
switchgirlwhy pay for 50gb of storage online for £13 when you can get 100gb for £20 - with no overseas charges03:52
switchgirlwhys ubuntuone so great?03:52
CardinalFang"overseas charges"?  You're UKian?03:56
=== jdobrien_ is now known as webm0nk3y
webm0nk3yswitchgirl, unfortunately, nobody in this channel has control over the pricing. But Ubuntu One is much more than a file sync service.03:59
switchgirlwebm0nk3y, ??04:00
bigpig_offlinedoes anyone know of a way to 'sync' (or something resembling a sync) Google Contacts into UbuntuOne?04:01
=== bigpig_offline is now known as bigpig
webm0nk3ybigpig, good question. That would be interesting04:01
bigpigunfortunately, I have never managed to get along with Evolution.04:02
bigpigit's too much like Outlook, and Outlook just creeps me out. ;-)04:02
bigpigover the years, I've tried to use Evolution a several times, and every time it has been a disaster.04:03
bigpig.... kinda like Outlook.04:03
webm0nk3yYeah I use thunderbird myself04:03
webm0nk3yI think it's better than both04:03
bigpigI used thunderbird until I sold my soul to Google.04:03
bigpiger, uhm... I just my esoul.04:03
bigpigor isoul.....04:03
CardinalFangbigpig, I don't think there's a direct way, but if you have an Android device, then you can probably install the SyncML app.   Google <---> phone <--syncml--> Ubuntu One .04:04
webm0nk3ybigpig, thats apple04:04
bigpigI was wondering about Android and u1.04:04
CardinalFangbigpig, this may get you somewhere.  https://android-client.forge.funambol.org/04:05
bigpigCardinalFang, unfortunately, no Android, yet.04:05
bigpigMy contract is up in August.04:05
bigpig(Stupid Alltel crapberry.)04:06
CardinalFangG'night all.04:06
psyphercodehi is there anyone here who can assist with ubuntuone, not connecting properly, not sycning, not deleteing, it's pretty much completely poked for 2 weeks now07:23
duanedesignmorning rye aquarius08:47
aquariushey duanedesign!08:48
ryemorning, duanedesign!08:49
ryehas anybody seen the spec for public files?08:49
duanedesignrye: any particular file format?08:56
ryeaquarius, duanedesign, have you seen the spec on public files? I can't find anything blueprint-like or wikified spec on public file urls...08:59
rye story-0079 ... is there any stories server?09:00
aquariusrye, hm, I thought there was a blueprint, but there may not be09:01
rye:( ... not fancy error page - https://files.one.ubuntu.com/test/09:16
ryeduanedesign, bug 528205 - wow09:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528205 in ubuntuone-client "applets crashes when working or in exiting" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52820509:20
duanedesignrye: lol, any idea what to do with that one09:27
ryeduanedesign, no idea, I understand that there is something with the sound but I believe that our 'Report a problem' is abused too much.09:28
duanedesignsounds like an audio issue. But it could be seperate issue.09:28
duanedesignrye: yeah at first i was unsure because the description used the term 'ubuntu-client'09:29
ryesignal sender=:1.112 -> dest=(null destination) serial=3877 path=/status; interface=com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Status; member=StatusChanged ...       dict entry(09:46
rye         string "description"09:46
rye         string "True"09:46
rye      )09:46
ryethe description in StatusChanged signal is always True09:46
ryeto bug or not to bug09:47
duanedesignrye bug 52883509:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528835 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntu one doesn't seem to handle linked files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52883509:49
ryeduanedesign, right, I was about to run OpenOffice when I saw that but then something prevented me from doing that...09:50
duanedesignrye no problem. i guess that was my question. I will run open office and see if i can reproduce09:51
ryeduanedesign, erm... I believe i have never created master documents.... I.e. i created one, now have no idea what to do next...09:52
duanedesignrye: hmm, apparently there are a couiple different ways to create them. Splitting an existing Doc, or linking several docs09:55
* rye is making syncdaemon monitor that will pop up syncdaemon statuses via notify daemon. Missing applet is good but me needs more info09:57
duanedesignrye: thats a good idea.10:01
duanedesignrye: figured out the Master Documents. Created two pages. Created a Master Page. Imported two 'sub pages'. Seems to work fine.10:12
duanedesignrye: i will explore a few of the other options. Then if i cant reproduce i might ask the OP what method they used to create the Master Document10:13
ryeduanedesign, i got proper file:///home/rtg/Documents/filename.odt link (i have my Documents now in Ubuntu One - UDF), nothing with weird characters or such kind of things10:15
duanedesignsame here. file://home/duanedesign/Ubuntu%20One/OpenOffice/oo1.odt10:24
ryeduanedesign, http://paste.ubuntu.com/386889/10:27
ryeduanedesign, it looks like it ignores my set_timeout request... so I added the terminal print as well10:27
ryeTraceback (most recent call last):10:30
rye  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/connection.py", line 214, in maybe_handle_message10:30
rye    self._handler(*args, **kwargs)10:30
rye  File "syncdaemon-monitor.py", line 21, in syncdaemon_status_changed10:30
rye    n.show()10:30
ryeGError: Reached stack-limit of 5010:30
duanedesign:P ill be back in a few...afk10:44
ryesomething wrong - the files that I have removed yesterday have returned today, the files that I moved to another location yesterday returned to their previous location today11:01
ryeguys, I know what caused all these reports about "there are too many notifications, please kill the notifications completely"11:08
ryesyncdaemon sends IDLE status too often, even if it has a work to do11:09
ryethis means that the applet was constantly switching from "Updating" to "Finished" while syncdaemon was doing START_WORKING_ON_METADATA ->. IDLE -> START_WORKING_ON_METADATA -> IDLE11:10
ryei created my own notification service and it started spamming in pretty much the same way as the applet11:10
ryeis it a known issue?11:10
ryeChicharra/foundations+ team?11:11
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
duanedesignrye: i like the notification script youo wrote. Should help me understand the syncdaemon states better :)11:47
