
MindVirushisto: And that doesn't have anything about maximus.00:00
MindVirusI set it not to remember applications and settings for logout.00:00
MindVirusLogged back in -- maximus is still there.00:00
histoThe pid is set to restart00:00
histoyeah everytime you log in ofcourse its going to start. Trying to figure out how to stop it from restarting on my system hold up00:00
MindVirushisto: Haha, good luck.00:01
histoMindVirus: try kill -KILL 4324 maximus00:01
MindVirushisto: 4324 isn't a process on my system.00:04
p3rrori use empathy and i dont know why i can not establish a audio call00:04
histoI'll have to do some more reading after dinner i'll see what I can find for you maximus00:04
p3rrorusing my msn account00:04
histoMindVirus: ^^^^^^00:04
MindVirushisto: You are my best friend.00:04
MindVirushisto: Thank you.00:04
MindVirushisto: I owe you.00:04
MindVirusEven if you don't fix it, I wish you knew how appreciative I am for you actually spending some time on this.00:05
moarI'm about to tear my hair away!  How can I change the start-here icon?!00:09
ullemy computer runs very hot under lucid , what could be the problemß00:09
moarSince I started using Ubuntu-Mono-Dark as icons, none of the usual ways work. Not even through ubuntu-tweak ><00:09
MindVirushisto: I'm coming back in a bit. Feel free to PM.00:15
IntuitiveNippleIs there a way to identify all processes listening to input events?01:00
Viper1432Oh my.  serious badness going on with nvidia drivers.  http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/announcement.php?a=3901:11
voidmagehey, how can i set my nvidia powermizer to default to "prefer maximum performance"?01:12
voidmageright now i have to change it every time i log in because it hardlocks on adaptive01:12
Viper1432voidmage,  you might want to hit that nvidia post before going all "uber" on your nvidia card.  The problems they are experiencing include the new drivers for lucid.01:13
voidmageViper1432: I've been using 195.03 with that setting without problems, and the update to 195.08 reminded me to reboot and check on that01:16
voidmagehonestly had more issues with adaptive01:16
voidmagethe power management makes it hardlock whenever it tries to step it01:17
Viper1432as the big issues being discussed are 3d games burning out the card due to fan speed issues....hmmm.01:18
Kamping_Kaiserwill ubuntu still be 'linux for human beings' despite the branding change?01:28
Kamping_Kaiser(will the slogan change?)01:29
BookmanWow, strange to go to the upper left for my window controls!01:51
MindVirushisto: What's up?01:57
BookmanI am trying to access my local network and it seems to just take forever.  A window comes up telling me that I can cancel this operations.02:03
BookmanI can ssh into the machine with no problems.  I just cannot find it via nautilus02:05
VolkodavI can't find the option of upgrade existing installation from daily build image?02:08
Volkodavor at least boot into it...02:08
tamranhi guys, is there any way move the min/max/close buttons in lucid (10.04)?  I hate where they are by default and even ubuntu tweak won't let me move them02:28
tamranI like the color scheme a bit better though ... although a little bit too OSX'ey02:29
tamranalso, if possible, I'd like to make the title bars significantly smaller02:31
tamranalas ... I'll just settle for being able to move the button02:31
timboymy minimize/maximize and close buttons are on the left side after update?! how do I fix this?02:34
tamrantimboy: lol, I just asked that same question ...02:34
timboydang probably got into the channel 2 seconds late...02:34
Kamping_Kaiseri sense an faq item ;)02:34
timboywhy did they change the world?02:34
tamrantimboy: lol, just wait until you start digging into how much .NET stuff is in there02:35
tamranthanks Pici02:35
ddecatori'm attempting to upgrade to 10.04 from 9.10, and i keep having the upgrade aborted due to "IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor" any ideas on what is causing this?02:35
tamranok, gconf editor it is ... i was hoping to not have to do that02:35
Kamping_Kaiserddecator: whatever tool you are using to do the upgrade can't read whatever file it ust looked for02:36
Kamping_Kaiserat a guess ;)02:36
ddecatorKamping_Kaiser, i'm just using the update manager after "update-manager -d" so idk why it would have that problem...02:36
timboywhere's the poll to vote against this change?02:36
Kamping_Kaisertimboy: you can probably complain in the forums somewhere, but i don't imagine they'll revert the changes02:37
timboythat's so gay...02:37
BUGabundotamran:  $ gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string ":minimize,maximize,close"02:38
seanbrystonetimboy, please dont use 'gay' like that.02:38
timboygay == wrong. I will use it as such02:38
tamranthere we go02:39
tamranall fixed :)02:39
ddecatorany ideas on how i can get my upgrade to work? is it possibly just a faulty file that needs to be fixed on the servers?02:39
tamranis there a way in gnome to make it so that if I click in the window it won't come forward unless I click the title bar?02:40
tamranyou can do that in xfce and kde, so there must be a way I'd assume02:40
tamranwoops, there it is "rais on click"02:41
tamranplease ignore last question02:41
tamrannow just to make the panel thinner and title bar thinnner and she's PERFECT02:41
tamranthanks a ton BUGabundo and Pici02:42
glphvgacsI set noatime on / and /home. is that why I keep getting 'none on /*' ?02:44
glphvgacs2.6.31-19-powerpc64-smp #56-Ubuntu02:45
syn-ackthat shouldnt affect mounting02:48
glphvgacssyn-ack: what's the probelm then?02:53
glphvgacssame thing happened on my friends dell machine02:53
syn-ackI don't know what the problem is. Saying that you set a mount option and that the disk is suddenly not mounting is pretty vague02:55
syn-ackall noatime does is not modify the inode access time02:56
syn-ackglphvgacs: why are you trying to set user_xattr on an ext3 filesystem?02:58
ddecatori've tried upgrading (9.10->10.04) multiple times via "update-manager -d" and each time it gets to "installing packages" and then aborts with "IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor" any help in fixing this or a workaround is appreciated02:59
syn-ackglphvgacs: iirc, you cannot set that on ext302:59
waltercoolHow can i report kernel bugs? I cant use my external hard disk03:00
timboyusb drives stopped working for me too waltercool03:00
syn-ackglphvgacs: Read this: http://www.pervasivecode.com/blog/2008/05/15/recommended-mount-options-for-ext3/03:01
glphvgacssyn-ack: thnx, now how do I change this?03:04
syn-ackedit /etc/fstab03:04
histoanyone else lose sound today?03:09
histoUnder the sound preferences it's set to dummy output though so that may be the issue. Only problem is there is nothing else to select and I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting03:10
histoAnyone present?03:10
histoI mean is anyone here?03:12
crimsunhisto: make sure you have all updates from archive.u.c, logout, and login03:16
crimsunhisto: then, reproduce the symptom and ping me.03:16
histocrimsun: I have all updates i'll even restart and pm you03:17
histocrimsun: funny part is I can't see an update that came down today that would mess up sound03:17
histocrimsun: found some more updates in dist-upgrade03:18
histolooks like it was linux-backports-modules-nouveau-`uname -r` that was being held back03:23
histoSound is working now03:23
histoNow just have to figure out another bug. If autologin is set to on. You get a keyring error on boot. Then X restarts soon as you start typing in a password. Then you get presented with the gdm screen.03:23
histoOh god these window buttons on the upper left is getting annoying.  have to stack the windows the other way so you still have controls03:26
rwhisto: the X restarting part sounds like the plymouth problems that are going around03:26
crimsunmany people have blogged about the gconf key, histo03:27
historw: ahh03:27
histoI see now the theme is set to custom by default? So will we continue to get artwork updates that switch automatically?03:30
waltercooltimboy, Do you get ehci errors?03:31
ddecatormy problem was an openoffice conflict, now my system is upgrading fine. thanks for the help03:32
timboywaltercool, don't know03:33
timboyno visible error03:33
waltercooltimboy, dmesg?03:33
timboywaltercool, not that I see in there03:34
waltercooltimboy, Uhmmm... i get a lot of ehci_hcd errors =03:35
waltercoolis reported?03:35
BUGabundohisto:  $ gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string ":minimize,maximize,close"03:37
DanaGaaugh, login screen is way too bright.03:45
DanaGAgh, mein eyes!03:45
crimsunI don't even get the new artwork for gdm03:49
crimsun(it's still karmic's)03:49
DanaGI tried recursive-unsetting gdm's gconf... and I get a rooster for my background at GDM now.03:51
histoBUGabundo: yeah I saw that on the forums04:05
histoAnyone here use a desktop terminal?04:11
histolike a embedded terminal on the desktop with no decorations04:11
waltercoolHow can i report that? ehci_hcd bug with usb hard disk04:11
crimsunhisto: well, by definition I do [because I use a different window manager, xmonad]04:16
DanaGhttp://pulseaudio.org/ticket/678 -- interesting.04:16
DanaG"The alsa driver is broken: it doesn't provide the "front" device."04:16
DanaGTrue... or rather, the device itself is broken, to some degree.04:17
bjsniderbroken alsa driver? unheard of04:17
DanaGThe default Windows USB-Audio driver only does 7.1 (not stereo); it takes the C-Media-specific driver to get 5.1 or stereo.04:17
DanaGor rather, that card only lets the default driver do 7.1.04:17
crimsun"broken" is a bit harsh, but certainly from a user's perspective it is04:18
DanaGIt also does report bogus dB ranges.04:18
crimsunthe problem is that the driver needs a quirk entry for front04:18
crimsunso, yes, it is a "hardware problem", but it's also probably worked around (well, possibly worked around) in the driver04:19
DanaGI'd be willing to donate one of those things to help get it fixed.04:19
crimsunby no means is it a pulse problem [though users will definitely whet their fingers at that one]04:19
DanaGweeird... the item seems to have disappeared from Newegg (my preferred vendor).04:21
crimsunit really isn't difficult; just add the necessary entry to sound/usb/usb{mixer*,quirks.h}04:22
crimsunalthough the entire usb audio stack just got overhauled to add usb 2.0 support04:23
=== dabossbv1 is now known as dabossbv
DanaGhmm, is there even such a thing as a USB 2.0 sound card?  Oh wait, 2.0 doesn't necessarily imply high-speed.04:24
crimsunthere are several usb 2.0 audio cards04:25
crimsunI wouldn't recommend any of them except the M-Audios, but that's probably my bias04:26
* DanaG wishes somebody would make a danged EXPRESSCARD Oxygen card!04:26
bjsniderm-audio is pro-grade04:26
crimsungenerally, yes04:26
crimsunthe Transit is surprisingly affordable and functions well with ALSA04:27
bjsniderthere's no demand for expresscard oxygen cards because customers don't know sound cards for hangnails04:27
DanaGThe only ExpressCard sound card is that damn XFXA card. (I refuse to call it X-Fi).04:28
DanaGhmm, wait, so HDA on USB?  That sounds like it'll open a whole can of worms.04:29
bjsniderDanaG, millions of satisfied x-fi customers can't be wrong04:29
DanaGGood luck using it with >4 gigs of RAM on 64-bit. =þ04:29
DanaGWindows, I mean.04:30
DanaGOff-topic there, though.04:30
DanaGMy opinion of Creative is that they're scum; however, I'll spare the actual rant.04:30
DanaGgreat, so cm6620... now, where can I buy it?  =þ04:32
git__hi ya04:45
=== Stik_ is now known as Stik
tgm4883How do I resize an image in Lucid?05:03
teethdoodI get a "failed to install bootloader" when making a usb boot drive05:06
teethdoodswitching to ext2 to see what happens05:09
teethdoodok this pisses me off05:20
teethdoodI have a USB drive, would like to use as a USB live install drive05:21
teethdoodStartup Disk Creator makes me format the drive to what I know not, but it would not complete the task. I tried using gparted to format the drive to different types but still "Startup Disk Creator" still makes me reformat it05:23
teethdoodbah...apparently it formats the drive to fat32, but the error "failed to install the bootloader" still remains05:33
ddecatorok, so i just upgraded to lucid, and now no matter what i do the buttons are on the left of my windows...i'm using a custom metacity theme, but when i check metacity in gconf, it says the theme is still Ambiance06:09
ddecatorany ideas how i can get the buttons to follow my set metacity and be on the right? (the also don't look right)06:12
ZykoticK9ddecator, if you want to move the buttons to the right side see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side06:14
sinurgeam wondering why gwibber go introduced into lucid in alpha3 when it is so buggy06:15
ddecatorZykoticK9, thanks, never would have thought it was an issue of moving the colon...06:16
ZykoticK9ddecator, me either!06:16
ddecatorsinurge, well it is alpha 3...it's meant to test unstable software haha06:16
vishis the devicekit-power package supposed to be removed?06:17
kermiacanyone running lucid using an ati card that can test a recordmydesktop/ xorg issue?06:17
sinurgei know but the minimum standard is that the sw should atleast start.06:18
sinurgethere are many bugs coming up06:18
sinurgehope they get closed fast06:18
ddecatorvish, not sure, i have one devicekit-power related package still installed...06:18
vishsynaptic automatically add devicekit-power to the remove list :(06:19
ZykoticK9sinurge, gwibber has been having serious issues the last several days - before that i think it was working OK.  I don't really use it, but i did test it "a little" - then gwibber and something it relies on started to have "issues"06:19
sinurgeagree zykotic69 anyways saw a fix committed so will test it out again06:19
ZykoticK9vish, several people have been mentioning this package today, mainly related to updating from Karmic I think06:20
rww"something it relies on" being couchdb, if I remember correctly.06:20
ZykoticK9rww, ya, that's the one06:20
ddecatorwow, running "metacity --replace" made everything freakout...06:20
vishZykoticK9: well , i'v been using since alpha1 ...06:20
sinurgeanyone seen this ...first lock you recycle bin icon at the bottom panel then move the whole pane to the right. mvoe it back to botttom. check the location of the recycle bin now. it does not move to extreme right06:21
vishnot sure if it breaks anything06:21
ddecatorand my buttons are still on the left...06:21
ZykoticK9vish, me too - only naively installed since alpha2 though06:21
vishZykoticK9: ah , did you remove devicekit-power? any problems?06:21
ddecatorthere we go!06:22
ZykoticK9vish, haven't touched it - don't even know what it is.  I did read someone else suggesting NOT to remove it, and suggested waiting until dependencies work themselves out.  sorry man i really don't even know what this issue is -- just saw it mentioned both here and in #ubuntu earlier today06:23
vishyeah.. guessed so06:23
vishnp :)06:23
