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keesjdstrand, mdeslaur: \o18:01
keesi'm doing community bits, just came off of triage18:03
keeslast week was filled with embargoed upstream issues.  no idea why we got like 4 at once, but they're all in process now.18:04
keesI'll be probably taking fetchmail and anything else I can find.  the next kernel update is pending, so that will need attention too.18:05
keesmdeslaur: you're up!18:05
mdeslaurI'm on triage this week18:05
mdeslaurand am working on apache218:05
mdeslaurI just published gnome-screensaver18:05
mdeslaurand I'll probably pick out something else18:05
mdeslaurthat's it18:05
jdstrandI'll go18:05
* kees wonders when the g-ss love-in will end18:06
keesheya nxvl18:06
jdstrandlast week I was on community. we published our first UCSN (Ubuntu Community Security Notice). more will need to happen with automation as we move forward18:06
jdstrandmost of last week was spent on moin for the latest CVEs. I imagine this week will be the same. lots of commits to wade through. I have prelim patches for intrepid and higher18:07
jdstrandI've started writing patches for 1.5 (dapper and hardy), since upstream is not interested18:07
keesjdstrand: yeah, that looks like quite a giant set of changes.  yay for CSRF18:08
* jdstrand nods18:08
jdstrandthe code is quite different between the two, but the fix is easy enough to understand and write-- just need to get the fixes in all the right sports (which is the trick)18:08
jdstrands/the two/1.5 and 1.7/18:09
* kees nods18:09
jdstrandbeyond that, I am working on the ff apparmor profile and apparmor abstractions. I should be done with that today so people can be running that for a while18:09
jdstrandI also will be on vacation next week and the following monday, so you won't hear from me for a while :)18:10
keesyay vacation!18:10
keesgoing anywhere fun, or is it a staycation?18:10
jdstrandcruise in the carribbean18:11
jdstrandyeah, it should be fun. I will not be available on irc though :P18:11
jdstrandthat's it from me18:11
keesset up DNS tunnelling before you go; I bet they have wifi.  ;)18:11
keesany other issues for the security team?18:12
jdstrandkees: well... I will have a laptop, but I don't want to get pinged ;)18:12
mdeslauryeah, bug #10301018:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 103010 in qemu-kvm "qemu no tun/tap networking" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10301018:12
mdeslaurkirkland would like a statement from the security team18:12
* kees reads18:12
keesI need a lot more information about this bug before I can really say anything useful.18:15
jdstrandI would agree18:15
keeskirkland: what's involved in setting up a tun/tap thing for kvm?18:15
jdstrandI can say that the recommended Ubuntu way to do virtualization is to use libvirt18:15
keesi.e. is it possible to have kvm drop the cap after setting it up?18:15
jdstrandlibvirt handles this on qemu's behelf in multiple ways18:15
keesdoes it give a user arbitrary control over tun/tap devices (i.e. could they disrupt openvpn, etc)18:16
kirklandkees: i don't know; haven't tried it18:16
kirklandkees: but several people per release ask about this, and vte networking18:16
kirklandkees: fat finger ... vde18:16
kirklandlibvdeplug2 - Virtual Distributed Ethernet - Plug library18:17
* kees doesn't know what that is either. :) intreseting18:17
keesi so cannot type today18:17
* kirkland either18:17
jdstrandthe kidsquid.com link is dead18:17
keeskirkland: so, the issue is that people are trying to use kvm without running it as root.  is the only issue networking?18:18
jdstrandkees: fyi-- qemu has a non-tun/tap way of doing networking as well, but it isn't nearly as useful18:19
kirklandkees: i don't know, honestly;  like jdstrand says, we have a recommended way of doing things, and these deviations from the norm are not ones i'm familiar with18:19
keeskirkland: what are the recommended configurations?  (is there a list/wiki somewhere?)18:20
mdeslaurI don't think it's sane for a regular user without admin privileges to be able to play with networking settings18:20
kirklandkees: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking18:20
jdstrandmdeslaur: I think it depends on what qemu does. but, my feeling is that more than just creating this device is needed. setting up a tun/tap device with qemu used to require helper scripts, ifconfig, ...18:21
jdstrandis it me, or is that page a hodge-podge18:22
jdstrandit says KVM, and even has setcap, but then mentions libvirt and xml later18:22
jdstrandI thought there was an official page on all of this?18:23
keesso, I don't like recommending "cap_net_admin=ep".  I would prefer "cap_net_admin=ei" I think, and have a user with cap_net_admin=i, but I don't know how to set a user's inheritable caps18:23
kirklandjdstrand: it's a mess18:24
kirklandjdstrand: i cleaned it up some time ago, and it devolves down to a collection of hacks18:24
jdstrandkirkland: I thought you did work on the wiki-- but I thought it was somehwere else... the server guide?18:24
kirklandjdstrand: it was all in the wiki18:25
kirklandjdstrand: i split up the docs for kvm, virsh, virt-manager18:25
kirklandjdstrand: cleaned that up18:25
keesok, here's what I'd like to see:18:26
* jdstrand wonders if s/KVM/Virtualization/ would be more appropriate for the wiki, since it seems to cover kvm+libvirt18:26
kees1) qemu should drop caps when they're no longer needed18:27
kees2) documentation should be cleaned up a bit18:27
kees3) docs should include a "why" on this -- giving everyone on the system cap_net_admin via qemu is not safe18:27
kees4) bug should stay closed, with a pointer to the docs18:27
jdstrandkirkland: I'm thinking people edited KVM/Networking after you...18:27
kirklandjdstrand: ack18:28
keesThe ultimate solution is to ship qemu with cap_net_admin=ei and document how to set a specific user to have cap_net_admin=i18:28
kirklandkees: which of those todo's are for me?18:28
jdstrandkees: making sure qemu drops it soon...18:28
keeskirkland: dunno; just talking out loud so far18:28
keesthe "1" could probably wait, though perhaps it needs to keep it forever -- I really don't know what it needs to be doing to the tun/tap18:29
jdstrandkees: the setcap commenter in the bug I think added the setcap in the wiki, fwiw18:29
jdstrandligouri could speak to that18:30
jdstrand(the '1' bit)18:30
jdstrandkees: does setcap work on nfs?18:31
keeskirkland: can you open a bug for #1, and update the docs for 2,3,4?18:31
keesjdstrand: if xattr works on the remote fs, I think so yes.18:31
jdstrandI think it would then...18:31
keeskirkland: I'm investigating how to do this "correctly", but it kind of requires fscaps support in dpkg, which isn't likely to happen until M.18:32
* jdstrand was just thinking about the lontime problem of fscaps and filesystems18:32
kirklandkees: i can open that bug soon-ish; doc's won't be updated for a good while18:32
kirklandkees: probably not until we hit rc, when i hope i get a breath18:32
keeskirkland: well, I can take 3 and 4 if you want.  2 isn't really needed, I guess.18:33
kirklandkees: sounds good18:33
keeskirkland: okay, I've done 3 and 4.18:37
keeskirkland: you'll probably want to create a FAQ or something.18:37
kirklandkees: thanks, i'll get the other one opened, and get a pointer from anthony18:37
keesokay, anything else for the security team?18:38
* kees takes that as a "no". meeting done. :) thanks everyone!18:39
mdeslaurthanks everyone18:40
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