
poolieah, could be00:01
poolieit failed 5/5 times, even though hydrazine already has a workaround for it being out of date because of a prior change00:02
poolieimbw but i don't think the client can do any better00:02
poolieit's just reading and then updating one value, how can it get any simpler?00:02
pooliehello emmajane00:04
emmajanepoolie, ola :)00:04
pooliehttps://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+milestones is persistently timing out00:10
mwhudsonpoolie: me too00:12
rdzi just realized, that the package i created just contains documentation files, but no binaries at all. when i install manually from source, binaries are installed.. whjat might be wrong here?00:27
rdzi can see get everything compiled, when doing 'pbuilder build', but still the resulting deb does not contain any binary files. what might be wrong here?01:02
poolierdz, i'd suspect something wrong in the way you're calling debhelper or whatever01:03
poolieperhaps you should ask in #ubuntu-motu01:03
rdzpoolie, i now get an error:/usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file `/usr/lib/libgavl.so.1.0.0': Permission denied01:07
pooliehm, maybe pbuilder is not running fakeroot or something?01:07
rdzhow can i check that?01:08
rdzfakeroot does also fake a / directory? or does it only fake having root privileges?01:08
poolieit fakes having root privileges01:09
pooliebecause debs must normally be built as root01:09
rdzhm.. but then it is obvious, that it cannot install to /usr/lib.. no?01:10
rdzbut how to change that?01:10
crimsunrdz: #ubuntu-motu is the better place for packaging questions. Your symptom reads suspiciously as if your debian/rules or debian/foo.install is incorrect.01:16
rdzcrimsun, thanks .. i'll check there01:16
persiaI just got a "This does not look like a patch" warning for http://launchpadlibrarian.net/40462740/qemu-kvm_0.12.3-0ubuntu11.debdiff : did I do something odd, or is there a bug in the patch detection algorithm?03:05
wgrantpersia: The extension isn't recognised.03:15
wgrantSounds like we need some monkeypatching.03:15
wgrant    mimetypes.add_type('text/plain', '.debdiff')03:16
persiaThe *extension* is being checked.03:17
persiaThat's SO WRONG03:18
wgrantIt's not ideal.03:18
idnarthere's not much else you can do, given the way browsers handle file uploads03:19
wgrantBut it seems to be the standard way to determine MIME types these days.03:19
idnarin theory the browser could specify the correct type03:19
idnarin practice, there's no way for the user to control that, and no way for the browser to know the correct type03:19
persiaCan we not do content analysis on the files?03:21
wgrantIt's possible.03:21
wgrantAnd would be ideal.03:21
persiaWell, it would probably expose some bugs in magic handling for patches, but aside from that, yes.03:21
wgrantBut Python's mimetypes module uses extensions, and that's what zope.contenttype uses, and that's what LP uses.03:23
persiaWell that's annoying.  There's all kinds of non-standard extensions used for patches (diff, patch, dpatch, debdiff, nothing, etc.)03:24
persiaI can't decide if it's actually a bug though.03:25
persiaI think I'll not file a bug about it: it's mildly annoying, but I suppose the reason for it to be that way.03:26
persiaAnd I don't think it's that hard to confirm things are really patches.  I just now think any detection logic that may exist is useless.03:26
wgrantThe fix for debdiffs is trivial.03:27
persiaThe fix for ".debdiff" is trivial, until the next extension comes along.03:27
persiaPlus some patches are large, so we convince people to upload compressed versions.03:28
persiaI might later file a bug about the language "This doesn't look like a diff" being potentially inappropriate when launchpad didn't even look at it, but that's very minor.03:28
wgrantAdding a .gz or .bz2 or similar shouldn't affect the detection.03:29
lifelesswgrant: its broken no matter what?03:30
lifelesswgrant: :P03:30
rdzhi all. i am spending hours on fixing a  build of a package: the only relevant file gets not included in the resulting packages. it seems i am overseeing to most obvious, but i am not able to track it down03:30
wgrantlifeless: Heh, true.03:30
wgrantrdz: I'd suggest continuing your hunt for assistance in #ubuntu-motu.03:31
rdzwgrant, ok thanks03:31
persiaThere ought to be a channel for getting support for packaging stuff.  The issue seems to be that nobody would staff it.03:35
persiaI'm not always in the mood to support PPA packagers (and lots of other folks also), but here almost never seems right.03:36
wgrantIndeed :(03:36
