
RAOFOk.  While f-spot does a test-build it's time for coffee!00:01
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RAOFHurray for thorough testing.  What's that stupid align editor doing?00:29
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RAOFI wonder if anyone will notice that the f-spot display gets corrupted if you use the “adjust colours” tool directly after the “straighten” tool.01:38
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QuickardI can not log in to ubuntu because I can not see nor enter anything into the user accounts window02:18
Quickardany idea's?02:18
RAOFAre you running Lucid?02:21
RAOFThen I suggest getting help in #ubuntu, or on ubuntuforums.org.02:24
RAOFrickspencer3: Good evening to you :)02:26
rickspencer3hiya RAOF02:26
rickspencer3how are you this morning?02:26
RAOFPretty good.02:26
RAOFI think I've *almost* nailed this f-spot view-mode bug.02:27
RAOFAnd then I shall go out and have lunch at a nice local café.02:27
rickspencer3RAOF, this is great news02:28
rickspencer3RAOF, has pitti set up an intro call for the three of us?02:28
RAOFHe has not, no.  Unless that's hit my inbox in the last 1/2 hour.02:28
lifelessRAOF: you've moved already? :P02:51
RAOFlifeless: There *are* nice cafés in Cammeray, you know :P02:53
RAOFIs it wrong to want *another* 3GB of ram for this laptop? :)02:54
RAOFOk.  I know where the problem is, I know how to trigger it, I know how to work around it.  Time for luncheon!02:56
rickspencer3I guess he will be luncheoning with the Queen?02:57
brycehrickspencer3, it's like a truncheon but yummier03:07
NafaiIs anyone else getting "Maximum Number of Clients reached" in ~/.xsession-errors and can't start any more X apps?03:31
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RAOFSing Ho! for the life of a disposed Gdk.Pixbuf!04:07
kenvandineRAOF, hey... any more luck with f-spot?04:10
RAOFThis build should resolve the final bug.04:10
RAOF(That I know of)04:10
RAOFThere's an important difference between returning a modified copy of the input variable and returning a new object that's a modified copy of the original :)04:11
RAOFThis is actually an f-spot bug that that's displayed much more prominantly by view mode editing.04:12
RAOFOooh.  Make that two bugs.04:13
RAOFAgain, there's an important difference between modifying the argument and modifying a copy :)04:17
RAOFkenvandine: I'll strip the debugging out of this patch and send you a debdiff?04:22
RAOFWhere would you like the debdiff?04:38
RAOFkenvandine: ^^^04:39
crimsuninteresting. The date-time applet (wrong name, probably) updates correctly for daychange, but the date picker in the calendar fails to05:01
kenvandineRAOF, awesome work on f-spot05:59
kenvandineRAOF, can you also add forward and back navigation buttons?06:00
kenvandinelike is in the library browse mode?06:00
kenvandineif you open it in view mode, with multiple photos06:00
kenvandineit is a real pain to switch06:01
RAOFkenvandine: That's a good point.06:04
kenvandineit should be easy to add06:04
kenvandinethe other problem... which is much hard06:04
kenvandineis undo :)06:04
RAOFI probably can, but I've context-switched to why apw's .33 drm backport kernel fails for me.06:05
kenvandinenot sure that is reasonable to solve right now06:05
RAOFUndo might be a bit much to aim for before beta.06:06
kenvandineyeah, i figured06:06
kenvandinethe nav stuff should be easy, i would think06:06
kenvandinef-spot doesn't have any notion of undo now06:07
RAOFRight.  Just multiple versions.06:07
RAOFDidn't I read where f-spot was going to transition to GEGL?06:08
RAOFThat'd pick up undo by default, but *certainly* wouldn't be beta-1 worthy ;)06:08
kenvandinei hadn't heard that :)06:09
RAOFMaybe I'm making it up :)06:09
RAOFIt'd be good, though!06:09
kenvandineit would06:09
kenvandineand it makes sense06:09
RAOFIt'd be nice if f-spot had a better story to tell about RAW photos, too, but again that's a hard problem, I think.06:10
RAOFOk.  The nouveau problem was because I suck, and had a mismatched libdrm.06:12
tjaaltonumm, so our gdm is completely separate from debian?06:19
tjaaltonit doesn't support $USERXSESSIONRC like debian does06:20
czajkowskikeep failing on a Karmic upgrade http://paste.ubuntu.com/388087/06:20
tjaaltonok it's bug 47509006:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 475090 in gdm "Karmic /etc/gdm/Xsession fails to source ~/.xsessionrc or apply ~/.Xresources" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47509006:22
didrocksgood morning07:15
RAOFAloha, didrocks07:17
didrockshey RAOF07:21
* didrocks RAOF hey07:21
pittiGood morning08:09
pittikermiac: right, because it previously copied the wrong keybinding to the compiz part of the settings; sorry for that08:09
pittiRAOF: I'm about to send a mail for the interview; at which time (UTC) are you available, so that I can check for some reasonable overlaps?08:10
pittiRAOF: would probably be good in your early morning/my late evening, so that Rick can participarte as well08:11
RAOFIs tomorrow morning the appropriate soonness?08:12
RAOFIf so, 8am would be fine; that'll be less uncomfortable for you & Rick.08:12
RAOFMmm. Evolution doesn't much like trying to build a search folder for all the launchpad bugs I've touched :)08:14
pittiRAOF: sounds fine; thanks!08:15
pittiRAOF: is that 2000 UTC?08:16
RAOFI think it's 2100UTC?08:17
RAOFI'm UTC+11, so 800 will be... 1900UTC.08:18
RAOFDon't mind me, I'm a mathematician. :/08:18
pittiah, good; thanks!08:18
pittithat's 8 pm here, which is nice for seb128 and me08:18
RAOFAhem.  No, I was right the first time.  2100UTC08:20
* RAOF is having real difficulties doing 8 - 11 mod 2408:20
pittiRAOF: that gets very close to the next confcall of Rick's; can we do 2030 UTC?08:22
RAOFThat will be 7:30 here.  I can do that.08:23
RAOFI'm going to head out for a brisk walk before it gets dark; I'll be back later.  2030UTC is ok.08:25
pittiRAOF: ok, google call invitation sent; thanks!08:26
pittiRAOF: have a good night then08:26
pittiand sleep well!08:26
kermiacpitti: no problem, just making sure you were aware... I added a comment to the bug report for anyone else who might be effected. I like the keybinding & am finding it very useful :)08:34
kermiacty for the fix :)08:35
didrockshey seb128 ;)08:43
pittibonjour seb12808:43
seb128nothing like starting the day by waiting for a 15 min fsck routine check08:43
pittiseb128: how are you?08:43
seb128lut didrocks, pitti08:44
didrocksyou are how? not missing the Olympics Games?08:44
pittiseb128: heh, extra coffee break? :-)08:44
seb128pitti, good thanks ;-)08:44
seb128didrocks, a bit but not missing sleep at least ;-)08:44
didrocksheh :-)08:44
seb128how are you guys doing?08:44
mvohey seb12808:44
seb128hey mvo08:44
didrockshum fine thanks. Real sunny day at last \o/08:45
seb128pitti, good timing, 2 calls during my swimming class :-(08:46
seb128I guess I will have to cancel today08:47
pittiseb128: oops; we can move them08:49
pittiseb128: can you please add your swimming classes to the calendar?08:49
seb128pitti, no that's ok08:49
seb128I somewhat hurt my wrist08:49
seb128so maybe not forcing on it today will be good08:50
pittiseb128: we can move them later; I'm sure RAOF wouldn't mind getting up a bit later08:50
RAOFpitti: Absolutely true!08:50
seb128will add those to the calendar08:50
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didrocksseb128: btw, I've found the commit to the strange Alt + 7 behavior: http://git.gnome.org/browse/metacity/commit/?id=0f805bfdfb46e6739912df042f628ca9913b433c08:54
seb128didrocks, good job08:54
didrocksseb128: I'm just puzzled why it just not fetch Alt + alt gr + è on an azerty keyboard08:54
huatsmorning guys !08:56
seb128keybindings are a mystery to me08:56
seb128lut huats08:56
pittibonjour huats!08:56
huatsguten morgen pitti !08:56
didrocksseb128: ok, I was hoping you had some clue about keybindings. I'll ask on #gnome-hackers so. Thanks :)08:56
didrockssalut pitti08:56
huats(notice the right spelling :))08:56
seb128didrocks, sorry but no ;-)08:57
seb128good idea08:57
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:25
aramorning chrisccoulson09:26
chrisccoulsonhi ara09:26
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:26
seb128how are you?09:26
didrockshey chrisccoulson and ara09:26
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, yeah, good thanks09:26
chrisccoulsonhow are you?09:26
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks09:26
seb128I had a good night of sleep09:26
seb128went to be early yesterday09:26
seb128what about you?09:26
chrisccoulsonyeah, it was difficult to do anything last night ;)09:27
chrisccoulsoni had a fairly early night09:27
chrisccoulsonbah, no sound again this morning09:28
pittihey chrisccoulson09:29
seb128I've to change the output in the capplet between dock station and laptop though09:29
seb128which is confusing and not nice user experience09:29
pittichrisccoulson: you should have an invitation email for a short intro confcall this evening09:29
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i get a load of errors in my syslog occasionally when i boot, and sound doesn't work until i've rebooted again09:30
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, just looking at that now09:30
pittihey bratsche09:53
didrockshey bratsche09:54
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chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm still ok to upload these string changes from tedg aren't i?10:01
chrisccoulson(i was hoping to do that last night)10:02
* pitti hears string changes and does o_O10:02
pittito indicators?10:02
chrisccoulsonpitti - tedg suggested some string changes for gdm, gpm, gnome-session and gnome-panel, to make suspend/shutdown terminology consistent everywhere10:02
pittican these still be pushed into GNOME, or is it too late for 2.30?10:04
* pitti is afraid of breaking lots of translations10:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - it's too late for 2.3010:04
seb128chrisccoulson, oh yes10:04
seb128pitti, too late10:04
chrisccoulsonseb128 - you uploaded the gnome-session change already didn't you?10:04
chrisccoulson(but that one doesn't touch upstream code)10:05
seb128chrisccoulson, yes, you told me to do it no?10:05
seb128it does10:05
seb128the inhibit strings10:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, ok10:05
chrisccoulsonwell, i can do gpm and hopefully gdm this morning if everyone is ok with that10:05
* chrisccoulson checks he can upload gdm10:06
chrisccoulsoni can forward tedg's changes to the gnome bugzilla anyway, and they can consider those for next cycle10:07
seb128please do10:07
chrisccoulsondeskbar-applet is painfully slow to build10:19
seb128why do you build this one?10:20
didrockss/fully slow to build// :)10:20
chrisccoulsonseb128 - there's a new version in the sponsor queue10:20
chrisccoulsonit hangs around for a long time building the documentation10:21
seb128RAOF, hey10:33
