
Volkswagnermakes two of us.  Perhaps because I was mentioning networking via cli00:00
MTecknologysounds like it could be a bug though00:00
MTecknologyapport-bug dhclient  maybe?00:00
Volkswagnersince dhclient is working, would't the issue be with the version of debian-installer?00:01
MTecknologyI'm not sure, I think my mind is going too many places to give you any decent help though. I'm sorry00:02
Volkswagnerdebian5 installer has no issue, Ubuntu 8.04 see's the card/interface, but has issues with hard disk recognition.  A bug which was fixed in 8.10 or 9.1000:04
MTecknologyVolkswagner: If you can track it down to one package I'd definitely file a bug against it - sorry that I can't help you more. You could go back into #ubuntu and if they say to come back here tell them we said no :)00:12
agentkI have a kvm guest that reports 66% of 492mb ram used. Yet ps aux output only adds up to 7.6%. What should I search for to get to to bottom of it?00:16
MTecknologyagentk: kvm on the host is saying that the guest is using 66% of its allocated 492mb ram; and the guest itself says it's only using 7.6% of its allocated 492MB ram?00:19
agentkNo. This is directly from the guest.00:20
agentkfree -m: total 492: -/+ buffers/cache:        326        16500:21
MTecknologyI don't have the answer, just curious if maybe you were looking at two different numbers00:22
agentkno prob00:22
agentkfree -m reports  326mb used. Adding up all the rss columns in ps -A -o pid,rss,command reports 49mb used. Ramdisk usage: 68kb. Not sure where else to look.00:24
MTecknologyagentk: could you pastebin free -m?00:26
MTecknologyjust so I can see all of it in pretty columns and swap00:28
agentkAm I misunderstanding it?00:29
MTecknologyagentk: your ps total equals your buffers00:29
MTecknologyagentk: I think your misunderstandind the ps output00:30
MTecknologyI don't use ps enough to help with that00:30
agentkOk. How would you recommend finding what is using the most memory?00:31
MTecknologythen ">" will bring you to sorted by memory usage00:32
agentkWhich column should I look at in top? The %MEM column still only adds up to the 49mb.00:34
MTecknologyagentk: ya, no idea why..00:41
agentkNot a prob. Thanks for your input.00:44
MTecknologyagentk: sorry I couldn't help more - somebody in here should come along00:47
MTecknologyjust most peoples weekend now00:47
agentkOh yeah. I forget about that being in australia.00:47
agentkI've just found that removing ureadahead and rebooting has corrected most of the output. Will try reinstalling and removing it again.00:48
agentkOuch. Reinstalling ureadahead hides chews an additional 50% of the memory. Memory actually gone! Not just buffered.00:52
MTecknologyagentk: perhaps no readahead?00:57
hans67521hi i am busy building my own ubuntu distro00:59
hans67521i am stuck with an installer00:59
hans67521the system has no gui01:00
hans67521any ideas how to get a system installer01:00
agentkMTecknology: Yip. Removed it off all the servers now. Now to track down how it got installed.01:05
hans67521where can i get the ubuntu-text installer files01:05
persiahans67521: Why do you need your own distribution?  Are there changes you need that would be unsuitable for others?01:29
GhostFreemanIs there a way I can set up ubuntu to give a system beep when the machine reaches the login prompt?02:04
AtomicSparkThe answer is yes!02:05
GhostFreemanok, how can I do it? I've got this machine sitting next to me and I want to access it using ssh over fighting with monitor cables02:06
AtomicSparkI assume you only have ubuntu-server installed?02:06
AtomicSparkSee this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124745102:07
AtomicSparkIgnore the last post. That person is silly for being in old ways. :P02:08
AtomicSparkSame people that troll GDM and think gnome should be ran as the current user.02:09
AtomicSparkAnyone famiular with the directories inside /var/lib/libvirt?02:11
AtomicSparkGhostFreeman: congrats. you've brought to the attention that my pc speaker doesnt work in lucid.02:14
GhostFreemani'm afriad the same for mine as well02:14
AtomicSparkYou're running lucid?02:14
GhostFreemanno, 8.04 LTS02:14
GhostFreemanthat's the latest LTS right?02:15
AtomicSparkMaybe the beep command doesnt work.02:15
persiaman beep02:15
AtomicSparkYes, that's the current released LTS. Next one will be April 29th.02:15
GhostFreemanwouldn't know haven't tried it02:15
persiaIt doesn't just make a sound on the PC Speaker.02:15
AtomicSparkCute. Even has the listed notes. You could play a song!02:17
AtomicSparkNow to figure out why I am not getting output. I shall check bios settings.02:18
lifelesskirkland: heh, my dns/dhcpd server now has uec sc/cc/walrus/nc on it03:29
lifelesskirkland: fixing some teething issues, but pretty straightforward so far.03:29
kirklandlifeless: neat03:30
lifelesswith lucid fwiw03:30
