
computer_whats up?00:20
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lintsnifferDoes anyone talk here?00:20
lintsnifferanyone know why I wouldn't be able to connect to any other network but this one?00:21
lintsnifferI'm probably entering the information incorrectly for the servers00:21
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Roeyhttp://pastebin.com/FVMeEDYj  <--- which packages do I need to enable this?  Which Medibuntu packages, even?01:15
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cvdits there away to setup the mouse-pad for a laptop in kubuntu; its so sencible, clicking everywhere02:05
bjb1959any idea why x won't start with nvidia drivers?02:32
LogomachistHi. I just added kde to Ubuntu 9.10, but when I try to log in with the KDE desktop (after I enter my username and password) the screen more or less freezes- the glowing white bar stops moving(but I can still move the mouse).02:44
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phoenix__hello everyone02:45
george__can anyone tell me why I don't have sound when watching videos in youtube?02:47
phoenix__george__: my friend too suffers from the same problem02:48
LogomachistI don't have sound either, but I attribute that to my running one of the open source flash plugins.02:48
LogomachistIf I really cared about Youtube I'd probably switch to the Adobe one... which I probably will do eventually.02:49
george__I've installes flash plugin but still nothing. I am using a 64 bit kubuntu 9.1002:49
phoenix__george__: check this link->http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27949702:49
phoenix__george__: i think this should work for you ->http://www.simonandjun.com/wordpress/2009/05/23/youtube-on-ubuntu-firefox-no-sound/02:51
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george__I can't find that package for the sound02:56
george__it says impossible to find the package02:56
CPrgmSwR2Where is the best place to report a sound problem03:05
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DoubleD84Hey all.. So I apparently felt the urge to overwrite my entire data partition tonight using mkfs.ext4 over a NTFS partition. Is there anything I can at this point to reverse it or retrieve the data?03:23
mooglinuxIm haveing a problem setting the dns server. i set it to the google dns in the network settings, but it never uses those. How do i make it accept the changes?04:14
phoenix__hello everyone04:20
phoenix__i have a problem with the nepomuk . can anyone help me04:20
phoenix__i have been come here everyday for the past one week and no one is helping me out. everyone is silent, the kde channel never respond04:22
phoenix__if i am not going to get help today, iam not coming back here again04:23
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pteagueok, this is really weird... i'm having issues with my color settings when i'm playing a dvd... i get a blueish color skin04:31
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Flatergood morning all :)05:09
Flaterhow are we all doing today? ;)05:09
trennorI need some help please.05:47
a32choose for me: C or C++05:52
trennorhow do I turn off xterm or get into runlevel 3 without an xterminal starting up?!05:52
trennorhow do I turn off xterm or get into runlevel 3 without an xterminal starting up?!05:54
ericGcan you use ctrl alt f1 to switch to a different virtual  terminal trennor?05:56
trennorI'm trying to install an Nvidia driver ... there cannot be an Xterm running on the system during the install.05:58
trennorhowever, no matter how I try it, I'm either in too low a runlevel or the gui starts up.05:58
trennorI'm VERY frustrated right now.05:59
trennorall I need is gui-free runlevel 3 for five minutes. how do I get that?!05:59
ericGcan you use "telinit 3" in the other terminal to switch to run level 3?05:59
trennortelinit? okay, I was trying to use "init 3"05:59
ericGprobably would need to do sudo telinit 3...06:00
trennorawesome! I hope this works!06:00
ericGits been forever since i've had to switch runlevels06:00
trennorI'll be back if it doesn't work06:00
ericGgood luck06:00
trennorthank-you Eric06:00
trennordidn't do bugger all06:01
trennorall I got back was my prompt again06:01
ericGsorry trennor06:01
ericGdoes the automatic nvidia installer not work for you?06:01
trennorthere IS one? where? all I got was the one off the nvidia site06:02
ericGthere is a restricted driver manager06:02
trennorthat won't run no matter what I do06:02
ericGi'm not on my kubuntu machine so i can't look it up..it should appear if you start typing "restricted" into the kicker menu06:03
trennorkicker menu .....06:03
ericGthe k button06:03
trennorgoing to a web search06:03
ericGthe Kickoff Application Launcher06:03
trennorit wants to do a web search06:04
ericGare you on kubuntu 9.10?06:04
trennorno, 9.0406:04
ericGah, well it should still have the restricted hardware manager06:05
ericGin the kickoff menu type in hardware06:06
ericGits under Hardware Drivers06:06
trennorI have hardware driver up06:06
trennorwhen I hit "activate" nothing happens06:06
ericGoh i see06:06
trennorwait .... something is  now06:06
ericGdoes it list some drivers ?06:06
trennoryes.... omg it's actually doing it06:07
ericGmy desktop machine lists 3  different nvidia drivers; clicking on one and selecting "activate" installs it06:07
