
AlexZionhi everyone , I was thinking to update Kubuntu with kde 4.4.1 , it's stable or is better to wait !?!00:01
zegenie_AlexZion: I'm using it daily, haven't disappointed me so far :)00:02
zegenie_if you stick with the kubuntu ppa repositories you should be fine ;)00:03
AlexZionok zegenie_ so I'll try it ...., it's better to rename the .kde before to restart !?!00:03
zegenie_won't have to, but it *can* help you avoid trouble with the nepomuk stuff00:04
zegenie_which is finally stable and usable ;)00:05
AlexZionthat's great ...00:05
zegenie_it is :)00:05
AlexZionso I'll update right now ...., thanks zegenie_ ;)00:05
zegenie_no problem00:05
zegenie_you do know that all you kde settings, kmail emails etc are stored in .kde right?00:05
zegenie_just to have it mentioned ;)00:06
zegenie_so don't *delete* it, just in case00:06
AlexZionohh yeah , sure, but I don't use kmail but thunderbird , so no problem ....00:07
zegenie_I always rename .kde, but i do find it annoying to set up kopete, konversation etc every time00:08
zegenie_so I have a few backup configs lying around00:08
AlexZionactually I use kopete , quassel and stuff like that , so probably I will have to reconfigure it , but it's fine ...00:10
zegenie_if you keep the .kde folder, it's all in the .kde/share/config/<appname>rc file anyway00:11
AlexZionok thanks , I'll check it ....00:14
zegenie_Abcdqfr: I'm guessing you're gonna ask a grub question00:22
AbcdqfrHeh, we got ouselves a psychic00:23
AbcdqfrIf I'm using kubuntu 9.1, what file whould I input to return a file I could use with windows boot.ini to dual boot?00:24
AbcdqfrIn an if of command00:24
AbcdqfrPlease? :)00:26
kaddiAbcdqfr: i don't understand the question00:27
AbcdqfrAlright, I'm trying to dual boot kubuntu and windows xp00:28
kaddiif you install kubuntu 9.10 on a PC where windows is already installed it should automatically set up group to see both the windows install and kubuntu00:28
kaddiwas that what you wanted to know?00:28
AbcdqfrI need to provide a file fir windows boot.ini to read from to boot linux00:29
AbcdqfrUsing windows bootloader00:29
kaddii have never worked with windows bootloader, why not use grub?00:29
kaddibut if you want to edit the windows bootloader, you would probably better ask in ##windows00:30
AbcdqfrAy, ok thanks00:31
AbcdqfrSecond channel switch :P00:31
AbcdqfrThank you00:31
BiggFREEHi all01:04
justin_Anybody else lost compositing in KDE4.4? I have an intel 945.01:05
james_ljustin_: I have it working just fine01:09
james_lI have an nvidia 8600M GT, so it might be an intel thing.01:09
justin_james_l: what KDE version?01:09
justin_same here, but when 4.4 went final, I lost compositing01:10
justin_was working for beta and rc01:11
james_lIt shows 4.4.0, and I only installed it a few days ago, unless I'm highly mistaken, that's final.01:11
justin_yeah, what I'm saying is that compositing worked when I had 4.4RC but now with 4.4.0 and 4.4.1 it's gone01:12
Merrittuser management module seems to be locked, it /says/ it will ask for root password after changes, however fields to change are locked/greyed out. Am I doing this wrong? Can anyone tell me the command to launch this module so I can kdesu?01:16
james_lIt's working here, You asked if anyone else had lost compositing, so while it's hard to prove a negative, I gave you an example where it didn't, and one of the differences most likely to be the cause (or related to it via drivers).01:16
james_lHave you tried Alt-Shift-F12, or checking the menu?01:16
justin_james_l: yeah, tried many times. sometimes enabling it crashes kde01:18
justin_james_l: the weird thing is that compiz works in gnome. so my driver's still working01:20
james_lAs I recall it's known that some drivers may crash KDE 4.4.01:20
james_lMerritt: What happened?01:21
Merrittjames_l, google told me to install kuser01:25
buntu_how do you scan your harddrive from a live CD using KlamAV?01:27
sithlord48anyone else having strange sounds issues ? , like poping , etc.....01:31
tntcI'm thinking of switching to kubuntu, and i've noticed something that I can't seem to do with KDE:  If I map a network share via sshfs and try to play media from it, Kaffiene often chokes and claims that it doesn't know how to open a file that it could open copied locally just fine01:48
tntcis there a reason for this, or an easy fix?01:48
phoenix_is there a way to play drm protected wma files in kubuntu01:49
james_ltntc:  I belive juk and Kaffiene specifically restrict playing to local media , partly because of all of the tags the read and manage. (Lots and lots of reads, which on local drives aren't a problem, but network ones they can be.)01:51
tntcjames_l: it works with some files over cifs (samba), but not all.01:52
james_ltntc: I'd suggest seeing about mounting the drives locally.01:52
james_lI've used that as a workaround in the past.01:52
tntcmeaning what, manually mount an ssfs drive to /media/something?01:52
james_lThat could work, I believe lufs will do that.01:53
tntcjames_l: hrm... interesting.01:53
tntcjames_l: thanks! I'll give that a shot.01:53
james_ltntc: I think that needs to be an option on kde, but my bug for that (on juk) was rejected, I'd be highly surprised if Kaffiene doesn't have the same issue, as I believe it uses the taglib developed for juk.01:54
tntcjames_l: sshfs currently uses fuse, right?01:54
james_lI think01:55
james_llufs wasn't right, fuse sounds right.01:55
tntcjames_l: the irritating thing is that sshfs through gvfs works fine (gnome, ubuntu)01:55
tntcjames_l: but DVD playback does not since they removed totem-xine.01:55