wgrantNeither channel is correct.03:36
persiaBut if we created a new channel, would anyone staff it?03:36
persiaI'm really happy about #ubuntu-app-devel but that took years to form.03:37
rwwWe get people asking about it in #ubuntu every so often, and I always feel kinda bad about redirecting them to #ubuntu-motu, because it doesn't really fit :\03:37
persia(and I'm not sure it's the right place for PPA packagers)03:37
persiarww: Unless someone happens to be in a good mood, -motu usually redirects here.03:37
persiaBut here sometimes redirects to -motu and mostly just can't help.03:37
wgrantCreate #ubuntu-packaging and direct the people from here and #-motu to there? But then that might leave #-motu near-empty.03:37
persiawgrant: The trick being: who offers support in #ubuntu-packaging?03:38
wgrantWell, -motu redirects here more often when certain people are around.03:38
persiaWell, I'm one of the people who redirects here : it just depends on my mood.03:38
wgrantpersia: Most of the people who offer packaging support in #ubuntu-motu now, I would imagine.03:38
persiaRight then.03:39
* persia goes off to create a channel, not promising to keep it staffed or anything03:39
wgrantIt's a start.03:40
lifelessI redirect to u-m all the time03:42
persialifeless: You shouldn't.  That's not the right place.03:44
micahgwhich component has to do with series for projects?03:45
mwhudsonmicahg: registry03:45
micahgmwhudson: thanks03:45
persiaSo, #ubuntu-packaging defined.  Please redirect folk there.  If anyone wants to suggest changes to topic or access, please give me hints.03:54
wzssyqawhat should i do,if a lost my privte keys03:55
rwwwzssyqa: private keys for what? gnupg or ssh or something else?04:00
wzssyqarww: all,i formate my /home04:01
wzssyqanow ,i am cring :'(04:01
rwwwzssyqa: For SSH, you can just generate a new one and replace the old one with the new one on Launchpad. For GNUPG, if you don't have a revocation certificate and it isn't set to expire eventually, the old key is going to be on the keyserver forever, but you can still generate a new one and tell LP about it, it'll just be mildly confusing.04:02
wzssyqarww: thx04:03
rwwBut yeah, in general, if you lose the private key, you can't regenerate that particular private key, and thus have to make a new one.04:03
wzssyqarww: i see04:03
wgrantThat is, of course, the point of a private key.04:04
rwwindeed :)04:04
lifelesspersia: It has been the best place to date.04:31
wgrantlifeless: Yes, but it's wrong :(04:31
lifelesswgrant: -<>-04:31
lifelesswgrant: :P04:33
persialifeless: Not it's not only wrong, but there's a better place :)04:37
dickelbeckAny one home?04:38
dickelbeckI am trying to establish a new launchpad account named "Kicad".  The attempt is failing saying that an account by that name already exists.  We once had an account here, and asked that it be removed, and it was to our knowledge.  The we recently started kicad-newlib but this is for libraries, not for the core program itself.04:39
wgrantdickelbeck: By "account" do you mean a project?04:40
dickelbeckYes project04:40
dickelbeckThe UI and slow speed at sourceforge.net has recently crossed into the intolerable realm.04:43
thumperdickelbeck: was the project named kicad?04:44
thumperdickelbeck: and you want it reactivated, yes?04:45
dickelbeckyes we want that name now for real.04:45
thumperdickelbeck: this: The well known electronic design automation tool on GPL license.?04:45
thumperdickelbeck: done: https://launchpad.net/kicad04:46
dickelbeckYes, the very one.  I am an admin for it at sourceforge.net04:46
thumperdickelbeck: if this is you, you are the owner/maintainer in lp too https://edge.launchpad.net/~manveru04:47
* thumper goes to make dinner04:47
dickelbeckNo manveru is not an admin for the project.  He is only a developer.  You can verify this at sourceforge.net.  This was a political problem and is a main reason why it was shutdown in the first place.  Manveru set it up without any authority.  Since then we have had a vote, etc.04:48
wgrantdickelbeck: If you ask at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion and provide evidence supporting your request and identity, the project can be transferred to you.04:49
dickelbeckOK, I asked the question over there.  Anything else I need to do here, or any reason to wait around?05:00
wgrantThat should be all you need to do. Somebody will probably get to it in the next day or two.05:00
dickelbeckOK thanks, bye.05:01
rwwmthaddon: answering PPA rename reqests with "This isn't possible, see bug" and linking to a bug that says "this is possible, but time-consuming and error-prone" is... confusing.05:08
