
=== plars_ is now known as plars
=== Chex changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Lucid Alpha 3 released | Archive: Feature Freeze | MoM running (but use bzr!) | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
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superm1didrocks, pitti re netbook.lucid r 1451,  not having those headers installed by default is going to aggravate bug 31872702:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 318727 in dkms "dkms wrong version of linux-headers" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31872702:38
ebroderAny core devs that could sponsor bug #497606 for me?02:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 497606 in cupsys "lpstat in CUPS 1.3 can't list jobs on CUPS 1.4 servers" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49760602:47
ebroderIt's an SRU02:49
persiaAh, right.02:49
ebroderSo it doesn't affect all releases02:49
ebroderI...guess ubottu looked at cupsys+jaunty? Sort of a weird pairing to pick, but *shrug*02:50
persiaDoes it still need the cpus fix in lucid?02:50
ebroderNo. Karmic and Lucid have CUPS 1.4 and aren't affected02:50
persiaErr, "cups"02:50
persiaAnd cupsys?02:50
ebroderThe package was renamed in the Hardy -> Intrepid transition02:50
persiaSo just "cups" in jaunty and "cupsys" in hardy?02:51
ebroderAnd cups in Intrepid, so there's not a Hardy -> Intrepid regression02:51
ebroderThere are debdiffs linked in the description for all 302:51
* persia fiddles statuses, although unable to upload.02:51
superm1persia, i was able to just upload, uploading appears alive again02:51
persiasuperm1: I need to file a core dev application first :)02:52
persiasuperm1: Maybe you'd like to upload?02:52
superm1persia, oh for some reason i thought you already were02:53
persiaOnly due to administrative quirk, and applying to either be or not be core-dev is near the top if my todo list.02:53
superm1i dont have the resources necessary to sponsor (test/build) available atm02:53
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ScottKcjwatson: I retried quassel on powerpc (which was having a problem like the one you were having) and it built.  Dunno if stuff happens or someone fixed something.03:52
persiaCould an archive-admin binary NEW adium-theme-ubuntu?  Currently both ubuntu-netbook and ubuntu-desktop cannot be installed.  It probably needs promotion to main as well.04:20
persia(the other option is to undo recent changes to ubuntu-artwork, but that seems like unnecessary archive churn for the sake of an upload war)04:21
StevenKpersia: The source is currently in universe04:24
persiaStevenK: Yeah, but I can make images also with universe if I want :)  The source needs an MIR, but has no history.04:25
* persia goes to find appropriate folk to file the MIR04:25
StevenKpersia: I'm promoting it in the first place just to unbreak images.04:26
persiaShould it get a retroactive MIR?04:26
persiakenvandine: Could you please file that?04:26
StevenKThe MIR should state it has been shoved to main to unbreak image builds04:26
StevenKpersia: Source promoted, binary promoted and accepted04:27
persiakenvandine: If you can't in the next few hours, I'll file a placeholder for it (with the note about early promotion).04:27
persiaStevenK: Thank you.04:27
kenvandinepersia, i thought pitti already did that04:28
kenvandinei'll file the MIR bug though04:28
persiakenvandine: I can't find the MIR even with advanced search.04:29
kenvandinei didn't file a bug for it04:29
persiaMight just be missing the source package assignment in the bug though.04:29
kenvandinei thought he already promoted it though04:29
StevenKadium-theme-ubuntu | 0.1-0ubuntu1 | lucid/universe | source04:29
persiaNo, it won't be available for another 114 minutes or so.04:29
persia(publisher run at the top of the hour taking about 3/4 of an hour)04:30
StevenKActually, it didn't.04:30
StevenKContents generation runs at 4am GMT, and trumps the publisher04:31
ebroderAny core-devs around I can con into sponsoring bug #497606? (It's got ubuntu-sru approval, and tested patches with PPA builds)04:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 497606 in cups "lpstat in CUPS 1.3 can't list jobs on CUPS 1.4 servers" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49760604:31
persiaStevenK: Isn't it 4:30 GMT? so we can expect that the next publisher will run, and we'll have the package available around 5:45 GMT?04:32
persia(so ~75 minutes I just failed at math before)04:33
persiaebroder: This is one of the quietest times of day.  You've subscribed all the right folk, and I'm sure they'll get to it when they have a chance.04:37
kenvandinepersia, bug 53171804:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531718 in adium-theme-ubuntu "[MIR] adium-theme-ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53171804:37
persiakenvandine: Thanks.  Now I have a justification for requesting promotion :)04:38
ebroderpersia: I've traditionally had a *really* hard time getting main sponsorship without poking the hell out of people here04:38
persiakenvandine: But you also want to indicate a team that will be taking responsibility for it (ubuntu-desktop?)04:38
kenvandineok, will do04:38
kenvandinethe art team actually04:38
kenvandinei just did the package for them :)04:38
persiaebroder: Do you have any good ideas how to convince folk to look at the queue?  Because I think it's a waste of your time and a waste of everyone unable to sponsor's time for you to keep promoting on IRC until someone gets to it.04:39
persiakenvandine: Then you: I don't think the art team is best positioned to deal with packaging bugs :)04:39
persia(and most of them don't happen to be developers)04:40
ebroderpersia: I really don't know what to suggest. I'm hosed with classes, so I don't have time to try and flare up about it on -devel@ or anything liek that right now, but maybe that's somewhere to start?04:41
persiaI'm currently active in a thread about that stuff on -devel@ :)  But yeah, I think so.04:42
persiaI just don't think you should have to complain on IRC.04:42
ebroderpersia: I...saw that thread, but haven't been able to follow it because there's too much traffic04:42
