
brycehgit 4b42448a2388d40f257774fbffdccaea87bd0347 in xserver dropped it00:07
bryceh   xserver: remove RAC/resource handling code.00:07
bryceh    00:07
bryceh    This changes the ABI, but since the video ABI is at 6 already00:07
bryceh    it should be fine.00:07
bryceh    00:07
bryceh    driver changes are in the pipeline after this.00:08
bryceh    00:08
bryceh    Signed-off-by: Dave Airlie <airlied@redhat.com>00:08
brycehthere isn't an explanation why... maybe redhat is doing it just to make your life harder asac ;-)00:09
asacbryceh: have a link to that commit?00:11
asacwant to check the driver changes landed afterwards00:11
asacso i might figure how to port this ;)00:11
asace.g. would like to see "driver changes are in the pipeline after this."00:11
brycehasac, I'm just looking in the git tree on my hd, but you should be able to locate the commit via cgit.freedesktop.org00:13
brycehasac, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg-announce/2009-September/001008.html00:14
asacok checking00:14
brycehsome adjacent commti messages:00:14
bryceh      dix/resource: fix use after free in resource code with DRI00:14
bryceh      pci: add support for pci is boot vga call.00:14
bryceh      xserver: remove RAC/resource handling code.00:14
bryceh      sbus: fixup for rac removal00:14
bryceh      ddx: fix xf86Config.a generation00:14
bryceh      parser: make libxf86config_internal.la not installed.00:14
brycehasac, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg-devel/2009-July/001527.html00:16
brycehasac, rationale appears that the pci rework stuff had broken this anyway a few releases back, and since there were no complaints about that they decided to remove the code entirely00:18
asacone example ;)00:21
asacthat doesnt do much ;)00:21
asac+#ifndef XSERVER_LIBPCIACCESS00:21
* asac needs to find some driver that made more extensive ues of it00:21
asacwhat version are we at?00:22
asacok i think i got the idea00:24
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
asacbryceh: is there a good template package to use to package up a driver?00:30
brycehasac, I usually start from the -intel driver.  It tends to be the best maintained00:33
brycehit's got a lot of extraneous stuff that might not be necessary for an arbitrary driver00:34
brycehthe -vesa driver is useful for comparison there, as it is more minimalist00:34
asacwill check those out00:37
asacjust want to ensure stuff gets installed in right place for now ;)00:37
asacand then pray :-P00:37
* bryceh nods00:37
maxbHi. Where do I register my vote for PLEASE PLEASE PUT THE WINDOW BUTTONS BACK ?  Thanks :-)00:44
lifelessgconf-schema ? :P00:45
brycehmaxb, not here00:45
maxbWell yes, I realise moaning about it on IRC is unproductive, but this seems about the right place to know where, if anywhere, a useful tally is being kept00:46
rickspencer3maxb, this channel is for the developers who are putting together the distro00:49
rickspencer3try #ayatana maybe00:49
rickspencer3maxb, you are welcome to hang out here, but we just trust the design team to do their job, and we do ours ;)00:50
kenvandineRAOF, the libu1 mono bindings are staying in universe for now04:15
kenvandinebut he plans to finish the banshee store plugin for lucid04:15
RAOFkenvandine: Sweet.  Given banshee itself is in universe, I wouldn't expect anything more.04:15
kenvandinehe tested the bindings by writing a store in 10 lines of C# :)04:17
RAOFHurray for good bindings and powerful languages :)04:19
RAOFI wonder if I should spend a week doing development on this netbook.  I'd be much, much more likely to care about performance.04:20
pittiGood morning06:20
pittididrocks: you rock! http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/20100310-max-netbook.png06:23
pittididrocks: the bg cache finally works \o/06:23
desrtyou cats gonna make your 10s goal?06:28
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pittidesrt: getting there07:04
desrtpretty sweet07:04
desrt15s is already a very huge improvement07:04
desrtwon't go unnoticed by the press :p07:04
pittidesrt: regular desktop is at 16.5, mostly because of compiz07:05
pittidesrt: if you enable metacity, it's probably more like 1407:05
desrteither way, a marked improvement from the days of 4007:05
pittidesrt: but that's only on this atom processor; ogra's laptop boots in 8 :)07:05
pittiabsolutely, yes07:05
desrtpretty cool stuff07:08
desrtbtw: i hope you come to my 3 security-related sessions :)07:08
pittidesrt: I will! the umask thing, and such, right?07:08
desrtthey just got marked for uds-m the other day07:08
desrtwhich i think is all that's needed to get into the schedule?07:09
pittifor now, yes07:09
tjaalton"ureadahead terminated with status 5"07:19
tjaaltonthat happens on the uni computers I'm working on, and it slows down the boot considerably :/07:20
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tjaaltonwell, running fsck every time probably kills it..07:32
tjaaltonhappens on my laptop as well07:32
tjaaltonor does ureadahead rely on having /var on the same fs as root?07:36
didrocksgood morning07:38
* didrocks hugs pitti07:38
pittibonjour didrocks07:38
seb128good morning there08:50
* seb128 wonders what this guy is doing tagging and untagging tons of bugs08:50
didrocksgood morning seb12808:52
didrocksseb128: I'm working on file-roller and gnome-screensaver08:52
seb128didrocks, ok thanks08:52
seb128I'm trying to not touch packages out of the pitivi update I did this morning08:53
didrocksok :)08:53
seb128I need to review and milestone bugs08:53
seb128so we know what to work on next08:53
didrocksseb128: good luck on triaging those :)08:53
pittibonjour seb12808:54
seb128hey pitti08:54
pittiseb128: looks like a buggy auto-triaging script from the kernel team08:54
seb128how are you today?08:54
pittiI'm great, thanks!08:55
seb128pitti, yeah, that was my though too now after reading some of those ;-)08:55
pittia little stressed, since there's still so much to do for beta-1, but that's fairly normal08:55
seb128I feel less stressed this week08:55
seb128now that dx delivered features on time and the artwork landed08:55
seb128but still pretty busy indeed ;-)08:56
seb128pitti, can we chat for a few seconds about gdmsetup and login sound?08:56
seb128pitti, our issue there is to set settings for an another user08:56
seb128pitti, do you think it would be acceptable to have a small binary setuid gdm write this only gconf key installed?08:57
