
ubuntu_i cant remember the name00:00
xxx_Excuse for OFFTOP. Where are U from, Ubuntu & xjjk? I'm interestin in what countries people likes Linux?00:01
ubuntu_but main issue is that when i try to start ubuntu it throws me a dos window and wants me to push the TAB button to see some instructions00:01
xjjkxxx_: USA00:02
ubuntu_it shows something like these: rmmod00:02
xjjkubuntu_: yah... it's a grub problem00:02
xjjkubuntu_: it's an easy fix, but involved, and difficult to tell whether you actually fixed it00:02
ubuntu_yes this:)00:02
xjjkif you can reinstall, I'd reinstall, it'll be easier00:02
xxx_xjjk: Hi, man from USA. I am from Ukraine00:02
ubuntu_so i think i have to uninstall it first in windows 700:03
ubuntu_am i right or are there any better things to do00:04
Typos_Kingubuntu_   did the installation ever booted in?00:04
ubuntu_yeah it did00:05
Typos_KingI mean, for all we know there was some error on the install00:05
ubuntu_everything was ok  theres a problem with the working of it00:05
ubuntu_it was installed correctly in linux window00:05
ubuntu_it was booted so i think00:06
ubuntu_when i come to make a choice00:06
ubuntu_between windows 7 and linux00:06
ubuntu_i cant start it00:06
Typos_Kingiirc it doesn't use Grub when it gets installed on a win32 partition folder, it uses the win32 boot loader, usually ntldr00:06
ubuntu_ow i think the problem is that my windows 7 is 64 bit00:07
ubuntu_and i installed it in windows 700:08
semistud2354is it possible to flash your bios with linux??00:08
ubuntu_dont flash your bios bro its dangerous go to referrers page00:08
semistud2354i did it before...00:08
Typos_Kingsemistud2354:   if the bios manufacturer provides the utility, I'd think so00:09
semistud2354i had windows on one hard drive00:09
semistud2354and linux on the other00:09
semistud2354i poped the windows one in and had at it...00:09
semistud2354it improved linux suspend and screen00:09
semistud2354....is there like a way to install windows xp on a flash...00:10
semistud2354and boot from the flash?00:10
semistud2354update the bios...then delete00:10
Typos_Kingsemistud2354:   http://www.linuxinsight.com/how-to-flash-motherboard-bios-from-linux-no-dos-windows-no-floppy-drive.html00:10
semistud2354i tryed that00:11
semistud2354when i mounted fdeom.144 and burned to cd...00:11
semistud2354it wouldnt boot00:11
joshua__can someone tell me why i cna't send outgoing messages on kopete via yahoo00:11
Typos_Kingsemistud2354:   http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/bios-flashing.html00:12
joshua__how come i can00:19
joshua__I can't open my second partition?00:19
joshua__it tells me org.freekesktop.hal.device.volume.premissiondenied00:20
jechpim looking for support in Spanish00:23
Typos_King!es | jechp00:27
ubottujechp: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:27
wizkoderI tried to install a package with dpkg which has unsolved dependencies. I do not want to install it anymore but when I want to install something else with apt-get I get the error again.00:33
Typos_Kingwizkoder:     sudo apt-get -f install;00:34
Typos_Kingto 'fix' install errors00:34
wizkoderTypos_King: But then he keeps installing the package, no?00:36
Typos_Kingtha'ts for fixing any installations00:36
Typos_Kingtry it, see if you still get the errors00:37
wizkoderTypos_King: Now I installed it. Everything fine. But still wondering how I could have stopped the installation00:38
Typos_Kinghow  you couuld have ... stoppedA?00:38
Typos_Kingstopped rather... no sure what that means :{00:38
DoDihow do I uninstall software not listed in kpackagekit?01:19
tekgeekone thing I found on a site01:22
tekgeek Re: how to uninstall programs/packages?01:22
tekgeekIn a terminal, type:01:22
tekgeeksudo apt-get remove <package_name>01:22
FloodBotK1tekgeek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:22
=== KB1JWQ is now known as PFY
=== PFY is now known as KB1JWQ
Typos_KingDoDi:    sudo apt-get remove PACKAGENAME;01:27
DoDiI've problems to figure out the package names (for fpc)01:31
Typos_Kingwell... what package are you trying to remove?01:32
Typos_Kingok then...just do01:33
DoDiit seems to consist of multiple packages01:33
Typos_Kingsudo apt-get remove fpc01:33
Typos_Kingeasy enough, no?01:33
DoDino such package :-(01:33
DoDihow can I get a list of installed packages, starting with "fp"?01:34
Typos_Kingthen is not there :)01:34
Typos_Kingsure is called 'fpc'?01:35
DoDithe application is fpc01:35
DragnslcrDoDi- you can try using apt-cache search01:35
Typos_Kingthen check for it with ->    apt-cache pkgnames | grep -i fpc01:36
Typos_Kingsee if any pops up there on that list01:36
DragnslcrDoDi- I think KPackageKit will list any packages that have been installed even if they aren't from a repository01:36
DoDiKPackageKit lists two fpc packages, but for *install*, not for uninstall01:36
Typos_Kingthen check for it with ->    apt-cache pkgnames | grep -i fpc      <----01:37
Typos_Kingif it's not there, then it isn't there :}01:37
DoDithe list contains very many fp* packages, including fpc01:39
Typos_Kingthen use that one you want removed :)01:39
Typos_Kingthose are the packages installed01:39
DoDiremove fpc says: not installed, so not removed01:40
Typos_Kingright, so it isn't there then01:40
Typos_Kingor you're not using the proper package name01:40
Typos_Kingif the name is fpc-3cbed   so it's, isn't fpc, most include the version too in the name01:41
DoDican I try an upgrade (this is what I really need)01:42
DoDihaving an fpc... package on an ftp server - what's the best way to install it01:43
DoDiI have the choice of 1 rpm package, or about 20 deb packages01:44
Typos_King... you can try the rpm and try to make it a .deb with 'alien'01:44
Typos_Kingotherwise you may have to do the 20 debs :}01:44
Typos_Kingthen if the conversion goes well, install  the .deb manually :)01:45
DoDiI don't have the rights to install "alien"01:47
Typos_KingI guess you'll just have to get 'root' hehe01:47
Typos_Kingyou can't sudo it?01:47
Typos_Kingalien is in the repos, sudo apt-get install alien;01:47
DoDisudo kpackagekit seems to work :-)01:49
DoDibut don't ask me where I found "kapackagekit"01:50
DoDiwhere can I adjust the default font size?01:52
DoDiDolphin has a nice font size, but most other applications use too big fonts01:53
Typos_King... heh01:53
Typos_Kingsystem settings > look and feel > fonts01:53
DoDiand where applicable "reduce font size" does nothing (increase works)01:54
Typos_Kingyou can maybe install extra fonts.... I installed quite a few I use on some apps, like Krusader uses Lucida Grande :)01:54
Typos_Kingfont sizes are usually an app setting01:54
DoDiappearance > fonts01:54
Typos_Kingno a system wide setting per se.... so... not sure what you want to changer01:55
DoDieverything at 8 pt., seems not to be the right set01:56
Typos_King.. can't say.. .mine looks fine :)01:57
DoDi__tried 120 dpi, and the screens went all blank, had to reboot02:03
tekgeekanyone alive tonight?03:11
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AbcdqfrIrc dead?03:44
AbcdqfrFloodBotK1: whats up?03:45
AbcdqfrFloodBotK2: Whats up 2?03:45
wubbaI installed Nvidia drivers and now my box runs really slow.  So I resinstalled the OS (its a new box) and it runs fine until I install the Nvidia drivers.03:49
MrUnagii just installed kubuntu on my hp dv6000t but i cant seem to get the wireless working04:02
MrUnagiit seems to be connected, but i cannot go to google.com04:02
MrUnagior even the router04:02
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\AhmedMy Realteck sound card isnt working04:21
\AhmedOn Kubuntu04:21
\AhmedBut does works without KDE04:21
\Ahmedon Gnome04:21
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iggiminDoes WINE work in Kubuntu the same as in Gnome?04:37
iggiminI'm trying to duplicate what I just did in Ubuntu with Wine here in my Kubuntu install, but it's not working the same04:38
iggiminheheh, chatty channel here04:51
DarkwingDuckanyone have an idea how to fix a cmake issue with KDE4? http://pastebin.com/74iutXyq04:52
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okuriinudid anyone have a problem with a nvidia graphics card05:30
james_lI usually don't. I take it you do?05:31
okuriinuwell doesnt actuivate05:33
okuriinustarts de download at 50%05:33
james_lCan't say I have much of an idea what that is. Try doing it from a terminal?05:34
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okuriinumm i tried but i am to much of a newbie05:37
Guest16044I start the computer, and it shows it is loading with usplash but then it is just a black screen with a mouse pointer, what can I do?05:38
okuriinudid you know any good tutrial05:38
okuriinui think i can read a do it05:38
Guest16044I NEED HELP CMON05:39
Guest16044how do i reinstall kde05:49
okuriinuthanks james it work from aptitude konsole05:57
