
fta2asac, micahg: ff broken here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/388122/07:49
micahgfta2: weird07:51
* micahg really needs to go to sleep...07:51
micahgfta2: do you have greasemonkey installed by any chance?07:51
fta2micahg, no, but i just installed xul-ext-firebug07:52
fta2micahg, just purged it, it still doesn't work07:54
micahgdo you have any other xul-ext?07:54
micahgwhat happens if you run /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.2pre/firefox07:56
micahggdb show anything?07:57
fta2exited with code 0107:58
fta2nm, i use chromium. i just wanted to test my webapp against the default firefox08:00
micahgfta2: k, it's just that seems to be happening elsewhere08:02
micahgfta2: will firefox -ProfileManager launch?08:03
micahgcan you create a new profile that launched?08:04
micahgfta2: ^^08:06
fta2yep, it does08:07
micahgfta2: k, seems to be a problem with profiles then...idk, I'll have to look into it later08:09
micahgfta2: at least you can test your webapp now :)08:09
fta2thanks :)08:15
noaXesshi all13:00
noaXesshow is the state of thunderbird 3.x stable?13:01
gnomefreakasac: how does thunderbird send username and password? im getting this feeling that its not sending one or the other correctly.14:41
gnomefreakexample it failed to connect to ubuntu.ase username/password error. but all other boxes were ok. than refresh and it fails on that one and another box. (pop)14:42
gnomefreakand now it connects to all boxes fine. it is not able to be related to anything. some fail sometimes so im thinking it is related to username/password being sent14:48
gnomefreakasac: who is our mplayer person?15:55
* BUGabundo_remote hides15:58
gnomefreakBUGabundo_remote: ;)15:58
* gnomefreak needs to find out why nvidia* only in build-deps if at all it should depends on X not restriccted drivers (assuming it is needed at all)15:59
gnomefreakhe got me thinking :(15:59
gnomefreakbug 43703916:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 437039 in mplayer "VDPAU support" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43703916:18
gnomefreakhm Lp is giveing me problems today16:23
micahgasac: do you have time to review my ubufox merge today?16:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofell
=== yofell is now known as yofel
yofelhi, in lucid firefox isn't able to find the sun java plugin even if sun-java6-plugin is installed, it seems to ignore /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/libjavaplugin.so  known issue?20:20
yofelif you place the java plugin symlink in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins it works20:22
asacyofel: yeah. can you file a bug against sun-java6... package?20:26
yofelasac: will do20:29
micahgasac: can you review my ubufox merge?20:33
yofelasac: bug 53217420:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532174 in sun-java6 "[Lucid] sun-java6-plugin not recognized by firefox anymore" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53217420:47
ccheneyugh it looks like epiphany was more rewritten than i realized :(20:49
* ccheney curses at gnome rewriting crap every cycle20:49
micahgccheney: maybe that's why lots of people are saying to move away from it20:49
mahfouzmove away from ...? gnome?20:51
ccheneyor at least epiphany :)20:51
mahfouzmoving away from gnome would be like reverting back to smoke signals20:53
micahgmahfouz: what about KDE, XFCE, LXDE?20:56
mahfouzmicahg, what about smoke signals? They served us well for centuries20:56
mahfouzdidn't somebody mention the xchat-indicator yesterday?21:00
mahfouzis it working?21:00
mahfouzi can't get it to work21:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510871 in xchat-indicator "indicator not working after system restart" [Undecided,New]21:16
bdrung_what's the right way to find the xpidl location?21:28
bdrung_asac: ^21:28
asacbdrung_: /usr/bin/xpidl-`xulrunner --gre-version`21:34
asacor if you need a specific upstream21:34
asacthen same with specific version21:34
bdrung_asac: is xpidl in /usr/bin?21:35
asacsorry forst statement is wiht /usr/lib/xulrunner-Ü*21:35
asacso to be clear: use:21:35
asac/usr/lib/xulrunner-`xulrunner --gre-version` if you dont want a specific xulrunner version21:36
asac/usr/lib/xulrunner-`xulrunner-1.9.2 --gre-version` if ypou want 1.9.221:36
bdrung_asac: to sum up: /usr/lib/xulrunner-`xulrunner --gre-version`/xpidl21:37
asacif you dont want a specific version21:42
asacusually its right to do that21:42
bdrung_asac: xulrunner does not exist on debian :(21:43
=== bdrung_ is now known as bdrung
asacbdrung: not in the -dev package?21:50
bdrungasac: only xulrunner-1.9.1 (-dev package installed)21:51
=== asac__ is now known as asac_the_2nd
micahgasac_the_2nd: ??23:06
asac_the_2ndjust have two sessions atm ;)23:07
micahgah, k23:07
micahgasac_the_2nd: can you review my ubufox merge?23:07
asac_the_2ndone sec23:08
micahgasac_the_2nd: thanks23:21
bdrung_is asac_the_2nd a fork of asac?23:25
* micahg guesses he needed to get more work done :)23:26
micahgthere's a lot of stuff in tools/23:40
* asac_the_2nd checks mxr.23:41
asac_the_2ndmicahg: so you say we need fix-linux-stack.pl ?23:42
asac_the_2ndhow is that used?23:42
micahgthat's what the build is asking for23:42
asac_the_2nde.g. by what23:42
micahgfennec Makefile23:43
asac_the_2ndseems was added to build(/Makefile.in23:44
micahgnot that23:44
asac_the_2ndand maybe /build/automation.py.in23:44
asac_the_2ndso in build/Makefile.in its added when ENABLE_TEST23:44
asac_the_2nde.g. http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla1.9.2/source/build/Makefile.in#16523:45
micahgasac_the_2nd: mozilla 38524823:45
ubottuMozilla bug 385248 in Build Config "[client] tinderbox should (sometimes?) run tools/rb/fix-linux-stack.pl / fix-macosx-stack.pl over log" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38524823:45
micahgasac_the_2nd: so, maybe the makefile needs to be conditional on tests enabled?23:46
micahgi don't think we're running tests in fennec23:47
asac_the_2ndmicahg: we probably build with --enable-tests23:47
asac_the_2ndor at least not with --disable-tests23:48
asac_the_2ndstill wonder if its a bug that tests requires it for --with-libxul-sdk23:48
asac_the_2ndmaybe that should be shipped in the sdk23:48
asac_the_2ndits the libs:: rule so its not only triggered when running tests ... also when building with tests enabled23:49
micahgwell, I tried with --disable-tests and I got a little further, but it's trying to do something with testing/testsuite-targets.mk23:50
asac_the_2ndlet me check something23:51
asac_the_2ndmicahg: what happens if you ship full testing/ and tools/ ?23:53
asac_the_2ndis that enough?23:54
asac_the_2ndor does it complain even further?23:54
* asac_the_2nd looks what is in current sdk.tar.gz23:54
micahgtesting and tools are about 4MB each23:56
asac_the_2ndmicahg: but it works with that?23:57
micahgI'll symlink and test23:57
micahgwell, at least the build issues are gone, now I have include issues...but not sure what's causing that23:59

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