trism | jepster: ahh, it appears vim doesn't actually look in /etc/vim, it looks in $VIM for $VIM/vimrc, which here is a symbolic link to /etc/vim/vimrc, you should go into vim and do :echo $VIM to find out where that is and check there (here it is /usr/share/vim) | 00:00 |
ActionParsnip | kazaa_lite: is there a package with that file | 00:00 |
icylicious | it still shows me that some part of the partition is not known if i mount it | 00:00 |
kazaa_lite | i did apt-get install kernel-package and tried it again but still getting the same error | 00:01 |
hystreni | how do i start wine through the terminal? | 00:01 |
Freelancer` | o.o | 00:02 |
jepster | trism: here comes »E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version« for »:echo $VIM« in vim. | 00:02 |
ZykoticK9 | hystreni, "wine PROGRAM.EXE" | 00:02 |
hystreni | ZykoticK9, but if i have anothert wine installed? another version | 00:02 |
rougeleaf | Any one know how to use windows network from Ubuntu 9.10? | 00:02 |
ZykoticK9 | hystreni, then give the full path to the one you want "/opt/wine/wine PROGRAM.EXE" | 00:03 |
kazaa_lite | is there any specific channel for c development related to ubuntu or driver compilation for ubuntu? | 00:03 |
hystreni | ZykoticK9, okey | 00:03 |
ZykoticK9 | hystreni, running "which wine" might be of some help as well | 00:03 |
ActionParsnip | kazaa_lite: you copiling aircrack by any remote chance? | 00:03 |
ActionParsnip | *compiling | 00:03 |
NinoScript | Hi! can anybody guide me with setting up my sound card? I can't do it :P | 00:03 |
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kazaa_lite | ActionParsnip: no | 00:04 |
kazaa_lite | ActionParsnip: are you a real person or a bot? | 00:04 |
ActionParsnip | NinoScript: run: sudo lshw -C sound websearch for the product line | 00:04 |
Pici | kazaa_lite: hes a real person. | 00:04 |
ActionParsnip | kazaa_lite: i'm a dude, and a reg in here | 00:04 |
ActionParsnip | kazaa_lite: do you ask everybody if they are a bot | 00:05 |
kazaa_lite | Pici: thanks | 00:05 |
ActionParsnip | kazaa_lite: respond please... | 00:05 |
kazaa_lite | ActionParsnip: sorry... i just got impression since usually people are not very quick in response | 00:05 |
ActionParsnip | kazaa_lite: i just type damn fast | 00:05 |
Pici | kazaa_lite: #ubuntu-app-devel might be relevant. | 00:06 |
ActionParsnip | kazaa_lite: if you use cli more than mouse you get good keyboard skills | 00:06 |
JediMaster_ | ok, got a weird one, webserver running 9.10, LAMP, was working perfectly until an hour ago and then the sites just die. Nothing that appears relevant in log files, load is 0.00, 99.5% idle cpu, 0% CPU I/O wait, can log in to ssh and it's responsive, can log in via ssh to mysql no problem, but none of the sites respond, apache is running and the log files show hits coming in but VERY slowly (1 hit per 3-4 seconds, rather than the usual | 00:06 |
JediMaster_ | 10-20 per second), any ideas? | 00:06 |
kazaa_lite | ActionParsnip: hehehe very cool. | 00:06 |
=== JediMaster_ is now known as JediMaster | ||
kazaa_lite | ActionParsnip: thanks:) | 00:06 |
Flobin | hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me install a wireless network card (usr5416), which hopefully isn't too hard | 00:06 |
ActionParsnip | kazaa_lite: you also get more power than ANY gui app can bestow | 00:06 |
meowbuntu | hi i'm looking for a good audo cd extractor for ubuntu. any ideas | 00:06 |
TestUser | I have an HP DV4-2040us, no sound on the live disc, if I installed it do you think it would work? | 00:06 |
benkong2 | hey all | 00:06 |
kazaa_lite | ActionParsnip: I agree | 00:06 |
NinoScript | ActionParsnip: Thanks, at least I know what it is now (nVidia MCP79) | 00:06 |
icylicious | i'm only able to open / see 6.2 GB of my 360 GB HDD, the other GB's got a not known data-system, someone knows how i could change it without loosing my datas? any ideas? | 00:06 |
ActionParsnip | kazaa_lite: | 00:06 |
ActionParsnip | kazaa_lite: | 00:07 |
ActionParsnip | NinoScript: then find guides based on that | 00:07 |
benkong2 | what does could not switch the monitor configuration for CRTC 64 mean? | 00:07 |
ActionParsnip | icylicious: run: sudo parted -l you will see the partitions available | 00:07 |
kazaa_lite | ActionParsnip: lemme look at this link | 00:07 |
ActionParsnip | kazaa_lite: it talks about the same issue of the missing file | 00:08 |
kazaa_lite | ActionParsnip: yes | 00:09 |
hystreni | iu guess im retarded... is the command to start a program with wine "wine runes of magic.exe"? | 00:10 |
Pici | hystreni: wine "runes of magic.exe" | 00:10 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: if it has spaces you will need to escape them | 00:10 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: or use "s like Pici says | 00:10 |
hystreni | Pici, ah | 00:10 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: wine runes\ of\ magic.exe | 00:10 |
icylicious | ActionParsnip: no idea how to do that, i'm completly new to ubuntu :p | 00:11 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: remember that linux is case sensitive and then you will need to have the terminal in the same directory as the exe | 00:11 |
unop | icylicious, tab can complete the filename correctly for you. wine rune<TAB> | 00:11 |
ActionParsnip | icylicious: linux needs either method to handle the spaces | 00:11 |
tehbaut | how can I get a list of all users and groups in the system? | 00:12 |
dinosaurvskitten | I have a pdf with incredibly terrible, grainy fonts, yet when I select text in evince, I can see decent fonts (example: Is there a way to make evince simply render the whole thing in decent fonts instead of having to manually select the text? (or is there maybe a better pdf reader out there?) | 00:12 |
Pici | tehbaut: cat /etc/passwd and cat /etc/group | 00:12 |
icylicious | can't i just change the format of my HDD to NTFS for example without formating it? | 00:12 |
ActionParsnip | dinosaurvskitten: you could install the adobe reader | 00:12 |
hystreni | ActionParsnip, : wine "Runes\of\Magic.exe" ? | 00:12 |
Pici | icylicious: No.. thats the defintion of formatting it. | 00:12 |
unop | tehbaut, awk -F: '{print $1}' /etc/{passwd,group} | 00:13 |
icylicious | hm :( | 00:13 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: you still need the spaces, use tabs like unop sas and it will handle them for you | 00:13 |
Edgan | JediMaster: lsof -i -n | grep ^httpd or netstat -n | grep ^tcp | grep -v [0-9]:80 | 00:13 |
Flobin | hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me install a wireless network card (usr5416) on karmic, which hopefully isn't too hard | 00:13 |
Pici | icylicious: and I don't think that ActionParsnip's answer was for you. | 00:13 |
dinosaurvskitten | ActionParsnip, I'll give it a shot, thanks. Now to wait for the 65M installer to download... | 00:13 |
icylicious | ow okay | 00:13 |
ActionParsnip | icylicious: to change the format you will need to format, copy the data off, format then put the data back on | 00:13 |
hystreni | ActionParsnip, erhmm.. what? | 00:14 |
icylicious | ActionParsnip: but i'm not able to see all datas (unknown or not used system), so i can't save them but i need to save them before i format it. | 00:14 |
hystreni | if the exe file is named Runes of Magic.exe in a folder... what should i write? | 00:14 |
ZykoticK9 | hystreni, try using: wine Rune<PRESS TAB KEY> | 00:15 |
unop | !tab | hystreni | 00:15 |
ubottu | hystreni: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 00:15 |
hystreni | ZykoticK9, nothing happens.... | 00:15 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: the tab key can be used to autocomplete file names for you | 00:15 |
ZykoticK9 | hystreni, are you in the directory with the Rune.exe file? | 00:15 |
anto9us | /filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter * | 00:15 |
hystreni | ZykoticK9, AH! | 00:16 |
hystreni | ZykoticK9, maybe that would help | 00:16 |
JediMaster | Edgan, thanks, the first produces 329 lines (With apache2 instead of http), 355 for the second | 00:16 |
ActionParsnip | icylicious: you should have a backup if your data is important, you can format then restore to the partition | 00:16 |
meowbuntu | hi i'm looking for a good audo cd extractor for ubuntu. any ideas | 00:16 |
ZykoticK9 | meowbuntu, abcde is an excellent command line cd ripper (used to use Grip for GUI but that's unmaintained and not recommended anymore) | 00:17 |
JediMaster | Edgan, it's wierd it's like it's hitting maxclients but normally if that happens the load is through the roof, and it's 0.00 | 00:18 |
dinosaurvskitten | ActionParsnip, acroread still renders with the seemingly-rasterized-scanned fonts | 00:18 |
icylicious | ActionParsnip: ye my fault, but i didn't do any backup before. i was running win vista before and had all accesses, then i installed ubuntu and also was able to see my HDD, but after another windows installer i'm not able to open my HDD at windows and/or ubuntu. isn't there any software or possibility to save my datas? | 00:18 |
hystreni | ZykoticK9, hmm i write "cd /home/hystreni/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/" it dont find the directory but it finds "cd /home/hystreni/.wine/dosdevices/c:/" | 00:19 |
icylicious | (windows doesn't see the HDD too) | 00:19 |
Pici | hystreni: it should be: /home/hystreni/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/ | 00:19 |
ZykoticK9 | hystreni, you should try to use the TAB key -- /Program Files would become /Program\ Files | 00:19 |
=== crazyhorsee is now known as loopypoop | ||
hystreni | ZykoticK9, im to tired and slow... feels like it anyway | 00:20 |
dinosaurvskitten | hystreni, you could also just put the whole path in quotes, cd "blahblahblah blah" | 00:21 |
eremite | test | 00:21 |
eremite | test | 00:22 |
Pici | eremite: Please stop. | 00:22 |
hystreni | dinosaurvskitten, thanks now it works ^^ | 00:23 |
eremite | Pici, stop what? Testing to see if my keyboard is working? Pfft. I'll just leave then. I dont need to have orders barked at me as soon as I get here. | 00:23 |
LinuxGuy2009 | Arent QT based apps suposed to work decently in gnome? Kdenlive keeps crashing with just keystroke shortcuts. | 00:23 |
Samp | the command "ps aux | sort -k 3 -n | tail" should show a the five or so most cpu intensive processes, right? | 00:24 |
Samp | the results don't seem to be sorted at all | 00:25 |
Pici | Samp: do you have any processes that are using more than 0.0% cpu? | 00:26 |
Pici | Samp: It works fine here. | 00:26 |
meowbuntu | zykes-, sound juicer is the more common ap | 00:26 |
meowbuntu | ZykoticK9, , sound juicer is the more common ap | 00:27 |
hystreni | dinosaurvskitten, i wrote "wine Runes" then Tabbed and got "Runes\ of\ Magic/" then i pressed enter and nothing happened exept wine: cannot find 'Runes of Magic/' | 00:27 |
Samp | Pici, I think that's what it is, I tried to get the most resource intensive ones and found a bunch with 0.0%, then assumed it didnt work | 00:28 |
Pici | hystreni: It looks like Runes\ of\ Magic\ is a directory. | 00:28 |
hystreni | Pici, i just got that,,, i have to ask.. on a scale how slow do come out to be? | 00:29 |
NinoScript | I can't get audio to work :( | 00:29 |
Pici | hystreni: only medium slowness ;) | 00:29 |
=== root is now known as Guest88520 | ||
jsec | has anyone found any serious problems with 2.6.31-20 before i upgrade? | 00:30 |
xerox1 | is there a way to remove a broken fglrx driver? screen is black, virtual-terminals also, chroot tells me that subprocess has an error... | 00:30 |
Gaming4JC | hey all, is there an easy way to force an application to use more than one thread of my CPU? I've got a Core i7 here and trying to use "recordmydesktop" but it lags real bad due to only using one thread... :/ | 00:31 |
blakkheim | Gaming4JC: rewrite the program | 00:31 |
Gaming4JC | hmm lol | 00:32 |
gerzel | my flash plugin isn't working correctly it isn't regerstering clicks in some cases how do I re-install it? | 00:32 |
ZykoticK9 | gerzel, see | 00:33 |
hystreni | Pici, what means with "fixme:midi:OSS_MidiInit Synthesizer supports MIDI in. Not yet supported" | 00:33 |
Gaming4JC | xerox1: | 00:33 |
Gaming4JC | xerox1: ATI drivers can be a pain, I know for a fact lol | 00:34 |
mm_ | . | 00:34 |
xerox1 | Gaming4JC, u don't know how right u are... | 00:34 |
Gaming4JC | !hi | mm_ | 00:34 |
ubottu | mm_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 00:34 |
tuanpi | hi | 00:34 |
gerzel | ok thanks now to see if it works | 00:34 |
NinoScript | I've followed any tutorial I could find, I still can't make my audio work… can somebody help me please? it's a nVidia MCP79, and my computer is a MacBookPro5,5 | 00:35 |
Pici | hystreni: Looks like a warning from Wine. | 00:35 |
gerzel | succest thanks | 00:35 |
Pici | hystreni: If the program is running, don't worry about the output from the terminal. | 00:35 |
coz_ | MinorityNZ, did you go here? | 00:36 |
hystreni | Pici, okey :D then im gonna wait for my other wine config to be done ^^ | 00:36 |
lokalcdh | does Ubuntu support read or write of ntfs? | 00:37 |
popey | Gaming4JC: use the command line version of recordmydesktop rather than the gui | 00:37 |
Ritlee | lokalcdh, sure does | 00:37 |
coz_ | MinorityNZ, it is an older wiki for it however...and if you cant get a resolutioni here you may want to try #pulseaudo or #alsa channels | 00:37 |
Gaming4JC | popey: I only have the command line version... :P | 00:37 |
lokalcdh | Ritlee, a dream come true! is it extra drivers or included? | 00:37 |
Ritlee | lokalcdh, included atleast since 8.04 | 00:37 |
lokalcdh | does ubuntu support 120hz monitors? | 00:38 |
Gaming4JC | btw Istanbul is lol lame: | 00:38 |
tuanpi | quit | 00:38 |
=== BlueSTARS is now known as Lachesis | ||
coz_ | MinorityNZ, you a las resort...use envyng I cant help if you try that | 00:38 |
dstanek | how crazy is it to install 10.04? | 00:39 |
xerox1 | Gaming4JC, thanks for the help, but the error remains the same; going to reinstall everything... | 00:39 |
Pici | dstanek : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion. | 00:39 |
popey | Gaming4JC: well, rmd works for me on a machine much lower spec than i7 :) see the options I use here - but my box is getting hammered at the moment so be patient | 00:39 |
dstanek | Pici: thanks | 00:39 |
=== Lachesis is now known as BlueSTARS | ||
Gaming4JC | popey: perhaps my settings are a bit too high... I have it recording 1440x900 HD. The only thing is I still don't see how I can record a 3d game very well - and it isn't like my comp doesn't have the power... :s | 00:42 |
popey | Gaming4JC: i never record games, only desktops and stuff, so I'm nor surprised rmd cant keep up | 00:42 |
popey | Gaming4JC: but other people manage it.. so dunno | 00:43 |
=== choonming_ is now known as choonming | ||
hyperstream | Hey guys, ive just setup a VPN via the gnome config interface | 00:43 |
hyperstream | im wondering, how do i actually connect ? | 00:43 |
hyperstream | Its there and all setup | 00:43 |
red | Gaming4JC: recording that resoltuon whikle playing requires a really good pc. | 00:43 |
weechat_user | ... | 00:43 |
hyperstream | Does it require me to disconnect from a WIFI connection ? | 00:43 |
red | wow | 00:44 |
red | that was a lot of typos | 00:44 |
Gaming4JC | red: I have pretty powerful pc. Core i7 920 and an ATI Readeon 4890 x2 (1GB) gfx card ontop of 6GB DDR memory. | 00:44 |
Gaming4JC | should work, it does on windows :P | 00:44 |
[[thufir]] | how do you download from a site that requires itunes? is it a pointless excercise? | 00:44 |
Pici | hyperstream: Nope. Just click on the wifi/network button on your panel and look for the vpn connection | 00:44 |
Pici | hyperstream: *left click | 00:45 |
Typos_King | [[thufir]] what do you mean tha requires itunes? got url? | 00:45 |
BlueSTARS | ACPI can't find rate info for my battery. Is there anything I can do, or is it a driver issue? | 00:45 |
[[thufir]] | Typos_King: one sec. | 00:45 |
Ljorring | I read books about Arthur thr King | 00:45 |
hyperstream | Pici, it isnt listed altho it has been added? | 00:46 |
[[thufir]] | Typos_King: I want to download from: it's a "podcast" | 00:46 |
Baba_B00ie | will ubuntu 804 compile programs default -out of box - ? | 00:46 |
Pici | hyperstream: It should be listed. I'm not on a graphical system at the moment, but I connected to a vpn this morning with network manager and didn't remember doing anything special. | 00:47 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: to compile you will need at last build-essential installing | 00:47 |
Typos_King | [[thufir]] one sec | 00:47 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, ok thanks, yeah i just installed that before i started compiling. just wanted to make sure thats all i needed | 00:47 |
* Gaming4JC thinks we need a LOT more multi-threaded apps. :P | 00:47 | |
Ljorring | any ppl in here good @ IA-32 / x86 machine language? | 00:48 |
hyperstream | Pici, hmm, perhaps i need to disconnect the wifi, ill give this a go, thanks for your advice, ill get back to you | 00:48 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: its rare to compile in ubuntu dude, most stuff is already on the repos precompiled for you | 00:48 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, yeah i know. but the repos only had python 2.5 and i need 2.6.4 or newer | 00:48 |
ActionParsnip | !ot | Ljorring | 00:48 |
ubottu | Ljorring: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 00:48 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: there may be a ppa with the later version | 00:48 |
Ljorring | sorries ^ | 00:49 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, not familar with ppa. what is that ? | 00:49 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: | 00:50 |
ActionParsnip | !ppa | Baba_B00ie | 00:50 |
ubottu | Baba_B00ie: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See | 00:50 |
Baba_B00ie | thanks for the help ActionParsnip | 00:50 |
Typos_King | [[thufir]] so-called 'podcasts' are just plain RSS feeds which use an .xml file fo their data and any RSS Agreggator can open/use them, you can just click on the 'Links' section on the bottom-left and click on "Podcast Website" and 'subscribe', using THAT url in your RSS agreggator, I use AKgregator, or Opera's viewer, don't need iTunes really just to read .xml files, it's just a matter of contracts/convenience for the ones | 00:50 |
jh2os | hello | 00:51 |
destroth | Will someone help me trouble shoot my dvd player? | 00:51 |
jh2os | did you install the restricted dvd drivers? | 00:51 |
destroth | I've pretty much exhausted all my resources | 00:51 |
ownlife_ | Quick question! Should I format FAT on my server so windows clients can access the server too? | 00:51 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: the ppa i gave gives the python version you need | 00:51 |
destroth | yes | 00:51 |
ActionParsnip | ownlife_: ntfs is much more robust | 00:51 |
[[thufir]] | Typos_King: yeah, I tried that, but just got raw xml in FF. I use google reader. paste that in somehow? | 00:52 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, i'm not seeing anything past 2.4 | 00:52 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, hangon taking another looksy | 00:52 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: are you sharing through samba? if so no just go with ext3 | 00:52 |
Typos_King | [[thufir]] that's what it's, you have to give that url to your RSS Agreggator | 00:52 |
Ritlee | ownlife, share it out as nfs (network file server if i'm not mistaken) and it'll be readable by all formats | 00:52 |
Pici | ownlife_: the filesystem doesn't really matter if you're planning to share with samba. | 00:52 |
Ritlee | ownlife, err network file system | 00:52 |
ownlife_ | What can I do with Samba? | 00:52 |
Typos_King | [[thufir]] Opera browser has one already built-in, I think FF does too....or you can get some standalone one, as I said, I use AKgregator, and works fine | 00:53 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:launchpad/ppa; sudo apt-get uprade; sudo apt-gte upgrade | 00:53 |
hyperstream | Pici, strange, its all configured but i cant see it anywhere, Under VPN> Configure VPN | 00:53 |
hyperstream | Pici, is the only thing aval | 00:53 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: it allows you to share your data with other windows clients | 00:53 |
ActionParsnip | ownlife_: share folders in ubuntu | 00:53 |
ownlife_ | Last bit here, can I run a uPnP in Samba? | 00:53 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: think network neighborhood sharing. | 00:53 |
Pici | hyperstream: Weird. If you just installed the relevant network manager package for your vpn you may need to restart the networking or network-manager service.. or reboot. | 00:53 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: can you be a little more clear on the question | 00:53 |
hyperstream | Pici, Thanks | 00:54 |
[[thufir]] | Typos_King: ok. thanks. | 00:54 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: The main goal is upnp to stream media to my ps3/pms/but I want to learn on it too. | 00:54 |
meowbuntu | does ubuntu have Microsoft Exchange Support | 00:54 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, ok it's running thanks again | 00:54 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: then you might want to look at ushare. that will do upnp | 00:55 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: the last command is misspelled | 00:55 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, just waiting for the upgrades to finish up. slow net connection tonight.. bah | 00:55 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, yeah i know, i caught it | 00:55 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: btw ushare and samba are applications that you install in ubuntu and other nix distros | 00:55 |
ActionParsnip | ownlife_: if ps3 can access windows file sares then it will work | 00:55 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: sweet deal | 00:55 |
Ritlee | ownlife, i think evolution will connect to exchange | 00:56 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: Just make sure you know what protocols the devices can access. upnp and windows shares are different. | 00:56 |
odie5533 | how do I set my cdrom to always mount to /media/cdrom0 instead of /media/name_of_cdrom | 00:56 |
ActionParsnip | odie5533: it should mount as /media/cdrom0 due to /etc/fstab defining it | 00:57 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: but samba will get you going in the right direction with windows shares. Just right click the folder you want to share and check out the sharing options section. | 00:57 |
meowbuntu | does ubuntu have Microsoft Exchange Support | 00:57 |
odie5533 | ActionParsnip: it's not listed in fstab | 00:57 |
destroth | lol | 00:57 |
ActionParsnip | meowbuntu: | 00:57 |
Ljorring | is there a painless way to upgr to 9.10 from 8.10? | 00:57 |
Ljorring | ubuntu* | 00:57 |
Gaming4JC | wow... at least the encoding is insaneeelyy fast on a core i7... just that laggieness during record. | 00:58 |
ActionParsnip | odie5533: you should have a line like: /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0 | 00:58 |
ActionParsnip | odie5533: if not, add it | 00:58 |
hyperstream | Pici, if ive just added the MS PPTP package, how would i go about making it appear in the 'Add' options for VPN ? (ive tried restarting network-manager | 00:58 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: Then I don't need to install Ubuntu server or like, just run these apps as needed. | 00:58 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, apt-get says the updates are gonna take about 20minutes. do i need to follow up with any other commands afterwards ? | 00:59 |
talkhouli | guys, I need help with this error: dpkg: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 134. | 00:59 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: you dont have to use ubuntu server, you can do what you want just fine with the desktop edition. | 00:59 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: look at what its installing, you will see the python version | 00:59 |
hyperstream | Pici, i think im better off trying a reboot, talk soon | 00:59 |
jrib | talkhouli: you need to give more context | 00:59 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: I love linux. Thanks good sir | 00:59 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, alrighty-then right now its doing system updates too. gimp etc, etc etc | 01:00 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: do you use gimp? | 01:00 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: yes sir, I love it myself. Everything in my house is running some nix variant. | 01:00 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, not daily but yes i do | 01:00 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: ok cool, keep it. if you remove unneeded apps you will reduce the downloads for updates | 01:01 |
talkhouli | jrib, I was trying to install a package using apt-get but the installation failed and asked me to issue: dpkg --configure -a. I tried it and got : dpkg: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 134. | 01:01 |
ownlife_ | I'll be back to bother you some more when this doesn't work right away ;D | 01:01 |
jrib | talkhouli: pastebin the command you ran and the full output | 01:01 |
talkhouli | !paste | 01:01 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 01:01 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: | 01:01 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: really it should, but just check out the forums. There are numerous guides there to help ya with samba | 01:02 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: Bah, here is the last bit. Is there a repo or deb for ushare? | 01:02 |
Pici | !info ushare | ownlife_ | 01:03 |
ubottu | ownlife_: ushare (source: ushare): lightweight UPnP A/V Media Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1a-0ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 52 kB, installed size 236 kB | 01:03 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: I practically live in the forums | 01:03 |
ownlife_ | Amazing | 01:03 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: they are a great source | 01:03 |
talkhouli | jrib, here: | 01:03 |
odie5533 | ActionParsnip: adding the line to fstab fixed it. Thanks! | 01:04 |
diogo_sm | hi | 01:05 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: I should be able to download this from repo, ya? | 01:05 |
ActionParsnip | odie5533: suprised you not got it man, glad you got the gold | 01:05 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: yup | 01:05 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: Getting the package is not found error, but it might be because I've trashed this install tinkering with everything there is to offer :D | 01:06 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: are you running 9.10? | 01:07 |
RyR88 | how does one install a new login screen for 9.10? | 01:07 |
Ritlee | is there a copy command or option that will show the progress... ie 45% done? | 01:07 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: Karmic! | 01:07 |
Pici | ownlife_: ushare 1.1a-0ubuntu4 is in karmic | 01:07 |
coz_ | ownlife, tinkering with everything offered on ubuntu should not trash a system..otherwise there are major bugs :) | 01:08 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: hmm that is odd it says it should be there. | 01:08 |
Pici | ownlife_: make sure that you have the universe repository enabled. | 01:08 |
RyR88 | I found a tar.gz of a login screen I'd like to use but I don't know how to install it, anyone know how? | 01:08 |
coz_ | ooo he left! hope that was part of the trashing of the system? | 01:09 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: you might try it via commandline "sudo apt-get install ushare" | 01:09 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: That's how I do it | 01:09 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, i ran the update and it installed py 2.6. i'm trying to install this prgram called epidermis. its a ubuntu deb package. but it says it still has a python dependency | 01:09 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: Everything is being weird, I can't even connect using xchat. I'm in irssi | 01:09 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: try: sudo apt-get -f install | 01:10 |
coz_ | ownlife_, what were you doing just before the system became weird? | 01:10 |
nixjr | i have a problem with transfering to/from usb. the longer the transfer goes on for, the slower it gets, right down to <1mb/s, also my cpu usage jumps to 100% | 01:10 |
coz_ | nixjr, which media are you using in usb? | 01:11 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: try adding an epidermis ppa instead | 01:11 |
maxjezy | nixjr, got the same problem here | 01:11 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: Things started getting weird I think when I started poking around with emerald and installing themes. I can't exec programs from the terminal without them being dependent on the terminal I used | 01:11 |
boondoklife | ownlife_: that is very odd, lemme reboot and grap my lappy that has karmic on it. brb | 01:11 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, and how would i go about doing that ? | 01:11 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, i'm at the cli now | 01:11 |
ActionParsnip | Baba_B00ie: | 01:12 |
nixjr | coz_, happens with both my corsiar usb stick, and a westerndigital external drive | 01:12 |
jrib | talkhouli: next question is, do you have no idea why? No new/unofficial repositories? No manually installed debs? | 01:12 |
Gaming4JC | Hmm is there a way to launch individual programs in their own cpu thread on ubuntu? | 01:12 |
Gaming4JC | i.e. manually set affinity so I can give one program full power | 01:12 |
nixjr | maxjezy, i dont suppose youve managed to solve it? | 01:12 |
coz_ | nixjr, how large of file transfers are we talking about here...not that that should make a difference but may be able to test it here | 01:13 |
talkhouli | jrib, I remember installing gstreamer manually. | 01:13 |
maxjezy | nixjr, no i don't | 01:13 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, thank you yet again. i'm following directions now | 01:13 |
ownlife_ | boondoklife: My wireless connection started going quirky too, the quick launch icon is gone and it sporatically makes me punch in my connection keyring thing. Sometimes can't connect after - have to restart | 01:13 |
nixjr | coz_, transfers of a couple hundred mb usualy complete within a few sec, but anyhting bigger and the slowdowns get noticable | 01:13 |
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coz_ | nixjr, mmm let me see if I have something here that large to test with ...give me 5 | 01:14 |
maxjezy | coz_, when i transfer files 500mb + the first 100mb go in a sec, rest go in a few minutes | 01:14 |
maxjezy | 1-2-3 minuters | 01:14 |
nixjr | coz_, if instead of transfering many files totaling say 10gb, i break it into 10x1gb parts, it will complete a lot faster | 01:15 |
Baba_B00ie | ActionParsnip, if i get an error "deb" not found. what apt package would have that | 01:15 |
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nixjr | coz_, when transfering very large ammounts, the cpu can stay at high usage for several mins after the xfer is complete | 01:15 |
coz_ | nixjr, mm ok let me transfer a few movies onto ubuntu then off again | 01:16 |
rexha | i just installed xubuntu-alternate-cd but after i installed it is just in console ??? | 01:16 |
=== ownlife_ is now known as ownlife_bio_brbp | ||
maxjezy | coz_, nixjr, if you find solution, plz highlight or PM me the solution, i'm away for some nudles | 01:17 |
Baba_B00ie | what apt package would i need if a program requires the deb command | 01:17 |
coz_ | maxjezy, well let me see if I get any lagging first | 01:17 |
nixjr | maxjezy, ill write down your name so i dont forget | 01:17 |
maxjezy | brb! | 01:18 |
rexha | i just installed xubuntu-alternate-cd but after i installed it is just in console ??? | 01:18 |
coz_ | nixjr, ok I am transferring 4 gigs of video files onto ubuntu from usb external drive | 01:18 |
larsbars | can somebody tell me how to make the empathy contact list appear without going to the applications menu? | 01:18 |
coz_ | nixjr, I see no slowing down at all so far | 01:18 |
rexha | i just installed xubuntu-alternate-cd but after i installed it is just in console ??? | 01:19 |
nixjr | coz_, usualy the slowdowns are fast at first, then get less, so it never reaches 0 | 01:19 |
rexha | please help me | 01:19 |
coz_ | rexha, not sure unless you accidentally burned the server c... in the cli sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 01:19 |
myownserver | Does anyone here know of a good tool to use to simply track/log server bandwidth traffic? | 01:20 |
jastor | myownserver: vnstat | 01:20 |
imperfect- | Anyone know why the heck my sound randomly doesn't work? | 01:20 |
coz_ | nixjr, ok no slowing down at all and cpu dropped back to normal when finished | 01:20 |
imperfect- | Startup sounds play but r-box won't play songs | 01:20 |
imperfect- | it's annoying | 01:20 |
rexha | coz_ im sure that I installed xubuntu alternate i386 | 01:20 |
myownserver | jastor, Thanks, How do I keep track of it, such as the sum? | 01:20 |
coz_ | rexha, ok I believe you did.... however. did the command sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart spit anything out | 01:21 |
koleppa | Good evening/morning/day everyone. I need help. I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my iMac. All goes okay until it tries to partition the HD and then it freezes at 33%. Any ideas? | 01:21 |
nixjr | coz_, my cpu gets so high that i cant even scroll in the file browser without it freezing, top ofter shows loads of 10+ | 01:21 |
koleppa | Please. | 01:21 |
jastor | myownserver: vnstat -days / -months / -weeks etc | 01:21 |
coz_ | nixjr, then something must be up on that end.... not sure what tinkering you may have done :) | 01:22 |
myownserver | jastor, Thank you very much! | 01:22 |
jastor | myownserver: well just the first letter :) | 01:22 |
nixjr | coz_, assuming the bottleneck with my external drive is the usb interface, what sort of speed "should" i be seeing? i know what im getting is far from normal, but im not entrierly sure what normal would be | 01:22 |
koleppa | Is there a way that I can totally wipe the HD clean and prevent the installer from doing this? | 01:22 |
coz_ | nixjr, well usb has a set speed i believe at about 25 mgs a minute ...something like that .. i dont have specs in front of me... regardless of the hardware you have you cannot exceed the speed of usb limiations | 01:23 |
nixjr | coz_, the last thing i transfered was ~6gb and was going at about 4mb/s | 01:23 |
alexlea | koleppa: i have a mac, i can help | 01:23 |
koleppa | Alexlea, that would be great. | 01:23 |
coz_ | nixjr, that was suppose to be 25 megs a second i believe | 01:23 |
jastor | koleppa: thoose 33% .. it wouldnt happen thats the actuall writing the ext4 stuff? | 01:23 |
coz_ | nixjr, but that is as fast as it gets | 01:24 |
myownserver | jastor, I gotcha. I was looking at bwm-ng and while it does offer output to file, it doesn't keep an on-going sum of the bandwidth usage, which is more what I"m looking for. | 01:24 |
=== ownlife_bio_brbp is now known as ownlife | ||
ddelony | koleppa: Me too, though I haven't actually tried to install Ubuntu on it. | 01:24 |
alexlea | koleppa: pm me, and explan the problem...its so busy in here, taht it's hard to read...pretty much you said somehting about freezing | 01:24 |
jastor | koleppa: which can take a while depending on disk size | 01:24 |
coz_ | nixjr, regardless of how fast the drives or cpu are you cant exceed that speed...which isnt the issue for you...the issue is the speed of transfer drops dramatically | 01:24 |
ddelony | koleppa: Are you sure it's actually freezing? | 01:24 |
jastor | koleppa: on my 320GB disk .. it stops for a moment at around 25% while it does the ext4 stuff ;) .. but it doesnt freeze | 01:25 |
jastor | moment .. couple of minutes that is | 01:25 |
ownlife | boondoklife: I am back sir, if you're still looking into these weird happenings | 01:25 |
nixjr | coz_, slightly different question, my particualr drive also has an esata connector, which i dont have a cable for, if usb is slow, would esata also be slow? and how well is it supported in ubuntu? | 01:25 |
ddelony | koleppa: In any case, I think you might damage your hard drive if you turned off or rebooted your computer in the middle of repartitioning. | 01:26 |
jastor | nixjr: usb != esata .. so esata should be faster | 01:26 |
tp43__ | I can't seek in ogv video I created using my webcam and cheese | 01:26 |
tp43__ | Is there a ogv player or converter... | 01:26 |
AliceMargatroid | “Yields falsehood when preceded by its quotation” yields falsehood when preceded by its quotation. | 01:26 |
coz_ | nixjr, I believe e-sata is supported | 01:27 |
jastor | ok .. "faster" can be discussed ... FW400 which is "slower" than usbs 480Mb/s .. is still faster due to it can keep a more steady speed compared ot usb boing up and down all the tiem ;) | 01:27 |
