
micahgchrisccoulson: it's already been promoted to main as well00:15
micahgasac: yes, tagged also00:15
skipperasac: using your proposed patch let firefox start00:37
asacskipper: you mean for the extension stuff?00:38
skipperasac: yes00:38
asacvery good00:38
asacskipper: can you post xpti.dat again ;)00:38
=== skipper is now known as bdrung
bdrungasac: http://pastebin.com/kinEcEqP00:40
asacyeah that looks better00:41
asacwill put that in tomorrow ;)00:41
asacmight be upstream wants it upside down (e.g. all normalized) ... but we will see00:41
micahgasac: can we throw 3.6.2 build 1 in as soon as it's spun or do we have to wait for release (lucid only)00:41
asacmicahg: we need to explicitly label it as "build1" for lucid00:42
micahgasac: of course :)00:42
micahgbut that means no backbranching :)00:42
asacthats ok then ... though if we roll it as a security update we usually should stage everything and wait till final00:42
bdrungasac: you're welcome00:42
asacmicahg: problem is that SPUN isnt the same time a tag show sup00:42
micahgasac: well, the only "release" it's in is lucid00:42
asacwe have to wait till they officially go into beta00:42
asachave you heard when that will be?00:42
micahgasac: well, QA starts tomorrow00:43
asacright. so in a few days or so00:43
micahgI haven't seen a plan for beta yet00:43
asacthey usually do pre-QA before naming something build1 ;)00:43
micahgso, I'll commit changes to the branch assuming we'll spin beta 1 (build 1) to lucid when it's ready?00:44
asacyou can commit on .head00:44
asacbut dont move it to build1 in changelog until there is a build1 ;)00:44
micahgasac: k00:45
asacwe are still riding a pre build1 in dailies ;)00:45
micahgasac: do I have to worry about the PPA builds cleaning properly?00:46
asacmicahg: if you see a build you cant fix ask chrisccoulson to look ... so he gets started too ;)00:46
asaccant fix == time constraint00:47
asacat least pinging ;)00:47
micahgasac: k, I asked him to fix openjdk :)00:47
asacbetter than having it dying all the time00:47
asacfta hates us for doing that ;)00:47
micahgI have no idea what to do with openjdk00:47
micahgasac: oh, you mean dailies?00:47
chrisccoulsonyeah, i need to check openjdk again against the latest version of llvm00:47
asacmicahg: yes. dailies failing for weeks is bad ;)00:47
chrisccoulsonand then open a bug report if it still fails00:47
asacwe had that ;)00:47
micahgasac: only daily failures I know why00:47
micahg3.6.2 on hardy due to kde patch00:48
asacopenjdk is off the table until doko fixes it00:48
asacfro mwhat i understand it doesnt build at all atm00:48
micahg193 on karmic/lucid due to gcc 4.4 issue00:48
asacwe need to file a bug00:48
micahgasac: for openjdk?00:48
asacmicahg: thats something we should fix and submit upstream usually00:48
chrisccoulsonasac - i will try another build overnight , since doko updated llvm again00:48
asacchrisccoulson: ah cool00:49
chrisccoulsonif it still fails, i'll open a bug report in the morning00:49
asacmicahg: yeah. but seems we are making progress ,)00:49
micahgah, so, chrisccoulson, you want to look at the failure for xulrunner 1.9.3 in daily PPA?  I filed a bug upstream00:49
asacjust saying we shouldnt invest much time on openjdk when there are still low hanging fruits ;)00:49
chrisccoulsonyeah, can do00:49
micahgchrisccoulson: mozilla 55082300:49
ubottuMozilla bug 550823 in Build Config "cannot find -lmozalloc when building with gcc-4.4" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55082300:49
ccheneyasac: do you happen to know what i should do about getting gtk_marshal bits to work, the new code needs more than what is in the gtk/gtkmarshal.h in hardy00:51
chrisccoulsonasac - there's another issue blocking openjdk now anyway: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/40585661/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.llvm_2.7~svn20100308-0ubuntu2_MANUALDEPWAIT.txt.gz00:52
ccheneyasac: it seems to be some sort of weird autogenerated code00:52
chrisccoulsonit seems oprofile needs a MIR00:52
asacccheney: yeah00:52
asacchrisccoulson: there is a text file usually00:52
asacthats for ccheney00:52
asacso idea is to make a new gtkmarshal_backports.h i guess00:52
asacor something00:52
ccheneyasac: should i just add the items to the .list files in hardy and rebuild gtk with them?00:52
asacwith the lines added to that .list files in between00:53
asacccheney: i would suggest to not do that in gtk00:53
asacrather in epiphany where you need them00:53
ccheneyasac: oh ok, wasn't sure how to regenerate it properly but i can try just copying what is in the h/c files and see if that works ok00:53
