
TeamColtrais there a way for me to get the default setttings of Pulseaudio back to default?00:00
NewWorldTeamColtra:  If there are config files in your  home directory, delete them to get the default settings regenerated.00:00
dsnydersblakkheim, When I last built a machine, the cpu choices were either Pentium 3, or AMD.  Today there is such a bewildering array of choices for CPUs and motherboards, that I don't really have a clue where to start.00:00
cyberbluntzerUSUL, do you know some prompt  commands for a fedora dist?00:00
donvito2how can i get color motd on ubuntu ?00:00
donvito2how can i get color motd on ubuntu ?00:00
NewWorlddonvito2:  What isi motd?00:00
TeamColtraNewWorld, in a folder like .pulseaudio?00:01
donvito2mesage of the day00:01
blakkheimdsnyders: oh wow, then you might want to do a bit of reading in order to make sure everything works together (or just ask me and i'll tell you)00:01
NewWorldTeamColtra:  Yeah, but  make sure to backup first just in case.00:01
Guest87077like when i open foxfire its slow as shit and i have a pretty good internet connection and like when i put a flash drive into it it willl not open00:01
dsnydersLosha, I'm opening up a browser to newegg as we speak.00:01
blakkheim"foxfire" lol00:01
aouldr78hi everyone00:01
NewWorlddonvito2:  Where does it display? Terminal? Zenity?00:01
Solar_FlareGuest87077: Hardware?00:01
Guest87077firefox my bad lol00:01
donvito2lets say this shell companys have that motd color00:01
NewWorldblakkheim:  xD00:02
dsnydersblakkheim, I have a historical leaning towards Intel, but I've heard AMD is better and cheaper.00:02
Loshadsnyders: also the same trick will work with ebay: search for ubuntu motherboard etc....00:02
blakkheimdsnyders: i'm an intel guy00:02
Guest87077usb flash drive00:02
NewWorldGuest87077:  Change the name like we told you to; it's more convenient for everyone00:02
ubuntumy system got shut down due to power failure and now i get grub error 17..can anyone help me solve this issue00:02
alex87does anyone know how i can make diff tell me just what lines have been added or changed in the new file?00:02
Solar_FlareGuest87077: If you use ubuntu from flashdrive, it WILL be slow.00:02
Guest87077how to do that i am a noob?00:02
Solar_Flareno matter what.00:02
dsnydersblakkheim, I've heard Asus makes good linux compatible motherboards, but that they've been slipping lately.00:02
NewWorldGuest87077:  type '/nick [yournewnick]' << and don't messages I send :P haha joking00:03
aouldr78i need help about normal and safe mode00:03
blakkheimdsnyders: i like asus motherboards, haven't had any trouble with linux on them. it's really just the chipset that you need to check if it's compatible with linux (sound, NIC, etc)00:03
aouldr78how can i switch fron safe mode to normal mode00:03
Guest87077'/nick kingshadow00:03
NewWorldubuntu:  It's better if you google that problem and come here with specific issues or hindrances that you encouter so we may solve them for you.00:03
rmrfslashchange your runlevel00:04
Guest87077god i fucking suck00:04
NewWorldGuest87077:  Type that without the '00:04
=== Guest87077 is now known as kingshadow
NewWorldaouldr78:  You should have the option to do that at bootup in GRUB.00:04
NewWorldSomeone tell kingshadow how to switch off graphical effects and such... I forget where the menu is.00:04
NewWorldkingshadow:  Can we have your system specs so we know how to speed up your system?00:05
LxndrI recently installed ubuntu through the wubi. I downloaded "updates" and now, instead of booting into the gui, I boot into a cli that says "GNU GRUB version 1.97~beta4". I can't figure out how to get from here to the gui. Can anyone help?00:05
TheColtraOkay that still doesn't work... "Output Devices" in volume control still shows that there should be sound (the sound bar is moving with the volume) buuuut, nothing is coming out, this happened after I set my speakers to play over HDMI00:05
MindVirusCan someone please help me kill maximus?00:05
TheColtraMindVirus, "killall maximus" ?00:06
aouldr78i just installed ubuntu 9.10 from live ISO image CD  i had to choose safe mode. the installation is fine. but after reboot i only have safe mode.00:06
NewWorldLxndr:  When it says that, does pressing Enter/Escape do anything? Anything else showing apart from that msg?00:06
kingshadowwell i got a 60gb ps3 with ubuntu linux installed thats about all i know00:06
Solar_FlareMindVirus: killall maximus?00:06
subspiderwhere is the conf file for my webcam ??00:06
MindVirusSolar_Flare: It starts up again.00:06
Solar_Flarefor ever: gconf-editor00:06
NewWorldaouldr78:  How do you know it's safe mode?00:06
LxndrNewWorld: I get this message: [Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions. ]00:07
aouldr78the fonts are really big00:07
lucascarvalhoHello, I have created a debian package but I've found a strange behavior during dpkg -P. http://pastebin.ca/1823295 I don't understand it tries to remove /opt/ !! does anyone knows how to solve it?00:07
Solar_Flarein apps, there should be a folder called "maximus", there you can configure it.00:07
LxndrBelow that is:  "sh:grub>"00:07
TheColtraMindVirus, find the process ID and kill it00:07
Lxndrif I hit enter, I get "sh:grub>" again00:07
Solar_Flareor tell it, which windows to "maximize" and which not.00:07
NewWorldLxndr:  You should try pressing 'b' for 'boot'00:07
|ntegra|can someone tell me how to search for songs by their album-id3-tag?00:07
Lxndrboot gives an error: "no loaded kernel"00:07
aouldr78and when i reboot i do not have any options00:07
jesse2main menu wont load for me.... does anyone know the name of the executable so that i can run it in the console and see if its giving an error message?00:07
MindVirusTheColtra: killall maximus kills every PID with process "maximus".00:08
marioand23Where I can unload artos icons for my web00:08
Solar_Flare|ntegra|: Write a python script?00:08
NewWorldaouldr78:  Maybe it's not safe mode :S BUt just messed up?00:08
dsnydersLosha, is newegg a mail order only shop?  The locations page only lists one site in California.00:08
stdiseaseLxndr, http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Wubi_9.1000:08
TheColtraMindVirus, it has worked for me in the past... I don't know why it does it differently, but I have had the same issue (not with that program)00:08
Loshadsnyders: yes, newegg is mail order only....00:08
kingshadowso how can u install linux on the new slim ps3 120 gb00:09
Solar_FlareMindVirus: http://albertsq.blogspot.com/2008/09/maximus-configuration.html00:09
rmrfslashSo no one knows the answer.... good.00:09
MindVirusTheColtra: I promise killall is identical to kill.00:09
_ting__excume guys, anyone know how i can run using a wine a windows application that needs .Net 3 ?00:09
Solar_Flarermrfslash: no question proposed?00:09
stdisease_ting__, join #winehq and ask for help00:09
dsnydersLosha, Ah.  Okay.   That might be one reason I've never seen one of their stores.  I thought it was a US only thing.00:09
Lxndrstdisease: thanks.00:09
stdiseaseLxndr, y/w common problem00:09
_ting__thank stdisease00:09
Loshadsnyders: where are you?00:10
Imaginativeonehow do I get to the grub menu?00:10
ImaginativeoneBEFORE boot?00:10
aouldr78i have Intel Core i3 and the graphic is not compatible with linux 2.6.31-20 generic. because it freezes all the time00:10
rmrfslashI already killed the goddamn installer00:10
mclark1128I am trying to install grub legacy on my ubuntu 9.10 setup, and I get the error "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device."00:10
NewWorldLxndr:  Maybe try this, as it sounds the entries in your menu.lst are messed up: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508700:10
gaetanohello to all00:10
blakkheimaouldr78: you need the 2.6.33 kernel00:10
Lxndrstdisease: would it behoove me to just give up on wubi and get myself a standard install?00:10
rmrfslashthis has been like this since I can remember00:10
rmrfslashbasically you have to have a internet connection to install Ubuntu Server (and probably Ubuntu)00:10
stdiseasermrfslash, easy on the language00:11
aouldr78i tried lucid but it is not stable yet00:11
rmrfslashthere's no way to tell it not to try and grab shit from synaptic00:11
dsnydersLosha, Toronto, Ontario Canada.  (Well technically, Scarborough).00:11
tiemonsterI have a Acer TravelMate 2200 with Windows wireless driver installed via ndiswrapper. I can connect to router if there is no wireless security, but when I put WPA on, I cannot connect. Any ideas?00:11
gaetanoi have a garmin edge 70500:11
aouldr78i always get kernel crashes00:11
MindVirusDoes anyone know how to make maximus stop autostarting when killed?00:11
stdiseaseLxndr, that would probably be best, because wubi install has disk overhead trying to access a loopback image on a NTFS partition00:11
gaetanowhich software can i use with ubuntu 9.10?00:11
rmrfslashthere's no way to tell it to not grab *stuff* from synaptic00:11
rmrfslashgaetano: ??????00:11
Imaginativeonegaetano: Wine00:11
aouldr78karmic is stable but my graphic is not compatible i do not why00:11
subspiderwhere is the conf file for my webcam ??00:12
jaybhumildoes anyone kno how to get bills00:12
rmrfslashwhat kind of question is that?00:12
jaybhumildo u kno00:12
gaetanoit's not so easy for me00:12
NewWorldMindVirus:  Run 'ps -eH' and see what it's parent process is00:12
kingshadowhow do you install linux for the ps3 slim 120gb00:12
jaybhumilhow to get bills?00:12
NewWorldjaybhumil:  what is 'bills'?00:12
gaetanoi use ubuntu since two months00:12
jaybhumilfor this website00:12
Imaginativeonehow do I get to the grub menu?00:12
Solar_FlareMindVirus: Did you take a look at the link i sent you?00:12
dsnydersMindVirus, Emperor Commodus had problems killing Maximus as well :-)00:13
NewWorldrmrfslash:  What don'tn you want it to grab? It's grabbing it because it's trying to update it?00:13
Loshadsnyders: slickdeals has a 'build your own' forum where you can fill out a form and ask for recommendations: http://slickdeals.net/forums/showthread.php?sduid=136927&t=55382600:13
jaybhumilto get into the clan i need to donate 100 bills so  want to donate 100 bills00:13
rmrfslashI don't want it to automatically try to get updates00:13
Solar_FlareOk: How to tell maxmius to not maximize things: http://blog.dipinkrishna.info/2010/01/how-to-disable-auto-maximize-feature-in.html00:13
NewWorldImaginativeone:  It should be right after the BIOS startup screen when you start up your PC.00:13
rmrfslashi.e. I'm trying to install it w/o an internet connection00:13
tiemonsterrmrfslash: then set it not to automatically download updates00:13
aouldr78i tried sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core and sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but that is not helping yet.00:13
rmrfslashit just blew through to the installation process00:13
NewWorldrmrfslash:  It does it automatically?! You mean without you doing anything?00:13
TidersWhat can I do to get Ubutnu to recognise when I plug headphones in00:14
rmrfslashI don't even remember even being presented w/ an option to install updates or not00:14
dsnydersLosha, that sounds interesting.  I'll take a look at that.00:14
Lxndrstdisease: too bad. I was hoping to be able to do a clean install without burning a CD.00:14
tiemonsterNewWorld: *look* for updates00:14
aouldr78i even did sudo apt-get remove compix*00:14
=== ubuntu is now known as resolver
kingshadowhow do you install linux on the ps3 slim 120gb?00:14
NewWorldtiemonster:  What do you mean?00:14
Solar_Flarekingshadow: wrong channel.00:14
resolver i tried many ways of solving grub error 17 but i am not able to do it...can anyone help me00:14
tiemonsterNewWorld: it's not installing them. Just showing them.00:14
rmrfslashwhy do people on here ask the weirdest non-ubuntu related questions00:14
rmrfslashlike "how do I install linux on a ps3"00:15
stdiseaseLxndr, if you have a usb drive you could make a bootable install media00:15
ImaginativeoneNewWorld: I keep getting Invalid Environment Block00:15
kingshadowwhat channel show i go on?00:15
rmrfslashubuntu is not a mips distro00:15
NewWorldtiemonster:  That's the behaviour I had aswell. rmrfslash : Are they just being shown? Or auto-installing?00:15
mclark1128I have completely wiped out my /boot partition in Ubuntu, what files does this partition need to properly function?  How can I restore this partition to it's original setup?00:15
vianocturna85can u format a partition or delete it and add it to an existing ubuntu partition at all? like with windows?00:15
blakkheimrmrfslash: the ps3 uses a ppc64 cpu00:15
stdisease!ps3 | kingshadow00:15
ubottukingshadow: Aside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )00:15
aouldr78does anyone know how to switch from safe mode to normal mode from the shell???????00:15
rmrfslashoh I was thinkgin psp00:16
rmrfslashoh well00:16
NewWorldImaginativeone:  I'm not sure, maybe you'll have to reinstall GRUB: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508700:16
blakkheimaouldr78: there is no "safe mode" in linux, that is a windows term00:16
Loshadsnyders: also, consider buying off-the-shelf locally (make sure there's a good return policy)....00:16
stdiseaseheh yeah not mips anymore00:16
kingshadowoh ok00:16
Solar_Flarekingshadow: like ps3 or linux? I dont know, but #ubuntu is definitely NOT the channel for such questions.00:16
NewWorldvianocturna85:  You can merge them as long as they are adjacent to each other.00:16
rmrfslashNewWorld: I think it just started installing00:16
MindVirusNewWorld: It's gnome-session.00:16
MindVirusdsnyders: Any advice?00:16
ImaginativeoneNewWorld: thanks!00:16
=== Goodguy is now known as Guest96990
aouldr78safe mode = safe graphic= no acpi00:16
MindVirusSolar_Flare: I saw. Doesn't change anything and is just a workaround. :(00:16
seanbrystone_Anyone have issues with blurry images in Opera 10.10?00:16
dsnydersblakkheim, So... do you recommend picking a chipset, then finding a motherboard that uses that chipset and then seeing which cpus it can take, or starting with the CPU and then motherboard?00:16
rmrfslashit detected I have a network connection I think and said "ok... we can just install updates then" but my connection is a EVDO connection00:16
subspideryes but my webcam is upside down i need to where is the conf file for my webcam plz00:16
resolvercan anyone help me solve this grub error 17 issue00:17
Solar_FlareMindVirus: Or: sudo apt-get remove maximus.00:17
vianocturna85ok, well these are, 1s ntfs though, but i wanna make that ext4 and merge it, but grub is not in the first partition, does that matter?00:17
NewWorldMindVirus:  Maybe go to Start > System > Preferences > Sessions and deselect it there.00:17
rmrfslashOr I suppose I should say CDMA00:17
subspiderand plz don't use !webcam i tryed that00:17
blakkheimdsnyders: if you want to do heavy stuff like running multiple virtual machines, i would get either a core i5 or core i7 cpu with a P55 motherboard00:17
NewWorldrevolver:  It's better if you google that problem and come here with specific issues or hindrances that you encouter so we may solve them for you.00:17
TeamColtraOkay houston, I think I have a bigger problem now00:17
blakkheimdsnyders: it depends on how much power you need and how much cash you got00:17
dsnydersMindVirus, No advice.  I have no idea what maximus is.00:17
TeamColtra:P my computer is not even seeing my internal audio since I reinstalled... it only sees my HDMI port00:18
sam555how does one find the shell in 9.10 ubuntu?00:18
Lxndrstdisease, too bad I don't have any flash drive. wait, hold on00:18
blakkheimsam555: /bin/bash00:18
Loshadsnyders: see the questionnaire on the slickdeals thread? It's there for a reason....00:18
NewWorldsam555:  Start > Accessories > Terminal00:18
rmrfslashanyways I gotta go00:18
resolverNewWorld; i tried out in google...i tried with different solutions...but not working...got an important assignment and i got stuck with this problem00:18
OttifantSir9.10, Dell Inspiron 9400 with Stereo and Subwoofer/LFE. How do I change the volume of the LFE? Up until 9.04 it was just selecting Main/PCM and LFE with Ctrl and it was solved, but how do I do this in 9.10?00:18
stdiseaseLxndr, if your wubi setup is fixed and you're not dissatisfied with it, by all means keep it00:18
sam555blakkheim: thanks!00:18
tiemonsterI have a Acer TravelMate 2200 with Windows wireless driver installed via ndiswrapper. I can connect to router if there is no wireless security, but when I put WPA on, I cannot connect. Any ideas?00:18
dsnydersblakkheim, I'm planning on setting up some virtual networks and machines for CCNA and MCSE study purposes.00:18
Guest96990how to install from the pen drive in the virtual box00:19
Guest96990 anyone please00:19
NewWorldresolver:  Do you think reinstalling GRUB will help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508700:19
Solar_FlareMindVirus: "sudo apt-get remove maximus" should do the job.00:19
NewWorldtiemonster:  Maybe you need to install 'wpa_supplicant'00:19
Solar_FlareGuest96990: Get VirtualBox PUE and mount usb stick.00:19
blakkheimdsnyders: then yeah, i5 or i7 depending on your money00:19
Lxndrstdisease, to be honest, I'm not all that happy with it. And I think I just found a crappy little usb stick00:19
mclark1128Is there anyone who can help me repair my /boot partition?00:19
Solar_Flaremclark1128: whats wrong with it?00:20
NewWorldmclark1128:  What you mean repair? fsck is used to repair filesystem errors.00:20
aouldr78this is my graphic information: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Arrandale Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 12)00:20
MindVirusCan't do that, Solar_Flare. I need ubuntu-netbook-remix.00:20
tiemonsterNewWorld: thanks. I'll look into it. I just needed a starting point at least. I've never heard of this happening.00:20
dsnydersblakkheim, okay.00:20
mclark1128NewWorld: I formatted it00:20
blakkheimaouldr78: you need a newer kernel for better support of that00:20
Lxndrstdisease, it's 128mb. why do I feel like that isn't enough?00:20
vianocturna85tiemonster: what do the log files tell you?00:20
Solar_FlareMindVirus: I told you how to disable maximus or how to uninstall it. one of these two its gonna be.00:20
tiemonstervianocturna85: which log files?00:20
NewWorldmclark1128:  So what do you want done with it? What is there to repair?00:20
seanbrystone_Anyone have issues with blurry images in Opera 10.10?00:20
Solar_FlareThere is no other option if you want to get rid of maximus00:20
aouldr78the lucid one is working fine but it is not stable yet00:20
vianocturna85tiemonster: for connecting, have u tried looking at the logs?00:20
MindVirusSolar_Flare: I don't want to get rid of it.00:21
MindVirusJust want to stop it from autostarting.00:21
stdiseaseLxndr, I think there are netinstall media, they might just fit on your 128mb00:21
Loshaseanbrystone: for what it's worth, you're the first person I've seen ever mention this issue...00:21
mclark1128NewWorld: Basically I screwed it up while trying to install grub-legacy, and now I am unable to install grub-legacy00:21
Solar_FlareMindVirus: Then, what do you want?00:21
stdisease!netinstall > Lxndr00:21
ubottuLxndr, please see my private message00:21
NewWorldMindVirus:  Was it not in the 'Sessions'?00:21
tiemonstervianocturna85: which ones?00:21
MindVirusNewWorld: It was but I don't want the process to be run.00:21
donvito2why i cant use this command in MOTD UPTIME=`uptime|awk '{print $3 " " $4 " " $5 " hours"}'`00:21
dsnydersLosha, I've only skimmed through the site at this point.00:21
mclark1128NewWorld: Actually, let me clarify.  I have installed grub, only I messed it up and when I try to boot I get the error:00:22
Solar_FlareMindVirus: You dont want the process but you want maximus but you dont want maximus?? o.O00:22
vianocturna85tiemonster: click on System> Administration> Log File Viewer00:22
mclark1128"Error: unknown filesystem" and then a grub-rescue> prompt00:22
OttifantSirUbuntu 9.10 on a Dell Inspiron 9400 with Stereo and Subwoofer/LFE-speakers. How do I change the volume of the LFE? Up until 9.04 it was just selecting Main/PCM and LFE with Ctrl in Sound Preferences and it was solved, but how do I control the LFE volume in 9.10?00:22
MindVirusSolar_Flare: I want maximus, but I don't want the procses.00:22
Loshamclark1128: I suppose a backup would be too much to expect....?00:22
stdiseaseewww grub-legacy00:22
mclark1128Losah: yes00:22
Solar_FlareMindVirus: Without process there is no maximus.00:22
blakkheimstdisease: better than grub2 in my opinion00:22
aouldr78can i reinstall the newest kernel and run with Ubuntu 9.10?00:22
MindVirusSolar_Flare: What the hell are you saying?00:22
blakkheimaouldr78: you'd need to compile it yourself00:22
MindVirusSolar_Flare: You're saying that if the process is not run, the package is removed?00:23
mclark1128stdisease: I only tried to switch because for some reason I started running into the problem where grub2 would constantly restart00:23
NewWorldresolver:  So sorry, this is the right thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435100:23
mclark1128and then need to be restored, only to be restarted again00:23
seanbrystone_Losha, I found out it was because i had "Turbo" turned on in Opera, that made blurry images (im assuming its compressing the images or something)  :)00:23
donvito2why i cant use this command in MOTD UPTIME=`uptime|awk '{print $3 " " $4 " " $5 " hours"}'`00:23
donvito2why i cant use this command in MOTD UPTIME=`uptime|awk '{print $3 " " $4 " " $5 " hours"}'`00:23
jbsdpt /j #nstbsd00:23
aouldr78i can compile it but will it be working fine with Karmic?00:23
NewWorldImaginativeone:  Sorry, I pointed to t he wrong thread earlier. Here is the right one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435100:23
blakkheimaouldr78: if you configure it properly00:23
Solar_FlareMindVirus: No, I say, that if the process is not executed, there is no maximus.00:24
resolverNewWorld; ok thank you i'll work on this00:24
sernylanFrom the standpoint of open source drivers, do you suppose development attention on newer generation GPUs is to the benefit or expense of the previous generation?00:24
Loshaseanbrystone: that's probably how they make it faster, by skimping on the image rendering...00:24
Imaginativeonethanks I WAS LOST00:24
aouldr78can you explain more please?00:24
MindVirusSolar_Flare: I see. I want the process not to run but I certainly want the package.00:24
dsnydersblakkheim, money won't likely be an issue.  However, the more expensive, the longer it will take before I scrape the funds together.00:24
Loshamclark1128: try the usual grub restore rigmarole...00:24
Losha!grub | mclark112800:24
Solar_FlareMindVirus: so you want  aswitch for maximus.00:24
ubottumclark1128: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.00:24
mclark1128Losha: I can't00:24
sam555in 9.10 if you want vlc to be choosen as an option for media players to browse to, how do you do such?  I've already installed vlc.00:24
donvito2why i cant use this command in MOTD UPTIME=`uptime|awk '{print $3 " " $4 " " $5 " hours"}'`00:24
donvito2why i cant use this command in MOTD UPTIME=`uptime|awk '{print $3 " " $4 " " $5 " hours"}'`00:24
MindVirusSolar_Flare: I want to kill maximus.00:24
mclark1128Losha: I mean, I've tried00:24
stdiseasedonvito2, err? I thought motd was a simple text file dumped directly to terminal00:25
mclark1128Losha: This is the current error I'm getting when I try to grub-install while chrooted to my ubuntu partition00:25
MindVirusSolar_Flare: What I'm saying makes sense.00:25
Chicco89ciao a tutti00:25
mclark1128Losha: "Could not find device for /boot: NOt found or not a block device"00:25
blakkheim!it | Chicco8900:25
ubottuChicco89: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:25
Solar_FlareMindVirus: gconf-editor.00:25
mclark1128Googling this issue led me to run grub00:25
resolverNewWorld; i that link you provided: find /boot/grub/stage1...i get output: file not found00:25
Solar_FlareDisable resizing of windows.00:25
MindVirusSolar_Flare: You don't know what you're talking about.00:25
Solar_Flarethen maximus will lay dorment.00:25
mclark1128and then from grub i did the root (hda0, 4) and setup (hd0)00:25
Chicco89ok, I'm sorry00:25
MindVirusSolar_Flare: That is read if maximus is run.00:26
jdeloachCould someone with expertise in multi-graphic card use help me? I have two ATI cards and struggle to get them both at the sametime.00:26
MindVirusSolar_Flare: I want maximus NOT TO BE RUN.00:26
Solar_FlareMindVirus: Uninstall it.00:26
MindVirusEvery time I kill it, it starts back up.00:26
Loshamclark1128: and which device is /boot on?00:26
MindVirusSolar_Flare: Nevermind; forget I asked.00:26
NewWorldresolver:  You can reinstall GRUB anywhere, though it's easier if you install on your Ubuntu partition.00:26
Solar_FlareMindVirus: You want to use maximus "occationally" or what?00:26
vianocturna85Solar-Flare: Mindvirus makes total sense, or if you don't want to totally delete it, remove it from Startup00:27
NewWorldhi kotaro00:27
bethlynnhello there00:27
resolverNewWorld; ok i'll google out that then00:27
kotai am having trouble with apache tomcat6 installation on ubuntu00:27
duncanidaho1Using kubuntu 9.10 I can't seem to connect wirelessly to my home wireless connection or to unpassworded hotspots.  I can (and currently am) connected via ethernet cable00:27
MindVirusvianocturna85: It's not in my startup applicatinos.00:27
MindVirusSolar_Flare: I want to kill the damn process.00:27
Loshamclark1128: I presume you've tried grub-install /dev/sda2 ?00:27
mclark1128duncanidaho: Are you able to connect wirelessly at all?00:27
kotacan anyone tell me how to log into the webapp00:27
OttifantSirUbuntu 9.10 on a Dell Inspiron 9400 with Stereo and Subwoofer/LFE-speakers. How do I change the volume of the LFE? Up until 9.04 it was just selecting Main/PCM and LFE with Ctrl in Sound Preferences and it was solved, but how do I control the LFE volume in 9.10?00:27
MindVirusSolar_Flare: That's it.00:27
mclark1128Yes, and I get the same error00:28
mclark1128but my MBR is actually sda00:28
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
Solar_FlareMindVirus: UNINSTALL THE PACKAGE "maximus" and only that if you dont want maximus ever again. I did that on my netbook00:28
MindVirusSolar_Flare: As I said, forget anything I said.00:28
Loshamclark1128: which live cd are you using?00:28
vianocturna85Mindvirus: open a terminal, type 'top' without the quotes, look at Maximus, and there is a number before it at the beginning of the line...note that, then type 'kill <number>'00:28
NewWorldmclark1128:  setup (hd0) << installs GRUB to the MBR00:28
jdeloachCould someone with expertise in multi-graphic card use help me? I have two ATI cards and struggle to get them both at the sametime.00:28
MindVirusvianocturna85: I know what I'm doing. I killed the process many times.00:28
_ting__could anyone help me with this: The following packages have unmet dependencies:00:28
_ting__  nvidia-glx-195-dev: Depends: nvidia-glx-195 (>= 195.36.03) but it is not going to be installed wine: Depends: wine1.2 but it is not going to be installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).00:28
mclark1128Ubuntu 9.1000:28
_ting__I tried to run the apt-get -f install but nothing00:29
mclark1128I also should point out that my /boot partition is essentially blank, except for any files grub added to the /boot/grub directory00:29
mclark1128Which I think is another major factor in the problem I'm having00:29
NewWorld_ting__:  Try install wine first?00:29
MindVirusSolar_Flare: I want to do something. You're telling me to do something else that will accomplish what I want but also will cause a huge list of unneeded side-effects.00:29
vianocturna85Mindvirus: this is a stab in the dark here, but have you tried...just to test, restarting the pc...i know this isnt windows, but it wouldnt hurt00:29
MindVirusSolar_Flare: So, stop saying it please.00:29
mclark1128I tried to basically copy the files from the /boot directory on the livecd to the one on my hdd, but I don't think it's the same.00:29
_ting__no, i just want to install wine, but the nvidia is giving me a problem00:30
Loshamclark1128: 9.10 uses grub2. I don't think you can use it to install a legacy grub. Didn't you say you were trying to install grub1 ?00:30
MindVirusvianocturna85: I will try other methods for now.00:30
=== fcn_ is now known as fcn
duncanidaho1@mclark1128 no00:31
vianocturna85Mindvirus: It just makes no sense, its not in your startup, killing doesnt work...00:31
Solar_FlareMindVirus: write a bash script, that kills maximus at startup. last solution.00:31
dsnydersMindVirus, If you go to a terminal and do service maximus status, what happens?00:31
MindVirusSolar_Flare: Look. Killing maximus makes it open again, so something is monitoring the process.00:31
NewWorldmclark1128:  root (hd?,?) <<< where first '?' is the number of the hard drive (start counting at 0) and the second '?' is the number of partition (start counting at 0)00:31
MindVirusSolar_Flare: That means that I can change something in the process monitor.00:31
NewWorldmclark1128:  But that has to be done in GRUB00:31
MindVirusdsnyders: One second.00:32
stdiseaseMindVirus, what's this maximum anyway.. if it's a system service try to disable with update-rc.d00:32
MindVirusdsnyders: Unrecognized service.00:32
fcnweather applet acts weird. it shows correct values for all cities except the one I live in!00:32
dsnydersstdisease, maximus is a utility that opens all windows maximized.00:32
Solar_Flarestdisease: it maximizes the windows in the netbook remix.00:32
Solar_Flareso you have more windowspace ^^00:32
NewWorld_ting__:  Install that nvidia package then :)00:32
MindVirusdsnyders, stdisease: It is not a service, I don't think.00:32
MindVirusIt has to do with gnome-session.00:32
jdeloachCould someone with expertise in multi-graphic card use help me? I have two ATI cards and struggle to get them both at the sametime.00:33
MindVirusIt's definitely not a service, actually.00:33
holmserI am trying to set up a home mail server, and I'm almost there, but courier won't let me log in00:33
dsnydersMindVirus, might it hook into compiz?00:33
mclark1128NewWorld: Good news, I just tried the restart after running the grub cmds root (hd0, 0) setup (hd0) and I'm back up and running again!00:33
MindVirusdsnyders: It is unrelated.00:33
NewWorldMindVirus:  Did you disable it in 'Sessions'?00:33
MindVirusNewWorld: It's not there.00:33
holmserit keeps telling me that I have an incorrect password, even though I have verified it in the mysql database00:33
resolverNewWorld; when i run: setup (hd0)  i get output: Cannot mount selected partition00:33
mclark1128Losah: Thanks to you as well, now the only problem is getting my windows 7 install to appear on the menu, and to some00:33
holmseranyone feel like helping me troubleshoot?00:33
mclark1128!ask | holmser00:34
ubottuholmser: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:34
NewWorldmclark1128:  I'm glad... but the commands I told you should be issued when you go into terminal and run 'grub' as a command. :S00:34
mclark1128NewWorld: They were, while chrooted to my drive inside the livecd00:34
NewWorldresolver:  Are you running from LiveCD or the actual Ubuntu installation?00:34
resolverNewWorld; live cd00:34
NewWorldmclark1128:  That's good so it works? :)00:34
NewWorldMindVirus:  You said it _was_ in sessions.00:34
MindVirusdsnyders, stdisease, NewWorld, Solar_Flare: I found this file /etc/xdg/xdg-une/autostart/maximus-autostart.desktop.00:34
_ting__NewWorld,  Errors were encountered while processing:00:34
_ting__ /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-195_195.36.03-0ubuntu1~karmic~nvidiavdpauppa2_i386.deb00:34
_ting__E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)00:34
MindVirusNewWorld: I said it was owned by gnome-session.00:35
mclark1128NewWorld: Yes, now I just need to get my Win7 partition on the menu00:35
NewWorldmclark1128:  edit /boot/grub/menu.lst00:35
mclark1128With grub2 I had it nice and hooked up to only show the latest kernel on the menu as well00:35
stdiseaseMindVirus, huh xdg - shouda known00:35
duncanidaho1I have ubuntu 9.10 installed everything is up and running great.  So I thought I'd give KDE a try.  I installed it, everything seems to be great but getting a wireless connection.  I can see signals that are broadcast but I cannot get connected (in KDE, in Gnome it still works)00:36
MindVirusstdisease: I have no idea what that is.00:36
mclark1128Is it possible to make grub graphical, or is that an entirely separate installation?00:36
NewWorldresolver:  wow that is really weird that it can't install to the MBR! :O I'm not really sure what to do now :/00:36
NewWorldmclark1128:  What you mean graphical? GRUB is menu loader... X server isn't running then.00:36
NewWorld*well it's not exactly a 'menu loader'00:37
mclark1128NewWord: I thought there was some way to have a graphical bootloader, but perhaps not00:37
jabba-woklike an idiot, i accidentally rm -rf /usr/local/lib/libcurl* any suggestions? :( i'm on ubuntu-hardy00:37
NewWorld_ting__:  Try t oinstall that deb package with dpkg directly. Read the man page on the parmater that you need to issue to install the .deb00:38
mclark1128It certainly serves it's purpose, I just wanted check if I could somehow get a nice prettier looking version.00:38
NewWorldjabba-wok:  reinstall libcurl?00:38
PingFloydjabba-wok: reinstall the package00:38
fcndoes anyone know the name of the weather applet that nearby clock00:38
MindVirusfcn: "clock".00:38
Sylphid|netbookjabba-wok, sudo apt-get install --reinstall libcurl00:38
duncanidaho1 I have ubuntu 9.10 installed everything is up and running great.  So I thought I'd give KDE a try.  I installed it, everything seems to be great but getting a wireless connection.  I can see signals that are broadcast but I cannot get connected (in KDE, in Gnome it still works)00:38
MindVirusfcn: It's all one applet.00:38
NewWorldMindVirus:  So did you move the maximus.desktop file?00:39
fcnthanks MindVirus00:39
PingFloydsounds like it was curl installed from upstream source pkg00:39
MindVirusNewWorld: More inspection is needed before I can do that.00:39
Loshamclark1128: there are splash screens for grub, but I don't use them myself....00:39
jabba-woki did an aptitude reinstall libcurl00:39
jabba-wokbut that didn't seem to help00:39
NewWorldMindVirus:  Move it and reboot. You don't lose anything since it's backed up wherever you moved it.00:39
NewWorldjabba-wok:  What's the problem though?00:39
mclark1128Losha: I just came across the 'pretty colors' option in menu.lst and uncommented it00:40
holmserholy dear sweet baby jesus.  I just sent my first email from my mail server00:40
mclark1128I'll see if that helps at all ;)00:40
jabba-woki'm trying to do a pip install pycurl00:40
MindVirusNewWorld: But, I don't want to stop it from autostarting when a netbook session is started.00:40
NewWorldholmser:  :D00:40
jabba-wokand that errors out00:40
MindVirusNewWorld: So, wait.00:40
holmsernow if only I could connect through imap00:40
Soul_Sampleholmser: and what did jesus reply?00:40
jabba-wokapt-get install --reinstall libcurl --> E: Couldn't find package libcurl00:40
dsnydersMindVirus, There is a site i'm looking at that says to go to System>Preferences>Sessions.   It also mentions something called ume-launcher.  The site is http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009_01_01_archive.html and the section is about 2/3 of the way down.  It says you have to restart gdm afterwards.00:40
NewWorldMindVirus:  You are very picky in what you want done lol :P00:40
holmserhe told me "good job, go kill someone"00:40
stdiseaseholmser, lucky you, I have smtp blocked in & out00:40
duncanidaho1 I have ubuntu 9.10 installed everything is up and running great.  So I thought I'd give KDE a try.  I installed it, everything seems to be great but getting a wireless connection.  I can see signals that are broadcast but I cannot get connected (in KDE, in Gnome it still works)00:40
Soul_Sampleholmser: ah so, the usual00:40
PingFloydjabba-wok: apt-cache search libcurl00:41
Loshamclark1128: might wanna cp -r boot boot.save just to be safe...00:41
PingFloydjabba-wok: the repo pkg may have a slightly different name00:41
holmserexactly.  or maybe it was "start a holy war"00:41
NewWorldjabba-wok:  Go into synaptic and search for 'libcurl' it propably  has some suffix or smth00:41
MindVirusNewWorld: Yep.00:41
IdleOne!ot | holmser Soul_Sample00:41
ubottuholmser Soul_Sample: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:41
holmsergod needs to use parity checks to make sure his messages get through ok00:41
holmsersorry... I'm done00:41
ronnieI installed xmms2 and then promoe now promoe wont play mp3's. can anyone help? fyi im not very bright00:42
BluesKaj-Laptopduncanidaho1, network manager is flaky , if you run wicd on most laptops with kde on karmic your wifi should work. Installing wicd disables network manager00:42
Purpley1Hey guys im trying to recover a bunch of my music from a corrupt partition, how can I recover them? Scalpel isnt for music, the directory will contain .wav .flac .mp3 .wma and common music formats like that what should I use?00:43
NewWorldronnie:  Does it not make a sound... or does it not react when you press play (like the seeker doesn't move)00:43
jabba-wokwhenever i use apt-get or aptitude, i always get this error .. can i ignore it? or should i fix it ? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/w5qiuzuq00:43
ronnieNewWorld It doesnt do anything when i push play00:43
IdleOne!recover > Purpley100:43
ubottuPurpley1, please see my private message00:43
OttifantSirUbuntu 9.10 on a Dell Inspiron 9400 with Stereo and Subwoofer/LFE-speakers. How do I change the volume of the LFE? Up until 9.04 it was just selecting Main/PCM and LFE with Ctrl in Sound Preferences and it was solved, but how do I control the LFE volume in 9.10?00:43
NewWorldPurpley1:  Don't try and fix the filesystem errors before recovering... you could lose things. R-Linux is a very good program though it runs only on Windows.00:44
LoshaPurpley: what kind of filesystem is it?00:44
NewWorldronnie:  Since when has it been doing that? Did it work before?00:44
duncanidaho1@BluesKaj-Laptop: will installing it affect my connection when in Gnome?00:44
ronnieNewWorld I just installed linux and promoe for the first time today00:44
Purpley1NewWorld, I thought scalpel theres nothing worth saving.....its all corrupt minus a few ebooks and magazines qhich ive already backed up00:44
NewWorldronnie:  promoe?00:45
neezerIf I get a PCI NIC will it be able to max out gigabit LAN? or will the PCI buffer slow things down?00:45
dsnydersjabba-wok, I think this is something you should fix.  I don't know if apt-get is finishing it's work when you install something.00:45
lucas_excuse me, can somebody point me to a help channel where i can get some advice on restoring my grub (after several failed attempts)?00:45
NewWorldPurpley1:  So you don't wnat to recover?00:45
PurpleyLosha, FAT32 and Im on the ubuntu link durrr Im asking for some recommendations for those file types00:45
ronnieNewWorld yes promoe as an xmms2 client00:45
NewWorldlucas_:  Here if you're trying to get Ubuntu to work00:45
BluesKaj-Laptopduncanidaho1, not in my experience , wicd works fine with most ubuntu desktops00:45
lucas_yes i am00:45
tiemonstervianocturna85: keeps saying link timed out00:45
jabba-woki did a pip install setuptools, and that succeeded. so i dont know why apt-get and aptitude is still complaining about that python package00:46
PurpleyNewWorld,  I would like to recover my music yes, its about 50 or so gigabytes if that might be a problem00:46
NewWorldronnie:  Does it play MP3 files without the frontend? Like does it play in CLI?00:46
lucas_actually its mint, based on ubuntu, that ok too?:)00:46
ronnieNewWorld I am running kubuntu if that makes a difference00:46
jpds!mint | lucas_00:46
ubottulucas_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)00:46
NewWorldPurpley:  Yeah use R-Linux... there's another one.. but I forget it's name.00:46
duncanidaho1@BluesKaj-Laptop:  ok so i just installed wicd, then I typed in sudo wicd00:46
ronnieNewWorld it will play mp3's in amarok00:46
PurpleyNewWorld, I don't have windows on my computer I just wiped it off :/00:46
KeLeMosomebody know how i do to auto-connect my ADSL with start my Linux (sorry for sux english)00:47
lucas_okok il'll try mint channel, but its just a GRUB question actually00:47
OttifantSirlucas_: Or #grub00:47
NewWorldPurpley:  Search for 'Hiren's BootCD' it has a 'Live Windows XP' boot off that.00:47
tiemonstervianocturna85: also, "association request to the driver failed"00:47
NewWorldlucas_:  Okay I don't mind helping.00:48
NewWorldlucas_:  *trying to help00:48
BluesKaj-Laptopduncanidaho1, alt f2 wicd-client00:48
Purpley1NewWorld, I would rather a program for linux00:48
NewWorldronnie:  Does XMMS2 play MP3 _from CLI_... without using the Promoe frontend?00:48
jdeloachDoes anybody know a quick fix or tempoary fix to the "radeon(0): acceleration initilization failed" error? How to turn it off or anything ( using the ati driver in xorg )00:48
PingFloydjabba-wok: sounds like your pip install clobbered your system00:48
mclark1128Is there anyone who could explain to me what chainloading is in grub?  Also, how can I determine the number I need to chainload +X to get my windows 7 partition?00:48
ronnieNewWorld hold on i will try00:48
NewWorldPurpley1:  I don't know of any :/ does it not mount?00:48
fcnif i run "killall gnome-panel" does it resurrect by himself?00:49
MindVirusfcn: Yes.00:49
jabba-wokPingFloyd: what do you mean? shall i get pip to uninstall that package?00:49
Sensivamclark1128 chainloading in grub is loading another bootloader via grub00:49
Purpley1It mounts fine NewWorld its just all my music folders have bizzare symbols like hold on ill show you00:49
lucas_well its after installing lousy windows 700:49
mclark1128Sensiva: Then what does the +1 mean?00:49
lucas_first i tried restoring grub through the program autosupergrubdisk00:49
lucas_which didnt work00:50
NewWorldPurpley1:  Can you copy over an mp3 to a healthy partition and try playing it?00:50
jdeloachDoes anybody know a quick fix or tempoary fix to the "radeon(0): acceleration initilization failed" error? How to turn it off or anything ( using the ati driver in xorg )00:50
ronnieNewWorld no it doesnt play from the cli00:50
Purpley1α⌐1c┴áαú.? ┌00:50
lucas_then i made a supergrubdisk with uunetbootin (because i dont have a working cd drive)00:50
Purpley1NewWorld, There are none00:50
BluesKaj-Laptopmclark1128, chainloading lists windows or OSs on different partitions on your HDD00:50
dsnydersmclark1128, I'm not sure, but I think chainloading is what you do when you are loading  something that does it's own boot process.00:50
Sensivamclark1128 I don't know, usually when chainloading Windows OSs bootloader we do it that way00:50
NewWorldlucas_:  Excellent tut that worked for me everytime GRUB broke: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435100:50
lucas_and it booted fine00:50
PurpleyNewWorld, I also can't delete anything or rename anything so I must not have write access either00:50
Purpleyeven though it is mounted00:51
NewWorldPurpley1:  I don't know of any recovery tools on Linux :S sorry00:51
lucas_but when i selected my linux partition to restore it gave an error00:51
mclark1128Sensiva: Ok, the reason I'm asking is because the chainload +1 is putting me into the dell diagnostic partition00:51
NewWorldPurpley:  Mount with '-o rw' option to get read/write00:51
mclark1128So I'm just trying to figure out how to determine what + will get me to my Win7 partition00:51
stdiseaseIt's been a while but I think parted-magic has some recovery stuff inside00:51
mclark1128is there a way I can figure that out from fdisk -l?00:51
Sensivamclark1128 then you are booting the wrong partition00:51
lucas_so i rebooted to try another method in the supergrubdisk menu00:51
lucas_so i booted from usb00:51
mclark1128sensiva: Yes :)00:51
Sensivamclark1128 which version of grub?00:52
NewWorldronnie:  Did it play MP3 files before pomore was installed? Does it play any other formats apart from MP3?00:52
lucas_but this time instead of booitng from that usb, it just threw me to my regular grub00:52
airtonix!enter | lucas_00:52
mclark11280.97 that is00:52
ubottulucas_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:52
fcndoes clock applet get weather data from weather.com? if not where does?00:52
lucas_and when i selected my linux there it just gave me 'not found'00:52
Sensivamclark1128 backup your current /boot/grub/menu.lst file then generate a new one using sudo update-grub00:52
lucas_oops sorry, i didnt want to make it too long00:52
NewWorldlucas_:  Excellent tut that worked for me everytime GRUB broke: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435100:52
ronnieNewWorld I didnt try it before. I installed them at the same time. I will try another type of file00:52
OttifantSir!offtopic > OttifantSir00:53
ubottuOttifantSir, please see my private message00:53
sam555I don't want media player to be my only default.  How do I get vlc to be my default player in Ubuntu 9.10?00:53
airtonixlucas_, no worries you succeded in distributing your 'long' message amongst the million other messages in this channel making it even harder to read for anyone that might be able to help you00:53
NewWorldOttifantSir:  Disciplined enough to punish yourself?! :O00:53
PingFloydmclark1128: chainload just means passing on the booting process from one bootloader to another00:53
neezerIf I use sudo useradd -d /home/user -m user, what group will 'user' be in, and can I create him so that sudo with that user will not work?00:53
Purpley1Guys, are there anyone programs out there that can recover music from a corrupted partition like flac and mp3?00:53
sam555i figured it out00:53
lucas_ok long story short: if i try to boot from my usb now (cd drive doesnt work), instead of booting up grubdisk, it throws me to my usual GRUB, ben if i select my linux there, it says 'not found'00:54
sam555i just downloaded the file and right clicked to add it00:54
sabgentonwhat is the command to rebuild device.map00:54
NewWorldPurpley1:  Type of file shouldn't really matter.00:54
OttifantSirNewWorld: I have been here earlier, and I know this is for support, not chat.00:54
Sensivasam555 in menu Systems --> Preferences --> Preferred Applications then assign your favourite player in Multimedia tab00:54
ronnieNewWorld it doesnt play avi files00:54
dsnydersPurpley, there is a program called testdisk that does a good job of recovery.00:55
airtonixlucas_, so how come you didn't use the usb boot disk creator in the ubuntu live cd ?00:55
Purpley1NewWorld, Yes it does00:55
NewWorldronnie:  I thought xmms2 was for audio playback only? how about ogg files? Those are supported by default, without extra codec packages.00:55
Sensivalucas_ rename the current grub list of your installation then boot from USB00:55
PingFloydmclark1128: only one bootloader can use the mbr, so if you have a situation where you need to use a different bootloader than the one installed in the mbr, that is where chainloading comes in.  The bootloader using the mbr passes the boot onto a bootloader installed elsewhere like to on installed in a partition for instance.00:55
ronnieNewWorld All I have is mp3 and a couple avi files00:55
lucas_first of all i cant boot cd's cause my cd drive is broken00:55
m0arI can't see why I'm not able to activate the propretairy driver in Hardware Drivers?  It just says "This driver is activated but nor currently in use" Any tips?00:56
airtonixlucas_, use another computer00:56
Purpley1I dont need to recover a partition neccesarily I just want some files off it00:56
jdeloachCould someone look over my xorg.0.log for me? I think there is a problem with it trying to do two monitors on one output.00:56
lucas_so you suggest i make a new bootable usb drive with a live cd?00:56
stdiseasexmms2 -> audio only, client-sever architecture, fine GUIs: esperanza, lxmusic...00:56
airtonixlucas_, mainly because you'll end up using software thats supported here in this channel00:56
mclark1128so now I just need to figure out where "x" is on my (hd0, x) menu entry00:56
NewWorldronnie:  I'm not sure :/ maybe you'll have to examine it's configuration file.00:56
NewWorldmclark1128:  Count the partitions, they start at 0. For example in Gparted.00:57
NewWorldmclark1128:  In Gpartedd, from left to right.00:57
PingFloydmclark1128: sda1 would be (hd0,0) for instance00:57
lucas_thats a point, but if it doesnt let me load my usb drive now (it just throws me to my grub where nothing works anymore), it probably wont let me load the usb drive with something else on it either00:57
m0arI can't see why I'm not able to activate the propretairy driver in Hardware Drivers?  It just says "This driver is activated but nor currently in use" Any tips?00:58
stdiseaseI thought partitions started with 100:58
mclark1128gotcha, and I think that sda3 is my win7 partition00:58
mclark1128so.. hd0, 200:58
PingFloydmclark1128: sdc3 would be (hd2,2) and so on00:58
jdeloachCould someone look over my xorg.0.log for me? I think there is a problem with it trying to do two monitors on one output.00:58
Sensivamclark1128 don't think, be sure00:58
ronnieNewWorld thats probably over my head one day into linux. I will try to utfse about the config file real quick. u seem to be a busy man00:58
mclark1128Sensiva: I'm sure that sda3 is my win7 partition :)00:58
NewWorldlucas_:  You have to change your boot order... when you start the computer. Look for an 'Fxx' shortcut, where x is a digit. And press it to let you boot from USB first00:58
NewWorldronnie:  utsfe? I'm not too busy  haha00:59
Sensivamclark1128 then you are good to go, Good luck! :D00:59
stdiseasemclark1128, I'm sure it becomes (hd0,3) in grub2, grub-legacy may be different00:59
lucas_thats what i do, i explicitly select boot from usb, but it just goes around that somehow and gives me the GRUB on my hard drive :s00:59
NewWorldjdeloach:  Post pastebin link.00:59
ronnieNewWorld use the fucking search engine.00:59
shane_hey all, anyone know how to check and see what video driver your using on buntu?00:59
NewWorldronnie:  I could tell you the same thing.00:59
lucas_thats what freaks me out and why i came her ein the first place00:59
NewWorldronnie:  I thought it was a typo.01:00
Sensivashane_ /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:00
NewWorldlucas_:  Did you make the LiveCD with Unetbootin?01:00
shane_Sensiva it says command not found01:00
lucas_yes i made the liveUSB with unetbootin01:01
m0arI can't see why I'm not able to activate the propretairy driver in Hardware Drivers?  It just says "This driver is activated but nor currently in use" Any tips?01:01
Sensivashane_ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | more01:01
mclark1128Well thanks for everyone's help, I'm off to try and finish things up!01:01
jdeloachNewWorld: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/388638/ look specificially at how radeon(0) and radeon(1) are using the same outputs on the card.01:01
NewWorldlucas_:  Hmmm you could try a different version of Ubuntu to  make the Live CD01:01
Trinity33no woman no cry no woman no cry say say i remember when we used to say to sit01:01
Trinity33In the government yard in Trenchtown Oba, ob-serving the hypocrites .... no woamn no cry anyone know whos song its ?01:01
lucas_thats what ill try tomorrow01:01
NewWorldTrinity33:  Bob marley01:02
Trinity33i still love him:)01:02
rwwubottu: ot | Trinity3301:02
ubottuTrinity33: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:02
lucas_or maybe ill just buy an external usb dvd-reader so i dont have this trouble with making liveUSBs all the time01:02
Sensivalucas_ make sure your computer support booting from USB01:02
lucas_it does01:03
lucas_i did it millions of times01:03
NewWorldjdeloach:  That's a huge xorg file that I am scared to debug lol. Nah I don't think I'm experienced enough for dual card xorg config sorry :P01:03
lucas_just after the failed supergrubdisk attempt it circumvents the usb boot01:03
shane_says I have a radeon 9200 card, but when I try to install FGLRX with hardware drivers it doesnt give me the option to install it, and it says Im using xorg driver?? anyone know how I can install fglrx or radeon01:04
Purpley1Guys wish me lukc im going to try to recover my stuff on a corrupt partition with foremost ;)01:04
NewWorldGL :)))01:04
major_redhatgoodlouck Purpley101:04
jdeloachNewWorld: I am like two weeks into Ubuntu and I am cool with it. it is just my log file. if you acctually break it down, it's simple and repetitive.01:04
lucas_*why is it always me experiencing crazy exceptional cases on everything pc-related, arggg*01:05
Purpley1Well the good side I guess, is I was able to screenshot every thing I had in my media folder so Ill just be torrenting like crazy if it doesnt work :)01:05
lucas_anyway, thanks for the advice guys01:05
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DcMeeseMilitantPotato: Watsupp? I got my wireless card to work...and I can surf the web, but now the ubuntu software center says each package is not available in the current data... And ideas?01:06
claws_how do i exit a man ?01:07
Purpley1DcMeese, Have you ran the update manager yet?01:07
NewWorldjdeloach:  Maybe it could help if we saw your xorg.conf01:07
claws_gr8...thx  :)01:07
Purpley1claws_ control+c or control+x01:07
OttifantSirUbuntu 9.10 on a Dell Inspiron 9400 with Stereo and Subwoofer/LFE-speakers. How do I change the volume of the LFE? Up until 9.04 it was just selecting Main/PCM and LFE with Ctrl in Sound Preferences and it was solved, but how do I control the LFE volume in 9.10?01:07
jdeloachNewWorld: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/388640/01:08
holmserdoes anyone have any experience with courier-imap?  I can't seem to log into mine.  It keeps giving me an invalid username/password error01:08
DcMeesePurpley1: Found it... And how do I give myself root permissions? I know the password for root but cant do01:08
claws_Purpley1, didnt work01:08
DcMeeseCertain things01:08
Purpley1dcmesse go to terminal type in sudo -passwd01:09
coz_holmser,   I dont  sorry ...however if no one here has the experience  try the ##Linux channel01:09
Purpley1claws_, lemme see hold on01:09
fcnhey this applet really starts pissing me off: I don't understand why it acts like that. Is there a file or a gconf entry to keep weather data?01:09
Purpley1claws_, try hitting "q"01:09
NewWorldsorry jdeloach I can't figure it out :/ have little xp in this anyway :/01:10
jdeloachNewWorld: do you know anybody who has expierience in this?01:10
Purpley1Argh foremost isnt working gotta be on a live cd :/ so I guess im going to have to boot up on backtrack01:11
NewWorldjdeloach:  UbuntuForums for sure :)01:11
jdeloachNewWorld: posted several times with several bumps. nobody ever responds.01:11
NewWorldjdeloach:  But what are the actual sideffects?01:11
jdeloachNewWorld: Only 2 out of my 4 monitors can work at a time.01:12
NewWorldOoooh you have 401:12
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NewWorldjdeloach:  Which ones work and which ones don't?01:12
Purpley1Does ubuntu have a program for lego mindstorms? I have to program in a quick thing for a tempetuare controller?01:13
jdeloachNewWorld: I can change my config so one card works or the other. Not at the same time. Except I can get it to kinda work, 2 monitors work and the other have random text like a shell on them.01:13
major_redhatPurpley1: you could always try using WINE01:13
jdeloachNewWorld: Should I try running to X sessions?01:13
shane_anyone know why hardware drivers doesnt show fglrx for a radeon 9200 when its supported??? does that mean i cant use the driver?? i have no 3d support as of now and want it01:13
mtx_inithow can I change the auto drive mounting options in nautilus.01:14
jdeloachshane_: I have a radeon 9200! Can't get it working though :( Trying to use standard ATI drivers though.01:14
Purpley1major_redhat, See, the problem is i lost my installion cd :P and lego charges you for a new one and there arent any torrents online for it01:14
NewWorldjdeloach:  No, I don't think that's a good idea hmmm. jdeloach Is it random gibberish on the broken screens? Or something meaningful?01:14
NewWorldmtx_init:  What options are you trying to control?01:15
major_redhatPurpley1: ouch that sucks. good luck finding a lego for linux, i dont konw if there is one available but you can always google it...01:15
shane_jdeloach_: so do you have any compositing or 3d effects and can you use compiz??01:15
jdeloachNewWorld: It's the stats of the OTHER graphics card. It's weird.01:15
jdeloachshane_: I am messing with getting it as a second graphics card. Not really there yet to that sort of stuff. Still trying to get it working at the same time.01:15
mtx_initNewWorld: I want to mount ext3 drives in journaled mode via nautilus.01:15
NewWorldjdeloach:  Well can you see in your xorg.conf... it only goes up to two screens, 'Scren 0' and 'Screen 1' maybe you should add more.01:16
NewWorldmtx_init:  ext3 is journaled already isn't it?01:16
RPSHello Guys, I'm having problems getting my sound to work after a reboot. I've uninstalled & reinstalled the sound drivers twice with no change. This laptop has ran Ubuntu 9.04 flawlessly with ZERO sound issues until this reboot HUNG UP and I had to disconnect the battery to finally get it to turn off. I'm frustrated & have no idea what to do next. I'm almost considering upgrading to 9.10 just to see if that will fix it.        Is it01:16
RPS possible to do a refresh of 9.04? Is that something that could fix this issue? I am only getting a faint crackly type of sound when I turn the volume up pretty loud & nothing else.01:16
mtx_initNewWorld: no its not01:16
mtx_initonly metadata01:16
shane_jdeloach Im not even sure what driver I am using, but supposedly all the 3d drivers work with it, have you tried envy??01:16
Purpley1major_redhat, True, if i could figure out a way to just code in C++ for it id be set01:16
major_redhatPurpley1: go for it01:17
jdeloachNewWorld: It freaks out when I try. Says screens 2 and 3 have no matching configs.01:17
NewWorldjdeloach:  Okay lemme edit it up for you01:17
jdeloachNewWorld: k, thanks.01:17
BluesKajRPS, check alsamixer in the terminal ., make sure all your crtls are turned up to atleast 70% , sometimes an update also mutes the master crtl , use the M key to unmute any ctrls with a M .01:18
Purpley1Hey guys my disk is stuck in my cd-rom, those little holes on them are for opening them if they get stuck right?01:18
shane_how do i chek to see what driver I am using right now?>>?01:19
Satoru-sanPurpley1: unmount it01:19
Pirate-Kinganybody got a good how 2 on installing ubuntu with 2 hard drives but not raid01:19
NewWorldjdeloach:  Can you paste it to normal pastebin... I can't copy without linenumbers without loggin in01:19
Purpley1Satoru-san, Durr lol I forgot never mind :)01:19
Satoru-sanPurpley1: sudo umount /dev/sr001:19
zsocub9.10, usb crashes occasionally, I have no uhci_hcd or ehci_hcd, and not sure what other modules/upstart services I should trying to be restarting.. I can't fix it without a restart. A full restart ALWAYS fixes it. Here is a dmesg | tail of when it happens: http://webos.pastebin.com/Me4ZF3bs01:19
mtx_initPirate-King: just use the manual partitioner.01:19
mtx_initor advanced01:19
BluesKaj!envy | shane_, jdeloach01:19
ubottushane_, jdeloach: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver01:19
jdeloachNewWorld: yeah, sure 1 sec.01:19
RPSBluesKaj, what command gets me there?01:20
Pirate-KingI did try that...I guess my problem is getting that drive to mount01:20
Pirate-KingI did try that...I guess my problem is getting that 2 nd drive to mount01:20
BluesKajRPS, in the terminal, alsamixer01:20
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shane_I just want to know what driver I am using now and how ot install a 3d driver?????01:20
NewWorldPurpley1:  What's this about some lego you are trying to download? If you give me the product name I'll try searching for a download.01:21
coz_shane_,  for your video?01:21
shane_what is the manual way of installing fglrx or radeon???01:21
shane_coz_ yes01:21
coz_shane_,  you need to speak with soreau    I consider him near expert with the installation of ati graphics drivers :)01:21
Purpley1Its a robotic type lego, I should buy the ardiuno though :/ its just ive always had this01:21
jdeloachNewWorld: http://pastebin.com/K7hbFBJK01:21
RPSBluesKaj, It was turned all the way up ...are any of the other settings important in  alsamixer01:22
shane_soreau hey you got a minute to help with video driver install???01:22
BluesKajRPS, unmute any ctrls with a M , use the M key01:23
coz_shane_,  out of curosity     in terminal    lspci | grep -i vga01:23
BichoGRILOhi there01:23
BichoGRILOanyone can log on hotmail?01:24
coz_BichoGRILO,  mm let me try hold on01:24
TecnoBratawesome, according to my ISP's abuse email, my ubuntu linux machine is infected by a windows trojan!01:24
TecnoBratyay false positives ...01:24
NewWorldjdeloach:  What did you do to add more screens?01:24
shane_coz_ 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO] (rev 01)01:24
geniiBichoGRILO: So you have a Firefox or Evolution technical support question?01:24
airtonix!ot | TecnoBrat01:24
ubottuTecnoBrat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:24
coz_BichoGRILO,   yep hot onto hotmail01:24
coz_shane_,  ok soreau  will need to know that card01:25
BichoGRILOi do not log on hotmail01:25
BichoGRILOtype my username, my password01:25
jdeloachNewWorld: I copied that xorg.conf from online and editted it to match mine.01:25
coz_shane_,   For 7000 to HD4xxx series cards, you can use the open source "radeon" driver. HD2xxx and later series cards are also supported by the proprietary "fglrx" driver.01:25
psvastiin soviet russia, hotmail logs on to YOU!01:25
BichoGRILOdo not log01:25
coz_BichoGRILO,  not sure then ... I can definilty log on here01:25
RPSBluesKaj, I flipped them all on, buy I'm still just getting that faint crackling sound when I have the volume turned up. the sound is only made while I am playing something that makes noise, so its not an interference type of sound01:26
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NewWorldjdeloach:  The one you sent me is one you got online and not the original?01:26
BichoGRILOlook this link... two screenshots of error01:26
jdeloachNewWorld: it is the one i have editted.01:27
shane_coz_ here is what is on a site for compatibility RADEON 9200 (RV280 5961)01:27
shane_ it syas I can use fglrx>>> funny hting is it normally offers to instal it in hardware drivers but it doesnt on this system... how would i go about isntalling it manually??01:27
NewWorldjdeloach:  Before you edited... the original xorg.. how did that work out?01:27
coz_shane_,  that is where you need to talk with soreau  or go to #radeon  I thnk it is01:27
jdeloachNewWorld: it did not notice the second video card. It just thinks there is one.01:27
BluesKajRPS,in the terminal :  speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav01:28
NewWorldPurpley:  Did you want Lego Minstorms to run natively on Linux or Windows is fine?01:28
NewWorldjdeloach:  But how many screens worked?01:28
coz_BichoGRILO,  I am not sure ...maybe your isp is blocking it?01:28
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geniiBichoGRILO: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?01:28
BichoGRILObecause i do on windows01:28
jdeloachNewWorld: 201:28
PurpleyId prefer linux01:29
NewWorldPurpley:  Does it exist?01:29
coz_BichoGRILO,   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:29
genii!info ubuntu-restricted-extras01:29
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 36 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB01:29
NewWorldPurpley:  I found the Windows I think... if that's waht you couldn't find either.01:29
RPSBluesKaj, It's trying to make noise & is going from what I think is test to test, but all I'm getting is the faint crackling noise01:29
geniiBichoGRILO: For java, flash, codecs, other assorted stuff01:29
genii( hotmail uses some java for instance)01:30
coz_I dont think the restricted extras are going to prevent linking to a site though01:30
RPSBluesKaj, It just keeps scrolling to the next (test?)01:30
NewWorldjdeloach:  This might take a lil while, like be patient while I edit :)01:30
BichoGRILOjava, flash, codecs, all is fine01:30
BluesKajRPS, if that didn't give any sound , we need to know if your soundcard is even seen by alsa ,in the terminal again :  lspci | grep audio01:30
neezerI just created a user on my server named ryan. I want to ssh into that user, but I have sshd_conf only allows rsa key login. I need to copy some files over to the ryan user account right? I'm not exactly sure how to proceed.01:30
jasman_anyone can help, how to make a vhost for irc?01:30
BichoGRILObut, i can't connect in noone browser in my hotmail acoount, and no one msn clients :(01:31
soreaushane_: What problem are you having with your drivers?01:31
RPSBluesKaj, nothing happened except it just jumped back to the entry line immediately01:32
jdeloachNewWorld: k, I'm trying anything over here to make it work. :d01:32
unopneezer, you copy your public key to ryan's ~/.ssh/ directory .. see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys01:33
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RPSBluesKaj, <lspci | grep audio> is the exact line I should use, correct?01:33
neezerI tried doing sudo cp -r .ssh /home/ryan, and it won't let me check to see if it copied properly. unop01:33
BluesKajRPS, then your kernel source driver isn't working , do you know what soundcard you have ..we need to get alsa to recognize it01:34
unopneezer, are you trying to ssh to the same machine you're on now?01:34
neezerunop, i can see the .ssh folder in his directory, but when i try from my client, ssh ryan@ it tells me permission denied.01:34
brjannneezer: that's because /home/ryan/.ssh is now owned by root, since you copied it using sudo. try   sudo chown ryan:ryan /home/ryan/.ssh01:34
keyboardtalkWhat is the best implementation of the board game "Go" for ubuntu?01:35
BichoGRILOhow i disable the autentication window aways i will do a task like install change network setup, mount a driver?01:35
BluesKajRPS, try this, cat /proc/asound/cards01:35
brjannneezer: you might also need to explicitly set permissions on that directory, too, after you've chowned it:   chmod 700 /home/ryan/.ssh01:36
geniiBichoGRILO: There is no good method that does not involve compromising your syystem in some way01:36
neezerunop, I'm on my laptop trying to login to my server. I'm trying to set up a user account for my buddy.01:36
BichoGRILOquestion of security?01:36
BluesKajRPS yes lspci | grep audio was correct01:36
RPSI've got it01:36
unopneezer,  looks like you copied too much there .. all you need copy is the public key .. the howto explains this.01:36
BichoGRILOlike when someone tries? and have'nt pass?01:37
geniiBichoGRILO: Yes, it's to make sure that proper auth is made before potentially destructive things happen01:37
RPSBluesKaj,  HDA Intel  <---I believe that is it01:37
BichoGRILOi am loving ubuntu01:37
BichoGRILOfor this01:37
BichoGRILOi am brazillian01:37
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neezerI have an authorized keys file in the original .ssh file. so that is the only thing that I copied over to /home/ryan/.ssh01:37
BichoGRILOsorry my english is not so good :S01:38
BluesKajRPS, did you do , cat /proc/asound/cards ?01:38
neezerbrjann, I still can get into the .ssh folder.01:38
RPSBluesKaj,  HDA Intel  is what came back01:38
BichoGRILOsomeone knows the setup for a keyboard of notebook acer aspire 5516?01:38
BichoGRILOthe correct setup01:39
BluesKaj!intelhda | RPS01:39
ubottuRPS: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto01:39
BichoGRILOsome keys are missing01:39
RPSBluesKaj,  0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel01:39
RPS                      HDA Intel at 0xefebc000 irq 2101:39
brjannneezer: openssh does not like it when anyone but the owner has read access to the .ssh directory.01:39
BluesKajRPS, check the url above , that will help get it working01:39
RPSBluesKaj,  Thank You ...time to go down the rabbit hole. LOL01:41
NewWorldBichoGRILO:  Where did you lose the keys?01:41
neezerbrjann, When I created the user, I used sudo adduser ryan, and went through the steps. then I looked in /home/ryan, and the only thing in it was desktop_examples. I think the rest of the folders are created on the first login.01:41
BluesKajwell, RPS I'm not familiar with intelhda cards :(01:41
NewWorldjdeloach:  In the Xorg... one thing I can't figure out is what the BusID is. Could you find out?01:41
brjannneezer: but you said you copied in the .ssh directory using     sudo cp -r .ssh /home/ryan01:42
jdeloachNewWorld: here is my lspci http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/388033/01:42
neezeryes. it wouldn't let me create a directory without sudo.01:42
brjannneezer: right, that's what i'm saying. the .ssh directory you created (using sudo) is now owned by root. ryan can't write anything to it.01:43
neezerI just deleted the user and added again. so he doesn't have anything in is home folder except for examples.desktop01:43
neezerbrjann, I haven't even logged in as ryan. I want to get ssh access, but he needs a .ssh folder first right?01:44
brjannneezer: if your sshd_config is set to only allow public key authentication, yes.01:44
brjannneezer: where is his public key coming from?01:45
neezerso should I turn it to password just for a one time login with ryan to set up the key?01:45
Elroxneezer, all you gotta do is cp the dir you your dir,,, then do sudo chown -R username:username /home/username01:45
brjannneezer: that's typically what I do, yes.01:45
neezerso I can just cp /home/neezer/.ssh /home/ryan?01:46
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brjannneezer: only if you're giving him your private key. which I would not recommend.01:46
neezerSo I'd need to make a new key?01:46
brjannneezer: yes. ryan needs his own key, and needs some way to get the public key portion of his key added to .ssh/authorized_users01:47
neezerwhy is it bad to give him my private key? then he could login as me and have sudo access?01:47
brjannneezer: yes, giving out your private key means he can log in as you.01:47
neezerand my private key is on the server in /home/neezer/.ssh?01:47
Elroxneezer,  cp /home/neezer/.ssh /home/ryan/. && sudo chown -R ryan:ryan /home/ryan01:47
BichoGRILOsomeone knows the setup for a keyboard of notebook acer aspire 5516?01:48
BichoGRILOsome keys are missing01:48
neezerElrox, it won't let me do that because I don't have permission to create a folder there.01:48
brjannneezer: no, your private key lives on your laptop. on the server, there is a public key in .ssh/authorized_keys01:48
Pirate-Kinganybody know how to mount a drive?01:48
BichoGRILOPirate-King, two clics01:49
BichoGRILOand give password01:49
BichoGRILOthat mout01:49
mattgyverI have a software RAID 1 and i would like to create an image one of the disks on the raid, is this possible?01:49
Elroxneezer, sudo it01:49
Pirate-Kingok how come I can't write to the drive then?01:50
IzinucsCan the region a dvd player is set to use be changed?01:50
sekyourboxHello, I have 2 interfaces that i need to connect to. (ath0, and eth1). I'm currently going through on ath0, and when i add eth0 to the routing table, it says unknown host.. Any help please. Thanks01:50
coz_Izinucs,  it can yes01:50
coz_Izinucs,  hold on01:50
brjannElrox: you're telling him to copy his authorized_keys file to another user's directory. that's really not a good idea.01:50
Izinucscoz_: thanks.. holding :)01:50
neezerElrox, brjann, Thanks for all the help. I need to take a while to read some more and figure this out...I always get screwed up on who has the private key, and who has the public key. Thank you for the help. I really do appreciate it.01:50
coz_Izinucs,  in terminal type     regionset01:51
Izinucscoz_: is that also a way of checking what it's set for?01:51
Pirate-Kinghow do you give permissions to a drive?01:51
Elroxbrjann, isnt that what he's asking how to do? or is this from his box to a server?01:51
coz_Izinucs,  ah not sure I havent used that for some time now01:51
coz_Izinucs,  but let me check hold on01:51
brjannElrox: he's making a new account for a friend of his01:51
brjannneezer: no problem. here's some reading material for you :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys01:52
Elroxbrjann, on his own box?, if so then whats the prob? if not then he wont have perms to do it?01:52
coz_Izinucs,  not sure about that ...cant seem to find anyting regarding check region set01:52
convergehow can i list the hds in the machine?01:53
coz_Izinucs,  which region do you need?01:53
neezerbrjann, thanks for the link. it is used to be one of my bookmarks until I got my ssh up and running smoothly. now I just need to get his going.01:53
brjannElrox: neezer copying his own authorized_keys file into ryan's ssh directory means a) neezer would be allowed to log in as ryan using neezer's private key and b) ryan would still not be able to log in.01:54
NewWorldjdeloach:  Can you run 'Xorg -scanpci' without X server running?01:54
Izinucscoz_: well for various reasons I think that my dvd drive region has been "reset" to something other than the U.S... with libdvdcss2 installed I still can't play dvd's and it won't mount blank dvd's but will cd's..01:54
coz_Izinucs,  which media player?01:54
Izinucscoz_: doesn't matter.. mostly with k3b trying to burn and almost any player you can think of I've thrown at it.01:55
Izinucscoz_: so does regionset simply prompt you for the region you want to set? or does it tell you what it's set for now before making a change?01:56
Elroxbrjann, you are absolutely right, my apologies, i was only looking at the file cp/perms part of it, ty01:56
jdeloachNewWorld: My computer is not recognizing the "-scanpci" flag.01:57
coz_Izinucs,  as I recal it prompts for you to set  dvd region01:57
brjannElrox: no worries :)01:57
coz_Izinucs,   I believe you have three attempts  but I am not sure it actually resets  the dvd chip01:57
dr3mrohello ,i am concerned about viruses i installed rkhunter and chkrootkit and my system is clean , do i need to install clamav ????01:57
coz_dr3mro,  it is unlikely you will ge01:58
coz_dr3mro,  get one01:58
coz_dr3mro,  however I do use rkhunter on occasion just to be sure01:58
NewWorldjdeloach:  Phhewwwww there you go: http://pastebin.com/prBdsxt501:58
Izinucscoz_: I tried it and without a cd/dvd in the drive it error's out.. I guess it looks at the dvd and determins what the dvd is set for.01:58
dr3mrocoz_, i install alot of deb files out side rpositories01:58
coz_dr3mro,  most of the viruses and things are geared towards server installations01:58
mattgyverHey guys, is there anyway that i can image one of my disks within a software raid?01:58
dr3mrocoz_, so clamav not neccessary01:59
coz_dr3mro, ` so your desktop should be fairly safe01:59
dr3mrocoz_, i think ubuntu is gaining ground and soon we will see alot of viruses for linux01:59
coz_dr3mro,  not real necessary however if you feel more confortatble with an anti virus  applicationi then install clamav  along with one of its front end gui's01:59
dr3mrocoz_, we should be prepared01:59
jdeloachNewWorld: Thanks, copying it now!02:00
dr3mrocoz_, i am new to linux world but prefer CLI02:00