RyR88 | Has anyone changed a login screen in Ubuntu 9.10? If so, how did you do it? | 01:27 |
coz_ | nixjr, but as to the speeds of that bus I dont know... generally you can get an e-sata drive with usb connection but then you get usb2 speeds | 01:27 |
Nooneshere | Hi, i will be quick today. How long should it take to recompress a 36gb tar.7z archieve? Its been going at it for a while? | 01:28 |
nixjr | coz_, im worried that if i go out and buy an esata cable, that itll have the same slowdown issues | 01:28 |
coz_ | nixjr, so your e-sata drive should just work | 01:28 |
jrib | Nooneshere: "a while" sounds about right, a long while | 01:29 |
coz_ | nixjr, if that's the case then your system is a bit kerploinked | 01:29 |
coz_ | :) | 01:29 |
ppaulhus | Hi. I had to remove my nvidia graphics card from my ubuntu 9.10 box and now im just down to my onboard intel graphics. my xconfiguration seems to be wrong now so i get a black screen. What does a config for intel look like usually? | 01:29 |
coz_ | nixjr, was this a clean install or an upgrade to the current version? | 01:29 |
Nooneshere | Jrib its been about an hour now. I did a smaller 9 gig eariler, and only took about 10 minutes to recompress. | 01:30 |
jrib | ppaulhus: just rename/delete your existing /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:30 |
jrib | Nooneshere: well see how big the file currently is | 01:30 |
coz_ | ppaulhus, did you try a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserve-xorg ? not sure if that will work | 01:30 |
rexha | Why when i want to install xubuntu the computer restarts ? | 01:30 |
coz_ | ppaulhus, sorry dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:31 |
ppaulhus | i'll try the xorg.conf trick first, then dpkg | 01:31 |
ownlife | boondoklife: I'm still around if you're still investigating | 01:31 |
jastor | Nooneshere: whats the content anyway? | 01:31 |
jastor | Nooneshere: you say the .tar.7z is 36gb .. if its text it can be quite alot :P ... last months apache logs 70MB tar.gz took like 1.1GB ;) | 01:32 |
Typos_King | rexha: what do you mean? | 01:32 |
jastor | or if it was tar.bz2 .. dont remember .. i think it was 70MB -> 1.1GB anyway | 01:33 |
hystreni | hello, can u ake a gedit file so it opens as a terminal command?= | 01:33 |
boondoklife | ownlife: yea i had a problem with lucid but im on my karmic box now | 01:33 |
jrib | jastor: that's really really really weird | 01:33 |
Nooneshere | Jrib i cannot find it. It hasn't appeared in home yet. So i assume its in the temp somewhere. Jastor, i wipe my computer every 6 months. So this would be all my high def pictures and text and php etc. | 01:33 |
frago | hi | 01:33 |
nixjr | coz_, it was 9.04 upgraded to 9.10 | 01:33 |
rexha | Typos_King i put my cd and then it boots and loads then i hit enter to the Install Xubuntu after 2 seconds it restarts | 01:33 |
jastor | jrib: = | 01:33 |
Typos_King | allo | 01:33 |
jastor | jrib: ? what is? | 01:33 |
boondoklife | ownlife: so did you make any headway? it is showing up in the repo's for me and through apt-get | 01:33 |
frago | can someone hell me i'm using irssi, is xchat the same as this? | 01:34 |
frago | or is xchat graphical based? | 01:34 |
Typos_King | rexha: retry, but before hitting, 'enter' to install, press F6 and turn on acpi=off and noapic, then press enter | 01:34 |
Typos_King | frago I prefer xchat myself | 01:34 |
ownlife | boondoklife: sudo apt-get install ushare yields a missing package. Come to think of it this isn't the first time I've had an issue with an error like this | 01:34 |
Nooneshere | frago xchat has a UI. I am using it right now. Its nice. | 01:34 |
nixjr | frago, xchat is graphical | 01:34 |
myownserver | How do I create a link to another location in Ubuntu, such as a shortcut? | 01:34 |
jrib | jastor: your arrow suggested you compressed 70MiB into a 1.1 GiB file :) | 01:35 |
frago | is there a web interface for irssi? | 01:35 |
frago | or xchat? | 01:35 |
|sanchez| | how do i increase amount of workspaces i have? using gnome, with compiz on 9.10 x64 | 01:35 |
|sanchez| | frago mibbit | 01:35 |
Typos_King | myownserver: ln -s /path/ACTUALLOCATION mylinkhere | 01:35 |
|sanchez| | has web IRC | 01:35 |
Nooneshere | Frago what do you mean web interface? | 01:35 |
jastor | jrib: ah .. typo of me then ;) | 01:35 |
rexha | Typos_King: I will try that. Thank you. | 01:35 |
hystreni | can u make a textfile to a command file?= with writing "cd /home/user/..." | 01:35 |
myownserver | Typos_King, Thank you sir. | 01:35 |
jastor | jrib: ok .. wasnt a typo .. meant 70MB tar.gz -> 1.1GB .log ;) | 01:35 |
jastor | ok .. was just .gz .. not .tar.gz | 01:36 |
frago | Typos_King: i mean is there a way i can keep irssi running in background, but chat using my browser? | 01:36 |
jrib | Nooneshere: what do you mean by "recompress"? | 01:36 |
boondoklife | ownlife: how long ago did this start and was it after you installed a particular package? | 01:36 |
Typos_King | frago: sure | 01:37 |
nixjr | |sanchez|, i do it by right clicking the workspaces planel applet, and selecting preferences | 01:37 |
Nooneshere | Jrib its the stage it is at. At first its adding files, etc then it says "Recompressing archive" | 01:37 |
frago | |sanchez|: i mean one that keeps state if i close browser | 01:37 |
frago | and comes from my ip | 01:37 |
Typos_King | frago: both sessions do not interfere with one another... sooo | 01:37 |
frago | just a web interface or irssi | 01:37 |
HotCarrot | exit | 01:37 |
HotCarrot | oops | 01:38 |
Typos_King | hehe | 01:38 |
aouldr78 | hi everyone | 01:38 |
jrib | Nooneshere: I see, so you had some .7z archive, then you added files to it? | 01:38 |
jastor | Nooneshere: the compressed file with all teh stuff is going to be around 36GB? | 01:38 |
rexha | Typos_King: i tried noasci and asci=off but still not working, it reboots | 01:38 |
aouldr78 | how to play CD with .TRS extension | 01:38 |
jastor | Nooneshere: since you apparently ahve somewhere to put this 36GB file .. why dont you just ekeep the stuff on that paritition/drive at all time? without having to move / compress files | 01:39 |
ownlife | boondoklife: I think it was mediatomb, that's when I first noticed it. See if you can't find mediatomb? | 01:39 |
Typos_King | rexha: check the cd for errors, or reburn the .iso if you have it, seems to be a media error | 01:39 |
dtcrshr | hello fellas, my webcam works fine in cheese, but im upside down | 01:40 |
Nooneshere | Jastor that is my intent, but i filled up that parition. Also it is always nice to have a backup. | 01:40 |
dtcrshr | how do i fix this? | 01:40 |
talkhouli | jrib, no idea? | 01:40 |
boondoklife | ownlife: yea i have it in mine... hmm well this is a little beyond me. Maybe you somehow tweaked your sources or something. | 01:40 |
jastor | Nooneshere: ok :) | 01:40 |
MadModelRRer | hey all | 01:40 |
Typos_King | aouldr78: not acquainted myself with .trs cds :{ first time I ever heard of them | 01:40 |
jrib | talkhouli: add set -x to the .postinst script and rerun the command | 01:40 |
seanbrystone | is Ubuntu One in beta? it's icon always has a "!" over it. :/ | 01:40 |
Nooneshere | Jrib, no i am making a new archive, and its just been stuck there. Hasn't finished just yet. | 01:40 |
rexha | Typos_King: I have 3 cds and they all worked in other computers | 01:40 |
aouldr78 | it is good iso image but it is from Rosetta Stone language | 01:40 |
jastor | Nooneshere: ... not saying that this is any better ... but what about creating a virtual volume and put everything on? (ie: truecrypt .tc container, but there probably are other programs to).. should be slightly faster than compressing | 01:41 |
MadModelRRer | does anyone have exp converting a .iso file to a .img file in Terminal on a Mac? | 01:41 |
rexha | Typos_King: I just could install the command-line version | 01:41 |
nixjr | dtcrshr, open cheese, goto effects, and vertical flip | 01:41 |
ownlife | boondoklife: Perhaps! To the forums! | 01:41 |
aouldr78 | and the audio in the CD is with Sockwave audio | 01:41 |
sinewine | damn this linux is the sex | 01:41 |
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sinewine | I forgot how much fun it is | 01:42 |
jrib | Nooneshere: hmm, I don't use .7z. Mostly .bz2 or .gz. Those seem to work fine with huge files like that and I can check the file's size as it progresses so I know it's still working | 01:42 |
talkhouli | jrib, where can I find the script? | 01:42 |
dtcrshr | nixjr, and skype? | 01:42 |
jrib | talkhouli: /var/lib/dpkg/info/PACKAG_NAME.postinst | 01:42 |
nixjr | dtcrshr, not sure about that | 01:42 |
sinewine | what about skype ? | 01:42 |
Nooneshere | Jastor, i need to move it from partition a to c though. Thats my issue | 01:42 |
jrib | talkhouli: I think it was the .postinst anyway, check your error | 01:43 |
Nooneshere | Jrib, i will note that for the last archive i need to do. | 01:43 |
hystreni | how do i make a "cd /home/" command through a text file | 01:43 |
jastor | Nooneshere: yes i was more thinking of "later" :) when youre done | 01:43 |
dtcrshr | nixjr, any other software for webchat with the webcam? | 01:43 |
nixjr | sinewine, i guess some people find it fun, persoanlly ive been using ubuntu a couple weeks and so far everfything takes me longer to acomplish then it did on windows, frustrating is how id describe it | 01:43 |
progesterone | Question: I can't open on both Firefox and Opera. The page loading is too slow and only HTML file is loaded. The site is ok on Window. How can I diagnose it? | 01:43 |
jastor | Nooneshere: so you have all the files in one container at Xgb .. which you mount to random directory when you want to access the files in it .. so just one large file .. instead of many small files taking about the same amount of space | 01:44 |
sinewine | well I have flirted with it many times in the past but i think i will fully migrate now | 01:44 |
Typos_King | rexha: .. how about trying to use the usb startup disk? boot with the cd on another machine that boots it, and usually, in the Menus there's a section for 'make usb startup disk', which just makes a live-usb bootable for install | 01:44 |
AliceMargatroid | progesterone, do images work on other sites? | 01:44 |
sinewine | nixjr: I can run all my windows apps in wine as well | 01:44 |
progesterone | AliceMargatroid yes | 01:44 |
nixjr | progesterone, just tested in opera, opened fine for me | 01:44 |
Tironn | nixjr: everyone has their issues but with time all will be well | 01:44 |
talkhouli | jrib, still not working | 01:44 |
rexha | Typos_King: The USB boot isn't an option for me | 01:44 |
Nooneshere | Jastor, i use most of these files or view them, would that slow them down at all? | 01:45 |
jrib | talkhouli: of course, but with set -x you should be getting more info | 01:45 |
progesterone | nixjr Yeah. I can also open on Window. | 01:45 |
progesterone | nixjr It's weired. | 01:45 |
Typos_King | rexha: you mean you're trying to install 9.1 on an 'older' machine? | 01:45 |
jastor | Nooneshere: its slower than having the files on the real filesystem .. but faster than having to compress/expand | 01:45 |
GeekSquid | !appdb | sinewine | 01:45 |
ubottu | sinewine: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 01:45 |
talkhouli | jrib, I added it to the end of the script, but there's a set -e at the beginning, should i replace the e with the x ? | 01:45 |
=== ownlife is now known as ownlife_afirc | ||
AliceMargatroid | Connecting to||:80... connected. | 01:45 |
AliceMargatroid | HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently | 01:45 |
AliceMargatroid | Location: [following] | 01:45 |
AliceMargatroid | --2010-03-09 19:44:07-- | 01:45 |
FloodBot4 | AliceMargatroid: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:45 |
Typos_King | progesterone: opened for me in about 6secs in opera | 01:45 |
jastor | Nooneshere: + you can edit the files in real time in the container ;) compared to an tar.7z archive | 01:45 |
jrib | talkhouli: just add it under that | 01:45 |
aouldr78 | thank you all for your help | 01:45 |
talkhouli | jrib, I did, but nothing new showed up. | 01:46 |
Typos_King | progesterone: opened for me in about 6secs in Opera <-- | 01:46 |
AliceMargatroid | Strange | 01:46 |
AliceMargatroid | Wonder what the 301 was for. | 01:46 |
progesterone | Typos_King Yeah. I can open it on Window, but not on Ubuntu. | 01:46 |
AliceMargatroid | But yeah. That might be the cause? | 01:46 |
Typos_King | progesterone: I'm not in win32 | 01:46 |
Typos_King | I'm on *nix... so | 01:46 |
invisime | what's the best way to install bugzilla on a headless ubuntu-server? | 01:46 |
hampa | hi | 01:47 |
rexha | Typos_King: Yes an old one Pentium III but I didn't used it for 2 years and now I want to give it to a friend, It used to have XP | 01:47 |
RyR88 | GDM says "** (gdm-binary:10088): WARNING **: Failed to acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager" to me whenever I try and open it, any ideas? | 01:47 |
Nooneshere | Jastor i only do this twice a year though. This seems like a better way until i get a new harddrive :/ | 01:47 |
progesterone | Typos_King ok. How can I diagnose why the site is not loading? | 01:47 |
hampa | mmmmm! | 01:47 |
progesterone | progesterone on my machine. | 01:47 |
hampa | hello | 01:47 |
Typos_King | rexha: then is the cd, some older CD drives are picky on how the cd burned | 01:47 |
talkhouli | jrib, apt-get is still, all it shows is this line: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 01:47 |
hampa | hi | 01:47 |
jastor | Nooneshere: yea .) i didnt say it was a better way .. only an alternative | 01:47 |
nixjr | progesterone, i dont know much but perhaps look at your java | 01:47 |
progesterone | hampa hi Please ask your question. | 01:48 |
giovanny_17 | hola | 01:48 |
Typos_King | rexha: I don't recall offhand.... but there's some older legacy way to burn cds to have them work on older cd drives | 01:48 |
hampa | [giovanny_17] hello | 01:48 |
Tironn | progesterone: I loaded the page in 10 on my Droid. | 01:48 |
giovanny_17 | [¤_HaMPa_¤] hello | 01:48 |
seanbrystone | is Ubuntu One in beta? it's icon always has a "!" over it. :/ | 01:48 |
hampa | [progesterone] what? | 01:48 |
giovanny_17 | como estan todos por aki | 01:49 |
giovanny_17 | todo | 01:49 |
sinewine | is there a way to use windows fonts on ubuntu. Im after Lucida Console, she my baby :x | 01:49 |
giovanny_17 | bien una vaina bien | 01:49 |
giovanny_17 | JaJaJaJaJaJa!! | 01:49 |
hampa | [giovanny_17] si! sta fino | 01:49 |
histo | sinewine: msttcorefonts | 01:49 |
sinewine | sweet | 01:49 |
giovanny_17 | JaJaJaJaJaJa!! | 01:49 |
Typos_King | rexha: another way will be, take out the HD from it, stick on another machine, install it there, then put the HD back on the PIII hardware, it'll redetect and reconfigure | 01:49 |
seanbrystone | someone let giovanny_17 out of the cage again? | 01:49 |
ieynr | hello. do you think there is a way to set up two or more xwindows machines so that a single application can be run one on one, with some of the windows from the application staying on the local machine and some other windows from the same application instance being brought to the remote machine? | 01:49 |
sinewine | apt-get i assume | 01:49 |
hampa | [ieynr] hello | 01:49 |
jrib | talkhouli: right, you should be running dpkg --configure -a | 01:49 |
progesterone | hampa You said hi. So, I told you to ask question. | 01:49 |
hampa | iam sorry | 01:49 |
Tironn | sinewine: apt-get msttfonts | 01:49 |
giovanny_17 | [¤_SeaNBRYSToNe_¤] hola soy de venezuela y tu? | 01:49 |
talkhouli | jrib, same old same | 01:49 |
kent | I need help, how do | 01:49 |
warriorforgod | Is the ubuntu 32 bit kernel pae enabled by default? | 01:49 |
jrib | !es | giovanny_17 | 01:50 |
ubottu | giovanny_17: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 01:50 |
xangua | giovanny_17 hampa this is not a chat room | 01:50 |
Nitsuga | ieynr, I think it is possible, see "surf" source code | 01:50 |
histo | !font | sinewine | 01:50 |
progesterone | kent What's your problem? | 01:50 |
ubottu | sinewine: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 01:50 |
hampa | ubottu Prohibido Enviar Web-Site En General. ( hampa ) | 01:50 |
jrib | talkhouli: can you pastebin the script? and link me again to your error as I've since closed it | 01:50 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:50 |
ieynr | will search for that thank you | 01:50 |
ZykoticK9 | warriorforgod, not the default kernel no | 01:50 |
kent | I need help, how do I download and install a new splash screen on Ubuntu 9.10? | 01:50 |
giovanny_17 | [¤_uBoTTu_¤] como me dijistes? | 01:50 |
warriorforgod | Looks like I will be reinstalling with 64 bit then. | 01:50 |
hampa | sorry | 01:50 |
talkhouli | jrib, old error: | 01:50 |
hampa | talkhouli Prohibido Enviar Web-Site En General. ( hampa ) | 01:50 |
histo | !splash | kent | 01:50 |
ubottu | kent: To change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. | 01:50 |
karai | s | 01:50 |
hampa | [giovanny_17] aki nos van a sacar | 01:51 |
hampa | help | 01:51 |
histo | kent: that one or the grub splash? | 01:51 |
Nitsuga | ieynr, | 01:51 |
hampa | Nitsuga Prohibido Enviar Web-Site En General. ( hampa ) | 01:51 |
Typos_King | progesterone.... maybe is your isp... or ... can't say.... it loaded for me in secs | 01:51 |
talkhouli | !paste | 01:51 |
histo | !usplash | kent | 01:51 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 01:51 |
hampa | ubottu Prohibido Enviar Web-Site En General. ( hampa ) | 01:51 |
ubottu | kent: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 01:51 |
hampa | ubottu Prohibido Enviar Web-Site En General. ( hampa ) | 01:51 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:51 |
Typos_King | progesterone: maybe a firewall.... or some setting.... | 01:51 |
giovanny_17 | [¤_HaMPa_¤] si ya nos mencionaron a ,los dos JaJaJaJaJaJa!! | 01:51 |
histo | !es > hampa | 01:51 |
Nitsuga | I think there is a problem with hampa ... It's in spanish! | 01:51 |
ubottu | hampa, please see my private message | 01:51 |
myownserver | jastor, I'm curious, is there a way to monitor bandwidth to a specific Apache VHOST or does that get complicated? | 01:51 |
nixjr | Typos_King, i dont suppose you could help me with an opera issue, flash content loads fine, but dosnt respond to my clicks, it works fine in ff | 01:51 |
xangua | hampa: giovanny_17 please stop that | 01:51 |
hampa | [histo] soryy | 01:51 |
talkhouli | jrib, here's the script : | 01:51 |
hampa | talkhouli Prohibido Enviar Web-Site En General. ( hampa ) | 01:51 |
kent | wait wait wait I am running under Gnome so tell me step by step please on how to change my splash screen and login screen? | 01:52 |
histo | !es | hampa | 01:52 |
ubottu | hampa: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 01:52 |
giovanny_17 | [¤_XaNGua_¤] como no hablo ingles solo spañol | 01:52 |
Typos_King | nixjr..... as in clicks on Play/pause/volume? | 01:52 |
RyR88 | kent, I've been looking for that too =( | 01:52 |
jastor | myownserver: one sec | 01:52 |
rexha | Typos_King: Im using a new cd-rom to read the cd | 01:52 |
jrib | giovanny_17: /join #ubuntu-es for spanish. English only here | 01:52 |
xangua | !es | giovanny_17 - no sabes leer¿ | 01:52 |
ubottu | giovanny_17 - no sabes leer¿: En la mayorÃa de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 01:52 |
ownlife_afirc | boondoklife: Okay, in software sources I have this: main restricted universe multiverse | is this the universal deal I'm suppose to have? | 01:52 |
=== ownlife_afirc is now known as ownlife | ||
Typos_King | rexha: a new cdrom on the PIII? | 01:52 |
jrib | Typos_King: what script is this? | 01:52 |
nixjr | Typos_King, yeah, my first click always works, but i can never click a second time | 01:52 |
jrib | talkhouli: what script is this? | 01:52 |
kent | RyR88, oh yeah it sucks trying to find out this stuff | 01:52 |
jastor | myownserver: is it your server? you got root access to it i mean+ | 01:53 |
Typos_King | jrib? | 01:53 |
talkhouli | jrib, /var/lib/dpkg/info/empathy.postinst, I thought you asked for it | 01:53 |
jrib | Typos_King: typo (how ironic) | 01:53 |
myownserver | jastor, Alright. Even being able to filter it to a specific source, such as External/LAN, that would be nice. Yeah, my server. | 01:53 |
kent | well ok i guess i will just look it up on youtube | 01:53 |
RyR88 | kent, Karmic Koala doesn't have the little menu under System for it anymore? You having the same issue? | 01:53 |
Typos_King | hehe, someone is after my crown :P | 01:53 |
invisime | so theoretically speaking, if I accidentally ran 'sudo rm -rf /var/lib/', how fucked am I? | 01:53 |
jastor | myownserver: ok .. i think i know a program for that which i use .. ill just see if it can actually do it ;) | 01:53 |
jrib | talkhouli: ok, but it seems libc6 is the issue from your error, not empathy. Also you need to add the set -x at the top of the file for it to do anything (right under the shebang) | 01:53 |
jrib | invisime: not at all? | 01:53 |
kent | RyR88, nope i am using ubuntu 9.10 | 01:54 |
Typos_King | nixjr: .... well... can't say.... I've heard flashplayer 10.1 is ... somehow better, in beta though..... I use flashplayer 9 :) | 01:54 |
progesterone | Typos_King Thanks | 01:54 |
myownserver | jastor, Alright, thanks. Yeah, being able to track that info would be really useful so I know what kind of usage I'm experiencing besides hit counters. | 01:54 |
serverduck | Can someone tell me why xsensor doesn't work on my laptop?and what can i do to make it run? | 01:54 |
invisime | jrib: really? it seems like a lot of stuff has stopped working now. e.g. apt-get. >_> | 01:54 |
rexha | Typos_King: yes. | 01:54 |
jrib | invisime: sure, but you can easily put it back... | 01:55 |
invisime | jrib: go on... | 01:55 |
jrib | invisime: reinstall is the easy way | 01:55 |
* invisime blinks. | 01:55 | |
magn3ts_ | How do I kill a process that won't die with sudo kill -9 pid? | 01:56 |
myownserver | jastor, I found a web graph interface for vnstat which is nice, but it's also logging LAN traffic, which I transfer a lot between it when developing, which will throw the accuracy off a bit. | 01:56 |
RyR88 | Does anyone know how to install a new login screen on 9.10? I've had no luck googling. Karmic Koala doesn't have a login window option under System anymore. | 01:56 |
^paradox^ | i need a quick hand with xsane image scanner. is there someone here whos pretty experienced with it could tell me a little about the settings? | 01:56 |
jrib | magn3ts_: reboot | 01:56 |
magn3ts_ | jrib, >_> | 01:56 |
rexha | Typos_King: Im running the memory test now and see what it says. | 01:56 |
magn3ts_ | wat | 01:56 |
Typos_King | rexha: check in the live-cd for any other boot options.. something... I know f6 has some, and I think f4 has more too | 01:56 |
jrib | magn3ts_: reboot | 01:56 |
magn3ts_ | this keeps happening with the same program. its really quite annoying | 01:56 |
jrib | RyR88: use a login manager other than gdm | 01:56 |
nixjr | Typos_King, weird, apparently i have but adobe reports the latest version is | 01:56 |
jastor | myownserver: pm | 01:56 |
jrib | magn3ts_: what program? | 01:56 |
talkhouli | jrib, still, I am not getting more info on the error. | 01:56 |
invisime | jrib: did you mean a reboot? o_O | 01:57 |
magn3ts_ | jrib, nvidia-settings | 01:57 |
=== sine is now known as sinewine | ||
sinewine | woop | 01:57 |
Typos_King | nixjr: 10.1 is beta, their latest full release is indeed 10.0 | 01:57 |
jrib | magn3ts_: why are you running it more than once? | 01:57 |
RyR88 | jrib, there's others? Do you happen to know one? | 01:58 |
jrib | RyR88: kdm, xdm, slim | 01:58 |
ronnie | I cant get any sound to play at all - please help!! | 01:58 |
^paradox^ | what i need to know more specifically about xsane image scanner is what the best settings would be for scanning text documents. what i print with is a hp psc 1110 | 01:58 |
magn3ts_ | jrib, it is a settings config tool. its running like 6 freaking times. I have to use it to switch my ext monitor on/off and I come/go from my desk a lot during the day, thus I run it multiple times | 01:58 |
magn3ts_ | jrib, more likely that I clicked it in my task launcher 5 times getting pissed off that it wouldn't open | 01:59 |
jrib | magn3ts_: why are you killing it? | 01:59 |
magn3ts_ | jrib, because it won't open, and when I run it from the cmd line nothing happens and I can't CTRL+C | 01:59 |
RyR88 | jrib, and these will work as login managers? I though kdm was how one installs KDE? | 01:59 |
kingster | Ry88 - | 01:59 |
magn3ts_ | jrib, each time I open it, it is becoming an orphaned process that I can't kill. seems like quite a bug to me | 01:59 |
kingster | could try that one out | 01:59 |
jrib | RyR88: they will work as login managers | 01:59 |
seanbrystone | is Ubuntu One in beta? it's icon always has a "!" over it. :/ | 01:59 |
ronnie | Can anyone help me? I have tried to fix it myself but i am not real bright. No Sound SUX | 02:00 |
enav | hello i got a problem with | 02:00 |
* Typos_King notices seanbrystone is again offtopic, knowingfully so | 02:00 | |
RyR88 | kingster, I'll try that agai | 02:00 |
jrib | magn3ts_: did it ever work? | 02:00 |
enav | i really dont know what to do | 02:01 |
^paradox^ | anyone? this is very importnat to my case | 02:01 |
seanbrystone | Typos_King, how is that off topic? | 02:01 |
flaco | hi all.. I got installed karmic on hp probook 5310m, this laptop has bluetooth, but is not recognised by ubuntu, the lspci command does not show nothing about bluetooth... any ideas? | 02:01 |
Typos_King | enav: such as ? | 02:01 |
magn3ts_ | jrib, yeah, last time this happened I was lazy and just rebooted and then it works fine. it seems to happen after sleeping maybe? | 02:01 |
kingster | RyR88, that didn't work the first time you tried? | 02:01 |
enav | typos issue | 02:01 |
magn3ts_ | jrib, not sure. It's not a huge deal though it is happening more frequently. I might play around with upgrading to 195 instead of 190 and see if it helps | 02:01 |
Typos_King | seanbrystone: a birdie here on my lap is telling me you already know the answer to that sentence | 02:01 |
talkhouli | jrib, if the problem is in lib6, how can I fix it? | 02:02 |
Typos_King | enav: yes, such as? what's the error? | 02:02 |
jrib | talkhouli: did you do what I said? | 02:02 |
seanbrystone | Typos_King, donno what you've been puffing on man, I simply asking why is Ubuntu One' | 02:02 |
talkhouli | jrib, yes, no more info on the error. | 02:02 |
seanbrystone | messing up all the time on me | 02:02 |
Typos_King | hehehe | 02:02 |
RyR88 | kingster, I got an error message | 02:02 |
enav | after i ran it: sudo update-grub2 it thrown an error: sudo update-grub2 | 02:02 |
jrib | magn3ts_: I'm in the same boat as you, using nvidia-setting to enable an additional display, but I've been meaning to try a command-line program that let's one do so. That might be something worthwhile for you to look at. I forget the name atm though | 02:03 |
enav | o sorry | 02:03 |
enav | after i ran it: sudo update-grub2 it thrown an error: grub-probe: error: Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdc1. Check your | 02:03 |
magn3ts_ | jrib, its uh called ... disper but it doesn't work with MBP's at the moment | 02:03 |
jrib | magn3ts_: ah, yeah that's it | 02:03 |
enav | i tryed to update my grub because my Windows partition do not works | 02:04 |
jrib | magn3ts_: does gksudo affect your ability to start nvidia-settings? | 02:04 |
magn3ts_ | jrib, >_> weird. it works when I run it with gksudo | 02:04 |
enav | gksudo is to setup nvidia drivers with graphic interface | 02:05 |
racerd | was there a new update for nvidia drivers? | 02:05 |
Typos_King | .. h..mmmmm | 02:05 |
jrib | magn3ts_: see if strace turns up anything interesting when you run it as your user | 02:05 |
magn3ts_ | jrib, ahahaha its stating a sshfs mounted folder and borking | 02:05 |
enav | i cheked out those forum but cant find the solution for that issue | 02:05 |
Typos_King | enav: how many partitions does it show under -> sudo fdisk -l; | 02:05 |
SamuelPeterson | Would anyone happen to know what configuration file the boot procedure starts xorg? I would prefer to set my OS to load up to a CLI so I can just type startx in myself or whatever. | 02:06 |
ubuntu232 | hello. need some (hoepfully simple) help. im trying to follow this: | 02:06 |
ubuntu232 | however i installed ubuntu with a dedicated /boot partition | 02:06 |
ubuntu232 | this guide doesnt seem to work | 02:06 |
LoKiTo_18 | they speak here? | 02:06 |
adarsha | can i upgrade my grub to grub2? ( i installed ubuntu 9.04 and upgraded it to 9.10) | 02:06 |
Typos_King | enav: I'm guessing /boot/grub/ has an etry for say... (hd1) /dev/sdc1; and sdc1 is not longer there | 02:06 |
Dan_E | how do i install alsa? | 02:06 |
jrib | SamuelPeterson: you want to stop gdm from starting. What version of ubuntu? | 02:06 |
jrib | Dan_E: done. | 02:06 |
enav | typos | 02:06 |
ubuntu232 | grub, btw | 02:07 |
ubuntu232 | grub2 | 02:07 |
magn3ts_ | jrib, lol actually apparently everything is failing if it stat's my /home dir. this is massively buggy :( | 02:07 |
ubuntu232 | anyone? | 02:07 |
SamuelPeterson | jrib, yeah I'm running karmic. | 02:07 |
magn3ts_ | failing hard too | 02:07 |
ZykoticK9 | SamuelPeterson, sudo mv /etc/init/gdm.conf /etc/init/gdm.conf-disabled | 02:07 |
Typos_King | enav: vista/win7? | 02:07 |
enav | maybe my is corrupted or somthing but i dont know how to edit that file | 02:07 |
SamuelPeterson | ZykoticK9: thank you. | 02:08 |
enav | typos Win7 for gammin =) | 02:08 |
magn3ts_ | jrib anyway, this is all screwy so I'm just going to reboot | 02:08 |
Typos_King | enav: no.... I think there's an issue on adding the bootloder for win7 in grub before | 02:08 |
Typos_King | can't recall it | 02:08 |
jrib | magn3ts_: ok | 02:08 |
enav | i use my win7 before with no problems | 02:08 |
enav | using grub | 02:09 |
LoKiTo_18 | disculpen de que trata esto? soy de venezuela! | 02:09 |
researcher1 | may I request here to know proper command for using a CD for any software installation? | 02:09 |
enav | yo tambien | 02:09 |
ubuntu232 | someone please help me, this cant be this difficult | 02:09 |
researcher1 | Just need to use Terminal comand lines | 02:09 |
faron | hello everybody hopefully all are well.I need some help...I've just downloaded the new version of Firefox onto my desktop.Now I have some choices to make...righ clicking gives me the options to "open with xarchiver","open with other","extract here" or,"extract to".Anybody ?? Please.Thank you. | 02:09 |
LoKiTo_18 | enav | 02:10 |
enav | faron use synaptic headache free!!! | 02:10 |
RyR88 | kingster, I just tried that, it brought up the gdm menu, but there wasn't anything about changing login screens, it also said "warning gtk-theme-selector.desktop not found" or something like that | 02:10 |
enav | lokito dime | 02:10 |
Typos_King | enav: <---- recommends to delete the file /boot/grub/ and retry :) -> sudo rm -f /boot/grub/ | 02:10 |
RyR88 | is gtk the login theme selector? | 02:10 |
* Typos_King dashes | 02:10 | |
jrib | RyR88: gtk is a toolkit | 02:10 |
faron | I'll be able to find it in there ? | 02:10 |
=== kkojiban1 is now known as haru | ||
* LoKiTo_18 no entiende nada! | 02:11 | |
enav | LoKiTo_18 que paso | 02:11 |
LoKiTo_18 | enav de que va todo esto? | 02:11 |
LoKiTo_18 | ayudas? | 02:12 |
DasEi | !es | 02:12 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 02:12 |
symptom | !gcc |gcc | 02:12 |
ubottu | gcc: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 02:12 |
jrib | talkhouli: pastebin the script | 02:12 |
enav | Typos_King: im gonna chek out that link | 02:12 |
LoKiTo_18 | gracias ubottu :) | 02:13 |
ubuntu232 | please? | 02:13 |
symptom | ubuntu232, please what? | 02:13 |
enav | anda al canal privado | 02:13 |
enav | alli te explico | 02:13 |
ubuntu232 | hello. need some (hoepfully simple) help. im trying to follow this: | 02:13 |
symptom | !es | enav | 02:13 |
ubottu | enav: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 02:13 |
ubuntu232 | however the guide doesnt work right because my /boot is a separate partition | 02:13 |
enav | symptom calm down im helping lokito | 02:13 |
talkhouli | jrib, | 02:13 |
symptom | !thanks | enav | 02:14 |
ubottu | enav: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 02:14 |
jrib | talkhouli: what script is that? | 02:14 |
enav | bad bod | 02:14 |
talkhouli | jrib, /var/lib/dpkg/info/empathy.postinst | 02:14 |
symptom | ubuntu232, lemme take a look at hte guide | 02:14 |
jrib | talkhouli: didn't we just do this? | 02:14 |
ubuntu232 | symptom, thanks | 02:14 |
talkhouli | jrib, yes, what script were you asking about then ? | 02:14 |
jrib | talkhouli: ok, but it seems libc6 is the issue from your error, not empathy. Also you need to add the set -x at the top of the file for it to do anything (right under the shebang) | 02:14 |
^paradox^ | still in need of help with xsane image scanner. need to know more about best settings for scanning text documents | 02:15 |
talkhouli | jrib, yes, I got that, nothing changed. | 02:15 |
jrib | talkhouli: why are you still showing me the empathy script? | 02:15 |
talkhouli | jrib, it's the only script we talked about, what else did you mean? | 02:15 |
talkhouli | jrib, you just asked for a script | 02:16 |
symptom | ubuntu232, ok i took a look, what is your problem exactly | 02:16 |
jrib | talkhouli: ok, but it seems libc6 is the issue from your error, not empathy. Also you need to add the set -x at the top of the file for it to do anything (right under the shebang) | 02:16 |
jrib | talkhouli: libc6 | 02:16 |
ubuntu232 | symptom, no matter what i get the grub prompt | 02:16 |
=== wash is now known as wash-away | ||
ieynr | surf is pretty cool but can you enter a new url without exiting a given instance? | 02:16 |
ubuntu232 | symptom, i have grub2 | 02:16 |
talkhouli | jrib, libc6.postinst? | 02:16 |
jrib | !away > wash-away | 02:16 |
ubottu | wash-away, please see my private message | 02:16 |
jrib | talkhouli: yeah | 02:16 |
ubuntu232 | symptom, i believe its because i have a separate partition for /boot | 02:16 |
Kutakizukari | Installed bzflag, and when I open the game it will flash up for a sec and then disappear. What is going on? | 02:16 |
symptom | ubuntu232, are you trying to remove ubuntu? | 02:17 |
ubuntu232 | symptom, no im trying to get it back! | 02:17 |
ronnie | Can anyone help me get my sound working on an Aspire one netbook????? PLEASE | 02:17 |
ubuntu232 | symptom, im in the live cd, trying to recover grub | 02:17 |
symptom | ubuntu232, and it is not available on the grub menu? | 02:17 |
ubuntu232 | symptom, there is no menu | 02:17 |
symptom | ah | 02:17 |
faron | I can't seem to find the firefox ver 3.6 I just downd | 02:17 |
ZykoticK9 | Kutakizukari, try starting the game from a terminal - perhaps it will give some clues | 02:17 |
symptom | ubuntu232, at what step are you having issues? | 02:18 |
Kutakizukari | how do I do that? | 02:18 |
ubuntu232 | symptom, the final step? it tells me it installs fine, but when i reboot all i get is the grub prompt, no menu at all | 02:18 |
ZykoticK9 | Kutakizukari, dunno for sure don't have bzflag installed - but open a terminal and try "bz<TABKEY>" | 02:18 |
ronnie | Can anyone help me get my sound working on an Aspire one netbook????? PLEASE | 02:18 |
talkhouli | jrib, | 02:19 |
invisime | so I accidentally toasted /var/lib on my server box. I have a bunch of stuff configured on it that I don't want to lose. I have enough space on my external to copy everything that's not toasted over prior to a reinstall. how should I proceed to minimize pain and effort? it would also help if I could minimize wailing of gnashing of teeth, but at this point I'm flexible. | 02:19 |
ZykoticK9 | Kutakizukari, actually it will be "bz<TABKEY><TABKEY>" and see if bzflag is listed | 02:19 |
symptom | ubuntu232, did you try to install grub and not grub2? | 02:19 |
jrib | talkhouli: good, run « sudo ldconfig » in a shell, what happens? | 02:19 |
DasEi | ronnie: got a link of that model ? | 02:19 |
Kutakizukari | ZykoticK9, it says Segmentation fault when I type bzflag | 02:19 |
ubuntu232 | symptom, i am sure its grub | 02:20 |
ubuntu232 | 2 | 02:20 |
symptom | ubuntu232, you currently have grub2 and it is not working, correct? | 02:20 |
ieynr | is there a way to set vncviewer to just lock into a portion of the remote xserver? i'm thinking that might be a suitable way to set up a massive Xvnc process with many machines targeting it, but each a different portion of the viewing area | 02:20 |
ubuntu232 | correct | 02:20 |
DavidJHeinrich | hi all, I'm getting the following error when trying to play avi files (or any video files) using the default GNOME player, Totem (but not when I use GNOME mplayer)...what's going on? "The playback of this movie require a AC-3 decoder plugin which is not installed" | 02:20 |
symptom | ubuntu232, did you atleast TRY grub | 02:20 |
talkhouli | jrib, it gives "Aborted" only. | 02:20 |
ZykoticK9 | Kutakizukari, that's unfortunately NOT a helpful error (just says BIG problem) | 02:20 |
invisime | DavidJHeinrich: the answer is to install vlc. | 02:20 |
^paradox^ | is there a channel on freenode specific to scanning and working with images in ubuntu? | 02:20 |
jrib | talkhouli: pass --verbose | 02:20 |
DavidJHeinrich | invisime: what's vlc? | 02:20 |