asacccheney: beter do it with .list file00:53
asacccheney: the tool used in Makefile somewhere is00:53
micahgasac: chrisccoulson could also work on staging thunderbird for security PPA (release is March 15)00:53
asacccheney: ^^00:54
asacyou should be able to spot where its used in gtk to update that .h00:54
ccheneyyea i found the Makefile.am snippet to do it00:55
asacjust use some prefix for the marshals00:55
asacand replace them in the copied gtk code ;)00:55
asacthat should work well00:56
micahgasac: also, can we file 1 big FFe bug and then file separate bugs for each of the changes?00:56
asacmicahg: which changes?00:57
asacwhich FFe?00:57
* ccheney bbl getting dinner00:57
micahgasac: well, debdiffs, do we need an FFe for each apckage?00:57
asacthose are bugs00:57
asacif we dont introduce a new upstream version00:58
asacjust file bug: "needs porting to xul 1.9.2"00:58
asacjust file bug: "needs porting to xul 1.9.2 or remove from archive ;)"00:58
micahgasac: k, great, so I don't we need any FFes then except for maybe helix-player if I do it00:58
micahgasac: well, fennec is currently alpha, does that need one for the release?00:59
asacrule: if you need to pull new upstream -> FFe00:59
asacif you dont -> just bug00:59
micahgwell, prism beta 3 is bugfix I think00:59
asaci its bugfix only its not FFe00:59
asacthough moving from final versoin to beta often suggests its not bug fix only ;)00:59
micahgfennec really changed so I'll file FFe for that one one mozilla-devscripts is in00:59
asacso we should check what really changed00:59
micahgasac: prism isn't final00:59
asacmicahg: file a porting bug anyway on fennec01:00
asacits easier to argue that we need it to fix the porting bug01:00
asacFFe will then be granted more easily01:00
micahgasac: well, yes, the alpha won't run xul 192 :)01:01
ejat!ping fta02:34
ejatbugs 52924202:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 529242 in chromium-browser "chromium doesn't recognize icedtea6-plugin" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52924202:40
ejatanyone have the same issues?02:40
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ccheneyasac: hmm copying the new stuff over seems to be working but the new gtkentry seems to use signal handling, etc from new gtk as well, looks like it will be copying over a lot more than i had expected07:10
ccheneyi guess those must be inline or something, not sure why it those didn't show up in the symbol search before :-\07:11
* ccheney is seeing some weird private functions with no apparent definitions or macros as well, not sure what is going on with those07:14
ccheneyi'll just copy the declaration and see if it magically works, heh07:14
ccheneyah i found the definition for that one actually, just weird declaration in a different place07:15
ccheneyasac: i'm getting weird errors about ephy_gtk_entry_parent_class being undeclared, did gtk change how they do parent classes between hardy and lucid?07:32
* ccheney heads off to bed08:04
ccheneyasac: looks like i will have to do something similiar got GtkEntryCompletion as well, they didn't privatize it within Gtk from GtkEntry and it uses its private members08:04
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asacccheney: ephy_gtk_entry_parent_class10:18
asacyou usually have to "peek" for the parent_class10:19
asacmaybe you missed a declaration line a bit above or something10:19
maxbHi. spidermonkey-bin was removed from lucid yesterday because it was built from xulrunner (1.8). Would it make sense to file a bug asking it to be built by xulrunner-1.9.x, like it is in Debian?10:19
directhexmaxb, if it can be built by 1.9.2..... is there any reason for it to differ in ubuntu compared to debian?10:24
maxbAs far as I can conjecture, it just got forgotten, as part of the delta of using versioned xulrunner source packages in ubuntu10:25
asacthats not produced from xulrunner sources11:03
chrisccoulsonheh, python-gtkmozembed nearly caught me out there11:23
bdrungasac: can you have a look at bug #535544?11:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535544 in mozilla-devscripts "mozilla-devscripts should place extension configuration files in /etc automatically" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53554411:56
asacwe dont want all .js files to go there12:03
asacwhat we should do is to guess a name that is alphabetically lower than all other preferences fils12:04
asaccreate that and link it to an empty file in /etc/12:04
asacin that way admins can change the defaults12:04
