
persiaScottL: In case anyone asks during nighttime on this side of the globe again, PA built against Jack is available, but qjackctl still disables PA on start.  There likely exists some way to untangle this, but I don't believe it's been done.01:19
TheMusopersia: The optimal way is jack2 and dbus to/from pulseaudio. That way, pulse only suspends access to the device jack wants. Whether it then can allow pulse to sit on top of jack in the same communication, I don't know.01:31
crimsunthe pulse side isn't really up to snuff yet (Lennart posted about this a few months ago)01:31
crimsunperhaps [to add a hack] we could check the default sink and source from pactl stat and act accordingly with pasuspender in qjackctl01:32
persiaI'm happy to wait for lucid+1 to sort this issue.01:34
crimsunyeah, I'd much rather release-note it for lucid01:35
persiaI like the idea of using dbus properly, and we would benefit from more pulseaudio-jack testing before just turning it on for studio users.01:35
persiaTo put it another way, I want it to be mature enough that I don't get a phone call from my mother before we turn it on :)01:36
TheMusoAs I said in my mail, I'll certainly help with this integration work.01:46
persiaCool.  I read your mail as mostly stepping away from seed management, image build coordination, developer training, etc.  Was that roughly correct?01:48
TheMusopersia: Yeah thats right01:49
TheMusoAny work relating to the integration of studio's custom pieces like art, packages, etc.01:50
* persia can help out with advice and training, and with (some) package bugs, but isn't comfortable accepting the mantle of responsibility for image stability or quality.01:51
ScottLpersia and TheMuso, thanks for answering before I bugged you ;)01:52
TheMusoHopefully the team will work that out. I can't really recommend anyone for the position atm, and since you persia are involved so much elsewhere community wise, I'd rather not increase your workload anyway.01:52
persiaTheMuso: Yeah.  That's why I wouldn't accept the role :)01:53
ScottLpersia and TheMuso, the previous statement was about PA/JACK, I hadn't actually read below that yet01:56
ScottLpersia, you said that qjackctl disables PA, but PA is not disabled if I start JACK from the command line?04:27
persiaScottL: Right.04:35
ScottLpersia, so if I run JACK from CLI, then how does PA/JACK negotiate devices?  JACK just not work in that case?04:36
persiaThere's no autonegotiation.04:40
persiaTo work around the lack of autonegotiation, the .desktop file for qjackctl calls pasuspender.04:40
persiaThat's not an ideal solution, for lots of reasons, but it's sufficient to work for now.04:40
ScottLwhat I meant to ask is what happens to the audio routing if I run JACK from the command line?  if PA is still running won't it bodger JACK attempts to route audio?04:47
ScottLcrimsun, i added your note about pulse audio to lucid's working release notes, please feel free to clarify what was put down - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/WorkingReleaseNotes#preview04:48
persiaScottL: Depends on whether JACK and PA are trying to use the same device or not.04:52
jussi01ScottL: re: plymouth themeing, I thought that maybe the ubuntu studio logo with radiating waves, like sound waves. ie. it starts a blue out line and fills blue outwards like a ripple in a pool of water or a sound wave eminating outwards10:39
jussi01sort of signifying the audio thing...10:39
persiajussi01: Easy to move a graphic.  Maybe not to easy to have graphics change.10:41
jussi01persia: perhaps, Im just trying to think cool things, not really thinking practical here10:42
persiaheh :)10:42
jussi01persia: also, you may want to set your nickserv password as the server password so it identifies you before joining channels. 10:42
jussi01then we dont get the changing hosts spam10:43
ScottLjussi01, I can look into that (re: plymouth theme with radiating waves)12:02
ScottLbut persia has suggested that we have everything ready before this Thursday so we can ask for a UIF exception12:02
ScottLbut if I can get the radiating waves to work at a later time we can always update the theme :) or use it on lucid+112:03
persiaThursday is Beta Freeze, so ideally we'd like to get the exception approved before then.12:03
ScottLjussi01, also, I should be sending jdong an email today about the forum name change with dynamic description12:04
ScottLpersia, the theme works now on my end, perhaps a few people to test and we ask then?12:04
ScottLi can tell them what to do for testing12:04
persiaScottL: If it works for you, just file the exception request.12:04
persiaBut first get the package ready, etc.12:05
* ScottL begins to feel a little unsteady12:06
ScottLI'm not sure how to package this12:06
ScottLis it like any other package?12:07
persiaShould be.12:09
persiaThere may be a couple special bits, but those can be discovered by testing.12:09
ScottLokay, tonight I'll start the packaging12:09
* ScottL off to work12:09
persiaHave a good day.12:16
ckontrosWhat happened? (or didn't) Why don't we have disks? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/daily/current/13:04
* persia checks13:05
ckontrosAnd hi all. ;)13:05
persiaVery odd.  That's not a normal error : http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntustudio/lucid/daily-20100308.log13:07
* persia gets more confused going through back logs13:09
ckontrospersia: Ok. I hope Luke (or someone) can sort it.13:09
persiaPossibly invalid template lucid-src-1.template seems most likely, but ...13:09
ckontrosSome issue with fonts? This looks odd.13:10
persiaI've just gone back a week, and we still have the same error (which I don't understand).13:13
* abogani waves13:16
* ckontros goes to take the kids to school.13:16
ckontrosScottL: re: Metacity button order. I got back home today, tried to sync the disks and found they haven't built in a week. So, that needs sorted. If I had to guess though, we still need to add that gconf key to our -settings package to revert the button order to "normal" behavior.15:36
ScottL_ckontros: thanks for explaining although I fear I missed part of your and persia's conversation in transit to work (I'll read the missing parts when I get home of course)16:06
ScottL_but anything you are willing to explain I would gladly learn in regards to this or any other manner16:07
ckontrosScottL_: The gconf setting is easy. The disk thing is beyond me Im afraid. We'll need Luke's help.16:10
* ckontros goes off for a job interview.16:26
* abogani waves20:55
aboganiFor the tinkerers and testers: https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/ppa20:55
aboganiFeedback are welcome! 20:55
ScottL_abogani: I'm going to start testing -generic vs -whateverwehaveinppa this week, probably towards the end of this week21:02
aboganiScottL_: Thanks a lot.21:03
ckontrosAfter 10 weeks, I am once again employed.21:26
aboganickontros: Yeah!21:28
ckontrosNow I can hopefully dig myself out of this hole and be ok again bu the summer.21:29
* abogani hope that will be his turn soon21:31
ckontrosabogani: Anything hopeful? Do you have any interviews set up?21:31
aboganickontros: A sent a lot of CV but evidently no one are interested on a stupid Italian programmer. :-(21:33
* abogani start to think that perhaps he should change "field" ...21:33
ckontrosabogani: I know how you feel. I was thinking the same thing for a while.21:34
aboganickontros: In any case I'm very very happy for you.21:34
ckontrosThanx sir. I hope it turns around soon for you. Things are always slow in the winter.21:35
aboganistupid empathy...21:40
* ckontros still stubbornly clings to Pidgin.21:42
ScottL_ckontros: congrats!22:01

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