
humphreybcholy mackeral00:00
humphreybcwe have 361 fans on facebook...00:00
semioticroboticlife's tough when you're famous00:00
humphreybc13 days ago we had 169...00:00
humphreybcthat's nuts00:00
humphreybcguys check the top of the pad00:03
humphreybci'm making a top 5 list00:03
humphreybchave a look, tell me what you think00:03
humphreybcand when Ilya comes in, let him know about this pad00:03
Red_HamsterXHaving trouble thinking of a fifth point?00:05
kklimondahumphreybc: any reason why quickshot doesn't use GtkAssistant to set up everything? time constraint?00:05
Red_HamsterXMmm... LaTeX...00:05
Red_HamsterXGood choice.00:05
humphreybckklimonda: no idea, i started it with quickly00:06
humphreybcbecause that seemed easiest from what i was told00:06
godbykhumphreybc: re: translators. if they're translating to a new language have them email me to give me a heads-up.00:07
kklimondahumphreybc: I was thinking about using GtkAssistant widget to display all pages of the setup phase (i.e. user creation etc.)00:07
semioticrobotictop five list is looking good, benjamin00:11
humphreybcsemioticrobotic: you're bryan, right?00:11
semioticroboticyep ... it's me00:12
humphreybckklimonda: okay, sounds good - you'll have to chat to TommyBrunn or Luke Jennings to sort it out. I'll put their email addresses up on the to do list00:12
semioticroboticokay folks ... gotta get my lectures ready for tomorrow's classes00:15
semioticroboticI'll check the pad in a day or two for an update on progress00:16
humphreybcsweet as00:17
Red_HamsterXOkay, I won't be able to get anything done tonight, but I'll dive right into the code tomorrow, at the first chance I get.03:01
humphreybchi guys, i'm back03:54
humphreybchad coffee with Tim, Launchad/bzr release manager03:55
humphreybche suggested a pretty cool way to do this quickshot thing and he's going to help with the launchpad side of stuff03:55
Red_HamsterXHow many Canonical employees did you say there were in .nz again?03:59
Red_HamsterXAlso, what's his idea? I'm just starting to look at the code now.03:59
Red_HamsterX(I got home an hour ago)03:59
Red_HamsterXI probably should have line-broken that.04:00
humphreybcum i think there are 2 or 304:07
humphreybcdo you have skype?04:07
humphreybc(easier to explain over skype)04:07
Red_HamsterXI do not. Something about a non-free protocol and me coming from the Debian world. :(04:10
Red_HamsterXSo the code, at this stage, is basically "display about"?04:11
humphreybcokay, that's all good04:12
humphreybcbasically Tim thinks we should create a new user on Launchpad for Quickshot04:12
humphreybcupload an SSH key for that user04:12
humphreybcthen attach the SSH key to Quickshot04:12
humphreybcso everyone who uses Quickshot acts as "that user"04:13
Red_HamsterXAnd then share the private key with the users on all test systems?04:13
humphreybcand they'd have full write access to the branch04:13
humphreybcno we'd keep it private04:13
humphreybci guess04:13
Red_HamsterXHow would they push changes, then?04:13
humphreybcit's attached to quickshot04:13
humphreybcso quickshot *is* the user04:13
humphreybcand the "quickshot launchpad user" owns the branch(es)04:14
humphreybcso anyone with quickshot can push04:14
humphreybcie, write to the branch04:14
humphreybche then suggests that when someone is pushing we lock the branch until they're done - bzr automatically will wait until the branch becomes available to push - we can just display a message saying that someone else is pushing and it won't take long04:14
Red_HamsterXNo, I get that... but a private key is needed for the commit, unless I'm missing something about how Launchpad/BZR commits work.04:14
humphreybcwell i'm not sure of that detail, but he is the release manager for bzr/launchpad so it all comes under his domain04:15
humphreybci can talk to him to clarify stuff like that04:15
humphreybche says he'll do as much as he can to iron out any kinks on the launchpad end to make it easier for us04:15
Red_HamsterXIt's a pretty trivial detail in any case. If the ey gets compromised, the worst that can happen is that a rollback is needed.04:15
humphreybcyeah, exactly04:15
humphreybcas for having multiple branches or not, it really depends how big each image will be04:16
humphreybcif each image is >100kb then multiply that by 50 then by 4704:16
Red_HamsterXWe could do a quick test with PIL and indexed PNGs.04:16
humphreybci suggest that we stay with branches for each language04:16
Red_HamsterX(To see if they're usable when indexed)04:16
humphreybcbecause it's already half set up04:16
humphreybcand we can just set the quickshot user as the owner for the project - ie, the owner for the branches04:17
humphreybche also mentioned to use bzrlib04:17
humphreybcand to talk to lifeless, who is the canonical employee who is the main developer for bzr04:17
humphreybcso i'll see if i can grab him04:17
Red_HamsterXbzrlib looks pretty well-documented... I could probably have that running in a couple of hours this weekend.04:19
Red_HamsterXThough it probably shouldn't be a high priority... I mean, once everything else is done, it's just a matter of running the command fifty times, distributed amongst multiple users, and it's not hard to type it out.04:20
Red_HamsterXIt would be nice to have it ready in preparation for 10.10, though.04:21
humphreybcwell, we were aiming for 10.04 .... :)04:21
humphreybc(yes our project is crazy)04:21
Red_HamsterXI don't think it's unachievable.04:22
humphreybcjust tough, right?04:22
Red_HamsterXI can hack code pretty fast.04:23
humphreybci'll grab thumper to see if he can come in here and chat to you04:23
Red_HamsterXI'll do my best to please you this weekend.04:23
Red_HamsterXSo is the plan, post-grabbing-of-screenshots, to apply a series of (top, left, width, height) values to each image to extract the relevant rectangles for automatic insertion into a translatable LaTeX document?04:27
humphreybcugh - i think so. Tommy's the one to talk to about that, and Luke - they know more about it than I.04:31
humphreybcbut they're conveniently asleep now :)04:32
Red_HamsterXI'll try to catch them earlier tomorrow, then.04:34
Red_HamsterXSince I'd probably be able t help most by writing libraries while they focus on design.04:34
Red_HamsterXUntil I'm fully up to speed.04:34
humphreybci'll ask thumper if he can join this channel too04:35
Red_HamsterXI'll be going to sleep shortly, unfortunately.04:35
Red_HamsterXI need to be up for 4:20 to make it to my place of workage.04:36
humphreybcthat's okay, i mean just for future04:36
wolterwho is the creator of the ubuntu manual webpage/05:28
wolter(report in if present)05:28
wolterwell, if you (creator) read this, email me at wolterh6@gmail.com05:36
humphreybchi Rudi!07:20
Rudihello humphreybc!07:21
humphreybcso what would you say is your biggest skill?07:21
humphreybcor what would you most like to do?07:21
humphreybcif you take a look at this, it's a list of things that need to be done: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/aA6ygCXL9F07:21
RudiI'm not really sure, I looked at the blue prints and they all seemed to be going pretty well07:21
RudiI can do the screenshots, once the RC/beta is released07:21
RudiI can also edit07:22
humphreybcwell if you're confident in english and know about ubuntu, we really need help on two chapters07:22
Rudiallrighty :)07:22
Rudiwhich two?07:23
humphreybcchapter 4 and 6 are the big ones that are lacking07:23
humphreybcyou know how to use bzr?07:23
humphreybcon the etherpad, take a look under the heading "MANUAL"07:23
vishgodbyk: / humphreybc: what is the background color of the pdf? #000 or off white?07:24
