
micahgfta: asac: anyone around?01:48
micahgasac: don't release Firefox 3.6 in the morning...I need to talk to you first05:45
ftamicahg, hmm.. build/rules.mk?06:05
micahgfta: Do we have to edit that with a patch?06:05
ftaif you need to fix it, yes06:06
* fta out for work06:06
micahgMy stuff builds, it just doesn't clean since I needed to add 2 dirs to the build system (only 2 files)06:06
ftayou can do it in d/rules too then06:06
micahgfta: well, anyone building against the build-system will have the issue, so I figured I needed it to be global in scope06:07
micahgfta: when is distclean triggered?06:08
ftamoz uses GARBAGE and GARBAGE_DIR for that (each makefile could set thos)06:08
ftaoff for real now.06:08
micahgfta: ah, ok, you have that in your makefile06:08
micahgfta: have a good day :)06:08
BUGabundo_remotekenvandine: couch broken again? http://paste.ubuntu.com/390913/08:59
asachmm ... wonder what was the prob with fffox3609:02
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sindhudweepasac: you there?13:04
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micahgasac: available?13:40
asacmicahg: yes13:41
asacmicahg: whats going on?13:41
asaci saw you writing about ffox not releasable13:41
micahgasac: k, first, the mozilla-kde patch won't build on hardy as it uses a newer GTK function13:41
asacsindhudweep: sigh13:42
asacsindhudweep: i will do that now. i think all is ready?13:42
asacmicahg: sigh too ... push that back to devfx13:42
micahgasac: so, I didn't know if you wanted to drop it till they fix or release it and not use it on hardy13:42
asacmicahg: for the hardy security update we dont want to use it13:42
asacwe need to branch for that13:42
asacand remove it13:42
asacfor all stable releases actually13:42
micahgasac: k, but for lucid, it's fine?13:43
micahgit breaks the daily build though13:43
micahgfor hardy at least13:43
asac!info gnash13:44
ubottugnash (source: gnash): free SWF movie player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 220 kB, installed size 800 kB13:44
asacsindhudweep: we merged ubuntu2 stuff to ubuntu.head at some point13:45
asacyour new packaging asks for merge into ubuntu13:45
asacdoes it include all that was previously in .head?13:45
asacsindhudweep: you didnt include the files changed in changelog13:46
asacok merged packaging13:47
asacsindhudweep: upstreampkg+bzrbd+py2.6 isnt a merge request?13:49
asace.g. ok to release without that?13:49
sindhudweepasac: just one second.13:54
asaci am fine to trash the .head13:55
asacplease check ;)13:55
asaci committed your parts there13:55
asacif you could add the changed filenames for each of the changes in changelog that would be better13:55
asacits always a mystery from outside to see that13:55
sindhudweepupstreampkg+bzrbd+py2.6 is rob savoye's packaging. It's based off of your packaging from gnash 0.8.2 and his changes since then. I've merely added a few fixes to get it to work with lucid.13:56
sindhudweepIt's purely and experiment and wont have any of the history we have in bzr.13:56
sindhudweepplease ignore ubuntu.head as that was a bad attempt at fixing the missing kde4-gnash packages.13:57
sindhudweepI would like you to review and merge  lp:~sindhudweep-sarkar/gnash/gnash0.8.7packaging  into  lp:~gnash/gnash/ubuntu if it's suitable. I think in the long term going with rsavoyes packaging would be better13:58
sindhudweepbut i'm not sure if that's feasable this cycle.13:58
sindhudweepplease let me know any changes you need to make lp:~sindhudweep-sarkar/gnash/gnash0.8.7packaging mergable or if you want to switch to the upstream packaging.13:59
asacsindhudweep: i think its fine what you did14:03
asaci assume you tested stuff?14:03
asacsindhudweep: can you add the files changed for each changelog entry please? i already committed your merge, so  base that on ubuntu14:03
asaci think you can also commit14:03
sindhudweepYes the gnashteam ppa has all revisions in the branch you merged except the last one which disabled explicitly enabling jemalloc as that is the default.14:03
sindhudweepI will fix the files changed in the changelog entry and push it to the ubuntu branch.14:04
sindhudweepI'll let you know when that's done14:04
asacok thanks14:04
asaci will upload directly when thats done14:04