seb128pitti, then we wouldn't have to deal with priviledges changes in gdmsetup08:57
pittiseb128: why couldn't this be set through d-bus by the gdm-binary server, like all the other settings?08:57
seb128because it's not a server setting08:57
seb128gdm.conf is written by the server and in etc08:58
seb128but greeters settings are gdm's gconf database08:58
seb128the greeter is a graphical ui running as gdm user08:58
pittiseb128: but gdm still has a session dbus running, etc.08:59
pittiso couldn't the server just do the gconf call as "gdm"?08:59
pittiseb128: with a suid gdm binary, everyone could change server settings without any authentication08:59
seb128hum, maybe for the server writting in gconf09:00
seb128> everyone could change server settings without any authentication09:00
seb128the binary would only be writting this 1 gconf key09:00
seb128and server settings are not in gconf09:00
seb128they are in gdm.conf in etc09:00
seb128the only settings in gconf are the gui ones09:00
seb128ie theme, sound effects09:00
seb128nothing concerning security or the server09:01
pittiseb128: so you think it wouldn't be feasible to call gconftool (perhaps with --direct) from gdm-binary for that?09:01
seb128we really have 2 different components there09:01
seb128pitti, I didn't think about that before, but it should09:01
seb128pitti, I bounced you an email from robert_ancell09:02
pittiseb128: obviously we should avoid linking gdm-binary against libgconf, but a mere g_spawn_async seems rather harmless?09:02
seb128pitti, we were discussing about that small hackish way09:03
* pitti reads09:03
seb128but we though about putting it in a small wrapper09:03
seb128not in gdm server itself09:03
seb128but I don't see any reason why it could be done in the server09:04
pittisetuid for scripts doesn't work, right (by their nature)09:04
pittiseb128: with that, the gdm-binary d-bus interface could just grow a new SetGconfOption() method, then we can reuse that for other settings in the future?09:05
seb128well I really wanted to do that in an elegant way09:05
seb128rather than calling g_spaw sudo -u <user> gconftool09:06
seb128but right09:06
pittiseteuid(gdm); g_spawn_async(); seteuid(0), but yes09:06
pittiseb128: another alternative: just add LoginSound to custom.conf, and if it's not there, use gconf? would that work?09:06
pittiI'm not sure whether the simple-greeter reads custom.conf09:07
pittior just the gdm-binary09:07
seb128I don't think the greater does no09:07
seb128thanks for the suggestion09:07
seb128I will have a look to add the method in the server rather than a wrapper09:07
pittiseb128: could the server just write the updated gconf file directly?09:08
pittiwe already ship gconf xml files in packages, after all (which isn't any better architecture wise)09:08
seb128would be a bit tricky to get right09:08
seb128the config can contain any tweak09:08
seb128we have to detect if this key is already set09:09
pittiyes, true09:09
seb128and change the right part of the xml09:09
pittigconftool --direct sounds like the least evil method to me so far, I think09:09
seb128pitti, well, we write to an user config, not to the system one, I'm not even sure we need --direct09:11
pittiseb128: usually there's no gconfd running for gdm09:11
pittiseb128: I guess it wouldn't terribly hurt to launch one (dbus-daemon is running, after all)09:11
pittiseb128: --direct would break if you have a running session (with gdmsetup) and a running greeter in another X, of course09:12
seb128I hate the current gdm gconf use09:13
seb128it's se annoying09:13
seb128we also have a bug about user changes being overwritten on upgrade09:14
pittiah, because we ship the verbatim .xml file, indeed09:14
pittiseb128: that's actually an issue -- it would revert the gdmsetup login sound change as well09:15
seb128but we use a different directory09:15
pittiso perhaps we do need a new gconf search path after all09:15
pittioh, we do?09:15
seb128we write there09:15
seb128not in .gconf09:15
seb128and we have a /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.path09:16
seb128"# distribution default values09:16
seb128I bet it needs to be readonly09:16
pittiah, good09:16
seb128I will check on that09:16
seb128the readwrite might make user wants to land there too09:16
seb128rather than in .gconf09:16
pittiyes, rw sounds dangerous for files shipped in .debs09:16
seb128wants -> changes09:17
seb128hey czajkowski09:20
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:20
seb128hey chrisccoulson!09:21
seb128how are you?09:21
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, good thanks. how are you?09:21
czajkowskiseb128: do you sleep or what timezone are you in!09:21
seb128czajkowski, I do sleep and I'm in Europe09:22
seb128chrisccoulson, good, thanks!09:22
seb128czajkowski, I don't sleep enough some days though ;-)09:22
didrockshey chrisccoulson, czajkowski09:22
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks09:22
czajkowskiseb128: oh I'm the same!09:22
czajkowskididrocks: morning09:22
czajkowskitoday I'm on implementation and someone has added new code to the system and broken a lot of stuff on me >:(09:23
seb128chrisccoulson, I still get g-s-d crashing on boot :-(09:23
seb128chrisccoulson, it's a different bug than the libgnomekbd one09:24
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, that's not good. only with the keyboard indicator?09:24
seb128the crash I get seems similar to bug #52263909:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522639 in gnome-desktop "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in gnome_bg_draw()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52263909:24
chrisccoulsonoh, you're not using nautilus to draw the desktop?09:25
seb128I do I think09:25
seb128at least it's running and I get the nautilus context menu and icons there09:25
chrisccoulsonthat's strange :-/09:26
seb128#2  0x00f8d515 in draw_color_area (bg=<value optimized out>, dest=0x658,09:26
seb128    rect=0x2d1) at gnome-bg.c:75909:26
seb128No locals.09:26
seb128#3  0x00f91044 in draw_color_each_monitor (bg=0x821e800, dest=0x81b8b98,09:26
seb128#6  0x07af2209 in ?? ()09:27
seb128   from /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon-2.0/libbackground.so09:27
seb128could it be a race on autologin?09:27
pittihey chrisccoulson09:27
chrisccoulsonhey pitti09:27
seb128it sucks that g-s-d crash on any of its .so crash09:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, possibly. i don't normally use autologin. that might be why i've not seen it09:27
