /media/disk-1 etc.. there must be a config file you could configure somewhere, anyway that doesn't matter much when you only use GUI apps, you just click on the volume's icon16:56
skabasjebroadcom BCM94311MCG16:56
Stargazeskabasje: internal or external?16:57
dimulsskabasje, notebook? netbook?16:57
dogge10is it possible to mount a usb pen drive as a non-root user with write permissions on that user under 9.10?16:57
skabasjenotebook, in my laptop, not a usb device16:57
Kimoho to restore Ubuntu like after format16:57
drizzt_(1) how can I install Ubuntu into the separate folder?16:57
amnesiahow does one log into the super user account in ubuntu 8.1016:57
Hede}_can you make "perform" (as i mirc) in gnome Qchat?16:58
Stargazeamnesia: use 'sudo'16:58
drizzt_amnesia, by using suid binaries16:58
dimulsskabasje, model?16:58
ni1sKimo, try moving /etc/X11/xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup and see if it restores it16:58
Piciamnesia: Did you look at the website that ubottu told you earlier about sudo?16:58
skabasjeacer extensa 522016:58
Kimonon all x.org in my pc have the same prob16:58
rifterstdisease, yes, well, mine are mounting as things like /media/b8af5814-48aa-4a6a-9b65-360740c79477 which isn't very easy to discern (it's from the uid) and besides I do use command line as well.  the mount command can put them in different places, but I want the automounter to do it. there are instructions on how, butthey require creating these rules fro the hal16:58
dimulsskabasje, try to google "acer extensa 5220 linux wifi"16:59
Picidrizzt_: Can you elaborate your question?  What folder are you talking about?16:59
amnesia@pici tell me the name of the site again...... i logged out and tried su and [password]16:59
rifterstdisease, it use dto be that in ubuntu you oculd configure this form the gui, but as of 9.10 you no longer can16:59
dimulsskabasje, or "acer extensa 5220 ubuntu wifi"16:59
ni1sKimo, what's the error you are getting?16:59
Piciamnesia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:59
drizzt_Pici, some arbitraty folder under /16:59
stdiseaserifter, no idea sorry, never used 9.1016:59
drizzt_drizzt_, with dualboot16:59
jcrawfordso anyone that can help with the ubuntu install of apache or should i ask in #apache?16:59
rifterstdisease, and gnome-mount isn't there anymore.. that was an easy hal rule generator as well as the way gmoe was mounting things, if I am reaidng right17:00
Kimoi have this message17:00
KimoUnable to load X Server Display Configuration page:  Failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.17:00
skabasjeI already told u, I tried this 4 times, I tried google as well17:00
jcrawfordnot sure why the error log is saying it cannot read an .htaccess file in my user directory.  I am not even sure why it is looking in my user directory ~/.htaccess17:00
Stargazejcrawford: in Synaptic, go to Edit > Mark packages by task17:00
dimulsjcrawford, try to google lamp17:01
rifterstdisease, here is one of many places where they tell how to write udev rules http://www.debianhelp.org/node/993717:01
papapepjcrawford: I suppose you should review carefully your vhost settings17:01
Picidrizzt_: you need to install Ubuntu on a partition by itself.  If you want you can mount that partition within your other OS so that it shows up like its in another path though.17:01
Kimohow i can rmove pricipal user and switching to another17:01
Pici!google > dimuls17:01
ubottudimuls, please see my private message17:01
jcrawfordmy vhost is correct, i have checked several times17:01
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jcrawforddimuls, i would rather not use a lamp stack, just need apache working17:01
jcrawfordStargaze, what should I look for there?17:02
drizzt_Pici, you mean virtual disk?17:02
stdiseaserifter, do you get anything when you run 'pidof hald' for example?17:02
papapepjcrawford: well as it doesn't work, it can't be that correct17:02
papapepthere's something you're missing17:02
Picidrizzt_: No. I'm just talking about mounting a partition on a mountpoint,.17:02
jcrawfordpapapep, it is correct my co-worker has the same config set on his machine and it works17:02
gui_do I need to sign with my own key to crypt a message with public foreign key (gpg) ?17:02
drizzt_Pici, I cannot create a separate partition :(17:02
gui_I have no key and want to send a crypted message17:02
jcrawfordbut for some reason my install is seeking out an .htaccess in /home/jocrawfo/ which is nothing I setup17:03
Kimosomeone can help me17:03
gui_I don't have my private key there !17:03
Kimoi want to talk in privat17:03
abhi_navYes sure17:03
abhi_navprivate? why?17:03
jcrawfordand I do not need MySQL installed just Apache17:03
jcrawfordso marking by task is not what I need17:03
rifterstdisease, yes there is a hald running, but I read that the way the rules work is changed in 9.10 in several places, including here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130155717:04
skabasjegoogle doesnt help me that well right now17:04
dimulsKimo, System->Users and Groups17:04
volvehello all, I'm having trouble googling for this topic so hoped folks here might know. I have some large disk images that I want to compress, and I'd like to find a way to distribute the compression across multiple systems on my lan. Are there any tools to do this at all?17:04
Picijcrawford: Why is apache looking at your home directory, did you setup a vhost to look there? If so, then www-data needs to be able to read the directory, even if you don't have an .htaccess file there.17:05
papapepKimo: i you talk in private nobody else gets that experience17:05
jcrawfordPici, no i did not set my vhost to be there, my vhost is /home/jocrawfo/workspace/ovife/17:06
dimulsskabasje, http://www.linlap.com/wiki/acer+extensa+522017:06
jcrawfordI tried putting an htaccess file there, setting it readable and set the group to www-data but it still complains.  that's why I am frustrated i don't know WHY it is even looking in that directory17:06
dimulsskabasje, first finded, look at the bottom17:06
KB1JWQIs there a Ubuntu equivalent for "yum provides?"17:06
Picijcrawford: Hm.. Then it shouldn't really care.  I think that #httpd might be able to help you more (thats the Apache support channel)17:06
PiciKB1JWQ: What does 'yum provides' do?17:06
jcrawfordPici, thanks i was not sure if they would support the ubuntu install as it is not typical :)17:07
skabasjeThis site won't be updated anymore. Please check the b43 driver page at linuxwireless.org for up-to-date information.17:07
KB1JWQPici: You feed it the name of a file, it checks the package repositories and returns a match for packages that provide that file.17:07
abhi_navwhich is the french ubuntu support channel?17:08
abhi_navKimo needs it17:08
DasEiKB1JWQ: apt-cache depends / apt-cache show17:08
PiciKB1JWQ: You can use apt-file to acheive that. Its a separate package though, and is not installed by default.  After installing make sure that you run   sudo apt-file update   first.  Or, if the package is already installed, you can use dpkg -S filename17:08
rifterstdisease, nils ok I think I may have answered my own question.. but I'm going to figure it out. Like I was saying before, the old place tyto write these rules, /etc/hal/fdi/policy/preferences.fdi is deprecated now17:08
papapepabhi_nav: ubuntu-fr?17:08
KB1JWQate package though, and is not installed by default.  After  installing make sure that you run   sudo apt-file update   first.  Or, if the package is already installed, you can  use dpkg -S filename17:08
skabasjedo you expect me to understand this? :(17:08
rifterstdisease, nils however it looks like maybe udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d hsould work in 9.1017:08
abhi_navpapapep: ok he is now gone there. thnx17:09
papapepabhi_nav: ;)17:09
abhi_nav!hi | worren17:09
ubottuworren: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:09
abhi_navpapapep: :)17:09
rifterstdisease, nils I am about to find out :PP17:09
=== Traveler2 is now known as ubunutu_umsteige
KB1JWQPici, DasEi: Thanks!  I'll check into it.17:10
papapepworren: español en ubuntu-es17:10
dimulsskabasje, next i googled "ubuntu bcm43xx"17:10
luciid3many use now chromium instead of google chrome17:10
luciid3i want it to17:10
stdiseaseworren, '/j #ubuntu-es' por favor thx17:10
dimulsskabasje, and found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=107192017:10
luciid3but which buld should i download?17:10
luciid3they make 10 per day o.O17:10
DasEi!es > worren17:10
ubottuworren, please see my private message17:10
=== Tyler is now known as Guest71294
luciid3which build17:11
dogge10is it possible to mount a usb pen drive as a non-root user with write permissions on that user under 9.10?17:11
xfactFinally I am here17:11
arand_luciid3: you can simply add the repo, install and if it seems to work, just diasble it and ignore further updates...17:11
Guest71294Hey, I just downloaded the windows installer, and tried to install ubuntu, and it finished 100% whenever I booted into it, but now every time I try to boot it it takes me to a dos like screen17:11
DasEiluciid3: either you use the stable ones or add an repo  for daily builds, have it with your common updates included17:12
skabasje"Okay so you have a wireless card that shows up in ubuntu but doesnt connect to any wireless network?"17:12
skabasjehow do i know if it shows up?17:12
luciid3so there are stable CHROMIUM binaries?17:12
luciid3i only see these snapshots17:12
d3c0nguest is there a marque just blinking? and how long does it stay there17:12
Guest71294it just stays like that, and it talks about like tabbing for a list of commands17:13
Guest71294blinking cursor17:13
arand_Guest71294: It's the grub screen?17:13
DasEiluciid3: still in development, gues you're right there17:13
=== ubunutu_umsteige is now known as ubuntu_umsteiger
stdiseaseGuest71294, right you need to replace a buggy file, let me get you a link17:13
dimulsskabasje, try this http://linuxers.org/howto/how-install-drivers-bcm43xx-chipset-based-wireless-cards-ubuntu17:14
abhi_navDoes so many frequesnt installation of (any) os reduces hdd life?17:14
papapepabhi_nav: as any other hd usage. They have an estimated lifetime. The more you make it work, the more you shorten it :)17:15
NewWorldabhi_nav:  I think any read/write operations reduce it's life.17:15
dimulsskabasje, use your brain=)17:15
misiek200mhello ;)17:15
abhi_navpapapep: & NewWorld: ok. thnx17:15
xfactabhi_nav: I believe so, every time during new installation it updates the bad sectors, which may reduce your HDD space a little and life more17:15
d3c0nguest your grub screen doesnt have options on it like ubuntu build blah blah17:15
abhi_navxfact: hmm thnx17:15
xfactabhi_nav: No problem :)17:16
abhi_navxfact: :)17:16
Guest71294Ummm it has command options but I don't know how to do any of them besides like reboot17:16
hanaitacristina estas ahi17:16
arand_!es | hanaita17:17
ubottuhanaita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:17
hanaitasi me da la gana hablar español hablo17:17
Stargazeah, skabasje Belgium17:17
d3c0nguest to load ubuntu u will need to select ubuntu on the top not the fail safe one, to load windows it should be on the bottom of the grub screen, use the arrows and enter to seleect which kernel you want to load17:17
hanaitajajajajajajajajaja callate17:17
Guest71294I don't think my grub screen gave me any boot options17:18
stdiseaseGuest71294, http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Wubi_9.1017:18
hanaitacritina estas ahi17:18
Guest71294Like my boot screen let me choose between windows and ubuntu, but when I choose ubuntu it just takes me to grub screen17:18
sixofourso i downloaded the rt-kernal cvia-apt get, but when i restart linux defaults to the generic kernal... how do i switch to the rt kernal??17:19
hanaitahola cristina17:19
pablosgada ktos po polsku?17:19
Lachance!es | hanaita17:19
ubottuhanaita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:19
DasEiskabasje: what's going on ?17:20
skabasje"sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter" doesn't work17:20
hanaitayo no se hablar ingles17:20
papapephanaita: /j #ubuntu-es17:20
dimulsskabasje, hm17:20
skabasjeI hate this I really want my wireless to work *sad face*17:20
xfact!es | hanaita17:20
ubottuhanaita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:20
papapephanaita: y hablarás en español17:20
ownlifeOpera or Firefox?17:20
hanaitacallaros pesados17:20
maroyhi, I have a question regarding the reconfiguration of a mainline kernel packages, that apt is always trying to do17:20
d3c0nguest could be a kernel panic, are you installing on a mb bios raid?17:20
Lachanceskabasje, What's up?17:20
hanaitabla bla bla bla17:21
maroybasically at the end of every apt-get install or similar action, I get the following:17:21
dimulsskabasje, relax, it's easy... but take some time17:21
Lachance!ask | maroy17:21
ubottumaroy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:21
hanaitahablar en español17:21
sixofourso i downloaded the rt-kernal via apt-get, but when i restart linux defaults to the generic kernal... how do i switch to the rt kernal??17:22
Guest71294Alright I am going to try to boot again17:22
stdiseasesixofour, can't you select which kernel to boot in the GRUB menu?17:22
hanaitaCristina donde estas17:22
maroyhow do I make eithe apt go through with the configuration of the package (it fails at creating an initrd), or just ignore the whole thing. creating the initrd manually works fine. see the outpt again here: http://pastebin.com/dzfFzHwU17:22
sixofourthere is no grubn menu17:22
dimulsskabasje, try "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter"17:22
sixofourpressin g esc does nothing also17:22
Stargazeskabasje: in Synaptic, search for 'wireless'17:23
stdiseasesixofour, what does /etc/default/grub look like?17:23
dimulsskabasje, i just entered in synaptics search "bcm43xx"17:23
* xfact is confused with Empathy IRC commands 17:23
Stargazeyour wireless works now skabasje ?17:24
arand_sixofour: hold down shift when booting to get to grub menu.17:24
sixofourstdisease: its empty17:24
skabasjedimuls, your line works, it asks me something, the bcm43xx driver needs extracted firmare which can not be shipped to be working. this firmware can be automatically fetched and extracted as a part of installing this package. fetch and extract firmware? <yes> / <no>17:25
Lachance!hi | jingya17:25
ubottujingya: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:25
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dimulsskabasje, yeah17:25
skabasjeI should pick yes?17:25
stdiseaseskabasje, what do you think.. of course :)17:26
cornihi how do yi get the ubuntu version on the cli?17:26
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stdiseasecorni, lsb_release -a17:26
ajnewboldWhen running from the live CD, I saw the "restricted drivers available" message and it detected wifi and video hardware/drivers.  But after installation, it's not doing that, and the hardware manager thing says that no proprietary drivers are available.  any idea what I can try?17:26
cornistdisease: thanks!17:27
Lachancecorni, cat /etc/issue works too. =D17:27
LxndrHello! I installed ubuntu successfully from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-wubi. Unfortunately, it set up a dual-boot situation, which defaults to windows. What's the best way to make this default to ubuntu (and/or remove windows)?17:27
=== mentr_bnc is now known as mentr
LachanceLxndr, Do you wish to remove Windows?17:28
sixofourstdisease: etc/default/grub is empty17:28
rbellamyWhat's the best channel for c++ dev on ubuntu?17:28
stdiseasesixofour, do you even have grub installed? what OS loader are you using? how did you install your linux system?17:28
kamilWitam ;)17:28
sixofourit uses grub17:28
MyrttiLxndr: with that method of installation, you can't really remove it17:28
stdiseaserbellamy, just join #c++ for dev on any OS17:28
rbellamystdisease, outstanding... thanks17:29
JeruvyLxndr: since wubi is a windows installer, you'd not do well to remove windows.  Editing grub for boot sequence can be done however.  If you don't want windows you should do a normal install, not with wubi.17:29
Lachance!dev | rbellamy17:29
ubotturbellamy: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment17:29
Nijverheidsixofour: it may be in /etc/boot/grub17:29
sixofourthe only time it loads to grub is when the laptop is turned off inproperly17:29
Stargazecorni: type lsb_release -a17:29
rbellamyLachance, thanks17:29
sixofourNijverheid: empty also17:30
sixofouri did nano etc/boot/grub17:30
stdiseasesixofour, can you try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' ... ?17:30
sixofourand nano etc/default/grub17:30
LachanceLxndr, If you're interested in completely removing Windows you'll need to download and burn an Ubuntu .iso. If you're uncomfortable with this I can either provide guides or walk you through the process.17:30
Nijverheidsixofour: whoops, my bad... try just /boot/grub17:30
yorickhelp...I'm running karmic...and I was fiddling with the login screen themes17:31
StargazeNijverheid: vl of nl?17:31
yorickbut now my login background changed17:31
yorickand the accessability icon on the login screen is present when I'm logged in17:31
NijverheidStargaze: nl, een beetje vl :)17:31
hikenbootif i am compiling a kernel from kernel.org that i have patched how do i get it to make the kernel headers from the source?17:31
LxndrLachance, Myrtti, Jeruvy: Are you saying I don't actually have a true version of Ubuntu? I only used wubi because I have no access to any kind of CD burner.17:31
Stargazeoki , ik antw :)17:32
stdiseasehikenboot, try make headers_install17:32
LachanceLxndr, no, of course not! Wubi Ubuntu is Ubuntu. =D But Wubi works as a Windows executable installer. In other words, you need Windows to run it.17:32
Nijverheidsixofour: o_O uhhh... then I'm sorry, I haven't a clue :/17:32
sixofourstdisease: i did what you said its at a blue dos-y looking screen17:32
JeruvyLxndr: wubi installs in a virtual disk inside your windows environment.17:32
sixofournow what?17:32
NijverheidStargaze: heel goed :)17:32
rmozdenIs there any way to make ipset a module for a default kernel?17:32
hikenbootstdisease, thanks17:32
stdiseasehikenboot, see 'make help' for more info, too17:32
LocutusOfBorgHi everyone17:32
LocutusOfBorgI need an admin17:32
LxndrLachance, Jeruvy, etc: I wonder if that's why I've been having WINE problems.17:33
Stargazermozden: try modprobe17:33
nibbler!details | LocutusOfBorg17:33
ubottuLocutusOfBorg: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:33
LachanceLxndr, Do you have a flash drive? You can put a Live environment on your flash drive and do it that way too.17:33
yorickall I did was gksudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties17:33
stdiseasesixofour, yes the blue--dos'y.. follow the instructions there and see if you get a menu next time you reboot17:33
LachanceLxndr, I always have issues with Wine. >_>17:33
LocutusOfBorgnibbler: I think I have found a security bug on ubuntu17:33
sixofouri don't know what to do, it ask if the linux command is right..there is nothing there ..17:33
LxndrLachance: I'm having issues with WINE that I've never had on my laptop (which also is an ubuntu computer).17:33
LocutusOfBorgI need to talk with an admin before opening a bug17:34
W_McLLxndr, if you don't have a CD burner and want to install Ubuntui, you can try to use an USB flash drive: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick17:34
yorickany ideas?17:34
nibblerLocutusOfBorg, just... post here.....17:34
StargazeLxndr: join #winehq17:34
MyrttiLxndr: wubi should be considered as a demo version, a bit like game demos, it isn't for full blown use because the way it installs on your system has its own set of caveats17:34
LachanceLocutusOfBorg, you'd do a lot better to provide as many details on a single line so we can all do our best to help.17:34
Oasahow to extract a lzma file?17:34
stdiseasesixofour, I've no idea. either your setup is somehow messed up or I'm failing to get the situation17:34
sixofourlet me reboot now17:34
stdiseaseOasa, is it a .tar.lzma ?17:34
LxndrAlso: I have no flash drive(s).17:34
Oasayes sdtdisease17:35
stdiseaseOasa, try just 'tar xf <file.tar.lzma' first17:35
Lxndrdo the ubuntu people still send out free CDs?17:35
LachanceLxndr, =O Well you could order a CD. You only need one.17:35
erUSULLxndr: not to individuals afaik17:35
Oasatar: This does not look like a tar archive17:35
Oasatar: Skipping to next header17:35
Oasatar: Error exit delayed from previous errors17:35
llutzOasa: tar --lzma -xf foo.tar.lzma17:35
erUSULLxndr: to loco teams or if you are ging to do a install party and thngs like that17:36
yorickhmm let my try logging in again17:36
LachanceLxndr, the price is right tho - it's only like 5 bucks USD.17:36
spark_hellow ever one  :) , I am glad to see the new compatibility on ubuntu , but i got a little problem , my sound card and cg stop the drivers unexpectly when they are pushed too hard , and at start I have to set on compiz cause I lose any window borders .. is there a way to make it automatickly start ?17:36
LocutusOfBorgok, could you try to do this: reboot your system, try to login with the kernel recovery mode and chose the root shell: you will gain root privileges without prompting for a password17:36
andrea_ho un problema17:36
LachanceJust enough to cover the cost of the cd17:36
Oasallutz  : unrecognized format17:36
maroydoes anyone have tips to make mkinitramfs-kpkg not fail, after each call to apt-get install?17:36
nibblerLocutusOfBorg, thats ok17:36
Oasallutz : --lzma17:36
Myrtti!it | andrea_17:36
ubottuandrea_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:36
Oasallutz : what to do ? Unrecognized format --lzma17:36
* Guest_62633 lol @ hellow ever one17:37
nibblerLocutusOfBorg, physical access to a machine always open possibilities for root-access - only partial pervention is encrypted disk. its like this in any os17:37
stdiseaseOasa, 'lzcat <file> | tar xf -'17:37
LocutusOfBorgnibbler: it's ok? somebody could have root access on my machine?17:37
llutzOasa: "tar --version"  >=1.20?17:37
pkhtutHi, Can I ask about python Tkinter although I know this is Ubuntu irc?17:37
Oasastdisease: Shoud i type the whole thing in ' ' ?17:37
LocutusOfBorgno nibbler if you try the windows recovery system it will ask you for the password17:37
Oasallutz : I am using Hardy Heron. How do i check version ?17:38
nibblerLocutusOfBorg, how would you prevent him from taking out your harddrive and plug it to his laptop and manipulate it?17:38
llutzOasa: "tar --version"17:38
stdiseaseOasa, right, also check tar version like llutz said and whether lzma/xz-utils is installed on your system17:38
Oasaits 1.1917:38
llutzOasa: --lzma needs >=1.2017:38
LachanceLocutusOfBorg, what kind of environment do you work in in which this is an issue?17:38
Oasallutz : how do i update ?17:38
llutzOasa: try [18:37:22] <stdisease> Oasa, 'lzcat <file> | tar xf -'17:38
nibblerLocutusOfBorg, but you can prevent this, by protecting your grub conf from edits and remove the recovery. but still: physical access=full control17:39
LoshaLocutusOfBorg: this is widely regarded as a feature...17:39
LocutusOfBorgnibbler: of course the chroot way is always possible, but on a laptop is still not simple17:39
Oasasomething is coming17:39
Oasaits not stopping17:39
wasutton3does anyone know of a working usb fm transmitter for karmic?17:39
Oasai typed lzcat filename ... n its outputting something... very fastly.17:39
stdiseaseOasa, it should take some time to extract, you can also use 'xvf' instead of just 'xf' to see some sort of progress17:39
LocutusOfBorgfor example i can ask a laptop friend and change the user password in less than a minute17:40
nibblerLocutusOfBorg, always simple. no matter if laptop or what....17:40
tarelerulzanyone notice Flash player on Ubuntu 9.10 running the cpu up to around 70% and higher.  I did have it up to 100 on one of my cpu17:40
Oasai did not write tar -xf ..17:40
stdiseaseOasa, no not just lzcat part, the whole thing between ' '17:40
Oasaokkay stdisease17:40
OasaJust curious what is lzcat ?17:40
nibblerLocutusOfBorg, read about grub configuration how to protect it, if you care. but use harddisk encryption if you are serious about security17:40
LocutusOfBorgLosha: how can I ask for this feature?17:40
maroyso no mkinitrd-kpkg experts here :(17:40
stdiseaseOasa, decompressed whatever is compressed with lzma and sends it either to terminal or to the next program in the pipe this case 'tar -xf -'17:41
LocutusOfBorgnibbler: of course, I can, but by default the ubuntu way is less secure than the windows way17:41
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stdiseaseOasa, the garbage you saw is what the uncompressed .tar file looks like17:41
Oasahmm i understood17:41
Oasaokay.. stdisease.. that works.. thanks.. btw how do i update tar ?17:42
Kilmaracok, need help with a problem ive never encountered before.  Ubuntu boots into a graphical environment, but I olnly have a single unmovable terminal window in the upper left.  I can run programs from the command line, but everyone is layed into the upper left corner and is not movable or resizable.17:42
W_McLtarelerulz, unfortunately flash is a CPU eating monster :(17:42
stdiseaseOasa, depends either use an update CD or using apt-get or aptitude or whatever package manager you usually use17:42
nibblerLocutusOfBorg, well, if you rely on noone opening your pc for your security concerns, then yes.17:42
|604|ok stdisease now x won't boot17:42