asacmaybe do a final test round14:04
asacif you thin that would be helpful14:04
sindhudweepwill do14:04
micahgasac: so, back to firefox, are we ok for lucid and do I need add something to that the dailies don't build with the firefox-kde patch on hardy?14:05
asacmicahg: we are fine for now14:06
asacwe can fix that later14:06
micahgasac: k, then ubuntu6 is tagged and ready for release :)14:06
micahgasac: what to do when I push to PPA (disable on hardy only)?14:06
asacmicahg: the tag doesnt include the kde patch14:08
micahgit should14:09
asacoh right14:09
asacmicahg: how were you able to bake a release on a normal revision?14:09
asaci thought the stuff was already ahead14:09
micahgasac: I did it before I fixed it for 3.6.214:09
asacah ok14:09
micahgnext release will be trickier14:10
micahgbut I think we might need to do one more before beta hard freeze14:10
asacin case we need another one14:10
asaclets hope for .2/314:10
micahgthat's at the end of the month, may we can wait...the other fixes are minor IMHO14:10
asacwe shouldnt wait for fixes just because of this14:11
asacrather take the pain and branch old/merge after release ;)14:11
asacbut lets see whats coming up14:11
micahgasac: k, then I'll prepare another release over teh weekend :)14:11
micahgasac: should I tag TB3, I prepared it but not tag?14:12
asacmicahg: there are apport fixes not documented in changelog?14:12
micahgasac: which ones?  I thought all the apport fixes were in there14:13
micahg  [ Kees Cook <kees@ubuntu.com> ]14:13
micahg  * fix LP: #531581 - cannot report bugs or crashes when profile names contains14:13
micahg    spaces; concatenate non alnum characters in profile name for apport use14:13
micahg    - update debian/apport/firefox.py14:13
micahgis there another one?14:13
asacno didnt spot14:13
asacbecause too long changelog entry ;)14:13
micahg:) he made the patch14:14
micahgasac: you told me not to worry about space in changelog14:14
asacyes, i usually start with "fix apport hook to do this, that etc."14:15
asace.g. dont have the subject of the fix at the end ;)14:15
micahgasac: k, should I tag TB3 for upload?14:15
asacmicahg: yes14:15
asacunless you have fixes14:15
asacwe should forward bugs14:15
micahgasac: yes, and there was one fix I already made14:16
asacin future just ping chrisccoulson to update tbird ... so you can focus on porting14:16
asacalso for daily build failures he wants to help ;)14:16
chrisccoulsonhi :)14:16
micahgasac: I had to make the at least one of th efixes as I knew the issue :)14:16
micahgasac: should chrisccoulson prepare the TB2.0.0.24 release?14:17
asacjust saying we should get him involved ;)14:17
asacyeah. that would be a good excersize14:17
asacto get started14:17
kecsapasac: hi! thanks for merging one of my branches at ubufox. I have submitted more branches with simple fixes for review. Now I have 4 branches waiting for review/merge and bugs 493805 and 123713 have patches to be reviewed and committed. When will you have time to check them? Anyway I will check more (harder) bugs to reproduce/fix this week.14:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493805 in ubufox "ubufox 0.8 leaves FF 3.0 folder in /etc" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49380514:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123713 in ubufox "package description needs rewrite" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12371314:17
chrisccoulsonmicahg - did you say you couldn't recreate the openjdk build failure locally?14:19
micahgchrisccoulson: right, well, I'm still on karmic14:19
micahgbut it built fine locally, but I didn't test in a clean environment either14:20
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ah, that's probably why. the version currently in the archive also fails against xulrunner 1.9.114:20
chrisccoulsonin a clean environment here14:20
micahgchrisccoulson: I tested locally against xul192 though14:20
asaci think it needs 1.9.2 now14:20
micahgand that's what the PPA should've used14:20
asacbecause they needed to fix it in order to work with 1.9.2 at all (thats what i got from random chatter)14:20
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it fails against xulrunner 1.9.2 locally here too14:21
micahgasac: yes, well it's hard coded to build the proper plugin against 19214:21