ieynr | is for vlc | 02:21 |
Kutakizukari | ZykoticK9, bzflag is listed | 02:21 |
invisime | DavidJHeinrich: it's a better media player than totem. because it will play damn near anything. | 02:21 |
ZykoticK9 | Kutakizukari, i thought went you typed bzflag it said SegFault? | 02:21 |
DasEi | DavidJHeinrich: video lan client, see : | 02:21 |
ronnie | DasEi Acer Aspire One AOA150 is the model | 02:21 |
DasEi | !vlc | 02:21 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 02:21 |
DasEi | ronnie: second, looking up | 02:21 |
talkhouli | jrib, | 02:21 |
DavidJHeinrich | invisime: ok...well, after I install it, can I remove Totem, GNOME mplayer, mplayer (i currently have 3 video players) | 02:22 |
simpietro | I need help driver for ubuntu my ASUS My Cinema U3000 Hybrid | 02:22 |
simpietro | 02:22 | |
invisime | DavidJHeinrich: sure you can. | 02:22 |
Kutakizukari | ZykoticK9, only when I type bz then hit the tab key it is listed after that when I type bzflag it says SegFault. | 02:22 |
invisime | anyone want to advise me on how best to proceed with rescuing the system on which I accidentally deleted /var/lib ? | 02:23 |
jrib | talkhouli: you should google with me now on why ldconfig returns Aborted as I don't know offhand | 02:23 |
invisime | I was thinking just copy the whole file system over to an external, reinstall the OS, and copy back all the bits I have. | 02:23 |
ZykoticK9 | Kutakizukari, ok that's what i thought you meant -- segfault is a "big" problem, but doesn't give any hint as to what is wrong - sorry i can't help with that | 02:23 |
invisime | would that have last detrimental effects? | 02:23 |
DavidJHeinrich | invisime: ok, when I right click on an .avi file, I see "Dragon Player, GNOME Mplayer, Mplayer Movie Player, VLC Player" | 02:23 |
daleharvey | having problems installing nginx on a clean install of ubuntu | 02:23 |
DavidJHeinrich | invisime: so I can just look for the other 3 in synaptec and remove, right? | 02:23 |
daleharvey | | 02:24 |
invisime | DavidJHeinrich: that's one way to do it, yep. | 02:24 |
progesterone | Question: What does sda mean in /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 ? | 02:24 |
daleharvey | summary is that I get E: Package nginx has no installation candidate , common problem? | 02:24 |
DasEi | ronnie: will be intel chipset, onboard, alsamixer installed ? | 02:24 |
ronnie | Yes I believe so | 02:24 |
rastasean | I just had to re-image my ubuntu computer and now my monitor does not properly display on the entire screen even though the resolution is correct. | 02:25 |
DasEi | progesterone: sda is first hd, sdb 2.nd ;; sda1 is first partition on first hd and so on | 02:25 |
rastasean | monitor is hanns*g 23" LCD | 02:25 |
DavidJHeinrich | invisime: so if I search for totem under installed packages, I can safely remove all packages with totem in them (totem, totem-plugins, totem-common, totem-mozilla, libtotem-plparser12, totem-gstreamer)? | 02:25 |
ZykoticK9 | progesterone, sda - the a means DRIVE the numbers after are the partitions | 02:25 |
Kutakizukari | ZykoticK9, found this but when I try to download it 404 error. | 02:25 |
Kutakizukari | w | 02:25 |
invisime | DavidJHeinrich: those all look totem-related, yes. | 02:25 |
rastasean | i installed the drivers for monitor but still nothing. second monitor has no issues | 02:26 |
Kutakizukari | ZykoticK9, what is the package and where can I get it? | 02:26 |
DavidJHeinrich | invisime: shoot, if I selected remove all, for one of those packages, removing it will also require removing Brasario (the GNOME default CD/DVD burning program) | 02:26 |
DasEi | ronnie: if you launch alsamixergui, is your sound-chip shown ? | 02:26 |
progesterone | DasEi ZykoticK9 Why do they use 'sd' in stead of 'hdd' or something for harddisk? What does 'sda' stand for? | 02:26 |
invisime | DavidJHeinrich: try just removing totem itself. | 02:26 |
ZykoticK9 | Kutakizukari, that's from 2006 - kinda old post. I have no idea man. Good luck | 02:26 |
ronnie | nope | 02:26 |
ronnie | not installed | 02:27 |
rastasean | rastasean, i resolved my own issue! | 02:27 |
DavidJHeinrich | invisime: ok, it looks like libtotem-plparser12 is what brasario needs...strange | 02:27 |
ZykoticK9 | progesterone, sd is scsi -- hd is ide (and most ide is scsi emulation now) | 02:27 |
Kutakizukari | ZykoticK9, thank you for the help. | 02:27 |
DasEi | progesterone: these are just identifiers, hd (0,0) is same then sda1 | 02:27 |
sine | I would have thought that Ubuntu would have come with an unrar built in | 02:28 |
talkhouli | jrib, ok, thanks a lot of the help. I will deal with this later, I have to go now. Thanks again. | 02:28 |
jrib | talkhouli: found some tweet that said fsck fixed it. Have you done a hard shutdown recently? | 02:28 |
jrib | talkhouli: ok, good luck | 02:28 |
DasEi | ronnie: sudo apt-get install alsamixergui | 02:28 |
sine | I have some archived rars.... whats the easiest option for opening them | 02:29 |
DasEi | ronnie: alsamixergui | 02:29 |
ZykoticK9 | sine, why would Ubuntu come default with a proprietary compression format? "sudo apt-get install unrar" | 02:29 |
progesterone | ZykoticK9 DasEi Thanks | 02:29 |
talkhouli | jrib, no hard shutdowns | 02:29 |
ronnie | DasEi I think the problem is bigger than that - | 02:29 |
sine | well ubuntu has done everything else for me so far its been kick ass. im staying | 02:29 |
sine | ZykoticK9: thanks | 02:29 |
cboyer1951 | i need help please.. i've installed ubuntu 9.10 i386, and every time i login and make changes, when I shut down and restart, those changes are not made | 02:29 |
DasEi | ronnie: first I want t o check if your chip is detected and channels are unmuted | 02:30 |
talkhouli | jrib, I will see if it works. Thanks. | 02:30 |
cboyer1951 | i've read plenty of documentation and it's either too generic, doesn't address my question, or it's jumping into scripting and programming, so beyond me, laughs.. .newbie here | 02:31 |
DasEi | ronnie: if you like to dig yourself : | 02:31 |
DasEi | !sound | 02:31 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 02:31 |
ronnie | no such file or directory -- after i installed | 02:31 |
Radar | How can I create a "restore point" in Ubuntu and roll back to that point using a command? | 02:32 |
DasEi | ronnie: alsamixergui in trml doesn't work ? | 02:32 |
ronnie | the gui comes up and says no such file | 02:33 |
DasEi | Radar: you won't thats windows | 02:33 |
Radar | DasEi: Yeah, but I'm looking for an ubuntu way of doing it. | 02:33 |
Radar | Basically I have a VM that I want to use automated testing to test against. | 02:33 |
^paradox^ | if no one in here can help me with xsane can you at least point me to channel on freenode where i could possibly get help with scanning text documents and settings? | 02:33 |
DasEi | ronnie: so chip isn't detected, try to compile latest als then.. | 02:33 |
cboyer1951 | 1. how do i tell if my ubuntu unetlogin loader thing installed ubuntu on my 2nd hard drive, or if it's just a virtual install, then how can i make it a solid physical install, so that when i make changes, they stick ? | 02:34 |
ronnie | DasEi How? | 02:34 |
ZykoticK9 | Radar, what virtualization software are you using? VirtualBox has a "snapshot" feature, similar to restore points i believe. | 02:34 |
git__ | ZykoticK9, i use kvm | 02:35 |
DasEi | ronnie: cd /usr/src | 02:35 |
DasEi | ronnie: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:35 |
Radar | ZykoticK9: mmm but I need it to be automated. Using VMWare Fusion and Mac OS X, asking in the ubuntu channel because it's an ubuntu VM. | 02:35 |
Radar | I could automate it using Automator on OS X I realised. | 02:35 |
DasEi | ronnie: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 02:36 |
ZykoticK9 | Radar, sorry no Restore Points system built into Ubuntu I'm affraid (or not really), best of luck man. | 02:36 |
Radar | Thank you :) Bye! | 02:36 |
progesterone | Question: how can I check IPv6 is enable or not? | 02:36 |
DasEi | ronnie: sudo wget | 02:36 |
DasEi | (coomand, not a link to click) | 02:36 |
git__ | zkyotick9, your best bet for restore point is using a snapshot filesystem | 02:37 |
ZykoticK9 | git__, it's Radar that's asking | 02:37 |
git__ | ohs | 02:37 |
DasEi | ronnie: down ? | 02:37 |
ronnie | DasEi its downloading now | 02:37 |
DasEi | ronnie: say when done | 02:38 |
ZykoticK9 | git__, i tried open solaris with ZFS and was amazed at how similar that file system was compared to MS's Restore Point -- only MUCH better ;) | 02:38 |
ronnie | DasEi done | 02:39 |
DasEi | ronnie: tar -xjf alsa* | 02:39 |
ATI | hi guys urgent help needed please i have been trying for 2 days to get this ati mobility radeon hd 5470card to work with ubuntu 9.10 | 02:39 |
cboyer1951 | I'm a newbie, i just installed utuntu using inetboot(something) sorry can't remember spelling, when I boot up and set a program (like Pidgin) then I shut down the computer, when I boot into ubuntu again, Pidgin is not there. So... does this me i've just got a virtual install, and need to install on my physical drive.. or that I need to do something? | 02:40 |
ronnie | DasEi Exiting with failure status due to previous errors | 02:40 |
blakkheim | cboyer1951: unetbootin only makes a live system, no changes are saved | 02:40 |
ATI | i just bought this $850 laptop from Acer | 02:40 |
cboyer1951 | blakkheim, ok, 'what' is a live system? | 02:40 |
blakkheim | cboyer1951: one that doesn't save changes.. | 02:40 |
ATI | i really need to fix this i use it for work | 02:41 |
cboyer1951 | shoot, geeze :) | 02:41 |
blakkheim | ATI: don't buy from ati, enemy of your freedom | 02:41 |
hunt | Hi, I wonder wether I can install kubuntu from my existing ubuntu partition, I would install it on another partition as standalone os, can I run the installer from the .iso somehow in order to do this? | 02:41 |
Baba_B00ie | can you upgrade 804 straight to 904 without a clean install? or do you have to install 810 in between them ? | 02:41 |
cboyer1951 | so, there's an icon on my desktop 'injstall Ubuntu 9.10' should I launch that | 02:41 |
cboyer1951 | ? | 02:41 |
ATI | well this laptop was a really good price | 02:41 |
ATI | intel i5 core | 02:41 |
blakkheim | ATI: ati has terrible linux support | 02:42 |
ronnie | DasEi im downloading it again | 02:42 |
ZykoticK9 | hunt, if you already have ubuntu installed, just "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" then choose which to use at GDM login | 02:42 |
ATI | yes i kinda know that | 02:42 |
oxez | blakkheim: That becomes less and less true ;P | 02:42 |
cboyer1951 | thank you blakhheim | 02:42 |
ATI | but i was on here this morning | 02:42 |
DasEi | ronnie:I tried just myself , seems it's broken | 02:42 |
haru | exit | 02:43 |
ATI | and everyone told me to use the ubuntu software driver | 02:43 |
hunt | zykoticK9, yes I know about the possibility, but I dont like that, it feels kind of unclean to me... | 02:43 |
ATI | i just did that and still nothing | 02:43 |
DasEi | ronnie : sudo rm alsa-driver-1.0.9rc4* | 02:43 |
cboyer1951 | ok, question please? i have three partitions where i'm about to install; 30GB, 70GB, 216GB, which should I install the / to... or whatever it asks during install? | 02:43 |
ronnie | DasEi done | 02:44 |
DasEi | ronnie sudo wget | 02:44 |
DasEi | ronnie: sudo tar -xjf alsa* | 02:45 |
DasEi | ronnie: cd alsa-driver- | 02:46 |
ATI | is there anyone here that can help troublr shoot this issues as to why the driver is not working ? | 02:46 |
DasEi | ronnie: sudo ./configure | 02:46 |
=== kkojiban2 is now known as haru | ||
ardchoille | DasEi: we shouldn't be using sudo to download or ./configure software | 02:48 |
DasEi | ATI: I don't know for this particular card, but the ati propitarys don't work any more in X since hardy, best approach is currently the open radeon hd driver. there are some things going on, lucid shall improve it | 02:48 |
[V13]Axel | Friend of mine was using CompizConfig Settings Manager. His laptop went into hibernate, due to a half-dead battery, and when he plugged it up, and brought it back to full working order, he had an odd window decoration border. Anyone know a fix? I've tried a few things already. | 02:49 |
ronnie | tar: alsa-driver- Not found in archive | 02:49 |
DasEi | ronnie: in the configure ? | 02:49 |
chocamo | wpa_supplicant connects but i receive no dhcpoffers. Whats the first thing I should do? | 02:49 |
ronnie | DasEi no in the first 2 | 02:49 |
cboyer1951 | anyone able to private chat window me please? i'm trying to install from my 'live' install, and on the partition table, should i choose 'erase and use entire disk?' as it is it shows i already have: /dev/sda1 28.0GB, Ubuntu 9.10 /dev/sda7 65.2 GB, swap /dev/sda5 3.7 GB, /dev/sda6 101.0 GB and Ubuntu 9.10 100.2 GB, I'm confused as to what to do? | 02:50 |
ardchoille | ronnie: try without sudo, don't use sudo unless absolutelynecessary and it's not necessary for downloading, configuring or compiling | 02:50 |
ronnie | tar: alsa: Cannot read: Is a directory | 02:50 |
DasEi | ronnie: you did the wget , and it didn't unpack ? | 02:50 |
ronnie | DasEi yes | 02:51 |
blakkheim | !pm | cboyer1951 | 02:51 |
ubottu | cboyer1951: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 02:51 |
DasEi | ardchoille: we are in /usr/src | 02:51 |
ardchoille | DasEi: and that is not a good idea. best to download as user, configure as user, compile as user and then use sudo to make install | 02:52 |
ardchoille | Probably why things aren't working | 02:52 |
cboyer1951 | ok, i'm insulted, you used the bot to tell me that you can not private message me... ok, sorry, i didn't know the etiquette here, now I do... how do I ask my question nicely then, without being bothersome to the rest of the channel? | 02:52 |
DasEi | ronnie: check for typos then, cmd's are case sensitive, you can copy from messenger to terminal | 02:52 |
Fudge | is ther e a powerpc edition of ubuntu? | 02:52 |
ronnie | I copy pasted | 02:52 |
[V13]Axel | Fudge: Yes, check the "Other versions" part of the Ubuntu site. If you'd like, I can give you a direct link to the selection page? | 02:52 |
DasEi | ardchoille: so software is spread randomly ? | 02:52 |
Fudge | please | 02:52 |
faron | alright,I'm lost I've looked at xubuntu doc to figure this out but Ijust can't........I have installed Firefox3.6 to my desaktop but,now I'm at a loss as to what to do now | 02:53 |
ardchoille | DasEi: and that is not a good idea. best to download as user, configure as user, compile as user and then use sudo to make install | 02:53 |
blakkheim | !ppc > Fudge | 02:53 |
ubottu | Fudge, please see my private message | 02:53 |
Fudge | thank you | 02:53 |
ardchoille | DasEi: software is to be compiled as normal user in a user folder, then installed using sudo. | 02:53 |
^paradox^ | ive been in here over a half hour now. im not trying to be pushy. i need help with xsane image scanner. im going to scan text documents. i need help with because xsane is foreign to me | 02:54 |
zebastian | is there a version of ubuntu with a desktop environment with a ZUI? | 02:54 |
blakkheim | dare i ask what a ZUI is | 02:54 |
zebastian | I want to be able to use a ZUI but I love my ubuntu | 02:54 |
zebastian | | 02:54 |
Fudge | thank you | 02:54 |
blakkheim | zebastian: would the zoom plugin of compiz work? | 02:55 |
cboyer1951 | i spent all afternoon in here earlier today, nobody was able to tell me that the live install was only virtual. ok, now I've got that bit of information. Now I'm trying to make a physical install. anyone able to help please? I am at the partition page, do I 1. use entire 300 GB drive space, or install them side by side? as it is it shows i already have: /dev/sda1 28.0GB, Ubuntu 9.10 /dev/sda7 65.2 GB, swap /dev/sda5 3.7 GB, /dev/sda6 101.0 GB and Ubuntu 9. | 02:55 |
[V13]Axel | zebastian: There is a Compiz effect, called Enhanced Desktop Zoom that allows you to hold the Super(windows) key, and scroll in, zooming in a lot. As you move the mouse, it moves the zoomed area around the screen at will. | 02:55 |
DasEi | ronnie: does ls show the file ? | 02:55 |
zebastian | hmmm | 02:56 |
zebastian | i am not sure if this is what i want but | 02:56 |
zebastian | how do i get this plugin | 02:56 |
blakkheim | zebastian: install compizconfig-settings-manager and run ccsm | 02:56 |
ronnie | DasEi alsa-driver- | 02:56 |
progesterone | Question: I've changed DNS address. Do I need to reboot? | 02:56 |
CodyLane | do my tits look big? | 02:57 |
zebastian | blackhome: sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager ? | 02:57 |
[V13]Axel | zebastion: In Ubuntu, you have to have Compiz Effects enabled, or at least the restricted drivers installed, and do the above command^ "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager". Then, find it in System>Preferences. | 02:57 |
cboyer1951 | so? | 02:57 |
cboyer1951 | is there a more helpful ubuntu installation room on irc? | 02:57 |
DasEi | ardchoille: I still don't understand your advice, I used to put software there, and then have to mention folders permission | 02:57 |
[V13]Axel | cboyer1951: What's the problem you're encountering? | 02:58 |
DasEi | ronnie: sudo tar -xjf alsa* | 02:58 |
^paradox^ | i wish someone would ask me that question | 02:58 |
ardchoille | DasEi: you had him downloading a package with sudo, that is bad security practice. we download, comfigure and compile as normal user, not sudo. sudo should not be used unless absolutely necessary | 02:58 |
[V13]Axel | ^paradox^: What question? What your problem is? | 02:59 |
cboyer1951 | Axel, ok: i'm willing to be grateful, if i can get some help, thanks... i'm trying to install from my 'live' install, and on the partition table, should i choose 'erase and use entire disk?' as it is it shows i already have: /dev/sda1 28.0GB, Ubuntu 9.10 /dev/sda7 65.2 GB, swap /dev/sda5 3.7 GB, /dev/sda6 101.0 GB and Ubuntu 9.10 100.2 GB, I'm confused as to what to do? | 02:59 |
ronnie | DasEi okay got it , its configuring | 02:59 |
ardchoille | DasEi: the reason you have perms problems is beacuse you haven't learned proper permissions habits | 02:59 |
zebastian | Axel: how do i check if i have compiz effects enabled? | 02:59 |
^paradox^ | ive asked upwards of five times | 02:59 |
DasEi | ardchoille: k, for downloading, a step more then | 02:59 |
hunt | cboyer1951: depends on what you want | 02:59 |
ATI | so i guess no one here wants to help with an ati driver ? | 02:59 |
ronnie | DasEi Now what - did the ./configure | 02:59 |
[V13]Axel | cboyer1951: It depends. Are you wanting to erase all other installations of any operating systems? | 02:59 |
Jordan_U | cboyer1951: That means that you have at some point installed Ubuntu on that computer already. | 02:59 |
DasEi | ronnie: should still run | 02:59 |
cboyer1951 | ok, yes, I installed ubuntu from live, and it asked me to install and I chose drives, yes... did that this morning | 03:00 |
ardchoille | DasEi: if he has used sudo to ./configure or make, then he's going to have problems. | 03:00 |
techzg | I get output as 'Segmentation Fault'. Any help? | 03:00 |
ronnie | yeah i got it unpacked - changed directories - configured | 03:00 |
techzg | I'm using gcc compiler. | 03:00 |
Jordan_U | cboyer1951: Ok, and what was/is wrong with that install? | 03:00 |
zebastian | [V13]Axel: how do i check if i have compiz going? | 03:00 |
cboyer1951 | but when i boot into the system, and as that user i make changes, like add Pidgin, after i shutdown and then boot into the ubuntu again, nothing is saved... so i was told that might mean i'm only live | 03:01 |
hunt | cboyer1951: well its your decision now if you want to have several installations or just one | 03:01 |
[V13]Axel | zebastian: Right-click your desktop, and to the effects tab, see which one is selected. | 03:01 |
Jordan_U | cboyer1951: Did you eject the LiveCD before rebooting? | 03:01 |
^paradox^ | [V13]Axel: i need help with xsane image scanner. im about to scan text documents. i dont this much and xsane is quite foreign to me. i just need some advice on what settings to use | 03:01 |
DasEi | ardchoille: so you want me to own that subdir to regar user then ? k.. | 03:01 |
cboyer1951 | well, i want just one installation, and to adjust the user space so that i can install Ardour and all of the audio plugins | 03:01 |
cboyer1951 | the live is livebootin, not a cd | 03:01 |
DasEi | ronnie: cd .. | 03:02 |
ardchoille | DasEi: no, I feel that you need to go back and learn the proper way to handle Linux permissions before giving bad advice in this channel. | 03:02 |
jazzy1 | hi | 03:02 |
[V13]Axel | ^paradox^:My apologies, but I don't use a scanner much, so I can't see myself as being effective in answering that question. | 03:02 |
Jordan_U | cboyer1951: Did you remove the flash drive that you installed from before rebooting? | 03:02 |
ronnie | DasEi okay | 03:02 |
jazzy1 | for some reason i cant mount my NTFS drive in ubuntu | 03:02 |
zebastian | [V13]Axel: how do i check if compiz is running at all? i have awn dock working, so compiz must be running right? | 03:02 |
=== sadasdas is now known as rakia | ||
DasEi | ronnie: sudo chown -R /usr/src/alsa-driver- | 03:02 |
cboyer1951 | Jordan_U, no flash drive, i just loaded it from bootinetd, (whatever that is called) and an iso on my C drive | 03:03 |
DasEi | second.. | 03:03 |
ardchoille | DasEi: that command will fail | 03:03 |
Terminus | hey, has anybody here had trouble with thunderbird connecting to a mail server with the hostname mail.example.local? it won't connect but connecting to works fine. connecting to mail.example.local using thunderbird works on other OS, just not ubuntu. | 03:03 |
Jordan_U | cboyer1951: unetbootin? | 03:03 |
DasEi | ardchoille: yes, you distract me, i saw it | 03:03 |
^paradox^ | [V13]Axel: its ok. but no one has even offered to tell me when i asked if theres a channel on freenode more specific to this | 03:03 |
[V13]Axel | zebastian: I'm not sure, but if you enable effects in the preferences box that comes up when right-clicking the desktop, and clicking Change Desktop Background, and the windows wobble, you're using compiz. | 03:03 |
linjq66 | hi | 03:03 |
Terminus | running karmic here btw. | 03:03 |
[V13]Axel | ^paradox^ There isn't that I am aware of. Sorry. | 03:03 |
DasEi | ronnie: sudo chown -R $User /usr/src/alsa-driver- | 03:03 |
ronnie | command failed | 03:04 |
cboyer1951 | Jordan_U, yes unetbootin... I loaded with that in the C drive with ubuntu9.10.i386.iso | 03:04 |
^paradox^ | are there any channels anywhere on irc where i might get help with this? | 03:04 |
[V13]Axel | Well, all, I must go. I'll be on in the morning and tomorrow afternoon. Goodnight. | 03:05 |
DasEi | cd alsa-driver- | 03:05 |
ardchoille | DasEi: that is bad advice. he needs to be compiling the software in his $HOME as user | 03:05 |
Jordan_U | cboyer1951: Ok, do you have more than one drive in the computer? | 03:05 |
zebastian | [V13]Axel: ok, which one of the bullets do i check, simple, or extra effects? and after that on ccsm which effect do i look for | 03:05 |
jazzy1 | whats a shortcut to open the console/konsole | 03:05 |
DasEi | ardchoille: k, I'm up to leave that to you then ? | 03:05 |
ronnie | DasEi No good | 03:05 |
zebastian | blakkheim: ok i have compiz effects checked now, which was the effect you told me to use | 03:05 |
crypt-0 | sudo mkfs.ext2 /dev/fd0 | 03:05 |
crypt-0 | mke2fs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009) | 03:05 |
crypt-0 | /dev/fd0: Not enough space to build proposed filesystem while setting up superblock | 03:05 |
ronnie | chown: missing operand after `/usr/src/alsa-driver-' | 03:05 |
ZykoticK9 | jazzy1, does alt+t work in KDE? (it works in Gnome) | 03:06 |
cboyer1951 | Jordan_U, yes, the 2nd drive is 300 GB and I think that is what this is referring to? : /dev/sda1 28.0GB, Ubuntu 9.10 /dev/sda7 65.2 GB, swap /dev/sda5 3.7 GB, /dev/sda6 101.0 GB and Ubuntu 9.10 100.2 GB,, because my C: drive is only 150GB | 03:06 |
Terminus | jazzy1: i just hit alt-f2 and type gnome-terminal. not much of a shortcut i guess. | 03:06 |
Jordan_U | crypt-0: Out of curiosity, do you really have a floppy drive? What do you use it for? | 03:06 |
mdg2 | hello! Is is possible to make a home lan intercom setup? | 03:06 |
ZykoticK9 | Terminus, alt+t is faster ;) | 03:06 |
Terminus | mdg2: you mean with hardware phones? | 03:07 |
millhouse513 | Jordan_U: I would think you'd still need a floppy drive largely for firmware updates | 03:07 |
mdg2 | Terminus, I was thinking just microphones... | 03:07 |
Terminus | ZykoticK9: doesn't work here. =P | 03:07 |
hunt | cboyer1951: I think you did something weird virtual here, you used unetbootin to install it, you didnt use any extra hardware like a usbstick or a cd? | 03:07 |
crypt-0 | Jordan_U, yes i do. | 03:08 |
Terminus | mdg2: in any case, you're probably looking for a voip system and that means asterisk or sipx. | 03:08 |
cboyer1951 | hunt, correct, just unetbootin and the iso from the C: drive, however I 'did' previous to that have a ubuntu wubi install on my drive, but I changed partitions in windows and screwed it up... did that do it? | 03:08 |
mdg2 | Terminus, I was just thinking like pidgin actually... | 03:08 |
ronnie | DasEi ??? | 03:08 |
crypt-0 | Jordan_U, i backup config files. | 03:08 |
Terminus | mdg2: well, you can also just install skype on each computer and have them call each other. =) | 03:09 |
ronnie | ardchoille can you help me? | 03:09 |
hunt | cboyer1951: I dont think you can really install ubuntu that way, I'll take a quick look at unetbootin | 03:09 |
Jordan_U | millhouse513: | 03:09 |
mdg2 | Terminus, these are a bit older computers - not sure they can handle skype | 03:09 |
ryanakca | Do I need to have my swap on (listed in /etc/fstab) for suspend to work? | 03:10 |
ardchoille | !sound | ronnie have you looked over any of this documentation yet? | 03:10 |
ubottu | ronnie have you looked over any of this documentation yet?: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 03:10 |
cboyer1951 | so, ok that probably screwed up the installation, then on this 2nd hard drive, during this installation i'm doing now... should i just choose 'use entire disk' it will reformat everything, but that's ok, i want it all to go to ubuntu | 03:10 |
ZykoticK9 | Terminus, you're right! Just tried in Karmic, and failed. Sorry man. | 03:10 |
Jordan_U | cboyer1951: Ok, you probably wont boot into the "real" Ubuntu install untill you change the boot order in your BIOS | 03:10 |
ronnie | ardchoille I have read everything I can find - what I do understand doesnt work | 03:10 |
crypt-0 | Jordan_U, looks like a hardware problem right? If the drive is dead ill just buy some cd-r s instead. | 03:10 |
Terminus | mdg2: you might want to check getting a bunch of free sip addresses and using ekiga for that too. | 03:10 |
mdg2 | Terminus, is ekiga fairly easy to use? | 03:11 |
zebastian | blakkheim: got kicked out | 03:11 |
cboyer1951 | Jordan_U, you mean choose to boot from the 300 GB drive in bios? instead of the 150 GB one that it's booting form now? which is dual boot Vista/Ubuntu? | 03:11 |
Terminus | ZykoticK9: hehe. i just put it on a panel so that i can just click on it. =) | 03:11 |
zebastian | blakkheim: what was it the plugin you mentioned that will help me enable a ZUI like environment | 03:11 |
ardchoille | ronnie: ok, but I need to mention that it is bad security practice to beusing a downloader, ie wget, with sudo. and you should download sources to a directory in your home folder, configure and compile it as normal user, thenuse sudo to make install | 03:12 |
ZykoticK9 | Terminus, ya, that one of the first things i do on a fresh install | 03:12 |
PyjamaSpank | I'm trying to format a USB stick for use in XP. I'm using right click from the desktop then format to FAT. When I stick it in XP it says the disk isn't formatted. | 03:12 |
Jordan_U | crypt-0: I don't know, it might be that you need special parameters for mkfs for such a small file system. | 03:12 |
Terminus | mdg2: i guess... dial a number or type an address. if you don't run your own sip server though, you won't have any intercom when the net connection is down. | 03:12 |
ardchoille | ronnie: I don't use sound, I just wnated to make sure that you used sudo wisely | 03:12 |
hunt | cboyer1951: on startup, do you get a screen where you can select your operating system? | 03:12 |
mdg2 | PyjamaSpank, did you "apply" the formatting | 03:12 |
ronnie | ardchoille I will never use sudo again if you can get me some sound | 03:13 |
cboyer1951 | hunt: yes, Vista, Ubuntu, Ubuntu, UbuntuNetlogin | 03:13 |
rastasean | where can i get compiz? | 03:13 |
Terminus | ronnie: are you on karmic? | 03:13 |
cboyer1951 | I use UbuntuNetlogin, i think that is what it says... I'll go into vistatweak and remove the other two entries | 03:13 |
mdg2 | Terminus, sip server.... | 03:13 |
ronnie | Terminus I dont think so | 03:13 |
Jordan_U | cboyer1951: Yes. | 03:13 |
cboyer1951 | those other two are from wubi, screwed up installs | 03:13 |
ronnie | Terminus not sure what that is | 03:14 |
cboyer1951 | Jordan_U,thanks, but that won't screw up Vista install, right? | 03:14 |
Terminus | ronnie: ubuntu 9.10 == karmic koala. | 03:14 |
PyjamaSpank | mdg2: when I format the disk, it pops up with two similar windows (error?) showing the disk is empty | 03:14 |
ardchoille | ronnie: open a terminal and run: lsb_release -a | grep -i Codename | 03:14 |
mdg2 | PyjamaSpank, are you using Gparted or something else? | 03:14 |
ATI | | 03:14 |
ardchoille | Terminus: Can you help ronnie get his sound working? | 03:14 |
PyjamaSpank | mdg2: must I "safely remove" ? | 03:14 |
ronnie | Terminus its a new install so if that the newest download than yes | 03:14 |
patrickh | hi, does anyone know how i change the primary monitor in a dual monitor setup on ubuntu 9.10? | 03:15 |
PyjamaSpank | mdg2: in the past I used Gparted to format | 03:15 |
zebastian | is there an ubuntu with a zooming user interface? | 03:15 |
Terminus | ronnie: what did the command that ardchoille pasted say? | 03:15 |
ronnie | KARMIC it is!! | 03:15 |
ronnie | Terminus karmic | 03:15 |
Jordan_U | cboyer1951: You should be able to choose to boot vista from grub ( a boot menu should allow the option of booting windows or Ubuntu ). If not then in the worst case you just have to restore the boot order. Most BIOSs also have an option to temporarily boot a different drive. | 03:15 |
Terminus | ronnie: if you're on karmic, instead of building alsa, you might want to try installing linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic-generic first, if you haven't tried that already. | 03:15 |
Terminus | ronnie: that's assuming the problem is really with alsa. | 03:16 |
ardchoille | Terminus: Thank you :) | 03:16 |
ronnie | Terminus sounds like a plan -- not a clue how to do that | 03:16 |
filhosdalua | alguem pode me ajudar? | 03:16 |
Terminus | ronnie: sudo aptitude install linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic-generic and then reboot after that. | 03:16 |
ardchoille | !es | filhosdalua | 03:16 |
ubottu | filhosdalua: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 03:16 |
cboyer1951 | ok, so I'll go change the bios to load from 300GB, 2nd drive first then... what would be something to check please? to know that I am in a stable/physical install instead of live? | 03:16 |
Terminus | ardchoille: figured, why bother building from source if binaries will work? =) | 03:17 |
ardchoille | Terminus: Good job | 03:17 |
ss23 | Can I get the php embed sapi with aptitude? | 03:17 |
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filhosdalua | !es | 03:17 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 03:17 |
Terminus | ronnie: just to be safe, you've already checked whether your audio is on mute or not, right? | 03:18 |
=== daddoo is now known as Guest36884 | ||
michael___ | hi all, this is my first time on here but i need some help, i have gone into compizconfig and cube caps and given myself a top image for the cube, but it cuts off at the edges, is there any way to get it fully on there, even if it means stretching/scewing it? | 03:18 |
ronnie | Terminus yes - it doesnt show my soundcard in the audio hardware -- could that be a problem? | 03:19 |
cboyer1951 | ok, i'll change bios, boot into ubuntu load pidgin, and restart computer, if i login again and pidgin is not there, then it didn't work, i'm still in live ubuntu? | 03:19 |
Terminus | ronnie: can you pastebin the result of lspci? | 03:19 |
Terminus | !paste | ronnie | 03:19 |
ubottu | ronnie: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 03:19 |
Jordan_U | cboyer1951: Yes. | 03:19 |
ss23 | Can I get the php embed sapi with aptitude? | 03:20 |
ardchoille | Terminus: you could narrow that down a bit with lspci | grep audio | 03:21 |
ronnie | Terminus done | 03:21 |
Terminus | ardchoille: buy plain lspci isn't long anyway. =) | 03:21 |
ardchoille | Terminus: Ah, fair point | 03:21 |
Terminus | errr... brb. update's finished. | 03:21 |
wonderboy | i just created an audio cd (with wav files exported from audacity) on k3b after failing it on brasero., k3b wrote the cd correctly but it missed the metadata though i had given it twice(at audacity and at k3b ) what would i be missing? | 03:22 |
ogex | hello | 03:23 |
ogex | how to add other linux on grub2 ? | 03:23 |
squidly | I did a hardware upgrade on my box, new cpu/monitor/videocard/ram and now I cant login to X | 03:23 |
PyjamaSpank | I've formatted the drive using the desktop/right click FAT and using gpart FAT, XP still can't see the drive and wants to format it | 03:23 |
* wonderboy is confused whether i am kicked or devoiced because i closed the other channel on ubuntu-proxy.. | 03:23 | |
Jordan_U | ogex: It should be added automatically by update-grub, if not then add entries to /etc/grub.d/40_custom | 03:23 |
squidly | and now I cant login. or do a startx | 03:23 |
squidly | root can. but a normal user can not | 03:24 |
Jordan_U | !grub2 | ogex | 03:24 |
ubottu | ogex: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 03:24 |
wonderboy | am i live?:) | 03:24 |
squidly | ok make that just me.. | 03:24 |
Jordan_U | wonderboy: no | 03:24 |
ronnie | Terminus did I do the paste bin thing right? | 03:24 |
wonderboy | thanks:) | 03:25 |
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FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 03:25 |
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squidly | ls | 03:25 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 03:25 |
ogex | wew | 03:25 |
wonderboy | which cd burning software work for you? | 03:25 |
squidly | wonderboy: I use k3b | 03:25 |
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wonderboy | squidly: it missed the metadata...(cd shows Unknown title instead) | 03:26 |
=== michael___ is now known as someone | ||
wonderboy | squidly: did you notice any extra settings for metadata? i had filled in the artist and title fields as its seen on the tracks | 03:27 |
=== someone is now known as someone_ | ||
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squidly | wonderboy: I dont pay attentino to that | 03:28 |
=== someone_ is now known as someone___ | ||
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wonderboy | squidly: okay.. i'll give it a try later.. or may be the commandline tools are better... | 03:29 |
wonderboy | see ya.. | 03:29 |
squidly | np | 03:29 |
major_redhat | hey how can i tell if my hardware supports SATA 1.5 or SATA 3.0? | 03:29 |
Souljah_ | major_redhat: you go to the manufacturer homepage of yourr mainboard and look it up? | 03:31 |
major_redhat | Souljah_: i was hoping that an lspci output would help | 03:31 |
Souljah_ | umm... | 03:31 |
major_redhat | Souljah_: but that works too i guess | 03:31 |
Souljah_ | that would be exacter, but not sure bout lspci for that... | 03:32 |
Souljah_ | but lspci shows u only whats ON the mainbord | 03:33 |
Souljah_ | like lsusb, just whats on usb | 03:33 |
Souljah_ | so i would suggest lshw | 03:33 |
major_redhat | lshw would report what back to me? | 03:33 |
squidly | major_redhat: nope | 03:33 |
squidly | lshw will report what it's running at | 03:33 |
Gnea | okay, this is annoying. everytime I play a game, the screen blanks after 10 minutes or so, and I have turned the screensaver off and DPMS isn't even listed in xorg.conf, how can I fix? | 03:34 |
Souljah_ | major_redhat: sudo lshw | grep -i sata | 03:34 |
Souljah_ | get a sata controller output here, but not differed between 1.5 and 3.0 | 03:35 |
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Gnea | major_redhat: I'd just do the hardware lookup on the site and see for sure | 03:35 |
Souljah_ | Gnea: what about the energy management? | 03:36 |
Gnea | Souljah_: it's off | 03:36 |
Souljah_ | had the same problem, and couldnt fix it... after some further problems with an installation, i installed my system new and it was fixed | 03:36 |
major_redhat | thanks Gnea | 03:37 |
Souljah_ | no clue, what it finally was | 03:37 |
Gnea | Souljah_: that's not an option at this point. | 03:37 |
Gnea | and I'm not going to reinstall over something so silly | 03:37 |
Souljah_ | guessed that | 03:37 |
squidly | ok.. this is wierd one user can login with gdm just fine.. but another user can not.. they just keep getting bounced back to the login scren | 03:37 |
squidly | anyone know how to fix that? | 03:37 |