Rudithe part where i can see people writing at the moment?07:24
humphreybci thiink it's plain white but not sure07:25
humphreybcactually it should be plain white07:25
humphreybcbecause it's to be printed, right?07:25
humphreybcso we don't want to make them print full page off white07:26
vish;)  yeah , but still the pdf would have a background color , iirc07:26
vishwhere is the pdf located , too many folders in the branch 0.o07:26
humphreybcyou have to build it :P07:27
humphreybcrun make07:27
humphreybcit's very simple07:27
humphreybcoh wait07:27
humphreybcdo you not have latex?07:27
humphreybci'll make it for you, hold up one se07:27
vishi dont think so :(07:27
humphreybcokay, give me two secs07:28
Rudihumphreybc, i have bzr installed and i'm ready to go :)07:29
humphreybccool, run "bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual"07:30
Rudibzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual07:30
Rudimy bad07:31
humphreybcthen you'll need to run the install script under /pkgs07:32
humphreybcwhich install LaTeX 2009 I think07:33
humphreybcit's a fairly big download, 2GB or so (sorry!)07:33
humphreybcif you don't want to do that it's not the end of the world07:33
humphreybcyou can work on the chapters in the .tex files themselves in a program like gedit07:33
vish 2GB for latex install! o.0 OMFG07:33
humphreybcyou just won't be able to compile it into a PDF to see what your work looks like, but you can push your new stuff and one of us can check it if you like. I recommend install latex anyway07:34
RudiI only have 3GB of bandwidth a month :O07:34
Rudibandwidth starved south africa...07:34
humphreybcwell, in that case, write your chapters in .text files in the correct directory07:34
Rudioki :)07:35
humphreybcand one of us can take what you've written and convert it to tex files with commands and stuff07:35
* vish still waiting for pdf from humphreybc ;)07:37
humphreybci forgot for a sec, got distracted07:37
humphreybcsry battery ran out07:42
vishno probs , just push to bzr? /ubuntu-manual/graphics/ when you are free07:42
* vish bbl07:43
Rudihumphreybc, i am now connected to the branch07:46
humphreybckk hold up one sec07:46
Rudihad to add an ssh key to launchpad07:46
humphreybcvish, pushing now, revision 38307:47
thorwilgood morning!07:48
humphreybcRudi, cool, so you can see the files and stuff?07:50
ronald_Hello, my name is Ronald an active member of the Ubuntu Zimbabwe LoCo team08:00
humphreybchi ronald!08:00
ronald_I am available to invest time in writing chapters and proof reading the manual08:00
humphreybchave you got experience with bzr or latex?08:01
ronald_unfortunately no, I am prepared to learn08:01
humphreybcso, you'll need to do this: sudo apt-get install bzr08:01
humphreybcnow, make a new directory in your home folder called "projects" or something08:02
humphreybcthen inside that folder, run "bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual"08:03
humphreybcyou'll want to set up bzr too, use bzr whoami08:03
ronald_with the quotes??08:04
humphreybchave a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Help08:05
humphreybcalso check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/contributions08:05
ronald_I will, its downloading something08:06
humphreybcubuntujenkins, meet thumper :)08:11
thumperubuntujenkins: hi08:11
thumperscared off already08:12
ubuntujenkinshi thumper08:12
ubuntujenkinssorry about that lucid has a very anoying enter key bug for me08:12
thorwilgodbyk: did you talk with Charlene already?08:13
humphreybcubuntujenkins: thumper is the canonical project lead for launchpad/bzr integration08:14
ubuntujenkinsooo nice08:14
humphreybci had coffee with him today and he has a cool idea for the quickshot bzr stuff08:14
thumperI was thinking I should talk to lifeless before we charge down one track08:14
thumperI have a feeling that the entire picture store could be done with a single branch08:14
thumperwithout hitting the users too much08:14
ubuntujenkinslifeless is a person right?08:14
thumperubuntujenkins: yep08:15
thumperlifeless is a core bzr developer08:15
thumperand a very smart guy08:15
ubuntujenkinsfair eonough, when I spoke to people in #bzr they said we can't do it untill nesting was implimented but it would be easyier if we could do it08:16
ubuntujenkinswhat time zone is liffless in?08:17
ubuntujenkinsthumper did you have any other suggestions?08:18
thumperubuntujenkins: UTC+1008:19
thumperI've just been thinking about the branch layout08:19
thumperthere is nothing to say that a PGP _has_ to be private08:19
thumperonly that it _should_ be private08:19
thumperor SSH key really08:19
vishhumphreybc: seems you pushed an empty commit >  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/main/revision/383  , the pdf isnt actually added08:20
thumperby having a shared private key you open yourself up to potential abuse08:20
ubuntujenkinssure I follow so far08:20
thumperone thing that you'd want to do is to set append only on the branches08:20
thumperthat way if someone did try to remove stuff08:20
thumperyou can just revert their commits08:21
thumperand you won't lose data08:21
ubuntujenkinsright i will look at that08:21
thumperhumphreybc: do this `bzr alias commit="commit --strict"`08:21
thumperhumphreybc: that way commit will fail if there are unknown files08:22
thumperhumphreybc: which happens when you forget to add08:22
humphreybci added a file though08:22
humphreybcit *is* there08:22
humphreybci'll try again in a minute, hold up folks08:22
ubuntujenkinsthumper I am utc, I will just nip and have a show I have lectures in 20 mins08:23
thumperubuntujenkins: ETOOMUCHINFO08:24
ronald_humphreybc - I have followed your instructions, whats the next step?08:30
humphreybcronald_: sorry :)08:31
humphreybcso you've pulled the branch?08:31
humphreybchow much bandwidth do you get a month?08:31
humphreybcie, what's your internet plan like08:31
ubuntujenkinsback thumper08:32
ronald_I am on a fiber network, bandwidth is not a challenge I work for an ISP, I have free Internet from 7 pm to 7 am08:32
humphreybcgodbyk: piong08:32
humphreybcping, well, piong could work too i suppose08:32
ubuntujenkinsI have never seen the channel so busy08:33
humphreybcoh believe me it's been busier than this!08:33
humphreybcyou should have seen the first meeting....08:33
ubuntujenkinsI didn't join untill the second or third unfortunatley08:34
humphreybcokay, so ronald_ you'll now have to run /pkgs/install-pkgs.sh08:34
humphreybcthis might take a while, as it will install LaTeX 2009 and a whole heap of fonts and dependencies, which come to about 2GB08:35
ronald_it says bash: /pkgs/install-pkgs.sh: No such file or directory08:35
IlyaHaykinson_./pkgs/install-pkgs.sh from the ubuntu-manual directory08:35
IlyaHaykinson_include the ./ at the beginning08:36
humphreybcvish, the reason the branch didn't detect the pdf was because it was in .bzrignore - but i'm just going to rename it and push again. i should have realised in the first place, d'oh!08:36
humphreybcvish, revision 384, /graphics/manual.pdf :)08:37
humphreybcah TommyBrunn is here now!08:38
humphreybcTommyBrunn, meet thumper - Canonical launchpad/bzr release manager08:39
TommyBrunnHey there.08:39
thumperhumphreybc: just the release manager for 10.02 of Launchpad08:39
thumpernormally just called launchpad-code team lead08:39
humphreybcthumper: okay :)08:39
IlyaHaykinson_*sigh* the software center could be so much better....08:39
humphreybcIlyaHaykinson_: i agree totally08:40
IlyaHaykinson_they certainly have plans to improve it, by v408:40
IlyaHaykinson_i.e. 11.0408:40
humphreybcseems to be making rather slow progress?08:40