mthaddonrww: I guess I should have more clearly said "this isn't possible through the UI"05:09
rww(I'm the asker in https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/102481 , in case anyone is wondering where that statement randomly came from :)05:10
rwwmthaddon: I'm guessing the policy on this changed? Because I've heard from others who've had it done in the past, hence filing the question in the first place.05:10
rwwor they might have been mistaken, iono05:11
wgrantDeleting a PPA that has never contained any packages is possible.05:11
mthaddonrww: er, kind of - we're getting more and more requests to do this, and it's becoming clear it really needs to be something we can do through the UI - so from that perspective, yeah, I'm trying to push to get it added to avoid us having to do it manually05:12
persiarww: Way back in the beginning, PPA renames were done, which caused lots of problems, and the establishment of the policy, which may be the source of confusion.05:12
mthaddonwgrant: well, yes and no - it's not possible through the UI05:12
wgrantmthaddon: Right.05:12
micahgjust got an oops...should I file a bug or post here?05:13
wgrantIt's not an easy problem to solve, sadly.05:13
wgrantSince it's not a simple problem of renaming a directory; the name is embedded in the PPA indices too.05:13
mthaddonname abstraction like we do for branches would be nice05:14
rwwwgrant, mthaddon: My PPA had packages in it at one point, I don't think I specified that in the original question. Does that mean I'm screwed, or will that be possible to rename when that bug's resolved?05:15
mthaddononce the bug has been resolved, it'd be possible to rename with a PPA I think (certainly with a disabled PPA)05:16
rwwthe main concern here from my end is that I have the whole @ubuntu.com email address thing going on, so if I start using it now, I'd have to switch over when I renamed the account, which would be annoying05:17
rww(I just got membership recently, and have been holding off on various things because of this)05:18
rwwhmm, there wouldn't happen to be a way to use something other than mylpusername@ubuntu.com, would there? that would also solve this problem. given persia's explanation to someone else the other day I'm guessing not, but...05:20
mthaddonyeah, I understand this is a real pain - hopefully with enough pressure the priority of the bug can be raised05:20
persiarww: There's a decent chance you'll have to take some special action to get your email changed after you change your LP account anyway.05:20
rwwpersia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEmail says it's automagic05:21
persiaOK.  s/decent/small/ :)05:22
Fly-Man-Anyone getting the same error messages on the Bazaar this morning ?08:25
Fly-Man-When trying to view a branch, the message: "Internal Server Error" pops ip08:25
mkanatlifeless: Is loggerhead hung?08:35
lifelessFly-Man-: what branch08:36
lifelessmkanat: dunno if its hung per se - I can't log into that box to check08:36
Fly-Man-lifeless: let me grab the link08:36
mkanatlifeless: Okay. When it hangs, none of it works.08:36
mkanatlifeless: So you could go to any codebrowse page and it wouldn't work.08:36
lifelesslosa ping - is loggerhead hung ? - data gathering for mkanat :>08:36
Fly-Man-lifeless: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~flyman/fusionforge/translate/files08:37
Penghttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mnordhoff/loggerhead/cheezum/changes works, though.08:37
Peng/files, too08:37
lifelessFly-Man-: ok, looks like a branch specific issue08:37
mkanatSo that would be something separate from my issue.08:37
lifelessFly-Man-: that could be a) a bug in loggerhead, or b) a problem with your branch.08:37
mkanatDang. :-)08:37
lifelessmkanat: thanks for popping in to check.08:37
mkanatlifeless: np!08:37
mkanatI'm out; finishing up a Bugzilla release.08:38
Pengmkanat: See you later. :)08:38
mkanatPeng: Later! :-)08:38
Fly-Man-lifeless: a) could be b) possibly, it hasn't been grabbing the latest pot/po files as well from the branch08:38
lifelessFly-Man-: can you please file a bug at bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-code ?08:38
Fly-Man-lifeless: Already on it :)08:38
mthaddonlifeless: checking08:39
mthaddonlifeless: not according to nagios08:39
lifelessmthaddon: thanks!08:39
lifelessmthaddon: if you can get a log extract for the ISE's that Fly-Man- was triggering that would be great08:39
mthaddonlifeless: ISE's?08:40