trennordownloading and running ver 180 I think06:08
trennorokay..... it wants a restart .... thanks Eric... I think we got it.06:08
trennorit wouldn't do it before though!! don't ask me why06:08
ericGno problem, hope everything works06:08
trennorso do I .... thanks again06:09
bigbrovarever since upgrading to kde 4.4.1 from karmic. I cant seem to get my mic to work on skype06:21
bigbrovarnever had a problem with it before.. from jaunty to karmic. seems some settings change in kde 4.4 most have had things reset for me06:22
kaniiNIXanyone around?07:28
jussi01kaniiNIX: some people, just ask! :)07:46
kaniiNIXok :)07:46
kaniiNIXi accidentally the whole touchpad ;)07:47
kaniiNIXtbh, i used "sudo modprobe psmouse"07:47
kaniiNIXnow i need the command to enable my touchpad07:47
jussi01dxu_: please fix your connection07:48
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kaniiNIXhow to create a script which disables the normal vertical scrolling but keeps the two finger scrolling enabled?08:25
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beyondcris there a gui to share a wireless connection09:49
RoffeHello Boys! I recently install Kubuntu 8.04 on a computer,, however when I get to the login screen the display is just a mess of different colours and stuff10:18
RoffeI actually edited the xorg.conf so That I could login with 800x60010:19
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shadeslayeris there a alternative for Microsoft Visual Studion 2005 in kubuntu?10:29
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alumno00Hallo, Can I configure my ubuntu 9.04 for routing. This is what I have: http://pastebin.be/2382212:07
alumno00Nobody here?12:10
shadeslayeralumno00: routing as in sharing a net connection?12:16
alumno00Yes, you can see what I have in: http://pastebin.be/2382212:17
alumno00It's not working for me...12:17
shadeslayer!share | alumno0012:18
alumno00I can connect form Destop to Laptop, but not from Destop to main router (and Internet)12:19
shadeslayeralumno00: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing12:20
alumno00Ok, I'm going to try...12:22
HandyGandyIs there anyway to size my widgets?12:27
shadeslayerHandyGandy: theres a resize button on every handle12:34
HandyGandyshadeslayer: What's a handle?12:37
shadeslayerHandyGandy: just hover over a widget12:41
HandyGandyI get a dark window.12:42
shadeslayerHandyGandy: can you paste a screenshot?12:43
HandyGandyshadeslayer: Can you recommend a image pastebin? I don't paste screen shots often.12:44
shadeslayerHandyGandy: pastebin.ca12:45
HandyGandyshadeslayer: http://imagebin.ca/view/ex6g9Q.html12:54
shadeslayerHandyGandy: just a moment12:56
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shadeslayerHandyGandy: is that a taskbar?13:01
HandyGandyA panel.13:02
shadeslayerHandyGandy: yeah thats what i meant... i dont think you can resize it then13:03
shadeslayerHandyGandy: youll have to resize the whole panel13:03
mefisto__I'm wondering about the keyboard shortcut that can be set in all plasma widget preferences. What is the shortcut supposed to trigger?13:06
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mefisto__I'm wondering about the keyboard shortcut that can be set in all plasma widget preferences. What is the shortcut supposed to trigger?13:17
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shadeslayer_sidharth: oh hi :)13:24
eagles0513875hey sidharth13:24
shadeslayer_sidharth: eagles0513875 is going to help you out ;)13:25
eagles0513875sidharth: im the one relaying the info to shadeslayer_ to relay to you13:25
eagles0513875shadeslayer_: going to try13:25
eagles0513875shadeslayer_: hes on karmic right13:25
shadeslayer_eagles0513875: karmic 64 bit,stock kernel13:25
sidharththanks for the help13:25
shadeslayer_eagles0513875: hes installing vlc right now ;)13:25
eagles0513875no prob13:25
eagles0513875sidharth: how are you installing vlc using command line or kpackagekit13:26
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eagles0513875i only go to kpackagekit when i switch from using my local mirror to another set of servers13:26
sidharth#eagles0513875 i find the command line of linux interesting13:27
eagles0513875sidharth: :) glad to see your learning the command line13:27
Machtini have a folder with german chars in it.. when i click it, it's not recognised.. can i somehow (via console?) change that folder's name?13:27
sidharth#eagles0513875 just hope this wifi problem gets fixed13:27
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shadeslayerMachtin: um mv old_name new_name13:28
eagles0513875sidharth: you can alsotry out in bcm-users i found out13:28
eagles0513875channel specific to broadcom linux drivers13:28
eagles0513875sidharth: :) commandline is the best13:28
sidharth#shadeslayer ok explain13:28
shadeslayersidharth: oh youll need : /join #bcm-users13:28
Machtinshadeslayer: that doesn't work13:29
shadeslayerMachtin: whats the error?13:29
Machtinno such file or dir..13:29
shadeslayerMachtin: hmm... just do : mv <press tab> : and copy the dir name you need to rename there13:30
Machtinwon't work.. tried it13:31
shadeslayerMachtin: no idea then :P13:31
Machtinbut i remember some kind of tool with which i could rename files that had that problem..13:31
Machtinshadeslayer: thanks :)13:31
freaky[t]hi all. how can I get thunderbird 3 for (k)ubuntu?13:38