IlyaHaykinson_but, well, that's a while from now. and until then, there's user confusion.08:40
IlyaHaykinson_probably just not a lot of resources dedicated to it. after all, this is actually written by canonical.08:41
humphreybcwhat's it written in?08:41
IlyaHaykinson_no idea, actually.08:41
IlyaHaykinson_ah. python + gtk08:42
humphreybcthat's what i guessed08:42
humphreybcso for a python app that's basically just a gui front end to apt, and considering they have synaptic to take stuff from, it's taking them a long time to make any progress. oh well.08:43
IlyaHaykinson_hm, well, there's more to it of course08:43
humphreybcwhat can ya do? haha08:43
humphreybcwell yes08:43
humphreybcthe whole app review system is new08:43
IlyaHaykinson_indeed. plus everything simple is always more complex than it seems :)08:44
humphreybctake quickshot for example...08:44
IlyaHaykinson_so i bet just getting the UI to work right, and fast, and reliably, is a big enough challenge08:44
IlyaHaykinson_for a few part-time devs08:44
humphreybcor UMP - all we're doing is writing documentation, but it seems to be very hard haha08:44
IlyaHaykinson_maybe some day when i have a ton of free time, i'll pick a project like the software center and start hacking on it.08:45
IlyaHaykinson_i love python, and would love to learn some gtk+ in the process of working on something08:45
IlyaHaykinson_(but don't try to recruit me for quickly or GC, heh)08:46
IlyaHaykinson_er, quickshot08:46
humphreybcyeah i'm the same08:46
humphreybcbtw, IlyaHaykinson_ http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/aA6ygCXL9F08:47
humphreybcoh and ubuntujenkins: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/aA6ygCXL9F08:47
humphreybcand pretty much everyone08:47
ubuntujenkinsyep got it already thansk08:47
humphreybcwasn't sure if you had or not08:48
IlyaHaykinson_nod; saw it.08:48
humphreybcoh btw, i cleaned up the main page of the wiki today08:49
humphreybcit should now be easier for new users08:50
humphreybcand i decided we're now on 64% completion :P08:50
* humphreybc loves the completely unscientific progress bar08:50
IlyaHaykinson_i dispute your finding; 63.9% would have been a lot more appropriate!08:51
humphreybcsee i opted for 64% instead of 65% to make it look like we've got some hardout "live" thing08:52
humphreybcnext time i update it i'll make it something like 68.1%08:52
humphreybcgodbyk: could you please switch the website on test.ubuntu-manual.org to wolter's one now08:53
humphreybcthanks :)08:53
rudihumpreybc, i got bzr to start "fetching revisions, inserting stream data"08:54
rudiis that correct?08:54
humphreybcjust wait for a bit, it's downloading our project files08:57
humphreybcIlyaHaykinson_: rudi and ronald_ are going to help with writing and editing08:57
humphreybcguys, Ilya is basically in charge of coordinating the authors08:58
IlyaHaykinson_rudi, ronald_: we need most help in chapters 4 (hardware) and 6 (system maintenance) right now.08:59
rudiaye captain!09:00
IlyaHaykinson_the harware chapter is about 1/10th finished, at best.09:00
IlyaHaykinson_i think ubuntujenkins was going to take some portions of it09:00
IlyaHaykinson_i believe printing and sound09:00
IlyaHaykinson_so i would prefer if one of you can take CD/DVD burning09:01
IlyaHaykinson_another can take webcams and scanning (these two should be simpler or require less text for now)09:02
IlyaHaykinson_or, one of you can take Chapter 6 on and start thinking about it.09:02
IlyaHaykinson_any takers?09:02
rudii'm currently looking at chapter 6 as we speak09:02
humphreybcalso, IlyaHaykinson_ rudi is on a 3GB bandwidth limit a month09:03
humphreybcso he's not going to download latex09:03
humphreybcbut rather write his chapter in .txt files09:03
humphreybcthen someone can convert them into .tex and insert commands. thoughts?09:03
humphreybcrudi, you can see the completed PDF in /graphics/manual.pdf09:03
rudihumphreybc,i'll go check quickly09:04
humphreybcthat's what it looks like when you compile it if you had LaTeX 200909:04
humphreybcyou could probably learn latex commands just by looking at the tex files and then seeing what happens in the pdf. it's not that hard, ie, \textbf{} makes the text inside the braces bold09:04
humphreybceg, \textbf{this text now becomes bold}09:04
humphreybcah, jaminday!09:05
humphreybcjust the person i wanted to talk to!09:05
jamindayhehe heya09:05
IlyaHaykinson_for chapter 4, see the proposed outline at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Blueprints/Hardware09:05
humphreybccan you sort out your editors and get them to compile a progress report of their assigned chapter?09:05
humphreybcso get them to rate it out of 10, 10 being completed, 0 being not even started09:05
IlyaHaykinson_note that this proposed outline is not comprehensive -- it may need to be expanded or contracted as needed09:05
rudihumphreybc i can see the pdf, it looks awesome09:05
jamindayyep - i just saw that on the to-do list09:05
rudii'll use the latex commands that i can see09:06
humphreybcand then you'll need to tell them to chase up the authors if their chapter is anything below an 809:06
IlyaHaykinson_for example, the section on webcams doesn't need to go into  detail on ekiga09:06
humphreybcwe want the editors and the authors working as a team of two people09:06
rudiwhat about cheese?09:06
jamindayyou want them to post the update on the whiteboard of their blueprint?09:06
humphreybcthat would be great09:06
IlyaHaykinson_we can mention cheese, but not cover it since it's not installed by default09:06
jamindaye.g. chapter currently at x out of 10 completion etc09:07
humphreybcor get them to email the results to you, and you can send a summary to me or Ilya, or the list09:07
humphreybcyep. so the idea is that the authors write the chapter, they report to their _editor_09:07
jamindayyeah ok i'll do that, that way i can collate it better09:07
IlyaHaykinson_rudi: if you send text files to me, i will incorporate them into the chapter.09:07
humphreybcthe editor and the author work together closely as a _team_09:07
IlyaHaykinson_for Chapter 6, we don't really have a good chapter outline yet09:07
jamindayi'll reiterate that - the team thing - in the email i'll send out09:07
humphreybcwhen they are both satisfied that the chapter is a 10/10, it gets signed off and that's the end of that09:07
IlyaHaykinson_and what's in the table of contents is just a hint of what could be included, not the actual outline09:07
IlyaHaykinson_so someone needs to think through what would make a good chapter09:08
humphreybcby team i mean, they should be talking to each other in here, private emails, skype if they must09:08
IlyaHaykinson_given the time constraints09:08
jamindayis the 10/10 completion rating to be used for an overall completion scale for the website as per earlier discussions?09:08
humphreybcalso, if an editor is lucky enough to have multiple authors -  then that's their team :)09:08
* IlyaHaykinson_ reports his status on chapter 4: chapter is not doing well, no authors, so no editing.09:08
humphreybcjamin, not really, we're just manually doing that. check out the main wiki page09:09
jamindayIlyaHaykinson: hmm, that is a problem09:09
humphreybci just made a progress bar myself and we estimated the completion :D09:09
humphreybcwho *was* writing 4?09:09
jamindayhumphreybc: ah cool i like it!09:09
IlyaHaykinson_jaminday: nod. hence i'm recruiting ubuntujenkins, rudi, ronald_, and possibly anyone else09:09
IlyaHaykinson_oh, various people over time.09:09
humphreybcjaminday, thanks :) it's also in the sidebar here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/09:09