coz_dr3mro,  eventually it will be necessary but most likely not for 5 years or so02:00
dr3mrocoz_, much customizable and faster02:00
coz_dr3mro,  the advantage of course is that clamav is free02:00
dr3mrocoz_, i think after 2 to 3 moths only after lucid release :) i hope02:00
NewWorldlol OT guys02:01
PoisonSerpentHi all.02:01
coz_dr3mro,  well its more difficutl to create and impliment a virus on linux  so I give it longer than that02:01
dr3mrocoz_, thank you02:01
coz_dr3mro,  no problem02:01
dr3mroi have another Q?02:02
dr3mrodoes any one try to replace metacity with openbox ?02:02
coz_dr3mro,  you can install openbox easily on ubuntu however you will NOT be able to run compiz with openbox  if you like compiz02:03
coz_dr3mro,  I prefer fluxbox  but openbox is cool too02:03
jimi_I plugged a western digital 1tb harddrive into my usb port. it scans, dmesg sees it , but it doesnt mount it anywhere. its a ntfs partition, ut idont see itin lsusb iether02:03
coz_dr3mro,  compiz only runs on  kde  gnome  lxde and xfce  or as a stanalone02:04
MilitantPotatojimi_: have NTFS-Config installed?02:04
kthomas_vhwhen I do server restart,  bind runs but requires a restart before it answers requests;  any solutions besides writing a restart script?02:04
jimi_MilitantPotato, checking02:04
dr3mrocoz_, i tired crunchbang and realy become a openbox fan so easy and so light on resources but i love gnome so i thinking now to try to create a USB thumb with ubuntu minimal and openbox and gtk and some apps so it will work any where i go02:04
jimi_MilitantPotato, i do now :)02:05
MilitantPotatojimi_: running that and enabling the ability to write to external drives helped02:05
NewWorld!ot > dr3mro02:05
ubottudr3mro, please see my private message02:05
jimi_MilitantPotato, you had the same issue?02:05
MilitantPotatojimi_: not sure if it will for you, but it did for me.02:05
coz_dr3mro,  sounds like a good plan... yeah openbox is nice02:05
coz_dr3mro,  however no compiz with that :)02:05
MilitantPotatojimi_: Somewhat, I never checked lsusb though02:05
MilitantPotatojimi_: so I can't say it's the exact same issue02:05
dr3mrofor a usb , no problem02:05
jimi_MilitantPotato, ok, its installed, just shows the hardware connects/disconnects in dmesg02:06
NewWorldjimi_:  Do you have the 'ntfs-3g' package installed?02:06
rascal999anyone here familiar with persistent mode? Saving settings for livecd?02:06
MilitantPotatojimi_: did ya run ntfs-config ?02:06
jimi_MilitantPotato, yes02:06
jimi_NewWorld, yes02:06
MilitantPotatojimi_: try it with the drive plugged in?02:06
NewWorldjimi_:  Can you see it in 'sudo fdisk -l'?02:06
MilitantPotatojimi_: does it show in fdisk -l ?02:07
gekitsuuHow do I change my default runlevel to 3 in 9.10? I don't see inittab anywhere02:07
jimi_MilitantPotato, no, only the 3 partitions for linux02:07
Kingsy101can someone give me some advice about a problem I am having with ubuntu.. it keeps closing applications itself02:07
gescapehow can I mount new ext4 to enable access all users without rebooting the machine?02:08
Kingsy101for example I might have a terminal open.. or FF and suddenly the window will just dissappear02:08
gescapeI have to mount it as root, but then no one can write to the new ext4 :(02:08
Kingsy101anyone seen anything like that before? I don't wanna have to re-install the operating system cos of something stupid like this02:08
gescapeKingsy101, have you checked what's in /var/log/messages ?02:09
Kingsy101nope I will do that now :)02:09
jimi_[  857.048070] usb 2-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 6 [  857.180536] usb 2-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice02:10
jimi_That's the message dmesg shows02:10
geniiKingsy101: If you do alt-tab a few times do the apps which seem closed cycle?02:10
NewWorldjdeloach:  Is it working?02:11
gescapeKingsy101, you can try to open terminal and then $sudo tail -f /var/log/messages > errorfile.txt :)02:11
Kingsy101ok hang on02:11
ZykoticK9gescape, to allow all other users to use your new ext4 partition you have to change the permissions on the mount point "sudo chmod ugo+rwx /where/it/gets/mounted" and then everyone will be able to use it.02:12
gescapeKingsy101, if terminal will close off itself you should have file ready with error :)02:12
jimi_MilitantPotato, It's in lsusb but it doesnt show t as a disk, how can i mount it?02:12
MilitantPotatojimi_: is this the 1tb western digital with DRM?02:12
Kingsy101gescape - that command is giving me a permission denied02:12
Kingsy101even with the sudo02:12
NewWorldZykoticK9:  gescape I'm not sure that's the best way to go about it. Shouldn't the 'users' mount option be envoked instead?02:13
gescapeZykoticK9, thx.. I'm so stupid :( I was looking for some options in mount man haha02:13
waddai want to reinstall flash -- can anyone tell me if synaptic completely purges flash or if i need to do something else?02:13
jimi_MilitantPotato, it's a 1TB wd yes02:13
gescapeKingsy101, don't forget about sudo at the beginning02:13
MilitantPotatojimi_: WD started using drives with DRM that block certain media files (great stuff) the firmware likely won't work on linux, I'm guessing.02:13
gescapeKingsy101, and you will need to type your password first time ;)02:13
lookhai all, um i am trying to delete a partition from my hard drive but gparted wont let me because its /dev/sdb5 and it says i need to unmount is so i used Terminal and typed "umount /dev/sdb5" and it said that is was already unmounted02:13
NewWorldwadda:  did you chekc 'Completely Remove'?02:13
MilitantPotatojimi_: it started with a 1TB WD drive a few months back, that MAY be the issue02:13
jimi_MilitantPotato,  is there a fix?02:14
waddaNewWorld, yep02:14
jdeloachNewWorld: Didn't work, sorry.02:14
Kingsy101gescape - yea I know I am typing sudo then the command and its giving me a permission denied02:14
gescapeNewWorld, I tried users option for mount, but I think it works only if in fstab02:14
Kingsy101its not even asking for the password02:14
MilitantPotatojimi_: no clue, I never bought one because of it, I'm just guessing that may be the issue, would be worth googling.02:14
NewWorldjdeloach:  What did it show?02:14
Kingsy101my ubuntu isnt updating either..02:14
gescapeKingsy101, :O02:14
lookhai all, um i am trying to delete a partition from my hard drive but gparted wont let me because its /dev/sdb5 and it says i need to unmount is so i used Terminal and typed "umount /dev/sdb5" and it said that is was already unmounted02:14
Kingsy101man I think my operating system is messing up badly here02:14
jimi_MilitantPotato, can i pass it through to a vm?02:14
Out_Coldanyway to sync a file over the network? i thought about scp but it may overwrite with an older file..02:14
jdeloachNewWorld: It started freaking out, said there weren't all these screens. I only have four but the config has like 16.02:14
gescapeKingsy101, I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 and it works for me with no prob02:15
Kingsy101yea :S02:15
NewWorldjdeloach:  Lol the config has 4 screens....02:15
MilitantPotatojimi_: I really have no idea, It just came to mind that newer WD drives have DRM, I'm not sure if that's even the problem02:15
jimi_oh ok02:15
Kingsy101I might just re-install my operating system 2morrow02:15
Kingsy101it just seems like a cop out I hate having to do that02:15
NewWorldjdeloach:  Brother I've stayed up 3 hrs past my  usual bedtime helping in this chan lol, at least I gave you a start. If you catch me another day I will try to help you once more :)02:15
Kingsy101it would be nice to fix ubuntu for a change02:16
MilitantPotatojimi_: I'd say google into it a bit, see if that could be the case02:16
gescapeKingsy101, try just $/usr/bin/tail -f /var/log/messages02:16
jdeloachNewWorld: thanks though, it has given me a lot of info.02:16
=== hexdump is now known as Hellhound666
jdeloachAnybody know how to get a card not showing up in "aticonfig --lsa" to show up?02:16
Hellhound666Hi all I'm having a problem with sound here.02:16
BichoGRILOsomeone knows the setup for a keyboard of notebook acer aspire 5516?02:16
BichoGRILOsome keys are missing02:17
lookhai all, um i am trying to delete a partition from my hard drive but gparted wont let me because its /dev/sdb5 and it says i need to unmount is so i used Terminal and typed "umount /dev/sdb5" and it said that is was already unmounted02:17
gescapeZykoticK9, and what if I would like to allow only specific groups to write to my new ext4?02:17
Kingsy101gescape - now we are getting somewhere02:17
Out_Coldlook, try just 'mount'02:17
Kingsy101check it out ---> http://pastie.org/85495202:17
gescapeKingsy101, :)02:17
lookOut_Cold: no it wants it unmounted02:18
Kingsy101that paste is what the command returned (my most recent entries in that log file)02:18
Out_Coldlook, just try the command02:18
ZykoticK9gescape, then you'd have to create a group and assign that group ownership with write permission and set "other" to NOT have read/write/execute02:18
lookOut_Cold: so i did "umount /dev/sdb5" and it was already unmounted02:18
lookOut_Cold: so i mounted it again and unmounted it just to make sure and tryed again02:18
lookOut_Cold: And Gparted still wont do it02:19
SurradorI used to be very racially tolerant!02:19
Out_Coldlook, just run 'mount' all by it's self.02:19
ZykoticK9look, you can't unmount a device (/dev/sdb5) you need to umount where it's mounted to -- use "mount" by itself to see where it is mounted02:19
Hellhound666constant problems it seems02:19
SurradorI even went as far as considering past slavery and oppression in my opinion of the Negro Problem!02:19
SurradorHowever as I matured I realized02:19
lookthere are no mounted drives on /dev/sdb502:19
Surradorthat the fecal-colored beast is like that because of its nature.02:20
Out_ColdZykoticK9, you can too unmount it by the dev name IIRC02:20
SurradorThat is why I joined Chimpout Forum02:20
gescapeZykoticK9, do you have maybe any link to some nice ref guide with good examples by any chance so I can practice and see real scenarios?02:20
lookZykoticK9: thre are no mounted drives on /dev/sdb502:20
rww!ops | Surrador02:20
ubottuSurrador: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:20
SurradorGoogle Chimpout Forum!02:20
Out_Coldlook, then refresh gparted and try again02:20
SurradorGoogle Chimpout Forum02:20
DILone got to your wife huh?02:20
Hellhound666When somebody gets a chance could they help me out with my sound issue please02:20
lookOut_Cold: ive done that 3 times02:20
ZykoticK9gescape, sorry no links for ya - good luck man (i know permissions can be a pain)02:20
Kingsy101gescape - so you got any idea what that stuff means?02:20
Out_Coldlook, then perhaps use fdisk or cfdisk02:20
todayhi everyone02:20
lookOut_Cold: ok02:21
gescapeKingsy101, not yet sorry02:21
todayhelp me about share file between Ubuntu 9.10 and windowx xp02:21
gescapeZykoticK9, np - thx anyway02:21
Kingsy101gescape - should I ask around? or are you still working on it?02:21
Out_Cold!sound > Hellhound66602:21
ubottuHellhound666, please see my private message02:21
ZykoticK9look, what is the output of "mount | grep sdb"02:21
gescapeKingsy101, try around and if I'll find anything will let you know02:22
Kingsy101ok np thanks02:22
mattgyverhow can i backup a disk on a software raid 1?02:22
todaysome one help me02:22
Out_Cold!samba > today02:22
ubottutoday, please see my private message02:22
gescapeKingsy101, have you got that output when a window disappeared?02:22
todayOut_Cold: thanks02:23
AzelphurMy right mouse button sends both press and release events when I press, or release it (EG: Pressing the mouse button but not letting it up results in both a press and release event) any ideas how to fix this? It's very annoying in games.02:23
GekitsuuDoes anyone know how to change the default runlevel in 9.10?02:23
Kingsy101gescape - I am not sure I have just turned it  back on to give it another go.. it hasnt done it yet so those logs are from the last time I had it turned on02:23
Kingsy101so I guess so..02:23
todayi know, we can use Samba, but i dont know how to confic samba Out_Cold02:23
Kingsy101there seems to be LOADS of problems with this computer atm02:23
ZykoticK9!runlevel > Gekitsuu02:24
ubottuGekitsuu, please see my private message02:24
gescapeKingsy101, see this https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=49269902:24
Out_Coldtoday, there should be links there to follow. step by step guides for ubuntu02:24
todayOut_Cold: help me to config samba02:24
Gekitsuuthanks ubottu02:25
Out_Coldi guess.... give me a minute please02:25
todayOut_Cold:  thanks02:25
Kingsy101gescape - would that be causing windows to close themselves tho?02:25
gescapeKingsy101, it looks people get those errors on eeepc02:25
Kingsy101oh from the logs you mean?02:25
gescapeKingsy101, I'm not sure - I'm not a developer02:25
Out_Coldtoday, what steps have you done so far?02:26
Kingsy101:S its annoyingly confusing. heh02:26
Out_Coldgescape, what errors? i don't get many on my eeepc02:26
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gescapeOut_Cold, ACPI02:26
Out_Coldnever had an issue.. is this 10.04?02:27
gescapeOut_Cold, check if you have anything in messages02:27
Kingsy101gescape - I guess I will just wait until it happens again then i KNOW the last log entry is specific to the error02:27
gescapeOut_Cold, I do not have them - I've no eeepc :) Kingsy101 has http://pastie.org/85495202:28
mtx_initif you have an ext4 drive which has been using the ordered journal mode, is it ok to just change it to journaled mode, does one need to do anything special.02:28
gescapeKingsy101, those may not be related, could be a different issue...02:29
Out_Coldgescape, Kingsy101, my eeepc: http://pastebin.com/Zk84RNGN02:29
gescapeKingsy101, try to keep terminal with tail -f open so you can monitor what is happening02:29
lyraeHi. when i mount a drive, how do i give 'www-data' ownership?02:30
WetWiredI have a problem. I created a transparent image for my gnome panel, but when I set it, the notification area and window list aren't transparent. Anyknow know of a way to make them  transparent?02:30
Out_Coldlyrae, sudo chown www-data:www-data /path/to/drive02:30
lyraeOut_Cold, even if it's already mounted?02:31
Pirate-Kinghow do you make a drive have permissions to write and read02:31
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Out_Coldlyrae, yes02:31
lyraeOut_Cold, didn't work02:31
Pirate-KingIm logged in as the root02:31
Out_Coldlyrae, like chown www-data:www-data /var/www02:31
jimi_How can i mount a drm drive?02:31
Out_Coldlyrae, how do you know?02:31
Pirate-Kinghow do you make a drive have permissions to write and read?02:31
lyraeOut_Cold, because my http://localhost gives me Forbidden error. Apache access files as www-data02:32
lyraeso if apache is still giving me Forbidden error, means it's not mounted as www-data= /02:32
DIL!permissions | Pirate-King02:32
ubottuPirate-King: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:32
=== vinicius is now known as Guest50431
lyraehaving the exact same problem as this guy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68461702:33
WetWiredI have a problem. I created a transparent image for my gnome panel, but when I set it, the notification area and window list aren't transparent. Anyknow know of a way to make them  transparent?02:33
Out_Coldlyrae, ok well maybe that's still not functioning but lets look at the owner.... do a ls -la of the directory that contains the drive02:33
ZykoticK9WetWired, just as an FYI, the transparent panel apples to everything in Lucid -- so 56 days from now it will be fixed :)02:33
Out_Coldlyrae, where is the location?02:33
lyraeOut_Cold, /media/Shared/sites/www/02:33
lyraeShared is the name of the mounted HD02:34
gescapecya ppl... time to bed.. :)02:34
Out_Coldlyrae, what do you want to own? Shared or www?02:34
WetWiredZykoticK9, Yeah, but that doesn't help me now. lol. Do you know of a way? I've done it on my desktop, but now I'm setting up my girlfriends the same way, and can't remember how I did it.02:34
lyraeOut_Cold, only www and its subdirs if possible02:34
ZykoticK9WetWired, i remember having that "issue", i don't think i ever figured it out... sorry02:35
lyraeOut_Cold, but www is a directory of Shared, which is the actual HD. so im guessing we have to set Shared to be mounted as www-data02:35
Out_Coldlyrae, ok so sudo chown -r www-data:www-data /media/Shared/sites/www02:35
Out_Coldlyrae, i don't think you need to own parent directories to have ownership in the subs02:36
lyraeOut_Cold, also, Shared is NTFS02:36
Out_Coldooohhh...... might be an issue with the mounting permissions..02:36
lyraeyes i think so too =(02:36
Out_Coldgive me a sec..02:37
lyraeOut_Cold, did you see the link i sent?02:37
lyraeOut_Cold, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=684617   <-- someone says theres' 2 way to fix this02:37
Out_Coldreading now..02:37
lyraei was going to the first one, giving www-data permission when mounting. the other one is changing umask02:37
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GaduI purchased a 5 button mouse and the 2 extra keys are currently set to back and forward in the web-browser. How can I disable this without disabling the buttons entirely?02:38
Out_Coldlyrae, what is the umask??02:38
GaduI'd like to use them as keys for games and nothing more02:38
Out_Coldlyrae, you can set the umask in fstab to be 000 and therefor shared by all...02:39
lyraeOut_Cold, i don't know. that's why i was going with method 1 first02:39
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neezerOut_Cold: I just watched the movie Out Cold!! I just thought I'd share.02:39
lyraeOut_Cold, ok. but, first i have to set it to mount automatically when ubuntu starts, because fstab is not listing the mounted drive right now02:39
Out_Coldneezer, thanks.. I made it you know02:39
neezerOut_Cold: did you invent snowboarding?02:40
darkstar1evening ppl. Quick question. I need to mount a partition in / and make sure it's automatically mounted from now on02:40
Out_Coldlyrae, fair deal, you can set it all in fstab.... let me find you a link..02:40
Out_Coldneezer, no but i invented snow02:40
darkstar1how do I achieve this?02:40
lyraeOut_Cold, how do i find out which sd* (ie, SDC, SDB, SDA, etc) Shared is?02:40
Out_Coldlyrae, use 'mount'02:40
cheetos_How to install ralink chipset driver?02:40
lyraeOut_Cold, i'd like to add it to fstab so it gets mounted automatically02:40
Gadudarkstar1: you'll need to pick something other than / as the mount point. You need to pick an empty folder02:40
thomas_hey, is there anyone who can help me? i am having a problem with ggzBoard.02:40
hellyeahgimp breaks compiz on ubuntu 9.10 what the..02:40
Out_Colddarkstar1, pay attention to lyrae's problem02:41
lyraeOut_Cold, when i start Ubuntu, i see 'Shared' under 'Places' in the main menu. I click it, enter password and it gets mounted02:41
darkstar1Out_Cold: I just entered02:41
lyrae welcome02:41
neezerI want to start backing up my laptop install once I do a fresh install of 10.04 when it comes out. I have a server at home that I can ssh into, What might be a good way to accomplish this?02:41
sekyourboxis there a repository for Vmware Infrastructure Client???02:41
geniineezer: rsync02:42
Out_Colddarkstar1, which is why i'm pushing you onto lyrae's issue, we are going to mount a new drive in fstab which is what you want to do..02:42
lyraeOut_Cold, when i do umount /media/Shared, i get: /media/Shared is not in the fstab (and you are not root)02:42
Out_Coldlyrae, did you run the mount command?02:42
lyraeOut_Cold, give me 1 sec02:42
* seanbrystone_ gives lyrae 2 secs02:42
darkstar1Out_Cold:  Thanks. I'm listening02:42
sekyourboxyou cannot give somet seconds02:43
sekyourboxsleep 20000000002:43
cheetos_How to install ralink chipset driver?02:43
lyraeOut_Cold, i unmounted Shared. but i can't mount because i don't know if Shared is sdb1, or sdc, or sda, etc02:43
lyraehow do i find that out?02:43
Out_Coldlyrae, this line was found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fstab    /dev/hda1       /mnt/WinXP      ntfs-3g      quiet,defaults,locale=en_US.utf8,umask=00 002:43
Out_Coldlyrae, ok.. do  sudo fdisk -l02:44
Out_Coldlyrae, and look for the ntfs disk02:44
geniiubuntu uses scsi layer so no hda#02:44
Out_Colddarkstar1, you should check out that link also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fstab02:44
lyraeOut_Cold, thanks. it's sda02:44
Out_Colddarkstar1, let me know if you need more assistance02:44
Out_Coldlyrae, it will be sda###02:45
Myke_113Hi, I had my Ubuntu (Wubi based install) die today after doing updates, and now it only boots as far as Grub2...  can anyone tell me how to fix this?  I found some info in the forums to try to boot into old kernels, but I couldn't get the computer to boot.02:45
lyraeOut_Cold, do you want me now to mount it via terminal or add line to fstab?02:45
Out_Coldso i'll assume that this was the original windows partition and you added linux?02:45
Out_Coldlyrae, sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/Shared02:46
lyraeOut_Cold, no, this is a 3rd hard drive, where i keep music/videos/photos. no OS in it02:46
Out_Coldlyrae, can i see your sudo fdisk -l? can you pastebin?02:46
olimis it possible to bring an ncurses process to the foreground that i didnt bg or screen? (rtorrent)02:46
lyraeOut_Cold, http://pastebin.ca/182345302:47
darkstar1lyrae:  use gparted to view your hard drive information02:47
darkstar1lyrae: such as the /sd*02:47
Myke_113Yes I added Linux using Wubi02:47
Out_Colddarkstar1, fdisk actually provides an easier view of them all..02:47
lyraedarkstar1, thank you02:47
darkstar1Out_Cold: never used fdisk02:48
Out_Coldlyrae, yea it looks like sda102:48
Traveler3hello, I am wondering if anyone knows how to use diff and patch to backup the changes to a directory?02:48
Four2zerohey all im having trouble with allowing samba to give me access into the computer to view all the shared folders from my windows pc's, how do i get to allow this.? when i click on the icon server(windows xp) it says its opening "server" but then it tells me "unable to mount location" Failed to retrieve share list from server.02:48
lyraeOut_Cold, it does. but i get this erro when mounting: fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/Shared: No such file or directory02:48
coz_Traveler3,  I have done it so few times  I couldnt help with confidence...but there are many sites you can find and also go to ##linux ..I am sure someone there is skilled at it02:49
Out_Coldlyrae, ok sorry.. do mkdir /media/Shared THEN sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/Shared02:49
brjannTraveler3: is this something you only want to do once? or something you want done regularly?02:49
cheetos_How to install ralink chipset driver?02:49
Out_Coldlyrae, may need to sudo mkdir02:49
Traveler3I have tryed diff -Nrw orig new > package.diff and then patch -p0 < package.diff and patch -p1 < package.diff, Neather work :(02:49
lyraeOut_Cold, yay :) worked. it's mounted02:50
lyraeOut_Cold, fstab is still the same though02:50
=== Traveler3 is now known as timholum
Out_Coldlyrae, ok so sudo nano or gedit /etc/fstab02:50
SwollenEyesdamn it, I hate to ask such a newb question, but how do you close a channel?02:50
Out_Coldlyrae, it won't change till we tell it to02:51
brjannSwollenEyes: /part02:51
lyraeOut_Cold, ok. fstab is open02:51
Out_Coldas sudo?02:51
=== icedogg` is now known as icedogg
darkstar1Out_Cold:  I'm not seeing my Linux drive listed in FStab (the sdb*) just the windows one (sda*) is this normal?02:52
geniiOut_Cold: gedit should use gksudo and not sudo02:52
=== rO_ot|AFK is now known as rO_ot
lyraegenii, he told me to use nano02:53
Out_Coldso on a new line at the bottom, we'll write /dev/sda1       /media/Shared    ntfs-3g    quiet,defaults,locale=en_US.utf8,umask=000     0      002:53
lyraebut i did use gedit with gksudo02:53
Out_Coldlyrae, i did mention both but i use nano so i forget about gksu sometimes02:53
cheetos_How do I install a Ralink Chipset driver?02:53
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:53
geniilyrae: sudo is for commandline, gksudo is for graphical apps (kdesudo if KDE desktop)02:54
lyraeOut_Cold, ok. line added. do i reboot to test?02:54
Out_Coldlyrae, yes try it out... if it fails to load or you get into a recovery shell for some reason, go back into /etc/fstab and # the line out02:54
lyraeOut_Cold, ok. but what in this line tells to mount it as www-data? or is it the umask that's gonna allow apache to access it?02:55
Out_Coldlyrae, haven't gotten that far yet :p02:55
thomas_How do I fix a program that won't open when double clicked in the "Applications" menu?02:55
Out_Colddarkstar1, what was wrong?02:56
DocPlatypusquick question... will any USB to VGA/HDMI adapter work under Ubuntu at all? is there a standard for these things or are the drivers different for each one?02:56
DocPlatypusalready tried Google, nothing useful in the results.02:57
Out_ColdDocPlatypus, check ubuntu hardware support?02:57
archlichis there a way to have network manager reconnect my vpn when it disconnects02:57
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:57
darkstar1Out_Cold:  a sec pls.. I'm getting confusing info with what gpartrd is showing me and what's in fstab02:57
Out_Colddarkstar1, fstab is only used at boot-up and during mounting... it's not what is actually on your system02:58
lyrae_Out_Cold, it works. mounted automatically and apache is accessing it! maaaany thanks!02:58
Out_Coldlyrae, you can send your check in the mail..02:58
ertzwhat is the best way to access windows files on diff partition from linux?02:59
darkstar1Out_Cold:  Ok. But in order to make sure a partition is mounted at boot time I need to add the partition info there right?02:59
Out_Colddarkstar1, gparted reads all disks connected to your machine, regardless if it's in fstab02:59
Out_Colddarkstar1, yes to automagically mount, there needs to be an entry in fstab03:00
Out_Coldertz, mount the partition and go explore03:00
lyrae_Out_Cold, just wrote a check for $500. where do i send it to?03:00
Out_ColdSeymore Buttz CO 123 anytown USA03:01
RPSHello Guys, I'm still working toward resolution on my sound card issue. I ran a lot of commands from the Trouble Shooting site; removing & reinstalling the sound card drivers & others, but nothing would work, so I was advised to visit the HDAintel Sound How to website & I ran the first command that has me completely baffled. It gave me a command to find out exactly what sound card I have. Uhhh I ran the command & got different info03:01
RPSthan I got from the command I used earlier. First time it said I had an HDAintel card, but after running the command it said nothing about the brand & listed this info: Codec: SigmaTel STAC920003:01
RPSCodec: Conexant ID 2bfa03:01
FloodBot1RPS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:01
freeaks_hi there, i need help with a matrox g550 graphic card, basicaly it works, but i have two monitors connected on 1 dvi port, using a splitter cable .. so both screens display the same thing like if it was mirrored ... how can i get both monitor to work independently ?03:01
RPSI'm hoping someone can take me on for a few minutes... I try to stay focused & keep up!03:03
Out_Coldfreeaks_, not sure if you can use xrandr for that but it would be the command you want to look at to do side by side03:03
DocPlatypusokay, doesn't mention USB display adapters at all03:03
Out_ColdRPS, i would bud but sound and graphics are not my forte..03:03
DocPlatypusmay need to borrow one of these and just see what it says when plugged into an Ubuntu box03:04
thomas_A program doesn't open when I click on it in the "Applications" menu, what should I do?03:04
darkstar1Out_Cold: the # lines are for comments right?03:04
Out_Colddarkstar1, yes... with the exception of #! all lines that begin with # are ignored03:04
Out_Coldthomas_, try Alt+F2 then type the name in there03:05
Out_Coldi need a gf... you guys are taking away from my *** life03:05
geniiDocPlatypus: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Adding_USB_SVGA03:05
freeaks_Out_Cold, xrandr seems to report only 1 screen03:05
seanbrystone_!es | lucio03:05
ubottulucio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:05
thomas_Out_cold, it hangs, and nothing comes up, no errors or anything.03:05
darolulucio: hola, si quieres hablar español escribe /join #ubuntu-es03:06
Out_Coldfreeaks_, i would think so... using the splitter i'm not sure you can do that03:06
Out_Coldthomas_, what program?03:06
Out_Coldthomas_, might be an issue with the program it's self... check into support from the developers03:06
DocPlatypusand again... it's a case of figure out what $%&# chip is inside the thing03:07
geniiDocPlatypus: So basically the sisusbvga driver, with one of the adapters listed03:07
thomas_out_cold, well it was working before, but i ran something like delete unused packages or something, and the person who told me to do that said it might cause unwanted side-effects03:07
geniiDocPlatypus: lsusb   should give something to start working with03:08
DocPlatypusgenii: this is pre-purchase research03:08
Out_Coldthomas_, well then i recommend you sudo apt-get remove gzzBoard then reinstall03:08
DocPlatypusdon't have the thing to plug in yet03:08
flaccidin ubuntu karmic, for the root user, how do i set a profile for ssh login to set env vars? ~/.ssh/environment does not seem to effect03:08
wolfjbI'm trying to apt-get update and I'm getting a lot of 404 errors, I've tried 4 different software sources, this sounds like a network problem, except that I can surf the web, etc is there anything I can check?03:08
geniiDocPlatypus: Aah, OK.03:09
Out_Coldwolfjb, ping the servers then ping something from web..03:09
thomas_Out_cold, i've tried that, but oddly enough, it stays in the menu, but the thumbnail is gone, i've even tried synaptic to fix broken packages but that doesn;t work either03:09
Out_Coldthomas_, try apt-get remove --purge03:10
Out_Coldthomas_, try apt-get remove --purge gzzBoard03:10
thomas_Out_cold, returns "Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them"03:10
Out_Coldthen use autoremove :p03:11
freeaks_Out_Cold, sorry i was afk for a while03:12
symptomhas anyone seen the new theme for Lucid?03:12
wolfjbI can ping it, but I'm getting failures on stuff like http://archive.ubuntu.com karmic-security/universe Translation-en_US03:12
thomas_Out_cold, now reinstall?03:12
wolfjbbut I can surf it with a web browser03:12
freeaks_this won't help much but, at least this work like that on windows03:12
Out_Coldfreeaks_, i don't think you can do off of one connection... i may be wrong but it's my opinion03:12
freeaks_i see ..03:12
Out_Coldwell then i'm wrong03:12
Out_Coldmight work03:12
Out_Coldi've never done with one connection03:12
Out_Coldthomas_, yes try again03:12
freeaks_i wonder if i need to use a special driver or some other tool ? i've just installed ubuntu on this machine03:13
symptomDoes anyone know how minimizing a window will be handled on Lucid with the new Light theme?03:13
freeaks_i see other ppl here they all use windows, using the same hardware, so i can see it works for them03:13
Out_Coldwolfjb, maybe firewall or porrly set up routing/03:13
thomas_Out_cold, ok, now it's just doing the same thing it was before, hangs, no errors or messages03:14
wolfjbOut_Cold, ah, could be, I'm in a hotel - I'll look into it03:14
Out_Coldthomas_, what is it supposed to do?03:14
thomas_Out_cold, open up a window with a list of board games to play03:14
martin__I have no sound on my system how do I fix this03:14
martin__how do I install my sounddriver?03:15
flaccidtry using windows :)03:16
keeenis it possible to put special characters in the LUKS Ubuntu system encryption password?03:16
Out_Coldthomas_, i dunno... my guess is that what ever command you ran, broke the gzz dependancies.. not too sure how to fix above what we did03:16
Parogarcan anyone please help me, I kinda screwed my PC up installing ubuntu'03:16
darolumartin__: do you see a little speaker icon on the top-right corner?03:17
martin__darolu yes03:17
ParogarI am taking an OS class in school, so I downloaded ubuntu, installed it on a spare partition, and everything worked fine. the only problem, is that now my windows 7 is dead. Says Hal.dll is corrupte03:17
keeenParogar, really?03:18
SrayahuParogar, you might also ask in #Linux and #Windows03:18
ejvgood riddance, just stick with ubuntu03:18
Srayahuejv, =D03:18
ParogarSo... that's it?03:18
Parogarit's gone?03:18
keeenejv, linux is the best but its hard to play some games on linux03:18
darolumartin__: right click on it, and go to sound preferences; play with the settings, check that you are using the appropriate channel (digital/analog) and that there is nothing muted03:18
SrayahuParogar, Nah, it's not. So you installed Ubuntu and it boots?03:18
brand0nwhats the command to make a directory writabe03:18
ejvof course its not gone, mount it and get your files03:18
* ejv facepalms03:19
brand0nchdod +x 775 or something03:19
martin__darolu: I did that03:19
Srayahubrand0n, chmod03:19
GibbyIs there a way to make a video stream say from zoneminder, show up as my screen saver?03:19
ParogarYes, I can get into ubuntu, but I can no longer get into Windows 703:19
brand0nyea but how do i use it Srayhu03:19
mattgyverI have a software RAID 1 on my server that i would like to image, is there a way to do that?03:19
keeenis it possible to put special characters in the LUKS Ubuntu system encryption password?03:19
ejvmattgyver: man dd03:19
ParogarI tried booting from each hard drive, and I just keep getting the error that hal.dll is gone or corrupted03:19
Srayahubrand0n, Well, the short answer is just chmod 77703:19
martin__darolu: my "mentor/friend" told me that to get it i need to install the driver03:19
Out_Coldkeeen, try it out... it'll give errors if it cant03:19
brand0nthank you03:19
`mOOse`funny - windows 7 is MUCH faster on my old laptop than ubuntu yet I don't sit here bitching and whining about it or throwing disparaging remarks to guys who have windows screw up their grub03:19
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:19
`mOOse`you guys are unbelievable sometimes03:19
xanguaParogar: well find oput what hal.dll is in a windows channel03:19
cheakoHello, I need some help debugging Upstart.  I don't have any getty!!03:20
ParogarIf I boot fro thhe win7 CD, it doesn't even know that I had a windows 7 installation03:20
ejv!chill pill | `mOOse`03:20
Srayahum00se, please watch your language. This is a PG chat.03:20
ParogarI definitely didn't delete the windows 7 partition03:20
`mOOse`ejv take your own advice, eh03:20
ejvi refuse.03:20
`mOOse`big surprise03:20
keeenOut_Cold, thanks but I'd rather not waste 5 hours encrypting my entire system to find out03:20
ParogarI think what happened is that grub overwrote something and that  won't let me use windows 7 anymore03:20
brand0nsrayahu im in the folder in the terminal03:20
ejvParogar: either repair your MBR with an fdisk /mbr or... setup grub again03:20
brand0nchdmod 777 doesnt work03:20
ParogarI did both03:21
keeenthat's why I'm asking here03:21
brand0nisnt there like +x or something03:21
keeento save a lot of time03:21
SrayahuParogar, unfortunately I don't use Windows. (At all) =( So I don't know what to suggest about a broken .dll (which is a windows file)03:21
ParogarI fixed my mbr several times03:21
LuigiBaiHi, I am using the Remix, but can't get the "User Switch" button on the lock screen03:21
ParogarI don't think it's merely a broken dll03:21
Srayahubrand0n, You're in the directory you're trying to change?03:21
Out_Coldkeeen, try a small partition... it should give you the error immediately when entering the password i would assume03:21
ejvParogar: ok so your OS is corrupted; time to evacuate your files and re-install :)03:21
SrayahuParogar, therein lies the issue - I don't know what I'm talking about concerning Windows.03:21
ParogarI think that the entire mbr has become corrupted, I will probably have to end up formatted, was just hoping not to have to03:21
LuigiBaiI checked .gconf/apps/gnome-screensaver/%gconf.xml and the setting (bool) is TRUE03:21
brand0ni wanna make the directory writable by everyone, or atleast by me03:21
brand0nwithout sudo03:21
Srayahubrand0n, Type this - "cd ." without the quotes.03:22
ParogarI just don't see how installing ubuntu destroyed my entire OS03:22
keeenOut_Cold, thanks03:22
SrayahuParogar, it most likely did not.03:22
ejvParogar: save time from trying to troubleshoot; just mkdir /mnt/fail; mount /dev/sd_() /mnt/fail; and copy ur stuff somewhere03:22
brand0nok done Srayahu03:22
brand0nwhat did that do03:22
Srayahubrand0n, it takes you up to the parent directory03:22
Parogaralright, grabbing the spare drive.03:22
SrayahuNow ls, find the directory's name, and chmod 777 the directory03:22
SrayahuParogar, give me a moment buddy. (Busy)03:22
ejvParogar: quite frankly a broken .dll sounds like diagnostics hell...03:23
ParogarI really like ubuntu, but windows is sadly still the only way to play directx games03:23
LuigiBaiany way to force gnome-screensaver to show a user switch button on Remix?03:23
SrayahuParogar, fail - Linux plays many of the games available on Windows. Including DirectX games.03:23
ParogarI would have migrated to ubuntu a long time ago if not for the fact that my favorite games run best or only on windows03:23
darolumartin__: having that icon dear, usually means the driver is already installed.03:23
seanbrystone_you grow out of games eventually, took me 35 years heh.03:23
ejvif you wanna argue about linux + games ---> #ubuntu-offtopic03:23
Srayahuseanbrystone, fail03:23
ParogarI am aware of that, however I don't get nearly the performance I would get in windows. '03:23
Srayahuejv, thank you03:23
Out_ColdParogar, linux isn't really a gamer's system.... things will change someday though03:24
SrayahuParogar, because you lack the skill to optimize a Linux machine to run said games. I game happily in Linux.03:24
darolumartin__: if you want to check, open a terminal and type: lspci | grep Audio03:24
ParogarI realize that, which is why I was hopinng to use it for everythign else03:24
brand0nok srayhhar03:24
brand0ngot it workin03:24
brand0nthank you very much03:24
FloodBot1brand0n: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:24
seanbrystone_Srayahu, lol yep epic fail03:24
darkstar1Out_Cold: do I now need to add a folder to / so that the partition is mounted there?03:24
thomas_Out_cold, do you know how to fix broken dependencies? i reinstalled all of the ones in the list in synaptic, but i'm getting the same issues03:24
Srayahubrand0n, for future reference you can't chmod a folder while you're in the folder.03:24
brand0nfloodbot, please get off my nuts03:24
brand0nah ok03:24
ParogarSo srayahy you can lplay bad company 2 right now? at the same speed as windows03:24
brand0nthat was my problem then03:24
xanguaParogar: for games better buy a console03:24
Srayahuseanbrystone, They'll pry the controller from my cold, dead hands.03:24
martin__darolu: I found some commands and now it works,  thx for your help, i appreciate it03:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:25
Out_Colddarkstar1, i thought you wanted it mounted as /03:25
SrayahuParogar, I don't play Bad Company, but give me a disc and some time and I'll get 'er running.03:25
ParogarThat is an unreasonable request03:25
Out_Coldthomas_, try apt-get --build-dep03:25
darkstar1Out_Cold: wouldn't that conflict with my normal / ?03:25
Out_Coldthomas_, try apt-get --build-dep gzzboard03:25
SrayahuParogar, How so?03:25
Out_Colddarkstar1, yes..03:25
ejvSrayahu and Parogar, srsly, #ubuntu-offtopic03:25
ejvjust take it over there...03:25
ParogarSorry, I didn't mean to even bring it up03:25
Srayahuejv, SRSLY, we got your message(s) already. Cool off man03:26
ParogarI just want to save my windows installation03:26
ParogarI think that grub doesn't play nicely with windows 703:26
ejvsrsly people are dense which requires repetition03:26
SrayahuParogar, understandable - now, if you need help I am more than willing to assist you. I do feel bad that your first  Linux experience is turning out to be a bad one.03:26
seanbrystone_The OT police are out in force tonight, shhhh!!!! :)03:26
thomas_Out_cold, still nothing03:26
darkstar1Out_Cold: It's a partition that I want to use for Samba only. That's why I wanted it mounted at boot time03:26
ParogarIt's not linux' fault03:26
geniiParogar: To the contrary, it's Windows 7 that abhors Grub03:26
Srayahuseanbrystone, LOL03:26
Out_ColdSrayahu, in ejv's defence, I am trying to assist others and it's difficult to do so when there is so much idle chatter.03:26
SrayahuOut_Cold, I am as well. Upgrade your brain's processor. >_>03:27
ParogarI don't blame ubuntu. I just want to find a way to get them both running03:27
seanbrystone_vmware ftw03:27
darkstar1Out_Cold: but at the root level03:27
Out_Colddarkstar1, and you really want it mounted in /? then yes.. make a new dir there..03:27
ParogarI very much liked the few hours I spent with ubuntu watching movies, browsing ect, It was also much easier to get runnning and configured thanwindows03:27
darkstar1Out_Cold:  is that a bad idea?03:27
SrayahuParogar, I don't know what to suggest concerning your .dll. However, if you do have to reinstall across the whole machine then make sure you install Windows and then Linux. Windows likes to take over the whole MBR...03:28
LuigiBaiIs there a better place to ask Remix/UNR related questions?03:28
LuigiBaiOr GNOME/screensaver config questions?03:28
ParogarThat's how I had it03:28
ejvLuigiBai: #gnome-desktop ?03:28
neezerwill a gigabit LAN connection saturate the pci bus? or will I be able to get full capability out of gigabit LAN with a pci card. I don't have pci express in my server.03:28
SrayahuParogar, really, #Windows is the best place to ask concerning your .dll. We can't offer support for that here.03:28
Out_ColdLuigiBai, here would be the 'best' place03:28
ParogarI only had windows 7 installed, and today, I installed ubuntu . Perhaps next time I should install ubuntu FROM within windows03:28
ParogarSince I think that would be a far safer option03:28
ejvLuigiBai: #gnome sorry ;)03:29
ejvwas thinking #gentoo-desktop hahaha03:29
DKcrosshello people, i need help03:29
Srayahu!ask | DKcross03:29
ubottuDKcross: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:29
darkstar1Parogar:  Bad bad BAAD idea and I doubt you could do it that way anyways03:29
ParogarWell I just don't want a repeat of what happened tonight.03:29
SrayahuParogar, Wubi installs are... *cries*03:29
DKcrossSrayahu, wait03:30
cheakoSorry, I'm back.03:30
DKcrosswell. my problem is my 3g modem03:30
DKcrossmount like usb03:30
NetwizI am back for the first time in 1.5 years03:30
RPSI have lived those Wubi blues before & say NO THANKS. Laughing Out Loud03:30
cheakoI have getty's being started in several places, is that bad?03:30
ParogarThese are the EXACT steps I followed. I burned the ubunti image to a disc, booted from it. Selected a partition, using E something 4 (don't remember) and used / as the root. Installed completetly03:30
DKcrossand i  eject device but nothing..03:30
NetwizShould I install Ubuntu 64bit or 32bit?03:30
ejvum... what does your processor support Netwiz ...03:30
thomas_Srayahu, do you have any advice for programs with broken dependencies?03:31
cheakohow can I tell the current run level? I need to verify that it's 2.03:31
trevordoes anyone know how i can install the pixmap theme engine03:31
NetwizAre all the packages teh same and available for both?03:31
SrayahuParogar, ext4 is the file system you're thinking of. Did you do a manual partition scheme or a guided scheme?03:31
cheakosystem-services: /etc/event.d/tty603:31
GibbyIs there a way to make a video stream say from zoneminder, show up as my screen saver?03:31
Parogarcould that be why?03:31
cheakoupstart: /etc/init/tty6.conf03:31
Srayahuthomas_, Well, it depends on the program03:31
cheakoWhat should I do?03:31
NetwizAlso, how is a 7600 GT for Beryl?03:32
SrayahuParogar, Well, possibly03:32
thomas_Srayahu,, it's GGZBoard, from the Ubuntu Software Center03:32
darkstar1Out_Cold: I know I'm bothering you, but is my way a bad idea mounting a partition in root? I'm a Linux born again (Well newbie since I only ever used Unix before this and that was years ago)03:32
Srayahuthomas_, One moment...03:32
cheakoIs this a common problem?03:32
seanbrystone_Netwiz, its no longer beryl, its Compiz or Compiz-Fusion something like that03:32
Srayahuthomas_, You're on 9.10?03:33
Out_Colddarkstar1, not a 'bad' idea, just something i'd never do in practice..03:33
thomas_Srayahu, yes03:33
ParogarI'll try doing it differently next time then03:33
ejvdarkstar1: i'd say no, let's not get in the habit of doing that; i suggest you make a new folder in /media or /mnt and mount your device(s) there...03:33
Srayahuthomas_, run sudo apt-get update and make sure you have all the updates. I don't know what to suggest concerning it. I can try installing it and seeing what happens. One moment?03:33
Parogaron a slightly different note, another problem I am having with Ubuntu, is that when I try and compile using g++ programs I have written in windows. I get tons of parsing errors03:34
NetwizWow.  I cannot belive this is the busiest chat room on freenode03:34
ejvNetwiz: use 64bit, might as well03:34
NetwizWill do03:34
darkstar1Out_Cold: why?? I figure not to have it buried in the usual place will some how help traversing down dir tree03:34
Parogarsomeone said it has to do with end line characters from windows to ubuntu?03:34
ejvgone are the days where 64bit support sucked03:35
SrayahuParogar, concerning installing windows/ubuntu. Unless you know what you're doing I'd recommend just doing a guided install. I know what I'm doing and I usually just do a guided install anyway when I do dual installations, etc.03:35
Out_Colddarkstar1, that's where i'd put them too.. in /media or /mnt... good lessons produce good practice..03:35
Netwizdidn't you used to have an effects room?03:35
Parogarkk thanks will do that this time03:35
SrayahuParogar, you're using gcc?03:35
darkstar1Out_Cold: Ok03:35
Out_Colddarkstar1, you can really put it where ever you want.. but it's just good practice to do it that way..03:35
=== xnt14 is now known as xnt14[sleep]
Parogargcc Main.cpp List.cpp -o LinkedList03:36
Parogarthat's the syntax I am using03:36
seanbrystone_!away > xnt14[sleep]03:36
ubottuxnt14[sleep], please see my private message03:36
Parogarhundreds of erros03:36
Out_Colddarkstar1, like using sudo -i instead or su root or sudo su...03:36
zaikuranyone available to help with an apache issue?03:36
Out_Coldzaikur, we can't help if we don't know the issue03:36
trismParogar: you can fix the line ending problem with dos2unix in the tofrodos package (windows defaults to \r\n at the end of lines, linux uses just a \n)03:37
ejvand #apache is prolly a better place... lol03:37
Parogarand I just run my files through this?03:37
ejverrr #httpd03:37
ejvzaikur ^03:37
zaikurroger that. I just installed and when i go to edit the file for my website it's telling me that i dont have permission. I tried logging into root but it isn't accepting my password03:37
zaikuri only typed in one password when i installed ubuntu03:38
zaikurand that was for my login, nothing for root03:38
Out_Coldzaikur, easy solution...03:38
trismParogar: yes03:38
Out_Coldzaikur, use gksu gedit /path/to/file03:38
Parogarsorry for all the noob questions, I am brand new to linux.03:39
darkstar1How do I view a man file (on Mkdir) in gedit??03:39
Out_Cold!root > zaikur03:39
ubottuzaikur, please see my private message03:39
darkstar1Parogar:  Me too.. sort of03:39
thomas_darkstar1, right click and click open with other application...03:40
JbirkySorry bad Internet connection03:40
Out_Colddarkstar1, what's wrong with man mkdir??03:40
ardantushow to add % in mysql server in ubuntu 8.04 server?03:40
darkstar1thomas_: don't know where the man files are... just know how to terminal them up03:41
Out_Colddarkstar1, the right syntax is sudo mkdir /media/disk03:41
Dj-Pilot94if i want to create a game in linux - were do i start? and do i have to make it free?03:41
Jbirkysudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.003:41
thomas_darkstar1, type gedit, then path/to/file03:41
misterediawhat's up???03:41
thomas_darkstar1, like gedit path/to/file03:41
Dj-Pilot94Can somebody tell me?03:41
Out_ColdDj-Pilot94, you don't have to do anything... except include required licencing... and you would start with a programming app03:41
darkstar1thomas_: Like I said I don't know where the man files are03:42
von_neumannI'm trying to change my default WM under Karmic,  I have created a .gnomerc (which is ignored) and edited the window manager setting via gconf-editor (which is also ignored).  I have STFW and no luck, any ideas?03:42
=== Jbirky is now known as Netwizz
ardantusJbirky, i mean i want alow remote not only localhost for mysql server.03:42
mrkimHouston, we have a problem!  I'm runnin 9.10 (386) w/proprietary nVidia 185 drivers & installed a kernel update this morning, then rebooted as instructed. Machine reboots->username screen ->password sreen then ... the ubuntu logo and progress bar vanish leaving only the login screen background on the screen.  No windows to enter any info into, nothing, just the login screen background.  I worked with 2 folks here this morning and did03:42
Parogartrism: Your suggestion worked thanks. it compiled into something called a.out?03:42
Out_Colddarkstar1, there is an online man pages glossary03:42
darkstar1Out_Cold: I kinda figured that out I just want to open the Man options in a nicely formatted viewer to see what options it has03:43
ParogarIs it possible to name it LinkedList.exe or .out or whatever linux uses03:43
von_neumannmrkim: sounds like the resolution is too low and you are only seeing the top-left corner of the login screen03:43
von_neumannmrkim, I've seen similar... Try backing up your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and regenerating it03:43
trismParogar: you can specify the executable name with -o, linux doesn't require a certain extention for executables, just that their permissions are set correctly (+x)03:43
Out_ColdParogar, you can name an mp3 on linux somesong.mp3.avi.mp4.exe.cab if you really wanted to....03:43
mrkimvon, no, resolution looks correct, and from prior checks drivers are ok03:44
Dj-Pilot94Out_cold what kind of programing apps are there?03:44
ParogarOther than C and C++ does ubuntu come with anything for assembler?03:44
ParogarI can't right 16bit assembler apps on windows. There's no way to do it. Was kind of hoping to do it on ubuntu03:45
mrkimvon, no terminal jockey here, I need the commands :>(03:45
Out_ColdDj-Pilot94, almost any kind you can think of.. search around in synaptic package manager03:45
Dj-Pilot94How are you Pming me?03:45
Dj-Pilot94/pm Out_Cold03:45
misterediaben!!! on fait komen ici???????????03:45
Out_Coldi'm not pm'n anyone :p03:45
Dj-Pilot94Oh? It shows as red?03:45
cheakoI asked in #upstart and they don't do user support.  Is there any one here who can help debug this?03:45
misterediaj compren rien du tt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:46
Out_Coldbut try /msg Out_Cold some stupid message03:46
misterediaplease help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:46
seanbrystone_oh good lord03:46
misterediaagain please!!!!!!!!!!03:46
InterficioAnyone have a quick way to switch between audio outputs, like headphones to speakers?03:47
Out_ColdInterficio, alsamixer03:47
rastaseanhello people. about 5 years ago i had a program running on my mac OS X system that allowed me to run many commands via web interface since apache was running on the computer. has anyone heard of anything like this for linux?03:48
darkstar1brb.. going to logout to test my changes03:48
misterediaplease don't let me be misunderstood!!!!!!!!!!!!03:48
rastaseanyou install the program on your system etc file and login to the specific port from web remotely03:48
warriorforgodrastasean: Was it webmin?03:48
misterediathank you!!!!!03:48
ChogyDanrastasean: maybe ebox?03:48
rastaseani'm rebooting in two minutes so try to think of is03:48
rastaseanwarriorforgod, that sounds right!!!03:49
rastaseani will look at ebox03:49
ParogarHow do you uninstall Grub?03:49
ChogyDanParogar: what do you want instead?03:49
rastaseanwarriorforgod, that can work on linux as well, right?03:49
warriorforgodrastasean: yes.03:49
Parogarwell I tried reformatting to get windows to work again, and Grub is still there03:49
Interficioout_cold: any chance of like a quick switch icon?03:50
rastaseani'll be back in a 5 or so03:50
rastaseanwarriorforgod, thanks!03:50
warriorforgodrastasean: np03:50
Parogarlol, it's been a nightmare since downloading the ubuntu ISO wish I could reverse everything I have done today03:50
Dj-Pilot94Have a usb?03:50
Out_ColdInterficio, find out how to add/remove the devices in the command line then make a shell script03:50
Dj-Pilot94Downlaod unetbooting and put it on there03:50
ChogyDanParogar: you need to start windows, and then run its command to fix the mbr.  Im not sure what the commands are though...03:50
seanbrystone_lol Parogar part of leaving the Windows nest, is a learning to like pain. :)03:50
Dj-Pilot94Much easyer03:50
ParogarI tried that03:51
von_neumannChogyDan, fdisk /mbr03:51
ParogarMy entire PC is pretty much down completly03:51
von_neumannor format /mbr03:51
scorpioneproblem ubuntu 9.10 with Modem sagem 800 port usb03:51
von_neumannbeen a long time :-)03:51
Dj-Pilot94What did you do03:51
RitleeParogar, fixmbr is the command if you're running xp or older, but... go into your bios and disable the virus protection if it has it03:51
ChogyDanvon_neumann: I hard it changed for windows 703:51
superloooooserwhats a good ubuntu distro for an old 600mhz pc03:51
ParogarHere is the full story. For the last year I have been running windows 7 perfectly fine. Today I downloaded Ubuntu, did a manual install on a spare partition.03:51
ParogarRestarted my PC03:52
superloooooserwith 700mb ram03:52
von_neumannmight have, seems like simply popping in the recovery CD would be a goof place to start though03:52
Ritleeit could be preventing you from writing to your mbr03:52
Parogargot an error that windows was corrupt, restarted again03:52
von_neumannerr s/goof/good/03:52
Ritleefixmbr changed at wind vista03:52
edbianParogar, It's a lot easier if you type everything on one line03:52
Parogarbooted rom teh HDD that ubuntu was in, and ubuntu worked03:52
Parogarok sorry03:52
darolusuperloooooser: with that ram, any ubuntu distro should run relatively fine03:52
ChogyDanParogar: do you have multiple drives?03:52
Dj-Pilot94Linux is not windows03:52
ParogarSo I booted from the hard drive that ubuntu was in. And everything worked fine in ubuntu, but I really needed to get windows 7 back03:52
ParogarYes I do03:52
darolusuperloooooser: I have a similar computer (P3@650Mhx with 384MB RAM) running Debian 5 amazingly fast03:53
Radio-b600mhz what03:53
Dj-Pilot94Did you install to the WHOLE disk?03:53
ChogyDanParogar: you may need to change which drive the computer is booting from in the bios03:53
mrkimHouston, we have a problem!  I'm runnin 9.10 (386) w/proprietary nVidia 185 drivers & installed a kernel update this morning, then rebooted as instructed. Machine reboots->username screen ->password sreen then ... the ubuntu logo and progress bar vanish leaving only the login screen background on the screen.  No windows to enter any info into, nothing, just the login screen background.  I worked with 2 folks here this morning and did03:53
ParogarSo I tried the recovery console, it no longer could find my windows installation. I used bootsect to repair the mbr to no avail. Now i just installed a fresh copy of windows 7 and formatted the ubuntu one. And now windows 7 loadsinto a black screen and grub is still on my PC03:53
superloooooser600mhz intel pentium 3 (as oppossed to an awesome 600mhz omap3 arm)03:53
ParogarChogyDan: I have tried manually  booting from each drive to no avail03:53
Dj-Pilot94Yea i did that before03:54
Dj-Pilot94i used nuke and boot and redid everything03:54
Parogarthis happened to you?03:54
Dj-Pilot94I had no data i needed to keep tho03:54
Dj-Pilot94Yea kinda03:54
Dj-Pilot94Not with win 7 tho03:55
ParogarKinda wish I never got involved now03:55
ParogarUbuntu just wiped out my entire system lol03:55
ParogarIf I could only get rid of Grub03:55
Out_ColdParogar, to ubuntu's defence... YOU erased everything.. not ubuntu03:55
Dj-Pilot94Did you happen to use THe WIBI ( the exe to instal inside windows )03:55
Hellhound666Hi, I'm having a bit of a problem with java.  My plugin installer isn't showing up in my browser anymore.03:56
Out_ColdParogar, look at Hirem's boot CD03:56
Dj-Pilot94Also i agree with Old cold03:56
port80Parogar: did you want to try Ubuntu, but still keep windows?03:56
ParogarI didn't erase anything Out_Cold03:56
Parogarmy important windows 7 is still on the hdd03:56
neezerwhat is a great Wireless router with wired gigabit ethernet on it? I'm not really looking for anything fancy.\03:56
Parogarmy motherboard/mbr or whatever just doesn't know it's there03:56
ParogarI didn't change a single thing on it03:56
neezerWireless N would be nice.03:56
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:56
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:56
Radio-byou can either reinstall grub or run the windows repair utility03:56
ChogyDanParogar: can you keep your comments to a single line?03:57
Dj-Pilot94!grub 203:57
Radio-bdepends on what you like to see first03:57
ParogarUbuntu did something to my mbr and now I can't boot to anything anymore. Sure chogy, sorry03:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:57
rastaseanwarriorforgod, i'm back. its been a very long time since i used webmin. does it require apache on?03:57
=== eric__ is now known as LLStarks
ChogyDan!webmin | rastasean03:58
ubotturastasean: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.03:58
Kalidarnhow do you make the keyboard map permanent ie: setxkbmap us03:58
stealth-while trying to install TOR in the ubuntu live cd, I added the respritory, and then apt-get crashes while downloading with "tor: Depends: tsocks but it is not installable". Anyone know what to do here?03:58
Dj-Pilot94parogar - type !grub203:58
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:58
rastaseanubottu, thats sad. does that require apache on?03:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:59
ChogyDanstealth-: maybe you need to enable the universe repos03:59
darkstar1What's the command option to run cairo dock with no openGL as my openGL version is broken?03:59
ph1gSo i'm running xdmcp on my ubunut box. When I hit it from a terminal, it loads up but it's running really sllllloooowwww. It doesn't seem like a resource issue - plenty of cpu and mem not used and the CLI runs fine.03:59
ph1gAny pointers?03:59
Dj-Pilot94grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:59
stealth-ChogyDan: Okay, I'll give it a shot.03:59
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:59
darkstar1Yes I asked in #cairo but no one's answering03:59
ubottuxdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it03:59
ubottuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI04:00
ParogarThis is weird. Now I can't even boot into the windows recovery DvD?04:00
Dj-Pilot94make sure you boot to CD in bios04:01
Radio-bParogar: with bios boot sequence set to CDROM?04:01
stealth-ChogyDan: It worked :) Thanks04:01
Dj-Pilot94What Radio-b said04:01
Parogaryeah, It tries to, I see the windows logo, and then I get a black screen04:01
ParogarI think I just destroyed my entire PC04:01
Semitonesis it possible to give pulseaudio a higher priority? So my audio doesn't stutter whenever the CPU does something else?04:01
Radio-bthat sounds like hardware failure04:01
RPSHello Guys, could someone take a look at the something for me & make sure I'm thinking correctly (before I melt my laptop down?) LOL https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto04:01
luciocomo es el canal en español04:01
nomnexI need package information: what do I need from the repos (9.10) to be started with LaTex. Is "texlive-latex-base" the full or meta-package for LaTex? Total beginner here. Thanks04:01
RPSIt's simple what I want to know04:01
RitleeSemitones try nice?04:02
ParogarIt's not. The only change I've made in this last year is downloading that ubuntu ISO04:02
ParogarIt crippled my entire PC04:02
Ritleesemitones nice -9 or 10 is default04:02
Radio-bhardware death happens regardless of what you download04:02
Dj-Pilot94Parogar - Downlaoding something will not kill your PC04:03
Kalidarnhmm, usually you change the keyboard in xorg.conf however it's not in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:03
ParogarI'm sure there is probably some really difficult method of getting SOMETHING back up and running.04:03
Out_ColdParogar, please don't blame your downfalls on ubuntu or us.. instead look for solutions using ubottu, google, ubuntu forums and lastly us04:03
Kalidarnhaie with Option "XkbLayout" "us"04:03
ng0nupdate blew my grub file.. what do i do ?04:04
Radio-bif your system fails to boot a windows disc, something is more wrong than the software04:04
mrkimHouston, we have a problem! Runnin 9.10 (386) w/ nVidia 185 drivers & installed a kernel update this morning, rebooted as instructed. Machine reboots->username screen ->password sreen then ... the ubuntu logo and progress bar vanish leaving only the login screen background on the screen.  I worked with 2 folks here this morning and did verify that my Xserver is ok so it doesn't seem to have anything to do with my display capabilites.04:04
Absolute0How can I use the open source ati driver?04:04
Absolute0there is not default xorg.conf file04:04
Radio-b(assuming it booted windows prior)04:04
Dj-Pilot94ng0n i had that same thing happen to me04:04
ng0ndj. uggg. it's sick huh ?04:04
ng0ni'm using wubi. if it was on a linux filesystem i could fix it.04:05
ng0nbut wubi is new to me.04:05
ChogyDanSemitones: I heard that was delayed.  Maybe in lucid or something04:05
Dj-Pilot94Dont use Wubi04:05
ng0nnow u tell me :)04:05
rastaseandoes anyone know how to get video chat working with the kopete application for yahoo04:05
ng0nit's been updating FINE for a month.04:05
ng0no well.04:05
Dj-Pilot94I have never had it work for me and just ends up haveing to reinstall everything04:05
rastaseanthey submit it for me to see and i accept but never shows up04:05
rerereHello good people, can someone please help me? I have installed ubuntu on my ps3, did everything correct but the user i have created do not have permissions to change anything... even if i try to poen "user and groups" automatically receive a message "you have no permissions"04:05
ng0ni can't seem to boot it from grub.04:06
Dj-Pilot94rererere use sudo COMMAND04:06
ng0nit finds the vmlinuz.. but blows up on initrd.04:06
ng0nsudo.. hmmm.04:06
Kalidarnwhat's the correct way to change the keyboard layout systemwide?04:06
ng0non initrd it says "no such disk'04:06
cheakoHay, runlevel returned unknowen.  so I ran telinit 2 and my system came up.  Would that mean something happened?04:07
Ritleererere have you tried to use sudo?04:07
SemitonesRitlee, ChogyDan, if pulseaudio is already nice -9 by default, would making it even less nice really help things?04:07
port80Parogar: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk04:07
Ritleehehe semitones, use nice -704:07
ng0nis there a wubi amd 64 boot CD somewhere ?04:07
ng0ni can fix it if i can get into it.04:07
Semitoneswouldn't that make it stutter more04:07
Ritleeyour programs open at -9 by default, the lower the number the higher the priority04:07
Absolute0The default ubuntu install has no xorg.conf, how can I add more resolutions?04:08
SemitonesRitlee, I thought positive numbers were "nice," ie they let for other things to finish first04:08
ParogarI have just made some progess. I was able to put ubuntu at least, back on my PC. but only after removing every single trace of windows. What it seems like is that ubuntu wasn't at fault after all. it seems like Windows didn't like glub, and set off a bomb in everything04:08
rererethank you very much dj-pilot and ritlee yes i already try sudo but it starts saying that my user name is not on sudoers file04:08
nomnexKalidarn, system, preference, keyboard04:08
ChogyDanAbsolute0: have you tried xrandr?04:08
SemitonesRitlee, so the more negative a number was, the higher priority :P04:08
Ritleesemitones hehe the - signifies an option04:08
Absolute0ChogyDan: I tried the gui tool04:08
BilliardAbsolute0: you can use an xorg.conf if you make one04:09
Ritleesemitones no04:09
Absolute0Billiard: i'd probably mess that up04:09
Dj-Pilot94Parogar : Now reinstall windows04:09
ParogarThe ubuntu disc was able to repair my mbr, and I'm now able to boot into things again, but only after I completley removed everything windows. For better or for worse, looks like I'll be stuck with ubuntu for awhile04:09
BilliardAbsolute0: what gfx card do you have?04:09
Absolute0Billiard: radeon hd 557004:09
Absolute0not supported :)04:10
BilliardAbsolute0: ok idk what the ati tool is04:10
ubottuchanserv.py is a ChanServ helper script for !XChat | http://www.kaarsemaker.net/downloads/code/chanserv.py04:10
Dj-Pilot94Parogor : Now reinstall windows04:10
Absolute0Screen 0: minimum 640 x 400, current 1400 x 1050, maximum 1400 x 105004:10
Absolute0my screen is 1920x108004:10
ParogarDj-Pilo94: I think I'm going to hold off on that. My #1 use of my PC is programming and watching movies. since I reformatted my PC, I won't be able to use windows anymore anyway04:10
Hellhound666this doesn't make any sense, I just installed java and I go to test my java and supposedly it doesn't exist???04:10
ParogarMicrosoft only lets you format 3 times with the one I bought, after that they won't let you use the serial anymore04:10
cheako<Keybuk> cheako: edit /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf and remove "and net-device-up IFACE=lo" from the "start on" line04:10
donvito2how to edit ifconfig04:11
Dj-Pilot94parogar : Oh wow i forgot but you could install it and use the tiral at least04:11
Ritleeparogar, lol call them to activate they'll reset it04:11
Dj-Pilot94And then get a new key04:11
holmserI'm trying to set up a mail server, and I can recieve mail perfectly, but when I go to send mail I get this error:  Mar  4 20:10:01 H4ckM3 postfix/smtpd[32548]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from m0f0e36d0.tmodns.net[]: 554 5.7.1 <holmser171@gmail.com>: Relay access denied; from=<chris@holmser.net> to=<holmser171@gmail.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<localhost>04:11
Radio-byou can install as many times as you want so long as the hardware doesn't change drastically04:11
port80Parogar: if you need windows, you can also do a trick that i am doing.  I have a PC that is work issued, so I cannot put anything on it but I still wanted Linux for my own use.  So I put it on an external usb drive and boot from that when it is not work; leaving the windows C: drive alone.  works fine.04:11
Red_HamsterXholmser, that's likely greylisting.04:11
Kalidarnhow do you make the keyboard map permanent ie: setxkbmap us04:11
Hellhound666yet somehow I'm playing double dragon in java...yet I can't launch java virtual machine.  java --version04:12
Dj-Pilot94I do what port 80 did04:12
archlichholmser, you didn't enable mail relaying on postfix04:12
Red_HamsterXholmser, send it again in about ten to thirty minutes. Google the concept.04:12
rastaseanso i'm looking to an alternative to webmin and ebox. does one exist?04:12
holmserwill do04:12
Hellhound666dunno I'll come back...04:12
ParogarIn the long run this is probably for the best. I don't like how fragile windows is. It blows up if you do anything04:12
Dj-Pilot94OLny if you dont know what your doing...04:12
Ritleewe might have a convert yet04:12
Radio-bI'm really curious as what you are doing Parogar04:12
ChogyDanHellhound666: java -version04:13
Dj-Pilot94Me too04:13
ParogarI don't profess to be the greatest at anything. But if windows is going to massacre my mbr just because I installed ubuntu04:13
ParogarThen perhaps I am not smart enough to use it04:13
Dj-Pilot94How old are you? 13?04:13
mikebuntulooking for a gmail checker app of some sort that works with IMAP IDLE and also has filtered notifications... any ideas?04:13
Scarra3What is a good software for ubuntu that allows me to encrypt my thumb drives04:13
Radio-byour windows 7 serial will work as many times as you want if the hardware doesn't change04:13
Radio-bI don't know where you're getting that info from04:14
Dj-Pilot94scarra3 - Hang on i can help let me just get the name04:14
ParogarI bought an OEM copy from newegg. They don't follow the same rules as regular copies04:14
mrkimParogar, I'm 53 and I can break ubuntu like a champ ;-)04:14
Radio-byeah they do04:14
Dj-Pilot94OEM will install 9999999 times if its windows 704:14
Hellhound666ChoggyDan:  can't start java virtual machine04:15
Radio-bthe only reason it wouldn't validate is if the hardware was changed04:15
Radio-bor died somehow04:15
Radio-byeah, I think you have some hardware failure somewhere04:15
Hellhound666could not create java virtual machine.  strange I'm playing a java game online right now04:15
ChogyDanHellhound666: o well, when I had 2 -'s, it gave me that error, but one -, it was fine.  Maybe you could pastebin everything04:15
ParogarI really don't think my hardware is failing. After reinstalling Ubuntu, and deleting all my windows partitions, I'm able to get into ubuntu and run perfectly04:15
darkstar1what is the best GUI program/widget/tool for configuring SAMBA?04:15
Flare183!best | darkstar104:16
ubottudarkstar1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:16
holmserwhats strange is that I can telnet into postfix and send messages to my gmail account04:16
Radio-bno one knows the story regardless04:16
holmserbut it won't let me send messages from my phone04:16
RitleeParogar, seriously, call to activate, they will reset if you explain, they don't ask many q's and it doesn't matter oem or not04:16
port80Parogar: there is a learning curve to Linux, but relax, it gets easier.  Besides, if you use windows, you can use it forever and never learn a thing; but w/ Linux you will learn so much every time you boot... explore, enjoy.04:16
Hellhound666CoggyDan:  I'm going to try and get some things working and I'll let you know when the errors start flyin at me.04:16
Scarra3Ok thx Dj-Pilot9404:16
ParogarI am going to stick with it for quite a bit. Ritlee: I will call them, but you really think they will let me reactive if I explain it?04:17
Hellhound666thanks though04:17
Ritleehehe port80 i agree completely... though take my class and i might get a fchance to show you a thing or two with windows ;) sadly i have to teach it... amy uses it :(04:17
ParogarFrom this whole experience, I gather that the step where I went wrong, was NOT using a guided install. It was at that point that everything broke04:17
darkstar1ubottu: I'm new to the whole linux thing and samba. I'm also determined to fully make the transition this time that's why I'm asking because I'm not even sure I have a gui for configuring it on my system04:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:17
lyraecould i ask for ffmeg help here? and encoders?04:18
Parogarthe only reason I did a manual install in the first place, was because it was the only option that allowed me to select the partition that I wanted to put it on.04:18
RPSHey Guys I'm being asked to reboot from terminal window & I can't figure out if I need to just hit reboot or do something else before I reboot. I've pasted in what they asked for & now I'm not sure... can someone take a moment and look it over?04:18
RitleeParogar i have two valid license for vista, one for my x64 machine and the other for my old p4, and i blow them out all the time... and forget which went to which04:18
vavoyshHi, I have a question. A few months ago, my computer's sound card started emitting static. I disabled the mike, removed all peripherals, and there was still static. I opened up the case to check the wires, and they appear fine. I have another sound card in my computer, a CA106 Soundblaster, only it doesn't work in ubuntu, even after messing with it in alsamixer. It does work in windows. I went through the huge thread in the fo04:18
vavoyshrums pertaining to sound cards, and it didn't work. Can anyone help me either remove the static or get the other sound card to work? Thank you in advance04:18
mrkimParogar, once you get used to it you'll throw rocks at 704:18
ZykoticK9RPS, to reboot from terminal you can use "sudo shutdown -r now"04:19
RPSDang it looks like its sound card day04:19
Hellhound666ChoggyDan:  Well i'm installing Netbeans, it has everything so if I still run into problems then I won't know what to do.04:19
RPSZykoticK9, well it's a weird place I'm at04:19
ZykoticK9RPS, did you create a pastebin?  if so what's the link?04:20
RitleeParogar i have two valid license for vista, one for my x64 machine and the other for my old p4, and i blow them out all the time... and forget which went to which04:20
Ritleepiss damn netbook04:20
port80Ritlee: I am sure I would learn a lot; but i have so much to learn here.  I will say that I think it was a good thing that Microsoft will allow you to download Visual C++ for free.  Perhaps a smart move on their part.04:20
RPSZykoticK9, I'll do it right away! Thanks04:20
Ritleeport80, they need a lot more good moves to do anything good anymore04:21
ChogyDanHellhound666: i dunno, sorry04:21
holmseranyone feel like taking the time to help me troubleshoot this mail server problem?04:21
holmserI would really appreciate it04:21
KutakizukariInstalled ubuntu notebook remix, when I try to open an application it says "Failed to execute child process "/usr/games/gnomie? (No such file or directory)". It does this with everything. What is did I do wrong and what can I do to fix it? Thank you!04:21
hydoskeeI'm trying to install  libmozjs-dev  - and I'm getting " Package libmozjs-dev has no installation candidate"  - but I know it exists and is needed by couchdb04:21
hydoskeeany ideas?04:21
RPSZykoticK9, http://pastebin.com/KS9isyMD04:21
Hellhound666ChoggyDan:  I haven't installed it yet, but I'm sure this will work just fine.04:21
Ritleeport80, but i still do much prefer *nix, i teach Solaris 10, before i teach microsoft, and even my students wish they were back using unix04:22
port80Ritlee: do you think Microsoft is getting to the point that they are on the decline, given the increase in Linux users, Mac presence and Google's moves?04:22
mrkimPlease help if you can. Runnin 9.10 (386) w/ nVidia 185 drivers & installed a kernel update this morning, rebooted as instructed. Machine reboots->username screen ->password sreen then ... the ubuntu logo and progress bar vanish leaving only the login screen background on the screen.  Worked with 2 folks here this morning and did verify that my video settings are Ok.  I'm on my second machine which I have also already taken the same 04:22
Ritleemany students that didn't know anything about computers other than double click the blue e04:22
Radio-bport80: no where close04:23
Ritleemac will never rival microsoft... they're too expensive... otherwise i'd have one too :P04:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:23
ng0nlatest wubi upgrade blows up.04:23
RPSZykoticK9, This is where the info came from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto04:23