seb128it means it's not very robust with bugs in random libs09:27
seb128like libgnomekbd09:28
seb128or libxklavier09:28
seb128or whatever you don't always care about but takes themes, etc down09:28
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's a bit of a pain sometimes09:28
seb128pitti, oh, thanks for fixing that glib unit bug09:28
didrockschrisccoulson: IIRC, the check of nautilus is done at the beginning of gnome_bg_draw() function in g-s-d plugin. Weird that it continues…09:29
didrocks(draw_background() function in g-s-d)09:30
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm a bit confused by that09:31
chrisccoulsonpitti - do you know how gnome-power-manager is meant to deal with brightness keys that control the brightness in hardware?09:37
chrisccoulsoni notice that my brightness keys change the brightness in multiple steps09:37
pittichrisccoulson: it should just read the current brightness and do the notification bubble, but not actually change the brightness09:37
chrisccoulsonand if i stop gnome-power-manager, i can still control the brightness, but just in lesser increments09:37
chrisccoulsonah, it's actually changing the brightness here too09:38
chrisccoulsoni wasn't sure how that was all meant to work though, but it sounds like gnome-power-manager is doing the wrong thing then09:38
pittichrisccoulson: is your's using hal?09:39
chrisccoulsonpitti - no, mines using xrandr09:39
pittichrisccoulson: hm, I don't actually know whether there's a brightness_in_hardware counterpart for this09:40
chrisccoulsonah, ok. so that could be a limitation of the xrandr interface then09:41
pittichrisccoulson: it might be related to /sys/module/video/parameters/brightness_switch_enabled09:41
pittibut I'm not sure whether that's actually relevant for xrandr09:42
chrisccoulsonah, if i set that to "N", then it stops the hardware control09:42
brycehonly a small subset of hardware supports doing brightness via xrandr at the moment afaik09:42
chrisccoulsonand gnome-power-manager is doing small increments now09:43
pittiif that's the file which indicates that, then perhaps g-p-m should check that one09:43
pittibryceh: right09:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll chat with hughsie and see what he thinks too09:43
chrisccoulsonwhat does rhythmbox build-depend on xulrunner-dev for?10:14
chrisccoulsonthere doesn't seem to be any binary dependencies10:14
pittichrisccoulson: perhaps in the past one of the music stores used that to display web sites?10:19
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i'm not sure. i'm trying a build now without the dependency10:19
chrisccoulsoni can't see any check for it in configure.ac either10:19
chrisccoulsonso, that might be an easy transition ;)10:20
milanbvchrisccoulson, pitti: mind talking about services-admin once again? ;-)10:23
chrisccoulsonmilanbv, i might struggle to find the time to talk about it this morning ;)10:29
milanbvchrisccoulson: depends on what you plan to do10:29
seb128chrisccoulson, pitti: rhythmbox, it is,was for the some firefox plugins for i<somthing>10:30
milanbvif you just want to reenable services-admin, it should take only a few minutes10:30
milanbvno need to make a release specially for that10:30
milanbvelse it might be worth discussing longer :-)10:31
pittimilanbv: what do you currently do with init.d scripts? what with upstart scripts?10:32
pittiand how do we make sure that the user can't disable vital system services?10:32
milanbvpitti: we support init.d scripts just as before, and ignore upstart jobs10:32
chrisccoulsonseb128 - librhythmbox-itms-detection-plugin.so?10:32
seb128chrisccoulson, I guess so10:32
milanbvthe only change is that we hide dummy init.d scripts that link to upstart jobs10:32
pittimilanbv: does that filter out init.d scripts which symlinks ot /lib/init/upstart-job?10:33
milanbvand we hide vital services using a list that I've just updated10:33
pittiah, good10:33
milanbvpitti: yes10:33
seb128chrisccoulson, it seems to not be required for a while though10:34
seb128chrisccoulson, it's probably a leftover10:34
seb128chrisccoulson, reading git log10:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it's still being built10:34
seb128well but it doesn't require xul apparently10:34
chrisccoulsonyeah, that makes sense. it built fine without it anyway ;)10:35
seb128the build-depends is a leftover10:35
chrisccoulsoncool, i will remove that then10:35
seb128rodrigo__, tomboy 1.1.4 is in lucid already since yesterday10:37
seb128chrisccoulson, let me know if you need sponsoring for something btw10:38
seb128chrisccoulson, you should really apply for main uploads ;-)10:38
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks10:38
chrisccoulsonyeah, i will apply soon :)10:38
rodrigo__seb128, ah, cool!10:39
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
asacmvo on vacation?11:02
dpmhi seb128, I've noticed that the Evolution desktop entry does not load translations, even if they are present in the .mo files and the X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain field is correct on the .desktop file. Any idea what this could be?11:04
dpmAlso, I notice on http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/392424/ that there are now [Compose Shortcut Group] and [Contacts Shortcut Group] sections with Name fields. It's the 10_desktop_shortcuts.patch. Can these be made translatable?11:04
seb128dpm, what entry?11:05
seb128the indicator one or the menu one?11:05
seb128dunno about 10_desktop_shortcuts.patch check with kenvandine and ted11:05
dpmseb128, the menu one. ok, for the rest I'll check with them11:07
seb128dpm, is the title translation in your langpack?11:07
dpmthe domain is correct in the .desktop file, and the translations are in the .mo file11:08
dpmI've just noticed this recently, it used to be translated some days ago11:09
seb128is it correct in /usr/share/applications/desktop*cache?11:09
dpmlet me check...11:09
seb128I guess it's again a gnome-menus cache issue11:10
seb128it might not like the recent dx addtions to the desktop entry11:10
dpmin /usr/share/applications/desktop*cache the entry is in English11:11
seb128can you open a bug on gnome-menus?11:11
pittidpm: assign it to me, please11:12
dpmok, thanks seb128 and pitti :)11:12
