
bullgardSynaptic: "package linux-doc: Linux kernel specific documentation for version 2.6.31. --  package linux-source-2.6.31: Linux kernel source for version 2.6.31 with Ubuntu patches." So does linux-source-2.6.31 contain a superset of linux-doc? Can I delete linux-doc if I have linux-source-2.6.31 installed?07:26
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
DanoCan someone tell me how to setup a shared repo using bzr?14:39
DanoIf I want to download several branches to edit, where should I postion the branches in relation to the shared repo?14:42
toobaz_Is there some page where http://www.pietrobattiston.it/wiki/doku.php?id=karmic_fprint could be more useful than it is now?23:26
toobaz_I mean: would https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FingerprintReader make sense?23:28

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