IlyaHaykinson_the original author dropped out09:09
IlyaHaykinson_i recruited four more09:10
humphreybcnice work09:10
IlyaHaykinson_of which two submitted a bit of copy09:10
IlyaHaykinson_then disappeared09:10
jamindayIlyaHaykinson: excellent. Good to see we have some new people to help out as well09:10
humphreybcwhat happened to Wendy?09:10
IlyaHaykinson_i think wendy never got ubuntu installed09:10
IlyaHaykinson_i think anyone with tech writign experience should be put to editing, not writing...09:10
* humphreybc this room might be busier than offtopic :O09:10
humphreybcwell we have some editors09:11
humphreybcbryan is editing09:11
humphreybcand he's doing a great job09:11
IlyaHaykinson_right. i know.09:11
IlyaHaykinson_well, ....09:11
IlyaHaykinson_bryan is doing mainly grammar changes09:11
IlyaHaykinson_that's not editing09:11
humphreybcwell maybe rudi can you edit?09:11
humphreybcsince you don't have latex installed09:11
IlyaHaykinson_well, rather, that's minor editing09:11
humphreybcokay, well, perhaps ask him to do bigger edits?09:11
humphreybcperhaps he doesn't know how much he's actually allowed to change09:11
IlyaHaykinson_right now a lot of the changes we need are for structure, presentation order, completeness, etc.09:11
IlyaHaykinson_well, have him take a cue from me. i09:12
IlyaHaykinson_i'm mercilessly rewriting portions.09:12
jamindayyeah Bryan is probably still getting a feel for the project so making some smaller changes initially09:12
IlyaHaykinson_anyone who has a problem, can easily revert me, i won't get upset. :)09:12
jamindayIlyaHaykinson: yes me too, although i've been somewhat quiet on the editing front for a while now09:12
IlyaHaykinson_so Bryan should feel free to do likewise.09:12
humphreybcokay, jamin, how many people are actually *actively* editing?09:12
IlyaHaykinson_jaminday: yes. *glares* :)09:12
rudii don't mind editing09:13
rudii think i'd actually prefer it09:13
jamindayhumphreybc: i'd say about 3-4 *actively* editing although not much has happened for a while09:13
* humphreybc wonders if it's worth asking the docs team if they could spare anyone...09:13
jamindaysome have been waiting for more content09:13
jamindayrudi: that might be good09:13
humphreybcokay, rudi, you're now an editor :)09:13
humphreybcjaminday, what chapters *need* editing?09:14
jamindayalthough we do need content written pretty urgently so there is something there to edit!09:14
humphreybcokay, so, Ilya, how many people do we have actively writing stuff?09:14
rudiwell i can write content too09:14
IlyaHaykinson_well, right now i think we mainly need chapter 4 and 6 written09:14
humphreybci talked to matt griffin tonight and he's going to add in his rhythmbox/music store/ubuntu one stuff soon09:14
IlyaHaykinson_OR we need to decide to cut them completely09:14
IlyaHaykinson_humphreybc: good. though how soon is soon? he didn't reply to a recent mail from me.09:15
jamindayhumphreybc: I don't think John Hart stuck around - i think he had too many bzr/LP issues so his assigned chapter probably needs an allocated editor09:15
humphreybcwell the writing freeze is no the 31st, you guys all know that right?09:15
humphreybcIlyaHaykinson_: he knows about the writing freeze and he should have it done by next week09:15
IlyaHaykinson_ok, wonderful.09:15
humphreybche's been busy doing the music store testing since he's in charge of all that for canonical09:16
humphreybcjaminday: who's john hart? O.o09:16
IlyaHaykinson_just as long as we don't have to cut it at the end.09:16
humphreybcnope, he knows it's important09:16
IlyaHaykinson_rudi: i would say pick one of the things that we've mentioned, and go for it.09:16
humphreybcwhere has joe and kelvin gone?09:16
humphreybcthe chapter 6 authors?09:16
humphreybcchapter 6 isn't too long, just by looking at it09:17
humphreybci could probably power through that in a few hours09:17
jamindayhumphreybc: I met with John Hart a couple times over chat to get him set up but had some issues, then he stopped replying to my emails09:17
IlyaHaykinson_there's enough work to go around -- writing, editing -- that you would be very helpful in any capacity09:17
IlyaHaykinson_chapter 6 is not too long, but then again i don't think it's been thought out yet09:17
IlyaHaykinson_just has a rough sketch of some must-haves in the TOC09:17
humphreybcokay, let's decide on a plan for chap 609:18
humphreybcthen i can do that tomorrow09:18
jamindayHow about you both take a 'half' each (humphreybc and rudi)09:18
humphreybcyeah that could work09:18
jamindayie one on updating and one on upgrading09:19
humphreybcrudi, what do you feel like doing? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/TableOfContents09:19
humphreybcthere's updating or upgrading09:19
rudii'll do updating?09:19
IlyaHaykinson_well, at the very least, to me, "System Maintenance" means app updates; distro upgrades; disk space cleanup; backup09:19
IlyaHaykinson_plus potentially user management09:19
humphreybci think we have those covered except backup09:19
humphreybcand user management09:20
humphreybcwhich is pretty easy09:20
IlyaHaykinson_and disk space clean up09:20
rudibackup: is this using something like rsync? or is it ok to get the end user to install something like grsync?09:20
humphreybcteam, GO!09:20
jamindayrudi: we are trying to stick with GUI in the first 6 chapters09:20
jamindayThere are a number of GUI backup apps available but not sure what's in the default repos09:21
jamindayPerhaps grsync is the way to go but i've never tried it09:22
rudijaminday, thanks for clearing that up09:33
humphreybcjamin, you sticking around?09:34
jamindayyep only for a couple of mins09:35
jamindayhumphreybc: sorry had to head off for dinner. I'll try and make it back tonight otherwise should be around again in the next day or two. Have allocated another couple of days to work solely on editing so hopefully we will make some more progress.09:55
jamindayhumphreybc: Also just email godbyk about our changes to chapter 6. Copied you into the email so you might have read it already.09:55
ajulianohi, i would like to help out with the web development. What do i do?09:59
TommyBrunn1ajuliano: You could try to get the countdown-timer-thingy on http://ubuntu-manual.org to work in Internet Explorer.10:00
TommyBrunn1It's available in the main branch, in ubuntu-manual/website/countdown/10:01
humphreybcoO and ajuliano if you could insert http://ubuntu-manual.org/progressbar.png into the countdown timer thingy somewhere too that would be cool10:04
humphreybcdo you know how to use bzr?10:04
ajulianonever done it before10:04
humphreybcsudo apt-get install bzr10:04
humphreybcbzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual10:04
humphreybcwebsite stuff is under /website10:04
ajulianook thanks10:04
humphreybcthere are currently two versions of the main website, the stuff in /website and the stuff in /website/wolter-remake10:05
humphreybcbut the countdown stuff is /website/countdown10:05
ajulianoi'm on my mac right now. Is there another way of doing it? otherwise I will try it out later today10:05
ajulianothe progressbar looks cool, how does the update work?10:06
humphreybcajuliano: i can send you the files10:06
humphreybci just manually update the .psd for it hehe10:07
humphreybcthen i put it in the branch10:07
humphreybcanything in /website/countdown goes on ubuntu-manual.org10:07
humphreybcanything in /website goes on http://test.ubuntu-manual.org10:07
humphreybcajuliano: what's your email address? i can zip up the countdown stuff for you10:07
humphreybchow good are you at web development?10:08
