
johanbrafter something goes up and then down, it tends to crash :)00:00
seb128good night everybody00:06
gabaugjohanbr: but if it goes up and then down again, enough times, you can say it's reached a steady state :)00:07
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RAOFOk.  Filmstrip's not getting done before lunch, because it's lunch time!02:12
tbird222I've been running 9.10 for a long time, no recent major upgrades, but my mouse and keyboard froze-up today.   Don't really want to reinstall if I don't have to...05:29
tbird222Not sure how to reinstall the hardware drivers, if that's even the problem (?)05:30
tbird222Ok, then if I go to #ubuntu, is there a way to filter-out what I don't want...it scrolls too fast.05:32
RAOFtbird222: People replying to you should highlight you, like this.05:32
tbird222RAOF:  How do I do that for others, and can I automatically highlight responses that contain my nick?05:35
RAOFtbird222: Responses that contain your nick should be automatically highlighted.05:35
RAOFAnd similarly, anytime you use someone else's nick in a message that will highlight them.05:36
tbird222RAOF: Gotcha, Tx...05:37
tbird222I've enjoyed having Ubuntu on my desktop at work.  I support 40 PC's in 3 locations.  I only have 1 GB of RAM on my 5-yr-old Dell, but I can easily run everything I need to personally, along with Virtualbox with XP running in 256mb, with a Windows-based AS400 emulator running inside it.05:41
tbird222Then I use vinagre with its bookmarks to quickly vnc into any other desktop that has a problem; since it doesn't need confirmation, I can proactively do fixes on PC after people have left for the day.05:43
tbird222I like to run my main stuff in desktop #1: ksysguard, terminal, thunderbird, firefox, Lastfm / Desktop #2 I use for documents I'm composing or referencing. / Desktop #3 is for Windows XP in Virtualbox. / Desktop #4 is for Vinagre, with often 4 or 5 desktops up in tabs, including the Windows server.  Works great...05:47
tbird222But I'm only a "super-user" up to this point; how would I get involved in the development side, at least offering ideas, and then eventually helping to create/refine programs?05:49
RAOFtbird222: There are a number of ways to get involved.05:50
RAOFtbird222: One good way is learning how to submit good bugs, and then submitting good bugs.05:50
tbird222RAOF: Is that launchpad.net?05:51
RAOFtbird222: Another way is to learn how to triage bugs.  For both of these you'd want to be talking to the bugsquad, in #ubuntu-bugs.05:51
RAOFtbird222: That's our bugtracker, yes.05:51
tbird222Def: Triage05:52
RAOFGetting the bugs into a state where developers can usefully work on them - ensuring that all the needed information is available, setting the priority appropriately, etc.05:52
RAOFAnother way to contribute is to help translate Ubuntu, which is also done on launchpad.net; this obviously requires you to know more than one language05:54
RAOFA third way is to get involved in packaging - incorporating fixes that other people have done into Ubuntu; #ubuntu-motu and the packaging guide would be your first port of call there.05:55
tbird222Ok, I'll go to launchpad.net and start getting familiar with it.  I also  bookmarked all those channels so I can start getting familiar with things.05:57
RAOFFinally, you can get involved in an upstream project - Ubuntu developers don't typically write the software in Ubuntu, we just make it convenient to install, ensure it plays nicely together, and such.05:57
tbird222upstream, meaning opensource community...(?)05:58
RAOFRight.  Projects like Banshee, F-Spot, Firefox, GStreamer, etc.06:00
tbird222Separate question/curiosity:  Windows Vista boots up using about 1GB of RAM on average, though you can trim it down quite a bit by playing with the startups and services...still, 600MB is pretty good.  My Ubuntu 8.10, 9.04 typically using about 250mb to boot-up, which I thought was great...now, 9.10 is boot-up in only 130~150mb.  What did everybody do to make it so amazingly lean?06:05
^arky^hi, trying to debug ATK problem. How I clean up all .gconf setting related at-spi , atk etc...06:13
RAOFWhy don't I have an infinitely fast build box?  That would be terribly useful.06:27
jmarsdenRAOF: Selling those might be a good business, too :)06:28
pittiGood morning07:01
RAOFGood morning.07:01
pittihey RAOF, how are you?07:10
RAOFFixing some text-escaping problems I've just noticed in the f-spot patch, and then it's *done*!07:12
RAOFDone, I say!!!!07:12
RAOFAlso, atom CPUs are *not* designed for editing large images :)07:12
didrocksgood morning07:21
RAOFGood morning!07:22
pittiRAOF: ooooh, congratulations!07:22
pittiRAOF: atom CPUs> yes indeed; in my best times I could add faster than them :-P07:22
pittibonjour didrocks07:22
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti07:25
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pittididrocks: today's live CDs failed to build, so we have to be more patient about the background test07:30
didrockspitti: yeah, just saw that. I'm pretty confident not shipping the bin was the main issue in any case :)07:32
pitticrossing fingers!07:33
didrocksright ;)07:33
didrockspitti: thanks for gir1.0-gmenu-2.0's NEWING btw :)07:36
pittididrocks: oh, wasn't me07:37
pittiregular archive admin, I figure07:37
didrocksoh, ok :)07:37
pittididrocks: oh, no07:37
pittididrocks: why would it be NEW? I thought it was built by gir-repo before?07:37
didrocksright, but when it's not triaged on (source/bin) tuple?07:37
didrocksjust on bin name, wathever source package it comes from?07:38
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pittididrocks: well, I'm not 100% sure, but you can see it from the mails you got -- just one ACCEPTED or a NEW/ACCEPTED pair07:39
didrocksok, I was thinking it was a little more fine grained than that :)07:39
didrocksit was only the ACCEPTED one, indeed07:39
pittiOK, I'm off for some hours for a doctor appointment and visiting my grandfather07:44
pittiback around lunch07:44
didrockssee you pitti07:47
seb128good morning there08:31
seb128why is g-s-d crashing every time when booting my laptop docked now?08:32
seb128and starting it doesn't make keyboard work as expected, ie alt keys don't work08:32
didrockshey seb12808:33
seb128lut didrocks08:33
RAOFmorning seb12808:33
seb128hey RAOF08:33
seb128had a good day?08:33
RAOFI'll have an f-spot patch for you shortly; I just need to properly escape the filenames in the save-confirmation dialogue.08:34
RAOFOr even dialog.08:34
seb128RAOF, excellent, thanks!08:34
RAOFAlso, netbooks suck at image editing.08:35
RAOFThey make excellent test beds for discovering race conditions.08:35
didrocksseb128: taking anjuta and gdm08:41
seb128didrocks, ok, you win gdl too if you take anjuta ;-)08:41
* seb128 hugs didrocks08:41
didrocksseb128: that's in the package as a free bonus, I guess ;)08:42
* didrocks hugs seb12808:42
didrocksvala binding for anjuta :)08:44
seb128didrocks, doing cheese08:59
didrocksseb128: already done before you connect :)09:00
seb128didrocks, can you give me a list of things you did so we don't dup work?09:00
didrocksseb128: I gave you, now it's anjuta/gdl/gdm09:00
seb128didrocks, I'm reading -changes but you didn't upoad09:00
seb128didrocks, where?09:00
seb128didrocks, I didn't read cheese anywhere before, can you give it again now?09:01
didrocksno, because for me I've uploaded cheese before you connected09:01
didrockslet me see, I didn't checked my emails09:01
seb128didrocks, I got it now09:01
seb128didrocks, what else did you do?09:01
seb128so I just don't start on things because the email are in their way09:01
didrocksseb128: only cheese09:01
seb128ok, thanks09:02
seb128doing gnome-panel then09:02
didrocksseb128: it's in -changes09:02
seb128didrocks, <seb128> didrocks, I got it now09:02
seb128didrocks, it arrived 15 minutes ago though09:02
didrocksoh oki :)09:02
seb128and I checked my email when I started half an hour ago09:02
seb128no worry it's all good ;-)09:02
* seb128 hugs didrocks09:02
* didrocks hugs seb12809:02
didrocksI uploaded just when I told you "lut", so thinking it was accepted. I'll tomorrow tell you on what I'm working/I've worked on when you connected :)09:04
* ogra is confused ... 09:05
ograso everybody around me rants about the window buttons sitting on the left still ...09:05
ogramine moved to the right side when i switched off the PPA and started using the new theme from the archive09:06
seb128ogra, weird09:06
ograso they are supposed to sit on the left still ?09:06
seb128light-themes does set the gconf key to have those to the left09:06
ogravery strange09:07
didrocksI had a similar issue, even with unsetting the gconf key, still on the right. I had to change it manually09:07
seb128and they do on new install, guest session, upgrades there09:07
ograthats metacity ?09:07
seb128no, the theme set the gconf keys09:07
ograwhich key is that ?09:07
seb128the wm you use doesn't matter, the compiz decorator use that config too09:07
* ogra wants to have defaults ... at least to be able to join the ranting ;)09:07
seb128ogra, look in /usr/share/gconf/defaults/90_light-themes09:07
seb128do you have that file?09:08
ogra /apps/metacity/general/button_layout maximize,minimize,close:09:08
* ogra checks his personal settings ... i dont think i touched it but you never know09:08
ograyeah, colon is on the other side ... strange09:09
seb128unset your key and you will get the system default09:09
ograreset in gconf-editor sets it to menu:minimize,maximize,close09:09
* didrocks hugs ogra, same issue here. Was thinking about a local issue and wanted to retry on a fresh upgrade09:10
ograis something not calling update-gconf-defaults ?09:11
seb128ogra, didrocks: I would blame it on UNE settings09:11
seb128ogra, do you have UNE installed?09:11
didrocksogra: for what I saw, calling it, it gives you the right value in /var/lib/gconf/*09:11
ograseb128, no09:11
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:11
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:12
seb128so dunno09:12
didrocksseb128: no, I talk about a desktop without UNE09:12
ograseb128, but calling sudo update-gconf-defaults changed it09:12
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?09:12
didrocksseb128: don't blame on me for this one :p09:12
RAOFseb128: f-spot debdiff attached to bug #484888 for your sponsoring fun.09:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 484888 in f-spot "Allow editing photos from F-Spot Viewer" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48488809:12
didrockshey chrisccoulson09:12
seb128chrisccoulson, good thank you, what about you?09:12
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks09:12
seb128RAOF, rock on, doing that now09:12
ograseb128, i guess the postinst misses something09:12
seb128RAOF, thanks a lot09:12
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, good thanks09:12
seb128ogra, right, art guys, don't trust them for packaging ;-)09:12
seb128ogra, I will make sure it updates default in the next upload09:12
ograthanks :)09:13
seb128didrocks, doing libgweather too09:14
didrocksseb128: oki09:14
seb128RAOF, your editing patch works nicely09:30
seb128I found a small bug though09:30
seb128will file it on launchpad later09:30
seb128if you do change and press save it doesn't save a version with the changes09:31
seb128you have to save as and use a different name09:31
RAOFseb128: By “Doesn't save a version with the changes” do you mean that it doesn't save the changes at all, or that it overwrites the existing file, rather than saving a new version?09:44
seb128RAOF, I do:09:45
seb128open an image09:45
seb128crop it09:45
seb128click save as09:45
seb128type a filename09:45
seb128click save09:45
seb128and in nautilus the original file is updated09:45
seb128I mean I see the thumbnail for the file I opened update09:45
seb128without the cropping09:45
seb128it seems to just resave the original09:45
seb128and not the cropped version to the new filename09:46
seb128"click save", is "one you saved the file, go back to f-spot and click save"09:46