adelie42hello, trying to setup my computer as a gateway. I have firestarter installed. I have active internet. the client is getting an ip address via dhcp, but can not ping either direction, no addresses resolve on client. I am lost as what do do next.04:22
adelie42hello ChmEarl!04:26
ChmEarladelie42, hey04:31
persiaAnyone happen to know how well qemu/kvm works for amd64 guests in an i386 environment (where the chip doesn't support x86_64) ?05:08
ChmEarlpersia,  type >sudo qemu-system-x86_64 --help   do you get anything but err?05:37
persiaChmEarl: I don't have any devices that have a processor that lets me test, unfortunately.05:38
ChmEarlget some or kvm is /dev/null05:38
ChmEarlyou can do some testing with qemu kqemu to get a feel for the whole thing in absence of HVM05:40
persiaIf I launch qemu on a x86_64 system telling it to be 32-bit, and try to run a 64-bit guest, is that a valid test?05:41
ChmEarlyou have one layer too many05:42
ChmEarlon x86_64 system qemu is 32 bit and qemu-system-x86_64 is 64 bit05:42
persiaRIght.  What I want to know is whether qemu-system-x86_64 works properly on a 32-bit processor.05:43
ChmEarllet me see...05:43
ChmEarlwell this box is i686 and qemu-sustem-x86_64 exists and runs without err05:45
persiaDoes the processor support x86_64 extensions?05:45
ChmEarloh yes it does... good ques05:46
persiaThat's what makes it hard to test for me :)  I don't have the processor to be sure I'm not working around a bug.05:46
ChmEarlso the box is bit capable, but this install is 32 bit05:46
ChmEarl64 bit capabe05:46
ChmEarlI have an old 32 bit notebook with no lm ability, and I run qemu (32 bit) fine05:48
persiaCan you run qemu (64 bit) on that?05:48
ChmEarlnever tried.. cause I only do quickie tests - no permanent installs05:48
persiaIf you get a chance to test sometime, and you can let me know, I'd appreciate it.  No real rush.05:49
ChmEarlBTW its intel single core so 100% sure that qemu has way to do 64 bit over there05:50
ChmEarlno way05:50
persiaWell, I know I can run qemu-arm on a single-core x86_64 box.  It really just depends on how the qemu x86_64 stuff is implemented.05:53
* persia isn't cool enough to understand from the code05:53
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Err404NotFoundcan someone tell me why this (http://pastebin.com/keRbL654) isn't allowing telnet in port 25? i am totally lost08:16
jiboumansgood morning08:29
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mealstromErr404NotFound: check MTA configuration if iptables is ok.08:43
Err404NotFoundmealstrom, i can telnet locally, thats fine, so mta allow, something has to do with iptables08:44
mealstromErr404NotFound: can you telnet 80 port?08:46
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Err404NotFoundmealstrom, got it... i must define my ips in rcpthosts of qmail...08:46
_rubenrcpthosts lists domains, not ips08:53
eekeekVerizon DynamicDNS zoneedit setup with virtual hosts keeps pointing to the 000-default site rather then the one I want /etc/apache2/sties-enabled/domain. Anyone ever have this problem?08:56
FireCrotcheekeek: does sites-enabled/domain contain a ServerName line containing the domain name that you're trying to use?09:12
eekeekFireCrotch: yes the ServerName is there.09:13
FireCrotcheekeek: and I assume you've reloaded apache's configuration since enabling the site?09:13
eekeekI think it might have something to do with the listening port.09:14
eekeekVerizon blocks port 8009:14
FireCrotchOh yeah, that'll cause problems. what port are you trying to use instead?09:14
eekeekat least on non-biz accounts.09:14
eekeekso i think i'm just configured wrong with where and what i'm listening on.09:15
FireCrotchCan you pastebin your sites-enabled/domain file?09:15
eekeekpastebin - ? I'm still new to IRC and LAMP09:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:16
eekeekI see. Unfortunately I'm on a different computer right now.09:17
FireCrotchAre you able to ssh to the web server?09:18
eekeekBut in my /sites-enabled/domain file it starts <VirtualHost *:8080>09:18
eekeekFireCrotch: I have much to learn (and I'm trying). I don't even know what ssh is yet.09:19
FireCrotchI see.  ssh is the secure shell protocol, it lets you remotely login to a machine09:20
eekeekI see.09:20
eekeekI don't know if this needs to be changed but the ports.conf file is Listen on 80 and NameVirtualHost *:8009:21
FireCrotchYou may be having problems if you don't have NameVirtualHost in your configuration09:21
FireCrotchports.conf should have listen on 8080 and namevirtualhost *09:22
eekeekFireCrotch: Ok I'll give that a tyr.09:22
eekeekUpon apache reload: error VirtualHost *:80 mixing ports and non-* ports wit a NameVirualHost.....09:25
FireCrotcheekeek: I think changing the NameVirtualHost *:8080 will resolve that09:30
eekeekFireCrotch: I seem to be missing something. upon reload [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 8009:33
eekeekDoes there need to NameVirtualHost in the /sites-enabled/domain file?09:33
