
=== gus is now known as aleister_crowley
AbcdqfrWhy doesn't grub.cfg save?00:49
Typos_Kingwhat do you need?01:00
hustontypos I solved my problem01:04
AbcdqfrHow do you edit grub.cfg?01:04
hustonI ordered a new mini pci card that is linux compatible01:04
hustonshould be able to plug it in start it up and have wireless01:05
AbcdqfrForget it01:05
AbcdqfrI'm done with linux01:06
AbcdqfrFuck it all!01:06
Typos_Kinghuston:   not sure it was the right approach... but heehhe, ok01:08
hustonit was cheap enough01:08
Typos_KingI have a broadcom pcmcia and works fine forme01:09
hustonI don't know why I can't get it to work on this machine01:09
hustonit is a dell laptop01:09
Typos_Kingso is this one01:10
hustonI have a gateway laptop I am going to throw kubuntu on also01:10
hustonbut I couldn't get the card to work01:10
hustonin this one01:10
BluesKaj-Laptopelcheapo acer here , wifi works finew once I installed wicd ..nm worked for one day then refused to connect no matter what.01:11
hustonboth my laptops are built from scrap parts01:12
hustonthat I am going to run kubuntu on01:12
hustonI will go look at wicd01:13
BluesKaj-Laptopnm gets disabled by wicd install01:13
joshua__I am made from scrap parts huston01:14
hustonwhatever works01:15
joshua__huston: actually it can be a bit troublesome...01:16
Typos_KingBluesKaj-Laptop:       I use network-manager-gnome   works peachy, better than wicd and/or knetworkmanager IMHO01:16
mrunagi_im having trouble connecting to my wireles on a fresh install, i read somewhere that my laptop has that issue and to use nm-applet but i cannot find nm-applet01:19
BluesKaj-LaptopTypos_King, well, if wicd works , I don't see how network-manager-gnome can work "better"..it either connects or it doesn't :)01:20
Typos_Kingwell, if that works for you, sure01:20
Typos_Kingmrunagi_ sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome;01:21
Typos_Kingmrunagi_ once installed, run nm-applet :)01:21
BluesKaj-Laptopkde here, so knetworkmanager was the culprit that refused to work after one day01:21
BluesKaj-LaptopTypos_King, does network-manager-gnome have wpa2 options01:22
Typos_Kingit shows under Security, wpa128, wpa64, wpa personal, wpa enterprise, wpa2 personal and enterprise01:24
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BluesKaj-Laptopgood, maybe kde will get around to fixing their mess then too01:24
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huntHi, I wonder wether I can install kubuntu from my existing ubuntu partition, I would install it on another partition as standalone os, can I run the installer from the .iso somehow in order to do this?02:31
iggiminDoes Wine work in Kubuntu 64-bit 9,10?02:33
iggiminany tips on setting it up and getting it working? It was easy in Gnome, but I can't get it going in Kubuntu02:34
iggiminI've already changed the place it looks for the c: drive02:34
iggiminand disabled Composting02:34
iggiminbut still no go02:35
netdaemonwhat is it or is it not doing?02:35
netdaemonspecifically i mean02:37
iggiminI'm trying to load Dreamweaver 8 - it goes through the installation process ok02:38
iggiminbut then when it says "start Dreamweaver now" it just sits in the panel for a moment but the window never loads02:39
iggiminI also tried installing the Google Adwords Editor (also worked fine in Gnome) and it had c+ library errors or something like that but I'm not sure if that's related02:40
iggiminthe most important app I need is Dreamweaver 802:40
iggiminI can live without Adwords editor, but, sigh, I'm hopelessly addicted to dreamweaver02:40
netdaemonis ia32 libs installed?02:41
iggiminhow do I check?02:41
netdaemonaptitude show ia32-libs02:41
netdaemonin the terminal02:42
netdaemonState: should read "installed" if it is02:42
iggiminia32-libs: State: Installed02:42
iggiminat the moment I've fully purged Wine in the hopes that a re-install would help, but this is the 2nd time I've done this02:43
netdaemoni'm guessing some library is missing that it needs but it should have pulled everything it needed in as dependencies =\02:44
iggiminI figured the same. hm02:45
iggiminAre you running Wine in Kubuntu yourself?02:46
netdaemoni'v not ran wine for a while but i have run things02:46
netdaemonthe kubuntu aspect shouldn't matter as much as the 32->64 aspect though02:46
netdaemonlets see what winehq says02:46
iggiminIn the Winehq channel they say don't run wine in KDE with Composting, but even when I disable that it's still a no go. I agree - I think it's a 64-bit issue02:47
iggiminLooks like it's time for a 3rd OS on this here machine :-)02:48
iggiminDoes Grub handle more than 2 OS options?02:48
netdaemonsorry i couldn't be of more assistance02:48
iggiminno worries - I thank you for your responsiveness.  Have you tried out PC-BSD02:48
netdaemoni have not02:49
huntiggimin: have you tried kdevelop?02:49
netdaemonif i use BSD it's typically FreeBSD02:49
iggiminhunt, searching for kdevelop now...02:49
netdaemonah yes, i forgot about the web designer that comes with that02:51
netdaemonwell kdewebdev02:51
netdaemoni think...02:51
iggiminkdevelop looks kinda high-level....I'm not a developer, just an operator02:52
iggiminoh. KDE Web apps02:53
iggiminQuanta, Kompozer, etc. I have them all. And Bluefish02:53
iggiminI can do the same things they do with Gedit and Firebug02:55
iggiminWindows I can live without, but Dreamweaver is pretty solid, unfortunately.02:55
huntiggimin: what output does wine give you when it stops?02:56
iggiminhunt: nothing. The Dreamweaver switcher icon appears in the panel for about a minute, then just disappears. I never see a window at all. And no error msgs02:56
huntiggimin: did you run wine in a terminal?02:57
iggiminyou mean: "wine /dreamweaver" command? No - I've been using the Kickoff Application launcher02:58
iggiminI did install Wine from the terminal though02:58
huntiggimin: could you run dreamweaver from the terminal then please?02:58
iggiminyeah, that I can try. brb02:59
iggiminI just re-installed Dreamweaver from command line using "wine Dreamweaver.exe" and there are some errors: http://pastebin.ca/183112703:10
iggiminlike "RpcChannelBuffer SendReceive Failed"03:11
huntiggimin: yeah... I've got nothing then...03:15
huntiggimin: you leave the "run dreamweaver now" thing marked right?03:15
iggiminno worries.03:15
iggiminyeah - 5 times now, heheh03:15
huntiggimin: did you try unchecking once and start dreamweaver manually after that?03:16
iggiminI'm about to navigate to the C: drive with terminal and use Wine to run it so I can read all the output03:16
iggiminyes- tried that also :-)03:16
huntiggimin: well, i'd say ask in #wine then03:16
iggiminyeah. I have. Will try again. Thought I'd give it a shot in here in case anyone here is actually using Wine in Kubuntu 64-bit.03:17
iggiminIn my experience thus far with Linux, the answer will hit me like a ton of bricks, in about 3 weeks, heheh03:18
huntiggimin: or... what you could also try is to install a more recent wine version from a ppa03:18
huntiggimin: I would remove your existing dreamweaver installation first and then add the ppa and update wine03:19
iggiminnow that's new...I'm looking into it03:19
zebastianis there a zui for ubuntu on kde?03:20
iggiminhunt, awesome. I will purge everything and start over with one of the PPA betas - what have I got to lose besides time? :-D03:20
zebastianis it true there's a ZUI on KDE?03:22
iggiminhere's the error in Terminal: http://pastebin.ca/183112703:22
iggiminoops - scratch that...old pastebin03:22
iggiminhere's the terminal error - err:module:attach_process_dlls "odbc32.dll" failed to initialize, aborting03:22
iggiminI wonder if I could just copy that dll from Windoze and drop it into my .wine folder?03:23
huntiggimin: you can download it and then drag it to .wine/yourCdrive/system3203:24
hunt.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 that is to be accurate03:24
iggiminkk. checking03:25
huntiggimin: http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?odbc32 from here for example03:25
huntzebastian: you can zoom in kde with compositing enabled03:26
zebastianhow can i install kde03:26
zebastianbut just kde03:26
zebastiannot kubuntu03:27
zebastiani have ubuntu03:27
zebastianand which kde03:27
iggiminhunt, yep - I found it online. Trying now03:27
zebastianthis is what i'm talking about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooming_user_interface03:28
huntzebastian: ubuntu with kde and kubuntu is practically the same thing03:28
huntzebastian: you can do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:28
huntzebastian: but you can zoom in ubuntu too using compiz03:28
zebastianhunt:  that won't install any apps right? by the way i am on HARDY so i might need to get it from somewhere else03:29
huntzebastian: that does install apps, you get the whole kubuntu installation, you can choose which one to use at each login03:29
zebastiani just one the DE03:30
zebastianhow do you zoom with gnome?03:30
huntzebastian zebastian try the package kdebase-workspace then03:30
zebastiani have compiz installed03:30
huntzebastian: install compizconfig-settingsmanager03:30
zebastiani want the newest kde btw03:31
zebastianand i'm on hardy03:31
zebastiani already ran that and checked the zooming but i don't know how to do the zooming03:31
huntzebastian: you can change the shortcut in the settingsmanager03:32
huntzebastian: but I dont think that really is what you want03:33
zebastiani want a 2D as light as lxde desktop where i can zoom into anything and everything03:34
huntzebastian: well if you just want to zoom in, then this is what compiz can do03:34
huntzebastian: but thats not what a zui really is03:34
zebastianis there a linux distro that you know of has a zui03:35
huntzebastian: in kde you have activities which would propably come close to a zui03:35
zebastianso how do i get the latest kde backported to hardy as i am sure that sudo apt-get kdebase-workspace wont get me the latest version03:36
huntzebastian: yes that will propably give you kde 3 or 4.003:36
huntzebastian: but I dont think there is a ppa for hardy03:36
huntzebastian: zebastian: I guess you have to cheat which could make things a bit unstable03:38
zebastiani believe in freedom03:39
zebastianso what do you mean by cheat?03:39
huntzebastian: you could add a ppa thats not for hardy but for a more recent version like jaunty or karmic03:40
zebastianshould work right?03:42
huntzebastian: it could mess up things badly03:42
zebastianwhat is this virtuall desktop? i hear this might be the closest thing in ubuntu03:42
zebastianhunt: well is there documentation for it03:43
huntzebastian: are you on ubuntu right now?03:44
zebastianon gnome03:44
huntzebastian: ok, in the lower right corner there should be two squares, this are your virtual desktops03:44
zebastianthe workspaces....not what i meant03:45
huntzebastian: well these are virtual desktops03:45
zebastianthere must be someone out there interested in having everything in a 2d-->3d environment03:45
huntzebastian: do you want something like the iphone interface?03:46
huntzebastian: in kde you can dynamically add acitivities which are basically workspaces and switch between them03:47
zebastianlike bluebottle03:47
huntzebastian: http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/ZUI03:48
huntzebastian: I dont know bluebottle03:49
zebastiani havent got practice in programming03:49
zebastianbut this is something so good for humanity03:49
zebastianthat i'd go work with them03:50
El_T10i m new on this..03:50
El_T10any help here...03:50
huntiggimin: did it work?03:50
iggiminI'll be dang-ed03:51
iggiminI'm getting somewhere.03:51
huntEl_T10: you dont have to ask to ask a question03:51
iggiminI over-rode the odbc.dll using Wine Config...03:51
iggiminthen had to add a drive called odbcint.dll03:51
El_T10hunt:  tranks...03:51
iggiminand now I'm further than ever before, heheh. I was just setting up Dreamweaver when you asked.... stand by :-)03:52
El_T10i m from argentina... and i have a problem with my isp modem....03:52
El_T10it used to work on kubuntu 8.10 but now on kubuntu 9.10 it doesn t work..03:52
El_T10i ve an speedtouch33003:52
El_T10i ve search on the net..03:52
El_T10the solution i found was the same than the one i used to use for kubuntu 8.1003:53
El_T10but for kubuntu 9.10 on 64 bits doesnt work03:53
huntEl_T10: could you show me that solution?03:56
iggiminYESSS! Dreamweaver connected to my webserver successfully!!! BOOM!03:57
huntiggimin: :D great :D03:57
iggiminhunt, YES! So now I'm going to re-enable KDE Composting and see if it still works (I bet it does, heheh)03:58
iggiminOh it feels so good! :-)04:00
iggiminthanks for the hand-holding hunt!04:01
El_T10yes... but it s on spanish....04:02