ebroderYeah, I don't disagree, I just go with what has worked for me in the past04:43
micahgkees, have you tested the firefox profile patch?04:51
micahgkees: unping05:03
kenvandinepersia, they maintain all the art packages currently05:13
kenvandinewell kwwii does i think :)05:13
kenvandinebut i am here to help of course05:14
kenvandine~ubuntu-art-pkg actually05:14
persiakenvandine: Then get kwwii to sign up for this one too :)05:14
persiaThe point being that some team *should* be a bug contact for the package for it to be in main.05:14
persiaSome stuff got in way back when without this, but for new stuff, it's worth making sure someone volunteers to care.05:15
persia(otherwise it suffers bitrot, and the archive consistency folk need to discover it and eject it from main)05:15
lifelessI remember the headache after we put all of python in main05:16
lifelessthen slowly ejected it again05:16
lifelessdo we need this one? hmm, not sure, lets see who screams.05:16
persiaThat was a bit painful, really.05:21
ScottKpersia: An Ubuntu bug contact is not a MIR requirement.  Perhaps it should be.05:24
persiaScottK: Isn't it?  The JACK MIR got stalled waiting for one.05:26
* persia checks05:26
ScottKI don't think so.05:26
ScottKI could be wrong.05:26
lifelessa sponsoring org is05:26
persialifeless: Hrm?05:26
lifelesswhich isn't quite the same thing, it could be interpreted that you aren't really interested if you don't make a bug contact though ;P05:27
lifelessthe old template - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportTemplate mentions bug contat05:27
ScottKIt asks if there is one, doesn't require one.05:28
persiaScottK: It's not a strict requirement, but it's item 8, which asks that packages either be simple and in sync with Debian (where it is maintained) or have commitment from Ubuntu Developers willing to spend substantial time on them (and need a package bug contact set)05:28
persia(on the new process: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements )05:28
lifelessignore my comment about org; I was going waaaay back to some original discussions05:28
persialifeless: Oh, right.  That stopped being a requirement in Hoary or Breezy, I think.05:29
lifeless<- old skool05:29
crimsunkees: nice catch with chmod05:35
keescrimsun: hrm?05:45
keescrimsun: oh, yeah.  hm05:46
tedgWhat tool adds the "X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain" at the end of desktop files?06:12
lifelesstedg: probably binpkg mangler or something like that.06:13
* lifeless defers to pitti06:13
tedgHeh, I need to file a bug on it.  Unfortunately LP doesn't take fuzzy package names yet ;)06:14
persiatedg: Check the pkgbinarymangler source.  I think that does langpack stuff.06:21
tedgpersia: Hmm, that seems to pull the translations out... but I don't see where it adds the line.06:24
persiaMaybe it doesn't?  Ask pitti :)06:26
maxbI said something about moin/fckeditor? Hmm.06:54
maxbI'm guessing it might have been something along the lines of "It's already disabled by Debian" ?06:57
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dholbachgood morning07:48
thekorngood morning dholbach07:49
dholbachhey thekorn!07:49
dholbachhola mvo!07:57
didrocksgood morning mr Holbach ;)07:57
dholbachheya didrocks07:58
pittiGood morning07:59
pitticjwatson: I could just add an explicit umask 022 and see whether it helps -- otherwise I have no idea08:00
mvohey dholbach08:00
didrocksgood morning pitti08:01
didrockshi mvo08:01
mvohey didrocks08:01
pittisuperm1: I know, but the CD is hopelessly overflown otherwise :( we were required to get back both OO.o as well as the entire mono stack with tomboy and f-spot on netbook08:01
didrockspitti: do you thing this issue worths investigate other options?08:02
didrocks(we have 14 MB free on the daily image)08:02
pittipersia, StevenK, kenvandine: I wanted to binary NEW it last night, but LP went offline underneath me; thanks for sorting out08:02
persiapitti: Are you still ubuntu-MIR?  Maybe you can do the review?08:03
pittisuperm1: as a compromise, we could maybe put back the headers, but leave out gcc/make/etc.; the headers are the by far biggest part of the chain, though :(08:03
pittilifeless: X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain> that's cdbs' langpack.mk module; I'll tell tedg when he's back online this evening08:04
pittihey didrocks, bonjour!08:04
pittididrocks: as I said, we could put back the linux headers only?08:04
didrockspitti: let's have a try08:05
pittididrocks: I think that would solve the "pick right headers" problem, and still get rid of some 3 MB08:05
didrocksok, should *just* fine considering the size08:05
pittipersia: yes, I'm in the MIR team; I source NEWed the adium thing yesterday, so I already reviewed it; looked fine08:05
pittididrocks: merci08:05
didrockspitti: y/w :)08:05
persiapitti: Would you mind swatting bug #531718 with your staff of authority then?08:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531718 in adium-theme-ubuntu "[MIR] adium-theme-ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53171808:06
persia(because you source NEWed it into universe)08:06
csurbhigood morning #kernel08:06
pittipersia: wow, that bug is burning!08:07
* pitti is a bit puzzled about LP's "hotness" calculation08:07
RAOFIs armel a supported arch for Lucid?  How much do I need to care that gjs FTBFS on armel?08:07
pittihey RAOF08:07
RAOFGood eventide, pitti :)08:07
pittiRAOF: it is supported; usually the mobile team cares about the porting, but I'm sure they appreciate any help08:07
persiaRAOF: Please care lots.  You can set up a local armel emulated build environment with lucid pbuilder-dist or mk-sbuild{-lv,}08:07
RAOFpersia: I've just done so.  It builds, but is failing in the test-suite, which means it's probably not built correctly.08:08
pittiRAOF: is that a regression from the previous upload?08:08
RAOFpitti: I think it is, yes.08:09
RAOFI'll check08:09
RAOFpersia: Any tips on making the emulated environment less achingly slow?08:09
persiaRAOF: I don't know of any.  You can purchase hardware if you like.08:09
dehqan after upgrading libc6 and reboot , ubuntu 9.04 does not boot completely and gives this error in the middle of boot http://imagebin.org/8743608:09