asacwithout loosing ability to reset to package defaults12:04
asaclike the file we have for ubufox12:04
asacbdrung: we have 000system.js there12:05
asacthats a link to /etc/...12:05
bdrungasac: can you write this comment to the bug, please?12:06
asacfeeel free to paste it there12:06
bdrungasac: what's the best place to put the *.js links?12:06
asacbdrung: in EXTDIR/defaults/preferences12:06
asaci think 000system is a good guess12:06
asacthough not perfect12:06
bdrungasac: what's the best place to put the *.js links in the /etc directory?12:07
asacif you ask where in /etc12:07
asaci dont care12:07
asacits ok to use a /etc/xul-ext/PACKAGE/12:07
bdrungasac: i ask for your preferences12:07
asacif we want to have a hierarchy12:07
asaci like /etc/xul-ext/PACKAGE/pref/12:07
bdrungasac: so many subdirectories?12:07
asacbdrung: what do you mean?12:08
asacthe pref/ ?12:08
asaci dont care12:08
asaci jus tthink maybe a package needs other config12:09
asacbut now that i think about ti12:09
asacwe will ship exactly one .js12:09
bdrungasac: wouldn't /etc/xul-ext/adblock-plus.js -> /usr/share/xul-ext-ablock-plus/defaults/preferences/000system.js enough?12:09
asacso we can say: /etc/xul-ext/PACKAGE.js12:09
asacrigh t;)12:09
asacnot sure if we should use /etc/xul-ext/prefs/PACKAGE.js12:09
asacyour choice12:09
asaci am fine with or without pref12:10
bdrungasac: is there any possibility to need more in /etc/xul-ext?12:10
asaci hope not ;)12:10
asacbut you never know up front ;)12:10
asacfor me it feels safer ;)12:11
asacbut just marginally in this case12:11
asacso i am fine with /etc/xul-ext/PACKAGE.js12:11
asacif we find stuff later we can create /etc/xul-ext-later/ or transition ;)12:11
bdrungasac: if we find stuff later we can still create subdirectories in /etc/xul-ext12:12
asacnice. like the idea to have three levels everywhere: package, system, user config12:12
asacor that ... yeah ;)12:12
bdrungasac: your input is needed: bug #53554414:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535544 in mozilla-devscripts "mozilla-devscripts should place extension configuration files in /etc automatically" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53554414:23
asacdidnt you paste what i said ;)?14:34
bdrungasac: i did, but someone forgot to start you in verbose mode ;)14:36
bdrungasac: you can talk to dkg directly on #debian-mozext if you want14:37
bdrungasac: what do you think about http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=573250? what's the opinion of upstream about these directories?14:40
ubottuDebian bug 573250 in mozilla-devscripts "mozilla-devscripts: install-xpi unpacks to wrong location, contradicts https://wiki.debian.org/Mozilla/ExtensionsPolicy" [Normal,Open]14:40
asacbdrung: i think the policy is not accurate14:44
asacit shouldnt talk about unpacking to common, but linking14:44
asacalso it should make more clear that common is for extensions that only extend xulrunner toolkit ... and that have toolkit@mozilla.org as a install target14:45
bdrungasac: do we really want a link in common?14:45
asaconly for extensions that have toolkit@mozilla.org as targetApp14:45
bdrungasac: k14:45
asacwhich in theory makes sense.14:45
asacthe rest get linked to the indvidual applications14:45
asacif the extension author knows about it, he doesnt need to add the individual targets14:46
bdrungasac: please write this and adjust the policy draft14:46
asactoolkit@mozilla.org should work on everything toolki8t14:46
=== gandi_ is now known as gandi
micahgchrisccoulson: you working on anything now?16:00
chrisccoulsonhi micahg - sort of, how come?16:00
chrisccoulsoni'm just about to look at your work for couchdb actually16:01
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I saw gnome-python-extras was uploaded16:01
chrisccoulson(it's the last think on the CD pulling in xulrunner-1.9.1)16:01
micahgoh, I think that's done, it needed to be tested16:01
micahgfrom the PPA16:01
micahgI can file the debdiff and bug16:01
chrisccoulsonmicahg - gnome-python-extras nearly caught me out, because it built fine, and applications using python-gtkmozembed still ran ok16:02
chrisccoulsonbut then i straced it, and realised it was still loading the old GRE16:02
chrisccoulsonand when i patched it load the new one, it failed miserably ;)16:02
micahgchrisccoulson: I discovered that with firegpg as well, built fine locally, but code was broke16:02
micahgso we definitely need to test16:02
directhexnow that xulrunner-dev 1.9.2 is in, should i upload my moon package to the archive, or wait for you guys to do it?16:03