kermiacanyone running lucid using an ati card that can test a recordmydesktop/ xorg issue? using recordmydesktop makes xorg max out cpu06:25
ddecatorkermiac, has it been narrowed down to only ati?06:26
kermiacnot only lucid though, effects karmic too06:26
kermiacddecator: yeah - only ati. no issue with intel or nvidia06:26
kermiacalso doesn't matter if it's proprietory or fglrx driver either06:27
ZykoticK9kermiac, as an alternative i've had good success making screencasts just ffmpeg for example (customize to taste obviously) "ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 -vcodec huffyuv -sameq screencast.avi"06:27
kermiacty ZykoticK9 I'll have to try that :) :)06:27
kermiacseems upstream for recordmydesktop has stopped working on it06:27
ddecatori haven't had good luck with recordmydesktop...not great quality06:28
ddecatorwell this is odd...since the upgrade, my flash trouble with games has progressed from "always poor" to "if the cursor is moving over the game, then graphics are fine"06:32
bananeweizenGood morning. The Lucid installer has layout bugs for me (probably because of German language strings). Can somebody tell me which project to check on launchpad to see if that error has been already been reported?07:32
_KAMI_1radeon 3D with kms is working now with 10.0407:34
_KAMI_1I had some low versioned libdrm that caused the problem07:34
ddecatorbananeweizen, what do you mean by installer? the installer when installing from a cd? or from upgrading?07:34
_KAMI_1Now I am using kernel 2.6.33 kernel with drmnext07:35
_KAMI_1hdmi video with audio works near perfectly07:36
bananeweizenfrom CD07:36
ddecatorbananeweizen, i think you're talking about "ubiquity" then07:37
bananeweizenok, thanks07:38
hifi_KAMI_1: is there a ppa for drmnext kernel?07:44
_KAMI_1hifi: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/07:47
hifiah, thanks07:47
hifibeen using kernel-ppa for a long time but it never occured to me they might have custom builds too07:48
redclicking "view reply thread" in gwibber makes it crash07:50
ZykoticK9red, i think right now, looking at gwibber the wrong way can make it crash ;)07:55
redit seems like a nice app once it gets polished, but back to tweetdeck for me until that happends08:01
digital_1so please tell me brown will be an option even if it is not the default?08:12
digital_1i mean purple?!?! really?  purple?!?!08:12
ZykoticK9digital_1, it is "Human" theme08:12
digital_1will we be able to revert back to that?08:12
ZykoticK9digital_1, yup08:12
digital_1whew- thanks08:12
digital_1i pretty much like everything else about it tho... its looking good.08:13
ZykoticK9I can't believe someone just asked for the "brown" theme08:13
digital_1u want purple instead?08:13
digital_1brown is earth-tone08:13
ZykoticK9it's funny as SO many people complained about the brown - i was always OK with it08:13
digital_1I never eve heard of "aubergine shade of purple"08:14
digital_1I'm good with the brown too.08:14
digital_1I thought there would just be a bit of variation on it.08:14
digital_1The buttons on the left will take a little getting used to too.08:14
ZykoticK9digital_1, they're going to re-do everything actually see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand2 for more08:15
digital_1ZykoticK9 it's just going to take a little getting used to is all.  I'm kinda the sort that leaves the default desktop "as-is".   Purple is an interesting choice but color is awfully controversial I guess.08:17
digital_1So even in product branding they're going with the Purple theme away from orange?08:18
ddecatordigital_1, not really purple, just a new look for the branding08:18
ZykoticK9digital_1, looks that way - but all the brown is still there, you just need to change the defaults08:18
ddecatori'm trying to like radiance, but it's not working very well...i already changed the background08:19
digital_1I don't like the fact that the icon colors on the panels are pretty much just gray with no colors08:21
digital_1it seems a step backwards.08:21
ZykoticK9ddecator, my personal issue with the new themes is the lack of transparency in the panel - which i reported and is now a High importance bug 53240308:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532403 in light-themes "Ambiance and Radiance themes do not have transparent indicator panel" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53240308:21
ddecatori didn't even notice that...08:21
=== |eagles0513875| is now known as eagles0513875
ZykoticK9ddecator, then you must not use transparent panel ;)08:22
eagles0513875hey guys does anyone know if a bug has been filed in regards ot the live cd where if you click to install instead of trying the installer doesnt get loaded?08:23
digital_1I've been looking only at screenshots08:24
digital_1anyone got  a link to the latest build or are links forbidden?08:24
ZykoticK9digital_1, latest Lucid build?  like the daily ISOs?08:24
digital_1I can find it I was just wondering if someone had it handy08:25
digital_1thanks- perfect!08:25
digital_1so what was your impression besides the transparency issue?08:26
ZykoticK9digital_1, i'm loving Lucid - but FYI there are many bugs and if you aren't going to submit bugs, then you probably DON'T want to be running Lucid right now :)08:27
digital_1I'll submit08:27
digital_1One of mine just got fixed for Lucid08:27
ZykoticK9nice :)08:27
ddecatorok...i think this theme will work...08:28
digital_1you like it ddecator?08:29
ddecatordigital_1, no, i think i just found one that works for me though, haha08:29
ddecatorwell, a mix of themes...08:29
digital_1any reasoning why they decided to switch the buttons to the left?08:30
digital_1for the windows i mean08:30
ddecatori think it was just an attempt at trying something different, but idk if they've actually said08:30
ZykoticK9make it more Mac-esque ?  Don't know the real reason - someone somewhere thought it was a better design i guess...  personally "not so much"08:30
digital_1I'll bet the lead branding artist is left-handed. lol08:31
ZykoticK9perhaps it's as simple as that ;)08:31
eagles0513875why does the alpha 3 cd ask for a log in and it hasnt been installed yet O_o08:32
ZykoticK9digital_1, the buttons can be moved back to right side BTW08:32
digital_1j/k.  It would just be interesting to know08:32
digital_1yeah I heard.08:32
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, try Ubuntu with no password08:32
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: i got that but not understanding its purpose on a live cd08:32
ddecatoryes, this will work =)08:33
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, personally i think it's a bug, but i saw this a little while ago on a Mythbuntu 9.10 live cd as well08:33
ddecatoreagles0513875, did you autologin but then get kicked back to gdm?08:33
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: also i think there is another bug that if you try and go stright to the install nothing but a black screen08:33
eagles0513875ddecator: must have08:34
digital_1I think Jono should dress all purple now to promote this.08:34
eagles0513875im trying to set this up on vbox08:34
ddecatoreagles0513875, if you have an nvidia card, then plymouth will not like you and can cause stuff like that to happen. there's a bug where hitting <enter> logs you out once if you have nvidia08:34
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, what Vbox version?  I didn't have trouble with Oracle's version 3.1.4 (other then the lack of mouse integration)08:35
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: latest version from the site on windows 7 64bit08:35
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, my host is Lucid as well, perhaps the windows version is different, good luck :)08:35
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: thats one thing i noticed with karmic dev cycle bugs in vbox vm didnt occure to others who had it on their actual machine08:36
ddecatormost bugs that occur in vm occur on install, but some are unique to each08:36
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, there have been some Vbox specific issues as well with Lucid08:36
digital_1how about VMWare Workstation?  Anyone running it on that?08:37
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: anything i should be wary about08:37
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, are you able to boot/install at this point?08:37
eagles0513875ddecator: what happened for me actually i hit update installer and that is what threw me back to the login then i couldnt get back to the installer08:37
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: im on the live cd08:37
eagles0513875going through installation process08:38
ddecatorhaven't heard of that one before...08:38
eagles0513875also why is there an update installer button on ubiquity08:38
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, ok that's good - then you probably don't need the old VBox nomodeset fix :)08:38
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: never had problems with vbox and running dev versions of kubuntu08:38
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, part of the install will actually download updates for apt (and languages)08:39
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: ok well i have a hunch there is a bug with it08:39
ddecatorsaves you from having to update everything after install08:39
* ddecator looks on lp08:39
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, that is VERY likely - if you can report the bug, PLEASE do so :)08:39
eagles0513875anyone else try it out cuz i did it kicked me back to the login screen then when i try to run the installer it failed08:39
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: ddecator is checking to see if that hasnt been reported already08:40
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, also VERY likely :)08:40
digital_1I can try it out in VMWare in about 10 mins and let you know08:41
* eagles0513875 needs to learn to package and bug fix08:41
eagles0513875digital_1: ok :) if it hasnt been reported ill file and you can confirm it for me :)08:41
ddecatoreagles0513875, were you able to login?08:43
eagles0513875ddecator: ya but installer was throwing an error had to reboot the vm08:43
eagles0513875its like the ubuntu account doesnt have root access08:44
eagles0513875or something of that nature08:44
ddecatoreagles0513875, the closest thing i'm finding is bug 500250 but i'm not sure if that's what you had, so i'll let you be the judge08:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 500250 in ubiquity "lucid Live CD boots to login screen" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50025008:44
ddecatorif that's not it, then feel free to submit a new bug, i didn't see any that it would be a dupe of...08:45
ddecatoralthough that's fix released...so file a new one either way i suppose08:46
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, that really does look like the issue you are having.  Are you using the Alpha3 cd, or one of the daily builds?08:47
eagles0513875a3 iso08:48
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, did you see the very last comment in that bug?  potential work-around for ya.08:50
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: i am getting it installed as we speak08:50
ddecatorif the work-around works, then it's likely to not actually be fixed08:50
ddecatorgood deal =)08:50
eagles0513875thing is i allocated 2 out of my 4 cores and its bogging down my machine hehe08:51
ddecatoryah that's the only thing about virtualizing haha08:51
digital_1I'm about 60% through the installer on the daily build.  So far, so good.08:56
digital_1(purple color notwithstanding)08:56
ddecatorhaha, fair enough08:56
digital_1i think they should revert back from empathy to pidgin if they're gonna stick with the purple theme.08:58
ddecatori'm sure a lot of people would like that08:58
digital_1the installer really has come a long way... it's really gotten sharp over the last year or two.09:00
* ddecator agrees09:00
ddecatoralthough i think it still needs to be updated...can you let me know what version of firefox it says is installed? (if it even gives a version)09:00
ddecatordigital_1, ^09:00
digital_1you bet09:00
digital_1Mozilla version is 3.609:02
digital_1errr Firefox rather09:02
digital_1And my install went without a hitch.09:02
ddecatorok good, it said 3.5 for alpha 2, haha09:02
yofelhm yeah, we got ffx 3.6 sometime around a2 iirc09:05
eagles0513875hey guys09:11
eagles0513875sry bout that09:12
eagles0513875was having some super strange keyboard problems across the board09:12
eagles0513875hehe thats what i get for using windows09:12
ddecatorit's true ;)09:12
eagles0513875ddecator: i could survive on kubuntu just fine if i was not a gamer09:13
eagles0513875vm is installed btw09:13
eagles0513875time to test it out09:13
ddecatoreagles0513875, oh that's a shame, haha. it'd be nice if canonical would give more attention to that09:13
eagles0513875ddecator: to gamers09:13
tamranis there a way to tune up the hard drive speeds on an ext4 partition?09:13
ddecatoreagles0513875, right09:14
eagles0513875digital_1: ?09:14
digital_1honestly i hope they re-work theme a little09:14
eagles0513875tamran: not that i know of i think the limitation is the hdd itself speed wise09:14
ddecatordigital_1, they will, it's still in development09:14
tamranI thought I read somewhere that adding "notail" or something like that to the fstab made ubuntu perform a bit better?09:14
tamranhard drive activity (io) seems to be really hogging the system on me09:14
tamranit was similar with 9.1009:15
eagles0513875tamran: im not sure to be honest09:15
tamraneagles0513875: no problem, thanks for trying :)09:15
perscitusAnyone know if ATi driver bug with X will be fixed?09:15
ddecatorperscitus, i would imagine at some point09:15
tamranright now, with only a torrent running, I've got 700mb of ram used09:15
perscitusddecator,   Its X developers responsibility09:16
tamranand only a gig of ram total on this machine ... perhaps I should turn off some services09:16
tamranI'll check google in the mean time09:16
ddecatorperscitus, right, but that sounds like something they would have high on their list09:17
PromythyusUbiquity on 10.04 alpha 3 cannot seem to install to an LVM. Is this correct?09:17
ddecatorPromythyus, what behavior do you experience when you try?09:17
Promythyusupon pressing the install button to commence install it crashes09:18
PromythyusI'll get the crash report, gimme a sec09:18
ddecatorwell that's not right...09:18
eagles0513875tamran: how much ram do you have09:18
ddecatoryou ran and md5sum before hand?09:18
tamranis there any danger messing with the "swappiness" setting in the sysctl.conf file?09:18
eagles0513875tamran: turning off un needed services will help09:18
eagles0513875tamran: how much swap did you allocate09:18
perscitusddecator,   its Medium actually09:19
Promythyusddecator, I'll do that now09:19
tamraneagles0513875: 3gb09:19
ddecatorperscitus, do you know the bug #?09:19
tamraneagles0513875: it is what Ubuntu wanted by default, but the only change I did was put the swap at the beginning of the drive instead of the end (for speed)09:19