micahgchrisccoulson: same build failure or different?14:21
chrisccoulsoni've got a shell open in the failed build environment later, so i will try and figure out why it failed14:21
chrisccoulsonsame failure...14:21
micahgchrisccoulson: k, that would be great14:21
asacpasting build failures is often helpful ;)14:21
chrisccoulsonoh, i meant to say " i've got a shell open in the failed build environment right now"14:22
asacsometimes i just know whats going on from lookig at it ... sometimes not :)14:22
micahgasac: is this changelog fine or should the line start at the beginning: http://pastebin.com/xM04hb1b14:22
chrisccoulsonasac - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/40287073/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.openjdk-6_6b18~pre1-1ubuntu1.0ffox36.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:22
asacmicahg: if you dont have a USN/CVE below it, i think not having empty line is ok14:23
micahgasac: I was referring to the line with the bug fix14:23
chrisccoulsonanyway, i'm disappearing for lunch for a bit, i've not eaten anything yet today14:23
micahgI wrapped the text under the rest of the title14:23
asacchrisccoulson: ok. thats feeling like a bug in the script ;)14:23
asacbut would need to look14:24
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah. i'm not sure what has changed though - i can recreate the same issue with the version already built in the archive against xulrunner 1.9.114:24
micahgchrisccoulson: then how did doko get it to build 2 weeks ago?14:25
chrisccoulsoni'm not too familiar with openjdk though, so i was going to ping doko about it, but he's not around14:25
asacthat feels like a CFLAGS somehow ending up at  the command line ;)14:25
chrisccoulsonmicahg - not sure14:25
micahgI made no packaging changes14:25
asacunless that thing is supposed to build something of course14:25
micahgexcept for the maintainer14:25
micahgasac: so the fix LP: line in the changelog is ok with the wrapping underneath?14:26
asacmicahg: i usually dont indent14:27
asacjust same indent as prvious line14:27
micahgasac: that's what I wanted to check, I'll fix, tag, and push :)14:27
asacthat looks a bit odd that way14:27
asaclet me know14:27
micahgasac: done14:29
micahgasac: about xulrunner, the new build system rquires libnotify-dev, should that be a dep on xulrunner-1.9.2-dev or on the app itself?14:30
chrisccoulsonasac - i can reproduce the error that triggers the openjdk build failure manually in the failed pbuilder environment i have14:30
chrisccoulsonso i could probably look at that after lunch14:30
asacmicahg: libnotify-dev?14:33
asacit fails without it?14:33
micahgasac: yes, that's one of the new requires14:33
micahgin configure14:34
micahgasac: BTW, I only had to add 2 files to the build system :)14:37
asacwell. for now ad libnotify-dev14:38
micahgasac: where?14:38
asacfeels wrong, but ok14:38
asacto xulrunner-1.9.2-dev i guess14:38
micahgwe added it to firefox 3.6 and xul19214:38
micahgasac: will shlibdeps add it to the package if it's required?14:39
micahgI mean prism14:39
micahgthat was my main question as to where to add it14:40
micahgasac: it's required because libnotify was enabled in 19214:41
asacit will add it if its required14:42
asacimo it shoudnt e required to build14:42
asacits a biuld system bug to require it imo14:42
asacmaybe worth upstream discussion14:42
micahgasac: k, I'll add to xul192dev and test, thanks14:43
micahgasac: the other think with xulrunner, is I wasn't able to clean out the 2 new directories I added on make clean14:52
micahgI added them to GARBAGE_DIRS, but that didn't seem to help14:52
micahgrather GARBAGE_DIRS in the build system14:53
asacmicahg: what do you mean?14:56
asacin debian/rules?14:56
asacotherwise i would have thought that the build system doesnt get removed14:56
micahgasac: the build system has a makefile with GARBAGE_DIRS14:56
micahgso I added there so I wouldn't have to add to every app14:57
micahgbut it didn't work14:57
asacwhat are you trying to remove?14:57
asacbuild/ ?14:57
micahgtools and testingf14:57
asacwhy those?14:57
micahgI added 2 files under there14:57
micahgand make clean won't remove it14:58
asacthe rest of the build system already gets removed?14:58