keneb01Does ne1 know how to ge the border lines off the windows and the bottom of the screen?06:01
keneb01it looks like a fabric screen across the bottom06:04
keneb01ne ideas?06:04
keneb01I just finished loading tonight.  everything seems to work;printer and network06:07
keneb01i would appreciate the help06:09
keneb01thanks anyway06:10
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Speedy2All, I have setup Karmic 9.10 and need to get the maintenance console.  Since I have not set a root password, I don't know how to get in.06:38
stevenesshow do I reinstall kde on kubuntu?06:49
vram0So I installed Kubuntu 9.10 for a relative who is now halfway across the world and has apparently forgotten their password.  I try to get them to try the instructions at: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword , but the "Drop to root shell prompt" option results in the system prompting for the root password.  I never explicitly set one on the installation -- how can I get them to the point of being able to reset their user account's password?06:55
Unksivram0: does the "maintenance mode" in grub ask for password?06:56
vram0Unksi: no, just when the "Drop to root shell" option is selected.06:58
Unksidont remember it asking for it last time i used it :/06:59
vram0I guess the root password is set to some scrambled thing?06:59
vram0by default06:59
Unksiyeah its an impossible value by default06:59
vram0Unksi: have you tried it on 9.10?06:59
Unksiwhich cant be typed with a keyboard06:59
vram0Does anyone know if the recovery console root prompt should prompt for the root password if it has never been set/changed?07:12
daskreechit shudln't07:13
Speedy2daskreech: But it does.07:20
daskreechSpeedy2: but it shoudln't I would put it down as an oversight07:20
Speedy2daskreech: So if one is in the sticky situation where you need recovery root console, and didn't set a root password, what are the sane options?07:21
daskreechand you have no live CD ?07:22
Speedy2daskreech: As luck would have it, the CDROM/DVDROM is broken (laptop) and I don't have a USB-CDROM to use.07:25
daskreechDo you have a USB ?07:25
Speedy2I tried to edit the recovery option in grub and chagne "ro single" to "init=/bin/bash" and that gave me a root console.  But using passwd didn't work07:25
daskreechSpeedy2: did you give the route to passwd ?07:26
daskreechSpeedy2: well you would have to mount the drive first :)07:26
Speedy2everything was mounted07:26
Speedy2I know about that.07:26
Speedy2i.e root filesystem is rw07:26
Speedy2i will try agani07:27
daskreechand you coudln't see passwd07:27
Speedy2passwd "worked" but when trying to save the new password, it gave me an error about updating the token database.07:27
daskreechah ok07:27
daskreechyou did a chroot?07:28
Speedy2No, just let it fall to the console07:28
daskreechProbably should chroot07:28
Speedy2let me try that07:29
Speedy2daskreech: Well, the root filesystem is already mounted by the system, normally you use chroot with a mount point...any suggestions?07:30
daskreechSpeedy2: so the / is actually the / from the drive?07:31
Speedy2yes, because I have booted via the grub entry, except I changed "ro single" to "init=/bin/bash"07:31
Speedy2Is it an environment variable that needs to be set?07:31
Speedy2I also appeneded "init=/bin/bash" to the "ro single" line and that didn't help.07:33
Speedy2Adding "rw init=/bin/bash" AFTER ro single worked!.07:34
ubuntu_i am not able to boot into kubuntu07:51
ubuntu_i am getting "grub rescue>" and the boot07:51
ubuntu_can anyone help me please07:51
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Balsaqhas anyone installed kubuntu next to w7 on a new computer?08:08
ubuntu_Balsaq: i did install08:09
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Balsaqbeside w7?08:12
Balsaqi want to do it but dont think i have the skills yet...would need a play by play...i think...to pull it off08:13
Balsaqi burned kubuntu to a disk...08:13
Balsaqand ran it live with that cool plasma desktop08:13
ubuntuBalsaq: do you have more than one harddisk08:14
Balsaqwhy will it mess up if we dual it?08:14
Balsaqi am a good installer..just not a dual booter yet08:15
Balsaqi noticed when i ran it live...it messed up my windows clock and date08:16
ubuntuBalsaq: i installed 2 bootloaders in 2 different hardisks and i select between the os by choosing which harddisk to boot first in the bios. i think there is a problem with grub2 bootloader08:20
Balsaqyeah i heard that...was hoping it was an operator error.08:21
=== caldera is now known as JulienBu
n8wive installed several new screensavers from the repo,but they dont show up in the list(desktop setting)08:50
n8wi mean ive installed it from the repo, therefore i should do any extra actions...so why dont they show up?08:51
Balsaqdod you reboot after the install?08:56
yaniyakovgood morning people :)08:57
ubuntugood morning08:57
Balsaq358 am here08:58
ubuntu2.30 pm here08:58
yaniyakov10:58 am08:59
yaniyakovI`m from Bulgaria08:59
ubuntui have to repair a corrupt partition can anyone help me09:00
ubuntui have to repair a corrupt partition can anyone help me09:01
yaniyakovI`m sorry I can`t help you :(09:01
Balsaqwhats the matter wit hit09:01
Balsaqwith it09:01
Balsaquse gparted or parted09:01
ubuntugparted hangs when it starts reading the partitions09:02
Balsaqcan you resize all of it and they reboot09:03
Balsaqit may change them all, even if only a little bit and save it and reboot09:03
pitredid you tried fdisk ?09:03
Balsaqchange them all, even if only a little bit, save and reboot naybe09:04
ubuntupitre: how to use fdisk09:04
pitreyou need to open the terminal09:04
pitrethen fdisk [disk name]09:05
ubuntupitre: i have done that . when fdisk lists the partitions. i am able to find the required partition. but  when i try to mount the partition. i get an error09:06
pitrewhat kind of error do you get ?09:07
ubuntupitre: i am not able to boot into my kubuntu, right now i am using a live cd09:07
ubuntupitre: i will tell you the error09:07
ubuntupitre: this is the error->http://paste.ubuntu.com/391613/09:09
pitreand what is the dmesg output09:11
n8wBalsaq:  was that question: did u reboot? for me?09:11
ubuntumount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb2,09:12
ubuntu       missing codepage or helper program, or other error09:12
ubuntu       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try09:12
ubuntu       dmesg | tail  or so09:12
FloodBotK1ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:12
ikoniaubuntu: calm down, and try to use one line to write your problem on09:12
ubuntupitre: dmesg output->http://paste.ubuntu.com/391615/09:14
Balsaqn8w...looking back-yes it was09:14
Balsaqdo it again n8w, make sure you "save" and reboot09:15
Balsaqnot in buntu right noe though sorry....09:15
=== madagu_ is now known as MadAGu
trijntjeHi all, i'm looking for the "Add/Remove.." application that is used in the installation slideshow of Kubuntu, but I cant seem to find it09:37
Torchhow do i get debug packages for kde 4.4.1 on karmic?09:37
Vroomfondletrijntje: just search for "add" in the menu09:40
trijntjeVroomfondle: ok, if thats the place to install programs ill file a bug agains te slideshow, I think they just copied the tekst for gnome09:42
Vroomfondleyou can use that or kpackagekit09:43
Vroomfondle(kpackagekit's better if you know exactly what packages you're after)09:43
trijntjethanks for your help Vroomfondle09:46
Vroomfondleno problem09:47
pitreubuntu: i had to go for a wlile10:00
pitretell me please how did error happend ?10:01
n8w_can anyone tell me why i cant see any newly installed screensaver in the screensaver list?10:04
n8w_it keeps showin only those two default ones10:04
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=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
jennyhi everybody !10:22
Balsaqhi jenny10:30
Balsaqnw8 which version are you using?10:38
Balsaqsudo apt-get install xscreensaver xscreensaver-data xscreensaver-data-extra xscreensaver-gl xscreensaver-gl-extra10:43
OxymoronShould grub2 in the boot menu say grub 1.97~experimental or 1.97~beta4 as it were before? :S10:43
BalsaqAfter it finishes installing, navigate to ~/.kde/Autostart/10:43
Balsaqcreate a file called xscreensaver.desktop   (n8w)10:44
OxymoronAnd then, why get 2.6.31-9 come before 2.6.31-20 in the kernel list? And the latest kernel doesnt even work with nvidia, it says video buffer error and cannot stabilize screen output at all.10:45
Balsaqpaste in the following five lines:10:45
Balsaq[Desktop Entry]10:45
BalsaqExec=xscreensaver -nosplash10:45
FloodBotK1Balsaq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:45
OxymoronWay to go FloodBotK1 xD10:46
Oxymoronapachelogger: Any support people in here?10:48
OxymoronTorch, Vroomfondle?10:49
=== ubuntu is now known as Alfasus
[-Haza-]Hey folks. is there a keyboard shortcut for KDE that... as far as i can see. turns off anti aliansing?12:17
