
necrodeariaIf upon logging into user desktop environment selecting xfce, a user is brought back to gui login screen due to xfce not working, what log files are there to determine what is wrong?01:11
tamranI have a question regarding the panel.  In gnome, you can right click the icon in the menu and click "add to panel".  Is there an easy way like this in xfce, or do I have to add a launcher for each item separately?01:54
* likemindead loves the new look Ubuntu has.02:11
likemindeadAny idea if Xubuntu will have a new look too?02:11
pleia2they are working on a new website and logo02:14
pleia2dunno about themes though02:14
EndlessNamelesspersonally i think its current look is pretty cool.02:15
EndlessNamelessand with karmic it got a little nicer looking.02:15
likemindeadFor sure.02:15
likemindeadI'm still using Dusk. It's a bit darker, which I like.02:15
likemindeadAlbatross isn't too shabby, though.02:16
tamrandoes anyone know what "button fill" does in emerald theme manager?02:27
likemindeadHaven't used Emerald in a looong time; sorry.02:29
Presario2500why does XChat startup everytime I start up Xubuntu?02:51
likemindeadIs it in your startup sessions settings?02:52
Presario2500how do I check?02:52
likemindeadSettings --> Sessions & Startup02:52
Presario2500under the "application autostart" tab?02:53
likemindeadYeah. I had to check.02:54
Presario2500no, I don't even see it in there02:54
likemindeadBack on the General tab, is "Automatically save sessions on logout" checked?02:54
likemindeadThat'll do it to. I always uncheck that one.02:54
Presario2500no, its not checked02:54
likemindeadHmm... :-\02:55
likemindeadUnderpants Gnomes?02:55
Presario2500whats that mean?02:55
Presario2500I only been using Xubuntu like 1 week02:55
likemindeadI'm sure there's a simple answer, but I'm not sure what it is.02:55
Presario2500what should I do?02:56
likemindeadClose it when it opens? ;-)02:56
likemindeadTry posting your query on (after first searching) ubuntuforums.org !02:56
likemindeadGreat place, that.02:57
Presario2500ok i'll try that thanks02:57
kj4hello all04:04
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Balsaqgood morning Executive Code Administrators.09:36
knomehey Balsaq09:46
Balsaqhowdy knome09:46
knomeBalsaq, i pretty much might be interested in http://open.knome.fi/2010/03/03/new-ubuntu-branding/09:46
Balsaqhmmm checking it out09:46
Sysiso mac09:47
knomeSysi, that's only the ubuntu desktop theme they are showing off there.09:48
Sysii know09:48
Sysii trust that you wouldn't do anything like that :)09:49
Balsaqi see the new xubuntu lettring and mouse icon09:49
knomeprobably not09:49
Sysieven though that's better than original os x09:49
Sysii'd like to do gtk theme myself, hopefully there's tutorial somewhere09:52
Balsaqhmmm lef ta comment and it says i have to enable java?09:53
knomeBalsaq, wait!09:53
knomeBalsaq, ;)09:53
Balsaqdid it go thru?09:54
knomeforgot to disable the plugin...09:54
knomelet me see ;)09:54
Balsaqhoefully it sort of stays on hold and then come thru09:54
knomeBalsaq, approved09:54
Balsaqcool is it in?09:54
Balsaqill go back09:54
Balsaqyee hah09:55
Balsaqi am famous!09:55
knomeBalsaq, did you have a link to the mouse you draw again?09:55
knomei can present that for our team + the design team09:55
Balsaqummm i have it on you tube...but i will have to go in and make it public again09:55
knomewe are still considering what would the final logo be like :)09:56
Balsaqopps mispelled...09:57
Balsaqcan i fix it?09:57
knomei can09:58
Balsaqcool...ialways try to type too fast09:59
knomeBalsaq, is it fine now?09:59
Balsaqwhew perfect thanks10:00
Balsaqare they gonna do some cool xubuntu PC stickers?10:01
knomewe have to print those ourselves10:01
knomeor find a partner10:01
Balsaqubuntu does it right?10:02
Balsaqcause they sent me some with my 1st distro10:02
knomeyup. ubuntu, kubuntu and edubuntu get the stuff, afaik10:02
Balsaqthere are more buntus in the works now huh..are you involved in any of them?10:03
* Psilocybin_Elf wants some Xubuntu stickers!!!10:03
Balsaqme too...10:03
