
=== jimmah is now known as pak33m
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starspothow do I set up an ssh tunnel so I can connect to this home Ubuntu machine from a remote location?17:52
mhall119|workstarspot: is it behind a firewall/17:53
starspotmhall119|work, no. just a comcast modem and a linksys router17:57
mhall119|workis the linksys doing NAT?17:58
starspotI don't know - what is NAT?18:02
mhall119|workit's where inside your network, you have IP addresses like 192.168.x.x18:03
mhall119|workbut on the outside, the router has a public IP address18:03
mhall119|workwhich makes it hard to access your internal computers from the outside internet18:04
starspotyes I do have ...1.200 etc18:07
mhall119|workthen you're using NAT18:07
mhall119|workwhich means you can't connect directly to your home machine from a remote location18:07
starspotwhat if I remove the router?18:08
mhall119|workthere's better ways18:08
mhall119|workone second, let me find you a tutorial18:09
starspotthanks man!18:09
starspothey mhall119|work : that tutorial's pretty complex. if the problem is NAT and it's in my Linksys, couldn't I just remove the router and then tunnel more easily directly to my IP?18:35
starspotor anybody else?18:37
starspotIf I connect directly to a cable modem will SSH Tunneling work so I can access this machine remotely?18:38
mhall119|workstarspot: the NAT is useful and offers some level of protection to you, so I wouldn't recommend removing it19:03
mhall119|workanother options is to setup port forwarding on your router, so that incoming connections to port 22 are sent to the Ubuntu machine you want to connect to19:04
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starspotI already got around the NAT issue. I'm ssh'd in to my box now, with the router19:55
starspotmhall119|work, yes - I used port forwarding on the router19:55
mhall119|workjust make sure you either use good passwords, or public key authentication only19:56
grayghostI am looking for help with telnet ....??19:56
mhall119|workwhat kind of help?19:57
grayghostI am trying to copy a file to a dd-wrt router and can't make copy work19:57
mhall119|workdoes dd-wrt use ssh?19:58
grayghostit can ... but that look harder.19:59
mhall119|workit's safer, and make copying easier20:00
grayghostbut I should learn ssh ...   I thought telnet looked easer20:00
mhall119|workthere's not much difference from a user perspective between ssh and telnet20:00
mhall119|workbut if you use ssh, you can use scp to copy files to and from dd-wrt20:01
grayghostso do I log on the router with ssh insetad of telnet20:01
grayghostor do I use ssh from the ubuntu shell20:01
mhall119|workyou need sshd running on the routher20:02
mhall119|workthen you ssh from the Ubuntu shell to the router20:02
mhall119|workssh username@routerip20:02
mhall119|workshould get you a shell on the router20:02
mhall119|workscp $localfile username@routerip:/path/destfile20:02
mhall119|workwill copy $localfile to /path/destfile on the router20:03
grayghostI don't understand username@routerip20:04
mhall119|workokay, did you create a user account in dd-wrt?20:04
* mhall119|work isn't familiar with dd-wrt setup, sorry20:04
grayghosti am on the router now..... wirless20:05
mhall119|workdid you install dd-wrt?20:05
grayghostyes I have it installed and working ... I am trying to copy acm.o to the router to set up mobil internet on the phone.20:08
grayghostthe wiki tells me what to copy ..but not exactly how.20:09
grayghostI have the file on a usb drive which is avalible on the router ... i can see it with telnet ... but cp will not work on the router20:12
grayghostI am installing sshd now   and will try that20:14
grayghostno joy :-X20:18

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