
shtylmancjwatson: lets say I have a package which depends on other packages (not unheard of I hear :) ... and lets say that the packages I depend on like to ask annoying questions? during their install ... but my package provides configuration files so those questions are irrelevant... can I supress them with my package during the install?00:07
cjwatsondebconf questions are usually asked by .config scripts, which are way early on, before any packages are even unpacked00:09
shtylmanI see00:09
cjwatsonyou'll need to work with the relevant package maintainers to improve things somehow00:09
cjwatsonor preseed things in a non-packaged way00:09
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
CIA-3partman-base: cjwatson * r186 ubuntu/debian/ (changelog control): Build against parted 2.2.00:38
CIA-3partman-base: cjwatson * r187 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 138ubuntu200:41
CIA-3partconf: cjwatson * r837 ubuntu/debian/ (changelog control): Build against parted 2.2.00:46
CIA-3partconf: cjwatson * r838 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.32ubuntu200:47
StevenKcjwatson: You'll do the -15 -> -16 update for d-i, or shall I?00:49
cody-somervilleWhat involved there?00:51
cjwatsonStevenK: I can do it now00:51
cjwatsoncody-somerville: sed over some files in build/config/, and a seed change00:52
CIA-3debian-installer: cjwatson * r1254 ubuntu/ (8 files in 2 dirs): Move to 2.6.32-16 kernels.00:56
CIA-3debian-installer: cjwatson * r1255 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20081029ubuntu8900:58
superm1i've been curious, how come you have always explicitly had to change that in the seeds?  is it not possible to just seed the meta and let the meta handle grabbing the newest?00:58
cjwatsonno it isn't, but I'm too tired to explain properly :)00:59
cjwatsonbasically metapackages aren't applicable in this position01:00
superm1okay :)01:00
cjwatsonthink udebs01:00
superm1it just seems so tedious to have to always be updating, so that's a shame01:00
cjwatsonit's trivial :)01:00
cjwatsonthere are like a million more tedious things ahead of that one01:00
CIA-3usb-creator: superm1 * r273 usb-creator/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/frontends/gtk/frontend.py):02:47
CIA-3usb-creator: * Don't force select a source unless the list is empty.02:47
CIA-3usb-creator: * Reverse the order of the populating ISOs and command line option --iso02:47
CIA-3usb-creator:  again so that --iso always trumps others.02:47
CIA-3usb-creator: * Hide the source_vbox again when --iso is used.02:47
AnzenkethHi all working on the bug day For ubiquity is there anything that you would like me to put in special notes besides what is already there?06:54
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3900 ubiquity/ (7 files in 5 dirs): Merge with Roman's Kubuntu branch.09:31
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3901 ubiquity/debian/changelog: Add a changelog entry on behalf of Roman.09:44
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3902 ubiquity/debian/ (5 files):09:46
CIA-3ubiquity: Remove the intro plugin. It's now presented as part of the language09:46
CIA-3ubiquity: page when the greeter option (-g) is selected.09:46
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3903 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-language.py):10:19
CIA-3ubiquity: Support setting the language for the live environment from the10:19
CIA-3ubiquity: language page in greeter mode by finishing localechooser when 'Try10:19
CIA-3ubiquity: Ubuntu' is clicked.10:19
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3904 ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py: Add missing ui reference.10:29
evpychecker saves the day again10:29
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3905 ubiquity/ (3 files in 3 dirs):10:41
CIA-3ubiquity: Fix missing references in the noninteractive portion of the10:41
CIA-3ubiquity: usersetup plugin.10:41
CIA-3grub-installer: cjwatson * r841 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog grub-installer): Fix partition offset handling for GRUB Legacy.11:05
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3906 ubiquity/ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs):11:24
CIA-3ubiquity: * Fix incorrect reference in KDE greeter code.11:24
CIA-3ubiquity: * Fix missing reference to the progress title in the GTK+ partman progress11:24
CIA-3ubiquity:  bar handling.11:24
CIA-3ubiquity: * Removed dead code from the noninteractive frontend.11:24
evcjwatson: do you have any more changes to grub-installer in the pipe?  I'd like to release a new ubiquity and respin the CDs.11:28
cjwatsonno, uploading now11:29
CIA-3grub-installer: cjwatson * r842 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.49ubuntu611:30
michaelforrest1cjwatson: can't see the new branding on that boot splash screen in the installer yet - did it go in?11:31
cjwatsondays ago ...11:32