knomenot exactly, but i pretty much collaborated with the guys from the other derivatives in london10:04
Psilocybin_ElfMight get some Xubuntu tee-shirts printed off...10:04
Balsaqi wonder what is fast xubuntu or lubuntu10:04
Psilocybin_ElfLubuntu uses LXDE or BlackBox?10:04
knomelubuntu MIGHT be faster, but xubuntu has more features10:04
knomePsilocybin_Elf, lxde10:04
Psilocybin_ElfI don't like the look of Lxde10:04
Balsaqmight try it on my sub 1 gig processors10:05
Balsaqi like xubuntu on my 1 gig and up units10:05
Psilocybin_ElfI'm hopefully gonna install Xubuntu on my bro's 2GB laptop10:05
Balsaqxubuntu is my favorite no doubt10:05
* Psilocybin_Elf nods.10:05
* Psilocybin_Elf loves XFCE.10:05
Balsaqwhoah 2 gig on xubuntu...rocket10:05
Psilocybin_ElfI know10:06
Psilocybin_ElfI'm looking foward to testing it10:06
Psilocybin_ElfHe has Vista on there atm10:06
Balsaqi have it on a 2.4 512 rdram and it flies10:06
Sysii have xubuntu with 2g, i'm gonna have more if i install windows10:06
Psilocybin_ElfI'm on 470MB RAM10:07
Psilocybin_ElfNice & breezy for most tasks10:07
Balsaqwonder if  i could put it beside my w7 on my new lapper without messin it up10:07
Psilocybin_ElfIs it hard to partition it with W7?10:07
Balsaqif i got it on my laptop it would be running oon an i5 dual core HT turbo with 4 gig ddr3 ram!10:08
Sysiwin-guy said it is, i say it isn't10:08
Balsaqi'd go for it if someone stood bye for when i get stuck10:08
Balsaqbut i got a feeling w7 will mess it all up10:09
Psilocybin_ElfHoly drok!10:09
Balsaqcan you imagine it10:10
Balsaqthe computer would prolly blow up!10:10
* Psilocybin_Elf grins! :-D10:12
Psilocybin_ElfThe way computers should be...10:12
Psilocybin_Elfwithout all that bloatware baggage10:12
Balsaqi know10:13
Balsaqi would like start a compay that builds laptops that feature xubuntu10:13
* Psilocybin_Elf nods.10:14
Psilocybin_ElfAwesome idea!10:15
Balsaqit would be cool because all you would need would be a 50.00 dollar intel 5200 cpu and a gig or 2 of inexpensive ram and it would sail10:15
Psilocybin_ElfWith Flash, codecs, etc pre-installed10:15
Psilocybin_ElfThat would blow people's minds away!10:15
Psilocybin_ElfI would buy one fo sure!!!10:15
Balsaqyou see...like the OS itself,,,make em lean and mean.10:15
Balsaqlike all the same size, all the same color...it make s them cost less...for example everyone is...say 15 inch screen10:16
* Psilocybin_Elf nods.10:16
Psilocybin_ElfMine is 15" monitor10:16
Balsaqno fat do everything for quality but also so it cost very little10:16
Psilocybin_Elfdoes me fine10:16
* Psilocybin_Elf nods.10:17
Balsaqtry to get them down to 300 bucks10:17
Balsaqmine is 15.610:17
Psilocybin_ElfIs there a way to easily config dual monitors in Xubuntu?10:17
Psilocybin_ElfI read it's possible in Gnome10:17
knomeBalsaq, the computer would pretty much not blow up ;)10:19
Balsaqit would simply take off...like a  UFO10:20
knomemind you, i have more than 4GB and my pc still sits in the floor10:26
Psilocybin_ElfAre you using Xubuntu on it?10:27
knomePsilocybin_Elf, of course.10:27
Balsaqi have one entire desktop dedicated to xubuntu and a 19 inch monitor hp printer...hard wired wit DSL.10:30
knomei have a legion of computers dedicated to xubuntu :P10:32
Balsaqinitially, i was trying distro after distro..must of had 7-8 going, now i realize i am better off concentrationg on my 3 favorites.10:40
* knome goes watching monty python10:40
Psilocybin_ElfXubuntu all the way!10:53
Psilocybin_ElfHehe: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Xubuntu11:42
Psilocybin_Elf'Xfce is really just GNOME on crack.'11:42
deathcannon"But, hey, it's the good kind of crack, so no foul there."12:24
Balsaqits a long way.....14:05
Balsaqto the top.....14:05
Balsaqif you wanna rock-n-roll !!!14:05
subspiderhello charlie-tca17:36
subspidercan you help me takeing out amd water mark??17:37
charlie-tcaNo, I don't know how to do that.17:37
charlie-tcaHaven't you given up on that idea yet?17:38
subspiderno charlie-tca it's irritating having that thing on the corner17:44
