
Linux000Okay, I thought it had to have the debian directory in the source00:00
vorianactually, the patch should be the current source versus your changed source00:01
Linux000Okay, when I make the patch(I might be doing it wrong) it complains about not having a changelog00:01
vorianwhat kind of patch?00:03
Linux000As I said I am most likely building it wrong, the error is when I run 'debuild -S'00:06
Linux000It is just a small basic patch to a python file00:08
DavieyAnyone fancy a quick sponsor frolic?00:27
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Riddellcody-somerville, jdong: please review bug 53456100:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534561 in gst-plugins-bad0.10 "kate decoder not detected even though it is installed" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53456100:59
Linux000When editing the change log, do we put our email address, or the ubuntu developer list address?01:10
\shLinux000: your email address01:14
Linux000\sh: Thanks01:15
Linux000And should I set the Maintainer to Ubuntu Dev's for non-ubuntu packages(i.e. Firefox)01:17
\shnon-ubuntu packages?01:19
Linux000Like Firefox/Pidgin01:19
micahgLinux000: what are you doing with Firefox?01:23
micahgand why is it a non-ubuntu package?01:24
Linux000Thats an example, I am not trying to fix firefox, it pychess, bug 53476101:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534761 in pychess "pychess in Lucid doesn't start" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53476101:24
Linux000by non-ubuntu package, I mean a project by itself, that doesn't rely on ubuntu Dev's01:25
micahgLinux000: you should get the ubuntu-dev-tools pacakge01:26
micahgin it is a script called update-maintainer that you can use on a package like pychess that's imported from debian01:26
\shLinux000: then you should add in debian/control your own maintainer email address...01:29
micahg\sh: update-maintainer sets it as ubuntu-devel-discuss I think...01:33
\shmicahg: yes...but doing a package for self maintained packages and not for ubuntu shouldn't set an ubuntu maintainer01:33
Linux000Yes it does, it moves the listed maintainer to XSBC-Original-Maintainer:01:33
micahg\sh: ah, ok, I thought Linux000 was going to patch for archive01:34
\shmicahg: if so, I didn't understand it ;)01:34
micahgLinux000: are you making a debdiff for lucid?01:34
vorianLinux000: sorry i dropped you, I had something come up01:34
vorianyou are in good hands with \sh though01:35
Linux000Yes, a Debdiff for the Lucid Repo01:35
micahgLinux000: yeah, then just use update-maintainer01:35
Linux000vorian: np, I had to eat to01:35
vorianLinux000: have you reviewed the guides on the wiki?01:35
vorianthere is a good recipe that i like to use as an example01:36
\shLinux000: ok...then I did misunderstand you...if you are doing a debdiff for ubuntu you need to update the debian/control maintainer field with update-maintainer of ubuntu-dev-tools (which is the easy way of doing it)01:36
Linux000vorian: which recipe?01:36
vorianlemme see here01:36
\shvorian: I don't have any clue ...;)01:38
Linux000Thats the one I'm looking at01:38
voriansorry it took forever to find :P01:38
vorianso, you can do this01:39
vorianor rather, have you done dch -i01:39
Linux000okay, this is my first patch, so I am trying to make sure I do this right01:39
vorianthat's no problem, you've a whole channel of people trying to help01:40
Linux000yes, I updated the change log01:40
vorianwhat patch system does the package use (if any)?01:42
Linux000What do you mean by patch system?01:42
\shcdbs (simple-patchsys), dpatch, quilt, doko-patch-system , etc.pp.01:43
vorianwell, if you diff the sources ( old new > patch.diff ) you toss that in debian/patches01:43
vorianwe don't use direct changes to the source, souyez would reject the package01:44
vorianbesides, it's best to keep the source so others can modify it how they please01:44
Linux000right now I am following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff , if that helps, I belive it is cdbs01:44
\shvorian: it does? what about packages, which doesn't have a default patch system...we don't invent one when package maintainer choose to not use one01:45
micahgvorian: I thought debuild adds any source changes to teh .diff.gz?01:45
vorianit does, but the changes are made in the debian directory01:46
vorianor unless the maintainer chooses otherwise01:46
RoAkSoAxvorian, long time no see01:46
vorianyo RoAkSoAx01:46
RoAkSoAxhow's you dfoing man?01:46
