
lifelessso it is00:01
lifelessand ist isn't00:01
lifelessnot all log viewers show bugs00:10
lifelessbut yeah, I can see the case00:10
lifelessso we want a00:10
lifelessor something00:10
lifelessand a hook that can edit the message and rev props late00:10
aspiditesis there some setting that needs to be present before I can receive karma on launchpad for committing code?00:29
lifelessbut you ahve to push the code to lp00:30
jelmeralso, karma isn't updated instantaneously00:30
dOxxx1good evening01:24
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dOxxxwhen should bzrlib.trace.show_error etc be used instead of the ui_factory.show_error etc?01:25
sproatyhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sproaty/whyteboard/development/files  how is my 'whyteboard' folder shown at version 170 when I've commited several times to files inside it since?01:47
bob2the dir was amde in 17001:47
Pengsproaty: Bazaar tracks directories as their own objects. Presumably it's showing when the directory itself was modified, rather than its contents.01:48
* Peng shrugs01:48
sproatykinda a shame#01:49
Penghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead :D01:49
sproatyheh, cheers01:51
PengI wasn't joking.01:56
dOxxxif I'm writing a bzr plugin which works with launchpad branches via the lp api, should I be using the lp_api module from the launchpad plugin or just using launchpadlib direcrly?03:04
dashhi. I started 'bzr upgrade' on a launchpad branch to upgrade it to 2a, but I haven't upgraded the repo yet. will it be a problem to kill the upgrade and do the repo first?03:35
dashoh, heh, it finished. Never mind!03:38
enlii checked out a branch from launchpad to fix some bug and pushed changes to my own branch on lp. I would like to remove that revision from launchpad, is it possible?04:14
Pengenli: Completely remove all traces of it? Is this just, like, you misspelled something, or did you accidentally commit the nuclear launch codes?04:15
enliPeng: the code is working, its just that i want to change the commit message04:16
Pengenli: Ah. How bad is it? Mostly it's not worth doing. You can see all sorts of fun errors in lp:bzr's history.04:17
enlinot too bad, i am just playing with it.. wondering if it is possible :D04:17
Pengenli: It's not hard, but it's not clean either.04:20
Pengenli: You'd have to "bzr uncommit", "bzr commit again" and then "bzr push --overwrite". This creates a completely different revision, so people who have already pulled the old one will get confused.04:21
Pengenli: Like I said, it's usually not worth it.04:21
enliok, so if my latest revision was before uncomit, 198 and i do uncommit, commit, push what will be the revesion number?04:22
Pengenli: 19804:23
Pengenli: But the ID and everything else will be different.04:23
enliPeng: i dont know yet what ID and everything else is, but i will take your word and not uncommit it, thanks a lot04:25
Pengenli: bzr log --show-ids will display it, FWIW.04:26
Pengenli: It's not very interesting. It's just a more complicated, unique ID for the revision.04:26
enlihmm, so if nobody has yet pulled my branch, it will be pretty safe to push --overwrite.. yes?04:27
enliPeng: i am out, thanks again04:38
NyRyhaving a problem when committing on my server that bzr hangs05:50
NyRyAny help much appreciated05:50
meoblast001is it possible, with the understanding that i will break trees, to remove a commit, and all subcommits, from a branch?06:15
dashsure, uncommit06:16
meoblast001i'm not uncommitting that far back06:16
Pengmeoblast001: uncommit takes a -r argument.06:17
meoblast001Peng: so i can remove 1 specific commit, while keeping everything else in tact?06:25
bob2if it's the most recent one06:25
Pengbob2: <306:25
meoblast001it's not06:25
meoblast001that's the problem06:25
bob2do you care this much |<------>|?06:25
PengIf this is really the nuclear launch codes, you can use rebase or fastimport or somesuch to rebuild the branch.06:26
meoblast001care about what?06:26
bob2about removing this commit06:27
meoblast001yes, i suppose06:27
Pengmeoblast001: Just curious, why?06:28
meoblast001well, currently, until i get legal stuff worked out, i need to make sure i own copyright on every ounce of code in my project06:29
meoblast001there is a small amount of unnecessary code made by others06:29
meoblast001so i wanted to remove it completely06:29
PengDo projects usually complete expunge the old code in such situations?06:30
meoblast001don't think so06:31