vavoyshHi, I have a question. A few months ago, my computer's sound card started emitting static. I disabled the mike, removed all peripherals, and there was still static. I opened up the case to check the wires, and they appear fine. I have another sound card in my computer, a CA106 Soundblaster, only it doesn't work in ubuntu, even after messing with it in alsamixer. It does work in windows. I went through the huge thread in the fo04:23
vavoyshrums pertaining to sound cards, and it didn't work. Can anyone help me either remove the static or get the other sound card to work? Thank you in advance04:23
Ritleeport80, but yes microsoft may not be on the decline but their not climbing near as fast as they were04:24
Ritleevavoysh your card is probably going south04:24
bazhangRitlee, port80 please continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic04:24
vavoyshRitlee, which one? The static or the soundblaster?04:24
ParogarJust tried reinstalling windows 7, and it blew up ubuntu lol. I guess I really have to pick between one or the other04:24
Ritleevavoysh, the one emitting the static04:24
Ritleesorry bazhang04:25
Parogarthe mbr doesn't seem to abe able to acoomdate them both. I must be doing something wrong.04:25
vavoyshRitlee, so do you know how to get the soundblaster one working?04:25
rastaseanhello people. i am looking for an alternative to ebox and webmin. Do any of you know an alternative?04:25
mrkimParogar, you need to install windows 1st, then ubuntu04:25
ZykoticK9RPS, i'm no sound expert - but from the help.ubuntu site instructions it seems like you should reboot after your change from your pastebin04:25
Ritleeyeah but it under your tire before you go to work04:25
bowserinmario3 ok i just installed xbmc live and i have a f6d4050 v2 usb wifi adapter, how do i get it working?04:25
Ritleeafter my 1 year old soundblaster sc wasn04:25
port80sorry bazhang, my appologies04:26
RPSI added the line & now just hit reboot? Seems odd, but if thats right04:26
Ritleevavoysh, after my 1 year old soundblaster sc wasn't supported under vista i replaced it with a generic and never looked back04:26
ZykoticK9RPS, what do you mean "hit reboot"04:26
kr0kDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 004:26
=== carlos is now known as Guest48290
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.04:26
gopihi i am using ubuntu 9.1...after installing on my system having intel graphics card945cg series...i could use the compiz on first start....but i have a viewsonic 22" monitor....i get only max 800x600 resolution....i tries in display setting it shoes max 800x600...the drivers are ok ...how to increase resol?04:26
RPSZykoticK9, reboot the computer04:26
vavoyshRitlee, so just replace the sound card?04:26
robbso, what utility to use files that were "deleted" not moved to trash can...?04:26
Ritleevavoysh, most likely they're cheap anymore04:27
ZykoticK9RPS, reboot using the "sudo shutdown -r now" command in terminal, or use the GUI restart04:27
bowserinmario3it apparently comes with wireless-tools wpasupplicant but how do i acess it?04:27
RPSZykoticK9, and THIS is why I needed help. LOL04:27
rastaseangopi, what video card are you plugging it into?04:27
archlichanyone here work for canonical?04:27
RPSZykoticK9, I'm embarrassed, but I'd rather be embarrassed than waste a bunch of time ;)04:28
ZykoticK9RPS, for sure!04:28
tomatoes7any suggestions on a good distro for small kids to use?04:28
gopiintel graphics card04:29
adi_Help, my Ctrl key is invoking XF86HomePage for reason and so its doing weird stuff and Iḿ unable to use the regular Ctrl shortcuts like Copy/Paste04:29
bazhangtomatoes7, edubuntu04:29
gopiIntel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller04:29
TironnWould anyone recommend 10.04 for general use?04:29
rastaseangopi, is that intergrated onto mobo?04:29
tomatoes7bazhang, any others?04:29
adi_I installed KeyTouch to fix problems with my Super_L not working but I think it messed up my Ctrl key :(04:29
geniiTironn: No04:29
RPSZykoticK9, that command is not working from there ...I'm confused04:30
rastaseangopi, desktop what?04:30
genii!lucid | Tironn04:30
ubottuTironn: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+104:30
ZykoticK9Tironn, you should be asking in #ubuntu+1 - but the answer is NO unless you want to help submit bugs :)04:30
bazhangtomatoes7, ubuntu support is here, so I would recommend edubuntu ; should you wish a more general chat then  please join #ubuntu-offtopic04:30
ZykoticK9RPS, "sudo shutdown -r now" isn't working?  thanks very strange04:30
LivePCOlá a todos04:30
ZykoticK9RPS, are you in the vi editor by chance?04:30
cheakoGoodby all.04:31
rastaseanRPS, copy the error message here04:31
rastaseangood by, cheako04:31
* cheako nods04:32
RPSZykoticK9, this is how I got there .... sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base04:32
robbhow do you find the FS (ext2/ext3?) on 8.04?04:32
port80RPS: can you CTRL ALT F2 to another terminal?04:32
RPSZykoticK9, I opened that in the terminal04:32
RitleeRPS try telinit 004:32
LivePCé minha primeira vz aki04:32
LivePCgostaria de saber se alguém pode m ajudar com uma dúvida04:32
Satoru-sanLivePC: no04:32
ZykoticK9RPS, in nano use Ctrl+O to save, then Ctrl+X to exit then run the shutdown command04:32
ZykoticK9RPS, be sure "shutdown" isn't saved in that file though!!!04:33
mrkimPlease help if you can. Runnin 9.10 (386) w/ nVidia 185 drivers & installed a kernel update this morning, rebooted as instructed. Machine reboots->username screen ->password screen then ... the ubuntu logo and progress bar vanish leaving only the login screen background on the screen.  Worked with 2 folks here this morning and did verify that my video settings are Ok.  I'm on my second machine which I have also already taken the same04:33
rwwubottu: pt | LivePC04:33
ubottuLivePC: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.04:33
aidan160 04:33
RPSZykoticK9, I hit Ctrl+O and it brought up a line at the bottom. File Name to Write: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base04:34
ZykoticK9RPS, does that file have everything you have been trying to type in it?  like the shutdown stuff?04:35
RPSZykoticK9, No the only at all that it has is the line it told me to add from the site I sent to you04:36
robbi am trying to use recover on 8.04, need to know FS04:36
ZykoticK9RPS, then just press Enter04:36
RPSZykoticK9, only thing at all04:36
Interficioanyone know a command line way to set an audio output device?04:36
RPSZykoticK9, It says .... Wrote 3 lines04:37
ZykoticK9RPS, then ctrl+x to exit04:37
RPSok I'm out of there04:37
ZykoticK9RPS, "sudo shutdown -r now" and hopefully your sound will work :)04:37
rolsworthi just launched the new version live cd and it pretty much looks the same04:37
rolsworthI wonder why they do that04:38
rolsworthubuntu could do with a major face lift04:38
ZykoticK9rolsworth, if you're talking about Lucid, join #ubuntu+1 (you basically have to manually set the new theme)04:38
robbwhat would be the user ID of files deleted via "delete" command in a file browser? would it be the actual user, or the bin that did the delete?04:40
* seanbrystone_ agrees with rolsworth .04:40
gopii dont have xorg.conf04:40
Ritleeummm robb lemme check ;P04:40
Hellhound666Interficio:  try alsactl04:40
rastaseani'm looking for help/assistance with ebox. anyone use it?04:40
ZykoticK9gopi, there isn't one be default in Karmic04:40
gopiis that cause of resolution prob04:40
helluplinecan anyone help me with "quickly", i am having problems with "quickly release"04:40
Hellhound666I'm not sure though.04:41
Dj-Pilot94hELL sEE MY PM04:41
gopiviewsonic lcd 22" i get max resokution 800x0004:41
gopiviewsonic lcd 22" i get max resokution 800x60004:41
Dj-Pilot94*** I meant HellHelpline04:41
Dj-Pilot94 gopi04:41
RPSI'm back, but sadly STILL don't have sound04:41
Dj-Pilot94RPS - hi there04:42
rastaseangopi, are you plugging monitor into video card of mobo or another?04:42
d5j9Grub is just giving me grub rescue. Can anyone here help?04:42
d5j9starts with error: unknown filesystem.04:43
Ritleehmmm rob forgot where the trash bin actually is... though i believe the file will retain it's original owner's name04:43
gopi@rasta...i have no video crad externally...i m using my viewsonic with desktop pc's backside blue socket04:43
d5j9Computer seems to have just quick while partitioning free space.04:43
Dj-Pilot94PLEASE use new windows when helping04:43
rastaseangopi, you mean the internal video card of the mother board?04:44
crankbiteanyone know of a work around for locked avi files.....x3player?04:44
RPSI just finished checking to make sure things were not muted and they were not ...even in the alsamixer settings from the terminal04:44
rastaseangopi, have you done system > admin > hardware drivers04:44
rastaseanmaybe it will scan and see your new monitor attached04:45
mrkimPlease help if you can. Runnin 9.10 (386) w/ nVidia 185 drivers & installed a kernel update this morning, rebooted as instructed. Machine reboots->username screen ->password sreen then ... the ubuntu logo and progress bar vanish leaving only the login screen background on the screen.  Worked with 2 folks here this morning and did verify that my video settings are Ok.  I'm on my second machine which I have also already taken the same 04:45
robbRitlee: the file did not go to trash can, used the direct delete context menu04:45
gopiya..it says no proprietary driver in use...i can use compiz-effects in 800x600...mean driver is ok i guess04:45
sensaeIs there any way to turn vsync on in movie player? I'm getting tearing on playback.04:46
Ritleeoh then no clue there... i would expect it not to be there without some form of recovery utility04:46
rastaseangopi, well when i got my new monitor, it wasn't displaying correctly so i used my video card drivers (different than mobo drivers) to make the adjustments04:46
robbRitlee: yea, using "recover" now, but i am not sure i have ext2 FS04:46
robbsome command to confirm?04:47
Ritleecheck google?04:47
robbyea, maybe my google-fu is weak tho04:47
gopi@rata wa monitor?04:47
gopi@rata which monitor?04:48
rastaseangopi, mine04:48
seanbrystone_gopi, this isnt twitter, no need for the @nick. :)04:48
gopik :P04:48
gopirastasean: u use viewsonic?04:49
rastaseangopi, no its hanns g04:49
robbah crap, ext304:49
crankbiteanyone know of a work around for locked avi files.....x3player?04:50
rastaseanwhat other monitor do yuo have?04:50
Interficio'cat /proc/asound/cards' shows 2 cards, as it should. Can anyone tell me how to switch between them via command line?04:51
osirisx11how can i go into safe mode when there is no grub prompt? it goes right into ubuntu04:52
ZykoticK9osirisx11, hold shift down during boot04:53
gopiif i create xorg.conf...do i need to give any chmod the file for permissions04:53
osirisx11ty ZykoticK904:53
Ritleerobb try $mount | grep ext04:53
Ritleenm just saw your post above04:54
coz_hey guys.. off the wall question... glchess in normal mode is slow and jerky... last install I installed some library  that I cant remember,, for another applications and glchess worked fine    any ideas?04:54
Billiardgopi: you probably should make the owner/group root and set it to 64404:54
Dj-Pilot94Coz - i cant understand what you said please re-ask04:55
=== Dougdoug4_ is now known as Dougdoug4
coz_Dj-Pilot94,  ok... applications/games/chess.. the movement of the pieces are slow and "jerky"  last install of karmic... I had installed some application that require a few libraries and after wards chess worked smooth04:56
RPSOk Guys, I actually fixed it with the line I added a 15 minutes ago, but missed one setting ...when I got it right everything is fine now. Thanks to ALL who worked towards helping me fix things! It appears that Ubuntu works too well these days and us "less educated" linux people can;t remember everything we learn because we don;t have to use the things we learn often enough! :) Once again Thanks!04:56
ranjananybody tried the new ubuntu theme?? proposed for Lucid???04:57
coz_ranjan,  which theme is that?04:57
ranjancoz_, radiance04:57
bazhangranjan, lucid support and discussion in #ubuntu+1 please04:57
lyraethe purple and orange one?04:57
lyraeits sexy =|04:57
coz_ranjan,  no I dont think so ..let me check on my lucid machine if it is there04:57
MoatI'm trying to run a game called "WOrldOfGoo" on ubuntu, I've got whine installed but it's running horribly slow, any ideas?04:58
ranjancoz_, i think its the latest addition04:58
Dj-Pilot94ran - link please?04:58
gopiMoat try changing refresh rate04:58
geniiMoat: "world of goo" also comes in a linux version04:58
coz_ranjan,  ok it is there and just enabled that theme...looks nice:)04:58
Moatgopi how?04:58
Moatgenii where?04:58
geniiMoat: a minute I'll find it04:59
ranjancoz_, do you know its based on which theme engine??04:59
coz_ranjan,  would you like a screenshot of something opened?04:59
gopiMoat: is there a setting in game?for graphics etc04:59
ranjancoz_, yes04:59
coz_ranjan,  ah let me check onine for that04:59
=== tomatoes7 is now known as tomatoes7_is_now
ranjancoz_, k..thanks04:59
Ritleemaybe $apt-get install ??04:59
Moatgopi; nope04:59
=== tomatoes7_is_now is now known as sad
gopiMoat:u got compiz working rit?05:00
coz_ranjan,  I am not seeing that theme listed here but let me screenshot a few aplications  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Lucid05:00
hajmolai'm trying to play songs off the jamendo thing in Rhythmbox and I'm getting this error: "http://api.jamendo.com/get2/stream/track/redirect/?id=377210&streamencoding=ogg2": Not Found05:00
Ritleehey 2 hours in the chan, and i remember why _I_ came in here... lol05:00
bazhang!lucid | coz_ ranjan05:00
ubottucoz_ ranjan: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+105:00
Jon-4I just had a USB drive in my computer, and I deleted a file, went to umount it, it said "would you like to empty trash?" I said yes, and then after 2-3 minutes of it still waiting to be safely removed, I pulled it myself. Now over half my files have garbaged names like 6√┤@Bƒσ.╘┴3  Any way to recover my data?05:00
ranjanubottu, actually i want to enable it in karmic ...thats y using this channel05:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:01
Ritleeanyone know how to change "Dell's" version of ubuntu into a real distro without f'ing up the broadcom drivers?05:01
rwwRitlee: Do you know which broadcom card you have?05:01
major_redhatranjan: ubottu is a bot, not a person05:01
ranjanmajor_redhat, ok...:)05:01
Ritleerww, ummm gimme a minute lol05:01
rwwRitlee: If it's like my Dell netbook, there'll be a sticker on the bottom05:01
rastaseananyone know anything about ebox?05:02
Ritleerww its BCM431205:02
claws_guys... i need some good links for learning shell commands05:02
geniiMoat: http://worldofgoo.com/dl2.php?lk=demo&filename=WorldOfGooDemo.1.41.deb05:02
gopiJon-4: on karmic?05:02
SerraphynIs there an easy way to repartition a hard drive without loosing the data so that I can make a partition to install the pre-release versions of ubuntu?05:02
boobooranjan,  here are a few screenshots of radience  http://www.speedyshare.com/files/21264410/radience.tar.gz05:02
rastaseanclaws_, google them05:02
rastaseanclaws_, what do you want to do?05:03
Jon-4gopi: Yes05:03
Ritleerww it's a dell mini-9 fyi05:03
coz_ranjan,   that was me from the other machine:)05:03
=== sad is now known as tomatoes7
rwwRitlee: do you have an ethernet cable or something you can use for internet access temporarily?05:03
claws_rastasean: well... this is my 10'th day on linux.. i realy need to learn from basics05:04
rastaseanclaws_, type in a command and --help it will tell you all it does05:04
Ritleerww, plugged in now05:04
rastaseanclaws_, congrats on using linux05:04
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro05:05
rwwRitlee: Install Ubuntu as normal. After installation, restart into the new install, plug in the ethernet cable, and do "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter bcmwl-kernel-source". Restart. It should then work fine.05:05
gopiJon-4: do a fsck05:05
rwwRitlee: the b43-fwcutter package will ask you whether to download firmware during installation. Hit yes, and make sure you leave it connected to the internet all the way through the installation05:05
carllli just got my ubuntu cd in the mail but i realized i want kubuntu WHAT DOES I DO?05:06
Ritleerww okay, got that saved in a txt... now how 'bout the mini's crazy screen size will it be supported?05:06
Jon-4gopi: Failed, see http://pastebin.com/GApRNLyx05:07
voriancarlll: download kubuntu or request a kubuntu cd from shipit05:07
carlllOK i will do that05:07
rwwRitlee: I'm using a Dell Mini 10v, with 1024x600 resolution. It works fine, though I occasionally have to hold down alt and drag windows around to see all of them.05:07
Ritleerww resolution is 1024x60005:07
coz_ranjan,   I dont think those themes will work on karmic however  they do need a different engine and I dont see reference to that05:07
bazhangcarlll, install kubuntu-desktop then remove gnome?05:07
Ritleerww sweeeeeeeet05:07
claws_rastasean: thank u :) im happy it made me able to throw ms cd's in my fireplace yesterday05:08
gopiJon-4: ROOT?05:08
rastaseanclaws_, good place for them! ha05:08
Ritleetyvm sounds like a weekend project05:08
Jon-4gopi: Same error. It's in FAT not EXT205:08
coz_ranjan,  however...if you go here    http://www.webupd8.org/2010/02/install-proposed-community-themes.html  it tells you how to install the updated murrine engine for thise to work in karmic05:08
Jon-4gopi: Does fsck work on FAT?05:08
gopiJon-4: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery05:09
Jon-4gopi: [FAT32 of course]05:09
fannagoganna1Jon-4, fsck works on vfat, prob. not FAT05:09
ranjancoz_, k thank you..from the same site i found it..thanks for ur help :)05:09
Jon-4I just had a USB drive in my computer, and I deleted a file, went to umount it, it said "would you like to empty trash?" I said yes, and then after 2-3 minutes of it still waiting to be safely removed, I pulled it myself. Now over half my files have garbaged names like 6√┤@Bƒσ.╘┴3  Any way to recover my data?05:09
geniiJon-4: fsck.vfat05:09
geniiJon-4: Also remember to use something like sync to flush computer data to removable media before actually pulling them out05:10
Jon-4genii: Additional help please? It's asking me 1) Copy original to backup 2) Copy backup to original 3) quit, and what do you mean by "use something like sync to flush computer data  . . ."05:11
rick_hey whats up?05:11
mrkimPlease help if you can. Runnin 9.10 (386)  & installed a kernel update this morning, rebooted as instructed. After entering user/pass the ubuntu logo and progress bar vanish leaving only the login screen background on the screen.  Worked with 2 folks here this morning and did verify that my video settings are Ok.  I'm on my second machine which I have also already taken the same update but haven't rebooted yet before getting my other05:13
geniiJon-4: USB drives, or other removeable media like external hard drives... the data you think is written to them is not always immediately written to the physical device yet but waiting in a queue on the computer until so much data gathers and then it is written. When you issue command: sync     it flushes the data residing on the computer to the external storage and writes it making sure no half-written things are existing.05:14
carlllewispopeI have a very dumb question, but i want to know the answer,05:14
carlllewispopeWhen I'm using windows vista my laptop gets kinda hot, but when i switch to ubuntu on the same laptop it stays between cool and a little warm. why is this?05:14
Jon-4genii: Ok, as for now, I want to copy backup TO original yes? This would restore what it can? Other option is copy original to backup.05:14
Ritleecarlllewispope, could be just not as many processes taxing out your cpu05:15
tp43_carlllewispope, you got viruses05:15
tp43_carlllewispope, somebody is sleeping in your bed05:15
bazhangtp43_, that is not appropriate for here05:16
=== carlllewispope is now known as carlll
geniiJon-4: You said earlier yo wanted to try and rescue data off it. For that I'd suggest ddrescue. As for copying orignal to backup or backup to original, etc... I have no context for how you are using that05:17
Jon-4genii: Here's context:05:17
Interficionow that asoundconf has been removed, how do I switch soundcards?05:17
Jon-4sudo fsck.vfat /dev/sdc105:17
Jon-4[sudo] password for jon:05:17
Jon-4dosfsck 3.0.3, 18 May 2009, FAT32, LFN05:17
Jon-4There are differences between boot sector and its backup.05:17
Jon-4Differences: (offset:original/backup)05:17
FloodBot4Jon-4: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:17
Jon-4  65:01/0005:17
* genii sips05:17
Jon-4My bad, should have pastbined it.05:18
carlllis there a way to get internet explorer on ubuntu?05:18
Ritleecarlll WHY!!!!05:19
archlichcarlll, yes, check out wine, i'll get you a link05:19
superfirelord42carlll: yes, use wine05:19
geniicarlll: Aside from the question of "WHY?"  google ie4l05:19
Jon-4genii: Should I use ddrescue before fsck.vfat ?05:19
geniiJon-4: Yes05:19
carlllidk i like ie more than any except google's05:19
archlichcarlll, http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks05:19
Ritleecarlll ie is horrible05:19
archlichyou can install wine from the repositories05:20
Ritleeie is a resource hog, and atleast inside of windows is a portal for malware05:21
Jon-4genii: How do I use this? Just sudo ddresuce /dev/sdc1 /some/backup/location?05:21
superfirelord42carlll: just to warn you, i show that IE6 is rated only at bronze by the wine appdb05:21
iflemacarlll copy and paste this into a terminal sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install chromium-browser05:21
Ritleechromium = google chrome?05:22
ZykoticK9carlll, if you must have ie (for reasons I cannot even fathom) you might want to check out ies4linux at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page05:22
coz_ranjan,   dont forget to reboot for those to take effect by the way :)05:22
impi_morning, and happy friday, does anyone know of some clock in software?05:22
ZykoticK9Ritlee, actually "chromium != google chrome"05:22
Ritleelol k thx :P05:23
DcMeeseGuyz, what are the best ubuntu packages on software center? I have PuTTY already.05:23
coz_impi_,   like for the desktop?05:23
archlichDcMeese, what are your requirements05:23
ZykoticK9Ritlee, chrome is based off of chromium though05:23
superfirelord42DcMeese: depends on what you want to do05:23
tp43_I think chrome browser is missing zooming and horizontal scroll05:23
impi_coz_, uhm, ja or web?05:23
Jon-4genii: How do I use this? Just sudo ddresuce /dev/sdc1 /some/backup/location? I don't want to break anything.05:23
RitleeZykoticK9, love the response, and the extra info thx05:23
coz_impi_,  there are several ways to get a clock on the desktop...one is sudo apt-get install screenlets... the other is sudo apt-get install cairo-clock05:23
coz_impi_,   that nick reminds me of the now gone pay version of ubuntu05:24
impi_coz_, lol sorry, maybe i explained wrong. clock-in to show my boss when i arrive at the office and when i leave :D05:24
DcMeeseIm a webdesigner, I create iPhone themes, and I want to create cydia repositories, and also compile deb's05:24
coz_impi_,  oh  sorry :)05:24
coz_impi_,  time clock05:24
impi_coz_, ja in my country south africa an impi is a zulu warrior - lol05:24
impi_coz_, thank you let me check it out05:25
coz_impi_,  yes and  the icon for  impi linux was a zulu shield05:25
Jon-4I just had a USB drive in my computer, and I deleted a file, went to umount it, it said "would you like to empty trash?" I said yes, and then after 2-3 minutes of it still waiting to be safely removed, I pulled it myself. Now over half my files have garbaged names like 6√┤@Bƒσ.╘┴3  Any way to recover my data? [I have ddresuce but I don't want to use it improperly, anyone help?]05:25
superfirelord42Jon-4: umount the drive now to preserve data05:26
Ritleejon-4 haven't you been listening to what people have been telling you?05:26
coz_ranjan,  i am liking this one theme radiance  :)05:26
Jon-4Ritlee: He just told me to "run ddresuce" and didn't tell me how to use it. Thanks for being a jerk05:27
Jon-4superfirelord42: Done05:27
rastaseandoes ANYONE have experience with ebox?05:27
superfirelord42Jon-4: use ddrescue to make sure to get a good image of the USB drive.05:28
DcMeesearchlich & superfirelord42:  Im a webdesigner, I create iPhone themes, and I want to create cydia repositories, and also compile deb's... I am also interested in customizing the boot menu...05:28
soreau! anyone | rastasean05:28
ubotturastasean: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:28
archlichDcMeese, mind if i pm you? i have a hust list05:28
Jon-4superfirelord42: so remount, and then do sudo ddresuce /dev/sdc1 /some/backup/location  ?05:28
archlichhuge* list05:28
Hellhound666Is there a way to list IDE devices like you can with pci or usb devices?05:28
rastaseanI am looking assistance with ebox and installing it on ubuntu.05:28
DcMeesearchlich: Go ahead05:28
superfirelord42Jon-4: you should not need to remount the drive05:28
=== david is now known as Guest82879
{CR}ronoshi my video card has fried so i am now using my onboard graphics, but i do not have the correct drivers installed. how can i do this?05:28
Jon-4superfirelord42: ok05:29
DcMeeseHUST LIST!!?!!05:29
RitleeJon-4, http://www.forensicswiki.org/wiki/Ddrescue05:29
rastasean{CR}ronos, attempt to scan hardware05:29
cy__hello very one05:30
carlllok i know i just asked about ie but i also want THE FASTEST browser. (any suggestions?)05:30
superfirelord42DcMeese: from what I read, cydia tutorials for debian are valid in ubuntu. i dont know about iphone themes, i tend to only do function grub modifications, so i dont know anything special for that, but I found a list of software for web devel for ubuntu http://tips.webdesign10.com/using-linux-for-web-design-and-development-ubuntu05:30
Hellhound666what's the command for this cronos?05:30
soreau{CR}ronos: What is your card model as reported by the output of lspci|grep VGA?05:30
Hellhound666oh lol05:30
Hellhound666I'm an idiot05:31
coz_carlll,  chromium....05:31
coz_carlll,  if you want one that already to go05:31
superfirelord42Jon-4: once you use the drive to get an image of the drive, you can try to run photorec to recover individual files from both the drive and the image. Is this a flash disk or a usb hard disk?05:31
dyess002I need help     I have changed to a session called Matchbox and now it is unresponsive and I can't log out and change the session. I can Log out but it don't give me the option to change sessions anymore it just goes back to Matchbox05:31
superfirelord42carlll: IMHO that is chrome/chromium05:32
archlichcarlll, prism =p05:32
archlichHellhound666, you can do a fdisk -l   to show all disk drives/partitions05:32
Hellhound666I'm looking for an old DVD drive connected via IDE05:32
dyess002I have tried   gdmflexiserver but that won't work05:33
Hellhound666archlich:  I need to scan for CD drives05:33
Jon-4superfirelord42: This is just a 4GB USB thumb stick, so I would assume it's flash.05:34
soreaudyess002: Sounds like its bypassing your DM05:34
archlichHellhound666, lshal might suite your needs05:34
superfirelord42Hellhound666: did the BIOS show that the drive is connected during post?05:34
coz_carlll,  the problem with chormium is it doesnt have the plugins that I use on firefox05:34
soreaudyess002: How did you enable the matchbox session?05:34
mdelcoz_: yeah like FIREBUG05:34
superfirelord42Jon-4: okay05:34
Jon-4superfirelord42: Almost done first pass through [just a --no-split] with 0 errors05:34
dyess002I loged out and changed it from there05:35
coz_mdel,  havent tried that one  ..googling now :)05:35
mdelcoz_: only useful if your a webdev05:35
Hellhound666superfirelord:  yes it sure did it's weird.05:35
sriniUbuntu Support Internet Explorer>05:35
Jon-4superfirelord42: Finished with 0 errors.05:35
RPSGuys is there any other place to check volume controls. Mine seems a little bit lower than before. I opened alsamixer in the terminal and cranked it up to 10005:35
xiambaxHey, I just had an idea but I don't know if anyone has done it before. I installed the ubuntu netbook remix UI on a base install of ubuntu for a HDTV setup and it works awesome05:35
superfirelord42Jon-4: you used it to create an image file?05:35
holgattiCan anyone tell me how to install my drivers for a Gforce 6600? where can I find the drivers for kharma koala?05:35
coz_mdel,  oo I play and tinker so maybe I can try this one :)05:36
Hellhound666superfirelord:  It has to be some sort of hardware failure.  maybe there is a bent pin in there, or the drive is just failing.  It's really old.05:36
xiambaxThe big clickable buttons work great05:36
mdelcoz_: its awesome.. simply the best05:36
superfirelord42Hellhound666: thats really strange there, normally from my expirence if it shows in POST, linux finds it05:36
Jon-4superfirelord42: I ran "sudo ddrescue --no-split /dev/sdc1 usbback1 usblog1"  which as far as I know takes the USB drive, does not split sectors, and makes a full backup to usbback1 and a log usblog105:36
absolutex3lolz  Youg is root on his box05:36
fluxyHello. Is there a (simple) means to do mesh (wifi) networking in ubuntu?05:36
Jon-4superfirelord42: It finished with 0 errors.05:37
geniiJon-4: Apologies, had a system lockup and required reboot. Syntax is like: ddrescue /dev/sdX# /some/other/place/not/on/sdX#/backupname.img05:37
=== EntityReborn is now known as FatherPrime
Jon-4genii: Does it work without *.img?05:37
Jon-4genii: I just ran "sudo ddrescue --no-split /dev/sdc1 usbback1 usblog1" and it finished with 0 errors.05:37
Hellhound666superfirelord:  I'm looking for a program that will scan my system hardware right now.  maybe a diag program would help too.05:37
geniiJon-4: Yes, .img is optional just makes it easier to know what type of file it is05:37
superfirelord42Hellhound666: not sure on that and im trying to log off, genii you got Jon-4?05:37
holgattiCan anyone tell me how to install my drivers for a Gforce 6600?05:38
geniisuperfirelord42: For a little while at least05:38
Jon-4genii: Does 0 errors mean that it did not recover anything?05:38
dyess002soreau:  I had a login screen before that but not anymore it goes straight to Matchbox05:38
superfirelord42genii I was going to have him run photorec to try to recover files on the USB05:38
soreau{CR}ronos: Whats wrong with your drivers exactly?05:38
srinii want to use internet explorer on ubuntu... how to install???05:38
geniiJon-4: No, it means that it took a bit-by-bit copy of the hard drive or partition and copied that to a file without experiencing a problem05:39
holgattidont know where to get drivers that are compatible05:39
todaysrinni install inside wine05:39
Hellhound666superfirelord:  alright I'll let ya go thanks for the help anyway.05:39
Jon-4genii: Alright. What is the next step?05:39
blakkheimsrini: why would you do that05:39
tp43_omg, why people luv ie so much?05:39
FireCrotchsrini: I wouldn't recommend that at all - you're better off running Internet Explorer inside of a Windows virtual machine05:39
soreaudyess002: Try getting to a tty with Ctrl+Alt+F1, then kill X and do /etc/init.d/gdm start05:39
xiambaxhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/xiambax/4407479317/ <--- netbook remix UI running on HDTV05:39
todaytp43 ihate IE05:39
xiambaxpretty sweet eh?05:39
Ritleesrini seriously we were just there.... WHY!?!?!05:39
todayi usually run FF05:39
soreau! pm | {CR}ronos05:40
ubottu{CR}ronos: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:40
FireCrotchsrini: that said, there is a project called ies4linux that allows you to do so, available here: http://www.tatanka.com.br05:40
tp43_I always install firefox, I never use ie, if I am on a windows os05:40
johnnyCbadWhat time did the new Lucid themes roll out? They're really great :)05:40
carllli want "object dock" but idk if it comes FOR linux05:40
geniiJon-4: You then loop-mount the file that was made and try to copy whatever might be useful from it05:40
sriniFireCrotch:: Wine support ie?05:41
Ritleewhy leave windows if you can't leave IE?05:41
DcMeesesrini: Why IN THE WORLD would you want IE on linux? For webpage testing?05:41
Jon-4genii: Assume I am a complete noob. I don't know how to do that.05:41
soreau{CR}ronos: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to pastebin.com and quit pmming me please05:41
Hellhound666whoa whoa whoa somebody wants IE on linux...wow05:41
FireCrotchsrini: Pretty much. The link that I posted makes it pretty easy to set up - it does all of the special wine configuration for you05:41
Hellhound666trying to run IE in wine?05:41
johnnyCbadHaha IE on linux05:41
tato_42i thought Lucid wasn't coming out until april05:41
Ritleelol second person tonight is getting even more of a response05:42
Jon-4genii: The drive mounts fine, and the files that ARE there are fine, the issue is there are blocks of files with very odd files names that are completly unusable, I am assuming this is fragmented data from a bad removal.05:42
coz_its not05:42
johnnyCbadIt can be done, install wine-tricks05:42
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:42
coz_tato_42,  I mean you are correct05:42
Hellhound666I don't even use IE on my win7 partition.05:42
tp43_yeah, thats the second dude, unless he just changed nick05:42
johnnyCbadIt isn't out, I'm using the dev release05:42
Flannel!ies4linux | srini05:42
ubottusrini: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!05:42
geniiJon-4: Use the iso loopmount instructions but specify: -t vfat      for filetype05:43
DcMeese!google IE sucks05:43
carllli want "object dock" but idk if it comes FOR linux.05:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:43
FlannelDcMeese: Please help keep this channel ontopic, thanks.05:43
johnnyCbadLucid is going to be the best release yet, even if a lot is the default app choices for me05:43
FireCrotchDcMeese: If you'd like to play with the bot, please do so in a private message05:43
sriniok Thankyou05:43
coz_carlll, well there are docks available for linux  one is almost identical to the macosx dock  named cairo-dock05:43
johnnyCbadWish they'd get rid of openoffice though when google docs is o good05:44
carlllcoz_,where can i get this "cairo-dock"??05:44
johnnyCbadI like AWN05:44
coz_carlll,   meet me in #cairo-dock channel05:44
Jon-4genii: These are the same garbaged files as before. The others [that were still okay] have already been backed up.05:44
Hellhound666contstat problems with this java crap!!!05:44
tp43_I think cairo-docks is more functional05:44
Jon-4genii: Is there anything else I can do to try and restore those files?05:44
Ritleejohnny then how would you put ona presentation withouht openoffice presenter? will google docs full screen a second monitor?05:45
Hellhound666I just installed jdk, now I'm trying to install netbeans and at the bottom it says "No compatible JDK found"05:45
todayhow about Laptop mode some body05:45
johnnyCbadRitlee: Fair point, not sure on that05:45
RitleejohnnyCbad, hehe ;) just playin devils advocate05:46
johnnyCbadRitlee: Although ubuntu has two virtual desktops default, it's totally possible05:46
claws_no sound on youtube :( anyone ?05:46
FlanneljohnnyCbad, Ritlee: #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place for that conversation, mind taking it there?  thanks05:46
johnnyCbadFlannel: Opps, sorry05:46
Ritleesorry flannel05:47
Hellhound666carlll:  u can easily get cario-dock through synaptic05:47
Jon-4genii: Would it be time to try fsck.vfat? I don't mean to bother you but these files are important.05:47
rpkHey, does anyone know of any well written guides to fixing internet connection problems (i'm on ubuntu server 10.04.a.3 btw)?05:48
Hellhound666carlll:  or through the command line but you have to add the repository first I think.05:48
Flannelrpk: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support, thanks.05:48
guest1claws: Did you check your ALSA settings?05:48
rpkFlannel: I'm pretty sure its not a lucid specific issue?  still go there anyways/05:49
claws_guest1: doesnt say me anything05:49
guest1claws: What do you mean?05:49
Flannelrpk: Yep, alphas mean things breaking randomly is normal, so it could very well be that.05:49
rpkFlannel: kk05:50
guest1I am excited for 10.0405:50
claws_the system has sound.. but when playing through youtube... sound doesnt work05:50
todayhow share data between Ubuntu and window xp ? ^^ can any one help me05:50
guest1today: Do you need to access the files in windows?05:51
Ritleetoday are they seperate boxes?05:51
todayGuest1 i want share data05:51
todayi want share date about ubuntu and windows xp at Lan05:51
guest1today: You can create a NTFS or FAT partition and then both linux and windows can see it05:52
SirVirtueHi guys, I was wondering if you could help me with a weird problem with apt05:52
Jon-4genii: Are you there?05:52
Flannel!samba | today, you want samba:05:52
ubottutoday, you want samba:: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:52
Ritleetoday share a folder with full perms off of windows , and connect to it under ubuntu05:52
guest1SirVirtue: Whats going on?05:52
todayGuest1 i see we can use Sam ba05:52
Ritleeshould find it under the file browser05:52
Jon-4I just had a USB drive in my computer, and I deleted a file, went to umount it, it said "would you like to empty trash?" I said yes, and then after 2-3 minutes of it still waiting to be safely removed, I pulled it myself. Now over half my files have garbaged names like 6√┤@Bƒσ.╘┴3  Any way to recover my data? [I have used ddrescue to create a backup, no errors were found. What is...05:53
guest1Today: I have never used it, but it looks as if it will work fine05:53
Jon-4...the next step?]05:53
SirVirtuegetting a segmentation fault or something05:53
SirVirtueshould I post the error message?05:53
SirVirtueit's not too long05:53
todayyou never share in LAN Guest105:53
Ritleelol sir probably not you'll be silenced05:53
SirVirtueI haven't been on irc for a while05:54
SirVirtueforgotten the etiquette05:54
guest1today: No, I rarely use Windows.05:54
Ritleeheh been damn near 12 years for me05:54
SirVirtueso pastebin then?05:54
todayhow do we share data from windows xp to ubuntu 9.10 Guest105:55
guest1Today: I just mount my windows partition, then copy and paste any files I need to move.05:56
soreau{CR}ronos: You need to uninstall the nvidia glx driver module05:56
todaymeans, i want to share data for other PC on LAN ( local Aera network) guest105:56
Ritleetoday, try $mount -t NTFS <ip address of windowsbox>:<share name> /<mount point>05:56
Ritleetoday i think i got the syntax right05:57
guest1Today: I have no clue, but I think Ritlee knows05:57
SirVirtueRitlee: ^^05:57
todayi dont understand what you say Ritlee05:57
=== Semitones is now known as Sleepytones
Ritleebut also if you use the file browser in ubuntu it will most likely find the share on it's own if you look under network05:57
Jon-4I just had a USB drive in my computer, and I deleted a file, went to umount it, it said "would you like to empty trash?" I said yes, and then after 2-3 minutes of it still waiting to be safely removed, I pulled it myself. Now over half my files have garbaged names like 6√┤@Bƒσ.╘┴3  Any way to recover my data? [I have used ddrescue to create a backup, no errors were found. What is...05:58
Jon-4...the next step?]05:58
todayi see, we can insall samba for share some thing at LAT05:58
Logikosgot a new computer that is 64bit that came with windows7 on it, my partition programs wont work with 64bit for some reason .. if i boot to the ubuntu run cd, can i partition it useing gparted?05:58
{CR}ronosthanx but how do i go about doing that05:58
Ritleetoday, an example $mount -t NTFS /mnt05:58
todayat LAn, but i don know how to config samba Ritlee05:58
Logikosi want to resize the primary partition05:58
Logikosand make another partition05:59
Ritleeummm shouldn't need any config should work once installed05:59
thalesWhere is the Ubuntu 10 beta available for download?05:59
guest1Logikos: You can do it that way, or you can use the tool in windows05:59
todaywow, it's straight05:59
Logikosthe tool in windows doesnt allow me to shrink the partition enough05:59
soreau{CR}ronos: Look for packages with ii next to them in the output of  dpkg -l|grep -i nvidia05:59
todaythales:  at Ubuntu.com05:59
guest1Logikos: Do you have the windows CD?05:59
thalesI'm stumped looking for them at ubuntu.com06:00
Logikoson a 1TB drive with only like 15GB used .. it only allows me to cut the drive in half or so06:00
Logikosi want a 100GB drive for primary06:00
Logikosand the rest secondary06:00
todayRitlee: do you know how to config samba06:00
kayveI have Matlab and it requires this libdap thing and I'm lost06:00
Ritleetoday, samba shouldn't need any configuring06:00
Logikosi dont have the windows cd no06:01
kayveit slurps data. I got rpms used alien06:01
Ritleetoday, or do you mean to download?06:01
Logikospc came with it pre-loaded06:01
Logikosbut i have a win7 iso downloaded06:01
Jon-4I just had a USB drive in my computer, and I deleted a file, went to umount it, it said "would you like to empty trash?" I said yes, and then after 2-3 minutes of it still waiting to be safely removed, I pulled it myself. Now over half my files have garbaged names like 6√┤@Bƒσ.╘┴3  Any way to recover my data? [I have used ddrescue to create a backup, no errors were found. What is...06:01
todaywhat download ri06:01
Jon-4...the next step?]06:01
Logikosvia torrent06:01
SirVirtuethales: I don't think the beta is acutally out yet06:01
Logikosthat i can load into a virtial drive06:01
guest1Logikos: I never had luck using Gparted to shrink my drive.  Maybe someone else can help a little more06:01
SirVirtuethales: there is an alpha though06:01
SirVirtuethales: gimmie a sec06:01
geniiJon-4: Apologies, helping my roomate get his webcam going under Kubuntu. The idea of using ddrescue is to make a frozen image of the disk, errors and all, into a file which you can mount into a directory, then pluck the important things which remain from there to somewhere you want to save them. So to loop-mount you use the same idea as loopmounting an iso file06:01
SirVirtuethales: I'll find a url06:01
thalesAlpha works for me,06:02
guest1Out of curiosity, anyone here using their iphone in linux?06:02
Jon-4genii: This is done. Is there a way to recover the fragmented files now?06:02
geniiJon-4: eg: sudo mount -t vfat /ddrescueimagefile /some/directory06:02
Ritleetoday, if you dont06:02
Ritleetoday if you don't have samba installed yet ummm let me figure that one out...06:02
Logikosso useing Gparted isnt a good solution06:02
{CR}ronossoreau will i uninstall these?06:02
todayi installed samban Ritlee06:03
NetwizzI installed Ubuntu tonight06:03
ZykoticK9thales, get the Alpha daily from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/06:03
geniiJon-4: You can theoretically run fsck.vfat on the mounted directory06:03
NetwizzIt was pretty easy to install; I mus tsay06:03
NetwizzWhen does the new RTM get released?06:03
geniiJon-4: If it works you can then use it on the original06:03
thalesawesome, thank you very much. :-)06:03
todaybut i cant share my data for my friend ( use XP)06:03
guest1Netwizz: Now try to install Gentoo :)06:03
Ritleetoday, okay then it should be ready to go, no config needed06:03
Jon-4genii: What options should I be looking for?06:03
NetwizzI bet that is a lot more work06:03
SirVirtueZykoticK9: cheers06:03
guest1You have no idea06:03
todayi dont thing so Ritlee06:03
NetwizzI have not even figured out getting everything working on Ubuntu again.  It has been almost 2 years since I last ran it, so it will take some time to get it working perfect, but I think it should be easier this time.06:04
todaybecause, i try to share folder, but not done06:04
Jon-4genii: Oh, and the data is far more important frankly. I can always reformat the drive.06:04
Ritleetoday, i could be wrong but i don't remember doing a config for it, it worked as is06:04
soreau{CR}ronos: You need to remove the nvidia glx driver packages. It should be ok to leave the alias packages installed06:04
geniiJon-4: Generally if you use "-f" on fsck it tries to auto-fix erors06:04
todayit so ok Ritlee :)06:04
guest1Netwizz: It is.  I am in the same boat.  I went back to Linux after a 4 year absence but I only use Windows to print and for iTunes06:04
SirVirtueRitlee: did you get a chance to suss out my error?06:04
todaywhat version linux you use Ritlee?06:05
geniiJon-4: When it finds unlinked files, etc it will usually put them in a dir called lost+found06:05
RitleeSirVirtue, piss what was it again?06:05
Ritleetoday, ubuntu 8.0406:05
Jon-4genii: Says "is a directory" when I attempt to run it on /media/temp [where I mounted the image file with loop-back]06:05
Tecanis the server down for karmic debs ?06:05
SirVirtueRitlee: http://pastebin.com/hg94PMDA06:05
soreau{CR}ronos: After this, you need to remove or rename your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file06:05
geniiJon-4: OK, hangon06:06
SirVirtueRitlee: do you want a pm so it's easier to keep track?06:06
SirVirtueRitlee: (you seem to be getting hounded :P)06:06
todayhow about 's Login Screen on Karmic Ritlee?06:06
RitleeSirVirtue, i06:06
RitleeSirVirtue, i'm good so your trying to install rhythm box?06:07
todayhow is login screen change? Ritlee06:07
SirVirtueRitlee: well not really, it just pops up every time I try to do something with apt06:07
SirVirtuealso totem06:07
Ritleetoday, dunno i've only spent any surmountable time with 8.0406:07
RitleeSirVirtue, OH06:07
today;-)you wait 10.4 release Ritlee06:08
RitleeSirVirtue, that's beyond me then sounds like apt is bugged06:08
NetwizzYeah it is going to be tough to relearn linux06:08
Ritleetoday, lol hopefully better lookin than 9.'0406:08
geniiJon-4: the fsck.vfat manpage doesn't have some force or override option for loopmount, unfortunately.It wants to work only on partitions, etc. So try to recover from the mounted image what you can, then run the fsck.vfat with -y option on the affected drive and check the lost+found directory there after for recovered files06:09
Ritleeahwell i06:09
Ritleeahwell i'm out, thanx all06:09
shazbotmcnastywhat do I do if I think someone is going to try and hack me?06:09
SirVirtueRitlee: oh well, thanks for you time06:09
todayBye Ritlee06:09
guest1Netwizz: Its not that bad with Ubuntu.  I have had a hard time with some things, but this chat and all the forums are amazing!06:09
Jon-4genii: Unfortunately because I had created the backup, I have done a few things to my original USB drive. Is there a way to restore it or emulate a mount as a physical device for fsck.vfat?06:10
=== hackoo1 is now known as hackoo
NetwizzI used to run Ubuntu exclusively in 2006, 7, and part of 806:10
geniiJon-4: No method that I know of06:10
NetwizzI ran Dapper Drake through 8.0406:10
NetwizzOr actually 7.1006:10
guest1Netwizz: Why did you leave?06:11
geniiJon-4: You can use the ddrescue image however to write it exactly back to a usb stick using dd06:11
SirVirtueanyone else here an ap06:11
SirVirtueanyone else here an apt-get wizz?06:11
NetwizzThe Video driver broke for Nvidia GLX06:11
mrpink57guest1: same reason we all do further customization06:11
geniiJon-4: eg: sudo dd if=/the/ddrescue-imagename of=/dev/sdX#06:12
NetwizzEach time I rebooted, I had to re-install the video driver, and it stunk?06:12
geniiJon-4: Then run fsck.vfat on that06:12
shazbotmcnastywhat do I do if I think someone is going to try and hack me?????06:12
geniishazbotmcnasty: Unplug the ethernet cable06:12
guest1Netwizz: Tell me about it.  I HATE proprietary drivers.  I have ATI and I swear I will never support them again06:12
guest1Netwizz: How is the driver issue now?06:13
alankilaNetwizz: sounds more like ubuntu bug than nvidia bug, though. The driver worked but it screwed up something.06:13
todaymy Ubuntu run Gnome 2.28, how do we upgrade Gnome man06:13
=== sacho_ is now known as Sacho
NetwizzI have no driver issue06:13
NetwizzI did a clean install of 9.04 64 bit06:13
NetwizzI was running 7.10 32 bit06:13
NetwizzNo problems yet anyway06:14
bowserinmario3im having troubling enabling my wifi usb adapter (050d:935b) any help?06:14
guest1Do you use the open source driver?06:14
NetwizzThe problem is that it will probably take forever to get everythign up and runnign again06:14
Jon-4 genii of=sdx#  realy? never seen sdx before only sdc and sda06:14
Netwizz@bowserinmario3 you need the ndiswrapper unless that changed in the last couple years06:14
alankilaJon-4: x means "fill in what suits for you"06:14
bowserinmario3on the ndiswrapper website they don't mention support for my usb06:15
geniiJon-4: "sdX#" means substitute for "X" the letter of your real drive and for "#" put the partition number: eg: sda3   or so06:15
NetwizzYou really just have to try it06:15
NetwizzI was able to make it work with my old Netgear WG111 or something like that06:15
bowserinmario3yea ill give it a shot06:16
geniiJon-4: But use some USB stick name and not sda3 as i just wrote06:16
NetwizzThere must be some switches06:16
NetwizzI think you did something like ndiswrapper -i /path/to/driver.inf06:16
Netwizzregardless man ndiswrapper06:16
Netwizzor ndiswrapper -?06:17
geniiJon-4: I must leave for sleep soon, it's 1:17AM here06:17
Jon-4genii: OH NO I USED SDA3  *computer dies*   haha, don't worry :D06:17
Jon-4genii: What would you recommend after fsck.vfat? -y on drive? Any options left?06:17
Jon-4ignore ?, typo06:18
SirVirtueone last try, anyone here an apt-get wizz?06:18
geniiJon-4: Check in the directory on the drive called lost+found. If any unattached files were found it will file them in there. No names though just sequential numbered files so tedious to wade through06:19
NetwizzI have never seen anything in there06:19
Netwizzwhat does NTFS have for Lost and Found?06:19
geniiJon-4: (but at least hopefully somewhat intact)06:19
NetwizzWhere do those files go?  chkdsk?06:19
geniiNetwizz: this isn't a Windows support channel06:19
devDMy karmic have a serious problem, my keyboard freezes sometimes and I need to restart system , this time its freezed and not unfreezing even after reboot. what to do now ?06:20
theadmindevD: And how on earth do you type? :/ This sounds like a problem of IBus if you're using it06:20
todayi have trouble some thing like devD06:20
todayi dont use ctri - keyboard06:21
evan0116so Karmic never wakes up when idle and i move the mouse06:21
evan0116how can i fix that?06:21
todaywhen i run VLC and turn on Playlis ( Ctrl + L) it not work06:21
todayhelp me now06:21
FireCrotchSirVirtue: What is your apt-get question/problem?06:21
theadmintoday: Check whether the layout is set correctly06:22
todayhow theadmin06:22
{CR}ronosanyone else get really slow transfer speeds to a usb device in 9.10?06:22
SirVirtueFireCrotch: http://pastebin.com/hg94PMDA does that make any sense to you?06:22
theadmintoday: System  - Preferences - Keyboard - Layouts06:22
theadmin{CR}ronos: Yeah, if it's a NTFS device06:22
todayi run Ubuntu on HP 540 Laptop , how choice layouts corrects theadmin06:22
SirVirtueit's a segmentation fault trying to install remove a couple of packages06:23
Enissay{CR}ronos, yeah , me!!06:23
theadmintoday: Sorry, never saw those %) I'm on an ASUS. Might be a good idea to check your manufacturer's site06:23
DcMeeseHow do I view & kill processes in ubuntu?06:23
{CR}ronosi get slow transfer speeds on all formats06:23
evan0116Why does ubuntu 9.10 never wake up after monitor is set to black? and how can i fix this?06:23
theadminDcMesse: killall processname to just kill. You can install "htop" to view all processes.06:24
theadminevan0116: Seems like something with motherboard or it's drivers06:24
DcMeesetheadmin: Thx....06:24
tom_mahoon1hey guys i'm trying to update my nice on my file server over the network. i've compiled a new driver, but it keeps loading the old one. any ideas on how to get rid of the old driver and replace it with the new one?06:25
todayim comming theadmin06:25
EnissayDcMeese, or you can use System>Administration>System monitor06:25
todayplzz support me06:25
evan0116the admin: i do have a relatively old system, an 05 dell. any suggestions?06:25
theadminevan0116: Actually, if Dell produces Linux drivers, check for those06:25
theadmintoday: Huh? o_O06:25
FireCrotchSirVirtue: Are those the only two packages that have the problem?06:25
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todayabout my keyboard06:26
SirVirtueFireCrotch: yup06:26
evan0116theadmin: drivers for the motherboard, correct?06:26
theadmintoday: Oh, check your manufacturer's site, maybe they have some forum or IRC channel or just some info on this06:26
theadminevan0116: Yeah06:26
todayhow config layout keyboard , i use HP 540 Laptop06:26
evan0116theadmin: thank you im checking now06:26
SirVirtueFireCrotch: pops up evertime I try and do something with apt06:27
SirVirtueFireCrotch: although it doesn't seem to inhibit the installation of removal of other packages06:27
]|[RoMeO]|[][][][-somebody here-][][][06:27
]|[RoMeO]|[][][][-somebody have some password for nod32 actualizated-][][][06:27
theadmin]|[RoMeO]|[: Stop writing ][][][-like this-][][]] please, it floods somewhat06:28
FireCrotchSirVirtue: Yeah, it won't stop any other packages from installing and will happen every time you use apt06:28
dehqanhow remove configure files of purged package ?06:28
theadmin]|[RoMeO]|[: This is Ubuntu support channel, and piracy is not greeted here.06:28
theadmindehqan: When you purge they're automatically deleted06:28
FireCrotchSirVirtue: Not sure how to resolve it, I've seen some suggestions that it may be due to a broken dependency06:28
dehqantheadmin: what is the difference betweeen purge and remove ?06:29
SirVirtueFireCrotch: fair enough06:29
claws_the system has sound.. but when playing through youtube... sound doesn't work.. any help will be much appreciated06:29
strauss-bariumI have a ThinkPad with an Intel Wi-Fi/WiMAX 6050-series card, but the firmware seems to be missing.06:29
DcMeeseHey ]|[RoMeO]|[06:29
theadminBleh. Why Ubuntu LAMP renamed "apachectl" to "apache2ctl" and "htdocs" to "/var/www"?06:29
]|[RoMeO]|[][][][-im here-][][][06:29
devDMy keybord locked in karmic, how to unlock it ? I am in other OS now ?06:29
theadmindehqan: Remove leaves configs, Purge removes them06:29
SirVirtueFireCrotch: I was just going to try a clean intall but Im on my eeepc and am having troubles with installing from USB06:29
SirVirtuemight be a project for another day06:30
SirVirtuecheers anyway06:30
SirVirtuemight see you later06:30
Archy1987how to install global equalizer on ubuntu???06:30
]|[RoMeO]|[<@  Dcmeese @>· ][][][--][][][06:30
]|[RoMeO]|[][][][-im here-][][][06:30
claws_pleas dont let all the help FLOOD in06:30
Flannel]|[RoMeO]|[: Please turn that off06:30
Archy1987how to install global equalizer on ubuntu???06:30
theadminFlannel: He's a spammer, look a few messages above... :/ he's asking for a NOD32 key :/06:31
dehqanhow to fix this ? http://pastebin.com/zHjaQWzT ?  libgd2-noxpm and  libg2 also are removed06:31
theadminArchy1987: Stop repeating quickly, it won't make anyone help you more or less06:31
NetwizzWhere I work, I have to deploy a Server 2003 Domain controller tomorrow; I am not happy06:31
alankilaArchy1987: a global equalizer, like for sound? I'd imagine that falls in pulseaudio's turf, but I have never seen any kind of DSP systems for it, oddly enough.06:32
Archy1987theadmin, what is minimum time to repeat?06:32
Cednatry apt-get install -f06:32
theadminArchy1987: It's not stated, but not like every minute %) Maybe in ten minutes or so...06:32
FlannelArchy1987: 20 or so minutes is a good starting point.  Take the time in between to checkthe internet/forums/etc06:32
Archy1987theadmin, ok, thanks for info. Sorry for my incompetence06:32
DcMeeseOtherwise peoples Getz mad06:32
Cednadoes packages looks like depended some packages...06:32
FlannelArchy1987: Everyone's new at some point, no big deal.06:33
claws_GUYS!!  the system has sound.. but when playing through youtube... sound doesn't work.. any help will be much appreciated...06:33
Archy1987alankila, yes, global equalizer - not equalizer foru separate program06:33
theadminclaws_: Sounds like some flash player bug to me06:33
alankilapulseaudio is strangely half-baked. It doesn't seem to have any DSP programs, and no GUIs to tune them. :-/06:33
Cedna...or also you can try does package manually..06:34
alankilaAt least nothing I saw with "apt-cache search pulseaudio" discovered anything that looked like DSP To me06:34
]|[RoMeO]|[][][][-when is my turn?-][][][06:34
Archy1987ok, i will try pulseaudio06:34
claws_theadmin: can i do a apt-get install flashplayer ?06:34
alankilaArchy1987: you're already using it. I'm just saying nobody has had your concern at heart so far06:35
theadminclaws_: We have a flash player package. In Interpid and earlier: flashplugin-nonfree, starting from Jaunty - flashplugin-installer06:35
Bash23Hey guysc06:35
Bash23Does anyone know how I can fix GDM?06:35
evan0116dell is no help when comes to linux drivers06:35
evan0116night guys06:35
Bash23It says "cannout find custom.conf"06:35
Moathi my icons and coloured backrounds are now showing up properly as according to my theme i have set06:36
Moatwhat do i do?06:36
theadminMoat: What's the problem with that?06:36
ubuntufreakHow can i remove the Google Chrome which i installed using the .deb file in my ubuntu 9.10 ?06:36
Moatwith my icons and windows theadmin06:36
Cednaplease let us show Xorg logs..06:36
claws_ah gr8! now my firefox wont start cuz it have hangd up06:37
theadminubuntufreak: Just like any normal package, but i don't know it's name, search Synaptic06:37
claws_so what do i do ?06:37
Moattheadmin they are not showing up accorind to my theme06:37
Bash23It's loading the background but the login window isn't showing up06:37
theadminMoat: Maybe the corresponding GTK engine is not installed06:37
Moatthey worked before06:37
Moatnow they don't06:37
Moatall i did was install a graphics triver06:37
dehqanany opinion ?06:37
ubuntufreaktheadmin: thanks would check that06:37
theadminubuntufreak: Check what? o_O06:38
theadminMoat: Hm, strange06:38
Moati'll send u a pic of the problem06:38
alankilaArchy1987: I found a hack based on ladspa and telling pulseaudio to route its sound output through user's .asoundrc06:38
Archy1987alankila, how to access pulseaudio output settings?06:38
dyess002soreau:  are u still in here06:38
ubuntufreaktheadmin: i mean the synaptic to remove the chrom package06:38
soreaudyess002: Sure, why?06:38
theadminubuntufreak: Ah, okay06:38
alankilaArchy1987: maybe there's a better part than this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 (see Appendix D), maybe not06:38
alankilaa better way, not part.06:39
dyess002i finally got it fixed the matchbox deal06:39
claws_GUYS! how can i list running programs and kill them ? ex. firefox freez, so im not allowed to open06:39
dyess002thanks for the help06:39
von_neumannubuntufreak: Run this, dpkg -l | grep -i google-chrome06:39
Archy1987alankila, ok, i will check it. Thanks06:39
theadminclaws_: try "killall firefox"06:39
soreaudyess002: What did you have to do?06:39
von_neumannubuntufreak, then dpkg -r the exact name of the package06:39
ubuntufreaktheadmin: its coz i had installed chrome and today i installed Chromium so thought of removing Chrome06:39
Bash23I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:39
Cednaclaws_, open terminal, and type ps -ef | grep process name..06:40
Bash23Does anyone know how I can fix GDM?06:40
Bash23It says "cannout find custom.conf"06:40
Bash23It says "cannout find custom.conf"06:40
ubuntufreakvon_neumann, thanks for the help but i was able to remove it using synaptic06:40
FloodBot4Bash23: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:40
dyess002I got htop up and was able to kill the  matchbox session from there06:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:40
von_neumannsudo dpkg -r google-chrome-beta06:40
von_neumannfor me anyway06:40
von_neumanndoh, sorry06:40
alankilaArchy1987: now that I am reading through the link, there's a suggestion for karmic, a PPA with package called pulseaudio-equalizer06:40
Cednathan, it seems like PID(number) ... process pipe name06:41
geniiBash23: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm06:41
soreaudyess002: Cool. Glad you got it working06:41
dyess002me to  it was looking like a reinstall06:41
Bash23I tried sudo aptitude reinstall gdm06:41
Bash23it didn't work.06:42
alankilaArchy1987: it looks pretty nify from description. Hopefully it does the trick for you.06:42
Cednaif you followed this steps, now you can kill pid numbers. more informations, try man kill06:42
claws_theadmin: thank you :) it worked06:42
theadminCedna: Wouldn't it be a lot simplier to stick to killall when you don't know the exact PID?06:42
Shay27Hello , does someone here specialize in hardware ? I'm going today to buy a new computer, but there is little problem, I'm not hardware wizard :) I have the ability to choose between two types of motherboards : Intel Skyberg DP45SG and Asus p5q pro , can someone recommend me which one is the best ? and which motherboard will support Ubuntu without problems06:42
claws_but is there possible to list all running apps06:43
tehbautanyone know if 9.10 live cd supports gparted and formatting partitions as hfs+ out of the box?06:43
Cednayes. killall commands pretty simple.06:43
NetwizzYou can use the top command06:43
Netwizzor ps06:43
Cednabut i think that was too simple for me..06:43
coz_or install htop06:43
coz_much nicer ^^06:43
Bash23Does anyone have any other tips?06:43
claws_so i do a..  ps list ?06:43
NetwizzThe command is ps06:44
coz_netmind,  yeah sudo apt-get install htop  and the command is   htop06:44
NetwizzGreat, but what is it06:44
geniiBash23: What were you using to try and customize your GDM?06:44
NetwizzI will just look it up hell06:44
theadminNetwizz: A process manager06:44
Cednaotherwise, you can also try like that - ps -ef | grep name | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 :)06:44
Bash23There is no custon.conf.06:44
coz_systemn monitor of sorts I guess you can call it06:44
NetwizzIt does not look very good06:44
Bash23That's the prob06:44
NetwizzIsn't the built in one better?06:44
coz_Netwizz,  system monitor of sorts  with many options06:45
theadminI dunno.... I assigned "xterm htop" to Ctrl+Shift+Esc lol and it works fine, system monitor is a bit too greedy06:45
Cednayes. system monitor too greedy06:46
coz_Netwizz,  did you check out htop?06:48
theadminWhy when i want to check updates manually i need a password while when it's automatic, it's asking nothing?06:48
coz_theadmin,  it should unless you recently used the terminal with a password and it didnt time out06:49
NetwizzI checked it out06:49
theadmincoz_: I see, yeah, that was true06:49
NetwizzThat video rocks06:49
NetwizzIn traffic court, you have to pay the plantiff to show up!!!06:49
momosanwhat's the ubuntu equivalent of the unstable/testing branch in debian that I can put in my sources.list?06:50
Cednabecause... that was configured in polkit settings, i think.06:50
blakkheimmomosan: there is none06:50
coz_momosan,  well  actually none  unless you want to try the alpha06:50
claws_how can i get more info on the PID's?06:50
Netwizzwith switches06:51
coz_momosan, but then it would be an install of that alpha06:51
rwwubottu: ot | Netwizz06:51
ubottuNetwizz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:51
coz_momosan,  which means what you have would either be upgraded or you would have to clean install the alpha  ubuntu lucid 10.406:51
theadminmomosan: We have free-supported: main, non-free-supported: restricted, free-unsupported: universe, non-free-unsupported: multiverse. And we have backports.06:51
coz_momosan,  I think it is still in alpha let me check06:51
coz_momosan,    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:52
momosanokay thanks all06:52
Archy1987alankila, i did Appendix D: System-Wide Equalizer06:53
Archy1987alankila, how to open equalizer graph now?06:53
alankilaArchy1987: what did you do? Are you using karmic? Did you notice the ppa?06:53
phani hi. I have hardy 8.04 version newly installed . When I do apt-get update or upgrade gets segmentation fault error ... So, I have deleted the bin files from /var/cache/apt but still it doesn't work any ideas ?06:54
Archy1987alankila, i use ubuntu (latest)06:54
alankilaArchy1987: well, did you use the solution suggested at "Warning 1: karmic users please do this instead". My fault for not noticing it, but it was the first line and I merely scanned the document based on quick google query to see that someone had indeed done something like this06:54
Hellhound666wow vuze works just fine when I download it from the repositories.  seems java runtime isn't the only dependency requried for it to operate correctly.06:55
=== Podfish is now known as opop
alankilaArchy1987: the ppa contains a full GUI for a global equalizer, allegedly.06:55
coz_Hellhound666,  isnt that using alot of cpu for you?06:55
Archy1987alankila, what is "ppa" ?06:55
Hellhound666coz_: isn't what?06:55
alankilaArchy1987: personal package archive.06:56
coz_Hellhound666,  vuze06:56
Hellhound666coz_:  not really06:56
Archy1987alankila, i am not shure that i understand what to do now06:56
coz_Hellhound666,  even when it was called azureus it use mucho cpu on my systems06:56
alankilaArchy1987: I tried to tell you to use the karmic-specific solution some 15 minutes ago, but it was too late.06:56
alankilaArchy1987: revert your changes, follow the karmic-specific instructions. You'll be a lot happier with that -- assuming it works at all...06:57
Hellhound666coz_:  It works fine on my old 800mhz 300mb ram crap computer.06:57
coz_Hellhound666,  wow mmm   I might try it again although I am using transmission for torrents06:58
theadminWhy are some "cups" always upgrading?06:58
Archy1987alankila, i just realized, that my laptop don't have sound at all now :D06:58
coz_Archy1987,  in terminal   alsamixer06:58
ThunderguyIf I wanted to 'apt-move sync' all my packages to put on a cd, would it be that simple as it was on deb?06:58
coz_Archy1987,  anything turned down or muted?06:58
blakkheimtheadmin: security patches06:58
coz_Archy1987,  pulseaudio sucks on karmic right now06:59
theadminblakkheim: What IS "cups" anyway06:59
Hellhound666check out netbeans if you're into programming too.  It's excellent I think.06:59
blakkheimtheadmin: common unix printing services06:59
theadminHellhound666: I agree on that06:59
theadminblakkheim: ...I don't need that... lol06:59
Cednaapt-cache show cups06:59
Archy1987coz_, nope, nothing is muted06:59
blakkheimtheadmin: then why do you have it?06:59
alankilaArchy1987: yes, you are best off canceling all the modifications & using the karmic-specific solution. Or debugging what went wrong with your changes.06:59
coz_Archy1987,  mmm06:59
blakkheimtheadmin: i use a minimal iso install and only install what i want. the default install is very bloated06:59
theadminblakkheim: Maybe it came defaultly. I don't need empathy either, but i knew i don't need it at least06:59
Hellhound666I was using Dev C++ on windows 7.  Turns out the only way to get Bloodshed Dev C++ on Linux is ordering the cd.  Well I'm know there are other ways but it's the least I could do is buy it.06:59
coz_blakkheim,  mm I might try that next time  sounds like a good idea07:00
alankilaI'm pretty optimistic that even that .asoundrc-based hack can be made to work if you try hard enough, despite it using plughw and not raw hardware access ...07:00
Archy1987coz_,  alankila  i will now revert changes and infor you what happens then07:00
theadminblakkheim: Meh, default is a good enough for me07:00
blakkheimtheadmin: ok, if you can deal with all the bloat and unneeded services and updates that you don't even know what they are07:00
alankilaArchy1987: here's a sneak peek at what you should get with the package:07:01
theadminblakkheim: If UBUNTU is bloated... lol, better don't even touch Linux Mint07:01
alankilaer... was that link really truncated?07:02
Flannelalankila: No07:02
oneinchwhat is the kde metapackage to install it via apt-get?07:02
theadminoneinch: kubuntu-desktop07:02
Moathello i'm having issues, i can't edit my task bar or menu bar, here is a pic http://i47.tinypic.com/acsw93.jpg it seems i can't do it..i dunno why, my theme said i should be able to07:03
oneinchthank you07:03
Moathello i'm having issues, i can't edit my task bar or menu bar, here is a pic http://i47.tinypic.com/acsw93.jpg it seems i can't do it..i dunno why, my theme said i should be able to. i just want to edit the main task bar, i.e. change it's colours and symbols.07:04
mihiri can´t find wireless network in range even if hardware is properly detected07:05
Archy1987i reverted changes, and relogged - at last i have my sound back. I now will try to install that equalizer, that alankila gave me :P07:05
Hellhound666theadmin:  I haven't been programming for long but I'm catching on rather quickly.  I'm going to school for Network Admin but I wonder If I could take a coding course too?07:05
AfterBlend4Dhow to check the people in the channel join howmany channel.07:06
mihirhello friends07:06
deanfxmihir: what type of wireless controller do you have?07:06
AfterBlend4DWhols ?07:06
alankilaArchy1987: yeah. I really wasn't aware that there had been any progress on this front. I've been expecting DSP software to arrive for pulseaudio, like headphone virtualization and stuff like that, and nobody seems to have been working on it07:06
theadminHellhound666: Don't give any such things :D Sorry... I gotta learn PHP someday :/ static webpages are a bleh07:06
tallyhoi can't seem to CD into C:\ in winconsole cmd07:06
Hellhound666theadmin:  that sucks huh.  I went to school years back for programming and all they had was microsoft Visual Basic!!07:07
Archy1987alankila, i followed that website's instructions, but terminal says me -07:07
CednaMoat, can try killall gnome-settings-daemon ; gnome-settings-daemon ?07:07
Archy1987archy@archy-laptop:~$ cp /usr/share/applications/pulseaudio-equalizer.desktop ~/Desktop/07:07
Archy1987cp: cannot stat `/usr/share/applications/pulseaudio-equalizer.desktop': No such file or directory07:07
theadmintallyho: In Windows, you'll have to try something like "cd /d C:\", but we don't really provide Windows support07:07
Moatccenda how do i do that?07:07
alankilaArchy1987: well, did you install some .deb first?07:07
tallyhoim using ubuntu theadmin07:07
Cednaon terminal07:07
Cednatype same things :)07:08
Archy1987alankila,  no, i haven't07:08
theadmintallyho: Ubuntu doesn't have C:\.07:08
alankilaArchy1987: well there you go then.07:08
hidensofthi every one07:08
Cednait make some changes?07:08
hidensofti need desktop recorder application07:08
adarshaHow do i get all my drives to be mounted automatically as soon as i boot  into ubuntu?07:08
hidensoftfor creating learning movie07:09
theadminhidensoft: try gtk-recordmydesktop07:09
geniihidensoft: VLC can record the desktop also07:09
adantehi, is it safe to upgrade distributions without applying patches for existing distribution?07:09
theadmingenii: VLC sucks on that, it's too complicated to actually do it.07:09
coz_ussaine,  salut  bonjour ca va?07:09
theadminadante: Not recommended07:09
theadmin!fr | coz_07:09
ubottucoz_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois07:10
rpkIs there a roadmap for ubuntu networking?07:10
geniitheadmin: I've been playing with it, not that horrible07:10
hidensofttheadmin, i search that from ubuntu soft wear center , but i can't find this application07:10
ussainemon emesene ne narche pas on dit le protocole n'est pas supporte07:10
mihirdeanfx are you connected07:10
rwwubottu: fr | ussaine07:10
ubottuussaine: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois07:10
genii!info recordmydesktop07:11
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 52 kB, installed size 148 kB07:11
hidensofti want create learning movie ,07:11
mihirhow to find wireless network in range07:11
psycho_oreosmihir, use network manager07:11
mihirplease help me07:11
adarshamihir: do u have a wifi card?07:12
geniihidensoft: You need "universe" repository enabled07:12
Archy1987alankila, everything works just fine :)07:12
mihiryes i have wifi card and i am using wifi in xp07:12
Archy1987alankila, thank you a lot. have a nice day, good luck07:12
hidensoftgenii, how ? im new in ubuntu07:12
genii!repos | hidensoft07:12
ubottuhidensoft: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories07:12
adarshamihir: then, ubuntu should automatically detect wireless networks. check ur panel, there should be a network icon.07:13
alankilaArchy1987: great!07:13
psycho_oreos!networkmanager | mihir07:13
ubottumihir: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager07:13
ghostnik11hi i have a problem in ubuntu 9.10 with the file system, for some reason when it tries to load it says /dev/desk/ by-uuid/ ... is missing and does not exist. which is impossible b/c last night my ubuntu was working pefectly fine till i turned it off07:14
ghostnik11does anyone know how to fix this problem07:14
adarshamihir: if u don't find it, open a terminal and type networkmanager. i think it should open networkmanager.07:14
Archy1987if linux could run same apps as windows can, i would never use windows OS07:15
Archy1987someone thinks like me ?07:16
mihiri am using ubuntu 9.1007:16
psycho_oreosArchy1987, there's a fair amount of differences between the two, for most parts wine should work, but then there's crossover/cedega as well as vm07:16
psycho_oreosmihir, did you read the link on network manager?07:17
_KAMI_1I need some help07:17
_KAMI_1regarding U10.0407:17
_KAMI_1and radon driver07:17
theadmin_KAMI_1: Just ask your question...07:17
Flannel_KAMI_1: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support, thanks07:17
psycho_oreos!lucid | _KAMI_107:17
ubottu_KAMI_1: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+107:17
geniiArchy1987: If you're just looking for something to replace windows and run windows applications underneath you don't really need linux, maybe check out ReactOS instead07:17
theadminArchy1987: Can't it do so already?07:18
theadminArchy1987: I mean, we DO have WINE07:18
Archy1987i have wine too07:18
_KAMI_1okay sorry07:18
Archy1987but i was impossible to run any of win-based apps07:18
_KAMI_1Then I go to there07:18
theadminArchy1987: Hm, it indeed is not very good, but... well, i keep a dualboot07:19
psycho_oreosits not impossible, it just requires work to get it working07:19
mihiryes i have read but it says it is for older version i am using ubuntu 9.10 karmic kaola07:19
adarshatheadmin: but wine doesn't work for many windows applications.07:19
ghostnik11has anyone ever had a problem with 9.10 and the file system not being found07:19
Archy1987theadmin, me too :P i have dual ubuntu - xp boot07:19
Archy1987theadmin, because i am a civil engineer, and i need AutoCad - program, that cannot be run on linux07:20
theadminArchy1987: Ahaha, EXACTLY same here. Ubuntu 9.10, Windows XP SP3 RU07:20
whorushhi, i'm making figures for my thesis in geometry.  my figures are polygons.  so i'm using inkscape, and it ALMOST works perfect, but some things are really tricky, and they ignore me on the irc :-).  maybe i should use the gimp?  but the gimp is complicated!  anything else?  thanks!07:20
Archy1987theadmin, hahaha, exactly same! ubuntu 9.10 + xp sp3 ru07:20
psycho_oreosmihir, its almost the same, there should be network manager icon on your desktop, more specifically a task bar07:20