persia(current available stuff is a small netbook and a tiny home server)08:09
RAOFRight.  There's no magical kernel kvm-make-armel-super-fast switch, then ;)08:10
persiaRAOF: Hardware isn't that much faster though.08:10
persiaNot that I've heard about :)08:10
dehqanany opinion ?08:19
persiadehqan: Please file a bug and try to get someone in #ubuntu-bugs to verify and escalate.  That is potentially a devastating regression.08:21
dehqan after upgrading libc6 and reboot , ubuntu 9.04 does not boot completely and gives this error in the middle of boot http://imagebin.org/87436  , how to fix it ? will downgrading libc6 solve it ?08:24
persiadehqan: Why repost here after going to -bugs?08:25
dehqan will downgrading libc6 solve it ?08:25
persiaThis is not the right forum for this discussion.  Please follow-up in #ubuntu-bugs08:26
dehqanok thanks08:26
persiaJust in case anyone is worred about a libc6 regression: apparently there's a boot failure if one installed the libc6 from 9.10 on a 9.04 system when not otherwise upgrading the system.08:50
lifelesspersia: thats a sign of a missing package relationship08:51
lifelesspersia: if you can get any hint of what it is and file a bug please do: I suspect libc should breaks ([thing that breaks] << [some version])08:52
lifelesspersia: this may be useful to do now, in lucid if its not already done08:52
lifelessand perhaps an SRU if libc is changed again for karmic08:52
persiaI'll try to replicate when the jaunty CD finishes downloading, but I don't think I want to try to get that remotely from the user.08:53
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sabdflfolks, is usb-creator-gtk known-borked?09:27
pittisabdfl: oh, what happens?09:30
dholbachbug 529366 looks like it09:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 529366 in usb-creator "Regression: usb-creator-gtk doesn't work as of 0.2.16" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52936609:30
sabdflfails to install bootloader09:30
sabdflah, seems like 529366 affects me too09:31
pittiright, seems to be that one09:31
sabdflluckily we have a nice ajaxy way for me to say that :-)09:31
* pitti approves for lucid and targets for beta-109:31
pittibut once we approach beta, it'll annoy enough folks for it to be fixed quickly :)09:31
pitti(I mean, who is still burning CDs these days..)09:32
sabdflis there a manual workaround?09:32
pittisabdfl: I suppose it happened with the new parted09:32
\shpitti: /me ;)09:32
pittisabdfl: sudo gedit /usr/share/usb-creator/usb-creator-helper, comment out line 96 (with the popen parted)09:33
pittisabdfl: that requires the partition to be bootable already, but if you ever used that USB stick to boot before, it should be alright09:34
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\shkwwii: any timeframe when the new "look" will land in lucid these days?10:03
\shoh dear...something removed my ubuntu-desktop10:04
kwwii\sh: sometime between today and release ;-)10:09
mtx_initwhy isn't a xorg.conf included anymore?10:11
\shkwwii: good answer so ok...it's there when it's there ;)10:11
persiamtx_init: Most folk don't need one?10:13
mtx_initso how is the resolution and stuff set without one?10:13
persiaautodetection and EDID, but we're drifting off-topic.10:14
pitticjwatson: hah, I just got a similar failure on cups/jaunty: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/40141304/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-powerpc.cups_1.3.9-17ubuntu3.7_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:19
kwwii\sh: actually it should be later today10:20
pittilamont: did ross (powerpc buildd) recently get an umask change? packages fail to build due to what could be umask 0700 (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/40104136/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-powerpc.grub2_1.98%7E20100128-1ubuntu4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz for example)10:21
\shkwwii: cool :) I'm keen to try out the new gnome decoration...it looks "interesting" :)10:21
\shkwwii: btw...branding looks very refreshing, trendy and professional...well done, you graphics guys :)10:28
kwwii\sh: thanks! I am really impressed with what our team has come up with ;)10:30
\shkwwii: hopefully I can make it to the upcoming UDS...I just requested some bucks for the trip from our company...we (we as in Linux Architecture + Operations Team) would like to do some more distro server work and company needs to contribute some workingtime for it..97% of all servers are running ubuntu only :)10:41
kwwii\sh: hehe, that would be cool, I'll buy you a beer ;)10:46
\shkwwii: and if not...requesting some holidays, driving with family to our relatives in st. vith (belgium) and then coming to you guys, that's an alternative :)10:48
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ogra\sh, *you* at UDS ?!?!10:51
\shogra: looks like...10:51
ogracool !!10:51
pittislangasek: is the current acpi-support bzr head ok to upload? I just committed a fix from TeTeT, but the other changes in head say "this needs to be handled directly by the kernel" -- is that blocked on a kernel upload?10:53
slangasekpitti: hrm.  checking10:55
\shogra: yeah...after 5 years it's time again to meet all the new folks :) and of course more important the old folks ;)10:56
slangasekpitti: sorry, 0.132 was already uploaded - apparently I forgot a push10:56
pittislangasek: oh, oops; seems bzr was just missing a dch -r/debcommit -r10:56
pittislangasek: if you already have that in bzr, please feel free to push --overwrite, and I'll rebase10:57
pittislangasek: otherwise I can just fiddle in the dch -r/debcommit -r myself10:57
ogra\sh, hehe, great10:57
slangasekpitti: done10:57
dehqanany opinion http://pastebin.com/n3bs4Yhi?11:19
lamontpitti: ah, yes. that11:30
lamontpitti: ross got a change from dapper->karmic11:30
lamontand I apparently need one more tweak11:30
lamontpitti: did you want to give-back the failed, or shall I?11:32
lamontpitti: and I'll push the fix to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-buildd/+bug/517802 this week11:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517802 in launchpad-buildd "on karmic, winds up launching sbuild with umask of 077" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:42