ryeduanedesign, no, you should not like that :) The states are broken, try e.g. putting some dir to ubuntuone and see how syncdaemon starts alternating between IDLE and something else causing the notifications to pop up even when they are not required11:56
* rye waves to anyone from syncdaemon/chicharra/foundations+ team11:56
psyphercodehi is there anyone here who can assist with ubuntuone, not connecting properly, not sycning, not deleteing, it's pretty much completely poked for 2 weeks now12:00
ryeduanedesign, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39956709/utf8-filename-check.py - that might be handy12:04
ryepsyphercode, hello, have you filed a bug report?12:05
psyphercodenot sure where to begin, i am told there are several bugs with u1 at this time12:05
psyphercodethinku told me that12:05
ryepsyphercode, ok, then we'll do the debugging right here12:05
psyphercodeso not sure i mean is u1 wroking at all right now12:06
psyphercodei have deleted all files all u1 folders on my pc to startf resh still files will not upload\12:06
ryepsyphercode, first of all, could you please run the script from http://ubuntuone-client-diagnose.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ubuntuone-client-diagnose.py - that will rule out some known issues12:06
psyphercodepython ubuntuone-client-diagnose.py12:07
psyphercodeChecking your Ubuntu One client...12:07
psyphercodeNo issues were detected.12:07
psyphercodei reckon noooooo12:07
psyphercoderye: client icon won;t even open anymroe12:07
ryepsyphercode, No issues were _detected_ not that they are not present :)12:08
ryepsyphercode, ok, could you please quit the applet. The icon might not be there but killall won't be bad in this case12:09
ryekillall ubuntuone-client-applet12:09
ryenow try killing the syncdaemon - the actual application that performs file sync12:09
psyphercodek done12:09
ryekillall ubuntuone-syncdaemon12:09
ryepsyphercode, ok, try killing ubuntuone-login process as well if that exists12:10
ryepsyphercode, when everything is dead, try running the applet from the terminal - ubuntuone-client-applet and see whether anything good happens12:11
psyphercodenot running as far as ps says12:11
psyphercodek now lauched as days updating files12:12
psyphercodeand says12:12
ryepsyphercode, ok, could you please execute this in another terminal - we need to know the actual version you are running - apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client12:13
ryeand paste the output here since this channel is quiet now12:13
psyphercode  Installed: 1.0.3-0ubuntu112:14
psyphercode  Candidate: 1.0.3-0ubuntu112:14
psyphercode  Version table:12:14
psyphercode *** 1.0.3-0ubuntu1 012:14
psyphercode        500 http://za.archive.ubuntu.com karmic-updates/main Packages12:14
psyphercode        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status12:14
psyphercode     1.0.2-0ubuntu1 012:14
psyphercode        500 http://za.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main Packages12:14
ryepsyphercode, ok, so you are running latest stable karmic release. Now could you please paste the last 5 lines (tail -n 5 ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log) to http://paste.ubuntu.com ?12:15
ryethat log contains the info on what the synchronization daemon is actually doing12:16
psyphercodefyi it does say now that it's updating 30 of 2000 files12:16
psyphercodeso something is happening12:17
ryepsyphercode, ok, it looks like it actuallty doing the sync12:17
psyphercodehad to delete all the fiels already on there delete all local cached metadata and start again and tkill all aplets and start them again to get that going12:17
ryepsyphercode, frankly speaking this is probably the last thing I'd do during the debugging. In case it stops updating (see u1sdtool --current-transfers) with not all the files uploaded (see bug #488232) feel free to honk as we would be able to properly diagnose the issue then.12:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488232 in ubuntuone-client "u1sdtool should be able to show sync status of local files" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48823212:20
ryethere's a script that shows what files are not yet synced in the bug report ubottu provided :)12:20
ryenessita, hello, are you in chicharra team?12:21
nessitarye: yes, hi!12:23
ryenessita, great. Could you please have a look at something I've posted earlier here - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/03/02/%23ubuntuone.html#t11:0112:23
psyphercoderye: thanks, how do i honk?12:24
ryenessita, actually I am about IDLE/non-idle state alternating, the folders that move by themselves are still going to be investigated12:24
ryepsyphercode, if you say 'honk' - this will trigger my XChat to get my attention to this channel :)12:25
nessitarye: the switching back and forth is a known issue12:27
ryenessita, is there a bug report regarding that?12:27
nessitarye: not sure, let me look12:27
ryenessita, bug 379449 is the symptom but not the cause :)12:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379449 in ubuntuone-client "Ubuntu One applet switches Idle/Working continually" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37944912:33
nessitarye: I think I know the cause, I'll add a comment on it12:36
ryenessita, thanks!12:37
nessitarye: it's related to the syncdaemon state machine, which we're re-coding from scratch12:37
ryenessita, and syncdaemon can't switch to other states from non-IDLE state, right?12:38
ryeso that it needs to switch to IDLE to operate properly... something like this12:38
nessitarye: sorry for the delay, I was captured for a bunch of emails! nopes, is not that. The IDLE thing is caused by the queue manager sending a "DONE processing *an* item of content or metadata queue"12:57
nessitaso it always passes thru IDLE when processing the next item12:58
nessitawe've fix that (in the implementation, still not committed)12:58
nessitathe "DONE" is send only once the queues have finished processing12:58
ryepynotify seems to ignore update()s...13:20
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
ryeduanedesign, do you have compiz enabled?13:26
* rye found a bug in notify-osd - it does not update() the notifications, the old content is sitting there13:28
duanedesignrye: yes13:32