meoblast001but i'm very paranoid06:31
meoblast001already freaking out with stress06:31
bob2well, how will you separate it out?06:32
bob2e.g. if you branch from before the first potentially-dodgy commit, what do you want to do?  just exclude the entire commits by other people?06:32
meoblast001well, it's only really one06:32
meoblast001i've been lucky enough to not get many contributors06:32
meoblast001which is good, considering i have copyright issues to work out06:32
bob2is this free software?06:33
meoblast001i think i'll work this out tomorrow06:38
meoblast001i'm going to bed06:38
meoblast001good night06:38
NyRyanyone know the syntax for drush generate-content08:33
mathrickhey guys, is there something wrong with website?11:59
mathrickI can't connect to it11:59
ralphHi, I've done 'bzr add foo' but haven't committed yet.  I want to remove foo from the list of outstanding things to commit.  How?11:59
ralphmathrick: I concur.11:59
mathrickralph: bzr rm --keep --new foo12:00
ralphmathrick: Thanks.  I understand.  Bye.12:01
parthmvila: ping12:41
parthmvila: ping: unknown host vila ... hmm maybe i will try later :-)12:53
Sheepherdhey all15:08
Sheepherdtrying to install bazaar for the first time on win xp sp3 with this tutorial15:08
Sheepherdnow unfortunately i got python 2.6 running and i cant seem to find the pycurl package for 2.6 only for 2.515:09
Sheepherdwhat should i do?15:09
Sheepherdor is there even a crucial reason to use the python based installation instead of the stand alone one??15:11
starenkahi, i'm desperate. how can i get branch base path in precommit hook?15:20
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Sheepherdjust solved it. http://curl.haxx.se/mail/curlpython-2009-11/0001.html for a python 2.6 pycurl msi file15:21
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Sheepherdits me again... i ran into following error while compiling bzr-gtk. http://paste.pocoo.org/show/186339/15:58
Sheepherdwhat shall i do now?15:58
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Wellarkhi! does the rebase plugin have any active maintainer?16:45
WellarkI tried to use it but could not get it working16:45
Wellarkusing google does not bring up any tutorials or anything16:46
Wellarkah, OK, it's maintained alright..16:47
Wellarkhttp://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-rebase/trunk/ has had it's last update on Sat 2010-02-27 15:28:05 +010016:48
Wellarkoh, well.. maybe I some day have time to look in to the inner workings of the plugin to be able to use it16:49
jelmerWellark: yeah, it's maintained but there isn't much documentation other than the command-line help16:50
jelmerit's quite similar to rebase in git and hg though16:50
Wellarkok, well it's probably just a user error on my side16:51
marvI saw that inkscape recommended keeping a checkout the remote branch, and doing development in a separate branch, and then merging that into the otherwise pristine branch and then pushing, instead of pushing from the branch you actually wrote the feature in.17:35
marvand then i did some googling and saw this thread:  http://www.mail-archive.com/maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net/msg00220.html17:35
marvso i was wondering if the reverse merge thing they were talking about was on the roadmap17:36
mathrickis there something like git's commit --amend?18:55
luksbzr uncommit && bzr commit?19:00
mathrickwell, yeah, but it makes me write the commit message again19:02
luksbzr uncommit && bzr qcommit :)19:02
mathrickat least some links in 2.1 user guide are broken, they specify the old-style URLs: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.1/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#revision-identifiers19:09
mathrickwhich doesn't resolve, because this chapter is available at http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.1/en/user-reference/revisionspec-help.html19:10
mathrickthe faulty link is here: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.1/en/user-guide/specifying_revisions.html19:10
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goundysorry guys20:04
goundyI missed the /join20:04
goundythis is not advertisment -_-20:04
marvhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/bzr/+spec/nested-tree-support links to http://bazaar.canonical.com/NestedTreeSupport, which 404s21:06
MTecknologyFor my own bzr server; how hard is it to convert something like this   bzr+ssh://user@code.domain.com/home/user/connect/foo   to something like this   kalliki:~user/connect/foo ?21:30
