
eager_guycan anyone help me with boot problem after partial update01:40
dreamer_I'm not familiar with grub2, Just did an install of lucid, and installed linux-rt, how do I set it as the default kernel, grub2 docs are a nightmare compared to configuring grub03:03
Semitonesis it possible to install just the rt kernel and tweaks? I just want to have seamless playback on this old computer (currently it stuttersr when the CPU is under load)04:27
rlameiroSemitones: I think so04:28
rlameirosearch for it on synaptic04:29
Semitoneswould they be the same package on synaptic, or two different ones?04:29
rlameiroyou will have headers and the kernel itself04:32
rlameiroits possible to exist diferent versions of it04:32
edakiriHow can everything be set to the default ubuntu look after installing?08:21
edakirior while installing?08:38
* kosmita poszedł10:47
AndillusionHi There... is someone watching?13:47
AndillusionHi Awe...14:21
aweAndillusion, hi14:21
aweI'm in the middle of a conf call...14:22
Andillusionuhh... okay... then i better not disturb you... have fun conferencing.14:22
jussi01Andillusion: best just to ask your question and wwait15:00
Andillusionokay then... i'll give it a try...15:00
AndillusionMy question is about compatible Sound-Devices...15:01
AndillusionIs there a Compatibility list like the one on www.ffado.org  for USB Devices?15:01
AndillusionThey are (normally) used via ASLA, isn't it?15:02
Andillusionwhat devices are you using?15:29
duncanidaho1I have ubuntu 9.10 64-bit.  I'm using gnome, and I just decided to install kubuntu-desktop.  When I logout and switch to the KDE environment things get a little wierd.  I login in fine.  I hear and see KDE art.  but then I have no desktop wallpaper and no taskbars.  Gnome-Do opens up as well as Google Gadgets as they are in my startup list.  I also noticed it does not connect to the internet when in a KDE session.  Any i16:58

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