[-Haza-]i went tp press ctrl+z and i think i pressed something like ctrl+shirt+z12:17
[-Haza-]and the graphics of my desktop now look a little jagged and fuzzy :s12:17
ubuntu_Can anyone tell the me how to set the desktop KDE setting default12:52
ahoxubuntu_ you mean, how to reset your KDE Desktop to its default settings?12:52
ubuntu_ Yes yes exactly12:52
ubuntu_But not by clicking it it made the graphic slower12:53
ubuntu_Please suggest me the best configuration setting :) i have ATI's 1300MB12:53
ahoxubuntu_ you may want to find out what precisely you want to reset. removing the .kde directory will sure work, however, this will remove everything kde related, including mails etc12:54
fabio333ubuntu_: what ati card12:54
ahoxso did you play around with desktop effects?12:54
ubuntu_Yeah ATI card12:54
ubuntu_Yes but how to i do that12:54
ubuntu_Yeah actually i was :$12:54
ahoxSystem settings, Desktop effect12:54
ubuntu_WAit let me see12:54
ubuntu_Yes now12:55
ahoxIts System Settings / Desktop / Desktop Effects12:55
ubuntu_Yeah i am there, should i just click on Defaults /12:55
ahoxdeselect the enable desktop effects12:56
ubuntu_Now ? it wont use the VRAM ?12:56
ahoxNow the KDE desktop effects are disabled. See if this makes your system faster12:57
ubuntu_Looking smooth kinda but what's the best i need CUBE desktop changing and good application selecting12:57
ubuntu_No actaually it did made it faster but i mean its fine to use the full memory but i need in a proper way12:58
ahoxOK, so now that we found out what caused the problems, lets try to fix it12:58
ubuntu_It would be nice :) then12:59
ahoxEnable desktop effects again12:59
ahoxand then go to advanced and check your compositing type12:59
ubuntu_accepted configuration12:59
ubuntu_Yeah i am there12:59
ahoxWhich one do you have?12:59
ahoxtry opengl13:00
ahoxXrender is a software based renderer13:00
ubuntu_I see13:00
ubuntu_SO what do i do now, by opengl13:00
ahoxclick Apply13:00
ahoxand see if it works13:01
ubuntu_Options are13:01
ubuntu_Yes its saying,13:01
ubuntu_SOme effects couldnt actived or something13:01
ubuntu_SHould i set it to  "shared memory" or where13:01
ubuntu_I mean OpenGL13:01
ubuntu_This thing is so smooth hhhhhhhh now13:02
ahoxNo, this some effects means that you have some plugins that are not compatbile with your current kde version13:02
ubuntu_HOw do i download those then ?13:02
ubuntu_I will have the Kubuntu FULL in like day or two13:02
ubuntu_But i have updated this from ubuntu13:02
ubuntu_From trimial13:02
ubuntu_someone told me so13:02
ahoxYou could try to build kde from scratch, but you may not want to do that. Wait for Kubuntu to make the updates13:02
ubuntu_Aha i got it13:03
ubuntu_So what setting should i do here in Desktop effects ?13:03
ubuntu_Would look nice ?13:03
ahoxubuntu_ well, try them out. I personally don't like the desktop cube, I like the Present Windows, Desktop Grid and Box Switch13:04
ahoxbut just knock yourself out13:04
ubuntu_Okay :)13:05
ubuntu_SO isnt that option to set Shared memory to use or /13:05
ubuntu_disable ?13:05
ahoxoh sorry, you where talking about the OpenGl mode, I think shared mem is the best13:05
ubuntu_Yes i just set it to that and kinda a lot better now !13:06
ubuntu_Thanks a lot13:06
ubuntu_Just the last thing13:06
ubuntu_Which desktop effects should i set would be best ? to see13:06
ubuntu_Lemme see what you read up there13:06
ubuntu_THANK GOODNESS its working so good13:07
ubuntu_A LOT FASTER hhhhhhhhhhhh13:07
ahoxI gave you the ones I use, but this is really a personal opinion thing. Some people like a lot colorfull moving stuff, others like me want it simple...13:07
ubuntu_Yeah you can say i am one of them :$13:07
ubuntu_New on it so13:07
ahoxyea sure, like I said, knock yourself out13:08
ahoxand have fun13:08
ubuntu_many of the features wasnt working but when i set it to the shared memory its all working13:08
ubuntu_Yeah right13:08
ubuntu_WHere do i download updates ?13:08
ubuntu_so i can go on a bit13:08
FloodBotK1ubuntu_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:08
ahoxubuntu_, since you use kubuntu all your updates should come through ubuntu13:09
nomad111hey all, i can't seem to get any audio from youtube running in chrome or firefox13:09
nomad111what am i missing13:10
ubuntu_Okay thanks13:11
ubuntu_See you !13:11
ahoxnomad111: I currently have the same problem on my home computer, and the only workaround I found so far is an sudo alsa force-reload . Phonon seems to grab the audio sink13:11
ubuntu_Actually C media realtek audio sound card isnt working on it but does works on Gnome13:11
ahoxHowever, this is anything but the right way to do it(tm)13:11
ubuntu_ANy idea ? Ahox /13:11
FloodBotK1ubuntu_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:11
ahoxubuntu_ like I said, your updates come semi automaticly through kubuntu13:12
ahoxtry to run kpackagekit and use the update function13:12
ubuntu_Yeah well umm13:12
ubuntu_Let me see13:12
ubuntu_Thanks a lot13:12
nomad111ahox: in my case that work around does not seem to work13:12
ahoxnomad111: does konqueror work?13:13
nomad111ahox: sigh i need to install flash for konqueror13:14
nomad111i keep hearing a feint but annoying white noise in my headphones13:14
nomad111like they are not grounded or something13:14
nomad111but when some audio comes out from kde the white noise goes away momentarily13:15
nomad111ahox: is your kubuntu up to date13:17
rmrfslashHas anyone noticed that they cannot suspend their machine anymore w/o something crashing (kwin perhaps) in which case upon opening the lid they're at the login screen?13:34
rmrfslashthis happened following the latest kernel upgrade13:34
rmrfslashsame video driver13:35
rmrfslash(catalyst 10.1)13:35
ubuntu_hello guys. pls help me out with this one: I formated my "Home" partition, but now I cannot boot again. Is there a way to restore my backup without reinstalling the OS?13:35
yakusa35hi all, new to the channel13:36
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Guest51219can somebody help me? i have a problem with my banshee media player, it always closes after one song..13:41
ShadowKnighthi, i have ubuntu. i was wondering if it was a good idea to be running kubuntu at the same time. and what are some of the advantages and drawbacks?13:48
Vroomfondleyou can run them at the same time without any problems.13:48
Vroomfondleit's best to just do that and see for yourself - it's mostly a matter of taste13:49
ShadowKnighthmmm okay so how about this kdm and gdm, anything special with that? or it doesnt matter?13:50
* Vroomfondle has both Kubuntu and Ubuntu packages installed (Kubuntu is my main environment; Ubuntu is a backup)13:50
Vroomfondlenot really. Both KDM and GDM do the same thing from a suer's point of view.13:50
Vroomfondlethey look a bit different but that's about the only obvious difference13:50
ShadowKnighthmmm okay. what do you mean ubuntu is a backup? like just in case your kubuntu fails one day?13:51
ShadowKnighthmmm okay then imma go try this out. i just download it from the synaptics manager?13:51
VroomfondleShadowKnight: yep. Kubuntu-desktop.13:53
VroomfondleThen log out, and you should be able to choose "KDE" from the session menu in the login manager13:53
ShadowKnighthmmm okay then sounds easy lol, it says something about marking additional required changes. do i mark them all?13:53
VroomfondleShadowKnight: yeah13:54
Vroomfondleit'll install quite a lot of stuff. Might take a little while.13:54
n8w_what do i do in order to run this "echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches" as a regular user?13:55
ShadowKnightokay thanks :)13:56
Vroomfondlen8w_: you could use chmod to change the permissions on drop_caches, but I think it'll reset when you reboot13:56
Vroomfondleas /proc/ is dynamic13:56
n8w_Vroomfondle:  aha...hmm13:56
mika__hi, does the network manager in the task bar working under kubuntu 9.10 with the system updated? I've upgraded to kde 4.3.5 but it doesn't work anymore13:56
n8w_Vroomfondle:  thx13:56
mika__(neither does network manager itself, i've always to do sudo dhclient -r && sudo dhclient in order to connect to the dhcp by eth0)13:57
ShadowKnighti was wondering actually. what are the major differences between kubuntu and ubuntu?13:57
mika__ShadowKnight: ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu uses kde.. that's the main difference13:58
VroomfondleShadowKnight: basically just the default software setup. Different desktop environment and different standard apps for mail, web browsing, CD burning etc.13:58
mika__(so apps too are different on both the systems.. though you can install by yourself if you want)13:58
Vroomfondlepersonally I use kubuntu but with various non-KDE applications installed as well (such as Thunderbird and Firefox)13:59
ShadowKnightso same type of software then?14:00
ShadowKnightcan you use ubuntu applications? what are other non-kde applications?14:00