eekeekor only in the ports.conf09:34
FireCrotcheekeek: No, you don't need it the domain file09:34
eekeekThere wasn't one, just wanted to double check.09:35
FireCrotcheekeek: Oh I think that [warn] may be because there's a virtualhost on port 80 defined, but no namevirtualhost for port 80 defined.  Add NameVirtualHost *:80 also to the ports.conf09:35
eekeekFireCrotch: well no errors upon reload, but no luck establishing a connection with the server now.09:38
FireCrotcheekeek: Is this going to be the only domain you're hosting on the server?09:40
FireCrotchIf so, you may be better off just setting the 000-default to listen on port 808009:41
eekeekFireCrotch: Yes, for my learning it could be, but it would be nice to beable to have more than one.09:42
FireCrotcheekeek: Alright, let's see if I can straighten this out then :)09:44
eekeekFireCrotch: awesome :)09:45
FireCrotcheekeek: ports.conf should have NameVirtualHost *:80, NameVirtualHost *:8080, Listen 80, Listen 808009:45
FireCrotchseparate lines, of course09:45
eekeekFireCrotch: ah we are missing a Listen 80. I'll give that a shot.09:46
FireCrotcheekeek: sites-enabled/domain should have <VirtualHost *:8080> and ServerName yourdomain.com09:47
eekeekFireCrotch: Ok ports.conf looks good and sites-enabled/domain looks good to.09:48
eekeekFireCrotch: hmm still taking me to the 000-default site.09:48
eekeekFireCrotch: just a random guess, but should I change 000-default to <VirtualHost *:8080> as well?09:50
FireCrotchNo, that won't solve the problem.  you do have sites-enabled/domain pointing to a different document root than 000-default has, right?09:51
eekeekFireCrotch: yep, just double check. It points to /var/www/domain/09:52
eekeekFireCrotch: I found this thread - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=851313 - and skunkbad says something about 'symlink' ?09:55
FireCrotcheekeek: are you sure that we're working with the file sites-enabled/domain and not sites-available/domain?09:56
eekeekFireCrotch: yep, /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/domain09:57
FireCrotchin that thread, he's just recommending that you have the actual files in sites-available and put a symlink (basically a shortcut) to it in sites-enabled. but since you have the file in sites-enabled, that's not necessary09:58
eekeekFireCrotch: k09:59
FireCrotcheekeek: alright, let's take a look at /var/log/apache2/access.log10:02
FireCrotchspecifically at the end of it10:02
FireCrotchhm that's probably actually not going to tell me anything useful lol10:04
eekeekFireCrotch: wow lol10:04
eekeekI wouldn't even know where to begin with all those lines.10:05
FireCrotchin the sites-enabled directory, do this: unlink 000-default10:05
FireCrotchthen restart apache and see if things work properly10:06
eekeekFireCrotch: and how might one go about 'unlinking' the 000-default file?10:06
FireCrotchtype exactly what I typed10:07
eekeekFireCrotch: k10:07
eekeekFireCrotch: [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts10:12
FireCrotcheekeek: I figured it would give you that :) does the site work now properly on port 8080?10:13
eekeekFireCrotch: Are you saying change from 80 to 8080 on one of the files? OR like www.domain.com:8080 ?10:14
FireCrotchdoes that work?10:15
eekeekFireCrotch: www.domain.com:8080 takes me to the router login page.10:15
eekeekFireCrotch: www.domain.com "Not Found" Apache blah blha blha Port 8010:16
FireCrotchI've had that problem before - it would send me to the router's login page instead of the web server haha10:17
FireCrotchwhat is the domain that you're using?10:17
FireCrotchok, http://nfotown.com  takes me to a 404 Not Found page.  Is the directory that it's pointing to empty?10:19
FireCrotchalso, I thought you said that your ISP blocked incoming port 8010:19
eekeekFireCrotch: nope, there is an index.html file in there10:20
eekeekFireCrotch: it is my understanding verizon does block port 8010:20
FireCrotchverizon is most certainly not blocking port 8010:20
eekeekwould that page suggest otherwise?10:20
FireCrotchwhen I go to http://www.nfotown.com, I get a plain HTML page with www.nfotown.com inside an <h2> on it10:21
FireCrotchwww.nfotown.com:8080 and nfotown.com:8080 both refuse the connection10:21
FireCrotchSo it appears to me that you're not going to need to have apache on 808010:22
FireCrotchyou can do everything on port 80 just fine10:22
eekeekFireCrotch: strange the index file has a <h3>NFOtown.com</h3>10:23
eekeekFireCrotch: ok i'll try removing all of the 808010:23
FireCrotchso your ports.conf should just have Listen 80 and NameVirtualHost *:8010:23
eekeekFireCrotch: It works :)10:25
eekeekFireCrotch: sry for the bad info on the ports :(10:26
FireCrotcheekeek: oh, it's okay :)10:26
eekeekFireCrotch: Thanks for sticking with me on this one. :)10:27
FireCrotcheekeek: you're welcome :) if you have any other problems, feel free to highlight me here and if I'm around I'll try to help ya out :)10:28