LoshaLocutusOfBorg: there used to be a site where you could submit suggestions http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/ Dunno if it's still active....17:42
Oasaplease explain further stdisease.17:42
|604|stdisease i am sixofour onmy other pc17:43
stdisease!update | Oasa17:43
ubottuOasa: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:43
shumyhi all17:43
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
Oasathank you stdisease and llutz.. Thanks a lot ..17:43
stdisease|604|, what gfx driver are you using for X, if it is proprietary amd or nvidia you need to reinstall17:43
stdiseaseOasa, y/ welcome17:43
|604|stdisease i witched to the rt kernal, and mypc speaker made 3 loud beeps, when it gets to login screen i log in and it said x failed to write to /tmp; x may close with an error...and fails toload17:43
|604|tried with several kernals17:43
ranveerany girl17:44
|604|stdisease nvidia17:44
stdiseaseranveer, this isn't social channel, thx :)17:44
|604|stdisease everything on my laptop is nvidia17:44
Kilmaracany ideas for my boot up problem?17:45
stdiseaseKilmarac, right, you will need to select which session type you want from gdm/kdm menu17:45
stdiseaseKilmarac, right now it seems to be of type 'xterm', select gnome or kde or whatever you have installed17:46
minus007I downloaded the source for libpng and when I run make... it says17:47
minus007 /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libz.a(crc32.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC17:47
minus007 /usr/local/lib/libz.a: could not read symbols: Bad value17:47
minus007 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status17:47
FloodBot2minus007: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:47
minus007Any solutions?17:47
Kilmaracstdisease  looksl like i need to install kdm.  I dont know what happened, I shut down fine last night then today I boot into this. LOL17:48
|604|stdisease did you see what i wrfote?17:48
|604|Kilmarac linux has a way of altering itself even when its turned off17:49
stdiseaseminus007, huh why is it even looking under /usr/local in the first place, install package zlib1g-dev and retry configure and compile17:49
Kilmarac|604|  ROFL!17:50
|604|i just booted into rt kernal, and now KDE/X is currupted..lol17:50
stdiseaseKilmarac, |604| lol. heh, well what flavor of ubuntu do you have installed? Did you use to have kdm before?17:50
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|604|stdisease i have kubuntu karmic17:50
OerHeksis ubuntu's F1 key safe to use ?17:51
Kilmaracactually ubuntu default should be gdm,  but it looks like  gdm is saying failed to acquire org.gnome.displaymanager: connection :1.39 is not allowed to over the service due to security policies in the confiruation file.17:51
Kilmaractried in sudo and it failed to acquire and bailed17:51
LocutusOfBorgSorry just back17:51
stdisease|604|, oh sorry that was meant for Kilmarac. For nvidia install linux-rt kernel headers and reinstall nvidia drivers and try again..17:51
JacquerieHey there! A quick question. Do you find it worthy to be an Ubuntu torrent seeder? Or is it just a waste of mine and everybody else bandwidth?17:52
|604|stdisease also, i cannot switch to the grub screen anymore, it goes right to kde17:52
RicoshadyI have a bunch of windows shares, and those servers went down today, but when they came back up, the shares weren't remounted by samaba, how can I make sure if shares go down, they come back up when the share is availible again?17:52
|604|stdisease how do you install on a machine with no terminal?17:52
cdw32hello all, i recently bought a new router for my house and fro some reason my computer connects to the internet, but the status icon for wireless shows that i have no signal strenght at all. Can anyone point me in the right direction?17:52
StargazeF1 is help, OerHeks17:52
OerHeksJacquerie, it is oke to be a seeder / mirror17:52
marcel_Hello, i tried to change my wlan0 mac with macchanger. I had written sudo macchanger -m [mac] wlan0     in the terminal, bit it said that i dont have the permissions17:52
Kilmaracmarcel us the command with sudo17:53
OerHeksStargaze, just worried about the F1 virus17:53
mtx_initwhy does nano open when I do visudo?17:53
StargazeF1 virus???17:53
Kilmaracoh wait, you did..  sorry.  LOL missed it17:53
livyJust got ubuntu. Love it. Do I need an antivirus?17:53
VCooliomtx_init: because nano is set to be your $EDITOR ?17:53
|604|stdisease i did ctrl alt f1, now i am in terminal, how do i do what you just told me to do?17:53
StargazeKilmarac: try apt-get install gdm17:53
NewWorldmtx_init:  What is theh output of 'echo $EDITOR'?17:53
OerHeksStargaze > http://security.nl/artikel/32591/1/Microsoft%3A_Druk_niet_op_F1.html17:54
LocutusOfBorglivy: are you joking?17:54
skabasjegood question, does ubuntu need a virus scanner17:54
OerHeksowww sorry :S17:54
goldinshi, I've set up the UFW to do nat masquerading ( I have *nat, :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0], and -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE) in before.rules, but it doesn't seem to be working, and further the *nat line doesn't appear in iptables -L17:54
JacquerieOerheks:  It's just that I barely passed 2:1 ratio and this seems sucky to me.17:54
livyNo im not locotus17:54
goldinshow do I get it to forward?17:54
Kilmaracstdisease "already newest version17:54
livytotal newbie to linux here17:54
Pici!antivirus | livy skabasje17:54
ubottulivy skabasje: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus17:54
NewWorldlivy:  No antivirus needed.17:54
|604|livy linux rarly has viruses for it, maybe if your machien is a server and your hosting files..but other than that...idk17:54
mtx_initVCoolio: its blank17:54
VCoolioskabasje: not unless you want to prevent to pass on viruses by forwarding mail from windows to windows for example17:54
marcel_Kilmarac, i had used sudo17:54
mtx_initVCoolio: doesnt visudo imply vi, it does evrywhere else17:55
livywow. so need for antivirus?17:55
Stargazelivy: linux can transfer virusses, but not be infected17:55
Kilmaracmarcel_   ya, i noticed that after you typed it17:55
|604|nope livy17:55
NewWorldmtx_init:  What is theh output of 'echo $EDITOR'?17:55
stdisease|604|, umm installing headers and nvidia? umm you really shouldn't be messing with non-standard kernels if you don't know how to do that17:55
mtx_initNewWorld: Blank17:55
OerHeksJacquerie, at release lucid lynx, rour ratio will be higher17:55
LocutusOfBorg!antivirus | LocutusOfBorg17:55
ubottuLocutusOfBorg, please see my private message17:55
marcel_Kilmarac, what is wrong now?17:55
|604|stdisease well switching to rt was [as this channel told me ] sudo apt-get install linux-rt ,reboot, everything works17:55
VCooliomtx_init: it does imply that, and maybe nano is by default EDITOR in ubuntu, not sure; you can set it in .bashrc or /etc/profile17:55
|604|everything didn't work17:55
stdiseasemtx_init, then override EDITOR and/or VISUAL environment variables with whatever editor you want, log off and back then see if that still happens17:55
|604|no one ever said anything about nvidia and ehaders...17:56
PiciVCoolio: Indeed, it is the default $EDITOR.17:56
Kilmaracmarcel_ did you use sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop  first/17:56
mtx_initOK THANKS GUYS17:56
livythe only thing i need to do now is figure out how to run Office 2007, I hear that it's possible17:56
Kilmaracyou have to stop the network before you can use macchanger17:56
stdisease|604|, you did not ask :p17:56
|604|sudo apt-get install wine17:56
|604|stdisease i did last ngith17:56
marcel_ok, thanks17:56
JacquerieOerHeks: thank you. I'll continue seed Ubuntu (and a few other distros)17:56
Stargazelivy: try open office17:57
livygot it17:57
|604|livy sudo apt-get install wine17:57
livybut it's not as good17:57
llutz!appdb > livy17:57
ubottulivy, please see my private message17:57
stdiseaselivy, try crossover then17:57
Kilmaracstdisease  --   gdm is already installed, when run in sudo it failes to acquire org.gnome.displaymanager  and then bails17:57
Kangarooowhat was name of site from witch is possible to install programms to ubuntu? someking like apt-get online tools17:57
mannytuVbox too...17:57
stdiseaselivy, or install windows to a virtual machine17:57
|604|so stdisease is there an easy way of doing what you asked?17:58
Osewhat's the linux equivalent of windows' "program files" folder?17:58
livydoes wine emulate windows software, like, fast enough to run smoothly?17:58
|604|livy yes17:58
stdisease|604|, easy is different things for different ppl but I'd say not17:58
StargazeOse: /usr/bin17:58
Kilmaraclivy sometimes, depends on the program you want to run17:58
stdiseaselivy, yes, and it doesn't technically 'emulate' anything17:58
Picifiles | Ose17:58
Pici!files | Ose17:58
ubottuOse: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier17:58
|604|livy wine is pretty good, you might have trouble running the latest fps game..but thats about it17:58
minus007Ose: y do you need it.. just asking so that we can help you17:58
Kilmaracalthough its not really an emulated17:59
goldins!ufw | goldins17:59
ubottugoldins, please see my private message17:59
schlaftierOse: The Linux file hierarchy is quite different from Windows, so I would not say there really is an equivalent17:59
ubuntuhow to get back GRUB after installing M$?17:59
Osewell I found what I was looking for :)17:59
ubuntui'm on Ubu LIve CD17:59
Stargaze!ufw | Stargaze17:59
minus007Ose: schlaftier is correct17:59
ubottuStargaze, please see my private message17:59
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:59
stdiseaselivy, see #winehq and http://winehq.org17:59
|604|stdisease so..what do i do?..i can't get back into X17:59
minus007Ose: Good! :)17:59
livycheers guys17:59
thiociao regazzi17:59
stdisease|604|, go back to your old kernel and back to X18:00
|604|stdisease i can't18:00
stdisease|604|, why not18:00
|604|stdisease x fails to load on every kernal18:00
|604|it says it cannot write to /tmp; and crashes18:00
stdisease|604|, probably because you booting into RT kernel messed up your gfx driver. or... hmm18:00
|604|that is the problem in the first place18:00
llutz|604|: check  "df -h /tmp" "ls -ld /tmp"18:01
cwillu_at_workhow do you make aptitude install the recommends from an already installed package?18:01
|604|i need rt kernal for audio production18:01
minus007@Ose: df18:01
cwillu_at_work(people who reflexively respond with -r will be /ignore'd mercilessly)18:01
llutzcwillu_at_work: aptitude -r reinstall package18:01
stdisease|604|, also if you have /etc/X11/xorg.conf remove it or back it up to temporary location and try 'service gdm restart'18:01
cwillu_at_workllutz, bzzzt, try again18:01
roszakHello all.  I just installed karmic and cannot get it to recognize the external monitor I have hooked up to my vga port on my hp dv7 laptop.  Any ideas on how I can get it to recognize the monitor?  Other computers recognize the dell monitor, so I know the device functions.18:01
livyWine is great...I'm gonna see if it can manage the original Unreal Tournament18:01
cdw32I am also only connecting at 54 MB/s is there any way to increase this18:01
Kilmaracstdisease no luck on gdm running..18:02
|604|stdisease i am on kde18:02
stdisease|604|, right 'service kdm restart' then18:02
|604|if i jsut delete xorg.conf what happens?18:02
Fill23how to delete/uninstall all packegs that user installed?18:03
stdisease|604|, you have to write/generate another one again if you delete it, and Xorg will autodetect what hardware you have without instructions from that file18:03
llutzFill23: user cannot install anything outside $HOME18:03
|604|does xorg.conf contain my user settings? [like, for example,wall paper, icon placement etc]?18:04
LocutusOfBorgthanks everybody18:04
cwillu_at_work|604|, no18:04
|604|onetime i rebooted and my suer settings were wiped18:04
Fill23llutz: xorg files not in home for exmpl.18:04
cwillu_at_work|604|, unrelated to xorg.conf18:04
minus007When we run apt-get install XXXX it downloads and installs several files... is there a way to know which files have been downloaded and at which locations (path) have they been placed?18:04
llutzFill23: what?18:04
stdisease|604|, don't trust anyone's word, looks inside it and find o.ut..18:04
dimuls|604|, lol18:04
Fill23llutz: u said user can't install anything outside the /home, right?18:05
llutzFill23: right18:05
blakkheimminus007: dpkg -S packagename18:05
cwillu_at_workminus007, dpkg-query --help18:05
stdisease|604|, 'out' but my laptop keyboard messed up18:05
cwillu_at_workblakkheim, that's the opposite of what he asked18:05
MatBoyoops, I did a remove --purge for a too new kernel... and now my menu.lst is gone18:05
hl_99hey guys, how can i get full write access to a drive in nautilus?18:05
nibblerFill23, well, he could install in /tmp and the like, but as a user i'd not rely on that :p18:05
Fill23llutz: i've installed xorg, and i see xorg files in /etc/X11 wich is not in my /home directory18:05
cwillu_at_workblakkheim, that searches for owners of a file, he wants files owned by a package (-L)18:05
KimoUnable to load X Server Display Configuration page:failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.18:06
llutzFill23: if your user has write-access to more than $home and /tmp you messed up your permissions18:06
Kimohow to resolve that18:06
llutzFill23: those were installed by root (using sudo as user maybe)18:06
minus007Thanks cwillu_at_work and blakkheim18:06
dimulshl_99, in terminal "chown <username> <path to dir> -R"18:06
|604|ok, xorg.conf is wiped, reboot?18:06
KimoHow To resolve this Prob Unable to load X Server Display Configuration page:failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.18:06
dimulshl_99, sorry,  "sudo chown <username> <path to dir> -R"18:06
stdisease|604|, no, 'service kdm restart'18:06
Fill23i messed up whole xorg>desktop system, and i want to clean system from anything i installed, configured18:06
|604|i did sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:06
|604|ah ok18:06
|604|it said rejected send message18:07
nibblerFill23, just create another user see if this one works fine. if so, its just the configs in your home18:07
|604|and a bunch of other stuff18:07
hl_99dimuls,  thx it worked18:07
Kimoi Have this message in my Nvidia Setting18:07
KimoUnable to load X Server Display Configuration page:failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.18:07
MatBoydoes ubuntu not has a menu.lst anymore ?18:07
=== janhouse is now known as Janhouse
dimulshl_99, and "sudo chmod +w <path to dit>"18:07
cornihow do i display all installed packages with apt-* tools on the cli?18:07
stdiseaseMatBoy, not anymore, it has a grub.cfg since updated to grub 218:07
llutzMatBoy: grub2 has no menu.lst18:07
MatBoyah ok18:07
dimulshl_99, oops, "sudo chmod +w <path to dit> -R"18:07
Fill23nibbler: ok i try18:08
|604|oops, i needed to put sudo18:08
MatBoyI didn't look in it too much that often anymore... since when is it changed to grub2 in ubuntu18:08
|604|YAY x loaded18:08
|604|how do i see what kernal i am using?...wait, x didn't load the hd :/18:08
Stargaze|604|: type umount -r18:08
michael__What's the most stable Ubuntu release available at the moment? I need something with excellent support for an ATI graphics card. At the moment I have Karmic x64 which has given me a million and one problems.18:09
|604|ok its loading18:09
dimulshl_99, or you may try sudo nautilus, but be carefull18:09
stdiseasemichael__, my laptop came with 9.04 and ATI working fine18:09
papapep-afkmichael__: you can't get "excellent" support for an ati card in gnu/linux...18:09
hl_99dimuls do you know how i can make the drive appear in the places bar of nautilus?18:09
Pici!gksudo | hl_99 dimuls18:09
ubottuhl_99 dimuls: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:09
KimoUnable to load X Server Display Configuration page:failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.18:10
Pici!es | migue18:10
ubottumigue: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:10
minus007cwillu_at_work, so if I want to install a package on a machine where there is no Internet connection... I can copy the files listed by dpkg-query -L at their respective location. Am I correct?18:10
michael__papapep-afk, what do you suggest then?18:10
dimulshl_99, drag it18:10
brjanncorni: aptitude --display-format '%p' search ~i18:10
cwillu_at_workminus007, no18:10
michael__stdisease, 9.04 is working well with your ATI card then? 32-bit OS?18:10
cornibrjann: thanks :)18:10
|604|kde is stuck on 85% loading18:10
KimoHelp Pllzzz18:10
cwillu_at_workminus007, download the deb files needed and install them18:10
KimoUnable to load X Server Display Configuration page:failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.18:10
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papapep-afkmichael__: nothing, that's a fact. It's the present reality.18:10
brjanncorni: no problem :)18:11
hl_99dimuls, its not really working i tried that already18:11
michael__papapep-afk, I should do more research when purchasing cards.18:11
RazorCHello, I was wondering if there was a way to recover files for free in Ubuntu?18:11
stdiseasemichael__, 32-bit yes. If you don't want to bother with proprietary ATI driver, you can use the open source driver, works mighty fine18:11
papapep-afkmichael__: probably :)18:11
KimoUnable to load X Server Display Configuration page:failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.18:11
hl_99dimuls, but its okay where it is now, thats fine18:11
KimoUnable to load X Server Display Configuration page:failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.18:11
michael__stdisease, Compiz working well?18:11
minus007cwillu_at_work, k.. Thanks a lot! But wouldn't the manual method work? I know its lengthy but would it work?18:12
papapep-afkmichael__: some ati cards are working decently, other are a real headache18:12
stdiseasemichael__, not using compiz but good framerates with opengl stuff18:12
michael__papapep-afk, I now have a semi-expensive card that's useless.18:12
|604|stdisease will you be around awhile? i need to make breakfast18:12
dimulshl_99, above the places, there is a list of your own places18:12
stdiseasemichael__, the proper is the drivers really, not the hardware, imho18:12
michael__stdisease, I need something that's going to be able to run all of the Compiz effects.18:12
papapep-afkmichael__: you can wait to see if new and improved drivers get published18:12
stdisease*the problem18:12
cwillu_at_workminus007, no, it would break in unpredictable ways18:12
michael__papapep-afk, can you guesstimate how long that might take?18:12
minus007cwillu_at_work,  Oh.. ok18:13
dimulshl_99, oh sorry below18:13
Kimoi need some help plz18:13
cwillu_at_workminus007, deb files can include pre-post install/uninstall scripts that modify existing files as well18:13
papapep-afkmichael__: XD no idea18:13
stdiseasemichael__, you're outta luck, but an NVIDIAaaa18:13
papapep-afkmichael__: i guess nobody has18:13
cwillu_at_workminus007, to say nothing of files that are generated on install for the machine in question18:13
michael__papapep-afk, I'm screwed then I suppose, at least for the moment.18:13
soreauI am trying to ssh into a live session, but when I try to, it asks for a password and I do not know the password to ssh into ubuntu@ubuntu live session. I tried blank pw, 'ubuntu' but it wont let me ssh into this Intrepid 8.10 live session18:13
papapep-afkmichael__: yep18:13
ghufranhi .. is it somehow possible to increase the filesystem ? without having to reinstall everything?18:13
papapep-afksorry about that18:13
Jordan_UI'm trying to send email via my gmail account with evolution. When I hit Send/Receive I get the error "Could not connect to smtp.gmail.com: No route to host"18:13
|604|stdisease mount of system failed,, a maintenance shell will now be started,, control-d will terminate this shell and re-try...18:13
michael__stdisease, an NVidia is an Xpense that I can't afford.18:14
cwillu_at_workminus007, you could muddle through and get it limping along, but if you did that I'd have to revoke your operating licence18:14
KimoUnable to load X Server Display Configuration page:Failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.18:14
reanimationguy's can you tell me how to setup squid server18:14
stdiseaseJordan_U, is your network configured and running, can you browse internet and ping smtp.gmail.com from the terminal?18:14
papapep-afkmichael__: there are plenty of different categories of Nvidia cards18:14
papapep-afknot only high level ones18:14
Jordan_Ustdisease, Yes to all.18:14
reanimationhelp to configure squid server on ubuntu18:14
michael__papapep-afk, I understand but I have paid like £50 (around $80) for an ATI card.18:14
dimulsreanimation, there is full example config: /etc/squid/squid.conf18:15
dimulsreanimation, read it18:15
papapep-afkmichael__: and it doesn't work at all??18:15
switch10_If there is anyone interested, it is now possible to sync an IPhone/IPod touch natively with Rhythmbox.  Here is a YouTube video I just uploaded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVm3OOZEZfw18:15
|604|michael__ i am sure someone in the universe has the latest ubuntu with an ati card and sues compiz18:15
reanimationya i know i already configured squid on redhat18:15
minus007cwillu_at_work, "I'd have to revoke your operating licence" Did not get this... How is this related to licensing?18:15
brjannsoreau: you need to set the ubuntu user's password from inside the livecd session before you can ssh into use. use   sudo passwd ubuntu   to set the password18:15
cwillu_at_work|604|, fglrx is crap under compiz in my experience;  the open driver works well for some cards though18:15
reanimationrsquid is not working prop[erly18:16
soreaubrjann: Ok thanks18:16
cwillu_at_workbrjann, uh, "passwd", not "sudo passwd ubuntu" :p18:16
|604|stdisease mount of system failed,, a maintenance shell will now be started,, control-d will terminate this shell and re-try...18:16
Lxndrodd quirk of my system: When windows was on it, sound would come through the speakers. As soon as I installed ubuntu, it refused to use the speakers, and instead will only communicate with my headphones, if they happen to be jacked in. Anyone have any ideas how to make it talk to the speakers again?18:16
cwillu_at_workbrjann, you can change your own password :p18:16
stdisease|604|, not so, latest ubunto does not work with ati, incompatible with X.org 1.7.518:16
michael__papapep-afk, it's a pain in the facking ass man. At the moment I am using ATI's drivers, and jack all works. Compiz sure doesn't, damn I can't even drag the windows around the desktop without experiencing the worst frame rate ever.18:16
brjanncwillu_at_work: only if you know its current password, which you don't :)18:16
michael__|604|, perhaps yeah.18:16
KimoHow to resolve this problem18:16
cyberbluntzmorning everyone18:16
cwillu_at_workbrjann, I scoff at you and your superior intellect :p18:16
stdisease|604|, I really am not sure how you managed to mess your system up that much.18:17
soreaubrjann: Still saying access denied.. does ubuntu user need relogin?18:17
Kimoi have this problem how to resolve it http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39799066/Screenshot-NVIDIA%20X%20Server%20Settings.png18:17
papapep-afkmichael__: uhm...that's weird...18:17
Kimoi have this problem how to resolve it http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39799066/Screenshot-NVIDIA%20X%20Server%20Settings.png18:17
brjanncwillu_at_work: :D18:17
Trinity33hi everyone i have question about gnome terminal  how to keep it open after executing script? from desktop launcher. when i type in terminal name of this application then it open when i make launcher with path to this app then terminal open and it closes after 0.5sec i could put in the script at the end read or sleep and it will stay open after exec. but matter is that when i use launcher and the termin opens then18:17
Trinity33  want to put new commands in it and thats not possible so i would like to know if there is some way to keep it open after executing script from launcher>? ubuntu 9.1018:17
papapep-afkmichael__: which is the card model?18:17
Trinity33<cyberbluntz> evening18:17
michael__papapep-afk, yeah it's a pain.18:17
|604|stdisease i did "sudo apt-get install linux-rt"...when i rebooted this morning, i picked rt kernal as you said..then everything went esplody on me18:17
Kimoi have this problem how to resolve it http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39799066/Screenshot-NVIDIA%20X%20Server%20Settings.png18:17
michael__papapep-afk, ATI Radeon 467018:17
=== papapep-afk is now known as papapep
brjannsoreau: shouldn't have to, no18:17
cyberbluntzlets settle on afternoon18:17
soreaubrjann: Restart the ssh server perhaps?18:18
ATLANT3ANhey guys18:18
serverduckHello, I have a problem with my time. I can't set it up. When I click set time, it asks me for password but then it brings me back to general/locations/weather. Why?18:18
brjannsoreau: shouldn't have to do that, either :) but hey, couldn't hurt18:18
papapepmichael__: and the ubuntu and kernel version?18:18
SandGorgontake a look at this brainstorm for increasing battery life - http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/23819/18:18
shane2peruok, when I try to hotsync my palm with ubuntu via bluetooth, it works great, however sometimes, it doesn't the only thing I have learned to do is restart the computer fixes it, any ideas besides restarting on troubleshooting this issue?18:18
soreaubrjann: Ah I think I see the problem18:18
Kimonobody want to help me18:18