lifelessinternal server error - python-paste tracebacks08:40
Fly-Man-mthaddon: lifeless : Bug #53424508:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534245 in launchpad-code "Internal server error on branch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53424508:42
Fly-Man-O yeah .. ubottu was awake ;)08:43
Fly-Man-I tend to forget about him :p08:43
lifelessmthaddon: so there should be something in the logfile and if you can find it and attach to the bug ^ that would be good08:43
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=== danilos changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Recent problems browsing branches should be fixed. | Help contact: danilos | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source:
aquariusCan I construct a bug search which searches across two projects rather than just one or all?11:50
beunoaquarius, not AFAIK11:55
wgrantaquarius: Unless you have a project group or a team or person common to all of them, not really.11:57
* aquarius grumbles.11:57
aquariusand search results don't have an atom feed, correct?12:01
Davieyaquarius: If you are bored, you could do client side processing using the api?12:04
aquariusyep, I could indeed, which is what I'm debating doing :)12:08
aquariusgiven that login_anonymously() only exists in launchpadlib >= 1.5.4, how did one log in anonymously using 1.5.1? or could it just not be done?12:11
thekornaquarius, launchpad = Launchpad.login("client", "", "", service_root)12:13
danilosaquarius, it could not be done, it was introduced into Launchpad server-side API at the same time12:13
danilosaquarius, or at least that's my guess, perhaps thekorn is right :)12:13
aquariusthose two answers are contradictory ;-)12:13
thekornI'm right ;)12:13
danilosaquarius, there you go, thekorn is right :)12:13
aquariussuperb :)12:14
Davieyaquarius: it's pretty dirty, and should really check that raise error is due to not having the right lplib installed, or check what version after importing; but this is how i overcame anon usage http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~loco-directory-dev/loco-directory/0.2/annotate/head:/loco_directory/common/launchpad.py12:29
aquariusthekorn's suggestion works perfectly :)12:29
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Davieyaquarius: not knowing the reason for usage, but if it's to make your life easier handling bugs - using the anon api, you will obviously not be able to see security bugs you are privy to, or other non-public bugs.12:33
aquariusyep, but I don't mind about that :)12:35
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rdzhow can i re-upload the same package sources after having modified only some control files but not the sources themselves?12:55
danilosrdz, you have to up the version number still12:59
rdzdanilos, thanks13:00
danilosrdz, you can also find more help at https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors13:01
danilosbigjools, would it be worth having this (changing package without updating version number) as a FAQ on answers.launchpad.net/soyuz as well? (that's where I looked first)13:02
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bigjoolsdanilos: I thought it was already there, let me check13:54
bigjoolsdanilos: ah I was thinking of the help wiki, you're right13:54
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bigjoolsdanilos: I added one13:59
danilosbigjools, excellent, thanks a lot13:59
bigjoolsdanilos: welcome14:00
ricotzdanilos, i am trying to do a manual sync from a bzr branch since automatic seems not working, but triggering the manual sync doesnt show anything in the import queue14:10
danilosricotz, which project is that?14:11
ricotzdanilos, are you an admin?14:14
danilosricotz, yeah, I am LP Translations developer as well, so you're lucky14:19
danilosricotz, (sorry, been busy with some other things)14:19
ricotzdanilos, so there was a automatic import from bzr active but there is no update since 22 hours, so i triggered a "one time import" which doesnt work, only a manual upload seems to work14:21
danilosricotz, ok, so the problem is that your latest upload was manual (or so it seems) and auto-approval is done based on the full path14:21
danilosricotz, in general, we suggest people use bzr imports exclusively, but of course, if it's broken, it's understandable why you didn't use that14:22
danilosricotz, let me see if bzr imports are working well14:22
ricotzi just uploaded the template14:22
ricotzautomatic import and manual export to bzr worked fine until now14:23
