
pea[laptop]can someone unban me00:25
pea[laptop]oh hang on00:25
pea[laptop]ok now00:26
Picipea[laptop]: What channel do you think you're banned in?00:28
pea[laptop]why do you think i ask here?00:28
PiciWe manage a lot of channels, I'm just checking because I didn't see a ban at first glance.  Let me look again.00:28
Picipea[laptop]: As far as I can tell you are not banned. You were at one point due to your ralname, but nolonger.00:33
PiciPlus you're in there now anyway.00:33
Picipea[laptop]: Is there anything else we can help you with?00:42
ubottublakkheim called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:44
* Pici sighs00:44
ubottukla called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:04
KB1JWQIf I wanted to take a more active role in contributing to the ubuntu project, who would I talk to?  And yes, this may be off topic here; mea culpa.05:14
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate KB1JWQ05:15
bazhangloads of links there :)05:16
KB1JWQbazhang: Thanks.05:16
KB1JWQThe site's huge; hard to find information there.05:16
* persia also likes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu05:16
bazhangKB1JWQ, you're welcome; contributing ie coding or something else05:16
KB1JWQSomething else.  I can't program for crap, but I can (semi-obviously) contribute IRC time, as well as support across a variety of topics.05:17
bazhangyou already contribute a ton imo05:18
KB1JWQBy day I'm migrating 1.2 million email users from one system to another, so my enterprisey knowledge is up there, but as far as desktops go... I get my first Linux desktop in a week or so.05:18
KB1JWQRedHat based in the past, but Fedora's a crapfest in a lot of ways.05:20
KB1JWQbazhang: I appreciate tat.05:21
FlannelKB1JWQ: What sort of contributions are you interested in?05:21
KB1JWQFlannel: That's the problem.  I have no idea what the general needs are.05:21
FlannelKB1JWQ: The way it generally works best is you do something you enjoy ;)05:21
KB1JWQ"How do I tweak my email setup across 200 nodes" isn't exactly commonly asked on IRC...05:21
FlannelKB1JWQ: Maybe answers?  Or just documentation I guess?05:22
persiaIt's more likely to be asked in #ubuntu-server, where people get support for larger deployments.05:22
FlannelKB1JWQ: Write about it, make a wikipage about it, etc?05:23
KB1JWQpersia: I... never knew that existed.05:23
KB1JWQThanks for the advice.  Bedtime here, but I've got something to think about now. :-)05:25
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Surrador)05:51
SurradorI would liike to humbly apologize for being duped into a really bad troll06:08
Surradori was offered ops in ##politics in exchange for outing racists on channels and getting them banned from freenode06:08
elkyI'm not terribly keen on his part message either06:10
Madpilotsomehow I don't believe a word of the "offered ops in ##pol" thing06:11
Madpilotalthough if true, it helps confirm ##politics rep as an absolute cesspit...06:12
elkyI wouldn't put it past them, to be honest.06:20
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from LaCagalera)06:43
Semitonesyo hey, so this "Mirc" sent me a pm on join, :( "* Mirc  Visit us at network chat and get bots + hosting special and free,   /server IRC.ForChat.Net  "07:14
ubotturww called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (Surrador)07:20
Semitonesthanks Amaranth07:24
dholbachgood morning07:48
Madpilotwell, not for ten minutes here yet07:49
* persia wants the URL for the definition of "good morning" as seen on IRC as being timezone-agnostic07:57
MadpilotI rather like "good $appropriate-time-of-day" myself, but I like pseudo-code like that :)07:59
persiasuihkulokki gave me a URL to a good half-page of rant on the subject, with a detailed analysis of why "Good morning" was always the appropriate greeting despite the time of day.  Unfortunately, I can't find it right now.08:01
persiaI've generally used "Pleasant diurnal period" or similar to work around it.08:01
ubottuIn #ubuntu, rww said: !gnupg is <alias> gpg08:06
MenZaMorning, kkathman08:09
MenZaahuhr. scrolled up.08:10
topylii removed cyberbluntz from -ot, apparently he went to complain on #ubuntu08:48
topyliah hello cyberbluntz08:48
cyberbluntzI want to make a complaint about being kicked out of the OT channel08:48
cyberbluntzA Formal complaint plz08:48
persiacyberbluntz: Rather than making a complaint, the procedure is usually to request to be permitted to join the channel again.08:48
topylicyberbluntz, you came to the right place08:48