ajmitchunless something has changed, soyuz shouldn't reject those packages with changes made directly01:46
vorianLinux000: check out chm2pdf on a patch01:46
vorianalright, I stand corrected :P01:46
* ajmitch dislikes trying to add a patch to a package which uses cdbs+tarball-in-tarball01:46
\shvorian: if package debian/control doesn't list anything about cdbs, dpatch, quilt or whatever it could use to apply patches from debian/patches, it's always inline source patches, which is quite ok for debian because diff.gz itself is a patchsystem01:47
ajmitchI wonder fi I can get away with adding dpatch back into this package01:47
\shhey ajmitch :)01:48
voriani'm sorry, i havent explained myself very well01:48
ajmitchhi \sh  :)01:48
vorianas usual :)01:48
vorianRoAkSoAx: doing much much better01:48
vorianRoAkSoAx: how's school?01:48
RoAkSoAxvorian, I'm glad to hear that. And is school is going pretty good actually... busy but good :)01:48
\shbah...I really hate writing unittests, or better I hate myself to not write unittests before I implement the real logic01:49
voriangood deal01:49
Linux000All I have to do for a patch is edit the source(to fix the bug), the modify debian/changelog, and create a debdiff right?01:49
vorianLinux000: give it a shot, and a sponsor will review it01:49
vorianit may be easier to walk you through it once we see what you've done01:50
\shis "if var is False" correct pythonic or is "if var == False" correct...(it's really too late)01:55
Linux000Okay then, I fixed the bug, and added the changes to the change log, now I get an error in debian/rules when I run 'debuild -S'01:55
ajmitchor 'if not var' :)01:56
jdong\sh: "is" is pythonic for False, True, None which are distinct value constants.01:57
ajmitch'is' checkd for object identity as well as equality01:58
\shwell...vlan_obj = self.proxy.faidb.vlan.insert( 4096, "", "TestVlan", 10 , "Test Vlan" ) => vlan_obj == False ; vlan_obj = self.proxy.faidb.vlan.insert( 4095, "", "TestVlan", 10 , "Test Vlan" ) => type(vlan_obj)=='dict'01:58
jdongwell it's only checked for object identity, right?01:58
ajmitch\sh: so it's returning a dict, but that dict is equal to false?02:00
ajmitchodd, since I didn't think even an empty dict would be == False02:00
\shajmitch: well...actually my example was useless...the first parameter is the vlan_id which means it can only be between 1 and 4094 so everything > 4094 will cause the methods return value to be False/None02:01
\shajmitch: if the vlan_id is between 1 and 4094 will cause the methods return value be a dict with the added vlan obj02:02
* ajmitch isn't understanding what your problem is then :)02:02
\shi just want to know if "if vlan_obj is False" is correct python language02:03
ajmitchyes, it should be02:03
ajmitchjust beware of None != False02:04
Linux000I believe it is "if var == False"02:07
* ajmitch still prefers to use 'if not var'02:08
Linux000Also, should I compress the debdiff, or leave it before sending to launchpad?02:08
ajmitchyou should be able to leave it as-is, if it's not too large02:08
\shah...someone needs to complain later...;) it will be released as gplv3 anyway02:08
\shso now for the 10th bottle of redbull for today...I don't know if that could harm my body...who cares02:09
ajmitchlive short & burn out with a bang?02:09
\shajmitch: I think my son will be angry about the "burn out with a bang" ;)02:10
ajmitchit's about 3AM there? :)02:11
\shajmitch: yes...02:11
\shajmitch: we have rollout night02:11
ajmitchhow fun02:11
\shcolleagues next to me are just deploying new cisco ASR config...02:12
ajmitchso sleep is in another 18 hours or so02:12
\shduring this time I can stop my puppet magic02:12
\shajmitch: oh...I got up yesterday morning around 8am went to office around 3pm and we started at 10pm yesterday with our work02:13
Linux000If someone answered, sorry, my computer went down for a second, but, should I compress the debdiff for a patch, or leave it before sending to launchpad?02:14
\shajmitch: and if we are not done with the work around 6am this morning we are getting F.U.B.A.R02:14
ajmitchLinux000: you should be able to leave it as-is, if it's not too large02:15
Linux000ajmitch: Thanks02:15
ajmitch\sh: tight deadlines like that are great, aren't they?02:15
\shajmitch: yes..especially when management doesn't listen to the guys doing the work...actually we don't have a clue about what we are doing...and how much work that is actually...but manager has02:16