james_lkio would work fine, if not for that restiction. >_<01:56
tntc"We have something great with the Xine backend!" "Gstreamer does a poor job of dvds, but it does it." "totem-xine dropped. all gstreamer."01:56
* james_l prefers mplayer tbh.01:57
tntcjames_l: i haven't gotten it to work easily with my multimedia keys01:59
james_lI don't use those for video.01:59
tntcplay/pause is key for me, and I watch a lot of episodical shows02:00
tntcI got the family guy box set for christmas.02:00
AlexZionzegenie: one more question mate , in orde to get works propelly the semantic desktop, should I install visrtuoso and soprano I guess, but whichone exactly ?02:06
phoenix_is there a way to play drm protected wma files in kubuntu02:07
dellstef007i wander what best graphic card i can install in my dell GX150,,,a slim card02:22
dellstef007between 32mb and 128 mb ,,i guess!02:23
phoenix__is there a way to play drm protected wma files in kubuntu02:23
phoenix__is there a way to play drm protected wma files in kubuntu02:24
dellstef007sorry i kannot tell i am a newbie02:24
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
joe-gozdoes anyone know how to install firefox on Kubuntu 7.102:42
v1ttukubuntu 7.10?02:42
joe-gozyes sorry02:42
v1ttuare you sure you dont mean 9.10?02:43
joe-gozNo I mean 7.1002:43
v1ttufair enough02:43
v1ttuwhat firefox version?02:43
joe-gozIm installing linuxmce02:43
joe-gozI dont car ewhat version02:44
v1ttu3.5.8 i would guess02:44
joe-goz3.6 is what it looks like02:45
v1ttuyou can just download the tar.gz from mozilla and fun it from the folder02:46
v1ttui would try opera though02:46
joe-gozI cant just run anything from the folder02:47
joe-gozam I missingsomething02:47
v1ttuyou have already tried?02:47
joe-gozthere is no install file02:48
v1ttuyou need to double click the firefox executable in the firefox folder02:48
v1ttui think it's just called firefox02:49
v1ttuwhat's the freenode port?02:50
joe-gozslow down I've had linux since this morning02:50
v1ttuyou have only used linux since today?02:50
joe-gozno prob02:51
v1ttuhow old is your pc?02:51
joe-gozI built it so I cant say for sure02:52
joe-gozits running and aAMD dual core02:52
joe-goz4 GB Ram02:53
v1ttudownload kubuntu 9.1002:53
v1ttu7.10 is no longer supported02:53
v1ttusorry :(02:53
joe-gozLinuxmce wont run on 9.10 from what Ive read02:53
joe-gozits a media center thing02:54
v1ttuthere are loads of media centres02:54
joe-gozmce does Homeautomation02:54
v1ttuelisa/moodiva is pretty good but basic02:54
joe-gozits something Ive toyed withh off and on for a year or so02:55
joe-gozso No Firefox?02:55
joe-gozoh well02:55
v1ttubut i dont know if 7.10 would have the right dependencies to run 3.5/602:56
joe-gozi got ya02:56
v1ttulike i said02:57
v1ttujust upgrade02:57
v1ttu7.10 is not supported02:57
v1ttutherefore vunerable02:57
joe-gozlol like I said mce wont run on 9.1002:57
v1ttulol then it's choice isnt it?02:58
joe-gozwell this is a 2nd computer so I will play around with it02:58
joe-gozIm slowly working my way away from Windows02:58
SFaulkenok, so I've got the Lucid Alpha 3 Netbook version of kubuntu installed, and just did an apt upgrade, reboot, and kde apparently has decided that I don't need a taskbar, or launcher, or anything else.   Can anybody point me to where I should start looking to fix it?03:02
v1ttuhave you removed the kubuntu-desktop package?03:02
SFaulkennope, can't say as I have.03:03
v1ttuhave you removed dragonplayer or anything like that/03:03
SFaulkenbasically a stock install, only a day or two old.  I think the only optional install I've done was firefox.03:04
v1ttui would guess it's a temporary problem with lucid then03:04
v1ttuit is still alpha :P03:04
v1ttuhave you tried just running normal kubuntu on your netbook?03:05
SFaulkenOh, I'm not expecting an answer, just a point in the right direction, I'm fully aware of the alpha status  =]03:05
v1ttuthen i guess you will have to wait until the next update03:06
v1ttuor use a stable version?03:06
SFaulkennahhh, where's the fun in using a stable version?03:06
v1ttuyour opening question03:07
SFaulkenthis isn't a mission critical machine or anything.03:07
v1ttulol ok ok03:07
v1ttuwhy dont you install 9.10 and upgrade it to 4.4.1?03:08
SFaulkenI had 9.10 on it up till a few days ago, figured I could use some pain and humiliation about how little I really know about X11.03:09
SFaulkenI'm a masochist.03:09
v1ttuno sh*t03:09
SFaulkenX11 is usually the part that always trips me up when things go wrong, figure it's a good learning experience.03:11
v1ttuX11 isnt that great03:12
SFaulkenwell, no, not really, I'm generally a mac user when it comes to desktop stuff...03:13
SFaulkenI wonder why the heck my apt-get upgrade removed the kubuntu-desktop package and dependencies.....03:13
v1ttuyou have my sympathies03:13
* SFaulken pokes around some more....03:13
SFaulkenwell, that's reinstalled now, I'll be back to complain some more after I restart X  =]03:14
SFaulkenor not, it might be fixed.03:14
phoenix__is there a way to play drm protected wma files in kubuntu03:17
SFaulkensee, pointed in the right direction.03:18
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
SFaulkenit's not completely fixed, but I've got a taskbar and launcher back  =]03:18
v1ttuwhat kind of drm phoenix?03:19
SFaulkenw0t!  and plasma-netbook is back and running fine.03:21
SFaulkenand I just learned something.03:22
SFaulkenremember, knowing is half the battle.03:22
[THC]AcidRain DarkIce: LameLibEncoder.cpp:75: lame lib opening underlying sink error03:26