stdiseaseKimo, perhaps nobody could18:19
soreaubrjann: Yea, I got it now. Had to do ssh ubuntu@ipaddy18:19
Kimoi have this problem how to resolve it http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39799066/Screenshot-NVIDIA%20X%20Server%20Settings.png18:19
brjannsoreau: no problem :)18:19
michael__papapep, Karmic 9.10 (is it) ? I don't understand what you mean by kernel version, sorry. I'm kinda new.18:19
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serverduckKimo, wait I'm shure someone will help you.18:19
KimoOk i wait you thanks18:19
papapepmichael__: type "uname -a" at a prompt shell, without the quotes18:19
dimulsreanimation, rsquid??18:19
stdiseasemichael__, version of the 'core' of the system, kinda, called the kernel. use 'uname -a' to see information about it18:20
papapepmichael__: and you should see something similar to 2.6.31-19-generic18:20
michael__papapep, 2.6.31-19-generic18:20
papapepmichael__: :)18:20
papapepmichael__: then you're fully updated18:20
vegarnI'm playing around with openvpn tunneling and routing. I do not have any firewall or iptables rules. Is it necessary to explicitly put iptables rules for allowing(ACCEPT) forwarding between interfaces when I haven't done anything to policies or rules?18:21
|604|wow stdisease even grub won't load, my laptop is stuck on the HP screen18:21
|604|HP Invent18:21
michael__stdisease, why wouldn't there be a standard kernel version for each distribution? Why would one Karmic have a different kernel version from another Karmic installation? Karmic is Karmic right? Wrong?18:21
vegarnI did the "echo 1" to ip_forwarding file in proc.. that should suffice?18:21
michael__papapep, I guess that's a good thing.18:21
papapepmichael__: there are continuous packages improvements and bug fixing, kernel included18:21
drizzt_why stupid gnome and GTk common dialogs save files with UTF-9 names, instead of $LANG codepage?18:22
stdisease|604|, Karmic is Karmic but the kernel versions could change because bugs and fixes are added all the time18:22
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Trinity33  want to put new commands in it and thats not possible so i would like to know if there is some way to keep it open after executing script from launcher>? ubuntu 9.1018:22
stdiseasemichael__, ^ I mean18:22
papapepmichael__: yes, usually, to be fully updated is the best option18:22
|604|stdisease i managed to get into grub and select the default kernal, my pc made a loud beep agaian18:22
drizzt_michael__, each 1-2 weeks new kernel is issued to cover security vulnerabilities18:22
|604|doing a disk check18:22
justinashisto, can anybody tell me, why i am not able to change any settings in compiz CCSM? When i launch it from terminal "sudo ccsm" - i can change, bet settings doesn't apply when launching simply CCSM (Without sudo). All check-boxes are gray and i'm not able to change them18:22
stdisease|604|, let it finish the check18:22
|604|ok brb18:23
papapepmichael__: have to go now, hope you fix your issue soon ;)18:23
=== papapep is now known as papapep-afk
soreaujustinas: Do not run any user app as root. Ever.18:23
michael__papapep-afk, okie doke thanks.18:23
KimoUnable to load X Server Display Configuration page:Failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.18:23
serverduck I have a problem with my time. I can't set it up. When I click set time, it asks me for password but then it brings me back to general/locations/weather. Why?18:23
justinassoreau, the same for gksudo18:23
justinaswhat is wrong?18:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:24
soreaujussio1: gksu, gksudo, kdesu, sudo and running as root are all the same thing. Do not do it under any circumstance for any user application. This includes all of compiz components, emerald, ccsm, fusion-icon.18:24
soreaujustinas: ^^18:25
justinaswhy, soreau ?18:25
soreaujustinas: Also, this is an indication that you have compiz running as root which is also not good. You could have possibly damaged your permissions in your users home folder now18:25
soreaujustinas: Because it can screw up your permissions and cause all kinds of strange problems18:26
ubyserverHello Everyone18:26
justinashow can i solve this problem?18:26
schlaftierI thought gksudo et al.  instead of plain sudo would prevent screwing up your permissions18:26
vegarngksudo is just graphical sudo18:27
KimoUnable to load X Server Display Configuration page:Failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.18:27
stdiseaseschlaftier, not that I know of, they're just fancy interfaces for root access18:27
Stargazejustinas: by rebooting your pc and using sudo for maintenance only18:27
soreaujustinas: First, assuming you are running as your normal user, go into sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects and set to None then back to whatever it was. this should restart compiz as user18:27
schlaftiervegarn, stdisease: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo18:28
soreaujustinas: Then, open ccsm as user with sys>prefs>compiz config settings manager18:28
LinuxJunkieLooking form some help on a dual boot windows 7 and 9.10. Grub2 is skipped completely and the forums are not being much help.  Anyone able to point me in the right direction?18:28
soreauLinuxJunkie: Which OS did you install last?18:29
cyberbluntzwhat the tor gui name?18:29
|604|stdisease it went to the same thing18:29
|604|stdisease mount of system failed,, a maintenance shell will now be started,, control-d will terminate this shell and re-try...18:29
LinuxJunkieUbuntu was installed last18:29
|604|its now sitting at a terminal doing nothing18:29
cyberbluntzHow can I check if vidalia is auto starting on boot or set it too//?18:30
stdiseaseLinuxJunkie, are you presented with a GRUB menu when you boot up? And how was your linux installed, through Wubi or regular CD install18:30
cyberbluntzI have the "show this window on startup" ticked18:30
justinassoreau, doesn't work - in visual settings i set NONE, after that - custom. Then launched CCSM and all chekboxes are grey...18:31
stdisease|604|, right, well enter root pass and try to fix things, I really can't do much for you over IRC18:31
ubyserverFor windows I used Putty.18:31
|604|i don't know how to "fix things" lol18:31
ubyserverHow do I connect to an shell?18:31
cyberbluntzi have putty on ubuntu too18:31
LinuxJunkiesoreau: Cd install, chose use largest continuous space, No grub menu at all.18:32
llutzubyserver: ssh user@host18:32
ubyserverssh user@host wtf18:32
ubyserverI only know about connecting to ip addresses18:32
stdiseaseubyserver, 'host' could be an IP18:32
ubyserverbut what about user@?18:32
llutzubyserver: read "man ssh"18:33
stdiseaseubyserver, 'user' is your user name on the host you're trying to connect to...18:33
PingFloydLinuxJunkie: does it go into windows 7?18:33
LinuxJunkieYes it boots to 7 no prob18:33
stdiseaseubyserver, example : ssh mycoolsuperh4xxor@
Kangarooothere was a webpage for installing ubuntu programms with one click18:33
Kangarooodoes anyone knows name of that?18:33
ubyservergotcha thanx stdisease18:33
|604|perhaps i should make a forum thread?18:34
cyberbluntzyah, I'm not eeing anywhere to auto launch vidalia on startup18:34
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:34
PingFloydLinuxJunkie: assuming you installed grub to your /boot partition.  Easiest fix is to install latest version of easybcd and create a boot entry for your ubuntu18:34
StargazeKangarooo: appnr.com18:34
brjannKangarooo: in karmic, the Ubuntu Software Center found in the Applications menu can do that18:34
LinuxJunkieOk, will be doing that next then. thanks for the help18:35
CzakolHi, i made ubuntu 9.10 update18:35
brjannKangarooo: (assuming that you want software from the ubuntu repositories)18:35
PingFloydLinuxJunkie: the advantage of doing it that way, is if you ever need to reinstall windows, you don't have to find a linux livecd and update grub18:35
Czakoland now my wirless card doesn't work18:35
alexandrвсем привет18:35
Czakolwhat couldbe a problem?18:35
dimulsalexandr, q=)18:35
brjann!ru | alexandr18:35
ubottualexandr: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:35
StargazeCzakol: is it internal or external?18:35
justinassoreau, doesn't work - in visual settings i set NONE, after that - custom. Then launched CCSM and all chekboxes are grey...18:36
Kangarooothx Stargaze. thats the one. brjann Ubuntu Software center slows pc. im now installing on very old pc.18:36
cyberbluntzWhat config file control the applications that start up boot in the ubuntu OS?18:36
brjannKangarooo: gotcha18:36
CzakolStargaze: internal18:36
vegarnI need to make "echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" run at every boot... Is it best to put this in /etc/rc.local or somewhere else?18:37
stdiseasevegarn, use sysctl -w var=value instead, and you can putit it in rc.local yes18:37
Czakolcould somebody help me18:38
llutzvegarn: exit /etc/sysctl.conf "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1"18:39
Quickardanyway to install ubuntu directly off of hard disk, I get about halfway through install and an error occurs. something to do with my cd-rom drive18:39
KangaroooQuickard: try checking cd for errors18:39
C-S-Bhey guys, I need the r5u87x-loader to get my webcam to work. I've added uvc into /etc/modules but it doesnt get my cam working everytime on boot. anyway to do this?18:39
Quickardis there a tool in ubuntu for that?18:40
vegarnllutz: great tip! thanks18:40
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KangaroooQuickard: when live cd put in pc then first menu will have that option18:40
llutzvegarn: recommended way to do it18:40
=== spydon_ is now known as spydon
Trinity33hi everyone i have question about gnome terminal  how to keep it open after executing script? from desktop launcher. when i type in terminal name of this application then it open when i make launcher with path to this app then terminal open and it closes after 0.5sec i could put in the script at the end read or sleep and it will stay open after exec. but matter is that when i use launcher and the termin opens then18:41
Trinity33  want to put new commands in it and thats not possible so i would like to know if there is some way to keep it open after executing script from launcher>? ubuntu 9.1018:41
Quickardk, so reboot machine, boot off cd and use ubuntu to check for error's. if I find an error on the cd should I try and burn another copy?18:42
llutzTrinity33: use xterm or other term, since gnome-terminal afaik has no "-hold" option, to keep it opened18:43
KangaroooQuickard: no put live cd start computer. live cd will show options like try live cd and install and third option is check cd for errors18:43
QuickardI dont have live cd18:44
stdiseaseGet yours today!18:44
KangaroooQuickard: then how u tryd to install ubuntu? i didnt then understand something. i understand that u trying to install ubuntu with live cd18:45
drizzt_can anyone tell me why Gnome create files with names in UTF-8?18:45
bitsmarthey folks, mpd is running and I can't get it to stop. sudo service mpd stop prints * Stopping Music Player Daemon mpd [ OK ] but I can run that command over and over and get the same results. what's going on?18:45
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Quickardyes, I have a bootable ubuntu disk that I burned.18:45
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stdiseasedrizzt_, supports more alphabets that way?18:46
Myrttidrizzt_: it's the default charset of the whole system18:46
stdiseasebitsmart, 'sudo pkill -9 mpd'18:47
drizzt_Myrtti, nautilus is run with normal codepage18:47
KangaroooQuickard: from ubuntu.com yes? then it is a live cd also. put it. restart let bios read cd and take option check for errors. if error will be found then chdsk18:48
KangaroooQuickard: !chdsk18:48
john2my name if john18:48
Trinity33<llutz> gnome term does have hold option cos u need just put in script u created at the end "read" or "sleep 5" i tried xterm and what i want to do is not just to hold on the term i want to exec script see the app open in the terminal and still have the option to put it the same terminal new commands can xterm do that? not just hold but make possible that when hold i be able after window open put new command18:48
drizzt_system language is set to ANSI codepage, not UTF_818:48
trismTrinity33: I usually use the --init-file option of bash to do that18:49
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
KangaroooQuickard: !checksum18:50
bitsmartstdisease, ok, now running sudo service --status-all shows "[ ? ]  mpd", does that mean it is stopped?18:50
stdiseaseidk does the term codepage even apply in a linux environment?18:50
Kangaroooeh. Quickard https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM18:50
drizzt_stdisease, no, linux uses libastral for mapping characters, no codepages for sure18:50
llutzTrinity33: sleep/read is a ugly hack. but sorry, i never tried what you want, so i cannot say18:51
stdiseasebitsmart, no idea but you can see if the daemon's process is still running 'pgrep mpd' or 'ps aux | grep mpd'18:52
=== mentr_bnc is now known as mentr
serverduckHow do you enable NTP on an ubuntu 9.10 machine to update it's clock with the internet servers??18:52
Trinity33<trism> what u mean by --init-file? use in launcher. "gnome-terminal --init-patch to the application"?18:53
bitsmartstdisease, ps aux | grep mpd  returns "drew      3858  0.0  0.0   3040   808 pts/0    S+   13:52   0:00 grep --color=auto mpd", which means that my command is the only found instance of mpd, right?18:53
stdiseasebitsmart, which means it isn't running anymore, mpd18:54
trismTrinity33: you can use the terminal to execute bash --init-file=/path/to/script; --init-file uses a bash script instead of ~/.bashrc as the initial script, so it executes it and then starts bash. You may want to source ~/.bashrc at the start of the script18:55
john2trying to get some help18:57
bitsmartjohn2, hi, did you have a question? if so, ask away18:57
john2trying to install usb tv tuner18:57
john2any help with tuner?18:58
kai_which tuner18:59
jibadeehaif i have 2GB of ram, what should my swap size be ... i created a swap partition for 2048 but have just noticed that the available space is slightly less, will this affect hibernation18:59
kai_that's a company18:59
kai_type model19:00
DasEijohn2: just install tvtime and see if it's recognized19:00
john2not recognized. dmesg picks it up19:02
etsorbme8john2 lspci19:03
kai_john2 lsusb not pci19:04
john2brooktree bt87819:05
dorgancan anyone help me to setup exim to SMTP auth to remote server when trying to send mail?19:05
DasEijohn2: supported by linux, seems usb-driver is your problem then19:06
john2brooktree bt878 audio and video capture19:06
KimoHello guys19:06
llutzdorgan: http://www.manu-j.com/blog/wordpress-exim4-ubuntu-gmail-smtp/75/19:07
john2i need driver is there 119:07
tylergIs there any easy guide to setting up printer sharing from a mac osx to a ubuntu printer19:08
StargazeDasEi: try usb-modeswitch19:08
DasEiStargaze: it's about john 2 m stargate bt878 usb-tv-receiver19:09
john2what does modeswitch do19:09
drizzt_can anyone tell me why Gnome create files with names in UTF-8 despite system locale is ANSI?19:10
DasEijohn2: lsmod                 << any driver loaded for it ?19:10
Stargazejohn2: try and install usb-modeswitch19:10
john2did with card no and tuner recomended no go19:10
rmozdenok, where are the two I was chatting with eariler19:11
ubyserverCan anyone recommend an image software for ubuntu so that I can ghost my installation?19:12
`mOOse`ubyserver clonezilla19:12
goldinsubyserver: clonezilla?19:12
goldinsdd ?19:12
`mOOse`clonezilla is freeware19:12
ubyserverI want to backup as this is my main machine19:12
goldinsI use rsync for backups19:13
`mOOse`it's a cloning sw, not a traditional backup sw19:13
ubyserverif I type in the wrong command and mess things up badly.19:13
ubyserverI just want to pop in and restore19:13
ubyserverso clonezilla?19:13
Stargazeubyserver: try 'Quickstart', that's a tool for Linux19:13
rmozdenOk, here's my issue and lets see who can help.  Either via whitelist or blacklist iptables is gonna take forever to churn out the rules.  My allow list would have 6 countries in it and still be quite large as compared to the blacklist that would be 100k lines of CIDR addresses.  Do I have to recompile the kernel for ipset?19:14
ubyserverthanx `mOOse`19:14
DasEijohn2: http://howtoubuntu.org/?p=20, if that will not help, there is a repo (francois...can't remember)that builds all that drivers, I'm currently working so can't change to that machine19:14
goldinsso I followed the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/firewall.html under "IP Masquerading" and my nat isn't working. Further, the nat table isn't showing up in iptables -L19:14
Stargazeubyserver: search google for 'quickstart swiss army knife'19:14
goldinsis there another way to setup nat?19:15
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Trinity33<trism> look i have 100 applications which work in terminal so i cant remember path to every of them. what i want to do is to make launchers so i can see and start any i want to. for example when i type in terminal cd /..../..../...../name of the app it will start in terminal ready for new command so can i use some command in launcher etc to open that app and the terminal will be ready for new command?19:15
DasEijohn2: try that, I can look over in ~ 45 mins19:15
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NewUs3Rhow i install flux box in karmic and remove gnome?19:16
goldinsdon't remove gnome19:16
goldinsyou'll regret it19:16
StargazeNewUs3R: use Synaptic Package Manager19:16
Trinity33another question if u ahev 100 applications is there a way in 9.10 to create sort of menu and chose which one u want to start after clicking on it?19:16
NewUs3RThanks Everyone..19:16
blakkheimNewUs3R: sudo aptitude install fluxbox19:17
StargazeNewUs3R: type sudo apt-get install fluxbox19:17
DasEiTrinity33: list them in a script ?19:18
kai_Im usinf lernid but I cant see the slides and there's no chat to ask quetions19:18
grandrewhi all! I have a strange problem: the kernel reports 2600M of memory available on boot, but 'free' shows only 1366M is total :-\ how can that be?19:19
DasEigrandrew: what does htop report ?19:20
grandrewI dont have htop, but 'top' says 1335296k total. I can install htop though19:21
Trinity33<DasEI> i just found it:::) someone from gnome channel gave me the command it should look like that gnome-terminal -x sh -c 'app; bash'  with it u can start any application u want to19:21
grandrewif that matters19:21
DasEiTrinity33: more then one solution, sure, fine then19:22
SealedWithAKissBran new Karmic installation, why isn't Compiz listed under System > Preferences ?19:22
mario-prkosI got a new monitor but it won't work, blank after I choose kernel and ubuntu logo is shown briefly, old monitor is 19" vga, new one is 24" dvi, I changed the usplash to the new resolution. Im using nvidia driver installed through ubuntu interface19:22
grandrewhmm if it did report 1337M I would think I got my machine 0wn'd :-P19:22
g0sphello - why is it that the ubuntu live CD has everything it needs to make the wireless card work, but when you actually install from said live CD you have to connect to the internet before you can make your wireless card work?  Doesn't that seem....stupid and obtrusive?19:22
Stargazemario-prkos: use 'display' in control center19:22
mario-prkosStargaze: how do I get tot hat?19:23
Red_HamsterXSealedWithAKiss, compizconfig-settings-manager #I think you need to install that, though I don't recall for sure.19:23
ZykoticK9is there a method to search if apt is utilizing a particular PPA?  for instance is one is not in use how could I tell?19:23
DasEigrandrew: cat /proc/meminfo19:23
Stargazemario-prkos: System > Control Center19:23
DasEigrandrew: last line saying ?19:23
mario-prkosStargaze: I can't get GUI at all, only console19:23
Stargazemario-prkos: then type gnome-control-center19:24
Roastedhey guys - is there a way to change the default profile in ubuntu so ANY user who logs in gets the same desktop icons, printer,s and speciifc program settings?19:24
mario-prkosis there a way to install or update nvidia driver from console, I tried nvidia-settings but it says command not found19:24
mario-prkosStargaze: thanx Ill try that19:25
StargazeRoasted: check the user's permissions19:25
Red_HamsterXg0sp, though I wish I could give you a link, there are places where misconfigurations like that should be reported for developers to address in future releases. If you can spare a few moments, try searching for such a place on the Ubuntu site.19:25
grandrewDasEi, DirectMap2M:           0 kB  DirectMap4k:     2805120 kB19:25
RoastedStargaze, what? User permissions? I'm not doing anything with permissions. I'm trying to set the default profile.19:25
RazorCHi, I have unpacked (installed) testdisk recovery programmer (.deb) file but now I don't know where it is because it isn't in the Applications menu19:25
mario-prkosStargaze: I get cannot open display19:25
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DasEigrandrew: so it's there, htop is nice for it's sorting function, look what's eating up there19:26
shledahi all, does any body know how to set up a daily reminder in Evolution mail on Ubuntu?19:26
tesukiHello, could some one point me to a guide on how I install firefox 3.6 on 8.04 64bit? I have search the web and found some that don't work (including adding repo ppa.lunchpad.net daily-firefox).19:26
grandrewDasEi, hmm that sounds different from my another machine which has different things there :-\19:26
jose__que pasa titis19:26
Stargazemario-prkos: did you try with GUI?19:26
mario-prkosgui  want start19:26
grandrewDasEi, you mean that some kernel-level task is eating memory?19:27
mario-prkosgui won't start19:27
tylergHey what would my server name be for my ubuntu machine?19:27
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:27
slogum1how can i restart the gnome desktop? it's haning19:27
conb123Hiya I am running 64 bit karmic and there is a 32 bit deb package i wish to install, i have the ia32-libs package but dpkg still complains of the wrong architecture. Could any one help me with this please?19:27
SealedWithAKissI'm having a problem with applications crashing while I'm typing into them, Xchat and Firefox are examples, what could this be?19:28
shledaslogum1: use startx19:28
FrEaKmAn_hi, how could I identify ubuntu version (32 or 64bit)?19:28
shledaFrEaKmAn_: use about from system19:29
bastid_raZorFrEaKmAn_: uname -m in a terminal19:29
aciculauname -a19:29
conb123FrEaKmAn_: uname -a19:29
inveratuloFrEaKmAn_: uname -i19:29
d0uglashi folks.. having a problem with wordpress which from a lot of googling is pointing toward apache as being the culprit. Wordpress cannot resolve any hosts when trying to make its own outgoing connections. The rest of the server seems otherwise fine. Any help would be appreciated...19:29
serverduckWhy can't I listen to a .pls file in amarok?19:29
hiexpoSealedWithAKiss, have you updated everything after the install?19:29
FrEaKmAn_well it says 64 but Im still getting only 3gb out of 4gb of ram19:29
RazorCHello, can someone suggest me a free program for recovering deleted files and pictures?19:29
JoeSomeBuddytrying to set up nvidia card with nvidia-settings, getting error - Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!19:30
shleda d0uglas: check wordpress and htaccess19:30
SealedWithAKisshiexpo, yeah.19:30
Tamnakzany solution to aol on pidgen?19:30
JoeSomeBuddyhow does one fix this bug?19:30
serverduckI'm able to listen ogg.m3u but not .pls in amarok. WHy?19:30
aciculaFrEaKmAn_: got an integrated graphics card?19:30
FrEaKmAn_acicula, no19:30
hiexposudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade?19:30
RazorCcan someone suggest me a free recovery program for ubuntu 9.04?19:30
aciculaFrEaKmAn_: whats the output of free -m (pastebin)19:30
FrEaKmAn_acicula, even stranger is that "free" is showing thah Im using 1.3gb out of 3gb19:30
aciculaJoeSomeBuddy: does the xorg.conf file even exist19:31
SerraphynHow can I make sure the new nvidia driver I just installed is running and not hte 185 driver that ubuntu installed?19:31
aciculaFrEaKmAn_: thats normal, ubuntu will use whatever memory is available for caching of stuff19:31
d0uglasshleda: .htaccess in the wp directory?19:31
JoeSomeBuddyacicula, beats me, how do i check that?19:31
k0d3g3arne1 have a recommendation for a good USB DVD Writer for my laptop that works with Ubuntu?19:31
FrEaKmAn_acicula, http://pastie.org/85038119:31
shledad0uglas: yes19:31
aciculaJoeSomeBuddy: what do you need nvidia-settings for?19:31
FrEaKmAn_acicula, ok. But I still dont know why its shoing 3gb instead of 419:32
aciculaFrEaKmAn_: what does uname -a say?19:32
JoeSomeBuddyacicula, someone told me that woudl save = wrong19:32
FrEaKmAn_acicula, Linux TheBadMachine 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 02:39:34 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:32
shledacan anyone point me to IRC channel where I can some help for Evolution19:32
JoeSomeBuddyi still cant save settings19:32
pancakezanybody know where I can find any information on resizing a partition that's being used by mdadm for a raid-0 without destroying any data on the raid?19:32
d0uglasshleda: not much in that other than mod_rewrite stuff .. a long time ago this used to work fine, wordpress, and then i messed with mod rewrite, perhaps that's the culprit?19:32
aciculaJoeSomeBuddy: because the config file doesnt exist i suppose19:32