eagles0513875tamran: swap is fine hehe but rule of thumb is x2 the amount of ram09:19
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yofeleagles0513875: that rule only makes sense until ~2GB09:20
perscitusddecator,   http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha1 known issues09:20
eagles0513875yofel: really when i had linux on my desktop i had allocated 16gb of swamp since i have 8gb in this machine09:20
eagles0513875tamran: does having swap at the beginning really make a difference09:20
eagles0513875technically swapping on the whole wether at beginning or not is slow09:20
yofeleagles0513875: above that I usually say <size of ram> + 1GB so hibernate works09:20
tamraneagles0513875: it's an old habit from my gentoo days09:21
eagles0513875yofel: lol well i had double the amount of my ram09:21
tamraneagles0513875: I used to have swap and /tmp/ on a raid controller that had two 10k RPM drives in raid0 ... it was pretty slick09:21
eagles0513875tamran: next time try the default setup ubuntu uses and see if that helps. how did u get grub2 installed since it needs to be in the mbr and u have swap at the beginning09:21
tamranbut this machine is an old lappy09:21
eagles0513875tamran: you on gnome or kde09:22
yofeleagles0513875: the mbr has nothing to do with swap being first09:22
tamraneagles0513875: I had 9.10 the "normal" way, but copied it but just switched the two ... I'm getting about the same result09:22
yofeleagles0513875: the mbr contains the boot loader and the partition table09:22
Promythyusddecator MD5 checks out09:22
tamraneagles0513875: vanilla ubuntu (gnome) 10.04 right now09:22
eagles0513875tamran: dont forget your running alpha software so there still maybe some memory usage issues that need to be worked out09:23
tamraneagles0513875: grub installs in the mbr, which is right at the beginning (before any "real" partitions)09:23
ddecatorperscitus, i'm assuming you meant the one on the a3 page, and it's in progress, but how long it takes is hard to tell since it depends on the devs free time and how complex the fix is09:23
ddecatorPromythyus, let me check lp to see if i find anything similar09:24
tamraneagles0513875: noted ... this was the same with 9.10 though ...09:24
yofeltamran: when it comes to swappiness, it indeed changes how swapping is controlled and what is when swapped out, but changing it will at worst slow you down09:24
eagles0513875tamran: you  run top to see whats using alot of the ram09:24
ddecatorPromythyus, normal ubuntu, or a different flavor? (kubuntu, xubuntu, etc)09:25
tamraneagles0513875: well, iotop is the program to use ... it's all background IO that is taking away the machine though.  That is usually swap09:25
Promythyusddecator, normal every day ubuntu09:25
tamranI read quiute a few articles and posts where others are having the same issue09:25
perscitusddecator,   oh right. that one.09:25
tamranthere's apperantly a bunch of "nice io" things one can install, but I'm trepadacious09:26
perscitusddecator,  Alberto indicated that there will be a new release of the ATI driver RSN which works with lucid.09:26
digital_1Well I'm logging.  G'nite all.09:26
perscitusddecator,   AMD/ATI seems to be on the ball there09:27
ddecatorPromythyus, so it crashed right when you hit "install" or did you make any progress at all?09:27
* tamran wonders if there's some kind of indexing going on ...09:27
ddecatorperscitus, that's the one you were referring to then?09:27
perscitusddecator,   yeah09:28
perscitusddecator,   It affects me since i switched to ati.  Nvidia installer bug too but that can be worked around. Just use repo09:28
eagles0513875tamran: take a look at this09:28
eagles0513875tamran: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96dWOEa4Djs09:28
eagles0513875tamran: about samsung ssd's09:29
ddecatorperscitus, ok, well i'm glad to see they're working on it, i know graphics issues like that usually get the attention of devs pretty quick09:29
tamraneagles0513875: thanks, checkign now09:29
tamraneagles0513875: I've seen this vid before ... fast stuff :)09:29
tamranon my "server box" I've got a few raid0 controllers in there ... disk activity is FAAAST09:30
perscitusddecator,   and there is little more then month to go til release09:31
Promythyusddecator: No progress at all09:31
ddecatorPromythyus, odd. i'm finding bugs about ubiquity crashing at certain stages, but not right off the bat like that. can you boot into a live session ok?09:31
Promythyusafter ubiquity crashes it reverts to a live session09:32
ddecatorwell i'm not finding any bugs about that. what vm are you trying to use?09:33
ddecatorthen you should be able to install it09:34
eagles0513875tamran: before u go on about ur raid controllers those ssd's will leave u speechless09:35
tamraneagles0513875: yeah, fast stuff :)09:35
eagles051387524 ssd's for 6tb of space09:35
perscitusddecator,   Do bugs go upstream back to Debian?09:36
perscitusddecator,   the fixes09:36
eagles0513875tamran: also you know what might be a better choice for your machine xfce its a more lighterweight for your 1gb machine09:37
eagles0513875its alot like gnome09:37
ddecatorperscitus, you mean if a batch is made in ubuntu, does it get sent to debian?09:38
tamraneagles0513875: I had xubuntu on this machine earlier today ... it is great and I love it, but not well polished.  XFCE with zenwalk, arch or gentoo works MUCH better.  I couldn't make it do magnet links properly for example09:38
perscitusddecator,   patch, and yeah09:38
tamraneagles0513875: I'm sort of honing in on it all though, the funny IO stuff is what's bugging me09:38
eagles0513875tamran: you could also strip yourself back to command line and build gnome up with only what you want09:38
eagles0513875i do that sometimes the meta package has too much fluff in it for kde and i strip myself down to command line and install the necessary kde packages to get a desktop environment with no packages installed on it09:39
ddecatorperscitus, right, typo. i'm not sure what the policy is on that...i know that if a bug is filed for an upstream package, then we forward the report upstream to them so the developers know about it and can fix it, but if an ubuntu user creates a patch i'm unsure. i think it gets forwarded to the developers with a merge request if it isn't an ubuntu-specific bug09:39
tamranthis may be a dumb question, but what is pulseaudio? is that a gnome wrapper over alsa?09:41
ddecatortamran, pulseaudio handles all apps that use sound and manages what has access to what hardware09:41
ZykoticK9tamran, is a replacement of ESD actually -- it's in both gnome and kde, but not in xfce09:42
tamrando I want pulseaudio?09:42
tamranif it's anything like what arts was, probably not09:43
yofeltamran: gnome only supports pulseaudio now09:43
tamranyofel: ahh, ok I probably want it then09:43
ddecatorprobably ;)09:43
ZykoticK9tamran, if you want a "genuine" ubuntu experience, complete with sometime-poor-audio, then YES.  removing Pulse is a bit of a problem actually.09:43
tamranfunny thing is, on my other laptop, I have kubuntu and pulseaudio fails on every boot09:44
ZykoticK9tamran, BUT i do find Pulse better in Lucid then it was in Karmic (quake 4 is playable again)09:44
yofeltamran: kubuntu doesn't have any good pulse support yet, I think it only works here cause I have both kde and gnome installed09:45
tamranis there a good site which lists which "startup applications" are ok to disable?  I've already disabled bluetooth, since I don't have it on this machine ... what about things like "visual assistance" and "remote desktop"?  The second one sounds like a security hole waiting to happen ...09:46
tamranyofel: that's a bummer ... kubuntu is almost polished well ... xubuntu has lost it's way IMHO :(09:47
ZykoticK9tamran, it's safe to disable "va" and "rd" if you don't use them09:48
yofeltamran: indeed, I like and use KDE SC 4.4, but I had to fiddle around a bit to get pulse working, and you still need pavucontrol as kmix can't control pulse09:48
tamranyofel: ahh, I should write that one down ... because KDE 4.4 is pretty nice to use09:49
tamranyofel: so pavucontrol then, I'll install it09:49
ddecatorthe good news is, my nvidia performance is WAY better with lucid (other than the plymouth issues)09:50
tamranok, more questions ... :)09:50
tamranis the Evolution Alarm Notifier just for reminder alarms? if I'm not using evolution I don't need that do I?09:50
yofeltamran: pavucontrol is the main control app for pulseaudio, kmix can control it in the sense as it controls the main out (hardware), but I frequently get pulse muted, kmix unmuted and then I have to bother pavucontrol09:50
ddecatoralright, 5am here, i'm heading out. night everyone09:51
tamrang'night ddecator09:51
tamranis there an open source silverlight player?10:12
arandtamran: moonlight10:13
tamranthanks arand10:14
tamranarand: which is the right package to install? moonlight-plugin-core?10:15
arandtamran: not sure, but that's a valid guess I assume, or moonlight-plugin-mozilla10:19
ZykoticK9tamran, try using moonlight-plugin-mozilla, restart firefox and in the address bar goto "about:plugins" do you see "Silverlight Plug-In" listed?  I certainly didn't, and Silverlight test pages where NOT working.  Went to this page, http://go-mono.com/moonlight/download.aspx and installed, restarted Firefox and it's now working.10:24
duffydackis moonlight still useless for silverlight2?10:35
duffydackits been a long time since I used it.10:35
eagles0513875this isnt looking too good10:37
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: is heavy i/o usage typical when booting a vm10:37
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, where there is bound to be some, not sure if it should be "heavy" though, i'll try booting a VM and see what sort of disk activity i get10:38
eagles0513875heh this just gets better10:38
eagles0513875no kdm lol10:38
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, i get VERY little disk activity while booting Lucid in a VM, one momentary spike up to 4M, but mainly just a few kb10:41
eagles0513875might be due to me doing somethign else quite i/o intensive10:41
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: time to have fun figuring out why x doesnt start10:41
yofelZykoticK9: i think I know why the moonlight package doesn't work with firefox, same reason as why sun-java6 doesn't work *-.- (plugin in the wrong folder)10:41
eagles0513875yofel: you ask down in mozillateam channel10:42
yofeleagles0513875: I will10:42
eagles0513875sun java6 btw does work for me in firefox dunno if it will in a vm though10:42
yofeleagles0513875: in lucid with firefox 3.6?10:42
ZykoticK9yofel, that would certainly make sense - know the solution as well?10:43
eagles0513875yofel: my bad that was karmic10:44
eagles0513875yofel: your not gonna get a response in mozillateam that channel is quite dead10:45
yofeleagles0513875: I will as long as I can get a hold of arand10:45
eagles0513875yofel: or asac10:46
yofelZykoticK9: simple: 'sudo ln -s /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/libmoonloader.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/'10:49
yofelrestart firefox and it will be listed in about:plugins10:49
ZykoticK9yofel, thanks will try in VM, as desktop now has the non-deb installed :(10:50
yofelthe lucid firefox seems to ignore xulrunner-addons for some reason10:50
yofelhm, maybe cause they changed the firefox-xulrunner packaging iirc10:50
arandyofel: hm?10:52
yofelarand: sry, were you working with the mozilla team or was that asac?10:53
ZykoticK9yofel, that worked like a charm, thanks10:53
arandyofel: Well asac likelier than me, at least, I'm not at all involved in that.10:54
yofelarand: ok, then I got the wrong person, sry :/10:54
* arand is kind of chuffed to be mistaken for a person of authority10:56
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: i think im experiencing that nvidia issue u mentioned earlier10:59
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, actually it was someone else who mentioned nvidia - aren't you running in VBox?10:59
eagles0513875but drawin is so slow you can se eit scrolling line for line10:59
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, have you installed Guest Additions?  Note, i loose my mouse pointer if I enable 3D for the VM, but you might want to give that a try.11:01
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: karmic works fine with out guest additions btw11:01
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, well, that probably isn't the issue then11:01
eagles0513875im updating lucid as we speak11:02
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, i'd suggest you still try the Guest Additions, and enable 3D acceleration for the VM, "might" speed things up dramatically11:03
eagles0513875ya i will11:03
eagles0513875right now i cant even get on x11:03
eagles0513875goign to update and see if i can after that11:03
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, i was assuming you where talking about X, if X isn't starting then it's a different issue altogether11:04
eagles0513875thehre is tha first issue as well as x not starting11:05
eagles0513875and i have found updating then rebooting usually fixes that11:05
* eagles0513875 wants to strangle local mirror11:05
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, let me know where things stand after updating/restarting11:05
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: will do11:06
jpdseagles0513875: Talk to teh admin about it.11:06
eagles0513875jpds: ill contact the local lug about it11:06
eagles05138752mpbs connection ffs lol11:06
jpdseagles0513875: Well, make one of your own if you're not happy.11:06
eagles0513875jpds: how with apt-mirror?11:07
jpdseagles0513875: launchpad.net/ubumirror11:07
jpdseagles0513875: Good thing the thing is run by the local user group: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirror.linux.org.mt-archive11:08
eagles0513875jpds: i know and im part of their mailing list11:08
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu?11:08
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: here the problem is isp's throtelling and imposing download limits11:10
eagles0513875is there a way i can create my own personal mirror11:10
jpdseagles0513875: Yes, find a server; use those script ^--.11:11
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, ok, i'm affraid most of my personal experience with VBox and Ubuntu, probably does NOT apply to Kubuntu -- i have no idea how it is working in VBox, but i do see some Kubuntu+Vbox+Xorg crashing in my google searching.11:11
jpdseagles0513875: Be sure to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors first.11:12
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: dont get me wrong i can live with out kde but would be kool to have a desktop as well to see new kde features and what not11:12
eagles0513875ty jpds11:17
aprilharehey - is alpha 3 worth testing on a production machine yet, or is it worth waiting for beta 1/2?11:32