seb128RAOF, did you have a good day?10:34
RAOFseb128: Yeah.  I beat f-spot into submission, I've checked that the .33 drm backport kernel will fix nouveau, and poked at gjs's build failure on armel.10:35
seb128RAOF, nice! is f-spot ready for upload now?10:36
* seb128 would like to cross that for beta-1 work items10:36
RAOFkenvandine would like some extra navigation on the view mode, which makes sense and should be fairly easy; that *could* be added later.10:37
seb128RAOF, ok let's do that later10:39
seb128if we have something we can use land that first step10:39
seb128we can always update as needed10:39
seb128can you hand me a patch or update?10:39
RAOFI'll attach a debdiff to the bug.10:39
RAOFkenvandine has it, too.10:40
didrockspitti: oh, the dvd was the guilty one! http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt. I don't see any advantage to put it as an app on the dvd too as we already have OOo. I mean, the CD should be basically langpack + "featured" apps if we want to be coherent (there is still the issue of some featured apps are in universe)10:40
pittididrocks: yes, agreed; would you mind dropping it there?10:41
pitti(just a seed change)10:41
didrockspitti: sure10:41
didrockspitti: I upload the new metapackage too, right?10:41
pittididrocks: not for the DVD10:41
pittijust the seed change is enough10:41
didrockspitti: oki, the DVD metapackage is built automatically or is there other reasons?10:42
huatschrisccoulson, thanks for the deskbar applet sponsoring :)10:42
pittididrocks: I don't think it uses a metapackage10:42
chrisccoulsonhuats - you're welcome10:42
pittididrocks: I believe the CD build scripts just pull the seeds, similar to "live"10:42
didrockspitti: oh ok, thanks for the info :)10:42
huatsif someone can give a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pessulus/+bug/51331610:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 513316 in pessulus "Update to 2.29.91" [Wishlist,New]10:43
huatsit would be great :)10:43
asac_mvo: there?10:45
mptgood morning mvo10:46
RAOFseb128: bug #48488810:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 484888 in f-spot "Allow editing photos from F-Spot Viewer" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48488810:47
seb128RAOF, you rock, thanks10:47
mvohey asac_10:47
mvompt: good morning10:47
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mptmvo, what's on the schedule for today? :-)10:50
mvompt: icons and reviews10:54
seb128RAOF, would it be hard to have the sidebar with edit selected in the combo on by default?11:00
mptmvo, great, I'm chasing down some icons11:01
seb128mpt, hi11:05
seb128mpt, can you reply to the comment on bug #53148611:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531486 in gnome-session "Switch "Shut Down" to "Switch Off" and "Suspend" to "Sleep"" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53148611:05
seb128can -> could11:05
seb128mpt, thanks ;-)11:05
mptseb128, sure thing11:05
RAOFseb128: It defaults to the previously selected view.  It would probably be pretty easy to change that, though, if you wanted.11:08
mptseb128, done.11:10
seb128mpt, thanks11:10
seb128RAOF, ok, commented on the bug11:10
seb128RAOF, that can wait for your tomorrow anyway11:10
seb128RAOF, 'night11:10
loolpitti: LP #463471: see my last comment, it is in case it's important to have identical log entries after upgrades11:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 463471 in logcheck "karmic regression: logcheck prints CRON CMD lines" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46347111:12
loolI don't personally care strongly; whoever is familiar with the rsyslog switch can comment11:12
pittilool: ah, I see; reopened then11:13
pitti(as wishlist)11:13
chrisccoulsonit seems plenty of people are opting to not use the indicator-applet, and using the fallback status icons11:18
chrisccoulsonpeople are still reporting issues with gpm11:18
chrisccoulsonand someone just e-mailed me a 2MB video showing an issue11:18
seb128chrisccoulson, I don't think that's what happens really11:18
seb128I guess it's rather most user dropped the useless indicator message previous cycles11:19
chrisccoulsonyeah, possibly11:19
seb128which is used for new indicators now11:19
seb128I want to force re-add it on upgrade11:19
seb128will do that today when I do the string update too11:19
chrisccoulsoni'll have to speak to tedg later about fixing the fallback so it works properly11:19
* hyperair fights back the urge to yell 'I told you so!'11:19
seb128hyperair, told about what?11:20
hyperairseb128: about indicator applet suckiness.11:20
seb128it doesn't suck11:20
seb128it's not suitable for everything yet11:20
seb128but I don't see how ie bluetooth is less of a good experience now11:20
hyperairi.e. it sucks for stuff that deviates slightly from your typical gtk+ application that needs that icon.11:21
seb128which is why we rolled back the layout indicator11:21
hyperairwhich indicator was that?11:21
seb128but your comment is not really constructive either11:21
seb128when you have several layout configured11:22
seb128you get a label in the notification area to show the current one11:22
seb128and switch between those by clicking11:22
hyperairseb128: how constructive would you have me put it? i requested tooltips, but the answer is maybe we'll consider it next cycle.11:22
seb128I don't see tooltips being useful for it bluetooth11:22
seb128it, ie11:22
hyperairseb128: just adding tooltip support (especially for those large custom tooltips would shut me up about appind.11:23
seb128you all special case on the music player case11:23
hyperairbluetooth is a special case on its own.11:23
seb128tooltips are not really nice though11:23
hyperairthere's no way you can mistake the bluetooth icon for anything else11:23
hyperairabsolutely no way11:23
vishseb128: volume applet needs tooltips too , was useful :)11:23
hyperaireverything that uses bluetooth uses the same icon.11:23
seb128vish, how hard is it to press the mouse button when you are over there11:24
hyperairbut it is very easy to wonder what some other icons are, e.g. update-notifier11:24
seb128the volume info is directly in the icon too11:24
vishbut that doesnt display the % and tooltips were used by transmission , and several other apps11:24
seb128anyway I'm not designer and I don't want to argue about those11:25
seb128I find tooltip getting in the way11:25
seb128and having to click one time not being that much extra efforts11:25
seb128so it works for me11:25
hyperairseb128: take a good look at the liferea icon, and honestly tell me whether you'll be able to figure out that that globe is liferea without a tooltip.11:25
Nghyperair: that's not an argument for tooltips, that's an argument for liferea to get a better icon11:26
seb128hyperair, I don't think tooltip are made to explain you what a software is11:26
hyperairNg: it's an argument that not all icons are intuitive, and it's not logical to expect everyone to be able to agree that one icon means something.11:26
seb128you can as well understand that by clicking on the icon and see what is in the menu11:26
Ngthere's a perfectly standard icon for RSS11:26
vishNg: but liferea displays the unread items.. we either bring the info to the dropdown , that would be nice11:26
hyperairvish: liferea changes its icon when there are unread items. that's enough for me really =\11:27
vishunread in the tooltips*11:27
vishhyperair: but it changes back once you read one folder ;)11:27
hyperairvish: oh it does?11:27
seb128well the indicators are not made to be a replacement for everything anyway11:28
vishhyperair: the unread icon changes back to no new and the tooltips have the info11:28
seb128some things should not in the notification area to start with11:28
* vish hides11:28
seb128the new system is nice and work well for ie sound, bluetooth, messages, etc11:29
hyperairseb128: i'm curious, how does gpm handle showing the remaining battery time?11:29
seb128not so well for custom apps trying to do random cracks11:29
Ngyou could argue that liferea was a messaging indicator thing, but I suspect most rss users have so many unread things that it would make the messaging indicator impossible to use ;)11:29
seb128hyperair, the icon should be clear and you have the info the menu one click away11:29
seb128if you need the exact %11:29
hyperairseb128: and is this menu updated in real time?11:29
seb128well, as often as the tooltip was11:29
seb128not sure if that's real time11:30
hyperairseb128: i'm saying that if i leave open the menu, does it update?11:30
seb128of polling every 30 seconds11:30
seb128it should, I've not tried if it works11:30
hyperairhmm okay11:30
hyperairwhat about the exact %?11:30
seb128the menu has the % and time11:30
hyperairthen that's fine11:30
hyperairi still don't understand why tooltips are considered not desirable to have11:31
hyperairit's almost as if you're testing user understanding of the icons.11:31
seb128I never used tooltip as a way to understand the icons11:32
seb128and I don't think software writers used them this way11:32
seb128the tooltip usually have infos11:32
hyperairwhat about toolbar icons?11:32
seb128like the current playing song for rhythmbox11:32
seb128it doesn't tell you the icon is about rhythmbox11:32
hyperairdo you instantly know what X toolbar icon does, despite having seen that icon for the first time in your life?11:32
seb128or that clicking on it will let you stop or play11:33
seb128no, I usually understand by clicking on it and seing what it does11:33
hyperairand that's dangerous.11:33
seb128like you never learn how the banshee icon works from the tooltip11:33
hyperairwhat if that icon meant rm -rf /? =p11:33
seb128or that you can change volume by mouse whell11:33
hyperairor some equally destructive command.11:33
seb128would that icon tell you by tooltip?11:33
seb128whoever write that icon would make sure the tooltip say a nice thing11:34
hyperaircurrently playing song tells me a lot11:34
hyperairit tells me that the icon belongs to a media player that is currently running.11:34
seb128it doesn't tell you what apps is that11:34
seb128and how to interact with it11:34
hyperairit sits in the notification area.11:34
hyperairthat's well enough indication11:34
seb128and "show rhythmbox ui" in the menu doesn't tell you that?11:34
hyperairyou have to click on it.11:35
seb128well you open the menu and see what it has11:35
seb128how hard is it compared to a tooltip?11:35
hyperairseb128: one more click.11:36
hyperairsay i want to look for one specific icon in a whole bunch of icons i don't recognize due to a changed icon theme.11:36
seb128well I can navigate the news one with one click and left, right11:36
seb128or will be able to keyboard navigate the menus in lucid11:36
hyperairhmm that will be useful, yes.11:36
seb128I find that easier to use11:36
seb128at least for me who knows the icons and what they are11:37
hyperairwhat about click-to-open which now needs me to click, select a menu entry and click that?11:37