acicula!nvidia | JoeSomeBuddy19:32
ubottuJoeSomeBuddy: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:32
TamnakzIs there any fix to egt aim to work with Pidgin?19:33
bcurtiswx_where can I find what's in the build queue for the i386 builders in launchpad.net/builders19:34
xanguaTamnakz: have you read the page or asked in #pidgin¿¿19:34
shledad0uglas: better verify the logs, if you are on linux go to /var/logs/httpd/ and look for error and access logs19:34
aciculaFrEaKmAn_: hmm interesting, but dont know why it wouldnt see more then 3Gb19:34
serverduckDoes someone know if Amarok has suport for files like"listen.pls" I can't listen to them.19:34
aciculaFrEaKmAn_: it should be able to, when you boot it says 3GB in the bios? what graphic card do you have?19:35
RazorCHello there, can somebody help me with my problem?19:35
wunjoI would use Rythembox is I was you duck19:35
wunjo does it all19:35
Tamnakzxangua: how do I get to #pidgin?19:35
FrEaKmAn_acicula, it says 4gb. I have ati radeon 2600xt19:35
acicula!ask RazorC19:35
xanguaTamnakz:  /j #pidgin19:35
digitigI'm trying to mount what I think is an ext3 formatted drive, connected via a SATA to USB adaptor. But I have no idea where to look for it! I've tried looking in /var/log/messages, but don't see a connection message. When I try it in MS Windows it autodetects the devide no problems (but can't read the disk, of course). How do I find the drive and mount it under Ubuntu?19:36
shledarythombox looks like a lighweight player, though i didnt like it19:36
DasEigrandrew: do you use shared memory for graphics or a ramdisk ?19:36
Tamnakzxangua: says I cannot join? :(19:36
SealedWithAKisssudo apt-get install hotsmtp isn't working, E: Package hotsmtp has no installation candidate19:36
SealedWithAKiss -- Any idea why?19:36
DasEi!register | Tamnakz19:36
ubottuTamnakz: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode19:36
JoeSomeBuddyacicula, the file does exist19:36
JoeSomeBuddyacicula, the file does exist so why no saving?19:36
wunjoor just wine Winamp19:37
aciculaFrEaKmAn_: JoeSomeBuddy then you need the permissions to modify it, superuser19:37
wunjovery simple solution19:37
wunjoor use VLC19:37
aciculaFrEaKmAn_: whats the output of:  file /lib/libc-2.10.1.so19:37
Kimohow to resolve this prob Unable to load X Server Display Configuration page:19:37
KimoFailed to query NoScanout for screen 0.19:37
SealedWithAKiss -- Any idea why?19:37
JoeSomeBuddyacicula, i ran nvidia settings as root, didnt help at all19:37
SealedWithAKisssudo apt-get install hotsmtp isn't working, E: Package hotsmtp has no installation candidate19:38
aciculaRazorC: please ask your questions in #ubuntu and not via pm19:38
FrEaKmAn_acicula, /lib/libc-2.10.1.so: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped19:38
aciculaJoeSomeBuddy: then i dont know19:38
Red_HamsterXSealedWithAKiss, that package does not appear to be supported anymore.19:38
Kimoi want to see what is this prob Unable to load X Server Display Configuration page:Failed to query NoScanout for screen 0.19:38
dangermani have a problem with startupmanager after installing ubuntu19:38
SealedWithAKissRed_HamsterX, what do I do to get it? I'm following a tutorial on configuring evolution to work with Hotmail. The tutorial requires me to install that package.19:38
RazorC!ask I have installed testdisk.deb but now I'm unable to locate it since it doesn't appear in the Applications menu19:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:39
DasEiKimo: you have a poulated /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:39
aciculaFrEaKmAn_: hmm odd, by all accounts it should see all the memory. dunno19:39
KimoHow i can resolve this prob19:39
mario-prkosStargaze: just FYI and thanx for your help: I connected to my comp from laptop and used remote x export display to get gnome-control-center and deinstalled the driver, after that I rebooted and I got gui! I'm not reinstalling the driver and hope it will pick up all the new monitor settings :)19:39
Kimoi send to you my Xorg.conf configuration19:39
wunjoKimo that is a goo question19:39
dangermangrub defaults to windows after using startupmanager19:39
aciculaRazorC: use dpkg-query to find out what testdisk.deb installed?19:39
wunjogood rather19:39
RazorChow do I do that?19:39
rajGUYS does anyone get RANDOM firefox shutdowns when going to the itunes store???? ITS weird everything else works and stable except itunes store.. is this a joke from apple?19:39
KimoOk wait plzzz19:40
DasEiRazorC: don't use !, triggers the ro-bot ;; you start it from trml19:40
wunjoI have seen that happen many times19:40
grandrewDasEi, I guess not.. gfx memory shows 124 MB. How can I figure out if there is a ramdisk?19:40
FrEaKmAn_acicula, anyway... thanks19:40
Red_HamsterXSealedWithAKiss, you could try manually installing it from Intrepid (http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/hotsmtp), but that may not be a good idea. It may have been abandoned for a reason other than "too much work to maintain for the amount of use it's expected to provide"19:40
RazorCoh ok19:40
trismSealedWithAKiss: you apparenlty don't need it for evolution anymore http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2009/03/04/setting-up-evolution-mail-gmail-and-hotmail19:40
DasEigrandrew: htop says ?19:40
wunjoLets see if I can find a Page that will help you19:40
RoastedGuys - if I add a printer, does it get added in some sort of hidden .whatever file in my home directory??19:40
wunjook Kimo19:40
Red_HamsterXSealedWithAKiss, go with what trism said. That's probably why it was dropped.19:40
DasEi!brain > RazorC :)19:40
ubottuRazorC, please see my private message19:40
oliver_I can't enable desktop effects :S19:41
oliver_I just could, but then i rebootet19:41
DasEi RazorC :need more advice on testdisk ?19:41
RazorCno thanks19:41
grandrewDasEi, htop says nothing about where my memory has gone :-( just 328/1304MB in Mem row19:41
oliver_"Desktop effects could not be enabled"19:42
oliver_They just worked19:42
oliver_then i rebooted :S19:42
oliver_and now they wont work19:42
Tamnakzxangua, still around?19:42
wunjo are your driver set right in Ubuntu19:43
wunjofor you Nvidia?19:43
wunjook good19:43
Kimocompiz it's activated all work great19:43
oliver_I got nvidia19:43
wunjo Me too19:43
oliver_and my screen effects dont work19:43
DasEigrandrew: and you say there are ~2.6 g installed, whille free reports just the half ? checking syslog or even memtest for faulty / unmatching stripes (timings?)19:43
xanguaTamnakz: using the lates version of pidgin mya help19:43
wunjolove burning windows19:43
oliver_Just worked, but after i rebooted it didnt work19:43
Kimobut i can't change screen resolution in nvidia setting19:43
Tamnakzxangua: what's the easiest way to update?19:44
oliver_Can anyone help me ?19:44
oliver_I can't enable desktop effects :S19:44
wunjo so you are having trouble setting you Xorg config in shell or in general19:44
xanguaTamnakz: using the pidgin ppa, the instructions are in pidgin.im ;)19:44
wunjoOOOOooo I c19:44
digitigNobody? :-(19:44
KimoNo all is normal19:44
blackbearis there an effective ocr program somewhere?19:44
Tamnakzsorry, I've had a horribly day and easy shit is frustrating me. . .19:44
shledaguyz, does any one knows a daily reminder app that can remind me to take my medicine daily?19:44
guntbert!enter | oliver_ , wunjo19:44
ubottuoliver_ , wunjo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:45
Tamnakzinstructions are in pidgin.im?19:45
grandrewDasEi, the most intersting part is that dmesg says: [    0.000000] Memory: 2665604k/2813312k available. So it seems that kernel does really find it but does not make it available for userspace19:45
=== eric__ is now known as LLStarks
Kimobut i cant change or save nothing in Nvidia setting19:45
blackbearthe one in sane seems to just make a mess...19:45
goldinswhy isn't my nat working?19:46
RoastedGuys - if I add a printer, does it get added in some sort of hidden .whatever file in my home directory??19:46
DasEigrandrew: and the amounts in meminfo ? maybe paste it19:46
JoeSomeBuddyanyone know why i cant use my nvidia driver? can someone with experience on nvidia help me out?19:46
Nijverheiddoes anyone know if there's a plugin in pidgin to display what music you're listening to?19:46
SealedWithAKisstrism, thanks a lot it worked!19:46
oliver_Joe, what kind of driver do you got and what happens ?19:46
oliver_grafic card*19:47
ni1sRoasted, no, what is it you're looking for?19:47
spartan07If I wanted to connect my win7 pc @ work to my ubuntu pc @ home would I need samba or is there something like an ssh server for windows?19:47
trismSealedWithAKiss: excellent!19:47
Giant81Anyone ever joined Ubuntu to a windows domain?19:47
llutzspartan07: http://www.freesshd.com/19:47
Roastednils - I'm setting up a default profile for Ubuntu so any user that logs in gets the same settings. I need the users to get the same printer as well.19:48
DasEiGiant81: sure19:48
JoeSomeBuddyoliver_, i cant answer you unless you tell me how to find out the model19:48
ni1sspartan07, or just a plain ftp server? if your empoyer hasnt blocked ports19:48
=== Perhanovski is now known as Pero
grandrewDasEi, http://pastebin.ca/181975419:48
JoeSomeBuddyits an old nvidia19:48
mr_mustardhow do I automatically generate another xorg.conf with twinview for my nvidia driver?19:48
Giant81DasEi: straight forward?19:48
ni1sRoasted, set the default in cups19:48
=== Pero is now known as PeroZdero
spartan07nils, make my win7 into an ftp server?19:49
ni1sspartan07, probably easier to have the server on ubuntu19:49
JoeSomeBuddyoliver_, GeForce FX 520019:49
Roastednils - default... default printer, or default profile?19:49
ni1sRoasted, default printer19:49
DasEiGiant81: I assume they sit in a local dmz, let them have same network-segment and subnet, also edit resolv.conf, most comfortable via dhcp19:50
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obscurant1stany good program to ipod sync in linux?19:50
trismshleda: you could try the alarm-clock-applet19:50
ni1sobscurant1st, best I've found is gtkpod19:50
Jordan_U!ipod | obscurant1st19:51
ubottuobscurant1st: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:51
mrkikoHi all! Sorry for my rudeness - but I'm dewsperate...19:51
JoeSomeBuddyoliver_, i was told nvidia was fine in linux19:51
ubyserverCan anyone recommend a repository for eBox 1.5 that works?19:51
DasEiGiant81: files of interest : /etc/network/interfaces  /etc/resolv.conf,  maybe adjust firewalls, if needed19:51
obscurant1stthx Jordan_U19:51
pixide2000ciao raga19:51
obscurant1stni1s, i tried it.19:51
Jordan_Uobscurant1st, You're welcome.19:51
SealedWithAKissEvolution has synchronised with my Hotmail account, however it has downloaded all 800 e-mails and displayed them all as unread. How can I make sure Evolution only downloads new e-mails?19:51
Giant81DasEi: I mean join as in use AD to authenticate users on the ubuntu machine19:51
Giant81networking is easy19:51
mrkikoI need to install ubuntu on a eee pc 701 - but I'm not able to use usb-creator, which creates in my vaseusb images not working. Can I use a stock ubuntu CD ?19:52
JoeSomeBuddyoliver_, i installed the restricted driver, shoudl have been ok after that right?19:52
ni1sobscurant1st, amarok does it somewhat similar to iTunes19:52
spartan07nils, if I set it in ubuntu how would I connect to the win7 pc from home when im on ubuntu?19:52
obscurant1stni1s, i will try it, thx19:52
obscurant1stand btw i dont want to jaibreak my ipod19:53
holmseranyone feel like helping me out with snort?19:53
holmserI finally have it all installed, but base isn't logging my portscans19:53
ni1sspartan07, using some windows ftp client19:53
DasEiGiant81: yes, make one machine a domaincontroller19:53
holmserI'm not sure what I'm doing wrong19:53
shledatrism: this sounds more geeky -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=19b71d535726c873e70ae17952fe60b8&p=7817522&postcount=519:53
LxndrWhen this computer was a windows computer, sound would come through the speakers. Now the speakers are completely ignored by ubuntu, and instead sound will only come out of the headphones, assuming headphones are plugged into the headphone jack. How can I make ubuntu communicate to the speakers again?19:53
DasEiKimo: still around with that issue ?19:54
obscurant1stLxndr, its more like a hardware problem. i am not sure though19:54
estaufferLxndr: have you tried alsamixer?19:55
SealedWithAKissIs there a way to change the default size of desktop icons permanently so that they're all smaller?19:55
Lxndrestauffer: I have no idea what that is. I'll look for it.19:55
dr3mrois there a way in ubuntu so i can run something that install a package from source and get the dependencies and compile automatically ????????????????????????19:55
adalalheya, my ubuntu one isn't working, is there a way to correct it?19:55
estaufferLxndr: It's an odd-ish command line pgm. Jsut open termina. window and do a alsamixer19:56
RazorCok, I have located testsidk an I have ran it, but it doesn't seem to do anything else but eat clock cycles, no gui, nothing19:56
SealedWithAKissIs there a way to change the default size of desktop icons permanently so that they're all smaller?19:56
sp_otakuHello, I turned on my lucid system and got the updates for the new kernel, but it doesn't fully boot. It says something like ureadahead, and I think it can't mount my tmp dir,(it has its own partition, but that shouldn't matter)19:56
xanguadr3mro: they are called repositories19:56
blakkheim!lucid | sp_otaku19:56
ubottusp_otaku: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+119:56
trismshleda: that would definitely work too, you could use notify-send to pop up a notification bubble too19:57
grobda24dr3mro, search the ubuntu wiki for "compiling"19:57
RazorCCan someone here suggest me a good recovery program?19:57
dr3mroxangua, i know about apt and ppa but i need something like port system of gentoo19:57
erUSUL!undelete | RazorC19:57
ubottuRazorC: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel19:57
estaufferRazorC: Recovery for what?19:57
yoritomohello everybody19:57
estaufferday to day bakcup or system image19:57
RazorCfor pictures19:57
RazorC.jpg mostly19:57
ubyserverCan I install ebox on my none LTS 9.10 Karmic?19:58
=== phaedra is now known as phaedra_
yoritomoi am deseperately searching for karmic64 driver of canon MX320 printer, i could only find the i386 version , can someone help me please ?19:58
seanbrystoneback in time is another good backup suite19:58
estaufferI use back in time19:58
=== phaedra_ is now known as phaedra
shledatrism: do you know some way out to do this stuff within evolution?19:58
seanbrystonecant go wrong with sbackup or back in time.19:59
DasEiKimo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/387195/19:59
serverduckHow do you disable a touch pad in ubuntu if there is a usb plugged in?19:59
DasEi!ldap | Giant8120:00
ubottuGiant81: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer20:00
lobakwhat is the different between some-command ; some-other-command ...and ... some-command & some-other-command ...and.. some-command && some-other-command ?20:00
* wojtek0adam je20:00
KimoDasEi whats do you send to me20:01
seanbrystoneyou forgot another-command | command.20:01
trismshleda: I'm sure it is probably possible, but I have never used evolution20:01
DasEiKimo: an alternative section of xorg, as you said yours failed to load20:01
SamsteinI have a linksys wireless usb dongle, and i want it to work with ubuntu 9.10...it has an id  ID 1737:007720:01
Samsteinbut I can't get it to work, I found a tutorial but it's way over my head, if anyone can help i'll give them my familys most prized cow20:01
blakkheimlobak: you can /join #bash or go on google for basic bash tips/howtos20:01
Kimoah thanks where i put this text in my xorg.conf20:02
lobakblakkheim: alrite, thanks20:02
shledatrism: thanks buddy, I will spend some time reading evolution but alarm-clock can be turned into a nagging full screen window, this is what I want, almost everyday I forget to send status report and this has spoiled my reputation :(20:02
ni1slobak, ; is "and after that run ...", & is "run that in background and the next one in foreground",  && is "if command is successful run ..."20:02
DasEiKimo: do it the fast way together ?20:03
yoritomono one for my MX320 canon printer ?20:03
SamsteinI have a linksys wireless usb dongle, and i want it to work with ubuntu 9.10...it has an id  ID 1737:007720:03
Samsteinbut I can't get it to work, I found a tutorial but it's way over my head, if anyone can help i'll give them my familys most prized cow20:03
Kimook i have to try20:03
ni1slobak, with respect to your examples20:03
DasEiKimo: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup20:03
SamsteinI have a linksys wireless usb dongle, and i want it to work with ubuntu 9.10...it has an id  ID 1737:007720:04
Samsteinbut I can't get it to work, I found a tutorial but it's way over my head, if anyone can help i'll give them my familys most prized cow20:04
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lobakni1s: tyvm, do you think is there anything like that that say "run this simultaneously" ?20:05
ni1slobak, yes, that's the &20:05
adalalhey, i need help with ubuntu syncing20:05
adalalubuntu one syncing*, my files aren't syncing...20:05
=== darkham is now known as krabador
Piciadalal: The Ubuntu One support channel is #ubuntuone20:06
ni1slobak, try it, ls -l /usr/lib & ls -l /20:06
DasEiKimo: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:06
goddardI have a compaq mini hp 110 computer running netbook remix and when the computer sits for a while the screen will go black or when I close it and open it the screen is black and never comes back20:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:07
ni1slobak, not the best example maybe20:07
adalalPici: thanks20:07
DasEikimo:copy the whole of the file in the now empty xorg.conf, save the file20:07
Kimonon i have just copy in the screen20:08
lobakni1s: thanks, that was helpful.. basically i was trying to see whether my code for threading works or not.. seems that it work as intended20:08
n4chtokay... so .. upgraded to development version of lucid and now nvidia x server settings is complaining that it's unable to load my x config "failed to query NoScanout for screen 0." ... any ideas?20:08
DasEikimo: ? laste paste is the whole new xorg20:08
blakkheim!lucid | n4cht20:08
ubottun4cht: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+120:08
ni1slobak, coolio20:08
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n4chtthanks.  i'll go there.  :)20:09
Kimoah yeas20:09
Kimook wait20:09
holmsernevermind... after about 6 hours I finally have snort up and running! w00t!20:09
shledadoes any one know a mail client that can connect to exchange server 2007?20:10
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ni1sshleda, doesnt evolution do that?20:11
Kimoi do all what now20:11
MilitantPotatoIs there a package that installs all the applets available?20:11
WubuntuHi,... I'm using an Nvidia GeForce4 MX 420 video card, Karmic Koala 9.10 with a Kubuntu desktop(KDE 4.4.0), and am having problems with cairo-dock and kde crashes. Can anyone please assist me with these problems?20:11
shledani1s:  no, it doesn't20:11
spartan07nils, this is when Im @ home on my ubuntu box. How would I get to the win7 box if I have setup the ftp server on my ubuntu box?20:11
obscurant1stcan i sync ipod by using banshee or amarok without jailbreaking it?20:11
shledani1s: it does connect to 2003 but not to 2007 :(20:12
obscurant1stni1s, ?20:12
MilitantPotatoobscurant1st: if it's not the 3rd gen Ipod, yes20:12
DasEi!who | kimo20:12
ubottukimo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:12
ni1sspartan07, ah alright, not sure then, rdesktop? VNC? some win ssh server?20:12
puffshleda: exchange can serve  IMAP, but last I heard (which was a few years back)  the admin has to set perms to enable the IMAP service to get at your mailbox.20:12
ni1sobscurant1st, huh?20:12
obscurant1stMilitantPotato, its 3rd G20:13
MilitantPotatoobscurant1st: you've got to jailbreak then20:13
obscurant1stni1s, i mean can i sync ipod by using banshee or amarok without jailbreaking it?20:13
ni1sobscurant1st, yes20:13
MilitantPotatoobscurant1st: or, take it back and get one that doesn't have the DRM...stuff.20:13
ActionParsnipyo yo yo20:13
obscurant1stMilitantPotato, I wont get my warranty if i jailbroke it right?20:13
shledapuff: in my case there is no IMAP setting and it will not be done just for one Ubuntu fanatic :(20:13
MilitantPotatoobscurant1st: I baught a sony mp3 player, works perfectly.20:13
MilitantPotatoobscurant1st: no, you void your warranty jailbreaking20:14
DasEi kimo : you will have to restart your xserver, in case things mess up, boot safemode, do : sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf ,20:14
spartan07nils, ok thanks I'll check hose out20:14
obscurant1stMilitantPotato, oh,k20:14
SamsteinI have a linksys wireless usb dongle, and i want it to work with ubuntu 9.10...it has an id  ID 1737:007720:14
obscurant1sti hv 9 more months warranty20:14
Samsteinbut I can't get it to work, I found a tutorial but it's way over my head, if anyone can help i'll give them my familys most prized cow20:14
DasEikimo: know how to do that case needed ?20:14
KimoOk don't worry man20:14
blakkheimobscurant1st: next time buy hardware that respects your freedom20:14
obscurant1sti got to install windows again then20:14
obscurant1sti dont like it20:15
Kimono i don't now20:15
ActionParsnipSamstein: have it connected and run: sudo lshw -C network | grep -i product20:15
goddardI have a compaq mini hp 110 computer running netbook remix and when the computer sits for a while the screen will go black or when I close it and open it the screen is black and never comes back20:15
ActionParsnipSamstein: use the line to websearch for guides20:15
MilitantPotatoobscurant1st: return it, don't support DRM ;)20:15
KimoDasEi  i don't now20:15
guntbert!list | fabio_20:15
ubottufabio_: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:15
Kimowhat do you talking about20:15
ni1sblakkheim, maybe he just wants to listen to music, without making a politcal statement20:15
spartan07JoeSomebody, where you having problems with nvidia drivers?20:15
MilitantPotatoobscurant1st: only way these companies will stop punishing us legit users with DRM is to not buy their stuff.20:15
MilitantPotatoI'm Offtopic though, sorry20:16
DasEikimo: you know how to boot into safemode ?20:16
obscurant1stMilitantPotato, i can just jailbreak it then, but i do love ipod touch, it too awesome20:16
FrEaKmAn_I have a problem not able to use youtube player. I just cant select time slider20:16
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: does gtkpod not fly?20:17
ubyserverwhat is the command to fix broken packages?20:17
SamsteinActionParsnip.... does sudo lshw -c network etc fix it or just give info?20:17
ubyserverapt-get clean?20:17
KimoDasei no im sorry i don't now20:17
obscurant1stActionParsnip, i dont know, it doest detect my ipod20:17
danielAnyone know why the latest version of Netbeans in the repositories is 6.7.1?20:17
BornrebelIm running on a live disc right now and i cant boot into windows because grub bootloader is still on the computer and it says error 22. How can i remove grub completely?20:17
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: try installing it, you may have to mount the device like a partition, unfortunately you have a device from one of the most closed minded companys out there20:18
guntbert!it | fabio_20:18
MilitantPotatoubyserver: sudo apt-get check, then install what it says is missing20:18
ubottufabio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:18
danielBornrebel, boot to DOS and type 'FIXMBR'.20:18
mr-woofhi all, quick question regarding permissions if i can20:18
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: the latest wine with some versions of itunes does actually work20:18
DasEiKimo: when grub says loading.. in the beginning, press either esc or left shift to get to the boot menue, then choose the second option, recoverykernel, will bring you to a box, where you can choose root > there can issue command to take back changes20:18
ActionParsnipmr-woof: ask away, if someone can reply they will20:19
obscurant1stActionParsnip, yeah i dont like apple, but ipod touch, i just love it20:19
=== Sniper is now known as Guest52954
mr-woofif I created a folder called test, then put some media in it for mediatomb20:19
ubyserversudo apt-get -f install for anyone wondering.20:19
mr-woofthen do a chown -R /home/me/test20:19
JoeSomeBuddyhow do i "drag" a video to my tv now that i can see one (separate x screen)20:19
Kimoyes i see that20:19
Bornrebeldaniel: how can i boot to DOS? i just installed vista and dont have a vista disc to do the repair cause its some stupid acer erecovery disc20:19
ActionParsnipmr-woof: you didnt say who you were chowning to20:19
DasEi kimo : command then (and hopefully not at all) would be :  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf ,20:19
mr-woofoops mediatomb.mediatomb :)20:19
ActionParsnipmr-woof: chown -R user /home/me/test20:19
MilitantPotatoubyserver: 'sudo apt-get -f' might help20:19
mr-woofit works with mediatomb then20:20
manusdextraany mac users in here?20:20
ActionParsnipmr-woof: you can also set the group with: chown :group /home/me/test20:20
mr-woofbut obviously i can't add any more media into it, as i now dont have access20:20
manusdextraspecifically aluminium 24" last generation?20:20
ni1sBornrebel, there freedos20:20