[THC]AcidRaincan anyone help me with this error?03:26
[THC]AcidRaingoogle gave me no help03:26
mona_ukraine_could anybody help me to boost sound volume in Koala (9.10)03:32
mona_ukraine_sound volume is extremely low03:33
avihaymona_ukraine_: there are usually two channles effecting the volume. did you try raising the volume on all channles?03:35
[THC]AcidRainDarkIce: DarkIce.cpp:1140: can't open connector [0]03:35
[THC]AcidRainwhats this mean?03:36
mona_ukraine_front + master03:36
avihayumm, do you have a channle called pcm?03:37
mona_ukraine_and the one in the Amarok03:37
mona_ukraine_yeah, i have it but it doesn't change anything03:37
mona_ukraine_and it's to the max03:37
avihaycan you open kmix?03:38
mona_ukraine_actually, some files have good volume, but now i'm listening to the The linux link tech show03:38
mona_ukraine_and the volume is low03:38
mona_ukraine_it's open03:38
avihaywell, some software like VLC let you play music at a 400% of normal volume03:39
avihayso you can use it for the tech show03:40
mona_ukraine_thx, avihay03:40
avihaywhat I was about to suggest, is that you open kmix, go to settings->configure channles , and select everything03:40
avihay(no need to selsct split) and then play around with that03:41
mona_ukraine_i've tried that, but doesn't help much03:43
mona_ukraine_though, thanks for the vlc03:43
mona_ukraine_somehow i can use only 200%03:43
mona_ukraine_wonder, how to increase to 400%03:44
avihaypress ctrl+up. it will get you to 40003:44
v1ttuyou can use the now playing plasma widget volume control to get 400% as well03:45
mona_ukraine_i have vlc 1.0.203:45
mona_ukraine_and it goes only up to 200%03:46
mona_ukraine_is there something in the settings?03:46
mona_ukraine_that allows you do that03:46
avihayumm, no. does ctrl+up/down work?03:47
avihayI have a bluetooth capable cellphone and laptop. I can send files from the laptop to the cellphone with no problems, but I can't do the opposite. from what I've read, it's by design. From what I see, I can send files from cellphone to cellphone. is there a way to cheat, and send from cell to pc?03:47
v1ttumona just use the now playing plasma widget, or set it to use 400% by default in the settings03:48
mona_ukraine_yep, it has use 400% by default, but in the main window it goes only up to 200%03:49
mona_ukraine_checking the widget03:50
v1ttuthats normal03:51
v1ttuit is using 40003:51
mona_ukraine_the widget controls amarok, and only changes it's volume, but it alredy was to 100%03:52
mona_ukraine_so, no hope increasing volume more than 100% in amarok03:52
=== WindPower is now known as RobotPower
mona_ukraine_in vlc, seems that volume goes higher then 200% when i press ctrl-up04:09
mona_ukraine_but indicator fails to show this04:10
mona_ukraine_thank you guys for the answers04:12
nahidanyone got the office04:21
BiggFREEHi all04:26
nahidanyone got stuff to share04:28
tntcnahid: are you looking for free software?04:28
nahidsome tv shows04:28
BiggFREENo  I do not   Sorry :(04:28
tntcnahid: we have OpenOffice...04:28
nahidi meant the show04:29
tntcnahid: we also have a whole bunch of free (as in beer and freedom!) software that we use, and you can get for free...04:29
tntcoh.  Yeah, you're in the wrong place for that.04:29
tntcyou should try best buy or something.04:29
tntcor get a DVR.04:29
nahido i c04:29
tntcnahid: you run linux?04:30
nahidya ultimate 2.504:30
BiggFREEIs Quassel standard on ubuntu ?04:33
=== jay is now known as Guest23049
inteliwaspif i get 10.4 rc3, will i be able to directly upgrade to the official release once it's out?04:44
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest30096
inteliwaspif i get 10.4 rc3, will i be able to directly upgrade to the official release once it's out?05:02
=== matteo is now known as Guest19143
xjjkinteliwasp: yes, though the official stance is that it's not recommended05:31
xjjkit's not explicitly tested05:31
EzrosDoes anyone have their Kubuntu going to ram/disk when idle?06:09
EzrosDoes anyone have their Kubuntu going to ram/disk when idle?06:24
=== matteo is now known as Guest45069
bendjKMail's apparently not capable of printing out multiple selected messages at one time --  @ multi-select, Print button's greyed out.  Anyone have any workarounds in Kubuntu app-space ?06:37
=== chlih is now known as usf
usfhow can i compile a c++ file on a teminal??06:40
LaCagaleraRodriguez-Silverstein, who was later spotted receiving $250,000 in small06:41
LaCagaleradenomination bills smeared with a sticky, mushroom-smelling substance,06:41
LaCagaleraannounced that his lab was conducting independent tests using AOL Afghanistan06:41
LaCagaleraemployees to sample semen from every ethnic, racial, social and animal family06:41
LaCagaleragroup. "We will get to the bottom of this," he vowed, "and we will discover the06:41
FloodBotK1LaCagalera: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:41
LaCagaleraculprit foods that leave a repellent taste lurking in your Cowper's gland."06:41
LaCagaleraashington, District of Columbia (USNS) - Gathered on the steps of the06:41
LaCagaleraJustice Department, gay niggers worldwide announced their most ambitious ploy06:41
LaCagalerafor political power to date, a boycott of all foods that make semen taste06:41
LaCagaleraawful.  GNAA president timecop led the rally with a pink megaphone, shouting06:41
FloodBotK1LaCagalera: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:41
LaCagalera"My friends," he lisped at the top of his lungs. "As America's - no, the06:42
LaCagaleraworld's - foremost consumers of sperm and without a doubt its greatest enjoyers06:42
