
nhainesGreetings, all.  I thought I'd ask if anyone's seen SVGs for the new Ubuntu logo yet?03:47
=== elky` is now known as elky
Bahenhaines https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand05:23
nhainesBahe: thank you, but that does not have what I was asking after.05:30
digital_1Anyone know where I can leave some feedback regarding the new theming of Lucid?  I ***DO*** appreciate the hard work, but the new theme looks wrong- as in more than one step backward.05:39
digital_1And... is the branding standard moving away from orange and to the purple?  I'm not talking about just the Ambiance theme- but also the standard for logos, etc.?05:42
nhainesdigital_1: yes, it's now orange and aubergine.05:46
nhainesYou'll see more orange for community-focused stuff, and more aubergine for enterprise-focused stuff.05:46
nhainesYou'll find more behind the rationale here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/30805:46
nhainesThe theme is definitely growing on me since the big announcement.05:47
vishdigital_1: file a bug :)05:47
digital_1vish thanks I'll do that.05:48
vishdigital_1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+filebug05:48
thorwilarg, misplaced an </em> on a comment on Ivanka's blog12:08
knomethorwil, congrats ;)12:09
lassegulthorwil: under whitch name did u post under? cant see it?13:26
thorwillassegul: http://www.ivankamajic.com/?p=281#comment-3050413:26
lassegulbah found it. IE6 page search sucks :)13:27
lassegulits getting flooded pretty fast, but at least people dont flame.13:28
thorwilnew nugget of what is rather the opposite of wisdom: "Let the market decide. If your setup is superior, people will choose it and it will dominate."13:29
lassegulwell, in retrospect that statement makes sense.13:30
lassegulbut it doesnt fit very well to help make a decision13:30
thorwillassegul: the market opting for superior solutions brought us Windows dominance ...13:30
thorwillassegul: way too few people in that thread willing to look at it from more than one side13:32
lassegulany way you look at it, you should fall down on putting all the buttons on the right side.13:32
highvoltagehi, some of you might have seen my message to the list regarding https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/52529514:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525295 in indicator-sound "Lucid indicator icons are not shown. Displays the "unknown icon" instead" [Medium,Triaged]14:02
highvoltageis it better to work around that in the breathe-icon-theme or is the bug expected to be fixed before release?14:03
kwwiihighvoltage: I think it will be fixed before release15:01
kwwiihighvoltage: as that happens with any theme except the default15:01
kwwiihighvoltage: essentially it is a matter of having -panel icons in the theme for that purpose15:02
kwwiianyone interested in the button discussion: http://www.ivankamajic.com/15:02
highvoltagekwwii: ok thanks for the input15:05
highvoltageI read that blog entry this morning, planning to do my own one :)15:05
kwwiidashua: this might interest you for Dust... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/52247116:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522471 in light-themes "indicator-sound volume slider background is wrong under certain gtk themes" [High,Confirmed]16:03
kwwiiand anyone else here who works on gtk themes16:03
zniavrethe fix you gave does not work here16:35
zniavreit's fg[ACTIVE]16:37
zniavrenot bg normal16:38
zniavreooops sorry im wrong16:41
zniavreit's bg[NORMAL]    shame on me16:42
kwwiizniavre: erm, no17:22
kwwiiahhh, you found it17:22
zniavrekwwii,  sorry18:01
vishsheesh! i got spooked by ivanka blog reply mailer :/18:16
vishfor a min i was wondering who is "Balkan Witch" , they i realized the mail id ;p18:17
thorwilvish: just don't walk into any forest ...18:19
psyke83kwwii: hey, there's still a small bug in the light themes - the ComboBox inactive text doesn't match anything else. Is it worth filing a bug or will I show you here?19:18
kwwiipsyke83: here is good neough19:37
kwwiipsyke83: or, if you want file a bug or just email me19:39
psyke83kwwii: never mind, I'll file a bug. A whole style section was removed from the themes that was necessary19:43
kwwiipsyke83: cool, please do19:45
kwwiipsyke83: and assign it me19:45
dashuapsyke83, I got it fixed19:54
zniavrethere is a way to isolate the inkscape toolbar as dust theme does for firefox and OOo ?21:12
kwwiizniavre: I doubt it, I think it is a totally normal toolbar21:13
zniavreyep im afraid about that21:13
zniavreeXperience told me nothing interesting21:13
zniavrethat s sad when a consept theme struggle with gtk reality21:14
zniavrei was almost ready to submit it to the wiki...21:18
kwwiizniavre: well, you could always ask the inkscape crew22:00
kwwiiwe employ a coupld of them ;)22:00
kwwiibut unless it is it's own class or widget or such it won't work22:00
zniavreok but i think they do not change anything for me or my theme22:01
kwwiino definitely not22:03
kwwiithe only reason they would/should change something is to make an improvement for all themes22:04
kwwiiie to make inkscape itself better22:04
kwwiiwhy do you want to change just that toolbar?22:04
kwwiiyou *can* change the look of all the toolbars22:04
zniavreit does not look good and usable22:05
kwwiionly in inkscape?22:05
kwwiilet me ask somebody, one second22:05
zniavresorry for the menubar but it does not influence the theme22:09
kwwiiso you want the lower toolbar to be lighter or such, right?22:11
zniavreno all he toolbar lighter22:12
kwwiiwell, I was suggested this: http://chipx86.github.com/gtkparasite/22:14
kwwiiwhich I have never used myself22:14
kwwiibut I will look into it22:14
zniavrehttp://img59.imageshack.us/img59/2521/capture3q.png  look this screenshot > same theme but exception for firefox/openoffice22:16
zniavreinkscape looks not good at all22:16
kwwiihrm, very freaky22:16
kwwiiI assumed that if you style the toolbars it would be global22:16
kwwiiseems strange22:16
kwwiiahh, you are special casing FF and OOo22:17
zniavreyes following what dust theme can do22:17
kwwiihrm, I am sure you can do it, if you know the right widget name22:18
zniavrei tried eXperience but i did not find it22:18
zniavreit s not easy to use all this output22:18
kwwiigtk themeing is hard22:19
kwwiithere is little or no documentation22:19
zniavreand i m not so smart  :o)  too old to learn quickly22:20
kwwiizniavre: lol, if you are old, I wonder what that makes me22:43
zniavregrrr gtkparasite does not work at the moment22:44
zniavreho there is a package in synaptic22:45
zniavrelet me make clean all that stuff22:46
zniavreand it works ...22:47
andreasnthere is a parasite deb?22:48
zniavrehttp://packages.debian.org/fr/sid/gtkparasite it gives me idea to try apt-get install gtkparTABTAB and it works22:49
andreasnah, cool. I had no idea it was in universe22:50
andreasnI've been looking around for a ppa all this time :)22:50
zniavre:o) always check synaptic before ./autogen.sh22:50
andreasnhm, how do I use it?22:52
andreasnGTK_MODULES=gtkparasite appname22:53
zniavreuse it it not so complicated ...23:01
zniavrethe thing is to understand all the datas it gives23:01
zniavrein fact im stuck now23:01
zniavrei feel its good application (i should learn some pygtk functions before ...)23:06
kwwiizniavre: I will look into it tomorrow23:08
kwwiialso, I think I am going to start a wiki page about the murrine engine23:09
kwwiitalking to Andrea, the maintainer, it would be a great help23:09
zniavrehe's not often present even in #murrine23:10
zniavrepresent > online23:10
kwwiibut he talks to me :)23:11
kwwiion facebook of all places23:11
zniavrenever use facebook ...23:17
knomei'm not registered to facebook23:18
zniavrehav a good night23:25

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