Gnea | squidly: make sure they have a proper shell and password set | 03:37 |
brjann | squidly: and that their home directory is set up properly | 03:38 |
squidly | brjann: Gnea yea.. I can login via console no problem. | 03:38 |
Souljah_ | Gnea: u using Ubuntu? | 03:38 |
enderx86 | Is it possible to install Ubuntu from my hard disk? (My DVD drive is broken; I don't have a flash drive.) | 03:38 |
Gnea | Souljah_: that's a trick question? | 03:38 |
squidly | I can do a startxfce and that works but I cant do a startx from the console | 03:39 |
Gnea | Souljah_: 9.04 | 03:39 |
Gran_Ger | Hi there!! Need some help with my HP laptop. I need to know how to access to a partition | 03:39 |
Gran_Ger | I can see it into gparted, but can't mount it | 03:39 |
Souljah_ | you have an pm-powersave.log in /var/log? | 03:39 |
Gnea | nope | 03:39 |
* Gnea takes a look at the xset manpage | 03:40 | |
enderx86 | Is it possible to install Ubuntu from my hard disk? (My DVD drive is broken; I don't have a flash drive.) | 03:40 |
squidly | enderx86: there are ways yes.. | 03:40 |
Gnea | xset s noblank <--- trying this | 03:40 |
* jrib hands Gnea some calming tea | 03:40 | |
enderx86 | squidly: how? | 03:40 |
* Gnea accepts and hands jrib some crackers 'n cheese | 03:41 | |
enderx86 | How can I install Ubuntu from my hard disk? | 03:41 |
squidly | enderx86: I dont rcall off the top of my head. you can mount the DVD with something from windows and there is a windows installer IIRC | 03:42 |
enderx86 | I have OS X, Macbook Pro | 03:42 |
Gnea | !macbook | enderx86 | 03:42 |
ubottu | enderx86: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 03:42 |
LasBuntu | hiya, is there any way to remotely connect to a new Ubuntu 9.10 install without having added SSH yet? | 03:42 |
FireCrotch | LasBuntu: Unfortunately not | 03:43 |
Gnea | LasBuntu: as long as openssh-server is installed and running | 03:43 |
Souljah_ | with black magic! | 03:43 |
cboyer1951 | Jordan_U; you're a genius! Yes! changing my harddrive boot sequence solved the problem! thank you so much! | 03:43 |
LasBuntu | Gnea: no, i'm offsite and forgot to install that :( | 03:43 |
LasBuntu | FireCrotch: that's what I thought, but I figured I would ask :) | 03:43 |
Gnea | LasBuntu: then you'll need to have someone there, or wait | 03:43 |
FireCrotch | LasBuntu: Perhaps there is someone there that you can have do it? | 03:43 |
LasBuntu | I'll be there in the morning, just kicking myself for forgetting | 03:44 |
LasBuntu | thanks guys :) | 03:44 |
Gnea | good luck | 03:44 |
cboyer1951 | Jordan_U; now what I set up or install in ubuntu as user, stays when I log out and reboot and relogin :) | 03:44 |
Souljah_ | the gnome remote tools need ssh? i mean thei`re installed by default, sshd not | 03:45 |
meowbuntu | whats teh smallest file type out of .mp3 and .wav | 03:45 |
ss23 | Can I get the php embed sapi with aptitude? | 03:45 |
brjann | meowbuntu: mp3 | 03:46 |
hekin | question, can i run multiple distros on one box? | 03:46 |
cboyer1951 | if I, as user, begin installing audio software, Ardour, Rosegarden, etc... will I run out of room on my initial drive space, as the default in ubuntu? or should I be looking to A) install programs from somewhere else? (admin), or (root, or B) increase my drive space for this user? | 03:46 |
meowbuntu | mp3 takes longer to extract | 03:46 |
Souljah_ | hekin: yes | 03:46 |
hekin | I googled around, they are all old and timed out | 03:46 |
hekin | Souljah_: is there any good links you can provide? thanks | 03:47 |
brjann | meowbuntu: mp3s are compressed, wavs are not. you trade disk space for processing overhead. | 03:47 |
meowbuntu | what about mp3 and ogg | 03:47 |
ss23 | IT's not just that they're compressed, they're missing data from the .wav | 03:47 |
Souljah_ | you want to run that at the same time or with kind of multi-boot? | 03:47 |
ss23 | An example of just a "compressed" wav would be FLAC | 03:47 |
hekin | Souljah_: multiboot | 03:47 |
cboyer1951 | also, oggis the smallest in size, isn't it? | 03:47 |
cboyer1951 | ogg, geeze | 03:48 |
ss23 | cboyer1951: I've never compared, but all the cool kids use FLAC ;) | 03:48 |
cboyer1951 | ahh :) thanks ss23 :) | 03:48 |
Souljah_ | just install them, grub2 is very intelligent | 03:48 |
Souljah_ | and with more linu systems you wont have any problems, i guess | 03:48 |
cboyer1951 | Souljah_, is that in answer to my question? | 03:48 |
meowbuntu | ss23, i am wantoing to transfer to my mp3 player i wish it could use ogg files or flac for that mater | 03:48 |
hekin | Souljah_: it will not overwrite my current partition? | 03:48 |
Souljah_ | cboyer1951: no | 03:49 |
cboyer1951 | Souljah, nodding | 03:49 |
Souljah_ | hekin: google linux & multiboot, and grub2 | 03:49 |
Souljah_ | ull find easy ways ;) | 03:49 |
Soul_Sample | i know it's offtopic, but if anyone is using weechat, how can I hop to channels that are assigned to numbers larger than 10? i cannot find the hotkey | 03:50 |
brjann | !dualboot | hekin | 03:50 |
ubottu | hekin: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 03:50 |
cboyer1951 | if I, as user, begin installing audio software, Ardour, Rosegarden, etc... will I run out of room on my initial drive space, as the default in ubuntu? or should I be looking to A) install programs from somewhere else? (admin), or (root, or B) increase my drive space for this user? | 03:50 |
hekin | brjann: thanks a lot | 03:51 |
obiwan_ | hey guys | 03:51 |
hekin | Souljah_: thanks | 03:51 |
iceroot | Soul_Sample: in irssi it its alt + q for channel 11, alt + w for channel 12, or using /win 11 /win 12 and so on, dont know if weechat is handling it like irssi | 03:52 |
obiwan_ | i'm wondering, is there any browser which lets you save sessions natively besides opera? | 03:52 |
brjann | cboyer1951: that really depends on how you've got your drive set up, and how big it is. | 03:52 |
hekin | anyone here has ever been annoyed by the huge fan noise before? | 03:52 |
celthunder | obiwan firefox, chrome both do that | 03:52 |
Soul_Sample | iceroot: thanks, but no, it's not working :S | 03:52 |
cboyer1951 | brjann: thanks... i've got a 300 GB 2nd drive just installed ubuntu onto, gave it the whole drive | 03:52 |
obiwan_ | celthunder: firefox doesn't do that. firefox saves session, not sessionS | 03:53 |
Soul_Sample | iceroot: i found it, it's buffer instead of window lol | 03:53 |
brjann | cboyer1951: then / and /home are on the same ~300 GB partition, so it doesn't matter if you're installing them for your user into /home/username or as root | 03:54 |
cboyer1951 | what's a software that shows a graphical use of the mount points? i'll load that and let you know, brjann | 03:54 |
brjann | cboyer1951: Accessories > Disk Usage Analyzer | 03:54 |
iceroot | Soul_Sample: ah ok ;) | 03:54 |
celthunder | obiwan hmm not sure then :( | 03:54 |
brjann | cboyer1951: but if you let ubuntu take the whole drive, you should only have one mount point at / | 03:55 |
cboyer1951 | brjann; so / and /home, ok, nodidng... running Disk Usage Analyser on filesystem, really cool! :) | 03:55 |
cboyer1951 | uh, oh... / reports 100%, usr 80.6 % /var 12.7 % | 03:56 |
brjann | cboyer1951: that doesn't mean % full, just % of total | 03:56 |
cboyer1951 | can i check the mount point with that utility also? or another one? | 03:57 |
brjann | cboyer1951: which mount point? | 03:57 |
cboyer1951 | hope i'm asking intellingent questions... | 03:57 |
cboyer1951 | well, you said just / should be mounted, not / and /home i took it to mean? | 03:57 |
brjann | cboyer1951: nono. what I'm saying is that your /home directory is on the same partition as every other directory, so you'd be using the same space whether you installed as your user or as root | 03:58 |
cboyer1951 | well, ok, now i'm scanning 'home' and it shows that my download and desktop and music are only going to be 4.0 kb | 03:58 |
cboyer1951 | ok, i understand you brjann | 03:58 |
brjann | cboyer1951: sometimes / and /home are on different partitions, or different drives, and then what i said above are not necessarily the case | 03:59 |
cboyer1951 | thank you | 03:59 |
cboyer1951 | so all is ok, but when I install Ardour for instance, as i just did, which directory did that go to, as default | 03:59 |
brjann | cboyer1951: sure thing. the only other thing i'd recommend is that, if you're installing programs that exist in the ubuntu repositories, use the ones in the ubuntu repositories and install using apt-get, aptitude, or synaptic | 03:59 |
brjann | cboyer1951: depends, how did you install it? | 03:59 |
brjann | cboyer1951: (installing with the ubuntu software center is fine, too) | 04:00 |
cboyer1951 | ahhh, good info, thanks brjann: i installed from my login cboyer1951, that i created at the installation process time, and i used Ubuntu Software Package | 04:00 |
cboyer1951 | i've used synaptic, ok | 04:01 |
cboyer1951 | in the past I've used synaptic, so Ubuntu Software install is oktoo ? | 04:01 |
brjann | cboyer1951: okay, good, that's how you should install things :) when you install using any of those tools, the files are scattered in a few different places, depending on what they are. user binaries go to /usr/bin, libraries to /usr/lib, some extra stuff to /usr/share, ... | 04:01 |
cboyer1951 | brjann: thank you a lot! I'm going to go now, and I'll look over the logs of this conversation too! | 04:02 |
cboyer1951 | brjann I appreciate it, good bye! :) | 04:02 |
brjann | (is everyone being really quiet, or are we split?) | 04:03 |
=== elky` is now known as elky | ||
Ten-Eight | looks like another split | 04:08 |
brjann | yeah :( | 04:08 |
Ten-Eight | maybe it'll straighten out pretty quick. | 04:08 |
Ahmuck | hi. i've got a login problem | 04:09 |
Ahmuck | i'm on this screen, but the box where the login is at is blank | 04:09 |
Ahmuck | and ther eis no time or logout button as well | 04:09 |
Ahmuck | | 04:09 |
Ten-Eight | I see where you can log in as "ruchi". Have you tried hitting enter when it comes up? | 04:10 |
=== WindPower is now known as WindPteryx | ||
obiwan_ | today i hitted bottom when my from today on ex-girl removed my precios whole ~150/200 tabs collection, my treasure, i had put so much effort for many nights in many months to find all that hard to find pages, chosed between so many useless ones, just to lose them because i couldn't save a modahecking session. I love firefox cause i think it's the best browser. but, why in the world won't they put that holy option? is it that hard to do? doe | 04:13 |
ShockTheatre | Obiwan: When I am doing work that requires numerous steps and needs to be left running, I do it inside of Sun VirtualBox (free) or VMware. Either can save the current state. Back that up and you're golden -- hard to lose your work or your train of thought. | 04:15 |
Ahmuck | Ten-Eight: well, that's the problem. i'm not gettting that screen | 04:15 |
ss23 | Can I get the php embed sapi with aptitude? | 04:16 |
ZykoticK9 | Ahmuck, if you have mouse, just click on the ruchi and a password box should open | 04:17 |
ZykoticK9 | Ahmuck, and in the lower right corner you can shutdown/etc. | 04:18 |
Ahmuck | ZykoticK9: that is the point, where the login box is it's just a black square | 04:18 |
Ahmuck | and there is no logout button | 04:18 |
Ahmuck | what your seeing is a screenshot fromsombebody elses website | 04:19 |
ZykoticK9 | Ahmuck, ahh so that isn't your screenshot i get it - sorry | 04:19 |
obiwan_ | ShockTheatre: thans for answer, i don't understnd how vbox may be of help in saving browsers history, could you explain a little more please? anyway, running virtualbox to just save Kb's order files looks a little abussive heeh | 04:19 |
ZykoticK9 | Ahmuck, does ctrl+alt+f1 get you to a console? (ctrl+alt+f7 to get back) | 04:20 |
erichammond | I want to modify a particular user's X login so that they get a single application instead of a window manager. I created a .Xsession, but the program automatically backgrounds itself which causes the X session to exit. Is there a better way to do this? | 04:20 |
Ahmuck | i can get to a console, yes | 04:20 |
ZykoticK9 | Ahmuck, can you login? | 04:21 |
cjae | festival alternatives | 04:21 |
Ahmuck | yes, i can login to a console | 04:21 |
cjae | fox2vox out of the question | 04:21 |
ZykoticK9 | Ahmuck, so your use isn't broken then, perhaps you could try adding a new user and see if it shows up in the gdm login? "sudo adduser NEWNAMEHERE" | 04:22 |
cjae | or how can I slow down festival | 04:22 |
sekyourbox | Hello, I accidentally broke my network somehow in my ubuntu 804 install. I was attempting to setup a PXE server, but when i went to setup dhcpd.conf, there was some firestarter script in there. I deleted the config, and uninstalled firestarter just in case. I started to setup the config file, and got sidetracked, and just deleted all the options. I restarted the dhcpd3 and everything was working fine. When i rebooted the m | 04:22 |
Ahmuck | i've got multiple users, like 10 or so | 04:22 |
ZykoticK9 | Ahmuck, then that won't help -- sorry man I have NO idea, best of luck | 04:23 |
axisys | is there a package for python hash module ? | 04:23 |
axisys | python hashlib module that is | 04:23 |
jrib | axisys: that's in the standard library. | 04:24 |
axisys | never mind.. it is part of python | 04:24 |
axisys | jrib: thanks :-) | 04:24 |
sekyourbox | t I tried pinging the router, and got an error.. I checked all the regular network settings and disabled any route table, and everything looks fine.. I checked ip tables and noticed that it was set to deny all traffic.. I reset the iptables, and still no luck.. Any ideas on the next step i should take to troubleshoot? i think it has something to do with firestarter uninstall | 04:24 |
AK|laptop | So I have gnome-do (in Docky mode) set to run when I log in. According to System Monitor, gnome-do runs, but Docky doesn't appear. I have to killall gnome-do and then run gnome-do for it to work. I saw a post that suggests this might be because gnome-do runs before Compiz, resulting in a gnome-do that isn't using the compositing manager. Any suggestions on fixing? | 04:29 |
sekyourbox | ok ill ask in ubuntu-server | 04:29 |
Zenker | can someone see this, please reply? | 04:32 |
xangua | AK|laptop: tried to ask in #gnome-do ¿ well docky is no linger supported since is going to be remover for the next do release | 04:32 |
sekyourbox | Zenker no | 04:32 |
benwk | I've got quite a nasty situation. I was trying to install Ubuntu on a system that already had windows 7 on it. I was trying to do manual partitioning and it kept giving me errors when I tried to install grub. Later it suddenly sowed me that the space on my hard drive that I wanted to install Ubuntu to was "unusable". I erased the data on the /boot partition and tried to install again. Now I can't get into any operating system becaus | 04:32 |
benwk | And for some reason no live CDs will work. Neither will the windows install CD. Everything was working fine until I tried installing this on top of windows with special partitioning. | 04:32 |
Zenker | rofl, ty | 04:32 |
Zenker | did anyone see my questions earlier? | 04:33 |
AK|laptop | xangua: They're not going to include Docky anymore? o.o | 04:33 |
ZykoticK9 | AK|laptop, do you have Do starting from "startup applications" or some other means? FYI the compiz thing doesn't make much sense as if compiz isn't running you'd just get the regular Gnome-Do (without docky). | 04:33 |
xangua | AK|laptop: no, now docky is a separate and independent app | 04:33 |
AK|laptop | ZykoticK9: Yep, I have an entry for it. | 04:33 |
ZykoticK9 | AK|laptop, don't worry there is already a new separate docky install in Lucid - it's even better then the gnomedo one ;) | 04:34 |
Zenker | ill just ask again :) i am using windows vista 32bit, can i install ubuntu 64 bit, my sys does support 64 bit | 04:34 |
AK|laptop | xangua: Ah, good. I thought for a moment that you were saying it was going to disappear entirely. Docky is way too useful for that. | 04:34 |
Zenker | with windows , i want to install with windows, forgot that part | 04:34 |
brjann | !dualboot > zenker | 04:34 |
ubottu | zenker, please see my private message | 04:34 |
benwk | Can anyone help? | 04:34 |
erichammond | solution: At the end of .xsession loop until background process is no longer detectable with ps | grep | 04:35 |
ZykoticK9 | Zenker, if you have a 64bit CPU you are free to install a 64bit Ubuntu | 04:35 |
brjann | Zenker: lots of information on dual-booting ubuntu with windows there in those links :) | 04:35 |
Zenker | mkay, ty :))> | 04:35 |
benwk | I've got quite a nasty situation. I was trying to install Ubuntu on a system that already had windows 7 on it. I was trying to do manual partitioning and it kept giving me errors when I tried to install grub. Later it suddenly sowed me that the space on my hard drive that I wanted to install Ubuntu to was "unusable". I erased the data on the /boot partition and tried to install again. Now I can't get into any operating system becaus | 04:36 |
benwk | And for some reason no live CDs will work. Neither will the windows install CD. Everything was working fine until I tried installing this on top of windows with special partitioning. | 04:36 |
Zenker | here is another question that isnt exactly covered in the support info (as far as i know anyhow)..can i burn the iso for the 64 bit onto the same dvd that i burned the 32bit one? | 04:37 |
xim_ | is there any network diagnostic that will run for a few days periodically pinging stuff and give you statistics on how often your network connection is up or down? | 04:37 |
benwk | Can anyone help? | 04:37 |
AK|laptop | benwk: Is the Windows 7 partition expendable? | 04:37 |
benwk | AK|laptop: expendible? | 04:38 |
ZykoticK9 | Zenker, no you need a new cd/dvd - unless its a re-writable and you blank it first | 04:38 |
AK|laptop | benwk: Can you afford to lose it? | 04:38 |
benwk | no | 04:38 |
Zenker | mkay, ty again, u guys have a good night, and btw, good work gettin everyone to register their names n stuff. very good idea | 04:38 |
benwk | Can anyone help? | 04:39 |
brjann | xim_: if you're up to some shell scripts, i have a link for you | 04:40 |
xim_ | brjann, sure what do you have? | 04:40 |
benwk | Can anyone help? | 04:41 |
ss23 | Can I get the php embed sapi with aptitude? | 04:41 |
brjann | xim_: | 04:41 |
AK|laptop | xangua: Is Docky going to be included by default in Lucid? | 04:41 |
mnaines | Does anyone here know about Ubuntu Ultimate Edition? | 04:41 |
DBO | AK|laptop, an insane but false concept | 04:41 |
brjann | xim_: there's a link to the complete script (with email alerts, apparently) after the big code block. then they go on to turning it into a cron job | 04:41 |
benwk | are there no volunteers here? | 04:41 |
xangua | AK|laptop: if by default you men pre-installed, no...but it will be in the repository | 04:42 |
AK|laptop | Gotcha. | 04:42 |
xim_ | brjann, yeah totally, thanks thats pretty much just what i was looking for | 04:42 |
Zenker | i let ubuntu update earlier, and when it restarted ubuntu did not start up, it got to the grub and left me staring at the grub command line, does anyone know why/which update caused this so i can prevent it when i reinstall? | 04:42 |
benwk | I've got quite a nasty situation. I was trying to install Ubuntu on a system that already had windows 7 on it. I was trying to do manual partitioning and it kept giving me errors when I tried to install grub. Later it suddenly sowed me that the space on my hard drive that I wanted to install Ubuntu to was "unusable". I erased the data on the /boot partition and tried to install again. Now I can't get into any operating system becaus | 04:42 |
brjann | xim_: great, glad it helps :) | 04:42 |
benwk | And for some reason no live CDs will work. Neither will the windows install CD. Everything was working fine until I tried installing this on top of windows with special partitioning. | 04:42 |
AK|laptop | benwk: There are plenty of volunteers, but it just might be that nobody in here atm knows a solution. Patience is the best option. | 04:42 |
mnaines | AK|laptop, what would happen if I told Synaptic to install everything? | 04:43 |
AK|laptop | mnaines: You mean... to install every package in the repositories? o.o | 04:43 |
mnaines | yes | 04:43 |
k4rt33k | hey, while converting from pdf to text with hindi characters, the characters are distorted though i have hindifonts installed. Any suggestions? | 04:43 |
AK|laptop | I... would imagine it would just take forever downloading everything, then take an additional forever to install it all. | 04:44 |
mnaines | AK|laptop, Ubuntu Ultimate Edition is pre-loaded that way, but it also has Ultimatix...I'm wondering if I can do that myself and disregard Ultimatix | 04:44 |
abhi_nav | hi | 04:44 |
benwk | abhi_nav: hi its me dualboot from earlier. how are you? | 04:44 |
abhi_nav | benwk: yah m fine. have you solved that problem? | 04:45 |
benwk | no | 04:45 |
abhi_nav | :-( | 04:45 |
abhi_nav | benwk: what goes wrong? | 04:45 |
benwk | abhi_nav: it has gotten worse now | 04:46 |
abhi_nav | benwk: have you asked here in channel? provide appropriate details and ask here | 04:46 |
benwk | abhi_nav: I cant seem to use any liveCDs or install CDs, except the alternate install CD, which wont let me install because installing grub wont work | 04:46 |
benwk | abhi_nav: I've asked many times | 04:47 |
abhi_nav | benwk: see, i dont know about what is install cd, but in this case you have to use LiveCD, means you can directly boot into ubuntu from that cd. | 04:47 |
abhi_nav | benwk: Do you have livecd or not? | 04:47 |
benwk | abhi_nav: i do have the liveCD. no live CDs will load | 04:48 |
abhi_nav | benwk: make sure your bios is enabled to boot from cd | 04:48 |
benwk | abhi_nav: i chose the cd to boot | 04:49 |
benwk | in the bios | 04:49 |
benwk | its not working | 04:49 |
abhi_nav | benwk: hmm :-( then. its seem to be difficult. what is permannt nick here? If I found something i wll memo you on that nick | 04:50 |
Zenker | anyone please,,, when ubuntu updated earlier, and when it restarted ubuntu did not start up, it got to the grub and left me staring at the grub command line, does anyone know why/which update caused this so i can prevent it when i reinstall? | 04:50 |
benwk | abhi_nav: I don't have a permanent nick yet. | 04:50 |
abhi_nav | benwk: do you have or can you make available any other distro livecd? | 04:50 |
benwk | abhi_nav: even my windows install cd wont work | 04:51 |
AK|laptop | Hard to imagine a problem that would bork a computer to the point that a live CD wouldn't work. | 04:51 |
AK|laptop | Especially on a mere software level. | 04:51 |
abhi_nav | benwk: I think better check with your hdd health | 04:51 |
benwk | my hdd was working fine until now | 04:52 |
abhi_nav | benwk: hmm | 04:52 |
Zenker | does the drive show any unusual lights, like a blinking light or a red light, or, no lights at all, does it spin up to read when u insert the disk? | 04:52 |
=== wiretapped is now known as SuperTapped | ||
benwk | this computer has no hdd lights | 04:53 |
abhi_nav | benwk: do you have or can you make available any other distro livecd? | 04:53 |
Zenker | how old is it? | 04:53 |
benwk | abhi_nav: I've tried ubuntu 32 bit and ubuntu 64 bit | 04:54 |
Zenker | (in other words, can you at least tell if the drive is functioning?) | 04:54 |
benwk | Zenker: practically brand new | 04:54 |
obiwan_ | guys what's the name of the channel for common talk? i think it starts with d but don't remember | 04:55 |
abhi_nav | benwk: what I am suggesting is, have a another distro working LiveCD and check if that works or not. (not ubuntu 32-64) other distro means, fedora, madriva, linuxmint etc etc etc | 04:55 |
benwk | abhi_nav: ok. will you be here for a while? | 04:55 |
Kasm279 | i cant get my windows hard drive to mount (NFS, windows XP) When i click on it in dolphin, it just hops back to whatever folder i was already in. I'm running Kubuntu on my second hard drive and windows on the first | 04:56 |
Kasm279 | any ideas on getting it to mount? | 04:56 |
abhi_nav | benwk: cannt promise. thats why I ask for you permannt nick. | 04:56 |
abhi_nav | benwk: why dont you register one nick right now? so we can continue discussion ? | 04:56 |
Kasm279 | also, i cant get any desktop effects even though they are enabled | 04:56 |
xangua | Kasm279: what does "compiz --replace" says in terminal¿ | 04:57 |
brjann | obiwan_: #defocus | 04:57 |
Kasm279 | xangua: | 04:59 |
obiwan_ | yeahh just found it thankssss brjann | 04:59 |
Kasm279 | im on kubuntu btw | 04:59 |
meoiswa | Im attepting to create a script that automatically moves mp3s from the Firefox cache folder to my music directory, however there are a bunch of fiels there, none have file extension. Any ideas on how can i filter out all other files but the audio ones? | 05:00 |
shazbotmcnasty | nope | 05:00 |
obiwan_ | meoiswa: file | 05:00 |
ardchoille | meoiswa: mv /path/*.mp3 /new/path ? | 05:01 |
obiwan_ | file * | grep -i audio is a starting | 05:01 |
meoiswa | that | 05:01 |
meoiswa | was what i was lacking in knowledge | 05:01 |
Kasm279 | xangua: rendering at all is quite slow on this anyway | 05:02 |
meoiswa | ok if i do file --mime-type * | grep -i audio | 05:02 |
=== Guest11795 is now known as isp | ||
=== WindPteryx is now known as WindPower | ||
hunt | Hi, is it possible to "install" a live-cd to a partition using unetbootin and then boot this partition and really install the os? or is there a simpler way for this | 05:02 |
abhi_nav | benwk: what happend? | 05:03 |
meoiswa | @hunt: that could work, you might want to try Wubi too, not the real deal, but it might work for you | 05:03 |
meoiswa | now, how do i link the result of grep with mv? | 05:04 |
meoiswa | F7B0A2FDd01: audio/mpeg <- thats one of the lines that appear in the console if i do "file --mime-type * | grep -i audio" | 05:04 |
Kasm279 | xangua: blargh, when i closed that tab in terminal i lost window management | 05:04 |
Kasm279 | netsplit! | 05:04 |
meoiswa | @Kasm: you could use a batch, that worked for me for keeping a dedicated quake server alive when SSHing and then closing the terminal on a remote server | 05:05 |
ardchoille | meoiswa: for i in *.mp3; do mv $i /new/path; done ? | 05:06 |
Zenker | someone please,,earlier today i let ubuntu 9.10 installed w vista update and after the restart it did not start ubuntu, instead it only went to the grub command line, does ANYONE know which update might have caused this so i can prevent it when i reinstall? | 05:06 |
meoiswa | @ard: Thanks for helping but the files do not have file extension | 05:06 |
Kasm279 | Zenker: get the supergrubdisk | 05:06 |
meoiswa | @ard: they are all like this: F7B0A2FDd01 | 05:06 |
brjann | meoiswa: umm.. try file --mime-type * | grep -i audio | cut -d':' -f1 | xargs -I{} mv {} /path/to/whatever | 05:06 |
meoiswa | @Zenker: did you use Wubi? | 05:06 |
Zenker | yes | 05:07 |
meoiswa | if so find the patched wubi file and place it in THE ROOT OF YOUR C DRIVE | 05:07 |
meoiswa | in windows | 05:07 |
meoiswa | the patched file can be found in the bug reports | 05:07 |
sickly | shoud i quarintine or delete viruses from my windows hdd with clamtk? | 05:07 |
Kasm279 | i cant get my windows hard drive to mount (NFS, windows XP) When i click on it in dolphin, it just hops back to whatever folder i was already in. I'm running Kubuntu on my second hard drive and windows on the first | 05:07 |
Zenker | i have already uninstalled it, i wanted 2 try the 64 bit anyhow. was it a grub update that caused this? | 05:08 |
Elrox | um... why we even dicussing "wubi",,, that is the worst thing you can do... | 05:08 |
Kasm279 | Elrox: because someone asked for help with it? | 05:09 |
Zenker | after i crash n burn a few times i will be partitioning (however u spell it :) but i have a lot 2 learn, A LOT if u cant tell rofl | 05:09 |
meoiswa | @Zenker: yes, all you need to do is replace the grub file in your C drive with the patched one | 05:09 |
meoiswa | @Elrox: only wubi allowed me to install ubuntu, all other attempts ended in Grub install error | 05:09 |
Elrox | Kasm279, but its not supported,, | 05:10 |
Kasm279 | and? | 05:10 |
Kasm279 | officially | 05:10 |
Kasm279 | this is the comunity | 05:10 |
meoiswa | @Elrox: not supported odesnt mean we, the users, cant help each other | 05:10 |
Kasm279 | community* | 05:10 |
ardchoille | Elrox: I believe wubi is supported as it's an offficial type of install | 05:10 |
meoiswa | @Elrox: and that is the meaning of Ubuntu, from people, for people | 05:10 |
meoiswa | @Zenker: i will upload the patched grub file and upload it to mediafire, please stand by | 05:11 |
Zenker | ok thank you | 05:11 |
hunt | wow | 05:11 |
benwk | abhi_nav: hi | 05:11 |
brjann | meoiswa: let me know if that cut/xargs version works for your mp3 issue | 05:11 |
meoiswa | didnt | 05:11 |
Elrox | meoiswa, ardchoille , then why is there no ops here he;ping? | 05:11 |
meoiswa | and did | 05:11 |
meoiswa | dunno why but worked on the seccond time | 05:11 |
Elrox | meoiswa, ardchoille , then why is there no ops here helping? | 05:11 |
meoiswa | @Elrox: no ops helping, true, but we are, and i happen to have had the exact same error | 05:12 |
abhi_nav | benwk: what happend? | 05:12 |
meoiswa | @Elrox and i know how to fix it | 05:12 |
benwk | abhi_nav are you on any IM service? | 05:12 |
ardchoille | Elrox: Anyone here can help with any issue, it's not just ops that help | 05:12 |
bigtom21485 | good evening everyone | 05:12 |
Zenker | ive even tried 2 help a few times :) | 05:12 |
Kasm279 | nay ideas on getting that disk to mount? | 05:13 |
Kasm279 | any* | 05:13 |
meoiswa | @Zenker ill be with you in a few seconds pls wait | 05:13 |
Elrox | ardchoille, true , but doesnt excuse.. | 05:13 |
bigtom21485 | i have ubuntu 9.10 x64, and i cant seem to get frostwire to run properly. any suggestions? | 05:13 |
meoiswa | @Kasm: make sure your NTFS module is running | 05:13 |
Zenker | not goin anywhere, im at 41 % on the dl of the 64bit | 05:13 |
Kasm279 | meoiswa: how do i go about that? | 05:13 |
obiwan_ | meoiswa: file * | grep -i audio | sed -n "s/\(.*\):\(.*\)/\1/p" >> tempfile.tx | 05:13 |
obiwan_ | meoiswa: with that you got a list of the files to be copies | 05:13 |
meoiswa | obi i already have a working solution | 05:13 |
obiwan_ | oh ok | 05:13 |
meoiswa | thank you very much | 05:13 |
obiwan_ | np man | 05:13 |
abhi_nav | benwk: what the actual thing is, nobody knows everything, so I can help you 100%. So i suggest you to be here only. I am also here. You can get help from more people. Thats better and reliable. If you want I wll give you my skype name. But still I suggest you to ask here only. Its reliable. | 05:13 |
meoiswa | actually i misplaced RM with MV so my files, the music ones, got deleted, which proves it works | 05:14 |
brjann | obiwan_: do you know the cut command? much easier way of accomplishing what that regex does | 05:14 |
meoiswa | now if someone would be kind enough to remind me how to revert the RM | 05:14 |
abhi_nav | benwk: I CANNOT* help you 100% | 05:14 |
obiwan_ | oh thx brjann i always forget hehe :) | 05:14 |
Kasm279 | meoiswa: how do i check the ntfs module? | 05:14 |
brjann | obiwan_: hehe, no problem, just thought i'd share if you didn't know about it, since there are so many gnu utilities it's easy to miss some :) | 05:14 |
bigtom21485 | anyone wanna help get frostwire to work? | 05:14 |
ardchoille | meoiswa: You're better off restoring from a backup. You did make a backup didn't you? | 05:15 |
meoiswa | @Kasm: i have no idea i thought you would know more than me xD | 05:15 |
Kasm279 | lol | 05:15 |
benwk | abhi_nav: your skype name would be great. can i call you? | 05:15 |
obiwan_ | :)) | 05:15 |
meoiswa | @ard: nah i was working with random files, nothing too vital | 05:15 |
bigtom21485 | haaaayyy... | 05:15 |
abhi_nav | benwk: ok i pm you now | 05:15 |
Kasm279 | well, does anyone know how to get the status of the ntfs module? | 05:15 |
obiwan_ | if its installed? | 05:16 |
Kasm279 | obiwan_: yeah | 05:16 |
obiwan_ | dpkg -l package | 05:16 |
obiwan_ | but i don't remember what's the mount.ntfs package ehha | 05:17 |
Zenker | kasm279 did u try a google search> may be what ure lookin for | 05:17 |
Elrox | meoiswa, ardchoille , face it.. wubi sux, once done then the entire fs is hosed,,, why bother? | 05:17 |
meoiswa | true that, elrox | 05:17 |
meoiswa | but for some people wubi is the best choise | 05:17 |
meoiswa | either by simplicity or just becaues the normal install refuses to work (my case) | 05:17 |
ardchoille | Elrox: That really isn't productive in this channel. | 05:18 |
=== SuperTapped is now known as wiretapped | ||
Elrox | tell me about it ardchoille .... | 05:18 |
deusr | quem aqui usa ubuntu no laptop? | 05:19 |
obiwan_ | Kasm279: i think ntfs-3g, so dpkg -l ntfs-3g | 05:19 |
meoiswa | yo, hablo espannol pero espero nos entendamos | 05:19 |
deusr | ops, sorry | 05:20 |
obiwan_ | meoiswa: hay 1 canal #ubuntu-es si quieres para español jeje | 05:20 |
deusr | someone use the ubuntu in laptop? | 05:20 |
Kasm279 | Zenker: that doesnt apply right | 05:20 |
obiwan_ | me deusr | 05:20 |
obiwan_ | and it rockssssssss | 05:20 |
Kasm279 | im running Jaunty and i dont get an error | 05:20 |
Zenker | idk, just tryin :) | 05:20 |
xangua | !someone | deusr | 05:20 |
ubottu | deusr: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 05:20 |
deusr | obiwan_: tell me what returns | 05:21 |
obiwan_ | what it returns? | 05:21 |
deusr | cat /proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode | 05:21 |
meoiswa | file --mime-type * | grep -i audio | cut -d':' -f1 | xargs -I{} mv {} /path/to/whatever | 05:22 |
obiwan_ | deusr: 0 | 05:22 |
meoiswa | whoops sorrryyy | 05:22 |
obiwan_ | np meoiswa :P | 05:22 |
deusr | just want to know is to turn 1, 2 5 ..? | 05:22 |
dotblank | !lark | 05:22 |
obiwan_ | it returns 0 | 05:22 |
obiwan_ | to me | 05:22 |
deusr | obiwan_: ok! | 05:23 |
=== Berzerker- is now known as Berzerker | ||
Elrox | ardchoille,, i will format a box, install windows, and run the wubi installer to prove your point,,,, plz tell me how that will help ANYONE in this channel #1,,, and #2how do i undo what i just did to the entire fs of the box ??? | 05:23 |
meoiswa | the command worked :D | 05:24 |
jefimenko | does anyone know how to set up two monitors with ubuntu 9.10, using nvidia, with one monitor in the landscape orientation and one in portrait? | 05:24 |
meoiswa | gee i spent the whole night in this silly thing | 05:24 |
meoiswa | great :D now i have a program cleaning the clearcache from headers, and a script that fetchs the music files from my Firefox cache to my Music folder when i close firefox | 05:25 |
meoiswa | thank you very much, now on with the patched grub file, im uploading it right now | 05:25 |
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa | ||
obiwan_ | nice meoiswa :) | 05:25 |
Elrox | ardchoille,, i honesty want to know | 05:26 |
bazhang | Elrox, did you have a support question | 05:26 |
ardchoille | Elrox: Please see my p, | 05:26 |
ardchoille | *pm | 05:26 |
JustChilN | how do i fix a graphic problem during install? | 05:27 |
meoiswa | Zenker accept the file | 05:28 |
meoiswa | you need to place that file in the root of your C drive | 05:29 |
meoiswa | after you installed with wubi and updated to GRUB 2 | 05:29 |
ZykoticK9 | jefimenko, looks like you need to edit your xorg.conf and add something like: Option "RandRRotation" "on" & Option "Rotate" "CCW", to one of the monitor section [i've never done this, was interested and did a quick google search, best of luck] | 05:29 |
Zenker | meoiswa thank you, now what do i do with this again? | 05:29 |
meoiswa | i just said it /\ /\ /\ | 05:30 |
jefimenko | ZykoticK9: thanks, I just found this actually: | 05:30 |
Zenker | ahh. ok, do i guess i need to do this after i let the new installation install and update? | 05:30 |
jefimenko | ZykoticK9: but my xorg.conf has hardly anything in it! when i try save using the nvidia-settings tool, it says that it can't parse my xorg.conf file | 05:31 |
ZykoticK9 | jefimenko, looks familiar | 05:31 |
meoiswa | Im impressed by the ammount of software that runs perfectly in wine and fails to run in crossover mac ^^ | 05:31 |
ZykoticK9 | jefimenko, you need to remove your current xorg and run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" first | 05:31 |
meoiswa | yes Zenker, after you install via wubi and update GRUB to 2.0 | 05:31 |
Zenker | kk ty again, i wish i knew as much as you do, where do i need to start LMAO | 05:32 |
meoiswa | install your distribution with Wubi | 05:32 |
jefimenko | does anyone know why the default xorg.conf is so bare? | 05:32 |
meoiswa | run all the updates, and reboot | 05:32 |
meoiswa | you will fall in the empty grub recovery menu | 05:32 |
jefimenko | ZykoticK9: i won't mess anything up by doing this? | 05:32 |
ZykoticK9 | jefimenko, by default there is no xorg.conf | 05:32 |
meoiswa | reboot into windows, and place the file i gave you right on the C drive, then reboot | 05:33 |
meoiswa | boot with linux, and your grub menu should have your kernels listed once more, ^^ | 05:33 |
Zenker | kk, i understand :) | 05:33 |
ZykoticK9 | jefimenko, don't delete your current xorg just move it to xorg.conf.disabled | 05:33 |