shadeslayerfreaky[t]: that probably will need a ppa13:40
freaky[t]is there any?13:40
freaky[t]if yes, how do I add it?13:40
Machtinharr. convmv did it.13:43
shadeslayerfreaky[t]: idk13:43
freaky[t]hm :/13:44
shadeslayerfreaky[t]: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa13:45
shadeslayerfreaky[t]: they have 3.0.313:45
freaky[t]ok thanks :D13:46
shadeslayerfreaky[t]: just open a console and type : sudo add-apt-repository  ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa13:46
freaky[t]but this is daily13:46
shadeslayerfreaky[t]: then update and install the new one ;_13:46
freaky[t]i only want the recent stable version not daily builds?13:46
shadeslayerfreaky[t]: yeah thats what i could find13:46
shadeslayerfreaky[t]: yeah,thats it... nothing else on lp13:48
freaky[t]hm ok thanks13:48
gazraCAn someone please tell me how to create an ISO image from a Music CD13:53
gazrafrom Kubuntu13:53
gazraI have tried cat /dev/cdrom0 > /tmp/XXXXX.iso13:54
shadeslayergazra: and?13:54
shadeslayergazra: any errors?13:54
gazradd if=/dev/cdrom of=/tmp/XXXXX.iso13:55
gazraAnd I get errors13:55
gazra[21414.011234] end_request: I/O error, dev sr1, sector 7213:55
gazra[21414.011239] __ratelimit: 56 callbacks suppressed13:55
gazra[21414.011242] Buffer I/O error on device sr1, logical block 1813:55
gazraAny idea how I can copy it}?13:56
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gazraI tried to clone it with k3b and also didn't work13:56
shadeslayergazra: try k9copy13:57
gazrak9copy doesn't work14:00
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mefisto__gazra: k3b, create iso instead of burning a disc14:02
freaky[t]how do i install w32codecs? oO it says no installation candidate14:05
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mefisto__!medibuntu | freaky[t]14:05
ubottufreaky[t]: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:05
freaky[t]thank you :D14:06
mefisto__!info non-free-codecs14:07
ubottuPackage non-free-codecs does not exist in karmic14:07
mefisto__!info kubuntu-restricted-extras14:07
ubottukubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 36 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB14:07
mefisto__freaky[t]: installing kubuntu-restricted-extras should also work14:07
freaky[t]ive allready installed that package ;D14:08
mefisto__I'm wondering about the keyboard shortcut that can be set in all plasma widget preferences. What is the shortcut supposed to trigger?14:09
=== AssociateXxx is now known as AssociateX
AssociateXI bought an LG Chocolate, it comes with an USB cord and should connect but it's not working for me... although it is charging from the USB. Is there a phone setting I need to change or a package I need to add to my desktop?14:19
shadeslayerAssociateX: you need to use : Mass storage mode on the ohone14:20
AssociateXright on, I'm looking into it now. thanks a ton14:22
spencerreidhi... You speak italian?14:26
GalvatronI don't14:27
spencerreidnobody speaks italian...14:28
spencerreidI have a big problem with my printer canon14:28
AssociateXshadeslayer: looks like that's with a memory card only.14:28
GalvatronI'm using Kubuntu 9.10 + KDE 4.3.5 + Compiz-Fusion with Radeon 9200SE (open drivers). My system freezes on almost each boot, after I type password to log-in. Sometimes before KDE loading bar, sometimes during showing up the desktop. All I can do is hard reset - Alt + SysRq + B, Alt + Backspace and Alt + F1/F2/F7 don't work.14:29
GalvatronAfter reset usually everything's fine14:30
rork!it | spencerreid14:32
ubottuspencerreid: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:32
rorkalthough you might get an answer in english here if you can specify what problem you have exactly14:33
shadeslayerAssociateX: hmm14:34
shadeslayerGalvatron: try 4.4.114:34
shadeslayer!phone | AssociateX14:34
AssociateXshadeslayer: look like I need to get a mini SD card. I can move everything to it14:35
shadeslayerAssociateX: nope not that factoid14:35
AssociateXI didn't get it anyway14:35
shadeslayerAssociateX: well i can just mount my blackberry fine here14:35
shadeslayerAssociateX: whats the output of dmesg | tail when you plug in the phone?14:35
AssociateXoh let me look14:36
shadeslayer!nokia | AssociateX : got it ;)14:36
ubottuAssociateX : got it ;): Guides for smartphones and portable devices can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/14:36
AssociateXthanks, I'll check that out14:37
AssociateXdo you want a paste bin of my dmesg output?14:37
shadeslayerAssociateX: yeah sure14:37
AssociateXhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/LG <--- weird, this is not working for me yet14:39
shadeslayerAssociateX: hmm well after you attach it,does anything happen in dolphin?14:40
shadeslayerAssociateX: also can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l14:40
AssociateXshadeslayer: nothing, just my hard drives14:41
shadeslayerAssociateX: does the phone have internal memory?14:42
shadeslayerAssociateX: how much?14:43
AssociateXand an empty slot for a mini SD card14:43
AssociateXI think 100mb14:43
GalvatronI'll let you know if upgrading to 4.4.1 helped14:43
AssociateXI can check though14:43
shadeslayerAssociateX: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107824514:44
mefisto__AssociateX: on my phone, I can't access the internal storage, but with a miniSD in it, it works fine14:44
