
aquariusdirecthex, making mad progress there, huh? :)00:49
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directhexis there any chance of adding some more metadata to the preview_mp3 event? It looks sucky to have "now playing: you only live twice by unknown artist"08:27
directhexy'know, a little "const gchar *artist" would be swell.08:35
directhexand i don't use words like "swell" lightly!08:35
directhexmorning rodrigo_08:36
aquariusdirecthex, how's it going?09:09
directhexaquarius, good. i have the PreviewMP3 signal connected fine, albeit without any artist, which looks a bit lame09:10
directhexaquarius, which leaves the PlayLibrary stuff I'm not sure at all about09:10
aquariusdirecthex, ah, does previewmp3 not send the artist09:11
directhexaquarius, no. in libubuntuone/u1-music-store.h the only properties on the signal are  the url and title.09:13
aquariusright, that's probably because that's all RB needs. We're happy to change that, though :)09:13
aquariusah, no we're not. We only pass those becuase that's all we get from 7digital, iirc09:14
aquariusya, indeed, that's all we get from 7digital.09:15
aquariusit'd be possible to parse the page and work out more, but that's shonky and doom. Could you file a bug about it, though? I mean, I'll probably wishlist it, but it'd be cool to do it at some point. :)09:15
aquariusplaylibrary is not totally complete yet, so it's a little hard to test09:16
directhexyeah, and i can't buy stuff either09:16
directhexoh, fwiw, my z-ordering issue with searches also happens in rhythmbox09:16
aquariuswhat that's for is...when you buy a song, and it appears in the My Downloads section and finishes downloading, you can click its name there; that fires the playlibrary signal with the URL of the mp3, which RB catches and then switches to the song view, selects that song, and starts it playing09:17
duanedesignaquarius: how long (aprox.) do you think you will have your Rhythmbox PlugIn session outline and slides posted?09:17
aquariusduanedesign, for ever09:17
aquariuscool URIs don't break09:18
aquariusdirecthex, you can't buy songs? let's debug that, then :) What happens?09:18
directhexaquarius, checkout link goes to "coming soon" page. i guess there's another env var i need to set09:19
duanedesignrye: you mentioned your  blog post, the One that describes what Ubuntu One is. I think something like that would be a good addition to the wiki.10:07
ryeduanedesign, hm...10:09
duanedesignrye: the 'Technical Details is nice. Just maybe a bit over the head of the average person?10:09
duanedesignTechnical Details = https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/TechnicalDetails10:10
ryeduanedesign, heh, it took me a lot of time to understand how these are related (things that are mentioned in technical details) :)10:11
* rye has 3 issues with lucid - 1. /home might not mount and that hangs boot, 2. kvm guests do not start and 3. desktopcouch-service segfaults... nice.10:12
ryebut I have working IPv6 from boot with NetworkManager... that's really awesome :)10:13
duanedesignrye: i have been wanting to uupgrade to Lucid. I almost did it thin=s morning'10:14
duanedesigni  keep talking myself out of it. Though most the feedback seems to say it is fairly stable10:15
ryeduanedesign, erm... yeah... fairly :)10:15
ryeduanedesign, kvm boot - http://paste.ubuntu.com/388187/10:17
duanedesignrye: heh, gotta have your VM's10:27
ryeduanedesign, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand10:29
duanedesignrye: i saw that10:29
duanedesigni like it10:29
duanedesigna few things could be 'tweaked' but the direction is good. IMHO10:30
ryewow, buttons are now at the left... I won't close anything accidentally now just because it is at top right corner... hm... I like that... It is so... sweet :)10:31
duanedesignrye: with Single Sign On it is no longer a requirement to have a Launchpad account to use Ubuntu One?10:31
ryeduanedesign, no, that is no longer required10:31
ryeduanedesign, I have 3 sso accounts and they feel happy10:31
duanedesignok, just making sure :)10:32
duanedesigni have a couchdb book i have to finish today..10:32
zetheroohi there10:32
ryeduanedesign, yeah, I wanted to make sure that SSO works... earlier.. now I can't use my @canonical/@ubuntu addresses until the bug is fixed :)10:32
