
persiakwwii: Is there a procedure to request certain letters get finished sooner for the font?  The UbuntuStudio login screen still uses the old font.02:08
troy_spersia: I'd suspect that Maag will release a full set.02:35
troy_spersia: It would depend on the brief, but I doubt that they are waiting with baited breath from Canonical. ;)02:35
persiatroy_s: From the announcement I've seen, a set good Europe and surrounding environs is planned.  I just wanted to try to get a couple letters in the next few days :)02:40
troy_spersia: Use prokyon02:42
persiaGo tell ScottL :)02:42
* persia isn't actually doing the stuff, but just trying to get procedure to provide appropriate direction02:43
thorwilkwwii: morning! Iain is a fan of green and sepia?08:52
kwwiithorwil: hehe, oh yeah!09:42
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vish#C6B9A6 , looks really nice color on ambience :)14:01
kwwiidashua: working on merging your changes14:44
kwwiidashua: let me know when you'll be around to discuss your changes ;)16:00
knomekwwii, hey kwwii16:00
knomekwwii, iain told me to contact you when i need a new favicon for xubuntu. ;]16:01
kwwiilol, nice16:01
knomei still actually haven't got the uds jaunty highres group photo.16:02
* knome hides16:02
kwwiiand I'm oging crazy trying to get things in for the deadline tonight16:03
knomeheh, no hurry with my thing.16:03
kwwiiknome: I honestly don't know what state the xubuntu identity is currently16:03
knomei'll have plenty of time to bug on later this week ^____^16:03
kwwiiknome: we'd have to discuss it a but further16:03
knomekwwii, i'm working with the new website layout, we're in the midst of logo change16:04
kwwiiknome: ok, if we can pin that down we can take care of it16:04
knomekwwii, we're trying to integrate something in the style of the new branding into xubuntu as well, but trying to have both the mouse and the COF is hard, especially in small sizes16:04
knomekwwii, just ping me anytime on Wed-Fri when you have time to discuss. i'm probably available.16:05
kwwiiknome: cool, will do16:06
Davieyknome: I wonder if you could put the rat inside the logo, as if it was a hamster wheel?16:06
knomeDaviey, hrr, it's a MOUSE :)16:06
Davieynah, RAT :-)16:06
knomeDaviey, well, we have that kind of already. but it's too complex.16:07
kwwiiI always thought it was a rat16:07
kwwiia friendly looking rat16:07
knomeDaviey, kwwii: we have a few ideas/drafts, but we are not that sure they'd work.16:07
knomeand they haven't got that good response from our dev community either16:08
islingtonwhat about just the mouse face in the xubuntu colors?16:09
knomesomebody would have to come up with a mouse face that 1) gets the dev community approval 2) works in small sizes16:10
kwwiiknome: well, developerss are usually better at developing than design; and designers are better at design than development16:11
kwwiifunny how that works16:11
knomebut i'm pretty bad in imitating anything real16:11
knomei'm pretty good with abstract things, i thnk16:11
islingtonknome: k did the svg just cleaning in gimp now16:31
knomeislington, okay.16:33
islingtonmy attempt: http://i.imgur.com/5TIhH.png16:39
islingtonthat eye might be too blurry though16:43
knomethe mouth(?) is weird16:45
islingtonthose are whiskers, I think: http://imgur.com/XXgl1.png16:48
islingtonhold on splitting them up16:50
* vish remembers knome isnt that good at remembering stuff either ;) [Xubuntu Karmic wallpaper source still not available.. ]16:52
knomevish, it isn't? wow.16:52
knomevish, what's your email?16:52
vishoh , not in the bus again ? ;p16:52
knomenot this time.16:53
knomedrinking latte.16:53
vishknome: email >pm16:53
knomecan you paste the svg somewhere? i'll add that to our alternatives list17:05
knomevish, yup17:06
knomeworking on it17:06
vishyay ;]17:06
vishdamn didnt get to complete my countdown timer :(17:06
islingtonknome:  the svg is really bad, at 16, but as you wish where can I up it?17:06
knomeislington, you can send it to open@knome.fi17:07
knomeislington, you can also include the png :)17:07
knomevish, sent17:08
vishknome: ty :)17:08
knomefor the rest of you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Karmic (click the wallpaper image)17:08
islingtonknome: embedded png in svg17:10
knomeislington, thanks!17:10
islingtonsnap test time bbl17:12
thorwilknome: you should really forget about having both mouse and the CoF17:23
knomethorwil, i'm not *exhaustively* try to incorporate them both17:24
dashuakwwii, ping17:32
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kwwiidashua: I'm in the middle of cooking dinner, will you be online later?18:38
kwwiidashua: otherwise I'll send an email ;)18:39
kwwiidashua: check out lp:~kwwii/+junk/light-themes-refresh19:48
kwwiidashua: that is your update, updated by me ;)19:49
dashuaOk cool.19:57
dashuaDid you add those last focus_color changes?19:57
dashuaI think you will like them.19:57
zniavredashua,  can i ask what is this option for ?   :o)19:59
zniavreim sure i will like it too19:59
dashuaGTK apps hide the line under F E V etc. until you hit ALT20:00
dashuakwwii, Nice man20:00
zniavrehmmm what is FEV ?please20:02
dashuaFile Edit View20:02
dashuaThere is a line underneath by default20:02
dashuaThis patch hides it until you hit ALT20:02
dashuakwwii, Nice. You kept the scrollbars :)20:04