micahgdirecthex: if it's tested, you can do it16:03
chrisccoulsondirecthex - i'm currently focused on things which are seeded right now, and will start processing other things afterwards. feel free to upload moon if you have some spare time, but if not, I will get round to it eventually :)16:07
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm filing bugs for the fixes for couchdb16:08
chrisccoulsonmicahg - thanks16:08
directhexchrisccoulson, i'll take care. just takes forever & a day to run "debuild -S" on this machine16:08
chrisccoulsonheh ;)16:08
=== gandi_ is now known as gandi
micahgchrisccoulson: bug 536737 is everything checks out16:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536737 in couchdb "Port couchdb to xulrunner-1.9.2" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53673716:21
chrisccoulsonmicahg - excellent, thanks16:22
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i asked pitti to add a lucid task to it16:24
micahgchrisccoulson: yep, he did :)16:24
chrisccoulsonso, it becomes a release blocker now ;)16:24
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm trying to fix firegpg right now16:25
micahgchrisccoulson: do you need me to test couchdb or can you do it?16:25
chrisccoulsonit would probably be better if we both test it16:26
chrisccoulsonalthough, i'm not entirely sure how to test it yet16:26
chrisccoulsoni suppose i could just use gwibber for a bit16:26
micahglet me fire up lucid16:26
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i can actually sponsor couchdb16:32
chrisccoulsoni didn't realise16:32
chrisccoulsonArchive Upload Rights for ubuntu-desktop: package set 'ubuntu-desktop' in lucid16:32
micahglet's make sure it works though :)16:33
chrisccoulsonbut i will have to get someone else to review the change really16:33
chrisccoulsonmicahg - couchdb seems to be working ok here16:55
chrisccoulsoni removed /etc/gre.d/ too, and restarted16:55
micahgchrisccoulson: k, they just use mozjs so I wouldn't expect too much to break16:55
micahgI haven't got around to testing yeet16:56
chrisccoulsonwell, i think i'm nearly happy enough to just upload, and i've got an ACK from someone more familiar with couchdb too16:56
chrisccoulsonmicahg - couchjs is still loading libmozjs.so from here17:00
chrisccoulsonthats because /usr/bin/xulrunner is still symlinked to the 1.9.1 version17:01
* chrisccoulson tries again17:01
micahgchrisccoulson: can you try removing xulrunner191 or redirecting to see if it still works?17:03
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i just "sudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner"17:03
chrisccoulsonand selected the right version17:03
micahgyeah, k17:03
chrisccoulsonhmmm, it still loads
chrisccoulsontime for the sledgehammer approach17:05
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i removed xulrunner-1.9.1 entirely now, but now when i do "cat /proc/`pidof couchjs`/maps", i get:17:10
chrisccoulson7f29165d3000-7f29167d2000 ---p 000b7000 08:01 1840027                    /usr/lib/xulrunner- (deleted)17:10
chrisccoulsonso, it must be hardcoded somewhere :-/17:10
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micahgchrisccoulson: k, I'll check17:11
micahgchrisccoulson: are you using the version from the PPA?17:12
chrisccoulsonmichag - i built it locally using the patch attached to the bug report17:12
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, so if you have xulrunner 191 installed when you build, it'll use that for part of it17:12
micahgI can patch rules to fix that17:12
micahgchrisccoulson: should I add a new debdiff with that fixed?17:13
chrisccoulsonone second, i'll check the build log17:13
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it build with only 1.9.1 installed17:14
micahghmm, control says it requires 1.9.217:14
chrisccoulsonsorry, i meant it built with 1.9.217:14
chrisccoulsonbrb, i will try a full restart and see what happens17:15
chrisccoulsonmichag - it works fine after a restart17:18
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, the program probably cached soemthing17:19
chrisccoulsonso, i'm happy with that now17:19
chrisccoulsoni'm ready to upload unless you want to do anything else with it17:19
micahgwell, if you tested an intereface with JS in it, then, ok17:20
micahgI haven't gotten an app loaded yet, so I haven't tested17:20
micahgchrisccoulson: lernid seems to be fine, so go for it17:22
chrisccoulsonmichag - uploaded17:27
chrisccoulsoni don't have a rejection e-mail yet, so i hope it worked17:27
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks, k, no next, can you work on gluezilla?17:27