micahgbut removes the rest14:58
micahgI was wondering if you knew where it did that :)14:58
asacmake clean removes the build system? how is it extracted?14:58
asaci mean ... how does it come back?14:58
micahgit's untarred again14:58
asaci would have thought that debian/rules clean removes it14:58
asacthats where it should get removed ... not in the Makefile14:58
asacunless i fail so see the point14:59
micahgasac: then it has to be added to every app that uses the build system14:59
asacright. but its the same for build/ etc.14:59
micahgsomehow, that's taken care of with the build system15:00
asacplease post the top level Makefile.in15:00
micahgfrom teh buidl system?15:00
asacwhat else would be doing it ;)15:01
micahgI added them to line 62, but that didn't seem to work15:02
asaci dont see biuld/ config/ getting removed there15:02
asacso after make clean15:02
asacwhat is left?15:02
micahgthis gets run at the end:15:02
micahgjust tools and testing15:03
asacwhere is "Drop build-system" ?15:03
asaci dont see that anywhere in build system15:03
micahgasac: that's what I'm wondering15:04
micahgI'm guess in one of the .mk files...I'll grep for it15:04
asaci grepped for it15:04
asacmy guess is that its all in rules15:04
asacor in prism/build.mk15:04
micahgit's not anywhere in the build directory that I can see15:09
asacwhen do you get it?15:10
micahgwhen fakeroot debian/rules clean is run, it's at the end15:11
asacyeah. that could be rules then15:11
asacyou should see if it really happens on make clean15:11
asacor make distclean15:11
asacwithout rules15:11
micahgmake clean15:11
micahgnope, no clean target in the file15:12
micahgcan I add a clean target to the Makefile then?15:12
sindhudweepasac: I've fixed the changelog and pushed it to https://code.launchpad.net/~gnash/gnash/ubuntu. I have built a package from that branch in one of my personal ppas and tested it out a bit. I think we're good here.15:12
sindhudweepThanks again!15:12
asaclet me lkook15:13
asacok producing stuff15:14
ccheneyasac: did you get my email from friday?15:49
micahgasac: I got it, it's in mozilla-devscripts...15:58
micahgasac: so, should I propose a change for mozilla-devscripts, or move that to xulrunner-1.9.2-dev?16:01
micahgxulapp.mk I mean16:01
* micahg needs to get ready for $WORK...bbi 10 min16:03
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mahfouzjdstrand, is apparmor at all active right now in fx 3.6?16:18
micahgasac: so what to do with xulapp.mk16:18
mahfouzI'm in lucid right now and have no apparmor problems atm16:19
jdstrandmahfouz: it is enabled in the default install, and working, yes16:23
mahfouzhmm, but my scid runs from fx16:23
mahfouzI filed that bug16:23
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mahfouzemacs also open files from fx16:29
mahfouzI have firefox daily build and running lucid16:29
mahfouzthere seem to be no apparmor restrictions at all16:30
jdstrandmahfouz: you likely have to do:16:32
micahgasac: I goofed on the sparc fix...I'll fix it for ubuntu7 :(16:33
mahfouzdon't get me wrong, I don't need apparmor restrictions :)16:33
jdstrandsudo aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox16:33
mahfouzjdstrand, yes16:33
mahfouzjdstrand, I was just wondering if this is default or maybe a bug16:33
jdstrandmahfouz: it is probably not enabled due to the firefox-3.x -> firefox name transition and running the dailies16:33
mahfouzI'm actually happy without apparmor16:34
micahgjdstrand: didn't you make it so if it was disabled before it remains that way in teh dailies16:34
* jdstrand nods16:34
micahgI just enabled mine locally so I can do more testing16:34
asacmicahg: really? hmm. did the sparce fix break anything?16:37
micahgasac: no, the flag was just ignored16:37
micahgasac: k, I just discovered another dependency16:37
asacthats fine. commit the correct fix16:37
micahgasac: well, if I commit it on top of what's there, won't that not get into the next 3.6.0 upload?16:38
asacyou know the troubles with that ,)16:38
asacbackbranch/merge etc.16:39
micahgright, so isn't it better to wait to commit it then until I'm ready to do all that?16:39
micahgasac: now xul build system wants libiw-dev as well16:40
asacmicahg: you know the schedule for .116:40
micahgasac: .2 actually16:40