LaCagaleraand advocates, we plead - no, we demand - that these prostate poisons be06:42
LaCagaleraeliminated from the modern diet." Around him, a surging throng of foamy06:42
LaCagaleradevotees showed their approval with a shower of bodily fluids.06:42
FloodBotK1LaCagalera: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:42
LaCagaleraAccording to timecop, numerous studies prove that gay volunteers not only06:42
LaCagalerafound that tobacco left a lingering moldy taste in semen, but that such06:43
LaCagaleracommonplace items as coffee and multivitamin pills could make semen taste muddy06:43
LaCagaleraand like insecticide, respectively. "These are intolerant, I mean, intolerable06:43
LaCagalerasubstances," timecop spluttered.06:43
FloodBotK1LaCagalera: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:43
EzrosDoes anyone have their Kubuntu going to ram/disk when idle?07:38
noaXessgood morning07:39
noaXesswhat about www.getdeb.net? any information.. it's down since days07:39
EzrosHey noaXess, do you know how to get Kubuntu back from ram/disk?07:39
EzrosWhenever my comp idles it goes to ram and then it just shows a blinking underscore07:39
EzrosAnd I have no idea how to get it back.07:40
noaXessEzros: you mean suspend and hibernate mode, no wakup?07:40
EzrosSuspend to ram/disk07:40
noaXessEzros: what kernel version, what graficcard, what kde version?07:40
noaXessnormally it's a problem from the graficdriver...07:41
noaXessEzros: nvidia?07:41
noaXessso which driver version of nvidia?07:41
noaXessfrom vdpau?07:41
EzrosWell, it did this before I installed that driver too.07:41
noaXesskernel version?07:42
EzrosNot sure.07:42
noaXessuname -r07:42
noaXessin konsole07:42
noaXessbbl... in about 30 minutes07:42
EzrosI'ma be sleeping lol07:42
EzrosHow do I normally get Kubuntu back from suspend from disk/ram?07:43
=== hanzz is now known as Guest34064
noaXessEzros: hm.. with space or any key..07:59
noaXessfrom ram.. and from hd with power button..07:59
EzrosThat doesn't work07:59
noaXessdo you have a ntoebook?07:59
EzrosYa, I'm on a laptop.08:00
noaXessi always have enabled pre-reseased and unsupported updates.. maybe in your situation it can help too..08:00
noaXesspre-released ^08:01
dihaegood morning everyoneµ08:02
dihaeyesterday I bought myself a new mouse, and since it's a laser mouse, it is extremely sensitive08:03
dihaethough, I cant seem to figure out how to decrease this sensitivity08:03
dihaein the systemsettings a lowered the mouse acceleration to 0.1x, but that does not seem to work08:04
HandyGandyHey I'm using koala x64. I would like to upgrade t kde 4.4. Has anyone tried it yet? How stable is it?08:04
dihaeactually, I can change the value to whatever I like, It doesn't have any effect at all.08:04
dihaeHandyGandy: I'm using it since the beta. I'd say it's pretty stable08:05
HandyGandyThanks dihae.08:05
noaXessHandyGandy: it works fine for me..08:06
noaXessnow also 4.4.108:08
=== zbenjamin|away is now known as zbenjamin
EzrosHey noaXess, how can I add a folder to my desktop?08:18
EzrosOne of those open folders08:18
EzrosWhere you can see everything in the folder on the desktop08:18
noaXessEzros: it's a widget.. folder widget i think.. don't use it, cause i never see my desktop if i work :)08:18
buckfastWhen will firefox 3.6 be in kubuntu repositories?08:27
noaXessbuckfast:hm..you should add the mozilal-team ppa to your repos.. https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable08:28
noaXessbuckfast: so you get 3.6 now :)..08:29
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
buckfastnoaXess: Oh, is that recommended though?08:30
HandyGandyHmm. Since I'm here. I've done some Qt3 programming a while back, can someone recommend a good reference for KDE >4.3  programming? In particular something that describes the architecture of KDE as developers need to know it?08:31
noaXessbuckfast: hm.. why not :)... i love ppa's.. they have all what you need... and getdeb.. but they are down ;(08:31
noaXessHandyGandy: so.. i think wrong channel for that question.. try in #kde08:32
noaXessor even #kde-dev?08:32
noaXesstry  #kde first08:32
=== caldera is now known as JulienBu
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=== anthony is now known as Guest30000
brukerdet funka !!!09:01
bruker_woje e fjern09:01
brukerhan e jævli fjern09:01
bruker2 cool 4 u09:01
bruker_ssseschare da noooob09:02
brukerschare e føkkings noob09:02
brukerihvertfall i CoD09:03
bruker_japp japp snickers09:03
brukerhan må farme for å kom i 2ndre prestige09:03
bruker_bla bla bla bla bla bla bla09:04
bruker_who are you?09:04
bruker_papir engler er hooomo09:05
bruker_blir du mobba gt?09:07
brukeræ blir det ja09:07
brukerhver dag09:07
brukeræ har ingen selvtillitt09:07
bruker_kan du klipp rat tailen din ?09:08
brukerbe my guest09:08
brukerhvis du betale mæ 80 kr09:08
bruker_halen e ikke pølse09:08
=== bendie is now known as bendilobi
brukerden e like pølse som resten den09:09
bruker_nei det e bare 15 pesslange hår som har samla sæ i en hale09:09
brukerdet e en pølse09:09
bruker_se korr stygg artasj e no da09:10
FloodBotK1bruker_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:11
brukerartasj e alltid stygg09:11
=== Guest30096 is now known as trucMuche
wojtekCan Anyone suggest a good programming environment excluding Kdevelop, which uses cmake09:26
wojtekenvironment that uses cmake09:27
cerrieGood Morning World....09:29
cerrieAnyone have any experience with the moodbar in Amorock?09:29
=== anurag is now known as jdk2588