popeywe never recommend pre-release for production machines11:33
aprilhareworth testing on a home pc yet? :)11:33
yofelaprilhare: as long as you have backups feel free to test it, we have everything from 'works fine' to "doesn't boot at all"11:34
popeyi have it on 3 machines, but i can usually fix issues11:34
popeyYour Milage May Vary11:34
SwedeMikeit's worth testing if you want to participate in the process and make the final product as good as possible, if you're doing something special it's good to bug report early if it doesn't work.11:34
yofelah :)11:34
aprilharewe still use the word mileage yet we speak of distances in kilometers - odd11:34
popeyyou might11:35
popeywe dont :)11:35
aprilharepopey: maybe we should define we :)11:35
* aprilhare is australian11:35
* popey is british11:35
* yofel is german11:35
aprilhareyou use degrees celsius in .uk but are still stuck in miles - what a mess!11:36
popeyits not as clear cut as that11:36
aprilhareand of course deutschland has switched to SI11:36
popeycelsius makes sense though11:36
aprilharekilograms/litres too in the supermarket11:36
popeynot in the pub though :)11:37
popeysausages are packed in 454g packs11:37
aprilharepopey: traditions are hard to shake :)11:37
popey(1 pound)11:37
aprilharedon't lose that 4g of sausage :D11:37
aprilhareif you were rounding it'd be 450g11:37
penguin42similarly for pints of milk11:37
penguin42but hey, it's difficult to recalibrate the cows11:38
aprilhare1 pint is about 470 mL11:38
aprilharethats not too bad11:38
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.11:38
* penguin42 waits eagerly for an on-topic question11:39
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: x started this time11:39
ZykoticK9eagles0513875, good to hear!11:39
SwedeMikeaprilhare: and kudos to you aussies who seem to have managed to go to kW for engine power, even here in Sweden who have been metric "forever" we're still stuck in hp11:39
popeyi have a friend with a dell mini 9, he said it pauses on boot, he has to press enter11:39
popeythis is after grub11:39
popeyanyone else seen this?11:39
eagles0513875ZykoticK9: lil sluggish on loading login screen11:39
popeyi havent seen the machine myself11:39
aprilhareSwedeMike: ty11:40
issyl0Hi there.12:29
issyl0I installed Lucid Alpha 3 last night and it's not detecting my screen resolution properly.12:29
issyl0It's pretty annoying and I'd quite like to know how I can fix it, please?12:30
penguin42which graphics card? What res do you see and what should it be?12:30
* penguin42 does an update - how very purple12:31
yofelheh, maybe I should try gnome again just for fun to see how that looks like now ^^12:32
issyl0penguin42: NVIDIA graphics card, I can't remember offhand what model.  I see 1024*768 when I should see 1280*80012:35
penguin42issyl0: Are you using NVIDIAs closed drivers?12:36
penguin42at this point I admit I don't know about Nvidia stuff, so any nvidia guys please raise a flipper12:36
issyl0penguin42: I should be, I upgraded from Karmic where I was using them.. they worked there!12:36
issyl0s/there/in karmic I got the right screen resolution/12:37
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penguin42issyl0: My guess is they need to be updated, but I'm an ATI user not Nvidia12:37
issyl0Hmm, I'm looking for available updates and stuff now.12:38
issyl0Thanks penguin42!12:38
issyl0Aha, I see.12:38
issyl0It appears they weren't carried over from Karmic.12:38
Ian_Cornepenguin42: are you on lucid yet?12:38
penguin42Ian_Corne: Yes12:38
Ian_CorneI've got my nvidia and intel devices on lucid12:39
Ian_Cornebut I'm afraid to try my ati box12:39
Ian_Corneis fglrx working?12:39
penguin42Ian_Corne: I'm running with the xorg-edgers so bleeding edge stuff and I'm using the open source driver rather than frglx - I'm pretty impressed, there are some things that aren't that fast, but google-earth for example works nicely12:40
Ian_Cornewhat card you have?12:40
Ian_CorneI've got a 487012:40
penguin42hd 4350 (uses RV710 chip)12:40
Ian_CorneRV770 for me12:41
Ian_CorneAre the opensource drivers installable from the jockey thing, or are they always present as a fallback?12:42
penguin42Ian_Corne: I think they'll install by default without frglx, but I've not tried frglx on this box12:42
Ian_CorneI might update this one soon then12:43
Ian_Cornenot doing any 3D things anyways, heaviest is probably maximizing a window :p12:43
issyl0Yay, it fixed it.12:43
issyl0Oh lucid is so shiny!12:43
penguin42Ian_Corne: The 7xx series stuff only went in recently but as far as I can tell it shares a lot of stuff with the 6xx series12:43
issyl0Thank you penguin42!12:44
penguin42issyl0: No problem12:44
dupondjepfft :( SynCE still doesn't woirk :(13:03
arandSo, how does one change back from window controls on left side?13:11
Yorvykarand:  http://blog.daviey.com/blogroll/anything-but-the-buttons.html13:13
arandYorvyk: right, thanks13:14
robin0800Yorvyk: thank you too great find13:17
redHas anyone  been successfull compiling XBMC on Lucid Lynx?13:17
redbeen trying to get help on their channel and forums to no avail a few days now13:17
chris|you know that current svn is broken atm, right?13:18
Ian_Cornepenguin42: does compiz work?13:18
redchris|: im using older svn13:19
redi just compiled the same svn on my netbook without problems13:19
redatleast iirc it was the same, but i was told to use 2827613:19
redi've tried that and 2827513:19
arandReally don't know what to think of the new purple terminal background though..13:19
redarand: terminal -> change profile -> default13:20
redthey have set ambience as baseline on the new one and it was irritating13:20
arandI know I know, but I'm ranting about default choices..13:21
Frijoliehey all, I just installed Lucid and for some reason I cannot view/display .jpgs. I get error (gimp/Nautilus) "Error interpreting JPEG image file (Improper call to JPEG library in state 200)"13:28
Frijolieany ideas?13:30
Frijoliedon't everyone speak all at once or anything...13:36
dupondjeis there still only SynCE to sync a windows mobile phone to ubuntu ?14:03
histodupondje: I would ask in #ubuntu14:04
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perlsyntaxhave anyone update to 10.04?14:26
perlsyntaxI want to know where is gbm?14:26
Ian_CorneI did not understand.14:34
phillwhi, a bit of wierd one.. some times when clicking on a tab in FFox, instead of highlighting the tab, it closes it. This also has happened with pidgin -- has anyone else had it happen to them ?14:37
waltercoolHow can i disable usb2.0 support?15:06
waltercoolehci_hcd is builtin... can i disable it without restart?15:15
yofelwaltercool: without restart: no, as you need to disable it by a boot time kernel paramter15:15
waltercoolyofel, what parameter for grub?15:15
yofelwhy do you want to disable it anyway? (just curious)15:15
waltercoolyofel, bugged15:16
waltercoolyofel, i cant open my external hard disk with lucid15:16
waltercoolyofel, but i can open it with 9.1015:16
BUGabundoand you want to disable usb2 for that?15:17
BUGabundorather then look for the root cause?15:17
waltercoolBUGabundo, yeah, i have a lot of ehci_hcd errors15:17
BUGabundothen again, I only use e-SATA15:17
BUGabundousb is slowwwwww and cpu bound15:17
BUGabundowaltercool: change the BIOS15:17
BUGabundofrom ehci to what ever the other option is called15:17
waltercoolBUGabundo, But with 9.10 is working ...15:17
BUGabundoor UPGRADE bios15:17
yofelwaltercool: check on lp if theres a bug with that ehci error code15:18
yofelwaltercool: could be an udev bug or whatever too15:18
dupondjei'm trying to get multisync working :( damn its such a helllllll :(15:18
penguin42waltercool: What is your motherboard/chipset15:18
waltercoolyofel, isnt, but i cant report it15:18
yofelwaltercool: why not?15:18
waltercoolpenguin42, is an Acer Aspire One D25015:18
waltercoolyofel, how? ubuntu-bug ??????15:18
yofelwaltercool: well, if in doubt file it against the linux kernel 'ubuntu-bug linux' or just run ubuntu-bug and answer the questions15:19
penguin42waltercool: I'd b epretty surprised if it's actually an issue with USB-2, I don't think I've ever heard of one before15:19
yofellatter would be better I think15:19
yofelas this would be covered by the 'storage' symptom15:20
waltercoolthats because i want try with usb1.1 or 1.015:20
waltercooli want know if is a ehci error or udev15:20
penguin42waltercool: Is it bus powered or external psu?15:20
waltercoolpenguin42, 2 usb powered15:21
waltercoolpenguin42, but i can use it with just 1 usb15:21
penguin42waltercool: And have you got any other USB powered stuff plugged in to it via a hub or the like?15:22
waltercoolyofel, ubuntu-bug question are not telling my problem15:23
yofelwaltercool: run 'ubuntu-bug storage' and answer the questions would be the best way to report a bug15:23
waltercoolpenguin42, nop, laptop direct15:23
yofelif they do not, select 'other'15:23
penguin42waltercool: And I see that laptop has a few sets of USB ports, have you tried the other ports?15:23
waltercoolyofel, other = "use ubuntu bug <id>"15:23
waltercoolpenguin42, yep, all my ports15:23
yofelwaltercool: I meant: run ubuntu-bug storage and select 'Other problem' when asked15:24
yofelyou should be asked to connect the not-working drive then15:24
waltercoolpenguin42, i got a kernel backtrace 5-10 mins after hd connection15:24
penguin42waltercool: Can you show me the backtrace?15:25
waltercoolyofel, try it... i have a error15:25
waltercoolyofel, a "report ubuntu-bug <id>" message15:25
waltercoolpenguin42, let me find it... i have one on nopaste15:26
yofelwaltercool: if I run ubuntu-bug storage, I get a window asking me what type of issue I have, if I select 'other' and press ok then I'm asked to connect the drive15:26
waltercoolyofel, thats weird... i got the mentioned problem... =/15:30
waltercoolyofel, external usb/other... isnt?15:30
waltercoolpenguin42, let me make another backtrace15:31
yofelwtf? If I run ubuntu-bug and select external-usb I get the questions for sound devices???15:31
yofeland pressing cancel does nothing -.-15:32
penguin42ubuntu-bug ubuntu-bug then :-)15:32
waltercoolyofel, when i select external usb/is not displayed i got that: "Sorry, you are not running GNOME or KDE. Automounting needs to be provided by your desktop environment."15:33
waltercooland im using gnome15:33
duffydackis there an ambience theme for chrome yet?15:33
yofeler... ubuntu-bug ubuntu-bug again huh...15:33
duffydackgreyscale will do i guess..15:34
BUGabundo(2010-03-06 15:32:28) penguin42: ubuntu-bug ubuntu-bug then :-) ahahahahaah15:35
BUGabundopenguin42: I did that for apport :DDD15:35
waltercoolyeah... ubuntu-bug ubuntu-bug doesnt work15:35
yofelwaltercool: ah well, forget it, apport decides here that the package is linux, so use 'ubuntu-bug linux' to file the bug15:35
yofeloh yeah, you have to use 'ubuntu-bug $(which ubuntu-bug)'15:36
BUGabundo$ apport-cli -p apport-gui?15:36
waltercoolpenguin42, uploading...15:47
waltercoolpenguin42, http://pastebin.com/Fp0JgG4J just read all about one hour before15:48
waltercoolsorry... i had used kern.log15:49
BUGabundowaltercool: tip: $ pastebinit15:49
penguin42waltercool: OK, I don't think that call trace is anything more than it saying that the process blocked due to IO for a very long time15:49
waltercoolBUGabundo, i had used pastebinit kern.log =P15:49
waltercoolpenguin42, but my e-harddisk is working with 9.10 liveusb15:50
waltercoolso... cant be a hardware issue15:50
penguin42waltercool: So I think it's more symptom rather than cause; however the 'Unhandled error code' is odd and I'd make sure that is included in a bug report, together with the reset high speed USB devices15:50
zj3t3mjuI can't find xen-tools in lucid15:51
zj3t3mjuso I can't install ubuntu-xen-*15:51
zj3t3mjuwhat happen with it?15:51
waltercoolpenguin42, well.. when im connecting a usb-stick... i get reset high speed... problems15:51
waltercoolbut works15:51
penguin42waltercool: Do you get lots of resets or just one or two?15:52
waltercooljust 215:52
BUGabundo!search xen15:53
ubottuFound: xen15:53
BUGabundopff thanks15:53
BUGabundo!info xen15:53
penguin42waltercool: I think it's worthy of reporting a bug15:53
ubottuPackage xen does not exist in lucid15:53
BUGabundo!info xen-utils-3.315:54
ubottuxen-utils-3.3 (source: xen-3.3): XEN administrative tools. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.3.0-1ubuntu11 (lucid), package size 927 kB, installed size 2748 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)15:54
waltercoolpenguin42, usb-stick prob or my usb harddisk issue?15:54
LADmaticCAhow do i tell which nvidia driver i'm using?15:55
penguin42waltercool: Hard disk but also mention the errors you got from the usb-stick15:55
waltercoolpenguin42, and how i can report that bug? ubuntu-bug->external usb->other is not working15:55
penguin42waltercool: Not sure, but I'd probably report it against the kernel15:55
waltercoolpenguin42, i will do it ;) let me try15:56
zj3t3mjuI found this15:57
ubottuDebian bug 566714 in wnpp "ITP: xen-tools -- Tools to manage Xen virtual servers" [Wishlist,Open]15:57
waltercoolwow... was reported penguin42... i did not see using launchpad search16:01
zj3t3mjuso lucid won't have xen-tools until ...?16:02
penguin42hmm Lucid seems to be ignoring appearance preferences for the title bar layout16:03
penguin42is anyone else having problems having done the latest update, and have reselected one of the Human or similar themes all the buttons are on the left of the title bar?16:05
marienzpenguin42: they're supposed to be there16:06
penguin42marienz: Please explain? Aren't they supposed to follow the theme?16:06
marienzpenguin42: at least they are in the new radiance/ambiance themes16:06
marienzpenguin42: I don't know about the human or humanity theme16:06
penguin42marienz: I'm OK with them being in a different place on the new theme, they don't seem to go back on the old theme16:06
marienzI don't know which themes are supposed to have them on the left now16:07
penguin42it's bug #532754 which I just confirmed16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532754 in gnome-control-center "gnome-appearance does not reflect order of metacity buttons correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53275416:07
zniavrewith wich thele OOo is launched ?16:08
* marienz wonders how to make focus following mouse "lazier" (using compiz) when new windows appear16:08
guntbertzniavre: ?16:09
zniavreoops sorry16:09
zniavreooffice writer is not launched with my current theme16:10
BUGabundopenguin42: marienz:  $ gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string ":minimize,maximize,close"16:11
zniavredon't you forgot menu ?16:11
marienzBUGabundo: I'll just leave it uncustomized for a while unless it really keeps bugging me16:12
BUGabundoit made me go crazy yesterday !16:12
penguin42BUGabundo: Yeh it might do that to me, the top right is THE right place for the close button !16:14
waltercoolpenguin42, top left16:14
jaysonHi, guys I'm using lucid and my / is damaged, how can I access the recovery mode ? With grub 2 I don't have that option.16:15
yofel_jayson: you should, tried holding shift pressed on booting (if you don't see the grub menu)16:16