El_T10i did it with this link http://b2dbuntu.wordpress.com/2007/04/03/speedtouch-330-de-la-manera-mas-facil/04:07
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RnFstRuckHrd_Hello All - I have two machines (laptop and desktop) running Kubuntu 9.10 and I am trying to find out if there is any way to get Kontact to synch between the two of them. Can anyone provide some incite please? Thanks!04:08
=== WindPower is now known as WindPteryx
El_T10hunt http://b2dbuntu.wordpress.com/2007/04/03/speedtouch-330-de-la-manera-mas-facil/04:13
El_T10hunt: http://b2dbuntu.wordpress.com/2007/04/03/speedtouch-330-de-la-manera-mas-facil/04:13
Zhenyahi guys, is anyone here that can help a noob out with some tar stuff?04:16
huntiggimin: youre welcome04:16
DaughainIts nasty and sticky, anything else ya need?04:16
huntEl_T10: thanks I'll have a look at it04:16
Zhenyahi, guys. I have a simple question04:17
ZhenyaI'm trying to unpack a tar04:17
El_T10thanks a lot to you... i ll continue trying when i ve time. between work and university.04:17
Zhenyaark doesn't have SU permissions so I can stick the app in /usr/bin/04:17
Zhenyahow do i unzip the files via prompt04:17
huntEl_T10: you do use this modem to connect to the internet right?04:18
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El_T10hunt:  yes but now i m via dhcp lan. an old pc is connected to internet with dhcp04:19
huntEl_T10: when you run this script from the link you gave me, does it give you any output when it fails?04:20
El_T10hunt:  it doesn t fails...04:22
El_T10the script run well04:22
El_T10but it says when i try to dial that...04:23
El_T10i ll show you my output04:23
huntEl_T10: I'll just reboot so I can help you better, then you can show me your output ok?04:25
El_T10hunt:  oks04:25
huntEl_T10: ok here I am04:28
El_T10when i try04:29
El_T10sudo /etc/init.d/dial04:29
El_T10it says... FATAL: Module ppp_generic not found.04:30
El_T10El firmware Speedtouch no se cargó04:30
El_T10the traduction of the last line is the firmware from speedtouch doesn t work04:30
huntEl_T10: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/UbuDSL?content=6490504:32
huntEl_T10: try using this tool04:32
huntEl_T10: the speedtouch 330 is a usb modem right?04:33
El_T10hunt: can i use the one from ubuntu 8.04?04:33
El_T10hunt:  yes....04:33
huntEl_T10: you're on 9.10 so better use the 8.10 version04:34
huntEl_T10: are you on i386 or amd64?04:34
huntEl_T10: ok install it and try it please04:34
El_T10hunt:  it seems that there is a broken link...04:35
El_T10on 8.10 amd6404:35
huntEl_T10: ah yeah... crap..04:35
huntEl_T10: I guess that makes it a bit more complicated04:37
El_T10hunt:  jjeje... yes but i know the name of the program...04:37
El_T10hunt:  i ll search for it... you kno if it has a repository?04:38
huntEl_T10: well I am looking for it too and it looks like the program is dead and it never got in the repositories04:38
huntEl_T10: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ubudsl/ you can try the amd64 version from here, if it doesnt work we'll go from there04:39
huntEl_T10: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ubudsl/files/ubudsl/ubudsl_0.9.0-9_amd64.deb/ this is the direct link to the package04:40
huntEl_T10: it is an older beta though, but it might still work04:40
El_T10hunt: great i ll download. but i ve to go to sleep because tomorrow i ll have a hard day.04:41
El_T10hunt:  tomorrow if i can i ll try to install that ubudsl04:42
huntEl_T10: ok good night, if the amd64 package doesnt work, try the more recent i386 and ask for install help here, if that doesnt work, compile it from source04:42
huntEl_T10: and if that doesnt work, show the script to somebody here and he might be able to help you04:43
El_T10hunt:  lots of thanks!!!04:48
El_T10seea ya04:48
huntEl_T10: yw, bye04:48
Kasm279i cant get my windows hard drive to mount (NFS, windows XP) When i click on it in dolphin, it just hops back to whatever folder i was already in. I'm running Kubuntu on my second hard drive and windows on the first04:52
Kasm279any ideas oon getting it to mount?04:52
Kasm279also, i cant get any desktop effects even though they are enabled04:54
=== WindPteryx is now known as WindPower
lekenoHey everyone05:09
Kasm279i cant get my windows hard drive to mount (NFS, windows XP) When i click on it in dolphin, it just hops back to whatever folder i was already in. I'm running Kubuntu on my second hard drive and windows on the first05:09
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DaughainOK......Where is the setting to allow me to seperate my desktops?05:36
iconmefistoDaughain: it's changed since I first did it, but now it seems to be in systemsettings > desktop > multiple desktops, "different activity for each desktop"05:50
iconmefistoDaughain: this is on kde 4.4.105:50
DaughainThanks, iconmefisto. I got this all done months ago, and, now doing one for a freind......05:51
DaughainI dont think I am using 4.4.105:51
DaughainIshould still be on 4.3.205:52
iconmefistoDaughain: I can't remember specifically, but when I first changed that setting I had to zoom out (from the cashew on the desktop) and there was a settings button when zoomed out that let me access the setting05:52
DaughainThts right....I knew it was something in the cashew.....Just couldnt remember what......zoom.05:53
DaughainConfigure plasma.05:54
DaughainThanks again, iconmefisto05:57
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Zxcvbhow do I get kword to save in something other than odt?06:50
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exploredid anyone here use skype trace?06:56
awaadI installed kde on ubuntu by running "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" and I have a black screen and the pointer of the mouse and the screenlets only running06:59
awaadHow can I solve this problem because I want to use kde in addition to gnome06:59
Brandon_Leehi free people07:30
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exploreis there any channel for skype on irc?07:36
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sobolhi all07:41
ubuntuHow do i reinstall KDE on Gnome, Cause i have changed many settings and having a lots of proglems but Gnome is working perfectly as always08:06
ubuntuAny help please08:06
ubuntuHello ?08:08
ubuntuANYONE THERE08:11
DodouHello every one,08:20
Dodoui have a problem08:20
Dodoui cant install any think on my kubuntu08:21
Dodoui cant install even .deb files08:21
Dodouevery time i get this message: "cannot get the exclusive lock on the packaging backend. Please close any other legacy packaging tools that may be open"08:25
iconmefisto!aptfix | Dodou08:25
ubottuDodou: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »08:25
Dodouubottu: i will try, thak you08:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:26
phoenix_hello everyone08:33
phoenix_anyone using konqueror08:33
phoenix_Vge: i have a problem with konqueror can you help me08:33
Vgephoenix_: debends on the question08:34
phoenix_Vge: in the google search suggested results drop down list, when i press the down key, the pointer moves two places.08:35
phoenix_Vge: i will show you the snapshot08:35
Vgephoenix_: i sorry but i never have used it as a browser, IMHO it just sucks with rendering, i'm sorry but your on your own08:36
phoenix_Vge: what is the browser that you are using08:36
Vgephoenix_: firefox and opera08:37
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iconmefistophoenix_: have you tried arora?08:38
phoenix_iconmefisto: what is arora08:39
iconmefisto!info arora08:39
ubottuarora (source: arora): simple cross platform web browser. In component main, is extra. Version 0.10.1-0ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 1439 kB, installed size 3968 kB08:39
iconmefistoit's a qt-based browser, very fast08:39
Vgeapparently added to sources quite reacently?08:40
iconmefistoVge: arora has been around for at least a year in repos, I think08:41
Vgeiconmefisto: ahh, no wonder i don't have it :)08:41
phoenix_i will try it .thank you08:42
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madsuis there pop up notification for new messages in Konversation like agents in mirc08:48
darnaubottu: hey ubottu its Dodou, i did what you tell me but it does not work, now i get another message:"unknown error, please report a bug"08:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:50
madsuyes it is there,sorry didnt check properly08:51
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Ratttsanyone know hwo to reset or reload my screen....graphics got jumbled when i tried runnign wow on wine09:46
Ratttsanyone home?09:47
bvitalynatkanik35 лучше одну основную систему (лучше линух), а все остальние в виртуальных машинах. Притом можно несколько "одинаковых" виндоус но с разным набором ПО: для графики, для прогамирования и прочее...09:50
RRRattssanyone know how i can get around running wine in sudo...it wont let me do it....when i try to run wow under wine, it crashes because it gets an access denied10:18
RRRattssthats why i want to try and run it with sudo10:18
RRRattssbut then wine wont let me10:18
madsu_RRRattss: were u able to refresh the screen?10:26
madsu_if not try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397310:27
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avihayRRRattss: look for a package called: play on linux, it lets you run multiple wine versions. it might help prevent the need for sudo, and it might have your game with a fix to prevent the screen distortion11:06
Vroomfondleor Wine-doors11:07
avihayI think it's dead (wine doors)11:09
Vroomfondleis it? damn11:11
Vroomfondlehaven't used it in a while11:11
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Spacemanhi, suddenly FTP has stopped working, what can be done to restore it?11:43
Spacemankonqueror used to pop up a box asking for the login details but now it doesn't do that instead it tells me "An error occurred while loading ftp://ftp...:"11:46
ubuntuwho from  Russia?11:59
awaadI installed KDE on ubuntu9.10 by running "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" and it is installed but when I try to login through a kde session I have only a black screen and the pointer of the mouse .12:01
awaadAny one can help please ?12:01
awaadIs there any one here ?12:14
=== zbenjamin is now known as zbenjamin|away
awaadAny one can help please ?12:18
vitalbluehi there try12:18
vitalblueapt-get update12:18
vitalblueapt-get update12:18
avihayawaad: it should work, try reinstalling apt-get --reinstall12:18
vitalblueapt-get upgrade12:18
FloodBotK2vitalblue: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:18
vitalblueapt-get dist-upgrade12:18
avihayI mean sudo apt-get --reinstall kubuntu-desktop12:19
vitalbluemaybe this will help to reinstall or upgrade some libraries12:19
awaadvitalblue: I ran "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" and "apt-get dist-upgrade" and my system is up to date12:21
awaadavihay : I will try it now12:21
awaadAfter running "apt-get --reinstall kubuntu-desktop", I have an error message which says "E: Invalid operation kubuntu-desktop"12:25
avihaymaybe  "sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop"   ?12:28
goodtimetry the synaptic package12:29
awaadavihay: I will try this12:30
awaadgoodtime: What can I do using the synaptic package manager ?12:30
goodtimeyou can install12:30
goodtimeyou just want the desktop right?12:31
goodtimemight be in there12:31
aleister_hi everyone12:32
awaadgoodtime: yes I am but I installed it already12:33
awaadavihay: It worked12:34
awaadaihay : but it took very short period of time12:35
awaadaihay: Now I will test and logout from gnome and try to login kde now12:35
awaadavihay: Now I will test and logout from gnome and try to login kde now12:35
aleister_sorry to interrupt you people but i have a little problem with kubuntu, could someone help me please ?12:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:36
aleister_ok, so i have installed kubuntu 9.10 in a new partition of my disk. I have 3 parts, one for windows, one for ubuntu and one for all my personnal data. In the part "data", there's my torrent files along with other like wallpapers. When i boot the computer, ubuntu is unable to find these files. For example, Ktorrent won't find the torrent and it ask me to find it manually, and when i do it works. Same problem withe the wallpapers12:41
aleister_. Is there something to do to resolve this problem ?12:41
erk10im running windows 7 with ubuntu 9.10 on virtual box and its runnin very smooth12:42
awaadIt didn't wooooork, the same black screen with the screenlets only12:42
awaadI tried Alt+F3 and the windows appeared12:43
avihayscreenlets? I thought you only had a mouse pointer12:43