shadeslayerAssociateX: also 100 MB might just be the amount of space the phone os uses14:44
shadeslayerso effectively leaving you with no space for kubuntu to detect14:45
AssociateXshadeslayer: no, there is about 46 mb available14:47
AssociateXI think mefisto__is right14:47
shadeslayernever had any problems with my storm ;)14:48
shadeslayerplug n play is the way :P14:49
AssociateXthank you shadeslayer for all of your time and effort14:53
shadeslayerAssociateX: yaw14:53
* shadeslayer wonders when voip+gtalk+kopete will occur14:54
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boesmansI was wondering how I am supposed to add songs to my library in Sonata :s Linux noob and i rly can't find this :p15:19
shadeslayerboesmans: why would you want a gnome app running on kubuntu?15:20
boesmansNo idea shadeslayer. Isn't gnome something to be able to run windows apps on linux?15:21
mefisto__boesmans: you may be thinking of wine15:22
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:22
boesmansoh ye i am -_- well what is gnome then? ^^15:24
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.15:24
GalvatronAfter upgrading KDE from 4.3.5 to 4.4.1 I get a plasma crash right after loading desktop and I'm left with black screen, cyrsor and Kadu window. All I can do is switching to terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and rebbot. Now I'm writing from LXDE.15:25
mefisto__boesmans: kubuntu uses KDE rather than gnome for desktop environment15:25
ezroCan someone help me? I restarted my comp and now I can't log onto x server.15:26
ezroI tried restarting KDM from the terminal15:26
ezroBut it won't work.15:26
ezroThe screen flashes then goes back to terminal.15:26
boesmansOh ok mefisto__ . Well what media player do you recommend then? I don't rly care as long as it's a good/quick one15:27
mefisto__boesmans: the default in kubuntu/KDE is amarok. it's really good, but maybe not that quick, depending on your hardware15:28
ezroCan someone help please? lol15:28
ezroI need to get onto my comp, but I'm starting at the terminal.15:29
boesmansNo probs with my hardware mefisto__got 4gig ram/core 2duo but i didn't like amarok tbh15:29
zekohi, guys where do i disable the startup programs, cause i have installed LMMS and it always pops up at startup.15:30
mefisto__ezro: try startx15:33
ericGzeko: system settings -> advanced tab -> Service Manager15:33
ezroLittle too late for that.15:34
ezroGot my windows 7 cd booting as we speak.15:34
boesmansso mefisto__ any others media players? Or do you know how to add songs :)15:34
ericGif its not there zeko you could see if there is a symlink to it in ~/.kde4/Autostart15:34
zekoericG: its not in system settings, will try the other one15:35
mefisto__boesmans: add songs in amarok?15:35
boesmansno mefisto__ , in sonata ;) or any other media player because i didn't like amarok, that's why i installed sonata15:35
zekoericG: no files in ~/.kde/Autostart,   no kde4 folder in my home directory15:37
mefisto__boesmans: someone in #ubuntu channel may know about sonata, since it's a gnome app15:37
mefisto__boesmans: btw, what do you not like about amarok?15:37
ericGsorry zeko, i don't know where else to have you look =\15:38
boesmansmefisto__:  the layout.. might sound stupid but ye :)15:38
zekoericG: ok, i am gonna search in the forums now :)15:38
mefisto__boesmans: fair enough. but you do know that the layout of the 3 main panels can be rearranged?15:41
boesmansnot just that mefisto__ , dunno why when I was using it it kept crashing15:41
boesmansmefisto__: I'm trying amarok once again but it asks me passw for the KDE wallet.. When i type my admin passw it's not the same. i can't remember i ever put someone in, so how can i retrieve it?15:52
mefisto__boesmans: I think if you ignore kde wallet (click the cancel button?) amarok should still work. I find kwallet annoying so I've disabled it completely15:54
boesmanswell what is it for mefisto__ :p can't understand it's purpose tbh15:55
mefisto__boesmans: you could also create a new wallet and password in systemsettings, advanced tab15:56
mefisto__boesmans: it stores your passwords in encrypted form so you don't have to remember them all, just one password when kwallet starts. but I don't find it that useful15:57
sometuxnice work kubuntu go forward!15:58
sometuxif i installed compiz, will it run on startup?16:00
ac_hi i have problem , i user kubuntu 9.10 , and i install fluxbox , when i run it from the kdm session it could n`t run , i try to run it from console and i have this error ( xmodmap: unable to open display , Error: couldn`t connect to xserver16:01
sometuxlogout and choose the type of session fluxbox16:02
ac_i will try and did`t run16:02
Iteshi mefisto__, sry I had to leave.. I wasn't able to type ANYTHING at all. Not in konvers, not in kopete.. any idea how this would come? I had that last time i was on kubuntu also, and i could only type in facebook chat16:02
sometuxKubuntu rocks!16:03
sometuxhi mefisto , so your the boss here!16:04
ButhapestHi guys! I'm "new" to KDE and i just switched from Gnome to KDE, Is there anyway to get KDE 3.5 in Ubuntu 9.10?...I cant stand the newer KDE16:05
mefisto__not me, sometux16:05
Peace-Buthapest: go back to gnome16:05
Peace-Buthapest: kde4 is much more betterthan kde316:05
ButhapestPeace-: ok16:05
