
Geoff918I have successfully set up the local frontend/backend on a system. I am now attempting to get a remote frontend to log-in. I have successfully SSH'd into the machine, but it seems I am not sure what the default MySQL user is--so the end result is that I keep getting booted. What is the default MySQL user for Mythbuntu?00:06
Geoff918!help MySQL00:27
Zinn!help MySQL For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].00:27
superm1Geoff918, all that information is stored in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt00:29
superm1(on the backend)00:29
superm1or you can configure a security key for UPNP  in mythtv-setup and have it all autodiscovered00:29
Geoff918superm1: okay, I'll check it out real quickly00:29
Geoff918is it encrypted as most MySQL passwords are? I might just need to change it on the machine itself because I have tried a few options to log-in and all to no avail00:31
superm1Geoff918, it's in clear text on the backend, but only readable by the mythtv group00:31
Geoff918okay, so if I change it here....it will carry through?00:32
superm1dont change it there00:32
superm1that's just where you can fetch the info from00:32
superm1on your backend00:32
Geoff918okay, I think I got it. Apparently, I missed the most obvious thing on the MCC, MySQL service was not enabled...we'll give it a go...I'll be back if it fails. Thanks superm100:36
Geoff918Well, I'm half-a-step closer. I now have a successful connection to the MySQL server on the remote backend. My local frontend is failing to launch, however. Any ideas on this one?00:50
Geoff918"local" -- e.g., remote from server00:51
superm1remove the stuff in ~./mythtv on the local frontend and try again now00:51
Geoff918delete the contents of the directory, or remove the directory as well?00:52
Geoff918okay, well sadly that didn't work. I tried it twice.01:02
Geoff918I'm trying an aptitude purge01:07
superm1its certainly a  configuration problem still01:07
superm1reinstalling binaries probably won't solve it if the conf file problem is local to a home directory01:08
Geoff918I can clear the applicable home directories01:10
superm1you should work through the problem iteratively01:10
superm11) Is the IP address set properly in mythtv-setup on the backend in BOTH boxes?01:10
superm12) Is the MySQL service enabled on the backend?01:11
superm13) Did you set a security key in mythtv-setup on the backend?01:11
superm1If all of the above are true, you should be offered to connect via upnp from a remote frontend01:11
superm1and it will fetch the information for you after you enter the security key01:11
superm1if that's not working, you can remove the ~/.mythtv directory and try once more on the remote frontend01:12
Geoff918MySQL is enabled on the backend--I have gotten a successful connection01:12
superm1so check 1 & 3 then01:12
Geoff918the backend is saying (on bootup) no uPnP found01:12
superm1please check mythtv-setup for the exact things I indicated01:13
Geoff918okay, will do...it may take a few01:13
superm1there are two boxes in the general section that require setting an IP address01:13
Geoff918on the backend they're both set to with default port settings01:14
superm1and did you set a security key?01:14
superm10000 is fine and will allow any connections01:14
superm1but blank disables it01:14
Geoff918yes, I set 000001:16
superm1so now when the frontend tries to connect, does it find it via upnp, if not, what are the errors?01:18
Geoff9181okay, after uninstalling the mythbuntu frontend on the local machine (and reinstalling), I got it to start-up and it said, "No uPnP backends found" which makes sense because I forgot to switch it to the same network. So, it wouldn't be there...01:33
Geoff9181okay, after uninstalling the mythbuntu frontend on the local machine (and reinstalling), I got it to start-up and it said, "No uPnP backends found" which makes sense because I forgot to switch it to the same network. So, it wouldn't be there...01:34
sidneymythbuntu crashed while doing a scan for channels04:01
sidneynow when i attempt to logon the computer lose the signal to the monitor04:03
red_onei installed mythbuntu from wubi, and it rebooted and is stuck at grub :(05:32
xbmcsuggestion on a compact linux os to wakeonlan my MBE so I can reboot and start my diskless FE11:36
xbmcidea is to have network boot firrst boot preference and if it fail then boot from usb or cd11:36
xbmcwill a std usb stick do the trick or do i need aspecial one?11:37
jaumeanyone has tested hvr-4000 with ubuntu and mythtv? no channels found in a full scan!14:44
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