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
penguin42jayson: I'd use a live/installation cd and do it from there - any idea how it got damages?16:16
BUGabundoyofel: jayson *left* shift16:17
yofeloh, yes16:17
jaysonyofel_, penguin42 I don't know what happend. I'm using raid 0 and some times grub gave up to wait for /16:17
jaysonyofel Nice, I can see grub menu now, thank you16:18
smoi try to build emerald from sources and it failed16:26
smo../libengine/.libs/libemeraldengine.so: undefined reference to `GTK_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME'16:27
smo ii  libgtk2.0-016:27
smo<smo> ii  libgtk2.0-bin16:27
smo<smo> ii  libgtk2.0-common16:27
smo<smo> ii  libgtk2.0-dev16:27
smoinstalled ok16:27
EddieRinglehey BUGabundo16:29
smoany idear?16:30
BUGabundohey EddieRingle, bcrook16:31
BUGabundowelcome guys16:31
penguin42smo: GTK_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME I htink should be a macro defined in a header, so it sohould never be a symbol16:31
BUGabundosmo: AFAIK emerald themes are no longer supported16:31
rippsHey, I wanted to know if anybody here could check out my Ambiance mod and give me their honest opinion of it: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=12111816:33
BUGabundobcrook: make sure you have ubuntu-desktop metapackage16:34
BUGabundothere you go http://p.bugabundo.net/lucid-3416:35
smoAFAIK emerald themes are no longer supported16:36
jaysonHi guys. Again. Some times this is happening to me http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/7987/p0603101329.jpg and I did set rootdelay=90. However my boot up is so slow now, is there anyway to solve it ?16:42
penguin42jayson: I bet it's not waiting for the two halves of the RAID - ages ago when I was running RAID on another machine I used to have similar occasional problems16:45
penguin42jayson: How do you specify the two parts of the RAID?16:45
jaysonpenguin42 Sorry, what do you mean by two parts of the RAID ?16:46
penguin42jayson: Your RAID0 is made of two disks right?16:47
jaysonpenguin42 four disks16:47
penguin42jayson: So my guess is it's not waiting for all the disks16:47
penguin42jayson: How are the drives connected and is the raid specified by parittion or by uuid ?16:47
jaysonpenguin42 I will try to explain, don't laugh me :). They are connected with 4 sata cables and configured by a Micron chipset and my gurb is configured by uuid16:49
penguin42jayson: OK, so they're all connected to the same Micron controller? what did you use to configure the RAID?16:50
jaysonpenguin42 After motherboard splash screen there are a Micron utility to configure it16:51
penguin42jayson: Ah! Ok, it's dmraid not md16:51
penguin42jayson: File a bug together with a dmesg and /proc/partitions when it's booted OK and if you can get it a dmesg from a failed boot16:52
jaysonpenguin42 I will fill it then. Thank you.16:53
smook, there s a mistake here16:54
jaysonpenguin42 Grub 2 busybox have  dmesg ?16:54
penguin42jayson: hmm not sure, it's not grub2 you're at, it's the filesystem in the initrd16:54
smoi f i scan all the files in the  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/emerald_0.7.2.orig.tar.gz16:55
penguin42jayson: If not, include /proc/partitions if you can and dmsetup info16:55
smoand replace all GTK_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME by G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME16:55
smoit build ok16:55
smo4 files16:55
jaysonpenguin42 I think my PC won't boot, look at this http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3232/p0603101359.jpg16:57
penguin42jayson: Hmm not good; I don't know how to debug things with this new plymouth thing in17:00
jaysonpenguin42 To init my system I had to boot in recovery mode, drop to shell and init gdm17:04
duffydackAnyone know how to get the gnome-terminal colour scheme set up on karmic?17:18
jaysonpenguin42 If I specify direct path to /dev/mapper/ whould'nt be better than uuid ?17:20
penguin42jayson: Not sure how it finds it all these days, and with your raid being done together with the bios I'm not sure how it works - I've only done mdraid before17:21
rzx237i was install lucid from debootstab and chroot, while open administration tool like "Users and Groups" or "Login Screen" and pressing "unlock" it ask for root password, when i fill my passwd it goes wrong. i can doing sudo, but how to fix this?17:28
sdhjkI'm thinking about upgrading from Karmic to Lucid, how dangerous would this be?18:37
penguin42sdhjk: Well, it's still an Alpha and there are some people who've not been able to boot, but most people are OK and only have minor problems18:38
czajkowskicrimsun: shall I copy the output in here ?18:39
sdhjkpenguin42: GDM doesn't start properly on my Eee PC 901 for some reason.18:39
czajkowskicrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu.com/389764/18:39
penguin42sdhjk: Yeh I've seen a few people who have that18:40
sdhjkpenguin42: I'm not thinking about installing Lucid on this machine; I'm considering upgrading using apt-get18:40
crimsunczajkowski: pgrep pulseaudio18:41
czajkowskicrimsun: nothing happens...18:41
crimsunczajkowski: so pulse isn't running18:43
czajkowskiseems that way18:43
crimsunczajkowski: please run that fuser command again18:43
czajkowskicrimsun: nothing returns now.. am I missing something ?18:44
crimsunczajkowski: grep autospawn {/etc/pulse,~/.pulse}/client.conf18:45
sdhjkpenguin42: How do I upgrade from Karmic to Lucid?18:45
penguin42sdhjk: You can do it using the update-manager (I think with -d) or run do-release-upgrade -d18:46
czajkowski/etc/pulse/client.conf: autospawn = no18:46
czajkowskigrep: /home/czajkowski/.pulse/client.conf: No such file or directory18:46
penguin42sdhjk: It's best to use do-release-upgrade rather than apt-get to do the upgrade because it adds a few fixes18:46
crimsunczajkowski: heh.18:46
crimsunczajkowski: you edited /etc/pulse/client.conf to disable autospawn, which caused this problem.18:46
crimsunczajkowski: I did ask whether you edited anything in /etc/pulse :-)18:47
sdhjkpenguin42: "No new release found"18:47
penguin42sdhjk: Erm oh, weird18:48
sdhjkpenguin42: That's using the -d option.18:48
penguin42sdhjk: To do-release-upgrade?18:48
sdhjkpenguin42: Same output.18:48
ZykoticK9sdhjk, i think the -d means development actually18:48
sdhjkZykoticK9: It means devel18:48
czajkowskicrimsun: hmmm18:49
ZykoticK9sdhjk, yes - same difference there18:49
sdhjkupdate-manager -d doesn't show a new release, either.18:49
sdhjkAnd yes, I'm definitely running 9.1018:49
czajkowskicrimsun: I'm sure I didn't so I don't know how this happened. I tend to avoid editing files. sorry for the hassle.18:50
sdhjkpenguin42 ZykoticK9: I found the problem. I told apt to notify only on LTS releases.18:51
ZykoticK9sdhjk, that's sorta weird - Lucid is an LTS release18:51
sdhjkArghhh I mounted /tmp as tmpfs and noexec. ><18:52
crimsunczajkowski: running unvetted random scripts may have done it18:53
crimsunczajkowski: in any case, comment out that line and you'll be good to go18:53
czajkowskicrimsun: *hugs* thank you, that fixed it18:56
=== afcfh is now known as sdhjk
sdhjkAre there many problems with mounting /tmp as noexec and nosuid?19:00
quidnuncI lost the applets on my gnome-panel on upgrade to Lucid. How do I get them back? I have backups.19:02
sdhjkpenguin42: Upgrading... :)19:05
tamranhowdy evyerone ... I've got a strange problem with CD Roms ...19:07
tamranwhen I put a cd rom into the drive, not only does it not find it, the cdrom icon in the file browser disappears19:08
tamranwhen I eject the cd, the cdrom icon reappears19:08
tyranoshi i installed ubuntu karmic yesterday and it fixes a lot of things but it s overheating now and rebooting what can i do to fix that ?19:09
arandquidnunc: possibly you'd be able to copy stuff from backup of ~/.gconf/apps/panel/ to revert it, but I'm not completely sure on that (if important backup the directory before overwriting)19:09
ZykoticK9tyranos, Karmic support is in #ubuntu, +1 is for Lucid support only19:10
tyranossry i wanted to say lucid alpha 319:10
ZykoticK9tyranos, then your in the right place then :)19:11
arandtyranos: if it's the nvidia fan issue, disable the nvidia drivers for now: http://albertomilone.com/wordpress/?p=48219:13
tyranosno i have an ati card19:14
tamrananyone having trouble with automount in lucid? I had to manually mount the cd to make it work19:14
tyranosanother small thing is that lucid doesn't  autoconnect to wifi  neither on startup nor on resume , but at least now it suspends and resumes correctly i ve been waiting for ages for that to happen19:19
KnifeySpooneyHi, I removed the Messaging applet from my gnome panel (the mailbox one..) and for some reason this also removed the volume indicator applet. I can't find the volume applet in the "Add To Panel..." window -- am I overlooking it or is it not there?19:27
villemvhow can I get the new "light theme"?19:33
villemvthe only thing that vagualy resembles it is "radiance"19:34
ZykoticK9villemv, Ambiance and Radiance are the new Light theme19:34
villemvok, let me check...19:34
villemvok, got it, ambiance is the dark one19:35
villemvmy window decorations are all still on the right side19:35
villemvof the frame19:35
ZykoticK9villemv, mine where as well until i did another round of updates, then after restarting they moved to the left (and I had to find a way to move them back)19:36
arandvillemv: you can edit that in gconf.19:36
villemvhm, I nuked my gconf completely and hoped I would get the "default setup" now19:37
villemvbut didn't happen19:37
villemvarand: what gconf key?19:37
ZykoticK9villemv, using \\ gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string "maximize,minimize,close:" \\ should move to left19:38
arandvillemv: http://blog.daviey.com/blogroll/anything-but-the-buttons.html19:38
villemvthanks guys19:38
villemvubuntu never looked so slick19:39
arandvillemv: So wait, let me get this straight, you actually WANT the controls on the left side?19:40
villemvchrome insists on having the "old style" setup still19:40
villemvarand: yes19:40
* arand never ceases to be amazed19:40
villemvsomehow, it makes them look less cluttered19:41
ZykoticK9arand, someone last night was wondering how to get back to Human / the brown theme -- i was floored19:41
arandvillemv: And yea, chrome always fights the standard theme.19:41
villemvit sticks out like a sore thumb here19:42
villemvIt's like I was running a windows vm session inside my real session ;-)19:42
arandZykoticK9: Well, the new one does have quite a few inconsitencies and blemishes so far, so I don't blame them...19:42
arandAnd that bleepin' default-to purple terminal, *brrr*19:43
ZykoticK9arand, but it was because they liked the brown (must be one of the most common complaints "what's with the brown"), and I'm back to using Human as well, as there is a bug with transparent panel with the new themes19:44
penguin42arand: Yeh, I hate to think how someone decided on that19:44
villemvhey, that transparent purple terminal is cool19:44
* penguin42 looks at villemv19:44
quidnuncThanks arand19:44
villemvin blends well with background19:44
villemvanyone know of backports of this theme to karmic19:45
villemvwell, it's only 1+ months, I guess I'll live19:46
villemvnow gnome just needs the "snap at edge" thingie from kde...19:46
arandAlso, the menubar being themed is something which has always bothered me about those dust/sand/wahatev themes...19:46
arandvillemv: not yet I would assume, but I'm also assuming it wouldn't be hard if you pulled the source..19:47
villemvarand: yeah, I imagine the theme stuff is directly compatible w/ the "old" gnome from karmic19:48
ryere: aptitude segfault on exit - does anybody remembers the bug number?19:50
arandvillemv: looks like it's been already done :) https://edge.launchpad.net/~kalon33/+archive/ppa19:50
villemvalright! apparently that ppa has lots of more "delicate" stuf as well19:51
villemv(dbus-glib, ...[19:51
ryeaptitude segfault on exit, backtrace - http://paste.ubuntu.com/389804/ fwiw19:51
villemvI'll just download the debs19:52
arandvillemv: or just install the relevant packages from it and then disable the ppa19:53
villemvI'll try the deb route first19:54
* villemv proceeds to melt his production machine...19:54
tyranosshould i install the updates ? to see if it fixes some bugs ?19:54
arandvillemv: a wise choice to install untested packages on a production machine, I approve.19:56
ZykoticK9tyranos, yes!  especially if you're using the actual Alpha 3 cd - it is considered by some to already be "old"19:56
tyranosthx ZykoticK919:56
villemvhey, everything for the pretty colors19:58
villemvthe backport only "sort of" worked20:00
villemvat least I got the new window decorations20:00
Steilis anyone else having issues with transmission freezing?20:02
DanaGweird... news.gmane.org... connection refused?20:02
ellarhow can i close a bug in launchpad that is not relevant anymore?20:02
charlie-tcachange the status to invalid and comment why it is no longer valid20:04
ellarcharlie-tca, thank you20:05
charlie-tcaYou are welcome20:05
ZykoticK9charlie-tca, i don't see "invalid" as an option?  I can "Mark as duplicate", or "convert to a question".  Searching for invalid on the bug page has no results.20:06
charlie-tcabug number?20:06
charlie-tcabug 52422920:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524229 in compiz-fusion-plugins-extra "Cube Reflection and Deformation settings in CCSM have no effect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52422920:06
DanaGnice theme.20:07
ZykoticK9charlie-tca, thanks - do you require some privilege inorder to do that?  am i missing something?20:08
yofelZykoticK9: Invalid is a status, click on the edit button beside 'new/confirmed/triaged/...' to change the status20:08
charlie-tcaFar as I know, click the little yellow cirlce to the right of the current status20:08
yofelZykoticK9: and you need to be logged in at launchpad for that20:09
ZykoticK9yofel, charlie-tca thank you both!20:09
charlie-tcano problem20:09
DanaGSo yeah, the "trough" on those buttons is not just ugly... it also breaks things.20:10
villemvyet again, sound doesn't work... :-(20:12
arandDanaG: noticable simply on windows with a singe close button, and the radiance one20:13
villemvpa certainly made the variety of audio problems more interesting20:13
DanaGYeah.  The trough is really stupid.20:13
DanaGAnd the buttons are ugly.20:13
villemvon ambiance the buttons look fine20:13
DanaGThe red one "looks like a pimple", according to one blog.20:14
arandDanaG: Well, looks okay when they are in order..20:14
arandDanaG: But other issues makes the theme in my opinion, strictly "meh", and probably not what I'll be using.20:16
DanaGThe button order is a deal-breaker for me.20:16
DanaGmin/max/close is wrong no matter which side of the window it's on!20:16
DanaGif you're going to copy Apple, don't do a miserable failure of a copy.20:16
arandDanaG: It stands out a bit, true, similarly I'm not quite sure about the red in checkboxes and tickboxes. Gives a bit of an unpleasant feel to settings20:17