ryeduanedesign, here's the new version of the monitor - http://paste.ubuntu.com/386986/ - it uses update() on existing notification but it looks like something broke that13:33
ryeat least it does not cause DBus problems13:33
ryeaquarius, you mentioned earlier that It would be great if syncdaemon could do "last time I checked was X, has anything changed since then?" - should I file this as a bug?13:35
duanedesignrye: kk, thanks13:35
ryehe he13:37
ryedid you know that there is a log of all the notifications?...13:37
rye~/.cache/notify-osd.log :)13:37
aquariusrye, no. That the design hasn't been done in a way that would be convenient to me is not a bug. It is, at best, a wishlist feature request, and I don't (with my music store developer hat on) prescribe how the chicharra team should write the syncdaemon.13:38
aquariuswith my architect hat on I might do, but it'd be in a discussion with verterok and facundobatista and nessita and lucio, not via a bug report :)13:39
ryeaquarius, my syncdaemon has connected 21 minutes again and still can't get to IDLE... and no files have changed, that's why I recalled that :)13:39
rye*21 minutes ago13:39
nessitarye: have any logs?13:40
ryenessita, the logs are still being printed :)13:40
nessitarye: maybe you have no more metadata but you do have content to upload?13:40
nessitarye: thing is that metadata should have more priority than content13:41
ryenessita, last time the syncdaemon has uploaded all the files and switched to IDLE13:41
nessitarye: switching ti IDLE is not a guarantee of uploading all the files (because what I explained about about queue management)13:42
nessitarye: if it's of any consolation, we're re-writting that code from scratch13:42
nessitaand it should be ready next week13:42
ryenessita, ok, I will wait for it to go IDLE with empty queues, then purge all the logs to understand better what is actually happening and if there's something I don't understand I will wave13:43
nessitarye: look for the MARK in the log13:44
nessitarye:  that will tell you how many metadata and how many content needs to be processed13:44
ryenessita, ah, 2010-03-02 15:43:04,207 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: START_WORK13:44
ryeING_ON_BOTH; queues: metadata: 907; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=51362 miss=17393)13:44
rye ----13:44
nessitametadata: 907 -> lot of work to do still13:44
ryeI needed to look closer at that IDLE string... grrr13:44
VoytechHello, I'm wondering how to authorize when I want to access to couchdb wrapped by desktopcouch. I interested if a  keyring contains the same authorization data as desktopcouch ini file, and  Do we have a request token or an access token in ini  file. In other words - Can we use token and token secret in ini to create signature for request  or do we have to ?13:45
nessitabut the fact that is is WORKING ON BOTH when content: 0, that's a bug indeed13:45
ryenessita, no13:45
ryenessita, 2010-03-02 15:17:03,834 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: IDLE; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=82725 miss=21175) ----13:45
nessitarye: that's the latest mark?13:45
ryenessita, that's what I had when I shut syncdaemon down13:45
ryenessita, then I reconnected syncdaemon and it started processing metadata, but the previous run suggested that there is not metadata to process13:46
nessitarye: did you do anything at all in Ubuntu One/ after you shutdown the syncdaemon?13:47
nessitarye: syncdaemon needs to "redo" whatever you did while he was shutdown13:47
nessitaso it has a mechanism to scan what happened in between13:47
ryenessita, after I started syncdaemon I added one folder but the syncdaemon was restarted immediately after I shut it down and verified that it is down. I have 2 dirs snapshot that show that there is 1 folder and 1 file added13:48
ryenot 907 for sure13:48
ryei have debug logs13:48
ryebut they are huuuge13:48
ryeno, not that huge13:48
urbanapemorning, all.13:51
ryenessita, before restart - https://pastebin.canonical.com/28578/, after restart- https://pastebin.canonical.com/28579/ - but it take a while to load.13:52
nessitarye: I'll look13:52
ryenessita, i have to say that i got my ~/Documents folder registered as UDF - that might be related13:52
nessitarye: how big is ~/Documents?13:53
ryenessita, 825M, 1283 files13:53
rye1283 files and folders13:53
nessitarye: -.-13:54
rye841 files, 442 folders13:54
nessitarye: that has to be uploaded, you know13:54
ryenessita, but the previous run suggested that there is nothing to upload13:54
nessitarye: at which point you made ~/Documents an UDF?13:55
ryenessita, and it had a lot of time to upload and a lot of bandwidth to consume. I made it an UDF yesterday, i probably have the log13:56
nessitarye: and the restart was today?13:56
ryenessita, yesterday during metadata scan it found an invalid utf-8 file and it stopped13:58
nessitarye: so you're having like a mix of issues :-/13:58
nessitarye: what did you do after it stopped because of the utf-8 filename?13:59
ryenessita, then, after I fixed that i turned the computer down. Today in the morning (6 hours from now) I verified that it started running properly (i has a scriptie to check for utf8 files) and left it to upload the rest of the stuff13:59
ryenessita, what does 2010-03-02 15:59:57,922 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - DEBUG - (unrolled) query             share:'c1ef0c4c-2442-4fdf-88c9-c8d963b7c718'   node:'7b7f54de-2b35-404e-be01-3c47b8059fa0'   (unrolled) query(node="'7b7f54de-2b35-404e-be01-3c47b8059fa0'", index='0', share="'c1ef0c4c-2442-4fdf-88c9-c8d963b7c718'", hash="''") starting14:00
rye2010-03-02 15:59:57,924 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - DEBUG - (unrolled) query             share:'c1ef0c4c-2442-4fdf-88c9-c8d963b7c718'   node:'7b7f54de-2b35-404e-be01-3c47b8059fa0'   (unrolled) query(node="'7b7f54de-2b35-404e-be01-3c47b8059fa0'", index='0', share="'c1ef0c4c-2442-4fdf-88c9-c8d963b7c718'", hash="''") running14:00
rye mean ?..14:00
ryewow, lots of letters14:00
nessitarye: you ask because of the "unrolled"?14:01
ryenessita, mmm.. actually it just running some 'query' - but what that query actually queries ?14:01
nessitarye: actually, don't know, I'm browsing the source code14:02
ryenessita, btw, I am running trunk syncdaemon14:02