asacyou said end of month?16:40
micahgasac: yes16:40
micahgbut you said that we should get more fixes in Lucid before that I thought16:40
asacis there anything?16:41
micahgthere are a few bugs...I can't really go into it now16:42
micahgasac: once they do the QA builds, can we throw that in Lucid, or we have to wait for release?16:43
ejatasac: im having problem with NM .. wireless keep reconnecting ..16:44
ejatand i need to manually request dhcp for any interface :(16:44
ejat!ping asac16:49
mahfouzejat, that's a lucid bug17:10
ejatmahfouz: know the bug #17:10
mahfouzprobly this one:17:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445487 in network-manager-applet "Network-Manager fails WPA2 Enterprise configuration" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496093 in linux "[lucid] rt2860 frequently fails to connect to mixed mode WPA/WPA2 secured wireless networks" [Unknown,Confirmed]17:11
ejatmahfouz: thanks17:12
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ccheneyasac: ping again :)19:30
asacccheney: hi19:37
asacccheney: have you bootstrapped the libs somewhere?19:38
asacin appa?19:38
micahgasac: so, what should I do about xulapp.mk in m-devscripts <--- that's where the clean rule is for the build system19:38
asacmicahg: yeah. i think thats where it belongs for now19:39
micahgasac: so, should I propose a merge for m-devscripts?19:39
micahgso I can add tools and testing to that clean rule?19:40
micahgasac: I also added libiw-dev to xulrunner-1.9.2-dev...fennec and prism built after that and libnotify-dev were added19:43
asacmicahg: yes19:43
asacyeah. we should come up with a patch for the build system imo19:43
asacthat makes those go away again19:44
asacfor now its ok19:44
asacjust file a bug while doing that19:44
asacso we dont forget19:44
micahgasac: since xulrunner's already compiled against it, the apps woudl be able to use them anyways?19:44
asacwell. the iw and notify stuff is not needed19:45
asacbecause its hidden19:45
asacso that depends are useless19:45
asacand wrong19:45
asacso yeah. apps can use that ... through the xulrunner apis19:45
micahgasac: well, what if a xul app wants to use either is my question19:45
asacdont undersatnd that question19:46
asactoolkit has a API that allows notifications19:46
asacand also scanning for networks19:46
asacthe app doesnt know what its using in the back19:46
micahgk, so once the toolkit is built against the libs, the program doesn't need to be?19:46
micahgk, same for notifications?19:46
asacbecause the program doesnt use the libnotify nor libiw apis directly19:46
asacjust the toolkit api19:46
micahgfine, I'll file a bug then19:46
micahgin LP I'm asumming, then upstream when we have a patch?19:47
micahgasac: what should I do with xulapp.mk though?19:47
asacwe can also open upstream directly and explain whats the prob19:47
asacupdate it19:47
asacto remove the new files19:47
micahgk, I'll do that then19:47
asacactually maybe it should be shipped by xulrunner-dev19:47
asacbut well. lets keep it the way it is by now19:48
micahgasac: xulrunner-dev pulls in the versioned -dev19:48
micahgasac: but what to do about the clean rule...19:49
ccheneyasac: i can put the rest up, but epiphany-browser is at http://people.canonical.com/~ccheney/19:56
* ccheney will upload up to date version for all of them19:59
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ccheneywill be at http://people.canonical.com/~ccheney/2010-03-08/ when it is done20:04
asacccheney: cant you make proper packages out of them?20:32
asacso i can install everything instead of bootstrapping and stuff20:32
ccheneyasac: ok will do20:38
ccheneyi am on amd64, hopefully you too :)20:38
ftaasac, i still have to push the chromium codecs to lucid, is it too late?20:59
micahgasac: BTW, thunderbird 3.0.3 is tagged22:22
asacccheney: ppa? amd64 shouldnt mater there ;)22:22
asacfta: we need a FFe bug22:29
asacfile one i can argue why we want that.22:29
asacis the licensing all properly documented? e.g. is it ready?22:30
=== rickspencer3__ is now known as rickspencer3
jdstrandasac: is firefox-3.6.head where to commit to lucid, or does lucid have its own branch now?22:53
asacjdstrand: that commits to lucid22:53