\shthe next nightshift will be from thursday evening  to friday morning...and next week again two nightshifts with more downtimes02:17
\shand WTH does windows 7 put my laptop into sleep mode instead of restarting it...02:18
ajmitch\sh: oh, you have management that know best? that's fairly common :)02:23
\shajmitch: a standard so to say :)02:24
\shajmitch: what's the diff between php-memcache and php-memcached? ;)02:46
ajmitchdifferent library used, they work slightly differently02:47
ajmitchI use one of them on servers here, can't remember which one ;)02:47
\shajmitch: close bug #532083 then...you just fixed it ;)02:49
ajmitchcurrently we're just using it for things like a session handler & a few small things02:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532083 in php-memcache "package could not be installed with php 5.3.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53208302:49
ajmitchhm, must have missed that when checking for bugs to close02:49
\shajmitch: yeah...I use also php5-memcache for shared session management ...02:49
ajmitchhopefully most of the important php extensions are rebuilt now for 5.302:58
ajmitchjust a couple that are problematic02:58
\shzend-framework should also be 5.3 compatible02:59
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jdongRiddell: ACKed-ish, patch ok, but as commented, would like SRU bug description to be there for verification.04:39
MTecknology!info dh-make-drupal05:00
ubottudh-make-drupal (source: dh-make-drupal): Create Debian packages from Drupal modules and themes. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4-2 (karmic), package size 17 kB, installed size 92 kB05:00
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dholbachgood morning07:38
duanedes1gntrying to install some manpages into a package. The rules file is fairly complex so i was unsure where to call dh_installman09:18
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geserIt doesn't look like the package is using debhelper. Is debhelper listed in Build-Depends?09:21
persiaFor that package, I'd probably add `cp -a ...` lines to the binary-arch rule.09:23
geserpersia: do you remember how the automatic package removal import from Debian works? does it ignore ubuntu changes?09:26
duanedes1gnthank you09:26
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geserduanedes1gn: looks like you are working on db4.2. db4.2 got removed in Debian and I assume Ubuntu will follow soon too.09:27
duanedesigngeser: ahh, ok09:29
duanedesigngeser: it is a rather old bug report :)09:29
persiageser: There isn't really an "automatic" package removal.  There's a script the archive-admins run to discover removals from Debian, and then they remove the packages.09:31
gesers/automatic/semi-automatic/ :)09:32
persiageser: I don't know if there is any other automation in the workflow, and I'd hope that the archive-admins at least examined anything with ubuntu-specific changes carefully.09:32
persiaBut ask an archive-admin for real details09:32
geserthis part is a little bit under-documented and I never know if a removal bug should be filed or not09:33
persiaMy personal habit is to file RoQA removal bugs in Debian until DIF, and then file Ubuntu removal bugs if packages are still present at BetaFreeze.  This cycle the gap has been narrow, but when it's wide, I don't think it matters much.09:34
duanedesignpersia: what about bug 534638 does that seem like a reasonable patch?09:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534638 in apport "[PATCH] Clean up linux hook dialogs" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53463809:53
bcjI think vpnc has a packaging bug.09:53
bcjAfter install I get errors stating that a file doesn't exist; the file is in the package, but it isn't copied to the right place - manually copying it fixes the problem.09:54
persiaduanedesign: In what sense?09:54
persiabcj: I think you're right, for that behaviour.  Did you file a bug?09:54
bcj"sh: /etc/vpnc/vpnc-script: not found09:55
bcjCopying the file from the package fixes it.09:55
bcjNo, I couldn't find where to file it in launchpad.09:55
persiabcj: Copying the script from the source package, or from where?09:55
persiabcj: Try `ubuntu-bug vpnc`09:55
bcjCopying vpnc-script from the .deb09:55
bcjAt the command line?09:56
persiabcj: What?  The script is in the .deb and not installed?  try dpkg -L vpnc09:56
* persia very much expects it is installed, and something else is up09:56
bcjIf I ls /etc/vpnc the file is not there.09:57