awaadavihay: No, I have only the mouse pointer and one windows of the screenlets which I can't close in kde or even move it12:44
avihaytry renameing  your kde settings folder12:45
awaadavihay: How ?12:45
awaadavihay: I don't know where is that folder12:45
avihayaleister_: what is the exact problem with the walpapers12:45
awaadavihay: In kde I tried to Right click on the black screen but no thing happened12:46
avihayawaad: try the following commands: "cd ~" , "mv .kde kde_backup"  without the ""12:47
awaadavihay : ok12:47
avihaythat shoud reset your kde settings12:48
aleister_> avihay, the wallpapers are stored within a different partition and so when i start kubuntu, it just don't appear on screen. I'm just tired of going search for it manually everytime i start the computer. It's the same problem with ktorrent.12:48
avihayaleister_: from what I understand, what happens is that the "data" partition isn't automounted, so that every time you restart, you need to mount it before the wallpapers and torrents start to work. is that a good description?12:49
erk10lol i bet you thats whats happening12:50
erk10maybe put that stuff on the main partition12:50
erk10or atleast the ubuntu partition12:50
aleister_i think this description would fit, but if it is not automounted why can i browse into it ?12:51
erk10because it mounts when you open it12:51
avihayyou can also have it automounted. I don't know how to do that graphicly, last time I had a problem like that, I played around a bit with fstab, and never looked back12:51
avihaywhen you try to browse it with dolphin or the open file dialog box, it mounts the partition for you12:52
aleister_fstab ? sorry i'm a total newbie, i've installed kubuntu only yesterday?12:52
erk10might wanna take that torrent client you got and get you some ubuntu command line books lol12:53
avihaythere is a config file called fstab that handels all the automatic partition mounts12:53
aleister_thanks, i'm gonna look into this, i'll tell you if i find it, and if it works properly.12:54
avihayaleister_: this could be a good starting point: http://www.google.co.il/search?q=kubuntu+automaount+start&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a12:56
aleister_> erk10 : in fact, i can't put all that stuff on the main partition for i don't have enough free space left, besides, i'd prefer it to stay that way, thanks anyway.12:58
aleister_avihay : thank you12:58
erk10np but if you were to put it on either that partition which im assuming is where you have your boot loader stored or on the ubuntu partition both those will already be configured to automount so it would be your simplest fix13:00
aleister_erk10 : if i understand right, it would fix my problem to merge my 'data'  and ubuntu into a single partition ?13:08
erk10yea that would be one solution13:09
erk10see ubuntu can see your windows filesystem so you should just have all that stuff on the windows parition anyhow and like i said thats assuming that the boot loader is on the windows primary partition13:09
aleister_erk10 ; right now i'm downloading 'disc-manager' in order to do so.13:09
erk10good idea that should solve the issue13:10
erk10but one issue with that is once the data is on the ubuntu partition after its merged windows may not see it13:10
erk10windows is not friendly with linux filesystem13:11
awaadavihay: I moved the directory you told me and tried to login again, but i had the same problem13:11
awaadavihay: any other suggestions ?13:11
aleister_> erk10 : i'll give it a try anyway, screw microsoft !13:12
erk10oh i completly agree i call it microsuck faildows for a reason lol13:12
erk10if you get crossover for ubuntu you can run most your windows apps in linux anyway13:13
erk10between crossover and wine you can do just about anything you need to in linux13:13
aleister_> erk10 : do you mean emulate windows ?13:14
erk10im using both windows 7 ultimate 64bit and ubuntu studio 9.10 64bit simultaneously as we speak13:14
awaadI had a problem with installing KDE on ubunt because after loggine and writing user name and password I only have a black screen and the mouse pointer and the screenlets working13:14
awaadany one can help ?13:14
erk10no im not talking about virtual pc it builds a windows filesystem within linux for you to be able to install your windows apps in linux13:15
erk10but you could do virtual box inside of ubuntu with windows on it and that would solve your problem with windows or use vmware for ubuntu it works nicely too13:15
aleister_> erk10 ooh, that's interesting ! how do you do that ?13:15
erk10i prefer virtual box though because it allows seemless mode aswell as it supports 3d acceleration so i get all the compiz fusion toys13:16
erk10i know this because i a os geek from hell lol i play with just about every os out there13:17
erk10i have 100's of os's on this computer runnin on virtual pc's13:17
aleister_but know, my pc's an old P4 with less than 1gb in ram, so i think it would be rather slow if i emulate zindoz13:17
erk10aswell as a quad boot setup with windows 7 ubuntu 9.10 solaris and redhat13:17
erk10you still on windows xp?13:18
aleister_yeah, 'xp cracked edition'13:18
erk10well it runs on about 256 mb of ram farely easy13:19
erk10so if you use ubuntu 9.10 as host os and windows xp on the virtual pc using 256 mb of ram it should run both os's pretty easy13:20
erk10i'd use vmware for your computer wont take up as many resources13:20
|sysop|use micro xp13:20
erk10yea micro xp wouldnt be a bad idea13:20
|sysop|it runs pretty good in qemu on my ppc 1.2 ghz13:21
erk10wont have the functionality but sounds like your mostly into media anyway so it would do just fine13:21
|sysop|the only thing that sucks about micro xp is no terminal services.13:21
|sysop|so you cant do seamless virtualztion.13:22
erk10like i said functionality and very limited to applications you can use13:22
|sysop|not applications.13:22
|sysop|you can run games and just about anything in it.13:22
|sysop|just some of the system stuff has been cut out.13:22
erk10its just an extremely stipped down version of xp thats all lol13:23
|sysop|like no mulitple users.13:23
|sysop|so if even if you installed terminal services you cant do the hack that allows you to have mutlple connections.13:23
erk10he'd be better off using windows 2000 though much faster13:23
|sysop|I dont know you could try tiny windows 713:24
aleister_i'm trying to get discmanager working, i'll be right back13:24
avihayawaad: sorry, I don't have any more ideas13:24
erk10yea but he'd most likely have to run that in windows basic graphics in order to conserve the resources because ubuntu is gonna take up a good amount of them13:24
awaadavihay: never mind, and thanks alot for trying helping me13:25
|sysop|true. here is a suggestion. get the all windows dvd. start with the newest os and work your way back to till you find something that runs at the speed you want.13:25
erk10lol not a bad idea13:26
erk10brb gotta get me a cup of coffee13:26
avihayerk10: your computer probably supports hardware vittualization. that lowers the overhead of running a VM. an old p4 won't have hardware virtualization13:26
erk10i've run virtual pc on a p4 before and had no issues13:27
erk10i did have 2 gigs of ram though which helps a ton13:27
|sysop|thats what I ahve on the ppc, just no hardware.13:28
|sysop|I cant get lucid to install into qemu virtual. the alternate iso and netbook iso wont boot in qemu13:29
|sysop|just a blank screen using up tons of cpu.13:30
|sysop|I have let it set overnight and still nothing.13:30
|sysop|sit overnight13:30
|sysop|ne suggestions? I am giving it 512 megs of ram.13:31
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LogomachistI just added kde to Ubuntu 9.10, but when I try to log in with the KDE desktop (after I enter my username and password) the screen more or less freezes (although I can still move the mouse). This happens whether I use kdm or gdm.14:24
=== amik is now known as amichair
arch0njwhow did you add kde?14:34
arch0njwdid you install "kubuntu-desktop"?14:34
=== ubuntu is now known as Serg
=== Serg is now known as Guest40451
ivan_my laptops bluetooth wont start what can I do?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!14:44
snarkfishif you have two hard drives one with vista one with kubuntu it wants to start from the vista drive.. how do i grub to the first drive?14:48
arch0njwivan_: have you checked the log files for any errors to do with bluetooth?  "cd /var/log; grep blue *"14:49
arch0njwsnarkfish:  in what order did you install the OSes?  Kubuntu the Vista?14:49
snarkfishvista first, then kubuntu14:49
arch0njwWhen you boot the machine, are you getting anything that says something about grub?14:50
arch0njwi.e., "Press Esc to enter the Grub menu"?14:50
sanichесть кто русский14:50
genii!ru | sanich14:50
ubottusanich: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:50
snarkfishnope if i dont hit esc and choose the second drive to boot it goes straight to vista, if i choose the second drive i get the grub menu14:50
arch0njwsnarkfish: Sounds like maybe you need to go into your BIOS and specify the drive boot order.14:51
snarkfishwhen i go into the bios it just shows internal hd not which drive.14:52
arch0njwokay, I'll back up for a second:  are these installed on the same physical drive?14:52
snarkfishis there a way to install grub on the first drive and remove it from the second?14:52
snarkfishah no they arent.. vista has the original 250 gb drive, Kubuntu has the new 64014:52
arch0njwOkay.  I am going to guess that the selection you are first presented with is the boot loader that comes with Vista and not Grub.14:53
arch0njwYou need to know what the drives are, and update your BIOS to tell it to boot from the physical drive containing Kubuntu.14:53
arch0njwI believe the option in most BIOS is called the "Boot Order" or "Boot Priority".14:54
snarkfishwell i tried that.. in boot order it just says internal hard drive.14:54
arch0njwI am going to guess you should be able to expand that item and choose which internal drive.  Most BIOS are aware of multiple internal drives.14:55
snarkfishthis is a laptop btw.. I really only wanted 1 hard drive. (1Tb) but I couldnt locate a Tb drive so now i have 2 drives.14:55
arch0njwIs the second drive internal?14:55
snarkfishbig laptop14:55
arch0njwOkay, there is a chance that it matters which drive is in which bay.14:55
snarkfishthats what really concerns me14:56
arch0njwOne bay might be considered the "Master" bay by the BIOS, and the other might be considered the "Slave".14:56
snarkfishif i move the drives around then it changes the drive designations14:56
snarkfishand then nothing will work.14:56
arch0njwAh...  Okay, so on that original menu, if you choose the boot from your second drive and then choose to load Kubuntu, does that work?14:57
snarkfishsure does14:57
snarkfishif i choose to boot from the second drive I get the complete grub menu14:57
arch0njwOkay.  Another option here is to NOT display the Grub boot menu on that second drive and set it to a 5 second timeout.14:57
snarkfishif i dont choose the second drive it goes straight to vista14:58
arch0njwSo you would get that first menu, choose your second drive, see a message about "Press Esc to show the GRUB menu" , and 5 seconds later it would just boot.14:58
snarkfishas if linux isnt even installed14:58
ivan_I would like to check the errors but my knowledg is a little insaficient!!!!!!!14:58
arch0njwsnark: Right, that drive is defined as the default primary.  I am not familiar with the Windows boot loader, but there should be a way to define the second as the default14:59
snarkfishi must press esc to get a sub-menu telling me to press F9 to access a boot menu where it shows me 3 option cdrom, internal hard drive, internal hard drive14:59
arch0njwOh... I get it now.  Hmm... Vista's boot loader isn't even setup or aware of a second drive.14:59
snarkfishi thought if i just ran grub and installed it on the first drive it would fix my issue, guess its not that easy.. Im all eyes to you my friend..15:00
snarkfishright vista knows nothing of the other drive till after it boots15:00
arch0njwThat is where my knowledge gets very fuzzy.  You might want to see if this helps.  You could coerce the Vista bootloader to give you a menu:  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa468626.aspx15:00
Walid0000001can I have some help with kubuntu15:12
Walid0000001I am completely noob with it, and I am trying to learn it a bit. but first thing is I can't get it to work with virtual box correctly15:12
Walid0000001it installs but the guest additions won't install correctly15:12
Walid0000001any help would be appreciated15:12
Walid0000001I searched the net it said that I could use sudo apt-get update15:13
Walid0000001but that won't work15:13
