
akgranerhttp://texaslinuxfest.org/talks/ - Gareth will be speaking as well!  Go Gareth!02:38
pleia2exciting to see that linuxfest come together so nicely :)02:46
pleia2I had lunch with the texas folks at UDS, a few were involved in planning then02:46
akgranerpleia2, oh yeah you did - I was busy during lunch with the interviews so I only got to say "hi" to them02:48
pleia2hooray for you speaking there :)02:49
pleia2reminds me, my boss linked me to an article about ubuntu kernel development based on one of pete's talks the other day02:49
pleia2I was like "yay I know pete graner!" ;)02:50
akgranerthe LWN one?02:54
akgranerbrb clean install to lucid :-)03:00
pleia2good luck!03:00
IdleOneakgraner: do it right and upgrade03:02
IdleOneonly way to really get them bugs working properly :)03:02
nhandlerakgraner: Can you possibly upload the images in your email somewhere? Attachments on the fridge are broken05:40
pleia2I can, hang on05:46
pleia2nhandler: /srv/www.ubuntu-women.org/img/fridge/05:50
nhandlerThanks pleia2: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/199406:00
nhandlerakgraner: ^^^06:00
* nhandler -> bed06:01
pleia2night :)06:01
dholbachgood morning07:39
elkyakgraner, wow, you went all press-releasey on us12:07
popeythats better :)14:28
* popey pokes czajkowski 14:28
czajkowskipopey: no hugs for you mister!14:28
=== fred_ is now known as Guest43781
akgraner_dang it - I got home late this afternoon - which name did jono draw?  anyone know?19:21
* pleia2 has no idea19:34
maco2but i got python to do stuff without it or my head exploding! yay!19:38
pleia2hooray! :)19:41
maco2and now i have to go present it19:52
elkyakgraner, he doesn't seem to have communicated, that I can see anyway...23:38

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