bcjI can do a clean install later and check file permissions/ownership then.09:57
bcjNow I know how to submit the bug I should be ok.09:57
bcjThanks for the help.09:57
geserIf you once remove /etc/vpnc/vpnc-script in the past, dpkg honours your "configuration" at package upgrade09:58
bcjgeser: I hadn't removed it.09:58
bcjI'll completely uninstall the package and try from scratch - checking file permissions, etc.09:59
persiabcj: don't forget to *purge* it.  Otherwise it may be respecting a prior deletion of a conffile.09:59
bcjHow does one do that?  I normally do "sudo apt-get autoremove <package>"10:00
bcjsudo apt-get purge <package>?10:00
geser"sudo apt-get --purge remove vpnc"10:00
bcjA bug will be submitted later if I can reproduce the problem.10:01
duanedesignpersia: well since my last project didnt go so well I am just looking for another to help with reviewing patches10:03
persiaduanedesign: I tend to shy away from kernel bugs, unless I'm closely coordinating with the #ubuntu-kernel folk.  The patch in question was submitted by one of them, so I suspect she doesn't need help to land it.10:04
duanedesignheh, yeah probablly not :)10:05
kmdmMorning all - Don't suppose there's an easy-ish answer (when backporting a package from lucid to karmic) to the following rejection error from the PPA system: format '3.0 (quilt)' is not permitted in karmic.10:29
geserkmdm: you need to transform the package back to v1 source format, which might be easy or not depending on the used v3 features10:29
kmdmgeser: *nod* - I've no experience with where the v3 / v1 comes into play, is there a quick dummies guide for where to look etc..?10:31
duanedesignpersia: any hints on what i should look for on list of bugs with the 'patch' tag to work on.10:31
geserkmdm: the changelog might give some hints why it was converted to v3. does the package use an .orig.tar.gz or .orig.tar.bz2?10:33
persiaduanedesign: I generally look at the bugs for the packages that have the tag.  If a package looks unloved, I tend to try to triage/fix all the bugs all at once.10:33
persiaduanedesign: If a package looks well-tended, I tend to look for something else.10:34
duanedesignahh, good idea10:34
duanedesignthank you10:34
kmdmgeser: .tar.gz (it's asterisk
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* kmdm reads http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.010:45
Rhondakmdm: Usually it is just a "rm -r debian/source" away.10:51
kmdmRhonda: That's exactly what I just did... just gotta wait and see now :)10:52
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* kmdm peers at the ppa system: liblua5.1-0-dev: Depends: libreadline5-dev but it is not going to be installed11:03
kmdmthey install fine on my karmic machine11:06
kmdmand that builds fine under pbuilder... well, that's me confused ;)11:07
pufuwozuHi everyone11:17
pufuwozuI'm trying to package up a Python extension11:17
pufuwozuI've uploaded it to REVU, here: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/python-pybox2d11:18
pufuwozuMy lintian output is giving me a few warnings: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/python-pybox2d-1003090142/lintian11:18
pufuwozuIs there anything I can do about them?11:18
persia-1 is only correct if you're planning a Debian upload, in which case the name in the last changelog entry needs to match something in Maintainer: or Uploaders:11:19
persiaIf you target Ubuntu, consider -0ubuntu1, which won't show those messages.11:20
pufuwozuSo I can just add -0ubuntu1 to a new package?11:20
persiaInstead of -1, yes.11:22
pufuwozuThanks persia, that helps heaps!11:26
socany plans/time to package intellij for 10.04?12:25
directhextoo late afaik12:26
persiasoc: Time no.  For plans, check the needs-packaging bugs on LP.12:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516252 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] IntelliJ IDEA" [Wishlist,New]12:34
socthis is it12:34
persiaLooks like nobody claimed it yet.12:34
persiaJust subscribe to the bug, and if someone claims it, they *should* update it.12:35
socok, done12:39
socwould be nice to have that additional ide in ubuntu12:39
persiaMostly needs someone to package it.  You could, if you like.12:40
soci have no experience in packaging java things ...12:40
soci've done some fonts, but i guess i can't do that without extensive guidance ...12:40
socand i have exams atm :-/12:41
persiaMaybe later, if someone else doesn't get to it first :)12:41