Flannelwhorush: Join #ubuntu-offtopic and explain what's tricky07:20
Peddywho else isn't liking the 10.04 concept art?07:20
FlannelPeddy: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid, thanks07:20
claws_dont i need a sort of ccleaner when i remove a software ?07:20
eeexceptionHi. Has anyone tested ubuntu 10.04 alpha? Is there still a problem with usb flash drivers? At this morning I was trying to connect to my laptop with ubuntu 10.04 Sony Reader prs-300, but was nothing. lsusb also was empty07:20
Peddykthx Flannel07:20
theadmineeexception: #ubuntu+107:21
rwwubottu: lucid | eeexception07:21
ubottueeexception: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+107:21
Peddy1/join #ubuntu+107:21
kinja-sheepclaws_: Registry cleaners in Windows does not really make things go faster. :)07:21
mihiryes it is there and right now i am using internet through lan07:21
whorushFlannel, thanks07:21
mihirbut there is no wireless network in range there07:21
psycho_oreosmihir, so right click on it and click on enable wireless07:21
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claws_kinja-sheep: i was more or less thinking of config files that i have to remove manualy07:22
theadminclaws_: We don't have a registry or that kinda crap on Ubuntu, when you remove, it's removed, and so there.07:22
mihirit is enabled07:22
theadminBleh. Why when i try to set the homepage in Firefox to, it freezes? Only on Ubuntu, works fine on other Linux's and Windows07:23
psycho_oreosmihir, and so when you left click on the network manager icon, you don't see any networks with bars?07:23
kinja-sheepclaws_: You could "sudo aptitude purge <xyz>" that will remove the package's config files. As for personal yet package-related config files, it is usually untouched in ~/ (Only because that's personal config files)..07:23
psycho_oreosmihir, open up terminal, type in "lspci -nnk" *without quotes* and pastebin the output07:23
kinja-sheeptheadmin: Try localhost? :007:24
mihirhow to open terminal07:24
theadminkinja-sheep: Hm, weird.07:24
kinja-sheepmihir: In Applications --> Accessories.07:24
theadminkinja-sheep: But it worked07:24
alankilaArchy1987: sadly, I don't believe Linux will ever get the hordes of popular software, unless it changes its culture in some obvious way. Linux is associated with highly idealistic people who hate proprietary software past all point of reason in my opinion. There is no sympathy for the realities of commercial software making & distribution.07:24
adarshatheadmin: my firefox doesn't freeze, just says can't connect to
kinja-sheeptheadmin: Weird, indeed.07:24
theadminadarsha: Hm. Running no server i belive? :D07:25
alankilaArchy1987: consequently, there will never be such software and the best we can hope is to clone Windows and OS X APIs so that we can run the software meant for those platforms.07:25
adarshanope! i'm using a laptop. :)07:25
theadminadarsha: Server as in Apache07:25
psycho_oreos!terminal | mihir07:25
ubottumihir: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:25
adarshatheadmin: oh! no..07:25
mihirall the hardware connected are listed07:26
ghostnik11can someone help me get my ubuntu 9.10 to load, it won't load please07:26
chdI'm having trouble configuring my dual display. I'm on ubuntu 9.10 and when I run my display preferences and try to enable my second display I get this: The current settings cannot be completely applied due to one or more of the following reasons: and it gives 5 bullets. I had it working fine just a day ago and then bam, its fucked up.07:26
psycho_oreosmihir, correct, now copy and paste the contents of that output into pastebin (a website) then paste the link to it here07:26
giacomo_carissimcan anyone help me reinstall grub.  i dual boot and i reinstalled windows and now mbr took over grub and i can't get back to my ubuntu partition07:27
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:28
Moatthanks to whoever helped me07:28
Moatit's fixed now07:28
mihirhow to copy in terminal07:29
theadminmihir: Select, right click, and copy. Ctrl+C won't work07:29
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ravenis it VIRTUALBOX OEM what provides usb access?07:30
psycho_oreosmihir, select the text, right click on highlighted text and click on copy07:30
ikoniaraven: the non-free package does07:31
mihirmihir@mihir-laptop:~$ lspci -nnk07:31
mihir00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 Host Bridge [1002:5950] (rev 01)07:31
mihir00:01.0 PCI bridge [0604]: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge [1002:5a3f]07:31
mihirKernel modules: shpchp07:31
mihir00:04.0 PCI bridge [0604]: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge [1002:5a36]07:31
FloodBot4mihir: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:31
mihirKernel modules: shpchp07:31
psycho_oreosraven, only PU does07:31
psycho_oreosmihir, I said pastebin not paste07:31
ghostnik11hi has anyone ever had problems with there ubuntu 9.10 going to the splash screen then not going to the log screen07:31
theadminraven: USB access ain't provided in the OSE package for reasons weird and unknown07:31
psycho_oreos!pastebin | mihir07:31
ubottumihir: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:31
theadminghostnik11: That's a GDM problem07:31
ghostnik11theadmin: what were do i go to get help with that07:32
alankilaghostnik11: you can try a debug boot or press esc maybe to close the splash and perhaps see some errors.07:32
mihirhow to use pastebin07:32
ikoniamihir: exactly as the link says07:32
soreau! paste | mihir07:32
psycho_oreosvisit those sites on pastebin, copy and paste it in there07:32
ghostnik11theadmin: i got the error and i wrote it down07:32
ZykoticK9raven, VBox with USB from http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads07:32
ubottumihir: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:32
theadminmihir: Uh, that's so simple... You go to pastebin.com, you paste stuff, you click submit, you give us the link you receive07:32
ghostnik11alankila: i got the error and wrote it down07:32
oriCan someone help me? i Installed a whole bunch of screensavers from the synaptic package manager, and nowi want them gone07:33
soreaumihir: Just go to pastebin.com, put what you want in the testbox, hit paste then post the link it gives you back here07:33
Flannelori: Remove those packages from synaptic07:33
booni got this07:33
soreauori: You can remove the packages the same way you installed them07:34
ikoniaboon: what is that ?07:34
boonit was ubuntu source?07:34
ikoniaboon: that looks like a non-ubuntu kernel07:34
mihirmy patebin url http://pastebin.com/pWC74kX807:34
ikoniaboon: ok - that's a non-ubuntu kernel07:35
claws_why is my adsl speed so low on linux.. im on wlan07:35
boonwhat is that?07:35
booni have no idea07:35
ikoniaboon: a kernel that's not provided by ubuntu07:36
psycho_oreosmihir, you'll need to install firmware to get that device to work07:36
kinja-sheepDoes Ubuntu Desktop LiveCD provide OEM mode?07:36
ghostnik11can anyone help me with this error that i get: missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev) Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/08c7f565-ca69-4e5e-aeaa-6b1df372d9af does not exist.  Dropping to a shell07:36
mihirhow to install that07:36
JaraHey guys running alpha 3 from liveusbstick and I just have to say the speed is crazy  once the software center and a few bugs this is going to be crazy07:36
jk-nguyeni find my friend07:36
ikoniajk-nguyen: lucid is discussed in #ubuntu+1 channel07:37
ranjanhello every body yesterday i was trying to configure lan @ one of my friends place .. he was having .. private set of ip values .. every thing went well for the first time .. of the configuration wizard .. but after an restart ... of the system .. ubuntu failed to get conected with the internet world .. can any body can provide me some info on this regard .. why this happen .. last night.. any ideads or help would be of great help .. thanks in advance ..07:37
ikoniaJara: sorry - that was for you, lucid is discussed in #ubuntu+107:37
psycho_oreosmihir, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Installing%20BCM43xx%20drivers07:37
ikoniaranjan: check if his cards still have IP addresses07:38
Jaraikonia,   Knew it probably had it's own channel just wanted to share my wow with everyone07:38
adanteis there a good flatten & reinstall guide for ubuntu07:38
ikoniaJara: share them in the correct channel please07:38
ikonia!install | adante07:38
ubottuadante: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:38
adanteseeing as upgrading distros is apparently dangerous07:38
=== lordmortis|away is now known as lordmortis
ranjanikonia: ya all the values are there .. even though i am able to find out the url for login's to be opening ... but i am not being able to get connected .. to the internet .. well on the windows part it is working with charm .. there is no issue with it ..07:40
mihirwhere to write that firmware line07:40
ikoniaranjan: if the cards all have IP's the next step is to look at the default gateway and dns servers, check they exist and are valid07:41
ghostnik11can anyone help me with this error that i get: missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev) Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/08c7f565-ca69-4e5e-aeaa-6b1df372d9af does not exist.  Dropping to a shel07:41
psycho_oreosmihir, if you followed that page, and restarted, you won't need to worry about firmware07:41
AndorinAlright... I'm in serious trouble... Ubuntu is suddenly failing to mount my portable hard drive... just, out of the blue... And I really really need to get it fixed...07:42
ranjanikonia : all this values are present and not only that ... i am geting the ping response from the dns server .. but i am failing to get conected ..07:42
ikoniaranjan: what is your ip address, and what is the ip address of the dns server you can ping ?07:43
solid_liquidthe new bootsplash and logout artwork are now in the repos for 10.04...  if you're running 10.04, and you update/upgrade, you'll get the cool new cool installed on your system (I just discovered this a couple of hours ago)07:44
ikoniasolid_liquid: lucid is discussed in #ubuntu+1 please07:44
solid_liquid*cool new look07:44
solid_liquidikonia, it is?07:44
solid_liquidikonia, ah cool, thanks :)07:44
hidensofttheadmin, i have gtk-recordMyDesktop now07:44
hidensoftbut i cant creating movie for learning07:45
racerdwhat is lucid?07:45
AndorinThis is serious... I cannot afford to lose access to the data on this drive.07:45
tehbautracerd: 10.407:45
hidensofti need write something in text file07:45
tehbautlucid lynx07:45
hidensoftbut i got error07:45
theadminhidensoft: Uh, you can....07:45
racerdi c07:45
soreau! lucid | racerd07:45
ubotturacerd: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+107:45
tehbautanyone know if 10.4 has native support for hfs+ ?07:45
theadminBy the way what's that with Lynx? Isn't it a console browser?07:45
racerdyou guys run empaty?07:45
solid_liquidtehbaut, lemme see07:45
hidensoftcannot open file for writing => error07:45
ranjanikonia : i am provided with as ip values subnet and as dns .. primary .. and when i am pinging on this dns i am geting response .. there is no conection time out.. response .. i am wondering with it ..07:45
hidensoftwhen type something in gedit07:46
theadminracerd: I myself use Pidgin07:46
hidensofti have this error07:46
tehbautsolid_liquid: and I meant with formatting partitions as hfs+ in gparted07:46
racerdis it decent?07:46
solid_liquidtehbaut, it's in the manpage for mount, so I'd say it does07:46
AndorinGuys, Ubuntu has suddenly stopped being able to mount my portable HD, and I REALLY need access to it!07:46
theadminhidensoft: You probably have no permission to write to where you're trying to.07:46
racerdpidgin i mean, my win7 just expired and i was using wubi07:46
tehbautsolid_liquid: I know it's supported for read and write07:46
racerdi am full blown linux now07:46
theadminAndorin: Try to fsck it07:46
hidensoftthat is unsaved document !07:46
soreauAndorin: How does it connect?07:46
tehbautsolid_liquid: I just want to format partitions as hfs+ in gparted07:47
ikoniaranjan: is this on a wired or wireless network07:47
Andorinsoreau: USB07:47
solid_liquidtehbaut, I don't see a mkfs for hfs+07:47
ikoniaranjan: ahhh there is no reponse, it's a time out, that's because you're not on the network07:47
ranjanit is an wired network .. by the means of lan07:47
soreauAndorin: Do dmesg and lsusb show it after you plug it in?07:47
ikoniaranjan: ok - so look at your default gateway address, what is that address07:47
Andorinsoreau: lsusb does, I already checked that.07:47
KutakizukariInstalled Ubuntu 9.10 on a Dell Latitude D600, cannot get connected to the interent wirelessly. I tried sudo lshw -C network and it is disabled. Does anyone know how to enable it or something else I should try?07:48
racerdyou guys like pidgin?07:48
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, pastebin your lspci -nnk output07:48
soreauAndorin: Can you mount the device from the node it is assigned? (reported by dmesg)07:48
ranjan10.10.249.1 it the default gate way ..07:48
soreauKutakizukari: What kind of wifi device do you have?07:49
Kutakizukaripsycho_oreos do that in the termerinal?07:49
hidensofttheadmin, ican't type anything in any editor !07:49
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, yes07:49
hidensoftplease help me07:49
Andorinsoreau: Do you mean something like /dev/sdf1/?07:49
soreauAndorin: Yes07:49
ikoniaranjan: and can you ping that device,07:49
ranjanikonia :: yes07:49
ikoniaranjan: you can ping the default gateway, what does it repond with (please paste)07:50
ranjanand i am geting the response07:50
Andorinsoreau: Well, I'm pretty sure that that's where it gets assigned, but when I run "sudo mount /dev/sdf1/ it says it can't find it in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab/07:50
ranjan64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.46 ms07:50
maxagazwhy don't I have permission to post a new thread on ubuntuforum ?07:50
ranjan64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=6.71 ms07:50
soreauAndorin: You have to mount it to a location, like an empty directory. For example, sudo mount /dev/sdf1 /media/disk07:50
NetwizzThat is a unix like ping07:50
ikoniaAndorin: you need to specifivy the device and the mount point07:51
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
ranjanikonia :; 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=6.71 ms i am geting this07:51
ikoniaranjan: ok - great, so in that case it's either a.) the dns servers are not valid, b.) the default gateway cannot route to that subnet07:51
Andorinsoreau: Okay, I get an error, shall I pastebin it?07:51
ikoniaNetwizz: and ?07:51
racerdhey i am getting an error when i am trying to save me nvidia settings07:51
soreauAndorin: If its more than a couple lines, yes07:51
racerdfailed to parse existing x config files '/etc/x11/xorg.conf07:52
Andorinsoreau: http://pastebin.com/ipsemTYd07:52
ranjanikonia :; so i nead to reverify this details .. for my friends computers07:53
soreauAndorin: It is telling you what to do..07:53
Andorinsoreau: I don't have a Windows box.07:53
ikoniaranjan: ok, well, it's one of those two problems07:54
Andorinsoreau: Unless you refer to the rest...07:54
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=== Test is now known as Guest67260
soreauAndorin: AFAICT, the device had been plugged into a windows os box and not properly unmounted07:54
dehqanwhat does "iU" mean in statu of  a package07:54
ikoniasoreau: bang on07:55
soreauikonia: ?07:55
ikoniasoreau: you're correct07:55
Andorinsoreau: That can't be the case. This drive hasn't been plugged into a Windows computer for... about a month, maybe. This error just started happening about fifteen minutes ago.07:55
soreauAndorin: I assume the device is ntfs or fat fs?07:56
tehbautok, this is annoying... I installed hfsprogs via Synaptic, and I still cannot format disks as hfs+ ...only as hfs07:56
soreauikonia: Pretty obvious, with the plainly descriptive output and such ;)07:56
tehbautanyone got a clue why that might be?07:56
=== lordmortis is now known as lordmortis|away
Andorinsoreau: Yes, NTFS07:56
soreau! hi | tobiaz_tuz07:56
ubottutobiaz_tuz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:56
ranjanikonia :; so i nead to talk to the network admin with this issue .. and one last question .. if there have been any issue with the values then i could not have recived the login portal page .. but it is showing up .. and not only that i am able to make login to the portal.....07:56
ikoniaranjan: that portal maybe on the same network07:57
ghostnik11can anyone help me with this error that i get: common problems: boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)07:57
ikoniaranjan: or be cached07:57
tehbautbtw, what _is_ casper-rw?07:57
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soreauAndorin: Well I dont think linux has any utilities designed for checking that file system. You will have do plug the device into a machine that has an os with utilities for its fs07:57
tehbautnot finding anything on Google...07:57
psycho_oreoscasper is kind of like compressed filesystem07:57
DcMeesehow so I install "google-fu"07:57
=== lordmortis|away is now known as lordmortis
KutakizukariAfter the lspci -nnk output it displays usage: lspci [<switches>] and a bunch or text like basic display modes and other stuff. what do I do next07:58
soreauAndorin: If the device had an ext fs on it, this wouldnt be a problem ;)07:58
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, you're not typing it right, a correct output would show you all the devices connected via PCI or related methods07:58
Andorinsoreau: I don't understand how this could have come about... I plugged the drive into my desktop (both computer run Karmic) and copied my .mozilla folder onto it to put on my laptop, onto which I just reinstalled Karmic. I unmount, wait until it says "It is now safe to remove the device," unplug it, take it to the laptop, and it doesn't work.07:59
=== Guest10301 is now known as lance----
ranjanikonia:: cached.. i am not geting this .. i think i nead to talk with the admin of this network ..07:59
ghostnik11can anyone help me with this error that i get: common problems: boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)07:59
Andorinsoreau: And I would have an ext file system if I didn't also have to sometimes use the drive with someone's Windows machine.07:59
soreauAndorin: Something happened and the fs decided to fail you. Since it is not a native fs for linux, there arent any native utilities to fix it08:00
tobiaz_tuzpantaskah aq ini jadi penghuni sorga08:01
ghostnik11can anyone help me with this error that i get: common problems: boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)08:01
Kutakizukaripsycho_oreos: I did it with sudo it now says PCI access options08:01
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, that isn't right either08:02
soreauAndorin: And fwiw, there are drivers for windoze so it can read ext fs08:02
claws_why is my adsl speed so low on linux.. im on wlan.. anything im missin?08:02
ikoniaclaws_: probably poor wirless card support08:03
Andorinsoreau: Sure, but... primarily I use it with public library computers. Also, I don't know what I'm going to do... I don't have a Windows OS on any of my computers...08:03
Kutakizukaripsycho_oreos: ok tried this sudo lshw -C network and it show that it is disabled08:03
ikoniaAndorin: you can use the "force" option to mount without checking08:04
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, I don't need lshw, I need "lspci -nnk"08:04
AndorinIs that really something I want to do?08:04
soreauAndorin: Try asking in #linux or #hardware?08:04
ikoniaAndorin: not in my opinion, but it's an option08:04
nomad77Andorin: check out ntfs-3g maybe?08:04
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, here: http://mike.passwall.com/nblug/kernel-talk/lspci.html08:04
soreauAndorin: Well yes, you can use -f.. but I wouldnt openly recommend it08:04
AndorinOkay, well, I don't want to screw anything else up more than this situation already is... I mean, I NEED this drive.08:04
ikoniaAndorin: you need to start backing it up then08:05
Kutakizukaripsycho_oreos: got it to work was typing output with it08:05
ikoniaAndorin: and you need to use a windows machine to check it08:05
Kutakizukaripsycho_oreos: what do you need now08:05
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, need you to copy the contents of that output and paste it into pastebin, then send me the link08:05
plumis there any way to have windows partition be able to view the linux(ubuntu) partition?08:05
psycho_oreosplum, you'll need ext2ifs I think08:06
soreauplum: Yes08:06
plumis it free?08:06
soreauplum: Yes08:06
nomad77Andorin: testdisk might be useful,but read before using it.08:06
ghostnik11can anyone help me with this error that i get: common problems: boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)08:06
plumawesome :) thanks, looking into it nowe08:06
plumnow *08:06
soreaughostnik11: Is that message causing a problem for you?08:07
ghostnik11soreau: yeah i can't load my filesystem for some reason and i don't know it was working perfectly yesterday and puff everything goes wrong when i wake up to turn it on08:07
lucid_intervalAndorin: there _is_ a utility to do an fsck on an NTFS FS on Linux - it is called ntfsfix - google it. But use at your own risk08:07
Bear10Whats the equivalent of ctrl alt delete in ubunutu?08:08
lucid_intervalAndorin: the full functionality of SCANDISK on windows for NTFS is not replicated in ntfs-3g (whatever that full functionality may be)08:08
Bear10I think my ubuntu froze :(08:09
claws_ikonia: im not so sure aboute that... here is my Router "http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/Products/Communication/Products_Spec.aspx?ProductID=2974&ProductName=GN-BR32L-RH"  and my wireless card is a Intel pro 2200bg.08:09
tommisBear10, you cann add shortcut into the system manager thinhy08:09
tommisi dont know what it is in english08:10
soreauBear10: You might be ale to get to a console with Ctrl+Alt+F1 and back to X with Ctrl+Alt+F708:10
claws_ikonia: my adsl speed 1mb/s08:11
xorxesIf I have ssh'ed into a server, what command can i run to copy a file over to my local machine?08:11
titan_arkhello everyone :)08:11
claws_ikonia: anyway... in linux i dont get half the speed that i get when in ms08:11
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von_neumannxorxes: psycho_oreos is correct, scp08:11
soreauxorxes: scp /path/to/file user@<ip-address>:/path/to/save08:12
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lucid_intervalxorxes: sftp / scp in reverse direction. or end ssh session and sftp / scp08:12
dehqanhow to reinstall package that are from 9.10 repository  (distro is 9.04 and now repo is 9.04 ) ?08:12
Bear10is there a way to specify search directories only?08:12
DcMeese!welcom | titan_ark08:12
titan_arki am facing some trouble quite often while booting i am told there is a filesystem inconsistency and i need to press Ctrl+D and that doesnt work and i need to do fsck manually. this is happening quite often now08:12
DcMeese!welcome | titan_ark08:12
ubottutitan_ark: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:12
titan_arkhello DcMeese :)08:12
soreauxorxes: Conversely, you can use scp user@<ipaddress>:/path/to/file /where/to/save  since you dont have to be sshd into the box you are using scp to copy from08:13
xorxesthanks dudes :D08:13
DcMeeseIm  an ubuntu nooby, but I recently got my wg511v2 wireless card to work with ubuntu, titan_ark... Im so excited, ubuntu is so fast and amazing... Even on a 256mb ram  laptop08:14
titan_arkDcMeese, :D08:15
icerootDcMeese: nice to hear you got it working08:15
titan_arkgood for you DcMeese08:15
titan_arkanyone with a solution to my issue?08:15
claws_indeed it is.. DcMeese... this is my 10'th day on linux.. im lovin it!  but got a lot of reading ahead  :)08:16
DcMeeseIceroot titan_ark thanks08:16
DcMeeseKool thanks claws_.... All I had to do was locate the winXP driver (.INF) and use wireless hardware driver program, and whammo... Success!08:17
equivoci'm just reading on ubuntu's "Light" theme on the news08:19
equivocis this theme already somewhere for download?08:19
DcMeese!welcome | equivoc08:19
ubottuequivoc: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:19
equivocDcMeese: thx08:20
Archy1987what the hell. http://www.failiem.lv/down.php?i=spscew&n=Screenshot.1png08:20
DcMeeseHow do you like the "sand" theme, equivoc?08:20
Archy1987i dont have "save target as" in the right click08:21
equivocDcMeese: i prefer the Dust theme tbh08:21
DcMeeseequivoc: Woops that's what I mean. Dust rox08:21
DcMeeseIts what I use.08:21
equivocsame here :)08:21
equivocDcMeese: but i'd like to try "Light"08:22
DcMeeseIsn't that the one with light blue topbar08:22
equivocreading here08:23
Logicwaxwhats the point of partitioning an HDD with a specific partition table, when you can just directly format it?  (mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda)08:23
Logicwaxi mean, on a seconary drive with just multimedia on it and such08:24
Logicwaxnot a boot drive08:24
claws_archy1987: save link as?08:24
Kutakizukaripsycho_oreos: I have no way to copy anything over right now does this help? 02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5705M Gigabit Ethernet [14e4:165d](rev 01 Kernel driver in use:tg3 Kernel modules:tg308:24
ActionParsnipYo yo yo08:24
Logicwaxis there an advantage or disadvantage?08:24
DcMeeseLooks nice equivoc08:24
soreauArchy1987: Use Save Image As?08:25
psycho_oreosKottalizer, wrong line08:26
psycho_oreosKottalizer, sorry wrong person08:26
KutakizukariWhat do I need to look for for you?08:27
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, wrong line, that's not a wireless chipset, google it and you'll see what I mean or paste the whole thing08:27
ActionParsnipKutakizukari: wassup dude?08:27
ActionParsnipPsycho_oreos: awesome nick08:28
psycho_oreosActionParsnip, err ok thanks :)08:28
Logicwaxno one knows that answer, eh08:29
ActionParsnipLogicwax: I joined after the question. Maybe I can help08:30
psycho_oreos<Logicwax> whats the point of partitioning an HDD with a specific partition table, when you can just directly format it?  (mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda)08:30
psycho_oreosI just noticed that08:30
Logicwaxthere we go08:30
Logicwaxbecause i just built another raid5 mdadm array....and im formatting it right now directly.  and i never made a partition table on it....and it works08:31
psycho_oreosand no I don't quite understand the question either, read it the second time08:31
Logicwaxwas wondering if theres a downside to it08:31
Logicwaxor something that will come and bite me in the ass down the road08:31
Logicwaxpsycho_oreos: like say...for example, you have a new HDD..../dev/sdb08:31
psycho_oreosa partition table sets up various limits, and it prevents excessive fragging on one partition. if its a huge partition and it needs to be fsck'ed it will take awhile08:32
ActionParsnipLogicwax: not sure. Both a "normal" partition and the drive as you have it are files in Linux so are equal in that respect08:32
Logicwaxso writing a partition table and THEN formating isnt going to make any difference then just straight direct formating without a table?08:32
ActionParsnipLogicwax: if it works and its performing ok then keep it ;)08:32
psycho_oreosand having separate partitions can possibly safeguard some bad mistakes, like deleting stuff from /boot or /home, etc when they are mounted on different partition08:33
ActionParsnipLogicwax: I've never had a drive with a single partition on it08:33
Logicwaxoh no this isnt going to be used for the OS, or be divided into partitions08:33
psycho_oreosif you format without a table, you don't really have a partition table or you probably have one big partition08:33
dehqanhow to reinstall packages that are from 9.10 repository  (distro is 9.04 and now repo is 9.04 ) ?how to fix this error ? http://pastebin.com/2cSMkQNN08:34
dehqanhow to fix this error ? http://pastebin.com/2cSMkQNN08:34
ActionParsnipLogicwax: sounds like a miniresearch project. I'd ask in #hardware too08:34
Logicwaxso i was just wondering if having no table will haunt me in the future......maybe cause problems08:34
holmserI'm having an issue sending mail with postfix.  When I telnet in locally, I can send mail just fine.  but when I try to do it from anywhere else, I get this error: Mar  5 00:31:31 H4ckM3 postfix/smtpd[31198]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from c-67-185-215-55.hsd1.wa.comcast.net[]: 554 5.7.1 <holmser171@gmail.com>: Relay access denied;08:34
psycho_oreosI don't have experience in RAID setups08:34
Logicwaxwell forget that its a RAID08:35
ActionParsnipDehqan: mixingdebs from diffferent release is heavily discouraged and not supported08:35
Archy1987claws_, soreau if i use save image as, it downloads only that small download.gif image. How to open that image ? :D08:35
Logicwaxi just have it as one device right now.   or lets say this question pertains to my other single hdd08:35
holmseranyone have knowledge of mail servers that they would like to send my way?  I'm a complete newb with this.08:35
Logicwaxim just wondering if the partition table matters08:35
brjannLogicwax: after a few minutes with google, I've found a few offhand remarks about using the entire device, but nothing specific so far.08:35
dehqanhow to fix this error ? http://pastebin.com/2cSMkQNN ActionParsnip08:35
Kutakizukari<psycho_oreos> internal Mini-PCI Wi-Fi (802.11b, 802.11b/g or 802.11a/b/g) wireless support; does this help?08:35
bullgard /usr/share/doc/linux-doc/00-INDEX: "This is a brief list of all the files in ./linux/Documentation." What is meant by './linux/Documentation'?08:35
brjannLogicwax: remarks about it being a bad idea, i mean.08:35
psycho_oreosLogicwax, probably not ideal to not have a predefined partition table even if you're going to use the entire drive08:35
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, no, not one bit08:36
ActionParsnipDehqan: not sure. Log a bug. If you have mixed release debs then this is the result08:36
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, in fact that's worse than your previous guess08:36
Logicwaxbrjann: bad idea?08:36
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, there's like 7 different wireless manufacturers out there08:37
ActionParsnipDehqan: jaunty debs are for jaunty only. Karmic are for karmic only. If you mix them you will get a mess and break your install08:37
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, and I can't see how you can't copy the entire lspci -nnk output08:37
brjannLogicwax: using the entire device unpartitioned.08:37
KutakizukariI can copy it but have nothing to transfer it of to my desktop08:37
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, you mean its on another computer?08:38
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, do you not have a spare network cable that you can plug it into?08:38
ActionParsnipKutakizukari: he only needs the product line of the wireless device08:38
claws_can i play normal games on linux ?  :/08:38
Kutakizukaridell latitude d60008:38
psycho_oreosclaws_, there are some linux games and then there's cedega08:38
ActionParsnipClaws_: define "normal"08:38
Kutakizukaribradcom corporation08:38
KutakizukariBroadcom Corporation08:38
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, lspci -nn| grep 14e4:4308:39
ActionParsnip!games | claws_08:39
ubottuclaws_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:39
claws_ActionParsnip: as in... downloading and installing dragon age ?08:39
pabloalguien de mexivali08:40
psycho_oreos!es | pablo08:40
ubottupablo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.08:40
ActionParsnipClaws_: if its a windows game you will need to check the appdb and install wine to run it. If its a linux native game then go ahead08:40
dayawhich pkg includes lib/udev/vol_id , I have installed udev, but the file doesn't appear in my system08:40
brjannLogicwax: none of these newsgroup threads or anything mention specific bad things. I'd say you're probably fine, but if you're worried about it enough to ask here, why not just partition it with a single partition and be done with it?08:40
ActionParsnipClaws_: I fully recommend penumbra and urban terror08:40
pratik_naraincan I dump my virtualbox ubuntu installation to my harddrive08:41
Logicwaxbrjann: will do that.  i was curious for the education of it....and because ive done it to other drives that i havent backed up yet08:41
ActionParsnipClaws_: penumbra isn't free like beer but the demo is08:41
psycho_oreospratik_narain, not easily no08:41
claws_ActionParsnip: il check those out  :) thank u vm08:41
pratik_narainpsycho_oreos: doesn't need to be easy if its possible08:41
ActionParsnipPratik_narain: ask in #vbox08:41
pratik_narainActionParsnip: thnx08:42
brjannLogicwax: ah, okay. about the only thing i've found is a reference to one specific kind of drive that stored some kind of firmware after the partition table that would get nuked. i can't imagine that's common though.08:42
Logicwaxoh, weird08:43
Kutakizukari<psycho_oreos> 02:03.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4309 802.11a/b/g [14e4:4324] (rev 03)08:43
pratik_narainActionParsnip: I'm going to #vbox but if you know please help08:43
LogicwaxHDDs store their firmware on the platter? wha???08:43
yurka:/join ubuntu-ru08:44
brjannLogicwax: it may not have been an hdd08:44
dehqanwhere to get ldconfig & ldconfig.real of jaunty ?08:44
Logicwax[00:34] <ActionParsnip> Logicwax: sounds like a miniresearch project. I'd ask in #hardware too  <--- how do i get invite to #hardware ?08:45
tehbautif my USB install doesn't use a casper-rw file, I can't install stuff and keep that installed stuff?08:45
brjannLogicwax: probably don't need an invited, just a registered nick08:45
MyrttiLogicwax: it's ##hardware08:46
brjann(or that)08:47
Logicwaxtwo pounds?08:47
Logicwaxna i just needed to ask the holy nickserv is all08:47
Logicwaxwhat would two pounds do????08:47
ZykoticK9Logicwax, two pounds means the channel is "unoffical" type thing08:48
Logicwaxoh...it joins the same chan08:49
tehbautcan I put a smaller casper-rw file into my USB install?08:50
tehbautsmaller than 1GB*08:50
tehbautmy USB is only 1GB08:50
John_Doe_12345Has anyone been able to get a video call going using Empathy w/ a MSN account?08:52
Nico___Hi! I'm currently working with apache and08:54
Nico___Hi! I'm currently working with apache and  I was wondering what the use for NameServer. Is this just for virtualhosts or has this another purpose?08:55
Kutakizukaripsycho_oreos: 02:03.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4309 802.11a/b/g [14e4:4324] (rev 03)08:57
pippo__hello everubody08:58
pippo__my laptop has not hard disk08:58
pippo__I want install an OS on my flash usb08:58
pippo__can I install ubuntu?08:58
soreaupippo__: yes08:59
pippo__I didn't fine any guide or help on google08:59
holmservery easy.  boot the live cd, and go to system->administration->USB startup disc creator08:59
pippo__and I wnat know if there is an optmized version of ubuntu to be installed on usb flash drive (the sort of optimization of slax)08:59
Firefishehow does one install the proprietary nvidia driver?09:00
pippo__Where can I find some help?09:00
holmsertry the startup disc creator first09:00
soreauFirefishe: sys>admin>hardware drivers09:00
holmserits easy, and its probably exactly what you need09:00
Firefishesoreau: life saver.  thanks :)09:01
adantei upgraded from 8.10 to 9.0409:01
adantenow my keyboard is utterly moonshot09:02
Gneapippo__: nothing official, you may have to dig around to find something like this: http://stevehanov.ca/blog/index.php?id=4809:02
Firefishetrashed, mangled, damaged? ;)09:02
Gneadvorak? qwerty? tohsnoom?09:03
adantewell q = c09:04
psycho_oreos!broadcom | Kutakizukari09:04
ubottuKutakizukari: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:04
adantew = ., s = b09:04
adanteand so forth09:04
adantethis is in gnome09:04
gaspardhey there where can i find the version of ubuntu that i can put on my 128 mb usb stick to install a server that hasn't any cd rom drive ?09:04
adantei remember there was a way to fix this but i can't remember the specifics, could someone advise09:04
pippo__Gnea: i'm going to read now09:05
psycho_oreosKutakizukari, read the part on "Installing b43/STA hybrib drivers"09:05
FireCrotch!mini | gaspard09:05
ubottugaspard: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:05
c0l2ehow can I disable USB storage access in ubuntu.. even disable mouting09:05
=== lordmortis is now known as lordmortis|away
gaspardthnx FireCrotch  looks like it is a common version09:06
Gnea!keyboard | adante09:06
ubottuadante: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts09:06
FireCrotchgaspard: yeah, it's quite common :)09:06
adanteGnea: yes, i am trying that, my country is no longer in the layout list09:07
Gneaadante: 'no longer'? which country?09:07
adanteGnea: australia09:07
gaspardI googled before asking but didn't get any relevant results I should edit this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick which is very well referenced.09:07
Gneaadante: odd.09:08
adantewhat are the chances of me getting a working keyboard in say the next 15 minutes09:08
Gneadoes it show up again if you choose another country?09:08
adantejust ballpark figure here :]09:08
Gneaheh, I don't do well with theory09:08
iwobblesyou on a laptop Gnea ?09:08
Gneaiwobbles: are you?09:09
tehbautdang, the universal usb installer failed :/09:09
adantewhat should i be changing09:09
adanteto get a keyboard which types "asdf" when i type "asdf"09:09
iwobblesits shift + scroll-lock on a lot of em eh09:09
adanteinstead of my current setup which types "abfh" when i type "asdf"09:09
Gneaadante: try iwobbles suggestion?09:10
Nico___anyone knows what the purpose is of "ServerName" in apache? is this just for virtualhosts or has this another purpose?09:10
KutakizukariThank you all for your help!09:10
FireCrotchNico___: it's for virtual hosts, yes09:10
Nico___nothing else?09:11
dehqanhow to tell apt-get to not stop at error like a package is not in source09:11
FireCrotchNico___: It *might* be what $_SERVER['host'] or something is set to in PHP09:11
Nico___okay thank you!09:11
tehbautis it possible to make a 273MB casper-rw file?09:12
brjannadante: do you by chance use vino or vnc?09:12
adantebrjann: vnc09:12
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=== lordmortis|away is now known as lordmortis
c0l2ehow can I disable USB storage usage for users????09:14
brjannadante: okay. you're experiencing what is apparently known as the abfh bug, which appears to be somehow related to vnc. try this: open up a terminal window and type (sorry)    gconf-editor09:15
dehqanhow to make apt-get to not stop at E: Package gstreamer0.10-nice has no installation candidate09:15
Gneaadante: or just cut 'n paste it if it won't type out09:16
adantebrjann: lol, ok :]09:16
brjannadante: then navigate to desktop > gnome > peripherals > keyboard > kbd09:16
FireCrotchc0l2e: Users have to use sudo to mount devices. you can limit what commands can be run by editing the sudoers file09:16
adantehmm does base ubuntu have an onscreen keyboard09:17
c0l2ei mean totally ban usage of USB drives or external usb drives09:17
mawstWhat's that thing that shows the white ubuntu icon when you first boot? I know it's themeable I just can't rememebr09:17
Gneaadante: should be under the accessibility options09:18
bungive updated recently using the auto updates, and now scrolling in firefox is verychoppy09:18
Gneac0l2e: to lock the desktop down?09:18
bungnew .20 kernel?09:18
adanteGnea: where is that, exactly?09:18
c0l2eno i just need to disable usb storage so they cannot use USB storage / external usb storage to store data from network...etc09:19
Gneaadante: I think it's under System->Preferences09:19
FireCrotchc0l2e: Right. My solution should prevent that, since they won't be able to mount the devices to use them.09:19
Gneac0l2e: just make sure they're not part of the group associated with usb drives09:19
brjannadante: you shouldn't need it. once you have gconf-editor open we can see if this fix will work in about 30 seconds09:20
FireCrotchc0l2e: As long as you have no daemon running that will auto-mount them, that is09:20
c0l2e FireCrotch:   tried  adding usb-storage to blacklist of modprobe.conf09:20
adantebrjann: ok, i made it!09:20
c0l2ebut  not working09:20
c0l2eFireCrotch:  where is that?09:20
adantebrjann: yeah, i couldn't actually even find the letter 'g' after  pressing every key on my keyboard... but nm, i launched gconf-editor from a shell09:21
adantebrjann: i'm at the kbd node anyway, what's the next step09:21
brjannadante: hooray! navigate to desktop > gnome > peripherals > keyboard > kbd09:21
brjannadante: okay, on the right you should see either an empty value [] or something like [us] or [<your country code>]09:21
FireCrotchc0l2e: Right now, do USB drives auto-mount?09:22
adantebrjann: i have 3 key-value pairs09:22
adantebrjann: layouts:[us,gb]; model:<blank>; options[grp grp:alts_toggle]09:22
c0l2eI can set nautilus not to mount them.. but still they can see  the new storage device in nautilus and click it to mount09:22
brjannadante: okay, doubleclick layouts and just pound your keyboard a few times to enter some garbage09:23
c0l2ebut I do not want to disable all usb devices.. just for storage only09:23
adantebrjann: easy! :] done09:23
brjannadante: i.e., remove the layouts that are there and add a new garbage one09:23
adantethat, i am good at :P09:23
brjannadante: hehe, okay. hit okay and close gconf-editor, then cross your fingers and test your keyboard09:24
adantebrjann: hrm no luck.. would i have to restart my x session? will try that now09:24
brjannadante: hm, gconf settings usually take effect instantly. but sure, you can try that09:24
mawstOk what's the splash after grub but before usplash?09:25
FireCrotchc0l2e: "gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount false" should disable automounting09:25
toaderHi, what is the meaning of POSIX-compatible  filesystem?09:26
adantebrjann: sadly no vnc server does not start at all09:26
c0l2e FireCrotch:  yeah i got this but it still shows that a new storage devices is available09:26
c0l2ejust click and it will mount09:26
brjannadante: hm. you have ssh access? we can reset that key from the command line09:27
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FireCrotchc0l2e: I believe it showing up there is handled by udev, so you'll have to write a udev rule to stop it from doing that09:27
adantebrjann: yeah i do09:28
c0l2eFireCrotch:  yeah. but I don't have any idea how to do it09:28
brjannadante: okay, login and run   gconftool --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd/layouts --type List --list-type String [us,gb]09:28
sriniany option to lock icons on desktop in Ubuntu??09:29
adantebrjann: hmm tried that but vncserver still doesn't run09:30
adantebrjann: i'm not sure if this is related to the gconf setting or not, seems kind of odd09:30
FireCrotchc0l2e: This might be a good place to start with that: http://siliconbased.wordpress.com/2009/03/03/ignoring-devices-with-udev-rules/09:30
brjannadante: it does indeed, keyboard layouts shouldn't prevent vnc from starting09:30
c0l2efound a way to bind it to a group09:30
adantebrjann: sadly i am unsure how to get any form of logging on vncserver09:30
brjannadante: i haven't used vnc since like 1998, so i have no idea either :)09:31
mtx_initMost people just use X11 forwarding via ssh, its similair and more platform independent09:32
aeiou_is apache2-mpm-peruser included as a package for any version of ubuntu?09:32
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brjannadante: i'd either reboot or at least restart gdm and see if that helps09:32
jellowHow big does a live cd usb have to be ? 700 mb?09:32
adantex11 forwarding via ssh is more platform independent than vnc you say09:33
mtx_initadante: I would say so09:33
FireCrotchaeiou_: I don't see it for Karmic09:33
sabgenton_in grub209:33
sabgenton_how does grub-mkconfig know what partion to assign to  root=bla09:33
FireCrotchaeiou_: you can check packages.ubuntu.com to check the other versions09:33
mtx_initadante: on OSX ssh will just work, on ant unix like system ssh will be there and in windows just install xwin3209:33
jellowI mean a (Live-cd) usb install stick , 700 mb?09:34
aeiou_FireCrotch, ok thanks I'll have to compile then09:34
FireCrotchjellow: the same as for a CD :)09:34
mementomoriis it possible having a dual head pc with a monitor using a full screen virtualbox session?09:34
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jellowFireCrotch: Ok thanks09:34
FireCrotchmementomori: basically so that you can have, for instance, Windows on one monitor, Ubuntu on another? Certainly09:35
Basaliskdoes anyone know how to extract external links from a pdf document09:35
adantebrjann: well i'm trying to forge ahead with an upgrade to 9.10 now anyway via cmd line09:35
adantebrjann: thanks for your help, appreciated!09:35
Basalisk(this is the pdf embedded in a browser split into many files problem)09:35
satdavHey guys do you instal yum on Ubuntu09:35
mtx_initmementomori: im doing it right now, you just need the vbox guest additions09:36
mementomoriFireCrotch, exactly. which video card should I buy? ndivia or ati?09:36
mtx_initno ati09:36
FloodBot4mtx_init: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:36
FireCrotchmementomori: nvidia, for sure09:36
tehbautcan someone ...anyone... tell me why I cannot format a partition as hfs+ even after installing hfsprogs?09:36
brjannadante: no problem. here's the link to the page i was looking at, there's one other possibility in the comments that might help related to the .vnc/xstartup script: http://blog.yclian.com/2007/12/3-solutions-to-gnomevnc-keyboard.html09:36
FireCrotchsatdav: Um why would you want to do that?09:36
tehbautthis has me seriously flustered09:36
bazhangsatdav, you dont09:36
mementomorimtx_init, what happens if you try to "rotate" the cube?09:36
satdavyum is a good service09:37
FireCrotchsatdav: yum is horrible09:37
bazhangsatdav, nonetheless ubuntu uses apt09:37
mtx_initmementomori: I disable all of that stuff, Im not a fan of fancy gui;s, so I have no idea09:37
FireCrotchsatdav: and ubuntu uses apt09:37
satdavwhat is apt09:37
satdavI never hered of that09:37
bazhang!apt > satdav09:37
ubottusatdav, please see my private message09:37
mementomorimtx_init, so you dont have compix. ok09:37
FireCrotchsatdav: it's ubuntu's package management system09:37
mtx_initmementomori: nope, well it is likely on the system, but I spend most time in the terminal, so I dont use it09:38
satdavOK does it include openfire on that09:38
mementomorimtx_init, how many virtual desktop do you have?09:38
bazhangsatdav, what is openfire09:38
FireCrotchmementomori: I *think* you can set each head separately when it comes to the cube and stuff, but its complex09:39
mtx_initmementomori: I have a few windows installs for different purposes.  One to print ecoupons lets say, another to download ebooks, another to work on my resume and thats about it.09:39
satdavit is a java based irc cliant09:39
mementomoriwhat I want to know is each head is binded to a different X session or to a different virtual desktop09:40
bazhangsatdav, what version of Ubuntu are you using09:40
satdavthe latest one09:40
bazhangsatdav, apt-cache search openfire09:40
satdavso I need to ssh to it09:41
c0l2eFireCrotch:  found it and now it works09:41
PingFloydwhy different windows installs as apposed to one window install to handle all of that?09:41
FireCrotchc0l2e: Yay09:41
c0l2ehow can I test for group in udev's? rules?09:41
c0l2eI'll post it in my blog09:41
mementomorimtx_init, FireCrotch...09:42
c0l2eNow secondly, how can I bind that rules against groups??09:42
satdavhey guys what is the command to install tomcat09:42
mtx_initwhats up?09:42
FireCrotchmementomori: you can have separate x sessions09:42
c0l2eexample  only users of group usb_users can access USB drives09:42
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bazhangsatdav, tomcat6?09:43
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mementomoriFireCrotch, should I configure them manually or will it be done "automatically"09:44
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FireCrotchc0l2e: I would have udev mount USB drives as being read/write for only the usb_users group09:44
masteranybody from cali09:44
c0l2eFireCrotch:  yeah09:45
masterIM FROM THE BAY09:45
Tecnomanhi guys i install ubuntu remix in my acer aspire one but i have problems with 3 things , microphone , i can read any sd card and the mp4 videos run very slow.09:45
soreaumaster: What does this have to do with ubuntu?09:45
c0l2edoes this  GROUP=="GROUPNAME" WORKS?09:45
bazhangmaster, did you have an Ubuntu support question?09:45
c0l2esorry for the CAPS09:45
PingFloydmaster: which bay?09:45
masterhahahahahah im a pimp see yaaaa09:45
FireCrotchmementomori: if I recall correctly, nvidia-settings lets you set it to be separate X sessions09:45
gbisgood morning09:45
PingFloydfrom the bay of pigs?09:45
Tecnomanhi guys i install ubuntu remix in my acer aspire one but i have problems with 3 things , microphone , i can read any sd card and the mp4 videos run very slow.09:46
mementomoriFireCrotch, can you point me to any doc about this topic?09:46
FireCrotchc0l2e: I think it will09:46
gbisi need your help for a pb with ubuntu server 9.1009:46
MrNaz_ymaany bash gurus here bored and want to earn a quick buck? i need  a small script done and im happy to pay by paypal if someone does it for me09:46
c0l2eFireCrotch:  ok better try it.. hahah thanks dude09:46
mtx_initMrNaz_yma: try #bash09:46
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MrNaz_ymamtx_init aah cool09:46
satdavyes tomcat 609:47
bazhangsatdav, sudo apt-get install tomcat609:47
ravenvirtualbox+usb - right vb version and guest-additions installed but still usb function deactivated/grey - what could i do?09:47
Tecnomanany help ¿?09:47
rocketeerbkwwhy can't I create a directory when I'm a member of a group with rwx?09:48
mementomorirocketeerbkw, type the command "id" in the shell you are trying to make the dir and see if you are actually in that group09:49
FireCrotchmementomori: I don't know of any specific docs, but I did check, and you can set each monitor to use a separate X session with nvidia-settings09:49
brjannrocketeerbkw: is the filesystem readonly?09:49
mementomoriFireCrotch, thank you.09:49
lamefunIs there some distro, even more newbie-friendly than Ubuntu?09:49
zetherooI should be able to have more than 10 tabs open in FF without it acting like it wants to crash every 2 min09:50
mtx_initlamefun: maybe mint09:50
rocketeerbkwFireCrotch: id says I'm not, but groups does09:50
rocketeerbkwbrjann: nope09:50
soreaulamefun: For linux, I would say probably not09:50
mementomoriFireCrotch, should I login in both head?09:50
bazhanglamefun, that is outside of the scope of this channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic09:50
brjannrocketeerbkw: did you happen to add yourself to this group during the same login session you're in now?09:50
induslamefun, mandriva09:50
zetherooFirefox is feeling very buggy and overweight09:50
FireCrotchmementomori: what do you mean?09:50
mementomoriFireCrotch, if I have two different X sessions at startup will I have two different gdm login screens?09:51
rocketeerbkwbrjann: yes, is it as simple as logging out and in again?09:51
brjannrocketeerbkw: yep09:51
mementomorirocketeerbkw, you can try to cast "su -"09:51
rocketeerbkwbrjann: thx!09:52
brjannrocketeerbkw: no problem :)09:52
FireCrotchmementomori: I don't think you'll have two gdm login screens, but I'll have to defer to someone else on that question, since I don't have my other computer anymore to try it out on09:52
piojunbabiai accidentally mess up my compiz configuration... i can no longer use my left click button on my mouse unless i hold press ctrl first before using the left click (or right click too maybe) how may i resolve my problem?09:52
soreaupiojunbabia: ccsm>Preferences>Reset to Defaults09:53
soreaupiojunbabia: Or, sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects>none09:53
piojunbabiasoreau let me try, thanks09:53
brjannmementomori, FireCrotch: no, if you set up seperate x screens using nvidia-settings you'll still only have the one gdm login screen.09:53
zetheroowhat is a good lightweight alternative to FF?09:53
mtx_initzetheroo: edbrowse09:54
skritezetheroo, ff as in firefox?09:54
FireCrotchbrjann: Thanks for chiming in :) Am I correct in saying that he'll be able to have separate compiz cubes on them?09:54
zetherooskrite: yep09:54
mementomoriFireCrotch, ok. last question: will I need two mice and keyboards or is sufficient to move the mouse in the screen I want to work on to focus it?09:54
JonathanEllisI am running Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron. Yesterday Ubuntu downloaded updates including a kernel update. Grub update asked to replace menu.lst so I clicked on what seemed the most sensible option (replace with package maintainers version). Now Ubuntu wont boot. Grub comes up with Error 11: Unrecognized device string. Now this happened last time I had a kernel update and I fixed it by replacing the uuid entries with /dev/sdxy entries but I think this should09:54
skritezetheroo, google-chrome is pretty cool09:54
FireCrotchmementomori: just one kb and mouse :)09:55
zetherooskrite; is that in the repos?09:55
soreauFireCrotch: Yes, but you wont be able to move windows from one screen to the other09:55
brjannFireCrotch: i'd imagine so. in every respect they're separate screens. they could run different WMs if he wanted09:55
skriteno, easy to get though, one click09:55
skritezetheroo, will get you the link09:55
mementomorisoreau, this is not an issue for me...09:55
zetherooChromium Browser09:55
zetheroois that the same09:55
piojunbabiasoreau: geee thanks it worked!!!!09:56
induszetheroo, add the ppa09:56
induszetheroo, i suggest just download chrome09:56
wubrgamerany excel nerds in here?  How do I count a column for the number of instances of cells containing the letter B ? say "wubrgamer" (my nick) if you care to respond please!  This should work in Calc too09:56
soreaupiojunbabia: cool09:56
induszetheroo, www.google.com/chrome09:56
srvi have 2 network interfaces, Can i use make ssh to use only eth0 and not wlan009:56
FireCrotchbrjann, soreau: Thanks again :) I haven't had too much experience with dual monitor setups09:56
vorlockguys any idea what error -3 means when running splashy?09:56
zetherooindus: is it the same as Chromium Browser09:57
FireCrotchsrv: are we talking about on the ssh server or client?09:57
soreausrv: You could unload the wifi driver module09:57
JonathanEllisI just reinstated my old menu.lst and it works. Thing I cant understand is why the uuid version doesnt work when the uuids have been generated by grub update and they appear to be correct09:57
srvssh client09:57
induszetheroo, its the same underlying code but its a google product, chromium is open source09:57
piojunbabiazetheroo, i think cromium and chrome are just the same09:57
induszetheroo, its a long story09:57
srvsoreau: i dont want to do that, i have some apps using wlan009:58
induszetheroo, chrome is stable, chromium is development and will break09:58
zetherooindus; I have Chromium Browser Daily Builds in Ubuntu Tweak as a PPA repo I can add09:58
mr-greyI have a quick question, I just got ubuntu and I'm rather new to lynux and I downloaded a game from the software center and my sound goes out of wack when I play it, also I can't use the rythembox and play the game at the same time my sound goes entirely out... any sugjestions?09:58
induszetheroo, what exactly do you need09:58
soreausrv: Well you said you wanted to use eth0 and not wlan0. Maube you should describe a bit more in detail your situation09:58
zetherooindus: there is another repo I can add called Google Stable Source09:58
induszetheroo, where?09:59
JonathanEllisI am running Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron. Yesterday Ubuntu downloaded updates including a kernel update. Grub update asked to replace menu.lst so I clicked on what seemed the most sensible option (replace with package maintainers version). Now Ubuntu wont boot. Grub comes up with Error 11: Unrecognized device string. Now this happened last time I had a kernel update and I fixed it by replacing the uuid entries with /dev/sdxy entries but I think this should09:59
induszetheroo, i dont know , i just use chrome it crashes a lot though09:59
srvi  have some apps (mozilla firefox)  using wlan0; i want ssh to use only eth009:59
zetherooindus: FF is just horrible for anything more than 4-5 tabs for me ...09:59
ravenvirtualbox+usb - right vb version and guest-additions installed but still usb function deactivated/grey - what could i do?09:59
induszetheroo, how much ram? did you know that firefox consumes least amount of ram with mor e tabs compared to other browsers?09:59
zetherooindus: I am using Ubuntu Tweak .. it has a heap of cool repos10:00
indushmm never heard of it10:00
Rezuubuntu chat going on10:00
Rezujoin us on tinychat10:00
FireCrotchsrv: use iptables to block outgoing port 22 on the wireless interface10:00
bazhangRezu, dont paste that here10:00
zetherooindus: I have 4 GB of RAM ... 320 GB 7200RPM HDD ... Core2Duo T9300 2.5GHZ ... Ubuntu 64bit ....10:01
FireCrotchsrv: or better yet, forward it to the eth0 interface10:01
srvFireCrotch: how can i do it?10:01
zetherooindus: I believe I have enough resources :)10:01
industry chrome10:02
indusits nice and light10:02
brjannsrv: may i ask why you want to do prevent ssh from using a specific interface? there might be an easier way to accomplish your goal10:02
zetherooindus; thing is that I see it using about 200MB of RAM with a dozen tabs open ... which means there is heaps more RAM left to play with ... but it start greying out here and there and the whole system starts slowing down ... even the mouse is jerky10:02
abhi_navtesting quassel10:03
Ububeginwhen I was tar -xwvf afolder.tar .......... i kept getting extract `fileA.txt'? and then I have to press *y*... I dont wanna keep doing this over and over again... any ideas, on how I can force it run all the way10:03
srvbrjann: my wlan0 network is outside the firewall10:04
tehbautwhat will it take for ubuntu 10.4 to get hfs+ formatting capabilities in gparted by default?10:04
tehbautgparted live cd has support10:04
bazhangtehbaut, lucid?10:04
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solowmy sound on firefox stopped working. anyone know why?10:04
tehbautbazhang: yeah10:04
brjannsrv: so you want to prevent ssh attempts from your machine to other machines on your internal network?10:05
bazhangtehbaut, please take lucid questions to #ubuntu+110:05
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solowlike, youtube stopped making sound, but my mp3's still work10:07
srvbrjann: my wlan0 network is a separate network which i want to use for browsing, eth0 for accessing my servers10:07
srvhow can i use iptables to do this - help me10:07
FireCrotchsrv: then just use the local address of the server. it'll be routed properly automatically10:07
mr-greyeverything such a challenge to work proper lol unreal.10:08
srvFireCrotch: it doesnt work10:08
srvssh hangs and tries to use wlan010:08
brjannsrv: are you perhaps using an ip block on your internal network that's actually routeable?10:09
srvhow can i know10:09
anubhavare UTF8 charset names supported ?10:09
brjannsrv: what IP addresses are you using on the network connecting to eth0?10:09
anubhav s/names/usernames10:10
mr-greyI'm assuming my sound drivers are installed ok because I have sound in ubuntu and the music players but when I play a game it goes all out of whack, really staticy and cuts out. any tips on figuring that out?10:10
brjannsrv: (also, how do you know it's trying to use wlan0 when it hangs?)10:10
FireCrotchsrv: you might need to add a route to the routing table for the other local network.  route -add eth010:11
FireCrotcher... without the - before add10:11
mr-greyalso when i run rythumbox and play a game at the same time it completly shuts my sound down and I gotta swap settings in the volume menu on your panel10:12
mr-greyto get it going again10:12
solowI want sound :(10:12
HangukMigukany conky gurus in here? i've been having trouble with conky displaying ttf fonts: it only displays one, any others, it defaults to Sans.10:13
srvwhat is
FireCrotchsrv: My apologies, I forgot to mention that you need to change to the IP subnet that your eth0 network is using10:15
srvFireCrotch: i know, i replaced it with my ip lol10:15
srvhence i asked why 24?10:16
srvactually, i meant that10:16
solowI just checked out sound preferences and it said with applications, firefox, mute. But I unmuted it, and still have no sound. question #1: How did it get muted? I never did that. #2: WHERE IS MY SOUND :(10:16
FireCrotchIt shouldn't be your machine's IP, you want the network's address. so if your IP is then you want to use
srvNo, i am asking about /2410:17
FireCrotchsrv: the /24 specifies that the first 24 bits of the IP are the network portion of the IP10:17
mementomorisrv, /24 is the netmask bit10:17
FireCrotchit's equivalent to the subnet mask being
srvwhen i do that i get route: netmask 000000ff doesn't make sense with host route10:17
mementomorisrv, what's you network problem?10:18
mementomorisrv, what's your network problem?10:18
srvwhen i give "route add" i get route: netmask 000000ff doesn't make sense with host route10:19
mementomorisrv, paste somewhere the ifconfig and route commands' outputs10:20
srvFireCrotch: mementomori: i guess it has worked10:20
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srvi did a "route add eth0" and it worked10:20
mementomorioh, yes... you was missing the interface... ;)10:20
srvdoes it mean "Use eth0 for all addressed in network10:21
srvwhat does it mean then10:21
FireCrotchyep, that's what it mean10:21
mementomoriyou just added a new route10:21
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srvcan you explain10:21
mementomoriyou should add a new default gateway for having what you asked for10:21
srvmementomori: what should i do now and how10:22
srvsorry for being so stupid10:22
FireCrotchsrv: you're now able to ssh to your servers, correct?10:23
srvyes i am right now10:23
mementomoriso dont do any changes10:23
srvbut tell me this default gateway thing?10:24
mementomorimaybe I'm getting a bit confused...10:24
srvwhat does it mean10:24
mementomorisrv, the default gateway is the default route your packets will be sent to10:24
FireCrotchsrv: you'll want that route to be added every time the eth0 interface is brought up, so you'll need to add something to /etc/network/interfaces also10:24
mementomorisrv, the default gateway is the default host  your packets will be sent to10:25
srvokay got it10:25
srvsince i have 2 interfaces, i want to send packets to the other one as well, i dont want default gateway10:25
mementomorisrv,  sure10:25
srvokay guys, i got what i want - thank you10:25
mementomorisorry for my bad answers...10:26
srvmementomori: i love you ;-)10:26
abhi_navcan i play songs (any format) from command prompt? e.g. playing songs from ubuntu server etc (not gui)10:26
FireCrotchsrv: in your /etc/network/interfaces file, for the eth0 interface, you'll want to add this: post-up <the route command from before>10:26
mementomorilol ;)10:26
srvFireCrotch: you were talking about doing this "port" wise correct?10:26
FireCrotchsrv: I had mentioned doing it per port, but this is the proper way to do it10:27
FireCrotchI wasn't thinking when I said to forward the port10:27
ddavidspls i plug my ethernet cable from my modem to my karmic emachine laptop and does not even display auto etho but it does when i connect it to my karmic desktop... what does this mean?10:28
HangukMigukcan anyone help me with this problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=891941910:28
abhi_navwhat is emachine?10:28
srvabhi_nav: its a chinese company10:29
abhi_navI need command prompt (terminal) alternatives of these applications: web broswer, audio player. anyone knows is there any?10:29
srvI better get some coffee now my things are working10:29
abhi_navsrv: ok10:29
CroeVay be10:29
Paulo39hi, i'm using Chromium on Ubuntu karmic and i'm not able to see videos on youtube, but i can do it without any problems on firefox10:29
ddavidsabhi_nav: its an acer laptop10:30
daroluabhi_nav: I like "links" (text web browser), for audio I usually use mplayer (command line)10:30
daroluabhi_nav: other text web browsers are elinks and lynx10:30
abhi_navdarolu: can you tell me how to install and how to use it?10:30
abhi_navdarolu: which one is the bset?10:30
starhallo all10:31
zetheroohow do I boot into a previous kernel?10:31
starwonder if anyone can help10:31
daroluabhi_nav: sudo apt-get install links mplayer elinks lynx10:31
Paulo39and i think it's not about flash, because i can see videos on vimeo.com, for example. Actually, i think this starts to happen when i switch to the new theme/look of youtube10:31
starinstalled ubuntu studio10:31
abhi_navdarolu: ok10:31
=== star is now known as Guest65162
Guest65162since then my gnome panel is not smooth :/10:31
Guest65162it just looks weird all my gtk apps :(10:31
=== Guest65162 is now known as star3am
HangukMigukPaulo39: You mean the HTML5 version?10:31
daroluabhi_nav: there's no "best" program, I like links more, but others like lynx the best as it has 'pretty colours' :P10:31
HangukMigukaka the beta one?10:31
RootRatHi guys Top of the day to you .. Problem .. Installed Adobe flash player with deb package manager ... Says its installed but will not work .. help !10:32
Paulo39HangukMiguk: hum.. i dont now, its a new template from youtube website10:32
Paulo39it's possible that tey are using html5 and chromium doenst have support for that yet?10:33
abhi_navdarolu when using ubuntu server how to switch from irssi to command prompt without closing irssi? actually I want to run irssi, links(or other) and mplayer (or other) simultaneously10:33
FireCrotchRootRat: Have you restarted your browser?10:33
Paulo39abhi_nav: you can use screen10:33
daroluabhi_nav: a VERY popular audio player for the command line is mp3blaster, but I haven't used it that much10:33
RootRatFirecrotch yes sir /mame10:33
HangukMigukPaulo39: I think the HTML5 player doesn't have support in Linux yet.  I know it doesn't in Firefox yet, but it might not in Chrome yet either.10:33
FireCrotchRootRat: What browser are you using?10:34
abhi_navPaulo39: what is screen? is it any apps?10:34
daroluabhi_nav: with Ctrl+Alt+Z  you send apps to the background10:34
Paulo39hum.. but in firefox i am totally able to see the videos10:34
abhi_navdarolu: ok but i wll install that also. thnx10:34
dehqanwhen login page comes up , mouse and keyboard does not work , how to fix it ?10:34
RootRatFireCrotch  I am using firefox10:34
daroluabhi_nav: with $ jobs you see what apps you have running10:34
abhi_navdarolu: $job ?10:35
abhi_navdarolu: its not working10:35
abhi_navPaulo39: what is screen? is it any apps?10:35
daroluabhi_nav: jobs with an S10:36
Paulo39screen is a program that lets you to have multiple apps/processes running from the same terminal10:36
abhi_navPaulo39: thnx :)10:36
Paulo39and you can switch between them without to have to stop each one when you wanto to switch10:36
abhi_navdarolu: ???? can you give me the actual command? jobs s is not working too10:36
mtx_initPaulo39: you dont need screen to do that, you do need screen to multiplex them for your viewing.10:36
abhi_navPaulo39: hmm ok10:36
Paulo39it's really  useful10:36
daroluuhmmm "jobs" is the actual command to list what you have running in the background :S10:37
ddavidsmtx_init: how do u mean - multiplex?10:37
Paulo39mtx_init: if i want to run, for example, irssi and finch, its very useful to have screen and i can switch between them easily10:37
HangukMigukPaulo39: looks like chrome works with HTML5 player.  I'm really not sure...10:37
mtx_initPaulo39: yes, but you dont need it.10:37
abhi_navdarolu: it just executes that jobs command but not showing any results??   :(10:38
Paulo39mtx_init: how would you do that?10:38
mtx_initddavids: if you dont use screen and put programs to the background, they can still print to the forground.  screen works as a multiplexer for tty's.10:38
mtx_initPaulo39: just run each as a backround process.10:38
Paulo39mtx_init: it's possible, but is not useful10:39
abhi_navmtx_init: can you please tell me teh keyboard shortcut for tihs? i am new10:39
abhi_navyah i am using screen also10:39
mtx_initscreen is great10:39
mtx_initone of the best tools out there10:39
abhi_navno but you tell me that other process naa?10:39
piojunbabiawhat is screen?10:39
daroluabhi_nav: if you haven't sent anything to the background with "Ctrl + Z" it won't show anything :p10:39
ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen10:39
daroluabhi_nav: to bring the "job" back you run "fg <jobnumber>"10:40
dad_mythtv g\hard drive full10:40
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RootRatFireCrotch  when I bring up the site that uses flash player it want to direct me to the adobe site to install flash player again . is there a way I can find out id flash player has been successfully installed ?10:40
abhi_navdarolu: ok it worked thnx10:40
Guest22591my mythtv hdd is full yet recording are on another disk10:40
FireCrotchRootRat: about:plugins page10:40
Guest22591what is filling the disk10:40
Guest22591live tv on another disk as well10:41
abhi_navthnx all of you darolu, Paulo39 and mtx_init: bye :)10:41
RootRatFireCrotch  okay  will look10:41
Guest22591mythbuntu disk is full10:41
q0_0phow is mythbuntu10:41
q0_0pnever tried it10:41
Guest22591yes good thc10:41
dehqanany opinion ?10:41
Guest22591my hdd is full but recording and live tv on anotehr disk10:42
ddavidsi have lynx installed but pls i need a few tips on how to use it, id like to explore it...10:42
Guest22591so what could fill disk?10:42
tehbautis it possible to make a 273MB casper-rw file?10:42
tehbautI want to fit a persistent 9.10 on a 1GB usb drive10:43
ddavidscan anyone help wt a few tips and commands...10:43
FireCrotchddavids: you can read the lynx manual page :) man lynx10:43
Guest22591david any quesion u have with commmands in terminal type man command name10:43
Guest22591eg man sudo10:43
Guest22591or man ls10:44
FireCrotchtehbaut: yes you can do a persistant 9.10 on a 1GB drive10:45
tehbautFireCrotch: I was using this method, but it seems it require 2GB or more for persistency10:46
abhi_navhow to login to only command prompt. i.e. terminal. i dont want to login to ubuntu eachtime. some times i only wants terminal as same as that of ubuntu server10:46
mtx_initabhi_nav: uninstall xorg and gnome10:46
mtx_initthats the easiest way10:47
Guest22591ctl alt f110:47
abhi_navmtx_init: i said sometime10:47
abhi_navGuest22591 for the ctl alt f1 first i need to login intu ubuntu naa?10:47
Guest22591you dont10:47
Guest22591but you can10:47
Guest22591then do it10:48
Guest22591then to stop gdm10:48
abhi_navthen i can youse this shortcut in that login windwos, in that windows where it asks for username and pass?10:48
Guest22591type sudo stop gdm10:48
abhi_navi am trying that now10:48
abhi_navthnx all10:48
FireCrotchtehbaut: I think that might just be a limitation of their setup tool10:49
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE10:49
FireCrotchtehbaut: you should just be able to create the casper-rw partition using fdisk10:49
tehbautFireCrotch: ok, any idea what the command is for that?10:49
roba0665greets all, I have a Ipex laptop (rebadged asus A3000N) that wont run up Ubuntu 9.10, I can get the liveCD to run okay tho using apic = off noapic nolapic  .. Strangely the latest debian runs okay...10:50
FireCrotchtehbaut: I assume you have the 750mb partition made already?10:50
sledgeanyone use BitchX ?10:50
tehbautFireCrotch: yeah, it's loaded and live10:52
tehbautFireCrotch: I have 270MB free on the drive10:53
FireCrotchtehbaut: sudo fdisk /dev/sdX (where sdX) is whatever the USB drive is10:53
kianHow I can open archives folder and increase packages! it does not allow me normally?10:53
zogg_co_JKT <-- spamming on channel join10:53
kl0xI've got a problem guys10:53
FireCrotchtehbaut: then type n to make a new partition, then p to make it a primary, then 2 to make it partition 210:53
stronzehow do i upgrade from 9.04 yo 9.10 without the network? i downloaded the ISO and also burned to DVD-R10:54
kl0xdunno what to do, actually don't even know the problem's source10:54
FireCrotchtehbaut: then accept the defaults for the starting and ending partition, then w to write the changes to the disk10:54
kl0xstronze, which ISO?10:54
kl0xstrauze, you need alternate i think10:54
dehqanwhat does "rF" mean in statue of package ?10:54
tehbautFireCrotch: hmmm, couldn't I just do this in gparted? ;)10:54
stronzek10x - how do i get alternate?10:54
anarkihi all :)10:55
tehbautFireCrotch: (I have to make room for a second partition anyway)10:55
roba0665stronze: check your favourite local mirror10:55
FireCrotchtehbaut: oh, yeah, definitely. just make sure it's ext2 and the label is casper-rw10:55
tehbautah, that's it?10:55
kl0xstronze, i guess from the same server you took the live one10:55
FireCrotchtehbaut: yep10:55
stronzeroba0665 k10x - i downloaded via bit torrent from ubuntu.com10:55
tehbautFireCrotch: sweet, so can I take all the free space, or does ubuntu need just a tiny amount to run?10:56
kian How I can open archives folder and increase packages! it does not allow me normally?10:56
tehbautI assume it loads everything into memory, so no need to leave anything10:56
sledgei cant figure out how to join multiple servers, or multiple channels10:57
FireCrotchtehbaut: well, everything I've seen says to make the main partition 750MB10:57
kl0xstronze, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate10:57
=== sledge is now known as wzhya
tehbautFireCrotch: cool, that's fine... I'll leave 750MB then10:58
roba0665greets all, I have a Ipex laptop (rebadged asus A3000N) that wont run up Ubuntu 9.10, I can get the liveCD to run okay tho using apic = off noapic nolapic  .. Strangely the latest debian runs okay...10:58
roba0665I think its the X part that is crashing but dont know how to start debugging the issue...10:58
kian How I can open archives folder and increase packages! it does not allow me normally?10:59
kl0xMy keyboard doesn't work on my session10:59
stronzethanks k10x - i think i know why i couldnt find it10:59
kl0xinstead, works perfectly on this one10:59
kl0xstronze, np10:59
stronzek10x - just another 2-3 days to download now10:59
kl0xIt stopped working after I.. after I run Windows XP T.T11:00
kl0xstronze, uf... don't you prefer dd?11:00
stronzek10x - dd? i gotta use bit torrent cuz im on a very horrible internet connection and downloading any other way tends to corrupt files11:01
roba0665where can I get 10.04 from?11:01
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FiNkdo you speak turkish ?11:01
jolarenHow do I download the source for my kernel 2.6.31-19-generic ?11:01
bazhangFiNk, in #ubuntu-tr11:01
kedy07what is nohup for?11:02
kl0xroba0665 http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha211:02
FiNkthank yoU ;)11:02
bazhangroba0665, please /join #ubuntu+1 for lucid support and discussion11:02