Walid0000001it will keep giving me failed to fetch error15:14
VitalBluedoes anyone faces any problem with kate in KDE 4.4?15:26
UnksiVitalBlue: with karmic, crashes if a file with iso encoding is opened in utf-8 and tried to be edited, works well with lucid though15:28
Unksiother than that, no :p15:28
VitalBluewhen i open a text file15:29
VitalBluekate is working as usuall but the rest of the KDE enviroment is gone. I mean desktop, taskbar etc...strange15:30
Unksihavent seen such behavior.. wonder if you have engaged some kind of special mode?15:30
UnksiVitalBlue: what if you press ctrl+shift+F?15:31
Unksithat should toggle fullscreen mode on/off15:32
VitalBlueI haven't done anything special in my kubuntu. I use the latest edition with the new KDE 4.415:32
VitalBluewith ctrl+shift+f I can move to other terminals15:33
Unksihmm ok15:33
Unksiwith me it puts it fullscreen so that only kate is present.. no taskbar or anything like you described15:33
Unksiand press it again and it goes back to normal15:34
VitalBlueand also the KDE seems to work properly only tha the rest of the enviroment is gone15:34
Unksiwhat about the full screen mode under settings in the topmenubar?15:37
VitalBluethere is no menubar when this is happening15:38
VitalBluejust a black screen with kate window on. I can switch with alt+tab through active windows but only that15:39
Unksihmm ok15:39
Unksinow thats pretty weird15:39
Unksiwhat if you launch kate through konsole? any weird messages there?15:40
VitalBluei haven't done this yet15:40
Unksiits worth a try :)15:40
VitalBluelet me try :)15:41
VitalBluehow can i execute kate from shell?15:50
VitalBlueroot@xefteris:~# kate15:51
VitalBlueNo protocol specified15:51
VitalBluekate: cannot connect to X server :0.015:51
VitalBluesorry about that still learning15:51
QuintasanVitalBlue: try running it as normal user, no as root15:52
QuintasanVitalBlue: root has no X session runned so it is normal15:52
daskreechVitalBlue: Root does not own any X sessions and so can't run an Xclient. What are you trying to accomplish?15:54
daskreechStarting kate as root?15:54
daskreechHi johnzorn15:54
Gemmazzhttp://imgnow.info/DSC-1268236660.jpg does my ass look big?15:57
VitalBluenot as root16:04
VitalBluethat was just the second try16:04
VitalBluebecause i had the same message when i run it as normal user16:04
shadeslayercolmac: we hear you ;)16:06
colmack, thks16:06
VitalBlueupdate, when i run kate from shell and open same file then nothing strange occur16:19
VitalBluebut when i open kate with right click on same file the rest of KDE is gone16:19
VitalBluelike now16:20
daskreechVitalBlue: RIght click -> Open With ?16:20
VitalBlueand the other desktop,  i got 2 in total, is complete black16:21
VitalBlueyeap right click -> open with16:21
VitalBluetime to go thanks anyway i will report back tomorrow if something new will come up16:23
przemo_onesomeone registered my nick name lol16:48
avihayI think I played too much with rmmod (trying to unload and reload my soundcard driver) and now anything played by vlc and mplayer stutters, and when kaffein starts playing, a popup comes up saying that my soundcard is inoperative and that it's falling back to pulseaudio.    help!16:58
przemo_onelog in and log out17:00
przemo_onewell log out then :) ...17:00
tomek___hi :)17:04
=== jason70v is now known as JulienBu
tomek___kick <vit>17:04
khiderGreetings. When booting this morning I got the spalsh screen for about two seconds then got bounced into a rescue shell. Filesystem check failed. Several reboots yielded the same results.17:06
khiderTime for a re-install?17:07
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
khiderThis is quite distressing, absolutely no help. I suppose I havce to pay canonical to get results. As if.17:21
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
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desui can't seem to find the option to change to ayatana notifications instead of the standard notifications after upgrading to 4.4.. can someone point me to it?17:51
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dm_What is the system setting app in kde?18:10
dm_I cant seem to find anything in the hodge podge of apps in the kmenu18:10
dm_ /crickets18:12
arch0njwdm_: kde4 has "System Settings"18:13
arch0njwOpen the app launcher, ("start menu" ... don't shoot me for saying that), choose "Computer", and "System Settings" is the first item.18:13
dm_ah ! see, its all smooogled in with gnome apps18:14
dm_Thanks much!18:14
=== zampano is now known as apricot
apricothallo - bin Kubuntu Neuling - Suse wollte nich so richtig. Hab ein Prob mit'KPackageKit'. There are broken dependecies on your system. Please use an advanced package manage e.g. Synaptic or aptitude to resolve this situation.18:17
binarylooksapricot: run sudo apt-get upgrade from terminal and give us the output18:18
apricotwenn ich auf der Konsole apt-get upgrade mache, kommt das Lizenfenster von Sun-Java runtime18:18
apricotDas kann ich nicht wegkriegen. OK anklicken geht auch nicht18:18
binarylooksapricot: u can't click things ini the terminal use <enter>. (u don't speak english?18:19
apricotoh sorry :)    how to fix it18:19
binarylooksapricot: for the moment stay on the terminal, don't use kpackagekit18:19
apricothow to 'accept' the Sun Licenbse18:20
binarylooksapricot: can u try sudo apt-get upgrade again and confirm the licence?18:20
apricotits not possible18:20
binarylooksdefine "its not possible"18:20
apricotHow to confirm the license ????18:20
binarylooksapricot: hit enter on the keyboard?18:20
apricotthere is a graphical window in the terminal from Sun18:21
binarylooksapricot: u can toggle checkboxes using <spacebar>18:21
binarylooksapricot: use the arrows to navigate18:21
apricotI tried ALL keys-- no chance18:21
binarylooksapricot: hit printscreen and post the image on imagebin.ca18:21
apricotno input possible - thats bulldshit18:21
apricothas nobody ever seen this during apt-get upgrade ??18:23
binarylooksapricot: the licence question is normal, but there should be a way to confirm it and continue the installation18:23
apricotthatswhat I'm asking for !18:23
sissihaha funny thing here... just joined because i'm bored... is this some special computer language channel network?^^18:23
sissii need to activate my java and don't know how18:24
sissicould someone come to munich and do this for me?18:24
apricotbinarylooks: YEAH found a key  :)   F-12      but it isn't written anywhere fu.. Sun18:26
binarylooksapricot: there are open solutions, no need to use the sun java18:27
apricotKDE is very new in Ubuntu.  I had a lot of probs to fix Nvidia with twinview - Could not save the configuration first ...18:28
binarylooksapricot: thats not related to kde OR ubuntu at all18:28
binarylooksapricot: kde is not really new in ubutnu, it's there since the beginning (almos)18:28
binarylooksapricot: I also have nvidia with twinview, its a PITA but once setup, it works18:28
apricotok now it works for me too :)18:29
binarylooksapricot: hehe18:29
apricotit was very easy.. I only deleted xorg.conf18:29
binarylooksapricot: thats a ...radical... solutionm but whatever works for you :-)18:30
binarylooksapricot: i had to manually create one, because nvidia needs an existing xorg.conf to save its stuff to18:30
binarylooksapricot: deleting it and letting nvidia do its magic never came to my mind. I learned something new today18:30
apricotI deleted and did sudo nvidia-settings18:31
apricotwell I think the best with Ubuntu is its great community18:32
binarylooksapricot: you sure are right there. :-)18:32
apricotnow I can try to install my favorite Prog 'synergys' :)18:32
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+118:33
apricotI like it to work with 2 or 3 computers but 1 keyboard/mouse18:33
binarylooksapricot: oh yes, I remember playing with that a few years ago. really cool stuff18:33
binarylooksapricot: you have two monitors and use synergy? how many monitors in total?18:34
apricothow to get universe an multiverse repos with KPackageKit ?18:34
binarylooksapricot: go to system settings software18:35
binarylooksadd and remove software actually18:35
binarylooksgo to settings18:35
binarylookssystem settings uses "kpackagekit" as the "software management part"18:36
apricotyes - I found that and had the probs with 'dependencies'  :)18:37
binarylookskpackagekit erally is a very wak link in the kubuntu chain :-(18:38
apricotI see - software sources / universe/multiverse18:38
apricotanother prob is audio18:39
apricotI have sound in amarok and at starttime, but NOT in Firefox / youtube...18:40
binarylooksapricot: I did not encounter problems personally and think that often the problems are overrated, but thats my opinion18:40
apricotfound a lot of tips to erase pulseaudio ?18:40
binarylooksapricot: you have multiple soundcards installed?18:40
apricotno only system18:40
binarylooksapricot: hmmm, i use rekonq and it works there, but you are right about the firefoy/flash issue. it happens a lot18:41
binarylooksalthough there was always "easy" solutions, it shouldn't happen in the first place.18:41
apricotis it right to erase pulseaudio ?18:42
apricotand if so, howto ?18:42
binarylooksapricot: honestly, i cannot anwser that18:42
apricotk :)18:42
binarylooksit doesn't interfere in my case, so i keep i installed18:42
apricotInternet WITHOUT sound is boaring18:43
binarylooksapricot: so you still have the problem ATM?18:43
apricotATM ?18:44
binarylooksAt The Moment18:44
apricot:)   yes18:44
binarylooksapricot: try running alsamixer from your terminal, many problems are solved like that18:45
binarylooksusually PCM is to zero, and you can increase it with alsamixer18:45
binarylookssearch for something saying PCM and increase it to 100 using the arrow keays18:45
apricotbinarylooks: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory18:46
binarylookssome have to run alsamixer like this: alsamixer -Dhw18:46
apricotalsamixer doesn't work18:46
binarylooksdid you try the -Dhw paramters?18:46
apricotalsamixer -Dhw or --Dhw ?18:47
binarylookstry alsasound first18:47
apricotalsasound: command not found18:48
binarylooksapricot: are you using karmic?18:48
apricotKubuntu 9.1018:49
binarylooksalsaconf  (this is my last option)18:49
apricotwith alsamixer --Dhw it says: alsamixer: invalid option -- '-'18:50
binarylooksits -Dhw, one - too much18:50
binarylooksI found one guy using this that solved his problem with alsamixer  : chmod 777 /dev/snd/*18:50
apricotyes I ried: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for hw: No such file or directory18:50
binarylooks(this gives your normal user permission to access all your sound devices18:51
binarylooks(with sudo of course)18:51
Menoxno such file or directory: device doesn't exist.  can't change permissions on something that isn't there18:52
apricotbut doesn't work18:52
binarylooksis ther "user management" in your advanced system settings?18:52
binarylooksit may be your user is not in the "audio" group18:52
binarylooks(but this should all work by default, even alsamixer) strange18:53
apricotUsage: alsamixer [-h] [-c <card: 0...7>] [-D <mixer device>] [-g] [-s] [-V <view>] [-a <abst>]18:54
binarylooksapricot: is your user in the audio group?18:54
apricotohh... how to proof ?18:54
binarylooksselect your user and hit modify18:54
apricotwhere .. how ?18:55
binarylooksgo to "privileges and Groups" and select audio18:55
binarylooksin the user management part in system settings18:55
binarylooks(advanced settings)18:55
apricotsystem settings ?18:55
apricotok .. found it18:57
binarylooks(just one question, how did u install flash?, did u use the kubuntu version, or the one from the flash site)18:57
apricotyes am in group audio18:57
rimadhey guys, i installed kubuntu 9.10 on my media center but letters on everything are so freakin small18:57
rimadthis is on 50'' tv18:58
rimadplasma tv using HDMI18:58
apricotdon't know if I instaled flash...18:58
Menoxrimad: change the font size.18:58
binarylooksrimad: or the dpi18:58
rimadhow? i just installed nvidia driver, it seems to be working...graphic card coioler quieted down18:58
rimadDPI? how do i change that18:58
rimadbeen screwing with this for paste 2 hours :/ complicated stuff18:58
binarylooksrimad: system settings > appearance > font settings18:59
Menox^^ there you go.18:59
apricotbinarylooks: which flash schould I use .... there is none installed18:59
binarylooksapricot: do you see videos ?18:59
apricotvideo is ok19:00
rimad'ok hang on19:00
binarylooksapricot: then you have flash :-) anyway, look in kpackagekit and search for flash19:00
binarylooksapricot: flashplugin-nonfree19:00
apricotthere are a lot of packages, none of them is installed19:01
binarylooksapricot: install flashplugin-nonfree19:01