eekeekFireCrotch: awesome. I'm going to now try making another virtualhost to test to see if that works right - fingers crossed.10:29
FireCrotchgood luck :)10:29
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eekeekFireCrotch: Success with the second domain! :) Thanks again. I learned some good stuff. Have a good one!11:17
FireCrotcheekeek: Glad I could help!11:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #534324 in qemu-kvm (main) "Can't run uncompressed (vmlinux) kernels" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53432411:32
jayveein libvirt, I get all these iptables rules added on bootup to my virbr0 interface that I don't want12:15
jayveeI think it's related to the fact that I can only choose "isolated virtual network" or "forwarding to device with NAT" as my network options12:16
jayveeIn actual fact, I want neither. I want a plain virbr0 interface that libvirt doesn't add iptables rules to — access control, NAT, or otherwise.12:16
jayveebut I don't see a way to configure that.12:16
jayveeany ideas?12:16
nicknewbiehttp://pastie.org/859350 -- This is a multiwan script I'm working on, based on the info on this page http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.rpdb.multiple-links.html -- I'm trying to take these instructions, and turn them into a script that can just be edited with the right variables to give multiwan setup. I think it would be good for the community, but I do need some help, can someone take a quick look?12:17
jMCgHello happy people.12:18
jMCgI was wondering how realistic it is to get a few ``wishes'' implemented in Ubuntu that deviate from Debian's ways...12:20
jMCgThe reason I'm considering to throw things at Ubuntu, rather than at Debian is that I've known Debian's slow ways, and they tend to be.. slow.12:20
persiajMCg: Deviations are possible.  This would be a bad time to push them (unless they fix critical bugs), as Ubuntu is nearing release freeze.12:22
persiaCoordination with Debian is generally preferred though.12:22
jMCgpersia: I've already heard that it's close to freeze -- I didn't expect to be this fast with Ubuntu either ;)12:23
jMCgHere's an example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/1229612:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 12296 in php5 "PHP5 or PHP4 for apache2-mpm-worker" [Wishlist,Confirmed]12:23
jMCgMy suggestion is to simplify the whole she-bang by merging all mpm packages into one package as Fedora for instance does.12:23
persiaThat's unlikely to be addressed.  PHP4 went EOL 2007-07-1312:25
jMCgpersia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/12296/comments/1112:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 12296 in php5 "PHP5 or PHP4 for apache2-mpm-worker" [Wishlist,Confirmed]12:26
persiaAh, then the description needs some work.12:26
jMCgThat's probably the easiest part...12:26
jMCgI've been much considering to pester Stefan Fritsch directly.. but don't know how to approach him yet.12:27
persiaBut if you find a good way to solve the issue, and submit code, it can be reviewed.  I suspect it's unlikely to get added during the freeze, but potentially for the next cycle (but I don't make these decisions, so am not authoritative)12:27
jMCgI see. So, if I come forward with a set of debian/rules thingies, everybody will be perfectly happy.12:29
jMCgI should've known this means work for me.12:30
persiaWho itches, scratches :)12:31
jMCgYeah.. I know, I know... I just thought I'd go to the doc, and he'll say: Put this cream on the itch and it'll go away. Or, Putheth thees leech on yer skin, and leteth it suck yer greezy and heretic blood! or something like that.12:33
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mealstromhi, where is better to post some suggestions about packege debian-installer/preseed ?12:44
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NobleIs there a way to pull mail off a POP server, and somehow store it locally (In a database or something)?13:01
persiaLots of them :)13:02
persiafetchmail is widely recommended for the pull (although there are other options).13:02
persiaThe storage depends on your preference.  Pushing it into some local mailserver is a common approach.13:03
NobleIs it possible to configure fetchmail to push the mail into MySQL?13:04
jMCgNope, you'd have to scrip something to do that for you...13:05
NobleI see. By default, how does fetchmail store the pulled mails?13:06
_rubenby sending it to the local mta13:06
persiaWell, or sending it somewhere.13:08
NobleIs it possible to dump the files raw onto the disk?13:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #534365 in openssh (main) "openssh-server bug reporting issue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53436513:11
NobleIf I get this straight, fechmail can pull mail into procmail?13:13
_rubenNoble: iirc yes13:16