kwwiidashua: yes, but I changed things a little bit20:05
dashuaI like it20:05
vishiainfarrell: hi.. what does "gloam" stand for?20:05
vishthe tag for the bug..20:05
kwwiiiainfarrell: hey, you wanted something?20:05
iainfarrellhey vish and kwwii20:06
dashuakwwii, I would grab those focus_color changes.  I think that is what you were looking for.20:06
iainfarrellgloam is a word :)20:06
kwwiidashua: I worked on the buttons a bit too, but I'm not sure if I like them20:06
dashuaLooks great :)20:06
iainfarrelland kwwii was looking for you earlier but not urgent20:06
iainfarrellhow you doing?20:06
vishiainfarrell: like twilight? ok.. wondering that it meant for a bug ;)20:06
kwwiidashua: I'm hoping to use the theme (in that link) as-is ;)20:06
kwwiiiainfarrell: doing well, about to push a theme update20:06
iainfarrellohh another .deb?20:07
kwwiiiainfarrell: nope, since I got no response I am just going to put it in lucid20:07
dashuakwwii, Do you want consistent theme focus on all buttons, tabs, scale, etc.?20:07
iainfarrellI see20:07
dashuaThe orange focus?20:07
iainfarrellone question I had was around Thunderbird20:07
iainfarrelland the scrolling lozenge20:07
iainfarrellalso noticed something today when installing the .deb you sent over20:07
iainfarrellmassive orange sausage on the bottom :)20:08
iainfarrellanything we can do about that?20:08
iainfarrellseems a bit out of place20:08
* thorwil just froze inkscape on ungrouping 2304 objects20:08
dashuaiainfarrell, Can you post a screenshot please?20:08
kwwiiiainfarrell: ouch, haven't tested it with tb yet20:08
iainfarrellkwwii: it's the same bug as we talked about the other week20:09
iainfarrelland dashua not easily is the answer :)20:09
iainfarrelllet me try20:09
vishthe scroolbar pixmap could be a bit thinner.. seems too heavy on the windows ;)20:09
kwwiivish: the current code is not using the pixmaps anymore20:09
vishah , ok20:10
iainfarrellkwwii: will send a screenshot20:11
iainfarrellI need to run20:11
iainfarrellneed to get through mail20:11
kwwiiiainfarrell: cool, have fun20:11
dashuaProbably the progressbar.20:12
dashuaiainfarrell, See ya :)20:14
dashuakwwii, Can you test those last revisons for focus_color and see if that is ok?20:16
kwwiidashua: you mean from your branch?20:17
kwwiidashua: so this is a change which is not in the stuff I put in my branch?20:17
dashuaAnd if you want the gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1?20:17
kwwiiyes, I added that to my stuff as well20:17
dashuaYou just changed the GtkRange::trough-under-steppers = 0?20:18
kwwiidashua: yes, as well20:18
kwwiiI played with a lot of other small changes but wasn't happy with them20:18
kwwiidashua: so you mean the keyboard focus?20:18
dashuaLooks better with all orange20:18
kwwiiI think the design calls for all focus to be orange ;)20:19
islingtonso I am working on porting the token icons into an icon theme. I am reminded of the definition for tedious20:19
dashuaOn the tabs, comoboxentry20:19
dashuaOk good20:19
dashuaThe changes are pushed in my branch then. :)20:19
dashuaRev. 46 was the last20:19
kwwiiok, I'll get a fresh copy20:19
dashuaNo other major changes from yours other than the GtkRange::trough-under-steppers = 0 and I add prelight_shade to murrine options.20:20
kwwiiok, cool20:20
dashuaThe added focus_color really looks great.20:21
kwwiibuilding it now20:23
kwwiidashua: I like it, but I think it needs to be more solidly orange20:28
kwwiiat least now it matches the others20:28
dashuaOk, It's the same color as scale, progressbar, radiochecks.20:29
kwwiiyeah but the engine makes the inside much lighter, or?20:30
kwwiibut I do like it all consistent at least ;)20:31
dashuaYeah, not sure if I can control that.20:31
kwwiithis is an improvement in any case20:32
dashuaYep, I think so. :)20:32
kwwiiok, I think I will get this version uploaded20:33
dashuaShould be solid now. I spent all weekend bug fixing /tweaking.20:33
kwwiino doubt...you did some amazing work20:33
kwwiiseb asked me first thing this morning about it and who you are ;)20:33
kwwiiwe'll make you famous yet ;P20:34
kwwiiislington: lp:~kwwii/+junk/light-themes-refresh is the current almost uploaded changes (99.9% from dashua)20:39
islingtonnot running gnome :( kw20:40
zniavreho understand what is focus_color thank you20:58
zniavreit works with scales it's nice to don't hav focus color around21:00
zniavrebut not with radio/check buttons21:01
kwwiizniavre: focus_color sets the keyboard focus color for many widgets22:40
zniavreyes i tried it and use it now for some widget22:41
dashuakwwii, I was just checking out your branch and it did not pull in all the focus changes.  Prelight_shades were not added also.22:44
dashuaHave border_shades for comboboxentry will keep the focus there grey.22:45
kwwiidashua: argh, can you send a diff?22:45
kwwiiahh, right22:45
kwwiiI'll look into it tomorrow22:46
dashuaI guess you could my branch if those were the only changes.22:46
kwwiior maybe later22:46
dashuaI'll add the understeppers to mine if that is the only change22:46
dashuaKeep it in sync22:46
dashuaI added them.  Anything different just let me know?22:47
kwwiiI'll probably have to make the buttons darker again22:48
kwwiiand strengthen the lines around it22:48
dashuaOk np22:49
kwwiidashua: btw, thanks for the excellent help23:10

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