apricotoh sorry... flashplugin-installer is installed19:01
binarylooksapricot: damn19:02
apricotI do it19:02
binarylooksapricot: I found this on a frourm: EDIT: Fixed it! I ran apt-get install pulseaudio and then pulseaudio -D and I now have sound working in flash.19:02
apricotinstlled flashplugin-nonfree ... but: no sound19:03
binarylooksapricot: (reading in the actual bug report: bug 396558 ...19:06
binarylooksapricot: I jsut realized I don't have pulseaudio installed at all. i am one default lucid installation19:08
apricotso I may deinstall ALL pulseaudio packages ?19:08
binarylooksapricot: it worked for some people. no guarantee19:09
binarylooksapricot: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-lib/+bug/39655819:09
binarylooksapricot: its very confusing, so many different problems. As you said initially, a MESS19:10
apricotbut how to deinstall pulseaudio ... here is no entry of INSTALLED packages19:10
apricotis it in 'hardware' ?19:10
binarylooksapricot: there is a "pulseaudio" package19:11
binarylookssudo apt-get remove pulseaudio pulseaudio-*19:11
binarylooksanayway, for most it was the PCM problem, not pulseaudio19:11
binarylooksso basically we should get alsamixer to work19:11
apricotk I try ... but in KPackager are a lot of pilseaudio-entrys ... none of thm is instaled19:11
binarylooksapricot: I think, that you DO NOT have it installed at the moment maybe?19:12
apricotsudo apt-get remove pulseaudio pulseaudio-*  ... could not find any pulseadio package19:13
binarylooksapricot: try this :sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound19:13
apricotbut there IS a pulseaudio in Multimedia19:13
binarylooksafter that I give up (maye somebody else has more experince with this???)19:13
binarylooksapricot: that doesn't mean its installed :-)19:13
apricotk ... thanks a lot :)19:13
binarylooksnp, HTML5 is the solution :-)19:14
binarylooksnp = no problem19:14
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chris_____salut a toute ai a tous je voudrais savoir comment remetre ma barre de tache en bas de mon ecrans merci pour votre aide19:51
Koliachris_____: click the toolbox (yellow icon on the extremity of the panel)19:53
Kolianot patient enough..19:53
faultlineCan anyone speak with me about kubuntu- I am absolutely new to this, I am native to Windows from win95 til last night...19:56
faultlineSo I am absolutely lost lol19:56
Kolia!ask | faultline19:56
ubottufaultline: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:56
faultlineI can't get rid of the calendar in the middle of the screen, its blocking half og irc19:57
faultlineOk, so here is a major question- I chose Kubuntu because it is supposed to be newbie friendly and somewhat simple to customize- how can i overhaul my desktop environment to look like beryl?20:00
jussi01faultline: system settings -> desktop20:01
faultlineCould you give me a few pointer or tips on modding it?20:02
jussi01faultline: what exactly do you want to do?20:02
jussi01faultline: beryl was a long time ago and doesnt exist anymore20:03
faultlineI am attempting to mimic beryl.  Like making it a cube that you can spin about, I had seen my brother do this a couple of years ago- but it was arch linux lol20:03
jussi01but you can still have the cube and other desktop effects20:03
faultlineIs there a way to mimic what id did?20:03
jussi01faultline: yes there is20:04
faultlineThat would be grand, i wanted to stick it to a 3d cubed format20:04
jussi01system settings -> desktop -> all effects -> window management -> desktop cube.20:05
jussi01faultline: which graphics card do you have?20:05
faultlineShhhh....I cant remeber my graphic s card info, but its a new laptop20:06
jussi01faultline: if you dont mind, its easiesst to tell from a terminal. just open it up and type: lspci20:06
jussi01or even easier: lspci | grep vga20:07
jussi01faultline: or just to be the easiiest, you can open system -> hardware drivers and ensure you have the drivers installed20:07
faultlineOk, had issues, im back now- Its not doing the cube thing, gives me some parameter error...20:34
daskreechOh Kwin?20:35
faultlineSystem Settings => Desktop => All Settings or whatnnot20:35
faultlineDesktop Cube won't load up lol20:37
daskreechfaultline: alt+F3 -> Window Behaviour -> Desktop Effects -> All Effects20:38
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SaiNumeriok, a bit off topic, but does anyone know if there are any good irc servers around just to go and hang out on? most of the ones iv found are either in another language or are support servers20:38
jonathan_hello everyone...just wanted to ask the best way to install the Qt Framework and Creator...20:38
daskreechSaiNumeri: #ubuntu-offtopic20:39
SaiNumerithank you ser20:40
daskreechjonathan_: Probably apt-get them20:40
jonathan_yeah but that only gives me creator 1.2.120:41
jonathan_wait i actually dont know what version it will installl... hhow can i find out?20:42
OxymoronExplain someone: http://pastebin.ca/183242620:44
jonathan_it just  says qtcreator... i thought it was 1.2.1 because thats what kpackagekit said20:44
jonathan_is this assumtion ok to make?20:46
seed_is it ok to ask questions here?20:46
Menoxecho .. echo .. echo.. ..20:53
arch0njw!ask | seed20:54
ubottuseed: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:54
arch0njw!ask | seed_20:54
ubottuseed_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:54
LogomachistI just added kde to Ubuntu 9.10, but when I try to log in with the KDE desktop (after I enter my username and password) the screen more or less freezes (although I can still move the mouse). This happens whether I use kdm or gdm.20:54
MenoxLogomachist: how did you install KDE?20:56
arch0njwjonathan_: you can simulate the install to see what version it will be:  sudo apt-get install -s <package name>20:56
arch0njwjonathan_: for example:  sudo apt-get install -s qt-creator.  I see this output:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/392775/20:57
LogomachistMenox: I tried it once by clicking on a link in the help file, and when tat gave me problems I reinstalled it via the Synaptic Package Manager.20:57
LogomachistHi E20:57
jonathan_ok so it seems to want to install creator version 1.2.120:57
jonathan_how do i get the 1.3 repos and how to i tell apt to use those instead of the kubuntu default ones :(20:58
MenoxLogomachist: what package did you install?20:58
jonathan_is there an official Qt repo????21:00
Menoxjonathan_: what version are you trying to install?21:01
LogomachistMenox: I followed these instructions: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde21:03
jonathan_the latest stable version with auto update be nice... i think its creator 1.3 Qt 4.621:03
daskreechOxymoron: I take it you have software RAID?21:03
Oxymorondaskreech: No, simple NTFS drive.21:04
Menoxjonathan_: it won't auto update but the binary download from the Qt web site works just fine21:04
daskreechOxymoron: install ntfs-tools (should have them already) and run a check21:04
jonathan_:( yeah but i want it to update!!!21:05
Oxymorondaskreech: There is not ntfs-tools?21:05
MenoxLogomachist: so.. you installed kubuntu-desktop?21:05
LogomachistThat sounds about right.21:05
Oxymorondaskreech: ntfsprogs?21:06
Menoxjonathan_: then add your email address to their email notifications.  KDE relies on certain libraries of Qt so you won't get them from the repo.21:06
daskreechOxymoron: Oh right sorry ntfsprogs21:06
Menox.. I mean certain versions of Qt21:06
MenoxLogomachist: what do you see when KDE starts?21:07
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Oxymorondaskreech: What command to run a check then?21:07
LogomachistMenox: I never get past the log-in screen.21:07
jonathan_yeah but i dont wanna develop KDE just applications with Qt...   i just want to install Qt will autoupdate !21:08
daskreechOxymoron: I think it's ntfsfix21:09
Menoxjonathan_: I know what you want to do.  But KDE requires certain versions to run.  You don't need to be a KDE developer.  The KDE libs are written with Qt, therefore, require Qt libs.21:09
daskreechjonathan_: You need a new user and an updating PPA though honestly a git script would be better21:09
Oxymorondaskreech: Already done that, and it said just that thing I posted with pastebin before xD21:09
Menoxjonathan_: you could use the development version of kubuntu.  Its in development and not stable though.21:10
jonathan_ok i am also a bit of linux noob21:10
jonathan_but yeah it appears that if i install stuff through apt-get it will auto update21:10
Menoxand you might not want it to auto update when you write your software.  It could break your program.21:10
Oxymorondaskreech: And the awesome me have grub 1.98 ... which doesnt work xD So I have to remove it and fix it. My hwole system just crashes slowly and safe. The only thing I should do was to resize a freaking partition. GParted and K Partition Manager sucks ***************** and doesnt even have a preloader21:11
jonathan_true true...21:11
Menoxjonathan_: You should download and install the version you want to develop with.21:11
daskreechjonathan_: Welcome to Linux and Kubuntu!21:11
Menoxjonathan_: I'm a Qt developer also.  You need to link with the versions of libs you plan to deploy to.21:12
daskreechOxymoron: i've only had one issue with the parted toolsand that was my error21:12
LogomachistMenox: Any idea what's wrong w/ my PC?21:12
jonathan_Qt seems pretty awesome... i am coming from windoze with pascal21:13
MenoxLogomachist: You can't get past the login screen?  It doesn't accept your username and password?  I don't understand the problem...21:13
Oxymorondaskreech: Its really annoying. Kparted freezed while resize a NTFS partition. I think I stay tuned with Paragon Partition Magic on WIndows instead, thousand times faster, stable and reliable.21:13
Menoxjonathan_: it is.  but trust me, you don't want it auto updating for development.21:13
jonathan_ok so just go for the binaries from the site?21:13
Oxymorondaskreech: I think thats the error, when tried to resize and then it quitted ... The program hanged and I sadly had to terminate process :'(21:14
Oxymorondaskreech: Its my most precious partition as well ... where all my life work is xD21:14
LogomachistMenox: It accepts my username and password and starts the processing animation, which then freezes. The mouse cursor still moves, but the log-in animation ceases.21:14
Menoxthats what I do.  If you need to compile against a newer version of Qt you might need to change your code.21:14
jonathan_ok ok21:14
Menoxwhich is why auto updating doesn't work for me21:14
MenoxI deploy to different distros with different versions of Qt installed.21:15
jonathan_so i also got that book...21:15
jonathan_is it a good place to start?21:15
jonathan_or are there online tutorials to help me get up to speed?21:17
MenoxLogomachist: you might want to check with the KDE folks.21:17
LogomachistI'll give it a try.21:17
Menoxjonathan_: well if you know C++ Qt should be easy21:17
jonathan_havent done c/c++ since uni21:17
Menoxjonathan_: You can get almost everything you need from the docs that come with qt21:18
jonathan_HTML labels is awesome21:18
jonathan_i wish delphi had those things21:18
Menoxjonathan_: but remember its just a toolkit, not a language.  It has wrappers for other languages but primarily aimed at c++ development.21:18
jonathan_i look forward to futhering my skills !21:20
jonathan_and thanks for  the advice man21:20
Menoxno problem, join #qt if you need help21:20
jonathan_i am already there! but they seem to have less time for noobs21:21
Menoxjonathan_: yeah, you're expected to read the docs first and try to learn it for yourself.21:22
Menoxjonathan_: but if you have a specific problem you can get help there.  Nobody will teach you C++ there or develop your app for you.21:23
jonathan_lol but i was just trying to get it installed... im new to linux aswell as Qt... i wanted to get everything perfect before i started21:23
OxymoronAwesome ... could someone tell me how to "re-activate" WIndows 7 in grub? When I try to load grub doesnt start win721:23
jonathan_i have one more question... someone mentioned the Qt mailing list...21:25
Menoxjonathan_: yeah, they won't help you with linux either.21:25
Menoxjust qt specific things21:25
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huntOxymoron: what do you mean with re-activate, grub doesnt show  a windows 7 entry?21:26
jonathan_so whats this mailing list then21:26
jonathan_and where do i sign up!?21:26
skreech_Hmm There was a Windows 7 thing21:28
Oxymoronhunt: It show entry, but it doesnt boot it if I select it. I just got the text GRUB _ on the upper left corner :S21:28
OxymoronThis is just like perfect, every single solution I am trying to do to solve the actual ******************* problem doesnt work xD21:28