* cjwatson rsyncs to check but I'm pretty certain it was there last I looked11:32
cjwatsonyou sure you're checking a daily, not alpha-3?11:33
evcjwatson: thanks!11:36
michaelforrest1cjwatson: I'm on the daily-live image yes11:38
michaelforrest1it's got the first version I sent you, but I sent you that new stuff on Thursday after the brand rollout with the new logo and glowy icons11:39
michaelforrest1on purple11:39
michaelforrest1sorry: "aubergine"11:40
cjwatsonmichaelforrest1: oh, was that the mail subject "boot image" with no body?11:44
michaelforrest1quite probably11:44
cjwatsonno, that's got the old logo on black11:44
cjwatsonmichaelforrest1: I do not have this stuff from you11:44
michaelforrest1cjwatson: The email is called "New Brand for Boot Screen"11:45
michaelforrest1you replied to it11:45
cjwatsonand I integrated the image from the followup you sent me to that11:45
cjwatsonthe 640x350 one11:45
cjwatsonor at least I certainly thought I did11:46
michaelforrest1so it's supposed to look like this: http://assets.grimaceworks.com/boot_experience_640_wide.png11:46
michaelforrest1but when I look at the daily build, it still looks like this: http://assets.grimaceworks.com/boot-screen.png11:47
cjwatsonright, that's what I thought I'd done.  I must have made some trivial mistake in the build scripts11:47
cjwatsonthanks, I'll fix that11:47
michaelforrest1ok cool.11:47
cjwatsonI probably just forgot to switch over the image filename or something11:47
cjwatsonhmm, or the .png file is getting used rather than the .pcx.  I wonder why!11:48
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3907 ubiquity/debian/real-po/ (81 files): debconf-updatepo12:16
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3908 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog debian/control):13:11
CIA-3ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: bterm-unifont13:11
CIA-3ubiquity: 1.1build1, flash-kernel 2.13ubuntu14, grub-installer 1.49ubuntu6,13:11
CIA-3ubiquity: migration-assistant 0.6.4build1, partconf 1.32ubuntu2, partman-base13:11
CIA-3ubiquity: 138ubuntu2.13:11
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3909 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.1.3313:31
cjwatsonmichaelforrest1: ha!  I bet it would have helped if I'd run 'bzr pull' on the machine that does the CD builds. ;-)13:44
michaelforrest1cjwatson: :)13:45
cjwatsonmichaelforrest1: can you please tell me how I can reproduce this problem about boot option text being missing, and there just being "live", "install", etc. instead?14:15
michaelforrest1we ran the installer from yesterday's daily14:16
michaelforrest1cjwatson: so I guess you should see it that way14:16
cjwatsonsorry, can you please be more specific14:16
cjwatsonwhat exactly did you do14:16
michaelforrest1put in the usb key and pressed a key during boot14:17
cjwatsonand where exactly did you see this text?14:17
michaelforrest1in the gfxboot screen14:17
cjwatsonyou see, I tried this with today's daily, but there have been no relevant changes since yesterday14:17
cjwatsonso obviously you and I are doing something different14:17
cjwatsonperhaps it's specific to the use of USB keys?14:17
michaelforrest1this was Mark and Iain14:17
cjwatsonwhat I am trying to do is turn this into an actual bug report14:18
michaelforrest1can you try TheDoctor ?14:18
cjwatsonsince it's clearly just a bug14:18
michaelforrest1I came into the session late14:18
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
evcjwatson: I suspect it might be a usb-creator bug14:43
evthat kind of thing happened the last time configuration files were moved around in isolinux14:43
cjwatsonyeah, it seems possible doesn't it.  It does seem to copy all of the isolinux directory though?14:44
evit does, but then it mucks with it14:44
evto add try-usb and such14:44
evand that's generally where things burst into flames14:44
cjwatsonthe other obvious possibility is gfxboot-theme-ubuntu failing to find stuff under /syslinux/, but the filenames aren't complicated or anything14:44
shtylmanev: the kubuntu branch got merged... I was under the impression it was waiting on me to add the changelog entries and take out the stale code?15:03
evshtylman: I added changelog entries on your behalf.  I wanted to get an upload in as we're quickly approaching beta freeze.15:05
evby all means take out the stale code from trunk15:05
shtylmanev: noted :)15:05
* ev postoffice15:05
michaelforrest1ev: any idea why dd is so damn slow??15:50
evmichaelforrest1: ...it isn't?15:51
evkeep in mind you're writing to a USB disk.  Not exactly the fastest write speeds on the planet.15:52
michaelforrest1yeah but I'm talking like 2k/s15:52
michaelforrest1I have it set to bs=409615:52
michaelforrest1it's crazy slow15:52
evI was just going to ask15:52
evbs=1M is what usb-creator uses15:52
michaelforrest1which would be bs=1024 right?15:53
michaelforrest1how long does usb-creator take?15:53
evno, 1024 would be 1K15:55
evmichaelforrest1: I don't time it from fear of knowing the answer to that question15:55
