
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
=== popey_ is now known as popey
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
=== 92AAABJ1O is now known as pleia2
Tm_Tquiet day today17:25
lecheTm_T: you like the noisy ones more?17:28
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
Tm_Tleche: more used to17:36
m4vola? :(17:55
lechehola m4v :)18:01
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
erUSULwhat have genii done????22:19
bazhangluxii had already left22:25
bazhang(or been removed, rather) so script registered null22:25
erUSULbazhang: i read it in #ubuntu :) bad script anyway .... (maybe auto_bleh does that too?)22:29
* erUSUL goes to check22:29
erUSUL-!- Irssi: Unable to find nick: oscar22:29
bazhangerUSUL, not sure, never happened that broad (though I did once ban most of Canada)22:29
erUSULgood old irssi22:29
erUSULbazhang: :)22:30
Tm_Tirssi <322:31
jdonghow do you turn off irssi's tab-to-complete-last-/msg option?22:32

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