socimho, it would be intelligent to package the raw intellij thing without any functionality (plugins) first, even without the plugins which are delivered normally12:42
socand then do things like intellij-idea-java,  intellij-idea-scala,  intellij-idea-groovy,  intellij-idea-maven,  intellij-idea-ant,  intellij-idea-git etc.12:43
socthis way dependencies would be more manageable12:43
socbtw, i just wonder why we still have that 32bit flashplayer in the 64bit repos ...12:45
skwashdttx: you about?12:59
skwashdtesting your solr build atm12:59
skwashdhit a snag12:59
ttxskwashd: tell me13:00
skwashdttx: java.io.IOException: Cannot create directory: /usr/share/solr/data/index13:01
skwashdi'm suspecting that is a build/packaging issue13:01
skwashdit should be using /var/lib/solr/data/index iirc13:01
ttxskwashd: it's probably also present in the debian build, since I didn't touch anything near permissions13:01
skwashdttx: the path doesn't exist13:02
ttxskwashd: mind moving this discussion to #ubuntu-java ? thkoch, debian solr maintainer, hangs there13:02
skwashdttx: no worries13:03
* skwashd jumps 1 chan right13:03
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gamesNvideosi looked up ubuntu-motu on distrowatch and it brought up ubuntu ultimate. is that correct?>15:48
gamesNvideosok. i have one question. do you guys receive any kind of compensation?15:49
gamesNvideosill take that as a yes15:51
persiaBother got distracted.15:54
sanderqdhi, i'm new to packaging and i'm trying to fork a package, so that i can distribute an improved version through launchpad. should i 'bzr branch lp:ubuntu/gnome-applets' or 'apt-cache source gnome-applets'?16:08
persiaThey should get you the same source: it's up to you which you want to use.16:08
gamesNvideoshi again16:10
Rhondasanderqd: Rather apt-get source, not apt-cache source, but I guess you are aware that that was a mistake. :)16:10
shadeslayersanderqd: i did a ppa session on this a few days ago,you can read the log :)16:10
persiagamesNvideos: Hey.  Sorry for getting distracted before.16:10
gamesNvideosno problem, persia16:10
sanderqdok, thanks! will look at the logs16:11
RhondagamesNvideos: Depends on what you consider compensation. There is no payment involved, if you mean that.16:11
persiagamesNvideos: We tend to discourage "Ubuntu Ultimate"./16:11
RhondaThe compensation is rather the self-esteem getting pushed by user feedback. :)16:11
gamesNvideosok rhonda was just wondering. are there any other perks?16:11
persiagamesNvideos: How do you mean "perks"?16:11
gamesNvideosI just meant benefits16:12
Rhonda"Sounds good on a CV"16:12
gamesNvideoswhy do you discourage ubuntu ultimate?16:12
Rhondacurriculum vitae16:12
\shwhat is ubuntu ultimate?16:12
directhexbecause it's a single-user operation, of unknown quality. and not all the changes in it are smart, let alone done properly16:13
sanderqdshadeslayer: was it a session for the Opportunistic Developer Week, or under what category should i find it?16:13
Rhondadirecthex: But then, not all the changes in ubuntu are smart, let alone done properly. Or in Debian, or further upstream. :)16:13
gamesNvideosdoes ubuntu have any packages by default that could be used by any companies to intrude on a persons privacy?16:14
persiagamesNvideos: "Ubuntu Ultimate" is based on a script that was based on other scripts, that has a long history.  Several revisions have been code-revewed, and they all did things in ways that we feel are wrong.  Most of the effects can be achieved usefully in other ways.16:14
directhexRhonda, right. but at least they're more tested!16:14
shadeslayersanderqd: itll be under ubuntu classroom packaging16:14
directhexgamesNvideos, it ships a web browser. do you know what "cookies" are?16:14
sanderqdshadeslayer: great, found it16:14
directhexwell then16:14
gamesNvideosany software packages?16:14
gamesNvideosbesides the webbrowser16:15
\shoh ubuntu ultimate is an evolution of ubuntu-extreme-rm_Rf /16:15
persiagamesNvideos: There's no "call home" function by default.  If you use a browser, the information collected by anywhere to which you connect is another matter (this is OS independent).  Some features integrate with network services that require more authentication, but none of them are mandatory.16:15
shadeslayerpersia: btw i missed out a few points during the class,youll have to read the bottom part first to complete it successfully16:15
shadeslayersanderqd: ^^16:15
RhondagamesNvideos: Like, IM clients, or email clients?16:15
gamesNvideosRhonda, any applications at all16:15