neen | hi guys, i'm setting up some stuff for backups on my server. i want to pipe the output of mysqldump into tar...i googled it and can't seem to find any information on this, anyone here know how to do it? :D | 05:33 |
jefimenko | ZykoticK9: just did that | 05:33 |
meoiswa | I spent 2 full days to find out that the patch (i had found at the 2nd google search) had been placed in the wrong folder | 05:34 |
ss23 | Can I get the PHP embed sapi through aptitude? | 05:34 |
meoiswa | 2 full days going trhu documentation and bugs report to end up finding that i had applied the patch incorrectly | 05:34 |
sibble | im trying /quit | 05:35 |
sibble | err :) | 05:35 |
jefimenko | ZykoticK9: nvidia-xconfig added stuff for InputDevices for keyboard and mouse, etc. | 05:35 |
Elrox | bazhang, i am sorry, i was asking a secondary support question of someone offering help here,,, i will refrain to PM or other .. | 05:35 |
jefimenko | ZykoticK9: should i remove those sections or leave them? | 05:35 |
ZykoticK9 | jefimenko, just edit what you need to and leave the rest | 05:35 |
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy | ||
meoiswa | i will eventually migrate my wubi to real install, but i cant seem to get GRUB to insatall in my MBR :| | 05:37 |
meoiswa | my netbook is a 1005HA Asus | 05:38 |
morphix | grub (0,0) | 05:40 |
jefimenko | ZykoticK9: testing it out, brb | 05:40 |
mysphyt | Any mactel experts around? I'm having a weird partition table issue. | 05:41 |
=== Kamokow_ is now known as Kamokow | ||
Kasm279 | i cant get my windows hard drive to mount (NFS, windows XP) When i click on it in dolphin, it just hops back to whatever folder i was already in. I'm running Kubuntu on my second hard drive and windows on the first | 05:41 |
Kasm279 | upon doing dpkg -l ntfs-3g i get | 05:42 |
mysphyt | I'm dual booting on a Macbook Pro, and I've manage to get my partition tables all borked. Short version: MBR is correct, GPT is incorrect. I know how to update the MBR from the GPT, but I can't find any info on going the other way. Thoughts? | 05:44 |
Kasm279 | oooh | 05:44 |
ss23 | Can I get the PHP embed sapi through aptitude? | 05:44 |
Kasm279 | Macbook+ubuntu=increased speed of electron migration | 05:44 |
Kasm279 | due to over voltaging of the CPU core | 05:45 |
Kasm279 | i cant get my windows hard drive to mount (NFS, windows XP) When i click on it in dolphin, it just hops back to whatever folder i was already in. I'm running Kubuntu on my second hard drive and windows on the first | 05:45 |
Kasm279 | upon doing dpkg -l ntfs-3g i get | 05:45 |
MoMo | with ubuntu enterprise cloud -- can i run diskless nodes? | 05:45 |
Kasm279 | nes you can MoMo | 05:46 |
Kasm279 | yes* | 05:46 |
MoMo | =D | 05:46 |
Kasm279 | i know you can run thin clients with ubuntu server | 05:46 |
Kasm279 | basically the same :) | 05:46 |
bettsp | Does anyone have trouble with Remote Desktop (VNC) on Karmic hanging? | 05:47 |
MoMo | well the end goal is a cluster -- i just want the advantage of no hard drives on the nodes | 05:47 |
EruditeHermit | hello, can anyone point me to instructions for the currently accepted method of building Ubuntu kernels from git repositories ? | 05:47 |
bettsp | I connect via Mac's Screen Sharing, and all I get is my Desktop background | 05:47 |
Kasm279 | bettsp: try it with Chicken of the VNC | 05:47 |
Kasm279 | on the Mac | 05:47 |
bettsp | Kasm279: I tried that, it didn't help any (super slow, basically unusable) | 05:48 |
Kasm279 | hm | 05:48 |
Kasm279 | bettsp: i havent gone mac>linux | 05:49 |
Kasm279 | ive gon the other way, but not back, and im only on Jaunty | 05:49 |
bettsp | Kasm279: It *used* to work perfectly though, it's not like it never worked - just one day, it started sticking all the time | 05:49 |
Kasm279 | network congestion? | 05:49 |
Kasm279 | also, try turning the VNC server off and back on | 05:49 |
bettsp | Kasm279: Nope, the mouse cursor follows around - I also tried killing VNC server too | 05:50 |
Kasm279 | hm | 05:50 |
bettsp | Any experience with NX? Is it any better? It's far less integrated and "easy", so I was trying to stick with VNC | 05:50 |
Kasm279 | bettsp: have you tried the other way or VNC'ed to the linux box with another comp? | 05:50 |
Kasm279 | or VNC'ing to another comp with the Mac? | 05:51 |
bettsp | Kasm279: Haven't tried with another PC -> Ubuntu - I can VNC to other Macs but that doesn't tell me much | 05:51 |
bettsp | Could having Desktop Effects (Compiz) enabled have anything to do with it? | 05:53 |
Kasm279 | probably not | 05:54 |
Kasm279 | bettsp: i cant help with screen sharing from the Mac | 05:54 |
Kasm279 | my Mac runs Tiger | 05:54 |
Kasm279 | runs quite well on 400MHz | 05:54 |
orb01 | Hey, I installed TeamSpeak from their website and I want to create a shortcut for my KDE menu. It works when I run the command (cd /home/orb-01/.Programs/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64 && ./ from the command line, but when I add this command to the shortcut command, it doesn't work. Anyone an idea what to do? | 05:55 |
bettsp | Kasm279: Ah, that was it! Desktop Effects + Screen sharing = Borked | 05:55 |
bettsp | Disable Desktop Effects and it works again | 05:55 |
Kasm279 | well i fixed my drive mounting problem | 05:56 |
Kasm279 | its because i hibernated the windows bit instead of shutting it down | 05:56 |
blakkheim | orb01: put that in a bash script and point your menu to the script | 05:56 |
ZykoticK9 | orb01, the ./ might be the problem, try using the full path instead | 05:56 |
dooglus | I installed ubuntu on this laptop about a week ago, and since then the laptop has been completely locking up about 6 or 7 times a day. It's much less stable than with windows before. Any ideas what to try? | 05:56 |
Kasm279 | dooglus: hardware? | 05:56 |
xangua | !details | dooglus | 05:57 |
ubottu | dooglus: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 05:57 |
orb01 | blakkheim, I tried that as well. | 05:57 |
orb01 | ZykoticK9, I tried that too. | 05:57 |
ZykoticK9 | orb01, any reason you didn't just use the teamspeak-client from the repo? | 05:58 |
dooglus | Kasm279: maybe hardware. I don't know how to tell. here's a paste of kern.log: | 05:59 |
Kasm279 | dooglus: i mean WHAT hardware does the laptop have? | 05:59 |
orb01 | ZykoticK9, well the reason is I'm using Mandriva :P. | 05:59 |
dooglus | xangua: I'm running ubuntu, current version. when I try to do anything I get the following: complete lockup. I expected it to do what I asked. | 05:59 |
Kasm279 | aack, that crash log isnt as easy to read as one from OSX | 06:00 |
bazhang | orb01, why would you ask here rather than #mandriva ? | 06:00 |
dooglus | Kasm279: here's lspci and lsusb output: | 06:01 |
orb01 | bazhang, better support. | 06:01 |
bazhang | orb01, mandriva is not supported here | 06:01 |
Kasm279 | dooglus: nice hardware | 06:02 |
Kasm279 | AMD ftw | 06:02 |
dooglus | Kasm279: it's not mine. I'd just like to get it working reliably before its owner switches back to Windows. we're meant to have stability as a 'selling point', so these regular lock-ups aren't acceptable | 06:03 |
Kasm279 | hm | 06:04 |
Kasm279 | i dunno, i never have lock up broblems | 06:04 |
Kasm279 | try searching for the error codes in the panic log | 06:04 |
Kasm279 | (thats whats happening, a kernel panic) | 06:04 |
Kasm279 | does anyone know how to mount a drive thats not in /etc/fstab/ or/etc/mtab/ ? | 06:05 |
sibble | what's it formatted as? | 06:05 |
Kasm279 | sibble: NTFS | 06:05 |
Kasm279 | i need to mount it as read only because its hibernated | 06:05 |
Zenker | i just noticed something with this dl, the file name is ubuntu-9.10-amd64.iso, . does this mean that its for an AMD processor cuz i have a intel core duo | 06:07 |
Kasm279 | Zenker: it doesnt matter | 06:07 |
Zenker | PHEW, tg and thank you | 06:07 |
Kasm279 | also, i figured out what was wrong with the hard drive and why it wouldnt mount | 06:07 |
dooglus | Zenker: it's for yours too | 06:07 |
blakkheim | Zenker: | 06:07 |
Kasm279 | Zenker: i have the drive hibernated | 06:07 |
sibble | Kasm279: have you tried the remove_hiberfile option? | 06:08 |
dooglus | Kasm279: I see 'ntos' in the kern.log - that's an ndiswrapper thing, which I'm using | 06:08 |
Kasm279 | sibble: i would prefer not to do that | 06:09 |
Kasm279 | i dont need to write to it, just copy music over from the windows drive | 06:09 |
dsnyders | !grub | 06:10 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 06:10 |
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri | ||
sibble | this is probably a silly question, but why not boot windows and shut it down properly? | 06:10 |
dsnyders | !grub2 | 06:10 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 06:10 |
Kasm279 | because its faster to hibernate to swap OSes then to shut down | 06:10 |
Kasm279 | and i dont want to reboot just to access the drive | 06:11 |
Kasm279 | the main problem is /dev/sda1/ (the drive) isnt in /etc/fstab | 06:11 |
sibble | you wouldn't happen to have any RAID settings in your BIOS? probably unrelated | 06:12 |
Kasm279 | no | 06:12 |
dsnyders | Kasm279, Is there a problem with putting /dev/sda1 into fstab? | 06:12 |
Zenker | ahhh, i see, the intel's 64 bit archicet is borrowed from the amd's design | 06:13 |
Kasm279 | dsnyders: i dunno how | 06:13 |
amol112 | hi i want to download kernel SMP mod_unload 586 .can anyone tell me direct link for download this version linux-image | 06:13 |
Kasm279 | and i just want the command to do it without putting it into fstab | 06:13 |
amol112 | i just want to downgrade kernel with ubuntu 8.04 LTS old release | 06:16 |
bettsp | Kasm279: sudo mkdir -p /mnt/tmp && sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/tmp | 06:18 |
brjann | Kasm279: ntfs-3g -o ro /dev/sda1 /mnt/whatever (you might have to do it as root if it's not in fstab) | 06:18 |
zcat[1] | !grub | 06:18 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 06:18 |
zcat[1] | !grub2 | 06:19 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 06:19 |
bettsp | kasm279: Btw, you *really* shouldn't mount a NTFS volume as read-write when it's hibernated - recipe for file corruption | 06:19 |
Kasm279 | bettsp: im trying to mount it as read only | 06:19 |
bettsp | Just as a reminder :) | 06:19 |
Kasm279 | thanks bettsp for the command | 06:20 |
Kasm279 | it refused at first until iadded the -r command | 06:20 |
brjann | Kasm279, bettsp: i would recommend the ntfs-3g option, as the in-kernel ntfs module is old and nigh-unsupported at this point | 06:21 |
Kasm279 | k | 06:22 |
Kasm279 | woah, i have 7.6GB of music | 06:22 |
Kasm279 | i didnt know i had that much xD | 06:22 |
Kasm279 | also, i cant get temp readings from anything | 06:23 |
Kasm279 | not even SMART | 06:23 |
Kasm279 | also, is there a way to start a command in a terminal and keep it open when you exit terminal? | 06:24 |
brjann | Kasm279: screen would be the best way | 06:24 |
Kasm279 | brjann: right now kwin is down | 06:24 |
testpage | for tightvncserver what do i have to edit in the .vnc/xstartup so gnome shows by default? | 06:25 |
Kasm279 | i need to get it going again without a terminal window being open | 06:25 |
brjann | Kasm279: i have no idea what kwin is :) | 06:25 |
Jordan_U | Kasm279: command & disown | 06:25 |
Kasm279 | brjann: whatever the window manager in GNOME is | 06:25 |
Kasm279 | basically like that but for KDE | 06:25 |
brjann | Jordan_U: that won't keep it open if the terminal exits | 06:25 |
brjann | Jordan_U: oh! yes it will, my bad | 06:25 |
* brjann sheepish | 06:26 | |
Kasm279 | Jordan_U: i cant get to terminal though | 06:26 |
Jordan_U | Kasm279: Can you get to another tty with ctrl+alt+f1? ( ctrl+alt+f7 to get back into X ) | 06:27 |
Kasm279 | yeah | 06:27 |
Kasm279 | but starting kwin there wont work | 06:27 |
Jordan_U | Kasm279: If you can, you can start kwin with "DISPLAY=:0.0 kwin & disown" | 06:27 |
testpage | anyone happen to know | 06:27 |
ZykoticK9 | testpage, I'd guess "gnome-session" but don't know for sure | 06:28 |
Kasm279 | Jordan_U: says cannot connect to X | 06:29 |
testpage | ya tried that | 06:29 |
testpage | keeps going to x | 06:29 |
Jordan_U | Kasm279: Did you run the exact command I gave? | 06:29 |
Kasm279 | does it need DISPLAY in caps? | 06:29 |
Jordan_U | Kasm279: Yes | 06:30 |
Kasm279 | ok | 06:30 |
Kasm279 | kwin is going again | 06:30 |
Kasm279 | thanks Jordan_U | 06:30 |
Jordan_U | Kasm279: You're welcome | 06:31 |
ZykoticK9 | testpage, have you played with the "x11vnc" package at all? I don't use VNC so don't take my word on anything :) | 06:31 |
* Kasm279 goes back to installing Xfce | 06:31 | |
testpage | no i havent | 06:31 |
testpage | a picker would be nice also | 06:31 |
testpage | im also trying to kill the viewer session to test the new session | 06:32 |
Kasm279 | anyway | 06:32 |
Kasm279 | goodnight all | 06:32 |
testpage | tightvncserver kill:1 | 06:32 |
testpage | but its not working | 06:32 |
Kasm279 | testpage: did you try with the inbuilt server? | 06:32 |
testpage | err forgot - | 06:32 |
testpage | im ssh'ed in | 06:32 |
Kasm279 | anyway, night | 06:32 |
dsnyders | Kasm279, Goodnight. | 06:32 |
xTheGoat121x | Does anyone in here know how to interpret backtraces? | 06:33 |
yo_rmn | hello anuone installed 8.10 in a compaq f700? | 06:33 |
Jordan_U | !anyone | xTheGoat121x | 06:33 |
ubottu | xTheGoat121x: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:33 |
Miracle | hi people, I want to learn how to use mysql and practice commands but I have no data. any suggestion on a source of data to get me started? | 06:33 |
testpage | hrm | 06:33 |
Tironn | xTheGoat121x: in python | 06:33 |
xTheGoat121x | Tironn, hmmm... okay | 06:34 |
TxMatt | 06:34 | |
Jordan_U | yo_rmn: Why 8.10 rather than 9.10? | 06:34 |
Miracle | TxMatt google for what? | 06:34 |
xTheGoat121x | Jordan_U, actually that was my question -- interpreting a backtrace is precisely what I need | 06:34 |
ZykoticK9 | !google > TxMatt | 06:34 |
ubottu | TxMatt, please see my private message | 06:34 |
Tironn | xTheGoat121x: I meant are you reffering to backtraces in python | 06:34 |
yo_rmn | cause its... I dont hav a live cd for it right now, will it be better 9.10 right? and... no CD drive also | 06:34 |
testpage | Please set correct fontPath in the tightvncserver script. | 06:34 |
testpage | is what im getting | 06:34 |
yo_rmn | I will dl 9.10 now | 06:35 |
zcat[1] | window min/max/close buttons have somehow ended up on the left side of the window. can't find anything under Appearance, changing themes doesn't help. Any suggestions?! | 06:35 |
ZykoticK9 | zcat[1], are you using Lucid? | 06:35 |
zcat[1] | Ummm.. yeah | 06:35 |
xTheGoat121x | Tironn, honestly unsure. I'm looking for someone to interpret a crash I'm having with Pidgin, but all the people in #pidgin seem to be asleep or busy | 06:35 |
ZykoticK9 | zcat[1], use #ubuntu+1 for support then, but see for fix | 06:36 |
Jordan_U | xTheGoat121x: Then you should either pastebin the backtrace in question or ask for a tutorial on learning to interpret backtraces. | 06:36 |
xTheGoat121x | | 06:36 |
zcat[1] | sweet, thanks! | 06:36 |
Tironn | zcat[1]: I had this happen. I had somehow changed themes entirely | 06:37 |
ZykoticK9 | zcat[1], FYI the default them doesn't adjust buttons well | 06:37 |
Jordan_U | xTheGoat121x: Does this happen imediately every time pidgin starts? | 06:37 |
testpage | hrm | 06:37 |
zcat[1] | would it be easier to just install emerald? was thinking about doing that anyway | 06:38 |
Jordan_U | !emerald | zcat[1] | 06:38 |
ubottu | zcat[1]: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives. | 06:38 |
ZykoticK9 | zcat[1], emerald is no longer supported - you should avoid it if you can. Not sure what would happen if you use emerald | 06:38 |
yo_rmn | please tellme... is there anything I need to know before installing 9.10 in compaq f700 from usb? | 06:38 |
xTheGoat121x | Jordan_U, no. I'll have a window with several tabs, receive another IM that will randomly open in another window. I'll combine the windows to have a group of tabs, and the next IM I receive will crash Pidgin | 06:38 |
zcat[1] | but I like emerald :( | 06:39 |
dsnyders | yo_rmn, kpovmodeler will no longer work in 9.10 | 06:39 |
xTheGoat121x | Jordan_U, I gather that the program is trying to refer the new IM to a window that no longer exists | 06:39 |
yo_rmn | kpovmodeler? IDK, it has xp now | 06:39 |
zcat[1] | sigh, lucid may be the ubuntu release that finally pushes me back to debian :( | 06:39 |
ShibariMstr | can anyone help me with my dvd-r | 06:40 |
ZykoticK9 | zcat[1], this is NOT the channel for discussing Lucid, please use #ubuntu+1 | 06:40 |
ShibariMstr | I have nero9 and am trying to make it a bootable dvd from an iso but nothing is showing up? | 06:40 |
k4rt33k | Hey, I have a pdf with a hindi font and when I convert it to text how to generate unicode encoded text? | 06:41 |
booboo | ShibariMstr, run nero to burn the iso it will already be bootable | 06:41 |
dsnyders | yo_rmn, kpovmodeler is a program for creating 3d graphics. Apparently, it is no longer maintained, and has been removed from the repositories. I have know idea whether this is important for you or not. | 06:42 |
testpage | ok having issues with tightvncserver | 06:42 |
yo_rmn | is not, thankyou | 06:42 |
testpage | if anyone knows it please give me a hand | 06:42 |
Miracle | you know I'm a newb to ubuntu and have asked many question but have not receive 1 answer yet. id there a beginners channel? | 06:43 |
ShibariMstr | what about the simulation box in the burn tab? | 06:43 |
Muscovy | Miracle: You might want to try the beginner forum at | 06:43 |
Miracle | Muscovy thx | 06:44 |
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
=== jackson is now known as Guest61523 | ||
WinterSky | I tried installing splashy. So I stopped trying and now I can't install anything else. | 06:46 |
Losha | Miracle: there's usually a reason questions go unanswered e.g. no-one knows the answer, or crucial details are missing. What kind of things have you been asking? | 06:46 |
Muscovy | WinterSky: Try running apt-get -f install. | 06:47 |
WinterSky | Muscovy I tried twice so far | 06:47 |
Muscovy | :| | 06:47 |
testpage | anyone know tightvncserver pretty good | 06:47 |
testpage | my xstart config looks right according to tutorials | 06:47 |
testpage | but im getting invalid font-path | 06:47 |
testpage | any help would be much appreciated | 06:47 |
WinterSky | oh I fixed it everyone. | 06:48 |
WinterSky | I removed the package splashy-themes and now it works | 06:48 |
WinterSky | I forgot I installed that package. | 06:48 |
ShibariMstr | testpage does it give you the error bitmap module not found? | 06:48 |
testpage | no but i will get you the exact error | 06:48 |
testpage | also i try tightvncserver -kill:1 but its not killing it | 06:49 |
testpage | is there a way to restart the whole service and all connections? | 06:49 |
Muscovy | I think it's --kill (two dashes)? | 06:49 |
ShibariMstr | you need the process number then the command sudo kill process# | 06:49 |
testpage | <-- is my xstart config | 06:50 |
Muscovy | Or you could killall. | 06:50 |
abrahadabra | e.g. killall firefox | 06:50 |
testpage | Unrecognized option: --kill:1 | 06:50 |
testpage | (root@G062)-(~/.vnc) $ killall tightvncserver | 06:51 |
testpage | tightvncserver: no process killed | 06:51 |
amol112 | i am testing ncomputing but driver is for kernel SMP mod_unload 586 .so from where i can download this linux-image | 06:51 |
testpage | here is the error | 06:51 |
testpage | Couldn't start Xtightvnc; trying default font path. | 06:51 |
testpage | Please set correct fontPath in the tightvncserver script. | 06:51 |
testpage | Couldn't start Xtightvnc process. | 06:51 |
FloodBot2 | testpage: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:51 |
testpage | oops | 06:51 |
amol112 | mentioned only support is for hardy 8.04 | 06:51 |
testpage | running hardy | 06:52 |
testpage | so any ideas? | 06:53 |
UnclaimedBaggage | Hi folks - I've just changed the CHGRP settings on my main user account, and now get a "[xyz] is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported" message. Do I have any chance of getting out of this, or is it full reinstall? | 06:53 |
ShibariMstr | testpage try editing the script | 06:53 |
testpage | to what? | 06:53 |
testpage | that is edited | 06:54 |
testpage | editing the script isnt really telling me anything, :) | 06:54 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: chgrp is for changing group ownership of files, not users | 06:54 |
ShibariMstr | Please set correct fontPath in the tightvncserver script | 06:54 |
ShibariMstr | I think not | 06:54 |
testpage | which would be? | 06:54 |
testpage | its a fresh install | 06:54 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: so I guess my question is, what did you actually do? :) | 06:55 |
ShibariMstr | try ./configure tightvncserver | 06:55 |
Losha | testpage: first, find your fonts. Look in /usr/share/fonts and /etc/X11/fonts. Are they there? | 06:55 |
testpage | losha, ill look 1 sec | 06:55 |
UnclaimedBaggage | *grin* Cheers bad. I mean I changed the group to which my main login account is set. Set up a new group, added my main account to it...and now it seems to have lost sudo privileges | 06:56 |
testpage | have 2 directories in /usr/share/fonts truetype and X11 | 06:56 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: are you still a member of the admin group? | 06:56 |
ShibariMstr | try the X11 | 06:57 |
testpage | and 1 directory in /etc/X11/fonts misc | 06:57 |
testpage | where shibari | 06:57 |
testpage | heh please be more detailed | 06:57 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: not sure how to check that. | 06:57 |
testpage | i pastebin'd for a reason | 06:57 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: type groups | 06:57 |
Losha | testpage: ok, try editing /usr/bin/tightvncserver (make a backup copy first) around line 54 | 06:57 |
testpage | ok | 06:58 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: "john web" ...with "web" being the dodgy group I set up to experiment with | 06:58 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: that's all? | 06:58 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: that's all | 06:58 |
Losha | testpage: where it says fontPath, uncomment the line and put your two font directories in it, separated by a comma. | 06:58 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: ah, you have committed the cardinal sin of the usermod command, forgot to use the append flag ;) | 06:58 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: what's happened is you've replaced all the groups your user *should* be a member of, not just added to them | 06:59 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: *bangs head on wall* Damn. I have a root account, but by the looks of things that's disabled in Ubuntu by default(?) Any way to get out of this or am I doomed? | 06:59 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: no, you should be able to get into the recovery console. one moment, phone call :) | 07:00 |
abrahadabra | Unreclaimed >> do u use sudo? | 07:01 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: *laughs* Ahh, the suspense. Here's hoping. | 07:01 |
UnclaimedBaggage | abrahadabra: Yes, regularly. I'm the only user on this PC | 07:01 |
prodigel | hi all. How can I find out what font xterm uses? I want to apply the same font to gnome-terminal and I can't find it | 07:02 |
testpage | losha do you happen to have the paths that you are using cause there are subdirectories | 07:02 |
testpage | prodigel, heh, in the same boat | 07:02 |
abrahadabra | Unreclaimed >> sometimes the solution is simple. Just wondered. | 07:02 |
Zenker | i have tried 3 times now to install with wubi, and it keeps erroring out, can someone please help ? | 07:03 |
testpage | still invalid path | 07:03 |
prodigel | testi_, any resolutions yet? | 07:03 |
testpage | $fontPath = "/etc/X11/fonts/,/usr/share/fonts/X11/"; | 07:03 |
prodigel | testpage, any resolutions yet? | 07:03 |
testpage | nope working on it | 07:03 |
awaad | I installed kde on ubuntu by running "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" and I have now only a black screen, pointer of the mouse and screenlets package running | 07:03 |
UnclaimedBaggage | abrahadabra: No problems - but yeah, I definitely need sudo. ;-) | 07:03 |
awaad | How can I solve this problem to use both gnome and kde ? | 07:04 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: okay, sorry :) let me research for a second | 07:04 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: np...and thankyou | 07:04 |
ZykoticK9 | UnclaimedBaggage, are you using Karmic? | 07:05 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: sure thing. oh, is this a console-only machine, or do you use a desktop environment? | 07:05 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: Have GNOME as well. | 07:06 |
UnclaimedBaggage | ZykoticK9: Karmic it is. | 07:06 |
awaad | Any one can help ? | 07:07 |
prodigel | testpage, good luck on your quest. It's simpler for me to just dump gnome-terminal | 07:07 |
ZykoticK9 | UnclaimedBaggage, worst comes to worst, check the !grub2 factoid and the parts about chrooting your system, then you could re-add yourself to the admin group. Hopefully it won't come to that, but keep it in mind (reinstall NOT required) | 07:07 |
testpage | im just going through this tutorial prodigel | 07:07 |
testpage | hopefully it will help u too | 07:07 |
testpage | | 07:07 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: Interestingly, I can restart the machine via the gnome GUI, but terminal requires 'sudo shutdown -r now'...and of course that sudo is off-limits. Guessing that means there's some sort of gnome user with sudo privs(?) | 07:08 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: hm. have you logged out/logged back in since you created this new group and added yourself to it? | 07:08 |
prodigel | testpage, are you sure it's the right link? vncserver+gdm? | 07:08 |
=== coco is now known as Guest70447 | ||
testpage | for my versiion yes | 07:09 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: I did a system restart (via GUI), still facing the same problems | 07:09 |
testpage | but not for tightvncserver | 07:09 |
Guest70447 | olaaaaaaaa | 07:09 |
ZykoticK9 | !es > Guest70447 | 07:09 |
ubottu | Guest70447, please see my private message | 07:09 |
UnclaimedBaggage | ZykoticK9: *grin* Cheers, good to know. Will go scouring grub if it comes to that - here's hoping my expertise is up to it if it's necessary | 07:09 |
Guest70447 | kienes sois | 07:09 |
prodigel | testpage, what has that to do with fonts in gnome-terminal? | 07:09 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: ah, okay. | 07:09 |
titan_Linux_FREA | Need a little grub2 help. Trying to edit my grub boot file to include my windows XP partition. During install it didn't add it. I can't find what file I am supposed to be looking in to change the grub boot loader and I wouldn't know what to put in it if I could find it. | 07:09 |
Losha | testpage: ignore the subdirectories, just try "/usr/share/fonts,/etc/X11/fonts" as the new value | 07:09 |
Guest70447 | paraaaaaa yaaaaaaa | 07:09 |
mmfei | h | 07:10 |
ZykoticK9 | !grub2 > UnclaimedBaggage | 07:10 |
ubottu | UnclaimedBaggage, please see my private message | 07:10 |
mmfei | `h | 07:10 |
Guest70447 | puedes ablar español idiotas | 07:10 |
ShibariMstr | lol | 07:10 |
yo_rmn | yo. mensaje privvado | 07:10 |
UnclaimedBaggage | ubottu: cheers - will give it a read. | 07:11 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:11 |
ShibariMstr | ummmm culero esta canal es ingles meuva su cula a espanol | 07:11 |
testpage | no put its a simple walkthrough for vnc session and gnome-desktop | 07:11 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: yeah, at this point i'm sorta thinking that your best option might be editing your grub boot line to get into single user mode | 07:12 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: do you know how to edit a boot line? | 07:12 |
titan_Linux_FREA | I want to add my windows xp partition to my grub2 boot menu on start up. I know the OS is on sda5 and that sda5 is an NTFS partition. Can anyone give me a hand and point me to something that would show me how to do this in grub2? | 07:12 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: I'm mildly familiar with grub, but haven't ever edited the boot line. | 07:12 |
Zenker | sorry abrahadabra i lost internet for a sec | 07:13 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: okay, read through this section: | 07:13 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: and you might want to make notes if you don't have a second computer handy :) | 07:14 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: Many thanks - very helpful. Will do :-) | 07:14 |
malifal | titan_Linux_FREA: try sudo update-grub | 07:14 |
titan_Linux_FREA | brjann, that might just help me out too. Thanks. | 07:14 |
titan_Linux_FREA | malifal, will do thanks. | 07:15 |
enli | is there an app which shows files being accessed like "System monitor" shows current processes.. | 07:15 |
enli | ( i dont remember exactly as havnt used windows for a long time) i guess there is similar function in vista task manager where you can see the file i/o and stats and the processes.. is there something similar for linux? | 07:15 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: essentially, what you're going to do is as follows: get into the grub menu, highlight your current kernel, and hit 'e' to edit the boot options. add single at the end, then hit CTRL-X too boot. that *should* start booting the system, then drop you to a root prompt before all the services start | 07:15 |
Zenker | abrahadabra? | 07:15 |
malifal | enli: lsof or iotop | 07:16 |
malifal | enli: i think :/ | 07:16 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: once you're at the root prompt, type adduser <youruser> admin and then reboot | 07:17 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: clear on all of that? | 07:18 |
enli | malifal: iotop that is, thanks : ) | 07:18 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: Many thanks. Will do. (Subnote: The help in this IRC channel just reminded me why I use Ubuntu ;-) ) | 07:18 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: wait until after it works to say that or you'll jinx us ;) | 07:18 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: I think so. And yeah *laughs* - good point. (Hopefully) back in 10. ;-) | 07:19 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: if all goes well, you should be able to sudo again once you've rebooted. however, some things might not work properly, since you'll be missing other groups you should be in. come back and we'll sort you out | 07:19 |
UnclaimedBaggage | brjann: No probs. Hopefully back soon | 07:20 |
brjann | UnclaimedBaggage: good luck! | 07:20 |
brjann | and now, the waiting :) | 07:21 |
olskolirc | how do I come out of compiz and go back to the regular ubuntu desktop please? | 07:23 |
soreau | olskolirc: Just set None in sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects tab | 07:23 |
testpage | brjann while your waiting,,,,,can u help me :) | 07:24 |
Muscovy | Does anyone know how to switch the close/max/min icons from side to side? I feel like trying them out in the Lucid layout, and I might want to keep it traditional when I move to Lucid. | 07:24 |
brjann | testpage: haha, maybe :) | 07:24 |
testpage | k just ssh'ed into server | 07:24 |
testpage | trying to get a vnc-server session to go to gnome | 07:24 |
testpage | i got vnc4server installed now | 07:24 |
SgtNezzie | when installing ubunut enterprise cloud -- if my machine has a wireless usb dongle (rtl8187) how can i set that up (and wep details) for installation | 07:25 |
testpage | but still no gnome-desktop | 07:25 |
brjann | testpage: sorry, i haven't used vnc since like 1997 | 07:25 |
testpage | heh | 07:25 |
testpage | err, anyone? | 07:25 |
skraps | Sgt: try "modprobe rtl8187" | 07:26 |
testpage | u would figure im not the only one in the 100's of users listed here that has to do this | 07:26 |
malifal | testpage: enable vino from within gnome | 07:27 |
testpage | how | 07:27 |
testpage | im ssh'd in | 07:27 |
testpage | heh | 07:27 |
testpage | thats the issue | 07:28 |
FloodBot2 | testpage: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:28 |
Supergrover | brjann: *rapturous applause* *standing ovation* *throws underpants* Worked a treat. Many thanks. | 07:28 |
skraps | testpage: - first lsting in google | 07:28 |
testpage | installing gconftool now | 07:28 |
brjann | Supergrover: yay! | 07:28 |
malifal | testpage: set the gnome session in the xstartup file in the .vnc folder and restart vnc | 07:28 |
Supergrover | brjann: (Note: "Supergrover" is "UnclaimedBaggage" ...seemed last account hasn't logged out yet) | 07:28 |
brjann | Supergrover: so i figured :) | 07:29 |
testpage | malifal, its gnome-session correct | 07:29 |
testpage | ? | 07:29 |
Supergrover | brjann: While I'm pushing my luck, you mentioned other privileges needed on that account? Any suggestions links? | 07:30 |
brjann | Supergrover: yeah, i'm trying to figure out which of mine are default and which are custom | 07:30 |
titan_Linux_FREA | HELP! Used Disk Utility to try to make my sda5 with windows XP bootable but it screwed it up and now doesn't know what type of partition it is and won't let me mount it. All of the data is there, I did not format it. I don't want to lose the data on the partition. How do I get it to be recognized as an NTFS partition again? | 07:30 |
testpage | malifal, it would be nice to tell me exactly what it should be, i know it should be gnome | 07:30 |
Supergrover | brjann: No probs. ;-) | 07:30 |
testpage | <-- my config file | 07:31 |
brjann | Supergrover: shell out and check your groups again, should just be your username, web, and admin now, right? | 07:31 |
Supergrover | brjann: 'john admin web' | 07:32 |
paddyyyyyyyyyyyy | f-spot wont start | 07:32 |
=== SgtNezzie is now known as MoMo | ||
malifal | testpage: sorry, yes i think that is correct | 07:33 |
subham | hello every body can any body can help me how to open .cab file in ubuntu 9.10 any help would be of great help | 07:33 |
testpage | hrm, wonder why its not working then | 07:33 |
testpage | any ideas? | 07:33 |
testpage | is tightvncserver the best one to use? | 07:33 |
malifal | testpage: you need to have port 5900 open or use tunneling | 07:33 |
brjann | Supergrover: okay. sudo usermod --append --groups dialout,cdrom,plugdev,fuse,lpadmin,pulse-access,sambashare john | 07:34 |
tmwnni | is there somethin like tabs when in a console? i want to be able to hit ctrl+f1, run a command that takes some time, then switch to a new tab (without ctrl+f2, etc) run another command that takes time, then switch back and forth so i can watch progress on both. i want to be able to run mutiple commands at once in a console without having to login sevral times anybody know what im looking for? | 07:34 |
subham | hello every body can any body can help me how to open .cab file in ubuntu 9.10 any help would be of great help | 07:34 |
Flannel | tmwnni: Check out 'screen' | 07:34 |
testpage | errr | 07:34 |
testpage | this is frustrating | 07:34 |
Flannel | !screen | tmwnni | 07:34 |
ubottu | tmwnni: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See | 07:34 |
testpage | very frustrating | 07:34 |
tmwnni | thanks | 07:35 |
testpage | please provide commands with response as im more a centos person, if i knew the commands i wouldnt be here in the first place :) | 07:35 |
Supergrover | brjann: Excellent. (And yes - dang, I can see why those are necessary) | 07:35 |
malifal | testpage: what display number did it take? if :0 then it's 5900 if :1 then it's 5901 | 07:35 |
malifal | etc | 07:35 |
testpage | ok, but how do i open the ports via ssh | 07:35 |
brjann | Supergrover: to check that it got set, getent group | grep john | 07:36 |
testpage | i can remote in using vncviewer but im getting x terminal not gnome | 07:36 |
brjann | Supergrover: (it won't take effect on your user until you log out and back in, so we're going to the source) | 07:36 |
Supergrover | brjann: Yup, all there. :-) | 07:36 |
ed10 | When using evolution mail the send /receive icon is not highlighted so I cant click on it to send mail.What`s up with that? | 07:37 |
brjann | Supergrover: great :) log out and back in and you should be good to go | 07:37 |
malifal | testpage: that means vnc is working but starting twm | 07:37 |
malifal | testpage: vncserver -kill :0 | 07:38 |
malifal | testpage: vncserver -kill :1 | 07:38 |
malifal | and restart vnc | 07:38 |
Supergrover | brjann: Many thanks, much appreciated...obviously. You've saved me days. | 07:38 |
testpage | ok | 07:38 |
brjann | Supergrover: happy to help :) | 07:38 |
testpage | malifal when i login i get x terminal and this | 07:39 |
testpage | Xsession: unable to start X session --- no "/root/.xsession" file, no | 07:39 |
testpage | "/root/.Xsession" file, no session | 07:39 |
testpage | managers, no window managers, and no | 07:39 |
testpage | terminal emulators found; aborting. | 07:39 |
malifal | testpage: not sure what | 07:39 |
malifal | s going on | 07:40 |
testpage | its a brand new ubuntu install m8 | 07:40 |