seb128and don't need the manuel displayed in a tooltip to teach me :p11:37
hyperairthe last time i assumed someone could read the text on the buttons of nautilus-share's dialog, i got blasted on a bug report for being a bastard, idiot and elitist.11:38
seb128I don't say the system is perfect11:38
seb128but most things are controls11:38
hyperairgoing by that logic, assuming people can understand icons could probably get you accused of the same thing.11:38
seb128not launchpad for opening apps11:38
seb128again the music player is a special case11:38
seb128launchpad -> launcher11:38
* hyperair thought launchpad.net for a moment11:38
hyperairseb128: assuming all tooltips can be shoved into the first menu item, then how about shoving the now playing song into the first menu item as well?11:40
seb128there is a patch waiting for me to upload doing that11:41
seb128will be in lucid today11:41
seb128jpeterson did that change yesterday11:41
* hyperair looks for qense.11:41
hyperairhmm he's not around.11:41
* hyperair wonders what vish thinks about this11:45
vishhyperair: that was what i said earlier ;) , the tooltips need to be in the menu as well :)  [not just removed] but obviously having the tooltip is quicker11:46
vishs/as well/atleast11:46
seb128do you use tooltips that often?11:46
seb128for things like battery and volume the icon is usually fine enough for me11:46
seb128and one click is not to much to get the detail11:46
seb128well battery has level and color11:47
hyperairi like to know exactly how much battery i have remaining11:47
vishseb128: well its an extra step , just because we didnt have time to fix it11:47
hyperairand i actively monitor it11:47
hyperairbecause i need to know when i need to start huntign for power sockets11:47
hyperairand how many hours i need to stretch my battery on for (i move around with my laptop, turn it on for lectures)11:47
hyperairthose icons don't provide me that level of information11:48
hyperairbut i suppose i'm fine with clicking.11:48
hyperairit's just a little harder with a touchpad.11:48
seb128use fn-f311:48
hyperairwtf is fn-f3?11:49
seb128or whatever key your laptop has to display the battery info11:49
hyperairthere's such a key?11:49
vishohh  , just found new shortcut11:49
hyperairmy laptop has no such key.11:49
seb128my netbook and laptop have one11:49
hyperairmy ideapad from lenovo doesn't.11:49
seb128try the fn-f<n> keys ;-)11:49
vishhyperair: no Fn hey?11:49
hyperairvish: many fn keys, none for displaying battery info11:49
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vishhmm, weird , i didnt know either , just found that one ;)11:50
hyperairvish: i make it a point to study all the fn keys before buying any laptop.11:50
hyperairvish: there are a few must-have keys like media keys, touchpad key, and separate bluetooth/wifi kill keys11:50
hyperairand webcam key as wel11:50
vishhyperair: well many didnt work when i installed Ubuntu ;p , but worked in Windows ;)11:51
hyperairthat's because of proprietary drivers11:51
hyperairseb128: so what does this fn-f3 show you?11:51
vishit was probably fixed recently11:51
vishhyperair: power info11:51
bigonkenvandine: I saw you uploaded new empathy version, but you use my debian revision :( (-1 instead of -0)11:51
hyperairseb128: gnome-power-manager? or some proprietary UI bypassing linux?11:51
seb128hyperair, a notify osd tooltip with battery infos11:51
hyperairi see.11:51
seb128it's a gpm thing11:52
seb128need to go for lunch11:52
chrisccoulsonwow, the day is flying by. nearly lunch time already11:56
didrockschrisccoulson: I just grab my first coffee of the day :)11:57
hyperairwow the day has flown by. nearly the end of the day already ;-)11:57
chrisccoulsondidrocks - how do you survive?11:57
chrisccoulsoni've had 2 today :)11:57
chrisccoulsoni'm actually finding that i'm drinking less coffee now11:58
chrisccoulsonbut that's probably because my chair is so comfortable that i don't want to get up and walk to the coffee machine ;)11:58
didrockschrisccoulson: being excited by my job is enough ;)11:59
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yes, there is that as well :)11:59
pittiless coffee -> good!12:05
pitticompensate with more sleep12:05
ograpitti, that can have bad impact on IRC communications ... (if your head falls on the kbd)12:09
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seb128james_w, hi, are you there to help me with a bzr packaging issue?12:38
james_whi seb12812:39
vishseb128: can we get Bug #530769 fixed for lucid? there is a patch as well , and i confirmed with the design team too12:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530769 in hundredpapercuts "Change "Lock Screen" keybinding to Super+L" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53076912:39
vishs/patch/branch with fix12:40
seb128vish, will look at it, assign to the canonical desktop team maybe for now?12:40
Laneywhat makes stuff move from /usr/share/gnome/help/xxx to help-langpack?12:40
vishok,  ty12:40
seb128james_w, so my issue is with lp:ubuntu/indicator-sound12:40
seb128james_w, that has a configure where lp:indicator-sound doesn't, which I supposed it's something kenvandine added by error12:41
seb128james_w, but the effect is that bzr-buildpackage revert the tarball configure to the bzr one12:41
seb128james_w, I tried to bzr del configure in lp:ubuntu/indicator-sound12:41
seb128james_w, but then it deletes it from the unpacked dir too12:42
seb128james_w, how do I tell those to let configure alone and use the tarball one?12:42
james_wwhat operation are you doing?12:43
james_wjust bzr-buildpackage?12:43
james_wand no, Ken didn't add it by error, it's supposed to be there, which is why deleting it doesn't work12:43
seb128james_w, yes, bzr-buildpackage12:44
seb128well rather12:44
seb128bzr get lp:ubuntu/indicator-sound12:44
seb128cd indicator-sound12:44
seb128bzr merge lp:indicator-sound12:44
seb128dch -v 0.1.2-0ubuntu1 "update"12:44
seb128in a nutsheel12:44
james_wthat's where you've gone wrong :-)12:44
james_wyou have to use "bzr merge-upstream --version 0.1.2 indicator-sound-0.1.2.tar.gz lp:indicator-sound"12:45
james_wwhere the tarball can be on http:// or whatever12:46
seb128my workflow works fine usually12:46
seb128ie last time I workarounded by copying the configure from the tarball to bzr12:46
james_wit sucks that plain bzr merge doesn't work, but kind-of does, but bzr doesn't provide us the hook points we need to do that properly12:46
didrocks(merge-upstream for the win :))12:47
seb128well we do use merge for every dx usually12:47
seb128which kind of work12:47
james_wand bzr merge-upstream and bzr merge are kind-of different operations anyway12:47
seb128it's just weird it only does that weird configure change there12:47
james_wyeah, merge-upstream for new upstream tarballs12:47
seb128shouldn't it take the diff between upstream bzr and packaging one12:47
seb128and apply that to the tarball?12:48
seb128not discussing that I should use your syntax12:48
seb128even if it's harder to type and error prone12:48
seb128where bzr-buildpackage get the tarball for me using the watch etc12:48
james_wI'm going to implement watch file support12:48
james_wit's just not there yet12:48
seb128but I would still like to understand why my workflow lead to this configure downgrade12:48
james_wone day it will be "bzr merge-upstream; bzr commit"12:49
didrocksjames_w: \o/12:49
mptmvo, in your inbox should be an icon and a merge request12:49
james_wthe rule is that what is in bzr is the same as what would be in the unpacked source12:49
seb128$ bzr merge-upstream --version 0.1.2 ../indicator-sound_0.1.2.orig.tar.gz lp:indicator-sound12:50
seb128Using distribution lucid12:50
seb128bzr: ERROR: Unable to find the tag for the previous upstream version, 0.1.1, in the branch: upstream-0.1.112:50
mptmvo, michaelforrest and chaotic are working on implementing "Featured" as a separate part of the lobby screen. Any navigation gotchas they need to be aware of?12:50
james_wit doesn't unpack the tarball or anything, it just puts it there for dpkg-source to get the md5sum.12:50
seb128bzr hates me12:50
didrocksseb128: you should tag one rev to upstream-0.1.1 for the initial use (I guess james_w will explain you better than I)12:50
james_wgrabbing it now to have a look12:50
seb128james_w, thanks12:51
james_wdidrocks: this one should already have it done12:51
didrocksjames_w: oh really?12:51
james_wI assume so12:51
james_wmy guess is that the last upstream release was merged with bzr merge, not merge-upstream12:51
seb128it was12:51
didrocksjames_w: btw, should I still use your branch from portland or can I switch back to lucid bzr?12:51
seb128as said I used the workflow I described before until now12:52
seb128I just usually copy the configure from the tarball12:52
mvompt: ok, thanks12:52
seb128to workaround the issue12:52
seb128but I figure I would try to get that issue fixed today ;-)12:52
didrocksseb128: if you want, I can setup a wiki page for us (update the previous one) for the merge-upsteam workflow (not complicated)12:52
mvompt: featured> I talked to him and did some small fixes12:52
seb128or to learn what I'm doing wrong12:52
mptmvo, ok, cool12:52
james_wseb128: ok, I was wrong, this has never been set-up correctly12:53
seb128didrocks, I don't think there is anything specific to us there but yeah having documentation on that would be welcome12:53
james_wseb128: let me walk you through fixing it up12:53
seb128james_w, thanks12:53
james_wfirst, we set the tag that it is looking for to something close12:53
james_wbzr tag upstream-0.1.1 -r tag:indicator-sound-0.1.112:53
james_wthen try the command again12:54
james_wthis should work, but conflict the debian/ directory12:54
seb128Text conflict in configure12:55
seb1281 conflicts encountered.12:55
seb128The new upstream version has been imported.12:55
seb128I guess I can copy the tarball configure and bzr resolve?12:56
james_wthis is a bit fiddly12:56
james_wthat would work12:56
seb128but? ;-)12:56
james_wyou can do it with bzr revert, but you need to give it a revision-id that is a little tricky to find12:56
seb128you have better? ;-)12:57
james_wnothing, you just came up with an easier way :-)12:57
seb128ok good12:57
seb128rickspencer3, hey12:57
rickspencer3hi seb12812:58
pittihey rickspencer312:58
rickspencer3hi pitti12:58
pittirickspencer3: I added intro calls for Chris* to the calendar and sent invitations, FYIU12:58
pittihope these are okay with you?12:59
didrockshey rickspencer312:59
rickspencer3hi Did12:59
rickspencer3didrocks, that is12:59
seb128james_w, ok, diff.gz looks clean now, thanks!13:02
james_wseb128: nice13:02
james_wseb128: sorry for the confusion13:02
seb128thanks for the rocking work you do ;-)13:03
james_wI promise it will all be super-slick one day13:03
seb128I'm looking forward an updated version using watch for getting the tarball and version :p13:03
james_wI will make you love it one way or another!13:03
