
TakyojiAnyone favor a specific networked message queue system/protocol?00:20
TakyojiWas looking at RabbitMQ and MemcacheQ00:20
TakyojiHAAAH http://games.slashdot.org/story/10/03/08/004219/Ubisofts-Authentication-Servers-Go-Down02:48
mr_steveToo bad no one warned them that could happen. Oh, wait...02:58
TakyojiAnd then they'll pull some crap statement out of their ass against piracy to support the concept of their DRM. :P02:59
TakyojiThis game is just a pure example of DRM horror03:00
TakyojiI'll surprised if they continue to rape further games with such DRM03:00
TakyojiI'll be surprised*03:00
TakyojiI'm looking at Ubisoft's forums and apparently it's quite flooded with people pissed off, and implying they're never buying from Ubisoft anymore, etc.03:01
TakyojiMay 4th, Day Against DRM; by defectivebydesign.org03:43
Takyojihttp://trololololololololololo.com/ :D04:44
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory
TakyojiWhen are they ever going to make GRUB2 shiny?21:27
TakyojiI think it's considerably the most "user unfriendly" thing in the Ubuntu stack right now; yes, it's very usable, but quite verbose with the details of the options and so forth (to a general user)21:28
Takyojiand yay http://www.starryhope.com/linux/ubuntu/2010/ubuntu-lucid-makes-scanning-simple/21:31
TakyojiI also wonder if Google Chrome will ever be in the Ubuntu repositories...21:46
* Takyoji tries to decide between AMQP and SNMP21:51
tonyyarussoTakyoji: "Chrome" can't be, as it's not FLOSS.21:55
TakyojiHowever Chromium could be.21:55
TakyojiYet neither is provided21:56
TakyojiSo then would that imply that Firefox is not FLOSS, and Iceweasel is? :P21:56
tonyyarussoUh, perhaps you should do your homework before asking such questions Takyoji :P21:57
TakyojiIt's primarily the branding that sets the two examples apart, correct?21:58
TakyojiBut what about the poor confused souls? :P21:58
tonyyarussoToo bad for them?21:59
tonyyarussoWe can't control trademark law.21:59
TakyojiThen I guess I'll complain about Songbird. :P22:00
Takyojiotherwise is there any specific date for the installfest at TIES yet?22:02
TakyojiOoo, an octacore CPU22:12
rippsTakyoji: if you want a shiny grub2, install the burg ppa. Very shiny indeed.23:56

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