_rubenbeen ages sinces i used fetchmail13:16
NobleIs it just me, or is the whole load of mail-protocols and servers just SERIOUSLY more bloated and complicated than it needs to be?13:18
_rubenall depends on your needs 'n wishes i guess13:19
NobleI mean: http://www.hypexr.org/gfx/mail_system_flow.png13:19
persiaNoble: There are many options, but they are needed.13:23
persiaNoble: So you need repositories (IMAP/POP/etc. servers), and you need clients (mutt/squirrelmail/etc.) and you need filters (procmail/spamassassin/etc.).  The easiest way to tie all these together without  pain is to have a standardised interface to MTAs to be able to accept mail and send it.  Filters mimic this (or can be inlined), repositories consume and clients push.13:25
persiaThe "simple" way to achieve what is in the diagram is to only have one client with 4 mailboxes configured.13:25
persiaBut that doesn't meet the needs of whoever set that up.13:26
NobleI see.13:26
NobleGonna have to read up on this.13:26
zulttx: do you want me to do the bzr merging for samba bugzapping thing on thursday?13:28
zulhey smoser13:30
ttxzul: ber merging ?13:59
ttxbzr merging ?13:59
zulttx: yeah i just saw your blog post13:59
ttxzul: you mean keeping up a branch with all the bugfixes that will flow in on Thursday, and release it at the end of the day ?13:59
zulttx: yep13:59
ttxzul: we'll use a branch at ~bugzappers, I think... but yes, since you end your day after I do, you'll upload the result :)14:00
ttxzul: feel free to blog about it sometime... Maybe check with pedro when he'll annoucne the bugday14:00
zulk hopefully its not crackfull14:00
ttxzul: about openvpn papercut bug 42770114:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 427701 in server-papercuts "OpenVPN client always runs" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42770114:26
zulttx: yep14:26
Italian_Plumber1I am attempting to copy some data off of a DVD that has some parts on it taht cannot be read.  Is there a way to tell the copy command (or a different one) to skip any files it cannot read, and go on to the next one?14:26
ttxI can change the default, but it will change the default behavior for people on upgrades14:26
ttxzul: should I modify /etc/default/openvpn on upgrades so that I set the default explicitely for those who upgrade ?14:27
ttxi.e. if you don't have anything set, uncomment AUTOSTART="all" so that you don't fall into the new default value ?14:27
zulttx: i think you might to check to see what the user has and ask the user what they want to do14:28
ttxzul: I think setting AUTOSTART="all", for those that were using the default value in karmic and before, is the best way14:29
zulttx: agreed14:29
zulttx: people get upset when things change or go missing ;)14:30
ttxespecailly network connections.14:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #534412 in eucalyptus (main) "VNET_PRIVINTERFACE is not set correctly in a multi-network install" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53441214:32
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Pierrebwhats wrong with this line? useradd -d /ftproot/$1/$1 -g ftpusers -k /etc/ftpskel -s /bin/false $114:47
Pierrebits for a bash script but it says the syntax is wrong14:47
cemcPierreb: try echo "..." 'ing it14:52
\shPierreb: -g <gid> -G <GROUP NAME>14:53
\shPierreb: -g <gid of group ftpusers> or -G ftpusers14:53
\shoh damn...I'm not updated anymor14:53
\shforget my statement14:53
Eladwhere can I start troubleshooting to find out what is being restarted on my server? I looked at my iptables this morning and they have been cleared out, the apache log shows a graceful restart (last night), but when I do 'uptime' it shows that the server has been up for 5 days15:17
gypsymaurothere is a way to install proxmox-ve on ubuntu?15:22
merlijn-hi, which kernel is recommended for ubuntu as a xen guest?15:23
sherrgypsymauro: Proxmox is a complete OS (Debian Lenny based). See their wiki. You do not install on top of other OS's.15:40
sherrElad: Might just be "logrotate" (man logrotate). See log files daemon.log, syslog etc.15:41
Eladsherr, why would logrotate cause it to do strange things like that? Or will the man pages tell me why?15:42
diagoif I edit nsswitch.conf, what needs to be restart to take affect15:49
hggdhkirkland: ping (re. UEC tests)15:53
kirklandhggdh: pong15:55
hggdhkirkland: what would I have to do on the UEC testing? Where can I find docs? What's the meaning of life, universe, and everything?15:58
hggdhkirkland: seriously, I am worried this may be too much for me, too soon15:58
Jeeves_I'm having a weird issue with lucid, pxe boot and debootstrap16:00
Jeeves_debootstrap tries to download /ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages instead of /ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz16:00
zulhggdh: the answer is 316:04
kirklandhggdh: give me a minute to make a pot of coffee, before i answer16:07