james_wyeah, it's not actually that much work13:04
didrocksyeah, merge-upstream is really rocking already. It makes a very clean bzr visualise tree :)13:04
james_wI just didn't get round to it before FF13:04
james_wmaybe I can sneak it in ;-)13:04
seb128didrocks, I don't use bzr visualise but good to know ;-)13:04
james_wI bet seb uses bzr qlog13:05
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seb128speaking of log I should try to convince bzr guys that bzr | less by default makes sense13:06
seb128it's default in git and very handy13:06
seb128bzr log | less13:06
seb128when doing bzr log13:06
james_wor at least an easy config option ;-)13:07
didrocksseb128: I'll heavily +1 one this if you open the discussion13:07
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vishNg: just out of curiosity , why did you split the branding page?13:19
Ngvish: to reduce the amount of data the wiki server had to spit out to all the interested passers by from reddit/slashdot13:20
Ngvish: it was one of several things I did to stop the service from failing13:20
vishah, that was why wiki was unusually lagging _more_  today :/13:21
seb128bah, bzr get from lp seems to hang now13:21
james_wseb128: service issue13:22
seb128james_w, which means "known and being worked"? ;-)13:22
james_wI assume so13:23
seb128ok, thanks13:23
djsiegel1hey seb12813:26
djsiegel1seb128: desktop workspace arrangement still 1x2 (instead of 1x4), and type-to-filter search on compiz window scale is not enabled.13:28
vishdjsiegel1: did you test in guest session? is shows 1x4 , probably the user's default is not being touched13:41
djsiegel1vish: ah ok13:41
djsiegel1on a freshly imaged machine it's 1x213:41
vishoh , well , here in a guest session it is 1x4.. not sure how13:42
seb128djsiegel1, hey13:43
seb128hum weird, the default layout was 1x4 there13:43
seb128I will check that13:43
seb128didrocks, do you have some time to look at 3 small things?13:44
seb1281- https://launchpad.net/bugs/53076913:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530769 in hundredpapercuts "Change "Lock Screen" keybinding to Super+L" [Low,Triaged]13:44
didrocksseb128: sure, I'm in parallel mode right now, but if I can spread them during the day, no pb :)13:44
seb1282- desktop workspace arrangement still 1x2 (instead of 1x4) (could you see if it's wm dependant)13:44
seb1283- type-to-filter search on compiz window scale is not enabled.13:44
didrocksseb128: ok, on them :)13:45
djsiegel1thanks dudes!13:45
didrocksjust what is type-to-filter?13:45
didrocksy/w djsiegel113:45
seb128djsiegel1, ^ didrocks is going to look at those, we will the ones you mentioned done today13:45
didrockswhen you have apps in expose mode, you type the name to filter them?13:45
seb128didrocks, the scale view in compiz displays the open windows on a sort of expose mode13:46
seb128didrocks, the filter let you keyboard type to search in the title of those13:46
seb128so you can keyboard navigate13:46
didrocksseb128: ok, make sense, will look at it :)13:46
didrocksthanks :)13:46
seb128it's only an option to activate in the compiz scale options I think13:46
djsiegel1didrocks: "scale window title filter" in compizconfig,  http://use-case-mapper.canonical.com/specifications/0AedmWmwP3lllZDltMzhiZF85NWdrMmN4bWMz/use_cases/2_13:46
djsiegel1no, not that13:47
didrocksdjsiegel1: ok, thanks :)13:47
Cedric25no new sound theme ?14:05
seb128didrocks, seems 1- was decided to just not do it14:08
didrocksseb128: oh ok, one less WI \o/14:08
seb128didrocks, ;-)14:09
didrocksseb128: thanks for the notice, just saw the bug comment :)14:09
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mptmvo, should bugs like bug 531895 be filed just against the particular package, or against app-install-data-ubuntu as well?14:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531895 in firefox "Firefox isn't in Ubuntu Software Center's "Internet" or "Web Browsers" sections" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53189514:26
mvompt: package is ideal, you can add a task for app-install-data if you want14:30
mptok, ta14:30
mvompt: but it does not have a override mechanism at this point to add categories14:30
mvowe could add it, but the prefered fix is the upstream desktop file14:30
mptasac, can you take care of that one? Or is there someone else in particular who I should bug about it?14:30
nigelbI was about to poke someone about #rhythmbox in gimpnet, but I guess seb already took care of it :)14:40
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seb128nigelb, I did14:49
nigelbI saw :)14:49
nigelbit was nice of you to step in immediately14:49
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pedro_kenvandine, hello there, just wondering if you are aware of bug 52169314:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521693 in gwibber "gwibber crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52169314:56
kenvandinepedro_, yeah... that's a dupe :)14:57
kenvandinei'll mark it14:57
kenvandinepedro_, desktopcouch is busted14:57
pedro_kenvandine, ah ok, thanks!14:58
LaserJockdidrocks: is there a specific size limit for UNE?15:12
didrocksLaserJock: for the image, you mean?15:12
LaserJockdidrocks: yeah15:13
pittithe usual 700 MB15:14
pittiactually, 700 MiB, I believe15:14
pittiyes, indeed15:14
didrocksright, it should be MiB :)15:14
LaserJockI just wondered considering it's not usually installed via CD if maybe 1GB would be the limit15:15
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pittiLaserJock: we still don't want it grow too fat; netbooks don't have infinite disk/ram either15:20
dobey700 Men in Black?15:21
pittidobey: always remember using correct units -- http://xkcd.com/394/ :)15:22
seb128chrisccoulson, still having gpm and gdm on your list for strings changes?15:24
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, that's still on my list15:24
dobeypitti: it doesn't really matter until I can have a HellaByte drive :)15:24
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seb128chrisccoulson, thanks15:25
LaserJockpitti: I just wondered if the 700MB would be a hard limit like it is for CDs15:25
pittiLaserJock: it is an .iso after all15:26
rickspencer3pitti, LaserJock15:26
rickspencer3the answer is "yes"15:26
rickspencer3700mg limit15:26
LaserJockpitti: when I did the Edubuntu .iso it went from 300MB to 3.5 GB, that was painful15:26
pittiI don't know CD media which are that light15:26
rickspencer3(assuming you are talking about UNE)15:26
LaserJockbut I hear the Edubuntu team has kicked butt and got it down to like 1.5GB or so15:27
vishhehe , rickspencer3 taking too many pills ;)  " 700mg Limit"15:27
pittiI'd reckon that a normal CD is much heavier, more like 20 g15:27
dobey20 g? for a cd?15:27
rickspencer3very funny15:27
pitti(with cover)15:27
dobeywhat's it made out of? unobtanium?15:27
djsiegel1kenvandine: can you please file a bug about needing new colors for those themes and assign otto greenslade?15:28
pittirickspencer3: you know http://xkcd.com/394/, don't you? :-)15:28
* rickspencer3 looks15:28
* rickspencer3 reads xkcd instead of working15:28
rickspencer31000Bytes during leap years15:29
LaserJockI thought xkcd was considered "professional development" or something ;-)15:29
pittiLaserJock: sure it is! http://xkcd.com/413/15:30
kenvandinedjsiegel1, done... bug 53195815:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531958 in adium-theme-ubuntu "Update colors based on Lucid branding" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53195815:31
djsiegel1kenvandine: thanks so much15:31
kenvandinedjsiegel1, i marked it as high since today is UI freeze :)15:31
kenvandinei bet today is a fun day for UX :-D15:31
jcastrokenvandine: are you going to rebrand the gwibber theme as well?15:34
kenvandinejcastro, i hope15:34
kenvandineoh yeah... i should file a bug for that too15:34
kenvandinedjsiegel1, should i do that and assign it to otto as well?15:34
* kenvandine figures he can knock them both out at the same time15:34
djsiegel1kenvandine: can it be the same bug, affecting two projectS?15:34
djsiegel1or separate bug?15:34
* kenvandine does so15:34
kenvandinedjsiegel1, done15:35
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* pitti closes his ~ 10th bug today, slowly catching up with seb12815:38
* seb128 stop playing video games and go back to work15:39
pittiseb128, rickspencer3: btw, I watched movies and listened to music all day and night! (fluendo testing...)15:40
seb128the lucid bug pages has been broken15:40
pittiseb128: MUAHAA15:40
pittiseb128: yes, I know; just pinged bdmurray about it15:40
pittiit stops at 2010-01-0615:40
seb128that was your plan to beat me?15:40
rickspencer3pitti, great15:40
seb128that's a lame one :p15:40
* seb128 hugs pitti15:40
pittiwe are down to 716 bugs, that's hilarious15:40
* pitti hugs seb12815:41
seb128rickspencer3, pitti: fluendo codecs works fine there15:41
seb128I played music in rhythmbox and totem15:41
seb128and edited tags in rhythmbox too15:41
seb128no issue15:41
pittirickspencer3: I waited until I hit the first bug, and starved and died of insomnia15:41
pitti's ok?15:41
pittiworks fine here15:41
pittirickspencer3: I didn't try pitivi, though15:42
seb128pitti, I talked about it to upstream yesterday15:42
seb128the "break pitivi" was a pitivi bug15:42
seb128they fixed it in git yesterday15:42
* pitti likes the "was"15:42
pittiah, great15:42
seb128they also plan to get 0.3.4 out in the next days15:43
seb128so I recommend we do update to that and evaluate what to do based on it15:43
pittiok, quick break before the phone call mania starts15:43
* didrocks has his IRC like a christmas party today: lot of hilights in all channels15:44
pittididrocks: the secret is /nick didhidden15:45
didrocks /nick Imnotthere :)15:45
rodrigo_kenvandine, pitti: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/libubuntuone/+bug/53197115:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531971 in libubuntuone "Include libubuntuone mono bindings" [Undecided,New]15:45
kenvandinerodrigo_, thx15:48
seb128mvo, there?15:49
mvoseb128: yes15:50
seb128mvo, so question for you15:51
LaserJockkenvandine: so I'm still confused as to if gwibber should be starting up now, the bug you mentioned the other day hasn't gone anywhere, do I just need to be patient or is there another bug?15:51
seb128mvo, you remember add-indicator-applet.py15:51
seb128mvo, we need to force run it on upgrade to lucid15:52
seb128mvo, what would you do? just create a new gconf key and keep the logic?15:52
mvoseb128: that was/is in gnome-panel, right?15:53
mvoseb128: let me have a quick look to refresh my memory15:53
seb128mvo, yes15:53
seb128also you create the gconf-default in the postinst15:54
seb128should that one be cleaned on upgrade in some way?15:54
kenvandineLaserJock, it is being worked15:55
seb128oh the postrm do it15:55
mvodoes the same thing needs to run? or one that adds more applets (I assume the later)15:55
kenvandineLaserJock, just not an easy bug to fix :/15:55