zetherooI cannot get ubuntu one to connect10:32
ryeduanedesign, for mailing lists10:32
zetherooI had it working before but now its doing nothing10:33
zetheroolittle white x in a red box on the icon10:33
ryezetheroo, could you please paste the contents of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log to http://paste.ubuntu.com ?10:33
duanedesignrye: whaats the bug?10:34
duanedesignrye: signing up for an SSO account messed up your LP account?10:35
ryeduanedesign, if you add your email in SSO that won't appear on launchpad, but if you try to add that email on launchpad, launchpad oopses. And it is impossible to removed confirmed SSO E-Mails at the moment.10:35
zetheroorye: ^10:36
ryezetheroo, hm, it looks like you need to click connect menu item in the ubuntuone applet10:37
zetherooI have done that over 30 times today10:37
zetherooit just keeps saying "Disconnected"10:37
ryezetheroo, and no reaction?... hmmm10:37
ryezetheroo, ok, let's try it this way - quit the applet completely then start ubuntuone-client-applet from the terminal10:38
ryeit might print something useful10:38
zetherooI quit it10:38
zetherooopened it from terminal10:39
zetherooI clicked on it and a browser window opened10:39
zetheroobutton "Yes, sign me in"10:39
zetheroois it going to open a browser every time I want to connect?10:40
zetheroook ... add this computer ... I thought I did this before10:40
zetherooUbuntu One is now updating your files10:41
zetherooso I am connected via the browser ... but the applet still has the x on it10:42
zetherooshould I pastebin the terminal outputs?10:42
ryezetheroo, if that prints anything - sure! It should not actually print anything so that might give more info10:43
zetheroonow i clicked on connect and the x turned into a cloud ... so I guess it's connected ...10:44
zetheroowill I have to do all that stuff in FF every time I want to connect Ubuntu One?10:44
ryezetheroo, what release are you using?10:45
zetherooKarmic (64bit)10:45
ryezetheroo, I mean ubuntu release10:45
ryezetheroo, could you please paste the "Installed" string from apt-cache policy desktopcouch ?10:46
zetheroooh ... how do i do that?10:46
ryein the terminal - apt-cache policy desktopcouch10:46
ryezetheroo, ^ that will show what is installed, what is the candidate for installation and where it all came from10:47
zetheroosomeone was saying there was a ppa for ubuntu one ...10:48
ryezetheroo, ok... so, the reason is that desktopcouch (which is the database where your contact/notes are) has not started successfully previously...10:49
ryezetheroo, there is PPA but I would not recommend to use it at this point - there are unresolved issues with Shared folders that are fixed in trunk but there are major changes in the code (e.g. UDF support) that require new type of metadata storage. Once metadata is updated one will not be able to return to previous version of ubuntuone easily10:50
ryegrrr... I need my Karmic VM... I need my Lucid vm.. Heh, I even need my Jaunty vm... Awesome.... Solaris boots fine, even Haiku boots fine. Only linux fails to boot in current kvm... :'-(10:53
ryeduanedesign, I know what we need to do, we need to append something like "When your bug is marked as a duplicate, you become a subscriber of the other bug report and you will start receiving all messages that are related to the original bug report."11:09
ryesomething like that11:09
zetheroorye: sorry ... I was called away to sort out a issue on another machine running linux ...11:28
zetherooso I should be fine now? .. with that Ubuntu One database thingy11:28
* rye is having technical difficulties with his ISP and has limited internet connection11:52
zetheroorye: where are you?12:14
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ryezetheroo, sorry - had ISP disconnected - repeating my reply...12:40
ryezetheroo, that may happen again, there is an issue with desktopcouch currently that may prevent contact/notes replication from working. There is a workaround for that12:40
ryezetheroo, - you may want to add this to the autostarted applications http://paste.ubuntu.com/388246/ - this is just a script that will try to find out what port couchdb database is running at. This will in turn call desktopcouch properly so that replication is started properly12:43
