
maxbHi, where do I register a vote for PLEASE PLEASE PUT THE WINDOW BUTTONS BACK! :-)  (Assuming this is where the change originated?)00:53
DanRabbit1maxb: the change originated from very high up and I'm afraid this is no amount of voting that can sway the decision01:01
maxbHaving major UI decisions forcibly thrust upon you is becoming a distressing trend in Ubuntu01:04
DanRabbit1maxb: You should try out it first. You might actually like it. I've had my buttons on the left for a couple years now and I would never go back :)01:05
maxbI don't see the point in trying to retrain my brain on something that isn't even a change in functionality, just moving it around01:07
DanRabbit1eh, in your opinion01:09
DanRabbit1Psychologically, the left side of the screen is supposed to be more of a "comfort zone"01:10
maxbo...... kay01:10
DanRabbit1Also, this means that window controls will never be under Notify-OSD bubbles01:11
DanRabbit1well, I shouldn't say never.01:11
DanRabbit1but less likely01:11
maxbYes. well. I use notification-daemon :-/01:11
DanRabbit1hehe, well then you are obviously capable of modifying your system ;)01:11
DanRabbit1it sounds harsh, but if you don't like it, there's tons of distros out there. That is what choosing a distro is about. Finding one that fits you the best.01:12
maxbAnyway, is there a mailing list where this sort of change gets announced? (specifically, announced, rather than high-volume UI discussion)01:12
DanRabbit1I don't believe this was discussed with the community if that's what you are asking01:13
DanRabbit1it was something that just happened one day internally01:13
maxbWell, even if it wasn't discussed, it would have been nice for it to have been announced as it happened01:13
DanRabbit1maxb: Jono is the perfect person to ask about it ;)01:14
jonomaxb, just switch them back01:15
jonoit is a gconf key01:15
maxbjono: Is there a mailing list where radical UI designs issuing forth from Canonical get announced, such that people running the development release can get some warning and background on the change, rather than just being surprised by an update one day?01:16
jonomaxb, every ubuntu release has surprises01:16
jonobut the ayatana list is the best place to ask01:16
maxbDoesn't it make more sense to publish a brief statement why something's being done, rather than having people come asking?01:18
DanRabbit1hehe, I think they would have to hire someone full time just to write a book rationalizing every change made from release to release ;)01:19
bratscheDanRabbit1: I disagree that no amount of voting/bitching can sway the decision. :)01:21
maxbNot every change. Just the ones that are quite obviously going to be controversial01:21
maxbReally, what annoys me the most is that it's been done without providing a configuration UI. *I* can happily fiddle with gconf. My mother/father/brother can not.01:22
bratscheHey jono, how's it going dude?01:23
DanRabbit1bratsche: well AFAIK it was Mark who made the call ;)03:09
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jcastroseb128: is it indicator-application bug day for you?16:01
seb128jcastro, yes ;-)16:02
seb128jcastro, helping my ayatana friends to see clearly what they should look at for lucid16:02
jpetersenI will be back in an hour16:03
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NafaiHI guys20:36
NafaiSorry I haven't been online, been a really bad allergy day20:36
ryanpriorHey Nafai.20:36
jpetersenHey Nafai20:42
NafaiHi jpetersen, ryanprior20:42
seb128tedg, bug #53042921:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 530429 in indicator-applet (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "invalid cast from `GtkStatusIcon' to `GtkWidget' (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53042921:36
seb128do you think those warnings are coming from indicator-applet?21:36
seb128jcastro, bug #53526721:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 535267 in indicator-applet (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Application indicator menu is not updated when new devices are added (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53526721:38
seb128was there an another bug update issues already somewhere?21:38
jcastroseb128: running an irc session, I'll check later21:39
seb128jcastro, ok no hurry21:39
jcastrojpetersen or nafai might know21:39
tedgseb128: They could be in libappindicator.21:39
tedgI wish there was a line number.21:39
tedgOh, wait.  That's fixed.21:39
seb128tedg, I rebuilt without the libindicator change and it's not there21:40
seb128the warning21:40
seb128tedg, what is fixed?21:40
seb128the warning or the update? ;-)21:40
tedgseb128: The warning.21:40
seb128where ?21:40
tedgseb128: I want to give credit, but I don't remember who fixed it... I think it was chriscoulson.21:40
seb128hum right, I don't get it in lucid now21:40
seb128tedg, 21:42
seb128"      Use gtk_status_icon_set_visible to hide the status icon. GtkStatusIcon is not derived from GtkWidget, so gtk_widget_hide doesn't work21:42
seb128that one?21:42
seb128tedg, it was chrisccoulson indeed, thanks21:42
tedgseb128: Yup, that one.21:42
seb128Nafai, hey21:44
seb128Nafai, bug #535267, do you know if that's a duplicate and from which bug?21:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 535267 in indicator-applet (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Application indicator menu is not updated when new devices are added (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53526721:44
Nafaiseb128: Let me check21:45
seb128Nafai, thanks21:45
NafaiIt's related to an earlier bug, thought it was fixed, but it could very well be new21:47
seb128Nafai, can I assign it to you to investigate?21:47
Nafaisure thing21:47
NafaiThis actually sounds like another bug that will be fixed with jpetersen's patch that I think will be rolled out tomorrow with the latest indicator release, I'll check it against the code in bzr21:50
seb128Nafai, thanks21:51
seb128tedg, bug #534854, does that speak to you?21:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 534854 in indicator-applet (Ubuntu) "indicator-applet logs 'GTK not updated' to disk every 30 seconds (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53485421:52