seb128ie do further changes09:46
seb128I would expect save to save further changes to the new name09:46
RAOFOooooh, yes.09:47
RAOFThat would be a reasonable assumption that I simply haven't thought of. :)09:47
seb128we will call that bug fix and it will be for the next upload09:48
seb128I will already upload this version so it starts having testing etc09:48
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chrisccoulsoni didn't realise my extra mouse buttons worked in nautilus now10:07
chrisccoulsoni'm sure they never used to10:07
seb128chrisccoulson, the previous, next ones?10:15
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah. but i just checked in karmic and they work there too, so I'm not sure why i thought they never used to work10:15
chrisccoulsoni must have not realised i was using those buttons ;)10:16
chrisccoulsoni know that they don't work in epiphany, which is a shame10:18
seb128didrocks, doing libgnomekbd10:24
chrisccoulsonheh, i should really do some updates if there are actually any left ;)10:24
didrocksseb128: ok10:24
* didrocks makes his first coffee of the day10:24
seb128oh, coffee10:24
chrisccoulsondidrocks - good idea ;)10:25
didrocksanjuta was such a pain to build with the new vala binding :)10:25
chrisccoulsoni've not had any coffee yet at all10:25
seb128chrisccoulson, there is some left if you want yes10:25
chrisccoulsonbah, tracker keeps making nautilus crash10:30
seb128chrisccoulson, it's loaded at runtime now, no build option10:30
seb128I probably didn't notice because tracker is not installed there10:30
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, i didn't realise. how does that work? (doesn't the built in tracker support need to link against libtracker-client?)10:32
chrisccoulsonthere is also a tracker tags plugin provided by tracker. that might be what's making it crash10:32
seb128chrisccoulson, http://git.gnome.org/browse/nautilus/commit/?id=e1e1fe0d505bdb9b53d7204bba0abeee52f73bca10:33
seb128chrisccoulson, dlopen at runtime basically apparently10:33
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ah, that makes sense then10:36
chrisccoulsonso there's no need for me to maintain a separate version of nautilus with tracker support in my PPA ;)10:36
seb128chrisccoulson, right ;-)10:38
seb128chrisccoulson, do you actually use tracker and find it useful? or is that for testing?10:38
seb128I've not tried for a while but my previous experience was that it slowed down my system a lot and was not very useful for anything I do10:39
chrisccoulsonit's useful on my desktop for indexing pictures10:39
chrisccoulsonbut, it's mainly for testing at the moment (although i don't really get a lot of time to do that)10:39
chrisccoulsonis there any way of forcing apport to use staging when testing package hooks?10:56
seb128chrisccoulson, dunno, would be a question for pitti I guess11:00
thekornchrisccoulson, APPORT_STAGING=1 ubuntu-bug11:07
chrisccoulsonthekorn, thanks!11:08
=== pts is now known as pths
* pitti waves, sorry for being so late today12:30
chrisccoulsonhey pitti12:30
seb128hey pitti, every is alright?12:30
* chrisccoulson waves back12:30
pittichrisccoulson: yes, APPORT_STAGING works12:30
pittiseb128: yes, as I said this morning I had a doctor appointment and visited my grandfather, so I had to leave at 8:4512:31
* seb128 hugs pitti12:31
seb128pitti, I joined after you left so I didn't knew that, but good to see you there and in one piece ;-)12:31
pittiah, don't worry, I'm alright12:31
pittiI just started my hayfever treatment now12:31
seb128pitti, excellent ;-)12:31
seb128oh, is that time for that already?12:32
seb128it's still feezing there this week12:32
pittiapparently so; needs to be done when it didn't start yet12:32
seb128no flower or anything yet12:32
seb128ah, I see12:32
pittiit's an alternative treatment, let's see how it works12:33
seb128ok, good luck with it then ;-)12:34
tjaaltonis there a meta-bug to add these monochrome trayicons to packages?12:47
chrisccoulsontjaalton, the icons need to be added to the theme rather than individual packages12:58
chrisccoulsoni notice transmission needs a monochrome icon. we had one with the old theme ;)12:58
didrocksseb128: taking gnome-games and gnome-session12:59
seb128didrocks, thanks12:59
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: oh, ok. krb5-auth-dialog surely deserves those :)13:00
seb128didrocks, doing vinagre13:02
didrocksseb128: oki :)13:02
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didrocksseb128: new gnome-games needs clutter 1.2 which needs more testing first (not sure we really want it on lucid). putting the update on stand-by13:12
seb128didrocks, ok13:12
seb128I think it would be a mistake to not upgrade clutter13:13
seb128but just giving my opinion there ;-)13:13
didrocksseb128: apparently, there is some issue on nvidia, and I have to test netbook-launcher first with it13:15
seb128didrocks, still doing gnome-session?13:24
didrocksseb128: just beginning it now, if you want it…13:24
seb128didrocks, no13:24
didrocksok :)13:24
seb128I was wondering if https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/491940 is something we should try to fix in lucid13:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491940 in ltsp "Patch for LTSP clients to properly reboot/shutdown" [Undecided,Fix released]13:25
seb128I don't like much the change there though it seems a to be hackish13:25
seb128I'm curious to know what other people think about it13:25
chrisccoulsonthats what i though13:25
seb128didrocks, ignore that for now, let's go on with updates13:26
seb128we can come back to fixing issues when we are done updating13:26
seb128didrocks, less multitasking = less stress during upgrades13:26
didrocksseb128: I agree. It seems a little bit haskish13:27
didrocksand there is already this gdm test with new gnome-session to test13:27
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks: thank you ;-)13:27
didrocksyou're welcome :)13:27
chrisccoulsonthe submitter of that keeps asking me to review it for some reason13:27
chrisccoulsoni think tedg told him i was the person to ask about it ;)13:28
seb128ah ok ;-)13:28
seb128feel free to comment on the bug saying that consensus is that this is too hackish for distro13:28
chrisccoulsonin any case, gsm_manager_request_{shutdown,reboot} are the wrong places13:28
chrisccoulsonas those code paths aren't triggered from the session dialog13:29
chrisccoulsononly from the dbus interface13:29
* seb128 grrrrs at vuntz for making gnome-panel build-dep on a non available gtk version13:40
mclasenit'll be available shortly13:42
seb128mclasen, thanks ;-)13:42
chrisccoulsonheh, my desktop hates me. it sounds like it's about to take off13:43
seb128chrisccoulson, it had enough of rebuilding openjdk for days? ;-)13:44
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, it's building firefox and xulrunner now13:44
seb128do you have a fast machine?13:45
seb128you should probably get one if you don't with those13:45
seb128or at least use ccache13:45
chrisccoulsonit's not particularly fast by todays standards, but it's better than doing all the heavy work on my laptop13:45
chrisccoulsonit's an opteron 175 with 2GB RAM13:46
pittifortunately it seems that these days computers don't decay as fast any more as they used to a decade ago13:46
pittimy amd64/3000 is five years old and still feels "fast"13:46
pittiany computer I had before felt utterly slow after three years or less13:46
chrisccoulsonyeah, my laptop and desktop have similar performance (with the exception of the graphics - i have a 8800GTX in my desktop)13:47
kenvandinepitti, or after a year :)13:47
pittiseems these beasts are finally "fast enough"13:47
kenvandinemy desktop box is only a 1.8, but  being dual core and only used for building seems plenty fast13:48
* kenvandine is glad to have some place other than his laptop for building again :)13:48
pittisame here, I have a dualcore 1.2 GHz as my primary workstation (docked laptop)13:48
* kenvandine hugs the 10k drive... but wishes it was a SSD :)13:48
seb128I use almost only my laptop nowadays13:49
kenvandinemy laptop is a 2.53 though...13:49
seb128it's fast enough for most of the work I do13:49
chrisccoulsoni think i'm going to get a SSD in my laptop13:49
kenvandineso nice and fast :)13:49
seb128only building gtk makes me wish he was building a bit faster sometime ;-)13:49
pittiif I can ever figure out how to get to the HDD in my laptop13:49
kenvandinebut i have a dedicated build box13:49
pittiseb128: did you ever figure out how to take this Dell beast apart? I removed all the screws, but still nothing moved13:49
seb128kenvandine, you mean you have a ppa on launchpad? ;-)13:49
pittiseb128: -j4 :)13:49
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, i think i need to get a dedicated build box13:49
seb128pitti, on the mini it's under the keyboard13:50
kenvandinewhich is nice... it was out of commission for a while i replaced the disk with the 10K one13:50
chrisccoulsonelse i will become unpopular very quickly13:50
seb128pitti, I didn't try on the d63013:50
kenvandineseb128, hehe... yeah that too :)13:50
kenvandinebuilding on my laptop makes other things i try to do less productive, so nice having another box13:50
kenvandinebrb, rebooting13:50
seb128pitti, on the mini you have to unscrew 2 screws on the back, then you can go back to the front and get the keyboard out13:51
seb128pitti, by pulling on the left side around the alt key13:51
pittichrisccoulson: we also have porter boxes, you know..13:51
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, i wasn't aware of that13:52
seb128ie put a ruler or something under the keyboard and try to get the keyboard out with it13:52
pittiseb128: ah, there's something like a clip there (and on the other side as well)13:52
seb128vuntz, lying, take a penalty card13:52
seb128vuntz, gnome-panel builds fine with gtk 2.19.613:53
seb128(tarball don't set deprecated flag on by default)13:53
* pitti chuckles about didrocks' gnome-session upload which documents changes to debian/changelog in debian/changelog :)14:02
* pitti hugs didrocks14:02
didrockssorry :)14:04
didrocksthat's because I'm only taking my third cup of coffee now14:04
chrisccoulsonlol ;)14:04
pittididrocks: don't worry, it's obvious it was meant to mean "new upstream release", it just looked funny :)14:05
didrockspitti: right, I just can say that I didn't know where my brain was when writing that. Autotyping… :)14:06
NafaiGood morning14:06
seb128hey Nafai14:06
pittididrocks: check with Julie?14:06
pittihey Nafai, good morning14:06
didrockspitti: I'll ask her when she will get back from work. She was even not speaking with me, I can't blame her unfortunately :-)14:07
didrockshey Nafai14:07
NafaiHey seb128, pitti, didrocks14:08
kenvandineseb128, why are we staying with evo 2.28.x?14:10
seb128kenvandine, oh come on14:10
kenvandine2.29 not ready for an LTS?14:10
pittiRTFML? :-)14:10
seb128not you too14:10
* kenvandine vaguely recalls hearing about this :)14:10
seb128I spent one hour writting a reply about that yesterday14:10
seb128I don't fancy rewritting it there now14:10
kenvandineah... i haven't even opened evo today14:10
seb128read ubuntu-devel-discuss14:11
kenvandinei'll read it in a few14:11
pittikenvandine: good morning14:11
kenvandinegood morning :)14:11
seb128but basically a lts is not the cycle to take a rewrite14:11
kenvandinei assumed14:11
seb128especially for a project like this one which not known to be bug free on code changes14:11
seb128kenvandine, good morning btw ;-)14:11
seb128kenvandine, just curious but why do you ask now? got people pinging you about it?14:12
kenvandineno, i got an e-d-s crash at login14:12
kenvandineand found the bug is filed upstream and fixed in 2.29.91+14:12
kenvandinebug 47718614:12
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/477186)14:12
seb128kenvandine, ok, maybe we can backport the change?14:14
kenvandinemaybe... it is a pretty big patch14:14
seb128ok maybe not then14:14
seb128did you notice any issue out of having apport triggered?14:15