farsanAny Landscape users around? Got some questions about backup.11:03
kedy07other than having output directed to nohup.out11:03
brjannkedy07: it prevents the launched program from terminating when you log out11:03
kedy07brjann: oh ok. thanks11:03
=== administ1ator is now known as abhi_nav
FiNkBana Bi Kod öğrEtenin40 yıl köleSi oLuRum :D11:04
stronzek10x i gotta say thanks for the link.i KNOW why i couldnt find it now and feel like an idiot.11:05
abhi_navpppoeconf give error that he scanned for 4 devices but access concentrator did not replied. i want to configure and use net from command prompt. so pppoeconf  is needed. curretnly using net using xnetcardconf11:05
njbaircan I change power management settings for GDM? My desktop hibernates when nobody is logged in. I want it to use my user power settings instead.11:05
kl0xnjbair system>Preferences>Energy Management I guess11:06
wzhyaso.. nobody uses bitchx11:06
abhi_navhwat is bitchx11:06
njbairI do that, and even click "make default" but it doesn't apply to the login screen11:07
abhi_navwhat is bitchx11:07
njbairwzhya: maybe ppl don't like irc clients with swear words in the name11:07
DJones!bitchx | abhi_nav11:07
dehqanwhat does "rF" mean in statue of package ?half-configured11:07
ubottuabhi_nav: bitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: http://dy.fi/afb). Consider using irssi or weechat instead.11:07
kl0xnjbair, Oh right, you said when noone is logged in..11:07
kl0xnjbair, I guess I dunno xd11:07
wzhyabitchx is a chat program11:07
abhi_navDJones: ok now i am using irssi11:07
dubey_trying to connect USB modem but getting "Cannot open /dev/ttyACM0: Permission denied"11:07
abhi_navpppoeconf give error that he scanned for 4 devices but access concentrator did not replied. i want to configure and use net from command prompt. so pppoeconf  is needed. curretnly using net using xnetcardconf11:08
redHal removal11:08
redLucid Alpha 2 sports full removal of the hal package, making Ubuntu faster to boot and faster to resume from suspend.11:08
redhow does this affect my pc if its removed?11:08
dehqanhow to configure a half-configured package ?11:08
bazhangred, #ubuntu+1 for lucid support11:08
abhi_navred: i want my pc to be fast too. should i remove hal11:08
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wzhyadeh reboot with repair mode, and fix broken packages11:08
ubottuHal is in the process of being depreciated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.11:09
wzhyadehqan reboot into grub, and choose recovery mode, and then fix broken packages11:09
redty bazhang11:09
dehqanwzhya:  a in chroot11:09
redabhi_nav: im talking about 10.4 beta11:09
dehqanwzhya:  it is chroot11:09
abhi_navred: so its not in 9.04?11:09
dubey_anyone ?11:10
njbairwow, lucid is only 2 months away. crazy11:10
kl0xCan anyone guess why my keyboard doesn't work? lol11:11
abhi_navdubey_ (i think) you have to add your username to usb group (remember to read somewhere)11:11
redno abhi_nav11:11
abhi_navred: hmm can i delete if in 9.04, then wll it help me ?11:11
tehbautdoes the casper-rw file usually just store updates/new installs? or?11:12
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roba0665kl0x: you havent plugged it it?? :)11:13
kl0xroba0665, haha, yeah I've got it plugged in xd11:14
kl0xroba0665, but it stoppped working after I used Windows (first time this year and since 2008))11:14
roba0665kl0x: ahh Its been near windows, you need to reboot your keyboard.. seriously I have no idea...11:15
kl0xroba0665, Me neither, in my session it won't work, but in this one I'm now it works perfectly. I guess it's something in starting apps11:16
xgurucan someone help me with this? http://www.pastebin.org/10164211:16
roba0665question: if Ubuntu is based on Debian, why b\can I get deb to run on my laptop but not ubuntu?11:16
tehbautFireCrotch: if still around, the casper-rw file is supposed to hold data such as passwords, new packages, etc... right?11:16
roba0665err canT11:16
FireCrotchtehbaut: yep11:17
roba0665question: if Ubuntu is based on Debian, why can I get deb to run on my laptop but not ubuntu?11:17
tehbautFireCrotch: I'm about to test it with my wifi key11:17
FireCrotchroba0665: because Ubuntu changes things :)11:17
FireCrotchroba0665: what seems to be the problem with Ubuntu on your laptop?11:18
tehbautFireCrotch: what about files saved to the desktop?11:18
kl0xOk I'll try to fix it by myself as I'm being ignored here!! hahaha, c ya guys11:18
SpaceGhostC2Croba0665, possibly because ubuntu is debian based, but debian isn't ubuntu. Check the system req's for each and see the difference, if there is none, check supported hardwares on both.11:18
FireCrotchtehbaut: those should be saved as well11:18
roba0665fire: Im not sure exactly, I feel its video related, can install minimal fine...11:18
tehbautFireCrotch: and if they're too big, are they just skipped?11:18
=== hexdump is now known as Hellhound666
FireCrotchtehbaut: That I couldn't tell you11:19
roba0665fire: Ubuntu just locks up, no response, mouse pointer still moves but even the onscreen clock is frozen...11:19
roba0665deb doesnt have same issue at all...11:19
Hellhound666I have what may be a simple question...11:19
FireCrotchroba0665: video card is?11:19
tehbautFireCrotch: mkay, guess I'll find out11:19
Hellhound666How do I move filenames with different extentions to a directory11:19
roba0665fire: good question, (and Im at work at present not at home) default Asus A3000N laptop11:19
Hellhound666like mmv -v "*.tgz*" /directory but multiple file extentions11:20
Hellhound666without writing a shell script11:20
zak_waht command shall i use to extract audio from a .pps file ?11:20
SpaceGhostC2CHellhound666, try mv -v *.{tgz,tar.gz,tar,gz}11:21
jolarenHow do I get source??? bash: /lib/modules/2.6.31-19-generic/source: No such file or directory11:21
Hellhound666SpaceGhostC2C:  thanks I'll give it a try11:21
roba0665fire: I tried ubuntu and xubuntu, same issue...11:21
SpaceGhostC2Croba0665, did you look at the supported hardware pages on both Debian and Ubuntu's sites?11:22
tehbautFireCrotch: sweet, wifi persisted.. cool! thanks! ;)11:22
roba0665spaceghost: no11:22
SpaceGhostC2Cjolaren, sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.3111:22
SpaceGhostC2Croba0665, try that, make sure it's even supported in ubuntu.11:22
SpaceGhostC2Croba0665, also check general requrements for both.11:23
FireCrotchtehbaut: you're welcome :)11:23
FireCrotchroba0665: I think it's just a driver problem11:23
roba0665spaceghost: the Ipex Companion 59Z (which this unit is) appears in old supported pages for Ubuntu 6...11:23
tehbautany idea if the casper-rw file is written to frequently, or only during shutdown?11:24
SpaceGhostC2Croba0665, it might not be supported for newer versions, I suggest you actually look. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/11:24
jolarenSpaceGhostC2C, I didn't get the .19 source that downloaded the .20 source tho11:24
FireCrotchtehbaut: I think it's written to when it needs to be written to, which is why you're supposed to use ext2 for it11:25
arand_tehbaut: I would assume more frequently than that, since otherwise the memory would run out fairly quickly.11:25
tehbautgotcha, that should keep crashes from loosing data I hope11:25
SpaceGhostC2C!hi | janbauke11:25
ubottujanbauke: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:25
janbaukehow are you11:26
tehbautwell, I hope it doesn't crash period, but you get the idea ;)11:26
FireCrotchtehbaut: ext2 doesn't have all the journaling data that ext3 does, so it shouldn't wear your drive out (I assume that's what you're worried about)11:26
SpaceGhostC2Cjanbauke, do you have a question?11:26
janbaukeabout what11:26
zak_waht command shall i use to extract audio from a .pps file ?11:26
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SpaceGhostC2Cjanbauke, read the topic of the channel.11:26
Hellhound666SpaceGhostC2C:  Hey thanks a lot that worked out great!11:27
FireCrotchzak_: what's a .pps file? file extensions have no meaning in the linux world :)11:27
SpaceGhostC2CHellhound666, anytime friend. Let us know if you need more help.11:27
zak_FireCrotch: that is a powerpoint file , just need to extract audio fro m it11:27
SpaceGhostC2CFireCrotch, it's a presentation file. Like powerpoint11:27
dehqanhow to get list of half-configured packages ?11:28
=== guestt13215 is now known as poetreuo
roba0665thanks all outta here...11:29
FireCrotchzak_: a page I found says to open powerpoint, file->open the pps file, and then do Save As webpage11:30
FireCrotchzak_: not sure if OpenOffice presenter can do that11:31
zak_yeah :/11:31
tehbauthow can I profile my system (or at least get the cpu details)?11:32
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rwwtehbaut: "cat /proc/cpu" in the terminal will show you more than you want to know about your CPU.11:33
dubey_GNOME PPP is frequently asking for username/password, but all information i provided is correct11:33
padskitehbaut, and top might get you started with profiling11:34
rwwtehbaut: sorry, cpuinfo, not cpu11:34
=== Evil is now known as Guest65505
kl0xSniff,,, if stills doesn't work11:34
mihiri have installed Ghostview for pdf view but i can´t find in application menu11:34
zak_FireCrotch: waht i need is to extract the audio in that powerpoint  presention in an mp3 format , donnow if that is possible though11:34
=== guestt13215 is now known as poetreuor
tehbautrww: brilliant, just what I needed, thanks11:35
FireCrotchzak_: did you try the save as webpage thing in openoffice?11:35
tehbautpadski: top isn't really what I was after, and I know about it for process monitoring (maybe it does more that I don't know about though)11:35
zak_FireCrotch: gonnan try it right now was trying with some mplayer commands11:36
FireCrotchzak_: or can you play the presentation w/ the sound in linux at all?11:36
CroePeki Zeki Mürende bizi Görecek mi?11:36
jolarenapt-get install linux-source-2.6.31 downloads the kernel source but it doesnt place it in /lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic/source ........ where does the kernel source go and how can i move it to that location??11:36
popeyjolaren: you probably want 'apt-get source linux-image-blah'11:37
zak_FireCrotch: i can do taht : but i need to extract the song to be able to play it in my  mp3 player11:37
FireCrotchzak_: if you can get the sound to play when playing the presentation, you can just record from that11:37
mihirhello friends11:37
zak_FireCrotch: record from that?11:37
FireCrotchjust have the recording input be the output device11:37
jolarenpopey, E: Kunde inte hitta paketet linux-image-2.6.31 ( could not find the package )11:38
padskitehbaut, you want to run benchmarks ?11:38
mihiri have installed Ghostview for pdf view but i can´t find it in application menu can you tell me where it is installed11:38
jolarenpopey, sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.31 doesn't find package11:38
indietrashanyone in here know what volume manager #! uses?11:38
arand_jolaren: add "-generic" by the end11:38
tehbautpadski: sure, why not?11:39
jolarenarand, still can't find any packages11:39
tehbautsounds like a good time11:39
popeyjolaren: apt-get source linux-image-`uname -r`11:39
miraiwmihir: by default most terminal aps won't be in gnome's menu11:39
popeyjolaren: it will download and unpack to the current directory11:39
zak_FireCrotch: can't save it in webpage , the presentation starts in a full screen , how can i use the menu ?if i use esc it quits:/11:40
antoq tal11:40
antoq tal11:40
FireCrotchzak_: it does that even if you open  openoffice first, then do file->open ?11:41
arand_!es | anto11:41
ubottuanto: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:41
FireCrotchzak_: OpenOffice might not be able to do it11:41
mihirhow to see how many hardware drivers are not properly installed11:41
zak_FireCrotch: tried that too; but same old sh***t:/11:41
antoq tal11:42
FireCrotchzak_: well it looks like the other solution is your best bet. did you understand what I meant? I understand it, but its late so I'm probably explaining it horribly.11:42
FireCrotchzak_: and I don't know exactly how to do it11:42
SpaceGhostC2Czak_, obfuscated swearing is still swearing.11:42
zak_:)me too :)11:42
zak_waht is the official room for opensoffice11:43
mihirhow to see how many hardwares are not properly installed11:43
PingFloydmihir: device manager11:44
PingFloydoops wrong channel11:44
arand_jolaren: So what are you trying to do? (I arrived late to the discussion..)11:44
mihirwhere is device manager11:44
PingFloydmihir: there isn't one, I thought you were talking about windows11:44
PingFloydmihir: if it works, it is properly installed11:45
FireCrotchzak_: You can use audacity to do the recording, from what I remember from the *one* time I had to do something like this.  The openoffice channel is #openoffice  I think11:45
mihirin ubuntu11:45
PingFloydmihir: you can see which modules are loaded, but that is only a part of the bigger picture11:45
zak_FireCrotch: okay man :) thanks for the help :)11:45
PingFloydmihir: in ubuntu just try using the device and see if there is any errors in your logs11:45
FireCrotchzak_: you're welcome :)11:46
FireCrotchmihir: there is no equivalent of the Windows Device Manager in Ubuntu.  Is there something in particular that you'd like to do in Ubuntu that you would typically do in the Device Manager in Windows?11:46
FireCrotchmihir: If so, we can point you in the right direction11:47
waowell, oh hai, can someone help me with acpid-2.0.2 ?11:47
waoacpid: skipping conf file /root/acpi/power.conf11:47
waowhy it's skipping event.conf?11:48
PingFloydmihir: main think is it comes down if some device isn't behavior or operating right, it's a matter of figuring out why.  In theory, as long as the kernel supports a device, it should just work for the most part.11:48
mihiri have broadcom wireless controller and ubuntu doesn´t have driver how install driver for that11:48
PingFloydmihir: did you first try "hardware devices"11:49
PingFloydmihir: under the menus in gnome11:49
zvacet! wifi | mihir11:49
ubottumihir: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:49
Zusis there a NVidia  channel?11:49
jolarenpopey, arand i've done that but it stills complains ( apt-get source linux-image-`uname -r` )11:51
popeyjolaren: do you have the source box ticked in system -> admin -> software sources?11:51
soreauZus: #nvidia11:52
jolarenpopey, the source was downloaded but this happends..11:52
jolarenpopey, ./config_dvb.pl "BUILD_DIR=/lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic/build" "EXTRA_CFLAGS=-Idrivers/media/dvb/dvb-core/ -I/home/joel/sasc-ng/trunk/dvbloopback/module"11:53
jolarenCould not identify kernel11:53
Zussoreau,  thanks11:53
ian__gm explanation required about the CLSID numbers ,new to this game thanks11:53
tvwHow can I show me the status of the firewall (like in ufw status verbose) when the firewall ist still disabled.11:54
tvwufw status verbose only tells me, that the fw is disabled, but not which rules are set, when I enable the fw.11:54
tvwso, how do I know, that I will not lock out myself, before enabling the fw?11:55
mihirwhat is the image file extention in ubuntu like jpg in windows11:56
alankilamihir: heh, why wouldn't it be just jpg?11:57
abhi_navi think image file extenstions are os independent11:57
Atari_bot.png maybe11:57
richfearlesswhats up peeps11:57
mihirwhile saving backgroung image from internet it shows default .htm extention11:57
karin_Hey I have som update-grub problems, anyone know where to ask? Specficially it sets my root to the wrong UUID.11:57
abhi_navmihir: right click on image and click on save image or save image as11:58
SpaceGhostC2C!ask | karin_11:58
ubottukarin_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:58
richfearlessim having a bit of trouble, i would like to browse to a project on a Windows machine - but i cant find the location anywhere in the dialogue window that appears (its in Netbeans)11:58
karin_SpaceGhostC2C, ?11:58
alankilamihir: I think you're doing it wrong. The .htm extension is probably for html file, so it saved the html document, not the image, most likely.11:58
jolarenpopey, arand i rly dno how n what to do now11:58
karin_SpaceGhostC2C, Read the question.11:58
SpaceGhostC2Ckarin_, just state the question.11:58
SpaceGhostC2Ckarin_, you don't need to preface it.11:59
alankilakarin_: is the wrong uuid in /etc/fstab?11:59
Zusany one have an idea as to why after downloading from the nvida site the NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.25-pkg1.run driver when i click or open in terminal i get in gedit something about  character encoding not being detected and in terminal comand not found??11:59
mihirok i changed jpg and its done thanks11:59
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SpaceGhostC2Ckarin_, so it sets your root incorrectly?11:59
InvaderZimWhere do I find a changelog for ubuntu kernel image updates?11:59
JonathanEllisI am running Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron. Yesterday Ubuntu downloaded updates including a kernel update. Grub update asked to replace menu.lst so I clicked on what seemed the most sensible option (replace with package maintainers version). Now Ubuntu wont boot. Grub comes up with Error 11: Unrecognized device string. Now this happened last time I had a kernel update and I fixed it by replacing the uuid entries with /dev/sdxy entries but I think this should11:59
karin_alankila, Yeah it was the first time.. And then I changd it to the correct one..11:59
karin_though I have three installations so it might be picking up the wrong one..11:59
alankilakarin_: have you tried running update-grub since? It ought to notice the uuid from fstab and update.11:59
abhi_navmihir: ???12:00
karin_alankila, Will try some more I may have missed something.12:00
alankilakarin_: oh, that sounds a bit messy.12:00
hekinquestion, I've got a Broadcom 4353 wireless interface, how could I get it up and running on Karmic? I've done googling  a lot, not helpful12:00
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hekini've already installed bcmwl-kernel-source12:00
richfearlesshow do i find a windows network location in the dialogue window that pops up?12:00
hekinany idea?12:01
arand_jolaren: Sorry got to go.12:02
Zushttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=478986 this seemed  to be what i needed to do, but i get a comand not found when trying to reconfigure xserver any one know what to do?12:03
garymcHi guys, anyone know where I look to see if bots are hitting my web server?12:03
garymcand what i look for?12:03
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SpaceGhostC2Cgarymc, is it a ubuntu server?12:04
SpaceGhostC2C!away | impi_busy12:04
ubottuimpi_busy: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»12:04
richfearlesshow do i find a windows network location in the dialogue window that pops up?12:04
padskigarymc, in the log. repeated connection patterns, user agent strings, ip addresses12:04
ian__hi loaded dillon fltk screwed up grub will not boot correctly.any ideas please?12:04
garymcwhat log, where is it? padski?12:04
mihirwhat is the purpose of recovery mode in ubuntu it is in grub loader12:04
padskigarymc, which httpd server is it ?12:05
garymcapache 212:05
richfearlesshmm .. . . .. . can i ask a question?12:05
SpaceGhostC2Cmihir, same thing as single user mode in mac, afaik.12:05
SpaceGhostC2C!ask | richfearless12:05
ubotturichfearless: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:05
padskigarymc, try under /var/log/apache2/12:05
richfearless!ask| how do i find a windows network location in the dialogue window that pops up?12:05
ubottuhow do i find a windows network location in the dialogue window that pops up?: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:06
garymccool would it be access.log file?12:06
SpaceGhostC2C!patience > richfearless12:06
ubotturichfearless, please see my private message12:06
JonathanEllisAnyone know where I can find an example of grub's menu.lst as generated by Ubuntu 8.04 using UUIDs with explanations of what all the default options in the Automagic kernels list mean. Everything I find refers to partitions by hd or /dev/sd notation. I am trying to debug my menu.lst and getting nowhere fast. I stated the entire problem in my earlier post but nobody responded so I guess I am on my own12:06
padskigarymc, there are also various programs that will analyse the logs for you12:06
wejick!patience > wejick12:06
ubottuwejick, please see my private message12:06
padskigarymc, webalizer comes to mind as an example12:07
garymchmm ok12:07
padskigarymc, yes access.log is the main one12:07
garymcok thanks. Is webalizer for linux or windows etc or is it installed on the server itself?12:08
mihirwhile installing software my laptop switched off due to electricity problem when i restart it and select ubuntu only blank screen appears what to do in that case12:08
wejickhow much amount of RAM which minimal lucid system use?12:10
benchen70Hi, I am just wondering. The moderators for this chat room, how exactly do you guys arrange yourselves, eg, in shifts, to answer questions, etc, ??12:10
mihirwhile installing software my laptop switched off due to electricity problem when i restart it and select ubuntu only blank screen appears what to do in that case12:11
garymcOk anyone help me install webalizer and to run it?12:12
benchen70mihir, you are installing right? not finished?12:12
JonathanEllisbenchen70: Its not just moderators who answer questions but anyone who knows the answer.12:12
mihirit was wireless controller driver12:13
benchen70jonathonellis, thank you, true enough.12:13
meowbuntubenchen70, thtas the beauty of linux. everyone can pool knowledge to get help12:13
mycompmihir:reinstall ubuntu12:13
JonathanEllisbenchen70: So I have no idea if moderators are organised at all. They are all volunteers I think so they are here when they can be12:13
soreaugarymc: It seems webalizer is in ubuntu repos.12:13
mihirthen what is the purpose of recovery mode12:14
garymcok what do i need to do? apt-get install webalizer?12:14
benchen70Yeah, mihir, not much that can be done. Just reinstall12:14
* maidai yawns12:14
kianI want paste some packages in this folder /var/cache/apt/archives but I can not! It does not allow me! please help12:14
* maidai fades away12:14
benchen70recovery mode is when it is fully installed. Just like Windows12:14
mycompmihir:sometimes the recovery mode crashes due to malfunctionin of grub during installation..12:14
maidaikian : Make it writable12:14
mycompn yes recovery mode is after installation12:14
kianmaidai, How?12:15
wejickkian, you must paste as root user12:15
Sensivakian use sudo in terminal12:15
padskigarymc, it is packaged in ubuntu universe, see http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/webalizer  and http://freshmeat.net/search?q=webalizer&submit=Search and debtags also suggests modlogan.  there are many other such programs but the names escape me.12:15
maidaiKian : go to terminal and type sudo chmod 777 /bar/cache/apt/archives12:15
maidaikian : *var12:15
* maidai huggles FloodBot312:16
benchen70To anyone who can answer this question: I am going to sound a bit dumb here, but I have rarely used IRC. So are the list of users on the right hand side of the browser - is this all of the people in the ubuntu channel??12:16
padskigarymc, but see http://www.google.com/search?q=apache+log+analyser if you are interested (awstats is one I could think of)12:16
* maidai nods12:16
soreaubenchen70: Probably. 1370 here now12:16
JonathanEllisAfter a kernel upgrade why does my grub menu.lst stop working?Every entry on the menu produces grub error 11: Unrecognised device string. I notice the entries have been changed from /dev/sda6 to UUIDs. But why should that make it stop working?12:16
mihirwhat to write in terminal for shut down the computer12:16
wejickkian, use pres [alt]+[f2] and type "gksudo nautilus" then give your passwd there. now you can copy to that direktori12:16
tommisbenchen70, yep12:17
soreaumihir: shutdown -h now12:17
mycompor halt12:17
mycompas superuser12:17
padskigarymc, personally I have often used grep and sed12:17
* maidai fades away *again*12:17
* maidai doesn't know to spell Ubntu12:18
padskigarymc, awstats claims to have good recognition of robots, see http://awstats.sourceforge.net/docs/awstats_compare.html12:20
kianwejick, thank you! it works ;)12:20
wejickkian, u're wellcome12:21
Tecnomanhi guys i install ubuntu remix in my acer aspire one but i have problems with 3 things , microphone , i can read any sd card and the mp4 videos run very slow.12:22
mihirhow to increase the size of ubuntu partition and decrease windows partition12:23
richfearlesscan someone help me quick? i wish to load a smb:// source folder as a project, but i cant find the location in my filesystem disk?12:23
tuntunJust found a sad flaw: the screen keyboard cant be used to type a password, because it gets faded out with everything else.12:23
TharokHello there. I'm having a weird problem. Using Ubuntu 9.10 I sometimes have my desktops visual effects deactivated when booting up, sometimes its set to normal as intended but sometimes it jumps out to "none". I can activate it again manually with no problem, but its very anoying that it jumps out like that. I'm using a HP Pavilion DV6 laptop with Intel T6600 Dual core CPU and ATI Mobility Radeon 4650.12:23
wejickmihir, you can do it when you install ubuntu from live cd12:23
TharokI have installed the latest ATI drivers from atis homepage12:24
mihirafter installation is it possible12:24
mihirlike partition magic in windows12:24
padskimihir, gparted12:24
maidaimihir : Install gparted . Its in Ubuntu Software center12:25
mihirwhat is the partition type in ubuntu like ntfs and fat in windows12:25
maidaimihir : ext412:25
maidaimihir : gparted supports ntfs and fat I think12:25
wejickis it possible to resize ext4 partition from gparted?12:26
Myrttimihir: you can't resize ubuntu system partition if you're using it. you need the live cd to resize the system partition. it also depends on the method you installed with, did you use Wubi or did you do a proper installation?12:26
padskiI've done live resize on ext312:26
padskidoes that not work on ext4 ?!?12:26
wejickmihir, maidai : google result for "resize ntfs linux" answer your question12:26
padskisorry 'online resize'12:27
maidaiwejick : I think it is . But if you want to resize your Ubuntu system when you are using it you need to do it with the Live CD12:27
mihiri used Wubi for installation12:27
Gangrelcan someone help me install dragon age origins with wine???? cause i cannot find any proper instructions12:27
wejickmaidai, sure12:27
Dr_WillisGangrel:  and 'wine installername.exe' dosent work? or what have you done exactly?12:28
maidaiMihir : Don't go for gparted . It will create a mess as you installed it with wubi ( ie Windows as a host )12:28
mathkhi does anyone know how to make pam_usb authentication working when you have an encrypt home?12:28
Myrttimihir: then you can't resize. the pseudofile that contains the filesystem for your ubuntu is located inside your windows partition, and you can't make it bigger by any method.12:28
ManDaythe xscreensaver daemon doesnt start automatically WHY NOT?12:28
ManDayshouldnt it?12:28
GangrelDr_Willis, while it is starting to install in crashes on some files12:29
ManDayor at least be listed in the autostart programs?12:29
maidaiwejick : And also as a volunteer here :) , you are not supposed to ask people to just Google or so . <12:29
Dr_WillisGangrel:  and you did check teh wine app database for that specific game?12:29
noob2khi all :D12:29
benchen70i am back12:29
benchen70interrupted by pplz12:29
wejickmihir, you can make another disk image, and copy the content of older disk image to new one12:29
GangrelDr_Willis, yes i did ... cannot seem to find proper installing instructions12:30
maidainoob2k : hello :) :) :)12:30
mihirhow to take backup my data incase ubuntu corrupts12:30
wejickmaidai, ya but it answer thousand question ;)12:30
benchen70maidai, you are right. we are all here to help. Google can't be helping ;)12:30
Dr_WillisGangrel:  check the wine forums  see if anyone else is trying it.12:30
Dr_WillisGangrel:  thers also #winehq channel I think12:30
Stargazemihir, you can use 'quickstart army knife' (search it with google)12:31
maidaiwejick : But It doesn't satisfy the customers < people in need of help here >12:31
dehqanwhere to get list of necessary packages that should be installed at least to have ubuntu works fine12:31
nhakwhat is the programm of Alt-F2 ?12:31
Dr_Willisdehqan:  thers a ubuntu-minimal setup i recall.. but your question isent very clear.12:31
Stargazedehqan, just standard installation makes ubuntu work fine12:31
NET||abusehey guys. I have a C-Media Electronics usb headset (headphones + mic) if i reduce the system volume below about 30% all audio cuts out on the headhpones, even though it's still quite loud at 31% +12:32
wejickmaidai, okey12:32
NET||abuseanyone else had this issue?12:32
mihirhow to take backup my data incase ubuntu corrupts12:32
maidainhak : Running commands ........12:32
Stargazenhak, alt-f2 make yolu execute programs12:32
wejicknhak, "run" in my lxde12:32
* maidai loves Google Chrome12:32
maidaiIts awesome12:32
nhaki know the use of alt-f2, just want to know how it works12:33
Stargazemaidai, try Iron, it's more secure12:33
Dr_Willis!info grun12:33
benchen70I am too used to firefox....not changing12:33
ubottugrun (source: grun): GTK based Run dialog. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-1 (karmic), package size 34 kB, installed size 228 kB12:33
wejicknhak, i think it is like execute command in shell12:33
JonathanEllisHow do I check which version of grub I have? I cant find a command. I dont think its grub 2. Its the version installed by Ubuntu 8.0412:33
karin_alankila, SpaceGhostC2C : So linux-boot-prober which is run by update-grub will include the grub.cfg from the other partitions. So I had to run update grub on those partitions, and then on the main one. :-) .12:33
Crimiusnhak: the same as if you went to a terminal, typed in the name, and hit enter12:33
maidaiStargaze : I am too confused to tell whether that was a sarcasm12:33
nhakjust a small application using bash right ?12:33
Dr_Willisnhak:  its a gnome command/app i imagine. not a 'bash' script12:34
mathk I got an error when I try to authenticate with pam-usb12:34
Stargazemaidai, it was not, but Chrome records your surf behaviour, Iron does not12:34
padski!tell mihir about backup12:34
ubottumihir, please see my private message12:34
wejickJonathanEllis, grub --version12:34
mathkI think it s because I have my home encrypt12:34
madsjwhat do I have to put my touchpad to sleep for good ? "synclient TouchPadOff=1" does not work in gnome, but no problem under openbox12:34
maidai works in all environments12:34
mathkit complain that I can't reach the .ICEautheticate file12:35
wejick!tell mihir about backup12:35
ubottumihir, please see my private message12:35
wejick!tell wejick about backup12:35
ubottuwejick, please see my private message12:35
nhakwhat is the diefference when i start e.g. eclipse using the icon in menu or typing eclipse in my terminal ?12:35
Dr_Willisnhak:  very little differances12:35
nhakthey do not do the same thing right12:35
icerootnhak: on cli, stderr and stdout are printed to the cli12:35
alankilanhak: why wouldn't they do the same thing?12:36
pmg0421can some one walk me through http://wiki.debian.org/X-Fi  page. ihave no sound aand I need to fix it>I'm pretty sure i ahve the right page.I just have no clue really about cli and need some questions answered12:36
Dr_Willisnhak:  icon launches whatever its set to launch.. should be the same if they run the same command12:36
alankilain general both should result in the execution of /usr/bin/eclipse12:36
icerootnhak: also the icon is maybe not calling eclipse directly but a wrapper which is setting some options like path and so on12:36
Dr_Willispmg0421:  there may be some more UBUNTu specific wiki/forums on that card. Debian is not exactly Ubuntu12:36
maidaiStartgaze : *Iron ain't yummy*12:37
pmg0421Dr wills I've been looking all over for days thats my best lead lol12:37
Stargazemaidai, it looks the same as Chrome (Chromium, to be precise)12:37
nhakah ok but in terminal the enviroment variables are also set, so may be the program can "see" those variables12:37
nhakbut a program started by launching icons may be not12:38
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Dr_Willispmg0421:  no idea - i gave up on Creative cards aftger the x-fi disaster. So havent ever tried one.  I imagine theres some mention of them in the ubuntu forums. Ive seen questions about them in here. but never tried one12:38
Dr_Willisnhak: depends on the variables. :)12:38
benchen70alright, this is a totally ubuntu unrelated question. but anyone know how to make a 12 year old girl eat spinach?12:38
Dr_Willisbenchen70:  in a salad. Dont cook it.12:39
wejickhel all. do you need deepfreeze like software for your linux box? try sisrestore.googlecode.com12:39
padskibenchen70, yeah, put it in something else.  pizza.12:39
maidaiStargaze : Why are we talking about metals especially in such an unlikely environment12:39
benchen70Padski, Spinach with Pizza?? interesting.12:39
nhakDr_Willis, so the program started by launching the icon can not surely see the variables ?12:39
Dr_WillisQuiche :)12:39
WizzDo you know Turkish?12:40
Stargazemaidai, the browser is called Iron, it is a kind of Chromium clone12:40
benchen70Dr. Willis, thou art pure genius....didn't think of that!!!!12:40
padskibenchen70, they sell them in lidl, I never would have thought of it.12:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:40
Dr_Willisnhak:  depends on how/what is being launched.. you launch a terminal with icons.. it runs specific scripts.. if a launcher wanted to it can also spawn a bash shell and see whatever variables.. it should also see any allready exported variables.12:40
maidaiStargaze : lol12:40
phretorbenchen70: the laptop becomes unresponsive, but the installer ejects the CD if I press the power button.12:46
zzz4Hi guys. I was wondering if there was a system integrity check for Ubuntu. I have reason to suspect some of the binaries might be modified on one of the boxes I work with.12:47
Croecan you help me?!12:47
padskiAdvoWork, boot on the live cd12:47
benchen70phretor: thanks for that additional detail. I think you might have to take it up wih the bug team. Anyone else have any ideas?12:47
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benchen70phretor: i'm still thinking what could cause it....can I ask what stage it goes bonkers?12:48
comicinkerzzz4: md5sum -R /bin /usr/bin > MD5SUMS; md5sums -c MD5SUMS12:48
phretorbenchen70: bonkers?12:49
Alanxday alguien k no sea giri12:49
Guest85524hwo can i find what is filling my hdd12:49
ManDayStargaze, see, the daemon isnt listed there12:49
guest_89alankila: stiill the driver reports that x is running12:49
Alanxdk te den12:49
zzz4comicinker: eh, nifty shell script, but I still need a list of the common md5sus for these packages. is it shown somewhere?12:49
Stargaze!es | Alanxd12:49
Guest85524im runing mythbuntu and all recoding go to  lvm12:49
ubottuAlanxd: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:49
Guest85524but / is full12:50
Guest85524and its 15 gig12:50
AdvoWorkphretor, cant see it on any of them :S12:50
benchen70phretor: sorry, haha, coloquilaism creeps up on me...i mean where does the issue start occuring? What line or what stage does it stall?12:50
AdvoWorkpadski, i havent bought it yet...12:50
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comicinkerzzz4: I don't know12:50
phretorbenchen70: right after the time zone choice. However, if I let it run without intervention, it will freeze eventually.12:51
zzz4comicinker: actually, now that I've tried it, -R isn't a supported switch for that.12:51
SensivaGuest85524 Disk Usage Analyizer in Accessories menu12:51
comicinkerzzz4: yeah, it was a guess. you don't  need it for recursive checks12:51
comicinkerI think12:51
nomad111does anyone know how to make youtube vids go fullscreen on my primary screen12:52
nomad111on a dual screen setup12:52
padskiAdvoWork, you could ask the manufacturer.  There are docs covering known ubuntu hardware compatibility but I couldn't turn up anything firm on that specific model. you could look at the same question in a broader linux context ...12:52
benchen70Phretor: I am assuming you have tried to copy another CD, just to check if the CD is the problem, or that you have checked the physical integrity of the CD, no scratches, etc....12:52
simion314i installed firefox and flash in wine but firefox can't use flash, maybe i have to force it to see it , anyone knows?12:53
phretorbenchen70: well, I will do it right now but it really sounds like a software bug.12:53
vilinysimion314, why not use native firefox? curious12:53
benchen70Phretor: Most likely you are right, but just want to be sure.....12:53
simion314viliny: there are some flash games that work only in windows12:54
pnookieWeird stuff happened when I upgraded to KK :(12:54
comicinkernomad111: you could use compiz and desktop zoom12:54
vilinysimion314, that sounds weird... flash is flash, no?12:54
simion314viliny: is a bug in the games or in flash12:54
abhi_nav!details | pnookie12:54
ubottupnookie: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:54
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pnookiemy trackpad no longer works, and iwconfig is no longer seeing my wifi adapter12:55
pnookieand since I only have wifi where I am now, is making it difficult to troubleshoot heh12:55
nomad111comicinker: believe i have in the past12:55
padskiAdvoWork, cannonical have a list of certified compatible hardware at http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/12:55
nomad111i prefer to fix the problem12:55
Stargazepnookie, is it internal or usb?12:55
pnookieshould I just say 'screwit' and reinstall?12:55
tolpicowhen running live disc of ubuntu, where are the files saved (files installed from synaptic)?12:55
simion314viliny: yes flash is flash, buggy like hell, and new version brakes old stuff12:55
pnookieinspiron 1525.12:55
vilinysimion314, alright, didn't know flash had problems like that between osses12:55
Dr_Willis'flash has problems' :)12:55
pnookie'flash breaks the internet'12:56
schurroflash is a problem lol!12:56
pnookieftfy ;)12:56
simion314viliny: other alternative is to install flash 9 but that is complicated too,and it has known problems with linux and video12:56
Dr_Willis'flash gave my dog the mange'12:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:56
abhi_navtolpico: files from cd loaded into ram12:56
vianocturna85i have sda1(ext4 backup partition) and next to it sda6(ext4 / )...now i wanna merge them both, how do i do it?12:57
benchen70Phretor: Had a look around myself, at least no one has yet asked your question for version 10.412:57
gary_mauriziCan anyone please help me, Iḿ trying too set up bind too resolve my local hostname maurizi.lan, this should be uber-simple, wt*! all associated files for bind + resolv.conf, hosts, hostname is here included is nslookup & dig results:http://pastebin.com/2Pci7Xht please help!12:57
comicinkernomad111: then go to adobe and fix flash by destroying it12:57
phretorbenchen70: someone has for 9.1012:57
benchen70PHretor: huh? where is it? couldn't see it. I must be missing it.... could you post the link? Sorry....12:58
pnookieyeah, I'm just going to download the cd and blow that partition out like a pornstars bunghole. No use trying to put a fried egg back in the shell.12:58
phretorbenchen70: http://google.com/search?q=ubuntu+9.10+install+freezes12:58
vianocturna85anyone able to help me with merging partitions?12:59
Pirate_Hunterif I decide to add extra hard disk to my system is it possible to merge the current LVM partition so instead it uses a partition on both disks?12:59
benchen70Phretor: thanks. Reading....12:59
Pirate_Huntervianocturna85, what do you mean merge combine two partitions on separate disk drives or the same?12:59
Dr_Willislvm's can span differnt disks? Ive never noticed  or tried.13:00
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:00
gary_mauriziIve set my ISP as fowarders in bind9, set my local IP in resolv.conf, & there are absolutely no mistakes in my zone file! why is dig/nslookup telling me that my local nameserver wont find the zone its hosting!? http://pastebin.com/2Pci7Xht13:00
Dr_WillisI thought raids could.. and you could put a lvm on a raid.. (or am i missing a step?)13:00
vianocturna85on same drive...got ext4 sda1...next to it ext4 sda6...now sda6 has ubuntu on it...i wanna merge the two13:00
Tecnomanhi guys i install ubuntu remix in my acer aspire one but i have problems with 3 things , microphone , i can read any sd card and the mp4 videos run very slow.13:00
=== unimatrix9 is now known as DoubleDegree
benchen70Phretor: just wondering, are yu urgently needing this machine to work? cos if you are, maybe you  might think about other options to make it work for now......13:01
Dr_Willisvianocturna85:  you may have to do some resizeing/copying data over. and resizeing again. if one is on a primary partition, and the other is on a extended/logical partitiobn13:01
=== DoubleDegree is now known as unimatrix9
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phretorbenchen70: no, I don't but I want to run ubuntu on it.13:01
Pirate_HunterDr_Willis, thanks been wanting an easy tut on how to spam on different disks specially while on live partitions13:01
dehaanibrillo pads, like shredded wheat for robots13:01
=== willimbau is now known as schwalbe93
dehaaninot very tasty for humans13:02
vianocturna85Dr_Willis: So i have to move ALL my data from sda6 to sda1?!13:02
cyberbluntzgmorning all13:02
Hellhound666Hi all I have a few questions that are probably easily answered...13:02
Dr_WillisPirate_Hunter:  i gave up on raids and that fancy stuff ages ago. :) I just use 'redundant stacks of exteranl usb hard drives' for mass storage of my Junk  -13:02
Hellhound666gmorning cyberbluntz13:02
Pirate_Huntervianocturna85, just like Dr_Willis  stated just use gparted13:02
abhi_navWhat should I do to become Linux Guru (serious question)13:02
Dr_Willisvianocturna85:  Not sure. I recall there being issues with  primary next to a extended(logical) resizing.13:03
cyberbluntzlearn every distro13:03
vianocturna85ah crap13:03
gary_maurizianyone? this is some kind of ubuntu specific weirdness that i really cant debug on my own...13:03
abhi_navevery? more than 200?13:03
Dr_Willisvianocturna85:  Odd that sda6 is next to sda1   normally it would be a sda513:03
benchen70Phretor: OK, Sorry, do you mind posting up your entire problem again to the chatroom, for the public? I am just wondering if some new entrant to the chatroom could answer this at all.13:03
cyberbluntzor how can you be a guru?13:03
comicinkerabhi_nav: install gentoo && debian on your phone13:03
Hellhound666ok here it goes... a way to create multiple directores [#,a-z] without shell scripting, password protection and encryption on single folders.13:03
Pirate_HunterDr_Willis, that doesn't work for servers I am trying to avoid shutting down the server for too long and yet have long term solution for space13:03
bazhang!ot | cyberbluntz dehaani13:03
ubottucyberbluntz dehaani: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:03
abhi_navcomicinker: OK13:03
cyberbluntz1st yiu have to master ubuntu13:03
benchen70Phretor; Sorry, still reading thru the post13:03
abhi_navcyberbluntz: i am trying ubuntu stuffs13:04
Dr_WillisHellhound666:  given those limitations... proberly not13:04
Pirate_Hunterabhi_nav, just read a lot on linuc, bash command, scripts, python, the internal working of *nix etc13:04
cyberbluntzwell i got ban from ot13:04
comicinkerabhi_nav: or better:on your washing machinev :)13:04
Dr_WillisHellhound666:  or else yse some unbeliveably complex single command with lots of ;; and && and merge a lot of commands together.13:04
Pirate_Huntercomicinker, suicide :'S13:04
bazhangcyberbluntz, that is not an excuse to be offtopic here13:04
vianocturna85thats because i had lots of different ones in between but deleted them and merged...but its a different story since sda6 is to the right, at least i think so13:04
phretor[repeated as suggested] booting problem with 9.10/10.04: the installer makes my laptop to become unresponsive - it's an old ASUS M3000N yet 9.04 runs fine on it. Hints?13:04
dehaanimy robot runs ubuntu and likes brillo pads13:04
abhi_navPirate_Hunter  comicinker: hmmm thnx13:04
Dr_WillisHellhound666:  but thats worse then a simple script. :)13:04
Dr_Willisphretor:  try the alt-installer cd13:05
Absolute0How can I get fglrx to work with my new radeon card?13:05
enrico74can you tell me italian support,please?13:05
Absolute0radeon hd 5570?13:05
bazhangenrico74, #ubuntu-it13:05
abcd1is there a way to recover files that has been shift + deleted?13:05
Absolute0the forums arent very helpful13:05
cyberbluntzOk, I have a question, how do I get my update manager to stop erroring? I do partial upgrade and it stops on preparing, every day13:05
enrico74thank you13:06
phretorDr_Willis: is it available for 10.04?13:06
Absolute0I tried installing ubuntu 8.04 but that wont even boot13:06
abhi_navcyberbluntz: configure dpkg (as you said trng to master ubuntu)13:06
tehbautwhen dd'ing a partition from one, to another, does bs really make much of difference?13:06
cyberbluntzand why do people still use gutsy and feisty?13:06
soreauAbsolute0: Does fglrx support your card yet? If so, you will likely want the latest driver from the amd website13:06
bazhangphretor, lucid in #ubuntu+1 please13:06
Hellhound666yeah I know but hey thanks though.  I'll see what I can come up with.13:06
abhi_nav!details | Absolute013:06
ubottuAbsolute0: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:06
Pirate_Huntervianocturna85, easy solution gparted it shouldn't matter just back up your data just encase even knowing I have not had any problems except for one occasion and it was absolutely my fault for deleting the partition13:06
gary_maurizican anyone please help me figure out why bind9 wont serve the zone/zone file I have in /etc/bind/zones? pretty please? a copy of every related file & my dig/nslookup results is here: http://pastebin.com/2Pci7Xht13:07
cyberbluntzalso, why cant I connect to our fedora via SSH / puTTy at school?13:07
abhi_navAbsolute0: yes, cyberbluntz is right (I think) why dont you try 9.04 or 9.10?13:07
Absolute0ubottu: I have ubuntu 9.10 with radeon hd 5570, the open source driver doesnt let me go to my optimal resolution13:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:07
dehaaniubuntu 10.04 alpha 3 installer completely wiped my hard drive without instructing it to do anything with the partitions13:07
gburtonive got a very strange problem in bash: My A key doesnt work.13:07
bazhangcyberbluntz, what does that have to with Ubuntu?13:07
gburtonevery other key works in bash, and every key works in every application except bash.13:07
vianocturna85alright, so im guessing its a case of using gparted on live cd?13:07
cyberbluntzbecause it works fine in windows and not in ubuntu?13:07
gburtontcsh is fine.13:08
AlienDKubottu is a bot13:08
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.13:08
cyberbluntzI cant get any connections through ubuntu at school13:08
Absolute0cyberbluntz: because the latest xorg is not compatible with fglrx :)13:08
Pirate_Huntercyberbluntz, port 22 being blocked the firewall on the host is blocking you, there are many reasons13:08
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+113:08
cyberbluntzno, i connect to port 22 in windows putty13:08
abhi_navdehaani: read above msg13:08
cyberbluntzbut since it is a linux class I would like to use linux13:08
dehaaniso strict, it was just a comment13:08
dehaaniI don't want to go debating it or anything13:09
abhi_navdehaani: ok13:09
AlienDKyes, they are very strict >.>13:09
Pirate_Huntervianocturna85, gparted livecd dont use it inside ubuntu since it also has a package called gparted or used to13:09
gburtonhas anybody seen an issue where one particular key fails to work in one particular application, but there are no other key related problems? I'm baffled as to the possible cause.13:09
aouldr78what is the command to know  my system?13:09
gburtonuname -a13:09
vianocturna85well the only reason i say is because i cant merge like this since sda6 is mounted now13:10
comicinkeraouldr78: cat /etc/lsb_release13:10
abhi_nav!details | gburton13:10
ubottugburton: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:10
Pirate_Huntervianocturna85, who si helping you sorry could you use the person nick with your response13:10
gary_mauriziis there a better place too ask bind related questions?13:10
benchen70Phretor:  sorry, still reading13:11
abhi_navAlienDK :)13:11
aouldr78thank you all13:11
benchen70Oh, Phretor has left??? geez didn't know13:11
Pirate_Huntergary_maurizi, #bind13:11
fsck_hi there13:11
vianocturna85Pirate_hunter: Sorry, thats because a few people helped lol, but from now on ill use nick13:11
Pirate_Huntervianocturna85, you can use more than one nick on the same line so all receive it13:12
gburtonversion: 9.04. problem: its simple really. the A key doesnt work in bash. every other key works in bash. Every key works in every other application.13:12
n8wim usin xine for playin net streams, but its bein played in a browser windows, i wanna make xine to play it in its window.how do i do that?13:12
vianocturna85Pirate_Hunter: As you can see, im an absolute noob on this13:12
abhi_navhi fsck_13:12
Pirate_Huntervianocturna85, no worries you'll get the hang of it13:13
vianocturna85Pirate_Hunter: Most things on Ubuntu i can do, the OS is past basics, but things ya dont use often are obviously a bit getting used to13:13
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:13
cyberbluntzwell then, I guess my next question would be to ask how to emulate a windows connection through ubuntu? I dont really want to go through the trouble of changining all my iso's to fat for a VM, is there another possible solution?13:14
Pirate_HunterHaven't really messed with raid much if njot at all, if I start with a Raid0 can I update to a raid5/6 afterwards without too much complication and without losing data?13:14
Zuscan someone  please help me out? im trying to install my  Geforce FX 5200 card...13:15
Zushttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=478986 i thought this would  fix me... but  when i type anything  i get command not found...only thing that works is "reboot" and  of course, im back to square one13:15
abhi_navcyberbluntz: repeat ur prob in my pm. let me think13:15
benchen70cyberbluntz: did you want to have windows running on top of the linux? is that what you mean? I mean a virtual machine like VMWare would be what you need if that was your request.....?13:15
Pirate_Huntervianocturna85, ok its understandable just sue gparted livecd and you should have any problems remember to back up your system13:15
Hellhound666Dr_Willis:  I did some digging and I found a simple perl script that works great for making multiple directories13:15
meowbunt1hi all i am wanting to find out y my cpu is peaking when i have only irssi itc client open13:16
meowbunt1itc = irc13:16
jetienne_q. how to know the repository where a package is ? like this .deb is coming from this repository13:17
meowbunt1hi all i am wanting to find out y my cpu is peaking when i have only irssi irc client open13:17
jiohdijetienne, you can look it up in synaptic package manager13:17
SuN__help now restore grub2  kubuntu 9.1013:18
Keesubuntuhi all can someone help me fix my screenresolution? i've been trying to fix it for hours but nothing works13:18
jetienne_jiohdi: ok thanks13:18
topi`hi, I encountered a strange snag in newest ubuntu x86 release. It seems that if the user selects "disable wireless" from the upper right tasklet, then it cannot be re-enabled again. nor is it possible from "network settings"13:18
=== guestt13215 is now known as poetreuo
topi`is this a known bug?13:18
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"13:18
meowbunt1any ideas on my cpu problem13:19
noob2kAriana hola13:19
benchen70Hellhound666: Hi, you just said to DrWillis you found those scripts. Could you share those? thank you very much in advance, if you are k with that!!!13:20
dnivratopi`, I am not sure but if it has to show "wireless disabled", it means your wireless card is not on and you have to specifically switch the interface(card) on using some keyboard combination.13:20
Hellhound666meowbunt1:  maybe the program doesn't make good use of the CPU stack13:20
Hellhound666for mp3/video/text orginization --->  perl -e 'for (a..z) {system("mkdir $_")};13:21
Hellhound666source ---> http://beginnerlinuxtutorial.com/help-tutorial/basic-linux-commands/mkdir-how-to-create-a-directory-in-linux/13:21
benchen70Thank you very much :D Hellhound66613:21
Hellhound666: no problem13:22
Ontanijust did  a fresh ubuntu server installation13:22
Ontanidid apt-get update and get a bunch of 302 errors13:22
=== guestt13215 is now known as peotreuo
jiohdiontani follow it with apt-get -f install13:23
Guest85524if I decide to add extra hard disk to my system is it possible to merge the current LVM partition so instead it uses a partition on both disks?13:23
Guest85524yes it is possible13:23
Guest85524and easy to do13:23
jiohdiontani, that usually irons out most of the errors13:23
meowbunt1hi all i am wanting to find out y my cpu is peaking when i have only irssi irc client open13:23
Pirate_HunterHaven't really messed with raid much if njot at all, if I start with a Raid0 can I update to a raid5/6 afterwards without too much complication and without losing data?13:24
Ontanididn't do anything jiohdi13:24
Ontanisure its install?13:24
Ontani0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded13:24
jiohdiwhat kind of errors?13:24
Ontani302 Moved TEmporarily13:25
benchen70meowbunt1: hello, what kind of CPU you using?13:25
Pirate_HunterGuest85524, ?????13:25
Guest85524help with lvm13:26
jcrawfordhmm so Bluez does not see my bluetooth adapter because when i go to the bluetooth prefs it says no adapter found, however my keyboard and mouse work fine seem to auto pair13:26
benchen70kaka: ??? English?13:26
jcrawfordI am trying to pair my Jabra Halo headset, anyone that could help me with getting this done via the command line?13:26
abhi_nav!en | kaka13:26
ubottukaka: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:26
=== default is now known as Brokie
benchen70meowbunt1: hello, what kind of CPU you using?.13:27
gnaruagi want13:27
gnaruagi want to install texlive13:27
gnaruagi installed it13:27
abhi_navwhat is texlive13:27
Solar_Flareabhi_nav: It's a tex distribution.13:27
Solar_Flarelike word but much more soffisticated.13:28
abhi_navSolar_Flare: ?? tex distro? what is tex?13:28
benchen70off to bed, See you all pplz!!13:28
Solar_Flareabhi_nav: To write papers and stuff. Like word, but in a much more soffisticated way.13:28
gnaruag@solar_flare : have u used texlive13:28
abhi_navSolar_Flare: is it FOSS?13:28
mrg82I've just reinstalled Ubuntu 9.10 on an intel motherboard DG45ID. The PC is connected to my HD tv via HDMI. Video is working perfectly. But the sound only appears for a second when pressing the volume keys on my TV remote. Would this most likely be a hardware conflict?13:28
gnaruag@abhi : yes13:29
Solar_Flaregnaruag: of course. If you study, there is no better way to do stuff than with texlive.13:29
Dr_WillisTeX is a typesetting tool.13:29
SpaceGhostC2C!info texlive > abhi_nav13:29
Dr_WillisI used teX ages ago. :) it was impressive in what it could do.13:29
ubottutex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX13:29
Solar_FlareDr_Willis: Although I prefere LaTeX to write my stuff.13:29
abcd1once u write in tex or latex, u wont use word again.. i promise u.. :);)13:29
gnaruagyeah true13:30
gnaruagbut i need help13:30
abhi_navthnx Dr_Willis13:30
Dr_WillisI used TeX/laTex years ago when everyone else was using like Word 1.0 :)  and couldent get to the pc lab.. I could do my work on a serial terminal and it looked better13:30
gnaruagi installed complete package of texlive13:30
abcd1use the winefish latex editor at start13:30
gnaruagthrough the snyptic package installer13:30
Solar_Flaregnaruag: or texmaker13:30
Dr_WillisThis was befor there even was gui tex exitors. :)13:30
gnaruagnow cannot find way to run it13:31
abcd1ya.. or through the terminal13:31
dnivragnaruag, please ask you query in one line else it becomes difficult to understand what is your problem.13:31
Dr_Willisgnaruag: time to read some TeX tutorials perhaps? You basically write the document. then compile it with TeX to a dvi file you then print. I recall13:31
=== david is now known as Guest82899
abcd1ya.. dr.willis13:31
abcd1pdflatex is the command ;)13:31
jcrawfordI am trying to pair my Jabra Halo headset, anyone that could help me with getting this done via the command line? anyone?13:31
gnaruagI saw a IDE13:31
Dr_Willisive not used enough of the gui TeX/LaTeX editors to even  say how they work.13:32
Solar_FlareTexMaker is pretty good.13:32
abcd1ya.. now u need to read some tex manuals to start with13:32
abcd1or look for a latex example from web13:32
gnaruag@abcd1 - i am doing that13:32
abcd1copy paste it here.. n compile using f113:32
meowbuntuy is my cpu peaking i only have a terminal with irssi running13:32
Dr_Willisjcrawford:  last i tried to get a Bluetooth Headset working.. it dident work  :(  theres aparently some work needed in that area of Linux. :(13:32
abcd1f1 compiles to dvi file13:33
Solar_Flaregnaruag: German or English?13:33
meowbuntumeowbuntu: ah13:33
abcd1n a pdf is ready in the directory13:33
abcd1from terminal use pdflatex to compile if u run in terminall13:33
jcrawfordDr_Willis, :( thanks for the tip13:33
=== farner_ is now known as farner
JanCmeowbuntu: (h)top should be able to show you what process is using your CPU (or the similar GNOME/KDE tools)13:34
Solar_Flareabcd1: Texmaker lets you compile directly to pdf via one click ^^13:34
Dr_Willisjcrawford:  yep. there was some audio-codec/method/thinggie that the headsets needed that i never could get working right.13:34
abcd1ya.. but i asked him to try with winefish13:34
abcd1he is a newbee.. :)13:34
Solar_Flarewell... i dont really like winefish... Texmaker seems to be easier to use.13:35
ddavids_pls how do u open a link in a new tab when browsing wt lynx?13:35
=== Justin__ is now known as Petro850
Dr_Willislynx has tabs?13:35
gnaruag@Solar_flare: Is Texlive itself a IDE ?13:35
throughnothingddavids_, lynx doesnt have tabs, but elinks does13:35
Solar_Flaregnaruag: No.13:35
Solar_Flaregnaruag: It's just the packages which you need to do the real stuff.13:36
maikelcan i connect a channel from swiftkit?13:37
ddavids_throughnothing: thanks, how do i do it on elinks?13:37
throughnothingddavids_, "t"13:37
Andy-at-homeguys, im just about to sign up for a VPS with Ubuntu 9.04 Minimal from my webhosting, im new to remotely logging so is there any advice you can give? The commandline might give me hassle, what software would you recommend for connecting in? Webmin has been mentioned but what about a VNC?13:37
indushow to get screensaver similar to mac in linux13:37
indusmac has a news screensaver13:37
gnaruagI am using Xchat , & i open 6 channels every time , so is there any way to automate all this13:37
meowbuntuAndy-at-home: ubuntu 9.04 ????13:38
ddavids_throughnothing: thanks...13:38
indusgnaruag, sure, just right click and auto join on start up13:38
SpaceGhostC2CAndy-at-home, webmin isn't a good answer anymore. I'd just use some good ssh and logics.13:38
throughnothinggnaruag, u can right click on each channel and click "auto join"13:38
dolehow to reactivate the grub menu after a windows instalation?13:38
Andy-at-homeso it says, really old version?13:38
grundling82hi there,  i just downloaded the install disc for karmic koala, but the only option that "works" in the boot menu is "boot from first hard disk" -- all other options cause the cd to spin up, and then nothing - no error or any other kind of message. not even "check disc for errors" accomplishes anything.13:38
Dr_Willisindus:  ive not noticd any  for linux. I Think i saw a similer thing that used firefox ages via a plugin ago. But not looked into it in ages13:38
Ontaniseemed to be proxy problems13:38
indusya this is too bad13:38
Kriss_HietalaHi All I have problem with wine and graphic resolution13:38
Solar_Flaredole: boot into ubuntu and in terminal update-grub13:38
Andy-at-homeSpaceGhostC2C, im aware of ssh but what is logics?13:39
mrkimPlease help if you can. Runnin 9.10 (386) w/ nVidia 185 drivers & installed a kernel update this morning, rebooted as instructed. Machine reboots->username screen ->password sreen then the ubuntu logo and progress bar vanish leaving only the login screen background on the screen.  Worked with 2 folks here this morning and did verify that my video settings are Ok.  I'm on my second machine which I have also already taken the same upda13:39
induswe cant have those 3d screensavers like in windows?13:39
Solar_Flarethen everything should be allright13:39
throughnothingddavids_, http://edulinux.homeunix.org/elinks/ for more info13:39
Andy-at-homewhats wrong with Ubuntu 9.04?13:39
SpaceGhostC2CAndy-at-home, it's the part where you think clearly.13:39
grundling82should i re-download the KK iso and waste another cd?13:39
SpaceGhostC2CAndy-at-home, nothing, they're just bleeding edge people.13:39
Andy-at-homeah k13:39
dolehow can i boot into ubuntu without the grub?13:39
Dr_Willisindus:  there are 3d screensavers in the gnome screensavers and xscreensavers packages13:39
BezNalogovAs the calendarserver package is broken in 9.10 and I don't like davical, are there any other caldav servers that I can use on ubuntu 9.10?13:39
grundling82or is there a known issue with the KK boot disc?13:39
meowbuntugrundling82: first thing did you test the .iso file after downloading it with a checksum13:39
Solar_Flaredole: use live cd?13:39
SpaceGhostC2CAndy-at-home, you know you can use ssh to forward X, right? Just send a single application, but it's sorta slow.13:40
indusDr_Willis, nah not those crappy ones, like the ones with animal life etc you see those ads everywhere13:40
Solar_Flaredole: Out there on google are thousands of tutorials how to reinstlal grub loader or repair it. just google it.13:40
doleoke, i have a live cd....how to boot into ubuntu?13:40
Andy-at-homeyeah ive read a bit on that13:40
grundling82hmm no i didn't let me do that googlin for an md5 chksum program for windows13:40
meowbuntugrundling82: also from teh cd boot choose teh option check disk for errors13:40
Andy-at-homeim really just wanting a GUI, VNC the best for that?13:40
Solar_Flaredole: boot onto live cd13:40
SpaceGhostC2CAndy-at-home, it won't be fast, but sure.13:41
Kriss_Hietalahttp://www.dreiviertelkunst.de/index.php?page=ubuntu-on-my-laptop I had 6 displays and somehow managed to fix it and install 195 drivers, but Now I have 6 displays when I run games fullscreen through wine and dunno how to fix that13:41
uglygorillahi, i'm a beginner.13:41
SpaceGhostC2CAndy-at-home, I'd use ssh with vnc, for good encryption, but whatever.13:41
meowbuntugrundling82: if the .iso has a bad checksum its no good. if the cd has not coppyed properly or made from a bad .iso then it will also be no good13:41
Solar_FlareAndy-at-home: I think you can tunnel X-Sessions via ssh13:41
grundling82meowbuntu: i already said, that option does absolutely nothing13:41
grundling82it pauses for a few seconds, and then returns me to the menu13:41
Andy-at-homeSpaceGhostC2C, thanks13:41
JonathanEllisWhy does Ubuntu 8.04 not boot after a kernel upgrade? I get grub error 11: Unrecognised device string. I understand I am using grub 0.97. All the menu.lst entries have been changed from (hd0,5) and /dev/sda6 to UUIDs. Dont UUIDs work properly on Ubuntus grub 0.97. I asked in #grub but they only support grub 2 and they said this is an Ubuntu specific patch of grub legacy13:42
SpaceGhostC2CAndy-at-home, for sure. When you get it, if you have problems, let me know.13:42
meowbuntumeowbuntu: ah13:42
Dr_WillisAndy-at-home:  vnc gives you a full desktop. but it can be slow.13:42
grundling82where is the checksum listed I can't find it on the download page?13:42
Andy-at-homeill try it out and see if its usable13:42
SpaceGhostC2Cgrundling82, for what?13:42
Solar_FlareAndy-at-home: VNC is nice, but I would use it over the net. There the lag is much to high to work with a tunneled desktop. but in local lan it works pretty well.13:43
grundling82bah, the link is buried in the how-to13:43
Guest85524Ok in myth tv frontend settings I have:13:43
Guest85524audio output: alsa:hdmi13:43
Guest85524passtrough device: alsa hdmi13:43
Guest85524max audio:stereo13:43
Guest85524upmix passive13:43
FloodBot4Guest85524: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:43
Guest85524When I open the multimedia/mixer control panel (gui) from main xfce menu I have under switches13:43
SpaceGhostC2CSolar_Flare, using a local lan, I would prefer something cool like Synergy if I could.13:43
SpaceGhostC2C!paste | Guest8552413:43
ubottuGuest85524: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:43
aalicehow to use gdb?13:44
brighti need help with my sound13:44
fsck_aalice: gdb /path/to/programm13:44
fsck_and then start13:44
k0d3g3arne1 know of a free, open source alternative to something like GoToAssist that doesn't require special ports to be opened (like VNC does)?13:44
Andy-at-homeone last thing if anyone can help, on the setup page for the VPS purchase it asks for a server hostname (name.yourserver.com) I take it thats for internal purposes and can be set to anything?13:44
brighti vaguely remember a command like alsa -Dhw13:44
brightcan someone confirm13:44
gnaruagthanks , but right click doesn't show any option of auto - connect ..13:44
SpaceGhostC2C!u > k0d3g3ar13:45
ubottuk0d3g3ar, please see my private message13:45
aalicefsck, ok13:45
aalicefsck: then what.. i know till invoking gdb13:45
jonihay alguien que hable en español13:45
SpaceGhostC2CAndy-at-home, it's to use a hostname13:45
SpaceGhostC2C!es | joni13:45
ubottujoni: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:45
fsck_aalice: what do you want to do?13:45
aalicefsck: i heard i can debug code.. getting segmentation fault13:46
SpaceGhostC2CAndy-at-home, like if you wanted to connect using it, or use the VPS for anything like a website or whatever.13:46
erUSUL!debug | aalice13:47
ubottuaalice: For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures13:47
Andy-at-homenone of my domains are pointing to it so i should just leave it blank?13:47
* Andy-at-home thinks hes in for a big jump13:47
Solar_FlareAndy-at-home: Just give it a name.13:47
aalicewhat is !debug | filename13:47
Solar_FlareIf I am not mistaken, its just for internal DNS.13:47
erUSULaalice: it is a command for the channels bot is  « !factoid | nick »13:48
Solar_FlareMy router has a name ^^ I dont need to type, but "tomato"13:48
erUSUL!bot | aalice13:48
ubottuaalice: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:48
Stargazefor server questions, there's also #ubuntu-server13:48
aalicewill try :)13:48
Andy-at-homePress 1 for Ubuntu under Xen or 2 for Ubuntu under OpenVZ13:49
* Solar_Flare just found out how usefull internal dns is...13:49
Kriss_HietalaAnyone know how I can fix the bug that when I run any application under wine I get my screen divided into 6 displays with low resolution ?13:51
aalicehow to correct segmentaton fault?13:51
erUSUL!es | paulilla13:51
ubottupaulilla: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:51
BezNalogovAs the calendarserver package is broken in 9.10 and I don't like davical, are there any other caldav servers that I can use on ubuntu 9.10?13:51
Solar_Flareaalice: Segmentation Fault? Search for pointers that go crazy13:52
paulillaahy alguien que hable español aki???13:52
aalicesolar: how?13:52
Solar_Flareaalice: Look at sourcecode, get good debugger, search for pointer that violates.13:52
erUSULpaulilla: aqui no tienes que ir a #ubuntu-es  Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:52
aalicesolar: how to use gdb?13:53
Solar_Flareaalice: Read tutorial?13:53
aalicesolar:little bit13:53
aalicesolar: from where to start?13:53
Solar_Flareaalice: from website.13:53
aalicesolar: cool.. where to start in code?13:53
aTsgRhey i have a question; I am using ubuntu 9.04 and I have aproblem with one of my printers. I've installed it over network and I can't print from a specific tray no matter what I do to the driver configuration (to be exact it uses always tray one instead of tray two)13:53
aTsgRany ideas why this is happening?13:54
aTsgRthe printer in question is HP LaserJet 4050N13:54
Solar_Flareaalice: Either you provide sauce or we cant really help. You have a "dangling" pointer that violates the memory. Search for it. I have no idea what your code looks like, that means, I cant really debug it with you.13:54
MoatI got a file I can't open, it said it's a 002 document (application/x-extension-002) file, any ideas how to work it?13:55
Dr_WillisMoat:  what is it supposed to be?13:55
Moata vid13:55
Solar_Flareaalice: What you look for is a 1:1 tutorial "How to debug my program xyz with gdb" and that noone can provide.13:55
Dr_WillisMoat:  Rename it to somting.avi perhaps.. or just drag/drop onto a video player13:55
Moatit's wti.zip.00213:55
ddavidsthroughnothing: i still dont knw how to open a link in a new tab, wld u mind explaining it?13:56
Dr_WillisMoat:  well NOTICE the .zip ? perhaps you need to unzip it?13:56
indushow to get screensaver similar to mac in linux13:56
Dr_WillisMoat:  it could be part of a Multi-part zip archive also13:56
indushow to get screensaver similar to mac in linux13:56
Solar_Flareindus: please dont spam...13:56
DJonesMoat: I find that .002 files are normally part of a multipart rar set with filename.rar & filename.001 as part of it13:56
PrestonConnorswti.zip.002 sounds like it is apart of a multi-part zip file.13:56
Dr_Williswho even uses Mulipart zips any more? :)13:57
MoatDJones what do i do then?13:57
indusSolar_Flare, do you know the answer13:57
BobSappDoes anyone know if there is an open office chat room?13:57
indusBobSapp, #openoffice.org13:57
BobSappthanks indus13:57
indusno wait user channel is different13:57
Moatit won't let me extract them13:57
indusah no its right one BobSapp13:57
aTsgRany ideas on the printer issue??13:57
DJonesMoat: If thats what it is, you'll need the other parts of the set before you can join all the parts and extract the the zip file13:57
Dr_WillisMoat:  do you have more then 1 'part' ? a .001 .002 ,003 and so on?13:58
BobSappk thanks13:58
indusBobSapp, just click on it13:58
ubyserverHello Everyone13:58
ubyserverI successfully connected to FTP13:58
indusBobSapp, #openoffice.org13:58
Moati have 2 parts13:58
Moatand it's a 2 part set13:58
ubyserverHow do I upload a file to the ftp folder?13:58
BobSappCant im using irssi :)13:58
indusBobSapp, damn13:58
erUSULubyserver: depends on the ftp cleint you are using13:58
Dr_WillisMoat:  try 'unzip whatever.01'  using the proper filename perhaps13:58
ubyserverftp from shell13:59
=== Hellhound666 is now known as changedforthebab
erUSULubyserver: then use the put and mput commands13:59
ubyserverthe fawesome13:59
Solar_Flareubyserver: put xyz /dasd/dasd13:59
ubyserverthank you13:59
=== changedforthebab is now known as changd4dababy
erUSULubyserver: also instead of ftp use mor advanced cli ftp clients like lftp13:59
ubyservererUSUL: opened lftp fine.14:00
Moatit won't unzip them14:00
Moathow do i even unzip?14:00
Dr_WillisMoat:  i use the unzip command or 'unp'14:01
Dr_Willisive no idea if unzip even supports multipart zips14:02
Moatit doesnt14:02
jovenriseI was trying to find the correct driver for my video card and it looks like i've made a mess out of it. Could anyone please help me?14:02
Moatso what does?14:02
Dr_WillisMoat:  try winrar in wine perhaps14:02
erUSULMoat: 7zip ?14:02
dehqandoes this command select installed packages or what ? dpkg --get-selections > file14:02
erUSUL!find 7zip14:03
ubottuFound: p7zip, p7zip-full, p7zip-rar14:03
lolocomo entro a los de español14:03
ragsagari installed ubuntu 9.10 few days before, but the grub didnt get installed. So i added the grub entry by modifying the ubuntu 9.04 entry in debian's menu.lst ( which i was using before installation) . But when trying to boot from it Iam getting a error that 'Selected Partition does not exist'14:03
indusjovenrise, heya14:03
Dr_WillisMoat:  that eror message you gave seems to tell me you gave it the wrong filename. or it did NOT want the .zip at the end of the argument14:03
ragsagaroutput of fdisk -l http://pastebin.com/yynMV852  , Debian's menu.lst http://pastebin.com/k8Zwp3WS14:03
Dr_WillisMoat:  i dont see where it says it dosent support multipart14:03
user1_after recovering windows xp my wubi installed ubuntu has gone missing. is there anyway i can recover it?14:04
=== changd4dababy is now known as Hellhound666
ubyserverI type in dir and I'm left with Making data connection when using lftp ...14:04
Dr_WillisMoat:  WiFoPa21.zip    does not look like a multipart zip name to me14:04
ubyserverAtleast when I use ftp, I see a directory14:04
jovenrisehi indus!14:04
ubyserverI just need to upload one file ..14:04
lolocomo entro para hablar en lo de español?14:05
jovenriseright now i've managed to uninstall reinstal xorg and reset de configuration14:05
solow[afk]hey... I know it's possible to like, set a shortcut to a folder in ubuntu, so my php scripts can still use them. how do I do this?14:05
indusjovenrise, what graphics card sir thou use14:05
jovenriseOh, i'ts a ati all in wonder x800 radeon14:05
indusjovenrise, hmm ok so you using 9.10 ubuntu?14:06
grundling82hi, I've now tried 2x to boot from the 9.10 disc to no avail. checksum is a+ok. none of the options at the menu DO anything, they just spin the disc for 10 seconds. No errors. The only option that actually does anything is boot from hard disk.14:06
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:06
jovenriseindus, yes14:06
grundling82I've tried re-burning the disk twice.14:06
indusjovenrise, delete the xorg contents14:06
user1_can anyone solve my lost cause - very important folder indeed14:06
loloea yo quero donde se habla todo en español donde es14:06
grundling82the "verify CD" option doesn't do anything.14:06
Dr_Willisgrundling82:  try making a bootable usb stick?14:06
indusjovenrise, then , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and reboot14:06
grundling82Why, ok, I'll go hop on the train to best buy to buy one14:06
indusgrundling82, how did you burn the disk ,14:07
ubyserverhow do I perform an upload if I'm at the ftp prompt?14:07
indusgrundling82, as an image file?14:07
jovenriseI've done that, i'm just missing the reboot I think. Ill brb!14:07
grundling82iso > InfraRecorder14:07
indusjovenrise, always reboot14:07
user1_ubyserver: mput14:07
Dr_WillisHmm I must have a collection of a dozen+ Usb flash drives. :) in differnt sizes and cartoon character designs.14:07
indusgrundling82, ok so during bootup press ALT-F1 and check messages14:07
user1_Dr_Willis : an anyone solve my lost cause - very important folder indeed14:08
grundling82could it be because I have a previous installation that got borked by the auto update?14:08
grundling829.04, i mean14:08
indusgrundling82, or, press f6 during boot menu and remove lines quiet and splash and press enter and wati14:08