Kangarooohow can i know whats the proccess name in menu. i installed programm but i dont know whats its process name. im looking in xfce-applications.menu and theres <Name>Development</Name>        <Directory>xfce-development.directory</Directory>        <Include>           <Category>Development</Category>17:56
charlie-tcaYou can look in /usr/share/applications and see if it is there.18:06
charlie-tcaThe name will be the one listed after exec=18:06
knomeKangarooo, which app did you install?18:10
Kangarooodogtail but to report correct report i need to make ubuntu-bug to correct process18:14
charlie-tcaubuntu-bug dogtail18:14
Kangaroooi installed from Add/Remove so i wasnt able to see correct name18:16
Kangaroooand ubuntu-bug dogtail shows Package dogtail does not exist18:16
charlie-tcaKangarooo: it is just "ubuntu-bug SOURCE_PACKAGE"18:16
charlie-tcaWhat was the old bug number again?18:17
knomecharlie-tca, bug #118:17
charlie-tcalet me look a minute18:17
charlie-tcaThat's because dogtail doesn't exist in 9.1018:18
charlie-tcamr_pouit: why does it tell me dogtail doesn't exist when the package report shows it should be dogtail 0.6.1-3ubuntu3 ?18:19
KangaroooExec=dogtail-sniff but strange that its installed for me and also strange that tab didnt show possible full names18:20
Kangaroooin terminal18:20
charlie-tcaI agree. The package does exist18:21
Kangarooobut my terminal thinks its not installed with tab it doesnt shows possible names18:21
Kangaroooops. when using ubuntu-bug dogt tab. when just dogt tab it shows posibilities18:22
charlie-tcatry using ubuntu-bug python-dogtail18:23
Kangarooowell thats a new bug. or 2 couse ubuntu-bug shows package not18:23
faronhllo evrybody.good morn to you all18:23
charlie-tcadid it work?18:23
knomegood morning faron18:23
Kangaroooyes it work. something.18:23
charlie-tcaGood, what number?18:24
faronhey there knome ol buddy how ar ya ?18:24
Kangaroooi remember that 1year ago it was called python-dogtail18:24
knomefaron, i'm fine, eating buns18:24
faronand charlie18:24
faronand kanga too the gangs al;l herre18:24
charlie-tcaYeah, Kangarooo. That is the binary, instead of the source package18:24
faronwho's buns ? ha ha18:24
faronI know stupid joke18:24
Kangaroooubuntu-bugs report also opened in FF18:25
Kangarooowait ill put report to same bug18:25
charlie-tcaThat is right. Let me know the bug number, I don't know when they will fix it, though. It looks like dogtail is low on the list of priorities.18:25
faronOkay.my issue of the day... I would like to go thu  my sys somehow maybe via syn & see whts instll on this & remove evrything not needed..............18:26
Kangaroooloo what i just found about dogtail http://lwn.net/Articles/356280/18:26
Kangarooo0.7 versin18:26
Kangarooocharlie-tca: i choose the same bug report and files didnt added.18:28
farona friend installed this OS & cpu & mem use is just too high Is there  a list of things somewhere for xubuntu that is installed by default that is absolutely needed & maybe a list of things somewhere that I could safely remove ?18:28
charlie-tcaYeah, you need to use ubuntu-bug python-dogtail 530064 to get them to add themselves18:28
Kangaroooand heres what terminal showing me. (firefox:6629): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times (firefox:6629): atk-bridge-WARNING **: AT_SPI_REGISTRY was not started at session startup. (firefox:6629): atk-bridge-WARNING **: IOR not set. (firefox:6629): atk-bridge-WARNING **: Could not locate registry18:29
faronhope that wasn't too long ..sorry abou that all18:29
charlie-tcaKangarooo: Not sure what that is.18:29
charlie-tcawill you try the dogtail thing again with the bug number after the package?18:29
Kangaroooits from executing ubunt-bug python-dogtail18:30
charlie-tcaWithout the number, it will make a new report18:30
charlie-tcaKangarooo: Now I can forward the dogtail bugs to upstream. Thank you very much18:33
Kangaroooubuntu-bug python-dogtail 530064 not working  terminal give me Usage: /usr/bin/ubuntu-bug <pid>|<symptom name>|<package name>|<program path>|<.crash file>18:36
Kangaroooi was recording screen for bug report about launchpad..18:36