JoeSomeBuddymy tv does not appear to be either of my "workspaces"20:20
DasEikimo:so now just log off and back on, if you get an unreadable screen, go said way20:20
ActionParsnipmr-woof: you can set both in one command with: chown -R user:group /home/me/test20:20
mr-woofwill that let me add more media into that folder actionparsnip20:20
ubyserverSo many dynamic dns questions for localhost20:20
goddardI have a compaq mini hp 110 computer running netbook remix and when the computer sits for a while the screen will go black or when I close it and open it the screen is black and never comes back20:21
SamsteinThe reason i'm switching to windows is, I have a legit copy of Windows with a fancy sticker on the side of my case, but because i don't have 'recovery disks' i borrowed the same version of windows to install it again using my key that is paid for...but it wont activate and now my computer has reduced function...and they want me to pay $200 for the recovery disks that should have come with the computer in the first place, talk about a load20:21
ActionParsnipmr-woof: as long as you have sufficient access and their is space on the partition which the folder is in then yes20:21
Samsteinops, switching from windows*20:21
manusdextracan anyone help me set up my iSight?20:21
MilitantPotatomr-woof: set the permissions with chroot, allow write access to other users20:21
ActionParsnip!windows | Samstein20:21
ubottuSamstein: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents20:21
ubyserverSamstein, you can actually dial the number and activate.20:21
hikenboothow do i enable verbose output of dpkg?20:21
goddardThats why I hate windows20:21
MilitantPotatomr-woof: meant chmod sorry20:21
SamsteinNah i talked to a microsoft person personally and they won't20:22
Samsteinthey referred me to acer20:22
mr-woofany chance of the full command militant potato20:22
Samsteinthen acer asked for $20020:22
guntbertSamstein: you windows history won't help to solve your problem :-)20:22
manusdextradpkg: error processing isight-firmware-tools (--configure):20:22
manusdextra subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 13420:22
manusdextraErrors were encountered while processing:20:22
manusdextra isight-firmware-tools20:22
mr-woofnot too good with the old command line as yet20:22
FloodBot2manusdextra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:22
ubyserverSamstein, you don't talk to the ms people. you go through the automated activation 80020:22
MilitantPotatomr-woof: not sure of the permissions, check 'man chmod'20:22
Mike_lifeguardHow can I tell apt-get to fetch from a specified mirror on this run?20:22
MilitantPotatoMike_lifeguard: force version in synaptic if ya don't mind the GUI20:23
DasEiMike_lifeguard: synaptic or /etc/apt/sources.list20:23
Samsteinenough about windows20:23
SamsteinI'm moving to Doors20:23
ubyserverHave fun.20:24
sernylanand Samstein walked on down the hall...20:24
vianocturna85anyone know anything about bash?20:25
MilitantPotato!bash | vianocturna8520:25
ubottuvianocturna85: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:25
ZykoticK9!anyone > vianocturna8520:25
ubottuvianocturna85, please see my private message20:25
vianocturna85lol force of habit, im sorry20:25
ActionParsnipvianocturna85: if nobody replies, try in #bash20:26
erUSULvianocturna85: we have to see the actual question first ActionParsnip ;)20:26
vianocturna85i use pidgin and the away messages are often ignored by my friends, i wanna write a script that sends a message if they message me using pounce20:26
goddardI have a compaq mini hp 110 computer running netbook remix and when the computer sits for a while the screen will go black or when I close it and open it the screen is black and never comes back20:26
SamsteinI mean whats the point in paying for locked windows....I might go and smash everyone at Microsoft20:27
etsorbme8!anyone > etsorbme820:27
ubottuetsorbme8, please see my private message20:27
MilitantPotatovianocturna85: check pidgin plugins20:27
erUSULvianocturna85: how would you interface with pidgin ?20:27
DasEi!ot > Samstein20:27
ubottuSamstein, please see my private message20:27
=== cem is now known as Guest19272
ubyserverStuck on Restarting eBox module: apache [OK]20:27
MilitantPotatovianocturna85: tools>plugins   configure auto-reply20:27
vianocturna85i did, but nothing quite does it, problem is that i wrote a script but makes use of a virtual keyboard which messes my lock screen up coz tries sign me in with wrong stuff lol20:28
ZykoticK9etsorbme8, if you want to see a bot message, without disturbing the channel, you can use "/msg ubotu WHATYOURSEARCHINGFOR" and she will reply in a private message20:28
mr-woofcheers guys20:28
ZykoticK9estauffer, /s/ubotu/ubottu20:28
etsorbme8Zykotick9; thanks for the tip20:29
MilitantPotatovianocturna85: did you click configure auto-reply?  It can be set to send on any status20:29
vianocturna85i didnt have it in my plugins, looking now20:29
d0uglasBoth wordpress and gallery are unable to resolve hosts when making outgoing connections. My server's otherwise fine in terms of handling hosts, maybe it's a php thing. Any ideas?20:29
MilitantPotatovianocturna85: search synaptic for pidgin, there's a plugins package.20:30
ActionParsnipvianocturna85: theres a pidgin dev ppa which will have them too ;)20:31
vianocturna85ActionParsnip: Thanks20:31
tesukiHow can I get up to date software on hardy LTS?20:32
DasEitesuki: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:32
knxvilleHi, i've downloaded a .bin file, and i've given it execute permission, and tried ./filename20:32
MilitantPotatotesuki: enable backports in software sources20:32
knxvillebut it says its a binary file?20:32
blakkheimtesuki: you can upgrade20:33
danxtesuki: if you want the latest you should upgrade to 9.10; you can get -some- apps installed if you add newer version's repos20:33
guntbertknxville: what are you trying to install?20:33
knxvilleguntbert, Savage 2.. A Cross Platform game.20:33
twisted`where exactly can I add my own entries in grub in ubuntu 9.10?20:33
ActionParsnipknxville: did you run: chmod +x ./filename20:33
twisted`it uses this magical generate system20:34
tesukiDasEi: That just updates old software (firefox 3 to latest 3.0.18 and so on).20:34
twisted`and it won't show my custom additations20:34
TrizicusI've compiled 2.6.33 kernel and am running it atm. Everything seems to be working great. Are there any tests I can run to determine if this kernel is less stable the other one I'm using?20:34
MilitantPotato!grub2 > twisted`20:34
ubottutwisted`, please see my private message20:34
knxvilleActionParsnip, Just did, nothing happened, still a "binary" file.20:34
DasEi!latest | tesuki20:34
ubottutesuki: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.20:34
ddrjdoes a standard install of ubuntu require more ram than a standard debian install?20:34
guntbertknxville: have you seen http://naiux.wordpress.com/2009/03/29/savage-2-ubuntu-linux-installation-guide/ ?20:35
ActionParsnipknxville: cool, thats what we need. could try: sh ./filename20:35
* sernylan grows nostalgic for the good old days when configuring audio was a simple matter of recompiling the kernel.20:35
icerootddrj: yes, but not much (some mb)20:35
ddrjoh that's not too bad then... i was trying to figure out which distro to use for my server (only running rtorrent and sabnzbd)20:35
edakiriwhat are "Super Cow Powers"?20:35
=== TrekCaptain is now known as Trek
DasEitesuki: you can have foreign repos for certain apps or even compile stuff, some experience assumed20:35
knxvilleActionParsnip, Syntax error: "(" unexpected20:35
badpedakiri: moo'ing20:35
knxvilleguntbert, i'll look into it20:35
ZykoticK9edakiri, "apt-get moo"20:35
icerootddrj: a server without gui?20:36
icerootddrj: then you dont want a standard-ubuntu, you want ubuntu-server20:36
DasEi!repos > tesuki20:36
blakkheimddrj: or ubuntu minimal iso :)20:36
ubottutesuki, please see my private message20:36
ddrjperfect! headless servers :D20:36
DasEi!compile > tesuki20:36
ActionParsnipknxville: did you md5 test the file you downloaded20:37
MilitantPotatoedakiri: or aptitude moo20:37
knxvilleActionParsnip, No, where do I do that?20:37
icerootddrj: ubuntu-server == headless20:37
ddrjahh only ubuntu-server hm...20:37
guntbert!md5sum | knxville20:37
ubottuknxville: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:37
icerootddrj: e.g. my lenny server is using 50mb ram (after installation) ubuntu i dont know20:37
ddrjthat's really really good20:38
blakkheimddrj: 40mb on my gentoo server :z20:38
qwertyjustinhey, if im downloading a new install via apt-get, and it just starts hanging. how might i stop the download, and restart, without getting locked out to retry the second time20:38
icerootddrj: but there was nothing, only the system + openssh-server20:38
tesukiI don't need the latest kernel/glibc/libwhatever.so I just want later "userspace" programs like VLC, firefox and such.20:38
etsorbme8where / what / how would find what log file to look at for a problem when shutting down the computer halts and does not power off but use to several days ago.20:38
ddrjyeah this one will only have 2 daemon's running in the bg and samba and a few other things but nothing else20:38
ddrjbut it's got plenty of ram, 1 gig worth20:38
MilitantPotatoedakiri: then do aptitude -v moo, then aptitude -v -v moo (keep adding -v till you hit the easter egg20:39
Red_HamsterXddrj, 50MB for Debian isn't all that uncommon.20:39
ActionParsnipknxville: see if you can find the hash of a good file so you know the file is complete20:39
ddrjah yes Red_HamsterX20:39
qwertyjustinhey guys, apt-get install sometimes hangs, halfway through a download. how can i restart, or push along?20:40
knxvilleActionParsnip, I've found the md5sum for the file I've downloaded, what now?20:40
xeerI have a router connect to my eth (pan0) and a static address set to though the router is picking up
MilitantPotatoqwertyjustin: ctrl+C20:40
GumpHello, anyone here that can answer a fast question?20:40
ZykoticK9edakiri, MilitantPotato, you only need to add "v"s so you can use "aptitude -vv moo", "aptitiude -vvv moo" etc20:40
ActionParsnipknxville: compare the output of: md5sum ./filename    with the correct md5sum for the file, if they do not match the file is corrupted20:40
NCS_Onecan anyone tell me a good app to backup DVDs ?20:41
twisted`ok weird, when I do update-grub it shows it found gentoo but it doesn't add it to my boot list20:41
ActionParsnipNCS_One: acidrip is one option20:41
knxvilleActionParsnip, Where do I find the correct md5sum?20:41
MilitantPotatoZykoticK9: efficiency is key yea?20:41
geniixeer: pan0 is "personal area network zero" and usually it's your bluetooth adapter20:41
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ActionParsnipknxville: i'd just websearch for the generated sum20:41
NCS_OneActionParsnip: and it works fine on protected DVDs ?20:41
guntbertknxville: maybe on the download site20:41
ZykoticK9NCS_One, Handbrake is my fav, you in the repos there is dvd::rip which is also good (FYI handbrake doesn't do AVI files)20:41
tesukidanx, blakkheim : I will upgrade to a newer ubuntu as long it's labeld LTS.20:41
ActionParsnipknxville: weird their is no md5 sum given so you can check the file20:41
Gumpif you install ubuntu on a comp. with windows.. will you lose windows?20:41
tesukiwhich will be in 3 months.20:42
xeergenii, this machine does not have bluetooth or any other fancy network adapters. pan0 i believe is the custom compiled module for my ethernet20:42
ActionParsnipNCS_One: i just know of it,not used it. Its free to try20:42
MilitantPotatoGump: try Wubi20:42
iceroot!dualboot | Gump20:42
ubottuGump: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:42
qwertyjustinwhats wubi20:42
Guest42817Hey can someone help me out?20:42
MilitantPotatoGump: if you resize your windows partition you could fit an ubuntu install20:42
ZykoticK9qwertyjustin, install ubuntu in windows20:42
iceroot!wubi | qwertyjustin20:42
ubottuqwertyjustin: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.20:42
xeerqwertyjustin, quit scrolling and just look it up in google.20:42
knxvilleActionParsnip, guntbert; http://forums.savage2.com/showthread.php?t=964920:42
ActionParsnipGump: you can resize the ntfs to make room, always make sure your backups are suficiently recent incase of catastrophe20:42
ActionParsnip!google | xeer20:43
ubottuxeer: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:43
puffGuest42817: Ask your question, see if somebody answers.20:43
knxvilleActionParsnip, guntbert; the checksum is valid..20:43
Guest42817I need help mounting a CD, then running a script from that CD20:43
ZykoticK9knxville, have you tried "gksu ./Savage2Install-" assuming 64bit20:43
BornrebelIs there anyway that i can remove Grub and fix the MBR so that windows will boot? Windows disc says it found no startup errors but when i turn on the computer grub says error 22 and it wont boot up20:43
guntbertknxville: good :)20:43
qwertyjustinubottu? lol20:43
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.20:43
Gumpthanks for the help20:43
ActionParsnipGuest42817: sudo mount /media/cdrom0    will mount the CD, you can then run the files on the CD starting at /media/cdrom020:44
puffGuest42817: I don't know about the script, but the CD should/might automount when you put it in the drive.20:44
Guest42817It's an .iso20:44
qwertyjustingoogle it20:44
ActionParsnipGuest42817: thats different then , you said cd20:44
iceroot!google | qwertyjustin20:44
ubottuqwertyjustin: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:44
knxvilleZykoticK9, ./Savage2Install-2.1.0-x86_64.bin: 2: Syntax error: "(" unexpected20:44
MilitantPotatoGuest42817: gmount-iso, install it in synaptic20:45
Guest42817I know how to mount it and the command. It would be sudo mount ~/Downloads/Postal.Fudge.Pack-DOLi.iso ~/cdrom20:45
ActionParsnipGuest42817: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /mount/point20:45
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Guest42817BUt it says that the location "cdrom" doesn't exist20:45
ActionParsnipGuest42817: mkdir ~/cdrom20:45
Guest42817Hold on. Can I go private with you Parsip? Or something20:45
ActionParsnipGuest42817: it isnot mounts job to make mount points, so the mount point MUST exist20:45
baabahi, what's the default unicode fallback font on 9.04?20:46
puffOne of these days I really need to get some in depth understanding of automount, it's far too black-magic-ish.20:46
ActionParsnipGuest42817: just tab complete my nick, it will hightligh20:46
MilitantPotatoActionParsnip: gmount-iso is easy enough20:46
Guest42817Oh okay.20:46
ActionParsnipMilitantPotato: in scripts too?20:46
ZykoticK9knxville, mine is working (you are running 64bit OS right?) 78a5df8adc008e2c7493bab9f66a3092  Savage2Install-
baabaor how do i find out what it is from fontconfig/whatever?20:46
BornrebelIs there anyway that i can remove Grub and fix the MBR so that windows will boot? Windows disc says it found no startup errors but when i turn on the computer grub says error 22 and it wont boot up.20:46
Guest42817So all I really have to do is make a folder in ~/ named cdrom?20:46
perscitusAnyone experience a problem with gnome-do where it wont open folders when typed in?20:46
knxvilleZykoticK9, I think I do.. But Im not completely sure, how to check?20:46
icerootBornrebel: grub1 or grub2?20:47
ActionParsnipGuest42817: the mounting folder needs making, to mount iso files you need the -o loop option, normal mount will moan20:47
icerootBornrebel: you dont want grub after?20:47
ubyserverhas anyone here installed eBox on their local box?20:47
ZykoticK9knxville, uname -m20:47
puffGuest42817: "mount" maps a directory (which you must create, customarily under /media in ubuntu) to a disk volume.  In this case the disk volume will be the cdromlb.20:47
ActionParsnipMilitantPotato: its like a normal mount using the loop option, not hard at all20:47
knxvilleZykoticK9, i68620:47
ZykoticK9knxville, then you need the 32bit install!20:47
Bornrebel Iceroot: im not sure, i think it says grub 1.5. No i dont want grub anymore, i only have the  windows partition so i dont need it20:47
knxvilleZykoticK9, embarresing.. :(20:47
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: d'oh20:47
=== Eghie is now known as Eghie`afk
ActionParsnipBornrebel: then boot to your windows cd to renstall the boot loader (help for that in ##windows) or use supergrub20:48
ZykoticK9knxville, :)  good luck man20:48
Bornrebelactionparsnip: okay thanks ill go to that channel because windows vista boot disc says no errors found when it does a startup repair20:49
SealedWithAKissI have a clean Karmic installation. Now do I enabled the fglrx drivers for my Radeon card, or do I download and install the propitiatory ones from ATI? I want to use the Compiz desktop effects which aren't working at the moment.20:49
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: gksu jockey-gtk20:49
Guest42817I figured it out guys!20:49
Guest42817Thanks a lot20:49
Guest42817YOU KEEP KEEPIN ON.20:50
ddrjhey guys, how much ram does a standard ubuntu release take up? (not the server edition, just desktop)20:50
ActionParsnipGuest42817: you now know about mounts and mount points :D20:50
qwertyjustinless than a gb of ram20:50
ActionParsnipddrj: about 300mb20:50
Guest42817And running scripts on them. Haha. Thanks fella's.20:50
Pici!requirements | ddrj20:50
ubottuddrj: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu20:50
blakkheimddrj: an embarassingly high amount20:50
ddrjwell that's fine, cus i got 1 gig of ram20:51
ActionParsnipddrj: you can use less by using a lighter DE and WM20:51
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, what's that going to do?20:51
LateralForcewill other people on IRC see me as online in suspend?20:51
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: run the driver installer to hopefully detect the card and install the drivers from the web20:51
perscitusddrj,   1gb is minimal in my opinion 2gb is optimal plus decent gpu20:51
ddrjok i'll get another gig then20:52
MilitantPotatoddrj: I have 1 gig, rarely use it all20:52
ActionParsnipddrj: you can run XUbuntu for lower end hardware (or if you like free ram) or install LXDE, FLWM etc to lighten the system20:52
MilitantPotatoddrj: only time i've used any swap was running google earth, 1 gig is more than enough20:52
perscitusddrj,   but i got 4gb on 32bit os20:52
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, it's doing that now. So these FGLRX drivers should be good for my ATI card on my 64-bit Karmic installation? Compiz should be good yeah?20:52
ddrjthanks guys, i'll stick with 1gb ram then and check out xubuntu and flwm/lxde20:53
melodie_hello !20:53
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: if its not supported by the driver then it won't be offered (cards ati deem "old" will not be supported)20:53
ActionParsnip!hi | melodie_20:53
ubottumelodie_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:53
lorenzosuSince some late update I don't have any more pulseaudio jack sink. If I do sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-module-jack I get the following error: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/7Vcmnxey20:53
MilitantPotatoddrj: make a 2gb swap if you have the space, just in case20:54
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ddrjahhhh yeah good idea20:54
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: if not you can use the ati file from www.ati.com (assuming your xorg version and card are supported)20:54
aldyindonesia woman ?20:54
ActionParsnip!ot | aldy20:54
ubottualdy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:54
MilitantPotatoaldy: not a dating chat bud :)20:55
rambo3_I am getting bunch of SATA errors. my gnome desktop keeps locking for 5 seconds in 4-5 minutes intervals20:55
melodie_hi ActionParsnip hi again all20:55
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aldyindonesia ?20:55
ActionParsniprambo3_: boot to livecd and fsck your drive, you can also use the manufactures tool to test it at a lower level, the ultimate boot cd has the large drive manufacturers tools on20:56
ubyserverHow do I edit the packages file?20:56
roszakHi everyone.  I'm having awful problems getting my hp dv7 laptop to display on my vga monitor on a fresh install of karmic.  this used to work in debian at login/out.  the graphics card is ATI HD 3200, and it is modified through an ati catalyst control panel, which claims to see the monitor but modifying resolutions does not seem to flash the monitor, nor does hitting fn-f4.  I am using the proprietary drivers that the hardware drivers m20:56
roszakanager found after the installation.  My kernel is 2.6.31-19.  Any ideas?.20:56
ubyserverwhat file is the packages file20:56
ActionParsniproszak: tried playing with xorg.conf?20:57
WillyCHi, I'm searching a way to display a message on a ubuntu pc with an other pc trough terminal acces with SSH20:57
kuuhmy keyb has some sort of strange layout... how do I change it. The xorg.conf doenst contain any layout20:57
blakkheimWillyC: echo "a message" > ~/Desktop/READ\ ME\ NOW.txt20:57
MilitantPotatokuuh: system>settings>keyboard20:57
roszakActionParsnip: with previous gnu linux installs, yes, but not since i installed karmic.  i'm definitely not proficient in it.20:58
ActionParsnipWillyC: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BroadcastAlertWithSound20:58
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ActionParsnipWillyC: could use espeak, realy freak them out20:58
WillyCThanks guys, I'm going to try these things out20:59
ActionParsniproszak: its the same if you have a backup of the file kicking around, have you looked at guides based on the make / model of the laptop20:59
WillyCMy mom is learning to work with a pc20:59
ActionParsnipWillyC: espeak is text to speech app, good fun. I use it to ask my lady for a cuppa20:59
FrEaKmAn_hi, is it normal that I cant use fullscreen on youtube with my 64bit system? I use flash-nonfree20:59
CretinHI! im switching to debian, but i like the default ubuntu "share folders" in the admin/preferences. idk if its gnome, but what is that package? help/20:59
MilitantPotatoroszak: have you tried gnome-display-properties ?21:00
seanbrystoneway to freak out your mom, with messages popping up, making sounds and stuff LMAO21:00
WillyCActionPatsnip: Is it audio or text?21:00
seanbrystoneshe'll never use a computer again21:00
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
WillyCShe's just sending her first emails :D21:01
ActionParsnipFrEaKmAn_: can you give the output: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf21:01
lorenzosuSince some late update I don't have any more pulseaudio jack sink. If I do sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-module-jack I get the following error: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/7Vcmnxey21:01
ActionParsnipFrEaKmAn_: use www.pastebin.com21:01
roszakActionParsnip: how big a mistake would it be to just try and copy the xorg.conf from my debian that i know worked?21:01
WillyCLet's try these things ;)21:01
perscitusAnyone experience a problem with gnome-do where it wont open folders when typed in?21:01
chrgCan anyone give a hint as to how I can set up my computer to receive a fax via a phone-line? I just need to dump it to a PDF...21:01
FrEaKmAn_ActionParsnip, http://pastie.org/85056121:01
jjleeTrying to PXE boot my laptop, which worked fine a fair few times in the past.  Regardless of whether iptables firewall is up, the installer gets as far as fetching from repo, then fails21:01
ActionParsniproszak: none at all, it can simply be renamed or removed then you can reboot21:01
roszakMilitantPotato: where would I find gnome-display-properties?21:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:02
chrgcan efax handle something that?21:02
jjleetrying wget on console from laptop at install time fails with no route to host21:02
MilitantPotatoroszak: system>settings>display21:02
jjleeexcept *occasionally*, wget succeeds21:02
llutzchrg: try efax if you have an analog modem21:02
jjleethe rest of the time, I only see arp traffic on the server21:02
MilitantPotatoroszak: sorry, system>preferences>display21:02
chrgllutz: I will, thanks21:02
jjleeit's not the cable21:02
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, I installed the GFLRX drivers and rebooted. Things are the same as before, if not worse. I can't drag windows without getting a shuddering effect.21:02
ActionParsnipFrEaKmAn_: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:02
melodie_I would like to have an information about the latest dual-boots with Windows : how does it go with Seven, provided a machine with NO tatoo ?21:03
ActionParsnip!ati | SealedWithAKiss21:03
ubottuSealedWithAKiss: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:03
Cretinhi! what package is the share folders in ubuntu? i think its a gnome package, but i cant find it21:03
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: theres some extra bits to do with ati21:03
ActionParsnipmelodie_: same as any dual boot21:03
jjleeand don't think it's the NICs either -- works fine up until fetching over HTTP from repository, and I've used both cards (laptop and server) fairly recently with normal internet traffic, no problems21:03
jjleeany clues?21:03
ActionParsnipFrEaKmAn_: you have 2 packags installed which can cause issues21:04
ActionParsnipFrEaKmAn_: You can use the 64bit flash (it is alpha but works pretty nice)21:04
jjleeon server, just see arp traffic from laptop (looking for server's IP) and response from server repeated a bunch of times21:04
