
pedro3005jdeloach, nvidia plays nicer with linux00:53
Phreahmm, my gf has a pc that uses Karmic, it used to be able to go online via the onboard NIC, but all the sudden it doesnt anymore...00:54
pedro3005Phrea, oh noes!00:55
PhreaI told her to reboot the system while the UTP is connected00:55
jdeloachyeah. too bad i didn't know that two years ago when i bought my computer :( would have gotten Nvidia00:55
Phreaboth NIC and UTP cable are fully working00:55
pedro3005Phrea, the card is detected?00:57
Phreamore news later ;)00:57
nhandlerAs a heads up, ubuntulog is now in this channel. Public logs will be available on irclogs.ubuntu.com now00:58
=== nhandler changed the topic of #ubuntu-beginners to: Please do not wait to ask questions, simply ask! If anyone knows the answer, they will most likely reply. || Welcome to the Ubuntu Beginners Team support channel. || Please note, public logs of this channel are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com
Phreaoh no..00:58
pedro3005I guess I can't plot my murders here now00:58
PhreaI HATE IRC logs...00:58
Phreapedro3005: we now have to be careful indeed00:59
pedro3005lukjad86, i'm still out to get you, know that01:01
Phreadude, shhht, that just got posted on the irclogs man !01:03
Phreaoh, I just clicked, and it seems that everything ever posted here has already been logged...01:04
PhreaExcuse me if I sign off.01:04
pedro3005oh cool01:05
pedro3005i can track myself down01:05
pedro3005let's see, 200801:05
pedro3005wait, no01:06
pedro3005Phrea, it's general ubuntu logs, not this channel01:06
PhreaI noticed :)01:07
Phreathat's why I stfu'ed01:07
pedro3005you made me believe for a second I could re-live a part of my life!01:07
Phreawell, you can01:07
pedro3005Phrea, shit, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/03/04/%23ubuntu-beginners.txt01:07
Phreaindeed, sir01:08
Phreait seems a bit chaotic01:08
PhreaI'd devise them in channels, rather than year/month/date01:08
Phreabut that's just me01:08
pedro3005truth is01:09
pedro3005you gotta reach a whole new level of boredom to go through that stuff01:09
pedro3005so probably it'll go unread01:09
Phreathat's why I would devise them via channels01:09
Phreato save some boredom time01:10
coldfireIve rebooted several times and gnome is still locking up. The only thing i did before this happened is install some AV programs. What should i do? Reinstall ubuntu?01:20
pedro3005coldfire, with programs exactly?01:21
coldfireclamav, bitdeffender and avg01:22
pedro3005coldfire, try uninstalling?01:24
coldfirei cant it locks up on boot01:24
pedro3005coldfire, try pressing CTRL ALT F1 as it's locked up01:25
coldfireok it started terminal..what do to remove them from here?01:25
pedro3005coldfire, how did you install them?01:25
coldfire.deb packages and in synaptic01:26
pedro3005coldfire, 'sudo apt-get purge packagenames'01:26
coldfirecouldnt find package names01:28
coldfireoh nm01:29
coldfirei get it01:29
coldfirerebooting now01:30
QuickardI can not log in to ubuntu because I can not see nor enter anything into the user accounts window02:19
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mathayQuickard: kind of that your keyboard isn't responding?02:32
mathay*kind of like02:32
mathayIE, you can still move your mouse around and what not, right?02:33
QuickardI can move the mouse, I can see the accessability window02:34
Quickardand when I hit the power button the shutdown window pops up, then it tells me that the desktop is not responding02:35
Quickardwhen I go to shutdown it says that the gnome desktop is not responding02:39
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wojoxDo I just register my nickname here with: /msg nickserv register07:07
elfyand a e-mail address07:09
elfyeg /msg NickServ REGISTER bar foo@bar.com07:09
wojoxwhat about the password?07:09
elfySyntax: REGISTER <password> <email-address>07:10
wojoxWill it be seen or is it not ipportant07:10
elfyit would be seen if you made a mistake and it was read as text - I usually do stuff like that in the server window xchat gives me07:10
wojoxThanks elfy07:12
elfywelcome :)07:12
Akoshi team08:48
Akoswould anyone know why this would happen: lsattr: Operation not supported While reading flags on/usr/sbin/addgroup08:48
mongoosedoghey guys i downloaded a movie, i'm left with files with boxes with rar on them, i can't seem to extract them? anyone know how to make the files into the movie file?11:36
nigelbIs this a legal download?11:57
nigelbIf its not, we won't be able to help you11:59
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leoquanthi elfy14:28
elfyhi leoquant14:28
leoquanthow are you?14:28
* nigelb reminds that we are now logged :)14:28
nigelbhello there elfy :)14:29
nigelband hey leoquant14:29
leoquantgood to be logged14:30
leoquantand coc-ed14:30
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leoquantdamn good14:30
elfyhi nigelb14:30
elfyand I don't need reminding ;)14:31
leoquantmohil your cloak is fine now14:31
tdnI have a machine with two network adapters: an ethernet adapter and a wireless adapter. How can I turn the wireless adapter into an access point?15:59
nigelbtdn: you're looking for internet connection sharing?16:05
tdnnigelb, I want to use this machine as access point to set up wireless connection.16:06
nigelbtdn: does this help you? http://doctormo.ubuntu-ma.us/2009/12/06/ubuntus-internet-connection-sharing/16:06
tdnnigelb, rt73usb/Qcom <- This is my wlan card.16:06
tdnnigelb, no. I only have ssh access to the box.16:07
tdnAt the moment.16:07
tdnIf I write iwconfig wlan0 mode Master, I get an error: Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :     SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.16:07
nigelbtdn: try this forum post then http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137016:08
nigelbmy knowledge of networking is kind of minimal, so I'm not sure how much debugging I can do16:08
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DarkXhello, i was wondering if someone could help me set up a VNC server on ubuntu with a mirror driver :) (i read that using a mirror driver gives better performance)18:32
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youknoweddavishey everybody, i was wondering if any one had experience with karmic and kodak cameras?19:07
youknoweddavisive tries f-spot, with crazy "unable to lock" errors, and Camera who doesnt seem to be able to coonect to it.19:08
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elfyhi Bodsda20:14
bodhi_zazenBoo !!!21:36
pedro3005bodhi_zazen, what?21:41
paultaghai bodhi_zazen :)21:42
paultagbodhi_zazen, may I PM?21:42
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