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can look at that too17:27
micahgI'm having trouble with the config system, it seems to run configure during patching which means I can't patch it17:28
chrisccoulsonyeah, sometimes we get weird issues like that if we have patches which touch the build system17:29
micahgchrisccoulson: I've never seen this before17:29
micahgchrisccoulson: here's the patch for configure: http://pastebin.com/uKq4rvJk17:30
chrisccoulsonmicahg, patching configure.ac might avoid issues17:32
chrisccoulson(we just need to make sure that configure is regenerated at build time, or in the source package we upload)17:32
chrisccoulsoni tend to avoid directly patching parts of the build system which should be generated automatically17:32
micahgchrisccoulson: I guess I missed that before17:33
micahgI usually patch the .in file, I guess .ac is also one that generates17:33
chrisccoulsonyeah, the ".in" and ".ac" extensions are interchangeable i think17:34
chrisccoulsoni'm sure one of them is meant to be deprecated17:34
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure though17:34
micahgI should probably start with a clean dir again on that one17:35
chrisccoulsonyeah, might be a good idea17:35
micahgchrisccoulson: you know about java libs?17:35
chrisccoulsoni don't know much about java libs17:36
micahgk, I can work on that17:36
micahgchrisccoulson: do you want to test tuxguitar?17:38
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can look at that17:39
micahgI'll file the bug17:39
chrisccoulsonheh, that should be interesting to test17:39
micahgchrisccoulson: bug 53679617:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536796 in tuxguitar "Port tuxguitar to xulrunner-1.9.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53679617:42
bdrungmicahg: how urgend is the release of m-d 0.21?17:44
micahgwell, I need it so that prism and fennec clean the build area when done17:46
bdrungmicahg: should i release it today or can you wait some days?17:47
micahgbdrung: asac said we can do an upload to ubuntu if you can't push it through debian right now17:47
bdrungmicahg: then do a hotfix to ubuntu and we will sync once we got the other things in17:48
micahgbdrung: k, do we have a branch for that?17:48
micahgor do I just do a debdiff?17:48
asaci think we should do one more sync for md this cycle17:49
asacyou decide when ;)17:49
asacnot after beta2 if possible ;)17:49
micahgasac: can I push prism/fennec without the clean fix?17:50
asacif it doenst ftbfs17:53
asacyou can also clean in rules for now17:53
micahgasac: it won't, it just leaves a messy buld area17:53
micahgasac: k, then I'll file a bug for all three packages so we fix before release17:53
micahgasac: if I add a clean target in rules will it still call clean in xulapp.mk?17:54
ccheneyasac: i don't see any reference to peek in the source not sure if the gtk macros themselves changed between versions or what is going on, an example of the code is:   GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (ephy_gtk_entry_parent_class)->destroy (object);18:25
ccheneywith no reference that i can find to ephy_gtk_entry_parent_class18:25
ccheneyso something macro wise must be generating it in the new gtk but doesn't in the old one i guess18:26
micahgthanks chrisccoulson for tuxguitar18:26
chrisccoulsonmichag - no worries18:26
ccheneyi'm not sure how to fix it :-\18:26
ccheneyi don't think modifying gtk's macros would be a good idea obviously18:27
asacccheney: in what function are you calling this?18:28
asacisnt that a fun with either self or klazz as parameter?18:28
ccheneyit looks like peek was required in hardy version maybe18:28
asacthats what i mean18:28
asacus peek on the current class18:28
asacif you have self you can get it by EPHY_GTK_ENTRY_CLASS(self)18:29
asacor something18:29
asaci need to see the code ;)18:29
ccheneyso i add that above the line referencing the parent_class for each call?18:29
ccheneyok will copy an example function in18:29
asacyou just need it in .c18:30
asacyou can create a static field then18:30
asacand set it in class_init18:30
asaci guess18:30
asacunset it in dispose18:30
ccheneyyea just in the c file as far as i can tell18:31
asacyeah you could do it there18:31
asacor in class_init18:31
asacplease post the full file so i can do a quick check18:31
ccheneyok will do18:32
ccheneyshould i add to the init something like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39268818:33
ccheneythat was copied from hardy gtk18:34