testpage | first thing trying to install on it | 07:40 |
testpage | heh | 07:40 |
phrearch | hi | 07:41 |
phrearch | im installing proxmox on a debian lenny system. wondering what this vmbr0 interface is for : | 07:41 |
testpage | malifal can you pastebin your config file? | 07:41 |
malifal | testpage: fyi try not using root for ssh | 07:41 |
phrearch | eth0 dissappeared | 07:41 |
Flannel | phrearch: You're looking for #debian | 07:41 |
testpage | yes will be changed later | 07:42 |
titan_Linux_FREA | can I set my sda5 back to an NTFS partition label without formating? Linux no longer knows what type of partition it is. | 07:42 |
testpage | right now just trying to vnc in | 07:42 |
testpage | :) | 07:42 |
phrearch | Flannel: lol, youre right | 07:42 |
phrearch | when i think debian, i enter #ubuntu somehow | 07:42 |
ed10 | Can any one help with evolution mail? | 07:42 |
malifal | testpage: i'm sorry i can't help further :( | 07:43 |
testpage | can anyone please | 07:44 |
testpage | been here over an hour with no resolve | 07:45 |
skraps | testpage: google can have alot of information when none is at hand in the irc support channel, not being mean but obviously noone has your answer | 07:45 |
testpage | you dont think i have been googling this whole time? | 07:46 |
testpage | i have checked all over the place, no matter what im still getting xterminal | 07:47 |
testpage | its like its not paying attention to my xstart config | 07:47 |
testpage | here is my log file | 07:49 |
testpage | | 07:49 |
skraps | testpage: five steps into this page describes your problem | 07:49 |
testpage | thats not using tightvncserver its using vnc4server | 07:50 |
titan_Linux_FREA | My Windows XP partition is not bootable for some reason. It does not show up in grub even after "sudo update-grub" and in gparted and Disk Utility it is an "unrecognized" and "unknown" partition. How do I fix it? | 07:50 |
testpage | and i have went through this step by step, by the way | 07:51 |
skraps | titan: sounds like its dead | 07:51 |
titan_Linux_FREA | skraps, it can't be. It is not formated, the only thing that happened is in Disk Utility I selected the "bootable" option and clicked apply and it returned an error and now doesn't know what partition type it is and can't mount it. | 07:53 |
Kutakizukari | Cant login to CVS on Ubuntu 9.10 but can with Windows Vista. Anyone know why? | 07:55 |
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri | ||
Kutakizukari | Using the terminal by the way to log into Drupal CVS | 07:57 |
sud_d_gr8 | is this the chat room where i can date any gal?//////// | 07:59 |
testpage | just went through that tutorial for a 2nd time, still doesnt work | 07:59 |
dan_ | hi | 07:59 |
ogex | hello | 08:02 |
ogex | how add other linux on grub2 ? | 08:03 |
Sabir | I have the following problem. There is a TV tuner on a chip Philips. When I try to capture video via the composite input is captured from the TV inputs. To check try to watch video from the composite input through mplayer, and also watch TV signal. | 08:03 |
zinox | update-grub | 08:03 |
solow | I'm having some issues | 08:03 |
solow | I just rebooted my laptop after installing updates on ubuntu, and my wireless stopped working. | 08:03 |
testpage | how do i add a user? | 08:04 |
DaZ | testpage: adduser? :f | 08:05 |
testpage | daz thanks | 08:06 |
solow | you know what | 08:06 |
fohos | hello | 08:07 |
solow | i'll drop ubuntu for now. Perhaps I'll go back and use it again if people fix the wireless annoyance, and there's adobe support. | 08:07 |
fohos | is there anyone here familiar with remailers | 08:07 |
cmang | i wish adobe would support linux. that'd be great. | 08:07 |
fohos | just f*ch adobe | 08:08 |
fohos | is there anyone familiar with mixmaster? | 08:09 |
solow | fohos, Don't be like that. Adobe is great. The best out there. And I really need it. virtualbox did it for me, but with my internet gone, it sucks. | 08:09 |
testpage | finally | 08:10 |
testpage | in | 08:10 |
bagus | hai | 08:10 |
fohos | solow U R mistaking | 08:10 |
solow | fohos, How's that/ | 08:11 |
mawst | Where can I keep up with new packages being added to the ubuntu repo? | 08:11 |
fohos | just because corporations have a corporate agenda to use some OS and applications taht does not make neither the OS nor the application the best out there | 08:11 |
solow | fohos, Stop being such an anarchist. Adobe is the best software out there with photoshop, flash, illustrator, aftereffects. I dont know about the rest. | 08:12 |
testpage | acrobat | 08:13 |
testpage | firefox | 08:14 |
solow | Firefox is ok | 08:14 |
solow | But uhm | 08:14 |
solow | how do I uninstall ubuntu | 08:14 |
exn | yes, how to uninstall ubuntu ? | 08:15 |
mawst | You don't. Mwhahahahaha! *gulp* | 08:15 |
ZykoticK9 | solow, exn, unless you used WUBI and installed inside of windows you can't uninstall Ubuntu, just install whatever you want overtop | 08:15 |
solow | Seriously, how. I want to remove the entire ubuntu partition. *I dual boot with windows 7, I want to clear the space, and add the free space to my windows 7 partition* | 08:16 |
testpage | fdisk | 08:16 |
solow | thanks for the details. *smells sarcasm* | 08:16 |
testpage | actually no sarcasm | 08:16 |
solow | I know how to make 1 partition, and where to remove the ubuntu files. | 08:17 |
testpage | boot to windows xp cd and run fdisk | 08:17 |
solow | I just dont know how to kill the ubuntu boot. | 08:17 |
testpage | then delete partitions u dont want | 08:17 |
testpage | under recovery console | 08:17 |
solow | I'm using windows 7, I can use fdisk inside of cm | 08:17 |
ZykoticK9 | solow, ask in ##windows how to re-write the Microsoft MBR | 08:17 |
solow | d | 08:17 |
testpage | fixmbr | 08:17 |
testpage | then fixboot | 08:17 |
testpage | after fdisk | 08:18 |
solow | k i'll ask there | 08:18 |
testpage | heh just told u | 08:18 |
harisund | How do I create a network connection through Bluetooth? NetworkManager on karmic doesn't even have that option apparently .. | 08:20 |
brjann | harisund: would you believe i was *just* reading that? | 08:21 |
azareth | Hi all, yesterday I created a ubuntu live USB that I want ot use like personal pc(just plug it and use it everywhere) but unfortunatelly it looks like it has limited size? My usb is 8GB and is almost empty but after I updated a few packages it show "out os space" warning | 08:21 |
azareth | how can I make it to use the all USB so I can isntall everythign I need | 08:21 |
harisund | brjann: I will if you could tell me if you found anything interesting :P | 08:21 |
brjann | harisund: wait, are you talking about a network connection for e.g. using a mobile phone as a 3G modem? | 08:22 |
harisund | brjann: Yes! I want to use my Nokia e71 as a modem through bluetooth and be able to surf on my Ubuntu laptop | 08:22 |
brjann | harisund: ok! | 08:22 |
brjann | harisund: sadly it's still a lot of manual stuff. no nice GUIs, apparently | 08:22 |
harisund | brjann: oh that is not an issue for me .. if I can get it to work I am happy .. | 08:23 |
brjann | harisund: heh, not an issue for me either, but tonight I just don't feel like dealing with it :) hopefully it works for you, though | 08:24 |
harisund | brjann: thanks a lot man I will check it out | 08:25 |
WinterSky | Does anyone know of an app that I can use to detect and remove duplicate files? Currently I use fdupes to make a list and remove them by hand. | 08:25 |
monokrome | Hey. Does anyone know how to change Ubuntu's install of Apache2 to run Apache as root instead of www-data? | 08:25 |
Flannel | monokrome: Why do you want to do that? | 08:25 |
solow | I want my wireless back :( | 08:26 |
monokrome | Flannel: Apache's WSGI library can't run it's processes as a separate user than www-data because only root can do that | 08:26 |
brjann | WinterSky: how does fdupes work? depending on the format of the list, you can probably use the program xargs to remove the files in the list in one swipe | 08:26 |
serbz | Hey, stupid question... without having ubuntu installed how can I check what's the latest version of a certain package? EG PHP? | 08:26 |
jussi01 | serbz: included in ubuntu? | 08:27 |
digitalfiz | monokrome, i believe you can set the user it runs as in the conf | 08:27 |
brjann | serbz: | 08:27 |
monokrome | digitalfiz: thank you :) | 08:27 |
Flannel | monokrome: Really? It forces you to run apache as root? That's a horrible set up. | 08:27 |
serbz | brjann: I search for PHP there | 08:27 |
monokrome | Flannel: Only root can spawn processes as other users afaik | 08:27 |
serbz | and it gives me a binch of stuff? | 08:27 |
serbz | but I cant see which exact version of PHP it has, or I cant interpretit | 08:28 |
serbz | ? | 08:28 |
digitalfiz | hmm i wonder if thats why suphp wasnt working for me. cuz apache wasnt ran as root | 08:28 |
WinterSky | brjann fdupes creates a list with 1 file name on each line. So it takes 2 lines and lists both the file names with the same hash. | 08:28 |
solow | k | 08:28 |
solow | dont help me :( | 08:28 |
gui1 | hi, I was wondering how to configure network connection with DHCP manual address | 08:28 |
hachouri | hello, is it possible to setup cups print server which brodcast some specific printer to each subnet, for example pritnter1 and printer2 for subnet, printer3 and printer4 for | 08:28 |
monokrome | digitalfiz: Sounds like a good reason. | 08:29 |
monokrome | Do you know what config it would be in? :/ | 08:29 |
brjann | WinterSky: would you mind pastebinning a few lines? i might be able to whip up a command for you | 08:29 |
Flannel | monokrome: You want to edit /etc/apache2/envvars | 08:29 |
serbz | jussi01: Nah I meant any packages | 08:29 |
monokrome | oh ok thank you | 08:29 |
digitalfiz | httpd.conf | 08:29 |
Flannel | monokrome: but, running apache as root is a pretty significant security risk. | 08:29 |
Flannel | digitalfiz: Nah, it's moved to /etc/apache2/envvars | 08:30 |
digitalfiz | ah ok | 08:30 |
azareth | how can I extend the size of ubuntu live drive? | 08:30 |
monokrome | Flannel: Yea, but is there a way to set permissions so that www-data can spawn processes as other users? | 08:30 |
malifal | azareth: temporary solution, clear the deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives, long solution, create a new partition or use clonezilla or gparted to increase it | 08:30 |
digitalfiz | might be able to put www-data in the wheel group? | 08:31 |
Sacho | serbz: karmic (php): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage) | 08:31 |
Sacho | 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6.4 [security]: all | 08:31 |
Flannel | monokrome: I believe there is, yes. But I'd have to look into what you were doing/etc | 08:31 |
gui1 | how to configure DHCP with manual address | 08:31 |
azareth | 10x malifal | 08:31 |
Flannel | monokrome: I'm not familiar with WSGI at all | 08:31 |
zombie_ | any c++ programmers in here? | 08:31 |
monokrome | Flannel: I run a webserver with applications using Postgres, and Postgres is using ident authentication | 08:32 |
monokrome | zombie_: Yea, but there's more in the C++ channel | 08:32 |
zombie_ | monokrome: they seem to be not answering | 08:32 |
monokrome | zombie_: You can PM me, but I can't guarantee a decent response :) | 08:33 |
WinterSky | brjann Here it is: | 08:33 |
serbz | Guys, without installing Ubuntu can you please tell me how I can check the latest version of a certain package, for example PHP. I search here:§ion=all but it has a bunch of stuff with different version numbers... where is the actual PHP? | 08:33 |
monokrome | Flannel, digitalfiz: I'll try to use wheel and see how that works. Thank you for both of your input on this. | 08:33 |
WinterSky | zombie_ you needed a C++ programmer? | 08:33 |
Sacho | serbz: apt-cache search ^php5$ --names-only --full | 08:34 |
Sacho | none of those packages are php itself | 08:34 |
Nielsen | 5.2.6.dfsg.1-3ubuntu4.5 | 08:35 |
Nielsen | any idea when php 5.3 will be available? | 08:35 |
brjann | WinterSky: wow, pastebin is *crawling*. i'll get back to you when it finally loads | 08:35 |
Nielsen | i could use array_replace() ;) | 08:35 |
WinterSky | brjann No problem. | 08:35 |
abhi_nav_ | i want to do graphics programming with c or c++. any suggestion. i am using turbo c in win. but now dont know what to and how to use with linux. | 08:36 |
abhi_nav_ | i google for sdl guide but no success | 08:36 |
serbz | Sacho: I dont have ubuntu installed | 08:36 |
zombie_ | WinterSky: suppose you have a constructor that looks like this: VM(const vector<Instruction>& instrList) : _instrList(instrList){} | 08:36 |
serbz | how do I check via the site? | 08:36 |
Sacho | search for php5 | 08:36 |
kmahl | i am trying too read up on some bash, but i am stuck on something in the tekst? I dont understand what exactly he is reffering too in the tekst? check out and tell me what he means with 3.1.2 creating what files? | 08:37 |
serbz | ok found it I think | 08:37 |
serbz | 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6.4 | 08:37 |
serbz | thanks | 08:37 |
zombie_ | WinterSky: and _instrList is declared in the private code.... what does ": _instrList(instrList)" do? | 08:37 |
unop | kmahl, that's a question for #bash really. | 08:37 |
brjann | WinterSky: okay, so like you said, each pair of lines is the same file? what does it do if you have three copies of the same file? | 08:37 |
Praveen | how come brasero does not do multisessions? | 08:37 |
kmahl | kk | 08:38 |
hachouri | hello, is it possible to setup cups print server which brodcast some specific printer to each subnet, for example pritnter1 and printer2 for subnet, printer3 and printer4 for | 08:38 |
vsmatck | I'm a debian user wanting to install this theme. Does anyone know where I can download it? GtkThemes | 08:39 |
abhi_nav_ | how to do graphics programming on ubuntu with c or c++? | 08:40 |
AzikaCorp | abhi_nav_: use Qt frameworks | 08:40 |
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abhi_nav_ | AzikaCorp: i want something student level | 08:40 |
Nielsen | hachouri, i tried once, a few years ago. Back then, i could only get it to broadcast all printers to both subnets. | 08:40 |
AzikaCorp | abhi_nav_: you mean for beginners ? | 08:41 |
abhi_nav_ | AzikaCorp: graphics programming menas draw circle, using xyz algo, draw arc etc etc 2d /3d transformation etc | 08:41 |
AzikaCorp | abhi_nav_: alright | 08:41 |
abhi_nav_ | AzikaCorp hmm | 08:41 |
hachouri | Nielsen, do you think that this possible now with new version? | 08:41 |
serbz | Why do I have to search for Python2.6 to find that package rather than Python2 But Python3 works for Python3.1 ? | 08:42 |
monokrome | Flannel: addgroup: The group `wheel' does not exist. | 08:42 |
Nielsen | hachouri, i never tried. | 08:42 |
theadmin | Say, it seems to me that the wallpaper is a separate app, it sometimes takes a while to load. What is it called? | 08:42 |
monokrome | I think that's a Gentoo thing? | 08:42 |
WinterSky | zombie_ I'll ask my programmer friend | 08:42 |
WinterSky | brjann I'm not sure but I'll try | 08:42 |
ZykoticK9 | monokrome, wheel is like admin in ubuntu terms (able to change to root) | 08:43 |
monokrome | WinterSky: We already figured it out. It's a copy constructor. | 08:43 |
monokrome | ZykoticK9: Flannel told me to add www-data to the wheel group | 08:43 |
brjann | WinterSky: okay. it's fairly simple to write something that will just delete every other file listed, but I want to make sure that won't have any strange side effects :) | 08:43 |
ZykoticK9 | monokrome, well Flannel is certainly more knowledgeable then I am, but i have no wheel group on my system | 08:44 |
LinuxGuy2009 | Are there any apps in the repos that can use a webcam to control the mouse? | 08:44 |
theadmin | Same as ZykoticK9 | 08:44 |
monokrome | hmm | 08:45 |
ZykoticK9 | monokrome, i do remember wheel from my gentoo days though | 08:45 |
brjann | monokrome, ZykoticK9: i think the admin group on ubuntu is equivalent | 08:45 |
WinterSky | monokrome: ok | 08:45 |
serbz | is there any problem with manually installing packages rather than what's in the repos? | 08:45 |
ZykoticK9 | brjann, i'd imagine so | 08:45 |
theadmin | serbz: Usually not. | 08:46 |
WinterSky | brjann I tried making blank text files then 2 files with that had the number 1 inside so they'd have a different MD5. I found that it creates a blank line in between groups of files. | 08:46 |
LinuxGuy2009 | serbz: I install stuff like Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash. As long as its from a trusted source. | 08:46 |
brjann | WinterSky: ooh, that makes it tougher :) just a moment | 08:47 |
awaad | What is the name of a program for ubuntu which is such as front page in windows ? | 08:48 |
Jordan_U | ZykoticK9: monokrome: brjann: Traditionally only users in the "wheel" group could use su, admin is the same concept for sudo. | 08:48 |
monokrome | Jordan_U: Do you know if the admin group would allow apache running as "www-data" to run processes as other users? | 08:48 |
ZykoticK9 | !html > awaad | 08:48 |
ubottu | awaad, please see my private message | 08:48 |
theadmin | awaad: There is no such built-in one. You may want to try Kompozer | 08:49 |
disasterous_inst | I entered my password one too many times when trying to setup a folder for sharing. Now it wont let me do it. What can I do? | 08:49 |
Colloguy | In my sudoers, I want to alias a command, but not its arguments. Can I do this? | 08:49 |
anyone | I LOVE UBUNTU ^_^ | 08:50 |
brjann | WinterSky: hm. i can't think of a way to do this in just a few lines, which would mean i'd hesitate to let someone else run it on data they care about :( sorry | 08:50 |
LinuxGuy2009 | awaad: | 08:50 |
theadmin | anyone: Thanks! That's always awesome to hear, however it's a bit offtopic | 08:50 |
Jordan_U | monokrome: Flannel was probably correct about "wheel" being the correct group as I expect apache uses su to run processes as another user. | 08:50 |
WinterSky | brjann No problem. :) | 08:50 |
fvr | lifa | 08:50 |
awaad | ZykoticK9, theadmin : Which one of these is the best KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem | 08:50 |
monokrome | Jordan_U: So, admin will work in Ubuntu? My only other options is running it as root :/ | 08:50 |
ZykoticK9 | awaad, i wouldn't know - don't do web development | 08:51 |
theadmin | awaad: I tried Kompozer, it is nice, never tried Amaya nor Iceape | 08:51 |
LinuxGuy2009 | theadmin: Thank you for reminding him that we are not allowed to like Ubuntu. Good job. | 08:51 |
fvr | hayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | 08:51 |
brjann | WinterSky: but if you can find someone who knows awk, they could probably do it. i'm just bad at awk :) | 08:51 |
theadmin | LinuxGuy2009: Uh... lol? | 08:51 |
naruto | hy..... | 08:51 |
Jordan_U | monokrome: Let me do a little searching. | 08:51 |
abhi_nav_ | how to do graphics programming on ubuntu with c or c++? | 08:51 |
fvr | hyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | 08:51 |
fvr | hyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | 08:51 |
theadmin | fvr: Stop flooding | 08:51 |
Jordan_U | fvr: Please stop. | 08:51 |
malifal | abhi_nav_: what kind of graphics? | 08:52 |
theadmin | Say, it seems to me that the wallpaper is a separate app, it sometimes takes a while to load. What is it called? | 08:52 |
abhi_nav_ | malifal: college purpose. study purpose. draw cirlce/arc etc using dda algorighm etc. line/polygon clipping etc 2d,3d transformation etc i used turbo c in win | 08:53 |
malifal | abhi_nav_: and it has to be on linux? | 08:56 |
Jordan_U | hmm, info su has a very interesting paragraph about the wheel group. I'm not sure I agree with RMS on this one. | 08:56 |
malifal | abhi_nav_: look for the books linux 3d graphics programming, it explains X and opengl rendering | 08:56 |
abhi_nav_ | malifal: no. i told you that when in pas i used windows i used turbo c. but now i use only ubuntu. so question is how to graphics program in c c++ in linux | 08:56 |
abhi_nav_ | malifal: i have to buy them? | 08:57 |
Jordan_U | abhi_nav_: Look into gtk or qt for 2D and OpenGL for 3D | 08:57 |
malifal | abhi_nav_: you can find them on the web ;) | 08:57 |
abhi_nav_ | Jordan_U: hmm i wll | 08:57 |
gui1 | someone knows how to set up wireless connection? | 08:57 |
disasterous_inst | could anybody tell me what exFAT is? | 08:57 |
Jordan_U | abhi_nav_: No, there is Free documetation for all of this. | 08:57 |
abhi_nav_ | malifal: thas the prob. i searched google but no success | 08:57 |
abhi_nav_ | Jordan_U ok i wll try again | 08:57 |
sunng | hello? | 08:58 |
aku_cwe | alo | 08:59 |
malifal | abhi_nav_: you can also look into SDL or something simpler allegro | 08:59 |
theadmin | gui1: You should be able to trough NetworkManager... | 08:59 |
abhi_nav_ | malifal: hmm thnx i wlll try to search again. thnx | 08:59 |
sunng | does ubuntu really want to remove the bottom panel of gnome by default ? | 09:00 |
gui1 | theadmin, normally yes but my router has some problems with dhcp and i need to configure my wireless connection to use dhcp with manual address. | 09:00 |
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz | ||
theadmin | sunng: No, rather, panels will be redesigned a bit in 10.10, since it will use GNOME 3 | 09:01 |
Jordan_U | sunng: IIRC the user that took that screenshot just had the bottom pannel hidden as his personal setting. | 09:01 |
ZykoticK9 | sunng, Jordan_U is correct - the bottom panel is still there by default | 09:02 |
k4rt33k | how do I convert text from font based encoding to unicode? | 09:03 |
tomato | go die\ | 09:03 |
Jordan_U | monokrome: Why do you need to run apache processes as another user? It seems there are some security consideration that need to be dealt with carefully. | 09:04 |
tomato | shout down the computer | 09:04 |
theadmin | IIRC, default Apache configuration is designed to run as user "daemon" with group "daemon" | 09:04 |
theadmin | !ot | tomato | 09:04 |
ubottu | tomato: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 09:04 |
tomato | you can get answer | 09:05 |
ZykoticK9 | tomato, do you have an Ubuntu support question? | 09:05 |
tomato | sorry sorry | 09:05 |
tomato | my fault | 09:06 |
sunng | k4rt33k, does iconv help ? | 09:06 |
sunng | thanks for your answer about the panel | 09:06 |
DoDoNL | I have to write a bashscript and need to check if a database user exists. If not, create it, else just continue | 09:07 |
indus | hi folks | 09:07 |
DoDoNL | Anyone who can help me with this? | 09:07 |
indus | DoDoNL, with what | 09:07 |
indus | DoDoNL, oops sorry read it | 09:08 |
tomato | Fuck shut up!!!! | 09:08 |
indus | DoDoNL, best place i always feel is #bash | 09:08 |
Jordan_U | DoDoNL: Is this a homework assignment? | 09:08 |
elky | tomato, stop that. | 09:08 |
ZykoticK9 | !language | tomato | 09:08 |
ubottu | tomato: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 09:08 |
theadmin | !ops | tomato is a flooder | 09:08 |
ubottu | tomato is a flooder: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 09:08 |
olskolirc2 | what is the command so that I can pick my video drivers please? | 09:08 |
tomato | \] | 09:09 |
tomato | ']\']\\ | 09:09 |
DoDoNL | Jordan_U: No | 09:09 |
DoDoNL | Jordan_U: Script for the server at the office | 09:10 |
yo_rmn | Hello, I just installed 8.04 in compaq f700, How can i connect by phone? | 09:12 |
=== Nickmman` is now known as Nickmman | ||
yo_rmn | Hello, I just installed 8.04 in compaq f700, How can i connect by phone? | 09:15 |
sd32 | !repete | 09:18 |
sd32 | !repeate | 09:18 |
sd32 | oops | 09:18 |
theadmin | !repeat | sd32 (This is the one you want?) | 09:18 |
ubottu | sd32 (This is the one you want?): Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 09:18 |
sd32 | :) thanks | 09:19 |
sd32 | ahh thats how you spell it..:) | 09:19 |
* sd32 thinks about getting a dictionary | 09:20 | |
theadmin | sd32: lol there's a ton of online ones | 09:20 |
brjann | sd32: there's even one on your command line! man dict ;) | 09:20 |
sd32 | whoah, you the man..:) | 09:21 |
theadmin | brjann: Don't have it installed here :/ | 09:21 |
brjann | theadmin: oh, my bad. i thought it was standard, looks like i have it because of emacs-goodies-el | 09:22 |
susana | hola | 09:22 |
susana | ay alguien | 09:23 |
brjann | !es | susana | 09:23 |
ubottu | susana: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 09:23 |
harisund | brjann: Are you around? | 09:23 |
StevenTyler | What's the command to repeat the same /search in Vi? | 09:23 |
brjann | harisund: yep | 09:23 |
harisund | brjann: I got Karmic to connect to the internet using my cell phone as a bluetooth modem :) :) | 09:23 |
brjann | harisund: awesome :) by following that page i linked you to? | 09:24 |
harisund | brjann: Actually no .. but I think I will be so bold to make some changes to the page you linked me to, in the spirit of "wiki" and all that .. it was good for starters nevertheless ! | 09:24 |
artur__ | heloł | 09:24 |
artur__ | joł;D | 09:24 |
testpage | what do you guys recommend for managing nameservers? | 09:25 |
harisund | brjann: With that done, the only thing I need Ubuntu to be able to do is A2DP.. if it can do that I can ditch Windows FOREER | 09:25 |
brjann | harisund: well good luck! | 09:25 |
harisund | thanks again man really appreciated | 09:26 |
nagchampa | is it possible to resume from hibernation if your swap partition is encrypted using dmcrypt? | 09:26 |
brjann | harisund: sure thing :) | 09:26 |
theadmin | Ah, so THAT'S why I can't hibernate, i have no swap | 09:26 |
nagchampa | theadmin: yes | 09:26 |
monokrome | Jordan_U: Sorry for the delayed response. I am running WSGI applications with Apache, and each WSGI application should be ran as that specific website's user | 09:26 |
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Thyzor | hye | 09:28 |
=== p is now known as Guest85817 | ||
Thyzor | hi | 09:28 |
testpage | anyone recommend a nameserver manager? | 09:29 |
corey | can anyone help me with this? | 09:30 |
Jordan_U | monokrome: There may be other considerations beyond those in that documentation but you should probably have read that before going further. | 09:30 |
fohos | which is the user comfiguration file for bash shell? | 09:30 |
brjann | monokrome: a brief read-through of the mod_wsgi docs indicates that it has two modes of operation: the default 'embedded' mode, and the 'daemon' mode, which sounds like it might do what you want | 09:31 |
=== corey is now known as HangukMiguk | ||
brjann | monokrome: quoting: Daemon processes may if required also be run as a distinct user ensuring that WSGI applications cannot interfere with each other or access information they shouldn't be able to. | 09:31 |
malifal | testpage: i don't know what you're getting at, but look for webmin for a good all 'round administration application | 09:31 |
Jordan_U | monokrome: And defer to someone with actual experience with this over my advice :) | 09:31 |
monokrome | brjann: I already run it in daemon mode | 09:32 |
Myrtti | !webmin | malifal, testpage | 09:32 |
ubottu | malifal, testpage: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 09:32 |
monokrome | Jordan_U: suexec doesn't help, and I already know how to keep this perfectly secure | 09:32 |
monokrome | brjann: I think I know what I need to do, so don't worry about it. Thanks though. | 09:33 |
malifal | Myrtti: sorry but ebox is crap | 09:33 |
theadmin | What on earth are those? | 09:33 |
malifal | Myrtti: i use webmin without a hitch | 09:34 |
Jordan_U | monokrome: Sorry, ignore me then. | 09:34 |
Myrtti | malifal: Ubuntu and Debian people seem to think webmin is even more so. *shrug* | 09:34 |
brjann | monokrome: no problem, sorry I couldn't help more | 09:34 |
Aciid | webmin is bloater than my mom | 09:34 |
monokrome | Jordan_U: Sorry, Jordan_U. I'm not meaning to ignore you. I was just asking about the www-data issue earlier, not how to keep the application secure. | 09:34 |
KaptenRodSkagg | i know its wrong forum... but does anyone know if UltraVNC has a irc channel? or does anyone know if there is a tool to make shortcuts to diffrent computers/ips in ultravnc? | 09:36 |
gonzoism | msg nickserv identify simplepassword | 09:37 |
gonzoism | oops | 09:37 |
mcsmurf | lol | 09:37 |
gonzoism | window new hide next | 09:37 |
gui1 | need help to connect to network using wiereless | 09:37 |
gonzoism | guil what is the essid name ? the network name ? | 09:37 |
gui1 | doener_macht_schoener | 09:38 |
gonzoism | does it not show up when you click the connection icon over by the time/clock ? | 09:38 |
gui1 | gonzoism, yes it shows up | 09:39 |
gonzoism | guil what happens when you click it ? | 09:39 |
gui1 | gonzoism, it says it couldn't connect | 09:39 |
kittenjaugar | who can please help where can I find the same feature as "expose in macos" In compiz-fusion?? | 09:39 |
gonzoism | guil is it password protected ? | 09:40 |
gui1 | gonzoism, rather disconnected from doener_macht_schoener | 09:40 |
indus | kittenjaugar, expose just press windows key and E | 09:40 |
toader | Hi, I draw figure with Dia. I have some text on my figure, but when I export it to eps file, some of text are lost. Could anybody know why? thanks | 09:40 |
moijk | Hi, anyone got a reccomendation for the best kde/gnome LaTeX-editor? Anyone that updates the pdf while typing like TeXShop with flashmode does on OS X? | 09:40 |
gui1 | gonzoism,yes, the point is i connect to it from my mac os x using dhcp with manual address | 09:40 |
kittenjaugar | no use.. iam ubuntu 8-10,and super+e perform a hide all window... : ) | 09:40 |
=== aijiatu is now known as maxagaz | ||
gui1 | gonzoism, but ubuntu doesnot have that option | 09:41 |
gui1 | gonzoism, so what i try to do is to connect manually but i dont manage to | 09:41 |
mcsmurf | how can I pass a boot parameter to the kernel (when installing Ubuntu)? somehow I do not see how I can do that (I need this for the preseeding feature) | 09:41 |
mcsmurf | I insert the CD (image), boot and then I get to the language selection screen immediately | 09:42 |
brjann | moijk: have you tried LyX? it's sort of a cross between editing the LaTeX code itself and a WYSIWYG editor | 09:42 |
mcsmurf | so where do I need to press some magic key for the boot parameters? | 09:42 |
kittenjaugar | expose is a feature resums all hided windows Frontground... | 09:43 |
kittenjaugar | who can please help where can I find the same feature as "expose in macos" In compiz-fusion?? | 09:43 |
ucenik13 | kaj si | 09:44 |
ubuntu | 人真多 | 09:45 |
ubuntu | 有用中文的吗 | 09:45 |
moijk | brjann: no, I'll give that a shot. i'm quite used to latex, but when I use it when writing notes in a lexture I like the constant update so I can see if I put in a wrong char at some point. | 09:45 |
ucenik14 | дјеси | 09:45 |
blue112 | Hello here. | 09:45 |
ucenik15 | evo | 09:45 |
ucenik13 | hello\ | 09:45 |
ucenik13 | :D | 09:45 |
ucenik14 | :D | 09:45 |
gui1 | anyone is knows how to set up network connections | 09:45 |
ucenik13 | kako e ekipo | 09:45 |
ucenik15 | ok | 09:46 |
ucenik15 | e | 09:46 |
blue112 | My ethernet interface seems down, on lshw it tells "DISABLED"... What could I do to enable it again ? | 09:46 |
ucenik15 | mi smomok | 09:46 |
ardchoille | Myrtti: looks like multiple nicks from the same ip | 09:46 |
ucenik13 | oti ne me druzite | 09:46 |
ucenik13 | ? | 09:46 |
moijk | brjann: so I have to be able to type latex direct. not mouse my way though the document. because then it would be as fast to write in say openoffice (synax on basic eqs is somewhat close to latex) | 09:46 |
mcsmurf | ah found out the boot parameter, I have to select the language and then I can edit the boot parameters with F6 | 09:47 |
psycho_oreos | !cn | ubuntu | 09:47 |
ubottu | ubuntu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 09:47 |
op | g | 09:47 |
brjann | moijk: gotcha. sorry, the only other LaTeX editor I've ever used is emacs + AUCTeX, and I've never gotten the live rendering to work properly :) | 09:48 |
mcsmurf | the boot parameters end with "--", do I have to add my preseed parameters before or after that? | 09:49 |
blue112 | So is there a way to enable my ethernet interface again ? | 09:49 |
moijk | brjann: thats the other suggestion I've got. I'll give both a try. | 09:49 |
moijk | brjann: so thanks for you input, greatly appriciated | 09:50 |
brjann | moijk: sure thing | 09:50 |
gonzoism | ok i am back | 09:51 |
gui1 | gonzoism, can you help me with my | 09:51 |
bcj | How do I report a bug against the vpnc package? | 09:51 |
bcj | There doesn't seem to be a vpnc project on launchpad. | 09:52 |
gui1 | gonzoism, with my network connection? | 09:52 |
bcj | The bug is that the package seems broken - one of the required files isn't copied from the package on install. | 09:52 |
gonzoism | gonzoism> guil, what is your wireless device ? /dev/wlan0 or /dev/eth1 ? or what ? and are you connected on that computer with ethernet right now or what ? | 09:52 |
gonzoism | <gonzoism> guil you can use iwlist to see information about it. you can also run these commands to just make networking work: sudo stop network-manager&&iwconfig wlan0 essid doener_macht_schoener && sudo dhclient wlan0 or whatever your wireless is named. the command iwconfig will show which one: iwconfig | 09:52 |
gonzoism | * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). | 09:52 |
FloodBot2 | gonzoism: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:52 |
gonzoism | who is peer and why does he keep resetting my connections ? | 09:52 |
brjann | bcj: you could ask in #ubuntu-motu | 09:53 |
bcj | brjann: Thanks | 09:53 |
gui1 | gonzoism, thanks for ur help, how can i know my wireless device? | 09:53 |
brjann | bcj: you're welcome :) | 09:54 |
HangukMiguk | can anyone help me with this? | 09:54 |
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skraps | gonzoism: peer is leet ;) | 09:54 |
gonzoism | :P | 09:55 |
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gonzoism | gui1, run the command: iwconfig | 09:55 |
gonzoism | gui1, you can open a terminal, right ? | 09:55 |
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mounibec | hey guys | 09:57 |
mounibec | I have an ubuntu server in rescue mode | 09:57 |
mounibec | how can I go back to the original system ? | 09:57 |
gui1 | gonzoism, ok, it is wlan1 | 09:57 |
gonzoism | then you will probably want to run this command: | 09:59 |
gonzoism | guil, what is the essid ? | 09:59 |
WinterSky | brjann: I didn't find a visual program but I've been testing a script from here: (For duplicate files) and so far it works. | 10:00 |
testpage | anyone here deal with webmin and nameservers? | 10:01 |
gonzoism | guil has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | 10:01 |
brjann | WinterSky: glad to hear it! | 10:02 |
WinterSky | brjann: thanks for all of your help :) I really should learn python next... | 10:02 |
poleaxe_ | hello | 10:02 |
brjann | WinterSky: I've been meaning to do that, too. just never have the time... | 10:03 |
blue112 | So is there a way to enable my ethernet interface again ? | 10:03 |
devurandom | Hi! | 10:03 |
gui1 | gonzoism, sorry i got disconnected after running the comand | 10:03 |
gui1 | gonzoism, whne i run the command : "sudo stop network-manager && iwconfig wlan1 essid doener_macht_schoener && sudo dhclient wlan1" i get an error ,: Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) : SET failed on device wlan1 ; Operation not permitted. | 10:03 |
gonzoism | * HollyRain (~quassel@ has left #ubuntu | 10:04 |
gonzoism | * eluxzen has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 10:04 |
gonzoism | <gonzoism> guil has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | 10:04 |
gonzoism | guil has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | 10:04 |
devurandom | I've subscribed to a PPA and now aptitude full-upgrade tells me that updates are available. However, I cannot display the changelog of them using apt-listchanges, since they are not "official ubuntu packages". Does someone know how to get the changelog instead? | 10:04 |
gonzoism | oh, you have to sudo that. | 10:04 |
gonzoism | add sudo | 10:04 |
testpage | i want to make sure i set this up correcty | 10:04 |
gonzoism | sudo add sudo | 10:04 |
testpage | first time doing it | 10:04 |
hacker_kid | the power management tool allows me to put the computer to sleep after a set time, is there anyway i could put the computer in hibernation? | 10:05 |
gui1 | gonzoism, yes there is a sudo at the beggining | 10:05 |
gonzoism | not before iwconfig | 10:05 |
gonzoism | add one there | 10:05 |
gonzoism | guil ^ | 10:05 |
gui1 | ok | 10:05 |
gonzoism | :P | 10:05 |
gonzoism | guil has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | 10:06 |
testpage | so anyone at all? | 10:06 |
gonzoism | testpage, i can do dns | 10:06 |
testpage | gonzo, just dont want to mess it up m8 | 10:06 |
rioch | how do I change the locale of ubuntu? I'd like everything to be set as if I were in Spain (currency, language, etc) | 10:06 |
testpage | i added master zone | 10:06 |
gonzoism | oh | 10:06 |
testpage | and setup ip for master zone for ns1 | 10:07 |
testpage | but not sure why its not giving me a separate place for ip for ns2 record | 10:07 |
skuzzel | can some one help me set up my laptop so ubuntu recognizes my s-video cord hookup? | 10:07 |
testpage | care to walk me through it real quick? | 10:07 |