MTecknologyI remember there being some nifty way to do something like that but I forgot how21:30
mathrickMTecknology: what do you mean by "convert"?21:30
MTecknologyand never got it to work before21:30
MTecknologymathrick: so I can do bzr branch kalliki:~user/connect/foo and it will change it to the really long one21:31
MTecknologymathrick: sorry for the poor question - long day already21:32
mathrickMTecknology: "converting" it as such is simple, as long as you have the access to a shell or smart server and install your own hooks21:34
mathrickbut no idea how hard it'd be to make bzr actually do that21:34
mathrickyou'd need plugins both on the client side and on the server side21:35
mathrickbecause client needs to grok foo:bar as a remote ssh reference, and the server needs to do the actual translation21:35
mathrickMTecknology: perhaps it'd be easier to make a plugin which just works on the client side and translates ~foo to /home/foo by default, unless you provide a map to override that for a particular host21:36
MTecknologyI'm just trying to make things simple for my users21:36
mathrickthen you definitely want to avoid relying on a particular server + client combination21:37
MTecknologyclient side plugins sounds doable21:37
mathrickmake it a client-only plugin, it'll be a bit more manual for machines where ~foo isn't /home/foo, but at least it'll work with any host as long as you use the proper client21:37
mathrickMTecknology: if you need to override the branch reference syntax, take a look at lp:bzr-colo21:38
MTecknologyI should be able to make something that can just be unpacked into ~/.bazaar/pulgins/, right?21:38
mathrickit installs a colo: prefix21:38
mathrickoh, right, and beware of clashes with the built-in colon prefixes21:39
mathrickdate:, branch:, tag:, submit:, before: and last: at least21:39
mathrickthough of these I think only branch: and submit: are valid branch syntaxes21:40
MTecknologyI was thinking probably just k: or kalliki:21:40
mathrickwell, and lp: of course21:40
mathrickMTecknology: but you want to provide that for any host21:40
mathrickotherwise it'll be just confusing for users21:40
mathrickwell, maybe not more than lp:21:40
mathrickbut still, if you attempt to support widely-used syntax (SSH), you'd better make it work like everything else that supports it21:41
MTecknologyso, where should I get started building this plugin?21:41
MTecknologyI'll obviously need to start understanding python a little bit :P21:44
MTecknologymathrick: do you know where the plugin is that handles lp:? or is that probably much more in depth than what I need?21:46
mathrickMTecknology: lp: and colo: are the same deal21:47
mathrickMTecknology: I think bzr plugins -v should tell you21:48
mathrickthe plugin you want is called launchpad21:49
MTecknologyI'm seeing .pyc files, do I need to compile the python before it can be run?21:49
mathrickeh, no21:49
mathrickthat's done automatically by python whenever you invoke a .py file21:49
mathrickrunning ubuntu/debian?21:50
mathrickif so, you have them precompiled21:50
MTecknologylooks like test_lp_directory.py is the file that I should look into21:50
mathrickquite possibly21:50
MTecknologymathrick: wow; this doesn't look friendly :P21:59
mathricklp is kinda huge22:00
MTecknologyI don't think my mind thinks in python22:01
mathrickbut you shouldn't be looking at test_*22:01
mathrickthat's, as the name suggests, tests22:01
mathrickhmm, the netloc thing might not really be suitable for the kind of thing ssh foo:bar syntax needs22:02
mathrickMTecknology: I'd wait until somebody more familiar with bzr's guts comes22:03
MTecknologytest_lp_directory.py has 'lp:' in it; which makes me want to look at lp_directory.py22:04
MTecknologymathrick: ok, thanks for pointing me in the right direction22:05
mathrickMTecknology: lp_directory is where it's at, but it might not be suitable a method for registering a catch-all prefix22:06
mathrickwhich is why I suggested waiting22:06
mathrickand you're welcome22:06
MTecknologyIt's not really that bad because it remembers the branch push/pull locations; just be easier when we get more going on22:09
mathrickyeah, though I could see it useful in an environment with many branches going on22:10
mathrickif that's the case, a generic branch-reference-shortener could be useful22:10
mathrickso you could say b:mtecknology:foo for example22:10