Dr_Willisuser1_:  i dont use WUBI. If you still have the wubi files on the HD you can mount them I belive from a linux live cd via the loopback stuff14:08
grundling82I just want to reformat the partition and reinstall. thank goodness my code is in version control.14:08
grundling82s/auto update/KK upgrade path14:09
Dr_Willisgrundling82:  may as well delete the partions then and eliminate it as a potential issue. but I dont know that it would cause the issue14:09
grundling82hm, got a suggestion for something to run under windows that would help with that? I don't have any more CDs.14:10
indusjovenrise, hi14:10
jovenrisehi :)14:10
indusjovenrise, any luck?14:10
Dr_WillisI never use cd's any more. I always got spare flash drives.14:10
jovenriseDisplay seems ok, but I think i've broke compiz too?14:10
grundling82doesn't answer my question though... :/14:10
indusjovenrise, did you reboot, didnt see you disconnect14:10
jovenriseno visual effects or such14:10
user1_Dr_Willis : I don't see any. but i have the D drive intact after recovering xp. it has a folder named _restore{6B6D80B3-42EE-48CB-8C94-A88B9D93DB27} and has a lot of dirs like RP1 RP2 and so on with some text files in each14:10
=== ahmed is now known as Guest77320
indusjovenrise, compiz is like that, no idea how to fix it14:11
jovenriseyeah, i just did!14:11
indusok bye14:11
olskolirchow do I regex an apt-cache search to view just what im looking for without all the flooding14:11
Guest77320i need aprograme to edit my webcam prefrences14:11
indusDr_Willis, thanks for the replies14:11
Dr_Willisuser1_:  i imagine the ubuntu file would be a Very large one.14:11
jovenriseAt first when I finished installing ubuntu, compiz was working fine14:11
soreaujovenrise: Which card do you have?14:12
Dr_Willisuser1_:  you could boot a linux live cd. and check the files out with the 'file' command to see what it thinks they are14:12
jovenrisean ati radeon all in wonder x80014:12
jovenriseshould i stick with xorg drivers?14:12
dehqanhow to make this command not to install installed packages again ,  apt-get dselect-upgrade14:12
soreaujovenrise: What is the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'?14:12
jovenriselet me see14:12
ragsagari installed ubuntu 9.10 few days before, but the grub didnt get installed. So i added the grub entry by modifying the ubuntu 9.04 entry in debian's menu.lst ( which i was using before installation) . But when trying to boot from it Iam getting a error that 'Selected Partition does not exist'14:12
ragsagaroutput of fdisk -l http://pastebin.com/yynMV852  , Debian's menu.lst http://pastebin.com/k8Zwp3WS14:12
soreaujovenrise: You have no choice but to use the open radeon drivers since fglrx dropped support for r3-5xx cards (which includes yours)14:13
jovenriseI see14:13
soreaujovenrise: If you try to install fglrx the proprietary ati driver, the open driver cannot work14:13
ragsagarubuntu 9.10 is in /dev/hda914:13
jovenriseWhere should I input that command you typed up there ?14:13
Guest77320i need aprograme to edit my webcam properties14:13
MithranIs there a way to change the resolution in text mode other than with the vga= boot option?14:13
jovenriseOk, so i'll be safe keeping away from ati :)14:13
soreaujovenrise: In your terminal (apps>accessories>terminal)14:14
Dr_WillisMithran:  if using the framebuffer theres the fbset command14:14
SpaceGhostC2Cjovenrise, pretty much.14:14
jovenriseOh, i did it there, but nothing appeared :S14:14
SpaceGhostC2Csoreau, or s/he could do Alt+F2 and type gnome-terminal14:14
jovenrisejust a new line14:14
Guest77320i need aprograme to edit my webcam properties14:14
user1_Dr_Willis:when i do file it says  System Volume Information/_restore{6B6D80B3-42EE-48CB-8C94-A88B9D93DB27}/RP1/RestorePointSize: data14:14
MithranDr_Willis: I am. I'll look into that, thank you.14:14
soreaujovenrise: Can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to pastebin.com?14:15
jovenrisesure, just a sec!14:15
SpaceGhostC2Csoreau, or paste.ubuntu.com14:15
Dr_Willisuser1_:  whats its size?  You could try to mount it via the loopback stuff.. but i would think 'file' would notice its a ext2/3  filesystem14:15
Guest77320i need aprograme to enable night mode to my laptop webcam14:15
Dr_WillisGuest77320:  Night Mode?14:15
=== guestt13215 is now known as poetreuo
=== argonaut_ is now known as argonaut
mongar7i need some help14:16
jovenriseok, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/388969/14:16
soreau! who | jovenrise14:16
ubottujovenrise: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:16
Guest77320Dr_willis: when i was using windows 7 i could enable night mode         how i can enable it in ubuntu?14:17
hunter34er hat es vergessen!14:17
mongar7can i use facebook on pidgin?14:17
Dr_WillisGuest77320:  ive no idea what you even mean by 'night mode'14:17
jovenrisesoreau, got the message :)14:17
soreaujovenrise: That output looks ok. Can you psatebin the output of 'compiz &' from your terminal?14:18
Guest77320Dr_willis: aprogram to edit camera properties14:18
user1_Dr_Willis : parted shows the drive to be ntfs.14:19
Dr_Willisuser1_:  gparted? drive?  You are checking the files to see what one is a 'ext2/3' filesystem I thought?14:20
jovenrisesoreau, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/388974/ everything went nuts with that command14:20
user1_Dr_Willis : how do i do it on a file!!!14:21
Dr_Willisuser1_:  ive never tried it on a file.  I would think the file command on each file thats been revoered would show one thats a actual fileysstem file14:21
=== warriorforgod is now known as Guest96303
soreaujovenrise: Ok, I assume you tried to install fglrx the proprietary driver? If so, how did you do this?14:22
Dr_Willisuser1_:  id imagine a wubi 'installed drive' file would also be rather large.14:22
user1_Dr_Willis : the file command shows "RestorePointSize: data" where RestorePOintSize is the filename of just 8 bytes14:23
dehqanit seems many packages on ubuntu are removed , which packages should be installed to have ubuntu boots well14:23
Dr_Willisuser1_:  i doubt if thats the right file then.. see what else is there14:23
jovenrisesoreau,  I downloaded a file called ati-driver-installer-10-2-x86.x86_64.run14:23
Dr_Willisboots well? vs not booting at all? :)14:24
user1_Dr_Willis : it has a folder named _restore{6B6D80B3-42EE-48CB-8C94-A88B9D93DB27} and has a lot of dirs like RP1 RP2 and so on with some text files in each14:24
Dr_Willisuser1_:  look in there see if one seems very big.14:24
Harishhello everybody14:24
user1_Dr_Willis : nope14:24
soreaujovenrise: Look in /usr/share/ati/ for an uninstall script. Run it to attempt to undo whatever it did, then completely reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx and libgl1-mesa-dri packages14:25
jovenrisesoreau, ok! brb!14:25
HarishThe ubuntu9.10   freezes occasionally while browsing Internet. Press [Num Lock] – LED is not on/off. Ctrl+Alt+F2/F3 no response. I have to press hard reset to reboot the PC.14:25
=== dreamy_ is now known as _Dreamy
Harishany solution for that !! :-(14:25
user1_Dr_Willis : but once i faced a similar situation and somewhere i got a script which goes to filesystem and get bits and pieces into serially named folders. even if that's done i would be well off14:25
Dr_Willisuser1_:  if thres nothing even remotely the proper size.. well.. what are you going to try it on? :)14:26
Dr_Willisuser1_:  last i  looked into wubi the 'drive it installed to' was a single large file.  a disk image sort of file14:26
f_mulderhow do I connect to a ubuntu computer via VNC and WAN??14:27
user1_Dr_Willis : i think RestorePointSize suggest something there's something beneath it14:27
Dr_Willisuser1_:  i was thinking  thats a Windows 'restore point'   - not any windows 'rescued/reovered/lost+found' direcctory14:27
Dr_Willisf_mulder:  vncviewer ip.of.remote.box         normally after running a vncserver on remotebox14:28
user1_Dr_Willis : exactly. but how to recover from it else it would be meaningless.14:28
macman_http://pastie.org/855573 < -- what is this and why don't i see this file in natilus ?14:28
lao5have you seen the Mist?14:28
Dr_Willisuser1_:  IF you find it. you can mount it via the loopback feature of mount - similer to how you woulkd do it with an iso file.14:28
Dr_Willisuser1_:  at least ive heard of that being done14:29
dehqanit seems many packages on ubuntu are removed , which packages should be installed to have ubuntu boots well ; in other what are essential packages for boot/working ubuntu proper ?14:29
Dr_Willisdehqan:  how did they get removed?14:29
jovenrisesoreau, I'm done, should I reboot?14:29
dehqanDr_Willis:  apt-get14:29
soreaujovenrise: Possibly not.. pastebin the output of glxinfo now14:30
Dr_Willisdehqan:  well if youve just randomly removed a lot of packages.. You could start with reinstlaling 'ubuntu-desktop' i guess14:30
jovenrisesoreau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/388982/ there it is14:30
mirsal_hey, do you know if it's possible to use compiz with the nouveau driver in lucid ?14:31
dehqantrying now dr14:31
=== sam_ is now known as samurai
soreaujovenrise: Cool, no segfault. Now try running compiz from your terminal again14:31
soreau! lucid | mirsal_14:31
ubottumirsal_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+114:31
mirsal_okay okay14:32
jovenrisesoreau, Cool! Working perfect!14:32
jovenrisethank you very much :D14:32
=== canthus14 is now known as canthus13
soreaujovenrise: Awesome :) Glad I could help14:32
=== solow[afk] is now known as solow
obiecthi, has anyone used dd to zero-fill a hard drive?14:33
erUSUL!anyone | obiect14:33
ubottuobiect: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:33
jovenrisesorea, now i've learn't the lesson! No tampering with the video drivers. At one moment I didn't even have display and had to do some crazy things in the terminal while the computer booted up with ctrl+alt+f214:33
Dr_Willisobiect:  its not too hard to do.. dont make a typo or you can delete the wrong hd.14:34
soreaujovenrise: Yea, the proprietary driver does not support your card anymore and the open radeon driver is undergoing a lot of changes so it keeps getting better14:34
SwedeMikeobiect: I do that all the time.14:34
ahmed_i need driver for my webcam14:35
obiectI didn't specifiy the bs option14:35
obiectand I have a 160GB hdd14:35
erUSUL!webcam  | ahmed_14:35
ubottuahmed_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:35
stef1Hi I'm having a problem creating a new directory on a server:14:35
stef1sudo mkdir -p /mnt/backup/backintime/ no output because the dir exists.14:35
stef1sudo mkdir -p /mnt/backup/backintime/new_snapshot/14:35
stef1mkdir: cannot create directory '/mnt/backup/backintime/new_snapshot': No such file or directory14:35
Stargazeahgmed, try cheese14:35
FloodBot4stef1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:35
obiectis it going to take forever?14:35
jovenrisesoreau, I got some warnings though: http://paste.ubuntu.com/388985/14:35
erUSULobiect: shouldn't matter much14:35
Dr_Willisobiect:  it will take a lot longer.. but it will work14:35
soreaujovenrise: Those are all harmless, typical warnings14:36
Stargazeahmed, try sudo apt-get install cheese14:36
ahmed_i don't want cheese14:37
user1_Dr_Willis : is there any recovery software in ubuntu like encase forensic for windows14:37
Stargazeahmed, cheese is the way to make it work14:37
jovenrisesoreau, awesome, then everything is ok. Thanks a lot again. I gotta go! See ya around!14:37
ahmed_in cheese i can't edit its properties14:38
Dr_Willisuser1_:  never noticed or tried.. and since you are using WUBI. well... that throws another wrench into things.. IF you find the HD image file. then you can try to do stuff with it.. If you cant find it.. well. not a lot you can do.14:38
Dr_Willisuser1_:  one of the many reasons i suggst peopl never use wubi.14:38
obiectout of curiosity, how do you determine the value of bs (when using dd)? it's said usually a power of 2 and higher than 512, but it's vague.14:39
ahmed_is there any program except cheese14:40
Stargaze!ru | shooter_online14:40
ubottushooter_online: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:40
Raydiationis it a problem if i installed ubuntu with ahci disabled in bios and now i turn it on?14:41
Dr_Willisobiect:  anything over  2048 is proberly pointless14:42
Dr_Willisobiect:  i just tend to use 1024 normally14:42
obiectthank you14:42
harrisonf64I'm new to Ubuntu/linux and would like a little help - I've installed Ubuntu 9.10, but seem to be having some compatibility problems14:44
harrisonf64Can anyone help me with some Ubuntu questions?14:45
Stargaze!anyone | harrisonf6414:45
ubottuharrisonf64: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:45
outoftimehaving a weird issue where each time I restart my machine, /var/run/mysql reverts to root:root ownership. once i chown it to mysql:mysql I can run mysqld fine, but it's a pain to do that each time I restart. anyone seen something like this?14:45
BigWookiehi, i've got a new apt-proxy, and want wo automaticall install all packages in this proxy from a client machine, is this possible, and if yes, how?14:46
* grobda24 says hi14:46
chiiiiizhi everyone14:46
grobda24I'm following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Adding%20undetected%20resolutions ... why does "xrandr --addmode S-video 800x600" say "cannot find output" ?!14:47
chiiiiizdoes anyone knows what a "I/O error" when trying toc opy a file from a Verbatim multimedia drive to my hard-disk?14:47
harrisonf64Does anyone know why Ubuntu 9.10 isn't working right with my AMD64 architecture?14:47
user1_Dr_Willis : i am trying this http://www.partition-recovery.com/download.htm14:47
Dr_Willischiiiiiz:  bad media/hard drive issues.. on one of the devices.14:47
Stargazechiiiiiz, I/O means Input/Output14:47
chiiiiizThe multimedia drive is brand new!!!14:48
Dr_Willischiiiiiz:   perhaps its the other drive with the issue14:48
erUSUL!hi  | riky14:48
ubotturiky: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:48
erUSUL!hla | riky14:48
erUSUL!es | riky14:48
ubotturiky: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:48
Dr_Willisuser1_:  lets clarify. You are using WUBI. a windows 'crash' some how lost all your  wubi files?14:48
chiiiiizthe multimedia drive is FAT32 formated... can I format it in another format without killing the included player?14:49
user1_Dr_Willis : yes14:49
user1_Dr_Willis : now i recovered windows.14:49
user1_Dr_Willis : and found c and d drive intact with files mentioned above and no ubuntu files. but since d drive is recovered with same size i am optimistic14:50
rikyhow are you?14:51
harrisonf64Cool, I think that fixed it.14:51
wapaola ooola14:52
Harishhello everybody14:53
wapake ase14:53
lsd_junkieWhen I right click some usb drive in the desktop icon and select 'unmount drive', sometimes a message appears notifying that it is ok to remove the drive, and sometimes doesn't. Is this a bug? (I'm using 8.04)14:53
rikyaqui mirando el chat que es la 1ª vez q entro14:53
Dr_Willisuser1_:  C:\wubi\disks   is where they should be from what im reading14:53
rikywapa de donde eres??14:54
Dr_Willisuser1_:  files of about 5gb+ in size14:54
user1_Dr_Willis : not there. nothing in c:14:54
Harishproblem with latest ubuntu 9.1014:54
wapaqe aase14:54
Dr_Willisuser1_:  #windows may have better ideas of wqhere they might of been moved to IF windows 'saved' them..14:54
wapallo na14:54
user1_Dr_Willis : o wait.14:55
HarishDr_wills can y help me14:55
Harishhell user114:55
Dr_WillisHarish:  tell the channel the issue and see who can help.14:55
user1_Dr_Willis : i have a c/ubuntu/install directory with a installation.iso 84 MB14:55
lsd_junkiePerhaps the function that deal with it do something like if (there_is_something_to_flush_to_the_disk) { flush_the_contents; report_that_is_ok_to_remove; }14:55
usuariokien eres14:55
HarishThe workstation freezes occasionally while browsing Internet.(UBUNTU 9.10 are not running). Press [Num Lock] – LED is not on/off. Ctrl+Alt+F2/F3 no response. I have to press hard reset to reboot the PC.14:56
wapame voi qe  tengo cosa qe ase toavia14:56
user1_Dr_Willis : and there is a uninstall_wubi 1.5 MB in c/ubuntu folder14:56
usuariokien eres i de donde eres14:56
Templerhi there anyone know how i edit the grub in 9.1014:57
HarishDr_Willis ,no i help me bcoz this issue is new to all14:57
usuarioolle guapa14:57
wapasoy sara de madri14:57
usuariocuantos años tienes14:57
Harish9.10 freezes14:57
Harishm also facing same probelm14:57
usuarioola kien ai ai14:58
Doc_exeis there a way to change the default browser that kde apps use in ubuntu?  I am using quassel for irc and I can't get the hyperlinks to work14:58
Harishhello Doc_exe14:59
wapakien ere14:59
Doc_exeheya Harish14:59
HarishThe workstation freezes occasionally while browsing Internet.(VMs are not running). Press [Num Lock] – LED is not on/off. Ctrl+Alt+F2/F3 no response. I have to press hard reset to reboot the PC.14:59
overmind!es | wapa15:00
ubottuwapa: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:00
Harishcan u help me?15:00
StargazeDoc_exe, try changing the default application in control center15:00
Doc_exewill do15:01
wapakien ere15:01
Harishwhat to do?15:01
etsorbme8Harish; i have the same problem on my 64 when using firefox and using flashplayer and have not yet found a fix yet either15:02
olskolirchow do I delete my whole partition with fdisk15:02
Harishm using 32bit15:02
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Harishhello everybody15:04
Harishhello Doc_exe15:06
Harishhello gigasoft15:07
=== homer is now known as Guest58694
Harishhello ashish15:09
HarishThe workstation freezes occasionally while browsing Internet.(ubuntu 9.10 is not running). Press [Num Lock] – LED is not on/off. Ctrl+Alt+F2/F3 no response. I have to press hard reset to reboot the PC.15:10
epssyupstart seems to be starting the same application on my computer 8 times, how do I remove these? the upstart documentation is terrible15:10
Dr_Willisolskolirc:  with the 'd' option.  and then 'w' to write changes to disk.. be CAREFUlL15:10
HarishDr_willis any solution15:10
Dr_Willisepssy:  and what application is this?15:10
epssymythbackend here is an example when start up completes http://pastebin.com/J8Zvs2Ag15:10
Dr_WillisHarish:  No idea. Its crashing hard. proberly a video driver issue.   does it do it only on flash sites for example?15:11
Harish no15:11
epssyI upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and this has happened15:11
daedalus__eppsy: You coudl have a look into System/Preferences-> Autostart (or something like that, I'm using the german version)15:11
Dr_Willisepssy:  you may want to check the #mythbuntu channel also15:11
tbassetto.join #haml15:11
claudiuM1hi, does anyone know how to do to know which Socket uses? I tried cat /proc/cpuinfo but I can't find this information.15:12
claudiuM1which Socket my CPU uses15:12
HarishDr_willis , can i switch to Ubuntu < 9.x version15:12
epssydaedalus__, none of them appear in those options, I have looked before (checking again now)15:12
Dr_WillisHarish:  this is linux.. you can do whatever you want..  No idea what that will fix however.15:12
daedalus__epssy: I cannot view whatever you left under pastebin (Unknown pase-id)15:13
Harish:) what a answer ?15:13
Dr_WillisHarish:   if its always crashing with the browser.. try a differnt user, try a differnet browser.15:13
epssydaedalus__, my mistake; http://pastebin.com/vG11nE0S15:14
Dr_WillisHarish:  then again.it could be a ram issue and you only notice it because the briwser is using a lot of ram15:14
HarishDr not only browser but also other things15:14
spike__hi, some one can help to configure amavisd-new + postfix on ubuntu?15:14
candyi installed vlc from terminal, is it possible now to get vlc installation file to my fren from my system?? where can i find that?15:14
Dr_WillisHarish:  then that points to a ram or video driver issue.15:15
grobda24How to I save the EDID that X Windows uses ? I am using a KVM box for my monitors.15:15
Harishm using 1GB ram15:15
Dr_WillisHarish:  and you should clarify your question to state its not just in a browser then.15:15
Dr_WillisHarish:  so you are using 1 gb of ram.. You COULD have some bad memory. try the memtest options at boot to check it.15:15
claudiuM1hi, does anyone know what I have do do to know which Socket my CPU uses? I tried cat /proc/cpuinfo but I can't find this information.15:15
Dr_WillisHarish:  also use a live cd - and see if it crashes there also15:16
Harishno there is no problem15:16
epssyclaudiuM1, if you enter the cpu information from cpuinfo in to google you will find your socket type15:16
Harish00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)15:16
grobda24claudiuM1, find your motherboard description and search for that15:16
iflemaclaudiuM1  in a terminal      sudo lshw | more   space bar to scroll down... look for the cpu info its up top15:17
claudiuM1ok thanks15:17
Harishm trying new browser, i will let u know15:17
Cyber_AkumaI renamed that 30_os_probe file to 09 so that Windows would appear first in grub2's menu, but whenever these files get updated it re-ceated the 30_os_probe file while leaving the 09 one outdated.... the updater also fails to run update-grub and instead attempts to update grub.cfg manually... and fails. Is there any way to fix this so its all updated automatically while leaving windows the top choice?15:18
Harishbye Dr_Willis Winner Never Quits & Quitter never Wins15:18
major_redhatis there any way to change the order of the bootlist in GRUB so that the default OS is windows and not Ubuntu?15:19
Cyber_AkumaAlso, is it possible to JUST have the Windows and Ubuntu choices, no ubuntu recovery, memtest, alteranate(older) kernels for ubuntu, etc in the grub menu?15:19
Cyber_Akumamajor_redhat: thats what I JUST talked about... problem is updated revert it back15:19
smuikashello; the amd64 iso - is that only for amd 64bit machines, or intel 64bit machines as well?15:19
daedalus__epssy: Sry, I'm afraid that I cannot help you with this issue.  thought it would be a mere simple problem with a misconfiguration. Such system things like upstart and the like are beyond my current state of knowledge... :(15:19
smuikashaven't had much luck trying to install i386 on my 64bit core duo - get an "invalid kernel" error15:19
Solar_Flaresmuikas: every 64bit system.15:19
Cyber_Akumamajor_redhat: are you on grub2 or legacy grub?15:19
smuikask, thanks15:20
major_redhatCyber_Akuma: i just got in the irc room15:20
epssydaedalus__, they seem to be beyond every ones! ubuntu appears to have just slapped in upstart without any documentation or knowledge base behind it.  rather annoying15:20
major_redhatCyber_Akuma: legacy15:20
Solar_Flaresmuikas: Im running the 64bit amd on an intel core 2 duo15:20
Dr_WillisCyber_Akuma:  i recall some forums on the topic of moving windows to the top and cleaning the thing up. but i never looked at them much15:20
meowsusAm i correct: if i wrote a program, to be able to run it from the command line by just using that programs name, the program would need to be in /bin or /usr/bin correct?15:20
Cyber_AkumaI know major, but I checked and you didn't join after you said that15:20
meowsusJust running "programname" as opposed to "/location/to/programname"15:20
Dr_Willismeowsus:  or somewher in your default PATH15:20
Solar_Flaremeowsus: yes. or you set an alias.15:20
Cyber_AkumaAnyway, in /boot/grub there will be a file called menu.lst15:20
Cyber_AkumaJust move the Windows option to above the ubuntu option15:21
Cyber_Akumayou will need admin access to edit this file15:21
major_redhatsudo access then?15:21
daedalus__epssy: So you don't even know, where this mythbackend is coming from?15:21
major_redhatso it would be something like sudo gedit boot/grub/menu.lst?15:21
Cyber_Akumayou can just do sudo nautilus and open that file from the file browser or sudo gedit to open the file diting program and nagivate to the file from there15:21
=== SpaceGhostC2C is now known as C2CGhostSpace
epssydaedalus__, that is correct.  I've removed the instances in init.d and the rc sections leaving me to believe this is upstart, I cannot think of anything else15:22
meowsusDr_Willis: so i could set up a directory in my home directory and tell ubuntu to look there for any commands?15:22
Cyber_AkumaWell, you would need to be in root first15:22
Dr_Willisepssy:  upstart starts things in /etc/init/  you looked in there?15:22
major_redhatsudo su gedit?15:22
major_redhator am i missing somehting15:22
Cyber_AkumaI meant the root directory15:22
Cyber_AkumaUnless your boot partition was installed somewhere other than ubuntu's partition15:22
Dr_Willismeowsus:  thats trivial.. make a 'bin' directory and it will be seen and added by the default shell startup scripts. :)15:22
epssyDr_Willis, yes, there is no reference to mythbackend there any more.  if that is the case these processes are starting some crazy way :/15:22
major_redhatnope dual boot15:22
Dr_Willismeowsus:  keep your programs in there15:23
Cyber_AkumaSorry if im confusing you, I am not that good with linux yet, bnut I have done a lot of modifications to grub15:23
major_redhati wanted to have GRUB to be installed to my 4 gig SD card but i used the alternate installer and didnt see the option15:23
Cyber_AkumaBut yeah, thats where the file is15:23
meowsusDr_Willis: oh. So if i create /home/name/bin at system startup that will be registered automatically as an applications directory?15:23
Cyber_Akumayou just need to edit it15:23
major_redhatno thats ok15:23
Dr_Willisepssy:   ive not useed mythtv in ages. the #mythbuntu guys may have some ideas we are missung15:23
Cyber_AkumaSD card? Why on there?15:23
major_redhatim just as good / bad with linux even tho ive used it since 0715:23
Dr_Willismeowsus:  yes. its added to the default path.. see the .bashrc and .bash_profile config files.15:24
major_redhatbecause it just sits there15:24
Cyber_Akumahh, same here15:24
Cyber_Akumaive been TRYING to use it since 200715:24
Cyber_Akumabut linux hates my desktop15:24
epssyDr_Willis, thanks15:24
Cyber_Akumaerr, my laptop15:24
Dr_WillisNot all machines can boot from the SD card slots.15:24
Cyber_Akumaand my laptop's hardware hates linux :(15:24
major_redhative used it on my imac since 0715:24
Cyber_AkumaFrom 7.04 to 9.1015:24
major_redhatDr_Willis: yeah my sister's HP refuses to even get past bios with a sd card inserted15:25
Cyber_AkumaOnly ONE version of ubuntu *8.10 IIRC) EVER supported my gpu15:25
major_redhatim still using 9.04 because of the 15 second boot time form bootchart15:25
Cyber_Akumathe rest do not, and from what it looks like, will never support it ever again15:25
major_redhatwhats your gpu?15:25
Cyber_AkumaRadeon X120015:25
=== C2CGhostSpace is now known as SpaceGhostC2C
major_redhattheres a fix for that somewhere in the forums15:25
solid_liquidCyber_Akuma, then you need to install the ati binary drivers15:25
Cyber_AkumaApparently the driver is incomptabiel with the new version of xorg that 9.04 and above use15:25
Cyber_Akumaand ati said they will no longer update that drivers15:26
major_redhatit enables the legacy drivers or somethign like that15:26
major_redhatyep ATI is true15:26
solid_liquidCyber_Akuma, have you tried 10.04?15:26
Cyber_Akumaisnt that a beta atm?15:26
major_redhatnot on my t400 yet15:26
solid_liquidCyber_Akuma, yeah, but I'm on it right now...  it's the only version that supports my new core i5 laptop15:26
major_redhatim hoping my friend comes through with his lappy15:26
Cyber_AkumaThis is old hardware, not new15:27
=== solow is now known as wolos
solid_liquidCyber_Akuma, still15:27
grobda24How do I save a monitor EDID for use with a KVM box ( linux can't get it throught the box) ?15:27
Cyber_AkumaThe issue is that the driver is too outdated to work in the new xorg15:27
major_redhateven though im used to dualbooting with a 160 gig hard drive15:27
Cyber_AkumaAdn ati don't want to update it to try to force people to upgrade15:27
Cyber_AkumaOh i'll upgrade all right.... to nvidia15:27
Cyber_AkumaShame you can't replace the gpu on a laptop15:27
=== wolos is now known as solow
major_redhatCyber_Akuma: im looking for that fix that i used to re-enable my X1600 on my imac15:28
Cyber_AkumaMacs used those kind of cards too?15:28
daedalus__epssy: Maybe you could check the filelist under System-> Administration -> Synaptic Package Adminsitration. Maybe there is a file that could help you solving your issue.15:28
aeon-ltdCyber_Akuma: you can upgrade but parts are insanely hard to find and compatibility is low, google MXM cards15:28
solid_liquidCyber_Akuma, I only use NVidia and Intel's GPU's myself15:28
Drew_hi, new ubuntu user here - i installed UNR 9.10 on my Vaio TR5 - the launcher menu on the desktop does not react to any input - any ideas?15:28
Cyber_AkumaMine has intel graphics15:28
major_redhatyep - intel core duo, early 200615:28
Cyber_Akumasolid_liquid: the laptop I was planning to get was intel/nvidia15:28
major_redhat1.83 ghz, 2gig RAM, 160gig hd15:28
Cyber_Akumabut it was a black friday deal and got sold out, so I got the next best one, which was amd and ati15:28
solid_liquidCyber_Akuma, that should work fine I bet15:29
aeon-ltdCyber_Akuma: sorry, thought you had a ati card. soz15:29
solid_liquidoh ouch15:29
Cyber_AkumaI should have spring for the one just above that one, which was intel/nvidia15:29
major_redhatand my current machine, lenovo t400, has ATI Radeon 3450 256mb15:29
Cyber_Akumathis piece of trash has given me nothing but truble15:29
Cyber_Akumaespecially the eifi15:29
solid_liquidCyber_Akuma, mine has the GPU in the same chip package as the processor, which is why only 10.04 supports it15:29
major_redhatCyber_Akuma: yeah i get the feeling that nvidia is much more linux friendly than ATI15:29
epssydaedalus__, Dr_Willis, /etc/init/ has the config that has been causing my issues! thank you Dr_Willis.  I assumed upstart was talking about /etc/init.d instead.  thanks for your help :)15:29
Cyber_AkumaI wish you could build a laptop liek you could build a desktop :(15:30
Dr_Willisepssy:  :)  init.d uses by sysv.. upstart uses 'init' :) gotta love Similer names15:30
epssyindeed :P15:30
Cyber_AkumaAnyway, I guess I can try the 10.04 cd15:30
Cyber_Akumain livecd mode... but how can I tell if its working?15:30
mongar7hi can some one help me to use my facebook on my pidgin ?15:30
Cyber_AkumaOh... and can anyone answer my grub2 question? XD15:31
solid_liquidmajor_redhat, basically, even though ATI claims they take it very seriously and the son of one of the ATI engineers who writes their Linux driver used to hang out here15:31
Cyber_AkumaIt makes me annoyed that all the good gaming laptops I find or even just above mid-range are ati based15:31
Cyber_AkumaSure, its ATI HD, which is probably a decent card, but I prefer intel/nvidia based15:32
dsnydersCyber_Akuma, You can build a laptop like you can build a desktop... if you start with one of these: http://home.iae.nl/users/pb0aia/cm/compaq1.jpg15:32
Cyber_Akumacompaq? I thought hp bought them out?15:32
epssyCyber_Akuma, soon gaming laptops will include nvidia 330/350 cards I believe, in the next month or two15:32
Cyber_Akumaoh har har15:32
solid_liquidCyber_Akuma, they still use the name though15:32
aeon-ltdCyber_Akuma: buy CAD/CAM nvidia cuda specialist laptops, not sure if you can actually use cuda to the full potential though15:32
Cyber_AkumaEven the i3/5 based laptops are all ati or intel graphics15:33
kittsorry - firewall was blocking mirc, been a while since I've used it15:33
Cyber_AkumaI found a sub-$600 laptop that was i5, 4 gigs fam, 500gb hdd, evne had a blu-ray drive... but has an ATI HD card15:33
solid_liquidCyber_Akuma, mine's intel...  but I remember seeing nvidia ones too (I won't buy ati)15:33
Cyber_AkumaWell problem is I coulden't find any other laptop that has both blu-ray and a decent gpu for $800 or less15:34
AdminasGuys i have a situation i updated my ubuntu 9.10 after fresh install it updated latest kernel but after reboot i cant see it?15:34
kittso, I have a little problem with my installation, can someone help please?15:34
Cyber_Akumakitt: please describe your problem first15:34
todaywazzzup kitt15:34
Cyber_AkumaAdminas: what do you mean? you can't see the menu option in grub for the new kernel?15:35
todaywe;re volunteen to support about Ubuntu now15:35
aeon-ltdCyber_Akuma: wait ion2 will be released soon so low end hd video capable laptops will start rolling out15:35
kittwell, whenever i try to load up the graphical install the screen is really garbled15:35
AdminasCyber correct15:35
kittlike the horizontal sync is messed up15:35
Dr_Willisepssy:  the new alienware laptop has 2 video cards. :)  that may be a nightmare for linux15:35
major_redhatkitt: screen artifacts?15:35
kittno artifacts, just rolling bands15:35
AdminasCyber_Akuma correct15:36
IcyJkitt: have tou tried the alternate cd?15:36
solid_liquidDr_Willis, SLI works on desktop Linux15:36
Dr_Willissolid_liquid:  this is not a SLI setup. it has one High Power Video for games.. and a low power one for when you are not gaming15:36
kittyeah, that worked but halted halfway through because of some kind of error15:36
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Dr_Willissolid_liquid:  no idea how it changes btween the 2 :)15:36
kittso i have tried to use three other difrent distros, mint, gos and easeypeasey15:37
Cyber_Akumasorry sorry15:37
Dr_Willissolid_liquid:  at least thats what the  Alienware website says about the thing.. sort of a neat trick.15:37
Cyber_Akumawas in another channel15:37
Cyber_AkumaCan you still boot into ubuntu?15:37
aeon-ltdsolid_liquid: he means nvidia optimus hybrid integrated and discrete15:37
AdminasCyber_Akuma np :)15:37
IcyJkitt:  did any of them install?15:37
Adminasim on it15:37
aeon-ltdsolid_liquid: i think......15:37
Cyber_Akumaactually im in like 20 channels....15:37
Cyber_Akumaheh, ok then15:37
Cyber_Akumacan you see the nee kernel in your boot folder?15:37
Adminaswell where to look exactly :) ?15:38
solid_liquidDr_Willis, oh, I think I read something about that switch happening in hardware15:38
kitthaven't gone into install, i tyried them as live cd's and all have the same rolling issue, which is obviously my screen not being recognised or something15:38
Cyber_Akumain the root directory15:38
Cyber_Akumathere should be a boot folder15:38
Cyber_Akumaall your kernels will be there15:38
Cyber_Akumado you know what the version number of the new kernel is?15:38
AdminasCyber_Akuma yes give a sec15:39
kittbuit i can't work out how to alter the res properly15:39
Dr_Willissolid_liquid:  yea. its a neat idea.    id hope you dont have to reboot to change video cards its using. :)15:39
ranjanhello every body.. how much swap space would be better with an 3 gibs of ram please help15:39
solid_liquidDr_Willis, heh, right?15:39
sylrwhat does chmod u+s does on a directory ?15:39
major_redhatranjan: i would go with at least 2 gigs15:40
IcyJkitt: did you make sure desktop effects were disabled?  install any proprietary video card drivers?15:40
Cyber_Akumaok then15:40
AdminasCyber_Akuma problem is like grub dont see my new kernel or smth15:40
Cyber_Akumabtw, do you use grub or grub2?15:40
major_redhatranjan: thats what i ahve for my current setup15:40
AdminasCyber_Akuma good question15:40
Cyber_Akumaok, open the grub folde rin boot15:41
krishnai want to not to store "history" in places menu .. ??15:41
Cyber_Akumado you see a menu.lst or a grub.cfg file?15:41
AdminasCyber_Akuma well at promt it shows 1.9715:41
Dr_Williskrishna:  history?  Or you mean 'recent documents' ?15:42
Cyber_Akumamenu.lst is for the old grub, the new one uses grub.cfg15:42
abdelrahmanmy front mic doesn't work after waking up from hibernate15:42
AdminasCyber_Akuma i have both15:42
krishnaDr_Willis, yes.15:42
Cyber_Akumaho boy....15:42
major_redhatCyber_Akuma, whats the main difference between Legacy GRUB and GRUB 215:42
Cyber_Akumaok, open grub.cfg15:42
Dr_Williskrishna:  ive seen various tweaks to remove it..  I think ubuntu-tweak had a check box to change/remove it also15:42
kittis there a cmd line switch for start up to turn off effects etc? i'm a complete nub btw15:43
Cyber_Akumadoes it say "DO NOT EDIT this file is automatically generated by blah blah blah" ?15:43
Dr_Willismajor_redhat:  main differance btween grub2 and grub1 is... EVERYTHING.. ;)15:43
ranjanmajor_redhat::  my friend is having hp pavilion with 3gigs of ram .. and i am wondering how much space should i go ahead with .. should i alocate the double of ram in swap part or it is enough with 2 gibs for this part15:43
Cyber_AkumaYeah, grub 1 and 2 are COMPLETELY different15:43
abdelrahmanguys, my mic doesn't work after karmic wakes from hibernate15:44
Cyber_Akumaranjan: at least as much swap as they have ram, if you want hibernate to work15:44
AdminasCyber_Akuma yes there is15:44
Cyber_AkumaAdminas sounds like grub2, in that case, it should (keyword: should) automatically add it when you run sudo update-grub15:45
major_redhatranjan: my thinkpad t400 has 3 gigs of RAM and i use a 2 gig swapspace15:45
Cyber_AkumaNobody seems to be around in #grub :(15:45
Dr_Willisabdelrahman:  some peole have it where their sound cards dont work after hibernate.. :)15:45
AdminasCyber_Akuma so run that command?15:45
major_redhatranjan: but if you plan on putting your system into standby or hibernation or something then i would go with the 3 gigs for swap15:45
Dr_Willisabdelrahman:  personally i find hibernate not worth the effort15:45
Cyber_AkumaAdminas then check grub.cfg that the new kernel is there15:46
abdelrahmanDr_Willis : its a laptop :S15:46
ranjanmajor_redhat:: ok thanks for this valuable information15:46
abdelrahmanDr_Willis : it is suppose to hibernate15:46
magicvibecan someone help me put my xserver back to normal? i rebooted and it has removed all window borders, I cannot see the xterm text and I cannot move windows around my desktop15:46
Cyber_Akumamajor_redhat: is there a difference between standby and hibernation?15:47
mrTr0uti'm on ubuntu 9.10 and I'm trying to write to a usb harddrive formatted in hfs+..it's not journaled so im not sure what the problem is15:47
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magicvibecan someone help me put my xserver back to normal? i rebooted and it has removed all window borders, I cannot see the xterm text and I cannot move windows around my desktop15:48
major_redhatCyber_Akuma, i think hibernation writes to RAM before suspending15:48
=== solidLiq is now known as solid_liquid
Cyber_AkumaWhat does it write?15:48
wedoI have uninstalled the Evolution package by mistake and that affected my system, now i have only the xtrem interface, how can I reinstall the lost packages?15:48
major_redhatCyber_Akuma: the current state of the system, including open files, folders, stuff like that15:48
Slikemagicvibe: can't you move your windows when dragging your mouse + alt key?15:49
major_redhatCyber_Akuma: which is why it tends to take along time to do so because its writing form the hard drive to the RAM15:49
Cyber_AkumaAll I know is that in windows, sleep puts it in lower power mode but all the memory is stil in ram, while hibernate basically performs a "save state" of the system to a hibernate file that is as big as your ram and shuts down the system completely15:49
Cyber_AkumaWhats standbuy?15:49
major_redhatCyber_Akuma: although im 85% postitive im correct15:49
Dr_Willisabdelrahman:  i find hibernation less and less usefull.. Now that i got 30 sec boot times :)15:49
magicvibeSlike;  i can use ALT+Left click to move windows, but i cannot see terminal text either15:49
wedoany help plz15:49
PeskyJIs there a way to exit a terminal without writing .bash_history?15:49
Adminashttp://pastebin.com/sEr69DFJ this one after runing command and this is cfg file of grub after command http://pastebin.com/s7cNL9Ae15:49
major_redhatDr_Willis: i have 15 with 9.0415:49
Stargazei disabled hibernation, for the internet connection is never correctly restored15:50
skyravenhello guys, does any one have a good tutorial on replacing Pulseaudio in Ubuntu 9.10 with Esound ? I've tried several removal instructions so far..but didn't come at a complete success...the issue is I'm using NxServer technology which only forwards sound if the server machine is running Esound...15:50
Dr_WillisStargaze:   Yep. Sound, networking, bluetooth,  seen dozens of issues over the years.. in linux and windows with it15:50
AdminasCyber_Akuma if you noticed like me i guess in grub.cfg there isn new kernel\15:50
bcurtiswx_i made changes to stuff in my git clone.. i want to update my git to the most recent one but not effect my changes.. how do I do this?15:51
Stargazenothing's perfect, Dr_Willis15:51
blockcoldhow to upfrade 8.10 to 9,115:51
AdminasCyber_Akuma  http://pastebin.com/sEr69DFJ this one after runing command and this is cfg file of grub after command http://pastebin.com/s7cNL9Ae15:51
blockcoldhow to upgrade ubuntu 8.10 to 9,115:51
mrTr0utanyone have any idea?15:51
Cyber_Akumablockcold: you mean 9.04? Just run the updater15:52
blockcoldsudo apt-get update ?15:52
iflemaAdminas try         sudo update-grub215:52
Adminassudo apt-get upgrade15:52
Oli``Just installed the mainline 2.6.33 kernel. I have an SSD drive. Does anybody here know what I need to do to enable TRIM?15:52
blockcoldthis command should i use upgrade ?15:52
Adminasiflema ok15:52
Cyber_Akumaiflema: update-grub should work15:52
blakkheimOli``: does your ssd support trim15:53
iflemaAdminas you have bot installed15:53
Oli``blakkheim: yes15:53
blockcoldCyber_Akuma sudo apt-get upgrade ?15:53
blakkheimOli``: what filesystem are you using15:53
mrTr0uti'm on ubuntu 9.10 and I'm trying to write to a usb harddrive formatted in hfs+..it's not journaled so im not sure what the problem is15:53
Dan_Ewhere is the file you edit to add an image in ubuntu 9.10?15:53
Adminasiflema what you mean by bot?15:53
Oli``blakkheim: EXT415:53
iflemaAdminas both..... do update-grub215:53
wedoI have uninstalled the Evolution package by mistake and that affected my system, now i have only the xtrem interface, how can I reinstall the lost packages?15:53
Cyber_Akumablockcold I use the gui updater, not sure what the cli command is15:53
blakkheimOli``: then as far as i know you should be good to go, but there might be some option in fstab to put, not sure15:53
Adminassudo: update-grub2: command not found15:54
Cyber_AkumaAdminas I have to admit, I am not sure why update-grub isnt updating grub.cfg, menu.lst shouldent matter anymore afaik15:54
blockcoldwhere i find gui updater ?15:54
Hellhound666I have quick question about compiz15:54
Dan_Ewhere is the file you edit to add an image in ubuntu 9.10 grub15:54
blockcoldi am using kde15:54
Cyber_Akumablockcold: it should be in the system menu15:54
Cyber_AkumaOh... I dunno then15:54
Adminasiflema sudo: update-grub2: command not found15:54
blockcoldno problem15:54
krishnaDr_Willis, ok. thank15:54
iflemaAdminas sudo update-grub2 without the :15:54
InvaderZimI wanna know information about a case study on kubuntu website15:54
soreauHellbinder: There might be a quick answer if you ask your quick question15:55
Adminasiflema still the same15:55
Hellhound666my top and bottom images won't fill the space completely for some odd reason.15:55
tonsofpcsis there a [default] hotkey combination to change resolution in xorg?15:55
iflemaAdminas interesting...... update-grub is updating grub115:56
Adminasiflema correct15:56
Stargaze!xorg | tonsofpcs15:56
ubottutonsofpcs: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:56
Adminasso i think i dont have grub2 installed right?15:56
Cyber_AkumaHmmm..... Maybe you should follow the guide to reinstall grub215:56
AdminasGuys im dual booting with windows7 should that matter?15:57
tonsofpcsStargaze: I want to change it while live, not quit/restart15:57
iflemaAdminas but you have a grub.cfg15:57
Adminasiflema yes15:57
rishi__how do we change the pulsating ubuntu logo on startup in karmic15:57
iflemaAdminas grub1 says it found 2.6.31-2015:57
StargazeAdminas, i have dual boot Win7 - Ubuntu, too, it workq just fine15:57
AdminasStargaze ok then :)15:58
AdminasIflema yes but after reboot i cant see it15:58
Adminasin menu list15:58
rochijkf  Tvb15:58
rochiquiewn soyws15:58
StargazeAdminas, use ntfsprogs in ubuntu, so you can easily read/write in windows partitions15:58
AdminasStargaze i dont need to edit windows partitions when my problem is with grub15:59
BluesKajAdminas, have you run update-grub in the terminal ?15:59
AdminasBluesKaj yes15:59
researcher1how can I use video chat usign Pidgin or Empathy?15:59
Stargazeresearcher1, not16:00
solid_liquidresearcher1, with a webcam16:00
Stargazeresearcher1, try aMSN16:00
researcher1I have a webcam but pidgin does not allow video chat16:00
InvaderZimresearcher1: currently it only supports XMPP16:00
researcher1whats xmpp?16:01
erUSUL!es  | rochi16:01
ubotturochi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:01
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
InvaderZimresearcher1: a protocol, known as jabber. google talk uses it.16:01
AdminasGuys maybe i need to delete one of those grub configuarations?16:01
rochiqqqqqquien soys16:01
rochiablara xfaaaaaaaaaaa16:01
BluesKajAdminas, hmmm I ran dual boot with W7 for a while with grub2 installed , didn't have any issues after updating grub ...what are you seeing at bootup ?16:01
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
rochiabla en espanish16:02
iratsuhow can i correct the blkid information for a partition?16:02
researcher1but when I try to talk with friends on google accounts then also I cant initiate video chat16:02
Cyber_Akumafreenode hates my connection :(16:02
AdminasBluesKaj i see 1.97 beta4 grub menu with old kernels16:02
InvaderZimresearcher1: ask on #pidgin16:02
Adminasi have two ide hard drives and sata drive my windows and ubuntu bootloaders are in sata drive16:03
erUSULiratsu: correct? what do you mean?16:03
jobba777 nvidia driver problem16:03
jobba777I am running the latest version of ubuntu studio on a brand new16:03
jobba777AMD based computer and i cannot get good, NON-jittering full screen video to play on my new 23" samsung monitor.16:03
jobba777i should have the latest nvidia proprietary driver installed because i did it via the hardware menu. I also have tried a different graphics card and a different mother16:03
jobba777board with no success. The current card is a "GeForce 9800 GT EE 1024MB GDDR3 PCIe 2.0 Graphics Card". With the last motherboard and graphics16:03
jobba777card i was finally able to get good video when i installed windows XP ,but never via ubuntu. I know this is a linux issue and not hardware, but i dont know16:03
jobba777what else to do. I suspect it might be a driver issue, but i have tried all i can as far as attempting to16:03
FloodBot4jobba777: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:03
BluesKajAdminas, we all see old kernels if we don't remove them from the list , can you boot into the latest one ?16:03
Dan_Ewhere is the file you edit to add an image in ubuntu 9.10 gurb.16:03
StargazeAdminas, this command deletes old kernels and updates grub => http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4653463/71529-ubucleaner.sh16:03
AdminasBluesKaj whats the lastest?16:04
iflemaAdminas this 2.6.31-20.... where did that come from?16:04
BluesKajAdminas, that depends on what uname -a says16:04
Adminasiflema after update16:04
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BluesKajon your setup, Adminas16:04
AdminasLinux AMD 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:04:26 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux16:04
StargazeAdminas, this command deletes old kernels and updates grub => http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4653463/71529-ubucleaner.sh16:05
rishi__try /usr/share/images/xsplash16:05
AdminasStargaze: how to run it?16:05
Adminassudo sh bla bla bla?16:05
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StargazeAdminas, download and then type sh 71529-ubucleaner.sh16:06
AdminasStargaze: ok :)16:06
rishi__Stargaze, what about apt-get autoremove? does the same thing or not?16:06
Adminasthen reboot?16:06
Dan_Eno grub confg file in there16:06
Stargazerishi__, try and se the difference :)16:06
Stargaze*se = see16:06
rishi__Dan, check /etc/grub.d16:07
rishi__Star, I've never tried either !! ;)16:07
BluesKajI prefer to remove them in the command line ... scripts can screw things up16:07
Stargazewe're here to learn :)16:07
collinkCan someone help point me in the proper direction?  I've Karmic installed on an HP Pavilion desktop, and it's not recognizing anything I put in my DVD+/-R drive.  How can I tell it my drive is b0rk3d or if there's something misconfigured?16:08
AdminasDo you want to have all GRUB 2 files removed from /boot/grub?16:08
Stargazecollink, you need medibuntu in your software sources16:08
AdminasYour system would be then unbootable if you don't install      │16:08
Adminas   │ another bootloader16:08
AdminasRemove GRUB 2 from /boot/grub? then yes or no16:09
AdminasStargaze:  this shows up with this script?16:09
rishi__Stargaze, any idea how to change the ubuntu pulsating logo on startup?16:09
Stargazeouch, cannot help with that Adminas :(16:09
iratsuerUSUL: so it says one of my partitions is LVM2 whereas it's actually not16:09
dagarshalineed help getting windows back from grub..16:10
dagarshalii don't use windows that much..so resized the partition..but i cna't get into it via grub anymore16:10
iratsuerUSUL: likewise, mount can't autodetect the right type16:10
erUSULiratsu: you want to correct your fstab? or what?16:10
AdminasStargate if it deletes my old kernels how should i use new ones?16:10
bazhangAdminas, dont use that script16:10
Stargazethe system chooses the new one, Adminas16:11
iratsuerUSUL: no my fstab is fine16:11
bazhangStargaze, please dont recommend that here16:11
Stargazebazhang, i use it all the time16:11
bazhangStargaze, dont recommend it here.16:11
Cyber_Akumadagarshali: I'm guessing either the partition got corrupted and you need to run chkdsk or the uuid changed16:11
Cyber_Akumabazhang: why? copyright issues?16:12
erUSULiratsu: you can not correct a uuid the uuid is like the size or filesystem format it is a quality of the object16:12
iratsuerUSUL: it's just that blkid is showing it as type="LVM2_member" while it should be ext316:12
erUSULiratsu: and that is causing problems ?16:12
AdminasCyber_Akuma: what should i do?16:12
iratsuerUSUL: well not any serious problems16:13
collinkStargaze: OK, got those in there, now what?16:13
iratsuerUSUL: i was just wondering if i could change it and why it got like this in the first place16:13
Cyber_AkumaAnd no answer......16:14
lilihola amigos...........'16:14
erUSULiratsu: maybe the parition was art of lvm once. raid and lvm tools leave some sort of mark on such paritions that is not trivial to remove16:14
Cyber_AkumaAdminas: sorry, I haven't been keeping up, what did you try since I disconnected?16:14
erUSUL!es | lili16:14
ubottulili: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:14
bazhanglili, english here, #ubuntu-es for spanish16:14
AdminasCyber_Akuma:  that script16:14
nightrid3rwhat is the maximum size a lvm will support16:14
lilialguen de bolivia16:15
almoxarifewhy I have a ssh connection to a remote system can I use the tools on my system to make changes to the remote? I just want to be able to use gedit on the remote16:15
Cyber_AkumaWhat script?16:15
AdminasCyber_Akuma: 71529-ubucleaner.sh16:15
Cyber_Akumawhat is that?16:15
Adminasdont know :)16:15
Cyber_AkumaRegardless, as I said, try reinstalling grub216:15
bazhangAdminas, dont use that script16:16
major_redhatthats a bad script16:16
Adminasbazhang: i use it but pushed no several times16:16
major_redhatjust by looking at it16:16
Cyber_AkumaWhy arent we allowed to talk about medibuntu here btw?16:16
bazhangCyber_Akuma, sure you are16:16
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:16
iratsuerUSUL: ok, i guess i'll just leave it like that16:16
AdminasCyber_Akuma: how to install grub2?16:17
iratsuerUSUL: it's a bit annoying because it prevents things like pmount from working16:17
Cyber_AkumaYes, I know that, but neither cna flash be inclded due to legal reasons, but its fine to talk about how to install there here right?16:17
lilialguien que able español16:17
jobba777sorry bout the flood earlier, I had no idea what i was doing.16:17
bazhanglili, /join #ubuntu-es16:17
Cyber_AkumaAdminas: there should be guides everywhere16:17
erUSULiratsu: well i googled a bit witout much luck about that; i can not ehlp further16:17
Cyber_AkumaSorry I can't be more specific16:17
Cyber_AkumaI don't remember exactly how to do it16:17
Cyber_AkumaHowto restore GRUB: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide'16:18
Cyber_Akumathats from the topic of #grub16:18
iratsuerUSUL: ok thanks16:18
abhi_nav http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide16:19
abhi_navhow to restore grub guide ^^16:19
lilihola amigos alguien que able español16:19
Cyber_AkumaUmm.... I just posted that16:19
AdminasCyber_Akuma: i did this one http://pastebin.com/rY9sTLW416:20
phaedra!es | lili16:20
ubottulili: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:20
jobba777NVIDIA driver problem:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/389036/plain/16:20
nightrid3r!es | lili16:20
iratsuis it normal that ssh doesn't use /etc/hosts to resolve host names?16:20
abhi_navdont lol16:20
Cyber_AkumaAdminas: I am pretty sure that just installs the grub program on your hdd, not actualy configurs it or installs it on the mbr16:21
Cyber_Akumathough I could be wrong16:21
* Cyber_Akuma looks over the log16:21
AdminasCyber_Akuma: ok i then will reboot16:21
swapnacan anyone help with wireless connecting16:21
Dan_Ei installed ubuntu 9.10 and would like to know if i am using grub2 or menu.1st?16:21
Cyber_Akumait looks like it did16:21
abhi_nav!ask | swapna16:21
Adminasand see if its helps or is there another way to check it?16:21
ubottuswapna: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:21
Cyber_Akumagrub never found the mbr automatically for me before16:21
nightrid3ri need to store large ammounts of data on a server, is it possible to add space to a LVM group using NFS16:21
dehqanmany packages are removed and ubuntu does not load completely so it should be reinstall , is /usr health to be used for new ubuntu ?16:21
Cyber_AkumaAnyway, that SHOULD have done it16:22
collinkStargaze: ??16:22
rishi__Dan, you're using grub216:22
bazhangdehqan, you have a separate home partition?16:22
Cyber_Akumaand in the future if it dosen't automatiocally update (it should) ten sudo update-grub should od the trick now16:22
Cyber_Akumagood luck Adminas16:22
dehqanbazhang: yes16:22
Dan_Ewhy cant i edit it16:22
AdminasCyber_Akuma: so i just need to rebbot to check it right?16:22
Dan_Ewhere is it16:22
Adminasok will do :)16:22
bazhangDan_E, have you read the grub2 wiki yet16:22
rishi__grub2 doesn't have a menu.lst16:22
bazhang!grub2 > Dan_E16:23
ubottuDan_E, please see my private message16:23
Dan_Eno but will nowk16:23
dehqanbazhang: so ?16:23
swapnahow to connect to wireless16:23
major_redhatis it a good idea to edit GRUB2's grub.cfg?16:23
liligracias amigo por ayudarme16:23
abhi_navDan_E: cd /boot/grub/ then sudo gedit menu.lst16:23
wasutton3_what is the command to change processor scaling by frequency (rather than profile)16:24
bazhangabhi_nav, not with grub216:24
genii!es | lili16:24
ubottulili: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:24
rishi__swapna, click on the network icon on your taskbar, and your wireless networks will show up16:24
collinkStargaze: I enabled the medibuntu sources.  What do I need to install from them to get my DVD drive to work with Ubuntu?16:24
swapnait is showing me only wired networks16:25
NinoScriptHi, can somebody help me with "Parted"? I want to make a partition out of the freespace on my HD16:25
rishi__then right click it, and check the box that says enable wireless16:25
Dan_Elol menu.1st is empty16:25
swapnarishi there is no enable wireless option16:26
bazhangDan_E, there is not one for grub2, check the grub2 wiki16:26
rishi__Dan, there is no menu.lst in the new grub216:26
Stargazecollink, now try a media player16:26
rishi__so when you did gedit, it just created one16:26
abhi_navbazhang: ok i ddnt knw tht. thnx16:26
* iflema :)16:27
collinkStargaze: I don't need to watch a DVD, I need to burn one. lol16:27
AdminasCyber_Akuma:  worked :D16:27
collinkStargaze: do I need to reboot after installing those sources?16:27
AdminasIm on new kernel16:27
abhi_navDan_E it was not in grub2. sorry16:28
Cyber_Akumagood :)16:28
dehqanmany packages are removed and ubuntu does not load completely so it should be reinstall , is /usr health to be used for new ubuntu ?16:28
AdminasCyber_Akuma: last question when new kernel comes does grub updates it?16:28
rishi__swapna, is there Enable Networking? Edit Connections?16:28
swapnayes they are present16:29
iratsuis it normal that ssh doesn't use /etc/hosts to resolve host names?16:29
rishi__try edit connections16:29
swapnawhat should i edit rishi16:30
rishi__click on edit connections16:30
Stargazecollink, normaly not16:30
rishi__and a new window will open up. see if there is a tab for wireless16:30
Adminasrishi__: i have like swapna but when editing wired tab there is ifupdown instead of auto eth016:31
dehqanwill not bookmark saved any where without importing ?16:31
Stargazeswapna, check http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Configuring_Ubuntu_Linux_Wireless_Networking16:31
swapnawireless tab is present16:31
collinkStargaze: k3b and xfburn still think the drive is empty16:32
collinkthis happens to be the drive I installed ubuntu off of too...16:32
dehqanwill not firefox bookmark saved any where without importing ?16:32
AdminasOk i have diffrent situation im connecting to my isp through pppoeconf is there a way to connect through network manager?16:33
swapnai did add the wireless network16:33
dehqanhow to import firefox bookmark in command line ?16:33
Stargazecollink, open-close the drive, does that help?16:33
swapnabut i dont see any change16:34
rishi__swapna reboot16:35
dehqanhow to export firefox bookmark in command line ?16:35
AdminasOk i have diffrent situation im connecting to my isp through pppoeconf is there a way to connect through network manager? couse normally it wont work16:36
rishi__Stargaze gave a good link16:36
Frictionmy thunderbird has mysteriously disapeard. why?16:36
collinkStargaze: no16:37
NinoScriptHi, can somebody help me with "Parted"? I want to make a partition out of freespace on my HD16:37
Frictionversion 9 is rubbish. i'm downgrading16:37
rascal999i have pxe booting over network working with livecd ext2 fs (not squashfs), I'd like to be able to customize the fs using one of the diskless clients and having the changes saved. I've put rw in exports but that hasn't helped. Any ideas?16:37
Aba_hishamj/ #linuxac16:38
swapnarishi thank you finally my wireless issue got resolved16:38
rascal999i'm using nfs16:38
gypsymauroI'm using a wifi connection in xp and in ubuntu, when  I use it in ubuntu is not so strong as when I use in windows..any hint? there are params to set it more powerful?16:39
claohello, just wondering what i would need for my system (2.6.31) to mount my motorla rockr. It is listed under lsusb, but in the phone i get a message saying "usb connection lost"16:39
rishi__ubuntu mostly works out of the box16:39
rishi__yes, abhi?16:40
abhi_navrishi__ hmmmm  :) :) :)16:41
Adminassituation is im connecting to my isp through pppoeconf is there a way to connect through network manager? couse normally it wont work16:41
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Stargazegypsymauro, check http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Configuring_Ubuntu_Linux_Wireless_Networking16:41
rishi__cannot read you abhi... hmmm? :)?16:42
raj##FOR ANYONE who WANTS to speed up firefox upto 60% follow my post on the forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136189416:42
dehqanmany packages are removed and ubuntu does not load completely so it should be reinstall , is /usr health to be used for new ubuntu ?16:43
abhi_navraj: thnx!!! :)16:43
dehqanany opinion ?16:43
claohello, just wondering what i would need for my system (2.6.31) to mount my motorla rockr. It is listed under lsusb, but in the phone i get a message saying "usb connection lost"16:43
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rajabhi_nav:  NP16:43
nightrid3ri need to share data to windows workstations, the ammount of data is very large, is it possible to spread the data over multiple servers where only 1 is running samba16:44
abhi_navraj: hmm :)16:44
Sh3r1ffnightrid3r: use nfs ;)16:44
abhi_navraj: under which tab to search for pipelining?16:45
nightrid3rSh3r1ff: k thx i'll look into that16:45
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rajabhi_nav:  in the address bar create a new tab and type about:config16:46
collinkStargaze: any other suggestions?16:46
abhi_navraj: ok. what the purpose of that maxrequests? what it is going to change actually?16:46
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Stargazenone collink :(16:47
rajabhi_nav:  firefox will load your page at once not in a que16:47
collinkStargaze: sad day.  Like the drive is recognized from within xfburn, but it thinks it's always empty. when I pop a known written disk in, Ubuntu doesn't mount it16:48
abhi_navraj: so it wll now harm me naa? or degrade performance? and this method is compatible with all add ons naa?16:48
gadeynebramHoi! Excuse me if i'm in the wrong channel. I'm looking for some information to start contributing with ubuntu as a developer. Can anyone point me in the right direction?16:48
claohello, sorry to insist. How do i mount my motorla rockr? It is listed under lsusb, as "Bus 002 Device 007: ID 22b8:6426 Motorola PCS"  but in the phone i get a message saying "usb connection lost"16:49
Stargazegadeynebram, www.ubuntu.com16:49
Stargazegadeynebram, or look for your local LoCo team16:49
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gadeynebramI'm sorry but my LoCo team doesn't seam to know a lot about the development part.16:50
Stargazeclao, try sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch16:52
Andy-at-homeanyone recommend an alternative to ISPmanager?16:52
claoStargaze, thanks16:53
collinkStargaze: oddly, we have an external USB CDROM that works just fine with the same machine...?16:53
antonio_does anybody know how to screencast a blender work session???16:54
marcosRzwhats the off topic channel16:54
Sh3r1ffmarcosRz: #ubuntu-offtopic16:54
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic marcosRz16:54
abhi_navraj you there16:54
CrtxReavrIs 10.4 going to be an LTS version?16:54
rajabhi_nav:  yes did it work?16:55
rajabhi_nav:  it wont do any hard man... its compatible with all addons ur just changing the way forefox loads a page.. it will be faster16:55
rajabhi_nav:  any harm16:56
antonio_does anybody know how to screencast a blender work session???16:56
abhi_navraj: there are two entris each for nglayout.initialpaint.delay and content.notify.interval. the entry which is already there was int. and new i was added is string as per your direction16:56
abhi_navraj: what do do? should i remove one of them? or keep both?16:56
erUSULantonio_: normal screen recording software do not work? xvidcap etc...16:57
antonio_no, because it doesnt record the 3d part16:57
rajabhi_nav:  yes you add both entress as mentioned.16:57
antonio_for example, if i rotate a cube into blender, it just show a couples of random pixel, but i'm unable to see the cube16:58
antonio_I also try rMD16:58
antonio_and also Instambul16:58
abhi_navraj: so i should not to do anything to that previos entries?16:58
pullmandaveI've been unable to get the hostap_pci module to load on my 9.10 (2.6.31-20.generic) system. The system hangs and issues a hung CPU message after 61 seconds. The orinoco modules don't seem to work either, they can't seem to keep the link active. Any ideas?16:58
rajabhi_nav:  no .. you just add two extra strings and you set the value to 016:58
erUSULantonio_: recordmydesktop ? http://blog.rfquerin.org/2009/02/14/really-basic-blender-video-editing-part-2/16:59
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abhi_navraj: ok16:59
rajabhi: dont search for it.. just add the entrees16:59
CrtxReavrso um. ..10.4, LTS?16:59
m104Hi all, any way to get a list of suggested packages (not installed) based on the currently installed packages?16:59
rajabhi_nav:  when ur done tell me how much faster forefox is :)16:59
abhi_navraj: i just added the new ones. but then i come to know that two already are there of type integer16:59
abhi_navraj: but its ok. fine16:59
bazhangCrtxReavr, 10.04 ? yes. #ubuntu+1 for support16:59
rajabhi_nav:  you just ADD them once not twice :S17:00
CrtxReavrbazhang, it's going to be an LTS version?17:00
abhi_navraj: may i pm you?17:00
Guest12134Hello,Do you know where I can get help..I get audio litches with my ubuntu every time something is done by the computer...17:00
bazhangCrtxReavr, yes17:00
CrtxReavrCool - thanks.17:00
rajabhi_nav:  sure17:00
dvrcoderhi. I can log into my box by SSH with root and public key auth, but i can't get other uses to authenticate by private/public key. AllowUsers is not set in sshd_config. getent passwd returns both the local and LDAP users and a shell is set. where should I look next?17:01
Kitthello again, still having issues with gui artefacts and what seems to be horizontal syncing/refresh states can anyone help please?17:01
CrtxReavrdvrcoder, is the key added to their ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file?17:01
Sh3r1ffdvrcoder: authorized_keys in the .ssh folder per user17:01
dvrcoderCrtxReavr, Sh3r1ff: yes, it is in the correct .ssh folder of the correct user17:02
CrtxReavrRun teh ssh client in debug mode (-vvv) to see what's wrong then.17:02
rajabhi_nav:  you just add the two commands .. and click ok and set to 0 ..17:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:03
CrtxReavrThe scroll in here is maddening.17:04
Guest12134how can I test what's wrong concerning my audio glitches.I get some every time the computer make something..17:04
abhi_navraj: this is one image: http://imagebin.org/87669 as you can see there are one entry already there and one new i added so wll they conflict?17:05
MisamotoHello :) Any grub2 gurus online and ready to help?17:05
dvrcoderCrtxReavr, Sh3r1ff: the private key is rejected. i don't find more information than that :/17:05
StargazeMisamoto, just asking you questiin is the quickest way17:06
Sh3r1ffdvrcoder: you sure you pasted the correct key?17:06
Andy-at-homeguys, see to access my webmin on my vps, is that not just to log into it?17:06
MisamotoSure... Just tried to be polite :) Ok...17:06
StefANNnhow to install apache>?17:07
Andy-at-homeobviously with me proper IP =D17:07
dvrcoderSh3r1ff: yes. double checked it. and .ssh has permissions 700 and authorized_keys has 60017:07
StargazeAndy-at-home, please type /join #ubuntu-servers17:07
Andy-at-homewill do17:07
Sh3r1ffdvrcoder: and ssh to root works?17:07
Andy-at-homenice one17:07
MisamotoOkropNick, I try to install a background with standart web manuals, but my it gives me:17:08
dvrcoderSh3r1ff: yes, and always worked17:08
abhi_navraj: you there?17:08
MisamotoGenerating grub.cfg ...17:08
MisamotoNo path or device is specified.17:08
Andy-at-homewas it that ridiculous a question?17:08
MisamotoTry ``grub-probe --help'' for more information.17:08
MisamotoNo path or device is specified.17:08
dvrcoderSh3r1ff: now that I think about it, ssh works for at least one other user too17:08
MisamotoTry ``grub-probe --help'' for more information.17:08
MisamotoNo path or device is specified.17:08
rajabhi_nav:  right click on it and put reset17:08
Sh3r1ffdvrcoder: copy the authorized_keys from root to the user and change ownership to the user and try17:08
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rajabhi_nav:  and restart your firefox to take it off17:08
dvrcoderSh3r1ff: ok, will try17:08
Guest12134no one has an idea concerning audio glitches any time a windows move or something processed?17:09
Guest12134in lxde...17:09
pogI just made a bzr add on a path which my webapplication is. unfortunately there is an encoding error17:09
MisamotoIf I change use_bg to false in 05_debian_themes grub.cfg configures normally17:09
MisamotoThat's it17:09
Sh3r1ffGuest12134: upgrade your hardware ;)17:09
abhi_navraj: right click on what? on old entry or new one?17:09
pogbzr add ergibt: bzr: ERROR:                      ??? commx17:09
pog                          exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec     ??? Crash_Override17:10
pog                          can't decode byte 0xa9 in position 16: ordinal   ??? cypher10117:10
pog                          not in range(128)  yes17:10
FloodBot4pog: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:10
MisamotoI've already tried restoring grub2 from liveCD, didn't help17:10
dvrcoderSh3r1ff: ... the exact same authorized_keys does not work for that other user17:10
m104Guest12134: audio chip may be sharing an IRQ with the graphics card or some other hardware17:10
rajabhi_nav:  the wrong entry17:10
Uqbarhello. I'm running 9.10, my Vodafone PCMCIA UMTS card (nozomi) is recognized by the kernel, I see it in dmesg, but Network Manager won't show it among possible network devices. under 9.04 it showed up all right and worked flawlessly. is this a known issue?17:10
Guest12134How can I check the irqs?17:10
pogsorry thought it's one line.17:10
m104Guest12134: sometimes the BIOS config screen will let you mess around with the IRQs17:11
Guest12134No bios..it's a iMac...17:11
StargazeUqbar, click System > Preferences > Network Connections and choose mobike broadband17:11
BaxxorGuest12134: I think its more of an insuficcient buffer size problem on a slow computer, right ?17:11
Sh3r1ffdvrcoder: and ssh -vvv shows you the same output as before?17:12
BaxxorGuest12134: Dont change IRQ's its got nothing at all to do with your problem.17:12
Guest12134800MHz G4,but the processor isn't that busy..17:12
UqbarStargaze: right. then I click Add but the device won't show up. nothing available in "Create a connection for this broadband device:"17:12
BaxxorGuest12134: player program ?17:12
Guest12134and vlc and listen...any prgram17:13
BaxxorGuest12134: Im using that too, really neat!17:13
rishi__Stargaze, any idea if the old Huawei USB modems are supported in karmic?17:13
BaxxorGuest12134: vlc, Totem17:13
dvrcoderSh3r1ff: yes. ... the fact that that user's /home/USERNAME is a symlink to /bla/home/username hopefully doesn't cause any problems?17:13
Guest12134got the same problem with all...17:13
BaxxorGuest12134: Totem sucks on dvd-forward/rev otherwise i like both.17:14
Guest12134do you know how I can check the buffers?17:14
BaxxorGuest12134: How new/old is that 800 ppc ?17:14
Sh3r1ffdvrcoder: don't think that should be a problem17:14
DifferentNicki want to17:15
Guest12134Had no problem since I reinstalled...17:15
DifferentNicklol @ my old nick17:15
FloodBot4DifferentNick: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
BaxxorGuest12134: Wysiwyg GUI17:15
Guest12134So it's not a power problem..It even worked with gnome or xfce..17:15
Sh3r1ffdvrcoder: it worked for a different user? does that user has also a home which is a symlink?17:15
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DifferentNickI want to add google adverts and amazon adverts to add block pluss (mozi firefox) ^-^ anybody can help?17:15
martin__my wifi doensn't work on my emachinesM250 how can i fix it????17:16
Stargazerishi__, same for you, try sudo apt-get usb-modeswitch17:16
Stargazerishi__, same for you, try sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch17:16
dvrcoderSh3r1ff: yes17:16
Sh3r1ffdvrcoder: weird17:17
martin__i tried but n0ne17:17
rishi__modeswitch? what does that do?17:17
dvrcoderhm, what is the meaning of of the green background in the ls listing?17:17
Stargazerishi__, you find a description is Synaptic17:17
Stargaze*is = in17:17
rishi__the newer USB modems by Tata Photon, and Reliance connect automatically17:17
rishi__interesting stargaze. i'll check this out thanks17:19
questionhow i configure sound17:19
Stargazewe're here to learn rishi__ :)17:19
lenovo_hello my friends !who can tell me which channel i can talk about music and so on17:20
bazhanglenovo_, #ubuntu-offtopic17:21
martin__my wifi doensn't work on my emachinesM250 how can i fix it????17:21
Stargazemartin, check http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Configuring_Ubuntu_Linux_Wireless_Networking17:21
Baxxorlenovo_: clarify please. There are many kinds of "music" topics :)17:21
Baxxorlenovo_: IE: player, play, sample, drums, ..17:21
lenovo_thank you17:23
BaxxorIm listening to the old and good days of metallica, pre the horrible black album of doom. Garage-inc Justice-for-all etc.17:24
Zodlingsay i have 2 network cards eth0 and eth1  if i have something connecting to the ip of eth1 why is the data moveing over eth0 ?  does ubuntu do some funkey binding by it self?17:24
questionhi allllllll17:25
questionhwo i know the ip of my freind in skype17:25
BaxxorZodling: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward17:26
questioni have backtrack17:26
fullstopHas anyone seen a segfault generating grub.cfg when updating the linux-server-image?17:26
martin__stargaze i checked this but n0ne17:27
BaxxorZodling: It could be ip forwarding and then perhaps Natting eth0 as well.17:27
BaxxorOr if eth0 is in promisc mode17:27
blakkheimquestion: try #scriptkiddies17:27
Stargazemartin__, is your wifi internal or usb?17:28
ZodlingBaxxor: thanks ill look in a sec it17:28
Baxxorok, np17:28
martin__ubunt can't recg0nise 0r see any wifi17:28
Baxxorip link show eth017:28
Frictionwill ubuntu upgrade through update manager?17:28
StargazeFriction, try sudo apt-get upgrade17:29
Frictioni'm on 9.10, will it automatically upgrade to 9.40 or whatever it is17:29
rascal999can i record every file access a program makes?17:29
StargazeFriction, 9.10 is the latest stable version17:29
martin__stargaze i have an internal17:29
Frictionit ia?17:30
BaxxorFriction: You will have to set the updater to allow updates for beta versions17:30
Frictionwhy did i have 9.4 insalled then..17:30
martin__0n a emachines M25017:30
UbershutzeHello everyone17:34
NiltoonEscriba el texto aqufffd....17:34
FloodBot4Niltoon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:34
UbershutzeIm an Ubuntu newb and am having trouble with mounting NTFS partition17:34
martin__stargaze heb ik een Ndiswrapper n0dig17:34
pwetinouHi all17:35
=== pwetinou is now known as tacfofj
Stargazeprobeer maar martin__ , het zou kunnen17:35
BaxxorTschyss biz17:35
tacfofjHi all17:35
tacfofjHi all17:35
Kenjirogood afternoon17:35
tacfofjHi all17:35
BaxxorGuten abend17:35
Kenjiroguys, was smtpguard ever part of ubuntu packages?17:35
BaxxorBom dia17:35
BaxxorGod Morgon17:36
einsteigerdeutsch or engl better deutsch17:36
martin__maar daarv00r heb zeker een c0nnectie n0dig Stargaze 0m te installeren17:36
BaxxorStargaze, si17:36
tacfofjHi all17:36
dvrcoderSh3r1ff: the only difference i can make out between the user working and the user not working, is that the working one is purely local and has no LDAP entry. still, getent shows data for both users17:36
Stargazeuiteraard martin__17:36
UbershutzeAnyone out there up for helping me?17:36
tacfofjHi all17:36
rishi__Stargaze, i picked the NVIDIA driver to install from the ndiswrapper wizard, and on reboot, my grub just hangs17:37
BaxxorIm just staring at the sun!!!17:37
rishi__any idea?17:37
tacfofjHi all17:37
einsteigershit engl17:37
tacfofjHi all17:37