ajulianoI do it for a living.10:09
ajulianoWorking with both Drupal and Wordpress10:09
ajulianoCan do a lot of stuffs with php/html/css10:10
ajulianoI am a mix of a designer and coder10:10
humphreybcyou're my new favourite person10:10
humphreybcthis is what i want our site to look like: http://humphreybc.wordpress.com/2010/03/01/more-website-mockups-new-get-involved-page/10:11
humphreybc(i did these mockups last weekend)10:11
ajulianoGotta go now, heading for a meeting10:11
humphreybcokay, no probs10:11
ajulianoI will check out ur site10:11
humphreybcsweet as10:11
ajulianoand gonna take a look at the files later today or tomorrow10:12
ajulianobtw, i saw the mockups some days ago at OMG!, looks great!10:12
humphreybcokay well i'm going to watch a movie10:16
humphreybcanyone have anything they want me to do before i depart for the evening?10:16
ubuntujenkinsTommyBrunn1 ping:12:17
ubuntujenkinshi daker12:17
godbykI'm alive again.12:20
godbykTrying to rejoin my time zone. :)12:23
ubuntujenkinsisn't it like 6 am for you?12:23
godbykI went to sleep about 10 pm last night.12:28
godbykwas awesome.12:28
godbyk(I'm naturally a night owl.  My schedule was so messed up, I was going to sleep around 4 pm and waking up around 2 am.  That's not good.)12:29
godbykI'm trying to reset it so I'm awake a bit more during the day.12:29
godbyk(Though I'm happy to wake up around 10 a.m.)12:29
ubuntujenkinsI am so tired at the moment fell asleep in a law lecture12:31
godbykoops. :)12:33
godbykI'm reading irc backlogs, so I'll be posting responses to ancient questions for a couple minutes.  Feel free to ignore me.12:33
godbykvish: There is no background, it's just white/transparent (#fff).12:33
godbykvish: You can grab some compiled version of the manual from here, if you like: http://ubuntu-manual.org/builds/12:34
godbykthorwil: No, I haven't written back to Charlene yet.  I was AFK yesterday.12:35
godbykhumphreybc: poing?12:35
ubuntujenkinsbens in bed12:35
godbykokay, I'm caught up now.12:44
godbykubuntujenkins: who let him go to sleep?!12:44
ubuntujenkinsI don't know :P why would he ahve to sleep?12:44
godbyksleep is a complete waste of time, imo.12:45
thorwilgodbyk: what's the state of the internal layout?12:46
godbykthorwil: abysmal?12:46
godbykI'm going to be attacking it today -- just as soon as I'm done switching the test website around to point at wolter's.12:46
godbykasciidoc? whatever happened to good old-fashioned html?12:47
thorwilgodbyk: ok. slowly getting time to at least be sure about the margins12:47
godbykthorwil: if you have specific complaints or suggestions, feel free to lay 'em on me and I'll add 'em to my list.12:47
godbykyeah, margins are a big one.12:47
godbyknow that we have the fonts selected (well, for the Latin alphabet, at least), we can get the line-spacing set and figure out a good block size and whatnot.12:48
thorwilpdftex: define anchor at line 82: page.5212:50
thorwil! Misplaced alignment tab character &.12:51
thorwill.89 ...uch as ``Office'', ``Games'', or ``Sound &12:51
manualbotthorwil: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:51
thorwilmanualbot: i know you are stupid an talking to you makes no sense12:51
manualbotthorwil: Error: "i" is not a valid command.12:51
manualbotthorwil: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:51
ubuntujenkinssilly bot did that to me yesterday12:51
godbykthorwil: put a backslash in front of the ampersand: \&12:52
godbykAlso, if we're using American-style grammar and typography, the commas go inside the closing quotation marks:12:53
godbyk``Office,'' ``Games,'' or ``Sound \& ...12:53
thorwilgodbyk: avoid quotation marks by using italic?12:54
godbykthorwil: Possibly, depending on the context.12:54
godbykit may not need to be set off at all, for that matter.12:55
thorwiland make is happy now12:59
godbykgood. :)13:00
godbykthe directory structure for wolter's site is weird.13:00
thorwilgodbyk: he's using asciidoc to define content and structure?13:01
godbykI have no idea if I uploaded all the right stuff.13:02
godbykclicking on pages/ shows the index page13:02
godbyk(it looks like I need to clean my glasses. :-))13:02
godbykI'm trying to figure out if I did something wrong or if it's meant to look that way.13:03
godbykit doesn't look that way when I load the local copy.13:05
godbykI didn't upload the etc dir.13:06
godbykso the html pages will be an extra dir deeper, even.13:06
godbykuploading now.13:06
thorwilcopyright notice is broken13:12
godbykon the web page?13:13
dakersee the footer13:13
godbykdaker: yeah, looks like the image is pushing it all down.13:14
godbykthe background box isn't expanding to encompass the image and footer text.13:14
godbykoh, well, that's officially Someone Else's Problem (SEP). :)13:14
godbyksome fun (but super ugly) stats: http://ubuntu-manual.org/stats/13:16
godbykI'll get a real stats program installed sometime.13:17
godbykTop 5 traffic sources:13:17
godbykomgubuntu.co.uk (referral) 763  25.85%13:17
godbyk(direct) ((none)) 648  21.95%13:17
godbykplanet.ubuntu.com (referral) 271  9.18%13:17
godbykgoogle.com (referral) 225  7.62%13:17
godbykubuntizandoelplaneta.com (referral) 131  4.44%13:17
godbykokay, so back to latex stuff. :)13:18
thorwilgodbyk: could you minimize the ......... in the toc?13:21
thorwilas in making the whole thing as narrow as the longest heading permits?13:21
godbykhey, thorwil: is your cover page in bzr? can I swap that in to the PDFs?  (I know it's unfinished.)13:21
godbykthorwil: you mean the table of contents?13:21
TommyBrunn1godbyj: What's the username and password for the statistics area?13:21
godbykI'm going to remove the leaders entirely, I think.13:22
godbykwe'll have the numbers appear right after the chapter/section title.13:22
godbyk(i.e., ragged right)13:22
godbykTommyBrunn1: ooh, good point. sorry. it may not be public.13:22
godbykI did'nt think about that. oops!13:22
godbykthat's the crappy stats that my hosting company provides.13:23
godbykwhen I get a real stats program installed, I'll make it public.13:23
thorwilgodbyk: just wanted to say that ragged is an option, too. if someone complains we can say Bringhurst does it, too ;)13:24
godbykTommyBrunn1: When the site was first set up, we had 0 hits. The next day (1 March), we had 122 hits. On 2 March, we had 2830 hits.13:24
godbykthorwil: Yeah, I prefer ragged.  I made it the default in the document class I use in LaTeX.13:24
* thorwil 's record is something 22000 hits13:24
godbykthorwil: I mean, it's not like you're trying to add up the page numbers in a column or something!13:25
godbykthorwil: nice!13:25
godbykI don't think my site comes close to that. I never write in my blog.13:25
thorwilgodbyk: it was an exception, got myself on digg13:25
godbykfor what?13:26
thorwilgodbyk: http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/05/09/popup-scrollbar-concept-demo/13:26
thorwilsomewhat outdated, as i tweaked the demo script later on13:26
godbykthorwil: cool!13:30
thorwilgodbyk: line spacing could be larger, but not much13:30
dakergodbyk, there is an other bugg13:31
dakerthe Download button is getting 100% of the content page13:31
godbykyeah, I noticed that, too.13:32
dakerah oki13:32
godbykdaker: Can you file bugs for these?13:32
godbykWolter's the one working on the site right now.13:32
godbykI'm just hosting it.13:32
dakerwhere ?13:32
thorwilgodbyk: i see " " and “ ” in use on page ix13:33
TommyBrunn1daker: The button should be replaced with a prettier one. I set it all up in a previous version, but it seems Wolter broke it, took it out, or something.13:33
godbykthorwil: *sigh* yeah, that's lots of little things like that we'll need to fix.13:34