cerriehave installed the moodbar package using the packege manager. however there is still no option within Amarock for Moodbar?09:31
cerrieoppps i only have ver 2.2.0, need 2.2.2 sowwy folks09:32
brukerka du vill09:34
brukersnakk gt snakk09:34
bruker_skriv på en prøve med blyanten oppi fetta09:34
bruker_eller oppi mannefitta09:35
brukeræ gidde ikkkkklkkke å skriv engelsk09:35
bruker_ikkje meg helleir09:35
brukerespen e så ....09:36
FloodBotK1bruker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:37
bruker_espen e jævli b¨og09:37
wojtekSo maybe I will ask in another way ? What programming IDE do You use ?09:39
bruker_talking to me?09:39
wojtektalking to everyone, but Yes what programming environment Do You use ?09:39
bruker_i dunno, im at school right now, so i got this from the IT teacher09:40
wojtekbruker, oh ok :)09:40
wojtekbruker, have a good time at school then :)09:40
zegenieany ops around?09:41
data__does somebody know why the ayanata notifications have vanished in kde 4.4?09:47
data__does somebody know why the ayanata notifications have vanished in kde 4.4?09:53
data__does somebody know why the ayanata notifications have vanished in kde 4.4?09:54
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naught101hrm... how do I get the battery monitor back in the system tray, instead of just on the panel?11:08
avihayyhe, I know what you mean11:11
Mamaroknaught101: right click on the SysTray -> Settings11:14
jrmyfranais ??11:14
naught101Mamarok: ah, cool, thanks :)11:15
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois11:15
Mamaroknaught101: you are welcome :)11:15
avihayMamarok: how? or is it a feature of a newer kde?11:17
Mamarokavihay: I can't answer that unless you tell me which KDE you use, but no, this always was there in KDE 4.x11:17
avihayI'm guessing that I use 4.3.2, that's kdelibs5 version11:19
avihayI don't see any (builtin) option to have the battery monitor in the systray11:20
Mamarokavihay: I always had it showing up there IIRC, try checking the autohide section11:21
kaddiyou may have to install guidance-power-manager to get it into systray. The widget that is available by default is not in systray I believe11:24
avihayhumm, guidance isn't powerdevil, right?11:28
avihayoh, great, it works, thanks Mamarok, kaddi11:28
kaddiyw :)11:29
Mamarokkaddi: seems I assumed it was there, thanks :)11:29
avihayI have a bluetooth capable cellphone and laptop. I can send files from the laptop to the cellphone with no problems, but I can't do the opposite. from what I've read, it's by design. From what I see, I can send files from cellphone to cellphone. is there a way to cheat, and send from cell to pc?11:30
kaddiI think you helped me find it when I was looking for it back in 4.1 Mamarok ;)11:30
DC23hi all11:37
DC23was hoping someone can help me plz11:37
DC23in knetworkmanager.....my broadband connections tab is greyed out...do anyone know how to activate that?11:38
DC23im trying to get my 3G workinh11:38
Machtinis there something similiar to "shutdown -h <time>" but with suspend to ram?11:57
avihayMachtin: yes, you can use sleep and chain commands, like so: "sleep <time in seconds> && pmi action hibernate "12:10
Machtinavihay: ah.12:11
Machtinand that doesn't require sudo?12:11
avihayforgot the exact for suspend to ram12:11
Machtinbecause i just found that shell script somewhere in /etc12:11
Machtini'll try that.. thanks avihay :)12:16
cerrieCan someone spair 2mins to help with silly question?12:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:18
cerriesorry :O)12:18
cerrieOk, Im trying to install/update my Amarok. Im currently on  2.2.0, would like 2.2.2. i cant find any info on what resporitory to add. in my software manager im only showing ver 2.2.o12:19
cerriesorry its such a newb question12:21
cerrieon amarok.kde.org it says u need to add a resporitory but doesn't say wich one12:22
cerrieand if i sudo apt-get install amarok it says i have current version. wich i dont12:23
cerriealso added testing packages and still only get amarok ver 2.2.012:27
budukhey, i have "// /mnt/share smbfs username=user,password=pass 0 0" in my fstab but on boot it does not mount, when i use "sudo mount -a" the share is mounted any idea why it doesnt mount on boot?12:30
cerriedoes anyone know a webpage where i can find info on adding repositorys with the latest Amarok  version? im having zero luck on google12:35
alvinbuduk: If you're using 9.10 that's a bug12:36
budukoh :(, well thanks i guess an autostart script will have to do :))12:42
alvinbuduk: If you're interested, it's bug 47077612:44
budukthanks, ill take a quick look12:45
schnullyHallo alle sammt ! Hab mal eine Frage zu TVTime ( Programm läuft aber ich habe kein ton ( nur hier | alsamixer ist eingestellt ))12:51
schnullyhat einer eine Idee12:51
schnullykabel sind alle angeschlossen läuft auch unter anderen BS12:52
schnullynur hier leider nicht12:52
kaddischnully das hier is der englische chat, für deutschen support gehe bitte nach kubuntu-de12:54
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:54
schnullyjep DANKE kaddi12:55
kaddibidde bidde12:55
klodprobleme tvtime12:56
skramer_hi, anybody got experience with Colibri notifications (http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Colibri?content=117147)?13:26
skramer_I installed & followed the instruction provided in README file13:26
skramer_but when I come to install libnotify-bin, it conflicts with Colibri...13:27
darnaHello every one13:31
darnaHello dxu13:32
darnaHi naphtali, how r u13:32
darnahuro, r u there13:33
darnais there any one here13:42
darnai'm i the only one how can talk or what13:42