gui1 | what is the link for ubuntu paste¿? | 10:07 |
testpage | like i said i just want to make sure its 100% correct | 10:08 |
DJones | !paste | gui1 | 10:08 |
ubottu | gui1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 10:08 |
gui1 | !paste | 10:08 |
gui1 | ? | 10:08 |
testpage | care if i msg u gonzoism? | 10:08 |
gui1 | lol ok | 10:08 |
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skuzzel | can some one help me set up my TV out settings? | 10:08 |
BasherXL | is there a good IRC client with XDCC support for ubuntu? | 10:09 |
gonzoism | rioch, try googling the ubuntu forums for that. I'm sure it is a common question. use this search term: change default language or something | 10:09 |
gonzoism | testpage, ya | 10:09 |
testpage | k thankx | 10:09 |
ActionParsnip | yo yo yo | 10:09 |
veggteppe | Anyone got a guide on how to get java working in ubuntu 9.04 ? :) | 10:10 |
gui1 | gonzoism, here is the output of that command : | 10:10 |
ActionParsnip | veggteppe: 64bit? | 10:10 |
ActionParsnip | veggteppe: and do you mean java plugin for web browser? | 10:10 |
veggteppe | 32 i think, might b 64, can i check that in sysinfo ? | 10:10 |
skuzzel | I need some help with my TV out settings | 10:11 |
veggteppe | I guess it's a plugin for firefox i'm in need off, aint able to access my internet bank without it ^ | 10:11 |
ActionParsnip | veggteppe: is your ubuntu 32bit or 64bit? | 10:11 |
gonzoism | guil, it's not getting anything from the router | 10:11 |
ActionParsnip | veggteppe: uname -a what is the output? | 10:11 |
veggteppe | ActionParsnip: Sec | 10:11 |
veggteppe | ActionParsnip: 2.6.28-18-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 01:23:03 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux | 10:12 |
ardchoille | veggteppe: may I pm you? | 10:12 |
ActionParsnip | veggteppe: ok its 32bit | 10:12 |
veggteppe | Ardchoille go ahead | 10:12 |
ActionParsnip | veggteppe: the java factoid will do you well | 10:12 |
ActionParsnip | !java | veggteppe | 10:12 |
ubottu | veggteppe: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository | 10:12 |
veggteppe | Thank you actionparsnip :) | 10:12 |
ActionParsnip | veggteppe: if you run: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras you will get java | 10:12 |
gonzoism | guil, you could set you ip with: sudo ifconfig wlan1 && sudo route add default gw && ping -c 1 (optionally: echo > /etc/resolv.conf) <-- for nameservers | 10:13 |
gonzoism | i'm glad they didn't kick me for pasting/scrolling. | 10:13 |
skuzzel | I need to know how to get whats showing up on my laptop to show up on my TV <; | 10:13 |
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veggteppe | Skuzzel: Using HDMI cable or? | 10:14 |
=== Blender is now known as Spenzer | ||
skuzzel | vegg nah an S-video cord | 10:15 |
veggteppe | ActionParsnip: It does not look like it solved the issue. the screen is stuck at "loading, please wait" "If your browser does not support java please blablabla" | 10:15 |
veggteppe | Skuzzel: What GFX? | 10:16 |
skuzzel | intel integrated, not sure exactly which gimmie a second | 10:16 |
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ | ||
veggteppe | Skuzzel: It should be an option in the GFX settings, located under "system" tab. (Atleast it is for me) | 10:17 |
monokrome | Is there a way to hide a user from the gdm login menu? | 10:17 |
kaki | monokrome | 10:18 |
kaki | yes there is | 10:18 |
ardchoille | monokrome: in Karmic, I don't think so.. I've been trying to do that for a while | 10:18 |
kaki | but i am on backtrack | 10:18 |
=== harisund_ is now known as harisund | ||
skuzzel | vegg - gfx? | 10:19 |
brjann | monokrome: i know you can revert it back to requiring username/password instead of the chooser, but i don't know about hiding from the chooser | 10:19 |
ardchoille | brjann: how do you revert it back to requiring a username and password in Karmic? | 10:20 |
brjann | ardchoille: sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list true | 10:20 |
ActionParsnip | kaki: backtrack isnt supported here | 10:20 |
ardchoille | brjann: done that weeks ago, never worked for me | 10:20 |
kaki | ok | 10:20 |
kaki | but it builds from ubuntu 8.04 !!! | 10:21 |
brjann | ardchoille: did you remember the -u gdm part? i missed that the first time through and couldn't figure out why | 10:21 |
ardchoille | brjann: Oh, no, didn't get that. I'll try that now | 10:21 |
ActionParsnip | kaki: its not an official release from canonical so its not officially supported in the official channel | 10:21 |
ActionParsnip | !bt4 | kaki | 10:21 |
kaki | ah ok | 10:21 |
ActionParsnip | !backtrack | 10:21 |
ubottu | There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 10:21 |
kaki | i am sorry | 10:21 |
ActionParsnip | kaki: the other ubuntu based distros are equally not supported here | 10:22 |
monokrome | hmm | 10:22 |
kaki | thanks and sorry again | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip | kaki: np man :) | 10:22 |
kaki | ok :) | 10:23 |
kaki | monokrome ??? | 10:23 |
kaki | where are you ??, | 10:23 |
kaki | i find a way | 10:23 |
brjann | monokrome: users with UIDs < 1000 are not shown in the user list | 10:23 |
kaki | try this in terminal sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list true | 10:24 |
craig | anybody got scalix to work on ubuntu | 10:24 |
ActionParsnip | !info scalix | 10:24 |
ardchoille | brjann: that command works great, thanks. I've been trying to accomplish that for a while. | 10:25 |
vonderer | hi, I'm having a problem with MPD and ALSA | 10:25 |
craig | !info scalix | 10:25 |
brjann | ardchoille: glad I could help :) | 10:25 |
kaki | monokrome | 10:25 |
ubottu | Package scalix does not exist in karmic | 10:25 |
ubottu | Package scalix does not exist in karmic | 10:25 |
brjann | ardchoille: (and glad I still had it bookmarked) | 10:25 |
vonderer | when I'm using MPD to play music, nothing else can access ALSA | 10:25 |
ardchoille | brjann: hehe | 10:25 |
monokrome | Yes, kaki? | 10:25 |
monokrome | Sorry, I am trying to make my Apache config work :( | 10:26 |
kaki | try this in terminal | 10:26 |
monokrome | ok | 10:26 |
kaki | sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list true | 10:26 |
ActionParsnip | craig: tried thunderbird + sunbird? | 10:26 |
monokrome | kaki: I don't want to completely disable the userlist... Just remove a single user from it | 10:26 |
monokrome | Is there a way to change a User's ID? | 10:27 |
kaki | ahhh ok | 10:27 |
craig | thanks actionparsnip I meant scalix server community edition | 10:27 |
meowbuntu | !ask | 10:29 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 10:29 |
brjann | monokrome: i believe you can do it through System > Administration > Users and Groups. failing that, usermod -u <new uid> <username>. in either case, you'll have to fix ownership of any files outside their home directory | 10:29 |
vonderer | when I'm using MPD to play music, nothing else can access ALSA, is there any way besides using PulseAudio to fix it? | 10:29 |
brjann | monokrome: but it should automatically update ownership of files contained in their home directory. | 10:29 |
ActionParsnip | craig: you could post on the page where the installer comes from to see if folks reply: not something i've ever used personally but maybe others have | 10:30 |
TurekPolski | Hi.. Can I ask You a question about 8.04? | 10:31 |
tomic | hi | 10:31 |
brjann | monokrome: also, that user can't be logged in or running any processes when you go to change its uid. | 10:31 |
TurekPolski | I have this very strange problem while installing Ubuntu | 10:31 |
TurekPolski | It doesn't see my HDD | 10:31 |
tomic | in vmware | 10:32 |
TurekPolski | And what is funny... I had Ubuntu 9.10 installed. Then I got rid of it (I have Intel 915 Graphics so it sucks) | 10:32 |
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TurekPolski | Then I had 8.10 installed | 10:32 |
TurekPolski | And after I got rid of it too once (I don't renember why I did that) | 10:32 |
TurekPolski | I couldn't install it any time again | 10:33 |
TurekPolski | It did the whole instalation process, yet the GRUB didn't load | 10:33 |
TheMozart | anyone using teamspeak? | 10:33 |
TurekPolski | (I use XP too) | 10:33 |
veggteppe | Please try to state your problem in a single-line formation. | 10:33 |
monokrome | thanks brjann | 10:33 |
TurekPolski | But now it got worse | 10:33 |
ardchoille | brjann: just fyi, that setting is in /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.defaults line 22 | 10:33 |
TurekPolski | The instalator doesnt see my HDD at al | 10:33 |
TurekPolski | at all* | 10:33 |
TheMozart | !teamspeak | 10:34 |
ubottu | Teamspeak is the proprietry VoIP software see: For a open source alternative consider using Mumble | 10:34 |
TurekPolski | I've tried my oficial polish forum, yet they ignored my thread | 10:34 |
tomic | couse win and linux have diferent hdd format | 10:34 |
TurekPolski | I know | 10:35 |
TurekPolski | but you don't understand | 10:35 |
TurekPolski | The installer should enable me to format/change partitions | 10:35 |
TurekPolski | but it doesn't see the HDD AT ALL | 10:35 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? Did you verify the CD once initially booted to? | 10:35 |
meowbuntu | TurekPolski, what installer | 10:35 |
TurekPolski | MD5 verified | 10:35 |
veggteppe | TurekPolski: U in live version now? | 10:36 |
TurekPolski | Nope. I'm now in XP :-( | 10:36 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: CD test ok on the first boot screen? | 10:36 |
TurekPolski | yep | 10:36 |
TurekPolski | the CD is fine | 10:36 |
TurekPolski | I've chcecked it a couple of times | 10:36 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: you can update the live system if you have enough ram (more than 1Gb is enough) and may help the installer | 10:36 |
TurekPolski | 512MB ram | 10:37 |
TurekPolski | The situation is that now i have only XP on this disk. I don't have any installations to uptade on aboard | 10:37 |
aknm | craig, whatsup homes | 10:37 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: try disabling pointless hardware in bios for the duration of the install (sound, lan, fancy cpu options) which may help | 10:37 |
craig | hell oo | 10:37 |
TurekPolski | I did | 10:37 |
aknm | who told craig to try thunderbird? | 10:37 |
ActionParsnip | !bootoptions | TurekPolski | 10:37 |
ubottu | TurekPolski: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see | 10:37 |
TurekPolski | RAID is off too. I've tried with all the opitions | 10:37 |
ActionParsnip | aknm: me | 10:37 |
TurekPolski | And when I am on the LiveCD it doesn't see the HDD either | 10:38 |
aknm | ActionParsnip, dude, he is trying to get scalix working on n00buntu | 10:38 |
aknm | not trying to check his mail | 10:38 |
TurekPolski | It does with the other one. But it is not to have system on it | 10:38 |
ActionParsnip | aknm: n00buntu? not heard of it | 10:38 |
* aknm facedesks | 10:38 | |
ss23 | Is it possible to use apt to get the php embed sapi? | 10:38 |
* ActionParsnip shrugs | 10:39 | |
TurekPolski | It is not the problem with the installer. The CD is ok. It just does not see my disk. Any other ideas/ | 10:39 |
TurekPolski | ? | 10:39 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: try some boot options using the factoid ubottu gave | 10:39 |
veggteppe | TurekPolski: Try a alternative cd. Maybe that finds the hdd. | 10:39 |
TurekPolski | @veggteppe: nope | 10:39 |
TurekPolski | Already tried 8.10 and 9.10 | 10:39 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: is the system a laptop? | 10:40 |
TurekPolski | nope. Stationary | 10:40 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: branded or home build? | 10:40 |
TurekPolski | Every single of those versions USED TO see this disk | 10:40 |
TurekPolski | home build | 10:40 |
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ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: i see, what motherboard? | 10:40 |
bullgard | Empathy 2.29.90 > Contact List > Help > Debug displays error messages. How can I write them in an error log? | 10:40 |
TurekPolski | Gigabyte GA-8l915G | 10:41 |
toader | Hi, I draw figure with Dia. I have some text on my figure, but when I export it to eps file, some of text are lost. Could anybody know why? thanks | 10:41 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: you could always install the previous release then upgrade to karmic | 10:41 |
TurekPolski | I don't want Karmic. It doesnt work with my graphic card | 10:41 |
TurekPolski | I want 8.04 or 8.10 | 10:41 |
TurekPolski | but they ALL fail to see my disk | 10:41 |
TurekPolski | I've thought that it may be some hardware problem, but Windows XP installation CD works fine | 10:42 |
joe917 | hello | 10:42 |
=== jbake_ is now known as jbake | ||
TurekPolski | i mean.. it DOES see the HDD | 10:42 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: 8.10 dies next month | 10:42 |
TurekPolski | ActionParsnip: I don't care. Really. It is not the version problem :-) | 10:42 |
joe917 | i know this is the wring chat but im looking for help with c sharp programming | 10:43 |
TurekPolski | 8.04, 8.10, 9.10.. They all do not see the disk | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: just so you are aware is all | 10:43 |
TurekPolski | ok ;-) | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: tried all the boot options? | 10:43 |
TurekPolski | Yup. | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: including all at the same time? | 10:43 |
joe917 | if someone kinow a good channel to get help | 10:43 |
TurekPolski | no | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: got the latest bios in your motherboard? | 10:43 |
TurekPolski | Yes | 10:43 |
TurekPolski | I really do not know where to look for the problem | 10:44 |
ActionParsnip | TurekPolski: try adding all the boot options at once, it will crawl but should work | 10:44 |
TurekPolski | Hmm... | 10:44 |
TurekPolski | Ok. I'll try that | 10:44 |
ActionParsnip | joe917: try #c# maybe | 10:44 |
joe917 | ok | 10:44 |
TurekPolski | I'll be back if this doesn't help | 10:44 |
TurekPolski | cu! | 10:44 |
joe917 | #c# | 10:44 |
ActionParsnip | joe917: /j #c# | 10:45 |
joe917 | thnks | 10:45 |
malifal | Myrtti: not to beat a dead horse, i've been looking at the ubuntu forums, most users favored webmin over ebox | 10:46 |
ActionParsnip | !webmin | malifal | 10:46 |
ubottu | malifal: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 10:46 |
wowoto | something wrong with my xiphos _ __ (xiphos:31884): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_set_cursor: assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed | 10:46 |
malifal | Myrtti: besides the reason for dropping webmin is based on the old version of webmin and ubuntu 6 | 10:46 |
henux | how to find out to which pkg some file belongs to? | 10:46 |
ActionParsnip | henux: use apt-file it'll take a while but you willfind it | 10:47 |
wowoto | henux: ? archlinux? | 10:47 |
ardchoille | henux: dpkg -S file ? | 10:47 |
henux | wowoto: ubuntu | 10:47 |
henux | ardchoille: thanks dude | 10:47 |
ActionParsnip | henux: sudo apt-get install apt-file; sudo apt-file update; sudo apt-file search filename | 10:47 |
malifal | Myrtti: while ebox apperently did the same thing with gusty | 10:48 |
wowoto | (xiphos:31884): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_set_cursor: assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed | 10:48 |
wowoto | how to solve it ? | 10:48 |
catphish | has the openvz kernel been dropped from 9.10? | 10:48 |
ardchoille | ActionParsnip: that is a lot of work when "dpkg -S file" works fine | 10:48 |
ardchoille | just my opinion | 10:49 |
ActionParsnip | ardchoille: strange how it does what apt-file does, but fast.... | 10:49 |
ardchoille | yeah | 10:49 |
ardchoille | ActionParsnip: I bet apt-file simply calls a "dpkg -S file" :) | 10:49 |
ActionParsnip | ardchoille: but the upgrade bit finds all files from all available repos, i guess its like updating the locate db | 10:50 |
Sarahzz | do my boobs look small? | 10:51 |
ardchoille | ActionParsnip: Ah, ok | 10:51 |
=== debes is now known as cdebes | ||
ActionParsnip | wowoto: seems to be an arch thing, you sure you arent using arch :/ | 10:51 |
ActionParsnip | ardchoille: will advise -S now though, works without extra packages :) | 10:52 |
ic3man | Helo | 10:52 |
ardchoille | ActionParsnip: yeah | 10:52 |
ic3man | In my university we would be intrested becoming a offical Ubuntu Repository can you please provede me some more info please? | 10:53 |
joe917 | hello | 10:53 |
mengu | hi. why do i get GstMPEGAudioParse: No valid frames found before end of stream for some of my songs? | 10:53 |
TxPitou | morning to all | 10:53 |
ActionParsnip | mengu: how are they encoded? | 10:53 |
joe917 | i know its not for this channal but im looking for help with c sharp | 10:54 |
ic3man | In my university we would be intrested becoming a offical Ubuntu Repository can you please provede me some more info please? | 10:54 |
mengu | ActionParsnip: i don't know. they were just working fine on windows and another linux distro. | 10:54 |
TxPitou | ic3man: Might I suggest telling your admin to send an official "school" email to Ubuntu directly ? | 10:54 |
ActionParsnip | mengu: did you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package | 10:54 |
ActionParsnip | mengu: and have you installed the w32codecs/w64codecs package from the medibuntu repo? | 10:55 |
mengu | in synaptics there is no package named ubuntu-restricted-extras | 10:55 |
entoni | ciao | 10:55 |
mengu | let me check w32codecs | 10:55 |
entoni | !list | 10:55 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 10:55 |
ActionParsnip | mengu: if you run: file songfilenamehere it will tell you what it is and you can find guides | 10:56 |
craig | anybody heard of scalix? | 10:57 |
TxPitou | mengu you need to set your repositories (settings option in synaptics) other software check those 2 boxes and refresh to see "ubuntu-restricted-extras" package | 10:57 |
TxPitou | !scalix | 10:58 |
ActionParsnip | craig: not until 10 mins ago :( | 10:58 |
TxPitou | craig: guess I don't and neither does the bot. | 10:58 |
DJones | !find scalix | 10:59 |
joe917 | does anybody know where to get help with c# proggramming | 10:59 |
ubottu | File scalix found in gosa, kdepim-dbg, kdepim-dev, kdepim-groupware, kdepim-wizards (and 38 others) | 10:59 |
ActionParsnip | joe917: was the channel not helpful? | 10:59 |
joe917 | no | 10:59 |
ActionParsnip | bah | 10:59 |
joe917 | noone amswered | 10:59 |
DJones | !info scalix | 10:59 |
ubottu | Package scalix does not exist in karmic | 10:59 |
TxPitou | mengu also in repositories under settings, there is a another check box called " [ ]software restricted by copyright or legal issue " you need to check to get the restricted packages | 11:00 |
joe917 | channel is dead right now | 11:00 |
TxPitou | joe917: in your status windows, type /list and look at teh names I am sure there is a programing channel on this serve | 11:00 |
ActionParsnip | joe917: try in a few hours or so | 11:00 |
DJones | craig: I've not heard of scalix, but it does get found in a number of packages, the bot listed a few, gosa, kdepim-dbg, kdepim-dev, kdepim-groupware, kdepim-wizards (and 38 others) That might help you find out a bit more about it | 11:01 |
TxPitou | groupware stuff eww | 11:01 |
mengu | ActionParsnip: "01 - Brave.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 2.3.0, contains: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, MPEG Layer 3, stereo 44100 Hz" this is the result of "file filename" | 11:01 |
mengu | TxPitou: that one seems checked | 11:02 |
ActionParsnip | mengu: ok so its a basic mp3, you should be able to find guides on mp3 playback and the error message you get | 11:02 |
TxPitou | mengu: then refresh packages and use serach type restricted | 11:02 |
ActionParsnip | mengu: does it happen in all players? | 11:02 |
mengu | ActionParsnip: yes. | 11:02 |
TxPitou | mengu, using gnome ? | 11:03 |
meowbuntu | !assd | 11:03 |
ActionParsnip | mengu: tried gnome-mplayer it usually adds some decent codecs | 11:03 |
mengu | TxPitou: yes. | 11:03 |
meowbuntu | !ask | 11:03 |
Yerushalmi | When I open up one program that uses sound (such as a youtube video in Firefox), any other program I open afterwards ends up being muted. Any way I can allow it to play two things at once (or even one after the other, given that just closing the youtube tab in firefox isn't enough to free it and I have to shut down FF entirely)? | 11:03 |
mengu | ActionParsnip: let me try gnome mplayer. | 11:03 |
TxPitou | aplication, ubuntu software centre, type gstreamer get those, then type restricted and get the Ubuntu one, (ignore Xubuntu and Kubuntu ones) and try again | 11:04 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 11:04 |
ActionParsnip | mengu: | 11:04 |
TxPitou | mengu: goto aplication, ubuntu software centre, type gstreamer get those, then type restricted and get the Ubuntu one, (ignore Xubuntu and Kubuntu ones) and try again | 11:04 |
Raydiation | is there a command to show all computers in your LAN? | 11:05 |
obscurant1st | how can i check on wchich ubuntu i am working now? i man 32 bit/ 64 bit? | 11:05 |
ActionParsnip | Raydiation: use nmap | 11:05 |
Raydiation | or at least ip adresses | 11:05 |
Raydiation | ActionParsnip: ty | 11:05 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: uname -a if you see i686 its 32bit x86_64 is 64bit | 11:05 |
mengu | ActionParsnip: gnome-mplayer solved the issue. TxPitou however i'm also installing the restricted package :) | 11:06 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, it is 32 bit, is there anyway i can change mine to 64 bit withouht re installing the whole os? | 11:06 |
ActionParsnip | mengu: mplayer is the daddy :) | 11:06 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: no, you must reinstall the 64bit OS | 11:06 |
mengu | ActionParsnip: but others still cannot play those mp3s :P | 11:06 |
ActionParsnip | mengu: theres a bug I gave, otherwise not sure | 11:07 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, oh, i see. So installing the 64 bit kernel wont work, thanks gor i asked here, i was about to do something stupid. | 11:07 |
obscurant1st | haha | 11:07 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: how much ram do you have? | 11:08 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, 2 GB, Why? | 11:08 |
TxPitou | mengu: once you get the restricted and the gstreamers, you whould be able to play them mp3's on any app, what I did.. butg or not, then again I am using 9.10 | 11:08 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: then 32bit is fine, it can reference your ram without issue, if you had >3Gb ram then you'd need 64bit (or PAE kernel) | 11:08 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, no i thought 64bit OS could speed up my system a lil bit. :O | 11:09 |
TxPitou | obscurant1st: right now, with 2gb of ram you would see no different in opetations, and only issues in drivers (trust me).. keep 32 for now | 11:09 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: only if you do a lot of data transforms (like audio encoding etc) | 11:09 |
mengu | man i really missed listening katatonia :) | 11:10 |
mengu | thanks again ActionParsnip & TxPitou | 11:10 |
tassleho1f | which packages do I need to install to be able to share folders over samba? after installing samba, all the "share" options disappeared from my nautilus... | 11:10 |
mengu | have a nice day. | 11:10 |
nyaa | I can't find what nice -n -8 would do in its man pages, how would I find what -n does with the nice command? | 11:10 |
ActionParsnip | mengu: katatoia are awesome | 11:10 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, oh, is it? so for normal use i wont be seeing much difference? | 11:10 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: for normal web / dtp /chat you wont see any difference | 11:10 |
gnaruag | anyone using dell inspiron 1525 with broadcom wifi adapter ?? | 11:10 |
TxPitou | nyaa: tries nice --help ? | 11:11 |
nyaa | thanks | 11:11 |
ActionParsnip | nyaa: nice values give priority, 20 is hardly any cpu attention, -20 is full cpu (don't use this as it makes the OS itself starve of cpu) | 11:11 |
obscurant1st | actually i hv installed this cairo dock, when i use lots of application, the effects of this dock is slowing down, thats why i considered 64 bit | 11:11 |
ruien | nyaa: unless i am mistaken, i am pretty sure the -n is the standard input parameter for nice. I.E. nice -n 5 would make your process nicer (and -8 would make it less nice). I don't think i have ever used nice *without* -n | 11:11 |
ActionParsnip | nyaa: if you set a lower nice value the app will get more cpu priority and run better, the default nice value is 0 | 11:11 |
fal | Hi. I've got a problem with a luks encrypted /home: After entering my password on boot time I get dropped into a recovery console (One or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted...) Any idea why? | 11:12 |
TxPitou | gnaruag: findings someone with exact pc currently online watching this channel is slim, state your question and lets see if anyone can answer your problem | 11:12 |
indus | gnaruag, hi wireless issue i guess | 11:12 |
nyaa | now to crash my computer! | 11:12 |
darek_ | konrad | 11:12 |
ActionParsnip | gnaruag: if you run: sudo lshw -C network | grep -i broad what is the output? | 11:12 |
indus | gnaruag, google with 'dell inspiron 1525 wifi ubuntu' and it will help | 11:13 |
ActionParsnip | nyaa: if you set a process too low, it will as it will deprive the kernel etc of cpu time as well | 11:13 |
nyaa | I | 11:13 |
ActionParsnip | nyaa: as a general rule, never go below -10 or things get freaky | 11:13 |
madura | i;m having problems with SDL and C anyone can help? | 11:14 |
gnaruag | actually , i did , but ndiswapper didn;t helped me much | 11:14 |
gnaruag | you guyz have any specific link for me | 11:14 |
gnaruag | ? | 11:14 |
ActionParsnip | gnaruag: wat is the output? if its a 43xx card then the driver app will sort you out, you just need a wired link for a short period | 11:14 |
ActionParsnip | gnaruag: i asked you for the output of a command | 11:15 |
gnaruag | yes , telling | 11:15 |
ActionParsnip | gnaruag: cool, once we get it we can advise | 11:15 |
ruien | I have a DSL connection, and my external IP address (i.e. what others see) is different from my router's IP address. Incoming SSH connections also always seem to fail even though my router is configured correctly. This is my first DSL connection; is this normal? Has anyone had this problem before? | 11:16 |
* TxPitou remembers when I did a write up on broadcom issues with toshiba laptop. that was fun finding the solution that worked among 12 forums of chatter | 11:16 | |
Timon_ | Somebody have Battlefield Heroes running with Wine? | 11:16 |
ActionParsnip | !appdb | Timon_ | 11:17 |
ubottu | Timon_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 11:17 |
Timon_ | Allright, thanks | 11:17 |
Timon_ | I'll try there | 11:17 |
naxa | hi! I have a general terminology question. Does "path" (of a file), by meaning, include the filename itself, or just the way "towards" it? eg. the "path" of /etc/hosts is "/etc/" or "/etc/hosts"? | 11:17 |
ActionParsnip | ruien: your router will have 2 IPs, the internal and the external. If you are outside the LAN you will connect to the external and the port forwarding will happen | 11:17 |
TxPitou | naxa: path is /etc/ | 11:18 |
ardchoille | naxa: path = /path/file | 11:18 |
Raydiation | ActionParsnip: hm how do i do it exactly with nmap? | 11:18 |
TxPitou | naxa: path is /etc/nameoffile (damn keyboard!) | 11:18 |
naxa | TxPitou: I see! great, thanks. How do you call "/path/file", has it a name? like "full path" or something... | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | ruien: i suggest you set the system to a static IP too so that when its dhcp lease expires it does not get a different IP and make the port forward fail | 11:18 |
malifal | ruien: make sure that the nat'ing is correct and the port for ssh is not blocked by the firewall | 11:18 |
ruien | ActionParsnip: that's not what I mean. I mean, for example, shows 200.x.x.x, and the router's own external IP address is 125.x.x.x. Its internal address is 192.x.x.x | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | Raydiation: | 11:19 |
ardchoille | naxa: "full path" and "path" are the same thing | 11:19 |
naxa | ardchoille: I see. so path is "/etc/" only... is there a name for "/path/filename"? | 11:19 |
ardchoille | naxa: no, path is /etc/filename | 11:20 |
TxPitou | naxa: nope, same thing, sorry I cause a confusion with my 'not awake and need more coffee' issue | 11:20 |
ActionParsnip | ruien: i have you as | 11:20 |
ardchoille | naxa: just "/etc" alone is a parent directory | 11:20 |
ActionParsnip | ruien: try | 11:20 |
naxa | oh ok. :D so path is "/path/filename" and not just "path" | 11:20 |
MyServices | -> Get traffic to your website or make money ! SURF FOR MONEY RIGHT NOW | 11:21 |
MyServices | -> Get traffic to your website or make money ! SURF FOR MONEY RIGHT NOW | 11:21 |
naxa | i mean "/path/" | 11:21 |
TxPitou | naxa: right | 11:21 |
FloodBot2 | MyServices: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:21 |
malifal | ruien: also if you are inside the LAN you might not be able to connect back to your LAN using the public IP | 11:21 |
naxa | TxPitou: no problem about coffee | 11:21 |
ActionParsnip | ruien: are you using a proxy of some sort? | 11:21 |
ardchoille | Thank you jrib | 11:21 |
TxPitou | ruien: and on DSL, chances are, the ISP is Nat filtering your Ip address anyways and setting up a server will always fail. | 11:21 |
ruien | ActionParsnip: my router's IP address is *really*, and I am testing from an external server. I am not using any proxy on purpose, but I am suspecting my ISP seems to have one (?) is that possible (?) | 11:22 |
TxPitou | Morning jrib | 11:22 |
naxa | TxPitou, ardchoille: now I want to say "path or filename or infix_of_filename". is it enough to say "path or infix_of_filename" or I should add filename to the list? | 11:22 |
ActionParsnip | ruien: possible, i'd call them, strange about the ip mix though. You could get a name at to resolve the real IP to your own registered name | 11:23 |
ruien | TxPitou: that seems to be the case.. but i just don't understand why setting up a server and then aiming directly at my router's IP address isn't working. Ubuntu gets the request, but the packets are corrupted. | 11:23 |
naxa | TxPitou, ardchoille : i mean i want to name a variable to be human readable and I'm not affraid of using mile_long_variable_names | 11:23 |
TxPitou | CHUCKLES, I recall when I tried to set a server on "satellite internet" , isp uses 2 nats... bleh... | 11:23 |
ardchoille | naxa: you lost me at "now I want" | 11:24 |
naxa | ardchoille: sorry I only tried to describe the situation | 11:24 |
Oli`` | ruien: it's totally possible they're using a transparent proxy (one that doesn't tell servers where it's forwarding the content on to). In that case whatsmyip wouldn't be able to tell your real IP. I've got to say though, it's pretty rare because it does have the tendency to confuse and annoy users | 11:24 |
naxa | ardchoille: it's not that I want anything from anybody... :D | 11:24 |
ruien | well, i'm in China. That might matter (?) | 11:24 |
TxPitou | ruien: your ISP Ip is one thing, your inetrnal Ip is another, when you request the query to your serve as a PUBLIC Ip, it goes out to ISp Nat blocks the request and your left dead in the water necause teh ISp doesnt want you running a pubic server on their lines because of traffic | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | ruien: i'm not getting connection on either IP unless you are using different port | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | ruien: or your port forwarding is bad | 11:25 |
Oli`` | ruien: Ah. Yes. Blimey... They could be proxying your traffic several times over to make sure you're not looking at something "illegal" | 11:25 |
ruien | ActionParsnip: i have forwarded 2222 to ubuntu_server:22 | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | ruien: let me test | 11:25 |
marvelousbob | Hi, i've got a hp 8550 networked printer in the office, using the hplip drivers; If I use the lpr command to print from the command line the printer works fine, if I print from inside almost any other program through a gui I get a critical error that requires a power cycle. | 11:26 |
naxa | ardchoille: I tried to mean "when I'm trying to give a variable a descriptful name, does 'path_or_filename_or_InfixOfFilename' equal in meaning with 'path_or_InfixOfFilename' or they have different meaning" :) | 11:26 |
TxPitou | naxa: sorry cannot help, dont program myself | 11:26 |
marvelousbob | Does anyone have any experience dealing with this kind of odd error? | 11:26 |
malifal | ruien: check with to see if it says the port is open | 11:26 |
TxPitou | marvelousbob: and what is the error message ? | 11:27 |
ruien | ok | 11:27 |
naxa | TxPitou: OK thanks for the previous help! :) | 11:27 |
fal | to get a luks partition mounted at boot, is there anything more to do than: ? | 11:27 |
obscurant1st | actually my panel used to display the sound icon, wicd sytem tray blutooth icon etc, but these are not there, the rest is there, how can i brong them back | 11:27 |
obscurant1st | :o | 11:27 |
nyaa | out of curiosity where can I find additional commands like nice that I can use to tweak apps so I can give games better fps than windows? | 11:27 |
naxa | TxPitou: however I am only trying to ask if the two thing has the same meaning or not | 11:27 |
obscurant1st | bring* | 11:27 |
petsounds-eee | hi all. after using computer janitor i'm no longer able to boot my pc again. kernel error or sth. do i need to reinstall? | 11:27 |
marvelousbob | TxPitou, 49.81 (something) CYCLE POWER | 11:27 |
TxPitou | naxa: unknown again I know nothing about programing/scripting | 11:27 |
naxa | TxPitou: I mean if the have the same meaning outside programming, than it's ok :) | 11:27 |
naxa | TxPitou: but never mind | 11:27 |
ActionParsnip | ruien: no luck on :2222 man | 11:28 |
ruien | malifal: can't see me, because they're automatically detecting my IP address and not using my router's IP addres. If I use "nmap" to scan my IP address from an external server, however, the SSH port *is* open. | 11:28 |
naxa | TxPitou: just chatting :) | 11:28 |
aperson | When I disable my proxy settings via gnome-network-properties, it does not unset $http_proxy . How can I go about fixing this? I've exported it, but that only works in my current terminal | 11:28 |
marvelousbob | TxPitou, more precisely 49.481e ERROR CYCLE POWER | 11:28 |
Oli`` | ruien: I can connect on port 2222 but nothing happens when I'm connected | 11:28 |
ruien | ActionParsnip: alright then; thanks looking at it though. | 11:28 |
TxPitou | marvelousbob: you tried using cups ? | 11:28 |
ruien | Oli``: right, *exactly*!! | 11:29 |
ruien | you can connect (you don't get a connection refused). And my ubuntu server GETS the request (i get an error in /etc/ssh/auth.log), but the packets are corrupted | 11:29 |
marvelousbob | TxPitou, using cups? I know that's the printing daemon for unix - I figured I was using it | 11:29 |
ActionParsnip | ruien: np man, i'd contact your provider and/or try the no-ip / dydns thing | 11:29 |
Oli`` | ruien: you're sure you're forwarding correctly? | 11:29 |
malifal | ruien: also try running ssh on port 80 or 443 because the ports might be blocked on the other side, i.e especially if you're connecting from work | 11:30 |
naxa | so, does the phrase "(please tell me the) path or filename" has the same meaning as the phrase "(please tell me the)path"? :) | 11:30 |
TxPitou | obscurant1st: goto application /any menu / program you want to see in toolbar, rigth click, add this to launcher panel | 11:30 |
switchgirl | i have a d-link DIR-615 and a buffalo ghr-6125 and wish to use them to set up a wireless bridge, is this possible? | 11:30 |
naxa | he-he | 11:30 |
ruien | Oli``: positive. and I tried two different routers, and on many ports.. even with telnet + netcat -l | 11:30 |
Oli`` | ruien: I don't think no-ip/dyndns is going to help at all. Your address is fine and that's all they deal with. | 11:30 |
obscurant1st | yeah i saw it, actually now it is displaying as a different tray like this see the top left side | 11:31 |
TxPitou | naxa: tell me path or filename is 2 things, /this-is-the-path/so-is-this/filename get it ? | 11:31 |
Oli`` | ruien: have you tried a higher port like 39713 (just a random example) | 11:31 |
obscurant1st | TxPitou, see the picture pls | 11:31 |
ruien | Oli``: not that high, but i did try 8080 | 11:31 |
* ActionParsnip has his install down to 2.7Gb BOOYA! | 11:31 | |
aperson | ActionParsnip, 2.3Gb here | 11:32 |
Mkools | Hello, My update manger shows some updates which it says that they are not safe to download may cause problems after installing what's the problem? | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | aperson: nice :) | 11:32 |
aperson | Mkools, you don't have the keys for those repositories | 11:32 |
TxPitou | marvelousbob: in a firefox or browser of your choice : http://localhost:631 , can you look at your printer configurations from this screen ? | 11:32 |