dpmok, it's bug 53565011:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535650 in gnome-menus "Evolution desktop entry does not load translations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53565011:21
seb128dpm, pitti: it's probably a desktop-file-utils issue rather11:21
* pitti -> lunch11:21
seb128pitti, enjoy11:21
seb128dpm, thanks11:22
dpmno worries, I'll open a new task, then11:22
seb128dpm, don't11:22
seb128dpm, one task is enough, pitti will reassign if required11:23
dpmah, oops11:23
seb128dpm, when the task is wrong the way is to change it, not to add a new one11:23
seb128dpm, otherwise you keep mail spamming people subscribing the the wrong task which is still there11:23
dpmI see, sorry about that.11:23
seb128it's only a detail11:23
seb128let the bug as it is now11:23
seb128we will pick it from there11:24
dpmthanks seb128, it's good to know that for the future11:24
tseliotpitti: do you know why the keyboard layout goes back to en-us when I vt switch?11:44
seb128tseliot, is that a new issue?11:44
tseliotseb128: no, I don't think so. It's been there for a while11:44
seb128ok good11:44
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
seb128just checking is what not due to the patch I uploaded yesterday11:45
tseliotno, definitely it wasn't caused by anything uploaded today11:45
seb128ok thanks11:46
* seb128 lunch11:46
asacseb128: whats the status of the last upload gnome batch?11:49
asacsomething is out of sync for ur for > 24h ;)11:49
asacwonder if you had some build failures or something in your inbox11:49
asacok ogra said it should be fine in 1h11:50
ograit built11:51
ograits just the publisher being behind on arch: any11:51
seb128asac, we are pretty much done with updates12:04
seb128asac, well there is still a new gtk coming today most likely though12:04
asaccan you upload that EOD=12:05
asacogra needs to fix somthing he can only test ;)12:06
asacwith consistent archive12:06
seb128asac, ok12:07
seb128I will upload tomorrow rather if you want12:07
seb128we are not in an hurry12:07
seb128let me know when you are done with your testing12:07
asacseb128: its better to have it built over night than over da12:07
ograseb128, well, i only need the ubuntu-netbook task installable to debug an apt hang12:07
asacso tonight would be great ;)12:08
ograyeah, EOD would help12:08
seb128ok, works for me12:08
ograi wont work tonight :)12:08
asaccool ;)12:08
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
chrisccoulsonright, me -> lunch12:34
chrisccoulsonpitti - you didn't update bzr when you uploaded gnome-python-extras ;)12:37
pittichrisccoulson: is there a bzr?12:41
pittioh, argh12:41
chrisccoulsonthere is12:42
pittichrisccoulson: I'll fix it, sorry12:42
chrisccoulsonpitti - no worries, i'm fixing it now12:42
pittichrisccoulson: ok, thanks12:42
chrisccoulsoni'd already pushed some new changes, and tried to upload12:42
chrisccoulsonand i got a rejection ;)12:42
pittitseliot: oh, it does? in X you mean?12:42
pittitseliot: or on the VTs?12:42
tseliotpitti: using the VTs12:43
tseliotit works well in X12:43
tseliotCtrl+Alt+F1 gets me to tty1 with a US layout12:44
* tseliot -> lunch12:44
pittitseliot: that sounds related to the plymouth code which replaced loadkeys.sh12:45
pittitseliot: do you get it when you purge plymouth?12:46
=== pts is now known as pths
vishWOW , first time _ever_ i'v seen seb128 comment on a blog :)12:54
vishor maybe its because i dont read blog comments often ;p12:55
seb128vish, it's because I've been asked to put my comment there :p12:58
vishhehe  ;)12:58
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
SEJeff_workWhat was the technical decision to stick with the old xf86-video-intel driver in a LTS?13:06
SEJeff_workvs the one where they've fixed a lot of bugs and done a lot of work on which was recently released? Lack of testing bandwidth?13:07
pittiSEJeff_work: is there a newer version than 2.9.1?13:07
SEJeff_workYes, 2.1013:08
SEJeff_work2.10 removes userspace modesetting and the giant bunch of code that goes with it.13:09
pittiSEJeff_work: ah, bryceh just reenabled UMS in the last upload, since apparently KMS still causes problems in some setups13:09
SEJeff_workpitti, But that means we get the driver from last September which is 6 months old already. Thats a decade in oss development :/13:10
pittiI don't know more about the plans, sorry13:11
pittiSEJeff_work: tjaalton and bryceh might have an opinion/existing plan, though13:11
tjaaltonSEJeff_work: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-x/2010-March/000822.html13:13
SEJeff_worktjaalton, Right, but it seems like you'll be rebasing any fixes. Not so great from a LTS perspective even with 25 kernel devs on the 2 kernel teams: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel/commit/?id=8ae0e44e42db645abe6d385f561260d2ae4a196013:14
SEJeff_workthanks tjaalton13:14
tjaaltonmost of the fixes will be to the drm code anyway13:15
SEJeff_workHopefully so. Lucid is looking great so far13:15
kklimondaseb128: should I tag somehow bugs related to the change of tooltip background in new theme?13:18
seb128kklimonda, no, is there that many of those?13:18
seb128kklimonda, I only know about vino and rhythmbox so far13:18
kklimondaseb128: I don't know - I've just found about vino and I'm using this theme for less then 24 hours ;)13:19
seb128that's a known issue13:19
tseliotpitti: ah, so plymouth is overriding the layout?13:28
pittitseliot: I'm not sure, I just know that when plymouth is on, loadkeys.sh doesn't run13:28
pittior runs differently, or something13:28
tseliotpitti: I'll ask Keybuk about it, he should know what's happening13:29
tseliotpitti: BTW what is it that calls loadkeys.sh?13:29
pittitseliot: I think /etc/init.d/keyboard-setup from console-setup package13:30
pittithrough setupcon perhaps?13:31
tseliotok, thanks13:33
Riddellwhat's the difference is between indicator-applet and indicator-messages?13:34
seb128Riddell, one is an applet, ie a widget, the other one is a service13:34
seb128Riddell, indicator-sound, indicator-me, indicator-session are services13:35
seb128they all dock into the applet to be rendered13:35
seb128Riddell, ls /usr/lib/indicators/313:35
seb128Riddell, what are you trying to figure exactly?13:35
Riddellseb128: what kopete-message-indicator should recommend to users13:36
Riddellam thinking it's  Recommends: plasma-widget-message-indicator | indicator-applet13:36
seb128seems about right to me13:36
tseliotKeybuk: do you know why when we use plymouth, loadkeys.sh doesn't run?13:39