Kangarooocharlie-tca: ubuntu-bug python-dogtail 530064 not working18:40
charlie-tcaI see. and the bug tracker at fedora won't let me in18:40
Kangarooomaybe i ubuntu-bug ubuntu-bug ?18:41
charlie-tcaI am asking in #dogtail about the bugs18:44
Kangarooook ill now have small party ill sometimes come back to pc.. so whats ubuntu-bug python-dogtail 530064 its maybe wrong command whitch is corect?18:46
charlie-tcaOkay. I will try to get something done with dogtail for you18:55
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faronOk,let me try this 1 mo time fr now...{cnt find ansr nywhere}... why when I click notes plugin for xfce4 desktop, to open it up, is the pro opening up  my 3 seperate notes that I have created ALONG WITH 5 {YES,FIVE} othr {blank/empty} instances of this pro as well ?? Does NYBDDY have a clue ???20:11
charlie-tcaWhy would it do that? did you by chance close a desktop session with all those notes open?20:13
charlie-tcaWhat version of Xubuntu, faron ?20:14
faron804 or 810 xubuntu........20:14
charlie-tcaWell... how about lsb_release -a in a terminal?20:15
faroncharlie.....im thinking that this may be an issue with that FF update I interrupted & screwed my whole OS with20:15
charlie-tcaKangarooo: I got about three more ways to try to get bugs to collect data, but they aren't working for that bug20:15
faronSo,yes,its possible that there were some notes open  when a session abruptly ended20:16
faronokay Char one moment for re;ease20:17
faron804 hardy20:17
charlie-tcaClose them all, and save session when you shut down or restart.20:19
charlie-tcaIf you close all of them, you should be able to click it again, and not have all of them open again20:20
faronI'm pretty sure but,I think I always "save session"20:21
franciscohow I can dissapear the panel whe i maximize a window?20:24
faronfrancisco.I think you want auto hide20:25
franciscofaro: ok, but when there aren't maximized windows, i want the panel appeared20:27
faronahhh sorry20:27
faronnot sure about that one20:28
farondarn I thought I could help someone20:28
charlie-tcafrancisco: no way in Xubuntu that I know of20:28
charlie-tcaYou could use F11 for full-screen and hide the panels20:29
charlie-tcaHit F11 again to see the desktop and panels20:29
* charlie-tca gives faron a hug for trying20:29
franciscocharlie-tca: ok, thanks20:30
faronAlright ! Thanks Charlie20:30
franciscoi think maybe i can use a dock20:36
franciscobut they are a bit heavy for my ram memory20:36
jstDoes anyone have a list of changes that will be implemented in Xubuntu 10.4?20:41
Kangarooocharlie-tca: u have lucid installed? if yes could u try hibernate? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/35376121:46
charlie-tcaIt is a desktop machine and I have no problem with hibernate on it21:48
charlie-tcaHe did give you a bad disk to use for lucid, though. Alpha 1 is very old21:49
charlie-tcaI will comment on the bug21:50
charlie-tcaKangarooo: take a look21:54
charlie-tcaI can't reproduce this issue for you. Mine does hibernate in lucid and karmic21:55
* charlie-tca would be really impressed if anyone gets alpha1 to hibernate properly21:56
Kangaroooah yes. about reproduce. couse it has some problem with my hardware.. not urs.21:57
charlie-tcaKangarooo: I believe hibernate is still broken in the SIS video21:57
charlie-tcaI think there were other reports about it lucid, but they may have been just messages I saw21:58
Kangaroooi forgot. just wanted to that bug faster be tested if still exists. ok well ill think about putting daily version. whats difference between daily and usual iso from website + update ?21:58
charlie-tcaIt is just the live cd that matters.21:59
charlie-tcaIf you have it installed, it is the same21:59
charlie-tcaOr, if you rsync or zsync the images21:59
Kangarooobut i have the update and still hibernate not working. so why should then itry daily if i have update? its the same then..22:00
charlie-tcaI download the first week the new version is available, and rsync everyday after that22:00
charlie-tcayes. Just say on the bug report, it is still failing in lucid22:00