cyberbluntzI feel some people are abusing their privs and misconstruing what people say to meet their own means08:48
cyberbluntzI dont want to talk to you topylia08:49
topylicyberbluntz, okay.08:49
cyberbluntzIs there someone who will review the log?08:49
topylifor the record, you're not banned and are free to rejoin -offtopic. if your conduct doesn't change, your stay might be short though08:50
topyli-offtopic is not logged08:50
cyberbluntzwhat about the log on my HD? and I would like to make a formal complaint08:50
cyberbluntzHow do I do that?08:51
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.08:51
topylihowever, you're not banned so there's very little to complain about08:51
cyberbluntzComplain about people abusing their powers08:51
persiacyberbluntz: The Appeal Process is the correct form for that.08:52
cyberbluntzI'm sure kicking isnt meant for amusement or somebody whim08:52
persiacyberbluntz: You can complain here, and submit a pastebin of your copy of the logs if you want to be informal, but it sounds like you want a formal process.08:52
topylicyberbluntz, infortunately idling is not allowed here. if we can't help you further, you should /part the channel08:56
topyliunfortunately, even08:56
cyberbluntzok im out09:00
Jordan_Upuky is trolling in #ubuntu09:01
ubottukostkon called the ops in #ubuntu (pukey)09:02
Madpilotdealt with09:02
topyliMyrtti! alive and well09:26
* mneptok raises a dessicated arm in zombie greeting09:52
rwwHello. |604| in #ubuntu has a script that's responding to !ping with a CTCP PING request.10:27
MenZaWhy is #ubuntu-art +i?10:52
elkyMenZa, because it redirects to -artwork?10:56
MenZaThanks elky10:57
* elky pats MenZa10:57
MenZa[2010-03-04 10:52:01 GMT] [freenode] *** Cannot join to channel #ubuntu-art (You must be invited)10:57
MenZais what I got10:57
elkyit didn't forward?10:58
bazhangMenZa, you have +Q on?10:58
MenZaI was already in the channel.10:58
Myrttithat's normal then10:58
MenZaI just have so many I tend to /join to make it bounce to the channel10:58
* MenZa steals elky's pizza.11:21
jpdsHmm, pizza.11:44
Mamarokjep, pizza sounds good :)11:45
Mamarokbut my bf bought one with mushrooms which I don't like on pizzas :(11:46
* persia has an olives-only pizza tonight11:46
elkyCrazymethjesus, oh hi there.12:16
Crazymethjesusare you a fag??12:17
Crazymethjesuswhy am i on this gay channel??12:17
elkySure whatever. I see there's no point in trying to discuss if you're likely to behave better than yesterday.12:17
* Myrtti feels ashamed for her compatriot12:17
elkyI had several sentances typed out and everything, but he had to go ruin it.12:18
Myrttiwas it a banforward?12:18
elkyPlease upgrade.12:18
elkyYep. nick based iirc12:18
elkythanks :)12:47
mneptokwe're gay? i didn't get the memo, and am traveling. could someone break the news to my wife in a calm and understanding manner?13:36
persiamneptok: She's known for years.13:40
mneptokpersia: unlikely, given my terrible wardrobe and her tolerance of it.13:42
* persia is unable to continue the banter in accordance with the standing guidelines13:44
PiciLet me take a look at our records, one moment.14:47
PiciAlienDK: Do you remember why you were banned?14:50
AlienDKNot the exact reason. But I was pretty being an asshole or maybe I was offtopic or something.14:50
AlienDK** pretty == probably14:51
AlienDKtypo >.>14:51
PiciAlienDK: Are you aware of our channel guidelines and the purpose of #ubuntu?14:57
AlienDKWell, I guess the purpose of #ubuntu is support for Ubuntu14:57
AlienDKand I'll read the guidelines14:59
PiciI'd just like to remind you that everyone has their own opinions of what the *best* tool to use for things, and theres no need to force your own ideals on others.15:04
AlienDKI know :(15:04
PiciAlienDK: Please keep that in mind when you're in #ubuntu.  If there is a next time, we won't be as lenient.15:05
AlienDKFair enough15:06
PiciThe ban has been lifted.15:07
AlienDKthank you :)15:07
persiaIf only every ban lifting could be so simple.15:07
knomei'd rather just not have to ban people in the first place ;)15:08
MenZaWe'd almost be obsolete.15:08
MenZaheh, yeah15:08
MenZaThat would be better.15:08
PiciI have a feeling that we'll be seeing this guy again though :/15:09
kkathmanGood day folks15:20
cyberbluntzHey, why is ubuntu shipping a kismet version from 08?!15:32
Mamarokcyberbluntz: what can we help you with?15:34
Picicyberbluntz: I think you have the wrong channel, this isn't a support channel.15:34
cyberbluntzumm you can help me with updating the packages?15:37
cyberbluntzhow to file bug15:38