godbykwe should compile a list for when the copyeditors get to it.13:34
thorwilgodbyk: you really want to have the preliminary title page pdf in the repo?13:35
godbyknormally, I'd run a sed script through all the .tex files to fix a bunch of that stuff in one go, but that's cause lots of conflicts for people when they go to commit stuff they've been working on.13:35
godbykthorwil: sure! I like it better than the lynx page (especially how it looks right now).13:36
thorwilgodbyk: what path/name?13:36
godbykthorwil: you can throw it in the titlepage/ dir.13:37
godbykname it whatever you'd like.13:37
godbykdo you have just the A4 size or a letter size one too?13:37
thorwiljust a413:37
thorwiltitlepage/title_a4.pdf pushed13:41
godbykI'm famished. I'm going to find something to eat.  Will be back soon.13:41
godbykthorwil: awesome, thanks!13:41
ubuntujenkinsTommyBrunn1 last time I spoke to you about quickshot you said you were looking into how to take screenshots with python how is that going?13:48
TommyBrunn1ubuntujenkins: I haven't worked on Quickshot at all lately, as I haven't been feeling well (still isn't). However, I have found some information regarding taking screenshots. http://faq.pygtk.org/index.py?file=faq23.039.htp&req=edit & http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2681009#post268100913:49
ubuntujenkinsok thats cool I hope you feel better soon I will have a look at that stuff. thanks13:50
godbykokay, I'm back.  Tasty cereal.13:53
thorwilgodbyk: text figures for section header numbers don't do it for me. i think those should capital style figures or however you call them14:21
godbykthorwil: in the chapter headings, you mean?  (the section headings are unnumbered)14:21
thorwilfor example the 9 in front of Troubleshooting looks like it doesn't share the same baseline rather than being a text figure14:22
godbykI was thinking about doing something more fun with the chapter numbers.. make them more prominent.. but I'm waiting to hear back on the chapter icons situation.14:22
thorwiloh right14:22
godbykdo you know what the status is of the chapter icons?14:23
godbykare they a go or no-go?14:23
thorwilgodbyk: still unsure14:23
godbykfair enough.14:23
godbykall the section titles are fairly short until you get to the troubleshooting chapter.14:25
vishthorwil: godbyk: where are the chapter icons supposed to be placed?14:26
vishi see place holders for screenshots , but nothing for icons14:26
godbykvish: that hasn't been specified yet.14:26
godbykdepends on the icon design and stuff.14:26
vishhmm , well , we need to decide on where before the icon design ;)14:26
godbykone thought I had was to have the icons be large watermarks that are placed in the top right of the chapter opening pages.14:27
thorwilvish: i think Ben once mentioned as watermarks. i think he really likes watermarks. and dropshadows14:27
godbykvish: Are you doing the icon design?14:27
vishgodbyk: well , anything that thorwil has still left undone ;p14:27
godbykthorwil: ?14:27
vishhe hasnt done the icons :)14:27
godbykso you're it, then, vish! (you lucky guy!)14:28
godbykvish: have you seen thorwil's title page and the line art icons there?14:28
godbykI was thinking just simple flat icons that we could watermark and put in the top right cover of the chapter opening page.14:28
godbykthey'd only be partially on the page and bleed to the edge.14:29
godbykthen I can superimpose large chapter numbers over them.14:29
vishgodbyk: yup , i'v modified a bit too , we[ thorwil and i ] have been doing it off the ML14:29
godbyklemme see if I can do a mockup or something real quick.14:29
godbyk(inkscape hates how many fonts I have installed and takes forever to load.)14:29
thorwiltell me more about that14:29
godbykthorwil: more about what?14:30
thorwilgodbyk: i meant, yeah, here too, stupid inkscape14:30
godbykthorwil: ah! gotcha.14:30
godbykit should at least show a splash screen if it's gonna take 5 minutes and let me know what it's doing.14:31
thorwilgodbyk: we need not too silly concepts for the icons to make further thinking about them even worthwhile14:31
godbykif humphreybc ever let's us finish the visual design (instead of waiting on ubuntu/canonical's phantom announcement), we can break up the title page into its graphical and text components and piece it back together again in latex.14:31
thorwilgodbyk: what the heck to do for Troubleshooting, for example14:31
godbykthat way the translations happen automatically.14:31
thorwilcoffee time, bbl14:32
godbykthorwil: I hear ya. Hmm..14:32
godbykmaybe troubleshooting is just the same as the 'help!'-style icons.14:32
godbykquestion marks and the like.14:32
Red_HamsterXIf it's worth anything, I associate "help" with "help me solve this" more than I associate "help" with "walk me through this".14:35
Red_HamsterXTommyBrunn1, ubuntujenkins, I should have time to whip up a take-picture-of-window library today and commit it to the tree. Any specific subdirectory in which you want it to be placed?14:36
ubuntujenkinsthe correct one as per python terms I personaly don't mind14:37
ubuntujenkinswhat does this libary do ?14:37
Red_HamsterXJust something to take screencaps, since that's what you were talking about earlier.14:38
Red_HamsterXLike a module with a couple of public functions.14:38
ubuntujenkinsfair enough you know what you are on about14:38
ubuntujenkinsRed_Hamster and kklimonda we have a problem with ssh keys and bzr branches, we were going to use a shortcut and call on the configuration functionality in goundcontrol, but this is currently broken due to launchpad. any thoughs on how we can do it? A major shortcut is to copy the users .ssh folder into the quickshot user.15:07
BlessJahkklimonda: ty tu?15:07
kklimondaBlessJah: that's why I hate offtopic on the #ubuntu-pl - too many channels too keep track of if people don't stay on topic.15:10
kklimondaubuntujenkins: hmm.. we have to push ssh key to the launchpad so users can pull quickshot and then push changes? what exactly is broken right now? do you have a bug number?15:11
BlessJahkklimonda: that's why we've created -offtopic15:12
ubuntujenkinswe need the user to be able to push stuff into the ubuntu-manaul-screenshots branches15:12
ubuntujenkinslooking for the bug now15:12
Red_HamsterXubuntujenkins, humphreybc was working on that last night.15:13
Red_HamsterXDo you have access to logs?15:13
ubuntujenkinsI will look them up15:13
Red_HamsterXI noticed a potential snag in the strategy he proposed, but it didn't seem too hard to work around.15:14
BlessJahkklimonda: make ops to kick for offtop, they'll learn to use -offtopic channel15:14
Red_HamsterXI can paste the relevant lines if you need them.15:14
Red_HamsterXVia e-mail or something.15:14
ubuntujenkinsBug #527978 is what I was refering to kklimonda15:14
manualbotLaunchpad bug 527978 in groundcontrol "Launchpad now using openid breaks login" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52797815:14
Red_HamsterXMy last night, not yours.15:15
Red_HamsterX~10-11 hours ago.15:15
kklimondaBlessJah: you should know that it doesn't work like that on #-pl15:16
ubuntujenkinsok Red_HamsterX I am now up to date, what was the snag in bens stratergy?15:19
Red_HamsterXI'm pretty sure we'd need to share the private key with all committers, which isn't really much of a problem.15:21
Red_HamsterXSince we'd be trusting them to commit useful data anyway.15:21
ubuntujenkinsand storing the password is insecure then15:21
Red_HamsterXNot necessarily the password... It could be a throwaway cert or other key.15:21