directhex\sh, remember "ultamatix"? iirc that one uses "killall" a lot to in its package manglement16:15
gamesNvideosany packages16:15
RhondagamesNvideos: Or technically all network services, that's not too much limited to web browsers and cookies, but that's an example that people easily understand.16:16
directhexpopcon! i don't think that's by default though16:16
persiadirecthex: That was the most immediate precessesor to "Ultimate Ubuntu"16:16
directhexpersia, they're the same thing. link to ultamatix right from ultimateedition.inf16:16
persiashadeslayer: Hrm?16:16
gamesNvideosno i mean like call home features and back doors16:16
shadeslayersanderqd: oh and dont forget to move your debian/ folder into the new upstream untarred folder16:17
shadeslayerpersia: my bad ;)16:17
persiagamesNvideos: There are no call home features by default, and we close any backdoors or other security issues as soon as we discover them.16:17
persiashadeslayer: No worries.  Just checking :)16:17
\shdirecthex: yes yes..I got it ;)16:17
shadeslayersanderqd: i think i forgot to mention that at the end :_16:17
RhondagamesNvideos: Noone sanely doing any distribution would leave in (enabled) call home features and back doors.16:17
sanderqdshadeslayer: right, thanks16:17
persiadirecthex: Nice to see cooperation and collaboration even for things like that :)16:17
RhondagamesNvideos: We even did patch out the "upgrade check" in nexuiz that did sort-of call home.16:17
gamesNvideosso if open a music file I downloaded from the internet, there's no way it could call home?16:18
Rhondapersia: Well, some packages still might have call-home features that go undetected.16:18
persiagamesNvideos: For most formats (e.g. .flac, .aac, .ogg, .mp3) it shouldn't do16:18
matttbeHello, I'm part of Cairo-Dock team (maybe persia, you remember me). We still not receive an ack about our 2 bugs (CD upgrade), should we worry :) ?16:18
directhexgamesNvideos, well, if the media player crashes, then you're given the option of uploading a crash report that may include the filename or parts of the file16:18
persiaRhonda: I believe everything in the default set got at least minimal code audit, but maybe :)16:19
gamesNvideospersia, what if its a flash music video that was downloaded and played in totem?16:19
directhexrecent banshee has optional call-home16:20
persiamatttbe: It's good to remind us, because of the freeze tomorrow.  Which were the bugs again?16:20
matttbepersia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo-dock/+bug/52153416:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521534 in cairo-dock "Please update cairo-dock to 2.1.3-3 version" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:20
matttbeand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo-dock-plug-ins/+bug/52153616:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521536 in cairo-dock-plug-ins "Please update cairo-dock-plug-ins to 2.1.3-3 version" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:20
persiagamesNvideos: flash can do anything it wants.  There may be enough bugs in how totem handles flash to prevent call-home, but possibly not.16:20
gamesNvideosthanks a lot for your answers. and thanks for your efforts for ubuntu.16:21
persiaAnyone from the release team about?  Could you check matttbe's bugs?16:21
matttbepersia: the debian files are ready, we just need an ack16:21
matttbeit seems that cjwatson, iulian, Riddell, pitti, nhandler, ScottK, sistpoty or slangasek can help us :)16:21
persiaWell, yes, but I don't like to highlight them all at once :)16:22
matttbeoh, sorry16:22
persiaIf nobody was here, I'd have asked in #ubuntu-release.  Since you've highlighted them all, maybe they'll respond here.16:23
matttbepersia: ok, thanks again for your help !16:23
persiaNo problem.  Good luck on getting those approved.16:23
Rhondapersia: Things happened to slip in in the past, and I doubt that the tex age check was only overlooked in debian. :)16:24
Rhondapersia: Well, flash itself can do anything indeed. flash *video* though is a totally different topic.16:25
persiaRhonda: Heh.  Good point.16:26
persiaRhonda: Flash Video doesn't support ActionScript?16:26
matttbepersia: thanks but I hope we don't need luck because you see... "luck" is not our friend with official Cairo-Dock Ubuntu packages :þ16:26
Rhondapersia: I doubt that.16:27
Rhondapersia: clive some youtube video that has overlay text and play it and you'll see that it doesn't contain those.16:27