DanaGFor comparison, here's a GOOD knockoff: http://home.comcast.net/~odnt/12012009.jpg20:18
villemvgood? that does only have blank circles for icons?20:18
arandDanaG: Oh, hadn't noticed the diff in max/min, hm, I never seem to use that anyways20:19
villemvthey could lose the "max" button altogether20:19
villemvsince you can max w/ doubleclick20:19
DanaGOn hover, that theme shows the v, ^, x20:19
arandDanaG: Scary dog.20:20
DanaGNot mine.20:20
arandvillemv: disagree, since most people wont know how to do it.20:21
villemvwell, an alternative would be the kde top edge snap20:21
villemvthat's at least somewhat intuitive20:21
arandDanaG: Hmm, but you need the symbols whilst moving towards them, not when you are actually there.20:22
DanaGoh, and double-clicking titlebar on OS X... minimizes.20:22
arandsebsebseb: hullo20:22
tamrancan anyone tell me why only root can see certain cd's?20:23
arandWhich is my only real issue with HumanLogin as of now, otherwise.20:23
villemvtamran: permissions on directory?20:23
tamranvillemv: well, I've got a Samsung Printer driver CD and can only seem to mount it as root20:25
tamranvillemv: all other CD's I put in get automounted20:26
kerncoWas Telepathy supposed to disappear with recent updates?  As far as I can tell, there is no IM client installed anymore.20:27
villemvtamran: can you mount it from nautilus as normal user?20:27
tamranvillemv: nope, when I put it in, it spins up and then then does nothing20:27
villemvtamran: and doesn't appear in nautilus at all?20:28
villemvor dolphin?20:28
tamranvillemv: in Places->Computer before putting the cd in there is a "CD Rom" icon ... after putting the CD in that icon dissapears completely20:28
tamranvillemv: it's strange indeed20:28
villemvsee anything iteresting in /var/log/messages ?20:29
tamrancdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize20:30
tamranyet I can mount it as root (mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrw /media/cdrom)20:31
boondoklifeIs the ubuntuone working in in lucid? It doesnt seem to want to bring down anyfiles or put up any new ones.20:31
villemvinteresting indeed...20:31
villemvbtw, it seems qt apps don't use the new style20:32
tamranvillemv: those Samsung guys don't respect debian/ubuntu either ... their install script is full of the words "RPM" and such20:32
tamranam I still connected?20:40
penguin42crimsun: Congratulations in getting your nick used as the basis for the new colour scheme20:49
penguin42crimsun: Well, it's rather purply crimsun20:50
crimsunpenguin42: -ECONTEXT20:50
penguin42hey don't worry about it, I was just making a joke - new Lucid colour scheme20:50
DanaGOh yeah, pidgin hashes peoples names into colors.20:51
DanaGoh, and I remember reading that Samsung official print drivers CHMODDED a bunch of stuff.20:52
DanaGold, though.20:52
penguin42DanaG: The fact they HAVE official print drivers and the source eventually gets back into upstream is a pretty good positive20:52
DanaGMy gripe with my Samsung laser I've now stopped using:20:53
penguin42for a long time they were one of the few vendors actively supporting Linux printing20:53
DanaGever other time I turned it on, it gave "USB Device Not Recognized."20:53
DanaGevery other.20:53
DanaGoh, and it dumps a metric <bleep>-ton of noise into the AC line -- it's so bad, it makes my lights flicker.20:53
penguin42DanaG: Heck! My OLD parallel sammy ain't that bad, it is a bit tempremental though20:54
DanaGYou know what's REALLY bad? Brother multi-function laser.20:54
DanaGSays it uses like 400 watts when printing.20:54
penguin42wtf does it do burn holes in the paper?20:54
BUGabundoneed help, my friends20:55
DanaGMy dad tried one for a day or two, and we discovered that it caused mini-brownouts (that is, tripped the UPS!) when it spun up from powersavings modes.20:55
alex_mayorgahow do I change my computer hostname?20:55
BUGabundowhich location takes precedence? system or local profile, for flash?20:55
DanaGalex_mayorga: check in /etc/hostname/ and /etc/hosts/20:55
penguin42DanaG: I've seen various printer manuals specifically say not to UPS them20:55
BUGabundoI need to make my webcam work with flash, and 64bits is no go20:55
DanaGNo, I mean, the printer was on the OUTSIDE.20:55
defsdoorwhere can I get h264 decoder (codec) for lucid ?20:55
alex_mayorgaDanaG: thanks!20:55
DanaGAnd it made the UPS trip to protect the computer on the inside.20:56
BUGabundodefsdoor: gstreamer?20:56
defsdoorBUGabundo, hey - my apt problems seem to have gone away20:56
defsdoorcan play any of my dvd rips in vlc now though20:57
ZykoticK9defsdoor, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras (or appropriate version of restricted-extras)20:57
penguin42defsdoor: dvd is not h26420:57
defsdoorpenguin42, "rips"20:57
Viper1432that might be a vlc issue defsdoor  because vlc's codecs are "internal" to the application.20:58
yofeldefsdoor: o.O vlc should have h264 intregrated20:58
defsdoorViper1432, mplayer, gxine etc.. fail also20:58
Viper1432and when did they start to fail?  new set of updates or clean lucid install and now they won't work?20:58
defsdoorupdates in the last couple of weeks20:59
BUGabundoViper1432: no they are not20:59
BUGabundonot in ubuntu at least20:59
Viper1432BUGabundo,  no what are not?20:59
defsdoor"VLC does not support the audio or video format "avc1". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this."20:59
BUGabundocodecs in vlc21:00
BUGabundoit uses system codecs21:00
alex_mayorgaDanaG: no GUI for that?21:00
DanaGNone that I see right now.21:00
Viper1432BUGabundo,  hate to disagree, but unless ubuntu packaging is wickedly different, vlc has ALL of its stuff inside from the get-go.  I was able to use vlc with some odd stuff with lucid BEFORE using any restricted codec stuff.21:01
defsdoorI thought h264 codec was in ffmpeg21:01
nishanthcan someone help me with some lucid lynx issues?21:01
defsdoor(which I have installed)21:01
penguin42nishanth: Ask the channel about them21:01
nishanthpenguin42 how do i do that... i am very new to ubuntu21:02
penguin42nishanth: Just ask us about each problem - don't ask to ask!21:02
ZykoticK9defsdoor, when i play MP4s with h.264 video mplayer certainly reports that it is using ffmpeg's codec family21:02
defsdoorhmm something odd is going on for sure21:03
nishanthok here is my problem.......when i log back in after the computer awakes from a sleep..my screen goes blank21:03
nishanthany one know how to fix this?21:03
ZykoticK9defsdoor, do you happen to have "non-free-codecs" installed from the Medibuntu repo?21:03
defsdoorZykoticK9, at some point yes21:04
ZykoticK9defsdoor, to you see any relevant errors when you using mplayer from cli?21:04
Lord-Readmanok i have filed the menu back to the right idea http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/23899/21:04
platiusdefsdoor,  my ripped dvds  *.avi play in vlc.  My be the w64codec from medibutu21:05
nishanthcan any one help me fix the problem of the screen going blank after sleep?21:05
defsdoorlet me put medibuntu back in my repos21:06
BUGabundonishanth: if you are very new to ubuntu, why run a devel version?21:06
BUGabundoyou will face terrible probs, and have an hard time fixing them21:06
nishanthi thought 10.04 to be better than 9.10 so i upgraded it21:06
BUGabundoits not!21:06
Viper1432...yet.  :D21:07
BUGabundoits a devel (alpha quality) version21:07
nishanthi have another problem....but this problem persist in all ubuntu version i have tried21:07
nishanthfor some reason my mic does not work21:07
defsdoorZykoticK9, I get errors in mplayer failing to open libfaad21:08
defsdooralthough libfaad2 is installed21:08
nishanthanyone know how to make a mic work on a laptop?21:09
defsdoorok - w64codecs isnt currently installed - might explain somethings :)21:09
ZykoticK9defsdoor, checked on my system - i only have libfaad2 as well (not 0 or dev)21:09
ZykoticK9defsdoor, w64codecs have been renamed to the non-free-codecs name, check for that21:09
defsdoorcuriouser and curiouser - libfaad.so.2 exists21:10
platiusdefsdoor,  I have the non-free-codecs and the w64codecs from medibuntu installed21:12
defsdoorme too now - still same problem though :|21:12
defsdoordo you have /usr/lib/libfaad.so.0 ?21:12
defsdoormplayer cli wants that21:13
nishanthany one know how to fix a login issue on lucid lynx... my screen gives me the login box twice.....first a blank screen appears and i hear the sound to enter my password....then it asks me to enter my password again with the actual visible login screen21:13
defsdoorok I have playback now with mplayer cli21:13
defsdoorlibfaad0 was removed at some point21:14
defsdoorok it's working now in vlc too -seems was actually down to libfaad021:15
dalailamerI am new to Linux/ubuntu , is someone here who would help me ?21:17
tadasnHi! I'd like to request a free ubuntu 10.04 cd. Should I use a special request? Is it possible to send a request now, so Ununtu 10.04 cd would come sooner? Or I have to wait until 10.04 will be released?21:17
nishanthdalailamer, what is your issue?21:17
ZykoticK9dalailamer, are you using Lucid?21:17
dalailameri want to install kdevelop21:17
dalailamerYes i am21:17
BUGabundoI want to make my webcam run in flash (tried both 32 and 64bits) with any of my browsers, in Lucid.21:18
BUGabundoAny hints are appreciated.21:18
BUGabundotadasn: pre-ships will be made available a few weeks *before* release21:18
guntbertdalailamer: but you do know that this is only a alpha version?21:18
dalailamerThere need to be no problems to write some silly c codes21:19
BUGabundodalailamer: didn't kdev got renamed ?21:19
dalailameri bought me a beginners c programming book, now i need to test the codes and so21:19
Lord-ReadmanHello all, for those that don't want the minimise, max, and close buttons moved to the top LEFT of all windows in Ubuntu 10.04 Vote for keeping them on the Right! http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/23899/21:19
dalailameri dunno21:19
BUGabundoLord-Readman: BS ?? really? this late into the cycle??21:20
BUGabundobetter start the bug21:20
Lord-ReadmanAs of Alpha 3 the min max close buttons got moved to the LEFT21:21
dalailamerOk, i want to write some C codes , with colored interface/text . what i need to download or to start ?21:21
sebsebsebLord-Readman: loads of people aren't happy with that21:21
sebsebsebLord-Readman: Brainstorm heh heh21:21
Lord-Readmanso if no one is happy with it, which wiseguy did it21:21
sebsebsebLord-Readman: your probably better off complaining about it some where on Launchpad the correct place,  or a bug report21:21
sebsebsebLord-Readman: Since they want 10.04 to be OS X like I guess21:22
Lord-ReadmanWell brainstorm is the place for people to vote21:22
Lord-Readmanand if everyone votes move to the right21:22
sebsebsebLord-Readman: maybe, maybe not,   however it's quite easy to move them to the right yourself21:22
Lord-ReadmanUbuntu is Ubuntu, why copy Apple21:22
Lord-Readmanbut as a DEFAULT?21:22
Lord-Readmanon the left21:22
sebsebsebLord-Readman: that's one thing, personalley I don't even like the two new themes21:22
Lord-Readmanits poor usability, easy to close when clicking File > Save and much more21:23
dalailamerCan someone help me ? I want to write some C programming codes, and test them. How i do it ?21:23
Lord-Readmanplus there was the dot to bring up a menu with min,max,close anyway!21:23
Lord-Readmanso please vote http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/23899/21:23
boondoklifeI personally like it on the left, but then again that is me.21:24
Lord-Readmanor suggest keep it at the left for 10.04 and put a rational with it21:24
void^the sad part is that contrary to the previes in "appearance" you can't appear to get the maximize/close/etc buttons on the right side without some gconf foo21:24
penguin42dalailamer: Write them in your favorite text editor, compile them with gcc, and run them21:24
dalailamerpenguin42, i want the write mode in colored text, like in kdevelop.21:24
alex_mayorgais gwibber broken?21:24
sebsebsebLord-Readman: they do what they want with that kind of stuff, a lot of just users can complain about stuff, but ideally  need  important Ubuntu Community Members doing it as well, when wanting something changed.21:24
penguin42dalailamer: Then use kdevelop if you want!21:24
dalailamerso the solution would be kdevelop21:24
BUGabundo$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libv4l/v4l1compat.so firefox-3.721:25
BUGabundoERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib32/libv4l/v4l1compat.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.21:25
dalailamerpenguin42, but i am not able to start/install kdevelop for my ubuntu 10.421:25
yofeldalailamer: you could ask in #kubuntu-devel what happend to kdevelop21:25
Lord-Readmanboondoklife, why do you like it on the left?21:25
yofeldalailamer: or use qtcrator, eclipse, ...21:25
Lord-Readmanalso boondoklife you should suggest keep it on the left for 10.04 in brainstorm and put your reason why21:25
Lord-Readmanthen fair is fair21:25
dalailamerare they text colored ? yofel ?21:26
sebsebsebLord-Readman: What?  fair?21:26
boondoklifeIt brings everything that I normally use on a window to one side. I hate the extra swing to the right to close things21:26
yofeldalailamer: in eclipse certainly,21:26
sebsebsebLord-Readman: Life is not fair!21:26
penguin42Lord-Readman: If they want to change the behaviour in a new theme, well that's fine - the fact it ignores themes that don't do it that way is my problem21:26
dalailamerhow i install eclipse ? apt-get install eclipse ?21:26
sebsebsebLord-Readman: The other Linux distros I think all of them that are used by people today on the desktop, still have the buttons on the right by the way.21:26
boondoklifeLord-Readman: I understand that the little drop down menu that was on the left could be used to do all of the other things too. But this just looks and feels cleaner/compact21:27
dalailameri am totaly novice21:27
penguin42void^: The fact that the appearance doesn't match is bug #53275421:27
sebsebsebLord-Readman: Windows has them on the right,  most of Ubuntu's users come from Windows, not Mac OS X,   Really they should be on the right, but personalley what I think is more important is to have a properly decant theme by default,  those two new ones, really aren't.21:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532754 in gnome-control-center "gnome-appearance does not reflect order of metacity buttons correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53275421:28
void^the real problem is obviously that button alignment is not part of the theme, but a metacity config option21:28
sebsebsebvoid^: the buttons are also in an odd order, compared to Windows and OS X21:28
sebsebseband other Linux distros and what not21:28
Lord-Readmansebsebseb, and what about advanced users that user ubuntu and windows (as using windows could be required for business)21:28
void^so if they want the buttons on the left (non-default/non-standard) for their new theme, they should have implemented a method to add button order to a theme21:29