seb128mvo, the same thing15:55
kenvandineLaserJock, sorry15:55
mvoseb128: new key that includes the distro name I think. so that on the next release we do not need to come up with yet anther key15:55
seb128mvo, the applet used to be that <no comment> (which means "useless" or whatever) message indicator15:55
seb128mvo, now it has all the appindicators too15:56
seb128mvo, which means many user dropped the <no comment> message indicator one15:56
seb128and don't understand why they don't get icons for it15:56
seb128so I think we ought to put it back there again15:56
LaserJockkenvandine: I don't mind waiting, I just hadn't seen any activity so I didn't know if I should ping somebody or be patient15:57
dobeyis anyone else using lucid with a notification area instead of indicator applet?15:58
mvoseb128: right, I think a new gconf key is the answer. if we are reasonable sure that we need to only run it once, just any key will go16:09
mvootherwise I would suggest to include the distro name16:09
seb128I will do it by renaming the key16:09
seb128let's come with a better solution to do such things next cycle16:10
seb128I will register a spec for it16:10
seb128"dealing with user config changes on upgrade"16:10
seb128we need a tool to run in user sessions to do that sort of changes16:10
seb128mvo, thanks16:10
mvocheers, no problem16:14
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dobeyhey guys16:25
dobeywhat should Vcs-Bzr: be to point at the lp:ubuntu/source branch?16:25
* dobey removes Vcs-Bzr then16:26
Keybukseb128: why doesn't gnome-screensaver ever unlock anymore?16:27
Keybukit just sits at Checking... with a spinning mouse cursor16:29
vishKeybuk: Bug #52486016:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524860 in gnome-keyring "starts eating cpu when trying to unlock screen" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52486016:30
vishKeybuk: killing the keyring , lets you get back to session16:31
seb128Keybuk, gnome-keyring bug16:31
Keybukah ok, cool16:31
Keybukdo you need any info on it?16:32
seb128Keybuk, not for now16:38
seb128Keybuk, the bug seems to have enough info it just need somebody to look at the code now16:38
seb128I will do that next week if upstream doesn't reply16:38
* Nafai has to restart X again :(17:03
didrocksseb128: djsiegel1: so, closing the first papercut as invalid? (I tried to add a list with _list, but it's not working as well). 2. (num of ws) is done, does it have a bug associated? 3. (scalefilter) is i  compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, not compiz. so, not sure we can include it17:18
seb128didrocks, 1- yes17:20
seb128didrocks, 2- what component did you change?17:20
seb128didrocks, 3- oh that's different code not an option in what we use?17:20
didrocksseb128: only metacity is needed, when switching to compiz, it's refreshed17:20
seb128didrocks, ok good17:20
didrocksseb128: not sure when we don't switch and there is an upgrade on the fly17:20
pittiNafai: frozen?17:20
chrisccoulsonpitti - was your gdm change yesterday intended to fix the "text VT over X" issue?17:21
didrocksseb128: about 3. no. I tried to enable it first, and after fighting with it, just grepped the source for scalefilter and don't find it in compiz, but only in the other package which is another source, apparently17:21
Nafaipitti: No, I keep getting this after a while: "Maximum number of clients reachedError: Can't open display: :0.0", so I can't start new applications17:22
seb128didrocks, ok17:23
pittichrisccoulson: only for subsequent X startups, not the first one17:23
seb128djsiegel, ^ no luck for scalefilter, it's coming from -extras in universe and we don't want to install extra by default17:23
pittichrisccoulson: i. e. for launching guest session or user switching17:23
pittiNafai: o_O17:23
chrisccoulsonpitti - ah, ok. it works for that, but i still get it on startup17:23
seb128Nafai, leak somewhee17:23
Nafaiyeah, not sure how to figure out where17:24
pittichrisccoulson: right, me too17:24
NafaiI can't run things like xlsclients or so because they get the same answer :)17:24
pittiNafai: does it increase over time after a reboot, i. e. when it still works_17:24
pittibah, what happened to my question mark17:24
LaserJockdidrocks: hey, is this X-GNOME-FullName bug affected by UI freeze?17:25
LaserJockI just thought of that this morning17:25
didrocksLaserJock: hum, theorically yes…17:25
pittiLaserJock: which bug? I fixed the menus yesterday, I thought17:26
didrockspitti: for n-l not showing them17:27
pittididrocks: n-l doesn't use gnome-menus?17:27
didrockspitti: no…17:27
pittiok, your bug then17:27
LaserJockpitti: no, that's what I'm trying to fix17:27
pittibut why would it be affected by UIF?17:27
LaserJockwell, if people are doing screenshots, the app names will change17:27
pittiyou don't change strings, you just fix them to actually be displayed?17:28
didrockspitti: it doesn't show X-GNOME-FullName, so that change the UI17:28
pittiLaserJock: that's fine, I think17:28
LaserJockthat's what I wasn't sure of17:28
SarvattNafai: can you pastebin the output of xlsclients?17:28
NafaiSarvatt: Sure17:28
LaserJockI won't be changing any translations, just the actual "what you see"17:28
Sarvattyou arent the first person i've heard run into that but i dont see how you're getting >256 clients17:29
NafaiSarvatt: This is what I have right now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/388402/17:29
NafaiYeah, I definitely don't have that many windows open17:30
seb128Sarvatt, it's probably a software leaking clients17:30
seb128like indicator-applet17:30
seb128could it be the fallback thing?17:30
seb128Nafai, do you plan a lot to make indicator fallback to notification area?17:30
pittiNafai: what are these "exe" things?17:30
SarvattNafai: are you using the nvidia blob by any chance?17:31
didrocksseb128: hum, in fact, 2. is more complicated when you don't switch between metacity and compiz. I'm first updating the default for metacity and see if I need to write something on compiz side17:31
NafaiI haven't been doing any testing recently17:31
NafaiSarvatt: Yes, I am using the nvidia drivers17:31
seb128didrocks, I'm pretty sure the default was already correct for compiz17:31
Nafaipitti: Uh, good question17:31
NafaiHow do I map a window id to a process?17:31
seb128Nafai, xprop -id?17:32
NafaiThat is a new chromium plug-in that I have recently installed17:33
NafaiI'll uninstall it and find out17:33
SarvattI think the problem nvidia blob/flash related17:33
Nafaiquite possible17:34
seb128bryceh, didrocks: is xorg known to crash down on coming back from user switching on intel?17:37
Sarvattchromium, flash, and the nvidia blob are a common theme in everyone i've seen having the exhausting clients problem at least17:38
Nafaiwell, I'm using all 317:39
Sarvattwill have to dig through the chromium bug tracker to see if i can find anything when i get some time17:39
didrocksseb128: just tried on my hw with an intel driver, no crash but it didn't asked my 1st user password, which is… frightening :)17:40
brycehseb128, it would not be surprising if it does that, but it's not a universal issue.  Maybe some hardware/driver specific glitch17:41
brycehseb128, probably worth re-testing when we get the new drm stuff17:41
seb128bryceh, ok, it does it on both my d630 and mini17:41
brycehsupposedly a lot of bugs get fixed with the new drm17:41
seb128bryceh, is that in lucid? I did upgraded both boxes today17:41
brycehseb128, should be in by the kernel freeze17:41
brycehseb128, apw has a ppa with it I think17:42
seb128ok thanks17:42
didrocksseb128: that's strange, I upgrade one hour ago and I get it on the mini :/17:42
seb128I will try to check that17:42
seb128didrocks, why is that strange that you get it too?17:42
chrisccoulsonbrb, session restart17:43
didrocksseb128: oupss, *don't* get it (see my first comment ^)17:43
seb128didrocks, I get it when opening a guest session and closing it17:43
seb128didrocks, that worked this time, doesn't happen every time17:44
didrocksseb128: ok, I tried only a real user switching17:44
didrocksseb128: and with a real user, do you have too the "not asking the password for first user" when back?17:44
seb128didrocks, no17:45
didrocksseb128: did you use "switch from user <foo>" or did you directly pick a name? (it only happens for me when I pick a name on the menu)17:47
seb128didrocks, switch from user17:48
seb128but I don't want to crash my box now by playing too much with user switching17:48
seb128I will try again later17:48
didrocksok, I just put a note somewhere to check that again, but it's reproduceable systematically for me17:49
mptmvo, how's it going17:50
Sarvattchrisccoulson: btw if you didnt notice the lid close hang should be fixed in the -15 kernel, had any luck with it?17:57
chrisccoulsonSarvatt, i've not had a change to try it yet17:57
chrisccoulsonwill do that later though, thanks17:57
Sarvattseb128: do you see any drm errors in dmesg when it happens? can you vt switch still?17:58
rickspencer3pitti, chrisccoulson I'm setting up the conference line now17:59
pittion my way18:00
seb128rickspencer3, should I join?18:00
rickspencer3seb128, sure18:00
seb128Sarvatt, I will have to check for drm errors but I can't vt switch18:01
rickspencer3I don't have my leader code handy18:01
rickspencer3hold on18:01
LaserJockdidrocks: this bug could be rediculously easy to fix if I'm right, stay tuned :-)18:01
didrocksLaserJock: sweet \o/18:01
LaserJockdidrocks: \o/18:04
LaserJockdidrocks: so uh, yeah. s/gmenu_tree_entry_get_name/gmenu_tree_entry_get_display_name/ does wonders ;-)18:05
didrocksLaserJock: so, it's using gmenu finally? I guessed you told the other it wasn't?18:05
LaserJockdidrocks: I was looking for gmenu stuff in the wrong file18:06
didrocksLaserJock: sweet ;)18:06
LaserJockdidrocks: gmenu is used in launcher-menu but not in launcher-application18:06
LaserJockdidrocks: so do you want this? we don't patch upstream, but upstream is on 0.3 so I'm not sure where to put it18:07
LaserJockdidrocks: rather, where do you want this? I'm pretty sure you want it ;-)18:08
didrocksLaserJock: well, I can patch upstream (for 0.1 release)18:08
didrocksyes, I want it \o/ ;)18:08
didrocksLaserJock: so, attach it to the bug and I'll make a new liblauncher release18:08
didrocks(for 0.1)18:08
didrocksthanks for your work, I guess my categorisation of "not so hard to patch" was not that bad :p18:09
SarvattI actually like having the cursor during boot, putting the spinner in the middle of the ubuntu logo gives me something to do :)18:16
LaserJockdidrocks: ok, patches for liblauncher 0.3 and 0.1 are in the bug report now18:19
didrocksLaserJock: sweet, I have a lot to do. So, I'll probably release a new liblauncher version tomorrow18:19
LaserJockdidrocks: great. I'm just happy I was able to actually figure a non-packaging bug out :-)18:20
didrocksLaserJock: that will really rock to have comprehensive name again :)18:20