RhondaThat's part of the webbased inline flash player, not part of the flash _video_ layer.16:27
Rhonda… besides that one always has the option to download mp4 instead of flv or convert on oneself.16:28
persiaRhonda: Ah.  I didn't know that, but yeah, transcoding would make it go away even if I hadn't been wrong.16:29
sistpoty|workmatttbe: I assume you've tested cairo-dock and cairo-dock-plug-ins extensively?16:29
* persia notes that matttbe is part of upstream16:30
matttbesistpoty|work: yes of course, this branch is tested by many people on our repositories16:30
sistpoty|workmatttbe: excellent, FFe granted.16:30
didrockssistpoty|work, persia: FYI, I gave a look too at the packaging side and now it's cleaned16:30
persiadidrocks: Feel like uploading, now that it has FFe?16:31
didrockspersia: sure :)16:31
matttbethanks guys :)16:31
persiasistpoty|work: Thanks for the accellerated IRC response.16:31
siretart`superm1: FYI, I've now finally pushed my local changes to the mplayer package now, bdrung is currently reviewing my changes16:43
superm1great, thanks to hear16:45
superm1er thanks, great to hear16:45
siretart`http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-multimedia/mplayer.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ubuntu in case you want to join :-)16:45
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wrapsterlets assume that pkg P1 was providing a binary B1 in some older version of P1 , now supposing over a period of time P1 evolved into P10(1--->10 mean so many build changes...)and now the the binary provided by P1,aka-P10 is moved to a different pkg.. say P'10. In such a case if dist-upgrade is run from the older machine it fails.. what could be the best solution to rectify this?17:12
joaopintowrapster, http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html -> check Conflicts and Replaces17:15
joaopintoP10 replaces files from P117:16
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ScottKbdrung: Why did you upload python-utmp with native packaging versioning?17:38
ScottKOh, I see Debian did the same.17:38
bdrungScottK: python-utmp?17:39
ScottKYeah, you sponsored it a while ago.17:39
ScottKI see now you just followed what Debian did.17:39
bdrungScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-utmp/+bug/496397/comments/917:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496397 in python-utmp "Please merge python-utmp 0.8 from Debian testing" [Wishlist,Fix released]17:40
ScottKbdrung: Thanks.17:41
sanderqdso what would be the most launchpad-y way to create a package for my gnome-applets customization? first fork gnome-applets to make the change, export a patch, then fork ~ubuntu/gnome-applets to import the patch and create a package from that?17:47
sanderqdi see 3 branches: lp:gnome-applets (which is a clone from git.gnome.org), lp:ubuntu/gnome-applets (which contains the source code and debian/), and lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-applets/ubuntu (which only contains debian/). i'm confused :-)17:50
sanderqdnever mind, got my answer18:07
gesersanderqd: lp:gnome-applets is the imported upstream branch, lp:ubuntu/gnome-applets is the packaging branch (generated from the source packages), and lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-applets/ubuntu is the bzr branch the ~ubuntu-desktop uses for maintaining the the debian directory (IIUC they use the upstream .tar.gz, a checkout from the ~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-applets/ and build a source package from both)18:07
sanderqdgeser: right, that's clear, thanks!18:10
vincsHi Masters of the Universe18:18
lfaraoneFor "Replaces:", can I use a version number? (ie. autokey-common replaces files in autokey less than 0.61.4)18:21
vincsI have uploaded my first package to REVU. If someone can comment my work I would be glad.  I am not in a hurry as Lucid is not even published. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libglobalhotkeys-ruby1.818:26
geservincs: why limiting the architecture to i386 and amd64? doesn't it work on others?18:27
vincsI do not have test it on other. Is any a valid string for architecture ? (It did not work on my ppa a long time ago)18:29
RhondaJust put any. :)18:29
vincsOk. I will.18:30
geserand you shouldn't hard-code library names into Depends but use dpkg-shlibdeps instead18:30
geseror isn't this dependency not recognized?18:30
Rhondavincs: And leave standards version as 3.8.4, lintian will eventually recognize it. :)18:31