lamont\sh: I shall look forward to seeing you at UDS11:43
\shlamont: :) /me too :)11:44
pittilamont: ah, thanks a lot! I was already afraid having to do pkg-create-dbgsym SRUs for all releases11:49
pittilamont: I know of grub2 and brasero, I can give them back11:49
pittibut it probably affected a lot of other builds11:50
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pittilamont: grub2/brasero given back11:50
lamonthttps://edge.launchpad.net/builders/ross/+history <-- pitti11:51
lamontyou wanna start at the top, and I'll start at the bottom, and we'll meet in the middle?11:51
pittilamont: ack11:51
pittilamont: I'm up to ktorrent11:52
pittior "down to"11:52
lamontand FIN11:54
pittiI think we're done11:55
pittilamont: thanks a lot!11:55
pitticjwatson: so, grub2 should build now11:55
lamontgiven that the queue was basically empty, I'm not going to bother rescoring those builds unless they become an issue11:55
cjwatsonpitti: thanks11:55
\shhmm...does anybody has problems with lucid server mounting lvm devices during bootup ?11:55
* persia has no such issues with desktop mounting lvm devices11:56
didrocksneither do I with desktop too11:57
\shmy server setup waits for the lvm devices coming up..and waits and waits and waits...11:57
\shjust checked the /etc/fstab syntax so that I'm not mistaken...very strange11:58
\shmounting via cli does work fine *bah*11:59
tjaaltonwho is in charge of wpasupplicant?12:02
tjaaltonit spams the log constantly, there's a new version in squeeze that could be synced12:03
pittichrisccoulson: ^ sounds a bit like your new hat?12:05
chrisccoulsonyeah, possibly!12:05
chrisccoulsonwhat does it spam the log with?12:05
chrisccoulsonoh, right, i can see it too12:06
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: bug 35211812:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352118 in wpasupplicant "WPA writes possibly unnecessary messages to the system log" [Unknown,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35211812:06
chrisccoulsontjaalton - thanks12:06
tjaaltonthere's 0.6.10-2 in unstable that could be synced12:06
tjaaltononly change in lucid was to change the libkreadline build-dep12:07
chrisccoulsontjaalton, i'll take a look at that later, i've got some other things to do first12:07
chrisccoulsonthanks anyway12:07
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: ok, thanks12:07
pittiso it's primarily a "check 0.6.10 for FF compatibility" exercise?12:08
tjaaltonthat too12:08
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\shsoren: why does vmbuilder kvm ... --debug doesn't work anymore?12:23
soren\sh: What doesn't work?12:23
\shsoren: no debug output... just the standard blabla of vmbuilder...but no "debootstrap output" or anything which was there before...tried to set --debug and --verbose but no change12:24
soren\sh: I see plenty of output.12:25
soren\sh: Pastebin your commandline along with the output, please.12:26
james_wStevenK: did you sync mongodb and xmonad-contrib? OK to flush them?12:28
StevenKjames_w: No, mass-sync died horribly12:28
StevenKjames_w: With a 412 error12:28
\shsoren: http://paste.ubuntu.com/388237/ <- cli | http://paste.ubuntu.com/388238/ <- output on karmic | http://paste.ubuntu.com/388239/ <- output on lucid12:29
james_wStevenK: are you retrying?12:29
ogramvo, your last fix to python-apt wont work ... ports uses the /ubuntu-ports subdir12:31
soren\sh: Don't pass both --debug and --verbose.12:32
soren\sh: --debug will first set verbosity to debug. Then --verbose will reduce it to verbose.12:32
\shsoren: ok...let's try :)12:32
\shsoren: btw...how to I tell vmbuilder to use a VDE instead of a bridge device?12:33
\shdidn't find anything useful on the interwebs12:33
\shsoren: btw..works..thx..that somehow changed between karmic and lucid :) nice12:35
mvoogra: ok12:35
pittiogra: I don't see a bug about "sudo locale-gen ru_RU.utf8" not working; I'm going to fix it now, I just wondered whether it was perhaps filed against somethign else than langpack-locales?12:36
ograpitti, ??12:38
* ogra misses the context12:38
pittiogra: .UTF-8 vs. .utf812:38
pittiwhat we discussed yesterday12:38
ograi didnt file any bugs about it12:39
pittiok, thanks12:39
ograi know the issue from LTSP ... and there it was fixed12:40
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pittiok, fixed in bzr13:06
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ScottKzul: Please use build1 instead of ubuntu1 for rebuilds so it can get sync'ed over automatically in the next cycle (see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/sqlrelay/1:0.39.4-9ubuntu1 for an example).13:18
slangasekzul: you uploaded php-imlib as a rebuild-only upload, but there's a serious bug report in Debian that it FTBFS with php 5.3...13:28
zulslangasek: yeah im looking at it now13:28
siretart`Riddell: shtylman: ffmpeg 0.5.1 has reached lucid now13:29
Riddellsiretart`: lovely thanks13:35
crow_how I can  boot alfa 3 ? my lap top asus k50in with nvidia chipset and 102m graphic not respondig13:36
ScottKcrow_: Help for Lucid is in #ubuntu+113:39
peciskcrow_: when booting with LiveCD, press F6 and turn on nomodeset parameter, and then check out why LiveCD stops to load13:40
crow_i try with F6 and install OS, and when I boot OS from HD lap top is freez. mixup the picture of bios and desktop :(13:42
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jiboumansodd question perhaps; anyone happen to know what hte current footprint (disk+ram) is for the lucid mimimal virtual machine?14:02
highvoltageslangasek: following the brand changes announced yesterday, wouldn't it have made sense to postpone the UI freeze a little?14:07
persiajiboumans: How minimal?  Just ubuntu-minimal?14:08
highvoltageslangasek: for edubuntu, for instance, we're waiting on new logos and other items required to complete the artwork packages for 10.04, wouldn't other teams also have the same problem?14:08
jiboumanspersia: specifically the installer option 'minimal virtual machine'14:08
persiajiboumans: My buildd chroots are 416808k14:09
persia(which is probably a little larger than that)14:09