zetheroook ... so i save that to a text file12:44
zetheroorye: whats the command to run it at startup12:45
ryezetheroo, System/Preferences/Startup Applications12:45
duanedesignrye: there was one bug report that for whatever reason, I did the steps out of order. Meaning i marked it as a duplicate then changed the status and commented. So a I accidentally sent quite a few people an email.12:56
duanedesignI was not sure if that bug was what promted your comment above12:57
duanedesignrye: but i agree that will clear up any confusion in the future12:59
ryeduanedesign, no, not that - one guy said Stop mailing me or smth like this for all the bug reports he had (that were turned into duplicates) and another one replied that "I don't think that you are writing to me" to the bug report.13:02
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ryeduanedesign, do you happen to know where are the standard responses are stored for bug reports? I find myself reinventing the response every time... Even for duplicates...13:19
ryeand still, that sentence might need to be checked for correctness by some native speaker of English.13:20
zetheroorye: sorry, about that file you sent me ... I copied the text into gedit and save it as "Ubuntu One" in zeth/Public/  ... then i went to the Startup Applications tool and added a new entry with the command field being zeth/Public/UbuntuOne    ... will this do it?13:20
ryezetheroo, yes, just make sure it has executable permissions - i.e. chmod 0755 or in Nautilus via permissions tab13:21
zetheroooh ok13:22
ryezetheroo, you can check whether that works by opening the terminal, going to the folder you have stored the file and type ./executable-name (e.g. ./UbuntuOne13:23
zetheroook I'll do that'13:23
zetherooFound desktopcouch at port 4687013:24
zetheroothat good?13:24
duanedesignrye: yes13:25
ryezetheroo, that is very good :)13:26
zetheroonice ... thanks13:26
duanedesignrye: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses13:26
ryezetheroo, that thing currently does not work on Lucid Lynx alpha, that's why I said "very good" :)13:26
zetherooso the command for startup does not need to have the ./    ?13:26
ryezetheroo, no, the command for startup should have the full path and it will be ok.13:30
zetheroook ... thanks again13:31
ryezetheroo, you can test that it works by logging out then logging in and check that desktopcouch-service process is running via system monitor13:31
ryezetheroo, you are very welcome, if you have any issues - feel free to tell us about that13:31
zetheroowill do :)13:32
rye:'-(... aptitude crashes..13:55
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Ngshould file syncing be working in lucid atm?14:19
Ngah, I think it connected this time14:20
Ngtomboy is failing to sync though14:20
Ngand do we not get a panel applet anymore saying when it's doing something? I can see sync events from when I connected just now, but there was nothing in the panel14:22
duanedesignNg: no the applet is gone in Lucid14:22
Ngduanedesign: oh14:23
Ngso when I'm on 3G and paying per MB for a slow connection, I have no way to notice that it's doing stuff and quickly disable it? :(14:23
duanedesignNg: there is plans to replace it with something14:27
duanedesignNg: in the meantime ther has been a bunch of cool commands added to u1sdtool14:28
duanedesignNg: iin a Terminal you can use u1sdtool -c (connect) u1sdtool -d (disconnect) -q (quit) -s (start)14:33
Ngyeah that does seem to have a bunch of interesting options14:33
CardinalFangA program that listens to DBus could do a lot, too.  (If you're programatically inclined.)14:33
ryeCardinalFang, hm... if syncdaemon emits signals on upload... hmmmm... duanedesign, you know what I'll do now :)14:42
duanedesignawesome! got my status.net private beta invite:) http://duanedesign.status.net/15:17
ryeduanedesign, is that only $nick.status.net from identi.ca/$nick or there are other things as well?15:25
duanedesignrye: whatever nick you sign up with....i believe15:27
ryeduanedesign, no, i mean private beta means they are testing something interesting, right?15:28
duanedesignrye: havent had much time to mess with it.15:33
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