kenvandineapport told me14:15
seb128if that's only that no need to bother I would say, especially if that's a one every now and then14:15
kenvandineyeah, i am surprised it is the first time i have gotten it14:16
kenvandinemaybe it was a google problem that evo just didn't handle well14:16
kenvandineso we don't see it often14:16
seb128could be14:16
kenvandinelet me see if the patch will apply14:17
kenvandinei won't put much effort into it... but if we can fix it easily... for an lts... it would be nice :)14:17
kenvandinerodrigo_, great work on libu1... i got a nice quote from directhex14:18
kenvandinerodrigo_, " it's approximately as complicated to make a full music store as it is to make a "hello world" app, with the binding."14:18
seb128kenvandine, rodrigo_: btw we need to solve the "nobody is looking at tomboy u1 bugs about sync issues"14:18
seb128kenvandine, rodrigo_: what workflow would work for the ols team so somebody look at those?14:19
kenvandineseb128, josh said he would subscribe the u1 hackers team to the tomboy package bugs14:19
seb128subscribing somebody?14:19
kenvandinethey usually subscribe the team14:19
kenvandineand they do a rotation14:19
kenvandineso someone on duty everyday14:19
seb128which team?14:19
kenvandinei'll check up on it14:19
kenvandinei think14:19
seb128can I do that too? ;-)14:19
seb128I will do that when I cross some bugs about syncing14:20
kenvandineseb128, sure... go for it14:20
kenvandinejosh already committed to doing it... so if he didn't, just sub them :)14:20
seb128ok ;-)14:20
kenvandinei swear evo is getting slower at filtering14:21
kenvandinei should really switch to procmail14:21
NafaiI'd use procmail if I didn't use google apps14:22
kenvandineNafai, well gmail filtering is awesome14:26
kenvandinebut for canonical mail.... i don't have that luxury14:26
* Nafai nods14:26
didrockskenvandine: I don't agree with awesome as long as it can't filter in mail headers like "X-Launchpad…"14:29
kenvandinedidrocks, i guess i haven't tried filtering LP mail with it :)14:31
Nafaididrocks: Agreed, there are features of procmail I miss in google14:31
didrockskenvandine: so, it either a "user issue" (fix it!) or it sucks :)14:31
didrocksthat's why on my TODO, I have to switch my ubuntu email to my canonical adress with procmail… But I always find something more important to do first :)14:32
kenvandinemy favorite feature of gmail filtering is actually the preview display of matching mails14:33
didrocksright, good to test, but still… no filtering on header, and consequently, lot of wrong positive in Launchpad :/14:34
LaserJockI've not had much problem filtering using gmail14:35
LaserJockon the other hand, I also took the approach that if I *have* to rely on filtering to keep sane I'm probably doing something wrong14:36
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
rodrigo_seb128, oh, assign them to me if you see them14:43
kenvandineseb128, can you please sponsor lp:ubuntu/libubuntuone and lp:ubuntu/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store14:43
rodrigo_seb128, who's watching them if not you?14:43
kenvandinerodrigo_, josh was going to add the team14:43
rodrigo_kenvandine, ah, ok14:44
rodrigo_but add the team to *all* tomboy bugs, I guess?14:44
seb128kenvandine, ok14:45
seb128rodrigo_, will do, I guess nobody is watching tomboy, I'm not I just looked to the open bugs while doing the tarball update14:46
rodrigo_seb128, ok, if we're going to watch them it's ok, but if you find any not being dealt with, assign it to me14:46
seb128rodrigo_, ok thanks14:47
rodrigo_seb128, if we wacth some non-sync related bug in Tomboy, who do we assign it back to?14:48
seb128rodrigo_, nobody14:50
seb128just unsubscribe your team if it's not for you14:51
rodrigo_hmm, and are they forwarded upstream?14:51
rodrigo_although I think Sandy (tomboy developer) watched the Tomboy bugs in LP14:51
rodrigo_kenvandine, so, the packages are done then?14:51
kenvandinerodrigo_, i think so14:52
kenvandinelets see what seb128 says :)14:52
rodrigo_kenvandine, cool!14:52
mvorodrigo_: that reminds me, it looks like my tomboy sync is not working because of "&" in the note title - its known AFAICS, when is the fix getting deployed?15:00
kenvandinepitti, seb128: so are we ready to drop eog from ubuntu-desktop?15:02
pittiwhere? what? why eog?15:02
rodrigo_mvo, hmm, I think it's already deployed, let me check15:02
pittiplease not15:02
kenvandinewell... so f-spot --view becomes the default viewer :)15:02
kenvandinei thought that was the plan15:02
pittikenvandine: I thought f-spot editing was the cheap replacement for gimp15:02
seb128kenvandine, now way ;-)15:02
pittibut f-spot is sloooooooooooooooooooow15:02
kenvandineok... i thought that was the plan15:02
rodrigo_mvo, no, not deployed yet, sorry, will be soon15:02
pittikenvandine: there's a work item to add an "edit" button to eog which would call f-spot15:02
kenvandineno worries15:03
kenvandineah... ok15:03
pittikenvandine: I think desrt has that ready to upload, it was just waiting on f-spot15:03
kenvandinef-spot seems ready15:03
* kenvandine hugs RAOF15:03
mvorodrigo_: thanks15:03
pittiindeed! I'm eager to try it15:03
seb128pitti, I did upload that eog change a week ago15:03
seb128pitti, not working for you?15:03
pittiseb128: ah, I wasn't paying attention then15:04
seb128pitti, both side should be working in lucid15:04
pittiah, I removed mono the other day, thus I don't have f-spot installed15:04
seb128eog has the edit button15:04
seb128and f-spot does edit now15:04
seb128pitti, freedom hater :p15:04
pittiso I don't have an edit button (which seems correct, I take it it checks for the existence first?)15:04
seb128it does15:05
pittiseb128: gthumb is not more or less free, but much better :) (SCNR)15:05
seb128pitti, it's a gconf key feel free to change it ;-)15:05
seb128pitti, /apps/eog/ui/external_editor15:05
pittioh, that's fine15:05
* pitti is a gthumb for browsing/viewing and gimp for editing type15:06
pittibut I'll still test it on the current CDs, for curiosity15:06
chrisccoulsoni'd use gthumb if it stored metadata in the images15:06
chrisccoulsonbut it doesn't, and f-spot does :)15:06
seb128we have people complaining loudly about f-spot destroying datas15:07
seb128ie changes some exif tag on import15:07
chrisccoulsonoh, i've never noticed that before15:07
seb128and doesn't play nicely with timezone while doing so15:07
seb128it's bug #17519115:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 175191 in f-spot "f-spot changes timestamp in an incorrect way" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17519115:09
didrockspitti: do you plan to do a python-distutils-extra release soon? Would be nice to get the new python-mkdebian in lucid15:26
pittididrocks: oh, I thought I did already; I think last time I wanted to wait for testing migration15:27
pittididrocks: I upload it right now, sorry15:27
didrockspitti: no pb, I'm more than late for Quickly 0.4 already, it wasn't a blocker :)15:28
didrocksthanks a lot pitti15:28
pittididrocks: done15:37
didrockspitti: schweet \o/ thanks a lot :)15:37
vuntzseb128_: really, it builds fine with 2.19.6?15:42
vuntzI guess I misread when some API was added15:43
seb128_vuntz, yes15:47
vuntzsorry about that15:50
* vuntz hugs seb128_ 15:50
* seb128_ hugs vuntz15:50
Riddellkenvandine: libubuntuone1.0-cil for main or universe?15:56
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
kenvandineRiddell, ^^16:01
kenvandineRiddell, th16:02
rickspencer3pitti, seb128, ArneGoetje, bryceh, didrocks, kenvandine, tkamppeter, tseliot: team meeting in 18 minutes, right?16:12
pittirickspencer3: right; still wrapping up TB meeting16:12
rickspencer3team meeting time?16:31
* tseliot nods16:31
* ArneGoetje is present16:31
* pitti waves16:32
rickspencer3sorry, just got off phone call16:32
rickspencer3shall we begin?16:32
rickspencer3first is outstanding issues from last meeting16:33
rickspencer3there was 116:33
rickspencer3ACTION: pitti to drive "hiding X cursor" project16:33
rickspencer3note that for me, the cursor does not spin16:33
seb128I can't try16:33
pittiI uploaded a first fix for that last Friday16:34
seb128plymouth send me to vt1 at every boot16:34
pittiI think it's not perfect yet16:34
rickspencer3does anyone see the cursor spin or is it just the normal cursor for everyone?16:34
pittibut it avoids the spinning cursor for me during plymouth16:34
ccheneywhen do you see this cursor?16:34
didrocksit's working for me. But still, the cursor appear early on plymouth16:34
ccheneyafaicr i don't see it16:34
rickspencer3after GDM loads16:34
pittirickspencer3: hm, I don't see it at all during boot now; but I do see it between entering password and session start16:34
pittibut that's not from gdm (where my patch already hides it), but from somewhere in GNOME that I didn't track down yet16:34
rickspencer3pitti, so you feel that you have accomplished this, but needs a bit more polish?16:34
pittirickspencer3: I'd say "in progress" then16:35
ccheneyi probably see the same as pitti as i don't recall seeing it look wrong in any case16:35
kenvandinei don't think it spins for me16:35
chrisccoulsonooh, i nearly missed the meeting there16:35
* ccheney can test to see if it spins or not after the meeting16:35
rickspencer3I'm not sure that we need to fix the non-spinning cursor after logging in16:35
pittirickspencer3: I wasn't sure either16:35
pittirickspencer3: but I'd rather have it spinning than being "normal"16:35
rickspencer3pitti, maybe after the meeting you can explain what the current status is, and I can check into whether it is "done" or not16:35
pittii. e. hide it or spin16:35
rickspencer3I suspect it is16:35
pittirickspencer3: agreed16:36
rickspencer3pitti, but it's for such a short period of time, I don't think it would help to spin it16:36
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to follow up with pitti regarding cursor at boot changes, determine if requirement has been met16:36
rickspencer3next is partner update16:36
rickspencer3kenvandine, ?16:36
kenvandinefor ubuntuone, user defined folders are now configurable in nautilus16:37
kenvandinemusic store is still private beta, but i think will go public beta in a couple days16:38
kenvandineafter the current testers test the uploads we did this morning16:38
kenvandinewhich include libu1 (with mono bindings) and the rb plugin16:38
kenvandineDX is getting into a more quiet bug fix mode which is nice :)16:39
kenvandineindicator-me should get the about me stuff fixed finally16:39
kenvandinethis week16:39
kenvandinei think that is it for the partner update16:39
pittikenvandine: including hiding the twitter entry line?16:39
kenvandinepitti, oh... let me check on that16:39
kenvandinedbarth wasn't very specific :)16:39
rickspencer3pitti, you want that to be hidden if no microblogging accounts are set?16:40
kenvandinei know the about-me stuff is on the list16:40
pittirickspencer3: yes; it's currently nonfunctional if you haven't16:40
kenvandinethere is a gconf key for that now16:40
rickspencer3that seems wrong, indeed16:40
rickspencer3kenvandine, I assume there is a bug to track that?16:40
kenvandinei'll make sure it gets done16:40
kenvandinei doubt it16:40
kenvandinei'll get one16:40
rickspencer3I think a bug report appropriately prioritized would be a good way to track that change16:41
pittimerci beaucoup16:41
kenvandinethere is a bug16:41
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine16:41
rickspencer3kenvandine, all done with partner update?16:42
rickspencer3Riddell, Kubuntu update?16:42
rickspencer3man, I never get coordinated with that guy16:42
* rickspencer3 guilt16:42
Riddell * KDE 4.4.1 is in16:43
Riddell * Firefox KDE integration is in, yay, now only blocked on MIR bug 53184816:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531848 in kmozillahelper "kmozillahelper MIR" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53184816:43
Riddell * ARM images are now building, yay16:43
Riddell* may switch to network manager plasmoid on advice of upstream, asking for widespread testing now * still waiting on new logo from canonical designers16:43