danilosricotz, right, I am trying to look into bzr imports; manual uploads sometimes require manual approval (i.e. someone from the LP translations team has to do it)14:24
danilosricotz, right, we've hit a bug in exports last night, we are working on fix for that14:24
ricotzdanilos, ok, but the sync back from bzr after a manual download and commit works automatic without any approval14:26
danilosricotz, that's right14:27
ricotzdanilos, ok, so triggering an "one time import" isnt working because of this bug14:28
danilosricotz, I am not sure why one time import isn't working for you14:29
danilosricotz, btw, I see that http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~docky-core/docky/trunk/revision/1173 was successfully imported14:32
ricotzno this was a manual upload14:32
aquariusCan I get a list of merge proposals that I reviewed, using launchpadlib? I can get a list of merge proposals that i proposed, and for a given merge proposal I can see who reviewed it, but I can't find a way of getting a list of all merge proposals that I reviewed.14:32
danilosricotz, ok14:32
danilosrockstar, abentley: can you help aquarius please?14:33
abentleyaquarius, I don't think you can.14:34
* aquarius does a sort of sad Bambi-eyes look14:35
abentleyaquarius, if you'd like to submit a branch to provide that, I'd be happy to review it.14:35
* aquarius girns14:35
* aquarius grins, too14:35
aquariusI'm not even sure it's doable the long way (i.e, by walking through everything) because there's no branch_merge_proposals collection either, afaics? So to do it I'd have to get all branches for all projects I care about, walk each one to get merge proposals, then check each proposal to see if I'm in the reviewers list. ouch.14:37
danilosricotz, I am looking at logs and it seems rosetta import jobs have stopped working on March 4th, basically after our last rollout14:37
aquariusmight as well just inhale all of launchpad at that point :)14:37
danilosjtv, it seems we've broken rosetta branch imports on March 4th14:37
jtvdanilos: that may be the "non-ascii exception" error... hang on, I'll check14:38
danilosjtv, this is imports14:38
jtvoh imports, sorry14:38
jtvSo... that was the rollout?14:39
danilosjtv, this is how the log file looks http://paste.ubuntu.com/391083/ (and nothing continues until this very day)14:39
ricotzdanilos, ok, so this can be fixed?14:39
danilosricotz, we will work on it immediately, it will probably take a day or two to fix it14:40
jtvdanilos: ouch, that's not a lot to go on14:40
jtvdanilos: I'm basically eod (apart from a call soon), but it's worth asking the losas if there's a lock file hanging around14:41
danilosjtv, sure, I'll take it with henninge14:41
danilosricotz, I'll file a bug and let you know so you can subscribe to it14:42
jtvdanilos: note that we also had a segfault while a branch was being scanned around rollout14:42
danilosjtv, right, nice14:42
jtvI filed a bug about that, but not under rosetta since it seemed a generic branch-scanning issue14:42
ricotzdanilos, thank you, seems to be bigger problem ;-)14:42
danilosricotz, yeah14:42
ricotzdanilos, a least manual updates are working14:43
danilosricotz, we are actually thankful for you pointing us at it14:43
jtvSo by all means first check that branches are still being scanned.  They probably are, but...14:43
ricotzdanilos, your welcome14:43
abentleyaquarius, Person.getRequestedReviews should return a superset including the branches you own and those you've been asked to review or have reviewed.14:43
danilosricotz, yeah, I guess you'll have to use that until we fix it, sorry for the inconvenience :)14:43
ricotzdanilos, no problem14:43
danilosjtv, they are being scanned, my guess is the code that introduces new disabled auto-generation of templates is what broke something14:44
aquariusabentley, yep, I saw that, but it's not useful for my specific use case because it doesn't include reviews requested of a team that I'm in...does getRequestedReviews include proposals where I wasn't *asked* to review it (my team was) but I *did* review it?14:44
jtvdanilos: I *think* that would break scanning as well though... certainly it'd break generation of the jobs, so we can check if there are any pending rosettauploadjobs.14:45
aquariusabentley, it is possible that I am wrong and it is ideal for my use case :)14:45
abentleyaquarius, yes, it should include everything you've reviewed, whether or not your team was also requested to review it.14:45
aquariusrock and roll!14:45
danilosjtv, I'd say generation of jobs is what's broken14:46