Peace-old kde user here.16:05
ButhapestPeace-: Think I will go back to gnome16:06
sometuxI agree with you Buthapest16:06
Buthapestwhen I got Kubuntu 8.04 I was so happy, but after that everything went downhill for KDE imo16:07
sometuxis it planned that compiz be run on startup  or its left for the user to do it?16:07
ericGsometux: kde uses kwin and the compositing effects are disabled by default. you can turn them on in system settings -> desktop16:08
ericGsometux: or press shift + alt + f12.16:08
sometuxbut still you can install compiz , right?16:09
Peace-Buthapest: that is your opinion ...16:09
Itesso does anyone know why i was not able to type anything at all anymore please?16:09
ButhapestPeace-: yes it is but it's also your opinion that kde4 is better than kde316:09
Peace-what's the point to saying your opinion on official channel (only support is allowed  for opinion #kubuntu-offtopic16:10
Buthapestnothing, just that I dont feel comfortable anymore16:11
Peace-Buthapest: it's only because you don't know  that is16:11
Peace-i think people like that should use gnome16:11
Peace-kde4 = improving stuff16:12
Peace-improving = changes16:12
Peace-changes = people like you don't like kde16:12
dmattButhapest: you can set kde4 to be very kde3 like...16:12
Peace-= people like that shoudl use gnome16:12
Buthapestdmatt: okey16:13
dmattold style menu, icons and files on desktop...16:13
mefisto__Buthapest: http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/install.html16:13
Buthapestmefisto__: thank you16:13
sometuxany one tried kde 4.4?16:14
mefisto__don't know how well it works, but there's a forum post here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96369516:14
Peace-sometux: i am on kde 4.416:14
dmattknotify is crashing for me all the time, I installed 4.4 over 4.3.5 and after some play with .kde folder and updates it went wrong :(16:15
Peace-well kde4.4 is on backport repository16:15
sometuxis it faster?16:15
ac_hi i have problem , i user kubuntu 9.10 , and i install fluxbox , when i run it from the kdm session it could n`t run , i try to run it from console and i have this error ( xmodmap: unable to open display , Error: couldn`t connect to xserver16:15
Peace-and backport repository IS NOT SAFE16:16
Peace-for everyone16:16
Peace-expert only should use it16:16
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Iteshow can i install rutorrent?16:16
sometuxis there a big difference?16:16
Peace-sometux: it's like kde 4.3.516:17
Itesi only find things for rtorrents16:17
Peace-sometux: for speed on my pc16:17
Peace-sometux: but it's better in some aspects16:17
sometuxlike what?16:17
sometuxmost intresting?16:18
Peace-sometux: tabbing , animations16:18
Peace-sometux: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=kde+4.4&search_type=&aq=f16:18
Peace-sometux: first 2 videos16:18
sometuxOK nice!16:18
sometuxanyone installed compiz?16:21
Peace-sometux: luckly kde doesn't need of compiz16:21
sometuxI know16:22
sometuxsomeone asked me about installing compiz in addition to kwin effects16:22
sometuxhe prefers compiz16:22
sometuxhe switched from gnome16:23
sometuxbut still want to use compiz16:23
piderI have problem with my printer configuration, it says that my printer are idle when its not16:23
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Peace-pider: printer? name ?16:23
sometuxgo to printer porperties and change to online16:24
pideryes hp deskjet 710c16:24
Peace-pider: open konqueror and write localhost:63116:25
Peace-should appear cups interface16:25
Peace-you can manage your printer in that way16:25
sometuxis there a DVD for Kubuntu?16:32
sometuxCD vs DVD?16:33
Peace-dvd = more packages16:33
alakooDVD if you have an extra one16:33
shadeslayersometux: just extra translations16:33
alakoobut nothing you can't get after CD installation16:34
sometuxso no extra apps16:34
shadeslayerPeace-: um i dont think so,DVD's have all the translations...16:34
shadeslayersometux: just a few... for eg choqok16:34
sometuxI think with text based installer16:34
shadeslayersometux: eh?16:35
alakooI think he means 'no graphical interface'16:36
alakoosometux: you might have some problems installing it if not default16:37
alakoonot an issue with kubuntu, though16:37
piderI open localhost:631 and I still got this:"printer  HPdeskjet  Loftstue  HP DeskJet 710C Foomatic/pnm2ppa (recommended)  Idle"16:39
Peace-pider: well but your problem is ... my printer is not idle, or i can't print with my pronter becaise is not idle16:41
piderI cannot print anything16:44
Peace-pider: ok so your problem is the driver16:45
basajaunhave my music on an external usb storage drive but letter assigned to dive changes on every reboot how do i get the drive to have a fixed letter?16:45
shadeslayerbasajaun: hmmm.... youll need to label the drive16:45
piderare there any other driver...16:45
Peace-pider:  sudo hp-setup16:45
shadeslayerbasajaun: and to do that youll need to format that drive i think16:46
Peace-pider: read this i could not be usefull but... http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/09/09/hp-fucking-photosmart-7762/16:47
pider sudo hp-setup gives me"No devices found on bus: net16:48
Peace-shows your printer?16:49
basajaunthe drive is recognized shadeslayer , my problem is the letter assigned to it keeps changing16:50
piderit's not a usb printer, network printer on