ikoniaeinsteiger: control your language please17:37
Stargazerishi__, sadly, i have no experience with nvidia17:37
martin__0k stargaze bedankt17:37
tacfofjHi all17:37
tacfofjHi all17:37
BaxxorHeet, allo17:38
UbershutzeHello tacfofj17:38
BaxxorMartin!!! :)17:38
twoboxingfiendi'm getting a new desktop with an ATI 5850, does the current fglrx in 9.10 support it?17:38
tacfofjHi all17:38
antonelame da un pollazo que17:38
martin__yes baxx0r17:38
tacfofjHi all17:38
antonelaseas la mejor amiga de marina17:38
tacfofjHi all17:38
tacfofjHi all17:38
blakkheimtwoboxingfiend: don't buy from ati, enemy of your freedom17:39
overmindtacfofj: Please stop17:39
tacfofjHi all17:39
tacfofjHi all17:39
tacfofjHi all17:39
tacfofjHi all17:39
overmind!ops | tacfofj is trolling17:39
florenciaalgien sabe cuak es el español17:39
ubottutacfofj is trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:39
jpdstacfofj: Hi.17:39
jpds!es | florencia17:39
ubottuflorencia: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:39
tacfofjHi all17:40
tacfofjHi all17:40
tacfofjHi all17:40
florenciame cago en17:40
becker_11Does anyone know if there is a web site that allows a user to select a file type from a list and it returns the linux program/s that can view that file??17:40
jpdsflorencia: No, you don't.17:40
tamrandoes anyone understand how to make magnet links work?17:40
becker_11tamran: your bittorrent client has to support them what client are you using ??17:41
jpds!es | arjona17:41
ubottuarjona: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:41
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tamranbecker_11: I'm on Xubuntu 9.10 and using transmissionbt 1.9117:41
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tamranbecker_11: the same combination worked in straight Ubuntu, but xfce doesn't seem to like it17:42
tamranbecker_11: xdg-open is not configured I think17:42
becker_11tamran: that should do it. I had to compile from source to get transmission 1.80 specificly for magnet link but maybe firefox isn't configured to handle them??17:43
mundixhey some one knows how to installa ragnarok on linux ubuntu ?17:43
UbershutzeCan anyone help me figure out why my Ubuntu 9.10 wont mount NTFS partitions?17:43
einsteigerchange lang... / sprache umschalten wo ?????17:43
tamranbecker_11: I'm using chrome, but chrome calls out xdg-open17:43
phil_i can not open any files on my pc17:44
tamranbecker_11: and yeah, I installed transmission from their site repo, not ubuntu repo17:44
becker_11tamran: yeah I don't know what xdg-open is to be honest have you tried the same links in firefox??17:44
becker_11tamran: yeah it's good to have choice17:44
UbershutzeWell, im leaving. Have a nice day everyone !17:44
tamranbecker_11: lemme try FF now, never thought to try that :)17:45
Looksaha good Portable ubuntu on DOS17:45
BaxxorSEE YA!17:45
becker_11tamran: :-)17:45
dehqanin a folder there are some packages from jaunty and karmic repositories , how to collect jaunty packages ? dpkg-cache shows which packages ?17:45
dvrcodereinsteiger: #ubuntu-de ist ein deutscher support-channel17:45
einsteigerall chatrooms on this site in engl????????17:45
phil_thay do not work17:46
einsteigerhier ist aber alles in engl17:46
Baxxordvrcoder: Was sagst du ?17:46
tamranbecker_11: ok, FF works out of the box ...17:46
dvrcodereinsteiger: join #ubuntu-de17:46
tamranbecker_11: but I hate firefox nowadays :(17:46
einsteigerwird in engl bei mir angezeigt17:46
becker_11ppl I am wanting to format and reinstall my ubuntu install and having never done one and not wanting to take 3 weeks double checking everything is it as simple as copying /home to a usb external drive?? will that save my config files??17:46
becker_11tamran: see chrome sucks *jokes*17:47
Baxxordvrcoder: He quit a few minutes ago dirk! :)17:47
phil_i got all the downloads but can't open them17:47
becker_11tamran: I have no experience in chrome so I can't really help configure that17:47
frankS2Hi how can i deny all ports on device wlan0?17:47
dvrcodereinsteiger: wir sind hier in #ubuntu. #ubuntu-de ist deutsch. grad vorhin hat einer ne deutsche frage gestellt und eine deutsche antwort bekommen17:47
becker_11frankS2: iptables?17:48
dehqanany opinion  ?17:48
einsteigerihr verarscht mich doch!!17:48
becker_11phil_: missed the question can you repeat?17:48
dvrcodereinsteiger: nein!? wie bist du hier?17:48
martin__d0 i need insta ndiswrapper in termina17:48
einsteigerhabe seid gestern xubuntu inst. wollte infos erspähen im chst17:49
becker_11phil_: what format are the files in and how are you trying to open them??17:49
t3pleni9how find how many ppl are connected to the lan ???17:49
dvrcodereinsteiger: ja wie bist du im chat? was hast du für einen irc client?17:49
einsteigerxchat heist das programm17:50
dvrcodereinsteiger: dann gib mal ein /j #ubuntu-de17:50
becker_11tamran: try a google search on how to configure magnet links in google chrome17:51
dvrcodereinsteiger: in dem channe bist du nämilch nicht, das würde ich sehen17:51
tamranbecker_11: I'm several man-hours into that ... chrome hands it off right to xdg, but on xubuntu, it's not set up right.  If I'm using vanilla ubuntu (with gnome) it works fine ... I'm sure it's how xubuntu (or xfce) configures (or doesn't configure) xdg17:52
frankS2Hi how can i deny all incoming ports on device wlan0?17:52
becker_11Anyone able to help me with a backup problem? I want to save all my config files before I do a clean install of ubuntu 9.10 what is the best way to be sure I have them all17:52
tamrannobody around seems to know how to use xdg as of yet :(17:52
tamranI'll figure it out sooner or later though17:53
dasenfrankS2: install firestarter, it's a easy to use firewall17:53
chistosakien habla español17:53
becker_11tamran: have you tried asking in #xubuntu???17:53
tamranbecker_11: yeah17:53
Baxxortamran: In what way ?17:53
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blakkheimbecker_11: the best way is to actually know where the config  files are and back them up individually17:53
Baxxortamran: Im using XDG-user-dirs etc etc17:53
tamranBaxxor: have you set it up for magnet links?17:54
nightrid3r!es | chistosa17:54
ubottuchistosa: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:54
becker_11blakkheim: yeah I thought it might be ... could take a while thou I'm still feeling my way around the filesystem17:54
Baxxortamran: Ive built many distributions to provide standards that will work in the long run. What are magnet-links ?17:54
carolk es esto17:55
tamranBaxxor: they are essentially "torrentless" torrents17:55
scootsmHi, I'm on 9.4...  Is it possible to change sources and use 9.10 packages, without doing a full upgrade?17:55
becker_11blakkheim: I tend to follow the instructions on whatever site I'm on17:55
scootsmer, 9.0417:55
becker_11scootsm: any reason you can't upgrade?17:55
hypolydHi! The is power broke while I ran the "apt-get dist-upgrade" command. How can I run again?17:56
tamranBaxxor: can I msg you with the command line?17:56
scootsmbecker_11: I'm using andLinux on my work PC, which is setup for 9.04.17:56
blakkheimbecker_11: blindly following directions (especially if they're terminal commands) is a bad idea. you should know what you are actually doing.17:56
scootsmbecker_11: I tried doing an upgrade to 9.10, but there's an issue with something in 9.10.. lemme go see what it is and link it.  sec17:56
Stargazehypolyd, try sudo dpkg --configure -a17:56
becker_11scootsm: so just run an "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" assuming andlinux follows debian I've never used it myself17:57
scootsmbecker_11: http://colinux.wikia.com/wiki/UbuntuKarmic    Something to do with squashfs17:57
Baxxortamran: Sexxi, torrentless torrents ;)17:57
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Baxxortamran: What cmd would that be ?17:57
tamranBaxxor: one sec17:57
becker_11blakkheim: well I do have a fair idea it's mainly just locations of files that I am still learning17:58
Baxxortamran: priv because ive gotta leak some :P17:58
scootsmIt seems that dist-upgrade will upgrade the whole OS?  and not just the package sources?17:59
becker_11scootsm: I see the problem but I can't really advise you on what to do with regard to the repos ... is a clean install out of the question17:59
Stargazescootsm, try sudo apt-get update17:59
hypolydI've tried the "dpkg --configure -a" and nothing happened. Is it good or bad?18:00
becker_11hypolyd: man that sux18:01
becker_11hypolyd: hope you get it sorted18:01
_dreamydoes anyone any graphical app to report http server stactisitcs and monitor users logged in, etc etc, im using apche218:02
_dreamy*does anyone knows18:02
Stargaze_dreamy, check http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/top-linux-monitoring-tools.html18:05
_dreamyok ty18:06
* M25 has never seen #ubuntu this quiet before18:07
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ikoniaenjoy it18:07
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b2p1mpI have tried to instal 9.10 on my laptop and the screen is split in 3 stripes, its messed up basically.  When I install in safegraphic mode it is not like this.  But my graphics card must not be supported properly by ubuntu by default.  There is no acceleration.  Youtube is like slide show of pictures.18:12
M25anyway, I'm here because I've got a compiz problem with my new laptop and 9.10.  Everything works, except for any action triggered by an edge click.  Mousing over an edge (say with dragging windows to new cube faces) works fine, but actually clicking on the screen sides doesn't trigger.  sorry if this is a re-send, my irc broke18:12
ikoniaM25: what card is it ?18:13
b2p1mpbeen researching the problem, my card is an ati mobility rage 32MB18:13
M25graphics?  ATI 4570, proprietary drivers18:13
b2p1mpon an old inspiron 8000 lappy18:13
ikoniaM25: sorry that was for b2p1mp18:13
ikoniab2p1mp: what video card is it18:13
b2p1mpati mobility rage 32MB18:13
ikoniab2p1mp: ahh, ati ones are problematic in general, as linux / ati compatability is only now coming into a realistic state18:14
ng0nwhew.. fixed wubi boot.  last update blew wubildr on C:18:14
M25ecke: did you get "cannot send to channel" too?18:14
b2p1mpi may have found some answers here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=210542&page=318:14
eckeM25 yes :S18:15
M25ecke: you're not the only one, I don't know what's causing them though18:15
igfudis there some command that could be run in the terminal to see if the SETGID bit is set?18:15
ikoniaM25: the channel was set to registered users only for a short period of time18:15
eckeM 25: ah okey, never chatted in this channel before, started thinking I had to be some kind of member first :S18:15
M25ikonia: gotcha, thanks, it's happened in other channels too18:15
K-Richhow stable is the proposed repos ?18:16
ikoniaM25: channels get set that mode if they are under attack/potentially under attack18:16
ikoniaK-Rich: %50/%50 - sometimes solid, some times disaster18:16
K-Richikonia: okay thanks18:16
M25ikonia: any idea on the edge fix?  I did a /quit on accident and missed a bit18:16
ikoniaM25: I missed your problem, sorry18:17
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cousteauhow long does it normally take to UNR to boot? I installed karmic beta on an Aspire One 110 a while ago but it took about 45 sec18:18
M25ikonia: compiz works great, ATI proprietary drivers, Mobility Radeon 4570.  Edge detection works, I can drag windows to other cube faces/workspaces, but any event triggered by clicking on an edge doesn't happen18:18
ikoniaM25: I suspect that's just a bug with the drivers/compiz18:18
xanguacousteau: are you still using #karmic #beta¿ update18:18
cousteauI've just installed moblin on it now, but it has very little packages18:19
duffydackM25, i have radeon 4650, all works18:19
M25ikonia: yeah, that's what I figured, but I've experienced it on secondary accounts on other computers, not able to fix there either18:19
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xanguacousteau: moblin or ubuntu-moblin¿18:19
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cousteauxangua: the netbook stopped working before karmic final was released and I had to carry it to the guarantee service18:20
cousteauwhich formatted it and put back Linpus >:(18:20
c3l_why cant I get my ssh server to work? I have configured it to listen to addresses (and  restarted ssh service) why is it not working...18:20
cousteauxangua: is ubuntu-moblin already released?18:20
ikoniac3l_: can you ssh to localhost ?18:20
c3l_ikonia, yes18:20
aouldr78hi everyone18:20
ikoniac3l_: ok - so ssh is working,18:21
c3l_ikonia, yap18:21
M25duffydack: proprietary drivers or open source?18:21
xanguacousteau: no, it's beta, alpha...something like that but you can download it18:21
vilinyHi! im in need of urgent help. My ubuntu stopped booting into X properly, i get a little screen flickering on both my monitors and it ends with them both active but black with an old school cross cursor on 1 screen... this is after installing all the updates today - any ideas? sitting in irssi and can't get to desktop here18:21
ikoniac3l_: what's your local IP address ?18:21
duffydackM25, prop... open dont support mine in 9.10 and standard Xorg/kernel.... lucid is ok18:21
c3l_ikonia, lol =) my question is more like why I cant access ssh via internet =)18:21
aouldr78i have crash saying that my system encountered serious kernel problem and my system may become instable18:21
ikoniac3l_: are you using a router with NAT ?18:22
ikoniac3l_: that's your local IP address on your machine ?18:22
M25duffydack: thanks for the info18:22
c3l_ikonia, i dont think its nat. but I do know im getting a local ip such as
ikoniac3l_: ok - so on the localmachine ssh
c3l_ikonia, to be exact18:23
BaxxorI love Ubuntu!!!18:23
cousteauxangua: boot time?18:23
ikoniaent7: ok, ssh from the local machine18:23
xanguacousteau: no idea18:23
c3l_ikonia, that works18:23
ikoniac3l_: ok - so the problem is your router/natting, nothing to do with ubuntu or ssh18:23
princezudaI have added an important gems path for rails into my .bashrc, yet my terminal still believes it isn't in the path. What should I do?18:23
c3l_ikonia, damn, well thanks for narrowing down the issue =)18:24
BaxxorFedora reaks compared to Real IT as Ubuntu is. Fedora cant even make NetworkManager work.18:24
byruscan some body help me with screen session18:24
geniiprincezuda: Did you reboot or do: source ~/.bashrc    ?18:24
guntbert!ot | Baxxor we like your praise, but18:24
ubottuBaxxor we like your praise, but: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:24
ikoniaBaxxor: please stop making comparisions, fedora is a more than acceptble distro18:25
princezudagenii: I have yet to reboot18:25
GHzdoes anyone know how to connect to internet on a dial-up connect on ubuntu??18:25
GHzdoes anyone know how to connect to internet on a dial-up connect on ubuntu??18:25
geniiprincezuda: Then do the: source ~/.bashrc18:25
fastputty1wha would be the best VPN server for Ubuntu?18:25
fastputty1and having easy client install also?18:25
princezudagenii: I ran that in my terminal and it didn't recognize it.18:25
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byrusI have error  when use screen. Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/0' - please check.18:26
GHzdoes anyone know how to connect to internet on a dial-up connect on ubuntu??18:26
byruswhat wrong18:26
ikonia!modem | GHz18:27
ubottuGHz: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up18:27
ikonia!dialup | GHz18:27
ActionParsnipYo yo yo18:27
Baxxorgruntbert: My name is Bert! :)18:28
Baxxorsizzy oh rev3218:28
ksbalajiis there any way that I can protect an adult only folder from children by putting a password?18:28
ActionParsnipKsbaliji: you can chmod and chown the folder so only your username has access to it18:29
nibblerksbalaji, give them another user account, and restrict access to this folder to your user (chmod 700 /path/to/folder)18:29
Sachogive them users, chown it to yourself and make it unreadable18:29
SolarisBoycan also compress it w/ pw18:29
ksbalajiActionParsnip, I have already done in.18:29
Baxxorikonia: Atleast you dont suck as much as "Ryan Scrythell Ryan0e Werber Suckmonkey of doom!!!" :) /Oh well, it was worth it.18:29
ksbalajinibbler, but my children use my other folders.18:30
nibblerksbalaji, to be more secure, like preventing them from modifying boot-options to access the files, use encrypted home which is supported by ubuntu very well18:30
nibblerksbalaji, yea, so only apply it to this one folder18:30
vegar_I specifically removed a user from the audio group, to disallow sound for this user18:30
ActionParsnipKsbalaji: then do the same there, you can grant and deny access as you wish18:30
vegar_however, sound still comes from the speakers18:30
vegar_what gives?18:30
ksbalajinibbler, ok how to encript a particular folder please>?18:30
nibbler!enter  | vegar_18:30
ubottuvegar_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:30
guntbertBaxxor: please keep to the topic of this channel - ubuntu support18:31
xombienotify - * *18:31
vegar_I specifically removed a user from the audio group, to disallow sound for this user. However, sound still comes from the speakers. Why?18:31
xombienotify -18:31
ActionParsnipVegar_: did you log off then log on as the user?18:31
guntbertxombie:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?18:32
ikoniaxombie: ?18:32
vegar_ActionParsnip: yessir, and reboot18:32
nibblerksbalaji, maybe make a partition on your harddrive that is dm-crypt/luks incrypted. if you click this partition in your nautilus view you need to supply a password to mount it18:32
xombietrying figure how to uncluter the signon and offs18:32
ActionParsnipVegar_: that'd do it. Group stuff is applied at logon18:32
vegar_ActionParsnip: but it didn't. now did it?18:32
guntbertxombie: what client do you use?18:33
dehqanhow to reinstall ubuntu with less losing data ?18:33
ksbalajinibbler, thanks for the info. I shall implement immediately.18:33
shadows090Can anyone offer help on how to install gccgo on ubuntu? I'm kind of new to programming. is there a way to add svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/gccgo to repositories?18:33
blakkheimshadows090: svn and deb repositories are entirely different18:33
guntbertxombie: there should be something like "conference mode" or "hide joins/parts" in the options18:33
ikoniashadows090: you can't add it like that, you've got to build it18:34
blakkheimshadows090: you need subversion installed to pull code from svn18:34
ActionParsnipVegar_: is there a group called pulse or something else which smells like a sound group?18:34
nibblerksbalaji, good luck! btw, you can also use a file instaed of a partition, dd if=/dev/zero of=/file bs=1000000 count=200 makes 200MB for example, fdisk the file etc, enrypt and mount loopback - its a bit more complicated than using a partition directly but works the same18:34
LAjbanzIcoonia Dra åt helvete din jävla slyna!!!18:34
vegar_ActionParsnip: Just for good measure, I removed all groups for this account. Sound still plays18:34
fbianconiksbalaji encryption is at partition level, not folder, anyway you can make a file act like a partition, making a filesystem in it, and then mount it in any folder18:34
ActionParsnipVegar_: really? Damn thought that would cover the bases18:35
shadows090blakkhein: my synaptic shows that subversion is installed. how do i pull the code from svn?  I can try to build it (i found an online tutorial)18:35
nibblervegar_ check the user and permissions of the sound-device files18:35
blakkheimshadows090: man svn18:35
ubottusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/18:36
ksbalajinibbler, fbianconi yeah! file(partition like) this seems more like what I originally needed!18:36
vegar_nibbler: http://pastebin.com/Sgv91Kry18:36
seanbrystone_Im trying to get the midori ppa from https://launchpad.net/~midori/+archive/ppa,  but i dont see a link to download it18:36
shadows090thank you guys18:36
eckeLAJbanz no swedish18:37
ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: sudo add-apt-repository ppa://something18:37
cousteauUNR or UMR? any recommendation?18:37
seanbrystone_ActionParsnip, what?18:37
ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: use the bold text in the ppa page to complete the command18:37
ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: you use that command in terminal to add the ppa and its key18:38
seanbrystone_ah ok ty18:38
vegar_ActionParsnip: try it yourself if you have karmic, just adduser a guest account or something with no groups.. and try to play audio18:38
guntbertvegar_: did you try the GUI way? (system/administration/users and groups)18:38
coldfirecan someone tell me where i can get the sparkling mouse cursors from?18:38
ActionParsnipVegar_; I'm on my g1 phone on the way to work so no can do I'm afraid18:38
ActionParsnipColdfire: www.gnome-look.org would be my first call18:39
vegar_guntbert: does the GUI way do anything else but just remove the groups?18:39
vegar_guntbert: I surely hope the GUI for removing groups don't do anything else with sugar on top which is not apparent18:40
coldfireactionparsnip: thans18:40
guntbertvegar_: not to my knowledge - but it would do no harm to have a look at it18:40
coldfireactionparsnip: thanks18:40
guntbertvegar_: not removing the groups but removing the audio priviledges from the user18:40
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ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: the command is; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:midori/ppa18:41
seanbrystone_ActionParsnip, im getting errors on installing that ppa, it said it depends on some dependency webkit package i installed that still getting error18:41
vegar_guntbert: Okay, now I've added sound rights in the GUI app and removed again.. i'll reboot and see if that did any magic18:41
ActionParsnipseanbrystone: sudo apt-get -f install18:41
guntbertvegar_: no need to reboot - log out - log in18:42
seanbrystone_midori: Depends: libwebkit blah blah18:42
seanbrystone_ActionParsnip, no luck18:42
ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: you may need a webkit ppa to satisfy the dep18:42
randomWould anyone be able to help me connect through my network to a computer with windows7 to transfer files?18:42
seanbrystone_ActionParsnip, yeah i did that too18:42
ActionParsnipRandom: if you are on the same lan you can nautilus to access the win7 share18:43
ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: or find a deb file to give it what it needs18:43
dehqanmany packages are removed and ubuntu does not load completely so it should be reinstall , is /usr health to be used for new ubuntu ?18:43
randomActionParsnip,  i am on the same lan, so how would i use nautilus to do this?18:44
seanbrystone_na i give up ubuntu hard as Red Hat or Gentoo sometimes, thanks anyways ActionParsnip :)18:44
seanbrystone_i dont need midori that bad18:44
ActionParsniprandom: in the address bar type: smb://host/share ,replace host with the win7 hostname and share as the folders share name you set up18:45
ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: not as hard as gentoo by a long way dude18:45
Stargazerandom, in windows, type ipconfig, and see what your IP address is, then in ubuntu, click Places > Connect to server en type the IP address18:45
major_redhatStargaze: or you could type in ifconfig i believe18:46
Stargazemajor_redhat, in windows, it's ipconfig18:46
major_redhatStargaze, yeah but in linux / unix its ifconfig18:46
randomI'll try it out guys thanks.18:46
Stargazeyes, but he wants to connect to windows, no?18:47
ActionParsnipYes but we want the ip of the windows system to connect to18:47
randomto windows from linux18:47
randomi know what you gusy mean its all good18:47
major_redhatStargaze: i wasnt really paying attention - i just saw something and i suggested the ifconfig18:47
ActionParsnipSo running ipconfig on the windows side will give him/her what s/he needs18:47
major_redhatStargaze: sorry for any confusion i might have caused18:47
hidensofthi every one18:47
ActionParsnip!hi | hidensoft18:48
ubottuhidensoft: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:48
hidensofti trying to install photoshop cs3 with wine18:48
ActionParsnip!appdb | hidensoft18:48
ubottuhidensoft: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:48
hidensoftbut i got error anyway18:48
hidensoftplease give me second to speak !18:48
HathadarI would like to have two putty terminals open to my ubuntu server and log on with the same username/password.  How may I accomplish this.  It wont allow the second one "access denied".18:48
hidensofti have this question18:48
ng0ndoes wubi ubuntu have it's own #channel ?18:48
ActionParsnipHidensoft: not all apps work and not all versions work. The appdb will help. You may also benefit from the wine ppa18:49
ZykoticK9ng0n, nope (personally i think it should, but others disagree)18:49
ng0nZ: thanks.18:49
hidensoftubuntu have another soft wear like wine ?18:49
Stargazehidensoft, try Crossover18:49
ng0nZ: agree18:49
erUSULhidensoft: no; thereare two wine derivatives18:49
phretorubuntu 9.10 freezes my laptop with no reason, just at random. 9.04 used to run fine. Ideas?18:49
ActionParsnipHidensoft: 2 paid for ones come to mind, crossoveroffice and cedega18:50
ng0nZ: unique problems when running on NTFS file system18:50
ng0nZ: often NOT ubuntu issues per se18:50
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hidensofti find Crossover but i cant find cedega on the web18:52
Azelphurhidensoft: why do you want cedega?18:53
hidensoftHidensoft: 2 paid for ones come to mind, crossoveroffice and cedega18:53
hidensofti need softwear like WINE18:54
HathadarHow may I have multiple login sessions with the same username/password via putty?18:54
Azelphurhidensoft: crossover is much nicer than cedega18:54
Azelphurchoose crossover :)18:54
Stargazei think cedega is for games18:54
hidensofti trying now18:54
Azelphurcedega: mostly closed source, snapshot of wine taken from before they changed to LGPL, bad customer support, generally bad :(18:55
Azelphurcrossover: friendly, open source, good customer support18:55
Azelphura handy guide to crossover / cedega :P18:55
cousteauAzelphur: open source? didn't know18:56
cousteaubut it's also commercial, right?18:56
Azelphurcousteau: yea crossover is very open source, they employ most of the wine developers.18:56
Azelphurcousteau: yea, it's commercial support for wine basically18:56
dehqanhow to use /home in new ubuntu if it be selected will not be formated ?19:00
cousteaudehqan: you can tell the installer to NOT format it19:00
superkuhI normally run off a sata drive mounted as sda. I just connected a new ATA drive as a slave. Suddenly when I log in ubuntu says my /home/ is missing.19:01
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jiohdianyone have an opinion about dropbox?19:01
superkuhI think the drives were renamed, the numbers, or soemthing. But I can't get in to tell.19:01
jiohdiunder ubuntu19:01
coz_jiohdi,  i use it all the time19:01
coz_jiohdi,  it works well... 2 gigs free.. $10 a month for 50 gigs19:02
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coz_jiohdi,  cant go wrong with it19:02
jiohdicoz, better than ubuntu one?19:02
coz_jiohdi,  in my opinion  way better19:02
lchowellubuntu one is easy to use and is good for saving documents or reports19:02
jiohdiI have had problems with ubuntu one updating across several computers19:03
ChogyDanjiohdi: I do to.  Ubuntu One messes with the modification times, and then confuses itself19:03
randomStargaze, i'm still having problems connect, it seems like its not accepting my password even tho it's write19:04
randomStargaze, right*19:04
coz_jiohdi,  I have had no issues with dropbox..its clean  simple and web accessible19:04
jiohdicoz_: I am sold :)19:05
jiohdiany idea who is behind dropbox?19:05
coz_jiohdi,  I talked with the creators some time ago but no I dont remember19:05
jiohdia big company likely to be around for a while:?19:05
gigasoftis Ubuntu any good?19:06
chetnickany suggestions on good audio/music player?19:06
coz_jiohdi,  if they play it smart they can give ubuntu one some lessons also :)19:06
jiohdigigasoft: depends on what you want to do and how old your system :)19:06
chetnickgigasoft: yeah it's good.19:06
coz_gigasoft,  ubuntu is cool...nice...and easy to use19:06
gigasoftwidnows rules!19:06
coz_gigasoft,  it can be as simple as windows or as complex as you want19:06
jiohdigigasoft: not for long :)19:06
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chetnickgigasoft: i suggest you make more inteligent statement. Otherwise leave, and come back when you get smarter.19:07
jiohdiwindows does rule.... for now.... but no dictator lasts for ever19:08
randomcan anyone help with connect through lan to a comp with windows7?19:08
coz_Jules,  ciao...come sta?19:08
chetnickrandom: smb://windows-ip19:08
Juleswe coz19:08
jiohdilinux = democracy19:08
Julesvieni sul puntoit XD19:08
chetnickjiohdi: it's more of a communism :-)19:09
randomchetnick, i do that and it has 3 field in a box pop up, 2 are filled last is a pass, i type the pass and it just pops the box up again19:09
jiohdichetnick: communism treats the hard working like the lazy... and fails... ubuntu is not like that :)19:09
Julescoz_, sai per caso come aggiungere un programma su application?19:09
jiohdichetnick: linux is something communism will never be.... successful and thriving19:10
chetnickjiohdi: true.19:10
coz_Jules,  do you know any english?19:10
chetnickjiohdi: i was refering to idea, not what actually happend in practice.19:10
chetnickjiohdi: but i agree with you.19:10
coz_Jules,  quale programma?19:11
jiohdichetnick: the idea of communism cannot work in reality, but linux can and does so it must be something different :)19:11
chetnickrandom: did you enable printer and file sharing on windows?19:11
chetnickrandom: open the required firewall ports?19:11
randomchetnick, firewalls are off,19:11
jiohdimaybe the communists can learn something from it19:11
chetnickjiohdi: totally true.19:11
randomchetnick, if i was on win7 on this comp i could connect19:11
linolinohow do I check how much memory I have on my slice?19:12
coz_Jules,  dovrebbe andare al #ubuntu-it per un migliore supporto19:12
chetnickjiohdi: it's not the communists,  it's the people.19:12
chetnickrandom: so you were able to successfuly connect from windows, but can't do it from Ubuntu, correct?19:13
randomchetnick, right19:13
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linolinomy server is swapping19:14
davertroncan someone help me with trying to set up a network printer via the command line on ubuntu?19:15
ChogyDanlinolino: free?19:15
chetnickrandom: come on private, i need you to explain to me how are you trying to do this.19:15
linolinohow come its swapping19:15
linolinoits hella slow ..19:15
blakkheim!pm | chetnick19:15
ubottuchetnick: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:15
davertroni copied /etc/cups/printers.conf from one ubuntu machine that i can print from over to another ubuntu machine (headless server) and apt-get installed cups, but if i try lpr filename it doesn't print.  checking lpc it looks like i have entries in the "spool area", but i'm not sure what that means19:16
fourdfourmI'm trying to set it up so users authenticate using radius. What's the typical way to do this, if any? radiusclient1? I have a Cisco ACS I want to authenticate against.19:17
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Guest80742hi guys. i ve installed a nice up to date and fine tuned (with all apps needed) ubuntu.19:18
ikoniafourdfourm: do you want your ubuntu machine to authenticate against it, or external devices ?19:18
brettinshowdy folks, I am having trouble getting ALSA working - googling shows a bunch of forums posts that half address my problem.    I was hoping to nab some help here19:19
erUSULdavertron: spool area /var/spool/19:19
Guest80742how can I kno the total amount of packages installed from the raw version, ust to install same thing in another machine?19:19
mozmckCan I install several versions of ubuntu on different partitions and have them all use the same swap partition?19:19
davertronerUSUL: any idea what i can check to see why things aren't actually printing?19:19
ikoniaGuest80742: get a clean machine and do a dpkg -l | wc -l, then do it on your machine and count the difference19:19
fourdfourmikonia: The ubuntu machine.19:19
brettinsalsaconf command is not found, and running alsamixer gives me alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory19:20
erUSULdavertron: /var/log/cups/error_log ? and other logs there19:20
ikoniafourdfourm: you need to use something like the openradia client and going pam to use it19:20
ChogyDanmozmck: just edit your fstab appropriately.  I suggest avoiding UUIDs for swap19:20
davertroni don't have /var/log/cups19:20
KamokowI heard the new ubuntu themes are available on the 10.04 alphas. Is there anyway to try them on 9.10_19:20
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ikoniaKamokow: no19:21
Guest80742ikonia: this will return the number of lines...19:21
mozmckChogyDan: why fstab?  This would be complete installs from CD.  Do you mean not use UUIDs in grub?19:21
Kamokowikonia: Okay, thanks.19:21
Guest80742i need the packs19:21
ikoniaGuest80742: yes, and each package is a line19:21
brettinsCan anyone help me with configuring ALSA?  It doesn't seem to have installed correctly19:21
davertronah, looks like i have "cupsys-client" installed...do i also need "cupsys" installed to print?19:21
davertronmaybe "cupsys-client" is only for printing to a print server or something?19:22
magnapWhere is the channel for beginners?19:22
mozmckdavertron: I think so.19:22
ikoniamagnap: you're in ti19:22
ChogyDanmozmck: no, I meant fstab, but you handle the fstab after everything is installed.  Just use manual partitioning, and make sure the swap partition is set to be "used as" swap. no mount point19:23
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nibbler!details | brettins19:23
ubottubrettins: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:23
erUSULdavertron: is cups correctly installled and running ?? o.0??19:23
Guest80742ikonia: well, so I know how many packages have been installed... i need their name to repeat the command...19:23
magnapI thought it was something like #ubuntu-beginners, but it seemed i created it.19:23
erUSUL!clone | Guest8074219:23
ubottuGuest80742: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:23
erUSUL!es | MIRI19:23
ubottuMIRI: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:23
ikoniaGuest80742: ok, so pipe the dpkg -l to a file, then do the same on a cleam machine19:24
ikoniaerUSUL: mega factoid, cool find19:24
brettinsummm.   alsaconf gives command not found, and alsamixer gives alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory.     Also the /proc/asound directory does not exist19:24
brettinsso ...a whole lot of "it didn't install"19:24
mozmckChogyDan: thanks.  I have winxp, and ubuntu 8.04 on the drive, and I left free space for another ubuntu partition.19:24
brettinslatest version of ubuntu AFAIK19:24
ikoniabrettins: install alsaconf ?19:24
davertronerUSUL: that is the question19:24
brettinsRight, apt-get install alsaconf doesn't do anything19:24
Guest80742ikonia: :D  ok me stupid19:24
MIRIk tal19:24
erUSULdavertron: can you use cups web interface to configure check cups ...19:24
brettinsi've run the apt-ge installs that are recommended on ALSA sites19:25
ikoniabrettins: the package is something like "alsa-tools" or "alsa-utils"19:25
MIRIno meda la gana19:25
brettins apt-get install alsa-utils alsa-oss      is what I ran19:25
HathadarFrom windows my public share shows up on my ubuntu server but when I try to connect I get "windows cannot access \\server\public"19:25
erUSULMIRI: then speak english ; thnak you19:25
brettinswell initially I ran this: apt-get install libasound2 alsa-utils alsa-oss19:25
MIRIno tengo ganas de  ablar ingles19:26
erUSULMIRI: you will be kicked out if you don't.19:26
brettinsso yah, I've run the install files that are recommended19:26
benkay86Does anyone know how to work around "Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs" when attempting to install 9.10 from a USB drive created with usb-creator?19:26
brettinsit seems to have  not installed properly.  So I did the "purge" thing and then ran the install again19:26
brettinssame problem as before19:27
ikonia!es | MIRI19:27
ubottuMIRI: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:27
MIRIplease talking español19:27
ikoniaMIRI: english only19:27
ikonia!es | MIRI19:27
ikoniaMIRI: read what ubottu said19:28
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brettinsso yah....I've "installed" the files that should install alsaconf, and it's still not there.  Any suggestions?19:28
MIRIcan you go to the toilet plis?¿?19:28
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benkay86Anyone with experience installing Ubuntu from USB?19:29
benkay86When I try to install from a USB pendrive, the installer hangs on a blank screen.19:29
brettinsI'm not sure how to take the silence - is that that noone knows the answer or my question is dumb?19:29
komputesbenkay86: I so but have not seen that error19:29
MIRIcan i go to the toist please19:29
ChogyDanbenkay86: I do, but it always works fine for me.  Maybe your usb is bad19:30
ardchoillebrettins: perhaps not everyone in the channel is looking at their screen right now19:30
Hathadarbenkay86: I attempted initially to install USB, had lots of problems with blank screens like you.  I tried a different program to write to to my usb drive.  That seemed to work.  I dont recall what it is though.  Try various program to write to your usb drive.19:30
brettinsard: some people who were answering me before have typed since then but not responded to what I've been asking19:30
benkay86ChogyDan: Maybe, but I should get a write error from usb-creator if that's the case.19:30
ardchoillebrettins: Give it a few and ask again, perhaps something came up19:31
Ashfire908I can't left click on anything inside of flash (on any website) in firefox. It acts like I didn't click it.19:31
ChogyDanbenkay86: why not use the boot option to check the drive anyway?  I'm not sure you would get a write error...19:31
KutakizukariTrying to edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf to blacklist b43 and blacklist ssb, but when I open the file it will not let me save it. How do I open this file to edit and save.19:31
bdheemanbenkay86: how about booting off of an iso image itself using grub219:31
ActionParsnipYo yo yo19:31
ZykoticK9Ashfire908, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working19:31
vilinymy karmic koala fails to start the login screen and therefore let me into the desktop... basicly im left with 2 black screens with an oldschool pointer X as the cursor and nothing happens. Everythings working under the hood but the system isn't usable beyond shell - tried reinstalling x configs and reinstalling ubuntu desktop but doesn't seem to do a single thing for the machine. Any ideas?19:32
ActionParsnipKutakizukari: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf19:32
benkay86bdheeman: Would that work? I think the initramfs needs to be tweaked from what's on the ISO to expect an iso image file instead of a physical device.19:32
blakkheims/gksudo gedit/sudo vi19:32
Kutakizukarithank you19:32
ChogyDanviliny: is this a clean install?19:33
Ashfire908ZykoticK9, Thanks.19:33
ActionParsnipBlakkheim: gedit is a bit more user friendly for users ;)19:33
brettinsHey guys, i'm having trouble with my ALSA install.  I ran apt-get install libasound2 alsa-utils alsa-oss  to install it initially, but many directories and commands don't seem to be in place.  "alsaconf" gives command not found, and "alsamixer" gives the message alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory.   The "/proc/asound" directory that seems to be referred to does not exist.19:33
blakkheimActionParsnip: if he's already on the commandline, why call two graphical apps from it instead of just using the terminal to edit? seems like a waste19:34
vilinyChogyDan no this is my week old install, 2 possible reasons it did this: 1. Updated system prior to this failed boot 2. Overclocked unsuccessfully ~5 times and ubuntu failed to boot - might have corrupted something there19:34
benkay86ChogyDan: I would love to, but that boot option generates the same error.19:34
bdheemanbenkay86: not, sure but do boot from an iso off an on, is much faster than cdrom drive and, or sticks19:34
ActionParsnipBlakkheim: true19:34
ChogyDanviliny: ya, I would just reinstall if you can19:34
brettinsHey guys, i'm having trouble with my ALSA install.  I ran apt-get install libasound2 alsa-utils alsa-oss  to install it initially, but many directories and commands don't seem to be in place.  "alsaconf" gives command not found, and "alsamixer" gives the message alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory.   The "/proc/asound" directory that seems to be referred to does not exist.    I tried purging a19:36
brettinsnd then installing again but the same problems persist.19:36
ChogyDanbenkay86: maybe you could try just mounting it if you already have an install of ubuntu running.  something like: mount -o loop /media/usb/squash.fs19:36
vilinyChogydan whats the least painfull way to do it? as to not lose everything?19:36
vilinycopying my home folder to a ntfs drive on the computer but beyond that?19:36
benkay86ChogyDan: I'm trying to install it on a friend's netbook, not my laptop. I know the image works because I've burned it to CD and installed it the old fashioned way before.19:37
Kutakizukari<ActionParsnip> When I do gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf it gives me a blank file, when I opened it earlier there was much text. Should add my lines and save or do I need to do something else?19:37
vilinyalso, sudo mount /dev/sda -> where in there do i specify it to be ntfs filesystem?19:37
blakkheimviliny: mount the partition, not the device19:37
vilinyblakkheim, thanks - good spot19:38
ChogyDanviliny: unless you have some server programs installed, all your data will be in /home19:38
vilinyit will keep them?19:38
chetnickany suggestion on good music/audio player?19:38
blakkheimchetnick: mpd + ncmpcpp19:38
HathadarFrom windows my public share shows up on my ubuntu server but when I try to connect I get "windows cannot access \\server\public".  Can I get some help configuring /etc/samba/smb.conf?19:38
knoppiesChogyDan, Correct me if I am wrong, but some config files are not in /home19:38
brettinsHey guys, i'm having trouble with my ALSA install.  I ran apt-get install libasound2 alsa-utils alsa-oss  to install it initially, but many directories and commands don't seem to be in place.  "alsaconf" gives command not found, and "alsamixer" gives the message alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory.   The "/proc/asound" directory that seems to be referred to does not exist.    I tried purging a19:39
brettinsnd then installing again but the same problems persist.19:39
vilinyknoppies, apache server configs and the likes are not... but thats okay since it's my desktop and not my server :)19:39
vilinywhat does cp omitting directory mean?19:40
knoppiesviliny, ok. I hope it all works out in the end.19:40
Ashfire908Sometimes when I click a button or something that triggers the button sound or others like that, my speakers pop quickly at the start of the sound.19:40
blakkheimviliny: it means use -r for copying directories19:40
knoppiesviliny, it failed. I had that once, I cant remember what I did to correct it.19:40
vilinythanks again blakkheim19:40
ChogyDanknoppies: ok, I'm not an expert.  I personally just backup /home19:40
vilinyit's back-upping right now19:40
knoppiesviliny, I think rather than trying to copy the directory, I just copied the files in a directory into another directory (that already exists).19:40
knoppiesChogyDan, nor am I, Im just curious.19:41
vilinyis lucid lynx in any shape to be a replacement for 9.10 if i would go straight for that now that i have to reinstall?19:41
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:41
brettinsIs anyone available to help me with some questions about an alsa install problem?19:41
guntbert!lucid | viliny19:41
ubottuviliny: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+119:41
Pirate_Hunterdoes 8.04 come with lmv2 by default?19:41
plagerismAnyone using any application for realtime watching of a system log?  My application would be very simple.  Watch the logs for a couple of messages from dhcp, and depending on the type do different tasks.19:42
seanbrystone_plagerism, maybe iwatch19:42
knoppiesplagerism, I was going to say conky, but I dont think thats what your after.19:42
Ashfire908I'm going to go on a limb and say pulseaudio is the issue.19:42
ulbdoes anybody here use and external HD dock? i was thinking of getting one. does 9.10 have PMP support?19:42
Ashfire908*out on19:42
brettinsHave I done something offensive or noobish so that people are ignoring me?19:43
plagerismseanbrystone, thanks I will look into iwatch19:43
vilinybrettins, whats up?19:43
plagerismknoppies, your right conky isnt what I am looking for19:43
brettinshey viliny - i'll paste what i've written so far here -19:43
brettinsHey guys, i'm having trouble with my ALSA install.  I ran apt-get install libasound2 alsa-utils alsa-oss  to install it initially, but many directories and commands don't seem to be in place.  "alsaconf" gives command not found, and "alsamixer" gives the message alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory.   The "/proc/asound" directory that seems to be referred to does not exist.    I tried purging a19:43
brettinsnd then installing again but the same problems persist.19:43
FloodBot1brettins: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
ChogyDanviliny: to backup your /home, you should use something like rsync -aS19:43
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knoppiesbrettins, other than repeating yourself often, NO. Unfortunately we are not all experts on ALSA.19:44
ChogyDanviliny: cp may be able to do it, but make sure to use the -a option as well as -r19:44
vilinyBrettins, sorry i can't help you with that specific problem, sorry19:44
plagerismknoppies, you mean this iwatch http://iwatch.sourceforge.net/documentation.html19:44
viliny-1 sorry19:44
vilinyChogyDan it's in the middle of copying19:44
knoppiesbrettins, You could look at google and ubuntu forums, but You probably already have.19:44
Ashfire908The pop only occurs with the ubuntu sounds.19:44
knoppiesplagerism, Im not the one who suggested iwatch.19:44
brettinsYah, I've googled many times.19:44
ZykoticK9plagerism, root-tail shows a specified log on the Xorg background, I use it from time to time19:45
vilinyChogyDan, whats the worst that can happen? i don't really need any hidden folders and such anyway19:45
brettinshow often should I put a question in here...once every half an hour or  so?19:45
seanbrystone_plagerism, its in the repos19:45
brettins(if it doesn't get answered)19:45
Ashfire908Er, "Window and button sounds".19:45
seanbrystone_sudo apt-get install iwatch, then man iwatch19:45
Red_HamsterXbrettins, you might have more luck with the forums. They tend to handle more complex issues more effectively.19:45
plagerismseanbrystone_, is that not for watch filesystems?19:45
vilinybrettings, logic can be applied -> if someone active here doesn't know the answer now - then maybe someone who DOES know gets active in say... 20 minutes? theres good odds for that right?19:45
knoppiesbrettins, yea that sounds reasonable. alternativly you could pastebin your problem and say. I need help installing ALSA. Please look at <pastebin link> for more info.19:46
seanbrystone_plagerism, i think it has settings for what you want to do with it, im no expert though :)19:46
babbiohi guys i have a question, at the bibliothèque of my university we have a pc whit ubuntu, the goal of this pc is to allow students to browsing Internet. So i have installed ubuntu and created an "administrator" user to accomplish the systems routine operations. Then i created an "user" user for all other users. Now i would like to allow generic users only to open and use firefox....i though about make the administrator user part of19:46
babbio the "root" group and so make all the / directort but the firefox one, readable writable and executable only by the root group.....but this does not work....how can i do???19:46
brettinsRed_HamsterX: All the forums show essentially a close problem but the solution involves another part of the problem... ie they say "go to your /proc/asound" direcotry...which doesn't exist for me19:46
brettinsknoppies: thanks19:46
brettinsviliny: yah, logic is how I got the 30 minute number :)19:47
knoppiesbrettins, anytime.19:47
plagerismseanbrystone, yea I read the description in the cache, and it appears to work with inotify to just notify when the file or filesystem was modified19:47
jp--hi guys, how can I make usplash to not show any boot text on the usplash theme I have set up now?19:47
vilinybrettins, if the solution isn't already then make a new thread about the problem :)19:47
plagerismas my dhcp server, serves 1500+ users, I know the log file will be updated quite regularily.  I want something like OSSEC, but without the OSSEC19:48
seanbrystone_plagerism, oh ok, figures lol19:48
brettinsviliny:  makes sense.  I oddly balked at that because there are a bunch of posts with similar problems and people just get told to google it.  I will try it.19:48
dehqancousteau: thanks19:49
plagerismI want what fail2ban does for authentication fail, but more generic so that I can act on "no free leases" in the dhcp logs19:49
olskolircis it safe to open up a .py file in gedit?19:49
ikoniaplagerism: dhcpd will deal with that19:49
ikoniaplagerism: you can tell fail2ban to scrape whatever log you want19:49
plagerismikonia, and then configure it to do whatever actions I want ?19:50
ikoniaplagerism: within reason, yeah19:50
ikonia!es | vladi_sevillista19:50
ubottuvladi_sevillista: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:50
plagerismikonia, that sounds promising19:51
vladi_sevillistaillo ai alguien19:51
ikoniavladi_sevillista: english please19:51
dehqanubuntu is damaged and does not boot up ,(many packages are removed) , now , can /usr be used for new ubuntu or it is risk ?19:51
ikoniadehqan: don't use a /usr partition from another installer19:51
dehqanikonia: what do you mean of another installer ?19:52
ikoniadehqan: what is your question, I may have not understood properly19:52
jp--how can i make usplash to not show boot text on the theme via command-line? (not using startup manager, cause I know there an checkbox there that says 'Show text during boot')19:52
mkquistjp--: remove quiet from boot line... should show text19:53
dehqanikonia: can we use /usr in new installed ubuntu , both are jaunty19:53
jp--mkquist, I want it to not show the boot information/services that are getting up on my usplash theme!19:53
ikoniadehqan: use it ?? when you install ubuntu /usr gets created19:54
jp--i do want it themed19:54
kielanmatthey guyz19:54
jp--but without the extra boot information showing it up19:54
kielanmatthow do I reset ALSA19:54
kielanmattlike set it back to default19:54
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dehqanikonia: replacing them19:54
ikoniadehqan: replacing what from what ?19:55
jp--I knkow startupmanager does the job, but I don't have any gui installed, I don't wanna have to install 400 megs of files just to change that option mkquist19:55
mkquistjp--: then set to quiet boot... doesnt show text19:55
nhakhow can i run a shell script without giving the full path of19:55
dehqanikonia: /usr from jaunty that is damaged to new one19:55
nhakthe script ?19:55
ikoniadehqan: where are you getting a new one ?19:55
ikoniadehqan: either way "no"19:55
nhakhow can i run a shell script without giving the full path of the script ?19:55
ikonianhak: put it in your PATH19:55
nhaki have tried it but it does not work :/19:55
dehqanikonia: installer will make new ok ?19:56
kielanmatthow do I reset ALSA back to default?19:56
ikoniadehqan: if you do an install it will make a new one19:56
ikonianhak: a.) the it has to be in your path b.) it has to be executable19:56
dehqanikonia: ok then can /usr from past be replaced with new one ?19:56
ikoniadehqan: no19:56
xnt14Hi, I have an issue with a nvidia G105M, X crashes when I try to login. I'm using nvidia's latest drivers. Any Solutions to this problem?19:56
kielanmattxnt14: how did you install them19:56
dehqanikonia: why not?19:56
ikoniadehqan: because the versions maybe out of sync with what libraries in /lib are, or the package manager thinks is installed19:57
xnt14kielanmatt: I downloaded nvidia's .run file and executed that from a tty as root19:57
Lappiehello i have a couple of questions, i installed ubuntu with windows vista, when i start my sys, i goto ubuntu, then it goes to the gnu grub 1.97 beta19:57
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Lappieand under there are selections that i dont understand19:57
kielanmattxnt14: 195.xxx.x.x. ones?19:57
xnt14kielanmatt: yes19:57
xnt14the *latest* one19:58
benkay86ChogyDan: Got it to work after I used this: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/downloads/Universal-USB-Installer/Universal-USB-Installer.exe from Windows 7.19:58
dehqanikonia: ok someone has done it for debian19:58
kielanmattdid you agree to remove conflicting files?19:58
ikoniadehqan: so ?19:58
xnt14it never asked19:58
jp--mkquist, that did the tricks! i love you.19:58
FloodBot1xnt14: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:58
benkay86Of course, not it's hard to tell my friend "Linux is better" with a straight face.19:58
FloodBot1jp--: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:58
ikoniajp--: please stop that19:58
kielanmattxnt14: did you agree to nvidia changing Xorg config19:58
benkay86(Since I need Windows to install Linux.)19:58
dehqanikonia: he/she used /usr for new installs19:58
xnt14kielanmatt: yeah19:58
ikoniajp--: please try to put your comments on one, or as few lines as possible19:58
ikoniadehqan: so ?19:58
kielanmattxnt14: in that case19:58
opossum_oisifhi, I would like to know how do I do a backup of my home?19:58
kielanmatti would reccomend a third party installer19:58
ikoniaopossum_oisif: tar it up to a different location19:58
LappieUb linux 2.6.31-19 generic, then the recovery mode for the same, and also -14 and -14 recovery mode also there is winvista (loader) on /dev/sda2)19:58
jp--ikonia, i'm a hustla, don't fuck with me.19:59
xnt14kielanmatt: like Envy-NG?19:59
xnt14kielanmatt: ok, I'll try that19:59
kielanmatthow do I reset ALSA back to default?19:59
kielanmatthow do I reset ALSA back to default?19:59
nhakikonia, the file is in the path and it is executable but i does not work :/19:59
dehqanikonia: so why there in debian is possible but it is not possible here ?19:59
overmindopossum_oisif: Copy your personal data to pendrive and done19:59
Lappiewhat is the diff between the -19 and the -14 and what does the vista (loader) thing do?19:59
opossum_oisifikonia, ok thx but what are the argument to do a correct backup does cvzf are sufficant?19:59
DcMeeseLappie: Vista?? Ewww19:59
ikoniadehqan: it is possible if you %101 fully understand what you're doing and know that the packages match and the binaries match the library versions20:00
ikoniaopossum_oisif: tar cvfp20:00
dehqanikonia: see both are jaunty so lib and packages should be the same or not ?20:00
ikoniadehqan: no20:00
ikoniadehqan: updates change versions20:00
xnt14kielanmatt: I can't login to gnome, does envy have a cli?20:00
ikonia!envy | xnt1420:01
ubottuxnt14: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver20:01
dehqanikonia: no no with out update , does jaunty update automoticaly ?20:01
nhakikonia, e.g. now i want to start thunderbird after installing it using the source files after i setup the path in .bashrc i can not start it directly20:01
ikoniadehqan: jaunty offers updates20:01
ikonianhak: echo $PATH see if it's in your path (or paste your PATH in here)20:01
xnt14ikonia: ok thanks ;)20:01
xnt14ah, it does have a cli, the `-t-` switch :)20:02
Lappieis there a source of info for the gnu grub?20:02
kielanmattxnt14: yes it does20:02
ikoniaLappie: yes, the grub website on gnu.org20:03
xnt14kielanmatt: ok20:03
dehqanikonia: so both are 9.04 with out update from on cd20:03
Lappiekk ty20:03
ikoniadehqan: updates don't come from the cd, they come from the internet20:03
kielanmattjust type in envyng20:03
kielanmattinto terminal once you install it20:03
dehqanikonia: know that , humble mean humble have not updated it handy20:03
xnt14kielanmatt: I am, its running atm ;)20:03
ulbdoes anybody here use and external HD dock? i was thinking of getting one. does 9.10 have PMP support?20:03
ikoniadehqan: I have no idea what youre talking about humble and handy20:04
dehqanikonia: know that , humble(i) mean humble have not updated it myself20:04
ulbmy external HD worked fine, but I want to get one of those docks to clone drives...could there be any issues?20:04
nhakikonia, sorry it was my fault (i have put thunderbid there), thank you for your help :)20:05
dehqanin a folder there are some packages from jaunty and karmic repositories , how to collect jaunty packages ? ikonia20:06
redcould someone add this repository: add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc20:07
redand then list me the list of packets this command would install:  sudo apt-get build-dep xbmc20:07
Elive_user59_nl-nick shuffletown20:07
xnt14kielanmatt: Thank You! That worked. :)20:07
redim unable to successfully add that repo under the new alpha20:07
redso i cant get the build deps20:08
Lappieok this site does not appear to have any information on those diff options, so what now?20:08
redand can't find a list anywhere20:08
guntbertred: "the new alpha" means lucid? then please join #ubuntu+120:09
mick__hey i have a bash script i want to automate to an icon20:09
mick__what would be the command to open a terminal AND enter a command into it?20:10
redguntbert: yes it means, and since people there tend to have it installed im asking here.20:10
redcause i need an older karmic user to successfully ad the repo and paste me the list :)20:10
mick__i tried -e --command=[my script]20:10
redso i can manually find the dep packages20:10
phnommick__: gnome-terminal -e <command>20:10
mick__wow.. i was on the right track lol XD thanks20:11
guntbertred: ah I see - you will get better responses if you keep your questions on *one* line20:11
arandred: https://edge.launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/ppa/+files/xbmc_9.11-karmic1.dsc should list your build-deps.20:12
xnt14umm, it won't let me enable desktop effects, and running `compiz` in gnome-terminal complains that Xgl isn't enabled. any ideas?20:12
arandxnt14: Indicating your current video drivers don't support XCgl..20:14
xnt14arand: I installed the nvidia 185 driver20:15
Mohammad[B]i have not sound in youtube videos in firefox ! how i can resolve this problem ?20:16
olskolircmy friend wants to upgrade from fiesty to karamic and I have an incoming pastebin for ya20:16
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arandxnt14: Then something didn't go exactly as it should, presumably, you might be able to find some hints in /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:16
xnt14arand: ok20:16
xnt14I'll pastebin it20:16
FloodBot1xnt14: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:17
xnt14I think I should put in the "Extensions" part in xorg.conf?20:17
xnt14Its not in there atm20:17
redthank you arand20:18
xnt14ugh, adding 'Option "Composite" "Enable"' made x crash...20:18
arandxnt14: normally you shouldn't need an xorg.conf file.20:18
xnt14arand: hmm20:18
Lappieok i think i found something (finally) but i am very very much a noob as far as this stuff is conserned, can someone please review this information and tell me if im on the right path???    http://www.trap17.com/index.php/Editing-Grub_t70042.html20:19
mkquistLappie: having grub problems?20:20
Lappienot exactly a problem, i just want to understand all the options it shows20:20
mkquistLappie: karmic?20:21
dehqanwill xchat log be removed after removing xchat?20:21
Lappieyes i installed ubuntu with windows20:21
kwtmQuestion on behalf of my mom: "The bar that used to show the names of opened programs is lost.  When I minimize the program that I am using I will not be able to get it back and I may have to open a new one.  Hence there may be several identical programs opened without being known. "20:21
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kwtmHow does she get the bar back?  I use Kubuntu, not Gnome Ubuntu, and I have no idea what she's talking about.20:22
xanguakwtm: me neither :S20:22
serverduckHello, I uninstalled evolution mail but the icon remained in the office section. How can I remove it?20:23
cousteaumaybe kicker is not running, or is running without the window list on it20:23
xanguaserverduck: better not to20:23
kwtmcousteau: Kicker is the name of the bar that has all the opened programs?  Funny, that's what they call it in KDE, too.20:23
serverduckxangua, Why?20:23
arandkwtm: does she still have the topmost panel? is the place where the window list was simply blank or is the whole panel gone20:23
xanguakwtm: tell her to create a new panel and add 'window list' to it20:23
cousteaukwtm: doesn't kubuntu use kde?20:24
kwtmarand: She says "The bar for internet is OK.  All programs are shown."  I think that means the APplications menu etc. are still there.20:24
kwtmxangua: How does she do that?20:24
cousteaukwtm: ok, never mind... it's "gnome-panel", I think20:24
kwtmcousteau: Yes, Kubuntu uses KDE, so that's how I know.  I'm trying to help my mom who's using Gnome Ubuntu, as mentioned in my message above.20:24
cousteauor "gnome-panels"20:25
xanguakwtm: with right clic in a clear area in the panel :S20:25
kwtmxangua: Okay, will try.  Thx.20:25
arandkwtm: Ok, the one can right-click the top panel, select "add panel"20:25
serverduckSo can someone help me delete an icon?20:25
TheHerberthello, how can i hide the complete path I am in, in the terminal?20:25
arandkwtm: "new panel" rather.20:25
ng0nmove to trash20:26
serverducksays operation not supported20:26
David-TTheHerbert: from where? the prompt?20:26
ng0ndo you have a trash bin on your status bar ?20:26
kwtmarand: Does she have to specify what type of panel, like "the kind of panel that shows all the opened programs".  (Is that the "taskbar"?)20:27
David-TTheHerbert: you need to change the prompt, which depends on the shell. for bash you need to set PS120:27
serverduckerror while copying evolutioin.desktop20:27
TheHerbertyeah the thing before the cursor =)20:27
HebramUpdate Manager is offering to do a new install for linux-image-2.6.31-20-generic-pae.  Do I need to un-install and then reinstall my nvidia restricted drivers first?  I had to do this in order for the drivers to work after upgrading to the PAE enabled kernel.20:27
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: thats in your profile somewhere likely20:27
serverduckI'm new to ubuntu, opened only my trash folder and dragged it there.20:27
ng0nsorry.. that's all i can suggest20:27
TheHerberti looked in the .bashrc ... no luck20:27
arandkwtm: then right-click the new panel and "add to panel", and add "show desktop", "window list", "desktop switcher", and finally "deleted items", that should make the panel as it is normally...20:27
ng0nseverduck:  you might try #ubuntu-beginners20:28
xnt14arand: nope, didn't work, and heres the pastebin for the Xorg log: http://pastebin.ca/182417620:28
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: /etc/profiles to possibly or anything else you may be sourcing when you login20:28
ng0nserverduck: no offense.  i use it.20:28
David-TTheHerbert: /etc/profile seems to set PS1 here20:28
serverduckThank you very much.20:28
kwtmTheHerbert: If you want your prompt to be "Hello", then you type PS1="Hello"20:28
arandkwtm: Another way would be to completely reset all panels, but in that case she would loose any custom launchers/applets that was added to the top panel as well..20:29
xnt14ah, heres the error: (EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//libglx.20:29
kwtmTheHerbert: Although that's not in your .bashrc, you can add your own line.  I think you have to say "export PS1=Hello" ... not sure if you need the "export"20:29
dehqanikonia:  if /home be kept , to a user file and folders in /home ,for example to have the same desktop , should new ubuntu have the same username20:29
SolarisBoyyou need the export20:29
TheHerbertwhat's PS1?20:29
ikoniadehqan: no, usernames and passwords are stored in /etc20:30
ikoniaTheHerbert: the shell prompt20:30
SolarisBoythen would need to source your .bashrc again or log out and in20:30
kwtmSolarisBoy: Otherwise the assigned value would only last till the end of the script file, right?  I seem to remember that.20:30
ClintEastWooddoes ubuntu support belkin wireless cards20:30
kwtmTheHerbert: "PS1" is the name of a built-in environment variable (google those last 3 words).  Whatever you set it to, your prompt will become.20:30
kwtmTheHerbert: Some special text to remember:20:30
SolarisBoykwtm: i think so20:30
David-TTheHerbert: by default it is set to PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ ' which expands to 'user@host:/full/path/to/cwd$ ' (or ending in # if you are root)20:30
ClintEastWoodwhat is the name of the software to play windows games on ubuntu20:31
TheHerbertkewl thanks, is ther a reference how tu put there some useful information like the current dir without the complete path?20:31
dehqanikonia: no humble mean how to use previous ubuntu desktop files on new desktop ; to have the same desktop20:31
TheHerbertDavid-T: thanks20:31
arandxnt14: the lines with (EE) are of specific interest, possibly #20:31
SolarisBoyyou can remove the \w i guess20:31
David-TTheHerbert: man bash # and search for PS1, and PROMPTING20:31
Pirate_Hunter!lvm > Pirate_Hunter20:31
ubottuPirate_Hunter, please see my private message20:31
arand(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//libglx.so is the root of the problems20:31
diavelClintEastWood: wine20:31
TheHerbertDavid-T: thanks =)20:31
David-Tespecially:               \W     the basename of the current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde20:31
ikoniadehqan: dekstop files are noramlly stored in /home/$username20:32
kwtmTheHerbert: Some special text to remember: \h means the (Host) computer name, \u means the User name, and \w is the Working directory name (in case you want it back)20:32
HebramClintEastWood:  PlayOnLinux is one that is located in the Ubuntu Software Center.20:32
dehqanikonia:  for example there is /home/desktop/iko   , should new ubuntu has iko user to have the same desktop ?20:32
ikoniadehqan: the path would be /home/iko/Desktop20:32
arandxnt14: ah, didn't see you already found it.20:32
ikoniadehqan: and any user can use /home/iko if you tell it that user's home dir is /home/ko20:33
xnt14arand: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139062420:33
TheHerbertkwtm: thanks aswell20:33
xnt14what do you think?20:33
kwtmDavid-T: man bash?  Isn't that for the #FeminaziLinux channel?  (joke! hoke!)20:33
HebramClintEastWood:  I believe it is a front-end for WINE.20:33
HebramClintEastWood:  You can also purchase Crossover.20:33
cousteauthere's a bug or something on UNR karmic installer, it doesn't show the windw20:33
cousteauthe window decoration20:33
dehqanikonia:  how to tell it ?20:33
Kangarooohow to make command not execute but just simulate (show possible output) ?20:34
ikoniawhen you create the user, it will ask20:34
cousteauI had to restart metacity to get it20:34
eklofWhat's the easiest way to dualboot ubuntu and osx on a alu-macbook ?20:34
guntbertkwtm: such remarks are not  welcome here :-(20:34
daftykinseklof: rEFIt20:34
kwtmguntbert: Okay.  Won't do it again, promise.20:34
guntbertkwtm: :)20:34
HebramUpdate Manager is offering to do a new install for linux-image-2.6.31-20-generic-pae.  Do I need to un-install and then reinstall my nvidia restricted drivers first?  I had to do this initially in order for the drivers to work after upgrading to the PAE enabled kernel.20:35
Kangarooohow to make command not execute but just simulate (show possible output) ?20:35
cousteauUNR installation starts at 21:3620:36
SolarisBoyKangarooo: depends on the command if it has that option20:36
ikoniaKangarooo: not all commands can do that, what command do you want ?20:36
daftykinsHebram: the new kernel should invoke an nvidia module being generated for it at install20:36
cousteauKangarooo: what command?20:36
guntbertKangarooo: depends on the command - you would have to look at man <command> to see if that is supported at all20:36
Hebramdaftykins:  Thank you!20:36
arandKangarooo: also you can use "echo command" if you want to se the expansion20:37
racecar56with vesa and nvidia drivers, my screen flickers a lot, i'm using a GeForce 8200 (integrated on a nForce 750a)20:37
Kangaroooany command. maybe they have standart option20:37
dehqanikonia:  how to  tell it that user's home dir is /home/ko20:37
Kangaroooso echo works for all commands?20:37
SolarisBoyif you want to see the 'command' not the output20:37
kwtmarand: Thanks, have sent email to my mom.  My router is not working to accept incoming connections or I'd VNC into her machine to figure it out.20:37
ikoniadehqan: it asks you when you setup the user20:38
TheHerbertwuhar ... i about to love this CL stuff ...20:38
Kangarooono echo just says repeats what i enter after echo. thats not usefull20:38
arandKangarooo: e.g. "echo ls *" will show "ls file1 file2 folder2 folder2" ...etc20:38
SolarisBoyit could be20:38
SolarisBoyKangarooo: in general all commands dont have a test option thats not a standard thing20:39
dehqanikonia:  even with another username ? what will happen if we creat new iko username , will /home/iko be removed20:39
Kangaroooarand echo apt-get * also does the same..20:39
racecar56dehqan: no20:39
ikoniadehqan: no, home directorys only get removed it you tell them to20:39
Giant81hehe... sudo apt-get install *20:39
arandKangarooo: But no otherwise you need to use the --simulate --dry-run or equal parameter for the command in question.20:39
Giant81that would rock.. install everything from everywhere20:39
racecar56dehqan: if you create the user called "user", /home/user won't get deleted20:40
arandKangarooo: is it has one20:40
racecar56Giant81: :P20:40
SolarisBoyKangarooo: for instance some package managers like apt-get or rpm have test/simulation options where nothing is done but you see what would have been done,, but all commands dont have that option20:40
KangaroooGiant81: E: Couldn't find package Desktop20:40
Giant81I figured it would error20:40
dehqanracecar56:  ikonia thanks so what will happen ? it will use the previous iko folder yes ?20:40
Giant81not to mention the dependancy hell of trying to get it to work20:41
hellz_bellz!evolution mail20:41
David-TGiant81: i'm sure some combination of apt-get, apt-cache and xargs would attempt it....20:41
David-Ti'm similarly sure i don't want to try20:41
xnt14how do I fix the glx module? http://pastebin.ca/182417620:42
SolarisBoyKangarooo: Desktop is probably in you pwd =)20:42
SolarisBoytype 'echo *'20:42
Giant81I'm wondering what all they put into debian that expanded it to 5 DVD's... no CD... DVD!!!20:42
guntbert!ot | Giant8120:42
ubottuGiant81: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:42
racecar56Giant81: oh wow...20:42
KangaroooSolarisBoy: Desktop Documents Downloads Music out-1.ogv out.ogv Pictures Public Screenshot-1.png Screenshot-2.png Screenshot-3.png Screenshot.png sis_drv.o-410 Templates Videos20:42
SolarisBoyKangarooo: see Desktop is first thats why that command tried to find Desktop =)20:43
abdelrahmanI think I'm my laptop doesn't go to suspend because of fglrx, is there a way to turn it off before hibernate or suspen20:43
racecar56$ echo *20:43
racecar56*insert uncountable amount of junk here*20:43
dehqanracecar56:  ikonia thanks so what will happen ? it will use the previous iko folder yes ?20:43
racecar56dehqan: yes20:43
Kangaroooyeah if used some option to set it alphabeticaly then something else would be first20:43
SolarisBoyracecar56: your probably where a lot of junk is at in your file system20:43
dehqanracecar56:  thanks ikonia thanks20:44
_Trullogiant: http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/5.0.4/i386/bt-cd/ :)20:44
racecar56SolarisBoy: it's because i'm in my home directory20:44
_Trullomaybe that's why they went dvd instead of cd :)20:44
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SolarisBoyi have waaay to many . files in my home20:44
racecar56SolarisBoy: and i have lots of files20:44
Kangarooowhat if ill use command > textfile.txt witll command also execute or just write text to textfile?20:45
SolarisBoyKangarooo: the output will go to file20:45
icerootKangarooo: test it20:45
racecar56Kangarooo: anything the command says gets dumped to textfile.txt20:45
frostburnKangarooo, that will execute command and write stdout to the textfile20:45
racecar56Kangarooo: except for stderr20:46
frostburnnot everything, stderr will not20:46
Kangaroooiceroot: i cant think of what command to try20:46
SolarisBoygiven the output is stdout..20:46
icerootKangarooo: anything the command is writing in STDOUT is goinng to the file20:46
racecar56Kangarooo: ls > textfile.txt20:46
icerootKangarooo: df > fileame20:46
SolarisBoyyou would need to redirect stderr to stdout then redirect to the file for anything else20:46
racecar56Kangarooo: that will put the list of files into textfile.txt20:46
SalvoMalteseHi all, I have a problem with the login screen, it keeps me asking for user and password, I think it's crashing, where I can see logs?20:47
SalvoMalteseanybody in?20:48
DodoBirdAsk away.20:49
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guntbertDodoBird: he did :-)20:49
DodoBirdOh wait, you did. Ummmm, if anything comes to mind, I'll get back to you. (not using Linux atm and my memory's not the best)20:50
bdheemanSalvoMaltese: Ctrl+Alt+F1 and login from console20:50
SalvoMalteseI can login from console20:50
SalvoMaltesebut then, where to see? what logs?20:50
bdheemanSalvoMaltese: ok, check /var/log/Xorg*20:50
histoI want to set up a webserver where php's mail function will work to send out emails from a contact page. Is there a howto somewhere?  I don't need a fullblown email server as I use google apps for mail.20:51
guntberthisto: how is that an ubuntu support question?20:51
nibbler_hi. since i have configured 2 monitors on my laptop, i have a little info telling me which monitor has what name in each upper-left corner. how can i make this disappear? i use open drivers, so its no ati/nvidia proprietery stuff... just system->preferences->display setup .|20:52
SolarisBoydoes the latest ubuntu work well with i7 processors?20:52
blakkheimSolarisBoy: why wouldn't it20:52
ikoniaSolarisBoy: fine20:52
BerzerkerSolarisBoy, yes20:52
hellz_bellzhisto: sudo apt-get php apache20:52
arandSalvoMaltese: /var/log/gdm/:0.log might also be a possibility20:52
SolarisBoy=) thanks guys20:52
SalvoMalteseI can't see any error in the xorg.0.log20:52
hellz_bellzthen goto #php20:52
Stargazehisto, look in this pdf => http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4653463/issue9_en.pdf20:52
histohellz_bellz: guntbert I'm okay with getting the web server up and running but the mail function in php doesj't work out of the box.20:52