nessitarye: ok, that log correspond to the syncdaemon querying the server for the changed content of a given node14:03
ryenessita, hm... every node...14:03
nessitarye: every node?14:04
ryenessita, i have only 1283 files and the queue was at " queues: metadata: 907" last time we checked. Pretty much it tries to query every node...14:05
ryeok, I have 200 files more in ~/Ubuntu One folder14:06
ryenessita, ok, it is now "2010-03-02 16:07:04,207 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: IDLE; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=51770 miss=17393)"14:08
ryenessita, i will shut syncdaemon down now and will start it again and see what happens14:09
nessitarye: waaaaaait14:10
ryenessita, oops, me has shut down syncdaemon, not yet connected...14:10
nessitarye: do you think that mark is accurate? I mean, you see all your files in the web ui?14:10
ryenessita, hm...14:11
ryenessita, given that my files are in UDF and web ui does not show these ... hm, let me make u1sdstatus compatible with UDF :)14:11
ryeat least one mine UDF14:11
nessitarye: :-)14:12
ryenessita, Total: 839, local: 0, errors: 0 - all files have server_hash and it equals to local_hash14:14
ryeso, bless ($rye, SyncdaemonReconnect); ...14:14
* nessita crosses fingers14:14
ryehm... 2010-03-02 16:16:03,859 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: SCANNING_WITH_BOTHQ; queues: metadata: 4; content: 5; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=17347 miss=16051)14:16
rye2010-03-02 16:18:03,859 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: SCANNING_WITH_BOTHQ; queues: metadata: 55; content: 5; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=19323 miss=16064) --14:18
ryethe folders don't have server_hash updated immediately14:20
ryei filed a bug about this some time ago14:20
ryebug 49593114:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 495931 in ubuntuone-client "Directories do not get local_hash and server_hash updated" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49593114:20
rye2010-03-02 16:20:03,859 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: SCANNING_WITH_BOTHQ; queues: metadata: 113; content: 5; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=21585 miss=16064)14:21
ryenessita, we have an increased rate of metadata :)14:21
ryeis it possible that syncdaemon queries server because it has not updated its local_hash/server_hash ? 2010-03-02 16:22:03,859 queues: metadata: 186; content: 3; hash: 014:22
ryeand it brings back the files I have removed!!!14:23
nessitarye: when syncdaemon starts, perform a scan over the local files, and then over the server14:23
nessitarye: if you could isolate the different problems and make separated reports, that would be great :-)14:24
ryenessita, heh14:24
ryenessita, i have 1) my files reappear even though I removed them, 2) the scanning is an onging process...14:25
ryenessita, I understand that there can be some good things about the files being brought to me back but I might not want that :)14:26
nessitarye: ermoevd files should not come back14:26
nessitarye: how did you remove them?14:26
ryenessita, went to nautilus and removed the directory14:27
nessitarye: which directory?14:27
nessita(please don't say Ubuntu One!)14:27
ryenessita, no, the sub sub sub sub directory... Ok, this starts to be interesting, I need to be more descriptive than that. Ok, I will do the following - I will wait for syncdaemon to become IDLE again14:29
rye2010-03-02 16:28:03,859 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: START_WORK14:29
ryeING_ON_METADATA; queues: metadata: 1159; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=44605 miss=114:29
rye7296) ----14:29
ryeis it filling the metadata queue first and then checks the info for every file afterwards?...14:30
rye1290 :'-(14:31
ryenow 123714:35
ryefirst of all this is strange, it looks like the startup-to-IDLE takes 20-30 minutes (or more)... And this is not really efficient to ask the server for every file... The requests should be grouped14:37
ryenessita, is syncdaemon supposed to do a query for every file it encountered ? Or that is somehow optimized and thie optimization might not be working for UDFs ?14:38
nessitarye: hum, I'm not sure14:38
nessitaI'm pretty sure that Query is for directories14:39
nessitaor not? /me doubts14:39
nessitafacundobatista: question. The Query is executed only over directories?14:39
facundobatistanessita, phone14:40
jblountYou can't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.14:49
dobeyrye: it depends on how many files are in your u1 folders at start-up15:13
dobeyrye: it does a local rescan, then a server rescan15:13
ryedobey, but it is crazy to query every file out of 1230 just to get 'o, hi, nothing changed' - this takes too much time15:13
vdsDesktop+ MEETING BEGINS ? aquarius beuno CardinalFang Chipaca dobey jblount rodrigo_ teknico urbanape shall we start?15:13
ryeit's like issuing HTTP request with Range: 0-1, 1-2, 2-3.. etc15:14
dobeyit's bug day15:14
dobeyrye: not quite. i'm sure all the messages are larger than 1 byte :)15:18
dobeyrye: and as nessita said, i think server rescan asks for dircontent only perhaps15:18
ryedobey, it took 30 minutes to scan 1200 files. I don't feel that is nice15:19
dobeyi didn't say it was nice15:21
dobeyalso, i am pretty sure we all agreed to not have standup on bug days15:21
vdsdobey: I didn't know, did it pass on the mailing list?15:22
dobeyvds: when we first had bug day on tuesday or whatever, we kind of agreed in irc15:25
urbanapeyay, I recant my "me"15:30
dobeyChipaca: right?15:30
dobeyAlso, I think there should be a 5 minute rule15:30
teknicoand eggs and bacon, and fries15:33
jblountdobey: 5 minute rule?15:36
dobeyjblount: if it's after 10:05 we missed our window of opportunity for having a standup15:38
beunolets just do it15:39
beunorodrigo_, go!15:39
rodrigo_• DONE: Web notes editor fixing. Download progress fixes15:40
rodrigo_• TODO: Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Make sandy's snowy test suite work with our server (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/snowy/tree/api/tests.py). Discuss with jdo and aquarius about oauth token per app, not per machine? Add jslint tests to check. & in note titles. Make syncdaemon connect.15:40
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:40