Vroomfondleyou can use any Linux application14:00
ShadowKnighthmmm okay :)14:00
Vroomfondlethey just might not look like they "fit" in an aesthetic sense with your desktop, but they'll work fine14:01
ShadowKnightlol thats not a problem14:01
mika__anyone knows about network manager?14:01
ShadowKnightthank you :) imma go try this out now. thanks :)14:01
shadeslayermika__: yes14:02
somekooli there ! I have a friend I'd like to help with his Kubuntu 8.x. He is afraid of upgrading because of some hardware vs driver issues. but I'd like him to upgrade to KDE 4.4.1 any possitiblity to take recent packages?14:03
mika__shadeslayer: do you know why it doesn't work anymore with all the updates?14:04
shadeslayermika__: which KDE version?14:04
mika__shadeslayer: with 4.3.3 it worked.. then i upgraded to 4.3.5 and it doesn't anymore14:04
shadeslayermika__: hmm... what exactly do you mean by that its not working? is it the wifi?14:06
=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
mika__shadeslayer: nope...since i've upgraded i cannot select anymore any connection (right click on the icon)... network manager itself doesn't work neither, it doesn't recognize the dhcp / any connection, and i've always to do a manual "dhclient -r && dhclient" at boot in order to have an ip14:08
shadeslayermika__: so even ethernet is not working... wow14:08
mika__shadeslayer: i don't know if it's because of the upgrade or because i had setup a ppp connection with pppoeconfig and connect by pon dsl-provider (or something like that)14:09
shadeslayermika__: hmm well i have a newer version of nm in a ppa,wanna try that one out? its much better14:09
mika__shadeslayer: ok14:11
shadeslayermika__: https://launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/ppa14:11
mika__shadeslayer: thanks14:11
mika__shadeslayer: a part of nm since i've upgraded i've flash which is working one time on ten... it shows gray boxes instead of the content.... but i see that's a bug of the current version, i should install it manually from the adobe site... and the audio of the microphone on skype has a lot of noise... but it worked before... :(14:13
shadeslayermika__: hmm... well im on 4.4.1... didnt even bother about 4.3.514:13
shadeslayerand on chromium everything works fine14:14
mika__shadeslayer: eheh... i moved from gentoo a week ago and for now ubuntu it's kinda a pain, a lot of dependencies which i'll never use, i don't know what's installed and half of the apps doesn't work :)14:15
shadeslayermika__: hmm... well everything works for me here,i know thats not a excuse,but i really would recommend 4.4.114:16
shadeslayermika__: also which app doesnt run?14:16
mika__shadeslayer: i think i'll wait 10.4...14:17
mika__shadeslayer: strigi14:17
shadeslayermika__: strigi isnt a app :P14:19
mika__shadeslayer: a daemon if you prefer :)14:19
shadeslayermika__: more of a file indexer14:19
shadeslayermika__: whats the error in strigi?14:19
mika__still in the desktop search of kde it say that the service failed to initialise, most likely due to an installation problem14:20
shadeslayermika__: ah.. you have to install virtuoso then14:20
shadeslayermika__: more paticularly : virtuoso-nepomuk14:21
mika__shadeslayer: mmm..ok14:23
mika__shadeslayer: which there isn't in the repo.. :)14:23
shadeslayermika__: there is :)14:24
shadeslayermika__: oh it might be due to the fact that i have 4.4.114:24
mika__yes.. here there is just one result for nepomuk,which are the bindings for cli14:25
tdnI have enabled Kopetex plugin, but when I type $$2+2$$, a blank message appears. Nothing is rendered.14:32
n8w_i wanna chnge permissions to drop_caches,but when i run(us su) :chmod 755 drop_caches i get this: ***chmod: changing permissions of `drop_caches': Operation not permitted***14:34
n8w_i mean i run it as su...but i keepin gettin "operation not permitted"14:35
JuanMarquezhi, kubuntu not have partition tools14:46
kubuntuJuanMarquez: install gparted14:47
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kubuntucan anyone help me , for my live cd error?14:48
Vroomfondlewhat error?14:49
geniin8w_: If this is for a vm you may have better luck asking in #ubuntu-server14:50
kubuntux.org not start automatically.... i should run startx to get it14:50
kubuntuVroomfondle: live cd not start in graphical mode14:51
vbgunzany konqueror gurus here?14:53
vbgunzwhen you split konqueror, there is a small checkbox in the lower right of a split. you click it and there is a chain. what does this do?14:54
mefisto__vbgunz: it makes both panes follow each other15:04
kubuntuVroomfondle: do you know how to fix it.... i use custom live cd15:04
kubuntuVroomfondle: it is madde by me15:06
geniiHmm "custom" livecd and no X ...15:06
vbgunzmefisto__: I am finding it very confusing on 3 splits15:06
vbgunzmight make sense for 215:06
kubuntugenii: hmm, yup15:06
geniikubuntu: How did you remaster the cd?15:07
kubuntugenii: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=688872&page=2...15:09
geniikubuntu: OK, let me scour it15:09
kubuntugenii: this thread gives instructions how to do that15:09
BenceFhi. my friend has kubuntu and he got a message (from apt i presume) that package cache could not be opened15:12
BenceFis that a local cache?15:12
VroomfondleBenceF: that's /var/apt/cache15:12
kubuntuivan_: hello15:12
Vroomfondleit's where package files are stored after they are downloaded15:13
Vroomfondleerm, I mean /var/cache/apt15:13
BenceFVroomfondle: and how could we reset it, so it can be read15:13
VroomfondleBenceF: he's using sudo, right?15:14
geniikubuntu: Does it dump you to command-prompt (like busybox ) or try then fail gui startup?15:14
ivan_am just trying to find some leasons/tips on using the terminal15:15
ivan_and how to control the network15:15
BenceFVroomfondle: it came through KPackageKit15:15
VroomfondleBenceF: check that it asked him for his password, just in case there's a bug in kpackagekit which is making it fail to ask for admin rights15:16
Vroomfondleotherwise, check that /var/cache/apt actually exists and is readable by root15:16
kubuntugenii: no it works fine after command startx15:16
Vroomfondle!aptfix | BenceF15:17
ubottuBenceF: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:17
Vroomfondle^^ might be worth doing that too15:17
kubuntugenii: i cant undstand the error.... kdm ????15:17
Vroomfondlejust in case it's actually a side-effect of the common apt lock problem15:17
kubuntugenii: do you kno the reason for that?15:17
geniikubuntu: Since it is a home-made disc, it's very difficult to tell what part might be failing.15:18
BenceFahhh sound reasonable15:18
Vroomfondleivan_: just ask your questions and if we know the answer we'll tell you :)15:18
kubuntugenii: interesting fact is.... when i install the system using live cd... it is working without a problem...15:19
kubuntugenii:  no need to enter a startx for the system boot from the hard15:19
nomad111hey all, is anyone using kde 4.4.115:20
ivan_how do I get updates?15:21
shadeslayerivan_: the gui way or the cli way?15:23
ivan_the gui way15:23
shadeslayerivan_: press alt+F2 and type kpackagekit or just kpack15:23
ivan_and the cli way?15:25
shadeslayerivan_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:25
shadeslayer!update | ivan_ : also see this15:26
ubottuivan_ : also see this: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:26
ivan_thank you!!!!15:26
kubuntugenii: help me!!!15:27
shadeslayerkubuntu: whats the issue?15:27
geniikubuntu: Please have patience. I'm at work right now and assisting as i have time to. Also your issue is complicated because of the steps you took to make your custom CD plus which part of the gui startup is failing ( apparently kdm?)15:28
kubuntushadeslayer: custom live cd15:29
shadeslayerkubuntu: oh... cant help there :)15:29
kubuntugenii: ok... yup i think kdm15:29
geniishadeslayer: Work is requiring me right now actually.. I can be back in 4-5 minutes if you want to tackle it15:29
shadeslayergenii: um i dont have that level of expertiese :)15:31
n8w_shadeslayer:  hey:)15:32
n8w_how do i change permissions to drop_caches?chmod 755 doesnt work...15:34
kubuntuno one can help me.... :-(15:35
n8w_or how do i execute echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches as a regular user?15:35
thesteo82Hi guys, to work off the kde trunk i need QT 4.6. is there a safe way of upgrading kubuntu from 4.5?15:37
shadeslayern8w_: hi15:39
shadeslayern8w_: you cant i think15:39
n8w_shadeslayer:  ye i though so....15:40
shadeslayern8w_: chmod 755 should have done the trick though15:40
n8w_shadeslayer:  well it doesnt work for me...15:40
shadeslayerhold a sec15:40
n8w_shadeslayer:  it says chmod: changing permissions of `drop_caches': Operation not permitted15:40
n8w_shadeslayer:  n fcourse im runin "su"15:41
shadeslayern8w_: hmm try 77715:41
n8w_shadeslayer:  the same15:41