abentleydanilos, if this turns out to be a branch scanner event notification issue, be aware that I have changed things considerably since the rollout.14:49
jtvdanilos: it may be something to do with how the creation of these jobs was moved to another file (but the old dead code was still kept around at that time)14:49
jtvabentley: how simultaneous of us14:49
danilosabentley, thanks for the heads up14:50
abentleyjtv, actually I mean that the event subscriptions are now done via zcml.14:50
jtvabentley: oh, so there have been multiple changes14:50
jtvour branches may have crossed  :(14:50
abentleyjtv, point is that my changes haven't hit production, so if you look at stable/db-stable, you aren't looking at the production code.14:51
jtvabentley: I can't even find the relevant bits in devel atm...14:52
danilosabentley, thanks, I've added a comment along those lines to bug 53442714:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534427 in rosetta "Imports from branches are broken" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53442714:52
aquariusabentley, on a merge proposal Entry, is registrant_link ("The person who registered the landing target"), in English, the person who proposed the merge? Having difficulty deciphering it14:53
abentleyaquarius, yes.14:53
danilosricotz, the bug is filed as bug 534427, so you can subscribe to it if you want to know when is it 'fix released'14:53
ricotzdanilos, rhanks14:54
jtvabentley: ah, got a better view of things now...  thanks for explaining14:54
aquariusabentley, brilliant, that works, thanks14:57
jtvabentley: the branch scanner wouldn't happen to run in autocommit, would it?14:58
abentleyaquarius, you're welcome.14:59
abentleyjtv, I don't think it does.  It should just use the default, like other job scripts.14:59
aquariusabentley, new question: I'd like to work out what the list of bugs that I've touched this week is (i.e., commented on, changed status of). I'm not sure I can find a good way of doing that#15:09
Lord-ReadmanHello, have a problem were something wont work in launchpad15:15
Lord-Readmanthose two will not translate15:15
Lord-Readmanonce that is translated the entire en_GB translation is 100% :-)15:16
Lord-Readmanso could an admin please take alook15:17
henningeLord-Readman: I suspect that this is a bug in the source code.15:19
henningeno, leave out the "I suspect", it *is* a bug in the source code.15:20
Lord-Readmanah well i downloaded the .po15:20
Lord-Readmanwhen processed i will do it there15:20
Lord-Readmanand reupload15:20
Lord-Readmanhopefully that will fix it15:20
henningeThe English singular should be "%d line was %s"15:20
Lord-Readmanwhy would it?15:21
danilosLord-Readman, PO file upload won't help if it's something like wrong flags on the message15:21
abentleyaquarius, have you looked at Person.searchTasks?15:21
henningedanilos: I still find it strange that we see no error message.15:21
daniloshenninge, that seems related to 'untranslated' filter, doing it on shows the error message: https://translations.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/enscript/+pots/enscript/en_GB/72/+translate15:22
danilosLord-Readman, basically, packager/upstream need to fix the template15:22
henningedanilos: I see15:23
danilosLord-Readman, it'd be worth filing a bug under enscript source package and adding a task for ubuntu-translations project15:23
danilosLord-Readman, btw, the workaround you can use is to translate initial English string to "%d line was %s"15:24
Lord-Readmanwont that break it?15:25
Lord-Readmanin the app?15:25
danilosLord-Readman, most likely not, but depends on the actual original string usage15:26
aquariusabentley, I have indeed. Doesn't that only return bugs that are assigned to me? launchpad.me.searchTasks doesn't include bugs that I've commented on, does it?15:30
abentleyaquarius, I don't work on bugs, so I don't know anything about that part of the API.15:31
aquariusabentley, ah, OK. is that a rockstar thing?15:31
abentleyaquarius, no15:31
abentleyI and rockstar work on the code team, not the bugs team.15:32
aquariusah, OK. Who knows about the intersection of bugs and launchpadlib?15:32
aquariusabentley, you've proved dead knowledgeable about the bits you do work on, though, for which much thanks :)15:32
abentleyaquarius, members of the bug team include allenap, gmb, intellectronica, deryck15:34
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intellectronicaaquarius: whassup?15:34
intellectronicacan't patch bugtasks?15:34
aquariusaha, gmb and intellectronica, I don't mind poking them :)15:34
gmbFor the purposes of this question, I disavow myself of all knowledge of anything.15:35