rodrigo_go beuno go!15:40
beunoDONE: Landed dupe-prevention and nice-index branches, debugged production15:40
beunoTODO: Kill me contact, land15:40
beunoBLOCKED: nay15:40
beunovds, go15:40
vdsDONE: finally found the problem with contact zombies and filed a ticket15:42
vdsTO DO: waiting for the answer and look for a new bug to fix15:42
vdsBLOCKED: no15:42
vdsurbanape: please15:42
teknicovds, urbanape recanted (or rechanted)15:43
vdsteknico: then go please15:44
teknicovds, just because you're asking me ;-)15:44
teknicoDONE: fixed problem in exchange logout error params (#530209); started removing the ME contact from the contacts web ui (#516802); triaged bugs15:44
teknicoTODO: finish removing the ME contact from the contacts web ui, with beuno (#516802); showing the web desktop+ guys around our phone sync code15:44
teknicoBLOCK: none15:44
tekniconext: jblount, possibly?15:44
jblountDONE: I'm the boss of beautiful soup TODO: Make tests / bug fixes for instructions, find out what's next from beuno BLOCKED: Nope15:46
urbanapestill trying to land my ajax-phone-setup branch. Keeps failing in PQM.15:47
Snicksiefor some reason my ubuntu one won't do anything at all or so, i got a launchpad-account and some online storage, but the automatical synchronising doesn't really work at all or so. am i missing something or is there something wrong? :)16:34
duanedesignhello Snicksie16:36
Snicksiehi duanedesign :)16:39
duanedesignSnicksie: Could you open a Terminal (Applications > Accesories > Terminal) and run the following command to download a script that will help us rule out known issues16:39
Snicksiecan you help me or so? ;)16:39
duanedesignSnicksie: wget http://ubuntuone-client-diagnose.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ubuntuone-client-diagnose.py16:39
Snicksiedownloaded that ;)16:39
duanedesignafter running the wget command. You can run the script by running the command: python ubuntuone-client-diagnose.py16:40
Snicksieyet run it, i suppose? :)16:40
Snicksieno issues ^^16:40
duanedesignSnicksie: ok16:40
duanedesignSnicksie: can you look in the directory  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/16:41
duanedesignand see if you have a file : syncdaemon-exceptions.log16:41
duanedesignyou might have to hit Ctrl + H to see the .cache folder16:42
duanedesignin your home/<username>/ directory16:43
duanedesignif you do can you copy and paste it at  http://paste.ubuntu.com/16:45
* rye needs to go away for some time. joshuahoover - i will browse the bug reports today/tomorrow morning (still night for you :) ) and will think about the priorities.16:45
ryeI'll be back...16:45
duanedesignthats me waving bye rye  :)16:45
ryeduanedesign, me is not _that_ far :)16:45
Snicksieduanedesign, i'll do it later, gotta go now :(16:47
duanedesignsure thing ill be here :)16:47
Snicksieduanedesign, i'm back ^^17:18
duanedesignhello Snicksie17:19
Snicksiei'm just copying particular things you can need ^^17:19
Snicksieduanedesign, http://pastebin.ws/1nii1l17:22
kjollerThis is not strictly a ubuntuone question, but: I am running Gwibber out of the PPA, and I get a 'connection refused'17:22
Snicksiesome things copied from syncdaemon.log17:22
kjollerIt seems to be when it calls a GetAccounts method17:22
kjollerI have tried restarting couchdb/desktopcouch17:23
kjollerand it works fine through the web interface17:23
duanedesignSnicksie: In a terminal run:   gedit  ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf17:25
duanedesignSnicksie: add the following two lines17:26
duanedesignSnicksie: save it. Then quit Ubuntu One Client through the applet17:27
duanedesignSnicksie:  then in a Terminal run:  u1sdtool -q17:27
Snicksieokay, i'll do :)17:27
duanedesignSnicksie: this should quit the client and the syncdaemon.17:28
Snicksietrue :)17:29
duanedesignSnicksie: run the following to make sure:  ps uaxxc | grep ubu17:29
duanedesignnothing should come up17:29
Snicksietrue ;)17:29
duanedesignif thats true start Ubuntu One from Applications > Internet > Ubuntu One17:29
Snicksieis totally killed yet :)17:29
duanedesignand copy a test file into the Ubuntu One folder17:30
Snicksieit's connecting :)17:30
Snicksiethere already are some testing files ;)17:30
Snicksie'Your files are up to date'17:31
Snicksieaw, 0 files and 0 bytes used? -.-17:31
duanedesignSnicksie: ok now the ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log should have some info for us.17:33
ryekjoller, hm, there is a bug report about gwibber not being able to connect to dc i believe17:33
Snicksieduanedesign, do you know whether I can make a symlink in ~/Ubuntu\ One/ to a particular folder I wanna share or should it be 'hard' file?17:34
duanedesignSnicksie: no. In Lucid you will be able to select other folders to sync17:34
Snicksieokay ;)17:34
duanedesignSnicksie: you can move the folder into Ubuntu one and put the link where the folder was17:35
ryejdobrien, kjoller is having the same issues with dc not being able to connect, is there a bug report?17:35
ryegwibber not being able to connect to dc17:35
Snicksieduanedesign, what kind of lines should i copy? ;)17:37
duanedesignSnicksie: if you could pastebin ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log   Paste it all. It contains file names so if there is anything you dont want the world to see change the name17:37
Snicksieall right then ;)17:39
Snicksienoticed it to you duanedesign ;)17:42
Snicksieyep, i removed a folder but added 'regels.txt'17:45
duanedesignSnicksie: did you /msg me a link?17:45
Snicksienotice it17:46
Snicksienot msg, /notice ^^17:47
duanedesignSnicksie: got it17:47
Snicksiehm, it looks like it is able to make folders however, but no files17:47
duanedesignSnicksie: looks like we are getting close. Give me just a sec..17:48
Snicksieduanedesign, 'Updating finished'17:53
Snicksiei'm gonna have a look ;)17:53
Snicksiesuccesfull (that)17:53
duanedesignSnicksie: ok17:53
Snicksiei'm trying more files now :)17:54
duanedesignSnicksie: run the command: rm -rf    ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/trash/N17:54
duanedesignquit U1 first17:54
Snicksiehm, what is that removing? :)17:54
duanedesignSnicksie: It will be regenerated when/if its needed again17:54
duanedesignSnicksie: its a bug i had as well :)17:55
duanedesignso were bug brothers :P17:55