geniikubuntu: I'm back for a few minutes now. I think the best way you will get help is to post to the forum thread where you found the instructions. For someone here to really help they have to basically also build their own custom cd using the same instructions you did, etc etc. Best to just approach the original author directly through the forum thread.15:42
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n8w_shadeslayer:  its toaly weird, it doesnt let me to do anythin with that file15:42
shadeslayern8w_: yeah15:43
kubuntugenii: hmmm... bt it is slw response.........15:43
geniin8w_: I already suggested that you visit the #ubuntu-server channel for help with the vm  drop_caches file, they will know more about it than most people in here would. Haven't seen you in there yet however.15:43
n8w_genii:  ive asked in #ubuntu ...i didnt get your msg last time then15:45
n8w_genii:  otherwise i would have gone there....15:45
shadeslayern8w_: #ubuntu-server , not #ubuntu :015:45
n8w_shadeslayer:  ye i know...15:46
shadeslayergenii: one of my friends wants to install a GUI on ubuntu server,can that be accomplished via sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop15:46
shadeslayer( yeah dont ask )15:46
ivan_can you get fifa (game) on linux and if so, how?15:46
geniishadeslayer: Yes, any of the *buntu-desktop meta-packages will install some desktop15:47
shadeslayerivan_: you can run it under wine probably15:47
shadeslayer!wine | ivan_15:47
ubottuivan_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:47
shadeslayer!appdb | ivan_ : youll also need this :15:47
ubottuivan_ : youll also need this :: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:47
geniishadeslayer: However, if he does that he will be running a gui desktop with a -server kernel, stuff like restricted modules for video, soundcard, etc may be only available for -generic kernel and not -server15:48
somekoolHi there ! I have a friend I'd like to help with his Kubuntu 8.x. He is afraid of upgrading because of some hardware vs driver issues. but I'd like him to upgrade to KDE 4.4.1 any possitiblity to use recent packages?15:50
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shadeslayergenii: ok..15:54
shadeslayergenii: idk why he installed the server edition when i explicitly told him it was all cli15:55
arch0njwsomekool:  he should lookup the devices in compatibility lists to see if they are supported.15:56
arch0njwsomekool: another option is for him to wait for the 10.04 release so he will be upgrading to an LTS release.  Those are usually a little more robust from what I've seen.15:56
arch0njwsomekool: but the key to any questions about support of devices is to look them up.15:57
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:01
arch0njwwhat is all this stuff with preceding things with an exclamation point?  I see !hcl !WINE and such.  Is that just a joke a bout "not <something>" or is that an IRC thing?16:02
BenceFits for the bot16:02
BenceFto give help16:02
geniiarch0njw: The exclamation mark is a trigger for the bot to try and look up what comes after it to see if someone has added a factoid about that16:02
arch0njwokay.  thank you.  I'll pester google with more niggly questions about that ;)16:03
shadeslayergenii: hehe.... HCL is actually a company here :P16:04
geniishadeslayer: :)16:04
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== ubuntu_ is now known as \Ahmed
\AhmedHow to find TRASH in Kubuntu ? instead of clicking undo delete16:22
shadeslayer\Ahmed: Just open dolphin16:22
thesteo82is there any sign of kubuntu going to use qt 4.6?16:22
shadeslayerthesteo82: it already does16:23
thesteo82really? mine is at 4.516:23
fabio666mine is 4.616:23
shadeslayerthesteo82: http://paste.ubuntu.com/391879/16:23
thesteo82ah ok, i installed it two weeks ago, must need to update16:23
\AhmedWill anyone tell me where's trash ?16:23
fabio666\Ahmed -> ~/.local16:24
\AhmedLemme see16:24
fabio666then cd share16:24
fabio666even trash: in the dolphin bar16:25
thesteo82i have kde 4.3.516:25
\AhmedIs this right /home/ubuntu/.local/share/Trash  cause i can see all these, Are these files in TRASH ? beside my files16:26
n8w_how do i use sudo in a bash script?16:26
n8w_if i need to run some command in bash file as su,how do i write it?16:26
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fabio666<thesteo82: time to upgrade to 4.4.116:29
somekoolarch0njw: i wont be able to convince him to upgrade. that's why my question was about using recent KDE 4.4 packages on 8.x16:29
thesteo82fabio666: think so, im on the case now16:29
binarylooksn8w_: you could ydd your user to the sudoers file plus only the command you want to run. just a suggestion16:30
arch0njwsomekool:  I don't think I would try using KDE4 on 8.x.  I suppose it would be possible, but so is driving a 10p nail through a concrete block using your pinky-finger.  Patience and pain... and patience.  :D16:31
n8w_binarylooks:  heh im just workin on it:)))16:31
n8w_binarylooks:  but the file is kinda confusin to me16:31
somekoolwel, he run 4.2, there is no reason 4.4 would not work16:31
arch0njwsomekool:  besides, 9.10 and the upcoming 10.04 are so shiny and pretty... and shiny... and did I mention pretty?  Oh, and there's that little detail about the newer version of the kernel ;)16:31
somekoolor maybe is he still under 4.116:31
arch0njwsomekool:  IIRC it would be 4.116:32
binarylooksn8w_: I used it once, but you are right about the confusion part. toko me half an hour to figure it out16:32
arch0njwsomekool:  So I'll revise my statement about KDE4 and say KDE 4.4 -- which works beautifully on 9.10, a la the backports.16:33
=== nick_ is now known as Guest11888
Guest11888i install ubuntu from terminal but now how i uninstall kubuntu from ubuntu ?16:36
\Ahmedtry doing it by terminal16:37
\Ahmedsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop16:37
\AhmedUse this command16:37
\Ahmedand type password16:37
\Ahmedand there it is16:37
FloodBotK1\Ahmed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:37
\AhmedWait for the download16:37
BenceF\Ahmed: he wats to remove it16:37
Guest11888\Ahmed i know but what the comma sudo apt-get uninstall kubuntu-destop ?16:38
BenceFman apt-get16:38
BenceFsorry im not too leet on apt, cuase im not on debian or ubuntu16:39
ubottuTo learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/16:40
Guest11888okok :P maybe its remove16:40
BenceFsudo apt-get --purge remove16:41
BenceFif you dont want to remove config files just use remove16:41
BenceFwithout --purge16:42
=== Dab is now known as Guest95707
ubuntu_Will anyone tell me how to turn off those Kopete notifications on every new message ? iits annoying really16:46
rorkubuntu_: Kopete > Settings > Configure Notifications, Select Incomming message in active chat, deselect show a message in a pop-up16:47
ubuntu_Where is configure notifications ?16:49
BenceFmeanwhile we solved our problem as well. we ran sudo apt-get update  and it removed the lock16:49
BenceFthanks for the help. bye all16:49
somekoolarch0njw: i am running 4.4.1 under 9.10 and it does work beautifully. but I was asking if I could get those packages to work under 8.x but anyway, ....16:49
rorkubuntu_: in the settings menu, 4th from the bottom16:49
ubuntu_Actually i am at ACCOUNTS where i have set two workings msn accounts16:50
ubuntu_where do i click now16:50
ubuntu_i couldnt find it16:50
FloodBotK1ubuntu_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
rorkubuntu_: go to the contactslist16:51
ubuntu_Okay then16:51
rorkubuntu_: In the menubar under settings, isn't configure notification listed?16:53
ubuntu_Yes there is16:54
ubuntu_I clicked16:54
n8w_whats the command for printin into console in a bash script?echo?16:54
PeterFAI'm trying to build wine. I installed gcc build-essential and a bunch of other things. However, when I run the configure script it chokes and says that the compiler cannot make executables. The config.log shows that ld has an issue with an .so file belonging to gcc.16:56
PeterFAHow do I fix this?16:56
arch0njwsomekool:  I would expect 4.t to run nicely on 9.10.  4.4 is pretty darn awesome.  Every release of KDE4 has had great improvements.  I wasn't so fond of it at first, but now I love it.17:00
urgey[08:54] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about arch0njw17:00
arch0njwOooh... I'm an enigma!17:01
urgeyor did you mean !enigma17:01
ubuntu_Oh well :)17:01
arch0njwurgey:  nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk17:01
somekoolarch0njw:  how is nepomuk & akonadi working for you ?17:01
ubuntu_please how do i turn off that i am at configue accounts17:02
arch0njwsomekool:  they are teh borked right now :(  But those have been fixed and should be working in the next point release of 4.417:02
rorkubuntu_: it's in the configure notifications window17:02
ubuntu_Yes and where that is i am talking to someone is it on the same window ?17:02