Peace-pider: i guess you have to set it better on cups .16:51
Peace-but i dunno how16:51
Peace-pider: have you tried to print test page?16:52
piderno result16:52
Peace-pider: this printer is connected with windows ?16:52
basajaunhow can I assign a permanent drive letter to an external usb nfts storage drive?16:54
lynxgeeknychello people16:56
lynxgeeknycanyone actually talking here?16:57
piderno have not tried yet with windows16:57
Peace-i mean16:57
Peace-pider: if that printer is under windows , you need of samba16:57
Peace-pider: and then you need to configure samba..16:57
lynxgeeknycWindows? Ewww lol joke16:58
lynxgeeknycpeople actually still use Samba?16:58
Peace-pider: if it's a pure network printer  i dunno16:58
piderno it is gentoo on the server16:58
piderI will try cups config, so I see you later, have to go16:59
piderbye and thanks17:00
lynxgeeknycsorry to kinda bump in to convo, but i'm kinda a moderate user with linux and learning the server side of it now. anyone here familliar with Asterisk?17:00
dmattbasajaun: drives do not have letters in linux...17:01
lynxgeeknyccan someone help me out? i'm kinda stuck in setting up SSH17:04
Peace-lynxgeeknyc: i thin you could get more help on other channel like #ssh if  there is that channel17:05
Peace-i think17:05
lynxgeeknyci will try17:05
lynxgeeknychaha like two people there an no one answering17:06
raindoglynxgeeknyc: What are you stuck on?17:07
lynxgeeknyci installed SSH and I know that supposidly it's on but when I try to connect to it it wont17:07
basajaundmatt I am aware of that hence my desire to find a solution since music programs will look for music on a drive which has changed name....17:07
lynxgeeknycI even set my router for port 22 and port 1 redirection17:08
raindogAre you trying to connect to your ssh server from outside your local network?17:09
lynxgeeknycthat is the key17:09
raindoglook in the config, you'll find it.17:09
lynxgeeknycit's bad enough that my host blocked port 80 on me lol17:09
lynxgeeknyc80 and 808017:10
dmattbasajaun: what exactly are you trying to do?17:12
dmattlynxgeeknyc: usually it is because you do not exact rights for files and folders, which ssh needs... try to google it17:15
basajaundmatt I have my music collection on an external ntfs usb storage drive , which gets mounted on boot and assigned a name currently sdc... so if a music program scan s the drive and buids a library the path will point to scd but on reboot the drive will be assigned another label so the music application won find music unless you rescan every time in the case of a large collection its a pain so...17:18
basajaun...what I want is the drive to get a permanent address dmatt17:18
dmattbasajaun: isn't it always sdc? I can imagine putting in on network and access it through samba17:19
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basajaundmatt it isn't http://paste.ubuntu.com/389727/17:22
raindogWouldn't an entry in fstab take care of it?17:23
dmattbasajaun: i see 4 disks in that pastebin. your disk is sometimes sdc and sometimes sdd or what?17:27
basajaundmatt  I have two internal drives and two external dives one of circa 80 gb one of 250 gb17:28
Benkinoobyhi i am using wikidpad, a "private wiki" software. it is able to use latex, gnuplot and so on. also graphviz is among. usually i write the pages in some kind of pseudo code and render it later, to see the graphics. all the plugins are working fine (mimetex, gnuplot...) except for graphviz. it tells me permission denied. http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/8785/wikidpad.png the point is that the important files of gnuplot & co are also17:29
Benkinooby uns usr/bin. any advice?17:29
Benkinoobyuns = using17:29
basajaunthe order wont be the same on reboot dmatt17:30
dmattuse UUID17:30
dmatti believe it should work17:30
dmattor, label them, as i read right now, "Labeled devices that automount will be mounted in the /media directory using their label as the mount point, /media/<label>"17:32
szymonhello i've got problem after upgrade kde to 4.4.1 i don't have plasma, and this is log http://pastebin.com/fvRfSP6L17:34
szymonkdeinit4 PID: 1720 Singal 11 (segmentation fault)     // how to start plasma :?17:35
basajaunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/389735/ dmatt well how do I labell them?17:36
dmattszymon: if i remember it well, it might be alt-f2 plasma-desktop17:37
dmattbasajaun: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive17:37
szymondmatt: it's still the same error :(17:39
dmattszymon: try to delete that disk from fstab file17:41
basajaunI think the label has nothing to do with the boot order od disks dmatt17:43
dmattdoesn't matter if it is sdc or sdd, it will still get mounted to same folder, which is /media/label  isn't that what you need?17:44
dmattbasajaun: i do not have means to test it, but try to read through https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2008-May/147312.html it should help17:47
basajaundmatt ok I will try that thanks17:48
dmattszymon: did you finished installing? try to boot in recovery console and chose the option, which runs dpkg upgrade (i do not remember exact word)17:50
inteliwaspi am on a fresh install of karmic, with all the updates and i just installed the nvidia drivers from nvidia's website but now x will not start, any sugestions to fix(yes i rebooted after the kernel updates)17:57