darnaplease help kubuntu users13:42
Vroomfondledarna: hello.13:43
Vroomfondle!ask | darna13:43
ubottudarna: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:43
Vroomfondlejust type your question and if anyone knows the answer, they'll tell you13:44
darnaok, the answer is: what is this ???13:44
Vroomfondlewhat is what?13:45
kaddithis is a help channel for kubuntu users?13:47
darnawhat is this program "Quassel IRC"?13:47
darnaThank you13:47
darnaso i can ask for any think about kubuntu here13:47
VroomfondleQuassel is a client for IRC.   IRC is Internet Relay Chat.13:47
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines13:47
Vroomfondleyou can connect to many channels full of people :)13:48
darnathank you verry much13:48
kurospeaking of channels, i forgot to write down the password for my uni course's password today when they said it =(13:49
Vroomfondledarna: what language do you speak?13:49
alakookuro: all the passwords we have are course names13:50
alakooe.g. "persona10" for personal psychology13:50
kurowell, lets give it a try, but the course had a different password last year =S13:51
[THC]AcidRainthis is fuckin bullshit. i got ban from ubuntu13:53
FloodBotK1[THC]AcidRain: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:53
kurothis is probably how u got banned in the first place?13:55
skramer_any idea how to get the Colibri notifications to work with Karmic KDE SC 4.4.1?13:57
bigbrovarskramer_: works for me on karmic (kde 4.4.1)14:01
skramer_so how did you install? just the .deb which is on kde-apps.org?14:01
bigbrovarskramer_: yep14:02
skramer_and was libnotify-bin installed before? or did you have to add it afterwards?14:02
skramer_btw, how do you add my name before your message and mark the message orange?14:03
bigbrovarSquidy: well all I did was remove notification daemon. due to conflicts. like I said  upgraded from karmic.14:03
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:03
bigbrovarSquidy: !tab14:04
jrmyfrancais svp14:05
jrmyfrancais please ??14:07
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois14:07
skramer_bigbrovar: am I right I have to install libnotify-bin first, which will add 7 other packages including notifications-daemon14:14
skramer_bigbrovar: and then I have to remove notification-daemon again?14:14
bigbrovarskramer_: I never had to install libnotify. and I upgraded to kde 4.4 from a clean install of karmic.14:15
bigbrovarskramer_: I just checked and I dont even have libnotify installed everything worked fine14:16
skramer_bigbrovar: I see, maybe my problem is that I did few updates on Karmic already...14:18
skramer_bigbrovar: anyway, thanks for your help14:18
bigbrovarskramer_: you are welcome14:19
AlienDKIs there any #ubuntu ops in here?14:30
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BluesKajAlienDK, not here this ia kubuntu14:33
AlienDKI know it is14:33
AlienDKBut theres not a big difference.14:34
AlienDKThere shouldnbn't be two distros.14:34
AlienDKJust one14:34
AlienDKand then on install you could choose desktop14:34
skramer_bigbrovar: I finally got Colibri to work: installed libnotify-bin and told aptitude to not install notification-daemon, notify-osd and xfce4-notifyd :-)14:39
bigbrovarskramer_: nice14:40
skramer_bigbrovar: thank you again!14:41
lyhana8hi, Akonadi fail to start14:45
lyhana8the windows showing the error just close after some time so I can't check all text message14:46
lyhana8first the QMYSQL is missing14:48
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lyhana8here is the report generated by akonadi : http://pastebin.ca/182265214:56
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pigdudeI somehow really clobbered my panels...does anybody know of a way to restore default panels?15:04
pigdudekde 3.5.x I believe15:04
abhifx_hi! can someone tell me how to install amarok 2.3b? i am on lucid15:18
abhifx_hi! can someone tell me how to install amarok 2.3b? i am on lucid15:24
jimmy51_guten tag15:28
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes15:28
ubottuქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge15:28
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:28
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abhifxhi! can someone tell me how to install amarok 2.3b? i am on lucid15:37
Mamarokabhifx: isn't there a link on the kubuntu.org website? You need to activate the beta PPA15:38
abhifxMamarok, thx for replying... there is a link to install it on karmic...15:39
abhifxMamarok, i am on lucid..15:39
Mamarokabhifx: well, that should work on Lucid as well, the PPA provides packages for both15:39
Mamarokabhifx: for all other things Lucid related please ask in #ubuntu+1, it is not yet released15:40
abhifxMamarok, nobody is responding me on ubuntu+15:40
abhifxMamarok, i need just a small help from you15:40
Mamarokabhifx: patience :)15:40
MamarokI already told you what you asked for15:40
abhifxMamarok, just tell me how to install the gpg key gor the kununtu beta15:41
Mamarokabhifx: the instruction is on the same website :)15:41
abhifxMamarok, yes the instruction are there... but they have not mensioned the gpg key for kuibuntu beta15:42
Mamarokabhifx: did you go to the PPA website and check?15:43
abhifxMamarok, anyway.. thx for responding :)15:43
abhifxMamarok, yes even the ppa website doesnt mention the gpg key15:44
bigjoolsyes it does15:44
abhifxbigjools, can you point it for me plz15:45
Mamarokabhifx: it sure does, since the key is associated to the PPA site, open your eyes :)15:46
bigjoolsclick on "technical details .."15:46
