
flaccidsorry i'm a bit late02:22
flaccidlast night at RightScale we released Ubuntu 9.10 multi-cloud images. We also have a ubuntu and centos build ServerTemplates that will be released soon02:25
flaccidif you have any questions or problems regarding the new karmic images, please feel free to post on the forums or raise a ticket with support02:25
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
flaccidapologies if the above was already announced here.02:28
erichammondnatea: Feel free to ask questions here.  No need to address me directly.03:07
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
flaccidwhat is the status of ext4 support in amazon ec2 ?05:27
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
smosererichammond, or anyone17:35
smosersays " Depending on what you want to keep from the above process, there are various things that you might want to clean up."17:35
smosershoot. never mind.17:35
smoseruser reading error.17:35
erichammondsmoser: were you thinking of cleaning up things on the image?17:38
smoserno. i thought it was saying you could delete the snapshot after youd' regiestered it17:38
smosersort of like unix file semantics17:38
smoserit could work like that, might be useful.17:38
erichammondFortunately EC2 prevents the deletion of snapshots that are registered AMIs17:38
smoserie, you could delete  snapshot and it woudl stick around as long as a handle was open.17:39
smoseroh. really. that is good.17:39
erichammondUnlike the way that they let you delete AMI-registered S3 bundles.17:39
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates

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