michaelforrest1oh dear.15:56
persiaNote that for fastest write, you'll want to get information about the geometry of the flash in the USB drive, and set bs to match the flash eraseblock size (or an integer multiple thereof).15:57
cjwatsonI think the kernel exposes that through /sys now ...15:58
persiabs=1M usually works because most drives have 2K or 4K eraseblocks.15:58
michaelforrestev: does some special magic have to happen to make a boot loader?17:36
michaelforrestis it even possible to do this usb key with just dd ??17:36
CIA-3ubiquity: superm1 * r3910 ubiquity/ (bin/oem-config-firstboot debian/changelog): Remove extraneous '--', restoring oem-config-firstboot.17:47
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r3911 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/base.py): Add not_me to the base interface definition of Controller.translate.17:49
mcasadevallCan someone who is more experienced at reading udeb logs explain why the ia64 image failed to build (failed to find udebs)18:47
mcasadevallalternate image that is18:47
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
cr3in the ubiquity success command script, I tried calling in-target update-grub and chroot /target update-grub but this didn't seem to have worked based on the content of /proc/cmdline19:21
cr3ev: if I modify /target/etc/default/grub in ubiquity/success_command, can I call update-grub directly or should I call the grub-installer script from ubiquity?20:47
exltis there an update planned soon for the lucid network installer?  it is currently broken.. :(  kernel-image-2.6.32-16-generic-di etc were released to the archive, and a current netbooting client cannot find a kernel or modules..22:07
cjwatsonexlt: I did that update last night22:08
exltright - 20081029ubuntu88 is 2.6.32-1422:09
cjwatsoncr3: I would advise calling update-grub directly22:09
cjwatsonso use 20081029ubuntu89 :-)22:09
exlthttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-amd64/ shows 8822:10
cr3cjwatson: the problem was that I wasn't mount --binding lots of directories, seems to work now22:10
exlthave a location to pull from?22:10
cjwatsonI assume it failed to build or something22:10
cjwatsonthere is no location more primary than that22:10
cjwatsonNCommander: which log?  in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntu/lucid/ports_daily-live-20100309.log, ia64 succeeded22:11
cjwatsonthat's odd, the amd64 build succeeded ...22:11
cjwatsonnot amd64-specific either, it's missing on all architectures!22:12
* cjwatson pokes around on the master archive machine22:13
cjwatson2010-03-09 20:04:26 ERROR   Queue item ignored: Tarfile /tmp/tmpToUskw/debian-installer-images_20081029ubuntu89_i386.tar.gz has a file ./ which is illegal22:13
cjwatsonfor.  god's.  sake.22:13
cjwatsonexlt: thanks, this is a regression in Launchpad which I am bringing up with its developers22:14
exltsweet - I have data center techs holding for me  ;)22:15
cjwatsonexlt: err, tell them to hang up22:17
cjwatsonexlt: this probably isn't going to be resolved tonight, but hopefully within a day or so22:17
exltnot on the phone - just trying to install servers and wondering if I could fix22:18
exltwould be killer to not purge all the older kernel versions22:18
cjwatsonwe don't22:19
cjwatsonsomebody got trigger-happy about *this* one evidently, but it *is* a manual process22:19
cjwatsonStevenK: it's usually you :-)22:19
exltah, the packages are there, but pruned from repository, so not "findable" by a client machine22:19
cjwatsonerr, no22:20
cjwatsonthe way it's supposed to work is that the old kernel is not removed from the repository until the installer has been updated22:20
cjwatsonbut removal is a manual process, so this is vulnerable to human error22:20
mcasadevallcjwatson: alternate builds, live builds successed AFAIK22:29
cjwatsonmcasadevall: but that's the URL I'm looking at - URL to the log you're looking at, please?22:30
* cjwatson can't read apparently!22:30
cjwatsonmcasadevall: ok, that's the soyuz bug discussed a moment ago with exlt22:31
cjwatsonI uploaded a d-i for the new kernel ABI, but it never got published22:32
mcasadevallcjwatson: but the kernel ABI in the log and whats on LP agree with each other22:32
cjwatsonbut the kernel ABI of the debian-installer binaries currently published does not22:33
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
* NCommander seems to have nic issues22:33
NCommandercjwatson: ah, so the problem will fix itself once LP is fixed?22:33
cjwatsonwell, I might have to reupload d-i, but that's OK22:33
* NCommander is going to attempt to bend ia64 images back into working order, and may take another whack at SPARC22:33
cjwatsonand actually, the kernel ABI in the log does not agree with the kernel ABI in the archive22:34
cjwatsonthe log says 2.6.32-14, but the archive has 2.6.32-1622:34
* NCommander guesses he can't read either22:36

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