huntOxymoron: could you paste the win7 entry of your grub.cfg to a pastebin?21:29
OxymoronI shall boot into WIndows to correct a partition, so I can later on go back and fix the actual thing xD21:29
jonathan_never worry21:29
=== hexdump is now known as hexdump_
jonathan_i found it....21:29
Oxymoronhunt: Yes, hol on a sec21:29
jonathan_cheers again man!!!!21:29
Menoxjonathan_: good luck with Qt.  I love it.21:31
jonathan_it seems to be the business, thanks again... ima go watch gordon ramset21:31
Oxymoronhunt: Sorry, took awhile because Kate couldnt open it as someone try to be smart and make in uneditable ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/392795/21:33
Oxymoronhunt: One more thing, grub-mkconfig add the menuentries in wrong order of kernel versions xD21:34
OxymoronOne more thing, is this correct version if I have 1.97~beta4 (Experimental sounds really cheesy and unreliable):21:36
Oxymoronoxymoron@oxymoron-desktop:~$ sudo grub-install -v21:36
Oxymorongrub-install (GNU GRUB 1.97+experimental)21:36
huntOxymoron: do you use karmic?21:38
Oxymoronhunt: Yes21:38
Oxymoronhunt: Seriously, Lucid alpha3 is more stable then Karmic.21:38
OxymoronSure, I use backports ... but that should be kind of stable anyway.21:39
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
huntOxymoron: ubuntu karmic is definetily more stable than lucid, might be different in kubuntu21:39
Oxymoronhunt: Well, I dont use Ubuntu I want a stable Kubuntu please. Last days my system just fails and when I try to fix something else broke after repository update from STABLE releases, seriously it sucks!21:40
abhifxhi! i was installing nvidia drivers and now the xserver does not work.. can someone help me?21:40
OxymoronOnly thing I want is a stable system that look nice and NEVER EVER struggle everything should just work flawless 365 days of year 24/721:41
huntOxymoron: is there a reason you use kubuntu and not ubuntu?21:43
devilsadvocateOxymoron, backports is _NOT_ stable21:44
Oxymoronhunt: KDE 4?21:45
devilsadvocateOxymoron, and noone ever said it would be21:45
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: Why even promote backports if theyre not stable?21:45
devilsadvocateOxymoron, if you just have to have the newest version then often backports is the safest way21:45
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: On kde.org you go out official and says oh now KDE 4.4.1 is out.21:45
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: I update as long as it doesnt work and hope for a fix.21:46
Oxymoronhunt: In other words, Ubuntu is ugly ...21:46
devilsadvocateOxymoron, the newest releases are never really stable in th grand scheme21:46
devilsadvocateOxymoron, if you want a rock solid system use debian stable - thats what i use on my servers21:46
devilsadvocateOxymoron, but then you'll have firefox 1.x and kde 3.521:47
huntOxymoron: yeah I know kde4 just looks awesome, isnt really stable though21:47
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: But alpha releases of next release always is more stable then the one that should be stable even if you use backports or not. Programmers shouldnt brake anything, they can brake their own systems while programmring, but when you release it in repositorys everything should just work even dependecys.21:47
huntOxymoron: try replacing set root=(hd0,1) with 'set root=(hd0,1)'21:48
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: Well, I am soft for eyecandy and GUIs21:48
devilsadvocateOxymoron, as long as you use standard repos and just do an update and not use ppa's and backportss and random foo stable is stable21:48
Oxymoronhunt: Kubuntu togehter with KDE 4.4.1 isnt stable, KDE 4.4.1 itself is stable. But KDe 4.5 will rock.21:48
devilsadvocateOxymoron, and alpha is _by definition_ not stable21:49
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: I mostly use standard repos ;) And yes, thats EXACTLY what I mean, how can alpha be more stable than the stable version? lol :D21:49
devilsadvocateOxymoron, it isnt21:50
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: Its sure is, I have tested it and it works more flawless than Karmic.21:50
huntOxymoron: well, it doesnt look better elsewhere, I use opensuse with kde 4.4 and it is really messed up, I'm going to install kubuntu lucid instead21:50
devilsadvocateOxymoron, thats probably because karmic still uses 4.3 which in itself has issues21:50
devilsadvocateOxymoron, you are bound to see more.. severe ... problems on lucid21:51
huntOxymoron: now try it with 'set root=(hd0,1)' please21:51
huntOxymoron: actually not21:51
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: Only problem I got mostly was the installer on livecd of lucid ....21:52
Oxymoronhunt: Not?21:52
Oxymoronhunt: I already changed just waiting for next "order" sort of speak.21:52
huntOxymoron: should be set root='(hd0,1)' not 'set root=(hd0,1)'21:52
huntOxymoron: sorry about that21:52
OxymoronAh as I thought but wasnt sure, why should that change it?21:52
devilsadvocateOxymoron, can you (or have you already) posted the output of fdisk -l or geometry from within grub?21:53
huntOxymoron: it might, try booting win7 please (your win7 is really on sda1 isnt it?)21:53
huntOxymoron: still there?21:59
Oxymoronhunt: Yeah sorry, I just typed on MSN to my girlfriend.22:00
huntOxymoron: curse you22:00
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: How do you mean from within grub?22:00
Oxymoronhunt: And yes its on /dev/sda122:00
devilsadvocateOxymoron, running sudo grub drops you into some sort of shell22:00
devilsadvocatethe same one you get if you interrupt grub22:01
devilsadvocategeometry(hd0) is a command that lists what partitions are there and such22:01
devilsadvocateits not very useful unless you know exactly what you are looking for, though22:01
Oxymoronhunt: One more thing, Kernel list goes wrong order in grub like: *.9, *.8 *.7 ........  *.2, *.20, *.19 and so on.22:01
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: sudo grub is deprecated for grub222:02
huntOxymoron: how is that the wrong order, it should start with the newest kernel, shouldnt it?22:02
devilsadvocatethats sad22:03
Oxymoronhunt: Isnt 20 > 9? :P22:03
huntOxymoron: :D oh yeah22:03
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: Yes, its annoying because you can do nice htings in grub temrinal :P22:03
Oxymoronhunt: Well I got 2.6.31-9 before 2.6.31-20, which mean I have to scroll to latest entry of kernel xD22:04
Oxymoronhunt: I must say, crappy programmer that cannot sort with a proper sorting algoritm by numbers ...22:04
* Oxymoron feels evil today, he must put his angry on everything :D22:05
huntOxymoron: yes I see, well you can solve that easily by editing your grub.cfg if you feel like it...22:06
MenoxOxymoron: hey now, sorting that wouldn't be easy.  Its a mixture of numbers and letters.  Not easy in code if you don't know what format it will be in.22:06
huntOxymoron: but first please try to boot in win722:06
Oxymoronhunt: But it breaks up everytime I run update-grub? :D Why even bother do it manual?22:06
huntOxymoron: yes I know about stuff like this... small things that are very annoying22:07
OxymoronMenox: You also want to play :P This is funny, usually nobody answers in this channel but when you attack some things people go like crazy. Well, anyway a multisorting algoritm isnt hard and the format for kernel versions is consistent.22:08
MenoxOxymoron: it is consistent for Ubuntu.  Not other distros.22:08
Oxymoronhunt: Only the one tiny thing grub-gfxmenu isnt enabled annoys me. Really, I want the whole process go beautiful, not only desktop ... Like login/KDM is ugly as ******22:09
OxymoronMenox: I dont know who has code it, but it worked before thats for sure.22:09
huntOxymoron: yes, I understand, in OpenSUSE I am for some reason unable to theme KDM so it uses default theme which looks like...22:10
MenoxOxymoron: yes, but it has been rewritten.22:10
MenoxI just think its very rude and immature to insult programmers who write this software that they give away for free.22:13
MenoxIf you don't like grub, write your own bootloader.  You don't have to use it.  I'd like to see you take that task on.22:14
huntOxymoron: but before you write your own bootloader, please try it now22:16
Menoxhunt: LMFAO.  That calmed me down..22:16
Oxymoronhunt: Kde-look.org hasnt any nice either, linux users have ugly taste ... mostly.22:18
Menoxwow, again, very rude and immature.  This is free content they give away.22:19
OxymoronMenox: If I didnt enjoy doing other things in life than programming I would gladly program my own freaking operating system thats bttter than Mac, WIndows and Linux togehter.22:19
MenoxThere's no need to insult them if you don't like it.  I've put stuff on there...22:19
OxymoronMenox: Insult and insult, I just shout out my opinion.22:19
OxymoronMenox: Why should free stuff be ugly?22:20
ahmed_Hello,I have just downloaded KDE by teriminal and after the restart i am having Gnome desktop how can i set KDE as my default desktop cause while installing i didnt select KDE as my default22:20
MenoxWell there are users on here that have given away content they create.  You are insulting them.22:20
ahmed_Any help :)22:20
Vroomfondleahmed_: you should be able to select KDE when you log in (you have to click a button to see a menu)22:20
OxymoronIf people do things for free, it has to bee GOOOOOD or else its uneeded and nobody wants it and useless.22:20
MenoxOxymoron: Thats just your opinion.  I've found quite a few really good downloads on there.22:20
MenoxOxymoron: well you seem to want grub don't you?22:21
OxymoronIf *buntu wasnt good nobody would use it, they would go to another distro like opensuse22:21
Menoxor any bootloader?22:21
ahmed_I know that but i cant see it i mean it doesnt requires PASSWORD to log me in after installing i mean login automatically22:21
Menoxwell guess what bootloader opensuse uses22:21
OxymoronMenox: Well, I would gladly skip grub if GNU/Linux wasnt require a bootloader xD22:21
Vroomfondleahmed_: ah. It's logging you in automatically? hmmm22:22
Menoxyeah, stupid operating systems requiring a bootloader22:22
ahmed_Yeah  i dont even have to type a thing... no menus :)22:22
ahmed_but everything is been installed propeerly22:23
OxymoronMenox: Btw, this isnt personal to anyone. I just think Open Source world could provide more eyecandy and stableness to the people. If programmers want people to use their stuff it has to be good. And dthe reason they usually do it IS just the thing that people should use it ...22:23
Menoxahmed_: log out of gnome, and set kde as your default.  Should fix the problem.22:23
ahmed_while installing KDE i have selected GNOME as default desktop manager or something22:23
Menoxahmed_: don't do a reboot.22:23
ahmed_Oh thanks matelemme try this :) BRB22:23
Vroomfondleahmed_: aha. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession22:23
Menoxahmed_: just log out and log back in after you select KDE22:23
huntOxymoron: thats really a stupid thing do say, if open source really is as bad as you say, why do you use it then?22:24
VroomfondleMenox: I suspect he won't get the option to make it the default if he's being logged in automatically22:24
Oxymoronhunt: I will not reboot yet, seriously I am in an important conversation with Menox ... well not neccessarly but with my girl actually and its important to be there for her.22:24
MenoxVroomfondle: it will give him the option to set as default after he changes it and logs in.22:24
huntOxymoron: thats allright22:25
VroomfondleMenox: How will he change it, though, without using the login manager?22:25
Oxymoronhunt: I use the thing thats best on the market for me perosnally and unfortunatly its Kubuntu ... Its like democracy, its the most less bad .... like Churchill said.22:25
MenoxVroomfondle: when he does a log out from gnome it will show the login manager.22:25
VroomfondleOh. Good point.22:25
ahmed_Same but oh yeah i did saw the login screen but Gnome's22:25
Vroomfondlethe gnome login screen will allow you to select KDE22:26
Vroomfondlefrom the session menu22:26
Menoxahmed_: did you select KDE to login?22:26
ahmed_No i HAVENT even saw that login page yet but appears while booting for a few seconds then Gnomes22:26
MenoxOxymoron: well I bet all of the opensource guys would love to get some encouragement from you22:26
ahmed_switchdesktop KDE works ?22:27
huntOxymoron: honestly, if you feel something is not stable enoug, report bugs, that usually help22:28
MenoxOxymoron: Or fix it yourself since you are so smart.22:28
MenoxOxymoron: oh, and take a look at ntldr and tell me grub isn't light years beyond that.  And grub is given away for free...22:29