Keybuktseliot: yes, because you can't load keys while a splash screen is running13:39
KeybukColin is working on that whole issue13:39
tseliotpitti: ^^13:40
tseliotKeybuk: good to know. Thanks13:40
pittitseliot: thanks13:40
Keybukit's the whole issue where if the vt is in KD_GRAPHICS or K_RAW things don't work out13:40
pitti. o { GTG is awesome }13:47
seb128pitti, do you know if plan to test rebuild lucid and when?13:48
pittiseb128: that already happened several times13:51
pittiI don't know the schedule for the next ones, though13:51
seb128pitti, I expect quite some drawback due to gtksealing13:53
pittiseb128: oh, what's that?13:53
seb128pitti, http://live.gnome.org/GnomeGoals/UseGseal13:53
seb128pitti, things like http://git.gnome.org/browse/nautilus/commit/?id=8c8cf192d861a1a6c202624ee0b4c0ff4307708013:54
seb128will probably be required on quite some source13:54
seb128pitti, it only breaks for things which turn use of deprecated api as errors but by experience there is a bunch of those in the universe13:55
pittiah, so all the GTK_FOO_BAR() macros are direct access13:55
pittiI see13:56
seb128and they want to stop that for gtk13:56
seb128so they add accessor functions instead13:56
seb128and deprecate the direct access on the way13:56
seb128usually fixing builds is trivial but we should aim at building at list of things broken early13:57
seb128pitti, do you think that's worth an ubuntu-devel email?14:07
pittiseb128: yes, I think so; might help people examining FTBFSes14:07
seb128ok, will do that14:07
pittiseb128: adding bug 536670 to lucid, FYI14:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536670 in gvfs "Does not automount unpartitioned devices" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53667014:23
seb128pitti, thanks14:24
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
pittipedro_: hey, how are you?14:40
pittipedro_: if you have a minute, would you mind testing the -proposed tzdata binaries for bug 532924 ?14:40
pedro_hey pitti! good thanks, what about you?14:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532924 in tzdata "Chilean timezone extraordinary change -- update to 2010e" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53292414:40
pittipedro_: I'm great, thanks! hope your family is alright14:40
pedro_pitti, sure will do it and ask for testing in my loco community too14:41
pittipedro_: I already gave them standard testing, but I'd rather have another person acking it before rushing it in14:41
pedro_roger that14:41
LaserJockdidrocks: around?14:51
didrocksLaserJock: yes, how are you?14:51
LaserJockdidrocks: doing OK, was just looking more at bug #281414:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 2814 in launchpad-integration "launchpad-integration doesn't open a new browser for sudo apps (like gnome-app-install)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/281414:52
didrockserror on copy and paste? :)14:52
LaserJockhmm, error in weechat not passing the "three" and "nine" key14:53
LaserJockbug #28391414:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283914 in netbook-launcher "netbook-launcher doesn't reflect changed icons in main menu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28391414:54
LaserJockweird, I must of messed up a keybinding14:54
LaserJockdidrocks: anyway, there doesn't seem to be any info already cached that would let us know if the icon had changed14:54
* kenvandine goes afk for a bit... parent/teacher conference14:55
kenvandineshould be back in 1 to 1.5 hours14:55
LaserJockdidrocks: would an OK strategy be to add say the size of the icon to the cache and check that?14:55
didrocksLaserJock: if it's too much work or too hackish, we just maybe postpone. It's not a so important fix to have in lucid14:56
didrocksLaserJock: we will still have the bug if the size of the icon with the replace one is the same14:56
LaserJockdidrocks: how is it done for the actual .desktop files?14:58
LaserJockor is n-l lacking an update mechanism there too14:58
didrocksLaserJock: I think the easiest is to look at the code of the menu. there should be a notification with inotify (not sure about how it's done)14:59
didrocksLaserJock: I mean, the menu in the panel :)14:59
LaserJockdidrocks: ok, so given approaching Beta1 would you rather I look at bug #455143 or maybe some of the crashers ?15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455143 in netbook-remix-launcher ""Change desktop background" menu only appears when right-clicking within "Favourites"" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45514315:06
didrocksLaserJock: I had a look lately, the code to insert is obvious, but not the place where to put it :)15:07
didrocks(lately == this morning)15:07
didrocksLaserJock: I think it's a matter of an hour just to understand the difference between the applications places and the favorite one15:08
didrocksLaserJock: if you want to look at that, it'll rock!15:08
didrocksLaserJock: the code you want to add is at ../src/nl-favorite-view.c:356 and corresponds to http://paste.ubuntu.com/392589/15:09
LaserJockdidrocks: you wanna give me the obvious code? I'll find where to stick it15:09
LaserJockah, you read my mind15:09
didrocksLaserJock: heh, as I have already found it, you can gain 10 minutes with that :)15:09
didrocksso, it's just the matter of getting the right clutter actor15:10
didrocksand add the gtk signal for pressed15:10
LaserJockdidrocks: k, I'll work on that then15:11
didrocksLaserJock: awesome :)15:12
* LaserJock mumbles "I for one welcome our new didrocks overlord"15:14
didrocksThere are lots of people more talented that I here, I'm afraid ;) but that's kind of you, thanks :)15:16
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seb128chrisccoulson, bug #501252, do you know if that's still true and still an indicator issue?15:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 501252 in indicator-session "Impossible to disable password after suspend-to-ram or -to-disk (regression)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50125215:46
seb128chrisccoulson, or rather an upower one?15:46
chrisccoulsonseb128 - both really. with our current architecture, things like gnome-session and indicator-session are all individually responsible for locking the screen, and all implement their own policy for doing that15:47
chrisccoulsonbut in an ideal world, gnome-screensaver would get a signal from upower15:47
seb128chrisccoulson, ok thanks15:47