yofeldalailamer: should work, eclipse is orignally for java, but should support c/++ too, qtcreator is c++ but more for qt development21:29
void^instead of changing the metacity option affecting all themes21:29
penguin42void^: If that's right and it's not part of the theme that seems to be the real problem21:29
sebsebsebLord-Readman: the "advanced" users tend to know or find out about things  they don't like themewise, so they can change it21:29
yofel!ide | dalailamer21:29
ubottudalailamer: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator21:29
penguin42sebsebseb: But if it's not part of the theme then it's a PITA21:29
Lord-Readmanand for beginners who want to move from windows to ubuntu, they will be "i dont like it"21:29
void^penguin42: just look at the workaround - it's set in gconf apps/metacity/general21:29
sebsebsebLord-Readman: I meant the "advanced" users tend to know how to change things21:30
penguin42void^: Yeh I saw that - sigh21:30
sebsebsebLord-Readman: indeed21:30
Lord-Readmanheck I myself will stay on 9.10 or go to win7 for desktop use, but in the server world linux wins21:30
Lord-ReadmanUbuntu is only a needle in a haystack21:30
dalailamerubottu, lets say i choose kdevelop, how do i install it ?21:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:30
Lord-Readmanand it just made that needle very small21:30
dalailamerapt-get install kdevelop, doesnt work21:31
boondoklifeLord-Readman: you think the change will be that big of a detriment to ubuntu?21:31
yofeldalailamer: if I'm not mistaken, kdevelop was removed as a newer version comes out just before/after 10.04 release and it's supposed to be available in -backports21:31
yofeldalailamer: the current version didn't really work iirc21:31
sebsebsebLord-Readman: and so really it 's probably the most dafest thing Ubuntu has done so far.  You mentioned fair earlier?  I'll tell you what isn't exactly fair,  how there are quite a few other great popular distros out there,  with hardly any users, compared to Ubuntu.21:31
soreauI was wanting to know more about ubuntu music store. Will it be something like lastfm player or pandora or something of a different style21:32
yofeldalailamer: that's what can happen if you use a devel release ;)21:32
penguin42Lord-Readman: I'd love to vote on your brainstorm idea, but still after years, brainstorm still sues a non-ssl login which I refuse to put my password into21:32
sebsebsebdalailamer: Was that at me?21:33
dalailamerok guys, if no problems, help me to find and install some programm that got colored text at c code writing.21:33
yofeldalailamer: if you just need colored editing, kate should be enought too (you need to compile the app from a konsole)21:33
dalailameraha, how i install/get it ?21:33
soreauFor example, in ubuntu music store with rhythmbox, can you tell it an artist or song and have it create a station? Also, is it compatible with other distributions of linux?21:34
yofeldalailamer: apt-get install kate21:34
yofeldalailamer: are you using gnome or kde?21:34
ZykoticK9soreau, MP3 store was mentioned in planet.ubuntu.com yesterday as selling MP3 files... not much help i know.21:35
penguin42dalailamer: In that case consider anjuta21:35
yofeldalailamer: then you could try anjuta, that's supposed to be quite nice too21:35
* penguin42 snaps at yofel21:35
yofelpenguin42: :P21:35
dalailamerafter apt-get install kate, i get error : E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:35
dalailamerE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?21:35
Jordan_UWill mp3 support be included by default in 10.04?21:35
soreauZykoticK9: Is ubuntu music store a way to sell music? even though the account is free?21:35
yofeldalailamer: you have another package manager open, please close that first21:35
ZykoticK9Jordan_U, that is what the article was about -- it's going to use the Fluendo MP3 plugin when you first enter the store21:36
dalailamerohhh yes i do ^^21:36
dalailameris it problem, when i use such a things ? and open others ?21:36
ZykoticK9soreau, yes - this is a revenue generating project21:36
penguin42ZykoticK9: Do they have a deal on fluendo as part of it?21:36
yofeldalailamer: only *one* package manager can run at a time, as the package database can't handle more than one process using it at a time21:36
dalailamerhmmmm, strange21:37
ZykoticK9penguin42, ? - "he MP3 plugin is distributed worldwide at no charge under a license from Fluendo"21:37
soreauZykoticK9: Ah ok, that's mainly what I wanted to know. Will it work with other distros though provided it has a compatible music player? Or is ubuntu-only21:37
penguin42ZykoticK9: Interesting, It's a pity that they had to do it that way - I'd much rather that you bought a patent grant for something open source if they had to do that21:37
yofeldalailamer: some package managers (as the software center) don't lock the database until you actually do something, so in those cases having more than one open works21:38
ZykoticK9soreau, no idea...  i just read the article from yesterday - i'm not involved in the project or anything :)21:38
soreauZykoticK9: Right. Thanks for the info21:38
dalailamerok yofel, you say its better for me to use anjuta, right ?21:39
dalailamerhow i download it ?21:39
yofeldalailamer: sudo apt-get install anjuta21:39
tadasnWhat do you think about size of bars and icons in Nautilus? Don't you think they are to big? Because when you migrate from windows, Nautilus and other apps look huge (and I didn't like that impression). I think they take too much space, which could be for files or the windows could be smaller, so there would be more space for other things on your desktop. What is your opinion? Maybe it would be good to make bars and icons in ubuntu 10.04 smaller? I guess it 21:39
yofeldalailamer: and if you use gnome, I think anjuta would be a good choice21:39
dalailameryofel, its installing, let check it21:40
penguin42dalailamer: Or install it using the software centre or favorite gui installer you're used to21:40
jo-erlendthe window button issue... Is it designed that way, or is it a bug?21:40
dalailamerhehe penguin42 i am used to nothing, i am new to linux, just installed it, because my VISTA hdd is dead :)21:40
solidLiqdalailamer, so you installed an alpha version of ubuntu for your first taste of Linux?21:41
dalailamersolidLiq, Yes ;)21:41
penguin42dalailamer: Ah ok, this channel is for support of the new not quite finished version of Ubuntu (Lucid) so it's possibly not the best place for a first timer!21:41
solidLiqdalailamer, why?21:41
dalailamerehm... let me remember....21:41
penguin42dalailamer: but go to system->administration->synaptic package manager and you should be able just to pick it off a list21:42
dalailamerI am a typ from people, that dont want to be outdated :)21:42
dalailamerpackage manager not installing it directly to appliactions , but nevermind, i got anjuta in applications now ^^21:42
penguin42dalailamer: That's OK, just remember as an Alpha release  it might eat your cat21:42
solidLiqdalailamer, not the wisest choice.  you should use a stable version of Ubuntu for your first taste of Linux, not one where things are breaking every day21:42
=== solidLiq is now known as solid_liquid
dalailamerI dont go so deep in the OS like you guys, so nothing will crash at my system :)21:43
solid_liquiddalailamer, yes it will.  Flash will crash inside the browser, as that's one of the problems with this alpha release right now21:43
dalailamersolid_liquid,  hehe, just had problems with flash *player* for youtube, but now its ok, and working21:44
ZykoticK9soreau, not sure if you've already seen this but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/MusicStore has MUCH more details about the Music Store21:44
solid_liquiddalailamer, watch part of a youtube video, and boom, crash...  newbies to Linux have a tendency to blame such things on Linux rather than the fact that they chose to use an alpha release21:44
sebsebsebLord-Readman: A bit off topic some of this, but still a good thing to put in here I think.   One woman I helped quite a lot with Ubuntu is still on 8.10,  I am thinking yes 10.04 will be a good one for her,  since she likes purple and Facebook. Someone else hasn't been that happy with Ubuntu, and I am thinking about  what distro to get him using instead.  When people find out about Linux, they should find out about a few distros ideally not just21:44
sebsebsebUbuntu,  then it doesn't matter, if Ubuntu start's doing stupid things by default as much,  because the users will know there are other distros they can use instead.21:44
nishanthsolid_liquid, i am having the flash crashing problem too21:44
dalailamerMan, check this song </3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWGR6MGjaZs21:44
solid_liquidnishanth, yeah, it's a problem with the alpha release21:45
dalailamergrrrr, Anjuta got no colored text :(21:45
jo-erlendwill the buttons for close, minimize and maximize be moved back to their correct places?21:46
solid_liquidI've been running Linux as my desktop OS for 10 years now...  which makes me the type of person who should be running an alpha, because I already know how to fix and/or deal with any of the problems ;)21:46
solid_liquidjo-erlend, mine are still on the right21:46
jo-erlendsolid_liquid, you haven't installed updates then?21:46
dalailamerlol, it crashed xD21:46
ZykoticK9jo-erlend, you can move them back to the right side if you wish ;)21:46
tyranosi just ran an update from the lucid alpha 3 cd and it was buggy, gksu is the culprit21:47
jo-erlendZykoticK9, can my father, aunt and uncle also do that, or will I have to visit every user I've introduced Ubuntu to and do this manually for them?21:47
sebsebsebjo-erlend: Probably not by default, unless enough Ubuntu Community Members, not just users like us,  complain before it's to late.21:47
solid_liquidjo-erlend, I just updated a few minutes ago, and before that, last night21:48
dalailamerwhen i trying to use #include <stdio.h>, anjuta is crashing :(21:48
guntbertdalailamer: *you* picked an unstable OS - it will maybe easier for you just to install 9.10 and get working soon21:48
ZykoticK9jo-erlend, are they all running Lucid alpha?  (but yes, manually only at this point)21:48
jo-erlendZykoticK9, they will all upgrade to lucid, unless this decision is definate, in which case I'll install Linux Mint for them instead.21:48
jo-erlendthis is unusable.21:48
defsdoormoving the buttons back to the right takes about 10 seconds - but should be somewhere in appearances settings imho21:49
sebsebsebjo-erlend: no don't do Mint21:49
jo-erlendsebsebseb, I can't recommend Ubuntu if they keep doing all these stupid things.21:49
sebsebsebjo-erlend: Fedora :) Mandriva :)21:49
sebsebsebjo-erlend: yeah I know what you mean21:49
tadasnI don't like buttons on the right too... I really didn't expect that...21:49
sebsebsebjo-erlend: Mint is based on Ubuntu though21:49
jo-erlend«For the love of God, don't display a dialog in the foreground when you receive a VoIP Call...»21:50
sebsebsebjo-erlend: may as well use Debian if you want something very much like Ubuntu, that isn't21:50
ZykoticK9sebsebseb, i'm surprised you aren't an Ubuntu member - but you don't even have a Launchpad account by the looks of things - yer you're an IRC icon :)21:50
jo-erlendsebsebseb, I like telling people how to do stuff over the phone though. Debian is a lot to do in the installation process.21:50
sebsebsebZykoticK9: I'm an IRC icon?21:50
ZykoticK9sebsebseb, to me you are21:50
parag0nhey guys, i have a machine with a 3m microtouch screen, but the xserver-xorg-input-mutouch package wont install, should i be doing it in a different way?21:51
parag0njust upgraded it to lucid21:51
parag0n(thats when it broke)21:51
penguin42parag0n: When you say it doesn't install what error do you get?21:51
solid_liquiddalailamer, well, if you're a programmer, I'm sure you know that typing #include <stdio.h> wasn't likely the culprit, unless that triggered anjuta to parse stdio.h for tokens for completion21:52
DanaG http://blog.daviey.com/blogroll/anything-but-the-buttons.html -- speaking of layout fail, that blog's layout fails.21:52
parag0nDepends on xserver-xorg-core (>2: but it is not going to be installed21:52
DanaGI first though the comments didn't exist at all.21:52
penguin42parag0n: OK, that looks like a package bug - I'd file it (if it's not already filed)21:52
DanaGThen I realized that, no, they're on the right, overlapping the main blog post!21:52
dalailameri am not a real programmer, i just bought the c programming book, 2 weeks ago, i have read it , and now trying to get use of it.21:52
alex_mayorgaanyone else's gwibber crashing like Bug #53348921:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533489 in gwibber "gwibber crashed with NameError in <lambda>()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53348921:52
solid_liquiddalailamer, and you're using an alpha, so what do you expect ;)21:54
dalailameri Failed ^^21:54
dalailamertell me some other c programming programm like anjuta with colored text, so maybe it will work21:54
dalailamerno time for overwriting OS21:55
sebsebsebZykoticK9: I don't think I would become one any time soon, if I wanted to be.  I would also be ashamed to be one, because of how Ubuntu used to be pretty good,  untill 9.04 where it started getting quite a lot worse really.21:55
sebsebsebZykoticK9: I do have an old Launchpad account since I ordered free CD's like twice before,  I don't know if I can still access it.  I have no interest in putting messages on Launchpad and that kind of thing.  Sometimes I will read stuff that is on it though.21:56
ZykoticK9sebsebseb, "all good man" :)21:57
dalailamerok i taking my beginners c programming book out, and try some code...21:57
sebsebsebZykoticK9: Plus their are a few other reasons for why, I am unlikely to become a Community Member any time soon, if I wanted to be one, which I don't.21:59
yofeldalailamer: you can still try eclipse, that should work21:59
ZykoticK9sebsebseb, "... which I don't." i certainly got that impression.22:00
yofeldalailamer: or just use a text editor like gedit to write the code and the compile it from a terminal with gcc22:00
sebsebsebZykoticK9:  I guess you saw me helping out quite a lot in #ubuntu last year ?22:00
ZykoticK9sebsebseb, yup22:01
alex_mayorgahow do I make my lucid laptop detect a VGA projector?22:03
parag0nwoo, just reported my first bug :D22:03
dalailamerhow i execute xxxx.c ?22:03
jo-erlenddoes anyone know of a bug report on that window button being moved to the left hand side?22:03
bjsniderwhat window button?22:04
sebsebsebZykoticK9: 9.04 is a good release,  except for the edited fast user account switcher on the top right,  which then also resulted in shut down and log out being removed from the system menu where it's meant to be.  Unless fusa is removed.22:04
yofeldalailamer: 'gcc xxx.c' and then './a.out'22:04
yofeldalailamer: you first need to compile the source22:04
dalailamerohh yeah, right ^^22:04
dalailamerbeer+programming= hard time :)22:05
ZykoticK9sebsebseb, 9.04 has a special place in my heart as well -- i view it as possibly the strongest "classic-linux" version Ubuntu has put out22:05