Red_HamsterXIf it gets compromised, it could be fixed with a revoke, rollback, and broadcast to all legitimate contributers.15:22
ubuntujenkinsfrom a chat nin #launchpad on how to add ssh keys to launchpad " if it's not in the api you'll either have to script a web browser "or do screen-scraping15:23
ubuntujenkinscan we not assume the user has a launchpad account and ssh key and when the log back into their normal user get them to do the upload?15:24
Red_HamsterXWould that be easier or harder than, perhaps, setting up a public Subversion server and just letting them commit data at that, then export its state and commit it to bzr ourselves?15:25
ubuntujenkinsmmm thats an idea godbyk you deal with server stuff any thoughts ^^^^^?15:28
godbykubuntujenkins: for the whole screenshot stuff:15:29
Red_HamsterXSetting up public svn is pretty easy, if we've got a server to handle it. I've got two, but I'd prefer to prove my worth before offering to host something like that.15:29
godbykI think it'd be easier to just have a script on the server and the quickshot program uploads images to the server.15:29
Red_HamsterXJust 'cause trusting someone new to do something crucial always worries me.15:29
godbykskip the bzr repositories and all that mess.15:29
Red_HamsterXA script on which server?15:29
Red_HamsterXOr something like scp?15:30
godbykRed_HamsterX: Why not just use a php (python or whatever) script that runs on the ubuntu-manual.org web server?15:30
godbykquickshot uploads the screenshots via http.15:30
Red_HamsterXAlso, what about version control, in case someone tries to upload false images over real data?15:30
Red_HamsterXOh, that could work...15:30
godbykRed_HamsterX: the script could deal with that, I s'pose. But they shouldn't be taking a screenshot if it's already been taken, right?15:31
Red_HamsterXPOST -> if file exists, copy old file to backup location; save new file?15:31
godbykRed_HamsterX: exactly.15:31
Red_HamsterXYeah, that would be pretty easy.15:31
godbykthen some moderator could choose the best screenshot to move to our bzr repository.15:31
ubuntujenkinswe currently have no means of telling which screenshots are taken15:31
Red_HamsterXActually, that's not true, ubuntujenkins.15:31
godbykubuntujenkins: well, quickshot can ask ubuntu-manual.org15:31
Red_HamsterXIf we use a REST-based system like that, it can just query directory contents.15:32
godbykit can download a small text file/database.15:32
Red_HamsterXKinda like AJAX.15:32
godbykRed_HamsterX: precisely.15:32
ubuntujenkinsreally wow this is way over my  head now I didn't think this was possible15:32
Red_HamsterXQuickshot starts, user chooses language/language is inferred, quickshot sends query string, server responds with directory listing.15:32
godbykso instead of quickshot messing with launchpad, bzr, etc., etc., just use the web server.15:32
ubuntujenkinsmakes more sense can we make the server so that users can't remove images?15:33
Red_HamsterXQuickshot takes screenshot -> data is POSTed to server -> filesystem-based database is updated15:33
Red_HamsterXWrite-only logic.15:33
Red_HamsterXIf a duplicate is uploaded, the old one gets moved to somebackup location.15:33
ubuntujenkinsthis saves us a tun of hassel15:33
Red_HamsterXMaybe its filename with mtime appended.15:33
godbykRed_HamsterX: and the server-side script would handle naming the file with a unique name.15:34
godbykquickshot just submits a form to the server with the screenshot, language, and whatever metadata.15:34
Red_HamsterXThat makes more sense, actually.15:34
Red_HamsterXAlways write something like program_name-timestamp.png15:35
ubuntujenkinsI have a list of language codes that ubuntu its self uses15:35
godbykand when you start the program, it asks the web server what screenshots are still needed for whatever language.15:35
Red_HamsterXAnd put them in directories based on language code.15:35
Red_HamsterXOr prefix all of that with language code.15:35
godbykRed_HamsterX: or it could just give it a random garbage name and keep the metadata in a database.15:35
Red_HamsterXThat would also make thumbnail-based filtering a quick process, to avoid having questionable material get past early scrutiny.15:36
godbykwhen someone wants to move that png to the bzr repository, the web server can give it an appropriate filename on the fly.15:36
Red_HamsterXIt'd probably be easiest to just rely on the filesystem and avoid complicating things with a database.15:36
Red_HamsterXUnless we need more meta-data than we can store in a filename.15:36
godbykwe need to have a way of creating 'hey, here's a new screenshot we need for the manual' stuff.15:36
ubuntujenkinslanguage code chapter number15:37
ubuntujenkinsall we need in each and maybe order which it occurs in15:37
godbykubuntujenkins: nah, we don't need that.15:37
Red_HamsterXOr do an scp/rsync from a committer's system and let them run a script that transforms their local copy into bzr-friendly filenames/directories.15:37
godbykfrom the latex side, I'd do something like:15:37
ubuntujenkinsI am happy to do the commits as quickshot is geting beond me15:38
godbykand LANG will be filled in automatically so the translators never have to worry about that.15:38
ubuntujenkinsright sounds good to me what ever works15:38
godbykbasically each screenshot should be independent of every other screenshot.15:39
Red_HamsterXActually, ubuntujenkins, all you'd need to know to work with this system is a simple function like 'commit_screenshot(data)'.15:39
godbykso no sequence numbers or any of that.15:39
godbyk'cause we'll end up inserting a new screenshot at the last minute or something and then everything goes out the window.15:39
Red_HamsterXYou shouldn't need to know anything about the webserver to script the Python stuff.15:39
godbykfrom the quickshot end, it'll be just like submitting a web form.15:39
Red_HamsterXI can write that function pretty quickly as soon as godbyk creates the submit form, if we go with this.15:39
ubuntujenkinsI can create the ui if someone tells me what boxes it needs to have15:40
ubuntujenkinsasuming the ui is in quickshot windows15:40
godbykshouldn't need any UI.15:40
godbykwell, if we're using quickshot for multiple projects, it'll need to know, say, a project url.15:41
ubuntujenkinsthis does seam the best option15:41
Red_HamsterXNope. The webserver should just be an I/O box.15:41
godbykwhere it can download the metadata for the project.15:41
Red_HamsterXWith more I than O from Quickshot's persoective.15:41
godbykthe metadata would contain the upload script URL15:41
Red_HamsterXData goes in, return code comes out.15:41
godbykRed_HamsterX's got it.15:41
Red_HamsterXI do web development, Python development, and sysadmin stuff for something approximating a living, godbyk. :)15:42
ubuntujenkinsnice :-) if we might get this finished15:43
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk does /menu work now?15:44
ubuntujenkinsin laytex15:44
godbykubuntujenkins: \menu works, yeah.15:44
godbykthorwil, vish: I emailed you guys some examples of what I was thinking for the icons thing.15:47
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk and Red_HamsterX can you please explain your thoughts to huphreybc when he is on next.15:58
Red_HamsterXSure. It's pretty simple from an architectural point of view, though.15:59
Red_HamsterXVery easy to diagram.15:59
Red_HamsterXAnd simple means doable.15:59
ubuntujenkinscool thats what we like15:59
thorwilgodbyk: kinda the wrong side of things for the numbers. icons could work, though i suspect some would be very susceptible to such treatment16:58
godbykthorwil: fair enough.16:59