rickspencer3oh good, glad Riddell is more organized that I am :)16:43
rickspencer3thanks Riddell16:43
rickspencer3how did the KDE update last week go?16:43
Riddellthe 4.4.1 update? no problems that I'm aware of16:43
rickspencer3ccheney, mozilla status?16:44
asacepiphany port still missing. rest of the stack is there .... stuck on the new gtk_entry_icon api16:44
asacwe discussed a way forward yesterday16:45
ccheneytried out several methods to get the gtkentry bits backported they failed so talked with asac and got a new idea of what to do, implementing it today16:45
ccheneysee asac :)16:45
rickspencer3ccheney, so one more day?16:46
Riddellah asac, how about that MIR?16:46
ccheneyrickspencer3: hopefully yea if this does work it shouldn't take more than another day16:46
ccheneyrickspencer3: and it sounds like it is a workable solution16:47
rickspencer3time is now getting a bit tight on this16:47
rickspencer3but I guess we can only continue to sit tight16:47
asacRiddell: have the source now ...16:48
rickspencer3next is release status ... I'll turn the mic over to pitti in a moment16:48
rickspencer3this is High and Critical assigned bugs16:48
asacRiddell: lets talk offline after this meeting ;) (sorry i am out again)16:48
rickspencer3I noticed that our cron job query does not have all the data needed to see what is targeted for the release16:49
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to ask bdmurray about included targetedness of bugs in bug query16:49
rickspencer3but in general, I do not feel like we are as organized about identifying the right bugs to fix as we could be16:49
rickspencer3and of course, I have no solution to that :(16:49
rickspencer3ok, pitti go ahead16:50
pittiok, so just starting with bugs then16:50
pittias a refreshment for everyone, but also for our newcomers16:50
pittiin general, we track bugs that we really must/want to fix for lucid as targetted bugs against lucid with an appropriate priority16:50
pittii. e. if you see a bug which falls into that category, please do "Target to release.." and select lucid, and a good priority16:51
pittiif prio is high/critical, it becomes a release blocker, and falls onto the release team's radar16:51
pittieverything below is "target of opportunity"16:51
pitti- select an appropriate milestone16:52
pitti- assign the bug!16:52
pittithere's nothing more useless than a targetted unassigned bugs16:52
pittieither assign it to someone where you know it's appropriate16:52
pittiif in doubt assign it to canonical-desktop-team16:52
pittiI monitor those16:52
rickspencer3pitti, what should we do if someone assigns us a bug that doesn't seem quite right for us to fix?16:53
pittito complement that, please ensure that you filter bug mail to treat assigned/subscribed bugs high16:53
rickspencer3like if someone assigned an xorg bug to kenvandine and an indicator bug to bryce?16:53
pittirickspencer3: then please unassign with a comment, and possibly tag it ct-rev (if it comes from QA)16:53
pittioh, then please just fix the assignee16:54
pittibut QA team (and others) just generally assign to c-d-t16:54
rickspencer3but if you don't think it's a really bug do that ^ ?16:54
pittiso if you do that as well, it falls into the very same workflow16:54
pittifrom my POV this has worked quite well for quite a while16:54
rickspencer3that = unassign, comment, ct-rev tag?16:54
pitti^ right16:54
pittict-rev isn't widely used, I believe16:54
pittiso that's really optional16:55
rickspencer3it never caught on, really16:55
kenvandinewhat is the ct-rev tag for?16:55
pittiit was meant to avoid having an unassigned bug pop up again on the QA radar16:55
pittiand getting it reassigned16:55
pitti"canonical team reviewed"16:55
pittiany questions about tracking bugs?16:56
brycehheh, forgot about ct-rev16:56
seb128I feel we miss something there16:56
seb128but I'm not sure it counts as a question16:56
pittiseb128: go ahead16:56
seb128well this workflow is fine to track blockers or fires or qa spotted bugs16:57
seb128but I feel we have tons of very annoying bugs16:57
seb128and that we should have an overview of those too16:57
pittitarget to lucid/assign/prio "low" or "medium" is for that16:57
seb128so people know what to work on when they are out of blockers16:57
pittithat's the "target of opportunity" category I mentioned16:57
pittii. e. everything which isn't high/critical16:57
seb128I think we do a poor job at spotting what bugs ought to be fixed in those target of opportunity16:58
seb128and don't valuate enough how fixing some non blocker bugs can impact on the user experience16:58
seb128we have thousand of target of opportunity bugs16:58
seb128we have no concrete metric or overview or anything to work on that list in a organized maner16:59
seb128but that's just my feeling16:59
seb128end of comment16:59
pittiwe have gravity now, and QA sending us quite a range of bugs16:59
seb128sorry for being verbose ;-)16:59
seb128that's great16:59
pittiand of course everyone is invited and required to help out with that in their particular area of expertise16:59
rickspencer3pitti, I think there was a suggestion in seb128's comment16:59
seb128I still think we don't do any organize work around those tools17:00
rickspencer3that we make some kind of goal setting17:00
rickspencer3like have a burn down chart, or some % of a bug list to target, etc...17:00
seb128I would like to see a chart counting like one hundred bugs we aim at fixing as time allow for lucid17:00
seb128and see how much progress we can do through those17:00
rickspencer3pitti, seb128 may I suggest that seb128 work on that?17:00
pittiwell, if we target the bugs, then creating lists/charts/etc. is easy17:01
rickspencer3seems good practice for preparing for temporary tech lead role :)17:01
pittisounds great to me :)17:01
rickspencer3seb128, sound okay?17:01
seb128to me too!17:01
pittibut the primary needle eye seems to be finding the right bugs17:01
pittinot tracking them, etc. (since that's well understood and working IMHO)17:01
rickspencer3ACTION: seb128 to generate a list of 100 "right" bugs to fix in Lucid17:01
seb128pitti, right, the important part is to build that list17:02
pitti... with everyoen contributing to the list17:02
seb128I've to admit I feel personnaly lost in the middle of the target of opportunity bugs17:02
rickspencer3well, I would like to see some kind of criteria that builds that list17:02
seb128and I'm not convinced the one I work one are the one I should be spending time on17:02
rickspencer3but, I'll leave it to seb12817:02
rickspencer3pitti, wrt release status ...17:03
pittiseb128: do you think gravity/hotness is a good part of that metric?17:03
pittirickspencer3: yes, I've got plenty to say still17:03
pittiok, so action for everyone, please target the bugs you think ought to be fixed17:03
pittithen let's see next week what we have17:03
seb128pitti, yes17:04
pittias you can see, we are a "tad" above the trend line17:04
pittiwe basically have until Thursday to get beta-1 stuff in17:04
pittiI just closed two default-apps WIs, which are done17:04
pittifor us, the remaining thing there is to discuss the fate of pitivi17:04
pitti(I'll discuss the other specs later on)17:05
rickspencer3pitti, discuss that now?17:05
pittirickspencer3: you think we shouldn't?17:05
rickspencer3no, I think we should17:05
pittiI actually spent some two hours on pitivi on teh weekend to create some .avis from my parent's video cam17:05
pittiit's crash-o-rama, and didn't import half of the clips, but at least I got the (admittedly very simple) task done17:06
rickspencer3that surprises me, as I have not add issues like that17:06
pittiteam opinions for yay/nay?17:06
pittilet's do a quick poll17:07
rickspencer3I was firmly yay until pitti's crash-o-rama comment17:07
rickspencer3hi bilboed-tp and komputes17:07
rickspencer3all - these guys are pitivi upstream17:07
SEJeff_workHas the latest gnonlin landed in lucid yet?17:07
pittiwell, apparenlty only some thread crashes all the time17:07
rickspencer3and they are awesome and easy to work with17:07
seb128pitti, 0.13.4 due tomorrow17:07
seb128we will get the updates today with the pre-version17:07
bilboed-tpwhat seb128 said17:07
nekohayorickspencer3, I've seen tons of crash bugs on launchpad that are on 0.13.3 and seem to be linked to the HAL thing17:07
bilboed-tppushing out a pre-release right now17:07
seb128what we have now is outdated we can't really judge on those17:08
komputeshi rickspencer317:08
seb128bilboed-tp, thanks for the good work btw ;-)17:08
pittirickspencer3: imports> yes, it refuses to import any clip which takes longer than 10s to index or so17:08
komputeshi bilboed-tp, will be testing the new pitivi this week17:08
rickspencer3it has been working well for me, and works with gtk-record-my-desktop, etc...17:08
komputes(in lucid)17:08
nekohayoand just look at this: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&target_milestone=0.13.4&product=pitivi17:08
pittilooking forward to testing 0.13.4 then!17:08
didrocksso, making some video mounting test on the following days? once getting the new version?17:08
nekohayo(my point is: huge amount of bugs fixed since 0.13.3)17:08
bilboed-tpgimme 5mins and the pre-release tarballs will be out17:09
pittithe import bug was easy enough to work around, too (update timeout to 600 s)17:09
rickspencer3pitti, may I suggest that everyone makes a video or two this week, and discuss again next week?17:09
kenvandinei can17:09
pittiso, my proposal was to keep it in beta-1, and go with it barring major catastrophes17:09
* kenvandine has some video of the kids needing editing :)17:09
seb128rickspencer3, ok17:09
nekohayopitti, the import bug is fixed in 0.13.417:09
pittinekohayo: sweet17:09
seb128pitti, +117:09
nekohayowith recent gstreamer packages17:09
seb128we have uptodate gstreamer17:09
seb128or will be soon17:09
rickspencer3the pitivi team is lucky that we work from home, or I would be hugging them all right now17:10
twi_and gnonlin, a new release was pushed today17:10
* bilboed-tp scratches head17:10
* komputes chuckles17:10
pittirickspencer3: sure, more testing is always good :) WDYT about the proposal?17:10
* pitti assumes "yes"17:10
* bilboed-tp makes pre-release depend on latest gst-plugins-good just to be sure17:10
rickspencer3pitti, yes17:10
seb128bilboed-tp, we have .2117:10
seb128should be ok ;-)17:10
pittiok, great17:10
pittibefore beta-1, review  status of pitivi and decide about its fate (keep): DONE17:11
rickspencer3thanks pitti :)17:11
bilboed-tpseb128, yes17:11
pittiso, that leaves some f-spot editing UI review for djsiegel, which sohuld be fine17:11
* rickspencer3 refrains from bringing up 7 TODO work items for gdm setup that are still on the burndown chart17:11
rickspencer3pitti, more for release status?17:11
bilboed-tpseb128, if you have all releases from the past 3 days, then it's all good. you just need to make sure gnonlin 0.10.15 from a couple of hours ago goes in17:11
djsiegelpitti: say what?17:11
pittidjsiegel: your two WIs in https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-default-apps17:11
seb128bilboed-tp, no worry I've that under control17:12
pittiso, next thing17:12
bilboed-tpseb128, thx17:12
pittichrisccoulson: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-services-settings-window17:12
djsiegelpitti, ok17:12
pittichrisccoulson: do you have time/motivation/etc. to check this this week?17:12
seb128bilboed-tp, np, thank you for the work you are doing ;-)17:12
pittior should we cut it?17:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - i don't think i'll have the time to look at that this week. the rest of my week is going to be taken up by xulrunner 1.9.2 transition now17:12
pittiseb128: same question about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-gdmsetup17:12
pittichrisccoulson: ok, let's cut it then17:13
seb128pitti, :-(17:13
rickspencer3this is a very unfortunate cut17:14
rickspencer3but we have to do what we have to do17:14
pittiservices-admin is somethign to shoot yourself into the foot IMHO17:14
