
elkyWord of warning: Mikeeusa has come back out of his cave again. Please be vigilant.01:24
MichelleQelky: thanks for the heads up01:26
* valorie wonders if he is a registered freenode user?01:27
valorieprobably not, since he always uses TOR01:27
MichelleQis he known to have other nicks?01:27
elkyMichelleQ, yeah, but if someone starts talks about assaulting 13yrold girls to force them in to marriage and motherhood -- it's him.01:39
MichelleQelky: I've heard of his stunts in the past.  Will keep an eye out.01:40
MichelleQI know we were talking about expanding who has ops & doing an ops crash course type thing.  Perhaps we should move forward with that?01:41
akgranerelky, thanks for the heads up!01:42
valorieam I crazy, or is there a "semi-op" available on freenode01:42
valoriewhere people have the power to send people out of the channel with prejudice?01:43
valorieif so, ALL regulars should have that01:43
valoriewe basically locked down Linuxchix a few months ago01:44
valoriemoderated, and then helped people get auto-voice01:44
valorieit was a pain, but I think we all learned a lot too01:44
valoriethat wouldn't work in our main channel here01:45
valoriebut demi-ops would, if that's available01:45
maco2_valorie: lemme check01:47
maco2_i wonder if setting channel flag +b on a person means that person is banned or means that person gains the ability to kickban?01:51
valorie On freenode, bans can take one of two main forms. The most common form is +b nick!user@host.01:53
maco2_yeah but is that a channel flag?01:58
maco2_im wondering if i could set a channel flag of +b on valorie and have that mean she can kickban but not do other op stuff or if itd mean she was banned :P01:58
valorieI'm pretty sure you would be banning me01:59
valoriewhich would be unkind, since you invited me here in the first place01:59
valoriewell, to the main channel02:01
maco2_hehe ok02:01
valorieI must have been dreaming02:02
valorieI've noticed that I dream about / in IRC lately02:02
valorieI don't think I'm typing in my sleep, though02:05
valorieI hope02:05
valoriesomething tells me I need to get out more02:06
MichelleQhey valorie... perhaps you need a nap?02:06
MichelleQor out, that'd work, too02:06
valoriemy "out" lately is to see my dad02:06
valoriestarting to seem like a tunnel02:06
valorieneed to get out and watch a movie or something02:07
MichelleQIndeed.  Take yourself out someplace.02:07
maco2_valorie: spend time with colin?02:07
valorieI went down there last weekend02:08
valorieit was great!02:08
valorieI need to get up to out cabin, really02:08
valorieand just breath the mountain air a bit02:08
valoriemaybe next week after we get the Amarok Insider out02:09
MichelleQooh, mountain air02:09
valorieit's just outside of Mt. Rainier Nat. Park02:10
valorieabsolutely wonderful02:10
MichelleQwas just talking to a girlfriend about how I could use some beach time.02:10
valoriebeaches are pretty cold still02:10
valoriebut that's good air, for sure02:10
pleia2I have irced in dreams before, but it's hardly strange :) I irc all day02:19
pleia2(well, it might be strange for normal people...)02:20
valorieexactly, pleia202:20
valorienormal people02:20
akgranerI had a nightmare about IRC02:21
valoriethat doesn't sound good02:23
valoriealthough it makes me feel more normal02:23
valorieis THAT bad?02:23
MichelleQI dream of chickens.02:24
MichelleQand other equally bizarre things02:24
valoriewhen we had cluckers, I did too02:24
valoriethey are rather peaceful creatures02:24
MichelleQI've never actually owned a chicken02:25
valoriethe sound they make at dusk is one of my favorite sounds02:25
valoriewe had 10 or so02:25
valoriewhen the kids were young02:25
valorieit was lovely except when the chickenhouse got icky02:26
MichelleQSome day I'll have lots of land.02:26
valoriewe just have a big lot02:26
akgranerone of the magazines they had on the planes I Flew recently had an article in it about chickens as pets02:26
pleia2my little sister had a chicken for a pet once02:27
valoriethey really don't take tons of space02:27
pleia2ugh ugh, I do not like birds, and chickens are gross :(02:27
pleia2it lived in our garage, very strange02:27
MichelleQwe're so random.  I love it.02:27
valorieoops, we should take this to the main channel02:28
valorienot fair to make people trawl through this for project stuff02:28
AlanBellpleia2: chickens are lovely!07:58
valoriefear is fear though07:59
valoriemy brain tells me that spiders are cool, useful08:00
valoriebut my body still reacts with fear08:00
valoriebirds are lil dinosaurs, after all08:01
AlanBellthey are, I have three lovely little dinosaurs in the garden08:01
* AlanBell goes to clean out the chickenhouse08:01
elkydelicious dinosaurs.08:46
* elky also nudges this back to -women where the conversation got moved to anyway08:47
Pendulumpleia2: interview has been e-mailed :)16:38
nhandlerPendulum: Where is that interview for?18:04
Pendulumnhandler: full circle18:04
nhandlerPendulum: Nice. And you've seen that they've been getting posted on the Fridge as well, right?18:05
Pendulumyes :)18:06
pleia2Pendulum: thanks :)20:31
pleia2Pendulum: is there a photo?20:32
czajkowskipleia2: feeling better?20:34
pleia2czajkowski: not really, I think I'm going to go zone out to silly 80s hackers movies20:35
czajkowskipleia2: sounds like a good saturday20:35
czajkowskiI've being doing loco council work, upgraded machine logged bugs and now onto some other work20:35
IdleOneyou should share your desktop so we can all watch :)20:39
* IdleOne likes old geeky movies20:39
IdleOneMovie night @ -women :)20:40
MichelleQhi all22:57
MichelleQhow are you, nhandler?22:58
nhandlerMichelleQ: Ok, you?22:58
MichelleQtired, but good.22:58

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