duanedesignif you were to look in that folder it would be trash/N/None. Deleting it wont harm any data17:56
=== kenvandine is now known as kenvandine[busy]
Snicksieall right duanedesign ;)18:00
Snicksiethanks for your help :)18:00
duanedesignSnicksie: if you have anymore trouble coma back and we will be more than happy to help18:02
=== kenvandine[busy] is now known as kenvandine
jdobrienrye, I get a SGSEGV in dbus_connection_send_with_reply() error18:08
ryerodrigo_, can you check what happens when the note contains & ?18:23
kklimondaaquarius: do you have a minute? I have a quick question about rhythmbox plugins. Can I prevent rhythmbox from displaying plugin's preferences after use clicks on Configure? For example when user decide not to unlock keyring there is no point in asking him to enter login and password because they can't be stored anyway and cancelling the Keyring unlock dialog is an explicit action.18:25
aquariuskklimonda, I...don't think so. If a plugin is configurable, then clicking configure will pop up its configure dialog :)18:25
aquariussounds like the plugin is not well written, though18:26
aquariussince if you cancel the keyring unlock dialog, the plugin should notice that and close its configure window itself, I think18:26
kklimondaaquarius: hmm.. that does make sense.18:28
kklimondaaquarius: it does make sense and actually works without me having to fix half of the plugin. thanks :)18:53
ryehm i believe my gwibber has also felt unwell19:38
beunorye, doesn't start anymore?19:39
beunomine doesn't after yesterday's updates19:39
ryebeuno, gwibber-service just hangs19:39
rye File "/usr/lib/python2.6/httplib.py", line 682, in _set_hostport19:40
rye    raise InvalidURL("nonnumeric port: '%s'" % host[i+1:])19:40
ryehttplib.InvalidURL: nonnumeric port: '1.453'19:40
rye self.accounts = CouchDatabase(COUCH_DB_ACCOUNTS, create=True)19:40
ryeaquarius, http://paste.ubuntu.com/387180/19:41
ryethisfred, aquarius - http://paste.ubuntu.com/387180/ - gwibber has problems...19:41
thisfredwow, it's connecting to pi?19:42
ryerestarted gwibber-service - looking what will be the error19:42
thisfredrye, there are known issues in d-c in lucid, I know not if this is one of them. CardinalFang__?19:43
aquariusthat's something failing to parse a d-bus message correctly, I bet19:43
aquarius1.453 looks like a d-bus connection ID19:43
ryeaquarius, that's happening within dc19:43
ryenot within gwibber19:43
CardinalFang__Eh?  That's not due until IPv7.19:44
ryehm, and now it starts fine... before that it segfaulted19:45
ryekilled gwibber and gwibber-service, starting gwibber-service - getting the same error19:47
ryeorg.desktopcouch.CouchDB is :1.45319:47
CardinalFang__rye, I don't know what caused that.  I think you should poke some "print"s in.  What is the "host" in httplib, without the indexing?19:47
CardinalFang__Still don't know where that came from.19:48
fader_Hello, I'm getting a 500 when trying to view a particular note in the web interface of U1; is this something that people are interested in looking at in real-time or should I just file a bug?19:57
ryefader_, hello, this is a known bug20:02
rye http://voices.canonical.com/ubuntuone/?p=21620:03
fader_rye: Hmm, does this include errors trying to view (rather than edit) notes?20:04
ryefader_, yes, that is caused by the parser failing to parse invalid XML in the notes20:04
ryefader_, meanwhile, you can browse notes directly (not that convenient, but it is still possible) - http://blog.rtg.in.ua/2010/02/ubuntu-one-internals-notes.html20:05
ryerye = rtg.in.ua :)20:05
fader_rye: Ah, okay, thanks!  I won't panic about it too much then.  I'll hold off on filing a bug as well.20:05
fader_rye: Awesome, thanks!  That saves me a headache as I haven't had synching working under Lucid lately, so being able to access the notes at all will be a huge help :)20:06
adalalhello, my files aren't syncing properly20:06
ryefader_, please note that the notes in couchdb are in raw HTML/XML20:07
adalalanyone that can help me?20:09
fader_rye: Yeah, no problem... I can parse the XML to grab what I need.  I just got lazy and didn't worry about grabbing the data from home before leaving with my laptop this morning :)20:09
ryeadalal, can you describe the issues in more details20:09
ryefader_, additionally we assume that replication is working properl20:09
adalalmy files are 'syncing' according to nautilus and to the notifcation, but when i log into my account, there are no files in there20:10
ryeadalal, ok, first of all, could you please run the script from  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RomanYepishev/UbuntuOne/Diagnostics ?20:11
adalalsays no issues were detected20:13
adalalhow do you change the account it's linked to?20:13
adalalrye: says no issues were detected, just a quick question, how would i change the ubuntuone account it is linked to?20:16
ryeadalal, hm, i don't think it is supported - you will need to do complete wipe of your data from your machine20:20
adalalcomplete wipe of data?20:20
ryethere's a FAQ entry about that (you will need all that - uninstall and reinstall20:20
adalalor do i just have to purge ubuntuone?20:20
ryeadalal, not the data itself, but various service data, cache etc...20:20
wojtek_Hello In desktopcouch ini file we have access token (or request token - need to perform oauth authorization) ?20:26
ryeadalal, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/77820:26
wojtek_if we have  have  access token, and I believe we have, we are only obligated to create signature for all requests to desktopcouch ?20:28
adalalyeah i am on that one..20:29
wojtek_I am trying to connect to  couchdb in desktopcouch from c++ program that I'm working on20:29
=== CardinalFang__ is now known as CardinalFang
wojtek_but I have to authorize firstly, in other case my request ae not processed20:30
adalali suppose just deleting the tokens from the keys would solve the problem?20:31
CardinalFangwojtek_, hi!  I would use an OAuth library to sign the requests using the secret you get from the system keyring.  There is HTTP Basic auth, but that is not officially supported.  Right, aquarius?20:32
aquariusCardinalFang, correct.20:32
wojtek_CardinalFang, I'm using QOAuth library20:33
wojtek_CardinalFang, for that, but I'm getting consumer and access token not from keyring but from desktopcouch ini file20:34