pittiseb128: well, if you really want to get it back, I'll work on it tomorrow17:14
rickspencer3pitti, right, if it's not all tweaked and tested by now, better to drop it17:14
komputespitti: are you suggesting dropping the development of a new gdmsetup in lucid? :(17:15
didrocksI think the "prevent autologin for user using encryption for their home" is needed and can be quick to do.17:15
seb128pitti, my ":-(" was for gdmsetup, I hate not having a way to turn off login sound17:15
rickspencer3for gdm setup, I think we would be better served helping the gdm setup community project get into universe17:15
seb128pitti, it's a show blocker for users in public places17:15
seb128like students who go to the library17:15
pittithe "cut" so far was for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-services-settings-window17:15
komputesseb128: or offices17:15
pittiseb128: yes, I agree17:15
seb128I can't believe we will get a lts without a way to make your computer silent17:16
seb128it seems such a trivial requirement for lot of people17:16
pittiseb128: so, do you want to work on it this week, and I take some of your gnome updates/other work? or want me to work on gdmsetup?17:16
seb128but *shrug*17:16
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'd like to be able to disable the login sound with a baby in the room next door17:16
* ArneGoetje has a "Mute" key combination on his laptop for this.17:16
seb128pitti, I will look at it tomorrow and keep you updated17:16
pittiseb128: I'm not at all attached to services-admin, but I am to gdmsetup..17:16
seb128same here17:16
pittiseb128: merci; please let me know if I can help out with updates, etc.17:16
seb128I don't care about services-admin, I don't think normal users know or care about those17:16
pittikenvandine: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-social-from-the-start17:16
rickspencer3seb128, what's the status of hte GM setup tool that community created?17:16
* kenvandine prefers normal users not have it17:17
seb128pitti, we are done with updates but thanks17:17
rickspencer3pitti, hold on, I'm not quite done with gdm setup, I think I am not in agreement with seb12817:17
kenvandinepitti, just the exception stuff i want, and i should be able to start working on it tonight17:17
seb128rickspencer3, it's an hackish pygtk tool running undo sudo and calling gconftool commands17:17
pittikenvandine: ok, so let's keep it on the list then17:17
seb128rickspencer3, out of disliking the design it probably does the job17:17
kenvandinepitti, it is important17:17
rickspencer3so it's not suitable for universe to fulfill the use-cases you bring up17:17
komputespitti, well the way to disable a service/job (upstart) atm is renaming a file, correct? We truely do need a graphical way of doing this which is non-destructive...17:17
pittikenvandine: right, but time is running out; beta freeze is in two days..17:17
kenvandinei know... i know17:18
seb128rickspencer3, it's fine for universe I guess17:18
kenvandinepitti, i'll do my best :)17:18
pittikomputes: you really oughn't to disable most upstart jobs17:18
rickspencer3does it fulfill the use cases?17:18
seb128rickspencer3, still having to find it to be able to have a quiet computer is a slap in the face for users17:18
seb128rickspencer3, supposed they ever find it in the middle of 18000 binaries yes17:18
pittirickspencer3: I'd rather add two more buttons to our gdmsetup (which we know to work) than switching to an entirely different tool17:18
rickspencer3seb128, have you added the mute feature to gdm setup now?17:18
seb128pitti, he doesn't suggest switching I think, just to have a tool in universe which does that17:19
seb128rickspencer3, no17:19
seb128rickspencer3, which is why I ":-(" before17:19
pittiseb128: hm, but nobody will find that, or have it when needed..17:19
komputespitti: examples of daemons users want to disable simply include openssh-server, proftpd, apache etc, I understand and agree most system services don't need to be touched by users17:19
rickspencer3hold on, one thing at a time17:19
pittikomputes: right, those aren't upstartified yet17:19
rickspencer3komputes, the start up services UI is out of scope now17:20
bilboed-tpseb128, pre-release tarball available here : http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/pitivi/0.13/17:20
seb128bilboed-tp, thanks17:20
komputespitti: right, but we expect users to know the diff between an upstart job and a a script run through SysV scripts17:20
rickspencer3I don't see how we can have a hope of delivering something that doesn't cause way more problems than it solves17:20
komputesrickspencer3: that's too bad :(17:20
rickspencer3komputes, I agree17:20
pittidjsiegel: please add your review comments to the bottom of the whiteboard (not into the work item); just set the WI to "done" after review17:20
rickspencer3but delivering on time and with quality is an important feature17:21
rickspencer3let us back up and making a running start at this in Lucid + 117:21
rickspencer3for gdm setup, I propose that seb128 discuss off line and see if we can negotiate a way forward17:21
rickspencer3I feel that any work we do now is throwing good money after bad17:21
didrocksstill, we allow people to choose a user for autologin even if they have an encrypted partition. Once you've done that, you're screwed, the only solution is to reboot in recovery mode and change the custom.conf file with a CLI editor…17:22
rickspencer3pitti, are you agreeable about delegating gdm setup discussion to seb128 and I?17:22
pittirickspencer3: sure, that's fine17:22
pittiI just wanted to point out that time is running out :/17:22
rickspencer3didrocks, that sounds like a bug17:22
pittithen, the remaining big thing is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-dx-integration17:22
* rickspencer3 considers time to have already run out ;)17:22
rickspencer3pitti, kenvandine had to step away17:22
pittiI think some WIs are actually done17:23
pittiboot: get the plymounth plugins in?: TODO17:23
pittilike that17:23
rickspencer3these work items to be seem to reflect that he has done some good planning17:23
pittiapplication indicator: other apps in best community effort: TODO17:23
pittiand that's a pretty pointless WI anyway17:23
pittiso I think there's some noise here17:23
pittiso I think it's much fewer WIs for beta-1 than it seems at first sight17:24
rickspencer3pitti, would you like to work with kenvandine to clean up that noise?17:24
pittiI'll discuss with Ken when he comes back, and try to clean up a little17:24
pittisnap :)17:24
seb128"theming: the design team will have theme tweaking or a new theme to get in lucid: TODO"17:24
seb128is probably a DONE too17:24
rickspencer3yeah, probably :)17:25
pitti</release status>17:25
rickspencer3pitti, thanks for driving us in such an organized manner17:25
pittirickspencer3: mike back to you17:25
jcastropitti: you can done "other apps in best community effort", we got like 3 good ones out of it17:25
rickspencer3and also for tolerating my clockwork-like predictability in freaking about about finishing out the release17:25
pittirickspencer3: which is not totally unjustified -- time is running out for bug fixing as wel..17:26
rickspencer3let's finish out real quick with a reminder ...17:26
rickspencer3Guadec is coming up!17:26
rickspencer3the organizes asked me to remind everyone that papers are due in 11 days17:26
rickspencer3and to encourage everyone to submit if they want to17:26
rickspencer3also, I put the mailing list on the wiki17:27
rickspencer3if you want to, you can subscribe to that mailing list and look for opportunities to help17:27
rickspencer3if you are wondering if you should go to guedec, submit a paper, etc...17:27
rickspencer3please get me offline and we can discuss, but the answer if probably "yes" if you are at all intersted :)17:28
rickspencer3any other business?17:28
rickspencer3that's a warp17:29
rickspencer3a wrap too17:29
* rickspencer3 taps gavel17:29
seb128rickspencer3, thanks17:30
pittithanks everyone17:30
rickspencer3komputes, so .. now that the meeting is over ...17:30
didrocksthanks everyone17:31
komputesrickspencer3: yessir17:31
rickspencer3so, the services configurator thing17:31
rickspencer3I get the sense that you are passionate about this17:31
rickspencer3so I'm a bit bummed that I feel I need to take a hard line against more development in Lucid in taht area17:32
komputesrickspencer3: we do what we can, right?17:32
komputesI understand that, it just bothers me that these won't make it into Lucid17:32
rickspencer3komputes, would you like to take a leadership role in this area for Lucid + 1?17:32
chrisccoulsonrealistically, is it worth investing any significant efforts in the gnome-system-tools / system-tools-backends stack?17:33
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, well, that's the means17:33
komputesrickspencer3: Not a developer, so not particularly. I don't think I would be the best person suited to do that.17:34
rickspencer3the end is "can users tweak the services running on their 'puters in a graphical way"17:34
rickspencer3komputes, ok17:34
rickspencer3well, feel free to start a blueprint or comment on one if it is created17:34
chrisccoulsonor "do users need to tweak the services running on their 'puters in a graphical way"?17:34
komputesrickspencer3: I'm subscribed17:35
chrisccoulsoni thought not, but i got some stick when i initially disabled services-admin17:35
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, that's a good question17:35
rickspencer3good discussion for UDS ;)17:35
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think so17:35
komputesrickspencer3: we should def. bring it up at UDS17:35
chrisccoulsoni don't see much point in the tool really, but it seems a lot of people disagree with me there ;)17:35
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, right, so we should give everyone a chance to express their opinions, and then make a good group deciscion17:36
rickspencer3basically, UDS is made exactly for this kind of thing :)17:37
chrisccoulsonyeah, agreed17:37
komputesrickspencer3: I was going to ask (and maybe seb128 knows something about this) We spoke about disabling startup/shutdown sounds, but whats the status/direction of Sound Preferences, Sound themes, and Custom sound effects.17:38
rickspencer3komputes, startup and shutdown sounds will be enabled by default17:38
rickspencer3the current debate is about how to allow users to disable them17:38
rickspencer3seb128 wants to add functionality to gdm setup17:39
rickspencer3I think it's too late to do that work17:39
komputesrickspencer3: that's fine, my question was concerning  Sound themes, and Custom sound effects17:39
chrisccoulsonare we talking about the gdm startup sound, or the login sound17:39
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, tbh, I don't know17:39
chrisccoulsonit's already possible to disable the latter in gnome-volume-control17:39
rickspencer3komputes, I don;17:39
komputeschrisccoulson: I think they were talking about the GDM drums sound in the meeting17:39
rickspencer3t know abotu that either17:39
chrisccoulsonah, ok17:40
seb128chrisccoulson, whatever makes sound on boot you can't stop17:40
seb128I think you can deal with the desktop sound from the gnome-media capplet17:40
seb128or mute those there at least17:40
chrisccoulsonyeah, that works (i disable the login sound already)17:40
seb128we just don't have an UI to make gdm silent17:40
seb128which is a fail17:40
komputesrickspencer3, seb128: The reason I bring it up is because the gnome-volume-control is a mess IMO17:41
seb128rickspencer3, I'm not sure if you opposed to turned that off by default btw?17:41
seb128rickspencer3, or you were speaking about the session sounds?17:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i suppose the sticking point for the GDM one is that the configuration is stored in gconf for the GDM user?17:41
seb128komputes, you are welcome to talk to the design team about redesign it17:41
seb128chrisccoulson, yes17:41