ccheneyasac: would take a while to get it actually build for ppa due to version changes, and needing to determine what to do with libsoup bootstraping itself, etc22:53
asacthough if we need to releas another 3.6.0 we have to do some shuffeling22:53
ccheneyasac: almost have all of it uploaded though as debs to p.c.c22:53
asacbut we will ensure stuff that gets landed there gets released22:53
asacccheney: we need to do that anyway22:54
jdstrandasac: thanks22:54
asacccheney: debs are not that useful22:54
ccheneyyea was hoping to have an answer for rickspencer3 for tomorrow about how to get it finished :)22:54
asaci need all the debs with sources so i can hack on it22:54
ccheneythe sources are already up there22:54
ccheneyyou then asked for debs which i uploaded22:54
asaci asked for proper packages22:54
asacnot just crazy debs where i cant see the diff etc.22:54
asacor source tarballs22:54
ccheneythe diffs are already up there22:55
asacso you uploaded proper source packages?22:55
asacwith minimal patches?22:55
ccheneyyea its inside all the *-backport.tar.gz22:55
ccheneyincluding the bzr dir everything22:55
micahgjdstrand: that first line in your changelog is missing an LP #22:55
ccheneyits not completely minized yet, since some of them require re autoconfing to be able to build :-\22:55
asacccheney: what does "including the bzr dir" mean?22:56
asacis that against upstream bzr?22:56
ccheneyi'm not sure what to do about that as far as a final patch is concerned22:56
asacor against packaging bzr?22:56
asacwell i know that22:56
asacbut what kind of tree?22:56
ccheneythe original ubuntu package unpacked with bzr init run then checked in, so bzr diff shows everything that has been changed22:56
ccheneyi'm not sure if there are really upstream bzr for the various packages22:57
ccheneyat least not in a manner i could easily use for this22:57
asacthats really an odd way to do things22:57
asacnot really organized22:57
asacbut ok22:57
asaci can see22:57
ccheneyi guess for the final diff i should remove anything autoreconf did and then put the resulting patch into debian/patches and a patch adding the autoreconf cruft as a second patch?22:58
asacwell. you should make proper patches out of it22:59
asacwithout the autoconf stuff of course22:59
asacits just painful to work on this22:59
ccheneythen it won't build because many of them REQUIRE autoreconf to build at all22:59
asacbut yes, in general what you outlined ;)22:59
ccheneyunless you mean manually hack up the resulting automake output files?22:59
ccheneyeverything i had to add file wise had to be added to Makefile.am configure.in etc then rerun of the various autotools to use it, etc23:00
asacwhat i would have loved to see was a upstream bzr tree23:00
asacwith stuff committed without autoconf23:00
asacthen i could run autoreconf or something on my own etc.23:00
asacbut well. thats too late now23:00
ccheneyi'm a bit rusty on the tools since the only thing i normally use rcs for is debian dirs23:01
asacalso i now how to go through the painful libsoup bootstrapping etc. would have been great t ohave this in a ppa properly where we could just work on23:01
ccheneyOOo is a just set of tarballs that no one wants to use via a rcs :-\23:01
asaci will pull that stuff now and see how far i get23:02
ccheneythe libsoup debs are up there already23:02
ccheneyalong with the build log, diff etc23:02
asacccheney: ok so you are working on ephy and gtk atm?23:03
asace.g. the rest i can juzst install?23:03
ccheneyyea trying to figure out what to do with ephy with respect to the entry stuff23:03
ccheneythe rest should be installable as is23:04
ccheneyi am uploading webkit atm and then have to determine why libproxy no longer patches properly so i can get it uploaded23:04
* ccheney thinks he didn't even modify that package so wonders what is up23:05
ccheneyhmm i think it just won't cleanly rebuild a second time23:07
ccheneyreverted everything in the package and rebuilt fine23:07
ccheneyok proxy is uploaded there now, just waiting on webkit to finish23:10
asaci dont have amd6423:18
asacso the glib thing doesnt have a bzr dir23:20
ccheneyhmm, looking23:21
ccheneyuh the one i uploaded did before it got to the server23:21
* ccheney looks at the version on the server to see if its still there23:21
asacoh it had23:21