* deryck just waves15:35
aquariusintellectronica, I would like to, using launchpadlib, get a list of the bugs that I have touched in some way (commented on, changed status of) in the last week15:35
aquariusderyck, I'm pretty sure that intellectronica has stolen cigarettes from me in the past so he's in the chair ;-)15:35
intellectronicaaquarius: unfortunately, the launchpad bug tracker doesn't really allow you to search anything by time spans, so you'll have to do much of the work locally15:36
aquariusintellectronica, does launchpad.me.searchTasks return bugs that I've commented on, or just bugs where I'm assignee?15:36
intellectronicaaquarius: the latter15:37
aquariusthat's what I feared :(15:37
intellectronicaaquarius: though bugs you've commented on will almost always be a subset of the bugs you're subscribed to, so you can start with that15:37
aquariushow do I get bugs I'm subscribed to?15:38
aquariusI can do something.searchTasks(bug_subscriber=launchpad.me), but I don't know what "something" is.15:38
aquariusis there just "launchpad.searchTasks"?15:38
intellectronicaaquarius: you pass yourself as the bug_subscriber parameter15:39
intellectronicaaquarius: no, there's no global search. person is the only thing that crosses project boundaries and you can search on15:39
aquariusbut launchpad.me.searchTasks(bug_subscriber=launchpad.me) will only get bugs where I'm the owner, right?15:40
intellectronicaaquarius: you'll have to run the search several times over all projects (or packages or whatever) you want to get results from15:40
aquariusI was worried you were going to say that.15:40
aquariusOK. take https://edge.launchpad.net/libubuntuone, for example. It's "Part of" https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone. What's https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone in launchpad language? Is it a project?15:41
aquariusaha, it might be a project_group?15:41
intellectronicaaquarius: it's a 'project group'15:42
aquariusaha, and it has .searchTasks! yay :)15:42
aquariusso ralistically I have to walk the output of launchpad.projects["ubuntuone"].searchTasks(bug_subscriber=launchpad.me) and test each one to see if I've touched it in the last week? I don't suppose the bugs come back in descending order of activity?15:43
intellectronicaaquarius: what do you mean by 'touched it'?15:44
aquariuscommented on it, set its status to something else15:44
intellectronicaaquarius: it's quite easy to tell if you commented lately, but finding out if you changed metadata on it is harder, because we only keep this info in the activity log, which is, essentially, text15:45
intellectronicaso you can sort of do it but you'll have to do some parsing15:45
intellectronicaaquarius: but you only care about stuff that mentions yourself that's not so hard. we do keep a real link to the person who took the action15:46
aquariusthat'd be cool15:47
aquariusbugs don't have a last_time_anyone_did_anything_to_this_bug attribute, do they? I can't find one (that would be a quick way to discard bugs that haven't been touched this week by anyone)15:47
intellectronicaaquarius: they do15:48
intellectronicaaquarius: Bug.date_last_updated15:48
aquariusaha, winner15:48
aquariusI was looking at bug_task, not bug!15:49
intellectronicaaquarius: but i promised you access to the activity log, and looking at the api now i don't find it. maybe i was hallucinating and this never got exported via the api15:49
allenapintellectronica, aquarius: a_person.searchTasks(), by default, will return bugs related to a_person, be they the assignee, the reporter, a subscriber or a commenter, afaict. See get_related_bugtasks_search_params() in lp.bugs.model.bugtask.15:50
aquariuso rly? magic darts15:50
intellectronicaallenap: ah, nice, so that simplifies things15:51
intellectronicathe activity log isn't exported, though15:51
aquariusdoes status in a searchTasks request default to all statuses, or all open statuses?15:51
allenapaquarius: Open.15:52
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aquariusok, looks like I have something approximating what I need. thanks intellectronica, allenap, abentley!16:03
* kfogel is away: reboot16:11
kirklandcan someone explain what the burning bush from zelda means with respect to bugs?16:30
intellectronicakirkland: http://blog.launchpad.net/bug-tracking/bug-heat16:38
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kirklandintellectronica: thanks17:18
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keithyHi, any admins around?21:07
