
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
kristoforhi all, can somebody tell me how I would go about running a bash script as a specific user in upstart?17:48
sadmac2kristofor: su17:54
TercesI just created an upstart task in the /etc/event.d directory, but when I "sudo start taskname" it says "start: Unknown job:". A google search for "upstart start: Unknown job:" didn't turn up anything useful. Can anyone suggest how I would go about finding my problem (are there error logs, etc.)?19:39
ionIt’s /etc/init, unless you’re running very old software.19:40
ionParse errors are logged to syslog.19:40
Tercesoh, thanks.19:40
Tercestrying to fix it now.19:41
Tercesthat was it/19:41
TercesI was using documentation I found online that must have been outdated.19:42
ionman 5 init is a good starting point.19:42
Tercesthanks ion19:43

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