arch0njwsomekool:  I don't actively use those, so I haven't missed their functionality (yet?)17:03
rorkubuntu_: you'll see a list with actions, among those is "Incomming message in active chat"17:03
rorkubuntu_: select that one, then below "Show a notification in a pop-up "is activate, deselect it in save17:04
ubuntu_Are you talking about system tray or on kopete ?17:04
rorkubuntu_: kopete17:05
ubuntu_Okay now i am talking to a friend, do i have click configure on the same window ?17:06
rorkubuntu_: no, it should be a global setting17:07
ubuntu_WHere do i click to go there i mean cant really find it, I am not that bad at computers !17:07
rorkubuntu_: http://www.rork.nl/tmp/kopete.png17:08
rorkubuntu_: hope that helps17:08
ubuntu_ I am on events and it says17:08
R33D3M33Roh hi rork :D17:09
ubuntu_Use a single notification from the same contact17:09
R33D3M33Rwhat a strange place to meet :D17:09
ubuntu_hahah yeah man !17:09
rorkubuntu_: which version of Kopete do you use?17:10
ka__I have 3 blocked updates in Kubuntu 10.04 after doing and initial upgrade. One of them is an upgrade to the nouveau driver. Which possibli could fix the display on my monitor,. How do I force these packages to install. I have tried apt-get dist-upgrade17:11
ubuntu_I am using the latest17:11
ubuntu_I have no idea there's no such thing as configuer notifications in the main window where you see online contacts17:12
rorkubuntu_: I'm using 0.80.2 on KDE 4.3.2, but can't imagine why they changed this17:13
rorkubuntu_: I don't seem to have something called "events" though, sorry17:14
sithlord48can any one tell me if the install disk for lucid alpha can resize a partition(if not i can just use parted)17:15
ubuntu_Yeah thanks Rork17:17
ubuntu_WHy ubuntu is just 700MB and Install Kubuntu on Ubuntu Gnome is just like 120 MB and the 64 bit DVD is 3.4GB ? around that WHY ?17:20
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* genii makes more coffee18:13
maxtorHi there i have a 3gb iso image on xubuntu that i cant delete18:25
maxtorit keeps trying to send it to the bin18:26
=== plassy_shopping is now known as plassy
maxtorbut it says the bin is full18:26
maxtoreven tho its empty18:26
llutzmaxtor: df -h /home18:26
geniimaxtor: This is the Kubuntu support channel.... but you can always try at commandline to just use rm on it18:27
maxtori used that command line18:27
maxtorit gave some info18:27
maxtoron the drives18:27
llutzmaxtor: what info?18:27
maxtorcan i paste18:28
maxtorits 2 lines18:28
llutzlast line18:28
maxtor/dev/sda1             9.0G  7.9G  703M  92% /18:28
llutz703MB free, so not enough space for 3G file in trash, rm it manually18:28
maxtorhow do i do that18:29
llutzrm file.img18:29
maxtornice one!18:30
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eristikophilesso i'm wondering what the difference is between the netbook remix and regular for 9.1018:48
eristikophiles..what i've noticed so far is that there is a confusing absence of panel config or the K menu18:49
benjaziabonjour a tous18:49
somekoolarch0njw: I was not using them either and had nepomuk disabled. but akonadi got enabled by default and its starting everytime I launch kontact. and now I also have a new virtuoso-t process taking 100M+ of ram18:51
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arch0njwsomekool:  no such virtuoso-t here.  but, yes, it is a little annoying that every time I start kontact I get the akonadi gripe.  I look forward to the fix.18:53
eristikophilesbleh i think i need to get the normal version18:55
eristikophilesthis is just going to keep bugging me, maybe i'll switch in April18:55
somekoolarch0njw: also, under 4.3 I had nepomuk disabled but now other stuff complains at startup saying its turned off19:04
somekoolnot so bad, considering everything else is excellent19:05
somekoolbut ...19:05
GeckoSo, I need some help running firefox in kde. Is there any guide available? I found the kubuntu+firefox repository, but it didn't seem to improve much. Most file associations are still the gnome ones, and I would like it to stop switching to the active virtual desktop when I open a link from Konsole... Any advice?19:32
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=== Windopteryx is now known as WindPteryx
arch0njwsomekool: for me, the only thing that complains about akonadi is kontact.  Nothing complains about Nepomuk anymore, which I have turned off. Here's hoping that the next point rev of 4.4 brings harmony back to this.  :)19:40
somekoolarch0njw: lets hope, there is one close to every month19:54
=== mitch_ is now known as Guest4052
djusticethere arent many kubuntu specific coders...20:21
djusticeliek 10 or so... and they watch more tv/game/music-foo more than code...20:21
srdjanalt-f2 >- firefox -> press run. Full screen comes up. Says do i want to install firefox. I say install. Then it does something and then says it's already installed.20:29
srdjanWhat am I supposed to do now?20:29
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Ahmed
=== Ahmed is now known as Guest97413
Guest97413Hello, I was on desktop setting i made some changes to openGL and next to shared memory, and now the screen one black on kubuntu and i am on Gnome20:32
Guest97413ANy help ? safe mode so i can change the setting back20:32
ionutdoes anyone knows an messanger that supports yahoo and webcam20:33
Guest97413ionut: Try Kopete20:34
Guest97413I have no idea at the moment, (New here)20:34
ionutGuest97413: or ?20:34
FloodBotK1ionut: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:34
Guest97413It's all right20:34
srdjanlast time i tried kopete, it supported yahoo and webcam, but could not do anything with the webcam besides watching myself20:34
Guest97413Well i dont use yahoo i use msn and i guess all i can see is myself so some times i switch back to WIndows7 for a while i got Dual Booting20:35
srdjanI think a slackware -> kubuntu transition might be rough20:35
Guest97413slackware ?20:35
srdjanthough actually slamd6420:36
Guest97413What are you talking about ?20:36
srdjanGuest97413: you must be new then :)20:36
Guest97413I wasn't talking to you in Hebrew :$ yeah i am20:37
Guest97413second day20:37
srdjanahh :)20:37
Guest97413Sorry don't mind :)20:37
srdjanGuest97413: Slackware is the oldest living Linux distribution20:37
Guest97413And what is that used for ?20:38
srdjanhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slackware    it's used for using linux. you know. browsing intternet, palying games, listening to music. doing work etc.20:38
Guest97413Browser ? or what really, or lets say EXPLORER.EXE in windows?20:39
Guest97413Yes this20:39
Guest97413I can't see the desktop anymore with20:39
Guest97413and after login all i gets a blank screen20:39
srdjanyeah i have something similar with a fresh install of Kubuntu 8.10 on my laptop20:40
srdjanmanaged to boot it once, then bam! and it's no longer displaying x1120:40
Guest97413haha !20:40
Guest97413Too bad20:40
srdjanno VTs either20:40
Guest97413 OH20:40
Guest97413Hey what do i do now to get that KDE desktop back ?20:41
Guest97413i mean i gotta try in safe mode but how ?20:41
srdjanthere's no safe mode20:42
Guest97413Oh GREAT20:42
Guest97413That means  i gotta reinstall it20:42
srdjanor you could debug it20:42
Guest97413HOw ?20:42
srdjanwell can you ssh in?20:42
srdjanor do the VTs work?20:43
Guest97413VTS ?20:43
srdjanvirtual terminals20:43
* srdjan updates packages and then will start to figure out if the proprietory nvidia blob is required20:45
ubuntuI pressed that ctrl alt f1 and20:46
ubuntui mean right now i did what do i do with that now20:47
srdjancan you see letters and words?20:47
ubuntuasked for user name and password20:48
ubuntuWhen should i press those keys ?20:48
srdjanwhenever you feel like it. but you can use that to login...20:48
ubuntuAT that login page ?20:49
ubuntuANd will i have all the setting of KDE ?20:49
* srdjan is confused20:49
ubuntuNo i mean will i get to recover it by logging in like with those keys ?20:50
ubuntucause i can access the Gnome's desktop20:50
ubuntuso from KDE i am back at Gnome :) ah20:50
illioI'm having trouble with KDE on Kubuntu.. I have a Trust Predator mouse where the scroll is acting funny in all parts of KDE. I can scroll I guess, but it often times "jumps" as in if I scroll down, it jumps a bit up again half-way and then scrolls correctly again.. It's a bit hard to explain, but I'm hoping someone else has had the same kind of problem?20:52
RedXIIIIs there a kubuntu "beginners guide", official for karmic koala20:52
srdjanillio: reminds me of the x11 issue with a misconfigured mouse20:52
RedXIIII'm finding a lot of stuff I'm googling to be for 7.020:52
ubuntulemme try brb20:53
srdjanillio: as in a mouse that was PS2 but was set in config as a IMPS220:53