Eladsherr, I just looked at the man pages for logrotate, and I reviewed my daemon.log and syslog, but I don't see any reason why my iptables would be cleared out16:08
BulleTh0Hello.. if I have to network cards in a box, how to I make them both work in the same time ?16:19
BulleTh0They are connected to the same switch.16:19
BulleTh0With the ips .252 and .253. They wont work both in the same time :|16:19
geniiBulleTh0: If they are on same segment, the first one which matches as a route to somewhere else will be used16:21
BulleTh0Sorry, I don't understand what you mean genii. I want to use them as an "alias"...16:22
BulleTh0A phizical alias :)16:22
BulleTh0They have the same gateway, the same netmask and the same nameservers.16:22
BulleTh0If I ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0, eth1 dies. If I do the same thing with eth1, eth0 dies.16:23
demonspork_how do I restrict available ports to a specific user so that he can't bind any process to a port that I don't permit?16:25
kjollerOkay, I have finally made the security plunge - I have installed exim4 on my web/asterisk server. How do I test if it is a spammers playground, or if I have secured it properly?16:30
kjollerI have set it up only to listen from, but is this enough?16:31
kjollercould packages not be spoofed or something like that?16:31
kjollerAnd could that cause some spamfilters to reject the mails being received?16:31
geniiBulleTh0: Since both adapters use same gateway, netmask, etc  then eth0 will almost always be used, unless it is not up in which case it will go to eth116:34
BulleTh0And how do I make them be alive in the same time?16:35
screen-xBulleTh0: if your switch supports it, you could use lacp16:35
BulleTh0My switch is shit.... sorry abut the bad word.16:35
BulleTh0It's not a switch with management.16:36
zuljdstrand: ping have you though of getting 9013-apparmor-dont-clear-caps.patch and 9014-apparmor-remove-unloaded-profile-is-not-fatal.patch upstreamed yet?16:36
BulleTh0genii, screen-x Is this good anymore http://www.howtoforge.com/network_bonding_ubuntu_6.10 ? Looks kinds old.16:37
geniiBulleTh0: The bonding driver instructions don't change much, so most of it is still applicable. Your switch and whaver lays beyond it need to support 802.3ad specification for this to work16:39
screen-xBulleTh0: bonding mode 6 claims to work without switch support, but I haven't tried it.16:40
jdstrandzul: 9013 I submitted last month. 9014 I only recently wrote, but am planning on sending upstream, yes16:42
zuljdstrand: cool...just working on libvirt for server dailies so was just wondering ;)16:42
jdstrandzul: I upstream everything. just didn't have time yet on 9014 since 0.7.6+ requires a lot of work to even run on Ubuntu atm16:42
zuljdstrand: oh poo16:43
jdstrandzul: talk to mdeslaur-- he tried the 0.7.6 merge recently16:43
jdstrandzul: he might be able to tell you some of the problems-- I plan to fix all that (and more), but not for at least two weeks16:44
jdstrand(vacation and more pending items)16:44
zulvacation is over rated ;)16:44
BulleTh0genii, http://easytrade.com/english/Member/ProductCatalog/ProductCatalogItem_ProductID_PD0000012426.htm this is my switch16:45
demonspork_I have a server that isn't responding to incoming requests, such as trying to log in to SSH. This same server is currently holding my nickname (demonspork) and the process that is accomplishing this is responding normally. What actions do I have to attempt to get this server responding again?16:45
BulleTh0"Supports IEEE802.3x full duplex " as they say.16:45
demonspork_in fact I just ghosted the nickname and it successfully reconnected.16:46
geniiBulleTh0: 802.3ad     specifically is the spec it needs to use ( the "ad" part is the pertinent part)16:49
BulleTh0That's for mode=4 . Dynamic ling aggregation. If I'm not wrong it shares the speed... but it's the same connexion so I wont do me any help.16:50
BulleTh0genii, so .. my switch supports that ?16:51
BulleTh0I have another one, http://cgi.ebay.ph/ASUS-Giga-x-1008-8-Port-Hub-Full-Metal-Case-/170435763175 but the specs look the same.16:52
geniiBulleTh0: Hard to tell from the specs given if it supports link aggregation or not. You could always use one of the other modes which do not require it (roundrobin or so)16:53
BulleTh0/etc/modprob.d/arch/i386 is editable ? mcedit says it's not :|16:54
geniiBulleTh0: You need sudo/admin16:54
BulleTh0genii, I'm on root.16:54
BulleTh0cat: /etc/modprob.d/arch/i386: No such file or directory16:55
BulleTh0Something is missing.16:55
Pici its /etc/modprobe.d/16:55
Picinot modprob16:55
BulleTh0Same thing.16:56
BulleTh0cat: /etc/modprobe.d/arch/i386: No such file or directory16:56
BulleTh0Btw... it's a fresh install.16:56
BulleTh0There is no arch directory in modeprobe.d16:57
BulleTh0I used this how to. And at the end the /etc/network/interfaces looks kinda weird. The ethX configurations are commented. How the server should know how to get the adresses ?17:00