wojtek_CardinalFang, In my opinion it should work but do not know exactly and actually have some problems and I need confirmatin20:35
wojtek_CardinalFang, that tokens can be taken from ini file20:36
adalalhey, now i have a new error, whatever files i put in to upload, it gets renamed <filename>.u1conflict20:38
CardinalFangwojtek_, maybe.  libgnome-keyring-dev is probably smarter.  That is guaranteed to work.20:39
adalalanyone knows what causes the u1conflict? because this is rendering ubuntuone useless for me20:42
adalalthis is the only one computer that's connected to my ubuntuone account, and can't be because of any conflicts20:43
wojtek_Anyone knew something abouth OAuth? Does this string below is appropriate for  (I mean syntax):20:58
wojtek_I want to access to database wrapped by desktopcouch20:59
dobeynot sure21:06
dobeyi don't know what the consumer info is supposed to be for that21:07
CardinalFangmandel, meet wojtek_ .21:15
mandelCardinalFang, wojtek_, better here than in #desktopcouch?21:16
CardinalFangmandel, I'd first look at  libgnome-keyring-dev  to see how easy it is to use.  Maybe easier than parsing INI.21:17
wojtek_mandel, sorry sometimes at #desktopcouch there are only few people21:18
mandelwojtek_, no problem21:18
mandelCardinalFang, well, I've done the lib in c# but with mono so keyring is easy, I want to abstract it later to work on windows (but I yet need to get desktopcouch running)21:19
mandelwojtek_, the question was, which is the best way to access the OAuth to be used with the couchdb instance? so far I've used the keyring21:20
wojtek_mandel, I have problem with gnomekeyring21:20
mandelwojtek_, really?21:21
wojtek_mandel, so I decided to use a secrets and tokens from ini file as a temporary solution21:21
wojtek_mandel, Yes21:21
wojtek_mandel, for example if I run qdbus and then org.gnome.keyring21:22
wojtek_mandel, It shows me available objects21:22
wojtek_but if I want to see what methods can be performed on particular object via dbus I get nothing21:22
wojtek_mandel, but this is not my primary problem . Firstly I want only to get access to desktopcouch wrapped by desktopcouch21:23
mandelwojtek_, do you mind pointing me to a code example?21:23
wojtek_mandel, And here problems with OAuth21:24
mandelwojtek_, what do you mean with "desktopcouch wrapped by desktopcouch"?21:24
wojtek_mandel, How to sign request21:24
wojtek_mandel, Sorry that was mistake21:24
wojtek_mandel, couchdb wrapped by desktopcouch21:24
wojtek_mandel, so that couchdb server that is used by desktopcouch service21:24
dobeywojtek_: why aren't you using the gnomekeyring library?21:25
dobeywojtek_: instead of trying to call some dbus methods on it?21:25
dobeyie, python-gnomekeyring21:25
mandelwojtek_, oh, np :P I understood but wanted to double check21:25
wojtek_dobey: I'm programming in c++21:25
mandeldobey, that is why I'm asking, I'v used the mono keyring lib and did not get any problems21:25
adalalanyone know what the u1conflict is about? my files in there get renamed to <filename>.u1conflict21:26
mandelwojtek_, hum, interesting, so you cannot get it with c++ but I van get it with mono... that is scary21:26
dobeywojtek_: ok, libgnomekeyring :)21:26
dobeymandel: you can just use the normal libgnomekeyring api in c++21:27
dobeygnome-keyring is written in C21:27
wojtek_mandel, dobey, but ok, I will deal with keyring somehow, but firstly I want to make a signature of request with given consumer and access token21:28
mandeldobey, I know, that is why I find it strange, 'cause mono did not reimplemented the wheel, they wrap gnome-keyring AFAIK21:28
dobeymandel: yes, and the python bindings just wrap it also21:29
wojtek_mandel, dobey, I found oauyth data in ini file21:29
wojtek_mandel, dobey, And It should be correct thata for creatng signatures21:29
mandelwojtek_, are you writing a lib to access desktopcouch or an app that does it? mind if I take a look at the code?21:30
wojtek_mandel, Yes21:30
mandelwojtek_, my c++ is not great (since uni) but I should understand it :D21:30
wojtek_mandel, I'm writing a desktopcouch class and then I want to use it in resource for akonadi21:31
mandelwojtek_, cool, got a bzr/hg/git thing?21:32
wojtek_mandel, whgat is bzr/hg.git ?21:32
mandelwojtek_, I meant a bazaar repo, or mercurial or git... you know there are so many this days21:33
wojtek_mandel, You mean If I'm using repository ?21:34
mandelwojtek_, yes :)21:34
wojtek_mandel, No :( , I do not use repository21:34
adalalcan anyone actually help me?21:35
wojtek_mandel, but as for know library isn't for browsing becouse as for know it is very very ugly21:35
mandeladalal, do you pastebin the file, I;ll try to take a look21:35
mandelwojtek_, well, dont worry about the code, I'm not a teacher ;)21:37
mandelwojtek_, if you dont fill confident I'll wait to take a look other day, are you around here usually?21:37
mandelwojtek_, meant feel, typo21:37
wojtek_mandel, :) Yes, yes I'm every day21:37
wojtek_mandel, Did You use oauth C library ?21:38
mandelwojtek_, great, then let me know if you need a hand or something when ever yo21:38
dobeywojtek_: does that ini file only have the consumer token and secret?21:39
mandelwojtek_, no, I used c#, but we should ask rodrigo_ maybe you could use couchdb-glib21:40
mandeldobey, what do you think, I do not know how hard is to do c## wrapper but maybe he can used rodrigos work21:41
mandeldobey, I meant c++ not c## ... what a day21:41
wojtek_dobey, no it contains also token users21:42
rodrigo_mandel, it should be relatively easy to do a wrapper21:42
dobeyyou don't need a wrapper21:43
rodrigo_although you can use C from C++21:43
dobeyjust use couchdb-glib21:43
mandelrodrigo_, so that should solve wojtek_ problems, right?21:44
rodrigo_couchdb-glib solves everyone's problems, yes :)21:44
wojtek_dobey, my library is based on till's library couchdb-qt21:44
wojtek_rodrigo_ , couchdb-glib provides creating oauth signatures ?21:45
rodrigo_wojtek_, oauth authentication to couchdb? yes21:46
wojtek_rodrigo_  SO for sure I will now go and download library. Can I look into source codes ?21:46
rodrigo_wojtek_, yes, of course21:47
rodrigo_wojtek_, it's in GNOME's git server, under couchdb-glib, or lp:couchdb-glib (mirrored every 4 hours or so, I think)21:47
tillwojtek_: feel free to add it to the lib, it was new in desktopcouch, when I did the lib :)21:48