chrisccoulsonand it would be consistent then, and there would be a global way of disabling it15:47
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm just triaging bugs today so I was just wondering if that should be reassigned15:48
chrisccoulsonit's ok where it is for now (if we were going to fix it, it would be done in indicator-session for now)15:48
seb128chrisccoulson, ok thanks15:50
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i wrote a patch for gnome-session to honour that gconf value i think, and apply the same policy as gpm)15:50
rickspencer3seb128, how is your 100 bugs list going?15:54
seb128rickspencer3, hey, not done yet, I've added some but I'm helping dxteam right now to triage their list and pick bugs for lucid15:55
rickspencer3not done, you've had like 12 hours!15:55
desrtguys.  seriously.15:57
pittidesrt: that one has been discussed in the upstream bug for quite a while15:57
pittiunfortunately still not with any decision15:58
pittiso we went ahead and patched it15:58
mclasenwe don't plan to change it, how is that not a decision ?15:58
pittiI didn't see any definite answer there, and the bug is still open15:58
pittimclasen: if there is a decision to keep it like that, it should perhaps be WONTFIXed?15:59
pitti(which would be sad, but better than leaving it like that, I guess)15:59
mclasenbut you know what would happen...people would open new bugs15:59
pittiand it's not exactly a huge patch to carry anyway15:59
desrtpitti: it changes the API/ABI of a supposedly-API/ABI-stable library16:00
desrtpitti: it also changes the _documentation_ for said library16:00
pittiso if upstream decides for using KiB/MiB, that's fine as well, but the current units are just wrong16:00
desrtwithout maybe making a note about "by the way, this is different on ubuntu than everywhere else on earth"16:00
pittidesrt: how so? it just outputs wrong numbers, that's just a bug?16:00
desrtpitti: this is political.16:00
pittidesrt: everywhere else on earth MB == 10^616:01
desrtyour opinion of "wrong" is alex's opinion of "right"16:01
pittierm, M = 10^6, I mean16:01
desrtpitti: so many people are _not_ doing that that you guys have a special exception on your wiki page for "things we won't break because it's too important that it continues working properly"16:01
pittiwell, *shrug*, I didn't harass anyone to "plz apply upstream now or we'll hate you forever" or so16:03
pittiI just found it polite to send the patch to the upstream bug16:03
desrtpitti: do you not see the potential confusion caused to application developers?16:05
pittidesrt: I do16:05
pittibut that confusion is there either way16:06
desrti'm less confused when an API in a library that i use for cross-platform compaibility gives the same results on all platform16:06
pittigvfs uses correct GBs ("10 GB drive"), gnome-system-monitor uses correct MiB/GiB, etc.16:06
chrisccoulsonpitti - could you please add a lucid task for bug 536737?16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536737 in couchdb "Port couchdb to xulrunner-1.9.2" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53673716:22
pittichrisccoulson: done16:23
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks16:23
chrisccoulsonwho is familiar with the couchdb packaging, and could review micahg's change on bug 536737?16:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536737 in couchdb "Port couchdb to xulrunner-1.9.2" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53673716:37
seb128kenvandine, ^16:38
* kenvandine looks16:39
kenvandinewe might want to get statik to look16:39
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, thanks16:39
chrisccoulsonwe're just testing the change at the moment16:39
kenvandinechrisccoulson, i'll handle it16:39
kenvandineah... ok16:39
chrisccoulsonawesome, thanks :)16:39
kenvandineok, it looks harmless but i will get confirmation16:40
kenvandinechrisccoulson, if he is happy with it, should he just upload it?16:41
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - i don't mind. i'd like the opportunity to test it first (to make sure it loads the 1.9.2 GRE and works properly)16:41
kenvandineok, i'll have him check with you first16:42
=== oubiwann` is now known as oubiwann
chrisccoulsonbrb, session restart16:49
mptrickspencer3, hi, have you tried Computer Janitor recently?17:10
rickspencer3mpt, no17:10
rickspencer3that's a foundationsy thing17:10
rickspencer3I don't track it17:10
rickspencer3mpt, why do you ask?17:10
mptrickspencer3, a bunch of us Design team peeps are a bit concerned it doesn't really meet Ubuntu standards, and we were wondering whether it's more realistic to (a) find someone to fix it and get a UI freeze exception or (b) get it taken off the seed for Lucid17:12
mptOn 2 out of 3 machines we've tried it on, it does nothing at all17:12
seb128you should check with mvo he's probably the one who knows the status17:14
seb128rickspencer3, pitti: do we have any way to get a list of bugs with a lucid task on packages that dxteam is responsive for?17:16
seb128kenvandine, ^17:16
seb128I think the reply is "no" or at least not in launchpad17:17
seb128but maybe on some bughugger report or something17:17
kenvandineyeah, it is no17:17
kenvandinei just open the bugs page for each of the projects17:17
kenvandinewhich isn't very efficient17:17
seb128kenvandine, right, it's not ;-)17:18
kenvandinein fact it is down right painful :)17:18
kenvandinei would love a better way17:18
pittiseb128: not that I know of, sorry17:46
didrocksseb128: thanks for commenting, I was pretty sure the symptoms were the same but as I didn't deal with those bugs, I was unsure :)17:47
seb128didrocks, np17:48
seb128didrocks, bug #536801 btw if you want to confirm it17:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536801 in indicator-session "switching users don't always lock the session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53680117:48
seb128pitti, ok, thanks anyway17:49
seb128tedg, ^17:50
seb128tedg, I assigned it to you, let me know if you can't reproduce or need details17:50
didrocksseb128: done17:51
tedgseb128: Cool, thanks.17:51
* tedg will have to install a couple more users :)17:51
seb128I've a testbox I can reboot for testing, ie the mini1017:51
seb128and I get the bug easily on it17:51
seb128didrocks, thanks17:51