jiboumansthat's pretty big14:09
persiajiboumans: What sort of number were you looking for?  That's 400MB.14:11
jiboumanspersia: something much smaller I suppose. Our EC2 images are 200mb, although that's probably involving compression14:12
zuljiboumans: the ec2 images are the standard seed + plus some additional packages fyi14:12
mattijiboumans: IIRC there is Ubuntu JeOS project...14:13
mattijiboumans: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos14:13
jiboumansmatti: right, and as of 8.10, 'JeOS' is obtained picking 'minimal virtual machine' from the installer.. which is what i was asking about :)14:13
mattiOh :)14:13
persiajiboumans: The number I gave you was completely uncompressed.  It ought be minimal+build-essential+pkgbinarymangler+pkg-create-dbgsyms+sudo+vim-tiny14:13
persiaI'd guess somewhere in the 300-350MB range without all that (uncompressed).14:14
jiboumanspersia: alright, fair enough.. thanks for checking for me14:14
mattijiboumans: It would be nice to have Ubuntu Studio -- something like SuSE Studio http://susestudio.com/.14:14
persiamatti: Ubuntu Studio means something entirely different: http://ubuntustudio.org/14:15
mattipersia: Yes, I know... henve I've added "something like ..." :)14:16
slangasekhighvoltage: er; I wasn't aware that there would be logo changes affecting edubuntu, but all the same, we need to move forward on stabilizing this stuff so that the doc and translation teams can cover the bases on their side.  The UI freeze doesn't generally prevent changes, it just requires coordinating with those teams when you have them14:16
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slangasekhighvoltage: what exactly will be changing in Edubuntu's artwork?14:16
pittihm, with dh7 and dh, how would I say "run these additional commands in install"14:16
pitti(I don't want to override the dh_install command, just do extra stuff)14:17
pittiman dh is blissfully ignorant of this use case apparently14:17
persiapitti: override_dh_auto_install:\n\tdh_auto_install\n\t${MORE_COMMANDS}14:18
highvoltageslangasek: mostly the logo everywhere that it is currently displayed, Canonical will be providing us with a new one RSN. if changes are allowed then it's probably no biggie.14:18
pittipersia: ah, thanks14:18
persiapitti: And now that you know, you'll see it's in the manpage, just obfuscated :)14:18
persia(specifically in the override_dh_fixperms: example)14:19
slangasekhighvoltage: right - you might want to mail ubuntu-doc preemptively, and let them know to hold off on edubuntu screenshots until this change is done14:19
cjwatsonslangasek: same applies to the Ubuntu boot screen14:19
cjwatsonI have mockups from michaelforrest which I need to process into gfxboot input14:19
highvoltageslangasek: will do, thanks for the input14:19
slangasekcjwatson: ah, didn't realize those were still outstanding - ok14:20
slangasekcjwatson: do you want to warn ubuntu-doc as well, on the off chance that someone is trying to take screenshots of this using either the pre-UI-freeze alpha-3, or a current daily? :)14:21
highvoltageslangasek: I could include the link to the new branding page in the message I sent and also tell the doc team that they should be careful when seeing an old Ubuntu logo anywhere. It should probably be filed as bugs when there are?14:22
slangasekhighvoltage: yes, I imagine so14:22
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cjwatsonhighvoltage: ah yes - thanks14:30
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ograKeybuk, pitti, whom can i blame for that ? udisks or udev ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/388309/15:01
Keybukthat looks correct to me15:01
ograhuh ?15:01
pittiogra: what's the problem?15:01
Keybukyou have a disk, you ejected it15:01
ograthe partition device nodes are all gone15:01
Keybukand the partition nodes are gone15:01
Keybukyou ejected it15:01
pittiogra: if you want to remove the entire device, you have to use "safe removal"15:01
Keybuk"<here i unmounted klicking the eject button in nautilus>"15:01
ograi just wanted to mount it to /mnt15:02
pittiogra: then you unmount, not eject15:02
ograbecause nautilus uses insane settings so i cant chroot15:02
Keybukso Unmount in nautilus, don't Eject or Safely Remove15:02
ograwell, i only click the button in the treeview15:02
pittiright, that's "eject"15:02
ograits not clear to me it removes the partitions15:02
ograespecially since that behavior changed15:03
KeybukI was always disappointed that Eject didn't activate some kind of spring in the USB port and fire the drive across the room15:03
pittiit did?15:03
pittiit's been like that for ages15:03
* ogra just used finger memory 15:03
Keybukdefinitely been like that since Eject actually worked on USB devices15:03
KeybukEject powers down the USB device15:03
ograi do it ten times a day with SD cards15:03
pittiKeybuk: we disabled that patch, it killed too many small pets15:03
Keybukthe disk node remains so you can power it back on again15:03
pittior flower pots15:03
researcher1Installed  Ubuntu 10.04 LTS- the Lucid Lynx. Applications are opening slowly. Is it correctable ?15:04
Keybukpitti: I understood that they're suspended now again?15:04
ograi admit i didnt use USB keys for a while ... so it did only change for USB ?15:04
Keybukogra: yes, this is a USB core feature15:04
pittiKeybuk: "suspend"?15:04
persiaogra: SD cards work differently then USB deivces, because of how the hardware is implemented.15:04
Keybukpitti: USB autosuspend15:04
Keybukpitti: I'm not entirely sure I'm up to date on this though15:04
pittiKeybuk: I'm not sure; do we enable this these days?15:04
Keybuknot sure either ;)15:04
pittiI saw it go back and forth for some particular devices15:05
pittiit caused a lot of grief with input devices15:05
KeybukI *think* we suspend the devices, not the port15:05
Keybukand before we actually powered off the port in a way that meant it wouldn't come back for some people15:05
Keybukbut again, not 100%, check with a kernel team member :p15:05
Keybukeither way, it's utterly correct that Ejecting a device makes the partition nodes vanish <g>15:05
ograyeah, i'm just to used to SDs it seems :)15:06