FrEaKmAn_ActionParsnip, how?21:04
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, that's no help. That page tells me to do what I have just done. Installing those drivers made things worse.21:04
melodie_ActionParsnip, do you redimension from within seven or with gparted is allright too ? what about the restoration partition ? doesn't it "repair" the partitions done for Ubuntu in it's own way ? (that happened to us on someone's laptop where vista was installed)21:04
ActionParsnipFrEaKmAn_: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
poseidonCan someone help me figure out why when I press the backslash key on my keyboard, it types "<"21:05
=== Eghie`afk is now known as Eghie
Cretinposeidon: keyboard mapping. its in pref or admin i think21:05
poseidonEvery other key works except the backslash types "<"21:05
guntbert!enter | jjlee your question is scattered all over the place :-)21:05
ubottujjlee your question is scattered all over the place :-): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:05
ActionParsnipFrEaKmAn_: copy the .so file to your browsers plugin folder, you must remove the flashplugin-nonfree package too21:05
CynicalOptimistsyntax question: is there a way to start up a screen and send the command "ls | less", in one single line?  'screen ls | more' turns out nnot to do what I wanted. It's the sort of problem that some sytems would solve with brackets but I'm doubting that they work that way in linux.21:06
knxvilleWhat kind of themes is the ones drag-able? Just drag and drop into themes..21:06
jjleeguntbert: the alternative in that case would have been a big blob of text21:06
ActionParsnipmelodie_: i've heard 7 can do it. I'd use that to reduce risk, make sure your backups arerecent incase of catastrophe21:06
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: have you ran the ati control app to setup the settings etc21:06
seanbrystonemy keyboard always turns into that > thing, then i have to re-log into ubuntu for it to right itself. so dont feel bad poseidon21:07
ActionParsnip!theme | knxville21:07
ubottuknxville: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:07
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, ATI control application? What's that?21:07
guntbertjjlee: which is more readable - *one line * doesn't restrict the amount of text (only irc cuts of at 512 bytes)21:07
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: i know it has one, i dont use ati cards so am not sure, let me see what jeeves knows21:07
knxvilleActionParsnip, What is it called? GTK?21:08
poseidonseanbrystone, yes.  But when I'm programming or using latex it is really really inconvenient.  I want to try and fix it.21:08
seanbrystonei hear ya21:08
seanbrystonei want mine fixed too :((((21:08
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: gksudo amdcccle21:08
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jjleeguntbert: OK.  I'm not an IRC regular :-)21:08
ActionParsnipknxville: depends what you want to theme21:09
melodie_ActionParsnip, all I'll have to backup is the system : a new machine is arriving, it's a netbook for my son's birthday.21:09
guntbertjjlee: no problem - but the easier your questions are to read the more answers you might get :)21:09
knxvilleActionParsnip, A gnome desktop, I remember I drag and dropped something with i was in "appearance"21:09
kraeheis it possible to write an iso image on a dvd+rw ? I dont have any extra long cd's only 650mb and 700mb cds currently - and the ubuntu image is just a bit to big for them21:09
ActionParsnipmelodie_: i just always remind users to backup, ive seen too many people try resizing then moan when their data is destroyed and they have zero backup21:09
FrEaKmAn_ActionParsnip, thanks21:10
MilitantPotatokraehe: yea, you can do that.  Or use a flashdrive thats atleast 1gig21:10
devdzsome one can tell me how to know who sends queries to my network card or which commands i can use ?21:10
ActionParsnipknxville: right click desktop -> change background, click the left most tab and click install. You can install any eyecandy file from there including icon themes21:10
ActionParsnipFrEaKmAn_: make sure your video card is setup well, or fullscreen vids will struggle21:11
poseidonseanbrystone, what kind of keyboard do you have?21:11
kraeheusing cdrecord (same as burning a cd) throws an error http://pastebin.com/fF8crjhj21:11
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, I ran that command and nothing happened.21:11
jjleeguntbert: sure.  Suspect in this case the answer's only going to come from carrying my laptop to work and attempting to PXE boot it there :-(21:11
=== darolu_ is now known as darolu
seanbrystoneposeidon, HP KB2101021:12
dividebyzer0devdz - are you looking for what packets and requests are occuring?21:12
melodie_ActionParsnip, does Seven need 24 go for it's partition ?21:13
yoritomocan anyone help me to compile the canon sources of the driver? it is the 3.1 version for MX32021:13
melodie_or more ?21:13
seanbrystoneposeidon, KB2101U i mean21:13
yoritomoit has nothing in the readme file :s21:13
yoritomoand nothing explained on their website neither21:13
knxvilleDo anyone know how to change the Menu button? I think the foot is ugly as hell21:13
ubyserverDoes anyone have ebox 1.3.5 setup with ebox-webserver?21:14
ActionParsnipmelodie_: 24Gb for ubuntu is plenty21:14
melodie_ActionParsnip, Ubuntu doesn't worry me, but Seven yes : how much does it need to keep ?21:14
guntbertjjlee: are there any routers between the server and the client?21:14
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: as I said, i dont use ati. Hunt around to see what app needs running, you may want to formulate an xorg.conf file to get a decent display.21:14
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, I'm giving the drivers from ATI a shot. Anything I need to know so that I don't brick my system?21:14
jjleeno, just a cable21:14
LateralForcedoes ubuntu send any signal to precesses before suspending?21:14
daroluknxville: change your icons theme21:14
ActionParsnipmelodie_: ive never used it, i wouldnt know21:14
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, thanks anyway. You've done your best.21:15
guntbertjjlee: just *one* cable? no switch? is it a cross over cable?21:15
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: if it doesnt give an xserver, boot to recovery root console and remove the packages containing frgrx21:15
darolukraehe: those errors shouldn't affect the disc I think, does your LiveCD works?21:15
MilitantPotatoSealedWithAKiss: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, and choose Vesa21:15
darolu(the one you just burned)21:15
MilitantPotatoSealedWithAKiss: if fglrx won't work21:16
SealedWithAKissMilitantPotato, cool name. Thanks for the information.21:16
kraehedarolu, all CDs I've tryed to work failed with io/errors somewhere at the end - the ubuntu image is a bit to long21:16
knxvilledarolu, where is icons located?21:17
FrEaKmAn_ActionParsnip, yeah... fullscreen is really struggling21:17
darolukraehe: try burning at slow rate; try adding -s 1 to burn at 1x, is the safest way to burn21:17
FrEaKmAn_ActionParsnip, but only if I move mouse... :D21:17
jjleeguntbert: hmm, no, a patch cable.  Somebody in the know told me that these days it's no longer necessary to use crossover cable, and indeed last time I tried that worked.  But ethernet is based on pixie dust as far as I'm concerned ;-)21:17
guntbertkraehe: are you talking about the lucid image?21:17
jjleeI'll see if I have a crossover...21:17
daroluknxville: at ~/.icons/ and /usr/share/icons21:17
norman_Hey! I have a firends ubuntu 8.04 vaio laptop here. Since a couple of days it does not recognize usb storage anymore (The usb mouse does work though) and the gnome theme changed. Somehow it cannot access the theme he used before anymore. Unfortunatelly he cant tell me what he did to cause this. He tried to compile some audio mixing software or something. But I dont know if thats related.. I'd really appreciate your ideas.. thanks21:17
jjleealso, doesn't seem to explain why TFTP, etc. (and *occasionally* HTTP) work fine21:18
kraehefound that cdrecord is wrong way to copy an iso to dvd - `growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=/pub/ISO/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso` worked21:18
chrgslightly offtopic: I'm trying to detect on which /dev the modem on my laptop is, and "lspci -v" isn't showing any modem. Is it plausible that a less than 2 yo laptop wouldn't have an on-board modem even though it has a socket for the phone-jack?21:18
Stargazeknxville: and at /usr/share/pixmaps21:19
LateralForcedoes ubuntu send any signal to processes before suspending?21:19
DreamDemonI'm having a problem with display resolution where it wont fill my monitor's screen on a 26" widescreen connected with HDMI21:19
darolukraehe: $ wodim dev=/dev/cdrw driveropts=burnfree,noforcespeed fs=14M speed=2 -dao -eject -overburn -v <isofile>.iso is very safe too21:19
melodie_ActionParsnip, ok thanks a lot21:20
ActionParsnipchrg: try: sudo lshw | less21:20
vatzecHey guys, I bought a USB laser Icon7 mouse and I'm unable to get it to work ("plug-and-play", rrrright). I don't get any kind of response out of it neither in GNOME itself nor xev. Got any ideas?21:20
ActionParsnipmelodie_: ask in ##windows for windows stuff21:20
vatzecOh, I'm using Ubuntu Netbook Edition, 9.1021:20
BllasaeI think it's plug and play on Windows, only21:20
dabaR!resolution | DreamDemon21:20
ubottuDreamDemon: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:20
melodie_ActionParsnip, if I talk about dual-booting they may not welcome me, what do you think ?21:21
daroluvatzec: plug your mouse and then open a terminal and type: dmesg | tail, pastebin your result21:21
vatzecIt's also advertised as a "no driver needed" mouse.21:21
ActionParsnipvatzec: run: lsusb    one line will identify the device, use the 8 character hex id to find guides. Did you make the link between the 2 following the manufacturers guide?21:21
vatzecokay, darolu :)21:21
ActionParsnipmelodie_: not sure, if they are nice they will21:21
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vatzecActionParsnip: I've tried lsusb, but I get no obvious line.21:21
melodie_at freenode ?21:21
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kraehe*ok* the life cd (on dvd) booted - how to open an xterm without mouse?21:22
ActionParsnipmelodie_: indeed. /j ##windows21:22
chrgActionParsnip: thanks, lshw didn't show any "modem" or "ppp" either21:22
Bllasaewhy does Ubuntu take forever to start up now?21:22
keyboardtalkWhy do I have to re-enter my wireless passphrase every time I reconnect?21:22
blakkheimBllasae: did you use wubi21:22
Bllasaeblakkheim: I dunno21:22
jastorhmm .. anyone else that experiences taht mplayer has a habit of "hiding" in the background?21:22
Bllasaewtf is that21:22
melodie_ActionParsnip, thanks again21:22
blakkheimBllasae: um.. nevermind21:22
ActionParsnipchrg: sometimes it shows the device name too, thats all i know dude. maybe someone else can contribute21:22
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Bllasaeblakkheim: apparently not lol21:23
Stargazekeyboardtalk: try and save the passphrase in a wallet21:23
DreamDemondabaR, Thx21:23
blakkheim!wubi | Bllasae21:23
ubottuBllasae: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.21:23
Bllasaethis computer's already testing my limits man21:23
jastoryou do a normal q in mplayer .. and it "quits" .. but the music still plays :P21:23
vatzecAlright: http://pastebin.com/yb9t8uDv21:23
jastoruntill you kill the process ;) ... heck you can even logout as the user running mplayer and its still running :P21:23
jastorbrings back memories to the old win3.1 days ;) some cdplayers would still play the music you start in windows even though you quit to dos ;)21:25
demonsporkCan the root user mount/see the contents of users who have their home directory encrypted?21:25
Bllasaeubuntu DOESN'T actually start up21:26
Bllasaemight as well uninstall it and get 10gigs back21:26
jastorBllasae: "uninstall" ?? just delete the partition :)21:26
vatzecdarolu, ActionParsnip: just in case you didn't catch that: http://pastebin.com/yb9t8uDv21:26
Bllasaejastor: same thing lol21:26
jastorBllasae: delete/format/whatever ;)21:26
Bllasaeit's in my programs and whatnot in Windows21:26
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Bllasaeso I'll just uninstall it from tehre21:27
jastorBllasae: ok21:27
Bllasaeit will work, right?21:27
roloHiya. I'm really stuck and wonder if someone could help? Since installing some updates to my Karmic 64 desktop, I'm unable to log in to Gnome. I get the login screen, enter my details, and then the screen goes away but just comes back again with no error message. I can log in fine via SSH/FreeNX, and I can also log in fine in Failsafe mode. I installed the KDE packages to see if I could log...21:27
rolo...in to KDE but that did the same thing. I posted to the forum but haven't had any luck yet.  Can anyone help me? Thanks loads! (forum thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8904814#post8904814 )21:27
Bllasaeor will the hard drive still be partitioned?21:27
dabaRdemonspork: doesn't sound like that would make sense.21:27
dabaRdemonspork: if you mean can he decrypt them magically just cause he is root21:27
StargazeBllasae: you used wubi for installation in windows?21:27
BllasaeNot too up with the whole Linux thing yet21:27
dannowubi is gay :(21:28
blakkheimdanno: true21:28
dabaRrolo: sounds like an issue with the permissions of some hidden .something directories./21:28
BllasaeI like Windows, though, I feel all safe within it's confines :P21:28
jastorBllasae: did you install ubuntu from linux .. or did you reboot your computer with the cd in ?21:28
daroluvatzec: your mouse is being recognized as a generic one, in your terminal type "lsusb | grep Mouse"21:28
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SealedWithAKissMilitantPotato, rebooted fine. Wobbly windows worked for a minute or so and then just stopped working, along with desktop cube rotation. Any idea what happened?21:28
dabaRrolo: something like .dmrc or so.21:28
jastorBllasae: woops .. install in windwos ;) not from linux21:28
demonsporkdabaR, Would the encrypted directories be accessible by root if he uses su to have a shell in the owners name?21:28
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Stargazeif you used wubi, you can uninstall it via windows control panel21:28
dabaRrolo: you can lof in through the console?21:28
vatzecdarolu: a'ight :)21:28
Bllasaejastor: I got the disk21:28
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: when it stops run: dmesg | tail     should give clues21:28
daroluvatzec: to check if is indeed there21:28
rolodabaR: ah, really! Is there a log anywhere that might tell me? Yeah, can log in via tty or SSH. Thanks for your help :>21:28
Bllasaebut it used to work before I got the update/upgrade from Ubuntu website21:28
Bllasaeor the tool thing21:28
vatzecdarolu: Nope, it's not.21:28
Stargazeyou cannot upgrade wubi21:29
vatzec(I did grep -i)21:29
Stargazeit's a pseudo installation21:29
ActionParsnipwubi sucks21:29
rolodabaR: worth creating a new user to see if they can log in?21:29
dabaRrolo: do something like ls -al and then fish for something to do with gnome, or dmrc21:29
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, want a pastebin?21:29
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: sure21:29
dabaRrolo: that would be the thing to do, yes.21:29
dabaRrolo: dunno about a log file.21:29
dannoinstall ubuntu is easy, dont use wubi :)21:29
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daroluvatzec: check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, look for something that looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/387233/  if you don't have it, add it.21:29
vatzecdarolu: I know it's weird, but I have NO xorg.conf at all. It's Ubuntu Netbook Edition 9.10.21:30
rolodabaR: aaaah, .gnome-desktop is in the root group.  Maybe that? .gnome2 and .gnome2_private are in the rolo group...21:30
hikenboothow do i turn on verbose debugging with dpkg...i find no options under the man pages for this21:30
daroluvatzec: is not weird, 9.10 doesn't have one, just create it21:30
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/qw5s7ATP21:30
vatzecdarolu: Wow. What does it use, then?21:30
vatzecdarolu: I'm a Debian guy. :)21:30
dabaRrolo: try a new user first, just so you have that out of the way.21:30
rolodabaR: I'll try creating another user so I can compare perms. Massive thanks! :)21:30
goddardI have a compaq mini hp 110 computer running netbook remix and when the computer sits for a while the screen will go black or when I close it and open it the screen is black and never comes back21:31
Bllasaejastor: alright, so if I uninstall it from Add or Remove Programs, I will have the disk back, no?21:31
serverduckCan someone help me with a problem regarding hdd space? Tried on the forums but no help.21:31
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: use that pastebin and ask in #compiz I dont use compiz so have no idea what it means. Make sure you are fully updated too21:31
daroluvatzec: xorg.conf file is not needed since 8.10 I think, I don't know where it storage custom X options now, but if you create the file it works normally21:31
Trekserverduck: maybe, mind giving details and linking me on the forums?21:31
Bllasaegot it21:31
Bllasaeit has it's own uninstall program in Windows21:31
Bllasaeand it uninstalled Wubi21:32
vatzecdarolu: Alright. :) Are you sure about the /dev/mouse part?21:32
daroluactually nvidia driver creates its own xorg.conf file21:32
serverduckTrek, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141997521:32
daroluvatzec: it is the default, if you don't have another mouse attached it should be there21:32
vatzecdarolu: It's a netbook. It has a touchpad. Does that count?21:32
Bllasaejastor: it uninstalled Wubi21:32
Bllasaesame thing, or no?21:32
mattishhello :)21:33
serverduckTrek, I have a 250gib hdd but at system monitor, I get only 205.3 available space. I have installed only ubuntu on my hdd, nothing else, no media files or games, etc.21:33
vatzecdarolu: I've honestly never ran into trouble with mouses. Especially driver-free plug-and-play mouses. >_>21:33
Trekserverduck, did you even follow the instructions people on the forums gave you?21:33
Bllasaeblakkheim: "mice?21:33
Bllasaemattish: hello21:33
serverduckTrek,  Yes, if you read I have gived them details of the commands they putted me to type on my terminal.21:33
mattishare there any disadvantages to installing a 64bit version of ubuntu ? the box is going to be running a few virtual machines21:33
daroluvatzec: yeah, it is not usual at all; I'm not sure trackpads are recognized as mice but you don't loose anything by trying21:34
Trekserverduck: and also, do you realize that because your system is partitioned, that explains why you have the space you have?21:34
StargazeBllasae: now insert the ubuntu cd, reboot from cd and install ubuntu21:34
mattishdaft question, with a 64bit host can i run 32bit guest os's ?21:34
Trekserverduck: open up gparted, and you can see what I"m talking about21:34
The-Kernelhi, whats the best way to upgrade ubuntu on an eeepc...seeing that the most free space I can get is 1.4GB....21:34
vatzecdarolu: Okay, it's in. :) Xserver restart commence?21:34
BllasaeStargaze: I want my free space back, though21:34
serverduckTrek,  I don't know how to get gparted...i'm a new user.21:34
BllasaeI dunno, I kinda love Windows21:34
serverduckTrek,  System monitor isn't the same?21:34
BllasaeI dunno what happened to Ubuntu, though21:34
seanbrystonemattish the only issue i have with 64 bit Ubuntu, i cannot run any kind of network sniffers that use dump something or another dumpcap, something like that21:35
BluesKaj-Laptopmattish, yes21:35
Trekserverduck: no, system monitor isn't.  gparted actually shows you your partitions in a semi-graphical form21:35
rolodabaR: Hey! The new user totally works!!! Must be a perms thing :> THANK YOU!!!21:35
ActionParsnipThe-Kernel: install bleachbit and use all the options that arent said to be slow, close as many apps as you can to maximise effectiveness, also remove any old kernels you no longer use21:35
Trekserverduck: in terminal, sudo apt-get install gparted21:35
serverduckTrek,  Ok, just a moment.21:35
daroluvatzec: yeah restarting X is necessary, you may want to double check your mouse is there with "lshw -c input"21:35
Trekserverduck: then after its installed, sudo gparted21:35
SealedWithAKissCompiz isn't working. I need a little help please. I am using drivers from ATI for my Radeon 4670 as the FGLRX drivers were not working for me. After installing the ATI drivers I rebooted and Compiz worked for a moment, and then stopped abruptly. Here is the output from dmesg | tail                  http://pastebin.com/qw5s7ATP21:35
d0uglasis there a host option or some other command to somehow poll a domain's webserver to figure out all the domains or subdomains it's hosting sites for? or how about just a nameserver lookup of a domain for anything connected to it that has an A record?21:35
Stargazebleachbit ruined my system once21:35
Stargazeit is too thorough21:36
seanbrystoneStargaze, yeah bleachbit looks scary21:36
seanbrystonetoomuch like CCleaner21:36
ActionParsnipThe-Kernel: use the same way as a desktop to upgrade: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get clean21:36
link_36pHey I am having difficulty setting up adding a printer share to ubuntu 9.10 using samba. The following message appears in my logs "hp[8482]: io/hpmud/pp.c 627: unable to read device-id ret=-1"21:36
ActionParsniplink_36p: get the latest HPLIP and install it21:36
mattishIll give 64bit a try, never bothered before now :) thanks for your help21:37
serverduckTrek,  THanks did it!21:37
mattishonly a cd iso away :)21:37
vatzecdarolu: alright :)21:37
Trekserverduck, can you now see how your system is partitioned?21:37
serverduckTrek,  Now what do I need to give you?21:37
serverduckTrek,  I have dev/sda1 which is 223.41 gib21:37
Trekserverduck: a screenshot would be nice so I can see the partitions graphicaly21:37
link_36pActionParsnip: I will try that, thank you.21:38
serverduckTrek,  Should I post it on the forum>21:38
Trekserverduck: put it on an image hosting site, send me the link21:38
DragginGood evening. I wonder if there's a simple answer to my problem - how do I install different software packages for different users in a multi-user Ubuntu environment (one machine)?21:38
dabaRrolo: ya, that is the thing I have ran into before, permissions or something to that extent. Usually ~/.dmrc, but I could be wrong.21:38
serverduckTrek,  OK, just a minute. By the way, thanks so much.21:38
Trekserverduck, no problem21:38
The-KernelActionParsnip it deleted 5 megs lol21:38
The-KernelI need another 800 to go to upgrade21:38
MilitantPotatoThe-Kernel: USB Flash drive21:39
trollboyGetting this error trying to remove mysql http://pastebin.com/L7cqexhX21:40
Trekserverduck: i'm going to download the screenshot, mark it up a bit, then put it on image hosting a bit, perhaps that can explain your issue for you a little bit better21:40
MilitantPotatoThe-Kernel: install gdmap, it ends up in accessories, that might help you clear space easier21:40
DragginEven if someone just has a link to an explanation of how to do different packages for different users on the same machine, that would be great...21:41
SwedeMikeDraggin: please elaborate on WHY you would want this.21:41
MilitantPotatoDraggin: install two copies of ubuntu if you want different systems.  Use menu editor if you want to show only certain programs in the application menu21:42
DragginSwedeMike - just to simplify things (or perhaps complicate them, I'm not sure...). One user would not need access to things such as MySQL etc. whereas the other user would not need access to anything such as GIMP, InkScape, etc.  Am I just being silly for wanting to do this?21:43
MilitantPotatoDraggin: install/run menu editor21:43
SwedeMikeDraggin: limiting access is one thing, you can't really have different packages for different users.21:43
DragginMilitantPotato - I got that much, but that's just hiding the existing packages...21:43
|pez|So, I've tried to follow all kinds of guides to get DVD playback to work... Ubuntu 9.10.21:44
DragginSwedeMike - okay then. How can I go about limiting access?21:44
olifeI'm looking for help with installing Mediatomb.21:44
|pez|The guides have so far failed to help me. :\21:44
NCS_OneI installed a package with other dependecies, how do I uninstall them all ?21:44
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serverduckTrek,  Did you get my private message?21:45
vatzecdarolu: Nope, that didn't do it. :( Got any other ideas?21:45
blakkheimNCS_One: aptitude purge packagename21:46
daroluvatzec: I just found it mounts mice at /dev/input/mice - mouse0, mouse1, ...; another difference from Debian, that might be the cause (you need to change it on your xorg.conf)21:46
Trekserverduck: no, sorry I have PM Ignores on, standby...21:47
Trekserverduck: send again21:47
tony_ubuntuI just loaded Ubuntu 9.1 on my Dell laptop and it finished the install and rebooted to a flashing cursor in the upper left hand screen. Any ideas?21:47
wikkiwhere can I find a list of all of the mirrors I can use for apt?21:47
serverduckTrek,  I though so...ok I will send you again21:47
vatzecdarolu: I've tried with /dev/input/mouse0 to mouse321:47
vatzecdidn't work :(21:47