bigjoolsif you add the PPA with add-apt-repository you don't even need to worry about it15:47
abhifx_Mamarok, hmm... i found it to... looks like i was not searching correctly :)15:48
Mamarokabhifx_: seems so :)15:48
abhifx_Mamarok, bigjools ... thx again15:49
Mamarokabhifx_: you are welcome :)15:49
=== house is now known as evgeni
reagleBRKLNusing 9.10 with KDE 4.4.1, how in the heck do I set default margins to 0.5" rather than 0.17"?!?15:54
MamarokreagleBRKLN: in what application?15:57
reagleBRKLNMamarok: konq, kmail, any of them15:58
MamarokreagleBRKLN: I still don't really understand what margins you are talking about, but try checking in the System Settings16:00
reagleBRKLNwhen I print16:00
Mamarokright, then check the printer settings16:00
reagleBRKLNI don't see default margins in System Settings/Printer Configuration16:01
MamarokreagleBRKLN: I guess this very much depends on the printer then16:01
MamarokI can here, in the Job Options16:03
reagleBRKLNMamarok: you mean under job objections/text options?16:04
reagleBRKLNall my text options are set at 0 and specified in points, so I don't think that's it.16:04
reagleBRKLNhere's a similar sounding bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/28473016:06
MamarokreagleBRKLN: then I don't know, sorry. Did you check the printer dialog before starting the print?16:06
reagleBRKLNyes, and it says 0.17", annoying to have to change each printing16:06
MamarokI only print from applications usually16:06
Mamarokand the margins are set by application, not by the printer16:07
reagleBRKLNtrue, but KDE apps rely on something for their default....16:08
Mamarokwell, try changing it in the system settings, then16:09
reagleBRKLNMamarok: could you pastebin a snapshot of where you set default margins?16:13
pieludplease answer by folling link16:19
daskreechpielud: yes?16:22
pieludplease answer: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/10317716:22
Torchpielud: install the dev package16:23
daskreech!hi | danijel16:31
ubottudanijel: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:31
alleeWARNING: I've installed the cups security  update 1.4.1-5ubuntu2.4 on my printer server.  After that almost all PDF files refused to print: http://pastebin.ca/1822790      Rollback to 1.4.1-5ubuntu2.2 and PDFs printed again.16:31
danijelanybod know how instal avermedia trinity a707 on Kubuntu 9.10 amd64?  thnx16:31
pieludWhich dev Torch? kdebase-runtime has a dbg, bin-kde4 and data-common16:33
Torchpielud: kdelibs5-dev16:36
danijelthnx ubottu16:37
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pielud..but of cause I have kdelibs5-dev installed otherwise very little wil compile. This file "OntologyManager.xml" is anyways not in the kdelibs5-dev file list.16:41
pieludseems like kdebase-runtime-4:4.4.1-0ubuntu1 was wrongly built for 10.0416:42
pieludso who here does KUBUNTU packaging or support?16:45
pieludplease see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/53184416:46
geniipielud: You may get more useful help in #kubuntu-devel16:46
kromiumHi. kubuntu 8.04 is installed on my pc. When I run upgrade in adept, I can only see 9.04 but I want to upgrade to 9.10. How can I do it?16:48
pieludcool genii, becuase here seems to be happing nothing16:48
daskreechpielud: If you are using Lynx you should be asking in #ubuntu+116:52
daskreechVery few people here are going to be in touch with the problems and pace of a dev environment16:52
martosanyone here?16:54
noaXesshow to run the crontab configured jobs, if time is gone?16:56
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danijelany female kubuntu user?17:01
jussi01danijel: quite possibly, but you may find more in #ubuntu-women :)17:02
noaXesshow can i get amarok to hold the local collection, even if the usb hd where the sound is, isn't connected?17:07
danijelcopy music to hdd and load in amrok17:10
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noaXessdanijel: ?? you mean copy to local hd?.. not really a solution17:12
noaXessi thought there was an option to held the collection..17:13
danijelno copy to music  in your documents from stick17:14
danijelif U not use live cd17:14
daskreechnoaXess: The sound is? You have a USB sound card?17:16
noaXessdaskreech: no.. my sound files are on an external usb-hd... and if it isn't connection and i start amarok, then the local collection in amarok is empty.. i need to connect the external usb-hd and reload the local collection in amarok..17:17
daskreechAnd you would like ...what?17:17
noaXessi thought that there was a hack/fix to held the local collection.. even if the external usb-hd isn't connected17:17
daskreechnoaXess: Ah umm Think I remember seeing something lke that. Perhaps ask in #amarok ?17:23
phoenix_hello everyone17:24
phoenix_is there a way to play drm protected wma files17:24
phoenix_what is the best video converter for kubuntu17:26
geniiffmpeg, but it's most powerful at command-line17:27
phoenix_is there a front end for it17:29
phoenix_i tried the hyper converter , but is fails for some settings17:29
phoenix_my target is mp417:30
daskreechQuite a few17:31
superos_lenovoHow do I change desktop wallpaper?17:33
phoenix_superos_lenovo: you change the wallpaper by right clicking in the desktop and choosing the wallpaper17:35
superos_lenovoAny other way? Right clicking does not work.17:35
superos_lenovoI tried the netbook plasma and messed around a little bit. No either left or right clicking is working.17:36
phoenix_superos_lenovo: i think there is a way to do that throught the system settings. wait i will check itout17:37
phoenix_what is you kubuntu version17:37