asacccheney: G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (EphyGtkEntry, gtk_entry, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET,18:34
asacthats G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (EphyGtkEntry, ephy_gtk_entry, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET,18:34
asacthat shoujld help18:34
ccheneyoh crap i don't know how i managed to do that, thanks :)18:34
asacgood that you catched it18:34
asacotherwise the _init wouldnt have been called etc.18:34
asacccheney: check fi you failed to replace other lower case gtk_entry stuff18:35
ccheneyok will do18:35
asacnot sure how you forgot it either18:35
ccheneyi think i did a replace on gtk_entry_ to ephy_gtk_entry_18:35
asacunless you changed all gtk_entry manually ;)18:35
asacyeah that would explain it18:36
asacnow you have to find all gtk_entry[^_] ;)18:36
ccheneyyea that fixed it, thank you very much! :)18:36
ccheneylooks like that was the only non _ name18:36
ccheneythat reduced my error list a bunch :)18:37
fta!info openshot18:49
ubottuPackage openshot does not exist in karmic18:50
ftai wonder why we have pitivi but not openshot, it seems far more advanced18:52
micahg!info openshot lucid | fta18:53
* micahg kicks ubuntulo118:53
micahgsorry ubuntulo118:54
ftaok, nm18:54
ubottufta: openshot (source: openshot): Create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0~alpha2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 12541 kB, installed size 26124 kB18:54
mahfouzwe need a video editor choice upon install18:55
mahfouzEU will step in soon18:55
micahgmahfouz: no EU can't do a thing it's Free :)18:56
mahfouzyou don't know the EU :)18:56
micahgmahfouz: can't have both on the CD18:57
* ccheney grabbing lunch, bbl19:30
micahgchrisccoulson: bug 53687719:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536877 in xiphos "Rebuild xiphos against xulrunner-1.9.2" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53687719:57
chrisccoulsonmicahg - thanks, will look at that after dinner19:58
micahgchrisccoulson: k19:58
micahgasac: do you want the porting bugs tagged?20:00
micahgasac: also, can you spin TB3?21:05
ccheneydown to the last failure in gtkentry.c now then on to see what all those added headers managed to need pulled in21:11
ccheneythe last bit needs special mkenums code so need to make sure i do it right21:11
ccheneyasac: after adding the code to generate the enums it seems to be switching the names around21:32
ccheneyasac: pastebin.ubuntu.com/39279421:33
ccheneyasac: but the build is looking for EPHY_GTK_TYPE_ENTRY_ICON_POSITION21:33
ccheneyshould i just redo the c file to point to the generated name?21:34
* ccheney isn't sure why it generated differently21:34
ccheneyi'm trying it that to way to see if it somehow works21:34
* ccheney thinks he found the issue, forgot to strip some code out of the template file21:37
ccheneyyea that was it :)21:38
ccheneyit seems to work with reordering the name21:39
ccheneyits compiling longer, thats a good sign :)21:41
ccheneycool it didn't fail until the linkage stage this time21:41
ccheneyso now i just need to copy the additional code it needed in and see if it builds :)21:42
micahgmaxb: I would guess that spidermonkey-bin has the same fate as mozjs in Ubuntu22:21
maxbIIUC the fate of mozjs is because of upstream's unwillingness to present a stable API?22:23
maxbThat would not apply to a command-line program22:24
micahgasac: what's your take on this ^^^ also reference bug 53695022:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536950 in xulrunner-1.9.2 "Please bring back spidermonkey-bin package again" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53695022:24
micahgmaxb: basically whatever asac says on this...22:26
maxbok. ftr it came up because lazr-js / launchpad use smjs to lint javascript22:27
* micahg is looking how it's made22:34
micahghi asac23:22
micahgchrisccoulson: we don't need to worry about openjdk unless there are bugs with the firefox plugin now as doko just did another upload23:23
chrisccoulsoncool, i'll not worry about that for now then :)23:24
micahgchrisccoulson: if I finish my $WORK, I'll try to have a few more debdiffs for you in teh morning :)23:25
micahgchrisccoulson: how much longer will you be on?23:26
chrisccoulsonmicahg - thanks. don't work for too long though, we've got all the really important bits done now23:26
chrisccoulsoni'll be around for a bit longer, but probably not doing much work now23:26
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I want to chat, but I have to run out for a bit23:26

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