asabilMTecknology, I can probably help22:10
mathrickor b:main22:10
MTecknologyasabil: I can probably eagerly listen :D22:11
MTecknologymathrick: how would I do that?22:12
mathrickMTecknology: by registering a b: URL scheme, like lp:, and then having a map from shorthands to full locations somewhere in the config file22:13
mathrickbut that only makes much sense if you really operate in a forest and need to refer to many branches often22:13
mathrickasabil: but that's only for a fixed prefix:, no?22:14
mathrickcan you make it catch any not otherwise recognised prefix?22:14
asabilmathrick, well you wanted something like lp: no ?22:15
mathrickwell, I wanted something like scp host:dir22:15
MTecknologyThis is long: bzr+ssh://user@code.domain.com/home/user/connect/foo22:16
MTecknologythat's what I'm trying to change22:16
MTecknologyto k:~user/connect/foo22:16
praseodymjust upgraded to 2.1, but now I get the following error when pushing to a remote repository: "AssertionError: _remember_remote_is_before((2, 1)) called, but _remember_remote_is_before((1, 6)) was called previously.22:16
asabilMTecknology, what I pasted answers your question22:17
MTecknologyasabil: what about the username@ part?22:18
asabilMTecknology, you can do whatever you want with the url22:18
asabilyou parse it the way you want22:18
MTecknologySo I need to format this? -> return "bzr://code.kalliki.com/repo" + name22:19
asabilfor example22:19
MTecknologyasabil: Is there any way to decopmose the whole path into little pieces?22:28
MTecknologySo I could grab the first part of the path22:28
asabilsplit ?22:29
asabilfor example22:29
MTecknologythat first part of the path will be the user name as well as the home directory22:30
MTecknologyso k:foo/bar -> bzr+ssh://foo@blah.com/home/foo/bar22:30
asabilyou remove the prefix22:31
asabiland then split on th "/"22:31
MTecknologythen toss the first part into a variable22:31
asabiluser, directory = uri[2:].split("/", 1)22:31
asabil(it is not the most beautiful python code :P)22:32
MTecknologyif url.startswith('prefix:'):22:32
MTecknologyI change that to my prefix?22:32
asabilthe uri[2:] it to remove the 1st 2 characters22:33
MTecknologywhat's the else: for? if I matched that it start's with k:22:34
asabilthe else shouldn't happen22:34
MTecknologyif url.startswith('k:'):  if url starts with k:    name = url[2:]    then remove the first two letters and store in name     else:    but if it doesn't start with k:22:36
MTecknologydoes indentation matter in python?22:37
MTecknologyI had it wrong when you copied things and I read it as the return happens in the else :P22:38
MTecknologyasabil: that's what goes in __init__.py ?22:44
MTecknologycool - an error22:46
MTecknologyI tried  return 'bzr+ssh://' + name.split("/", 1) + '@code.kalliki.com/home/' + name22:49
asabilname.split("/", 1) returns an array22:50
asabilwhose size is maximum 222:50
asabilyou need to extract the element22:50
MTecknologyasabil: ok, I thought it was returning the 1th item from it :P22:55
asabilI guessed so22:55
elpargohi, I'm not a bzr user but I want to check out some code from trunk/tip whatever you guys call it :)22:57
elpargowill someone be kind enough to point me the URL to check out the 0.10 branch for https://launchpad.net/ipython22:58
asabilelpargo, bzr branch lp:ipython22:58
asabilor  lp:ipython/0.1022:59
asabilif you want the 0.10 series22:59
elpargoyea I believe that is what I want as it has the bugfix but there is no 0.10.123:00
elpargoasabil: what's this lp? is that with an existing checkout?23:00
asabilelpargo, lp is a shorthand for launchpad23:02
MTecknologyasabil: so if I want to force an error to happen, now do I do that?23:03
asabildo the same as what is in the else:23:03
elpargoasabil: interesting. That seems handy.23:04
asabilelpargo, you are welcome23:04
humitosI'm tryig to serve a branch downloaded from launchpad with "bzr serve" and I get this error:23:11
humitosbzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for http://localhost:4155/.bzr/branch-format: Bad status line received23:11
MTecknologyasabil: :D absolutely perfect :D23:33
MTecknologyasabil: wanna see?23:34
asabilyeah sure23:34
MTecknologyasabil: team|user/project/branch :D23:35
asabillooks good23:36
MTecknologyasabil: namesplit = name.split("/", 3)23:36
MTecknologyasabil: thanks :D23:37
MTecknologymathrick: ^ In case you're curious what the solution was23:39

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