NCS_Oneblakkheim: but if an app has installed before and it is a dependencie of the new package it will be removed also ?21:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:48
daroluvatzec: it's really weird, did you find it with "sudo lshw -c input"?21:49
bastid_raZorwikki: system > admin > software sources.. choice Other in Download sources .. a list is given21:49
vatzecit says PCI (sysfs), that's all21:49
vatzecdarolu: ^21:49
bastid_raZorvatzec: prepend with sudo21:49
vatzecbastid_raZor: right!21:49
vatzecoh, well, I did21:49
sneakymonkeyhi, my firefox keeps crashing with:(firefox:3205): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times21:50
sneakymonkey Segmentation fault21:50
sneakymonkeyim using Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic21:50
vatzechold on... it seems it's printing stuff with carriage returns... they quickly appear and disappear21:50
sneakymonkeyeverytime i start firefox it crashes21:50
sneakymonkeyeven when i load up Galeon21:50
sneakymonkeyanyone have similar issues.21:50
daroluvatzec: look manually for it, "sudo lshw" the list might be long though21:50
vatzecsame thing happens O_O21:51
vatzecalright, got the list21:51
vatzecnevermind :)21:51
daroluvatzec: look for USB, HID, Input device, etc... according to yoru dmesg it should be there21:51
vatzecOK :)21:52
olifeBah, went afk. Sorry if I ignored a response. Definitely looking for help installing Mediatomb, repo doesn't work and spm doesn't show it21:52
sneakymonkeydoes anyone know where firefox logs its errors?21:52
vatzecthanks a lot for trying to help me, guys :)21:52
tony_ubuntuI just loaded Ubuntu 9.1 on my Dell laptop and it finished the install and rebooted to a flashing cursor in the upper left hand screen. Any ideas?21:52
arandsneakymonkey: you could launch it from the terminal and get the errors there21:53
darolutony_ubuntu: what happens if you press CTRL+ALT+F1?21:54
sneakymonkeyarand yea i tried that - (firefox:3205): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times21:54
sneakymonkey Segmentation faul21:54
tony_ubuntudaralo t oot up?21:54
darolutony_ubuntu: ctrl+alt+f1 should lead you to a virtual console, if you get there you're reaching init 3 and would mean you only have to fix the GUI, if nothing happens you might need to reinstall21:55
tony_ubuntudarolu nothing21:56
roloHiya.  I can't log in to Gnome, the screen just keeps coming back, but it's okay in failsafe mode and ssh.  AFter some help just now in here I've created a new user, and that new user can indeed log in okay.  Not sure what to do now... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8904814#post890481421:57
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darolutony_ubuntu: you may need to reinstall, keep asking though, in the meanwhile you can do a md5sum check of your CD/iso file21:57
SiegHardhow to activate ThinkVantage key on ubuntu?21:57
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darolu!Hello | Bennit21:57
ubottuBennit: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:57
sneakymonkey i think its something to do with the flash plugin.... so i've read. but even when i start up firefox or galeon it crashes21:58
tony_ubuntudarolu thanks21:58
ubottuThunderbird is a free email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox (both by the Mozilla Foundation). To make Thunderbird links open in Firefox, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042721:58
sneakymonkeyi've tried reinstalling via the software centre but no look21:58
MediaprodigyQuestion: my machine locks up21:58
KB1JWQHmm, anyone have any luck getitng Thunderbird 3 to work in Ubuntu?21:59
SiegHardhow to activate ThinkVantage key on ubuntu?21:59
MediaprodigyAny reasons?21:59
Mediaprodigyclean instal21:59
darolusneakymonkey: galeon is ancient, use epiphany (galeon's descendant)21:59
sneakymonkeyi'll try and get that install... it was just a test! - that still crashed though. will give that a go - cheers darolu22:00
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MokacoffayHello everyone22:02
xanguaKB1JWQ: try 'ubuntuzilla' for install the latest stable mozilla products: firefox, thunderbird, seamonkey, sunbird22:02
C-S-Banyone good at udev rules?22:02
SiegHardhow to activate ThinkVantage key on ubuntu?22:02
xangua!google ubuntuzilla22:02
KB1JWQxangua: Got it, thanks. You're just all over the place helping today. :-)22:02
mhaedohey everyone22:02
MokacoffayDoes anybody else have problems with extremely slow wireless internet downloading on ubuntu 9.10?22:03
MaletorWhere does transmission put the .torrent files?22:03
mhaedoDo any of you guys run Win7 in virtualbox in Ubuntu 9.10?22:03
MaletorWhen I do "OPen with Transmission" from Firefox?22:03
daroluMeletor: I use deluge but my guess is ~/.transmission22:03
sneakymonkeydarolu, epiphany worked. it even loads up embedded flash.22:03
sneakymonkeycheers for the rec.22:04
pachiitidisney channel22:04
sneakymonkeyBUT i wonder why firefox has suddenly lost its head.22:04
pachiitisoy maripaz22:04
Trinity33 i want to ask something use karmic and when i boot my pc i dont do anything just open sys monitor and look at applications  so in the beginning there is ram used in about 200mb then it grow to 500 and 1gb even if i dotn do anything i was wathcing applications and even those one which sleep use ram and cpu they take more and more ram22:04
Trinity33  is there anything i could do to sort it out?22:04
Trinity33  i dotn want to just kill those applications22:04
sneakymonkeyi did upgrade it to the new version! 3.5 i think.22:04
darolusneakymonkey: yeah it is a great browser, it just made the transition from gecko to webkit, so some stuff are a bit buggy still, but very good nonetheless22:04
mhaedoI'm trying to run Win7 in virtualbox and it's terribly slow.  Any of you know any tweaks to make it run a bit faster?22:04
darolupachiiti: si hablas español, ve al canal #ubuntu-es (con /join #ubuntu-es)22:05
seanbrystonemhaedo, more ram?22:05
|pez|.. finally got the DVD to actually play, but it's all nice and pixely in different colors! :D22:05
Trinity33buenas amigos22:05
soreauIsn't there a program called apt-add-repository? Or what is it's exact name and what package provides it?22:05
sneakymonkeyat least i'm back on the web so i can research the firefox bug i have. cheers. any ideas for a more verbose error log besides the one being returned via the terminal22:05
mhaedoseanbrystone: i've given it about 1.5GB of which it's only using 30%.  so22:05
mixonhello, I've recently upgraded ubunto 9.1 to 9.10 and now my laptop (hp dv5) will no longer charge22:05
mhaedoseanbrystone: I've also allowed it to use 4 of my 8 processing cores.22:05
mhaedoseanbrystone: I'm not doing anything in it.  I just boot into Win7, have nothing running, and the mouse lags22:06
seanbrystonemhaedo, ah maybe thats why, sometimes when i allocate too many processors to vmware or vbox it doesnt like it22:06
Trinity33 i want to ask something use karmic and when i boot my pc i dont do anything just open sys monitor and look at applications  so in the beginning there is ram used in about 200mb then it grow to 500 and 1gb even if i dotn do anything i was wathcing applications and even those one which sleep use ram and cpu they take more and more ram22:06
Trinity33  is there anything i could do to sort it out?22:06
Trinity33  i dotn want to just kill those applications22:06
MrSunshinehmm, why the heck is all my usb filesystems mounted readonly from when i put the stick in? :/22:06
mhaedoseanbrystone: hrm.  It ran terribl with one core.  Perhaps I'll try two.22:06
seanbrystonei have same set up as you 4 core, 8 gig ram22:06
mhaedoseanbrystone: thanks for the tip22:06
mhaedowell i have 8 cores, I gave it 4 of them22:07
daroluTrinity33: type "top" in a terminal22:07
vatzecdarolu: All I get from sudo lshw | grep -iP '(HID)|(USB)|(input)' are Intel USB controllers.22:07
mhaedobrand new laptop.  there's something quite nice about watching 8 seperate cores in my conky ona laptop :)22:07
mguyDon't give it more vcpu's than you need. So that means 122:08
mido_how to use safe-rm ,,, where to find the deleted files?22:08
mhaedomguy: i'll give that a shot.  i first ran 1 and it was quite slow22:08
unixpdo you know a tool to look after which pc is on which webside via router?22:08
mguyVirtual box is actually 'slow'....does your cpu have VT extensions? I would guess any 4-core cpu that has HT (which is how you're getting '8' cores) would22:08
seanbrystonemhaedo, also, sometimes enableing or disabling the vbox or vmware Acceleration buggers things up22:09
mido_how to use safe-rm ,,, where to find the deleted files?22:09
mguymhaedo: You're creating artificial 'wait' on the cpus by over-assiging them. Don't forget that you really only have 4 cores22:09
mhaedomguy: true22:09
seanbrystonevt-x/amd-v settings might need adjusting mhaedo22:09
mhaedoi believe they're enabled, as I assumed they should be on an i722:10
mhaedoi supposed i'll try disabling them?22:10
seanbrystonewouldnt hurt?22:10
Trinity33<darolu> what for thats the same monitor right? the same like gnome one will show me the same usage22:10
daroluvaztec: It's very weird, I think I've never seen a 'generic mouse' failing like this; specially when it is recognized in your dmesg list22:10
mguymhaedo: You certainly want them enabled22:10
mhaedomguy: that's what I would think...22:11
vatzecdarolu: :( I hope I can return it then...22:11
MilitantPotatoSealedWithAKiss: I use fusion icon to switch between compiz and other WM's22:11
seanbrystoneone would think, but also that could be whats buggering it up22:11
mhaedoI'm surprised it doesn't run smoothly considering I'm runin an i7 820qm with 1333mhz DDR322:11
MaletorWhere does firefox save files to when I hit "Open with Transmission"?????22:11
daroluTrinity33: top will show you resources usage sorted, it puts the most resources consuming app on top22:11
hero1900guys i can remove a folder i use rm -rf <folder> then it gave me this messege folder is not empty22:11
hero1900what to do22:11
mattgyverhi guys, i just added a program to rc.local on my server and it starts on boot, however ever since i did that i never get the login screen on the server as if something hung, any ideas?22:11
mhaedothis thing is ridiculously fast in win7 or ubuntu native22:11
daroluvatzec: I hope so too, other mice work fine?22:11
mguyMaletor: Did you check the downlolad folder?22:12
ZoffixHey, guys. I'm trying to access my Vista partition without any luck. I googled around for several steps but neither work. What I notice is that all those methods have Vista's partition listed as "NTFS", yet when I do `fdisk -l' I get it listed as "Extended". Any idea what to do next?22:12
vatzecdarolu: Yeah.22:12
Trekhero1900, rm -r <folder> will nuke the folder22:12
Maletormguy - not there22:12
Trekhero1900, don't use it if theres files in there you need22:12
mhaedoi guess virtual machines are always inherently slow, but not _this_ slow22:12
Maletori didn't download them i hit the "open with" button22:12
Zoffixhero1900, rm -fr folder22:12
hero1900i dont need ant file there i want to remove all of it22:12
daroluvatzec: then it is a bad mouse, they should return your money22:12
Bizzehhey, what is the recommended FTPD for quick, simple and easy setup?22:12
hero1900but i cant22:12
hero1900i use sudo22:12
seanbrystonemhaedo, just listen to mguy, he believes he's the only one with the solution, so good luck mate :)22:13
Zoffixhero1900, eh? What do you mean you can't because of sudo?22:13
yellowroost924what's an easy to use sip program for NEWBIES/BEGINNERS22:13
blakkheimBizzeh: i use vsftpd22:13
hero1900no i said i cant even when i use sudo22:13
hero1900and it is not a system files22:13
vatzecdarolu: I know. I bought it from a quite big store (not a supermarket though), FYI it's an Icon7 D100 (a very simple mouse, but that's what I wanted).22:13
hero1900dont need root privilage22:13
mhaedoI'm always willing to listen to all available opinions :)  I appreaciate both of your help.22:13
Zoffixhero1900, `rm -fr folder` ? What does it say?22:13
hero1900it said cant remove folder not empty22:14
mike__hello, somebody can help for me? I have some questins with the linux networking22:14
hero1900it make me crazy22:14
vatzecmike__: Shoot22:14
SealedWithAKissHow do I go about installing the latest kernel?22:15
mguymhaedo: I'd check a virtualbox forum for anyone with the same issue. What is it actually doing that's being 'slow'22:15
mhaedomguy: mouse lag.22:15
mhaedomguy: I'm not "doing" anything.  I just boot into Win7 and the mouse lags badly.22:16
nawkI need to create an dvd iso, the brasero software that comes with karmic doesn't have that feature22:16
mguyCheck the enhancements like seanbrystone said22:16
ZoffixI'm a moron!22:16
mike__I would like someone to contact me, i have a question with the  linux network22:16
mhaedomike__: what is your question?22:17
KB1JWQmike__: Heh, ask your question.22:17
ZoffixI just now realized that whenever I boot Vista, I actually switch HDDs (physically changing cables)... I've been trying to mount a disconnected drive for half an hour!22:17
CynicalOptimistAnyone know a way I can run vlc on the monitor from console 7, but respond to the keyboard from another console?22:17
KB1JWQ!pm | mike__22:17
ubottumike__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:17
Myrttihero1900: FloodBot1 is a bot22:18
nawkCan someone please recommend a software that allows me to create an iso for a dvd22:18
mhaedomguy: can you explain your logic as to why more cores is not necessarily better in a virtual machine? (i don't doubt you, I'd just like to better understand why)22:18
Anvoidis there a way to minimize Evolution to top right panel where all the active icons are?22:18
meoblast001hi, how do i fix this22:18
meoblast001Your system configuration does not match your Evolution configuration.22:18
mguymhaedo: VMware has whitepapers about it22:18
mike__Linux machines are communicate with the Samba? or is it just between Windows and Linux?22:18
nibblermike__, also possible between linux+linux22:19
vatzecmike__: Samba is a Linux only file sharing service (as in you can install it only on Linux PCs), but it allows sharing between Windows and Linux, and Linux and Linux.22:19
hero1900okey i got this as a result when i try to delete a a folder http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/919Z2NU222:19
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:19
mhaedomguy: I was hoping for the cliffnotes :)  perhaps I wont be lazy and I'll go do a little reading22:19
mguymhaedo: I'm searching for a link for you22:19
VCoolioAnvoid: if evolution has no setting for it use alltray; there is a very old version in the repos, better add the launchpad repo for it22:19
mattgyveranyone know why adding a program to start in rc.local would cause my server not to show the login prompt after a reboot?22:19
mhaedomguy: nah don't bother man I'll look around.  i appreciate it though22:19
VCooliomattgyver: did you put it into background? (don't know if that's necessary, just thinking)22:20
mguymhaedo: basically it gaurantees each CPU will be used by that VM for x MHz, when you should just let the hypervisor allocate things22:20
mattgyverVCoolio, yeah actually i tried that too, you mean appending with && ?22:20
VCooliomattgyver: just a & but yeah22:21
mguymhaedo: Check out the "best practices" articles about assiging vcpus/ram22:21
mattgyverVCoolio, let me try it with just one & real quick22:21
mhaedowill do22:21
histodoes the mini.iso allow you to connect to wpa over wifi?22:21
mguymhaedo: It might not exactly apply to vbox but it should be similar22:22
vatzecdarolu: This record appears when I plug in the mouse (result of ls -l /dev/input/by-id): lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 2010-03-02 23:21 usb-0461_-mouse -> ../mouse222:22
vatzecThere's also ../mouse1 in there, but it's there at all times22:22
VCooliomattgyver: & puts it into bg, && means "if it ends successfully, then do"22:22
rolpfi have a problem with ubuntu wifi since I've installed 9.10 on my ibm thinkpad  x21 with a linksys wireless adapter22:22
mike__Samba is the best way to share my files between two  (ubuntu) linux?22:22
vatzecdarolu: Oh, also this: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 2010-03-02 23:22 usb-0461_-event-mouse -> ../event922:22
daroluvatzec: so it is mounting it to /dev/input/mouse2; it should be working22:22
vatzecdarolu: so...22:22
mattgyverVCoolio, your so smart, that worked :)22:23
VCooliomattgyver: nice22:23
superuserHi, I'm trying to get the nVidia driver to run on Kubuntu 9.10 with a nVidia Geforce FX 5200, but it keeps failing22:23
mattgyverVCoolio, the past few days ive been screwing around with && for a different reason and never thought about that22:23
govielnawk: when you put in your dvd it will apear on the desktop, right click and select "copy disc", then on the window select image file22:23
daroluvatzec: I have no idea, the mouse just doesn't work, if other mice works with your netbook then it is the mouse, go change it :p22:23
vatzecdarolu: Should I put this? http://pastebin.com/twAeB8yQ22:23
superuserIs nvidia-glx-173 the right driver for an nVidia GeForce FX5200 ?22:24
VCooliosuperuser: yes22:24
vatzecdarolu: I know, it's more of a curiosity matter now than a "I want my mouse" matter. :)22:24
rolpfi would appreciate your assistance22:24
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nawkgoviel, ah... ty for your attention to my question.  have a good day :)22:24
superuserVCoolio: Damn, all I see in /var/log/Xorg.0.log is 'Composite extension is enabled'... then it says 'no screen found' and fail22:24
Kangarooowhat is flashplugin-installer and what is flashplugin-nonfree ?22:25
VCooliosuperuser: I'm no expert; want my working xorg.conf? (I have the same card)22:25
superuserVCoolio: Sure!22:25
trismKangarooo: they are the adobe flash plugin, flashplugin-nonfree is a transitional package that just installs flashplugin-installer, which downloads the plugin from adobe's site22:25
mike__please somebody: "Samba is the best way to share my files between two  (ubuntu) linux?"22:25
VCooliosuperuser: http://pastebin.com/j9WnauXZ22:25
AnvoidVCoolio: that worked beautifully. you suppose alltray needs to be manually started on boot?22:26
mguymike__: Samba works but why not just use sftp?22:26
VCoolioAnvoid: that's convenient, just put it in system > prefs > startup apps22:26
rolpfi keep getting an error in dmesg AP is not authorized22:27
Kangaroootrism: so witch i need to sudo aptitude install ? 1st or second?22:27
Kangaroootrism: installer not nonfree correct?22:28
trismKangarooo: I usually just install flashplugin-installer now, but either works (flashplugin-nonfree may eventually go away)22:28
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AnvoidVCoolio: thanks. now i have the machine up and ready for office use22:29
mike__mguy: i don'tknow which is the best, i'll try the sftp if you say that is. In Samba i can't open image with the eog.22:29
mike__it says "no image found"22:29
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Guest35926o word22:33
VCooliosuperuser: I switched monitors yesterday, it seems to have had an impact on xorg.conf too; try this one, is simpler but is more monitor-brand-independent http://pastebin.com/NpirFxZC22:33
daroluvatzec: I just read your pastebin, yeah that *should* work.22:33
Hellhound666hi all got a questioin for yas22:34
ralphi would appreciate some assistance with my wifi connection on ubuntu 9.10 on my ibm thinkpad x2122:35
Hellhound666is there a good program to recover my deleted files?22:35
mickai woold like to know if there is someone here who will be gentle to help me about my problem => http://pastebin.com/a86tzuTS22:35
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:35
Hellhound666I had one for windows but forget it22:35
mickai don't know what can i do with this *** problem of mounting22:35
Spacemanhow do you install Quake2? thanks22:36
darolumicka: what drive do you want to mount?22:36
mickaan external hardrive22:36
darolumicka, that fstab file looks 'default' to me.22:36
ralphdebian has a program called dd_rescure22:37
Hellhound666thanks for the help22:37
ralphfor recovering data from a dead hard drive22:37
superuserVCoolio: Damn, just finished cleaning the first xorg.conf, didn't work. I'm gonna try the second22:38
darolumicka, first you need to create a mount point, "sudo mkdir /media/<yourdrivename>" then you can edit your fstab file, I recommend using UUID instead of /dev/sdX22:38
mickadarolu =>  error mounting : mount exited with exit code 222:38
Hellhound666one more thing has anyone had any experience running linux on dreamcast?22:38
serverduckCan someone give me a beginner guide link to installing COnky on my 9.10 ubuntu machine?22:38
mickadarolu => in normal way,22:38
xanguaserverduck: sudo apt-get install concky¿22:39
Dan_Ewhat is the easiest way to ad an image to the grub screen?22:39
serverduckxangua, But I read that you need to configure it...make a special file...22:39
VCoolioserverduck: http://conky.linux-hardcore.com/22:39
serverduckxangua, I don't know to do that since I'm a beginner but I got to say conky looks nice and I would shure love to install it :)22:39
mickaerror mounting : mount exited with exit code 2    <= what is the cause of that ?22:39
glphvgacsI had a problem with my panel on KDE 4.3.2 so I deleted the panel and added a neeew one, however now I no    longer have the icon to change language or the icon for my wireless. How can I get them back?22:40
VCoolioserverduck: run conky -C > ~/.conkyrc   for a default config file or copy one from the net; then run "conky -c /path/to/config"22:40
serverduckVCoolio, Thanks :)22:40
ralphi am ready for a new distro22:41
pmowQ: I jailed users for SFTP purposes via OpenSSH, which requires the user's home to be root:root @ 755.  As a consequence, they cannot remove top-level dirs.  Is there another way to do this?  As seen here: http://shapeshed.com/journal/chroot_sftp_users_on_ubuntu_intrepid/22:41
trollboyHaving some problems with the mysql server package, can't remove or re-install it22:41
trollboyGetting this error trying to remove mysql http://pastebin.com/L7cqexhX22:41
VCoolioserverduck: just running "conky" uses ~/.conkyrc , if you have multiple setups (and you will when you get the hang of it) use conky -c22:41
vatzecdarolu: Oh well, I didn't get it to work. :( Thanks a lot for trying to help me though, really appreciate! Thanks!22:42
superuserVCoolio: Oh well, it didn't work for me, gonna have to troubleshoot this one more thorougly. Thanks for the help however22:43
serverduckVCoolio,  conky -C > ~/.conkyrc does nothing...22:43
michael__I need help getting Compiz to work, can anybody assist?22:43
darolumicka: http://paste.ubuntu.com/387273/22:44
underXubuntu cant see my usb drive22:44
serverduckVCoolio, conky: option requires an argument -- 'c22:44
VCooliomichael__: any specific issues? else in appearance > visual effects set it to anything but none22:44
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daroluvatzec: np, it sucks your mouse didn't work22:44
VCoolioserverduck: yes, -c /path/to/configfile22:44
vatzecdarolu: Yeah, it really does. :( I was really counting on it, as we have crappy surfaces at uni so I could really use a laser mouse. :(22:45
serverduckVCoolio,  Well ohh, to config file but I don't have one..22:45
serverduckVCoolio,  Where can I get one from the internet?22:45
michael__VCoolio, it says that desktop effects could not be enabled.22:45
vatzecdarolu: Thanks again, man. :)22:45
serverduckVCoolio,  WIth everything on it :)22:45
VCoolioserverduck: the hardcore link I gave, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28186522:47
michael__I cannot run Compiz because I am receiving the error advanced desktop effects could not be enabled. Can anybody help?22:48
serverduckVCoolio,  THank you, and were do I put the config? I make a file named conky and put it insite it or how?22:48
KB1JWQmichael__: On what hardware?22:48
KB1JWQ!compiz | michael__22:48
ubottumichael__: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz22:48
Trinity33hi again question is PAE much better then generic kernel?22:48
serverduckmichael__,  Did you checked hardware drivers?22:48
VCoolioserverduck: either in ~/.conkyrc, then running 'conky' will automatically pick it up; or anywhere you like, but then run "conky -c /path/to/the/file22:48
michael__KB1JWQ, ATI Radeon 4670 HD - I have been trying now for 3 hours, and nobody so far has been able to help.22:48
serverduckVCoolio,  Thanks22:49
underMy ubuntu cant see my personal usb drive. help me please22:49
redmichael__: so i guess you installed ati drivers?22:49
fabioDov'è la chatt italiana?22:49
redunder: have you tried mounting manually?22:49
histounder: what version of ubuntu?22:49
serverduckmichael__,  Be patient, there are a lot of people here asking for help. Helpers are no gods :)22:49
michael__serverduck, I tried using the FGLRX drivers but uninstalled them via the direction of another user and installed the ATI drivers from the ATI website. Which aren't working with Compiz either.22:49
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redunder: "sudo fdisk -l"22:50
Trinity33i have ati hd 4850 michael whats your problem?22:50
reddo u see ur thumb device there?22:50
underred, in /media there is nothing22:50
michael__Trinity33, I cannot get Compiz working.22:50
histo!envy | michael__22:50
ubottumichael__: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver22:50
VCoolio!it | fabio22:50
ubottufabio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:50