komputesseb128: any oparticular individual(s)17:41
seb128but saying that the current one is not good doesn't bring us forward17:42
seb128we need suggestions and a design of something better17:42
komputesseb128: oh I do have a list of improvements, btw17:42
komputesI'm not just sating it's bad and that's it... :)17:43
seb128too late for lucid but I'm happy to consider those for next cycle17:43
seb128can you build a list and send it to me by email or something?17:43
komputesseb128: will do that now17:43
seb128or register a spec about adressing those17:43
komputesseb128: ok17:43
rickspencer3djsiegel, thanks for updating the f-spot work items17:50
rickspencer3if you have specific comments, feel free to add them outside the work item area17:50
kwwiiseb128: did you see the ubuntu-mono icon update info (from #dx a while ago?)17:51
seb128kwwii, no sorry, being busy with phone calls and meeting for some hours17:52
seb128kwwii, I probably overlooked it, looking now, thanks17:52
kwwiiseb128: right, I assumed so - you are a very busy man ;-)17:52
seb128kwwii, we all are ;-)17:52
seb128kwwii, on it now17:52
kwwiiindeed ;-)17:52
kwwiiseb128: excellent thanks!17:53
seb128thank you fixing all those bugs, you are the other rocking art team people who send patches too ;-)17:53
kwwiiI am going to sneak off and get take-away chinese for dinner, bbiab17:53
seb128kwwii, have fun17:53
kwwiiseb128: I think we still have a *lot* of bugs to fix ;)17:53
kwwiisladen sent an email to the design list today asking why there are 68 open bugs about the themes17:54
seb128but still good to see a first round of bugs closed ;-)17:54
chrisccoulsonwho broke g-s-d? ;)18:05
Laneyis that what's broken loads of stuff in my session today?18:07
LaneyDisplays, gtk theme, sounds, ...18:07
chrisccoulsoni've just seen 2 new crash reports in my inbox, since the update18:07
chrisccoulsonLaney - yes, g-s-d crashing will do that18:08
chrisccoulsoni haven't upgraded yet though18:08
Laneyah, fun fun18:08
Laneynautilus: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0.18:08
Laneyx lots18:09
chrisccoulsonhmmm, g-s-d doesn't crash here18:09
Laneyin .xsession-errors18:09
chrisccoulsonLaney, those messages suggest Xorg crashes18:09
LaneyI restarted it and nothing doing18:09
Laneyit didn't visibly crash18:09
Laneyshall I just start g-s-d?18:10
chrisccoulsonLaney, please try that18:10
Laneyoh, it's already running18:10
chrisccoulsonah, so that's not your issue then18:10
chrisccoulsoni guess i'll just have to wait for the retracer on the new crash reports18:11
Keybukseb128: I'm going to have to uninstall gnome-screensaver!  I need to *work* on my machine!18:11
Keybuk</plymouth related humour> :p18:11
LaneyI wonder what's going on here then18:11
chrisccoulsonKeybuk, that issue should be fixed already18:11
chrisccoulson(the lock dialog hanging)18:11
chrisccoulsoni assume that's what you're referring to?18:11
seb128Keybuk, the gnome-keyring issue?18:12
seb128Keybuk, has been fixed yesterday morning european time18:12
Keybukit just happened to me18:12
Keybukright now18:12
seb128you maybe didn't restart your session since?18:12
Keybukon a machine I installed TEN MINUTES AGO18:12
seb128what gnome-keyring package version?18:12
seb128what iso did you use to install?18:12
Keybuk(just checking it didn't get installed from an older image)18:12
seb128there at least 6 users who confirmed the fix to work on the bug18:13
Laneyoh, gsd wasn't configured18:13
seb128so if you have still an issue open a new bug18:13
seb128Laney, ?18:13
chrisccoulsonLaney- ?18:13
chrisccoulsonheh ;)18:13
Keybukah, there wasn't an iso this morning18:13
LaneyI've a locking bug18:13
Laneyand I guess it happened in the middle of my dist-upgrade18:13
Laneyshould really trace that one18:13
Keybukseb128: there is, indeed, an update available to that package18:14
Keybukla la la18:14
KeybukI shut up now :p18:14
seb128chrisccoulson, btw bug #53520618:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535206 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_unref()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53520618:14
seb128Keybuk, ;-)18:14
seb128chrisccoulson, I get that crash at every autologin since today18:14
seb128chrisccoulson, have you seen that before?18:14
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i just noticed the 2 new bug reports18:14
chrisccoulsoni haven't recreated yet though, but i haven't updated everything18:15
chrisccoulsonjust doing that now18:15
Laneyno crash here18:15
seb128Laney, using autologin?18:15
seb128it doesn't crash on normal login18:15
chrisccoulsonoh, that's weird18:15
chrisccoulsonthat's why i couldn't recreate it then18:15
Laneyalright, that's useful info then18:15
seb128as a workaround and log out and back in18:15
seb128otherwise I've no alt keys working due to g-s-d crashing18:16
Keybukas a workaround, suspend then resume18:17
KeybukX will crash anyway, so you'll have a new session ;)18:17
Keybuk*or* just leave plymouth installed18:17
Keybukthen X will crash the first time you press ENTER :p18:18
chrisccoulsonlol. seems like we are coming up with lots of new ways to crash X18:18
Keybukwhich is deeply ironic, since there's less of X to crash18:18
brycehKeybuk, it's the same amount, just that half's in the kernel now18:22
brycehwhich makes crashes even more fun than before18:22
chrisccoulsonbrb, restarting18:33
Sarvattstty -F /dev/tty7 -isig fixes it here :)18:35
chrisccoulsonseb128 - no gsd crash for me :-/18:38
seb128chrisccoulson, with autologin?18:38
chrisccoulsonyeah, i tried with auto login18:39
seb128ok, weird18:39
chrisccoulsonmy panel applets were rearranged though ;)18:39
seb128it might be fixed with the g-s-d update18:39
seb128chrisccoulson, you are running the gnome-panel update which should fix that bug?18:40
chrisccoulsonyeah, but i wonder if my config was already messed up from before the upgrade18:40
seb128let's see if you get the issue again18:41
seb128I will try to reboot soon for g-s-d18:42
seb128kenvandine, there is a new empathy, can you do the update for lucid?18:47
kenvandineoh there is? sure18:47
kenvandinei didn't get an email...18:48
kenvandinei see it18:48
kenvandinewill do18:48
seb128kenvandine, thank you18:48
seb128chrisccoulson, bug #46014418:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 460144 in notify-osd "nm applet doesn't close notification when it is obsolete" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46014418:59
seb128or rather bug 53004118:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530041 in network-manager "Network-manager is not using the "replace" hint in notify-osd (dup-of: 460144)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53004118:59
seb128ups that one is a duplicate19:00
chrisccoulsonseb128 - want me to take a look at that one?19:00
seb128chrisccoulson, do you think you could review MacSlow's change for that issue and get it in lucid?19:00
seb128chrisccoulson, sorry I was jungling with things and I think I deleted that email19:01
chrisccoulsonyeah, can do19:01
seb128kenvandine, do you still have it?19:01
seb128kenvandine, was the change in the email or did mirco give a bug number?19:01
kenvandineone sec19:01
seb128kenvandine, can you bounce the email to chrisccoulson and me too?19:01
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks too ;-)19:03
kenvandineok, i bounced it to both of you19:04
seb128kenvandine, thanks19:04
seb128bratsche, bug #53523819:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535238 in gtk+2.0 "Doubleclick on menubar doesn't maximize window" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53523819:06
seb128bratsche, is that something which you think makes sense?19:07
seb128diner time, bbl19:10
seb128chrisccoulson, oh btw just thinking about it19:19
seb128I do boot the laptop docked with lid closed19:19
seb128that might have to do with the g-s-d crash19:19
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ah, i can try it like that too19:20
seb128I don't think I get it in undocked scenario19:20
seb128I was just thinking about it whiling eating19:20
* seb128 goes back to dinner ;-)19:20
kenvandinehehe... dinner is good for debug thinking :)19:23
bratscheseb128: I'm not sure.  We can't emulate all the features of the titlebar.. like, we're not going to be able to popup the right-click menu.19:55
bratscheseb128: So let me think about this one.19:55
seb128bratsche, I'm happy to close it, I think we should not waste efforts on it we are other issues to fix for lucid19:56
seb128like real bugs19:56
bratscheseb128: Yeah, I feel the same way. :)19:56
seb128ok, good, will close the bug19:56
seb128chrisccoulson, did you look at the g-s-d crash yet? if you didn't no need to bother I will look at it now20:27
seb128vuntz, did you get echos about a crasher in your gnome-panel update when using the menus to start softwares?20:28
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've not had a chance to look yet20:58
seb128chrisccoulson, I've found it I think20:59
seb128chrisccoulson, it crashes on any resolution change20:59
seb128just using the xrandr capplet is enough to make g-s-d crash21:00
seb128I'm about to try a fix21:00
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that's strange. i can change resolutions here21:00
seb128chrisccoulson, do you have several keymaps configured?21:01
seb128chrisccoulson, it's crashing in libgnomekbd21:01
chrisccoulsonno, only 121:01
seb128I think it's the keyboard layout indicator21:01
seb128hi czajkowski21:09
czajkowskiseb128: ello21:11
chrisccoulsonseb128 - what theme are you using?21:13
seb128chrisccoulson, radiance21:14
seb128chrisccoulson, shouldn't make a difference21:14
chrisccoulsonoh, i just made it crash switching through the themes now21:15
didrockstime to go to bed21:17
didrocksseb128: I'll get back on update track tomorrow morning21:17
chrisccoulson'night didrocks21:17
didrocksthanks, you too chrisccoulson ;)21:17
didrocksgood luck with g-s-d!21:18
chrisccoulsonright, brb, moving to the lounge for the rest of the evening21:18
seb128didrocks, 'night21:19
TheMusoGood morning.21:30
seb128hey TheMuso21:30
RAOFGood morning.21:32
seb128hey RAOF21:33
RAOFGood evening seb128 :)21:33
seb128chrisccoulson, wb21:46
seb128chrisccoulson, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61234121:46
ubottuGnome bug 612341 in Indicator "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_unref()" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]21:46
seb128chrisccoulson, got the crash fixed upstream and in lucid now21:46
chrisccoulsonseb128 - excellent, thanks21:50
chrisccoulsonseb128 - my panel applets are rearranging more than ever now :-/21:50
seb128chrisccoulson, :-(21:50
chrisccoulsonthe indicator and notification area keep swapping on every reboot now21:51
seb128annoying bug21:56
seb128does anybody get the crash when using menus issue?21:56
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i can recreate that now22:04
seb128chrisccoulson, oh nice22:04
chrisccoulsononly with the main menu rather than the menu bar22:04
seb128chrisccoulson, where do it crash?22:04
seb128oh, get it too22:04
chrisccoulsonone second, i'll try and trigger it again with some debug symbols22:04
seb128vuntz, ^22:04
rickspencer3TheMuso, bryceh, RAOF (no robert_ancell *sniff*)22:05
chrisccoulsonRiddell - still there? would you mind processing xulrunner binaries through NEW?22:05
rickspencer3Easter edition?22:05
chrisccoulsonplease :)22:05
seb128chrisccoulson, I can do that22:05
rickspencer3Eastern edition, even22:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - awesome :)22:05
TheMusorickspencer3: Sure.22:05
RAOFrickspencer3: Sure.22:05
RAOFWe can have an Easter edition, too, if you'd like.  I'm always up for some chocolate!22:06
rickspencer3I think bryce wanted to start joining Eastern Edition to synch up with RAOF22:06
rickspencer3but not sure he remembered that ;)22:06
rickspencer3in fact, I see he was at the Euro Edition22:06
rickspencer3so never mind22:06
rickspencer3I updated the wiki with the irc log and some notes for each section22:07