Keybukyou don't usually partition SD cards, do you?15:06
ograsure i do15:06
ograwe have to for our armel images15:06
ograbecause the bootloader sits in a raw partition15:06
Keybukthat's like partitioning a floppy disk15:07
ograwell ...15:07
ogratell that to arm manufacturers :)15:07
ogramake them implement a BIOS ;)15:07
persiaKeybuk: Why?  You can get 64GB SD cards these days.15:08
persiaogra: Just stuff the bootloader in NOR, and you don't have to do that.  Provide a shim solution for folks that have vendors that didn't put the right bootloader in NOR>15:09
ograpersia, doesnt work with livfefs images ... even our CDs have isolinux15:09
Keybukpersia: those are SDHC cards15:09
ograKeybuk, oh, sorry, i generalized to much ... indeed i use SDHC cards here too ... if it starts with SD* its an SD for me :)15:10
superm1pitti, yes i think adding the headers should help, gcc/make can stay out and just get conditionally installed15:10
Keybukoh, sorry, my SD spec knowledge is wrong - I thought it was rarely partitioned - but the spec says SD should have an MBR partition table on it15:10
ogracan you even buy plain SD still ?15:10
pittisuperm1: that's what didrocks did now; thanks15:11
superm1cool; good15:11
didrocksyeah, it's done :)15:11
didrocksjust cross fingers for tomorrow CD size :)15:11
persiaogra: They are sold in a separate section at most electronics shops here.  There's still lots of stuff that can't understand SDHC15:11
ograah, well ... i havent seen them for a while around here15:11
persiaogra: Works on my Netwalker :p15:11
ograyeah, your netwalker is just missing a 24" display :)15:12
Keybukogra: I had to buy a plain-old SD card a while back; device didn't support SDHC15:13
nigelbAs per the discussion in the -devel ML, it was okayed to change 'short name' field to 'username', I had uploaded a debdiff, can one of the main sponsors look into this?15:18
nigelbbug 52974415:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 529744 in gnome-system-tools "When creating a new user, "Shortname" should really be "Username" ." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52974415:18
pittiogra: BTW, if you want special mount options/path for this SD card, add it to /etc/fstab (with /dev/disk/by-{uuid,id,label})15:19
pittithat's the official way, and udisks/gnome will respect it15:19
hyperairis it me or did wiki.u.c just get owned by the digg effect?15:20
ograpitti, oh, for chrooting you mean ?15:20
ograthat sounds helpful15:20
cjwatsonKeybuk: sigh, every time I look at bits of this vga patch, it gets more complicated15:32
cjwatsonnow I realise that I'm going to have to copy the default font out of the hardware at vgacon startup15:32
cjwatsonbecause BROKEN_GRAPHICS_PROGRAMS is defined by default15:33
Keybukmaybe you need to disable CONFIG_BAD_KERNEL_CODE_NOBODY_TOUCHES_ANYMORE15:33
cjwatsonI think this is more a metaphysical assertion15:34
cjwatson"graphics programs are broken"15:34
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pittibdmurray: any idea why http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/lucid-fixes-report.html suddenly stops at 2010-01-06 ?15:38
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jibelmvo hi, I talked to enrico about searching package names with an '-' , he sees no better way to do this.15:44
jibelmvo, I've been playing with the index too, but the results are not more relevant and sometimes worse. The index is also much bigger (+50%)15:44
jibelI believe we've reached a good level, we could add some refinements but I need more detailed specs.15:44
jibelmvo, what are the plans regarding quick search issues in synaptic ?15:45
mvojibel: my current plan is to merge your fixes :)15:50
persiaAnyone have a really long memory about ports status?  My memory is that we always had ports.ubuntu.com, and that powerpc moved from archive to ports in edgy, and the rest have always been where they were.  Does anyone remember differently?  Was sparc ever on archive.ubuntu.com?15:50
siretart`persia: I'm pretty sure I've installed spooky from archive.ubuntu.com15:51
jibelmvo, great !15:52
LaserJockI thought sparc was "official" for a while15:52
persiaYeah, that was what I thought, but I can't remember when it was official.15:52
persiaIt's not official for anything supported now, but that doesn't matter for my current activity.15:53
bdmurraypitti: it likely was running when lp went down yesterday15:53
persiaNo, it was on archive for dapper.15:53
persiaFor dapper ports is just ia64/hppa15:53
mvojibel: probably tomorrow because of outstanding merges today15:53
mvojibel: what is the scope - just the synaptic fix or does it require changes to the indexer (sorry for my forgetfulness)15:54
jibelmvo, np. I don't want to stress you.15:54
jibelThe scope is only synaptic.15:54
mvojibel: ok, cool. yeah, I will just merge, its on my todo list (anlong with the other pending fixes)15:56
mvojibel: and no worries, you don't stress me, just the opposite, I'm very happy about the fixes :)15:56
jibelI'll integrate the latest search code tonight, so tomorrow is ok.15:56
jibelmvo, btw I cleaned the synaptic bug reports down to a reasonable level.15:57
kwwiihrm, anyone else experiencing file system errors on lucid? two machines in an hour went down15:57
jibelmvo, could we organize a session to decide which ones are worth fixing before lucid, later and won't fix ?15:57
ograkwwii, all fine over here15:58
mvojibel: absoutely, either tomorrow or monday. or you can mail me the candidates and I'm happy to mail feedback back15:58
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jibelmvo, I'll prepare a wiki page with the bug list then.15:59
mvojibel: cool, many thanks!16:00
persiaAfter some digging, it appears powerpc first released on ports for feisty and sparc first released on ports for hardy.  If anyone has a good idea when we *first* supported these architectures, please let me know.16:07
ograwhy do you care for pre-hardy ?16:08
ograit wont get SRUs or anything anyway16:08
ograso its irrelevant for your fix i guess16:09
persiaUm, no.16:09
persiaSRUs go back to Dapper.16:09
ogradapper is EOL on the desktop, no ?16:09
persiaAnd I need even more information for my current activity, although I won't cause regression if I don't have it.16:09