jo-erlendbjsnider, they've moved the buttons for minimize, close and maximize to the left hand side and rearranged them.22:05
parag0nits a pretty wierd change22:05
bjsnideroh no. well, it's all over22:05
bjsniderpack it up. time to go buy a mac22:06
parag0nclosing windows is pretty much muscle memory for 90% of computer users22:06
dalailamerok , i gcc`ed the xxx.c , now its there as xxxx.c~ , but i cant execute it :(22:06
yofeldalailamer: is there a 'a.out' file?22:07
dalailamerthere... where ?22:08
dalailameryes , there is22:08
yofeldalailamer: good, execute that, that's the default executable name gcc uses unless you tell it otherwise22:08
sebsebsebZykoticK9: What I mentioned though was the start of Ubuntu going properly bad.  9.10 well I  didn't like how they did GDM 2, so used KDM instead.  I didn't like the Ubuntu logo in the centre of the screen on boot up.  Not to keen on the theme, but easy enough to change to a classic Gnome look.  FUSA same thing as 9.04, except for how it has a better icon.   10.04  is a hrm/hmm in a, it may be pretty good for this user, but not that good at all22:09
sebsebsebfor that user, kind of way.22:09
bjsniderusers can use whatever themes they want22:10
dalailamerehm, sorry, but how do i execute the a.out ?22:10
alex_mayorgahow can I turn on the VGA port?22:11
yofeldalailamer: type in termial in the folder where the a.out is: ./a.out22:11
dalailamernot working22:11
neezercan someone here try to help me get my ipod touch connected to lucid? I keep running into an error as detailed in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1418480&page=222:11
dalailamerthe a.out, is gone22:11
dalailameri restarted terminal, and its gone22:11
neezerI'm trying to follow the instructions on page 2 and I keep getting errors.22:12
sebsebsebbjsnider: Users can change theme yes, but  being clear with the above I didn't just mean the themes.  Not all users will want the social features, some will think they are junk features, because they don't like social networking sites for example.  Some users will not have any use for the music store, since they don't want to buy music like that,  because they prefer buying pshyical albumbs instead.  Music Store just seems like a plugin for22:12
sebsebsebRythombox so not a big deal anyway.22:12
yofeldalailamer: that can't be unless you deleted it or are in a different folder22:13
dalailamerlinux soooooooo hard22:13
yofeldalailamer: not hard, different22:13
bjsnideryour solution to this problem would be what, to strip out all of these things and leave a plain dekstop?22:13
xxploitsebsebseb, i dont really use the social features but i do think they are a nice touch and glad they r there22:13
sebsebsebbjsnider: no, and it's rather easy to remove the me menu22:13
seanbrystonewhen you get 1000 malware/spyware cause you accidentally clicked a link in windows, THATS HARD, linux is not hard.22:13
dalailamerits gone man, its GON E22:13
dalailamerwhat was the a.out for ?22:14
bjsniderseanbrystone, but at least windows is terribly expensive22:14
seanbrystoneyep :D22:14
alex_mayorgais one supposed to sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg on lucid for a projector to work?22:14
bjsniderit sucks but at least they bleed you but good for it22:14
alex_mayorgabjsnider: got a tip for projecting?22:15
sebsebsebbjsnider: just right click on it, and remove from panel.  that's also linked to their edited fusa,  which I am not actsaully that keen on at all, even though I am not really a edited fusa fan.   Just in 9.10  I could actsauly use fusa happilyish maybe since the changed icon,  but I would still remove it, so I would get shut down and log out in system menu :)22:15
xxploitbut i must say i hope something is done with these new themes, i dont like them much at all, think the human theme is better then these new defaults22:15
bjsnideralex_mayorga, plug in the cable, that's about all it takes22:15
yofeldalailamer: the a.out is the executable (that what the app.exe is in windows)22:15
alex_mayorgabjsnider: not with my laptop it seems22:16
bjsniderwhat is this guy trying to do and what does it have to do with lucid?22:16
alex_mayorgathe infocus projector has been searching for a signal for well over 10 minutes22:16
kermiacanyone using twitter with gwibber in lucid? Is there a *trick* to make it work?22:16
bjsnideralex_mayorga, what graphics driver?22:16
yofeldalailamer: linux doesn't use .exe to mark executable files, but instead they need an executable flag set for them (but that's a bit more advanced linux knowledge)22:16
alex_mayorgabjsnider: I've gone on monitors and clicked "detect monitors" didn't help either22:17
alex_mayorgabjsnider: nouveau if I'm not mistaken, I'm the guy with the nvidia 320M22:17
dalailamerkk, wait i go smoke a cigarete to relax, the linux is driving me crazy22:18
bjsnideralex_mayorga, dry looking at dmesg when you plug the cable in to see if anything happens22:18
bjsniderwhat is that guy trying to do?22:18
sebsebsebxxploit: My older brother might like and use them.  My little brother is still to young for that kind of stuff, so i'll remove in his acocunt.22:19
alex_mayorgabjsnider: no messages, there are some when I plug the USB cable attached to the VGA22:19
alex_mayorgabjsnider: but nothing with VGA alone22:19
sebsebsebxxploit: and for my own useage I don't really have any interset in them,  since I hardly ever use social networking sites :)22:20
bjsnidermaybe the vga port is disabled in the bios or something22:20
alex_mayorgaInFocus InFocus X2 is the projector and video card is nVidia Corporation Device 0a2a (rev a2)22:20
alex_mayorgabjsnider: I doubt it, but let me go check the BIOS, thanks BRB22:20
sebsebsebxxploit: I think they are good for  Ubuntu's target audiance,  people who don't really care that much about computers.22:23
sebsebsebxxploit: most of those people will also use social networking sites22:23
alex_mayorgabjsnider: no such option on BIOS22:25
BUGabundoanyone from italy ?22:25
bjsniderthat sucks22:25
duffydackI prefer purple to brown/orange22:25
sebsebsebBUGabundo: Are you?22:25
BUGabundoheard reports of very bad weather!22:25
bjsniderBUGabundo, italians generally are22:25
alex_mayorgaoddly now the screen is 4:3, before it was 16:922:25
sebsebsebduffydack: the collour choice is a bit hrm,  but for the log in screen I also prefer it to the dark one that 9.10 has.22:26
sebsebsebduffydack: it's  OS X  /  Hannah Montana OS type colours22:26
duffydackaltho I`m suprised at how mac osx is it, and how they are getting away with it, and why, its fine with me...22:26
tyranosbut the purple background is better than the brown22:26
tyranoswhen you log out22:26
sebsebsebtyranos: some of those Ubuntu release's had great  backgrounds22:26
sebsebsebtyranos: default ones22:27
duffydackI like ambience.. I like it a lot..22:27
bjsniderrecent studies have shown purple is superior to brown22:27
sebsebsebtyranos: 8.10 was the last release with a great default background22:27
duffydackits dark but not too dark...22:27
alex_mayorgabjsnider: other tips?22:27
tyranosi didnt mean background22:27
JontheEchidnasebsebseb: Ironically there's a Hannah Montana-themed Kubuntu derivative :P22:27
sebsebsebtyranos: oh right yeah, we are on about the log in screen,  however  it's the same picture as default background22:27
tyranosi meant this purple logout screen that wasnt in alpha 3 but came after the update22:27
sebsebsebJontheEchidna: yep22:27
sebsebsebJontheEchidna: I mentioned this here before22:27
bjsnideralex_mayorga, no, i got nothing22:28
alex_mayorgabjsnider: thanks22:28
alex_mayorgaany X gurus?22:28
bjsniderswitch to the blob22:28
alex_mayorgabjsnider: how-to?22:28
duffydackpity they couldnt go with as default, the purple pidgin, and not that zx spectrum 48k messenger called empathy.22:28
tyranoslucid lynx doesnt recognize my fan on the laptop what could be the problem ?22:28
bjsnideralex_mayorga, well, just use jockey22:28
alex_mayorgabjsnider: works now?22:29
sebsebsebtyranos: 9.10's GDM 2  was to dark for my likeing, oh sure there are like two programs out there that will change the background,  however I want good defaults,  the actsaul default,  or if not well  whatever I am changing to as part of it,  or maybe easilley from the repo,  which was the case with KDM.22:29
dalailameri will programm tomorrow ,, by22:29
bjsniderunfortunately nvidia-current is the 195 blob which nvidia has admitted has a minor issue with frying graphics cards22:29
dalailamerthank you guys for your help22:29
boondoklifebjsnider: how is that a minor issue? lol22:29
bjsniderbut mobile chips are safe22:29
bjsniderboondoklife, it's a small, insignificant issue22:30
boondoklifebjsnider: kinda like ford's cruise control burning the car down. minor indeed.22:30
alex_mayorgabjsnider: trying, hope it won't start  a fire or something :)22:30
sebsebsebtyranos: (it as in the Ubuntu default install)22:31
charlie-tcaI don't know, frying my graphics card is something I consider pretty major22:33
alex_mayorgarebooting, hope I wouldn't need the firefighters :)22:33
alex_mayorgabjsnider: the blob is not much better, now the LCD is blank, but at least all the room can see me chattin on IRC, thanks :)22:42
bjsniderit's all the fault of the new world order22:43
alex_mayorgadamned world order :)22:43
bjsniderit might work with karmic i suppose22:43
alex_mayorgawell but I at least got fancy desktop effects22:44
alex_mayorgalet's shee how that impreses the audience :D22:44
kermiacanyone using twitter with gwibber in lucid? Is there a *trick* to make it work?22:52
BUGabundokermiac: me22:56
BUGabundodaily ppa22:56
BUGabundoworks fine22:57
jerkfacehi, i just ran update-grub and now my /boot/grub/grub.cnf file doesn't have any entries. any suggestions?22:58
kermiacBUGabundo: so gwibber in lucid doesn't work with twitter?22:59
BUGabundono idea22:59
BUGabundomine does22:59
BUGabundonot that I use or like twitter much22:59
BUGabundo  Installed: 2.29.91~bzr651-0ubuntu1~daily122:59
kermiacI'm not a big fan, but some of my users are... so i need to test it :(22:59
kermiac@ work23:00
BluesKaj-Laptopjerkface,  it's /boot/grub/grub.cfg23:00
BUGabundowork deals with social networks?23:00
BUGabundocan I get a job there?23:00
jerkfacewhatever :P23:00
BUGabundoBluesKaj-Laptop: its not23:00
BUGabundojerkface: /etc/defaults/grub23:01
* BUGabundo goes back to movie23:01
BluesKaj-Laptopjerkface, well that file you will load and it will be empty23:01
BluesKaj-LaptopBUGabundo, try it and you'll see23:02
jerkfaceyeah, i edited that to take out the quiet and splash options23:02
BUGabundofor hrub2?23:03
BUGabundoits he etc one23:03
BUGabundoand don't forget to run update-grub afterwards23:03
BluesKaj-Laptopnm , sorry I was wrong BUGabundo , jerkface :)23:03
BUGabundoglad you admit it :D23:04
jerkfaceyeah, i ran update-grub afterwards, and now i don't have anything in the boot menu #-o23:04
BluesKaj-LaptopBUGabundo, I'm wrong sometimes :)23:05
BUGabundojerkface: bad change maybe?23:06
BUGabundotry again23:06
jerkfacenothing :|23:07
jerkfacecopied it over from another machine that i didn't edit it on to be sure23:09
penguin42jerkface: Which grub are you running - 1 or 2, and which update-grub got run?23:09
jerkfacedefault grub, update-grub23:09
jerkfacegrub-common                                       1.98~20100128-1ubuntu4                          GRand Unified Bootloader, version 223:10
penguin42ok, 223:10
herman_nl_deupgrading, you might never see me again :-)23:10
penguin42jerkface: Is that the only grub package you have installed?23:10
penguin42jerkface: Do you have grub-pc or grub ?23:10
jerkfacedpkg -l | grep grub shows grub-common and grub-pc23:11
penguin42ok, grub-pc is 223:11
BUGabundoguud luck herman_nl_de23:11
jerkfacethey both are the same version23:11
penguin42jerkface: Do you have any kernels in / or /boot ?23:11
penguin42jerkface: Yeh, my karmic machine has grub-common (from grub-2) and grub (from grub1) installed since it was an upgrade where it is actually left with 1 booting23:12
herman_nl_deI hope wifi works out of the box, if not it will take a lot of time (again)23:12
jerkfacei have initrd.img-2.6.32-15-generic in /boot23:13
penguin42jerkface: Any vmlinuz- files?23:13
jerkfaceum, no. :-? i have initrd.img and vmlinuz in /23:13
jerkfaceoh crap, im a retard. i commented out /boot when i booted23:14
penguin42jerkface: As far as I can tell, grub-update scans /boot for vmlinuz*23:14
gnomefreakpenguin42: im fairly sure you are right ;)23:15
penguin42gnomefreak: I spent ages sweating how I'd persuade it to pick up my custom kernel build and it just happened!23:15
gnomefreakpenguin42: i have never been that lucky23:16
penguin42gnomefreak: Not that Lucid likes my hand built kernels, they stopped booting somewhere after alpha-1 and I've not figured out what it wants23:16
jerkfaceproblem solved. sorry for being a noob23:16
penguin42hey we all do it23:17
gnomefreakpenguin42: lucid had alot of changes in Alpha. as in hal/grub/ect.. not meaning other little changes23:18
gnomefreaki think i broke sunbird :(23:18
gnomefreakpenguin42: do you have devicekit-power installed?23:19
gnomefreakor anyone else23:19
yofelgnomefreak: that should have been replaced by upower23:19
penguin42gnomefreak: No, devicekit-power is gone, I suspect it's mount related and I haven't actually tried my own kernel in a few weeks23:20
gnomefreakyofel: thats what i thought. thanks yofel23:20
holsteinalright, how do i move the buttons?23:20
penguin42(What's with the s/devicekit-/u/ anyway?)23:20
holsteinfrom the left to the right23:20
holsteini changed the order and moved a colon in gconf-editor23:20
holsteinunder apps>metacity>general23:22
gnomefreaklibdevkit-power-gobject1 upower replaceed devicekit* by the looks of it23:22
gnomefreaknot sure what pacakge contains libdevkit*23:22
penguin42gnomefreak: Looks like things like libupower-glib123:23
* holstein smacks 4head23:25
holsteini was running gconf-editor sudo ;)23:25
jerkfacedoes anyone know if the xserver-xorg-input-wacom package that just got updated is the version that is supposed to have support for the newer wacom tablets?23:27
gnomefreakjerkface: no but it should23:27
gnomefreaks/no/no i dont know23:27
penguin42all the input packages seem to have had problems don't they23:28
jerkfacecool, i will have to try it out23:28
jerkfacethanks for the help guys. later.23:28
gnomefreakdepends on the problems but i dont think i have ran into any23:29
penguin42gnomefreak: There was someone before having dependency problems on a toushscreen one23:30
gnomefreakdepends issues have always been around and affect most users. it is pretty much uploading a package 1st that shouldnt be uploaded first23:32
penguin42I've seen it for a couple of weeks at least people asking about them23:35
meowbuntuhi can someone take a look at this and reply to it if you can help me. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8927479#post892747923:49
kermiacBUGabundo: re gwibber & twitter - my account was "locked"... problem solved now ;)23:52

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