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cjohnstonnewz2000: pre-meeting meeting question.. you can answer during the meeting though.. are teams going to be required to stick to the template provided?16:12
newz2000I may be one or two min late, will be close though16:23
cjohnstonok.. my dad is over.. so ping me when your ready16:23
newz2000cjohnston: I'm here but I can delay for a bit if needed16:31
cjohnstonnewz2000: is 1200 est ok? sorry16:41
cjohnstonif not, i can start now16:41
newz2000yep, that's fine16:41
newz2000so in about 20m?16:41
cjohnstonok.. yes16:41
cjohnstonnewz2000: he just left.. so im ready whenever16:45
newz2000ok, lets go16:45
newz2000To answer your question, I think that yes, they need to use it unless we give them permission to change that16:46
newz2000and I can discuss this with the community council to make it a policy16:46
* newz2000 adds that to his todo list16:46
* newz2000 will check to see if the community council even needs to be involved16:47
cjohnstonSo you were wanting to talk about the tecnical side of this?16:49
newz2000You'll have to forgive me, I'm a bit sick and my head is not working at normal speed16:50
cjohnstonno problem..16:50
newz2000cjohnston: Do you know what I mean when I refer to the "critical path" in project management?16:50
newz2000it is the parts of the project, and their order, that must be completed for the project to be a success16:51
newz2000(and cannot be cut out)16:51
cjohnstonsounds logical enough16:51
newz2000So we need to define the critical parts and decide the order and dates that they will be done16:51
newz2000You start. :-)16:52
cjohnstonso things like url structure, template, gather resources.. stuff like that?16:53
cjohnstonand then obvoiusly code16:53
cjohnstonuggh.. wiki16:54
newz2000yeah, we're still getting slashdotted16:54
cjohnstonWell.. URL structure needs to be near the top...16:54
cjohnstonbut that should be pretty easy16:54
newz2000I think that the URL structure can make the life of the js devs easier or harder depending on if it's well planned or not16:55
cjohnstonthere are two main parts of the project, that can be done at the same time or seperate are the coding and the gathering of resources/actual localizing..16:55
cjohnstonsince we determined last week that we dont really need the translations to code16:56
cjohnstonI understand what your saying, but I don't know how... ;-)16:56
newz2000It may be appropriate to set up a meeting for people interested in the technical side.16:57
newz2000Some of the outcomes of that meeting should be:16:58
newz2000 a. Agree on a URL structure16:58
newz2000 b. Find out who will actually do the code16:58
newz2000 c. ???16:58
newz2000 d. Profit16:58
newz2000scratch that last one. ;-)16:59
cjohnstonby url structure, are you meaning something like w.u.c/Local/en_US?17:00
newz2000I think coming to that point implies some actual technical discussions about how the code will actually work17:01
newz2000So it might be good to start it on the mailing list17:02
newz2000the next part of the critical path will be...17:03
cjohnstonSo basically if the browser choice is es_MX then it would look for Local/es_MX, and if es_MX doesnt exist it would look for /Local/es?17:03
newz2000That seems to make sense to me17:03
newz2000Is the next step to create the Template to be localized?17:04
cjohnstonPrior to that there needs to be a template..17:04
cjohnstonBut the template shouldnt be required prior to code.. nor code prior to template17:04
cjohnstonSince I cant work on the wiki.. http://etherpad.com/SoCfQHOdCn17:06
cjohnstonmy notes17:06
cjohnstonIs it possible to have two critical path's.. one translation side and one code side?17:07
cjohnstonpossible is probably the wrong word.. valid I guess may be a better one17:08
newz2000we can do it however we want17:08
cjohnstonOn the technical side, I will definatly need help.. I'm sure that more needs to be added than just write code, test, implement17:10
newz2000well, what is needed from you is leadership17:10
newz2000so set dates, write emails, do follow up17:10
newz2000I am at your disposal, so think of me as a resource17:12
cjohnstonShould I leave the technical path until the meeting with the people interested and let them help determine what it should be?17:13
newz2000I would start like this...17:14
newz2000let's focus on the technical path first, getting it started17:14
newz2000then once it's rolling start the template and then the localization17:14
newz2000we'll need cooperation between teams for that17:14
newz2000A good way to start would be to have a kick-off email to start discussions17:15
newz2000give an overview of the project, ask for specific help, and then start the planning for a meeting17:15
cjohnstonis there a preferred language for this? js... anything else?17:18
newz2000js, definitely17:18
cjohnstoncompletely in js?17:19
cjohnstonI'll start writing the email now.. but not going to send out until I get back from vacation.17:20
cjohnstonwere you going to still send an email announcing the project and me as the leader? i think you had mentioned that at one point17:21
newz2000oh yeah, I can do that17:23
newz2000I will do that17:24
newz2000when do you come back from vacation?17:24
cjohnstonNext Saturday.. the 13th is when I actually come back17:24
* newz2000 checks his cal17:25
newz2000I will probably announce a week from tomorrow then17:26
cjohnstonand I'll shoot for the day after I get abck for my email17:26
newz2000Should we adjourn our meeting?17:27
cjohnstonsure. :-)17:27
* newz2000 goes to take a nap17:31
cjohnstonthat sounds fun17:32
cjohnstonthe wiki is driving me nut18:29
jamaltahi there!19:13
cjohnstonhey jamalta19:14
cjohnstonnewz2000: i forwarded you an email from jamalta... :-)19:14
jamaltajust to confirm, ubuntu.com is on drupal, right?19:15
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk

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