LaserJockdidrocks: gwibber looks way better18:20
didrocksLaserJock: heh \o/18:20
didrocksyeah ;)18:20
mvompt: merging ui changes18:22
rickspencer3pitti, seb128, chrisccoulson i got dropped by the bridge :/18:22
rickspencer3no respect ;)18:22
rickspencer3can you guys just carry on and ping me if you need something from me?18:23
pittirickspencer3: ack18:23
LaserJockdidrocks: http://laserjock.us/files/UNE.png :-)18:24
didrocksLaserJock: indeed, that's a change :)18:26
mptmvo, any progress on the "Themes & Tweaks" plumbing?18:27
djsiegelseb128: ok, too bad :)18:28
LaserJockdidrocks: are Favorites actual copies of the .desktop or are they "linked"?18:30
didrocksLaserJock: favorites are just a gconf key IIRC18:30
didrocksLaserJock: you can have a look at the ubuntu-netbook-default-settings package18:31
mvompt: none, sorry. busy with the new design merges/fixes and the ratings stuff18:33
mvompt: and we need a UI freeze exception, I will file the needed report in some minutes18:36
mptmvo, I totally forgot about the "fonts" Debian section. Maybe we can use that to fix the ttfm problem, if someone can fix bug 490401 and bug 490405.18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490401 in baltix "Gentium packages in "Miscellanous - Graphical" section while other fonts are in "Fonts"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49040118:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490405 in ttf-liberation "ttf-liberation is in "Miscellanous - Graphical" while other fonts are in "Fonts"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49040518:36
LaserJockdidrocks: I was thinking of trying bug #283914 for my next trick, seem reasonable?18:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283914 in netbook-launcher "netbook-launcher doesn't reflect changed icons in main menu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28391418:37
didrocksLaserJock: it's a little bit harder I think, but can be interesting :)18:38
didrocksLaserJock: do not hesitate if you need any help tomorrow18:38
LaserJockdidrocks: alright, I'm off for today to get real work done. I'll see what I can do with it this evening18:41
chrisccoulsonheh :)18:55
pittichrisccoulson: right, so in that way vala is pretty much like flex18:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i think so18:57
chrisccoulsoni thought we were originally going to need it for tracker, but that was only because i was building from git18:57
pittichrisccoulson: hm, it was you who provided a fix to make it build18:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - i think i remember that, but i think there are new failures now18:58
jcastropitti: ok so vino and hplip are all that's left. I'll poke smithj when he's around for hplip. Any burning issues or are we going to make it?18:58
chrisccoulsoni'll check the changelog18:58
pittichrisccoulson: still all the d-bus tests18:58
pittijcastro: last time I checked, hlip had no usable patch; is there a new one now?18:59
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i wonder why they broke again then18:59
jcastropitti: no he hasn't gotten back to you yet on that, I'll poke him asap18:59
chrisccoulsoni can try and take another look at that, but my vala knowledge is lacking a little ;)18:59
pittichrisccoulson: I can have a look as well18:59
chrisccoulsonor i could ping juergbi about it19:00
pittichrisccoulson: in fact, I have nothing urgent to do right now, I'll have a look19:00
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks :)19:00
pitti(unless you want to and are at it, of course :) )19:00
mvompt: fonts section - indeed19:00
jcastropitti: fyi Nafai made the changes you want to vino19:01
pittijcastro: yes, I saw; thanks (still on my list)19:01
jcastroor at least attached new patches, heh19:01
mvompt: it contains fontforge as well but not ttf-sil-gentium that is in x1119:02
pittichrisccoulson: vala bindings> those should mostly be static .vapi files; they are only needed when running vala, not for shipping .vapi files in packages19:03
pittichrisccoulson: they are by and large annotated C .h files19:03
mptmvo, right, that's what bug  490406 and bug 490401 are about, respectively19:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490406 in fontforge-extras "fontforge-extras is in "Fonts" section but isn't fonts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49040619:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490401 in baltix "Gentium packages in "Miscellanous - Graphical" section while other fonts are in "Fonts"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49040119:03
chrisccoulsonpitti - so, shipping bindings isn't good justification for having vala in main then?19:03
pittichrisccoulson: it's not necessary, at least; you can just drop the .vapi files into the libfoo-dev, and be done with it19:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - cool, that's good then19:04
pittichrisccoulson: if you have vala code which you want to build during package build, then you need it of course19:04
chrisccoulsonit would still be nice to make the test suite work though, else nobody is watching for real failures19:04
pittibut for upstreams which produce releases that build .vala -> .c at "make dist" time, it's not necessary19:05
pittichrisccoulson: exactly19:05
* pitti <- test suite addict19:05
chrisccoulsonespecially if we're going to be shipping more C files generated with vala19:05
mvompt: aha, ok - will you update the fonts matching rules in the .menu file?19:05
mvompt: fixing the sections for lucid should be trivial19:06
mvompt: we just need to make sure we target the bugs to not forget about it19:06
mptmvo, sure, I could do that, but not today :-)19:06
mvompt: ok, no problem19:06
chrisccoulsontedg - there's still an issue with the fallback GtkStatusIcon in indicator-application (I can't remember whether I mentioned it already)19:07
chrisccoulsonbasically, gpm users are seeing a flashing tray icon without the indicator applet19:07
tedgchrisccoulson: On login?19:07
chrisccoulsonit seems to be because it periodically calls app_indicator_set_menu to update the menu structure19:08
chrisccoulsonand that creates a new fallback timer19:08
chrisccoulsonwhich toggles the icon visibility when it  fires19:08
tedgchrisccoulson: Hmm, okay.19:08
tedgchrisccoulson: I hadn't heard that one.19:08
chrisccoulsontedg - i keep getting lots of reports in gpm19:08
chrisccoulsonand people e-mailing me with 2MB videos now too ;)19:09
tedgchrisccoulson: Ah, okay.19:09
tedgchrisccoulson: That one will probably have to be a tomorrow thing though :-/19:09
chrisccoulsontedg - no worries, i just wanted to make sure you were aware of it19:09
pittichrisccoulson: I hope it's something simple like relying on a local session dbus and not launching it itself; it fails the same way in Debian19:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that would make sense19:12
chrisccoulsonright, baby time :)19:15
* kenvandine might have a fixed desktopcouch to upload... brb after testing19:16
pittichrisccoulson: hm, fails the same way locally19:17
asacmpt: thanks. micah has committed the fix - will check with him if there is something else on his list before next upload19:21
mptthanks asac, I saw and was impressed by the quick fix19:22
asacyeah me too ;)19:22
mptThere are other easy categorization bugs if anyone's interested. ;-) https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=metadata19:22
asachad connectivity issues today and had a separate irssi open which didnt highlight your ping ;)19:23
asacbut then it was just fixed19:23
pittichrisccoulson: hah! it's fakeroot19:51
pittichrisccoulson: (fixed package uploaded, will send to Debian)20:16
chrisccoulsonpitti - excellent. i will have a look later at how you fixed it ;)20:16
pittichrisccoulson: run make check under LD_PRELOAD= to circumvent fakeroot :)20:16
jcastromdeslaur: your changelog in virtmanager mentioned a problem with python and libappindicators, anything I can do to help?20:17
mdeslaurjcastro: it's related to bug #53013820:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530138 in indicator-application "Using .append() on a gtkmenu doesn't update the indicator's menu" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53013820:18
mdeslaurjcastro: once that gets fixed, I can fix virt-manager20:19
jcastromdeslaur: ok20:19
* Amaranth wonders what'll happen the first time someone tries to shove an arbitrary widget into a menu and complains20:25
mclasenAmaranth: its just the wrong api...20:26
dobeyAmpelbein: i've already shoved arbitrary widgets in menu items... but no complaints, it did what i expected/wanted it to do :)20:27
Amaranthdobey: ignored them?20:27
dobeyAmaranth: ignored what? i didn't have anything to complain about20:28
Amaranthdobey: Right, did it ignore the widget?20:28
dobeythe widget worked fine20:28
dobeybut i wasn't trying to do interactivity20:29
Amaranthhow did it forward an arbitrary gtk widget over dbus?20:29
dobeyhow did what?20:29
dobeyi didn't use dbus20:29
dobeyi wasn't using indicators20:30
dobeyi was sticking arbitrary widgets inside a GtkMenuItem20:30
Amaranthdobey: which is not what we were talking about :)20:30
dobeyeh? one sentence, and it mentioned nothing about appindicator. only about sticking arbitrary widgets in a menu20:31
dobeyeh, anyway... back to writing a crapload of code20:32
dobeyi wonder why my card reader doesn't even show up in gnome-device-manager20:35
chrisccoulsongnome-device-manager is using hal isn't it?20:35
dobeyi don't know20:35
dobeyi just know i can't mount SD CF etc... cards from my reader20:35
dobeymy ipod shuffle works ok20:36
dobeybut my phone won't mount either20:36
dobeythough my pre does show up in gnome-device-manager20:36
dobeywell, a mass storage device shows up20:37
dobeyand my Prē shows up in computer:///, until i tell the phone to go into disk mode20:38
dobeythen it disappears :(20:38
dobeyit doesn't even work in media sync mode where it emulates an ipod20:42
pittiRAOF: good morning!20:45
RAOFpitti: Good mornininging!20:47
didrocksgood morning RAOF :)20:48
RAOFdobey: That ipod mode of the prē has to be one of the stranger engineering hacks I've seen :)20:48
RAOFdidrocks: And a fine morning to you, too.20:49
didrockswell, evening actually ;)20:49
seb128hey RAOF20:50
pittibah, my computer took "UI freeze" a little too seriously20:51
dobeyRAOF: i don't care, because i don't put music on my phone, but I do want to pull photos off it and stuff.20:51
pittiseb128: sorry, had to reboot; will get to NEW right now20:51
dobeyof course, i would also very much like to read the data on all my SD cards20:51
pittimy computer decided that it's a good idea to suspend when I Ctrl+Alt+F7 back to X from a VT, or between X sessions20:51
pittiand suspend causes freezes :/20:51
seb128pitti, ok20:52
pittilet's see whether we can get this built in 9 minutes20:53
pittiseb128: meh, seems to hate me; "starts in 4 seconds" for two minutes now20:54
seb128kick it ;-)20:55