sanderqdhi, I'm trying to publish a customized gnome-applets package but I'm not sure how to set up my bzr branches. specifically, I'm wondering how the patches in lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-applets/ubuntu are developed - in a separate lp:gnome-applets fork?17:59
seb128hi sanderqd18:01
seb128the ubuntu-desktop one only has the debian dir18:01
seb128it's copy in the unpacked tarball18:01
seb128and we use that to build18:01
sanderqdseb128: ok, and you use that branch to version-control patches? there's also lp:ubuntu/gnome-applets which contains both the original source and debian/18:03
seb128lp:ubuntu/gnome-applets is an auto import of uploads18:03
seb128you can use that as well18:04
sanderqdok, cool. thanks for clearing that up18:04
seb128cassidy, there?18:06
seb128sanderqd, you're welcome18:06
vishmpt: hi.. any idea what the icon name is for the software store categories icons?18:08
mptvish, some of the icon names are directly in the "software-center.menu" file, others are called indirectly by <Directory> in that file18:18
mptI don't remember where the <Directory> ones come from, but seb128 or mvo would know18:19
seb128dpkg -L gnome-menus | grep directories18:20
seb128dpkg -L gnome-menus | grep directory18:20
mptthanks seb12818:20
vishthanks ..18:20
vishmpt: i think the first section in games is "arcade" seems to be mentioned as amusements > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Genre ,18:21
* vish thought that all games were amusements :p18:22
mptvish, that page mentions neither Arcade nor Amusements18:23
vishmpt: in genre , the first one i see is "Amusements" as a subsection of games..18:24
mptvish, reload :-)18:24
vishhehe ;p18:24
LaserJockkenvandine: reading your changelog for latest empathy, do you know if there are any security implications for making a non-SSL protocol default?18:31
kenvandinenot really... it isn't adding the account18:32
kenvandinethe user still has to do that18:32
kenvandineit is just the first one in the list, based on popularity18:32
kenvandineand our theme of being social from the start18:33
kenvandineit isn't setting anything up that doesn't use SSL18:33
LaserJockhow is that popularity assessed?18:33
kenvandineinformal data from gtalk employees18:34
kenvandinethey say facebook is the most popular means of chat now18:34
kenvandineinformal though18:34
LaserJockI know it's not adding it, but it seems like encouraging people to use an insecure protocol, which doesn't sound all that great18:34
kenvandinenot really encouraging, it is something most people use already :)18:34
LaserJockbut shouldn't ;-)18:35
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
LaserJockalthough I do so naughty me18:35
kenvandinewe would just rather them do it in empathy than in a web browser18:35
kenvandinewe all do :)18:35
LaserJockbut a browser is potentially safer18:35
kenvandinebut people shouldn't be sending sensitive data over chat anyway18:35
LaserJockit's not that18:35
kenvandinepasswd and such though18:35
LaserJockit's the password is being sent unencripted18:36
LaserJockwow, I can't spell18:36
LaserJockbut I guess if Facebook is doing that to millions every day what's another drop in the bucket?18:36
kenvandinehehe.. yeah18:36
LaserJockI just happened to be reading up on the Facebook SSL issue the other day18:36
kenvandinehopefully they will open it up with ssl18:36
LaserJockand it seemed slightly scary compared to most other services18:37
pittigood night everyone!18:39
didrockshave a good night pitti18:40
chrisccoulsongood night pitti18:41
seb128'night pitti18:41
brycehpitti, regarding the earlier question about -intel; I went through the git changelog for 2.10 and found it's like 98% code deletion, with the other 2% being a handful of work on Xv and maybe one or two bug fixes which may or may not be relevant to us.18:43
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chrisccoulsonwell, quiet evening for me tonight18:48
chrisccoulsonno baby here!18:49
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, enjoy ;-)18:53
seb128chrisccoulson, did you find somebody to do babysitting so you can go out or something?18:53
chrisccoulsonseb128 - my girlfriend has gone to stay with her sister for the evening18:54
chrisccoulsonso, i've got the house to myself for a change!18:54
seb128I see ;-)18:54
seb128don't work too much!18:54
seb128or if you do, hack on fun stuff ;-)18:54
seb128anyway time for dinner here18:55
kenvandinelater seb12818:55
sanderqdis there a policy about attributing patch authors in packages like gnome-panel? i don't see many names in debian/changelog, neither in debian/patches/18:59
* LaserJock needs to get more RAM for his netbook, chromium sucks it like a Dyson19:05
seb128sanderqd, we usually write "thank to ..." in the changelog entry19:17
seb128didrocks, btw, wanna do the gst-plugins-bad0.10 update tomorrow?19:20
didrocksseb128: sure :)19:20
didrocksyou're welcome19:20
seb128enjoy your evening meanwhile19:21
didrocksthanks, you too :-)19:21
seb128I'm pinging in the evening because you are an earlier starter than me in the morning :p19:21
seb128see you later!19:21
kenvandinetedg, i just uploaded evolution with the fix that should get the Shortcut Group names translated19:57
seb128kenvandine, tedg: speaking of which you groups name are buggy, they should start by X-Canonical20:02
seb128or X-Ubuntu20:02
kenvandinetedg, ^^20:02
kenvandinetedg, was there reasoning for using Ayatana?20:02
kenvandinei would think X-Ubuntu20:02
seb128kenvandine, oh, ayatana is fine too20:04
seb128[Compose Shortcut Group]20:04
seb128that one has no X- though20:04
seb128neither does20:04
seb128[Contacts Shortcut Group]20:04
kenvandineneither does [Desktop Entry]20:05
seb128Desktop Entry is speced20:05
seb128X- are for things which are not in specs20:05
* kenvandine hopes this is proposed at least20:05
seb128ie Comment= is official20:05
tedgseb128: I figured that since the names of the groups were defined by the entries anyway, it seemed a little redundant to have a field that was X-Ayatana then refer to groups that were X-Ayatana...20:07
seb128tedg, desktop-file-validate complains about those not respecting the spec though20:08
seb128and I just read the spec it's clear than non official groups should use X-...20:08
tedgI have no issue changing it, just seemed wordy.20:08
seb128tedg, bug #452659 is weird20:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 452659 in indicator-me "indicator-applet-session's icons are not reflecting the status changes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45265920:13