keithymy emails to support about licencing of squeak project are not illiciting a response?21:08
mneptokkeithy: i think you mean "eliciting" ;)21:16
keithymaybe I do21:21
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mneptokkeithy: maybe you do mean "illicit," and you want suggestions on illegal means of distributing Squeak. :)21:37
keithyyou would think so21:39
keithygiven how hard it is to get the licence situation sorted21:39
c7phey im trying to access https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/gnome-power-manager/+pots/gnome-power-manager/el/+translate and also other pages and i get an error (please try again etc ... )22:29
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kenixis there anyone arround here?23:33
mwhudsonalthough i'm about to have lunch23:34
kenixOkai , I've a lil problem when uploading to the PPA23:34
kenixChecksum doesn't match for /home/ken/ubudsl/ubudsl_1.0.0.301-1karmic.dsc23:36
wgrantkenix: What is the command that you're running?23:36
kenixdput ppa:ubudsl-maintainers/ubudsl ~/ubudsl/ubudsl_1.0.0.301-1karmic_source.changes23:37
wgrantkenix: So, that normally means you've caused the .dsc to be rebuilt since the .changes was created.23:37
wgrantTry running debuild -S again.23:37
wgrantBut... that version number is a bit strange.23:38
wgrantCheck out the Versioning section on https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage23:39
kenixthank you a ot23:42
persiaWhat's wrong with
wgrantpersia: is not in Debian, and it is not a conventional way to indicate the series.23:43
wgrantAnd in the chaotic world of PPAs, a little bit of versioning consistency is nice.23:43
persiaI guess.  I'm just not a fan of ~${series} for any number of reasons.23:43
persiaAnd I'm not a fan of including "ubuntu" in the version for PPAs, because it confuses dpkg-source23:44
wgrantI version new packages 0ppa1, normally.23:44
wgrantLess than just about anything else.23:45
persiaI use -0persiaX myself, but same idea.23:46
wgrantRight, I would like to.23:46
wgrantBut both the PPAs I upload to are > ubuntu23:46
persiadpkg-compare-versions tells me -0wgrant > -0ubuntu :)  But yeah.23:47
wgrantpersia: Right, which means if the package ever ends up in Ubuntu then mine will clobber it.23:47
wgrantWhich is wrong.23:47
persiaI mostly only use the PPA for brand-shiny new packages where it doesn't matter.23:47
persia(as much)23:48
persiaBut -0ppa seems good for new stuff, for consistency.23:48
persiaI guess my issue is "To do this, increase the Ubuntu version number and add a suffix of ~ppan (where n is your package's revision number)."23:48
wgrantRight, that sort of assumes that the version is destined to become the next primary archive release.23:49
persiaShould we perhaps instead have "To do this, add the suffix "+ppan (where n is your package's revision number)."?  Or does that break also?23:49
wgrantI think that is better.23:49
wgrantWe should develop and provide provide guidelines for all the common cases.23:49
persiaWhere the common cases are new packages and private tweaks?23:50
wgrantNew packages, private tweaks, and possibly something different for packages that are just thrown into a PPA for quick testing before release into primary.23:50
wgrant~ppan works well for the last case.23:50
wgrant0ppa1 for the first, +ppa1 for the second.23:51
persiaI think anyone who performs case 3 is expected to be familiar enough to make it work.23:53
persiaPlus +ppan won't break anything (except the kernel) if used that way.23:53
wgrantUsing ~ppan is probably just a bit more semantically correct and obvious if used consistently.23:54
persiaRight, but based on what I see of usage patterns, that use case is the minority, and doesn't tend to include those who need to read that documentation.23:55
wgrantBut if we include it there, maybe people will see that it has a real purpose and avoid it like the plague.23:56
persiaAny suggestions on where to put the hint for new packages?  Also, did I miss anything in my edit?23:56
wgrantYou have a mismatched quote before +ppan23:56
persiaI'd like to think that, but I also suspect many folk would like to think their PPA upload will be the next Ubuntu revision23:56
* wgrant reads.23:56
* persia has seen many bugs in which someone asks something like "why hasn't this been pulled from my PPA already? I made it available ages ago."23:57
wgrantGood point.23:57
wgrantDo you want to maybe re-embolden the 'n' in '+ppan'?23:58
persiaembolden?  I thought it was italicised.23:59
* persia tries to remembe syntax23:59

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