pittiah, building20:55
* kenvandine has a working desktopcouch!20:55
didrockspitti: heh20:56
RAOFYay!  Gwibber will work again!20:56
didrockskenvandine: working = starting on dbus demand ? :)20:56
kenvandineand not crashing20:56
didrocksthat's a good idea :)20:57
kenvandineusually good :)20:58
pittiseb128: light-themes binNEWed into main, right in time for publisher; so go ahead with the u-artwork20:58
kenvandineunfortunately the patch reverts part of what they wanted to fix in 0.6.220:58
kenvandinebut at least this isn't a regression20:58
seb128pitti, rickspencer3, RAOF: I will be a few minutes late21:00
rickspencer3seb128, ack21:00
seb128I want to land the ubuntu-artwork update now21:00
rickspencer3I *just* finished my class21:00
rickspencer3setting up the bridge in moment21:00
pittiseb128: that's fine, you know the intro :)21:00
Nafalloehrm. guys... the theme is broken?21:01
Nafalloit tries to use 'Light' as Controls, but it should be 'Radiance'21:02
NafaiI don't yet have the theme :(21:02
Nafalloor am I missing something?21:02
Nafallosame for window borders21:02
seb128Nafallo, you must be using a ppa with beta work or something21:04
seb128Nafallo, the lucid theme is name radiance21:04
Nafalloseb128: naah. catched the binary directly via LP + gdebi. in my theme selector I had "Light" and "Dark" turn up?21:04
seb128Nafallo, those are ubuntu-artwork themes21:05
seb128the theme you grabbed is a gtk one21:05
seb128go in details21:05
rickspencer3pitti, RAOF I'll try dailing in again21:05
rickspencer3the bridge is just not working well today :(21:06
Nafalloseb128: ah. so I need update of that deb as well... got it. I only took specific debs as they built ;-)21:06
Nafaiis the new theme available in lucid?21:06
kenvandineNafai, the crank is turning :)21:07
seb128Nafallo, ok, I will check there is no bug, thanks21:07
seb128Nafallo, right, radiance is buggy, I will fix21:08
seb128ambiance should work21:08
seb128hum no21:08
seb128I will fix both21:08
seb128thanks for earlier catching21:08
Nafallono worries :-)21:09
rickspencer3seb128, pitti, RAOF are you guys done talking?21:19
rickspencer3let me know if you have questions etc21:20
rickspencer3I can call in again if needed21:20
seb128pitti suggests moving to IRC21:20
rickspencer3kenvandine, how is gwibber working now (well desktopcouch) but you know21:20
rickspencer3fixed or reverted?21:20
kenvandineand i just uploaded a fixed desktopcouch21:20
kenvandinesort of21:20
kenvandinereverted the dbus only getPort call in desktopcouch21:20
rickspencer3I'll dist-upgrade tonight21:21
rickspencer3get that new theme and all21:21
rickspencer3and hopefully gwibber will work ;)21:21
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine21:21
kenvandinebut dc still has the fixes that makes it start up nicely by gwibber21:21
kenvandineand in the session too :)21:21
kenvandinei might get a gwibber uploaded tonight with the autostart stuff21:21
kenvandineand some other nice bug fixes21:21
* kenvandine has been waiting to test !21:22
kenvandinerickspencer3, so chad still needs to fix the replication problem21:22
kenvandinebut as long as gwibber starts dc, recplication will be fine21:22
rickspencer3replicatin problem?21:22
kenvandineapps that just call the python api to desktopcouch21:22
kenvandineit starts desktopcouch without starting the replication services21:23
kenvandinethe reason all this got broken was they were trying to fix that21:23
seb128Nafallo, fixed version uploaded21:23
kenvandineso it always started all the needed stuff21:23
kenvandinebut then hit these dbus threading issues21:23
kenvandineso i reverted  part of it21:23
RAOFSo, back on IRC...21:23
kenvandinerickspencer3, so now desktopcouch starts nicely, but still only starts replication if you call it via dbus21:24
kenvandinewhich gwibber does for now21:24
kenvandinerickspencer3, but if photobomb uses dc, and you run it before gwibber... it would start dc without starting replication21:24
Nafalloseb128: yepp, saw. waiting for it to build :-)21:24
kenvandineit's a problem they know they need to fix.. but it isn't a new problem21:25
Nafallobuilding now ;-)21:25
kenvandineso at least reverting that part gets gwibber working... and desktopcouch to work at all21:25
RAOFThe tasks I've got lined up immediately are: polishing the f-spot edit-in-view mode patch, and reviewing the status of the apw's drm backport kernel.  After that, there's investigating the gjs FTBFS on armel and bug #43580521:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435805 in netbook-remix-launcher "Icons overlap for categories with >= 9 rows" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43580521:26
seb128RAOF, cf other channel21:26
Nafalloseb128: built and confirmed fixed. thanks for the quick response :-)21:28
seb128Nafallo, thank you for the testing and sorry about think to the ppa before checking ;-)21:28
rickspencer3kenvandine, ack21:29
rickspencer3(on the replicattion not being started bug)21:29
chrisccoulsonprepare for everyone asking "what happened to my terminal!"21:33
seb128the new settings don't look good?21:33
chrisccoulsonthey look quite good21:35
seb128good ;-)21:35
rickspencer3pitti, RAOF f-spot status?21:36
rickspencer3so we have editing by no save or undo now?21:36
pittiyou can always take a screenshot *cough*21:37
rickspencer3pitti, grrr21:37
RAOFWe have editing that works as in the main library view.21:37
rickspencer3so by editing, to be clear, I mean "editing without import"21:37
RAOFAnything that you can *cancel* in there has a sort of poor-man's undo in the fact that you get a large preview and can hit the cancel button.21:37
rickspencer3which you say is what you have added21:37
rickspencer3yeah, that's not undo though21:38
rickspencer3we need to do this classy21:38
pittiRAOF: does it apply changes in-place, or do you have to save?21:38
* pitti assumes the latter21:38
RAOFpitti: Oh, no.  It's instant apply, in place.21:38
pittibut the absence of undo wouldn't be so bad if you could just re-load the original again21:38
pittiRAOF: doesn't that kind of suck for large images?21:38
pittior, for that matter, reduces the quality further and further with every operation?21:39
RAOFYes for the quality.21:39
RAOFI'll grab some large images to test on; given that it's destructive editing, I've been using some fairly small throwaways.21:39
rickspencer3RAOF, ok21:40
rickspencer3form the users perspective we need21:40
rickspencer3the ability to do edit edit undo21:40
* pitti goes into a dark corner, weeps a bit, and comes back21:40
rickspencer3and cancel without saving21:40
RAOFrickspencer3: Given edit, edit, undo, how many edits should undo revert?  Just the last one?21:41
rickspencer3like 2021:41
rickspencer3at least21:41
RAOFSo you can hit undo 20 times and undo the last 20 edits?21:41
* RAOF *will* need some large images to test for non-suckyness.21:42
rickspencer3like a normal app21:42
kenvandinenormal :)21:42
rickspencer3ok, like a "good" app then21:42
rickspencer3RAOF, is this even feasible?21:42
RAOFI think it is, yes.21:43
rickspencer3RAOF, would it be easier to patch eog?21:44
RAOFAll the editors return edited copies of the image; if all else fails we can just keep a stack of old copies.21:44
RAOFI'm unfamiliar with the eog codebase, and what we'd need to patch into eog.21:44
rickspencer3desrt suggested this may be a workable approach21:44
pittiRAOF: would it be possible to only keep them in memory and introduce a "save" button? or would that turn the entire code upside down?21:44
RAOFpitti: I'm pretty sure it'll be quite easy to introduce a save button.21:45
rickspencer3RAOF, and that would come with an undo stack?21:45
RAOFActually, it could well.21:46
rickspencer3by like storing copies of the image in tmp or something?21:46
RAOFRight, or even in-memory.21:46
RAOFBecause the code gets notified in a nice central place of changes to the image; for the main library view, that delegates writing out to the main DB class, for the view mode it writes straight to file.21:47
RAOFDelegating handling the changes out to a save/undo button widget would be quite clean, I think.21:47
rickspencer3RAOF, you sound confident that you can solve this is in a sane manner21:47
RAOFAnd doable.21:47
RAOFI *think* so :)21:47
rickspencer3this seems like a good opportunity to get a bit into our work item tracking as well21:48
rickspencer3perhaps pitti would be willing to work with you to define some work items so we can track them with our burndown chart?21:48
RAOFOk.  I've seen pitti's burndown page, but don't really know where the data is pulled from.21:48
pittiRAOF: that's the one mini-session I'd like to have with you (and possibly with chrisccoulson as well)21:49
pittiwe can do it right now if you want; chrisccoulson, would you be up for a mini-session about work items? (some 10 minutes)21:49
pittis/right now/after the f-spot discussion/21:50
chrisccoulsonpitti - i could probably do it on IRC (i've got baby at the moment)21:50
* rickspencer3 feels better about f-spot21:50
pittichrisccoulson: oh, please do care about your baby first then21:51
pittichrisccoulson: yes, IRC21:51
chrisccoulsonpitti - should be fine21:51
pittichrisccoulson, RAOF: perhaps I can ask you about reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto first? and then we can discuss some details, on the example of f-spot21:52
kenvandinejames_w, what causes this error?21:56
kenvandinebzr: ERROR: Unable to find the tag for the previous upstream version, 0.1.2, in the branch: upstream-0.1.221:56
kenvandinethere is a branch for 0.1.221:56
asac22:54 < ogra> thats not supposed to be on the images though21:56
asac22:54 < asac> thats language-support-writing-*21:56
asac22:54 < ogra> its a bug in the design of langpack interaction with oo.o ... but apparetnly not easily fixable21:56
asac22:54 < ogra> right, writing aleays pulls in hyphenation or thesaurus21:56
asactopic: openoffice getting pulled in when adding language21:56
asacArneGoetje: ^^21:56
asacis that fixable?21:56
RAOFpitti: Ok.  That seems understandable.21:58
ccheneyasac: hmm21:58
kenvandineanyone else know what causes that error with bzr merge-upstream?21:58
didrockskenvandine: do you have a tag named "upstream-0.1.2"21:58
didrocks? :)21:58
pittichrisccoulson: please read it tomorrow, adn tend to your family; good night!21:58
asacccheney: know why ooo thesaurus etc. need to be a depend?21:58
kenvandinedidrocks, i think it creates a branch with that name21:58
kenvandineand looks for the tag in there21:58
ccheneyasac: which package exactly?21:58
didrockskenvandine: so, you need it in the last revision of your packaging branch21:58
kenvandinethere is a tag for 0.1.221:58
pittiRAOF: ok, great; so, we could set up a new blueprint for that, or just extend the one that already has the f-spot work item21:59
asacccheney: for example language-support-writing-de21:59
didrockskenvandine: this tag has to be in the packaging branch21:59
kenvandinedidrocks, it's there21:59