Rhondavincs: Actually, the version in lucid should already recognize it, as the version in karmic-backports18:32
vincsFor library name, I never use  dpkg-shlibdeps that is why I have harcoded them.18:33
RhondaYou should never do that.18:33
RhondaPut ${shared:Depends} into there.18:34
Rhondadpkg-shlibdeps -Tdebian/substvars -dDepends $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/lib/ruby/* should do the trick.18:35
geser${shared:Depends}? not ${shlibs:Depends}?18:35
vincsShould I use only ${shared:Depends} in depends? What for Build-Depends ?18:35
RhondaBut you might want to settle for using debhelper instead of ding all the stuff in the rules files directly.18:36
RhondaAh, right, geser has it properly.18:36
RhondaYou also want to add install to the .PHONY targets18:37
vincsI have do all stuff in rules cause I am learning packaging but il will take a look at debhelper.18:38
vincsI have forgotten the .PHONY rule!18:38
RhondaIf you really want to understand packaging without debhelper, you might want to take a look at e.g. netris. :)18:39
vincsMaybe I will. But maybe I should take a look at debhelper before.18:41
RhondaI expect debhelper to be the better idea in the long run, unless you really want to dig into handmade rules and understand what all this dh magic does. :)18:41
vincsShould I hardcoded "Build-Depends" ?18:42
RhondaWait, yes, of course.18:42
vincsOk hardcoded package in "Build-Depends" and "${shared:Depends}" in "Depends".18:44
sanderqdif i want to put this patch inside ubuntu's gnome-panel package, (where) should i attribute the author? http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/devel/gnome-panel/panel-padding.patch?view=markup18:44
vincsIs there a good place to learn dh magick ?18:45
cemcwhat can I do if I want to build a package on Hardy, but dpkg-source: error: Unsupported format of .dsc file (3.0 (quilt))18:50
Rhondacemc: rm -r debian/source18:53
Rhondavincs: persia sometimes gives debhelper lectures. Not sure if one got recorded somewhere, though.18:54
vincsRhonda: I gonna to google persia and dh. Thanks.18:59
vincsShould I move my rules file to dh or is it acceptable the way it is ?19:00
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Rhondavincs: Whatever suits you better. But you might find more people happier if you move to debhelper. :)19:14
Rhondahappier as in being able to help you out19:15
Rhondaor take over19:15
vincsI will let it that way for now. I gonna learn debhelper before uploading my next package. Then I will move this one to dh (for the next version!).19:18
micahga no source change against a debian version of a package should have what version?19:40
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ajmitchmicahg: just a rebuild, is it?19:49
Laneydch -R will give you the right version19:50
micahgLaney: k, but that won't conflict if debian does the same thing?19:52
micahgLaney: k, thanks19:52
cemchow can I include the orig tarball when uploading to PPA ?19:54
geserdebuild -S -sa19:55
vincsThanks Rhonda and geser. I gonna upload the changes. For comments on REVU, I suppose that I have to wait for Lucid release.19:55
cemcgeser: thx19:58
kenparkhi porthose20:40
porthosekenpark, hey :)20:43
kenparkporthose: got around to comment on bug #533989 - just wanted to say hi and check 'cause my explaination is somewhat.. well not really pretty :-)20:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533989 in ampache "ampache fails to create ampache.conf" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53398920:45
porthosekenpark, np, working on a fix right now :)20:45
sanderqdwhen using quilt, does it matter whether i've applied the patches to the working dir or not?21:08
sanderqdnever mind, i see that quilt applies them before building21:08
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porthosekenpark, ping! see PM :)22:51
* kenpark wakes up22:53
kenparkWonderful work prothose, will test tomorrow.22:54
LLStarkshi. i noticed that the gstreamer stack has been updated save for -bad. is that on the queue?23:28
Adri2000at this point in the release cycle, what are the chances that I get an ack from the release-team to sync a NEW package from debian?23:29
Adri2000oops, sorry23:29
getxsickmy package depends on libbz2 however there is libbz2-1.0, when i try `apt-get install libbz2` it seems like this is a virtual package. but i get an error when i try to install my package. do i have to set dependencies on libbz2-1.0 ?23:45

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