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
* MenZa ideas.15:52
MenZaMeh, nevermind. It was silly anyway.15:52
* Mamarok is off to work, bbl16:37
jussi01Now, that feels much better.16:41
jussi01Sauna is an amazing thing.. :D Especially a wood fired sauna with only candle/natural outside light.16:42
geniiHm "<xae8koo> Does ubuntu have a built in gui to encrypt porn?"16:44
jussi01he could have just said videos...16:45
Picior pictures16:45
Picior.. meh. I'm giving up on the joke16:47
ubottuvorian called the ops in #ubuntu-meeting (StupidStudios)16:50
* genii scrounges up a real coffee, sips it furtively in the corner where his doctor can't see18:47
ubottuSpaceGhostC2C called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (soa)18:47
* genii slides jussi01 a coffee18:49
* knome tickles genii from the armpit18:49
geniiknome: Careful, i may spill hot coffee on you!18:49
knomeoops, now the coffee is all over you and the floor18:50
ubottuSpaceGhostC2C called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (soa)19:06
SpaceGhostC2CHey, I was just wondering if we could get someone to watch a user named soa in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel.19:08
MenZaSpaceGhostC2C: Don't worry, we've got our eyes on the channel.19:08
SpaceGhostC2CHe keeps trolling and being really annoying. I think topyli is on it.19:08
MenZaHe is. :)19:08
SpaceGhostC2CI guess I was wondering why it was cool for soa to troll me and others, and not be talked to.19:10
topyliit is not cool, don't worry about it19:11
* MenZa snuggles topyli 19:11
SpaceGhostC2Ctopyli, thanks bro. I wasn't trying to attack you. I was trying to make light of it and ask for help without coming to #ubuntu-ops.19:12
ubottuIn ubottu, yofel said: plymouth is Plymouth is the boot splash used in Lucid Lynx 10.04, for more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/Plymouth19:13
topyligood, good. long as nobody attacks nobody, i'm happy enough19:13
* MenZa nods sagely.19:14
SpaceGhostC2CNow mah record is hasing a tarnished.19:14
* SpaceGhostC2C cries in corner.19:14
SpaceGhostC2Clater though.19:14
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (DanS)19:43
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from donvito)20:00
Younderhi all22:27
YounderI seem to have a issue with rm -r /22:28
Younderthe all erasor22:28
ikoniaerrr ? you do know this is #ubuntu-ops, not #ubuntu22:28
Younderyes, I am sendt here22:28
ikoniawhy ?22:29
ikoniathis isn't a support channel22:29
YounderI am a expert Linux user. using warious Nixen for 20 + years22:29
ikoniaso why are you telling us this ?22:30
ikoniaeg: what do you need from the operators in this channel ?22:30
Younderdisipline ?22:30
ikoniaI'm sorry, I'm not following. Do you need anything from the operators ?22:31
Younderno, go on22:31
ikoniaif you don't need anything from us, there is a no idle policy on the channel, however you're welcome to rejoin if you do need something from us22:32
Younderwell I'm idle22:32
ikoniaplease don't, unless you need something from us22:32
Younderwhat do you do?22:33
ikoniain what respect22:33
Younderdo you fix stuff?22:33
topyliYounder, were you redirected here from another channel? were you perhaps banned in #ubuntu?22:33
Youndertopyli, yes22:33
topyliYounder, do you know why? would you like to fix it?22:34
YounderI made a lude remark on rm -r / and spring cleaning :)22:34
ikoniaperhaps mentioning this when I asked if you needed anything would be helpful22:35
topylithat will easily get you removed, yes. also, it's not a very appropriate place for smileys22:35
Younderwhatwever. it was ajoke22:35
Younderit was!22:37
topylias you can see, it is not considered a joke on ubuntu channels22:37
Younderyou take this all to seriosly.22:37
Younderwell it is obvious. To me there is no great revelation.22:38
topyliif you say so. we try and keep the channels safe and nice22:38
YounderAnd you are aying I am not a safe member?22:38
topylii'm saying harmful commands are harmful22:38
YounderI have helped over 200 peple so far..22:38
YounderThis is my first and my last22:39
topylithat would be nice22:40
Younderlook i genuinly appologise for my rm thing. It won't happen again.22:41
topylii'm wondering why you couldn't join #ubuntu though, i can't find any ban22:41
Younderit's still there22:41
ikoniaYounder: what message do you get when you try to join22:43
YounderCannot join #ubuntu (You are banned).22:43
ikoniafound it22:44
ikoniaI've removed the ban22:45

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