pittiRAOF: let's do the latter for simplicity21:59
ccheneyasac: no i mean which OOo package21:59
asacccheney: pulls in ooo -thesaurus etc.21:59
didrockskenvandine: upstream-0.1.2 ?21:59
didrockskenvandine: can you show me the branches?21:59
asacccheney: openoffice.org-thesaurus-de, openoffice.org-thesaurus-de-ch, openoffice.org-hyphenation, openoffice.org-hyphenation-de21:59
kenvandinedidrocks, lp:ubuntu/ido21:59
pittiRAOF: so let's add them to https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-default-apps21:59
ccheneyasac: i was told those language-support-* packages were going away entirely and that i should drop the | depends on them21:59
ccheneyasac: if that isn't true then that is why there is a bug now21:59
kenvandinethose tags all get created automatically21:59
pittiRAOF: they should be added to the ubuntu-10.04-beta-1 section21:59
didrockskenvandine: not the first :)22:00
pittiRAOF: do you want to do this yourself, to get the hang of it?22:00
didrockskenvandine: or if someone just used bzr merge22:00
kenvandinedidrocks, previous uploads worked22:00
ccheneyasac: but for eg openoffice.org-l10n-de i haven't updated OOo yet so it still has a depends | on the language pack22:00
pittiRAOF: they shuold be "[raof] f-spot provide save button and drop instant saving: TODO" <- in that format22:00
didrockskenvandine: the tag isn't there, that means merge-upstream wasn't done or pushed22:00
kenvandineok, adding that tag fixed it22:01
pittiRAOF: then they'll appear on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html an hour later22:01
ccheneyasac: for openoffice.org-dictionaries i already updated it for the supposed deprecation of language-*22:01
didrockskenvandine: it was a normal merge22:01
pittiRAOF: you can keep http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html#raof open in a tab to have a reminder :)22:01
didrockskenvandine: so, yeah, just add the tag and you're all set :)22:01
kenvandineoh... no22:01
asacccheney: so what needs to be done to fix this? ;)22:01
kenvandinethat's no good22:01
pittiRAOF: (you don't have any WIs right now, thus the link won't work yet; but it will once you get WIs)22:01
kenvandineit removed the debian dir :)22:01
ccheneyasac: i assume for language-* to go away if it is supposed to22:01
didrockskenvandine: right, that's because of the previous merge :/22:02
ccheneypitti: any ideas about the issue asac is seeing?22:02
asacccheney: and if -writing- stays?22:02
didrockskenvandine: so, bzr revert debian/22:02
didrocks(update debian/changelog manually for this time)22:02
didrocksand commit22:02
didrockscheck that the upstream-… tag is there too22:02
pitticcheney, asac: sorry, what's the problem?22:02
ccheneyasac: well if language-* isn't really going away although being told it was then openoffice.org-dictionaries needs to add it back, but i need clarification as to what to do... already been told to remove it once22:02
pittiwe recently had a bug that language-support-* for non-English languages got seeded22:03
pittiwhich caused OO.o to be pulled in22:03
asacpitti: was told that installing language pulls in openoffice ... seems language-support-writing- depends on ooo-thesaurus etc.22:03
asacpitti: hmm. so seeding is fixd and maybe the language-selector still installs it?22:03
pittiasac: yes, but they have alternative dependencies to language-support-writing-en22:04
pittiasac: l-s does that at runtime, not in the CD22:04
kenvandinedidrocks, thx22:04
ccheneypitti: erm iirc you to told me to remove those when the next i needed to do an upload anyway, which i eventually did for openoffice.org-dictionaries source22:04
ccheneypitti: which is why it appears to now be pulling in OOo22:04
pitticcheney: I though that all but l-s-en was obsolete indeed22:04
pittiArneGoetje: so which of the language-support-* are still relevant then?22:05
ccheneyif it is obsolete we need to remove them from the archive, right? :)22:05
asacok if thats transitional i am happy ... lets wait for ArneGoetje to confirm the status and whats the idea22:05
* ccheney hopes he did not come off as accusatory, just wanting to make sure i was not missing something important :)22:05
pitticoudl also be that I mixed it up and only language-support-translations-* was obsolete22:05
didrockskenvandine: you're welcome22:06
pitticcheney: right, I think I mixed it up somehow22:06
ccheneypitti: ping me when it is clarified, updating openoffice.org-dictionaries is trivial and doesn't take much build time22:06
asacyeah ... all fine. waiting a bit longer before filing a bug or something22:06
pitticcheney: ah, I think only language-support-translations-* got killed, not _all_ language-support-*22:06
ccheneypitti: ok22:07
pitticcheney: so, I think we need to add the | language-support-writing-$LANG back22:07
ccheneyoh ok22:07
pitticcheney: let's wait for ArneGoetje to confirm, but I think that's it22:07
pittibut I still don't see _what_ pulls in OO.o22:07
pittiRecommends: openoffice.org (>= 1.0.3) | openoffice.org-writer | language-support-writing-en22:08
pittiall packages I'm looking at have this22:08
pittiI think I discussed with ogra some days ago22:08
pittiand germinate didn't tell us eitehr22:08
pittiyou really need to boot a livefs and try to purge openoffice, and see what holds it bin22:08
pittiasac: ^22:08
ccheneypitti: something like openoffice.org-thesaurus-hu would22:08
pitticcheney: it could only be -en22:09
ccheneypitti: oh ok22:09
pittiwe don't seed any other language-support-*22:09
pitticcheney, asac: but again, what _is_ the problem? current armel netbook images don't have OO.o22:10
pittithe reason for that was seeding language-support-de and friends, which got fixed22:10
ccheneyyea i don't see what could be causing it either22:11
pittiwell, what is "it"?22:11
ccheneypulling in of OOo via language-support-en22:11
pittiI think ogra's problem a few days ago was that the full oo.o was on the armel netbook images22:11
pittibut that was fixed22:11
ccheneypitti: i meant from what you said, yea i don't see an issue there22:11
* ccheney doesn't know the details of the current issue other than OOo is somehow pulled in according to asac :)22:12
pittiyes, and I'm curious where22:12
ccheneyi haven't uploaded anything relating to OOo in a few weeks22:12
pitticertainly not into http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-live/20100303/22:12
ccheney15:57 < asac> topic: openoffice getting pulled in when adding language22:13
ccheneyasac: so this isn't an issue with the cd but when you are adding a language via the selector?22:13
pittiyes, that'd make sense22:13
ccheneyif so then the issue probably is when someone installs a language it pulls in the thesaurus package like hu which has a direct dependency now, needs to be fixed apparently as pitti mentioned22:14
pitticcheney: right, those would need alternative language-support-writing-$LANG deps then22:14
ccheneyyea just need to restore the old control file probably :)22:14
* ccheney bbiab 10m22:14
pitticcheney: hyphenation looks ok to me22:14
pitticcheney: so does thesaurus22:15
pitticcheney: ok, seems you know which package is affected then; sorry for the misguiding about dropping the deps then22:15
TheMusoGood morning.22:15
pittihey TheMuso!22:15
didrocksI guess it's more than time to go to bed for some relaxing :)22:17
didrocksgood morning TheMuso22:17
asacccheney: pitti: thats what is was told yes (on install, not by default)22:19
tedgHeh chrisccoulson, how's bug 531493?  I'm just checking to make sure it makes string freeze :)22:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531493 in gdm "Switch "Shut Down" to "Switch Off" and "Suspend" to "Sleep"" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53149322:19
pittiasac: ok, thanks for confirming; so I guess it's the missing alternative deps then22:19
asacccheney: do you want a bug?22:19
asacccheney: against what package?22:20
chrisccoulsontedg - seb128 is working on a gdm upload, which will have the change in (it's already in bzr)22:20
tedgchrisccoulson: Cool, thanks!22:21
asacchrisccoulson: thanks for confirming the event ;)22:21
pittiRAOF: oh, please add the other bits as well (like f-spot: provide undo); was there something else?22:21
chrisccoulsonhey asac, how are you?22:21
davidbarthchrisccoulson: ping; hey seb128 mentioned you may know about upcoming patches for liboos22:22
davidbarthliboobs that is22:22
chrisccoulsonupcoming patches? what for?22:22
pittikenvandine, RAOF: I moved the other f-spot work item from kenvandine to RAOF; RAOF, do you have kenvandine's work?22:22
davidbarthchrisccoulson: to get oobs_self_config_get_user to work; always returns null here22:23
chrisccoulsonoh, i didn't know about that. milanbv would know about that though22:23
kenvandinepitti, he does22:23
* kenvandine hugs RAOF22:23
pittigreat, thanks22:24
seb128davidbarth, chrisccoulson: I didn't say chrisccoulson would know about that specific issue, I said to maybe ask him22:24
seb128he's the one who did the most work on g-s-t there recently22:24
* RAOF is always happy to participate in hugs ;)22:24
* pitti hugs RAOF22:24
* seb128 hugs RAOF22:24
* desrt doesn't know what's going on but hugs RAOF anyway22:24
* chrisccoulson hugs seb128, RAOF, kenvandine and pitti22:25
* RAOF hugs pitti, kenvandine & seb128 using the extra arm he's had installed for precisely this purpose.22:25
pittiRAOF: yay, your first WI! http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html#raof22:25
pittiRAOF: o_O22:25
* didrocks hugs everyones and waves goodbye for true this time :)22:25
* pitti follows didrocks's wise decision and gets to bed as well; I'm falling off my chairt22:26
RAOFpitti: Well, it was either that or to improve my ski-boxing ;)22:26
pittiRAOF: I added "undo" as well; please feel free to add others that I forgot22:27
* pitti waves goodnight22:27
davidbarthseb128, chrisccoulson: ok thanks22:27
RAOFpitti: Good night!22:28
kenvandinegood night pitti22:28
seb128'night pitti22:29
chrisccoulsondavidbarth - OOI, what are you using liboobs for?22:29
davidbarthchrisccoulson: a patch for about-me, to let the user update its realname from there22:30
chrisccoulsonah, ok22:31
ccheneyasac: yea file a bug against openoffice.org-dictionaries to add the language-suppport-writing-* back and milestone it for the next one22:33
ccheneyasac: i'll try to get to it in the next few days, but will make sure it is done by the milestone in any case :)22:33
chrisccoulsondavidbarth, i can perhaps look at liboobs tomorrow if it can wait that long22:34
davidbarthchrisccoulson: don't worry, i've taken the -dbg package and i'm tracing through it atm; worst case, i'll make a patch ;)22:38
asacccheney: bug 53226222:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532262 in openoffice.org-dictionaries "openoffice gets installed when adding a language in language-selector" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53226222:46
ccheneyasac: ok22:46
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