Peace-inteliwasp: remove the driver17:57
Peace-the rebbot17:57
Peace-choose recovery kernel17:57
Peace-choose xfix17:57
inteliwasphow do i remove the driver?17:58
daskreechor modprobe -r17:58
inteliwaspdoes kubuntu have it's own version of the nvidia drivers?18:01
zekohi guys, how do i enable the shutdown option at the launcher18:02
pucko-zeko, if it's not enabled it probably has to do with kdm. you can tell it which users can shut off the computer18:03
Benkinoobyi want to use graphviz (via wikidpad). if i try to it tells me [Dot Error: /bin/sh: /usr/bin: Permission denied]. if i call dot from commandline it works fine. any ideas?18:03
juancHola a todos ubunteros18:03
pucko-inteliwasp, easier to just remove the nvidia package. you can do it with apt-get or aptitude if you can get to the console. don't know what the package is called though18:06
inteliwasppucko-: ok, i need the drivers somehow, i'll try the one in apt-get see if i have more luck18:08
dmattinteliwasp: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver#Problem:%20 Need to fully remove -nvidia and reinstall -nv from scratch18:09
dmatteeeew, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver18:10
zekopucko-: systemsettings> advanced> login manager> shutdown,.....here at the 'allow shutdown' option, 'local shutdown' is enabled for everybody18:11
rethushow can i check my hdd themprature ?18:39
bandicoot_rethus: errr thermometer?18:41
jesnor_openjdk version "1.7.0-internal"18:44
jesnor_OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-internal-jesper_2010_03_06_13_29-b00)18:44
jesnor_OpenJDK Server VM (build 17.0-b10, mixed mode)18:44
albertosome vary can help my18:44
daskreechalberto: Asking a questionwould help19:00
HandyGandyIs there a way to reload the application launcher after installing new applications?19:00
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daskreechHandyGandy: reload? Which application launcher?19:02
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:03
daskreechHandyGandy: Ah probably but I can't think of an easy way right now19:03
HandyGandyWell there is an easy way--reboot. But it's not very convenient.19:04
daskreechHandyGandy: Logout and back in should work faster :)19:04
daskreechAnd you can have a script that reloads it in place19:05
daskreechI don't know if switching it to classic then back would do that as well19:05
HandyGandyWell changing style didn't help. But changing settings did.19:14
r00t_Hi,im trying to setup this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8925988#post8925988 to run via cron every 30 mins. How do i do that?19:21
sithlord48when ever something has to use my sound i get a snap (as if its turning on ) then the sound.. everytime19:33
sithlord48any ideas?19:33
sithlord48ok never mind its caused by my monitor (since i use it for audio pass thru)19:34
sithlord48ok wait its still there and even does it on the headphone jack.19:35
r00t_system sounds dot hat with my machine as well. no idea how to fix it. also i loose my aabillty to output sound every now and again.19:48
r00t_I tried sacrificing one of my goats in an unholy ceramony but it had no effect. I even used on of my virgin goats.19:49
ItesOC Palermo #pav.oc need crew20:13
ItesOC Palermo #pav.oc need crew20:15
ubuntu___hey anyone around atm?21:55
ubuntu___hi all im new to Linux and am not sure what to use either Ubuntu or Kubuntu.... what do you guys suggest?21:56
mefisto__this is the kubuntu channel, so I guess most would say kubuntu21:57
ubuntu___oh ok ;) - What do you think performs better Ubuntu or Kubutntu? - Or have you only used Kubuntu?21:58
mefisto__ubuntu___: you could install both and decide which you prefer, or just switch from one to the other21:58
ubuntu___ok thank you very much :)21:59
mefisto__ubuntu___: they're about the same performance-wise.21:59
ubuntu___thanks :)21:59
mefisto__ubuntu___: the choice you're making is gnome desktop vs kde desktop. look for screenshots or youtube demos and see what looks more inviting22:00
Peter_Hi all22:06
Peter_I have really odd pixel corruption on the edges (left and bottom) of my plasmoids, any ideas on how to debug this?22:08
DaskreechPeter_: on all the plasmoids?22:11
Peter_Yes, in the task bar as well22:11
Peter_well some of the sometimes gets a pass, like the cartoon viewer sometimes looks as it should22:12
mefisto__compositing on?22:13
Peter_Same with or wothout22:14
Peter_but with compositing on I sometimes get hard locks, so Im guessing is a gfx driver thingy. Its a t60 laptop (love the lappy) with what I think is a x1300 card22:15
DaskreechPeter_: Check in #plasma and #kwin22:16
Peter_will do thanks, I think kwin is my target22:16
mefisto__Peter_: lshw -c display   will tell you what video hardware you have22:17
Peter_Thanks for that nugget mefisto22:17
Peter_is lshw anything like list hardware ? =)22:17
Peter_gotta love this game were playing =)22:18
DaskreechSolid really needs a easy pretty page of all your computer22:18
Tm_TDaskreech: kinfocenter?22:19
Peter_The program 'kinfocenter' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:22:19
Peter_sudo apt-get install kinfocenter22:19
Peter_kinfocenter: command not found22:19
Peter_kinfocenter misses to state my gfx hw22:24
mefisto__kinfocenter gives me nothing at all!22:24