LaserJockare Dapper and Hardy the only LTS releases so far?16:12
persiapre-Dapper was still in wild development.16:13
LaserJockI could have sworn sparc was added as official for an LTS release16:13
persiaLaserJock: New for Dapper maybe?16:13
ograyes, dapper16:13
* persia reads ubuntu-announce harder16:13
LaserJockthat would be my guess16:13
ograit was added before to the official releases iirc16:13
KeybukLaserJock: not sure it was new for an LTS16:13
KeybukLaserJock: it was certainly an official port for dapper16:13
LaserJocknot new as an arch16:13
persiaKeybuk: Do you know if it was an official port pre-Dapper?16:14
LaserJockbut I thought there was a big "thing" with Sun over Ubuntu Server and part of that was making sparc official16:14
Keybukpersia: not sure on that one16:14
persiaAh, the days when new LoCo teams showed up on ubuntu-announce@ :)16:15
KeybukI blame jono16:16
nigelbanyone from the release team around to discuss an ffe?16:17
Keybukjono: you're too good at your job; encourage fewer teams, so we can announce them again! :p16:17
Keybuknigelb: try #ubuntu-release16:17
nigelbthanks Keybuk :)16:17
jonoKeybuk, hehe, I will do if you stop my computer booting so quick16:17
Keybukjono: tell me about it16:17
jonoI use computer booting time as a good opportunity to make a coffee usually16:17
Keybukboth pitti and I have had issues where we've rebooted16:17
jonofast boot = no coffee16:17
Keybukturned away for a few seconds, looked back, and thought "now, why haven't you rebooted?" when it already has16:18
jonoKeybuk, so damn cool16:18
azeem_did you consider to have the boot splash be a screenshot of the gdm login?16:18
azeem_like they do for starting up iPhone apps I heard16:19
persiaazeem_: Please, no?  I *like* that I know which password to enter.16:19
ografor autologin your would ahve to make it a screenshot of the desktop then16:20
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LaserJockhmm, then it'd be just like Windows16:21
LaserJockstare at your screen for a little bit before you actually get to do any work16:21
ograif it would be like windows you could just use a permanent screenshot16:21
andreasnlet the system take a screenshot when you're turning off the machine and hope it's nothing inappropriate :)16:21
LaserJockogra: well, Windows would be a permanent BSOD, no? ;-)16:22
ograwell, i would probably add a little animation that pretends it to upgrade at random times and replace different BSOD's16:23
LaserJockogra: I had totally forgotten how "wonderful" the windows update experience was until I got my new job16:24
persiaAnyone with retroactive moderation rights to ubuntu-announce want to kill https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-February/000052.html ?16:24
LaserJockogra: my coworker had problems where his computer would never log in16:24
LaserJockogra: we waited 8 hrs one day while it looked like it was updating16:24
LaserJockogra: we called the help desk and they said "yeah, it does that sometimes"16:25
ograsometimes ... heh16:25
ograpersia, but ... but ... we won !16:25
dpmpitti, is it possible to have an apport hook for a project in LP, even if there isn't a source package available? We are using the ubuntu-translations project to track translation bugs, and I was thinking if it would be possible to have something like 'ubuntu-bug translations' and file a bug against ubuntu-translations16:36
jcastrolifeless: +patches has landed in lp, please go bang on it.16:38
dehqana package is installed from 9.10 rep , but now it can not be downloaded and reinstalled from 9.04 rep , why ?16:43
thiblahuteHi everyone, I am getting an issue with the RTL8187 module on all the kernel of the 2.6.32. I looked for a bug but didn't find anything so I think it's maybe due to my install which is a bit old and I upgraded from 9.10. What happens is that I can't activate the wifi, like my wlan is down at but and "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" return "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 132".16:46
thiblahuteI am now using the 2.6.31-17 kernel.16:46
thiblahuteWhat do you think I should do?16:46
thiblahuteHere are some more infos: http://pastebin.com/HUc9kgym16:47
pittidpm: yes, we could arrange that; it sounds like a good symptom to have17:08
pittidpm: a symptom script is not related to a package; however, right now it has to figure out an affected package name17:09
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pittidpm: but this could just be language-pack-$LANG, and the symptom code could instruct Apport to file the bug against a project instead17:09
pittidpm: can we discuss details of that in a bug report? I think it's possible in general17:09
pittidpm: (bug against apport-symptoms)17:10
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sitsofeok quick question17:58
sitsofea friend and myself are seeing the same problem in Lucid wrt to pulseaudio and the left right balance17:59
sitsofethe problem is simple: changing the left/right balance in the gnome-volume control17:59
sitsofeis causing the main volume to be reduced to 017:59
sitsofehighly reproducible17:59
sitsofereproduced on laptops and desktops18:00
sitsofeand it doesn't happen in Fedora 1218:00
sitsofehowever folks seeing the problem are reluctant to file any more bugs on sound as their existing sound bugs don't see attention18:01
sitsofeis it worth filing?18:01
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LucidFoxAre the branding changes already introduced in Lucid?18:29
pittiLucidFox: several uploads landed today, yes18:31
persiasitsofe: It's always worth filing sound bugs.  They get reviewed and fixed at a rate of 10s of bugs a day, and some days 100s (I think the most I saw in a day was 327).  This doesn't keep up with the filing rate, unfortunately, but the unfiled bug will never be fixed, whereas the filed bug has a chance.18:31
LucidFoxHmm, perhaps I could overwrite Karmic with a fresh Lucid install on my home machine...18:32
dehqanhow apt-get determines what version the distro is  ?18:35
sitsofepersia: ok I'll give it go18:35
sitsofedehqan: why? :)18:35
dehqansitsofe:  apt-get --reinstall install $(cat /2) can not download packages from jaunty reps18:36