penocioin an gsm and gps module to be used for purpose of tracking a vehicle. the coordination instructions between the gps and gsm (gps sending its location to gsm and gsm sending it to another gsm by sms) or other fuctions like theft alarm sms, battery low. etc. is configured in a controller? if yes. is the controller configuration done by computer is open source? can it be coppied to build another controler same like it ?20:56
illiosrdjan, It's a USB mouse.. I basically just plugged it in and made no attempts to configure it..20:58
srdjanillio: it could be that xorg has selected the wrong driver for it20:59
srdjanor it might be some exotic hardware :(20:59
illiosrdjan, It's a Trust GM-4200 Gamer Optical Mouse21:01
srdjanhmm my dad had a trust mini mouse and that never really worked in linux21:02
illiosrdjan, Perhaps that's just it.. The driver not supporting it properly :-)21:03
=== plassy is now known as plassy_away
srdjanyou could always take a look at /var/log/xorg.* and see if it detects the mouse as a weird device21:03
DarkwingDuckillio: http://hardware4linux.info/component/36716/21:04
illioDarkwingDuck, Thanks21:04
illiosrdjan, Thanks.. I'll do that21:04
RedXIII_I just tried to add some widget in my kde4 and my desktop screen went completely black21:08
RedXIII_how do I get it back?21:08
ubuntu_good afternoon to you all i really need help i have kubuntu8.04 and i did remove libasound2 but the system reove also some other packages> kdebase-bin kdebase-bin-kde3 and some others then i restarted my pc and it ot stuck on a shell mode so i manage to reinstall those packages and the system seems to be recover but after the login screen i hit enter and i goes to a blue screen and stuck there can someboy help me to get back the system please____21:14
WaltzingAlongubuntu_: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop; sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh; sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart21:15
=== WindPower is now known as WindPteryx
ubuntu_be back txs21:17
paul___Hi all21:35
=== plassy_away is now known as plassy
awaadI installed ubuntu and I installed the KDE GUI after some time, but when I login to the kde I find only the pointer of the mouse and a blackscreen21:49
awaadHow can I get over this problem21:49
awaadAny one can help please ?21:51
Typos_Kingawaad:    what's your inquiry again?21:52
Koliaawaad: are you sure the update was completed?21:52
awaadKolia: Yes21:52
awaadTypos_king: I installed kde under ubuntu and I had a black screen when I try to login to the KDE21:53
awaadTypos_king: How can I solve this problem ?21:53
Koliaawaad: can you login? or do you get the black screen instead of the login screen?21:54
Typos_Kingwhat about any other session?21:54
awaadTypos_king: gnome works very good with no problem ( just the pointer shape of the kde pointer came to gnome without any logical reason)21:55
awaadKolia: I can login but after login I find the black screen21:55
Typos_Kingawaad:    and you installed 'kubuntu-desktop' package?21:56
Typos_Kingseems to me, you installed 'something' kde component wise.... dunno what that might have been, assuming it was a full package with no missing dependencies21:57
awaadTypos_king: so how can I solve this problem ?21:58
Typos_Kingawaad:    by removing firstly what installed, and retrying to install 'kubuntu-desktop' package21:59
awaadTypos_king: I am removing all packages that have a prefix of kde now21:59
Koliaawaad: how did you install kde?21:59
clustermagnetguys... is it a known issue... that after some time of kde4 running... the pasting does not work as expected....22:00
awaadKolia: I opened the synaptic package manager and installed the kde from it following a tutorial which I found on the internet22:00
Typos_Kingawaad:   the fact a package has a 'kde' prefix.... doesn't mean it has to have the full kde desktop for it to run.... I don't have gnome innstalled and do run gnome apps..... they just require the needed dependencies, not the full desktop manager22:00
clustermagnetolder text is in the clipboard... instead of the latest one you select....22:01
clustermagnetknown bug?22:01
clustermagnetpastes coming from konsole22:01
Typos_Kingclustermagnet:     can't say..... I know terminal apps, some of them have their own 'clipboard'22:02
* eristikophiles does the happy kubuntu dance22:02
clustermagnetTypos_King: let me see if its klipper thats messing up22:02
Koliaclustermagnet: yep, check the options in Klipper22:03
Koliaawaad: then do  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:03
Koliaawaad: that's the usual way to install kde when coming from ubuntu22:04
clustermagnetKolia: well, i quit klipper22:04
clustermagnetstill same problem22:04
Koliaawaad: it's a meta package that contains everything needed22:04
clustermagnetessentially, i would select some text... try to paste it into thunderbird.... but old clipboard text shows up :)22:04
Koliaclustermagnet:  no idea then sorry22:04
awaadkolia: I tried it a few minutes and it said that the newest version of the package is already installed22:04
clustermagnetthanks guys22:04
bruceleeesyto es red hispaan no22:05
Koliaawaad: what does sudo apt-get upgrade says ?22:05
bruceleealguien ahbla español22:05
FloodBotK1brucelee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:05
awaadKolia: So I removed it and I removed all packages prefixed by kde and I will try to install it again using the command again22:05
Kolia!es |brucelee22:05
ubottubrucelee: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:05
awaadkolia: some packages need to be upgraded22:07
Koliaawaad: like?22:08
awaadKolia: ksysguardd libkdcraw7 libkexiv2-7 libkipi6 libknotificationitem122:10
awaadKolia: also, libkonq5-templates libokularcore1 quassel-data22:10
Koliaawaad: can you upgrade of is it blocked?22:10
Koliaif blocked:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:11
awaadKolia : already, I am upgrading now22:11
awaadKolia: I upgraded using the command  apt-get upgrade22:12
Koliaawaad: ok, and kubuntu-desktop is installed and the last version?22:13
awaadKolia: but after "apt-get dist-upgrade" it says that 3 packages will be installed and 3 packages will be upgraded22:13
awaadKolia: Does I have to click Y or N ??22:14
awaadKolia: ok, this will take alot of time22:14
awaadKolia: what is the difference between "apt-get upgrade" and "apt-get dist-upgrade" ?22:15
vyrgozunqkawaad: upgrade, upgrades only currently installed packages, and the other the whole system version22:15
Koliaawaad: man apt-get ;)22:16
Koliait's explained correctly there :)22:16
Typos_Kingawaad:   you know it may just be quicker to ge the kubuntu .iso :{22:18
=== jtheuer_ is now known as jtheuer
awaadTypos_king: Really ?22:19
Typos_Kingas far as the dist-upgrade, I don't think is needed, since this would be an install of a DM22:19
Typos_Kingawaad:   depending on how fast your machine might be, it'd install in 30mins or less22:19
awaadTypos_king: but the problem here is the speed of my internet connection not my machine22:20
Typos_Kingnot to mention you may needed later one when using the live-cd boot to address something anyway22:20
Typos_Kingawaad:    what's the speed of it?22:20
awaadTypos_king: What is faster to be downloaded (packages of it or the ISO ) ?22:20
Typos_Kingawaad:  if you want to switch to kubuntu, rather than have both gnome and kde there, I'd say the .iso22:21
awaadTypos_king: It is the least speed in Egypt _ as I am Egyptian and here we have some problems with the speed and coast of internet .22:21
awaadTypos_king: No, I want both KDE and Gnome22:22
Typos_King... ooookk22:22
Typos_Kingthenn.... continue with the installation of kubuntu-desktop :), and yes, it'll be a big one22:22
awaadTypos_king : Yes sir !!22:23
=== PhilSliderS_ is now known as PhilSliderS
AbcdqfrHi, anybody available to help?22:25
letalisthis is going to sound stupid but is 4.4 a development release or is it a true release?22:26
AbcdqfrWhat file do I need to input to make a working MBR copy for boot.ini22:27
AbcdqfrI've tried every sdb file in dev22:27
AbcdqfrAnd sda as well as sdc22:27
AbcdqfrNone will boot kubuntu22:28
avihaysay, someone knows why do;phin doesn't let me create a folder?22:29
Typos_Kingit doesn't?    heh well22:31
Typos_KingAbcdqfr:    what do you need the mbr for?22:32
AbcdqfrTrying to boot linux with windows bootloader.22:33
Menoxah, I've done that22:33
AbcdqfrI know, grub is 'so much better' but I like windows bootloader22:33
MenoxIt sucks.  Grub works much better.22:33
Typos_Kingwell heheh... tried that btw, didnt work.. then again... I was using an external hd22:33
AbcdqfrCan you help me Menox22:33
Typos_KingAbcdqfr:    where's the *nix partition?   sda1? sda3?22:33
MenoxAbcdqfr: as much as I can, its been years since I've done that.22:34
AbcdqfrSlave internal HDD, so sdb?22:34
Typos_Kingletalis:   dunno, I think 4.4 is not full yet22:34
Menoxdd if=/dev/sd* of=/path/to/file <some other parameter for byte count>22:34
