
=== tux_race1 is now known as tux_racer
latinogood evening06:24
latinocan any1 help with installing video drivers06:24
=== mrjohns_ is now known as mrjohns
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac
zubin71jcastro, hello, is there any way that there`d be a class on doing unittesting using python?14:01
Pendulumzubin71: that's something you'd be interested in seeing in a class?14:06
=== kermiac is now known as kermiac_
zubin71Pendulum, yes, im new to python programming.... And i came across this topic pretty recently...14:07
zubin71we have a small OS community here...14:07
zubin71we`d love to have classes on unit testing...14:07
zubin71Pendulum, are you an ubuntu developer? python? If holding classes if difficult , it`d be great if there were at least some ubuntu community documentation...14:10
Pendulumzubin71: I'm not, but I'm a member of the Ubuntu Classroom team :)14:11
Pendulumso I'm bringing your suggestion back so we can look for an instructor :)14:11
zubin71awesome! also, it`d be great if I could help by taking sessions on a subject in a couple of months... maybe on unittesting itself, if im comfortable with it in the near future... :)14:13
zubin71Pendulum, well, c ya later! have a nice day!14:25
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Event: Ubuntu Opportunistic Developer Week - Current Session: Using GTK+ signals in Python - Sense Hofstede - Instructor: qense || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat
qenseHello everyone!19:01
qenseThis session I will be talking about GTK+ signals.19:01
qenseSignals aren't specific to GTK+, but opportunistic programmers will deal mostly with GTK+ signals.19:03
qenseWhat are signals?19:03
qenseSignals are a nifty way of allowing an application or library to respond to certain events.19:03
qenseSignals are emitted at all sorts of events, so you can listen to almost anything if you know where to look.19:04
qenseI assume that most of you are using Python, so I'll be mainly using Python examples.19:04
qenseHowever, since the PyGTK library is generated from the C GTK+ library it is not that different.19:05
qenseObject.connect("signal-name", callback_function) is equal to g_signal_connect(signal_owner, "signal-name", G_CALLBACK (callback_function))19:05
qenseA really good source of information is http://www.pygtk.org/docs/pygtk/19:06
qenseThis is the online documentation of PyGTK and you can find, amongst other things, all signals documented here.19:06
qenseIt is important to keep in mind that most types in the GTK+ and GObject libraries are derived from other GTK+ and/or GObject types.19:07
qenseAll types are derived from gobject.GObject19:07
qenseA type has got all signals it's derived from.19:08
qensegobject.GObject has got only one signal 'notify'19:08
qenseHowever, that means that all GTK+ objects have got that signal as well.19:08
qenseThe 'notify' signal is emitted whenever an property of the object is changed.19:09
qenseHowever, this doesn't have to mean the value of those properties has changed, it could have been that someone or something assigned the an identical value to a property19:10
qenseAll GTK+ types are derived from gtk.Object (gtk.Object itself is derived from gobject.GObject)19:11
qensegtk.Object has one signal as well: 'destroy'19:11
qenseThis is emitted when the object is destroyed19:11
qenseYou use this e.g. when constructing a window.19:11
qensewindow = gtk.Window();19:11
qensewindow.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit());19:12
qenseNow, what did I write above?19:12
qenseFirst I created a new window, then I showed it and then I connected a callback function.19:12
qenseI see I connected it wrongly.19:12
qenseThis sure would have generated a bug.19:13
qenseIt should have been19:13
qense window.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit);19:13
qenseWithout the parentheses.19:13
qenseWhat you do when connecting is first specifying the signal name, then you give the reference to the callback function.19:14
qenseHowever, if you add the parentheses you invoke the method.19:14
qenseAs you can see I connected a method from a library: gtk.main_quit()19:14
qenseThat method ends the GTK+ loop.19:14
qenseIf you wouldn't connect this to a destroy signal you would have to forcefully quit the application in order for the GTK+ main loop to end.19:15
qenseYou can also specify locally defined methods as callback functions.19:16
qenseAny questions about the working of GTK+ signals, or about what I've told so far?19:16
ClassBotryzrecreel asked: So the callback function can be the method of another object?19:19
qenseryzrecreel: Yes, the callback can be any valid method. When connecting signals from inside a class you could e.g. also specify "self.my_wonderful_callback" method as the callback function.19:20
qenseHowever, you can't assign MyClass.my_callback as the callback function, you need to pass the method of an instance.19:20
qenseOK, lets talk a bit more about the callback function.19:21
qenseBecause when a signal is emitted and your well-crafted callback function is called you want to know something more about what happened.19:22
qenseFor that a series of arguments are sent to the callback function.19:22
qenseYou need to make sure that it can accept those arguments.19:22
qenseMost of those callback functions look the same.19:23
qenseThis is what the PyGTK documentation says the callback function for the 'notify' signal should look like:19:23
qensedef callback(gobject, property_spec, user_param1, ...)19:23
qenseIf you're defining the callback as a member of a class make sure you add an extra 'self' argument to the beginning19:24
qensethe first argument of the callback function is 'gobject', but of course you can change the names in your own code.19:24
qense'gobject' is the GObject that changed and therefore emitted the notify signal19:24
qenseMost of the times you know what object you're getting since you specifically connected your callback to it, but this can be useful when you're connected to multiple objects.19:25