sitsofedehqan: I thought it just used repos listed in /etc/apt/sources.list18:36
dehqansitsofe: lsb_release -a says it is jaunty nut apt-get can not download packages from jaunty reps18:37
sitsofeare you sure the problem is on the repo end?18:38
sitsofedehqan: but strace says it does peek inside /etc/debian_version (who knows what it does with that info)18:40
dehqan /etc/debian_version ?18:40
dehqansitsofe:  /etc/debian_version ?18:42
sitsofedehqan: I don't know what it does with it though. Maybe it just stores that info for later. You can run strace with apt-get and see for yourself18:42
dehqansitsofe:  would you give command ?18:43
sitsofestrace apt-get18:43
persiaUm, this discussion really belongs on #ubuntu.18:43
sitsofepersia: my bad18:43
persiaNo worries, but do take it there or to /query please.18:43
sitsofepersia: Ok I'll be quiet :) Thank you.18:44
persiaNo need to be quiet: just on topic :)18:44
dehqanpersia: non dev didn not know  strace apt-get command it is useful18:46
dehqanwhere does this command show distro ? strace apt-get18:46
dehqanpersia:  where to ask this ?  lsb_release -a says it is jaunty nut apt-get can not download packages from jaunty reps18:49
persiadehqan: As I told you in /query 15 minutes ago when you asked me directly instead of the channel, apt-get selects download files based on /etc/apt/sources.list.  Please do take this discussion to another location.  It is off-topic for this channel.18:50
dehqanpersia: am saying source file includes jaunty reps http://pastebin.com/hLYWSXHS18:51
dehqanbut persia maybe this is cause of that libc6 upgrade18:52
sitsofedehqan: I'll answer you privately but here's probably not the place to ask18:52
persiaThe cause of the libc upgrade was the change in sources.list from jaunty to karmic.18:53
persiaI shall not answer any more questions on this topic in this channel.18:53
dehqanpersia: see it is jaunty now http://pastebin.com/hLYWSXHS18:53
dehqanmaybe we should talk un bugs channel persia18:54
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dehqanpersia:  how to make apt-get download from jaunty  with force ?19:06
LaneyYou have been asked to take this topic elsewhere. Please do so.#19:07
dehqan how to make apt-get download from jaunty repo ?19:09
dehqansorry sorry my bad19:09
sitsofepersia: for what it's worth bug 53209519:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532095 in pulseaudio "Changing left/right balance in sound-preferences changes the output volume slider" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53209519:12
sitsofepersia: we'll see how it goes :)19:12
persiasistolfe: Thanks for filing.  Good luck.19:15
jonoquick q19:23
jonoI am moving systems, and I would prefer if I didnt need to set up all my keys for LP again for uploading to my PPA19:23
jonowhat do I need to back up to make the move?19:24
jdongjono: back up your ~/.gnupg and ~/.ssh19:24
jonojdong, thanks!19:25
jdongsure thing!19:25
jonoand if I just back them up and restore them on the new syste, everything should just work?19:25
jdongyep, that'll preserve the two ways Launchpad cares about your identity/keys19:27
jcastroseahorse also lets you export and import keys19:27
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jdongand of course, be careful what you do with the backup medium transporting those files19:27
jonoyes indeed19:27
jdongthey are considered somewhat secretive and generally bad (tm) to lose :)19:27
mptthanks for the quick fix, micahg19:28
micahgmpt: no problem19:29
jdongjono: and for convenience you may want to take a quick glance at your ~/.dput.cf to see if you configured any shorthand nicknames for your PPA's19:29
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jonothanks jdong19:29
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lifelessjcastro: so I see20:43
mdeslaurcr3: sorry about that...first thing tomorrow morning, I'll look at it20:54
cr3mdeslaur: don't feel too bad, you're not alone :)20:56
neurochromeHi folks, can anyone else confirm that gvfsd-metadata process is hogging 100% cpu?  With a recent update in Karmic my system has become very unstable and nautilus frequently hangs/crashes21:05
SparkieGeekhi, what's the best way of getting an SRU reviewed? I followed the steps on the wiki as best I could but haven't heard anything..21:26
JFoSparkieGeek, when did you finish doing the steps?21:32
JFoIt can take some time for the review and approval21:32
SparkieGeekcouple of weeks ago21:33
SparkieGeekto start with i'd just associated a Bzr branch instead of attaching Debdiff - rectified that last week21:33
SparkieGeekwasn't sure what the expected timelines are, so figured i'd come on here and test the waters21:34
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neurochromeHi folks, can anyone else confirm that gvfsd-metadata process is hogging 100% cpu?  With a recent update in Karmic my system has become very unstable and nautilus frequently hangs/crashes22:10
jdongsuperm1: do you have any juicy details about when we expect fglrx for xorg 7.5?22:19
jdongsuperm1: it's really fun to watch radeonhd deadlock during convenient times, but eventually I'll want to get work done :)22:20
jdong(yeah yeah I'll try to capture a backtrace eventually)22:20
superm1jdong, i only help with the packaging on it, and even then, tseliot is doing more of the work now22:56
superm1so no idea22:57
jdongah, ok :)22:57
jdongawww thought you'd have some juicy details.22:57
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chrisccoulsonkees, re bug 531583 - are you using greasemonkey from the archive?23:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531583 in firefox "greasemonkey causes ff 3.6 to not load, without errors" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53158323:33
ccheneyso what do i need to change to fix the button order in gconf?23:37
ccheneyah i found it23:38
chrisccoulsonccheney, /apps/metacity/general/button_layout23:38
ccheneychrisccoulson: thx23:38
keeschrisccoulson: no, external.23:38
chrisccoulsonkees, oh, and you can still recreate the issue?23:39
keeschrisccoulson: totally.23:40
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