Kangaroooouh wait. i just confused. lucid is 9.10 yes?22:04
Kangaroooah lucid is 10.0422:05
Kangarooowait. im now really confused about something. i have 9.10 u have 10.04 he wanted to hibernate be tested on my comp with 10.04 daily version?22:06
charlie-tcaYou can say you are unable to test the development version at this time.22:16
charlie-tcaGood news! I was able to reproduce your bug with dogtail finally22:16
charlie-tcaNow I will send it upstream to the developers22:18
Kangaroooyes i just happend to be in that page again 1 min ago22:22
Kangaroooyes yes i saw 3 min again ur post22:22
charlie-tcaAnd you thought I was just trying to make you angry, huh/22:23
Kangaroooi opend ur log file and dont understand how from that something can be enought info for bug to be confimed. :)22:23
charlie-tcaThe entries about AT-SPI are the dogtail bug. They tell the developer that it did not open and why22:24
Kangaroooi could ask u : and u thought i was lying? :)22:24
Kangaroooalso i was already like wtf everywhere i post bugs everywhere again asking for how it should work. then i started seeing who is writing. one and the same Charlie. :)22:26
charlie-tcaNo, I just can't get it fixed with out the developers knowing how to22:26
charlie-tcaIt is all part of trying to get the bug worked22:27
charlie-tcaThatÅ› me! Charlie... Just trying to help where I can22:27
Kangaroooyes later i opened that Charlies profile :)22:27
charlie-tcaI can't program, but I can get bugs ready to be worked on22:28
Kangarooobut i think developer should know how his programm is working and if someone says its not working he should know what could possibly not work or he doesnt know possible not working points then he should try himself that programm on platform i have report its not working. i understand in that hibernate bug. there its not working couse hardware not fully programmed.22:29
Kangaroooouh just some dragracer in snow made drift circles in snowed crossroad :)22:30
charlie-tcaNot always. There are too things they work on. mr_pouit, for example, works on everything for Xubuntu. It is hard for him to know everything that breaks for everybody22:30
charlie-tcaThat hibernate thing is a kernel bug. They have to fix it for each video card.22:31
Kangaroooomg. but also how its connected to video card? i think its just ram and virtual ram(swap) put to harddrive one file. only memory.22:33
charlie-tcaHow much time did we spend on the dogtail bug? If the developer of Xubuntu where it happened had to spend that many hours trying to find what happened, he loses that many hours he could make lucid good.22:33
charlie-tcaI don't understand everything hibernate is connected to, I just know each video card has to be fixed to work in the kernel22:34
Kangarooo3h ago i was starting to think theese bug reports taking too much time. i also made some videos for some bugs. in one week installed 6 xubuntus 9.10 and found many bugs.22:34
Kangaroooagain that dragracer making drift circles22:34
charlie-tcaI let the developers worry about that. I just get the bug ready for them to fix.22:34
charlie-tcaI like watching them guys in the snow :-)22:34
Kangarooowith one my colleague i was going to dinner with his car and when it was winter he all the time was making car swing to left to right and never crashed opposite as i was thinking that its gonna happen any second22:36
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Kangarooowhy google-chrome is not in /usr/share/applications ?23:14
charlie-tcagoogle did not put it there, they need to write the .desktop file to have it in that directory23:18
Kangaroooi think that making dynamic menu from .desktop files from /usr/share/applications is too time consuming that should be changed. so its xfce made it like that.23:19
charlie-tcaThat is according the freedesktop.org standards23:20
Kangaroooyeah ok i looked a liitle of that spec. well its changable also. maybe even easyer if better solution is developed first and then tryg to get it as standart. ah im going to sleep23:29
charlie-tcaGood night23:31

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