rickspencer3hi bryceh, sorry to distrub you22:07
brycehI'm here, just thought the meetings were at 3pm pacific not 222:07
* bryceh fixifies22:08
rickspencer3okee dokee22:08
rickspencer3hi robert_ancell22:08
Riddellchrisccoulson: I take it xulrunner doesn't breach feature freeze?22:09
rickspencer3we started the Eastern Edition, if you would like to join us22:09
* robert_ancell gets caught in the spotlight trying to slip into the back row silently22:09
chrisccoulsonRiddell - not sure about that. it's part of the ongoing work to handle the new firefox support model...22:09
RAOFRiddell: Xulrunner?  Are we getting another update?  Is this going to change the xulrunner nano version?22:09
seb128chrisccoulson, vuntz get the crash too so maybe don't hurry trying to debug it or you will dup work ;-)22:10
RiddellRAOF: I've no idea.  I don't even really understand what xulrunner is.22:10
rickspencer3 xulrunner is a project that asac made up to pad his activity reports22:10
rickspencer3it is not a framework for running xul apps22:11
RAOFNor is it a javascript library, nor an embeddable web browser widget.22:11
RAOFThe fact that people have tried to *make* it these things is one reason why webkit is cheered :)22:12
rickspencer3RAOF, TheMuso did you get a chance to read over the wiki?22:12
TheMusorickspencer3: yes22:12
RAOFUm, are the IRC logs duplicated?22:12
rickspencer3did I paste them in twice?22:12
RAOFHm. maybe not.  I just got half way down and it seemed to start again!22:13
rickspencer3very weird22:13
rickspencer3I guess the wiki mangled it22:13
rickspencer3in any case22:13
rickspencer3let's run through the agenda real quick and get an audio update from TheMuso22:14
TheMusorickspencer3: Nothing to report this week, other than massive bug trawls.22:14
rickspencer3and then mention Lucid + 1 xorg maintenance real quick (wherein RAOF covers for bryceh)22:14
rickspencer3TheMuso, ok, that comes up a bit in the adenda22:14
rickspencer3so let's rock22:14
rickspencer3first was following up in the xcursor from last week22:15
rickspencer3so pitti made good progress22:15
rickspencer3there is no spinning xcursor22:15
rickspencer3however, there is a cursor so you can click on the GDM greeter22:15
rickspencer3and this is visible while the desktop loads22:15
rickspencer3I don't know if the requirements is met, so I will try to find out tomorrow22:16
rickspencer3so thanks to pitti for that22:16
rickspencer3for Partner update22:16
rickspencer3nice to have the user defined folders22:16
rickspencer3so now you can sync folders through U1 by picking any folder in Nautilus22:16
rickspencer3this works for sharing too I assume22:16
rickspencer3so nice they delivered that22:17
rickspencer3in terms of the U1 control panel, they scoped back the work and delivered more or less the final control panel22:17
rickspencer3music store is coming along22:17
rickspencer3I guess they will leave private beta in a matter of days22:17
rickspencer3for Dx, they are in bug fix and tweak mode22:17
rickspencer3so not expecting any significant changes from them22:17
rickspencer3any questions about partner update?22:18
RAOFAre we going to try to get directhex's U1MS plugin for Banshee in for lucid?22:18
rickspencer3RAOF, I suspect that is bound for universe or something22:18
rickspencer3but I haven't been tracking that specifically, so don't exactly know22:19
rickspencer3kenvandine would be a good person to ask22:19
rickspencer3ok, you can read the Kubuntu update, not sure I have any context to add there22:19
rickspencer3Riddell and Kubuntu team are doing a great job as usual22:19
rickspencer3so, release status22:19
rickspencer3here's a biggy22:19
rickspencer3I kicked off this session with my usual song and dance that I don't have a good feel for the problem areas, what bugs are important, etc...22:20
rickspencer3so then pitti described how to get a bug on the release team radar:22:20
rickspencer31. target it to a release22:20
rickspencer32. set it to High or Critical22:20
rickspencer33. *assign* it to someone22:21
rickspencer3RAOF, have you been introduced to our bug tracking processes by pitti yet?22:21
rickspencer3(how we manage bugs in the end game?)22:21
RAOFNot formally, no.  We've done the work-items bit, but not bug tracking.22:21
rickspencer3RAOF, may I ask you to follow up with pitti to get the scoopage directly from him the next time you overlap?22:22
rickspencer3but it's pretty much what I said22:22
rickspencer3so assign a bug to canonical-desktop-team and pitti or I will assign to an engineer22:22
rickspencer3if you get a bug assigned to you that you don't you are the right person to fix it ...22:23
rickspencer3assign it back to c-d-t22:23
rickspencer3seb128 then brought up "what bugs to fix"?22:23
rickspencer3especially non-release blocking bugs22:23
rickspencer3so he volunteered to make a list of 100 bugs really worth getting fixed22:23
rickspencer3and then we can drive that list to zero22:23
RAOFSounds good.22:24
rickspencer3this is not something we have had in the past22:24
rickspencer3I think he means this in addition to the release critical bugs22:24
brycehRAOF, btw for X, in addition to those keep an eye on bugs tagged 'lucid'22:24
RAOFbryceh: Right.  Those are the ones that have been confirmed to apply to lucid, right?22:25
brycehRAOF, lot of times people don't nominate X bugs except for the stable distro so that gives us a way to bubble up ones that may be relevant for us for the development release22:25
brycehRAOF, righto.  It should be a superset of "bugs we care about" so be aggressive at pruning them22:25
rickspencer3so moving on to blueprints22:26
rickspencer3we officially punted the service settings window22:26
rickspencer3but there was some discussion about GDM options22:27
* rickspencer3 looks at robert_ancell22:27
rickspencer3basically, I feel that it's too late to do work here, and rather we should we should take the GDM setting app developed in the community and get that into universe22:27
rickspencer3but some people think ...22:27
* rickspencer3 looks at seb12822:27
robert_ancellrickspencer3, agreed22:28
rickspencer3that it's important to have the ability to mute start up sounds so you can use your 'puter in public without disturbing others22:28
RAOFI agree; that's important.22:28
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I am inclined to let seb128 pick off these sound ones he cares about, so long as we also get the other tool into universe22:29
rickspencer3robert_ancell, thoughts?22:29
* seb128 reads log22:29
seb128rickspencer3, I would argue we should turn the gdm sound off by default22:30
rickspencer3seb128, no22:30
seb128rickspencer3, I think you do care about session sounds22:30
rickspencer3as I saidL22:30
seb128login and logout22:30
RAOFWhat you *really* want, rather than an option to make the *next* boot silent is some way to make *this* boot silent.22:30
seb128not the gdm beep22:30
robert_ancellrickspencer3, yes, the universe proposal appears t to have stalled, I'll chase up with the dev22:30
rickspencer31. this totally screws bling peole22:30
seb128rickspencer3, we could activate it with accessibility in casper22:30
rickspencer32. we need to discuss such a change with design team and such22:30
seb128rickspencer3, ok, I though 2. was about the session sounds22:30
seb128not the gdm beep22:30
robert_ancellrickspencer3, I think it's feasible to make the login sound configurable.  We just need to break a bunch of freezes22:31
* bryceh hits mute key22:31
seb128or bling22:31
rickspencer3I don't want to put changing the default experience on the table22:31
seb128whatever is the short sound played when you arrive on gdm22:31
rickspencer3this is something we need to bring to UDS and discuss with designers, etc...22:31
TheMusoTHe login ready sound22:31
rickspencer3seb128, that drum beat?22:31
seb128that's the only issues22:32
seb128other sounds you can configure from GNOME22:32
rickspencer3seb128, I know that you advocate turning that off, but I don't want to change the default experience now22:32
seb128I think we do a mistake22:32
rickspencer3I understand your position on this22:32
seb128but well your call22:32
seb128I think a lot more people get embarassed about this sound than people annoyed by not having it22:33
rickspencer3seb128, how hard is it for you to add this option to the default GDM settings dialog?22:33
seb128anyway changing the default if off the table you said22:33
rickspencer3a check box "play sound on start up"?22:33
seb128rickspencer3, I don't know yet, will chat about it with robert_ancell after meeting22:34
SEJeff_workseb128, I agree actually22:34
seb128rickspencer3, the issue is that currently we change gdm server settings22:34
rickspencer3seb128, I will take an action to bring this up with designers/sabdfl22:34
seb128ie things in gdm.conf22:34
seb128that settings is in the gconf database for the gdm user22:34
seb128and I'm not sure we have an handy way to write settings for an another user22:35
seb128rickspencer3, thanks, appreciate, sorry to be annoying about this one22:35
rickspencer3seb128, I really don't think I am going to flex on this though, so please discuss with robert_ancell if you can get an option in instead22:35
rickspencer3ok, let's move on22:36
seb128rickspencer3, right, I don't count on a change for the default setting there22:36
seb128we will get a change it or the feature cut by end of week22:36
rickspencer3seb128, right ... but I am willing to flex to let a little more work go because I know that you think this is very important22:36
seb128if the feature is cut I will make sure we get the other tool in universe and document it in some way22:36
rickspencer3seb128, ok, cool22:37
rickspencer3I wonder if I could write a little python cli tool22:37
rickspencer3$gdm-sound disable22:37
rickspencer3$sudo  gdm-sound disable I guess22:37
seb128the only issue is the user change22:37
rickspencer3ok, let's take that offline22:37
seb128right, I can hack a checkbox in gdmsetup in one hour which does that22:37
rickspencer3but we'll figure something out22:38
seb128but that would display a gksudo prompt22:38
rickspencer3seb128, is a gksudo prompt so bad?22:38
rickspencer3will it prompt for the gdm user or something?22:38
seb128well the tool is using policykit would be nicer to make use of that too22:38
seb128but I guess gksudo could be an option22:38
rickspencer3seb128, ok22:38
seb128will talk with pitti and robert_ancell about that option22:39
rickspencer3would be faster, I guess22:39
rickspencer3so let;s talk guadec22:39
seb128I will keep you updated tomorrow22:39
rickspencer3thanks seb12822:39
rickspencer3we'll work out a good compromise22:39
rickspencer3Guadec, TheMuso, RAOF, bryceh, any of you planning to attend?22:39
rickspencer3I already assume that robert_ancell and seb128 will be camping out22:39
rickspencer3waiting for it to open22:40
RAOFI wasn't, no.22:40
robert_ancellrickspencer3, yes22:40
brycehrickspencer3, wasn't planning on it22:40
rickspencer3robert_ancell, please note some facts on the wiki22:40
robert_ancellrickspencer3, what link?22:40
rickspencer3for instance, if you are interested in helping, you can join the mailing list, and there will probably be things passing through there22:40
rickspencer3End in 11 days22:41
rickspencer3Gnomey things go ahead and get a paper ready22:41
rickspencer3Feel free to subscribe to the list and volunteer: http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/subscribe/guadec-list22:41
robert_ancelloh, yes, saw that22:41
rickspencer3so papers, submit them22:41
rickspencer3mailing list, join it22:41
rickspencer3last item of business ...22:41
rickspencer3Lucid + 1 and xorg maintenance22:41
rickspencer3so I broke the news to RAOF last night that I am going to ask him to step up and cover for bryceh22:42
rickspencer3while bryceh is on rotation to Launchpad22:42
rickspencer3tbh, I was a bit surprised to see RAOF back here this morning ;)22:42
RAOFEh, it's only one of the foundations of the desktop.22:42
rickspencer3anyway, I told RAOF that bryceh would lead planning for Lucid + 1, but I asked RAOF to lead execution for Lucid + 122:43
