
aragood morning all!06:54
arahey jtatum, around?07:20
czajkowskiara: morning, how goes the tackling of your inbox09:23
araczajkowski, good morning! hehe, much better, thanks09:33
czajkowskiara: I upgraded to lucid :D09:34
araczajkowski, \o/09:34
czajkowskiara: I've no wireless though :( same thing happened from jaunty to karmic09:35
czajkowskiara: bug 477127 is still effecting me on lucid upgraded09:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 477127 in software-center (Ubuntu) "menu for software-center is missing (affects: 8) (dups: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47712709:35
araczajkowski, :(, but, did you manage to get it working in karmic?09:35
czajkowskishould I just comment on that09:36
czajkowskiara: yup09:36
czajkowskibug 53335109:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 533351 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "After upgrading from karmic2lucid no wireless networking working (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53335109:36
araczajkowski, I am uploading a file to a server, and therefore, my internet connection is a bit slow, I will read them as soon as they load09:39
araczajkowski, someone commented your bug already09:40
araczajkowski, and the software-centre one, you should "me too it", please09:45
czajkowskiara: re software centre I did me too it when I was Karmic, but still dont' have it when I upgraded to Lucid.09:47
araczajkowski, ah, ok, then, please, add a comment to say that09:48
aramvo, ^09:48
czajkowskiwill do09:49
czajkowskiara: done thanks.09:50
araczajkowski, thanks!09:50
mvoczajkowski: menu as in "entry in the gnome-panel applications menu"?09:50
czajkowskimvo: where software center is, you see add/remove applications.09:51
mvoczajkowski: thanks, please add this info to the bugreport too :)09:51
czajkowskimvo: will do tonight, today at work on windows machines :)09:52
czajkowskimvo: what report should I add or is it just text I need to add?09:54
mvoczajkowski: just text saying that instead of software-center add/remove is showing09:54
mvoI added a gnome-panel task09:55
czajkowskiahh your michael vogt09:55
davmor2morning all11:02
aramorning davmor211:11
davmor2ara: new theme is nice.  kubuntu installer should hopefully be fixed too11:12
aradavmor2, yes, we might need to pairwise test again11:12
aradavmor2, I will send an email later today to the qa list11:13
davmor2well if you do drop a few more on 64bit :)11:13
davmor2there was only the one on ubuntu11:13
aradavmor2, there was kubuntu and xubuntu as well11:22
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davmor2morning fader_ cr314:16
fader_davmor2: Hey dude14:27
fader_How's life?14:27
davmor2sunny and bright at the moment.14:28
davmor2fader_: how's things other side of the pond14:39
fader_davmor2: Crisp but sunny today... it's been approaching springlike for a few days.14:40
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* djanos installe lucid dans virtualbox20:05
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thebwtI don't think my fans are running correctly on my laptop, is there a wiki page on testing fan stuff?23:09
thebwt(i am using the daily iso fwiw)23:09
thebwtI'm just looking to confirm or deny that they are working, not looking for a fix yet23:09
* thebwt is looking up lm-sensors package and site wiki23:25
thebwtthanks charlie-tca !23:46
charlie-tcano problem23:46
charlie-tcagood luck23:46
thebwtthanks, acpi=off fixes my issue (I think that is obvious, but I'm new at this so I'm not sure). I assume that the setting just runs it unmonitored. Will try some of the other acpi settings.23:48

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