ahmed_Hello ?22:30
Menoxahmed_: ?22:31
ahmed_I mean22:31
ahmed_How do i set KDE as my default login page when i don't even see it while its INSTALLED22:32
huntahmed_ cant you choose in gdm/kdm which one to boot?22:32
Menoxahmed_: log out of gnome.  When the login screen appears select KDE from the session list.  Log in.  It asks you if you want to set as default.22:32
ahmed_No :) thats why22:33
ahmed_Yeah thats what i cant see cause while installing KDE i set Gnome as DEFAULT22:33
Menoxare you trying to change the login manager?22:33
ahmed_Thats why !22:33
ahmed_Yeah Menox22:33
huntahmed_: ah, so you have autologin?22:33
ahmed_HUNT YOU GOT ME MAN22:33
OxymoronMenox: KDE 4 is the new generation that finally goes to the right direction but teaming up and design isnt GNU/Linux developers strongest side I must say, or Open SOurce overall. People just throw scripts, apps and everything around themselves to often and doesnt provide stable and nice releases. Actually it could be perfect from the beginning if you programmring it well and actually test it yourself before other usees it. Then I22:34
Oxymoronunderstand compelxity of different graphic card renders, moderboards, processors and so on do adept drivers for, but thats not Open SOurce people fault.22:34
huntahmed_: do you want to use gdm or kdm?22:34
Oxymoronhunt: It feels like *buntu never gonna be stable, so I would report bugs all the time and I have better things to do on my spare time than report bugs.22:34
ahmed_KDE login page to choose from22:34
ahmed_I need both DEPENDS :)22:35
huntOxymoron: thats hyperthetical, maybe it would become stable if you would report bugs, if its not stable enough for you, use a LTS or debian22:35
OxymoronMenox: And yeah maybe I fix it myself one day ... I dont know what ntldr is ... and just because grub is better doesnt mean grub itself is good ...22:35
huntahmed_: you can login to gnome and kde with both display managers22:35
ahmed_How ?22:36
Oxymoronhunt: It shouldnt have bugs from the beginning?22:36
ahmed_When its on Auto login and doesnt even need my password no more22:36
huntahmed_: ok lets start with disabling autologin, are you in gnome?22:36
ahmed_NO NO22:36
Oxymoronhunt: Noone should need to report bugs, only alpha and beta-testers.22:36
ahmed_Yeah on Gnome22:36
ahmed_What i meant was22:36
MenoxOxymoron: ntldr is Windows' bootloader.  Quit complaining until you can do better yourself.22:36
Oxymoronhunt: Or mostly developers overall.22:36
huntOxymoron: every software has bugs today, if you find one, report it22:36
ahmed_When you install KDE by terminal , i SET Gnome as DEFAULT22:36
devilsadvocateahmed_, at what point do you want to be given the choice of kde/gnome?22:36
ahmed_KDE KDE KDE22:36
huntahmed_: I know what you are talking about22:37
ahmed_Yeah then how can i set it back ?22:37
huntahmed_: you choose gdm, which logs you in to gnome, but you want kde right?22:37
ahmed_Yes this is why , Yeah i need KDE22:37
Menoxeither one can log you in to gnome or kde22:37
Menoxchanging the login manager seems like a secondary task22:38
huntahmed_: go to system -> administration -> login screen22:38
OxymoronMenox: I can complain if I want to do it xD And I know I can better I just dont want to spend my time on programmring system software. I prefer design engineering, chat with my girl, programming my own web framework and so on.22:38
ahmed_No only Gnome i mean i just installed it and installed KDE22:38
ahmed_Yeah now22:38
Oxymoronhunt: Some bugs are less important than others. But critical bugs shouldnt exist IMO.22:38
ahmed_Here that is22:38
huntahmed_: uncheck autologin22:38
FloodBotK2ahmed_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:38
ahmed_Yeah i did22:38
ahmed_Lemme set as choosing who will log in ? this22:38
huntahmed_: yes22:39
MenoxOxymoron: Well everyone is working on this for free so give them credit for the work they have done instead of trash talking them without anything to back it up.  If you can do so much better then so me.22:39
ahmed_It was set to Automatically22:39
ahmed_Okay BRB hunt22:39
MenoxOxymoron: its like spitting in the face of someone who give you a gift.  Your actions show your ignorance.22:40
ahmed_AT least that autologin is off !22:41
huntahmed_: it didnt work?22:42
ahmed_No i couldnt see the KDE login screen22:42
huntahmed_: you dont need to see the KDE login screen, just choose from the menu which session to boot22:42
huntahmed_: you can choose to boot into kde with the gnome login screen22:42
huntahmed_: do you use karmic?22:42
ahmed_Also on Gnomes  screen ?22:43
ahmed_Yeah Karmic 9.1022:43
huntahmed_: yes that does work, thats part of their functionality22:43
ahmed_YOu mean the same way i used to select on KDE login page ?22:43
faultlineHi guys22:43
ahmed_I see22:43
ahmed_Where's that on Gnome while login? i mean i do know about KDE where really on Gnome ? so i can select and switch as default22:44
huntahmed_: ok, I want you to log out again now, and this time look at the bottom of the screen for something where it says gnome, a dropdown menu, click it and choose kde, should be good22:44
faultlineCan anyone help me find out why I can't manage to make the cube desktop load?22:44
ahmed_Yeah just a second hunt BRB22:44
huntfaultline: go ahead22:45
faultlineSaid something about X something or another wasnt right...22:45
wizkoderfaultline: other effects are working?22:45
OxymoronMenox: I dont need to backup things, the only thing that matters in this case is what I think is "wrong". And dont misunderstand me, I have been givning away credit for good things like Cairo Dock, Amarok and KDE 4. Its just everything around with everything that mess the whole thing up.22:45
faultlineWon't load anything i try- can anyone walk me through a step by step?  And no other effects are working either.22:45
wizkoderfaultline: you have a 3d graphics card?22:46
huntfaultline: what kind of graphics card do you have?22:46
OxymoronMenox: And I dont want any gift from someone if its ugly, its inrespectibel and then I spit on them back :D *kidding btw* But you understand my point I guess :P22:46
faultlineHow do I check the graphics card information?  I am utterly new to linux this is my first distro22:46
huntfaultline: how old is your computer?22:46
faultlineLike....6 months to a year ish?  Came with Windows 7 Hoem Premium 64-bit22:47
OxymoronMenox: If the gift is ugly, its better not giving it to me at the first place ;) Thats the same with *buntu or anything actually even if its commercial or OpenSOurce.22:47
huntfaultline: ok it should work then22:47
faultlineCan you give me a step by step?  I hate to sound dumb, but Im a windows native- and well, this isnt windows :P22:47
OxymoronUnfortunetly most corporate companys like Microsoft and Google use their power of money to force people use their products ...22:47
wizkoderfaultline: try lsusb in the commandline first22:48
huntfaultline: I know how you feel, dont be scared, it usually isnt that hard22:48
faultlineno sudo or anyhting?22:48
faultlineOk I did it22:48
faultlineWhat now?22:48
huntfaultline: post it to a pastebin, i.e. http://paste.ubuntu.com/22:49
OxymoronBtw, why doesnt Wine software work? :/ Spotify worked splendid before?22:50
MenoxOxymoron: If you don't like linux you don't have to use it.  But don't expect help with it when you insult its developers.22:50
faultlineIs that what your looking for, hunt?22:51
huntfaultline: you should have tried lspci | grep Graphics insteag22:51
faultlineHow do I config that/22:51
MenoxOxymoron: if you want it to progress file bug reports and help the developers that work for FREE fix the problems you're having instead of insulting them and telling them that they shouldn't waste their time working on it in the first place.22:52
huntfaultline: you can do the | by pressing alt gr and < at the same time22:52
OxymoronMenox: See it this way, I dont like MAc OS, Windows and Linux is left but I dont like it completly either but its better than the other two ;) And a computer I need to web develop and do school work and well in this digital society overall :P22:53
faultlinethats what it tells me22:53
huntfaultline: you forgot the Graphics at the end22:53
wizkodertype the whole command22:53
huntfaultline: with a capital G22:53
OxymoronMenox: I think the time should be focused on NOT fix bugs, rather do better stuff that works out of the box. I would like more hybrid systems like Phonon in KDE.22:54
faultline01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]22:54
MenoxOxymoron: You don't think they try to make it work out of the box?  They don't just throw untested code in there.22:55
huntOxymoron: thats a good idea, I dont think the developers ever thought of that, tell them22:55
OxymoronMenox: In the end they come up with things that doesnt work even if its tested? :D22:55
MenoxOxymoron: I do like the hybrid systems but they all have their implementations of specific libraries22:56
Oxymoronhunt: WHich of it?22:56
huntfaultline: did you try to enable the proprietary driver?22:56
huntOxymoron: the work out of the box part22:56
Oxymoronhunt: lol22:57
MenoxOxymoron: In the end they come up with a free system that works to meet a deadline.22:57
huntfaultline: search kickoff for jockey, that should bring you there22:57
MenoxOxymoron: not all functions can be added by that deadline22:57
devilsadvocateOxymoron, do you know what phonon is?22:57
faultlineSearching for drivers, right?22:57
OxymoronMenox: Why have a deadline that doesnt fit in to a stable release? It feels like they pump out a new update just because they must do it.22:58
huntfaultline: just type jockey22:58
ahmed_Thanks bro22:58
FloodBotK2ahmed_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:58
huntahmed_: youre welcome :D22:58
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: Yes, some kind of audio/video wrapper/hybrid?22:58
ahmed_It does works now but i have Gnome's default screen to login from :)22:58
MenoxOxymoron: they do pump out a new update because they must do it.  They try to have the newest stable software on that release.22:58
ahmed_I alllways gets help here (lucky me)  and oh yeah i wanna ask ya that22:59
MenoxOxymoron: and each program has developers that work on different deadlines22:59
ahmed_Those updates are appearing should i download it ?22:59
ahmed_all ?22:59
huntahmed_: why not22:59
devilsadvocateOxymoron, its an abstraction layer to make application writing easy. thats all.22:59
ahmed_Okay and22:59
devilsadvocateOxymoron, without the very same drivers, phonon is useless22:59
OxymoronMenox: Why not dynamic deadlines instead? I would rather get a much stable release than a enough stable release.22:59
ahmed_How can i set so i can have all the updates23:00
MenoxOxymoron: sure, it would be nice in a perfect world to have all developers on the same cycle and have unlimited resources to devote to projects23:00
ahmed_ONly those by software sources23:00
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: The idea is the same and that was my point.23:00
MenoxOxymoron: Nothing gets released with a dynamic deadline23:00
Menoxdevilsadvocate: its a magic library that can talk to all sound and video devices.  Its self containing.23:01
devilsadvocateOxymoron, every api layer you add is a potential moving target23:01
OxymoronMenox: Restructure the Open SOurce world I would say and present stuff that doesnt have to be there just because it should and instead because they want.23:01
MenoxOxymoron: in phonon there is a specific implementation for every back end.23:01
ahmed_Should i download updates only by Update manager ? those shown ?23:01
=== ahmed_ is now known as Ahmed_
huntAhmed_: I dont know what you mean23:02
MenoxOxymoron: there is structure to most of the open source world.  restructuring would yield the same result.23:02
Ahmed_I mean do i have to install those 180 MB updates by Update manager ?23:03
Ahmed_That's all ?23:03
Ahmed_It s my third day by the way :)23:03
OxymoronMenox: Sure about that?23:03
MenoxOxymoron: *buntu has structure, KDE and Gnome have structure.23:03
OxymoronMenox: Define structure, I dont think we mean the same thing.23:03
huntAhmed_: updates usually make youre system more stable and/or secure, so it is always a good idea to update23:04
devilsadvocateMenox, not exactly.. phonon backends talk to the native controllers23:04
huntAhmed_: do you like it so far?23:04
Ahmed_You are right :)23:04
MenoxOxymoron: yes, I'm very sure.  There are set release dates.  Each project will set their release date usually to coincide with an upgrade of a library that ads functionality23:04
Ahmed_Okay hunt i'm gonna go now i will leave this to update and i will sleep i mean i'm awake from almost 24 hours now :)23:04