godbykI figured since we reference the chapters by number, the numbers should perhaps be a bit more prominent.16:59
godbykbut I'm definitely open to ideas.17:00
godbyk(I don't know how best to incorporate the icons into the design, I guess.)17:00
vishhmm, why is the side wrong?17:15
godbykvish: side?17:15
vishfor the numbers17:15
* godbyk is confused.17:16
vishgodbyk: what thorwil said above17:16
vishi dont think it is wrong17:16
thorwilvish: chapter numbers tend to be in the front, not following the title17:17
vishthorwil: not necessarily , there are several books which keep the numbers on the right/left margin and the title on top17:18
godbykvish: Maybe you could mock up a better sketch to illustrate?17:18
godbykI fear my sketch sucked so bad that it's worthless. <grin>17:18
vishgodbyk: yeah , i was just doing that Now :)  but just throwing in random variations ;)  thorwil would kick my ass if he sees it ;p17:19
Red_HamsterXWow. quickly is not 2008-netbook-friendly, dependency-wise.17:58
Red_HamsterX...cvs as a dependency? Weird.17:59
Red_HamsterX/dev/sda1             3.7G  3.5G   50M  99% /18:01
godbykHey, vish.. forgot the attachments?18:05
vishaw crap!18:05
godbykI'm glad I'm not the only one who does that!18:05
=== ubuntu is now known as danyR
Red_HamsterXI can reposition some stuff under /home or on the always-present SD card if I get any lower. But, still, that thing has a lot of dependencies.18:07
vishgodbyk: hehe , i usually have a word attached in the mail ,and evolution reminds me to attach , this time i forgot even the word attach ;p18:08
vishword "attached"18:08
thorwilvish, godbyk: i think the number shouldn't have more weight than the title18:21
thorwilso if it's larger, it should be toned down18:21
godbykhold on, lemme open the svg.18:21
godbyk(it'll only be 20 minutes before inkscape loads. :))18:21
* thorwil opened it in eog18:21
vishthorwil: ah , right , the size of the text/number is just there , i didnt know what the actual font size was18:22
godbykif the number is larger, then yeah, it shouldn't be full black.. it'll be a dark grey.18:23
vishthorwil: we can just have the same size or slightly bigger title number18:23
godbykthat way the number and the text appears to be the same color.18:23
godbykthorwil: Is that what you mean?18:23
godbyk'kay. I agree with that bit, then.18:23
* godbyk finally got it open in inkscape.18:26
godbykWe should probably avoid the rules and background colors for the chapter titles because we can't guarantee they'll fit on one line with all the translations.18:26
thorwili'm all for keeping it simple, so we won't shoot our own feet18:29
thorwilvish: we will also have to face that canadian guy ;)18:29
vish^thats me closing one eye ;p18:30
thorwilon irc, most people have no nose!!18:31
vishthorwil: safer to keep it tucked that to stick it out ;)18:31
vishthorwil: godbyk: we already draw a line under the title , right? thats why i tried the third variant , and just went on ;p18:39
ubuntumy fail. just lost almost a page of ubuntu-manual's first strings translated into pt.18:40
=== ubuntu is now known as danyR
godbykvish: there aren't any lines being drawn anywhere yet, I don't think.18:43
vishgodbyk: oh.. i think i got it mixed with the other pdf you sent18:46
godbykah, gotcha.18:46
godbykOkay, I'm gonna head to a friend's house to hang out for a few hours.18:51
godbykI'll holler when I return.18:51
dutchiedid I miss anything important?19:06
Red_HamsterXWe've got a new plan for automatically collecting screenshots from Quickshot clients.19:08
Red_HamsterXIt only affects the transfer process, though.19:09
* dutchie is not as involved in QS as he should be19:12
Red_HamsterXI just got here yesterday.19:15
dutchieI've been here a while :)19:16
thorwilgodbyk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand20:15
* dutchie suspects this may annoy godbyk somewhat20:15
Red_HamsterXFrom earth to light? Quite a shift.20:20
sebsebsebRed_HamsterX: Hi20:44
cmmtessierHello! Just sign up to give you hand. I can help with the editing. If someone could give some direction as  to what needs to be done, that would be great!! Thanks!21:40
dutchiejaminday: ^^21:41
sebsebsebdutchie: How's the manual coming along?21:43
godbykI'm back now.21:56
ubuntujenkinsevening all22:03
dutchiesebsebseb: well-ish I think22:05
dutchielots still to do though22:05
godbykdutchie: do you know if vish and thorwil saw the new brand stuff?22:18
godbyker, thorwil did, I see. :)22:18
ubuntujenkinslooks soo good can't wait to see it tomorrow22:19
dutchiegodbyk: no idea22:21
dutchielooks cool though :)22:21
godbykdutchie: is there a way I tell po4a or whatever to just not even add it to the list of things to be translated?22:21
sebsebsebdutchie: ok22:21
Red_HamsterXThe PyGTK reference TommyBrunn linked to works fine, with a few minor catches. I'll start functionizing and optimizing it now.22:22
dutchiegodbyk: possibly22:22
Red_HamsterX(For the actual screencapping)22:22
dutchienot something I'm going to start looking into at 22:22 though22:22
godbykI've started adding "% TRANSLATORS: leave this line alone!" to a few things22:22
godbykwhere they keep translating, say, \coverpage or \tableofcontents.22:22
ubuntujenkinssounds good Red_HamsterX22:22
godbykdutchie: fair enough! :)22:22
Red_HamsterXYou mean they're translating the LaTeX functions?22:22
ubuntujenkinswhich branch is it going in?22:23
godbykRed_HamsterX: Occasionally, yeah.22:23
Red_HamsterXubuntujenkins, I'm not sure how the branches are currently set up. My experience has, unfortunately, been with centralized VCSes. (Subversion, CVS)22:23
Red_HamsterXI need to break the highlight habit.22:24
Red_HamsterXThis is a slow channel.22:24
ubuntujenkinsI suggest it goes into main https://code.launchpad.net/~quickshotdevs/quickshot/quickshot don't worry about highlighting it draws my attention22:25
Red_HamsterXI was just going to merge things into the main branch, when stable, since I'm adding new modules, rather than reworking existing ones.22:25
ubuntujenkinsI don't actually mind I am going to netten my stuff up when we finish the timer bit for it22:26
Red_HamsterXMy typical approach is to always commit to main, unless working on something experimental or possibly damaging stable code.22:26
Red_HamsterX(From an SVN standpoint)22:26
ubuntujenkinsfair enough my branch was only made when I started tinkering and as I don't knwo much python I didn't want to mess up main22:27
dutchieRed_HamsterX: tbh, we don't really use it in a very DVCS way22:29
Red_HamsterXdutchie, that suits me just fine. :)22:31
godbykWell, it looks like the new Ubuntu font isn't ready for use yet.22:50
godbykAccording to popey: "The new logo at the top of this article has a new typeface called ‘Ubuntu’ and whilst it’s nowhere near finished (last count I think they had about 15 characters done) it will eventually replace the old Ubuntu Title font."22:50
ubuntujenkinsthats usefull what letters are there?22:51
godbykHe continues: "Canonical are looking to get community involvement in helping develop this font – which looks like it will become the default at some point. Clearly the first characters to be done were “ubnt” for Ubuntu and “CANOIL” for the Canonical logo – which borrows a person from the Ubuntu circle of friends and sticks her in the “O”."22:51
godbykHey, popey's here! :-)22:51
godbykpopey: Is there a dev project for the font?22:52
popeythere's a guy working on it22:52
godbykheh.. I take it that's a 'no'? :)22:52
popeyi believe they are going to get people in to help22:52
popeygiven there's a lot of characters yet to do22:52

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