seb128tedg, the combo boxes in pidgin and empathy and the indicator are in sync but the buddy list status is wrong in both pidgin and empathy20:14
seb128tedg, do you think it could be a bug in both softwares?20:14
seb128I'm not sure to understand the issue20:14
tedgseb128: I'm guessing what is happening is the telepathy status negotiation.20:16
tedgseb128: So basically every telepathy client has a set of statuses it can represent.20:16
tedgseb128: And when you try to set it, it figures out which one is "most available" if it can't set that one.20:16
tedgseb128: So if you set invisible, and it doesn't support that, it'll go to Away.20:17
tedgseb128: But, *only* on that protocol, not all.20:17
tedgseb128: You end up with this crazy indeterminate state.20:17
seb128tedg, that sort of makes sense, I've asked detail on the protocol being used20:17
tedgI'm really not certain what we should/could be doing there.20:18
seb128well to me it seems the indicator is not buggy20:19
seb128since the pidgin or empathy combo stays in the same state20:19
baptistemm_hey bfiller20:28
baptistemm_I was thinking about you20:28
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
bfillerbaptistemm: hey20:28
baptistemm_bfiller, Could you comment on upstream bug in Bug #36952220:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369522 in gnome-user-share "obexpushd and obexftp not correctly restarted after S3/S4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36952220:29
baptistemm_actually I never saw you here but today :)20:29
bfillerbaptistemm: I will get to that today20:30
bfillerbaptistemm: I'm usually on this channel :)20:30
baptistemm_so the upstream bug is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61031620:30
ubottuGnome bug 610316 in general "Cleanup suspend/resume code" [Normal,Needinfo]20:30
baptistemm_and I updated the patch to the latest git there20:31
baptistemm_actually I really happy you looked at this code, as I wrote it :)20:32
sanderqdmclasen: hi, i'm trying to apply http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/devel/gnome-panel/icon-padding.patch?revision=1.1&view=markup in ubuntu, but after restarting gnome-panel the padding setting doesn't seem to have any effect. any idea about what i could do?20:44
mclasensanderqd: first thing I would check is if the panel is actually looking for the gconf key you set20:59
sanderqdmclasen: sounds good, is there a nice way to check that?20:59
mclasenadd some debug spew ?21:01
TheMusoGood morning.21:32
RAOFGood morning.21:33
seb128RAOF, hi, how are you?21:36
RAOFHi seb128!  I'm all excited to see what fun new bugs my call for nouveau testing has russled up.21:36
seb128RAOF, nice ;-)21:37
didrockshey RAOF21:37
* seb128 has no nvidia hardware21:37
rickspencer3wow, quite the flood of Fix Released for pitivi21:37
didrockstime to go for me, I was telling to have an early evening :)21:37
rickspencer3bye bye didrocks21:38
RAOFdidrocks: Hey!21:38
rickspencer3take it easy!21:38
didrocksbye rickspencer3 :)21:38
seb128didrocks, 'night21:38
RAOFdidrocks: Have a good evening :)21:38
seb128rickspencer3, yeah, I got the new version in and cleaned the buglist a bit21:38
rickspencer3didrocks, you totally deserve a nice evening out!21:38
didrocksthanks everyone, have a good day/evening/night :)21:38
RAOFAlso, virt-manager looks shiny and new and will hopefully build me an armel VM that I can run gdb in to fix the gjs FTBFS.21:38
faganRAOF: hmmm I have nvidia hardware and im lucid how do I test it21:41
faganIs it the default driver or is it still -nv21:41
RAOFIt's the default driver.21:41
faganOh then im using it then :)21:41
RAOFAnd obviously haven't been having a bad time of it :)21:41
faganRAOF: Well my laptop is running a lot hotter than with the nvidia driver21:42
RAOFYeah, power management is not yet implemented :/21:43
faganBut at least it has kms21:43
* fagan loves the boot graphic thingy 21:43
RAOFIt's really nice.21:47
* TheMuso is willing to not have KMS for better power management.21:49
RAOFYeah, that's a worthwhile tradeoff.21:50
* fagan is shallow then :)21:50
chrisccoulsonbug 520589 is really bothering me21:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520589 in network-manager "Network manager icon does not appear in notification panel at startup" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52058921:57
seb128chrisccoulson, I doubt it's a nm-applet bug22:01
seb128chrisccoulson, I got it once some days ago22:02
seb128the notification area was not displayed at all until gnome-panel restart22:02
rickspencer3RAOF, I'm dist-upgrading so I can try out your f-spot patches!22:04
RAOFrickspencer3: :)22:04
* rickspencer3 waits for new kernel to install22:04
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i keep getting it occasionally too, but it's quite difficult to debug22:10
chrisccoulsoni'm fairly sure it's probably the same as bug 43944822:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439448 in gnome-panel "notification area shows wrong icons. erratic behaviour" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43944822:10
seb128could be yes22:14
seb128that one is annoying too22:14
rickspencer3TheMuso, my issue was that I had removed the indicator applet from that user :)22:28
TheMusorickspencer3: heh ok.22:28
rickspencer3Nafai hi22:28
crimsunseb128: the pulse volume/balance issue is not reproducible in current Mandriva dev but is reproducible in F1322:39
crimsunseb128: I have a couple other bugs to squash, but I'll dig into it22:39
seb128crimsun, thanks22:42
LaserJockman I hate it when websites give podcast URLs only in iTunes22:52
nekohayoseb128, oh f*ck me... http://ecchi.ca:8000/1.png :)22:58
nekohayostealth launchpad bugs attack!22:58
nekohayoah whew, they're not all "private bugs being made public", a bunch of them are fix released, thank you :)22:59
seb128nekohayo, lol23:00
seb128you're welcome23:00
nekohayoso I'm assuming 0.13.4 is packaged in lucid now23:00
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
nekohayoany reason why 533062 and 533812 were made public but not also set to "check if it still happens with 0.13.4" ?23:04
seb128nekohayo, no, I probably overlooked some bugs while going through the list23:10
seb128nekohayo, doing several things at the same time23:10
nekohayoyeah I can imagine :) I wonder how you manage to keep your sanity with so much bugs23:39

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