devilsadvocateAhmed_, is this the first time you are updating after the install?23:04
Ahmed_Yeah first time after a new installing23:05
OxymoronMenox: Then explain to me why release date for *buntu always is arpil and october?23:05
Menoxdevilsadvocate: yeah, I know.  It was a joke.  Phonon is a layer that loads a backend to talk to the controllers.23:05
huntAhmed_: good night then :D23:05
Ahmed_Anyways see you tomorrow :) take care man23:05
MenoxOxymoron: Because they're bi-yearly releases.  Pretty reliable release dates.23:06
Ahmed_THANKS A LOT i was wondering where that KDE is gone now @_@23:06
Ahmed_See you23:06
Ahmed_Thanks again !23:06
MenoxOxymoron: if there wasn't structure you would have dynamic release dates, or as I like to call them, moving targets.23:06
OxymoronMenox: Why dont define deadlines after the last one and decide what to do from there and not adept the features and process after the next already defined deadline?23:07
MenoxOxymoron: developers will try to implement the most critical functionality of the program and work their way down to the not so necessary functionality and get the most done until the release date.23:07
MenoxOxymoron: It all comes down to new hardware.  Software changes to take advantage of the hardware.23:08
MenoxOxymoron: If hardware never changed we would have extremely stable systems.. as long as the hardware was stable23:09
MenoxOxymoron: because developers could spend their time NOT adding new functionality and instead be maintenance programmers.23:09
OxymoronMenox: The funny thing is that hadware goes faster than software development ....23:09
devilsadvocateOxymoron, thats because its much more straightforward there23:10
MenoxOxymoron: Well yeah, they get paid to push out new hardware and have a lot of resources to do it.23:10
Menoxand yes, its much more straightforward.23:10
OxymoronIn a perfect utopic world it would be nice doing the system whaetevr system is perfect from the beginning so it doesnt need more features or funcinality.23:10
[-Haza-]Hey folks! im looking to download / install some new dahsboard widgets. Is there a main site for this sort of thing?23:11
MenoxOxymoron: if nothing changed I would get sick of computers altogether pretty fast.23:11
[-Haza-]A place i can browse widgets and download them? With ratings ect?23:11
MenoxOxymoron: and we'd still be without a GUI to do our work.23:11
OxymoronNEvertheless hardware market still produces faster and I dont know why actually even if they have more resources. Software could go much faster I think.23:11
MenoxOxymoron: it can go as fast as money!23:12
OxymoronMenox: Perfect system from the beggining means it has everything as it is going to be and need in the future ...23:12
MenoxOxymoron: faster development = more programmers = more money.23:12
OxymoronOpen SOurce ...23:12
OxymoronWhy does everything circulate around money ... its all human mankind wants, the glory and power of money ... lol.23:13
MenoxOxymoron: to do that we would need to see into the future.  I don't see that happening any time soon.  Plus, you're describing a project with no end.23:13
OxymoronMenox: I describe a project that know their users well. Apple often is good on that even if the company itself is evil on the inside ...23:14
MenoxOxymoron: because society revolves around it.  Its used for services and goods.  Open Source developers do it for free and should be thanked for it, not insulted.23:15
MenoxOxymoron: but they do releases quite often also23:15
=== ToxinPowe is now known as ToxinPowe__
MenoxOxymoron: You describe a project that knows their users well, which is a very very broad scope.  Because of that development would never end.  Developers would constantly be coding for the next generation of users with no releases.23:16
Menoxlet me rephrase that.  Its an infinite scope.23:16
OxymoronMenox: I know how things works, thats the reason I question it ... If someone get offended or insulted just because I say something sucks or similar thats their personal problem because they cannot take an opinion.23:17
OxymoronMenox: Oh look what we got here, just exactly what I needed ... that kind of expression a good product should have. Many times I got that from Apples iPod first time, iPod Mini. Already from the beginning with the package I got overwelmed and the inside as well.23:18
MenoxMaybe you should rephrase your discontent so it actually helps the project.23:18
OxymoronMenox: And NO I am not a Apple fanboy, but iPod is good.23:19
MenoxOxymoron: I agree.  IPod is good.  But it will eventually have a new OS and new hardware.23:19
MenoxOxymoron: just like computers.  which means regular releases of software23:19
OxymoronMenox: I dont see any suitable reason for me to help the project because it doesnt satisfy my interests itself.23:20
OxymoronMenox: Yeah, Apples own A4 chip/CPU.23:20
MenoxOxymoron: so you're not interested in booting your linux OS?23:20
MenoxOxymoron: or even having a free os?23:20
MenoxOxymoron: or even a paid OS.  They have just as many problems usually.23:21
OxymoronMenox: I mean I dont see any fun by sitting all day long and programmring software because I have other hobbies/interests (Sorry my english.)23:21
MenoxOxymoron: right, but some peoples' hobbies are programming.23:21
MenoxOxymoron: you're english is really good actually.23:22
OxymoronMenox: Well, in my case mine is web programmring ...23:22
MenoxOxymoron: so if you wrote a website and gave everyone access to it and its source code, then have someone turn around and insult you for it23:22
Menoxwould you be inclined to help that person?23:23
Menoxor would you point them to the door?23:23
nonameNNhello, i have installed xscreensaver kscreensavers -extra, etc etc etc but cant see all the screensavers like i do in gnome! any clues??23:23
OxymoronMenox: Thanks, seriously, personal I dont like my english its not as well structured as my swedish are.23:23
MenoxOxymoron: I honestly thought your native language was english until you said that.23:23
=== stephen is now known as Guest42127
OxymoronMenox: Seriously? :O23:24
nonameNNno idea about screensavers missing??23:25
OxymoronNo my native language is swedish. And I didnt study much english either in schoo.23:25
MenoxOxymoron: yeah, it has great structure, no misspelled words.  Unless I heard an accent I wouldn't have known.23:25
Typos_KingnonameNN:     what are you running to see them?23:25
MenoxOxymoron: I'm no english major but your english is very good.  I don't have any problems understand ig.23:26
nonameNNTypos_King: kscreensaver... i cant see them on the list23:26
OxymoronMenox: Yeah, thats my strongest card to spell correctly I have a feeling for that even in swedish. The thing I lack of is elegant grammar and a better vocabular IMO.23:26
Typos_KingnonameNN:    I see mine under system settings > desktop > screensavers23:27
MenoxOxymoron: your grammar and vocabluary is probably better than mine.23:27
Typos_Kingand also when I run xlock too23:27
OxymoronMenox: No, but for me it isnt only about understand it even if the main purpose would be.23:27
nonameNNTypos_King: ok.... i can see them on gnome, but cant on kde... i know what u mean, but they dont appear at all on the list...23:27
MenoxOxymoron: you're a perfectionist :)23:27
Typos_KingnonameNN:    there's..... I don't have xscreensavers installed here... but I used to on SuSE10.... it has a command to list them.... I think is... .xscreensaver-demo23:28
* Typos_King googles23:28
Typos_KingnonameNN:   yeah, that's the command to 'configure' them23:29
OxymoronMenox: Yes kind of, guess why I dont cred OpenSOurce people enough ...23:30
nonameNNTypos_King: mmmm i seen thats for xscreensaver... not kscreensaver...23:30
nonameNNTypos_King: never mind, ive installed xscreensaver and solved the problem... good job man23:31
OxymoronMenox: You should see when I code my framework, every single line should be perfecttly formatted and beatyful, efficient and so on. I even dont start programmring Ruby or Python because I think PHP has more syntax xD :D23:31
OxymoronMenox: A little sectret though, I can C++, Java, Python as well ... even if it was a pain in the ass to learn in school againt my will :D23:32
Oxymoronmore beautiful syntax *23:32
Oxymorondevilsadvocate: Dont mock PHP :D23:32
nonameNNTypos_King: mmm i still cant see them all.... im missing electricsheep flurry etc etc... is there any command to recognize them?23:35
omnipotentduohey guys i am running the alternate lucid 64 bit installer (since none of the other installers work) and at every install i get to 33% done on the partitions and it hangs23:35
OxymoronMenox: In other words, If I would want I could design my own operative system. Im not sure if it would be finished though because I would never be happy with it xD lol23:37
MenoxOxymoron: yeah, now imagine if you did finish it and were perfectly satisfied with it.23:38
Oxymoronomnipotentduo: A tip, install karmic 64 bit first and then upgrade from alternate cd inside ;)23:38
MenoxOxymoron: and had somebody say very rude things about it and its developer.23:38
Typos_KingnonameNN:    no that I know of.... :|   and I don't have them installed myself23:39
MenoxOxymoron: instead if thanking you for offering it to everyone for free.23:39
OxymoronMenox: I wouldnt mind? Everyone cant be satisfied by it.23:39
omnipotentduooxymoron, tried karmic, intrepid, slackware, archlinux, chakra, debian, gentoo, bsd, frugal, i can keep going down the list23:39
OxymoronWhy should you thanking for offer it for free? The developers choice.23:39
omnipotentduoi think my OS drive is shot ><23:40
Oxymoronomnipotentduo: Uhm, seem to be a harddrive problem then I guess?23:40
MenoxOxymoron: because of the competition.  When you save that person hundereds of dollars and give them a better product, you should be thanked by them23:41
omnipotentduooxymoron, yeah i think so but here's the wierd thing, i can get KDEmod working but unstable as charles manson on crack23:41
Oxymoronomnipotentduo: I dont know whom Charles Manson is but sure sound unstable :D Sounds like HDD is failing and get overloaded when you install or something like that I dont know I am not a hardware guy ...23:44
Menoxomnipotentduo: does the live CD run ok?23:44
MenoxOxymoron: He's a psycho who convinced people to go out and kill23:44
OxymoronMenox: Still developers choice to provide a "better" product than the commercial ones. I am glad that someone invented Open SOurce mentality though to provide the world with "free" stuff.23:46
OxymoronMenox: Other times you just pirate and crack and hack things apart because valdi licenses doesnt benefit you in the end it just lock you and do many crazy updates that you dont want in the background anyway.23:47
MenoxOxymoron: Right, and you should express your gratitude for it.  Thats all I'm saying.  It keeps developers from getting discouraged and encourages development which will lead to a better product.23:47
=== ghost is now known as Guest25131
MenoxOxymoron: Thats one reason I use linux. I don't like 50 updaters and random programs running on my computer.23:48
OxymoronMenox: Oh yeah, thank you almighty programmers for providing things that most of the time contain to much bugs xD But still, you do it for free, oh yes thats perfect and all credit go to you.23:49
OxymoronMenox: I dont remember why I started GNU/Linux :D I think I just thought it was cool to test it one day and got "hooked" I guess.23:50
=== Guest25131 is now known as ghostwunder
* Menox shoves a spoon in his ear.23:50
MenoxOxymoron: so you like GNU/Linux?23:51
OxymoronMenox: Define "like"? :D23:52
OxymoronI think its better than Windows anyway ... if thats your definition of like, sure I like it a lot :D23:52
MenoxOxymoron: ok, let me put it this way:23:53
MenoxOxymoron: if you were required to ride a bike to town and all you had was a clunker with flat tires and bent handlebars23:54
Menoxand somebody came along and said, "Here, take this moped.  You can keep it."23:55
MenoxWould you thank them?23:55
Menoxor complain that its not a harley?23:55
OxymoronMenox: Hahahahahaha, that was one hell of a good parallell I must say ;) Well, if they just "throw" the moped at me and I was priviligied to choose if I wanted to use it or not without they care if I did or not I would just take it and continue my ride and enjoy life I guess.23:57
OxymoronIn that special case I would like my clunker with flat tires and bent handlebars though or else I would bought a better one before that ... I prefer cycling (Not sure if thats the right word for a person on a bike, biking maybe?) before mopeds and motorcycles.23:59
* Typos_King throws a wet mop at Oxymoron 23:59

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