geniiBulleTh0: The bond0 device overrides the eth0/eth1/ethX devicenames. When you enslave the subdevices, it will bring them up itself usually17:04
geniiWork is very busy right now, aplogies on lag17:05
BulleTh0genni, yes but I'm planing to use mutiple ip adresses :)17:06
BulleTh0eth0: Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=62        eth1: Request timed out.// and it's configured properly.17:07
BulleTh0Enslaving is the opposite thing that I want. I want to use each nic that I have on the server with the ips that I have.17:09
smoserkirkland, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/53149417:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 531494 in mountall "cloud-init job not running in eucalyptus without ramdisk" [Critical,New]17:28
smosercan you accept nominiation for lucid for me?17:29
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sbeattiesmoser: I accepted it.17:33
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uvirtbotNew bug: #527081 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package libmysqlclient16 5.1.37-1ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52708118:02
kirklandsmoser: oh, sorry, yeah, done18:05
kirklandsmoser: ah, sbeattie got it18:05
smoseryeah, thanks18:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #534550 in php5 (main) "php5 API is outdated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53455018:11
ahasenackhas anybody been using the lucid desktop AMIs with NX?18:51
ahasenackit doesn't work for me, and I found that the nx ppa that those AMIs have is pointing to karmic even18:51
ahasenackso after fixing that and updating the ami, finally I at least got rid of the "Mar  8 18:25:52 domU-12-31-39-0A-4A-22 sshd[870]: Invalid user nx@ubuntu from ...." error, not it tries just "nx"18:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #534594 in ntp (main) "logcheck filter misses kernel status changed message" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53459419:26
jaypurlol i just discoverd that windows server has a interface19:43
jaypuran interface*19:43
jaypurso it does not have like 100% performance...19:45
jaypurif i install nautilus at my ubuntu server, if i connect by ssh, and run it at my ubuntu client, it will open like the same nautilus here, and i could navigate by the files?19:55
guntbertjaypur: nautilus on a server? uncommon19:56
jaypuri need to19:56
jaypursee the files at my laptop19:56
jaypurguntbert, i want to see my server files as i see my laptop files, but remotly..19:58
sorenjaypur: Ask in #ubuntu how to use nautilus to connect over ssh.19:58
guntbertjaypur: please lets make it clear - you want to access your server from your notebook?19:59
jaypursoren, thanks19:59
jaypurguntbert, i can do that...19:59
jaypurguntbert, i wanna modify the files as i do at the note, like interface...19:59
guntbertjaypur: I ask if that is what you want to do - if yes you type ssh  -X youruser@yourserver   -- then you can start any GUI app thats installed on the server and have it display on your notebook20:00
jaypurguntbert, yeah!20:01
jaypurso i could install nautilus and run it here??20:02
jaypurppl are telling me to connect nautilus by ssh20:02
sorenDon't install nautilus on the server. That's silly.20:02
soren20:58:57 < soren> jaypur: Ask in #ubuntu how to use nautilus to connect over ssh.20:02
jaypursoren, already on it brother20:02
guntbertjaypur: you would have to install it on the server - but as soren said (and was my first comment) - it is not advisable20:03
jaypurconnected it!!!20:03
jaypuri just love you guys X)20:03
jaypurand linux20:03
jaypurHAHAH AWESOME!!!!20:04
jaypuri'm so happy20:04
jaypurit's a shame that, game servers can only be run 24 hours if i run it on the server, can run it by ssh, if i close the ssh, the server goes off...20:05
jaypurbut i think i can set some commands to run at the start up of the server..... and then the server goes automatic rite?20:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #534623 in openssh (main) "sshd segfault at 38" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53462320:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #534647 in munin (main) "default apache config causes an empty webpage on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53464720:51
lifelesskirkland: btw, the ubuntu wiki docs need a refresh21:06
lifelesskirkland: they say to start 'registration' but its now 'publication'21:06
lifelesskirkland: also, I tink the nc br0 setup should happen before package install, not after :)21:07
kirklandlifeless: totally21:11
kirklandlifeless: we'll probably shift into that mode around beta221:11
kirklandlifeless: i think we'll need to branch the docs for 9.10 and 10.0421:12
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jaypurmy ssh is not working after i changed the port =/21:14