ccheneyok np23:22
asacis it usable with bzr from hardy?23:22
asacasac@tinya:~/ccheney/glib2.0-backport/glib2.0-2.16.6$ bzr info23:22
asacbzr: ERROR: Unknown working tree format: 'Bazaar Working Tree Format 6 (bzr 1.14)\n'23:22
ccheneyoh apparently not :-\23:22
ccheneyi'm doing the work inside a chroot but did the bzr from outside apparently when i grabbed the packages23:23
* asac mumbles about bzr23:24
asacso i need soup for glib?23:24
asacor for proxy?23:24
ccheneyyou need proxy for soup and proxy needs webkit23:24
asacwhere was the circle?23:24
ccheneyand webkit needs soup23:24
ccheneyso disable gnome support in soup then build webkit and proxy then rebuild soup with gnome enabled23:25
asacyeah. first need to build glib23:25
asacso guess i wont be of much help today23:25
asacccheney: so where is ephy failing and how?23:29
asacif (priv->search_terms)23:31
asacthere is a huge block of code rmeove there23:31
asacin editable_changed_cb23:32
asacjust an experiment? or is that needed?23:32
asacccheney: ?23:33
asac1st. where is the current problem ;)23:33
ccheneyoh sorry was on the phone23:39
ccheneyjust an experiment23:39
ccheneyi was trying to forward port the old code to the new in that part and it wasn't working out23:39
ccheneybackporting the entry code from gtk just into ephy doesn't look like it will work, or without a lot of effort since it changes already existing structs in hardy gtk23:40
ccheneyso wasn't sure if trying to backport the entry code directly into gtk would work out, or if some other direction should be tried23:41
asacccheney: what i mean is ... i take the current tarballs nad build them23:41
asacwhat happens?23:41
asacand what is in current tarballs? is there a port attempt?23:41
asacccheney: i need to see where the new API is used in epiphany to check what to do23:42
ccheneyit currently fails to build in ephy23:42
asacwhere and how?23:42
asacthats what i asked initially23:43
ccheneyoh ok23:43
ccheneychecking to see where it fails23:44
ccheneyits failing in lib/widgets/ephy-location-entry.c23:44
ccheneydue to the changes for the entry code23:44
ccheneyif the various files related to that are reverted to original state they fail due to gtkentry not having new enough api in hardy23:45
ccheneyas the code currently it fails due to: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/391366/23:45
asaclibxslt1-dev ... is that in universe?23:46
asac(in hardy)23:46
asac!info libxslt1-dev hardy23:46
ubottulibxslt1-dev (source: libxslt): XSLT processing library - development kit. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.22-1ubuntu1.2 (hardy), package size 582 kB, installed size 2384 kB23:46
asacok misinterpreted the apt error23:47
asacnow its installing23:47
asacok currently webkit is building23:48
asacthen proxy23:48
asacthen second soup run23:48
asacthen i get to it i guess23:48
asacmight need gtk too?23:48
asacthats a small patch adding two enums23:49
ccheneyyea i think it needs those two enums at the moment anyway23:49
asacccheney: so in the current epiphany its some incomplete state?23:49
asacor did you remove the experiemnts?23:49
asacccheney: any other API parts you spotted that epiphany devs jumped on ?23:50
asac(of gtk)23:50
asacguess you didnt get that far23:50
ccheneyyea its incomplete state23:52
ccheneynot yet, i got part of it working then ran into entry bits that got me stuck23:52
ccheneythe parts i backported that are still in the build are under lib/23:53
ccheneylib/gtk-* lib/gdk-* lib/glib-*23:53
asacccheney: what api parts of gtkentry is ephy using that doesnt exist?23:55
ccheneylots of them23:56
ccheneyit appears it was originally written in ephy then moved to gtk but changed a bit then ephy updated to use it and also a list of icons or something to that effect23:57
asacok so for the entry stuff you cannot implement because you cant access the Private struct?23:58
ccheneyfrom what i recall that the biggest part of the issue yes the private struct changes between hardy gtk and karmic gtk and the new entry stuff needs bits of the new private struct23:58
ccheneyiirc they rewrote how the gtkentry code works as well when they added the new functions so i am not sure if the api is compatible23:59

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