wojtek_till, in fact it is not desktopcouch :) only couchdb21:48
wojtek_till, Can I use this couchdb-glib instead of coudb-qt written by You ?21:49
tillIt's more complete.21:49
rodrigo_wojtek_, is your app a QT or GTK app?21:49
wojtek_rodrigo_ QT21:50
wojtek_rodrigo_  And that is why I wanted to continue till's couchdb-qt lib21:50
rodrigo_then it might be a good idea to help till complete his lib21:50
mandelwojtek_, ahh now I understand, you do not want to many dependencies with GTK+21:50
rodrigo_couchdb-glib is more complete though21:50
wojtek_mandel, yes yes and once again yes :)21:51
tillShoudln't be hard to add auth support to the qt lib21:51
rodrigo_wojtek_, but doing the oauth stuff is not hard, if you look at couchdb-glib's code21:51
wojtek_till, in fact shouldn't21:51
wojtek_till, I started it today and have some problems but I think I wil manage to solve them yet today21:51
rodrigo_wojtek_, you just need the oauth.[ch] files from couchdb-glib, and look at the CouchdbCredentials object to see how it signs the requests21:51
wojtek_rodrigo_ I think so21:52
tillwojtek_: Rock on!21:52
wojtek_till, I also has kick out QHttp from your code, and replaced it with QNetworkAccessManager21:53
wojtek_till, couse If we were performing two requests one after another using QHttp there were problems with signals and slots21:53
tillwojtek_: why not, yes21:55
wojtek_till, Your  Desktop Couch Resource will be finished  for 100%, becouse I decided to make it as a part of my master-thesis - so it is sure it will be done - in other case I will not finish my university  :)22:00
tillwojtek_: Hey, that's great news. :)22:00
tillwojtek_: I love that about Free Software, you start something, someone else comes along to finish it :).22:00
tillwojtek_: feel free to bug me, if you have qeustions, I'm usually on IRC uring the day22:01
wojtek_till, I'm really new to that approach22:01
tillNot next week, though, going to Brasil for Bossa '1022:01
tillwojtek_: I'll be speaking there about Akonadi on mobile devices, who knows, maybe we'll have a couchdb on those at some point as well.22:02
tillOff to bed now, though, talk to you later!22:05
wojtek_till,   it is a month or two since I'm working only on kubuntu, ealier I was using only windows, and I was writting code in c# .. I'm still feel newbie, but I think I'll love it , this approach of Free Software22:05
wojtek_till, see ya then22:06
tillwojtek_: :)22:06
rwlyonsjrhey guys.... anybody home? I have a persisting problem with the web interface to Ubuntu One22:17
pfibigerrwlyonsjr: what sort of problem?22:26
rwlyonsjrpfibiger: My files are not showing up on the web site.... then they come back with a refresh... This has been going on for a couple of days.... I was on irc about it yesterday... I thought someone had found a solution22:28
ryerwlyonsjr, I believe it was me22:30
rwlyonsjrrye: yep22:30
rwlyonsjrrye: I did not know if you were at your computer....22:31
ryerwlyonsjr, what type of internet connection do you have?22:32
ryebeuno, btw, was there something figured out about the web interface ddosing itself with XMLHttpRequests ?22:33
rwlyonsjrrye, I have tried from a couple of different places.... Each time, it was high speed cable....22:33
beunorye, I know nothing about that22:34
ryebeuno, <beuno> right22:35
rye we need to re-work /files22:35
ryebeuno, i am talking about http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/44940/screenshot_AO38v0.png22:38
ryethis is the attempt to load one folder leading to massive timeouts and incomplete display22:39
rwlyonsjrrye, I tried it again using the "edge" address that you gave me yesterday, and while it is better, I hve the same issues....22:42
beunorye, right22:42
beunoI know about that22:42
beunoI can't fix it at the moment22:43
ryejdobrien, how was the file loading speed-up (in past tense, speeded-up(?) o_O )22:43
beunowe need to re-write how that works22:43
ryeno desktopcouch-stop...22:46
ryerwlyonsjr, unfortunately I have no solution for this issue at the moment L(22:52
rwlyonsjrrye, thanks.... does it affect syncing across computers that you know of? I still have some non Ubuntu systems that i need to get files from (OSX), is there another way to sync that you know of?22:53
ryerwlyonsjr, this particular issue does not affect the syncing of the files between ubuntuone clients, but it does limit the ability of the service usage if the only access method is the web interface22:54
rwlyonsjrrye, gotcha.... is there another way that I can get my files on my Mac? some other tool? Comman Line? anything?22:55
* rye thinks about building the command line client22:55
statikthere is a command line client called u1sync that has very very minimal dependencies on linux - probably need to remove the dependency on gnome-keyring and then you could get it to work on OS X22:59
rwlyonsjrstatik, that client with sync with Ubuntu One by default?23:01
statikrwlyonsjr: no, it does nothing by default. it is an example of a very short python program that retrieves files from one.ubuntu.com23:01
rwlyonsjrstatik, reading man page now.... Thanks....23:02
rwlyonsjrstatik, where can I find the source?23:04
ryestatik, thanks, I believe I have never used u1sync tool23:05
ryerwlyonsjr, they are in ubuntuone-client source package, it is written in python23:07
rwlyonsjrrye, I am on my Mac now, but I am digging through some stuff to find the source now23:08
rwlyonsjrrye, I just downloaded 1.1.2 to dig around for something....23:11
rwlyonsjrI am looking at the source code..... I think it could work, but I do not think it will be very easy....23:25
rye1 AM, me definitely need to go offline23:30
ryepart #ubuntuone bye!23:30
wojtek_mandel, rodrigo_, I've done this OAuthorization already, Know I'm able to perform all operation on my desktopcouch. I didn't use couchdb-glib. I used QOAtuh library... it is much more simplier its in qt, and it is object oriented :)  I think it meets my requirements. I do not like to mix techniques :)23:36
wojtek_mandel, rodrigo_, But know I will propably have problems with removing databases.. as they will return all the time I assume :), I hace a special script from one of You wich allows to remove datbase from ubuntuone desktopcouch. Maybe it will be solution. Will see.23:39

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