jaypurand i've already ipend the port at the router21:14
jaypursudo nice -20 ./program.... is it ok???21:16
keeskirkland: I've updated https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking again, this time with the safer version of how to handle the fscaps and user caps.21:42
kirklandkees: thanks, i'm still buried under some uec testing21:43
keeskirkland: np.21:43
osmosis__I dont really get what ubuntu cloud is. Can someone explain it?22:08
tranceNRGIt's similar to Amazon's EC2 service except it runs on your machines.  Essentially you spin up a varying number of instances (virtual machines) to meet your computational needs.22:14
osmosis__tranceNRG, but what exactly is running on my servers? and how do I use it? Is it like multi machined clustered disk space?22:24
tranceNRGubuntu server edition with eucalyptus software.  Requires one dedicated controller machine and one or more node machines.  I honestly am fairly new to it as well but that is what I have gathered from reading.22:26
mrandrzejakHello everyone! New to the chat here, longtime Ubuntu user.22:28
mrandrzejakNot sure how I got here though :) How do I switch to other chats?22:29
sherrmrandrzejak: irc uses "/join" etc. but depends on your client. This is ubuntu-server specific.22:31
mrandrzejakOK, thanks!22:34
mrandrzejakWould anyone know if it is possible to do video chat with ICQ? Or if Pidgin or other chat programs like Empathy are planning to include it?22:37
bdmurrayhggdh: have you seen https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+patches ?22:39
hggdhbdmurray: no, I had not22:40
hggdhthank you.22:40
hggdh<sigh/> still finding things22:40
bdmurrayhggdh: it's really new!22:40
bdmurraylike the 3rd22:41
katsuodoi have a strange problem22:44
katsuodorebuilt a server using 8.04.2 and ran apt-get update to update/upgrade22:46
katsuodoserver to 8.04.4.  I get the following:22:46
katsuodow: failed to fetch22:46
katsuodounable to connect to security.ubuntu.com ip address x.x.x.x:8022:46
katsuodoi typed the following:22:46
katsuodosudo apt-get check22:46
katsuodosudo apt-get update -f22:46
katsuodosudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade grep apt:ps ax | grep apt /usr/lib/apt/methods/http: i killall processes and there is no manager running in the background.22:46
katsuodoi have a internet connection and can  ping the security.ubuntu.com server without a problem22:47
sherrkatsuodo: If I get apt failures (e.g. fetch) I try again a bit later (or the next day). Often fixes issues.22:47
katsuodothis is one day later today22:48
sherrSometimes get glitches - time fies them :-)22:48
sherrI have an 8.04.4 around - let me try ...22:49
katsuodoit is 8.04.222:49
sherrI have 8.04.4 and did an "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" and it pulled down a few things (sudo, cups) and installed OK. This is a vbox install though, or 8.04.4 directly (I think).22:52
katsuodoi just tried it again and the same22:54
katsuodoit is trying to connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com @ some given ip address.  i ping the ip address and it responds22:55
katsuodoreceiving err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com now it is trying to connect to security.ubuntu.com22:56
sherrkatsuodo: Maybe try changing repos in your sources.list.22:57
sherrAnyway - good luck.22:57
katsuodothis is none gui based22:58
katsuodocan you navigate to info to change the server where the download is pulling down from?22:59
sherrkatsuodo: you mean the apt sources list file?23:03
jpdskatsuodo: us.archive is in London.23:06
katsuodoif u look at repositories in a gui based installation there is an option to change the download from23:06
sherrI pasted my sources.list here :23:06
jpdskatsuodo: Try using a US mirror like http://ubuntu.osuosl.org/ubuntu/ instead.23:06
sherr/etc/apt/sources.list for Hardy
sherrMake a BACKUP of yours if you use it23:07
jpdssherr: gb.archive is also in London.23:07
sherrGood night  Zzzz :-)23:07
jaypur1how can i connect to my server by ssh, with nautilus on, like a root???23:08
katsuodosherr where you have gb i have us instead23:08
jpdskatsuodo: Exactly.23:09
jpdskatsuodo: Pick a US mirror from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors and copy and paste the sources.list entries the mirror page provides.23:09
katsuodowill give this a try and report back in a moment23:12
katsuodojpds just these two lines only?23:14
jpdskatsuodo: Repeat for -updates, etc.23:15
katsuododo you mean type this statement in as substitution for the other statements in sources.list?23:16
jaypur1i can see my server files here, by nautilus ssh... but if i need to change a file or folder i don't have the permission, what can i do?23:17
Roxyhart0hi there...Im having problem with roaming profile (samba-ubuntu)..aparetly the profile template is corrupt. Somebody know how i can create a profile template?23:33

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