
aspiditesis there something special i need to do to actually start getting karma for committing code?00:28
aspiditesevery time i do my name shows on the commit, but it isn't hyperlinked, and nothing shows up in karma00:28
wgrantaspidites: bzr whoami "First Last <email@address>"00:29
wgrantAlso note that branch karma is only calculated once a day.00:30
wgrantBut if it's a project branch and it's linking your commits to you properly, you'll start getting karma.00:31
idnarrockstar: what happened to bzr-autoreview?02:23
rockstaridnar, it's part of bzr-launchpadplus now.02:33
rockstarIn fact, it's the only plugin of bzr-launchpadplus currently.02:33
idnarooh, okay02:34
issyl0Hi there.  I'm just wondering why bugs I report get automatically set to private?  Surely that defeats the point of reporting a bug if no-one can see it's there?  I just had to change the latest one to public.  I am using Launchpad Beta, is this why, is this a new feature?10:24
wgrantissyl0: Some (normally proprietary) projects are configured to have bugs reported private by default.10:26
wgrantIn that case the relevant team will automatically be subscribed to the bug.10:26
issyl0wgrant: ah, OK.  Well this was a bug about gwibber.  Does it matter I've made it public?10:29
wgrantissyl0: You didn't click the "This bug is a security vulnerability" checkbox?10:32
issyl0I did not.10:32
wgrantHmm. Odd.10:32
orion_SuNppa for last stable kernel os kubuntu 9.10 ???10:39
wgrantorion_SuN: You might want to ask in #ubuntu.10:40
willwillhello. is there any launchpadlib for debian lenny?11:45
willwilleh, i mean launchpadlib deb11:45
Guest87422I have a persistent problem trying to view a diff for revision. THe site instructs me to report it here. https://code.launchpad.net/~deejay1/sshsplit/i18n-support/+merge/20804/+preview-diff/+files/preview.diff11:55
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willwillOK. I figured out how to install launchpadlib. Now is there any API for translations?12:19
apacheloggercan one change a bug status via a mail?12:39
apacheloggernvm :)12:41
johHow often are the template for translations updated given that I've set up automatic synchronization from a branch?15:03
johIs template importing broken atm?15:15
* joh wonders why translation template imports in launchpad are so slow.15:29
Kangarooohow can i make changes in some project? theres https://launchpad.net/pastebinit and i want to change its help files witch comes from pastebinit -h . how can i connect to launchpad to start changing that? im totally newb but what ill learn ill make video and teach others in my loco team witch later ill make very active15:35
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johKangarooo: Check https://code.launchpad.net/pastebinit16:01
johAny LP admins around? Is automatic translation template import broken?16:07
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sinzuicrimsun: it is a timeout because it took too long to convert every message in the bug into a question message. This is a known bug. We need to consider sending messages out-of-proc to combine all the messages into that are sent to each user.21:14
crimsunsinzui: ok, thanks. I'll work around that for now.21:20
Engineer_Abdallahi guys. i have a problem in bzr push command any one can help ?21:44
Engineer_Abdallahello any one herer21:46
wgrantEngineer_Abdalla: Ask your question, and somebody will respond if they know the answer.21:47
Engineer_Abdallai`m getting authentication failure during bzr push command as following:21:49
Engineer_AbdallaThe authenticity of host 'bazaar.launchpad.net (' can't be established.21:49
Engineer_AbdallaRSA key fingerprint is 9d:39:3a:63:b1:a5:6f:c4:44:67:53:49:2e:ee:fc:89.21:49
Engineer_AbdallaAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes21:49
Engineer_AbdallaWarning: Permanently added 'bazaar.launchpad.net,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.21:49
Engineer_AbdallaPermission denied (publickey).21:49
Engineer_Abdallabzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.21:49
BlackZEngineer_Abdalla: please use pastebin for long output(s)21:49
Engineer_Abdallai`m sorry..i`m new here http://pastebin.com/1ZYPFmrR21:52
BlackZEngineer_Abdalla: no worries21:53
BlackZEngineer_Abdalla: did you bzr launchpad-login yourusername ?21:55
Engineer_AbdallaBlackZ: I did now and there was a change to http://pastebin.com/FJCeG4MT21:58
geserdo you use the same SSH key you added to your LP account?21:59
BlackZEngineer_Abdalla: seems you're trying to use bzr+ssh but the key you're using isn't recorded in launchpad22:00
BlackZEngineer_Abdalla: please add the key(s) and re-try22:01
Engineer_Abdallai`m newbie in this world ..could u tell how to add the key :)22:02
BlackZEngineer_Abdalla: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair22:03
BlackZEngineer_Abdalla: read there and if you have got any question, don't hesitate to ask22:03
Engineer_Abdallathx guys it works fine now22:08
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