mkquistanyone know of software to remove duplicates files?20:52
hellz_bellzbuild it from source?20:52
SalvoMaltesecan I shut down the x server from the console and restart it? maybe it's a login screen problem20:53
SolarisBoymkquist: fdupes20:53
bdheemanSalvoMaltese: try $HOME/.xsession-errors* also20:53
mkquistSolarisBoy: ill give it a go, thnx20:53
johnweddhello peoples20:53
geniiSalvoMaltese: sudo restart gdm           or: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart20:53
SalvoMaltesethanks, going to try it20:54
trinityhi i wanted to ask is there any satellite usb card supported in karic straight out of the box?20:54
histoStargaze: what does that have to do with what i'm talking about?20:55
blakkheim!hcl > trinity20:56
ubottutrinity, please see my private message20:56
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Stargazehisto, read this for POP and IMAP => http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4653463/issue13_en.pdf20:56
=== TheHerbert_ is now known as TheHerbert
Stargazeyou do want a mail server, no?20:56
johnweddhey guys, i just wanted to say that 9.10 has made me do something i wouldn't have even considered even a month ago. I did a wipe and a clean install of ubuntu, and windows has been purged from this laptop20:57
Cyber_AkumaUhh, great?20:57
SolarisBoyjohnwedd: are you happy?20:57
histoStargaze: I don't need pop and imap20:57
Cyber_AkumaUnless Linux can run any and every modern windowx exe and directx I will never go linux only20:57
Stargazethen i misunderstood, histo20:57
johnweddwell, since the wifi card worked out of the box, hellz yes i am happy20:57
twomonkiesDamn! I'm going crazy. I've lost the sound! There is no light in the optic! Anyone knows what to do?20:58
ikoniahisto: you don't need a mail server at all, just tell php to use googles remote smtp service (you did say you where using google mail for a mail service)20:58
SolarisBoyjohnwedd: good =)20:58
etsorbme8why did this message show up red " ikonia has kicked jp-- from #ubuntu (ban dodging is not allowed)"20:58
SolarisBoyyou can just use sendmail client to send to gmail smtp no?20:58
johnweddthat and my Win 7 RC expired20:58
histoikonia: google apps for domains for mail service. But using the php mail function for the ocntact page.20:58
histoikonia: contact page20:59
ikoniahisto: "mail services" - php mail function20:59
ikoniahisto: tell the mail function to use googles mail services20:59
johnweddthunderbird will take gmail turnkey20:59
histoikonia: So you specify an account for sending?20:59
ikoniahisto: the guys in ##php will be able to tell you if/how to use the mail function21:00
histoikonia: k21:00
guntberthisto: you'll need to be registered for ##php - if I remember correctly21:01
madwillplease why does ubuntu does not allow people to do simple cut and paste of file21:01
guntbert!register | histo21:01
ubottuhisto: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode21:01
ikoniamadwill: it does21:01
madwillwhy is every folder locked21:01
ikoniamadwill: it's not21:01
mkquistetsorbme8: you prob have channel events ticked to show in red?21:01
ClintEastWoodif crimecraft is not in winehq directory will it not play21:01
Stargazemadwill, that's called security21:01
SolarisBoymadwill: you dont have permissions over what your opening it sounds if you see the little lock icons on them21:01
madwillwell i've got some tiny little lock on every folder21:02
SolarisBoymadwill: you can use sudo21:02
ikoniamadwill: it's not on every folder21:02
madwillhow can i make the damn thing thrust me21:02
madwillcommand line21:02
ikoniamadwill: what do you want to get into - that you can't ?21:02
=== xTEMPLARx_ is now known as xTEMPLARx
madwilli want to copy over files i've got into a shared folder to a var/www21:02
SolarisBoythat needs privs21:03
jibadeehaanyone here have issues the line jack sense on a Asus EEE PC 1005ha using ubuntu 9.1021:03
SolarisBoydo it with sudo21:03
madwilli'll do21:03
ikoniamadwill: ok, so you either need to a.) set the permissions on /var/www to be more open, or b.) use sudo / gksudo to move the files21:03
Stargazemadwill, remember: more open to you = more open to a pote,tian kacker21:04
madwillis this possible to simply share the var/www folder so i can update files from the exterior21:04
meowbuntuhi all21:04
SolarisBoymadwill: its possible21:04
Stargazemadwill, remember: more open to you = more open to a potential hacker21:04
cousteauUNR installation ended at 22:0421:04
guntbertmadwill: possible but very insecure21:04
histoguntbert: I am21:04
cousteauor almost21:04
madwilli guess i would be more vulnerable to hackers21:04
SolarisBoyVERY insecure to share that location21:04
guntberthisto: my bad - I misread :-)21:05
madwillthx i'm a coder and we lost our network/installation guy....21:05
David-Twell, it depends what you mean by share. using something like scp is generally secure21:05
madwillgot a lot to learn21:05
cousteauI'm gonna uninstall a lot of things, though, like F-Spot and Rhythmbox21:05
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/21:05
SolarisBoymadwill: some use ftp/sftp accounts to push code over to web roots21:05
madwillgood idea21:05
Stargazewell, learned something new: scp :)21:05
SolarisBoyscp as well but that doesn't provide the ftp like commands21:06
madwillstill googling that21:06
SolarisBoysftp is secure and provides the ftp command line over same ssh tunnel21:06
bin1010how do I make a recovery CD so when windows screws up grub I can recover it?  ;)21:06
meowbuntuhi today when i booted up my computer straight away the cpu was maxed out after the default system services are loaded. what is going rong21:06
racecar56i sort of fixed my flicker problem, it turns out my comp was overclocked so i made it normal and it flickers a lot less21:06
ikoniabin1010: the normal ubuntu install CD can be used21:07
bin1010will it have all my grub settings21:07
ikoniabin1010: errrr they are on your disk21:07
meowbuntui have tried looking in top but i find it confusing because all the processes are jumping in and out. i cant really see what is running.21:07
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: you can sort top21:07
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: type 'h'21:08
bin1010i just need the recovery  to fix the mbr stuff though, right?21:08
_flakeok guys, im having issues connecting to a wireless network that aint broadcasting the SSID, when the SSID is broadcast it connects just fine, im running karmic21:08
guntbertmeowbuntu: or use htop21:08
SolarisBoyguntbert: =) that too21:08
mkquistmeowbuntu: ps -A | less21:08
SolarisBoyyou can sort ps to FYI.. for top memory, or cpu consuming processes21:08
guntbertmeowbuntu: you type h in the top display , not here :-)21:08
cdw32hello all, i am having troubles playing videos on my laptop with Hardy.21:08
cdw32can anyone point me in the right direction21:09
moonshadowHi. I'm trying to configure my Tablet (had it running in Jaunty), and I need the ServerLayout section in xorg.conf, but there isn't one. I'm clueless. was it moved?21:09
evidenthi everybody... can anybody tell me how I can copy a local file to a directory on a server over ssh?21:09
onaoghhi ubuntu21:09
meowbuntuguntbert: htop not installed21:09
SolarisBoyevident: with scp its more difficult using plain ssh21:10
guntbert!video | cdw32 did you see21:10
ubottucdw32 did you see: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:10
SolarisBoyevident: scp file user@host:/place/ihave/permissions/to21:10
evidentok thank you21:10
guntbertmeowbuntu: sudo apt-get install htop will install it21:10
meowbuntuguntbert: are there any other comands that show all the system processes running.21:10
TheHerbertwhat do i need to do do reduce my comand line history? so that if i typed the same command for ten times, it is saved only when it differs from the last one21:10
meowbuntuyes ok guntbert i fugured21:10
xnt14hmm, with the 190.53 nvidia driver installed, libglx.so loads, but whenever I run libglx, the computer freezes. http://pastebin.ca/1824229 any solution?21:11
guntbertmeowbuntu: ps aux | less21:11
SolarisBoyevident: FYI you can "pull" files doing it the reverse scp user@host:/file/i/want /tmp21:11
moonshadowTheHerbert - why not type it once and reuse it? or write a bash script?21:11
SalvoMalteseNo way, no error in Xorg.log neither gdm restart works21:11
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: there is an option for that...21:11
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: one sec..21:11
TheHerberti have to use one command again and again, manually, with up and enter, that's ok21:12
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: export HISTCONTROL=$HISTCONTROL${HISTCONTROL+,}ignoredups21:12
SalvoMalteseso i get gdm -> something wrong -> gdm21:12
meowbuntuthanks guntbert i woke up on teh rong side of teh bed today Yawn21:12
TheHerbertin my bashrc?21:12
=== Vampire is now known as Vampire0
SolarisBoythe ignoredups part argument.. yes... or some file sourced by..21:12
guntbertmeowbuntu: *under* it ? ;-)21:12
SalvoMalteseanything to look for before reinstalling?21:12
meowbuntuguntbert: htop not installed  ps aux | less21:13
meowbuntups aux | less21:13
coldfirecan somehelp me enable a password on grub2? i dont want anyone to be able to use root by dropping down to runlvl 121:13
TheHerbertSolarisBoy: that disnt do it =(21:13
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: source .bashrc21:13
SolarisBoyor export that on the command line manually to make it effective now then try history again21:14
histoikonia: wouldn't I still need a mail server for that?21:14
TheHerbertyes i added it to my .bashrc21:14
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: source .bashrc21:14
nibblerhow can i make a on-top logo appear on my screen? like without window decoration just sitting in the corner21:14
zykes-anyone here configured dhcp with failover ?21:14
cdw32most of the videos are in avi format. Movie Player freezes and MPlayer movie Player isnt working at all....21:14
madwillwhat is a good mail server for ubuntu ?21:15
SalvoMaltesejoin #ubuntu-it21:15
meowbuntuguntbert: i whish there was an application like xps alt+ctrl+delete gives (forgotten name) with all teh processes easy to see and disabled. i get a headache reading terminal output21:15
nikkkkkkihey guys how can i archive my whole htdocs folder via ssh?21:15
SolarisBoymadwill: postfix is nice21:15
TheHerbertSolarisBoy: what do you mean21:15
icerootnikkkkkki: rsync21:15
nibblernikkkkkki, rsync -av /path user@remotehost:/path21:15
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: "source .bashrc"21:15
meowbuntumaby it got something to do with all the updates ubuntu has done21:15
nikkkkkkinibbler: this mean it download he content?21:16
SolarisBoytype the command to reload your profile from this file21:16
bin1010how to make ubuntu rescue cd21:16
TheHerbertkay no clue21:16
nibblernikkkkkki, first parameter is source, 2nd ist destination....21:16
bin1010or just use install iso21:16
Cyber_AkumaI installed Ubunu on my friend's laptop (he wanted to try it) and the sound was off, it was like it was overloading the speakers(static/muffled), but it still sounded just.... off.... when the volume was turned down... not to mention it was very low volume then. Is this a common problem?21:16
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: or copy and paste the export line onto a command terminal and press enter21:16
nikkkkkkinibbler: it would be tar or?21:16
TheHerbertdid that21:17
SolarisBoynikkkkkki: thats not archiving21:17
meowbuntuguntbert: i never know what i ned and dont need so when updatemanager pops up i usually just install everthing. could that be my problem21:17
SolarisBoynikkkkkki: thats syncing21:17
nikkkkkkibut i need archive21:17
nibblernikkkkkki, this is not involving tar (yet) but just copy from host-a to host-b21:17
SolarisBoynikkkkkki: you can execute commands over ssh21:17
meowbuntu*so when update manager21:17
nikkkkkkitar zcf backup.tar.gz htdocs21:17
SolarisBoynikkkkkki: ssh user@host "tar cf /path/to/htdocs"21:17
nikkkkkkinibbler: i work in a max21:18
nikkkkkkii buld a ar & wget it21:18
meowbuntuarg i was getting help from guntbert21:18
wasutton3_whats the command to change cpu frequency to a different value?21:18
nibblernikkkkkki, you started talking about ssh21:18
nibblerwasutton3_, shutdown -h now changes to 0MHz21:18
TheHerbertSolarisBoy: okay i did that, now luck yet. if i write ten times the same command, i have to press 'up' ten times to get to the previous .. still21:19
icerootnibbler: stop that!21:19
meowbuntuCyber_Akuma: ask21:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:19
wasutton3_nibbler: thats not terribly helpful. im looking more for frequency scaling21:19
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: hmmm21:19
mcdermotthow do i install wine or playonlinux if ubuntu software center says that my hardware does not support either21:19
icerootwasutton3_: maybe cpufreq  will help you21:19
meowbuntu!ask | ubottu21:20
ubottumeowbuntu: please see above21:20
SolarisBoythats odd works for me you may need the whole thing... let me see21:20
icerootmcdermott: what is "sudo apt-get install wine" telling?21:20
blakkheimmcdermott: what arch are you running21:20
nibblerCyber_Akuma, try to set all the meters to like 90% - one beeing at 100% can cause this21:20
meowbuntuiceroot: thats not the latest verson of wine its old21:20
Cyber_AkumaI tried turning down sound21:20
Cyber_Akumadidnt help21:20
=== Vampire is now known as Vampire0_
Cyber_AkumaIt still sounded off21:20
blakkheimmeowbuntu: ubuntu usually has old versions of stuff21:20
icerootmeowbuntu: no21:20
histoSo if I install postfix will that just open me up for people using it to send spam?21:21
Cyber_AkumaI mean, when I was set at about 80-90% the static stopped, but it still didnt sound very good quality21:21
icerootmeowbuntu: just depnding on the repo he is using, the command is always the same21:21
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: export HISTCONTROL=$HISTCONTROL${HISTCONTROL+,}ignoredups && export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth && HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T ' thats all that i export thats HISTORY related21:21
nibblerCyber_Akuma, how dows it "sound off"? its totally silent? ithought it was muffled21:21
iceroothisto: not by default21:21
mcdermottits isntalling21:21
TheHerbertSolarisBoy: okay i'll try that21:21
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: try those without the && just put one on each line you already have the ignoredups... just add other 221:21
histoiceroot: How do I tell it what account to send the mail out with?21:21
histoiceroot: I'm going to use it from a contact page using php's mail function.21:22
iceroothisto: maybe have a look at #postfix21:22
Guitchhow to change the resolution of the windows of a game; i'm on 800x600 and i can not change into an other resolution, there is no choice21:22
meowbuntuok i get your point21:22
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+121:23
wasutton3_do scripts inside "/etc/laptop-mode/batt-start" run as user or as root?21:23
TheHerbertSolarisBoy: thanks, now it works21:23
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: cool21:23
l7does f-spot have no concept of folders?21:23
l7it seems like you have to use tags for everything, weird21:24
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: now you can see the time you typed command too ;>21:24
meowbuntubut that still does not solve my cpu issues. its not even overclocked.21:24
Blou_Aapdoes any one get steam games to work on ubuntu21:24
Blou_Aapcoz im battling21:24
icerootBlou_Aap: yes21:24
Blou_Aapto get team fortress to work21:24
vanishingBlou_Aap: heard mw2 works21:24
TheHerbertSolarisBoy: no =)21:24
Blou_Aapit says cant create D3D device21:24
SolarisBoyTheHerbert: oh =(21:24
donvito2* CAN'T WRITE TO TEMP DIR21:24
donvito2than my eggdrop dont run21:24
TheHerbertmaybe because my PS1 is set to PS1='\u @ \W: '21:25
meowbuntudonvito2: dont shout please21:25
trisml7: try gthumb if you want to navigate images by folder21:25
icerootBlou_Aap: directx installed?21:25
TheHerbertyeah it's too loud21:25
SolarisBoyPS1="$grey[$lightGreen$(date +%H%M)$grey][$UNAME_COLOR\u$grey@$purple\h$grey]$lightGrey \W $SYMBOL_COLOR$SYMBOL$none" <--my PS121:26
ikoniahisto: no, it would just send mail directly to the remote smtp relay21:27
blizzkidpopey: you here?21:27
popeyblizzkid: maybe :)21:27
histoikonia: k so I would just have to update the form i'm using then.21:27
blizzkidpopey: can I msg you about UDS?21:27
popeyblizzkid: of course21:27
histoikonia: all mail from the contact page would appear to come from my user.21:28
ikoniahisto: just the parameters you pass to mail21:28
suigenerishow do I get the bazaar version of a package?21:28
ikoniahisto: depends how you setup the mail function, as I said ##php can help with that21:28
histoikonia: they had no clue21:29
Blou_Aapthat happens after the intro21:29
ikoniahisto: yes they do21:29
DonaldShimodahi, i compile latest 2.6.33 kernel from kernel.org, not ubuntu version, in my ubuntu. Now  i cannot access to my virtual terminales (CTRL+ALT+F1), show coloured blocks... :)21:29
histoikonia: That would create issues with the message coming from the wrong person21:29
meowbuntuarg i hate this !@#$%^&* computer21:29
icerootBlou_Aap: 3d driver installed?21:29
TheHerbertis there a way to view the history?21:29
ikoniahisto: join now and ask21:29
jpdsmeowbuntu: Get a new one.21:29
histoikonia: the people put there info in the contact page right now.21:29
icerootBlou_Aap: normally the non-free driver for your card21:29
ikoniahisto: join ##php now21:29
meowbuntujpds: sure you got any money fofr that21:29
MaranathaHas anyone had an issue with the Nvidea screen resolution prefrences not saving?21:29
Blou_Aapother games work21:30
icerootMaranatha: no21:30
blakkheimMaranatha: run it with sudo21:30
Blou_Aapwell other linux native games21:30
ghenryhi, is there an updated NetworkManager for Karmic that works with WPA2 and a hidden ssid?21:30
ghenryI'm on a Compaq 110c Netbook21:30
icerootghenry: the default one21:30
ghenryWith the netbook remix21:30
ghenryiceroot: Nope, doesn't work21:30
icerootghenry: nm-applet21:30
blakkheimghenry: try wicd21:30
ghenryblakkheim: tried21:31
ghenryiceroot: tried everything21:31
blakkheimghenry: you sure it's not just your card then? i use wicd with wpa2 and hidden ssid21:31
ghenryeven enabled just wep on my Draytek 2820n router21:31
nvsblcan someone here help me downgrade from lucid?21:31
blakkheimnvsbl: you can't21:31
vanishingnvsbl: im afraid you cant...21:31
icerootghenry: nm-applet is working without problems. what about posting usefull errors/details?21:31
ghenryblakkheim: maybe. I've not tried any other network, but all other in house are ok21:32
icerootnvsbl: #ubuntu+121:32
Maranathawhat is the sudo command for the nvidia x server settings21:32
ghenryiceroot: will do21:32
icerootnvsbl: ah sorry, downgrade, didnt read21:32
icerootMaranatha: gksudo nvidiaTABTAB  something like nvidia-x-settings21:32
nvsblif i can't expressly downgrade, is there a proper way to go about reinstalling karmic, keeping my home partition as it is?21:32
ZykoticK9Maranatha, "gksu nvidia-settings" re-message if you get "Failed to parse" error on saving21:32
Lappiei would like to have 4 workspaces, whats the easiest way to do so21:33
Maranathaok thanks :)21:33
blakkheimLappie: what window manager?21:33
tiseptidoes anyone know how to automate iso production from a series of files with a script?21:33
ghenryiceroot blakkheim hmmm: NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth2) failed.21:33
ghenryMaybe driver21:34
Maranathait worked TY :)21:34
soreauLappie: You can have 4 workspaces with metacity, but you wont see too much (if any) animation when switching them21:34
HorizonXPin 9.10, how do i enable Gnome's remote desktop via SSH/command line?21:34
HorizonXPi tried gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true21:34
HorizonXPdidn't seem to enable it21:35
DonaldShimodaanybody knows wich setting control the virtual terminals (that one appears with CTRL+ALT+F1 please?21:35
evidenti am having a problem with my ssh-ports... I edited the ssh_config and sshd_config in my /etc/ssh and added "Port xxxx" with the port I want to use for my ssh instead of the standard port 22. After this I restarted ssh with "/etc/init.d/ssh restart". After logging out I can log in with the new port, but still also with the old one (22). Can anybody tell me how this comes? "Port 22" isnt written anywhere in my config file...21:35
DonaldShimodastop working after upgrading my kernel to a own compiled one21:35
evident(i am having this problem on a vroot server, not a local system)21:35
soreauLappie: If you enable visual effects, you will still have only 2 workspaces per ubuntu default. And please dont pm me21:35
soreau! pm | Lappie21:35
ubottuLappie: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:36
Lappiesorry i just ment to direct it to u21:36
Lappienot msg it to u21:36
vanishingLappie: hes a bot...21:36
ikonia!u | Lappie21:36
ubottuLappie: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.21:36
soreauLappie: In any event, compiz supports many more than 4 but you would have to set it up through ccsm21:36
Damowats the best desktop for linu? kde, gnome or what?21:36
ikoniaDamo: personal opinion, try them, see what you like21:37
soreau! best | Damo21:37
ubottuDamo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:37
milos_would removing 'devicekit-power' package be a bad idea? can't upgrade without removing it.21:37
vanishingmilos_: dont remove it21:37
milos_vanishing: ok,21:37
vanishingmilos_: just wait till the dependency issue sorts out21:38
milos_vanishing: I'll wait, ok21:38
vanishingmilos_: btw..are you in lucid?21:38
milos_vanishing: yup21:38
evidentmight it be that I have two separate "instances" of ssh running? Can I find out somehow?21:38
vanishingmilos_: same thing here..lol.21:38
milos_vanishing: I'm tempted with new themes21:38
vanishingmilos_: amazing ehh?21:39
Lappiehmm. i dont see any options there for it, am i lookin at the wrong thing, sys/pref/compizconfig settings manager21:39
ghenryiceroot: gogni to recompile my wifi driver21:40
fbianconi!inittab | DonaldShimoda21:40
ubottuDonaldShimoda: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:40
brettinsHey guys, i'm having trouble with my ALSA install.  I ran apt-get install libasound2 alsa-utils alsa-oss  to install it initially, but many directories and commands don't seem to be in place.  "alsaconf" gives command not found,     and "alsamixer" gives the message alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory. The "/proc/asound" directory that seems to be referred to does not exist.    I tried purging21:40
brettins and then installing again but the same problems persist.21:40
HorizonXPok, the command worked, but I can't connect; how do I change the setting to allow me to connect without prompting or password?21:40
DonaldShimodafbianconi, tjanls21:41
xfactHow to recognise which KDE version is installed in my Ubuntu? (Karmic) Is that KDE 4.3 or 4.4?21:41
wasutton3_how do i run a script when i unplug my laptop?21:42
jordy240hey does anyone knwo how I can setup a webcam so it only records when there is motion?21:42
Ganymedexfact, "dpkg -l | grep kde" maybe21:43
Ganymedexfact, i'm on karmic and i see: 4.3.221:43
histoikonia: I found a solution. postfix is overkill btw21:44
Lappiei am using ccsm 0.8.2 if this helps any21:44
xfactGanymede, Yup, thanks21:44
histoikonia: esmtp, ssmtp, nullmailer all will accomplish what I want with out a full MTA. These are just MSA's21:44
wasutton3_how do i run a program (that normally needs sudo) as a regular user?21:44
vanishingwasutton3_: take off sudo21:45
=== miguel is now known as Guest46893
kamilco tam ??21:45
Lappiei do see number of desktops under the desktop size tab in general options, but it says 1, and i already have 221:45
Guest46893hola e donde son21:45
wasutton3_vanishing: no i mean a script that requires root priviliges to normally run i.e. cpufreq-selector21:46
Lappieand i cannot change that number21:46
David-Twasutton3_: you can either: a) run it as root; b) run it from a regular user using sudo; c) run it as a regular user (without using sudo); d) run it as a regular user with fakeroot.  Whether any of these actually does what you want depends on what you're trying to do21:46
vanishingwasutton3_: oh that..21:46
vanishingwasutton3_: so you want to change cup freq without typing in a password?21:46
David-Tah. then you probably either want to configure sudo to let you run that without a password, or make it setuid root and executable only by a group21:47
wasutton3_vanishing: yep thats the idea. ideally automatically when the charger is unplugged21:48
Lappiedo i need to set the number of workspaces with gconfigtool-2?21:48
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Claudinux
vanishingwasutton3_: try this: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/10/how-to-disable-disable-cpu-frequency.html21:48
evidenthow do i remove a folder that is not empty?21:48
vanishingwasutton3_: if that doesnt work, try this: http://linux.aldeby.org/do-not-require-the-password-for-cpu-frequency-scaling-in-ubuntu-karmic-9-10.html21:48
wasutton3_vanishing: that would work, except im looking for it to run at its lowest on battery and maximum when plugged in21:49
eklofI tested booting the ubuntu install cd on the macbook after partitioning a fat-partition using bootcamp, and the auto-suggestion said it detected mac os x and the choosen option was to install them side by side and choosing at startup. but what does it do? Does it try to install grub and would that work, or will it install the bootloader in the partition and let me use bootcamp to choose linux at startup? Anyone tried.21:49
donvito2how to make a folder readable and writable21:50
vanishingwasutton3_: oh...ugh...that maybe require some tweaking with scripts...21:50
frankS2Hello imtrying to get wireless networking to work in ubuntu, but i cant set my essid..21:51
frankS2root@domzero:/etc/Wireless/RT61STA# iwconfig ra0 essid "Ok"21:51
eklofThe guide sais use refit, but refit says refit isnät necessary21:51
frankS2root@domzero:/etc/Wireless/RT61STA# iwconfig ra0|grep ESSID21:51
frankS2ra0       RT61 Wireless  ESSID:""  Nickname:""21:51
FloodBot1frankS2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:51
frankS2as you see no error, but the ssid isnt beeing set aither21:51
vanishingfrankS2: use wireless manager...21:51
johnshoot5problem with banshee 1.6 RC1 on kubuntu 9.10: it wont play any music files, have tried mp3 and m4a, just get a red cross next to the track21:51
frankS2no vanishing21:51
ghenrywhoa!!! iceroot blakkheim Cheers! It was the wifi driver. Just compiled my own as per http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php21:51
wasutton3_vanishing: i know, thats not the problem. the problem is where do i put them, and do they run as root or as the regular user?21:51
ghenryiceroot: blakkheim Nothing wrong with nm after all ;-)21:52
ghenrycheers all21:52
icerootghenry: as i said, nm-applet is working :)21:52
Lappiei would like to have 4 workspaces, so do i type gconftool-4 --direct \  --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory \ --type int \  --set /apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces integer21:52
ghenryiceroot: heh, aye.21:52
vanishingwasutton3_: ugh...if you follow that post, you might not need sudo..21:52
vanishingwasutton3_: but still need the script21:52
erUSULjohnshoot5: intalled ubuntu-restricted-extras?21:53
Lappiesoreau are you still there?21:54
Sa[i]nTIs Emerald no longer supported?21:55
sharperguyHow can I recover files if I accidentally formatted my drive?21:56
LappieOHH DEAR GOD< it was soo simple i seem to always find the answer after i get pissed, just rightclick on a workspace on the panel bar and click prefs, its right there21:56
sharperguy^ it's an external drive21:56
johnshoot5yeah i tried installed ubuntu-restricted-extras but no good21:56
erUSUL!emerald | Sa[i]nT21:57
ubottuSa[i]nT: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.21:57
Sa[i]nTThat sucks.21:57
blakkheimluxii: english only21:57
sharperguy!es | luxii21:57
ubottuluxii: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:57
luxiiI no spiken english21:58
FloodBot1luxii: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:58
Lappieluxii, goto google/translat and trans late from spanish to english21:58
luxiiNOo entiiendooo!!21:58
David-Tunfortunately no matter how many times you say that, i will not learn how to speak spanish21:59
blakkheim!op | luxii21:59
ubottuluxii: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:59
erUSULluxii: Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:59
luxiiPLis sPAnish21:59
erUSUL!es | luxii21:59
ubottuluxii: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:59
Sa[i]nTI think that person is just messing with yall.21:59
luxiiniño para que?21:59
erUSULluxii: deja de molestar. o bien hablas ingles o bien cambias de canal al canal en español22:00
sharperguyFunny how the !op thing tells you after you use it to only use it in emergencies22:00
Lappieno, no espaniola in here22:00
Snake-Icesitayla, j'aurais un truc à te demander22:00
Snake-Iceoops, sry22:00
geniiluxii: eg: /join #ubuntu-es22:00
luxiiPues hijo yo hablo español y si no te gusta hay tienes la puerta ESPAÑA!!!!!!22:00
blakkheimops nowhere to be found?22:01
Warp4wheres an op when you need one22:01
LappieNO ESPANA luxii22:01
erUSULluxii: no; la puerta está ahi para ti.22:01
revelnicki deleted a user userdel ronald, now i have to add another user named ronald, useradd ronald does not prompt for pasword, name, homeroom etc, what happened?  anybody know what to do?22:01
sharperguyHow can I recover files if I accidentally formatted my drive?22:01
Warp4revelnick wrong distro i think :)22:01
gharzguys, i installed ubuntu karmic thru wubi in windows... now i'm going to reinstall my windows. what files do i need and how do i include ubuntu/wubi again on windows? do i need to reinstall everything? ubuntu files are instsalled in a different partition. anyone?22:01
bjhaidhow do i create a root account on my ubunut machine?22:01
Warp4bjhaid use 'passwd root'22:01
Warp4bjhaid rather 'sudo passwd root'22:01
erUSUL!undelete | sharperguy22:01
ubottusharperguy: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:01
revelnickWarp4 Ubuntu LTS22:02
sharperguyerUSUL, thanks22:02
Warp4revelnick same thing22:02
erUSUL!rootpassword | Warp422:02
Warp4revelnick the root account is there, just no password22:02
ubottuWarp4: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)22:02
Warp4i know that erUSUL22:02
seanbrystone_how do i mount a windows share? (its not really windows its my other Ubuntu thats in the other room)22:02
bjhaidthanks Warp422:02
Lappieone last question for the day from me i have the cube thingy checked in ccsm, how do i use it?22:02
erUSULWarp4: then why are you suggesting here to enable the root accaunt?. that is an unsupported configuration22:03
blakkheimerUSUL: he was just answering someone's question22:03
Warp4erUSUL i was simply answering his question as direct as possible22:03
erUSULseanbrystone_: Places>Network>windows Network22:03
revelnickwarp4, i'm asking a different question22:03
xnt14I'm trying to load glx on my Nvidia G105M, I can login, but when I run glxinfo in a terminal, the computer freezes. How do I fix this?22:03
bjhaiderUSUL how do i create a root account then?22:03
Warp4yes, revelnick?22:04
erUSULbjhaid: you do not need one.22:04
Lappiei want to be able to zoom out to the cube just like the youtube vid and the website shows, how do i do this?22:04
CairoUserI don't know if this is the place to ask but, does anyone know how to move Cairo dock out from under the bottom taskbar?22:04
Warp4bjhaid the account exists already22:04
blakkheim"how do i..?" "you don't need.." :/22:04
geniibjhaid: Keep in mind ubuntu is laid out in a way to use sudo always for admin tasks and not to be needing root account or password for anything. Also we do not support ubuntu which the user is running as root22:04
bad_cablesmy hard disk won't boot ubuntu22:04
revelnicktrying to add a user with a user name that was previously used, and i am not prompted to enter details for the new user22:04
Warp4revelnick that's right22:04
bad_cablesit was working 100% with 9.04 and now it just boots to a shell22:05
Warp4revelnick what parameters are you passing with the adduser?22:05
revelnickjust a name22:05
luxiiDo I live in inlaterra and you?22:05
Warp4revelnick thats correct22:05
blakkheim!ot | luxii22:05
revelnickso removing a user doesn't remove a user then, it just disables the user?22:05
ubottuluxii: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:05
bjhaidgenii I am trying to create a file in my etc account, created it with touch on my terminal but it would not allow me save since sudo does not have the roots permission outside the terminal22:06
bad_cables!hard disk22:06
seanbrystoneerUSUL, i cant seem to mount the share, ive gone to the folder in nautilus but it refuses to let me mount it22:06
luxiimy name  is Luxi22:06
Warp4revelnick depends on what you specify on the userdel command line22:06
Warp4if you dont specify the option, it removes them from the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files22:06
bad_cableswhat does it mean when you just see the logo and then you get a busybox shell?22:06
Warp4bad_cables it means ruh roh :)22:06
Warp4bad_cables esp if you just booted the machine :)22:06
bad_cablesmechanical or software?22:06
revelnickwarp4, thanks, i'll try to furthur delete the old user22:06
erUSULbad_cables: probably unable to mount the root device for some reason22:06
geniibjhaid: Use sudo -i      or sudo -l                    then after whatever commands use "exit"22:07
erUSULbad_cables: if you do crtl + D in the busybox shell does the machine continue booting?22:07
bad_cablesno idea22:07
sharperguyI don't understand how testdisk can have so many different filesystems but no option for ext2/3...22:07
mcdermotti installed wine22:07
bad_cablesits actually a different ahrd disk22:07
bjhaidi dont get you genii, i created a conf file, want to add a text to it and save, how do i do that22:07
bad_cablesshould i download a new boot CD?22:08
mcdermotthow do i run software now that it shows the game on the desktop as a dvd22:08
histoCan you do a server install from the mini.iso?22:08
luxiiYour can you speak Spanish?22:08
mcdermotti clicked on setup22:08
mcdermottbut nothing is happening22:08
geniiluxii: The spanish channel is #ubuntu-es   this is the english channel22:08
seanbrystonehow hard can it be to share a folder from one Ubuntu to the next, and both ubuntu's are 9.10!22:08
CairoUserso far for Cairo Docks position I've only found how to move it left and right.22:08
erUSULseanbrystone: what error do you get?22:08
bad_cableslet me try and CTRL-D erUSUL22:09
luxiishould i download a new boot CD?22:09
luxii<mcdermott> how do i run software now that it shows the game on the desktop as a dvd22:09
bad_cablesbe right back22:09
seanbrystoneUnable to Mount something22:09
bjhaidgenii i dont get you genii, i created a conf file, want to add a text to it and save, how do i do that22:09
histoseanbrystone: how did you share the folder?22:09
luxiishould i download a new boot CD?22:09
luxii<mcdermott> how do i run software now that it shows the game on the desktop as a dvd22:09
erUSULbjhaid: launcvh the editor with sudo/gksudo22:09
geniibjhaid: eg:  sudo -i               cp confilewhatever /to/someplace with restricted write access like /etc22:09
seanbrystonehisto right clicked the folder22:09
histoseanbrystone: and on the other machine go to places > Network and just browse to the share22:09
geniibjhaid: then: exit22:09
luxiiyo hablo español22:09
FloodBot1luxii: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:09
luxiiy ustedes?22:09
seanbrystonehisto yeah i see the share, just wont let me mount it22:09
=== PC-Ente|bluegene is now known as PC-Ente
erUSULluxii: te van a hechar22:10
blakkheimluxii is going on ignore22:10
geniiluxii: More spanish here will earn you a ban22:10
histoseanbrystone: when you double click it you get an error?22:10
CairoUserok. I found how to move the Cairo Dock vertical :)22:10
histoseanbrystone: or are you trying to mount from terminal?22:10
geniiluxii: Use spanish in #ubuntu-es and use english in #ubuntu22:10
seanbrystonehisto double click22:10
histoseanbrystone: what is the error you are getting22:11
seanbrystonedo i need samba?22:11
histoseanbrystone: depends if you created a samba share then you atleast need smbfs on the client22:11
seanbrystoneUnable to mount location, file doesnt exist22:11
seanbrystonewell ubuntu wouldnt let me share without installing samba22:11
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seanbrystonewhich i find odd22:12
histoseanbrystone: sry smbclient22:12
revelnickWarp4, i was confusing useradd with adduser :) thanks for the help22:12
seanbrystonek on sec histo22:12
Warp4revelnick sure thing22:12
histoseanbrystone:You can share without samba but the default sharing is with samba I believe22:12
seanbrystonehisto it says its the newest, already installed22:13
histoseanbrystone: jsut intsall smbclient22:13
Warp4anyone else running OpenVPN AS with Ubuntu Server 9.1 by any chance?22:13
histoseanbrystone: open a terminal and try to mount it manually22:13
erUSULseanbrystone: any ore luck if you use Places>connect to Server ?22:13
=== TMM_ is now known as TMM
luxiiSo(Then,Since) not because the Spanish the best not as the Englishman and you do not put with those of Spain please!!22:13
mcdermottive downloaded WINE..... I have a game I would like to PLAY.... how do I install something with WINE???22:14
histoseanbrystone: sudo mkdir /mnt/share && sudo mount -t cifs //ip_of_server/folder_name /mnt/share22:14
histomcdermott: you can double click on the setup exe and tell it to open with wine22:14
histomcdermott: or you can open a terminal and wine name_of_file.exe22:15
mcdermottgreat thanx22:15
oranosxhey, can anyone tell me how to play sound through headphones/external speakers in Karmic?22:15
luxiiyo hablo español22:15
mcdermottnow i need to get some more ram to play22:15
histomcdermott: more help in #winehq22:15
histomcdermott: what game?22:15
seanbrystoneursul it wants a domain and password, how do i find domain name?22:15
root_hi all22:15
mcdermottfree to play22:16
mcdermottfps mmo22:16
SolarisBoyseanbrystone: thats the domain name to whichever host sits that owns the share22:16
seanbrystoneok so whats the command to get the domain name?22:16
SolarisBoyit may be using WORKGROUP model as well22:16
histomcdermott: if you meet system specs for it you should be okay.22:17
SolarisBoyyou would need to know which type of setup is on the windows side22:17
seanbrystoneno its not windows22:17
tunaii somehos muted voices and cant find how to un mute22:17
SolarisBoyseanbrystone: and if the share is user/password protected and under active directory you need an account with permissions and need to know the domain name...you may be able to smbscan the network and find something out..22:18
blakkheimthank you for fixing that22:20
blakkheimgenii: you banned everyone22:20
histofixing what?22:20
tunaiI muted voices and now cant find anywhere to unmute-.-22:21
AndyGraybealis there anyway i can lock the desktop in such a way that nobody can add a directory or edit the names of the directories that are currently there?  i want them to be able to edit files inside the directories that are there though.22:21
AndyGraybeali just want the desktop locked down.22:21
Andy80a GRUB question: suppose I've Ubuntu 9.04 running with / in a partition. Suppose that I've another Ubuntu version on another partition but Ubuntu 9.04 doesn't have it in menu.lst, what is the safest/easiest way to make the second installation available in the other grub menu?22:23
geniiblakkheim: Yes the shortcut I use for ban made no value for the user "luxii" when i used it since they had left, so having no value there it went global values22:23
geniiblakkheim: Sorted out now22:24
nwillemsCan anybody help me with finding my way around bugzilla?22:24
histoCan you install a server from the mini.iso ?22:24
erUSULhisto: probably22:25
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:25
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:25
GeekSquidNwillems: ubuntu uses launchpad.net for bug reporting, bugzilla is not for ubuntu projects, and is not supported here22:26
oranosxcan anyone help me with getting my headphones to work?22:26
oranosxthat is, have Ubuntu play to them?22:27
nwillemsGeekSquid, well I thought maybee this active channel could help me out - can you point me in any direction? I'm looking to learn how to use it as a developer, and while learning trying to fix some bugs in tomcat22:27
lnkgyvwhy in kubuntu, when I set use proxy server for konqueror and then disable this (use direct connect) the package updater for download new packages (all do in gui) still use proxy and then give error: cannot connect to .... that is my proxy?22:27
r3c4ll_somebody with experience in libvirt?22:27
r3c4ll_using bridges?22:27
r3c4ll_no NAT22:27
AltreusHey, where do I change the default terminal shell?22:28
rohith  Installed Ubuntu via WUBI, uninstalled using WUBI. A large portion of my hard drive is still being used22:28
GeekSquidNwillems: this channel is only active bc ubuntu is a popular distro... #tomcat would be a better place for uour subject22:28
lnkgyvssory, my distib is Kubuntu Karmic 9.1022:29
r3c4ll_nobody has using libvirt, virt-manager?22:29
nwillemsGeekSquid, sadly that is not a very active channel, thats why I asked here secondly, tried tomcat first22:30
vhannHi, I can't find how to get the system to ask users to change their password on first login (Ubuntu 9.10 using gdm + gnome)22:30
erUSULAltreus: run « chsh »22:30
vhannAnybody knows if it is at all possible?22:31
JordanHELP :O22:31
bazhangJordan, with what22:32
=== Jordan is now known as Guest61529
Guest61529ok so exim4 is sending a mail through gmail every 5 secconds because of my crons22:32
vhannit's in passwd manpage, sorry all22:32
AltreuserUSUL: Do you know when this takes effect? A new terminal is not using it. Do I have to close all terminals?22:32
Guest61529Bazhang: ok so exim4 is sending a mail through gmail every 5 secconds because of my crons22:32
=== Guest61529 is now known as Jordan123
erUSULAltreus: log out and log in22:32
AltreuserUSUL: of Gnome?22:32
Jordan123So therefore my gmail gets banned.22:32
erUSULAltreus: yes of your session22:32
GeekSquidNwillems: many participants in this channel are new to linux, others are just reading so they can learn, and still others are here to help, I'm pretty certain there aren't any tomcat SME22:32
Jordan123because of stupid smtp limits.22:32
AltreuserUSUL: Thanks, will do22:33
erUSULJordan123: configure exim to send email only once in a while (i guess it is possible)22:33
SolarisBoyerUSUL: shouldn't he check the crontab?22:33
Jordan123See the cron results get sent to root@localhost22:34
erUSULJordan123: i thought he really wanted that  mail to go out22:34
Jordan123I don't want the crons going out22:34
SolarisBoyJordan123: is localhost exim?22:34
Jordan123localhost exim?22:34
SolarisBoyJordan123: is exim relaying mail to gmail?22:34
Jordan123SolarisBoy: Yes.22:34
SolarisBoyJordan123: so check cron22:34
Jordan123check cron for what?22:34
econdudeCan anyone recommend a Linux-native XLS password remover? I created a sheet this morning and forgot the password :-X22:35
SolarisBoyJordan123: do you have an entry that sends mail each 5 seconds?22:35
Jordan123it sends what happens on my otehr crons22:35
erUSULecondude: this morning... not even last week ;P22:35
Jordan123say i have a cron for sphinx it sends one that says that it works.22:35
Jordan123So basicly22:35
Jordan123It sends a mail to root@server22:35
Jordan123As in it wants to send mail to root@server22:35
SolarisBoyJordan123: well you can remove the MAILTO= line in crontab to i believe22:35
Jordan123I don't have a mailto line in crontab.22:36
econdudeerUSUL: I agree! Pathetic :-( Now I'm stuck tho. I saved it as XLS from OO.Org, and completely forgot it22:36
erUSULecondude: sorry i do not know of such a tool ...22:36
AltreusSuccess. Thakns :)22:36
lnkgyvhow stop periodic sending system email to root@localhost, admin@localhost?22:37
Narutoi can't watch video on my navigator , please help me22:37
Jordan123wtf where is crontab config22:37
econdudeDoes anyone else know of a usable tool?22:38
SolarisBoycrontab -e22:38
defsdoorare they any know issues with apt segfaulting atm in lucid ?22:39
wcdlhow to watch quicktime videos ?22:39
bazhangdefsdoor, lucid support in #ubuntu+122:39
psycho_oreos!lucid | defsdoor22:39
ubottudefsdoor: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+122:39
defsdoorsorry - just read subject :)22:39
psycho_oreoswcdl, you need quicktime codec22:40
wcdlon ubuntu22:40
HSorgYvesmorning; is there a command to set the permissions to 777 for folders and 666 for files recursively?22:40
wcdl<psycho_oreos> on ubuntu22:40
psycho_oreosyes on ubuntu, it might be in w32codec22:40
erUSUL!es | testi_22:40
ubottutesti_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:40
wcdlalready have w32codecs and all codecs u can imagine22:41
erUSULtesti_: sorry; tab completion mistake22:41
wcdland using geckomediaplayer22:41
SolarisBoyHSorgYves: yes chmod -R22:41
wcdlbut nothing22:41
psycho_oreoswcdl, tried playing it through vlc?22:41
wcdl<psycho_oreos> i'm sorry, is on webbrowsers22:42
HSorgYvesSolarisBoy: chmod -R doesn't make a difference between folders/files; if i use "chmod -R 777 folder" then everything will be 777 even my files which should be 66622:42
bazhangwcdl, apple trailers?22:42
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bazhangyou need to wget them iirc22:42
SolarisBoyoh sorry i didn't notice you said _AND_22:43
Jordan123I added the mailto thing and it still sends stuff22:43
wcdllet me test22:43
Jordan123test what?22:43
psycho_oreoswcdl, which browser, firefox?22:44
unopHSorgYves,  find /path/to/dir -type d -exec chmod 777 {} +  ;  find /path/to/dir -type f -exec chmod 666 {} +22:44
wcdlfirefox google-chrome22:44
rohithI have Installed Ubuntu via WUBI, I uninstalled Ubuntu using WUBI. Now when i boot up i automatically go into windows22:44
rohithMy Problemm22:44
rohithAll of my files on my hard drive add up to 16gig(i did this by hand)22:44
rohith but my computer says im using 23gig(right clicked and went to properties on the C drive)22:44
FloodBot1rohith: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:44
HSorgYvesunop: thx22:44
SolarisBoyunop: =)22:44
nicolashi everyone i got problem to install farsight 2 someone can help me ^22:44
bazhangnicolas, windows game?22:45
superfirelord42rohith: did you empty your recycler bin?22:45
unopHSorgYves, or ... chmod -R 666 /path/to/dir;  chmod -R +X /path/to/dir22:45
psycho_oreoschromium isn't officially supported here, so I'll support firefox, if you check about:plugins you'll see there should be entries pointing towards totem/divx and if you installed mplayer along with the firefox plugin you'll also get mplayer support in firefox22:45
nicolasbazhang:  no its the add on for audio/video in amsn you need this to get it work22:45
hiexpogood afternoon eveyone22:46
nicolasconfigure: error: Need libnice >= 0.0.9 i got this when i try  to install farsight222:46
superfirelord42!private | rohith22:46
ubotturohith: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:46
Jordan123I used the dev null code and it wrote it there22:46
rohithah.. my bad.. im like a super noob22:47
superfirelord42rohith: no major prob, reason is twofold, one is so if someone gives absolutly horrible advice, others can hopefully stop them from killing a computer22:47
Kangaroooi know i can output a command to file like command > textfile also theres pastebinit witch upload output to pastebin.com like command | pastebinit but can i output to launchpad ?22:48
bazhangKangarooo, for bugs?22:48
rohithI emptied the recycle bin.. There was only 1mb of stuff in there22:49
superfirelord42rohith: reading where wubi stores stuff, hold on22:49
rohithalright.. Thanks22:49
superfirelord42rohith: i assume you did the uninstall from the Add/Remove programs. What version windows did you install wubi on?22:49
Kangarooobazhang: for example in LP bug report someone ask me to do some command. i can do command and output paste to bug or output make to file and upload file. but easyr would be like command | ubuntu-bug bugnumber or just command | ubuntu-bug and in LP i would search the bug i want the files to be added to.22:50
Painelessi need a USB Driver for my blackberry in Ubuntu22:50
superfirelord42rohith: check for a c:\ubuntu folder, unless you did a non-standard install22:50
rohithWindows XP Home Edition... I deleted that file22:51
hiexponicolas, sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0.1600.3 glib22:51
nicolashiexpo:  its ok i got it but now its gstreamer lol22:51
superfirelord42rohith: you deleted the file after you ran the uninstaller?22:52
superfirelord42hmm, strange that it would leave the file there after the uninstall...22:52
bazhangKangarooo, not certain there, especially as you have to have a launchpad account and be logged in to respond, as far as I know22:53
nicolashiexpo:  ok i got it to work but now its python22:53
rohithI uninstalled via an .exe file called ubuntu-uninstall not the add remove programs22:53
superfirelord42rohith: is it still in your add/remove programs? thats the recommended removal technique22:53
rohithI deleted the files my self after i ran the un-installer22:53
pilotbubblesif someone could PM me about setting up the M Audio KeyStudio 49 USB for playback under audacity or ardour you would be the man or woman22:54
rohithIm checking the list is being populated22:54
brokenbeat.I just found a PD external to control jack transport.22:55
rohithUbuntu is gone from the list22:55
superfirelord42rohith: do you see a c:\wubildr?22:55
abowhen I'm watching youtube (or other streaming) how can I make the screen not dim and switch off?22:56
rohithNo... but saw that file before i ran the un-installer22:56
HSorgYvesunop: even better, thx22:56
superfirelord42rohith: those are where it saves stuff, hold on one more second...22:56
Kangarooobazhang: yes of course i need to be loged in. but so now there isnt such command like pastebinit only for launchpad ?22:57
superfirelord42rohith: thats a clean install, the only explanation i can think of could be NTFS corruption. this can be caused by improper shutdown on the computer22:57
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bazhangKangarooo, not to my knowledge, at least regarding pastebinit22:58
superfirelord42rohith: to fix this, you need to have to have windows run a chkdsk /r, generally it will ask you to do a boot time scan. do so. when it is done, it may have a large file or two in the recovered folder, or you may just have accurate free space. either way, it should fix it.22:58
rohithAlright.. Do you think Ubuntu un-installed completely?22:58
ambitis there a way to jump from hardy (8.04) to karmic from through an upgrade?22:59
Ganymededoes anyone know of a fuse filesystem that mounts not one tar/rar/7z/zip archive but mirrors a directory and expands all archives into browseable folders?22:59
superfirelord42rohith: yes, unless you still see an option to boot into ubuntu when you start, it is completely removed. i hope you install a ubuntu sometime again. I like it at least. :P22:59
rohithYea.. im going to install it again22:59
GeekSquidKangarooo: pastebin.com changed their api, so change /usr/bin/pastebinit default pastebin to pastebin.ca.. fixes it23:00
bazhangambit, not to karmic but to Lucid once its released23:00
rohithI corrupeted the xorg.conf file.. so im re-installing. Thank You so much for your help :)23:00
ambitbazhang: so i have to do a fresh install to get karmic23:01
superfirelord42rohith: no prob, make sure you get the size stuff with ntfs worked out before re-install. i am pretty sure ntfs is corrupt.23:01
bazhangambit, or do a multi version upgrade path23:01
serverduckIs there a program on ubuntu that can give me the coords on a gif file for an image map?23:01
ambitbazhang: im just going to do a fresh install cause im lazy, thanks23:01
nicolasNo package 'pygobject-2.0' how i can find or install this ? thanks23:02
bazhangambit, you dont have a separate home partition by chance?23:02
ischlikyive noticed that in the current ubuntu it supports wallpaper groups that swap over time, anyone know where i can look on info on where to get more or make my own? there seems to be no documentation on what is doing it23:02
cousteauis there a way to make UNR boot faster? right now it's slow as hell23:02
cousteau(1 minute or so)23:03
trismnicolas: it is in python-gobject23:03
ardchoillenicolas: apt-cache search python | grep gobject23:03
wadHow much disk space does the normal Ubuntu 9.10 require?23:03
nicolasok thanks i found it with that really apreciate23:03
Painelessi need a USB Driver for my blackberry in Ubuntu23:04
ardchoillenicolas: you can also narrow your search down to filter only package names: apt-cache search -n python | grep gobject23:04
nicolasNo package 'gst-python-0.10' found this is the same for this one ^23:04
ambitbazhang: no, its my moms work pc and she needs an upgrade, im home for a little bit and was looking for a quick fix to upgrade23:05
Painelessi need a USB Driver for my blackberry in Ubuntu. I tried installing "Barry" but cant seem to figure it out23:05
pilotbubblesthe suck23:05
wcdlinstalled totem-mozilla but still can't watch videos on www.apple.com/trailers23:05
rohithIs 3D graphics acceleration supported by 9.10... for ATI cards?23:05
blakkheimrohith: ati support in linux is not very good23:05
soreaurohith: Yes.23:05
MindVirusWhenever I kill maximus, some daemon restarts it. Can someone help me find the root of this?23:05
ardchoillenicolas: apt-cache search -n python | grep gst23:05
bazhangPaineless, you mean barry-util ?23:06
wcdlinstalled totem-mozilla but still can't watch videos on www.apple.com/trailers... any help?23:06
bazhangwcdl, right, you need to wget them23:06
rohithHow do you enable it.. I was trying before.. and i corrupted my xorg.conf file23:06
wcdlbazhang: how?23:07
Painelessbazhang~ umm.. :P maybe ?23:07
wcdlwget www.google.com/trailers/......?23:07
bazhangPaineless, apt-cache search barry for the packages, or check in synaptic package manager23:07
HeimdallHello, someone in here knows Perl and xChat ? :P23:07
soreaurohith: All radeon cards from the old 7000 to the r5xx series cards have 3D support OOTB on 9.10 with the open radeon driver. In Lucid, it will also have 3D support for hd2-4xxx cards as well. Alternatively, there is the proprietary fglrx driver that only supports hd2-4xxx23:07
icerootHeimdall: #perl #xchat23:08
soreaurohith: Which card do you have?23:08
jileenwhat is the best irc client for ubuntu ?23:08
rohithI had 8.something... and let me check23:08
Heimdalliceroot, thx =)23:08
bazhangjileen, no best, matter of opinion23:08
waltercooli got a lucid bug... how can i report it?23:08
MindVirusAnyone have any advice?23:08
clawshelo all !23:08
frankS2http://pastie.org/856490 <= hell im trying to set managed mode on my wlan card.. but it doesnt set... this happends also if i try to set the essid. someone help me please :)23:08
soreaurohith: Check the output of 'lspci|grep VGA' from your terminal23:08
iceroot!bug | waltercool23:08
ubottuwaltercool: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:08
icerootwaltercool: also use #ubuntu+123:08
bazhangwaltercool, lucid support in #ubuntu+123:08
jileenbazhang what irc client do you use ?23:09
lantiziaDoes anyone else get an issue where the window manager drags the wrong window around (i.e. not the one you selected?)23:09
bazhangjileen, xchat23:09
jileenthx bazhang23:09
dectolantizia, many issues but not that23:09
clawsi Have now...problems launching ksnake... it say something about child process. any qlue ?23:09
rohithATI Mobility radeon x30023:09
lantiziadecto, I think it's only when visual settings is set to None23:10
soreau! who | rohith23:10
ubotturohith: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:10
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lantiziadecto, say you've had firefox full screen on 1 screen, and VLC full screen on another... you go for drag VLC down (so it restores from maximized) and instead your cursor jumps over to firefox23:11
soreaurohith: The fglrx driver does not support that card on 9.10. You will have to use the open radeon driver, which should have already been working23:11
Painelessbazhang~ ok, its installed. now what23:11
clawsi Have now...problems launching ksnake... it say something about child process. any qlue ?23:11
rohithsoreau:  ATI Mobility radeon x30023:11
soreaurohith: Are you trying to run a specific program that requires direct rendering?23:12
bazhangPaineless, its a command line utility, perhaps it has a help file or a manual page (no blackberry here, sorry not help more)23:12
rohithNo.. I was trying to get desktop effects working..23:12
Painelessbazhang~ np thanks23:12
datzHi, just coming back to confirm that apt-get update didn't install kernel updates... was talking to chili(something) yesterday23:13
soreaurohith: Did you install or attempt to install fglrx at any point on this install?23:13
blakkheimdatz: apt-get doesn't upgrade anything23:13
blakkheimdatz: apt-get update doesn't upgrade anything23:13
rohith soreau: No it came installed with it.. But it still wouldnt let me use the effect23:13
SomeoneE1sehow do I enable bluetooth for my user?  if I run bluetooth* as root it works but if I run it as a my user it can't find or interact with any other devices23:13
datzsorry upgrade*23:13
blakkheimdatz: sudo aptitude full-upgrade23:14
jileeni just installed ubuntu karmic on a acer aspire one eeepc (intel GM945 video card) and the display is very bad, how i can do to have better display ?23:14
soreaurohith: 9.10 does not come with fglrx pre-installed23:14
datzblakkheim: that will install kernel updates?23:14
blakkheimdatz: that will install all available upgradess23:14
clawsi Have now...problems launching ksnake... it say something about child process. any qlue ??23:14
MindVirusWhenever I kill maximus, some daemon restarts it. Can someone help me find the root of this?23:14
hyraxeshow do I edit a 3G connection in hardy? thanks23:15
rohithhummm.. i had a old install disk with like 8 dot some thing... I click upgrade23:15
clawsfor those who dont know...ksnake is a game23:15
soreaurohith: Can you pastebin the output of 'compiz &' from your terminal to pastebin.com?23:15
clawsits a snake like game23:15
datzblakkheim: cool. I actually like the fact that there is full-upgrade, and upgrade. :)  But what will happen if I let kernel updates pile up? Can I install the lastest one without installing the ones I missed?23:15
clawsand it wont start23:15
abowhen I'm watching youtube (or other streaming) how can I make the screen not dim and switch off?23:15
clawsbecause...its not able to launch child process23:16
rohithMy ubuntu crashed.. im on windows..23:16
clawsnow how do i get pass that23:16
clawsdo i need to turn something on ?23:16
clawsi need to turn of some kind of child filtering stuff23:17
soreaurohith: Then there's not much I can help you with. My recommendation would be to install a recent version of ubuntu fresh23:17
njbairhave any issues come up recently with nvidia drivers? Mine stopped working out of the blue this week.23:17
soreaurohith: Compiz should work even on a live cd of 9.10 with your card23:17
soreaurohith: out of the box, without installing any driver (it's already installed)23:18
clawsso...nobody knows anything about child process ?23:18
rohithAlright... How can i create a partion.. (Last time installed within windows lots of issues)23:18
datzabo: try : SYstem -> Preferences -> Screensaver23:18
clawsis it by default or......23:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:19
clawsdo i need to install it....23:19
sonywaperitaay  alguien??23:19
silentxhey ..23:19
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:19
soreaurohith: First thing would be to get a recent version of ubuntu booting through cd or usb23:19
pythonclaws, what are you referring to?23:19
datzno, english23:19
rohithI got that.. I have the latest version on Ubuntu on a cd..23:19
fbianconi!es | sonywaperita23:20
ubottusonywaperita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:20
sonywaperitai dont sepeking english very well23:20
Painelessok, so i installed barry-util, anyone know how to use it command line ?23:20
silentxi'm testing ... :#23:22
rohithsoreau: I already have new version on Ubuntu on a CD23:22
Adrossis there a way to disable a view if the result is going to be empty?23:22
j3rghey anyone uses kismet23:22
clawspython: ksnake... the game... i downloaded it.. tried to start. but it say's "Failed to execute child process 'ktron' (no such file or directory "23:22
cousteausonywaperita: entra en #ubuntu-es23:23
blakkheimsonywaperita: english only23:23
cousteauescribe:   /join #ubuntu-es23:23
pythonclaws: do you have ktron installed?23:23
soreaurohith: Ok, so boot it and start installing it. When you get to the partitioning section, just install over your old ubuntu install23:24
clawspython: let me check that out23:24
Painelessok, so i installed barry-util, anyone know how to use it command line ? trying to use my blackberry in ubuntu23:24
danialhow do we install bin file in ubuntu 9.1023:24
rohithsoreau: I had a single partition... I installed with in windows23:25
SomeoneE1seis there a way to enable a non root user to use the bluetooth device or do I need to run the programs as root?23:25
jileeni just installed ubuntu karmic on a acer aspire one eeepc (intel GM945 video card) and the display is very bad, how i can do to have better display ?23:25
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CyberGabberPaineless: Try in terminal:  man barry-util23:26
chelztwo more months!23:27
histoIS there still a server kernel in 9.10?23:27
PainelessCyberGabber~ No manual entry for barry-util23:27
soreaurohith: Ah well that just means you'll have slower more problematic linux23:27
blakkheimPaineless: dpkg -S barry-util | grep man23:27
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soreaurohith: Just uninstall it through windows, then install it with your live cd. It can automatically shrink your window partition and install ubuntu on an ext file system23:28
Painelessblakkheim~ ok it just went to the next prompt23:28
histonvm I found it.23:28
blakkheimPaineless: then i don't think there is any manpages included with it23:28
Painelessblakkheim~ Barry is a GPL C++ library for interfacing with the RIM BlackBerry Handheld23:29
Painelessblakkheim~ do you think im supposed to compile something ?23:29
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marie-louisehow can i turn off the sound during booting up?23:29
sebsebsebmarie-louise: system > preferences > sound and some where in there I think23:30
MindVirusWhenever I kill maximus, some daemon restarts it. Can someone help me find the root of this?23:30
CyberGabberPaineless: Maybe:  barry-util --help23:31
Painelessblakkheim~ here's the debian details site : http://packages.debian.org/sid/utils/barry-util23:31
fbianconiMindVirus, what is maximus?23:31
movicontit's in the netbook remix23:32
movicontand makes the windows maximize23:32
PainelessCyberGabber~ same "command not found"23:32
marie-louisesebsebseb: i already muted "alert volume" so i don't get any sounds while logging in, but how do i turn off the sound which comes when GDM starts up?23:32
Lappiei was here a lil ago and asked about the cube effects of ccsm, and quite obviously i did not know much about it, well, i just wondered why no body bothered to tell me that i had to hit ctrl and alt then l mouse click to see the cube?23:32
rohithsoreau: I installed Ubuntu inside windows.. I have completely removed it... Im trying to re-install it on a separate partition, So I have the option to create a partition during the installation?23:32
sebsebsebmarie-louise: not sure about that one, but you could change to another one that doesn't have a sound, such as KDM, the KDE one23:33
soreaurohith: Yes. in fact, ubuntu can automate this process for you and guess some good sizes based on your pc setup23:33
cousteauspeaking of which, is there any work in progress for a "de-wubi" tool?23:33
coldfireCan someone help me encrypt a file? i made the key but when i right click on the file there is no enrypt option23:34
PainelessCyberGabber, blakkheim~ i looked through my /usr/bin, there is no executable for it23:34
rohithsoreau: awsome.. Is this a user friendly? or should i get out an other computer while i install the it?23:34
DanDareHello. I using Ubuntu8 Live CD to rescue some files on NTFS partition. It's _secure_ to record files on NTFS partitions in this version of Ubuntu ?23:35
CyberGabberPaineless: "command not found" ?  Type the part: barr   en press TABkey twice, does it present the tool?23:35
sebsebsebDanDare: secure?23:35
Flonnehey does anyone know if there is a way to check current upload/download speed from a terminal23:35
PainelessCyberGabber~ no it doesn't, there is no executable for it to present23:35
DanDaresebsebseb: Its realiable? Can I damage file system by recording/deleting files on the NTFS partition ?23:36
marie-louisesebsebseb: but i don't want to change23:36
sebsebsebDanDare: as long as your Windows install  was shut down properly,  should be no problem to access the partition using that Live CD,  and then do what you want to do with the files23:36
DanDaresebsebseb: ok thanks23:36
sebsebsebDanDare: it's fine to use  a  Ubuntu 7.10 or later  CD for what you want to do23:36
DanDaresebsebseb: I remember in the past the NTFS file system support warns you about not using it to make changes on NTFS23:37
Lappiemy point is that there are many noobs that dont know much about anything linux, incl ubuntu, and some of us dont get much out of reading pages and pages of info esp when were looking for something specific, and , when learning windows i found that sometimes with (good intentions) advanced settings n things were changed w/o the person knowing what the heck they were doing, this is not a complaint or a whine, its just a suggestion23:37
Lappie, please remember to cover the basics when helping someone ok23:37
sebsebsebLappie: I just joined here a little while ago, I wonder who all of that, was to23:38
sebsebsebmarie-louise: Ok why do you  want GDM to not make any sound?23:38
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html Lappie here are some basics23:39
marie-louisesebsebseb: because it is annoying23:39
sebsebsebmarie-louise: Are you new to Ubuntu?  Is 9.10 your first version?23:39
Lappieno on in specific, i just wanted to remind that some of us noobs arent as savy as most of the peeps here trying to help and that if they would ask some basic questions like, for me instance, do you know how to see the cube when you switch between workspaces, i would have said no23:40
Lappiebut i did not know how to phrase my issue, because like i said, i am very much a noob23:40
marie-louisesebsebseb: no i have been using gentoo for the last two years, but i've never used gdm before23:40
sebsebsebmarie-louise: oh23:40
bazhangLappie, well reading the guide I linked you would eliminate many of those issues23:40
sebsebsebmarie-louise: 9.10 uses a later version of GDM,  which is not that customizalbe compared to the old version.23:41
aeiouis there a guide anywhere that explains how to correctly configure a server so that its secure to give out shh access to users?23:41
histoaeiou: you can use keys or you can use fail2ban23:41
histo!ssh | aeiou23:41
ubottuaeiou: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)23:41
histoaeiou: I like fail2ban23:41
Lappiethats all i was saying, i do believe you guys are doing a great job, and bazhang, like i said, i dont get much from reading pages and pages of info when its a totally new enviroment, like learning a new language wo learning some of the basic words n such23:41
Dunkirkmarie-louise: I've been on Gentoo for the past 4 years. I, too, would like to silence GDM. Unfortunately, the gdm which ships with Ubuntu is really stripped down in the ability to configure things.23:41
aeiouhisto, i meant more about securing the server, so users with access cannot destroy everything23:42
bazhangLappie, reading is required. that is a great resource I linked you to23:42
Lappieinfact, i dont even know how to pronounce ubuntu i think its u-bunt-u :)23:42
marie-louiseDunkirk: so it's impossible to mute it?!23:42
marie-louisesebsebseb: i see23:42
Lappiety i will deff check it out, but im more of a hands on person23:42
Dunkirkmarie-louise: I'm looking around in /etc/gdm...23:42
fbianconimarie-louise, http://tacticalvim.wordpress.com/2009/11/27/disable-gdm-ready-sound-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic/23:43
Lappiei crashed win 3.x millions of times, but by the time i was finished i could tell someone just about anything about it23:43
rohithsoreau: Thanks for the help/info im going to re-install Ubuntu now23:43
Nallep_I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a compaq presario 900, and it loads grub but then the screen goes black and nothing happens.  How do I fix this?23:44
Lappieagain, i am very greatfull of everyons help, and please keep it up,23:44
kimberlyhi all23:44
YounderNallep_, try booting into text mode23:44
kimberlyanyone know of logitech webcam drivers for ubuntu?23:44
fabienHello all23:45
srinath_manNallep_: Recovery Mode23:45
YounderNallep_, at the grub prompt choose edit and add a -text option23:45
fabienI use dualscreen but I have two cursors. Any idea ?23:45
YounderNallep_, well it sound like it doesn't recognize your graphics driver23:45
aeiouare there any good ACL guides?23:46
Dunkirkmarie-louise: I'm not finding anything.23:46
Nallep_ok I'm booting into recovery mode, I'm at the recovery menu23:46
marie-louiseDunkirk: hold on23:46
CyberGabberPaineless: I have no answer to your issue, but maybe you have to read this, (search for barry-util on this site): http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1265727.html23:46
Younderaeiou: ACL?23:46
DunkirkI also note that they removed the ability to use GDM to remote-login to other systems with XDMCP (or whatever it was).23:46
aeiouaccess control lists23:46
rohithWhat version supports ati radeon mobility x300 (I want to use desktop effects)23:47
aeioui want to setup a server that i can give ssh access to the users, but want to secure it so they arent able to trash the server23:47
Dunkirkfabien: Lucky you! Some people pay extra for that!23:47
Lappieohh nice guide good suggestion bazhang, i just might get something out of this :)23:47
Nallep_Younder, srinath_man I have a root shell now,23:48
Dunkirkaeiou: You may be interested in rssh.23:48
CyberGabberPaineless: and this: http://www.commonitman.com/2009/12/sync-blackberry-on-ubunty-904.html23:48
marie-louiseDunkirk: http://tacticalvim.wordpress.com/2009/11/27/disable-gdm-ready-sound-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic/ this other user sent me that23:48
marie-louisefbianconi: thank you23:48
fabienDunkirk : Okay ;) But I can's fix this small bug...23:48
aeiouDunkirk, i want users to be able to move files, compile software etc all in their home directories23:49
aeioujust i want to secure the rest of the system - would this be possible with rssh?23:49
Dunkirkmarie-louise: Way cool! Thanks for that!23:49
Dunkirkaeiou: Then that's just permissions.23:49
marie-louiseDunkirk: thank fbianconi ;)23:49
rohithWhat version of Ubuntu supports ati radeon mobility x300 ( I want to use desktop effects)?23:50
Nallep_how do I disable the graphics driver?23:50
aeiouDunkirk, would ACL give me better security compared to posix?23:50
PainelessCyberGabber~ thanks23:50
Dunkirkaeiou: Well, ACL's are really complicated, and probably not worth the hassle. There's really a lot of subtle power in the standard Unix permissions.23:51
Younderaeiou: well you can chroot. also set /home and /var on seperate partions as that simplifies soe things. also set local stuff in /uer/local so it doesn't disturb the standard updates. That makes the system easier to maintain23:51
dr3mrohi please can any one help me with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=892275423:51
marie-louisealright, goodnight Dunkirk and fbianconi!23:51
Younderaeiou: inparticular you can then easelly backup with dump23:51
Dunkirkaeiou: If you want people to be able to compile software, there's only so much "locking down" you can do, as compiling software is going to require access to lots and lots of programs, scratch space, system resources (like memory and filehandles), etc.23:52
Younderaeiou: I assume only /avr /home /usr/local are interesting to back up. Of cource you should have a ubuntu CD of your current version as well23:52
KoltorI am running the x64 version of Ubuntu 9.10. For the past 2 days(haven't installed any new programs within the same time frame). I've started to encounter problems after I lock my computer, (ctrl+alt+l), then come back and unlock it. After unlocking, I am unable to open any programs. Any ideas?23:53
Younderaeiou: Having dump on a seperate partion prevents DOS attacks from overwriting your system area if log files get really large23:53
Dunkirkaeiou: On a related idea, what about creating a virtual machine in something like KVM or VirtualBox (I use both for various things), and letting them "have at it" in the VM?23:54
Younderaeiou, also check /etc/limis for setting user quota, max processes, disk space, restict acess time etc23:54
aeiouDunkirk, i was thinking it would be a lot more  performant to not run VMs23:54
Younderaeiou, clever use of groups simplifies things23:54
Dunkirkaeiou: You'd be surprised at how fast VM's run, especially Linux-on-Linux with KVM.23:55
aeiouthese guys give ssh with their hosting http://www.webfaction.com/23:55
Dunkirkaeiou: But you're right, there's a tradeoff. It's just not as much as you'd think.23:55
aeiouso i know its definately possbible to do securely23:55
aeiouDunkirk, that would mean each user running their own apache etc23:56
Dunkirkaeiou: They're probably "jailing" like Younder is talking about. There's much less to setup for just a web server, as opposed to compiler chains.23:56
rohithPlease someone help me... What version of Ubuntu supports ati radeon mobility x300 (I want to use Desktop Effects)?23:56
Dunkirkaeiou: But, yea, same basic idea.23:56
aeiouDunkirk, they arent jailing, you can see everything - just files are locked down23:56
aeiouand you can compile your own programs in your home directory23:57
vasiliseimai gamatos23:57
vasilisk gamw ta paidia23:57
Nallep_I just install ubuntu 9.10 on a compaq presario 900 laptop, when I boot up I just get a black screen and nothing else happens, I'm currently booted into recovery mode root shell, how do I fix it so I can sue my computer?  I don't care much about hardware acceleration, just want to be able to use it.23:57
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
dr3mrohi please can any one help me with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=892275423:59
viliny_i just got the 2.6.33 kernel installed from ubuntu kernels -> where do i find a nvidia driver to go along with this?23:59

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