qenseBut mostly it's very useful to have a reference to the object by hand19:25
qensethe second argument is 'property_spec'19:25
qenseIt provides information about the property that changed so you can access it if you would want  to.19:26
qenseThe last is user data; when connecting to a signal you can provide extra userdata as extra arguments at the end of the function.19:26
qenseYou'd do this:19:26
qensewindow.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit, "test-window", 123);19:27
qenseand the last two arguments would be the last two arguments for the callback function19:27
ClassBotlsteeger asked: What happens if the object used for the callback function in 'connect' call is destroyed before the event occurs?19:29
qenselsteeger: If you didn't disconnect the callback function first you will get an error.19:30
qenseWhen you connect to a signal using the .connect() function the connect() function returns a handler id.19:31
qenseYou can pass that handler id as the sole argument for .disconnect() for disconnecting from the signal.19:31
qenseNaturally, when you remove the object you connected to the callbacks are disconnected automatically.19:32
qenseThere are a few very interesting signals.19:32
qensegtk.Widget has the most, which means all GtkWidgets have got them.19:32
qenseTo give you an idea of what you can do with GTK+: all you see happening on screen is mostly done with publicly accessible signals and methods.19:33
qenseThere is a 'show' signal that is emitted when the show() method is called.19:34
qenseThere is a 'show-help' signal that is emitted when the user presses Ctrl+F1 on his or her keyboard.19:35
qenseAn interesting signal is "enter-notify-event", which is emitted whenever a mousebutton enters the widget.19:37
qenseIt is used by many widgets like buttons.19:38
ClassBotlsteeger asked: If I extend a widget, can I define 'new' signals of my own?19:38
qenselsteeger: Excellent question!19:38
qenseYes you can, it is exactly what all widgets are doing.19:39
qenseYou do that with the "gobject.signal_new()" function since actually signals are provided by GObject.19:40
qenseLets paste the function from the documentation:19:41
qensedef gobject.signal_new(signal_name, type, flags, return_type, param_types)19:41
qenseThe first argument is the name you give to the signal.19:41
qenseThis has to be a unique name.19:41
qenseThe second is the object (type) you're adding the signal to.19:41
qenseIf you want to add a signal to myproject.MyWidget you write myproject.MyWidget there, without quotation marks.19:42
qenseThe third argument is an interesting one: there you provide flags.19:42
qenseit goes a bit too far to explain them all, but you can make the signals do more than what I showed with the 'destroyed' signal.19:43
qensemost of the times you provide something like gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST as the flag.19:43
qenseIt has got something to do with when you emit the signal.19:43
qenseIf you want to provide multiple flags you use |  to separate them19:44
qenseThe next argument is the return type of your callback function, which could be something like gobject.TYPE_STRING or gobject.TYPE_NONE if your callback doesn't return anything at all.19:45
qenseThe last argument is a tuple of types of the arguments passed to the callback.19:45
qensee.g. (myproject.MyWidget, gobject.TYPE_BOOL)19:46
qenseYou're not finished with just defining a signal, you'll also want to emit it something.19:46
qenseYou do that with gobject.emit() method.19:47
qenseThe first argument is the signal name19:47
qenseThe others are the arguments that are sent to the callback19:47
qenseIf you want to emit a signal inside your MyWidget class you call self.emit()19:48
ClassBotlsteeger asked: With multiple subscribers to an object's events, does the emit() infrastructure apply a hierarchy to their invocation?19:49
qenselsteeger: Yes it does, the first callback that is connected to a signal is the first to be called.19:50
qenseyou can use the . stop_emission(signal_name) method to stop the emission, if you wanted to.19:51
qenselsteeger: yes, First In, First Out indeed19:51
qenseHowever, the default signal handler is always at the end of the list.19:52
qenseYou'll have to use the .connect_after() method to be added after that callback.19:52
qenseDefault signal handlere? What is that?19:53
qenseIt is the default signal handler, and it's always called.19:53
qenseIf it's specified, of course.19:53
qenseYou can do that by creating a function in a class with the name "do_signal_name"19:54
qenseIf you want to override default signal handlers, make sure you add __gtype_name__ = "MyWidget" as a class property19:55
qenseclass MyWidget (gtk.Widget):19:55
qense    __gtype_name__ = "MyWidget"19:55
qenseAny questions about what I've told this session?19:56
qenseOr other questions?19:56
qenseRemember, if you want to learn what signals there are, go to http://www.pygtk.org/docs/pygtk/ and take a look at the page of the widget you want to know more about.19:58
ClassBotryzrecreel asked: when using quickly with glade the connects are made for you. Is there any way to over ride that?19:59
qenseryzrecreel: In the generated code you can see that the signals are connected using .connect_object()19:59
qenseThat means it searches for the callback functions in the object you provide.20:00
qenseThe callback functions are provided in Galde20:00
qenseyou can change those there.20:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi
qense<lsteeger> QUESTION: In a multi-core/processor environment, do multiple event handlers get invoked asynchrounously?20:00
qenselsteeger: That doesn't depend on multi-threading, signal handlers don't get handled asynchronously, but one by one.20:01
qenseOK, thank you for listening, this was all!20:01
qenseThis also was the last session of the Ubuntu Opportunistic Developer Week20:01
qenseI hope you enjoyed it.20:01

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