tedgseb128: Yes, that's a dbusmenu bug.21:53
seb128tedg, ok, should I assign it to you?21:53
tedgseb128: yes21:54
seb128tedg, in which cases does it happen?21:54
seb128tedg, thanks21:54
tedgseb128: I think that it's something to do with dbusmenu-gtk looking for a property update before being realized.  It's a race condition that is fortunately ending in a warning :)21:55
seb128tedg, ok21:56
seb128tedg, sorry for all the ping today but I think we are almost done looking through the list21:56
seb128then I will let you work quietly on fixing on those isses for lucid ;-)21:56
tedgseb128: Heh, no worried.  Thank you for going through them!21:56
seb128tedg, np21:57
seb128tedg, I guess you have a bug about the spacing for indicators?21:57
tedgseb128: Yes, I think kwwii has fixed it in the theme.21:57
seb128tedg, oh, right, he fixed it in the default theme but not the light one21:59
seb128tedg, I will chase him tomorrow ;-)21:59
Nafaibbiab, but I will investigate these things today22:00
seb128Nafai, see you later22:01
seb128tedg, btw22:06
seb128tedg, libindicate still failed to build with your change + the build-depends22:06
* tedg looking22:08
tedgUhg, okay.  It needs a lib path.22:13
seb128it's probably working for you or me because we have a system libindicate installed22:15
seb128but it should have a -L$(srcdirsomething)22:16
seb128tedg, what does the indicator ordering? there is a bug saying that applications should go on the left of the sound indicator22:17
seb128has the order been speced?22:17
tedgseb128: Yes, it should be in -L$(top_builddir)/libindicate/.libs22:17
tedgseb128: Yes it has.  And it's in trunk... need to do a release of indicator-applet.22:18
seb128tedg, good ;-)22:18
seb128I see, revision 34322:19
jcastroseb128: lp #535267 looks like a regression22:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 535267 in indicator-application (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Application indicator menu is not updated when new devices are added (affects: 1)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53526722:39
jcastroI think that was the problem he was having before22:40
seb128jcastro, Nafai replied since22:40
jcastrooh ok22:40
seb128jcastro, he said that jpeterson's recent change might fix it22:41
seb128jcastro, he will test that later and update the bug22:41
seb128jcastro, but thanks ;-)22:41
jcastrowell, while he's in there he can check on the icons22:43
seb128tedg, bah I don't get it, there is several crash in standard GError use22:43
jcastroseb128: we wanted to remove the arrow thing and the prefs icon right? So the menu doesn't look all messed up?22:43
seb128jcastro, that's not a gnome-bluetooth bug but the indicator not respecting the show_icon flag for stock items 22:43
seb128jcastro, we agree there is no change required to the app patch there22:44
jcastroare we fixing that for lucid?22:44
seb128I guess so22:44
jcastroin the indicator I mean22:44
seb128I'm building a list of milestoned issues for dx work, I will put it there22:44
tedgseb128: Yeah, I've seen a couple that have done that.  I'm not clear on why.  I think it's something with dbus setting errors.  Is that what you're seeing?22:45
seb128tedg, yes22:46
seb128chrisccoulson might know about that?22:46
seb128code is basically22:46
seb128if (error != NULL) {22:46
seb128g_error("Unable to get the proxy to DBus: %s", error->message);22:46
seb128with error init to NULL before being used as it should22:46
seb128and it crashes in the g_error call22:46
tedgI think dbus must be doing a double free somewhere.  I've looked and not found it though :(22:46
seb128doesn't make sense to me22:46
seb128will be tricky to debug I guess22:47
chrisccoulsoni saw my name mentioned ;)22:48
seb128hey chrisccoulson22:48
seb128chrisccoulson, you know quite some things about dbus so I was wondering if you saw bugs like this before22:48
chrisccoulsonwhere is that code from?22:50
seb128chrisccoulson, one bug is bug #53296522:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 532965 in libindicator (Ubuntu) "indicator-applet-session crashed with signal 5 in g_type_create_instance() (affects: 1)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53296522:51
seb128bzr get lp:libindicator22:51
seb128editor libindicator/indicator-service-manager.c22:51
seb128line 18922:51
seb128but I just ran into a similar but in indicator-messages22:52
seb128bug #52285522:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 522855 in indicator-applet (Ubuntu) "indicator-applet crashed with signal 5 in indicator_object_get_entries() (affects: 4) (dups: 3)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52285522:52
seb128so I'm wondering what the heck is happening with dbus and GErrors22:52
seb128chrisccoulson, don't feel like you have to look at that, I was just wondering if you have seen similar bugs before22:55
seb128I know you discussed some dbusish issues with james_w22:55
chrisccoulsoni'll have a quick look and see if i can spot something22:55
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks22:55
seb128there is a new dbus-glib bug fix version in debian22:56
seb128I'm wondering if we should get that in lucid22:56
seb128chrisccoulson, tedg: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=54163222:57
ubot4Debian bug 541632 in libdbus-glib-1-2 "libdbus-glib-1-2: wonky results from dbus_g_proxy_call" [Normal,Fixed]22:57
seb128similar issue?22:58
chrisccoulsoni remember looking at that when i looked at what looked like a similar issue, but it ended up being something different22:59
chrisccoulsonbut it could be that issue22:59
seb128we should get 0.84 in ;-)22:59
seb128I'm pondering just doing the sync now22:59
tedgYeah, that seems likely to be the issue.23:00
* tedg sucks at switch statments which probably why he missed it. Seriously, it's a coding weakness, I always slow down when writing them.23:00
seb128chrisccoulson, tedg: ok thanks, I will sync dbus-glib 0.84 from debian and close those bugs with a "reopen if you get the issue again after upgrade"23:02

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