superos_lenovokde 4.4.117:37
superos_lenovoUNR with Kubuntu backports17:38
ToxinPoweALT+D+S doesn't work?17:38
superos_lenovoweird that left and right clicking is gone17:38
phoenix_superos_lenovo: mine is the same, but everything is perfect. can you remember waht to did wrong17:39
superos_lenovoToxinPowe: does not work17:40
superos_lenovophoenix_: Let me log out and in again17:40
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t3rm1n4li compiled and installed kde4 from source17:50
t3rm1n4lbut i need to revert back to default kde17:50
t3rm1n4lhow to do that17:50
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superos_lenovoI ended up deleting the .kde directory. I guess the netbook plasma messed it all up.17:52
mudassarHello guys, Can some body tell me what are these: Karmic, Jaunty Intrepid Hardy ? Which linux I have, how can I see that ? I never understand these terms ....17:53
urgeymudassar, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases17:55
t3rm1n4li compiled and installed kde4 from source17:56
t3rm1n4lbut i need to revert back to default kde17:56
t3rm1n4lhow to revert ?17:56
mudassar@urgey: Thanks brother. Now can you tell me what is debian and other ?17:56
urgeythose are ubuntu names17:58
urgeyyou want a list of debian names?17:58
geniimudassar: If you want to find out about what different kinds of Linux there are, you might want to ask in the channel ##linux17:58
genii( or check distrowatch )17:58
urgeyit sounds scary t3rm1n4l :-) experimenting is what virtual images are for18:00
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hazamonzohey folks. I have a copy of kubuntu installed. yesterday i insatlled win7 on a seperate drive after i already had kubuntu. It was my understanding that now windows would boot instead of kubuntu until i fix my grub18:08
hazamonzobut it looks like kubuntu boots by defauly18:08
hazamonzoI do not get an option what OS to boot18:08
hazamonzoi can see the NTFS disk (win 7) in kubuntu18:09
hazamonzodo i still just have to reinstall my grub?18:09
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:09
mudassarHello guys, how to mount iphone in kubuntu ?18:14
eldhohello guys i dont know how to update 9.04 to 9.1 can i get a solution18:16
daskreechmudassar: You will need some libraries since iPhone is pretty non standard18:16
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:16
daskreecheldho: ^^^18:16
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ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:24
raindogKonsole is cutting off directory names only.  What am I missing?18:42
mudassarI have installed ifuse in kubuntu to mount iphone but it says that no device connected18:56
mudassarplz help18:56
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
donvitohow to setup computer stats view via php on kubuntu19:57
donvitotraffic stats too19:57
donvitono helps?20:05
=== purepen is now known as dangerman
bbeckCan anyone could get the Plasma Widgets working within the System Tray?  My widgets are all grayed out.  (KDE 4.4.1)20:14
bbeckSorry about that I figured it out.  You need to Unlock Widgets.20:21
ronnie_I am trying to install listaller and i am having problems (cuz im not real bright)20:23
ronnie_Anyone wanna help?20:24
ronnie_Awesome -- Thanks guys!!!20:25
Torchdonvito: what do you really want to achieve? why php?20:26
ronnie_I want to achieve a better package manage20:26
ronnie_with a nice gui20:26
ytooxi have an realtek integrated microphone that does not work, it only records noise but no voice20:28
ytooxI need help20:28
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skayaroffhi all20:40
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johnshoot5got a problem with wireless after install. The card doesn't seem to be recognised21:29
Kagejohnshoot5: from the console, do:   sudo iwlist scan21:31
johnshoot5"interface doesnt support scanning"21:32
Kageubuntu version?21:33
johnshoot5kubuntu 9.1021:33
Kagejohnshoot5: and does it work from the liveCD?21:34
johnshoot5not straight away, but i havent tried changing anything21:34
Kagewhat type of card / device is it?21:35
Kageyou might not have the drivers21:35
johnshoot5dell 1397 802.11g half mini card21:36
johnshoot5i went on hardware drivers and it instaled broadcom sta driver21:37
johnshoot5but no signal21:37
Kageno idea then21:38
johnshoot5shame, thx anyway21:38
johnshoot5anyone else who can help me with malfunctioning wireless card?21:39
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rerushgjohnshoot5; maybe :) try: ifconfig21:44
raindogKonsole is cutting off directory names, but file names are fine.  How can I fix this?21:47
donvitohow to setup computer stats view via php on kubuntu21:48
Planetary_hey guys, I am buying a new mother board, I was thinking on an geforce 8300 internal graphics. now I have read a bunch on how ATI is supporting alot now. So now I am thinking on getting a radeon 4300 instead. I can run compiz and videos and flash just as good as nvidia cards right? can anyone comment on the 4300 or simular?21:52
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ToxinPowePlanetary_: I have NVIDIA I think its better right now, ATI looks fine in the future :s22:05
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redwizard-kdeanyone here know if theres an nvidia driver that'll let me do hybrid sli on kubuntu23:42
[mors]is there some plan to remove uneeded gnome dependencies from many packages ? like, gstreamer and camorama repend on gnome. they shouldn't .../:23:46

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