fabiowhere is italian chatt22:50
histounder: well it will probably get mounted somehwere in you /home if gnome-volume-manager is handling themounting on hotplug22:50
serverduckI hate ati hd 4330 and compiz woking fine here after the installation of fglrx drivers22:50
vexati0non my desktop PC, gnome-settings-daemon quits randomly. i have to kill off nautilus and g-s-d and restart both to get changes to apply, like theme changes and background images... any idea why that might happen?22:51
Trinity33i used driver from ati web the new catalyst 10.02 or somethig and everything is workign fine22:51
redhisto: everything should get automaticly mounted in media tho22:51
redatleast all things i plug in go there22:51
histored: not the way gnome works22:51
ralphfolks i've run sudo dhclient wlan0 and i've got no response22:51
redguess it might affect that i installed gnome via xubuntu cd and removed xfce and installed ubuntu-desktop then :)22:52
redbut everything i plug in goes to /media22:52
ralphiwconfig states that i have a driver22:52
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:52
VCooliovexati0n: I'd say consider it a feature that g-s-d doesn't work; use ~/.gtkrc-2.0 to specify themes (lxappearance is a nice app that will help); nautilus not drawing the desktop is more of a problem22:53
histounder: unplug the device then open a terminal. dmesg -c     Then plug the device in and see what dmesg says22:53
underhisto, ok22:53
apparlehow to configure lirc mouse22:54
histounder: dmesg -c will clear the log. then after its plugged back in you can just type dmesg   you should get some insight as to what's going on.22:54
histoapparle: infrared mouse?22:54
histoapparle: lirc is for remote controls IR devices22:55
under[14155.665271] usb 1-6: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 722:55
under[14155.798831] usb 1-6: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice22:55
under[14155.811711] scsi5 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices22:55
histounder: okay what version of ubuntu are you running22:55
underhisto, xubuntu 9.1022:55
histounder: ahh22:56
histounder: ask in #xubuntu i'm not sure what they are using for the mounting and desktop icons22:56
MBaerHey Everyone. I really Need some Help with a GRUB issue.22:56
apparlehisto: it has amouse dameon22:56
underhisto, in #xubuntu nobody answer22:56
auraxis there an irc channel for ubuntu cloud computing ?22:57
histounder: okay in a terminal sudo fdisk -l    see if you can see the thumbdrive's /dev/xxx22:57
redthats the simplest way :)22:58
histoaurax: dunno there is #ubuntu-cloud on freenode though22:58
redsometimes in xubuntu, when i used to use it, it didn't notice plugged in stuff until i ran something like gparted and then it would mount automatically22:58
histounder: did you find the dev that is the usb?22:58
redso i ended up making an alias to mount usb device22:58
underhisto, i'm searching22:59
histored: yeah i'm just going to have him mount it manually22:59
auraxthx histo22:59
histounder: there shoulden't be that many items from sudo fdisk -l22:59
histounder: can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l && mount23:00
histo!pastebin | under23:00
ubottuunder: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:00
MBaerCould Someone Help with a GRUB issue, Please?23:00
ascheelAnybody familiar with network speed issues that wouldn't mind giving me a hand?  Gigabit network, gigabit switch, 2 PCs can't transfer faster than 10 MB/sec.  Normally I can transfer at almost 50 MB/sec but not today.  Already rebooted both machines, nothing else using the bandwidth.  No significant processes running23:00
ascheelalso both network adapters reading in at 1000 mbps23:00
underhisto, http://paste.ubuntu.com/387282/23:01
serverduckVCoolio,  Thank you so much I did it. Conky works so great....but another thing. How do I enable it so everytime I start my machine conky will start too/23:01
histounder: is it the 2gig disk?23:02
underis sdb?23:02
histounder: yes why do you have all those partitions on it?23:02
histounder: you have 4 partitions on the usb drive?23:03
underhisto, mmmh... as i know, i have only 123:04
histounder: also pastebin the output of mount23:04
underhisto, hey!! :D23:04
underunder@nc10:/media$ sudo mkdir kingston23:05
underunder@nc10:/media$ sudo mount /dev/sdb/ /media/kingston/23:05
histounder: yeah23:05
underthank you23:05
ZykoticK9serverduck, to start conky each time you login - System / Preferences / Startup Applications - Add conky23:05
histounder: It should be automounting though I don't understand why xubuntu isn't doing that.23:05
serverduckZykoticK9,  Thank you so much! :)23:06
serverduckZykoticK9, But what's the path to the program. Sorry I'm a new user.23:06
ZykoticK9serverduck, you actually don't need to put the path - but its /usr/bin/conky23:07
trismserverduck: which conky; will tell you too (for any program)23:08
serverduckWell at the path I put  /usr/bin/conky23:09
ZykoticK9serverduck, not sure if you are using the default theme or not, but you might want to add that to the launcher "/usr/bin/conky -c /PATH/TO/THEME"23:09
serverduckI'm using gnome but with a custome theme23:09
serverduckFrom another path23:09
serverduckZykoticK9,  Ohh ok, thanks.23:09
serverduckZykoticK9,  I'll give it a spin and see if this works.23:10
VCoolioserverduck: maybe just putting it in startup apps doesn't work; then write a little script; 1st line: #!/bin/bash    2nd line: sleep 20 && conky    20 being delay in seconds, to make sure your window manager is ready for conky23:10
mickaHI, is there someone here who know if this kind of error is dramatical : ata1.00 : status {drdy err } ??23:11
VCoolioserverduck: also conky has nothing to do with your gtk theme, the -c flag is for pointing to your config path23:11
Typos_Kingmicka    what cpu speed is your machine?23:11
mickai don't really know23:12
mickabut i can't boot anymore23:12
olifeI'm getting a 404 from mediatomb with update, "W: Failed to fetch http://apt.mediatomb.cc/dists/karmic/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found23:12
mickaata1.00 : status {drdy err }  ::: ata1.00: error: {UNC ]23:12
timhi, is there a way to mark all packages, that are dependencies of other packages as automatically installed?23:12
darkstar1evening folks.. Does anyone know if there's a channel for Anjuta?23:13
serverduckVCoolio,  Thanks ;)23:13
darkstar1I hear it is on of the best and functional IDE for Linux23:13
erUSULmicka: http://ata.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Libata_error_messages23:13
mickaata1.00 : status {drdy err } and ata1.00: error: {UNC}   and end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector xxxxxx23:13
Typos_Kingmicka:   right....    usuallly means bad sectors or some issues inthe filesystem23:14
VCooliotim: I think if you do "apt-get install <dependancy>" it will say "already installed but setting to automatically", so try something like this23:14
VCoolio!clone | tim23:14
ubottutim: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:14
Typos_Kingmicka:   just wondering how fast your cpu might be, in order to tell how old the HD is23:14
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ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning23:14
erUSULmicka: looks like bad sectors in the drive23:15
Typos_Kingmicka:   you can try .... using a live-cd boot up, and run..... what's the partition ubuntu is in?    sda1?23:15
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mickaTypos_King my hdd is just like 1 years old23:15
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:15
Typos_Kingmicka:   you can try .... using a live-cd boot up, and run..... what's the partition ubuntu is in?    sda1?23:15
mickaubuntu 9.1023:15
Typos_Kingpartition sda9.10?23:15
mickano my ubuntu ;)23:16
Typos_Kinggood, is not exactly what I inquired about :{23:16
mickawhat is in what ?23:16
Typos_Kingwhat partition is ubuntu in?23:17
devdzthere is some channels when i post something it returns : cannot send to channel .. why so ?23:17
olifewhats the command to get a channel list for irssi?23:17
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erUSULolife: /list but i would not do that in freenode. use alis23:17
Typos_Kingdevdz:    yes, is usually lameness on the part of the ops, they set the channel usually on +R mode, meaning, only registered nicks can send or join the channel23:18
erUSULoLife: /msg alis list *string*23:18
oLifeerUSUL: string?23:18
mickaTypos_King need some help, i just know that i'm using ext323:18
erUSULoLife: something to search for23:19
mickabut i'm sure that my ubuntu is broken23:19
Typos_Kingdevdz:    +R   is usually only registered nicks can join, I think the other is +m which is only registered can send, iirc... may not be +m but is a channel mode23:19
mickaso i just want to make my backup23:19
red+m means only voiced people can talk23:19
redand ops23:19
oLifeerUSUL: what should have happened?23:19
erUSULdevdz: as already pointed out probably you need to register your nick23:20
Typos_Kingdavidz:  yeah.... ok... .so is another mode then.. but is usually a criterion made by the ops in the channel23:20
link_36pHey I'm trying to add a shared printer using samba under ubuntu 9.10. I used to get this error in my logs "hp[2420]: io/hpmud/pp.c 627: unable to read device-id ret=-1", someone here told me to install the latest version of hplip, which I did, the error doesn23:20
mickaTypos_King => is there a way to install ubuntu with only the package ?23:20
erUSULoLife: a private msg from alis should have give you a list of channels machng string23:20
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link_36pdoesnt show up anymore, but my printer still won't show.23:20
Typos_Kingmicka:    to install ubuntu with only what package?23:20
erUSULoLife: for example ubuntu channels. /msg alis list *ubuntu*23:20
mickapackages for a new version of ubuntu23:21
mickaby example the last one23:21
micka10.10 i think23:21
Typos_Kingmicka:   the error  usually means there's something off int he hd, either bad sectors or ... some issues with the filesystem, like crosslinked files... the likelyhood is, that is bad sectors23:21
serverduckIf I use firewall configuration for ufw and click deny and then close it, do I need to do something else to be protected from instrusions?23:21
Typos_Kingmicka:  bad sectors aren't an OS-dependent issue, is a physical flaw in the hd23:22
mickayes i think too, but the fsck seems that it can't repair it (_(23:22
oLifeerUSUL: so I'm new to the whole irssi. Where does the msg come through?23:22
devdzTypos_king  erUSUL : got wat u mean guys thanks :)23:22
erUSULoLife: a new window. to switch windows in irssi do "alt + number"23:22
Typos_Kingmicka:   and..... how do you know that?    you don't even know the partition it's in :{23:22
erUSUL!register | devdz23:22
ubottudevdz: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode23:22
domi007i am trying to install awn on jaunty23:22
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.23:23
oLifeerUSUL: That is exactly what I needed. Thank you sir!23:23
ElroxoLife, there are numbers along the bottom bar of the "screen" ?23:23
mickaTypho_king because i already try twice fsck / but i've the same problem23:23
VCooliooLife: irssi is great, but you may want to check weechat too (which is in my humble opinion even greater)23:23
Typos_Kingdevdz:   mind you that my view is that is quite lame, and most excuses to justify it are just flaky and biased23:23
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mickaTypos_King but my main problem is that i can't make my backup with my dde :  unable to mount 1000GB filesystem => error mounting: mount existed with exit code 223:24
Typos_Kingmicka:   boot using the live-cd, get to the console and run ->    sudo fdisk -l;    find out what the partition is, and then do -> sudo e2fsck /dev/DEVHERE23:25
nyukI can't connect to the net with ubuntu, currently on a different machine23:26
Typos_KingoLife:   irssi?    why not use xchat, or pidgin, or Gaim?23:26
freaklyweirdois it possible to upgrade ubuntu from 8.04 to 9.10 without uninstalling the oldest one?23:26
ubyserverHello everyone23:26
domi007allright so, i am trying to install awn but i got a python error, and it is not working...there is no solution for this python bug, but to update for karmic, wich i don't want to do...any idea?23:26
mickai don't have a live cd now, but tommorow i will get one23:26
erUSUL!upgrade | freaklyweirdo23:26
ubottufreaklyweirdo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading23:26
ubyserverAnyone have a working ebox 1.5 with Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Desktop edition?23:26
mickaTypos_King   = > i don't have a live cd now, but tommorow i will get one23:27
MatBoysomeone using a dynalink modem on ubuntu ?23:27
Nuf881Whenever I try to connect to an open (non-encrypted) wireless network I get "Authentication with ... timed out" in syslog. Ideas?23:27
Typos_Kingmicka    then try when you get it :|23:27
mickaTypos_King : i just want to fix that without the livecd:  unable to mount 1000GB filesystem => error mounting: mount existed with exit code 223:27
mickais that possible ?23:27
ownlifeTypos_king: I don't need much from an IRC client and the terminal convenience wins the cake for me.23:28
Typos_Kingmicka:  yes, with a live-cd hehe23:28
mickaok i will wait an another day23:28
mickathx ;)23:28
mickahave a good night or good day ^^^23:28
Typos_Kingownlife    hehe.. terminal conveniece?  what might that be? hehe23:28
ubyserverAnyone install webserver module under eBox 1.3.523:28
ownlifeTypos_king: also, I hate emoticons.23:28
Typos_Kingyeah, well, that's a personal choice, we don't all make23:28
devdzactually im new with linux and many things are still not realy clear for me.. so which channels u can advice me i can be in to learn faster23:30
seanbrystonethis one23:30
Typos_Kingdevdz:   usually a book :P23:30
ownlifeTypos_king: xchat is okay, just more than I need. I like that while you people are telling me how to fix the stuff that I've broken it's already open :D23:31
devdzTypos_king : lol i know yes this too but any advice for a specific channel or mailing list ? ?23:31
seanbrystonedevdz, there are free Ubuntu e-books floating around too, i can find a link if you wish23:31
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superuserAnyone has a clue as to why I can't use nVidia 173 driver (Karmic + Geforce FX 5200)?23:31
mickaTypos_King when i go to google to understand what is my problem it seems that my hdd is almost died .... it hasn't yet one years old !!!!!!!!23:31
GeekSquiddevdz: www.ubuntupocketguide.com is a good start23:32
seanbrystonefree ubuntu ebook http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html23:32
Cyber_AkumaI hate trying to decide if I should use the 32 or 64bit version of an os >.<23:32
* seanbrystone high-fives GeekSquid 23:32
* GeekSquid is quick draw mcgraw23:32
canyoucatchmeHI all, I am  new here. I am just wondering, whenever I try to join the #ubuntu via freenode IRC, it keeps taking me to #ubuntu-proxy-users. Why?23:33
Typos_Kingdevdz:     any channel..... for ... not sure what you need... a tutoring channel?    I don't think is going to provide a hell lot any book will on the subject, we can here, cover other stuff, not sure this channel is for tutoriing on basics23:33
superuserseanbrystone: It's simple: either you want speed: choose x64 or you want stability and packages: choose 32 bits23:34
seanbrystoneanyone have issue of windows or any other OS in VBox get really slow if you copied the .vdi to some other HDD/folder?23:34
seanbrystonesuperuser, hah?23:34
KindOnecanyoucatchme: its because your most likly behind a proxy23:34
canyoucatchmeoh, I see, Thank you KindOne!23:34
Typos_Kingcanyoucatchme:    it will dump you on the 'proxy' channel, for a few seconds only, wait and it'll flag you to retry23:35
MatBoyI wonder if faxing is possible with the free driver of linuxant23:35
canyoucatchmecoolz everyone!23:35
superuserseanbrystone: x64 is newer, hence it's a less tested architecture, hence more bug prone23:35
seanbrystoneum i never asked bout 64 bit23:36
seanbrystoneit was someone else23:36
roszakAnyone out there with some graphics card expertise?  I have been trying all day to get my dell monitor to hook up to the vga slot on my hp dv7 running karmic with the ATI proprietary drivers.  The catalyst control center recognizes the monitor when I plug it in, but nothing I do makes it flash an image on the screen.  Any ideas?23:36
mtx_initamd64 is a simple extension of x86.  The instruction sets make be newer, but the architecture fundamentals have been around for 20 years.23:37
j-a-k-eI am a windows 7 user looking to dual boot ubuntu, can anyone tell me what sort of support there is for asus sonar dx sound cards?23:37
GeekSquidroszak: are you running ccc as gksudo? might help23:37
superuserseanbrystone: Hum, you're right. Guess my eyes betrayed me :p23:37
roszakGeekSquid: i am running it as gksudo.23:37
Elroxdevdz, you might find a less busy channel that you can ask about more basic issues23:38
j-a-k-e*correct model name is asus xonar dx23:38
superuserroszak: Try using xrandr23:38
superusermtx_init: Sure, but there's less people testing these extensions23:38
Nitsugaj-a-k-e, the support is poor, and it doesn't work right in 64 bit versions.23:39
devdzTypos_king : thanks :) surely im starting with books just wanted to be in a mailing list of a good channel to learn from questions and problems of others :)23:39
canyoucatchmeHi Elrox, I am just wondering what are some of the simpler channels you can suggest23:39
michael__As soon as I enable Extra desktop effects, the effects begin working, then when I choose to keep the settings the effects stop working. Why is this?23:39
j-a-k-eNitsuga: hmm there isn23:39
Nitsugaj-a-k-e, maybe you can have some problems setting up a 5.1 sound system23:39
roszaksuperuser: how do I do that.  I ran xrandr earlier and it gave me output for my devices and nothing more.23:40
Typos_Kingdevdz:    there are 'podcasts' or rss feeds you can sig up to, usually any RSS/feeds Agrregator you install, will come with a few ubuntu ones in it, but you can sign up for more, just google23:40
j-a-k-eNitsuga: I have a 2.1 channel sound system with a seperate sub, so need to be able to access flexibass/bassredirection options23:40
superuserroszak: check the manpage, I don't remember very well23:41
Elroxcanyoucatchme, i didnt say "simpler", just less busy where the mems have more opportunity to get into greater detail23:41
superuserroszak: Though, check if the output tells you about multiple screens23:41
Nitsugaj-a-k-e, in 32 bits works perfectly, but (nobody knows why in google) some 64-bit systems fail to output sound23:41
roszaksuperuser: it does give me something about two creens - i suppose internal and external.  Does this output make more sense to you? http://pastebin.com/hD1uX1Ks23:42
Hellhound666seems this file recovery software just recovers avi files in sections huh23:42
nkasaharahey i'm trying to set up a samba share so windows and mac comptuers can send files to my buntu box23:43
nkasaharai've got samba installed23:43
punkrockguy3Hello.  I'm running Ubuntu 9.10.  I'd like to output from my stereo INTO my PC and have my PC output the sound.  I've had no luck so far, can someone point me in the right direction?23:43
nkasaharaand nautilus-share23:43
nkasaharabut i can't get it to access from another comp! help!23:43
superuserroszak: From what I understand, your Dell monitor is CRT123:44
nkasaharapunkrockguy3, your ability to do that may at least in part depend on the sound card you have installed. do you know if your soundcard supports line-in audio devices (and not JUST microphones)23:44
roszaksuperuser: i think that's right.23:44
superuserroszak: Try using the monitor setup utility in the administration menu23:44
nkasaharacan someone help me get a samba share working?23:44
punkrockguy3nkasahara, yeah absolutely.  SB audigy 2; drivers are loaded and working totally fine.  I know something needs to be set up with pulseaudio but I have no idea23:44
superusernkasahara: Why not check Samba's website? THey have a pretty good wiki23:45
nkasaharapunkrockguy3, aight man that's about the extent of my knowledge. as far as i got into that was transferring voice recordings from my lecture recorder with Sound Recorder23:45
link_36pI can't get samba to add a network shared printer thats on an XP box. I was getting the error "hp[2420]: io/hpmud/pp.c 627: unable to read device-id ret=-1", in my logs, but after installing hplip 3.10 it doesnt show up anymore, but still no printer. :(23:45
punkrockguy3nkasahara, alright thanks for your repsonse23:46
superuserroszak: I don't know the name of the ubuntu-desktop program, but it would be the equivalent of kcontrol (kubuntu-desktop) I believe23:46
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:46
rajGUYS i HAVE finally completed my AUDIO FIX post on the forums. if any of you are having problems with the sound. follow the steps in this link: you can thank me later :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8789064   3 STEPS are provided try them and see if any works for you:)23:46
Elroxcanyoucatchme, for instance, my channel has an ftp site for regular mems, with documents and ISOs and other guides, has a website that has tutorials and guides and mems are encouraged to document their progress there, and channel-bots  ;-)23:47
j-a-k-eNitsuga: I have got a 64 bit system tho I wouldn't be loosing too much if I ran a 32 bit os. You don't happen to know if the linux community's definition of perfectly includes being able to use the FlexBass feature so that I can redirect the deeper bass from the front channels to my sub?23:48
Nuf881How can I get more verbose information when connecting to a wireless network than what syslog gives?23:48
oLifeI'm having trouble installing mediatomb from spm or the repo. Already added the .deb but I'm getting a 40423:49
ubyserverIf I don't see ebox-webserver module in this list http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/web/ then it is unsupported?23:49
Cyber_AkumaIs support for the Radeon x1200 ever going to come back or is it impossible? It ahsent worked since 9.0423:49
canyoucatchmeHi Elrox, Thank you very much for your help! What is the name of your Channel?23:49
Nitsugaj-a-k-e, that kind of features are normally software-driven,  and in linux is controled by alsa. You'll have to look for how to do that with alsa23:50
pmowDoes anyone have a user chroot jail set up?  I'm having a permissions issue with the directories just user the top.23:50
pmow*under the top23:51
rajGUYS i HAVE finally completed my AUDIO FIX post on the forums. if any of you are having problems with the sound. follow the steps in this link: you can thank me later :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8789064   3 STEPS are provided try them and see if any works for you:)23:51
sYskkone of my usb device isnt recognized although it should ... says it doesnt need drivers on ubuntu.. how can I troubleshoot the problem ?23:52
darkstar1I need some help pls ppl. I just used extract_chmLib to extract some file via the terminal and I'm trying to find out where it extracted evrything to23:53
sYskkI get the following error: "avrdude: error: could not find USB device "USBasp" with vid=0x16c0 pid=0x5dc"23:53
darkstar1despite the fact that I specified the output directory, there's nothing in the output directory23:53
darkstar1can anyone help?23:53
Quickardk, using grub to load dual os's, windows vista and ubuntu. I would like to be able to highlight windows vista as default os to load, anyway to do that?23:54
BluesKaj-Laptopraj, you're unessarily compililing apps like alsa that are located in the repos ...i don't thiny will tahn you for that23:54
BluesKaj-Laptopraj , many won't thank you for that23:55
rajbluesKaj-Laptop this is for the its not in the repos. its the lastest from alsa.. ubuntu 9.10 only has 1.0.2023:55
pmowQuickard, doesn't grub conf have a default line?23:55
BluesKaj-Laptopoh, right a new alsa , as if ppl need a new one23:56
rajBluesKaj-Laptop: look at what drivers we are compiling... they are not in the repos.. they are tehg latest from alsa itself23:56
Quickardnew at this, I went to edit it and it looks like chinese to me.23:56
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.23:56
IdleOnesYskk: according to http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=562041 you have to be root ( sudo ) to use it. I didn't read all the posts, you may want to take a look23:56
rajBhlueKaj-Laptop you have no idea what ur talking about .. i helped at least 20 peopel with sound issues on ubuntu and mint soo.. please dont say anything.. new alsa supports MORE HDA cards23:57
Anacranomraj, how much is alsa and how much is pulse? i' really like to know/??23:57
pmowQuickard, I'm new at it the first time too - there's documentation on it though.  In this case it's a "default" line in menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst23:57
rajAnacranom:  the new alsa drivers actuially work better with pulse i have all my machines updated23:58
canyoucatchmeI am oof people. Thank you all. I am kind of new here, and reading all your postings has given me some idea of the community. See ya all!!!23:59
Anacranomraj, thats what i was afraid of,,, alsa is good, but pulse .....23:59
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rajAnacranom: i know pulse sucks but it seems to work alot better with the latest alsa drivers23:59

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