
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
=== rww is now known as robertwall
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
erUSULsomeone to quiet some spaniards in #ubuntu ?20:27
guntberterUSUL: I suppose ops is the better place for that rquest :)20:32
erUSULguntbert: they do not like people joining there20:34
guntberterUSUL: no - that is definitely not true - there is still the "no idle" policy - but otherwise that channel is perfect for such requests20:35
erUSULguntbert: then it must be me the not wellcomed party20:37
Myrttiyou're always welcome20:38
topylierUSUL, anyone who requires help from ops is welcome20:38
Ddorda1who takes care about the new font of Ubuntu?21:18
Ddorda1I want to recommend about a good Hebrew fontographer21:19
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
=== Ddorda1 is now known as Ddorda

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