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DaskreechPeter_: http://imagebin.ca/view/nlwI5BT.html22:30
Peter_Daskreech: My 9.10 microBlog would have a very oddlooking right edge22:31
mefisto__Daskreech: that's what I got, but after running kbuildsycoca4 and restarting kinfocenter, things were better22:32
Peter_But my infocenter actually had entries =)22:32
Peter_what does kbuildsycoca4 do?22:32
DaskreechIt Builds sycoca :)22:33
DaskreechThat's informative but not "easy"22:33
Daskreechlshw -html > Mycomp.html is better than that22:33
Peter_No manual entry for syscoca22:33
Tm_TDaskreech: I agree, most of the time22:33
DaskreechTm_T: Most?22:34
mefisto__it (re)builds system configuration cache22:34
DaskreechTm_T: When do you stop agreeing?22:38
Peter_Daskr: < 50% of the time22:39
DaskreechPeter_: lol22:39
Daskreechfine Why would be a greater attempt at a question22:40
Tm_TDaskreech: I mean "...is better than that" yes, most of the time22:40
DaskreechTm_T: Right I got that :) I meant when is kinfocenter better?22:41
Tm_TDaskreech: depends on what you like, it doesn't show what your kde session gets, for example22:42
DaskreechHmm Right but that has nothing to do with Solid22:42
Peter_This was one of those > 50% times22:43
* Tm_T shuts up and goes to sleep (;22:44
DaskreechSolid should have a Technical mode and a hi I hate computers but need e-mail outputs22:44
Peter_I get my emails served by an exchange server, with pretty much adds up to I dont get my emails server22:45
Peter_Is that a know issue with kmail or is it a known issue with exchange?22:46
DaskreechLook at   OPenChange22:46
Peter_Im not doing their odd mail protocol, Im doing old school 821/82222:47
mefisto__Peter_: btw my video hw is listed in OpenGL section of kinfocenter22:48
Peter_openchange isnt reliable for the 2007? exchange server it seems too, for me. and the caveats of dont do this, you might lose all your mail really doesnt work for me22:48
Peter_Yep I just noticed. but lshw -c display was kinda to the point22:49
mefisto__each plasma widget has a place to set a keyboard shortcut. what does that shortcut trigger?22:57
Daskreechmefisto__: Depends on the plasmoid. Might be nothign23:01
rubasubhello, any kubuntu whizz people here?23:01
rubasubdoes anyone know anything about moving files to partitions which tell you you have no permission to do so???23:02
mefisto__Daskreech: every plasmoid I've tried, it seems to do nothing. but every plasmoid has a place to set a shortcut. it's been bugging me for a while now23:02
stackhouseHow do you change your hostname on Kubuntu?23:03
Daskreechmefisto__: Tehre are a few that use it but since I run without plasma most of the time I'm kinda at a loss as to which use it now23:04
mefisto__Daskreech: I take it all back :) I just set one for device notifier, and it pops up the widget just like clicking the icon23:04
Daskreechmefisto__: Ah right that was one of them :)23:05
rubasubhi does anyone know how to change the permissions on a new partition...I can't sort it :-(23:06
mefisto__stackhouse: edit /etc/hostname23:07
stackhouseNo way to do it through the GUI?23:07
Daskreechrubasub: huh?23:10
DaskreechPartitions don't have permissions23:10
rubasubHi Daskreech I was tying to move a file onto a new partition and failing...just managed it with mc23:12
Daskreechrubasub: oh you mean a newly mounted partition?23:12
DaskreechMount it with a umaskoption23:13
rubasubDaskreech I'd mounted it using Mountmanager but couldn't copy things to it...is umaskoption a command?23:14
mefisto__rubasub: umask is a mount option. you can see the options in mountmanager by turning on "show default options"23:21
rubasubok thanks mefisto it's all abit of a stretch lol23:22
mefisto__rubasub: what type of partition is it?23:22
rubasubmefisto it's mounted but I had to su and open mc before I could move anything to it and it seemed a bit much23:24
mefisto__rubasub: in mountmanager, what do you have for "what users can do at this partition"? Read and write? or just read?23:25
rubasubmefisto: I'd changed it to read and write23:26
rubasuband clicked apply23:27
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Ites|sleepnn all :w23:29
mefisto__rubasub: well assuming mountmanager does what it's supposed to, you'll probably have to unmount and mount it for new settings to take effect23:29
rubasubok thanks23:30
mefisto__rubasub: the info is written to the file /etc/fstab if you want to check. the line with the partition should have rw somewhere and not ro23:31
rubasubMefisto: yeah I noticed something like that in a pop up window during the mountmanager settings so I should check!23:32
Daskreechrubasub: it gets applied on mount so unmount and remount23:34
mefisto__rubasub: also, the files you copied as root will now be owned by root rather than your normal user, so you won't be able to edit them or delete them unless you become root, or change the file's ownership23:34
mefisto__rubasub: at least that's how I think it works23:35
rubasubMefisto: your right...it gets complicated23:35
Daskreechmefisto__: correct23:35
Daskreechrubasub: mount it with user read write options to uncomplicate things :)23:35
rubasubDaskreech...I'll try23:36
nightrid3rjust did a clean install of kubuntu netbook and can't get my usb 3G modem working23:52

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