Menoxand the byte count is 51222:34
letaliswell i noticed it was caled a software compilations22:34
letalisfirst time id ever seen that22:35
MenoxAbcdqfr: do you already have your file for ntldr?22:35
AbcdqfrI don't think so. I think that's what I'm trying to make now...22:35
Typos_Kingletalis:   according to -> http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.4.1.php   it seems that it's22:36
Typos_KingAbcdqfr:    where's the *nix partition?   sda1? sda3?22:36
MenoxAbcdqfr: pm me, I should be able to help you22:36
AbcdqfrTypos_King: Its in a sdb I think22:36
Menoxsdb what? 1,2,3?22:37
AbcdqfrI'm going to get help from Menox, and I don't know or sure22:37
Typos_Kinghehh ok22:37
Menoxwell, we need to know that for sure.22:37
Typos_Kingwell heheh... tried that btw, didnt work.. then again... I was using an external hd22:37
Menoxwe need to know the partition you installed linux on.22:37
Typos_Kingon the other hand. Grub gave me no hassles, :)22:38
MenoxTypos_King: I did it. Failed a few times, then got it.  Then I installed grub.22:38
AbcdqfrFirst I think...22:38
AbcdqfrI'm using two HDD's22:38
MenoxAbcdqfr: well, I won't be responsible if you muck up your HD because you don't know which disk and partition its installed on...22:38
Typos_KingMenox:    welll... I had the correct 512bytes    soooo, it didn't work, but as I said, I was doing it for an external hd, not an interlnal partition22:39
AbcdqfrNo partitioning, just seperate drives22:39
MenoxTypos_King: after I was done I thought "well, that wasn't worth it."  Then promptly installed grub.22:39
Typos_KingAbcdqfr:    are you right now on THAT hd? with *nix and win32 installed?22:39
AbcdqfrI told the installer to use the whole drive22:40
Typos_KingAbcdqfr:    are you right now on THAT hd? with *nix and win32 installed?22:40
Typos_Kingmaybe that was for Menox hehe, anyhow22:40
MenoxAbcdqfr: I promise you, grub is MUCH better.22:40
AbcdqfrYou mean windows xp?22:41
Menoxhmmm... win32 = Windows.22:42
AbcdqfrSorry, new term to me22:43
keneb01may i ask a question?22:48
keneb01I have just installed kubunto 9.1022:49
keneb01every thing looks pretty good  got the printer and network up and running22:50
keneb01figuired out how to change the su passwd22:50
keneb01now for the problem22:51
keneb01there seems to be material along the bottom of the screen and behind every window22:52
keneb01plus when you shutdown it kooks like a towel has been laid across the screen22:53
keneb01cant see through it22:53
keneb01can ne1 tell me what it is and how to get rid of it?22:54
keneb01looks like a piece of fabric with vertical and horizontal lines22:56
letalisinteresting. any way to post a screenshot of it?22:56
keneb01im not that far along22:57
letalishit the print screen key22:57
letalisim not sure that pastebin can do images, but there are other ways to post an image out there. if i could see it itd be easier to tell you whats up22:58
keneb01i have it on the clipboard23:00
letalisif you can save directly to a file from that screenshot tool use a program like the gimp to paste it into an image you can send23:02
Typos_Kingkeneb01:  so ...save it... or run ksnapshot and post it at imgur.com for us23:05
letalisif its software stupidity it should show up in the screenshot23:06
DaughainHow do I burn a bootable disk from an .iso in K3B?23:06
Typos_KingDaughain:   just in k3b, say burn iso to cd :), done :)23:07
letalisyoull want to goto tools and burn image23:07
DaughainTypos_King: And, it will be bootable???23:07
Typos_KingTools > burn cd image;23:07
letalisif the iso was bootable to begin with yes23:07
Menoxok, with grub2 how do I edit the entries?  I don't see a menu.lst anywhere23:07
DaughainI begin to regret all the time I spent using windows crap.....Thanks.23:08
Typos_KingDaughain:   of course, the bootability is in the .iso structure, is not something the app has to do, .iso are burned at raw, to maintain the raw data integrity, yes23:08
Typos_Kingif it's a bootable .iso, it doesn't matter what your burn it with23:09
letalisimages are a 1 to 1 copy of the disk23:09
letalisany attributes the original had tranfer to the iso image23:09
DaughainOK, thanks again, all.=)23:09
letalisim im going to have a fight with this keyboard if it doesnt stop screwing up23:09
=== magical_trevsky is now known as magical
* Typos_King put his bet on the keyboard23:11
letalisyeah i put too much of my money into this to throw the laptop across the room because the keys dont do what i tell them to do :)23:13
Typos_Kingyou can always get a usb kb :P23:13
letalistrue, but that kinda limits its mobility that way23:14
sergehello i`am using kubuntu 9.10 and i have problem with firefox (( bus error23:14
sergei tried ti reinstall but this is not working23:14
letalistype firefox -safe-mode23:15
letalisit might be with two --23:15
letalisbut close it after it comes up then open it again23:15
sergeserge@linux:~$ firefox -safe-mode23:15
sergeBus error23:15
DaughainTypos_King: OK, say I am stupid.....The .iso I already have on disk will not boot, how do I burn a copy as bootable?23:15
letalisits some funky bug23:15
Typos_Kingif it's a bootable .iso, it doesn't matter what your burn it with23:16
Typos_Kingunless is not a bootable .iso23:16
letalisthats why i said earlier if it was bootable to begin with then itll work23:17
Typos_Kingor your burned.. it as Data cd... which means it just dump the .iso file on the cd :|23:17
letalisyeah you gotta burn it as an image23:17
letalisin k3b its under tools23:18
DaughainThats why I am trying to find out how to make a bootable copy of a non-bootable original.23:18
letalisokay, what is it that youre making bootable?23:18
DaughainXP install disk...23:18
Typos_Kinghar har har23:19
DaughainI agree, but I havent convinced everyone to switch to linux yet. =)23:19
letalisouch. if the iso was copied as an image this shouldntve been an issue23:19
Typos_Kingwell... it ..... trying... do you have a DOS disk around.... or something you can boot with that's not a cd?23:19
DaughainDunno, *I* didnt copy it.23:19
letalisyeah, at this point you could try botting from a boot disk and running setup from the disk23:20
letalisbooting even23:20
DaughainAll I got is this damn cd........23:20
Typos_Kingyeah... many cd apps, do a lousy job when making .iso that are bootable, that  I know23:20
Typos_Kingthey usually lose that 512bytes from the boot sector23:21
Typos_Kingeither way... you don't need the cd to be bootable to install it, just need to be able to get to the DOS prompt, canyou?23:21
letalisif you have a friend that has a copy of the disk, what i would do is rip it yourself23:21
Typos_Kingwell... it ..... trying... do you have a DOS disk around.... or something you can boot with that's not a cd?23:21
letalisthat iso is probably borked23:22
letaliscould he run setup from freedos?23:22
DaughainNOt unless I do it off of a thumb drive.23:22
letalisive never tried it23:22
stebeDaughain:  If you just want a live windows CD which maybe you can use to fix the iso:  http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/23:23
Typos_KingDaughain:   ... what's in the HD you're trying to install win32 to? is it empty? does it have anything?23:23
DaughainTypos_King: Not too sure, it has a damaged copy of XP already......And, it refuses to acknowledge the upgrade cd I found I had floating around.23:24
Typos_Kingyes, no, maybe, gremlins?23:24
DaughainMebbe gremlins.23:24
Typos_Kingso.... you have a full xp cd, is  that it?   and you'd like to install that23:24
DaughainOK, thin I am just gonna try unet and use a flashdrive....23:24
sergefunny bug23:25
letalismight could make a usuable boot disc from that23:25
Typos_King.... xp is installable from DOS23:25
letalisuse unetbootin to install that to a flash drive23:25
Typos_Kingthus.... but he's kinda spaced out, he says this, then he spaces out and jumps off to another matter :|23:26
letalisthen get to setup on the cd you made23:26
DaughainWHy not just put the wholne thing on the flash drive in the first place?? =)23:26
Typos_Kingthere he goes again.... off to another matter23:26
letalisextract the iso contents to the flshdrive after you add freedos to it23:27
Typos_Kingack.... that stuff is very simple to do, of course if you have someone who listens23:27
letalisthen its all integrated and whatnot23:27
letalisthe situation is ne needs an os loaded to run the setup23:28
letalisfreedos is free and its dos.23:28
=== zbenjamin is now known as zbenjamin|away
Typos_Kinghe needs to give a break to his ADHD and listen, but he's too busy wandering about :{23:30
Typos_Kingthat's stuff is waaaay too simple to do23:30
Skrot-Hi, anyone else having problems with QtCreator (=1.3.0-0ubuntu2~karmic1~ppa1) not starting?23:36
Typos_King... I don't use it... so23:36
Skrot-apachelogger: ping?23:45

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