RAOFNo biggie ;)22:43
TheMusoI will be around in RAOF's hours, so if he can take care of the debian/git side of things, I'm happy to sponsor uploads.22:43
rickspencer3thanks TheMuso22:43
rickspencer3very apropos, because I also told RAOF that the desktop team would rally and generally help out22:43
rickspencer3so I guess the next step is for RAOF to track all the xorg stuff at UDS and then we can complete a bryceh -> RAOF hand off there22:44
rickspencer3bryceh, RAOF, seb128 how do you want to handle this going forward?22:44
rickspencer3(I ask seb128 because he will be tech lead for Lucid + 1)22:44
seb128(no strong opinion I guess it's mainly up to RAOF and bryceh but handing things over at UDS by letting RAOF lead xorg track seems good)22:46
RAOFI'll kick off by getting better acquainted with the full breadth of bryceh's current jobs.  Getting some ati hardware would be good, too - then I'd have at least one piece for each of the major drivers.22:47
brycehhaving RAOF lead the tracks works for me22:47
rickspencer3bryceh, can you take the lead on setting out and planning the sessions?22:47
* RAOF will need work out exactly what that entails :)22:47
brycehraof, now you understand my recommendation to pick up ati hw earlier ;-)22:48
rickspencer3it seems a bit much to expect RAOF to be able to predict what sessions will be needed22:48
brycehrickspencer3, okie22:48
* bryceh bwahahahas22:48
tkamppeterrickspencer3, hi22:48
rickspencer3RAOF, leading sessions entails ensuring that decisions are reached and documented22:48
rickspencer3hi tkamppeter22:48
rickspencer3so with that, shall we conclude the longest Eastern Edition ever?22:49
RAOFrickspencer3: Ok.  That seems reasonable.22:49
robert_ancellrickspencer3, i was going to ask about featured apps...22:49
rickspencer3robert_ancell, ok22:50
robert_ancellis everyone happy with the list mvo has put up?22:50
rickspencer3which list specifically?22:51
robert_ancellI suspect we want to add one or two more22:51
robert_ancellthe ones in the software centre in the current lucid22:51
rickspencer3you mean actually implemented?22:51
rickspencer3I don't like eclipse being in there22:51
robert_ancellI would drop eclipse22:51
rickspencer3it's a totally old version of eclipse and we don't support the plugins properly22:52
rickspencer3users are much better off going to the source for that :(22:52
rickspencer3robert_ancell, otherwise, so long as the gimp is in there, I think we're ok :)22:52
brycehrickspencer3, I think the upstreams represented in that list view it as a nice kudo22:53
rickspencer3bryceh, are you referring to eclipse?22:53
brycehrickspencer3, one thing we could do to capitalize on it is for packages that didn't get included, to specify the criteria (like in terms of specific bug reports) they'd need to meet.  Might motivate some work to make more apps well suited for ubuntu.22:54
rickspencer3bryceh, sure22:54
robert_ancellcheese, homebank, stellarium, gnome-do, deja-dup, eclipse, gimp</SCPkgname>, inkscape, blender, audacity, gufw, frozen-bubble, fretsonfire, pingus, moovida, liferea, arista, gtg, freeciv, supertuxcart, chromium-bsu22:54
rickspencer3I never thought of that benefit, that folks would want to get in there22:54
brycehrickspencer3, nope, feedback was regarding gtg and pioneers specifically, but it's a general observation22:54
RAOFDoes that give the impression that fixing those bugs *will* result in them being added to the list, and if so, does that mean that the featured-apps list will increase without limit?22:54
robert_ancellRAOF, list is fixed in size, to add a new one you have to remove an old one22:55
brycehRAOF, I don't think so, but might be worth thinking through just in case22:55
rickspencer3glad to see inskape in tehere22:55
rickspencer3that is some truly awesome software22:55
rickspencer3robert_ancell, ok22:57
rickspencer3I think I really like it22:57
rickspencer3great job!22:57
rickspencer3that's a wrap I guess22:59
rickspencer3thanks all!22:59
RAOFAnd now it's coffee time :)22:59
robert_ancelland now it's breakfast time <rumble>23:00
rickspencer3RAOF, TheMuso, robert_ancell shall me move the meeting to an hour later?23:02
TheMusoDoesn't bother me if we do.23:02
RAOF9am is fine for me, but 10am is equally fine.23:02
rickspencer3well, you all sounded so desperately hungry and in need of coffee ;)23:05
seb128I'm sure it's a plan to try to do after those annoying europe guys go to bed ;-)23:06
Nafaiseb128: :)23:06
RAOFOh, I'm not in need of coffee.23:06
RAOFI've been up since 7 for a GNOME Do dev meeting; that makes this an excellent time for coffee :)23:07
RAOFWoot!  Gapless branch merged to banshee trunk.23:08
* TheMuso is up[ at 6:30 to go for a walk and do some other exercise, adn starts at 8:30 so any time from 8:30 suits me. :)23:09
seb128what is with everybody there and banshee? ;-)23:10
RAOF“There”?  You mean, in .au?23:10
seb128no, on this channel ;-)23:11
seb128but usually it's mostly the mono team guys and jcasto23:11
seb128and bratsche23:11
* Nafai uses Rhythmbox23:11
Nafaifor no particular reason, really23:11
* RAOF uses Banshee because it was more obvious how to turn on paranoia mode for CD ripping than in Rhythmbox23:12
RAOFAnd by “turn on” I of course mean “patch the code”23:12
RAOFMmm.  Youtube extension in trunk now, too.  I wonder precisely what that actually does :)23:15
crimsunseb128: WRT bug 532095, we carry the same patches as Fedora's pulse. The only difference that affects this symptom is that we disable flat-volumes at runtime via a system-wide conffile. Further, I can use another mixer app, pavucontrol, to unlock the channels and have separate manipulation work correctly. However, my next step is to actually compare code between g-v-c and see whether it's DTRT WRT unlocking the channels 23:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532095 in pulseaudio "Changing left/right balance in sound-preferences changes the output volume slider" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53209523:16
crimsunHowever, if someone else wants to chase it first, that's great. I'm quite busy at work for several more hours.23:17
seb128crimsun, thank you for coming back about this, I doubt I will have a look to that tonight it's getting late and still have some uploads I want to do23:18
seb128I might try to have a look tomorrow if you didn't comment before23:18
seb128I don't really know a lot about pulseaudio though and I'm not sure which part of the stack should be doing the unlocking so I will have an hard time to argue with upstream23:20
seb128I also guess they will reply that we should be using flat-volume23:20
crimsunwell, I'll certainly ask the OR to enable it in ~/.pulse/client.conf and see if that resolves the issue23:28
crimsunif it does, the bug indeed has a pulse component, but that doesn't imply g-v-c is entirely without blame -- particularly because pavucontrol does the right thing.23:29
bratscheRAOF: What's gapless branch?  Is that to keep the tracks playing smoothly with no gap in the sound in between?23:36
bratscheFucking hot!23:36
RAOFTo make concept albums work.23:36
bratscheAnother reason to use Banshee!23:36
bratscheTake that, seb128! ;)23:36
RAOFWell, rhythmbox has had gapless playback for a couple of Ubuntu releases ;)23:37
bratscheWill that be in Lucid, or is it later?23:37
bratscheOh, damn.  I take it back then.  I never knew, because it's been forever since I used Rhythmbox.23:37
RAOFI think the plan is that Banshee 1.6 *will* get into Lucid.23:37
seb128bratsche, rhythmbox has that for like 2 years ;-)23:37
bratscheseb128: I suck. :)23:37
chrisccoulsonit's not enabled by default though is it?23:37
seb128chrisccoulson, I don't think it is no23:38
bratscheAll the great stuff isn't enabled by default.  Same with compiz sync-to-vblank. :)23:38
RAOFIt had a big shiny “experimental” flag on it for some time.23:38
RAOFbratsche: compiz-sync-to-vblank would be more awesome if the X stack had decent sync-to-vblank :)23:38
chrisccoulsonexcellent, gnome-screensaver bug reports submitted via apport will now list all the session idle inhibitors :)23:39
bratscheRAOF: Well, it's built into the Intel driver these days so compiz doesn't need to do anything.  But now I turned it on for my desktop with nvidia hardware, and I guess the nvidia board is just fast enough that it doesn't really hurt the performance noticeably.23:39
bratscheseb128: Hey, do you have any particular set of gtk bugs that are on your radar that are somewhat important to you and/or Ubuntu?23:40
bratscheseb128: ted was suggesting that I try to ask David for half a day a week to work on stuff like that.23:41
seb128bratsche, not off hand but I can get you a list tomorrow23:42
seb128bratsche, one thing would be the extensible layout thing but that's not trivial23:43
bratscheNo rush, I haven't asked David about it yet or anything.23:43
seb128like having labels rewrapping on geometry changes23:43
seb128but that's not for lucid23:43
seb128we have some fileselectors focus or behaviour issues which would be nice to fix23:43
bratscheUgh. :)23:44
bratscheBut yeah, cool.. there seem to be issues with that sometimes.23:44
seb128mvo really wants this speedup change for software-center23:44
seb128I think he pinged you about that23:44
bratscheYeah but I already asked kris about that and he said no way.23:44
seb128the have listview have an almost fixed mode23:44
seb128well maybe no way for the specific change23:45
seb128but what about adding an extra mode or option doing that?23:45
bratscheThere's an issue with the file selector that's been affecting Banshee for a long time, and I posted a patch but I couldn't seem to get a review for it.23:45
seb128which issue is that?23:46
bratscheErr, actually federico commented on it and I guess I never followed up on it.23:46
seb128bratsche, are you interested in any gtk bugs? or specific class of issues?23:46
ubottuGnome bug 557689 in GtkFileChooser "In 'select folder' action, filechooser doesn't work when you first create the window" [Normal,New]23:47
seb128bratsche, right, that's the one I was thinking too23:47
seb128it's annoying for file-roller too23:47
seb128and probably it other places23:47
bratscheseb128: Pretty much anything.  I just saw another release of gtk+ come out today and noticed that once again I didn't contribute to it at all, and a year ago I had patches in every release that came out.  I want to be more active again. :)23:48
Riddellchrisccoulson: xulrunner-1.9.2 accepted, xulrunner 1.8.1 about to be removed23:48
chrisccoulsonRiddell, thanks!23:48
chrisccoulsonRiddell, there is no 1.8.1 is there?23:49
Riddellchrisccoulson: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xulrunner23:50
Riddelldue to die from bug 51693223:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516932 in vegastrike "removal of packages depending on python2.5" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51693223:50
seb128bratsche, bug #18178823:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 181788 in hundredpapercuts "File chooser not working in current folder" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18178823:50
chrisccoulsonRIddell - oh, i didn't realise that. thanks23:50
seb128I guess it's the fileselector issue23:50
seb128or bug #8075523:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 80755 in gtk "extracting doesn't work right when the location entry is displayed" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8075523:51
seb128bratsche, in any case you fixing gtk issues++ ;-)23:51
* bratsche reads23:52
asactjaalton: bryceh: any idea where that might be coming from?23:56
brycehasac,  dpkg -S help with that?23:57
asacbryceh: i dont have it ;)23:57
asacbut i have source wanting it23:57
brycehpackages.ubuntu.com says it was provided in xserver-xorg-dev in karmic23:58
brycehbut in lucid not so much23:58
asachmm. any idea what happened?23:59
asacwhat replaces it?23:59
asacmy source also wants: xf86RAC.h23:59

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