naxa | TxPitou: I think I'll be okay. thank you! :) i was wondernig if the term "path" includes both e.g. /path/filename and filename (meaning ./filename) | 11:32 |
Oli`` | ruien: try a bit higher then and let me know the port... Some ISPs do block incoming connections on lower known service ports to stop people hosting things | 11:32 |
obscurant1st | Mkools, i am also having that problem, not sure if its problem though | 11:32 |
Mkools | aperson: how to get those | 11:32 |
Mkools | keys | 11:32 |
ruien | Oli``: if you have a minute, try this: telnet 8080 I just ran " netcat -l -p 8080 " | 11:33 |
aperson | Mkools, first, you need to determine which repositories you donn't have the keys for. Can you open up a terminal and do a 'sudo apt-get update' ? | 11:33 |
gnaruag | as broadcom made B43 wireless drivers open source , Is there any way to check if that drivers are working , Right now I am not having any wifi connection over here , more over the Wifi LED is not lit so please suggest me what I can do now | 11:33 |
marvelousbob | TxPitou, I see the configuration screens etc but no printer in there | 11:33 |
Mkools | wait for minute | 11:33 |
aperson | Mkools, also, have you added any repositories? | 11:33 |
ruien | Oli``: i got your "HELO", but then you got disconnected, right? | 11:33 |
obscurant1st | some pls take a look at this pic, and tell me how to fix that? see the top left | 11:33 |
Mkools | Yeah I added one of launchpad | 11:34 |
Oli`` | ruien: I disconnected but yes, I wrote HELO | 11:34 |
TxPitou | obscurant1st: you move the "speaker and other icons block" move it back to your toolbar | 11:34 |
obscurant1st | i cant even moov that from there | 11:34 |
naxa | TxPitou: I should go now. thank you again, sorry for the numerous dumb questions. :) | 11:34 |
naxa | bye | 11:34 |
marvelousbob | TxPitou, I'm adding a printer through that screen - should it appear as normal in the printers app? | 11:34 |
obscurant1st | TxPitou, actually i am not ale to move it from there | 11:34 |
ruien | Oli``: right, any incoming connection gets disconnected after the first line, so SSH never has a chance; it gets owned right away | 11:34 |
ruien | Oli``: i really think it's my ISP | 11:34 |
Oli`` | yes it could be | 11:35 |
jkprg | Hi. How to precisely limit outgoing bandwidth per dest. IP? | 11:35 |
morpheuss | Hello guys | 11:35 |
TxPitou | marvelousbob: is your friend, its easy to use and should help you figure what the printer is doing once you have it configured | 11:35 |
aperson | Mkools, please direct your replies if you can, it makes it easier to help you | 11:35 |
Mkools | Aperson: what do you mean by that | 11:35 |
jkprg | It looks to me it's not possible in Linux, is it? | 11:36 |
aperson | Mkools, you just did what I asked :) | 11:36 |
TxPitou | marvelousbob: and yes once you have it configured the gui apps shoudl "display the printer" as available | 11:36 |
Oli`` | ruien: if you have (or get) another server you *could* ssh to it from your box there, tunnelling a port back to your computer (over the SSH connection) and then connect through the external machine... It's a bit of a faff but it wouldn't be too expensive to hire a shell on another machine | 11:36 |
Mkools | Actually I have added repository of launchpad | 11:36 |
telmich | jkprg: have a look at traffic control (tc), which makes exactly that possible | 11:36 |
morpheuss | im using this tutorial to encrypt my hdd | 11:37 |
ActionParsnip | guys, is this ok to remove: 263MB for some docs I never read seems quite massive. Just after verification | 11:37 |
morpheuss | but i want to manually encrypt /home partition | 11:37 |
aperson | !who > Mkools | 11:37 |
ubottu | Mkools, please see my private message | 11:37 |
Oli`` | ruien: it's actually how I connect to my home server. Rather than having incoming connections here, I use my webserver to proxy any connections | 11:37 |
jkprg | telmich: I did but but no luck for per IP classification. | 11:37 |
TxPitou | ActionParsnip: yoou have the ubuntu guide in ALL languages.. hehe | 11:37 |
aperson | Mkools, what repository did you add, and how did you add it | 11:37 |
obscurant1st | TxPitou, is there any wat i can move it back, actually when i try to drag it its not happening, i tried it, and when i try it either of the window will pop up, like sound, bluetooth, etc | 11:37 |
marvelousbob | TxPitou, thanks but that's made no difference - do you know if there's a way of getting a list of options applied from the gui print dialogs? As I said earlier, printing using lpr from the cli works fine - it's only gui apps that kill it. | 11:37 |
ruien | Oli``: Reverse tunnel? That's how I do it right now........ :( | 11:38 |
ActionParsnip | TxPitou: so can i ditch this stuff? | 11:38 |
obscurant1st | i cant find an empty space to click and drag it | 11:38 |
obscurant1st | :( | 11:38 |
ruien | Oli``: you mean ssh -N -R2222:localhost:22 localhost, right? | 11:38 |
jkprg | I cannot make 2^32 TC classes | 11:38 |
Mkools | I followed instructions on: | 11:38 |
Oli`` | ruien: something like that, yeah | 11:38 |
Mkools | I mean to say that of gie | 11:38 |
telmich | jkprg: you can match it with some rules. have a look at the linux advanced routing howto (lartc) | 11:38 |
Mkools | sorry git | 11:39 |
morpheuss | im using this tutorial to encrypt my hdd | 11:39 |
morpheuss | im using this tutorial to encrypt my hdd | 11:39 |
morpheuss | but i want to manually encrypt /home partition | 11:39 |
TxPitou | marvelousbob: gui uses whats configured, if your using cups then look in those web pages, maybe they do, but I never seen it | 11:39 |
jkprg | telmich: yeah but for internet pool? It's impossible :-( That's my problem | 11:39 |
ruien | Oli``: yep, that's what I'm doing to my webserver. I thought the problem was my crappy router, so I used that as a workaround. Then, i bought a new router. Same problem. Thx though :)! | 11:40 |
telmich | jkprg: it's all in that manual. | 11:40 |
aperson | Mkools, there a few ways you could have done it according to that page, how did *you* do it? and please, direct your reply to me | 11:40 |
marvelousbob | TxPitou, thanks for taking the time to help me :), i'm digging through the cups documentation | 11:40 |
Mkools | By using command line | 11:40 |
aperson | Mkools, that's not specific enough | 11:40 |
TxPitou | ActionParsnip: that decision is all your my friend, I have 1 TB of space so I dont pay much attention to "space issues" | 11:40 |
Mkools | Wait for minute | 11:40 |
jkprg | telmich: for up to tens of IPs (or groups) it's not problem but for every Internet IP it is. | 11:41 |
Oli`` | TxPitou: Only 1TB? Pfft | 11:41 |
ActionParsnip | TxPitou: i have about 200Gb but i just like to get the install as small as possible, its fun | 11:41 |
telmich | jkprg: | 11:41 |
jkprg | telmich: I really start to believe it's not possible :-( | 11:41 |
TxPitou | Oli``: on a laptop to play with, my data drive is USB 1TB :) I leave nothing of relevance on laptop | 11:41 |
obscurant1st | Mkools, by direct the reply means just add the name of the person who you are talking to at the begining of every sentance you type in here! | 11:41 |
ActionParsnip | Oli``: all my storage combined doesnt come to 1Tb ;) | 11:41 |
ruien | BTW, I'm not sure if anyone could use it, but i wrote a short guide to SSH tunnels, in very understandable terms. Anyone interested? | 11:42 |
Mkools | aperson: By using instructions which heads: Adding the PPA to Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) and later | 11:42 |
shaky | ciao a tutti | 11:42 |
ActionParsnip | ruien: the !vnc factoid discusses tunnels but publish it online for others to read :D | 11:43 |
TxPitou | ruien: find a forum publish it taht way all can "google search it" | 11:43 |
obscurant1st | ok, now i have deleted the system tray, its not there anymore, can somebody tell me how to bring back it? :'( | 11:43 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: right click panel -> add item | 11:43 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: then add what you need | 11:43 |
jkprg | telmich: Thank you. You can send it to 90% of members here. | 11:43 |
Oli`` | TxPitou & ActionParsnip | 11:44 |
ruien | TxPitou: ok | 11:44 |
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa | ||
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, let me try, but system tray is not there in the right click add item menu | 11:44 |
obscurant1st | :( | 11:44 |
Oli`` | Because I'm boasting, it's probably going to explode now | 11:44 |
TxPitou | Oli``: so your HDD is bigegr than mine... want a rule to measure your cock now ? | 11:44 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: its called the notification area i think (not used gnome is ages) | 11:44 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, thanks, let me see | 11:45 |
Oli`` | TxPitou: I'll need two please - Now we're getting super-OT but you started it | 11:45 |
TxPitou | Oli``: sio you have an I3 ? | 11:45 |
aperson | Mkools, did you add it to your /etc/apt/sources.list ? I'm sorry, but I *still* can't tell how you added the repository. In any case, I'd delete the repository and re-add it with sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa | 11:45 |
sickly | clamtk had found 2 viruses on my external windows hdd, can someone tell me what to do now? | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | Oli``: | 11:46 |
Oli`` | i7.. the i3 and i5 only show up as 4 cores (no HT) | 11:46 |
nyaa | is there a command to give a certain application a bigger timeslice instead of just a bigger priority? | 11:46 |
Oli`` | AFAIK | 11:46 |
awaad | I want to know an applications through which I can communicate with my friends with the web cam and mic through yahoo and hotmail . | 11:46 |
awaad | Any one can help please ? | 11:46 |
TxPitou | !empathy | awaad | 11:46 |
ubottu | awaad: Empathy is the default instant messaging and video client for GNOME. Since Karmic, it has been the default client in Ubuntu (replacing Pidgin). | 11:46 |
Mkools | How to check for your first questions? | 11:47 |
ActionParsnip | Oli``: fileserver: | 11:47 |
Oli`` | awaad: I *think* aMSN might let you use a webcam though I could be wrong | 11:47 |
ActionParsnip | nyaa: emesene or amsn and gyache for yahoo | 11:47 |
awaad | TxPitou : How can I turn on my web cam in empathy ? | 11:47 |
ActionParsnip | Oli``: test box is off but has a 20gb drive with 256mb ram | 11:47 |
nyaa | actionparsnip I think you confused me with awaad =) | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | !info emesene | nyaa | 11:48 |
Grey_Loki | Hi, I just used envyng -t to install the ATi driver for my card (a radeon 5770). Rebooting Ubuntu, i'm given an error message saying that the PCS database could not be found, mentioning the path /etc/ati/amdpcsdb.default. The last line of the error says no devices could be found - possibly a bad xorg.conf? How can I go about fixing this? | 11:48 |
ubottu | nyaa: emesene (source: emesene): platform independent MSN Messenger client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1602 kB, installed size 5384 kB | 11:48 |
aperson | Mkools, do grep git /etc/apt/ | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | !info amsn | nyaa | 11:48 |
ubottu | nyaa: amsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.98.1~debian-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 269 kB, installed size 880 kB | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | !envy | Grey_Loki | 11:48 |
ubottu | Grey_Loki: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver | 11:48 |
Grey_Loki | Well, crap :D | 11:48 |
Mkools | aperson: done that | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip | Grey_Loki: did the driver installer which comes with the OS not offer a driver? | 11:49 |
Mkools | what next | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip | Grey_Loki: gksudo jockey-gtk will load it, i suggest you remove envy | 11:49 |
aperson | Mkools, I'm sorry, change /etc/apt/ to /etc/apt/* | 11:49 |
TxPitou | Grey_Loki: for help | 11:50 |
Grey_Loki | ActionParsnip: I was able to install one through the software center, however I was playing around with trying to get a few 3D apps to work within wine, thought it might be related to my driver version/installation method | 11:50 |
Grey_Loki | I'll envyng --uninstall-all and go back to the software center one, that worked straight off the bat. | 11:50 |
ActionParsnip | Grey_Loki: did you check the appdb? | 11:50 |
aperson | Mkools, did it output anything? | 11:50 |
Grey_Loki | ActionParsnip: I did indeed, nothing listed for the problems i'm having | 11:50 |
tankenmate | total wierd one here, my varrun tmpfs filesystem is out of sync... | 11:51 |
Mkools | aperson it says permission denied | 11:51 |
ActionParsnip | Grey_Loki: murphys law eh :) | 11:51 |
awaad | TxPitou: gyachi is not in the ubuntu repositories | 11:51 |
tankenmate | the dirent says a file is there, but the inode and blocks are missing... anyone have any ideas? | 11:51 |
theadmin | I know that this isn't the right place to ask, but what does "SQL" stand for actually? | 11:51 |
obscurant1st | how can i restart the gui in ubuntu? | 11:51 |
theadmin | tankenmate: Run fsck | 11:51 |
obscurant1st | i mean like restart the xserver? | 11:51 |
aperson | Mkools, ok, lets just do the more direct route: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:51 |
tankenmate | theadmin: structured query language | 11:51 |
theadmin | obscurant1st: "sudo service gdm restart" | 11:51 |
awaad | TxPitou: Is there any program in the ubuntu repositories that can turn on my web cam and mic through yahoo ? | 11:52 |
Grey_Loki | ActionParsnip: aye, sucks - gives me something to do with my free days though, I guess :D | 11:52 |
Grey_Loki | Thanks for your help | 11:52 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, actully something is coming up, over there when i added notification area, but no icons are there, :( | 11:52 |
aperson | Mkools, is your repository listed in that? | 11:52 |
obscurant1st | theadmin, thx | 11:52 |
tankenmate | theadmin: run fskc on a mounted tmpfs filesystem? especially if it is on varrun.. what happens to my server if it fails :) | 11:52 |
TxPitou | awaad: I told use use Empathy | 11:52 |
Mkools | aperson: wait for minute | 11:52 |
theadmin | tankenmate: Run it from a live CD | 11:52 |
aperson | Mkools, I am, just reply when you're ready | 11:52 |
tankenmate | theadmin: HELLO!!! IT IS A TMPFS FILESYSTEM!!! | 11:53 |
theadmin | tankenmate: Oops | 11:53 |
theadmin | tankenmate: Sry | 11:53 |
tankenmate | np :) | 11:53 |
awaad | TxPitou: I use it already but I don't know how to turn my web cam and mic through it. | 11:53 |
tankenmate | are there any reported corruptions of tmpfs on jaunty? | 11:53 |
TxPitou | awaad: suggest /join #empathy or read the instructions/help | 11:53 |
theadmin | tankenmate: None that i know of, you can search the Launchpad Ubuntu's bug report section | 11:54 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, yes after doing what you said i just reatarted the xserver, and then all f it xcame back | 11:54 |
obscurant1st | :D | 11:54 |
obscurant1st | thanks, theadmin | 11:54 |
Mkools | aperson: nope not their | 11:54 |
theadmin | obscurant1st: No problem | 11:54 |
tassleho1f | All the settings for Sharing in Nautilus disappeared when I installed samba. Help! | 11:54 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: coolio | 11:55 |
aperson | Mkools, I forgot to ask, when you ran sudo apt-get update, what was the error message? | 11:55 |
obscurant1st | :) | 11:56 |
obscurant1st | now the other thing, Mkools your problem solved? | 11:56 |
Mkools | aperson: I don't ran it. But when I ran it after adding repository it ran successfully. | 11:57 |
theadmin | obscurant1st: You can also Ctrl+Alt+Prtsc+K (or just Ctrl+SysRQ+K if it's on a separate key for you), but i wouldn't recommend that | 11:57 |
aperson | Mkools, just what updates were you getting errors on then? | 11:57 |
crackguy | i am loving linux (ubuntu) | 11:57 |
TxPitou | wakes up and realizes, 1360 people in channel 6 chatting | 11:57 |
obscurant1st | ok, theadmin | 11:57 |
Mkools | aperson: Basically I am not getting errors, some updates are showing that they are not verified | 11:58 |
aperson | Mkools, I understand that. *which* updates? | 11:58 |
Mkools | Some updates related to python. | 11:59 |
awaad | I installed KDE on ubuntu9.10 by running "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" and it is installed but when I try to login through a kde session I have only a black screen and the pointer of the mouse . | 11:59 |
awaad | Any one can help ? | 12:00 |
aperson | Mkools, I didn't want to resort to this right off, but try doing this: | 12:00 |
aperson | awaad, #kubuntu | 12:00 |
theadmin | awaad: Or maybe #kde, it seems like a kde issue | 12:01 |
Mkools | aperson: some related to mp3 players | 12:01 |
aperson | theadmin, it's more likely it's ubuntu's packages for kde | 12:02 |
aperson | theadmin, they're not always the greatest, I've had similar happen three times now :) | 12:02 |
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ray_ | i have mounted iso image. but filename are shown as question marks ????.avi .... it is a foreign iso image. how do tell ubuntu gnome to display font properly for those files ? | 12:02 |
theadmin | aperson: Nope, I did install KDE and it worked just fine, except for the fact that it ate a ton of my poor laptop's memory | 12:03 |
Mkools | aperson: naming this one libavutil49, libgsm1 etc | 12:03 |
obscurant1st | which is the best desktop for ubuntu? i use GNome , i dont like kde, anything other than this? | 12:03 |
aperson | Mkools, did you follow that post? | 12:03 |
theadmin | obscurant1st: XFCE is also officially supported | 12:03 |
aperson | obscurant1st, lxde will be shortly as well | 12:03 |
obscurant1st | theadmin, xfce, have you tried it? | 12:04 |
Mkools | aperson: I am following , but their are some problems related to mp3 players | 12:04 |
obscurant1st | aperson, lxde, have you tried it? | 12:04 |
theadmin | obscurant1st: It's not bad, but the filemanager is meh | 12:04 |
aperson | obscurant1st, not personally, if I'm going light, I'd go openbox | 12:04 |
Brodz9871 | whats the software that gives me the taskbar that you see on the bottom of macs? | 12:04 |
airtonix | Brodz9871, docky or avant-window-manager | 12:05 |
Brodz9871 | cheers | 12:05 |
obscurant1st | theadmin, sudo apt-get install xfce-desktop ? | 12:05 |
theadmin | obscurant1st: xubuntu-desktop | 12:05 |
aperson | obscurant1st, yes | 12:05 |
obscurant1st | aperson, openbox, how is it? is it good? | 12:05 |
aperson | err, theadmin has it | 12:05 |
Mkools | aperson: I think not of interest | 12:05 |
bazhang | obscurant1st, is this karmic 9.10 | 12:05 |
airtonix | Brodz9871, i mean avant-window-navigator | 12:05 |
obscurant1st | bazhang, yep | 12:06 |
Brodz9871 | cheers | 12:06 |
aperson | Mkools, did you follow that post? | 12:06 |
bazhang | obscurant1st, you may wish to try lubuntu-desktop then | 12:06 |
theadmin | bazhang: Is it stable, by the way? | 12:06 |
obscurant1st | lubuntu-desktop, have you tried it? | 12:06 |
bazhang | lxde desktop for karmic | 12:06 |
obscurant1st | theadmin, i am installing xubuntu btw | 12:06 |
obscurant1st | :D | 12:06 |
Mkools | aperson: followed, but I think not of interest? Can you solve some problems of mp3 player? | 12:06 |
theadmin | obscurant1st: I used LXDE some time ago, it seemed like a KDE kickoff | 12:06 |
obscurant1st | theadmin, so lxde is better than kde? | 12:07 |
crackguy | is there a way to reduce the bottom panel on ubuntu desktop to reduce the size further down from 23... | 12:07 |
aperson | Mkools, your problem is that you're missing apt keys. That post will tell you how to fix launchpad apt keys | 12:07 |
obscurant1st | :o | 12:07 |
TxPitou | Mkools: mp3 player problem? what kind | 12:07 |
sejuk | lifa | 12:07 |
sejuk | lifa | 12:07 |
aperson | TxPitou, update manager is telling him that some of his updates are not trusted, they're missing apt keys | 12:07 |
theadmin | obscurant1st: I wouldn't say so... They just are alike | 12:07 |
aperson | TxPitou, regarding Mkools, that is | 12:08 |
TxPitou | add the key's in move on.. | 12:08 |
obscurant1st | theadmin, there is no problem of installing different desktops right? | 12:08 |
obscurant1st | ior there is problems? | 12:08 |
serverduck | How can i fix my pppoe connection in ubuntu?sometimes it starts sometimes i have to sudo doesn't load youtube..then sudo pppoeconf and youtube loads....what is this? | 12:08 |
aperson | TxPitou, I've been trying to get them to do that, but I can't get them to discern which keys are missing :) | 12:08 |
theadmin | obscurant1st: There is no problem usually, however I dunno about LXDE | 12:09 |
TxPitou | apt-get update will cought up the repositories taht have no keys | 12:09 |
obscurant1st | no no, now i am installing xubuntu | 12:09 |
awaad | why ubuntu chose empathy to be it's default ? | 12:09 |
airtonix | crackguy, make it autohide | 12:09 |
aperson | When I disable my proxy settings via gnome-network-properties, it does not unset $http_proxy . How can I go about fixing this? I've exported it, but that only works in my current terminal | 12:09 |
TxPitou | awaad: dunno I removed it and using pidgin :) | 12:10 |
airtonix | awaad, because it has a better level of intergration with dbus and zeroconf than pidgin in its backend | 12:10 |
crackguy | airtonix, don't like it | 12:10 |
obscurant1st | TxPitou, you know how can i use video chat for gmail in pidgin? | 12:10 |
airtonix | crackguy, what do you use it for ? | 12:10 |
TxPitou | obscurant1st: nope, I dont sell my nekid body on video cam, if I want to talk to family I use a phone.. sorry low tech guy. | 12:10 |
asdf1 | What is the good front end for sqlite | 12:10 |
Grey_Loki | Hi, I was in here a few minutes ago with an error. I've just tried installing the ATi drivers using jockey-gtk, and while it reports that the driver is installed and in use, i'm still getting the same error on boot. the xserver log mentions a fatal error - no screens found. Any help? | 12:11 |
crackguy | airtonix, am on dell mini, quite a small screen so many of the programs don't fit in the screen | 12:11 |
Mkools | aperson: their is video explaining adding apt keys but it's not running | 12:11 |
airtonix | crackguy, tried the global-menu-bar then? it helps reduce screenspace taken and doubles as a window list | 12:11 |
obscurant1st | TxPitou, hehe, lol, btw i am also not selling, but i'm becoming a lil bit fat, so my family wants to see me.. rofl | 12:12 |
aperson | airtonix, and doesn't have the greatest application support *yet* | 12:12 |
crackguy | airtonix, thanks, let me try | 12:12 |
airtonix | aperson, ? | 12:12 |
crackguy | airtonix, global-menu-bar | 12:13 |
aperson | airtonix, globalmenu, it doesn't work for all apps | 12:13 |
crackguy | airtonix, global-menu-bar not found | 12:13 |
aperson | crackguy, you need to find a repository for it | 12:13 |
TxPitou | obscurant1st: use your Iphone and send them a text picture.. | 12:13 |
airtonix | crackguy, you need to install it from a ppa repo | 12:13 |
awaad | airtonix: How can I know more about integration with dbus and zeroconf ? | 12:14 |
crackguy | airtonix, what is a ppa? | 12:14 |
aperson | !ppa | 12:14 |
=== nperry_ is now known as nperry | ||
ubottu | With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See | 12:14 |
TxPitou | obscurant1st: personally I just use a throw away camera take pictures MAIL it to my folks they want to see pictures They can pay for development | 12:14 |
crackguy | aperson, thank you | 12:14 |
obscurant1st | TxPitou, i own an ipod touch, no camera, :( | 12:14 |
obscurant1st | TxPitou, lol | 12:14 |
theadmin | Woah woah woah. %) It got noisy here all of a sudden, I can't keep up anymore... Sorry for ot, whatever. | 12:14 |
obscurant1st | somebody someday told me how to limit the apt-get install bandwidth, and i did it, but now i want to remove the limit, i lose my txt file whre i had written that thing, anybody hv any idea? | 12:14 |
airtonix | awaad, research telepathy on ubuntu | 12:15 |
airtonix | crackguy, | 12:15 |
TxPitou | okay, installed, avant-window-navigator, I run it it spit out "Warning: Screen isn't composited. Please run compiz (-fusion) or another compositing manager." but compiz is running (3d cube mode) what the heck does avant want me to change in my settings? | 12:15 |
aperson | TxPitou, you're not running compiz, you need to have it on to run awn | 12:15 |
airtonix | crackguy, | 12:16 |
aperson | TxPitou, that, or enable metacity's compositioner | 12:16 |
ruien | does anyone else get "you do not have permission to access this page (the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation)" when trying to post a new thread in My username is about 9 months old, so I don't think it's still awaiting activation, and I have never posted before, so i don't think it has been disabled for spam. | 12:16 |
serverduck | How can i fix my pppoe connection in ubuntu?sometimes it starts sometimes i have to sudo doesn't load youtube..then sudo pppoeconf and youtube loads....what is this? | 12:16 |
bullgard | Why does '~$ cat /home/detlef/tmp/EmpathyDebugWindow20100310 | pastebinit;' work no more? | 12:16 |
aperson | ruien, did you ever activate your account via email? | 12:16 |
TxPitou | aperson: Its running, if I do my CTL-F11 I get a pretty cube. so its running. | 12:16 |
theadmin | bullgard: has been redesigned, it no longer works with pastebinit | 12:17 |
ruien | aperson: yes, I did.. 9 months ago.. | 12:17 |
airtonix | bullgard, becuase has changed the way it works | 12:17 |
crackguy | does launchpad provide software repository? | 12:17 |
ruien | serverduck: do you have a router? | 12:17 |
jrib | !ppa | crackguy | 12:17 |
ubottu | crackguy: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See | 12:17 |
obscurant1st | i think this is the biggest support channel? 1366 people | 12:17 |
obscurant1st | :o | 12:17 |
aperson | crackguy, that's the purpose of a ppa | 12:17 |
aperson | crackguy, err, launchpad | 12:17 |
theadmin | obscurant1st: Yeah, it's quite big :D | 12:17 |
Dr_Willis | obscurant1st: and its a slow day. ive seen 3000+ in here befor | 12:17 |
bullgard | theadmin: Can you recommend a substitute procedure? | 12:17 |
crackguy | aperson, lmao! am trying to find a way to add it in my software sources | 12:18 |
obscurant1st | Dr_Willis, 3000+ oh man, that is huge, o.O | 12:18 |
jrib | crackguy: what do you mean by "it"? | 12:18 |
Dr_Willis | obscurant1st: come in on release day | 12:18 |
theadmin | bullgard: Hm. For instane "cat $HOME/.bashrc | pastebinit -i - -b" works for me | 12:18 |
obscurant1st | Dr_Willis, oh i see, btw which one will the next release any idea? | 12:18 |
crackguy | jrib, sorry, adding launchpad in my software sources | 12:18 |
aperson | crackguy, find a ppa you want, go to its launchpad page, find the line that says ppa:blah, and then do a sudo add-apt-repository ppa:blah | 12:19 |
obscurant1st | theadmin, you hear that 3000+ man, | 12:19 |
obscurant1st | :o | 12:19 |
bullgard | theadmin, airtonix Thank you for your help. | 12:19 |
Dr_Willis | obscurant1st: 10.04 - 2010 - 4th month, :) | 12:19 |
jrib | crackguy: that statement does not make sense. launchpad provides many different ppa | 12:19 |
chris_ | heja m8s | 12:19 |
crackguy | jrib, excuse my lack of linuxowledge | 12:19 |
obscurant1st | Dr_Willis, oh, :D so nxt month huh.. :D | 12:19 |
theadmin | obscurant1st: Yeah... And on the release dates? Heck, it might even get to 5000 | 12:19 |
jrib | crackguy: /why/ do you want to do this? | 12:20 |
crackguy | aperson, can't i add the whole launchpad in my software sources and apt-cache search the packages? | 12:20 |
theadmin | crackguy: Nope. | 12:20 |
obscurant1st | theadmin, nxt release date i ll defntly come here, i want to see that.. :D | 12:20 |
aperson | crackguy, no, that would take forever | 12:20 |
chris_ | since i have installed syslog-ng on my ubuntu-server i get some error at startup, maybe any1 can help me to get rid of it ? server still starts up as usual and syslog-ng works fine, i just dont get y this error appears now | 12:20 |
crackguy | alright, i get it now! | 12:20 |
theadmin | obscurant1st: That'd be april 2010, 29th or so | 12:20 |
obscurant1st | theadmin, oh, ok. thx | 12:21 |
_dreamy | do the kde packages make the system run slower ? or is it just my impression ?id love if some one could answer this .. ( idont mean using the KDE WM , i mean having the kde packages installed) | 12:21 |
theadmin | Where did those counters go? I can't find them anymore. | 12:21 |
Dr_Willis | _dreamy: kde does take up more ram.. but on most mondernd pc's they can easially run kde. | 12:21 |
aperson | _dreamy, nope, unless your hdd was almost full, it shouldn't make a difference in io | 12:21 |
Dr_Willis | _dreamy: just installing them.. shouldent slow down gnome or other desktops | 12:22 |
_dreamy | aperson: exaclty.. my HD is full ! .. ty so mutch for the info | 12:22 |
Dr_Willis | crackguy: adding EVERY ppa on launchpad - is proberly not a good idea. | 12:22 |
_dreamy | ok ty everyones answer | 12:22 |
aperson | _dreamy, and even then, it shouldn't make much of a difference | 12:22 |
_dreamy | ok ty | 12:22 |
crackguy | Dr_Willis, I get it | 12:22 |
_dreamy | df | 12:23 |
aperson | When I disable my proxy settings via gnome-network-properties, it does not unset $http_proxy . How can I go about fixing this? I've exported it, but that only works in my current terminal | 12:25 |
Dr_Willis | df -h :P | 12:25 |
Kartagis | !msn | 12:25 |
ubottu | The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) ( supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete | 12:25 |
theadmin | Dr_Willis: -h flag doesn't seem to do anything | 12:26 |
Dr_Willis | theadmin: it should make the sizes be in more human readable format | 12:26 |
theadmin | Dr_Willis: Oh | 12:27 |
Dr_Willis | Dident look too closely eh? :) | 12:27 |
Kartagis | is there a problem with MSN with pidgin? I get Connection error from notification server | 12:27 |
Dr_Willis | theadmin: neat trick - ---> df -h -x tmpfs -x devpts -x usbfs | 12:27 |
theadmin | Dr_Willis: Uh, what'd that do? | 12:28 |
blinkija | heloo :) | 12:28 |
aperson | Dr_Willis, that is a neat trick! | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis | theadmin: filters out the output... | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis | aperson: :) | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis | theadmin: neat df trick #2 ---> df -h -x tmpfs -x devpts -x usbfs | 12:29 |
aperson | Dr_Willis, time to alias that one | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis | oops typo | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis | watch 10 df -h -x tmpfs -x devpts -x usbfs | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis | aperson: yep thats my 'ShowDisks' alias | 12:29 |
aperson | oh sweet, df reports my sshfs's size | 12:29 |
theadmin | Dr_Willis: The first one still shows one of those which are not of any use | 12:29 |
Brodz9871 | are there any emulators eg. wine, that are less fiddly to configure ? | 12:29 |
digitalfiz | when i installed proftpd the first time it asked me for either standalone or initd then i removed it and tried to reinstall it. how can i make that question be asked again cuz now it just assumes what i chose last time | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis | The 'watch' one is handy to monitor disk copies and stuff | 12:29 |
theadmin | Dr_Willis: "none 37G 9.7G 26G 28% /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs" | 12:30 |
aperson | Brodz9871, no sir | 12:30 |
Dr_Willis | Brodz9871: wine tecnically isent a emyulator. there are variants on wine such as cedega and a few others. but those are comercial | 12:30 |
Dr_Willis | theadmin: add another filter. to the -x | 12:30 |
Brodz9871 | help: | 12:30 |
Brodz9871 | brodie@brodie-laptop:/media/cdrom$ wine dawnofwar.exe | 12:30 |
Brodz9871 | fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"brodie" (nil) 0x33f864 (nil) 0x33f868 0x33f85c - stub | 12:30 |
Brodz9871 | fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"brodie" 0x132d18 0x33f864 0x12f410 0x33f868 0x33f85c - stub | 12:30 |
Brodz9871 | err:msi:call_script Could not find CLSID for Windows Script | 12:30 |
Brodz9871 | fixme:msi:ACTION_HandleStandardAction unhandled standard action L"SetODBCFolders" | 12:30 |
Brodz9871 | fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub RemoveShortcuts -> 6 ignored L"Shortcut" table values | 12:30 |
Brodz9871 | fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub RemoveFolders -> 15 ignored L"CreateFolder" table values | 12:30 |
FloodBot2 | Brodz9871: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:30 |
theadmin | Brodz9871: Uh... Pastebin please... | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis | Brodz9871: always check the wine app database for wine games. | 12:31 |
theadmin | o_O | 12:31 |
sugoruyo | hi folks, i'm having a huge problem with a RAID-0 setup and i really need to get to my data, has anyone ever done some troubleshooting on these things? maybe someone could help me? | 12:31 |
Brodz9871 | checked. gold compatibility | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis | Brodz9871: double check versions and the notes. | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis | it may be 'gold' with some tweaks | 12:31 |
aperson | Brodz9871, you're best off asking in #winehq | 12:32 |
Brodz9871 | im noob. ok | 12:32 |
aperson | Brodz9871, they've always helped/fixed my problems | 12:32 |
aperson | Brodz9871, they may be a bit slow to reply, and some of them can come off the wrong way, but they're usually helpful in there :) | 12:32 |
blinkija | what are you talking about/ | 12:33 |
=== TxPitou is now known as TXP-AWAY | ||
crackguy | i am wondering, where is globalmenu installed.. how do i run the application now | 12:34 |
Dolp | Can anyone tell me how to get more than two "desk"s? as seen here | 12:35 |
aperson | crackguy, best check globalmenu's website for that :) | 12:35 |
crackguy | aperson, they don't tell nothing | 12:35 |
blinkija | are you talking here just about ubuntu? | 12:35 |
Myrtti | blinkija: this is Ubuntu support channel | 12:36 |
blinkija | and? | 12:36 |
Myrtti | !pastebin | Brodz9871 | 12:36 |
ubottu | Brodz9871: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 12:36 |
aperson | blinkija, this is a support channel. If you have an question regarding support, this is your place. Otherwise, off-topic discussion not regarding support can be taken to #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:36 |
Dr_Willis | | 12:37 |
sugoruyo | does anyone have experience with the software RAID system on linux? | 12:37 |
aperson | !ask, sugoruyo | 12:37 |
sugoruyo | i seem to be unable to start my array | 12:37 |
aperson | gah | 12:37 |
Dr_Willis | Add Global Menu Panel Applet (or an equivalent name in you language) to the top panel | 12:38 |
sugoruyo | I have an array that was set up by a stupid NAS device which failed, and now i really need to get to my data, so i run Disk Utility | 12:38 |
sugoruyo | and it sees one of the disks as autodetected RAID component | 12:39 |
Kartagis | is there a problem with MSN with pidgin? I get Connection error from notification server | 12:39 |
sugoruyo | so it shows a RAID-0 Drive on the left | 12:39 |
aperson | Kartagis, are you running the latest pidgin? | 12:39 |
=== TXP-AWAY is now known as TxPitou | ||
sugoruyo | but it reports missing components for the drive, as the other drive is reported as an ext3 formatted one rather than RAID autodetect | 12:40 |
TxPitou | mmm... is there a command line to check compiz is running ? | 12:40 |
jiehanzheng | Hello, how to disable the Ubuntu automount func.? I want to make a removable disk automount in my VirtualBox VM. Thanks!! | 12:41 |
Boondoklife | TxPitou: "ps -Al | grep compiz" would that not do what you want? | 12:42 |
aperson | that or pgrep compiz | 12:42 |
TxPitou | Boondoklife: yeah it give me nothing... | 12:42 |
crackguy | by "apt-get remove" will the system remove all the extras downloaded and installed with the package? | 12:42 |
Boondoklife | TxPitou: sounds like it isn't running. | 12:43 |
TxPitou | Boondoklife: but I have it installed and I did have the wobbly /3d cube window but now seems to have stopped.. grrr | 12:43 |
Boondoklife | TxPitou: try "compiz --replace" | 12:43 |
vishal | PENCIL How to install? | 12:44 |
TxPitou | Boondoklife: bingo | 12:44 |
vishal | :) | 12:44 |
jiohdi | how do you stop the screen saver in UNR? | 12:44 |
aperson | jiohdi, do you want to disable it completely? | 12:44 |
Boondoklife | TxPitou: yea for some reason compiz must have died. just issue that command or reboot =P | 12:44 |
jiohdi | aperson: yes | 12:44 |
aperson | jiohdi, go to system>preferences>autostarted applications | 12:45 |
aperson | jiohdi, err, startup applications | 12:45 |
TxPitou | Boondoklife: thanks | 12:46 |
Dr_Willis | I just set the screensver to off i think.. then theres teh powersaving settings also to change | 12:46 |
jiohdi | aperson: the screensaver is already unchecked.... is the powersaver the one to uncheck? | 12:46 |
aperson | Dr_Willis, gnome-screensaver doesn't handle power stuff | 12:46 |
jiohdi | or powermanagement | 12:46 |
tomcheng76 | Hi, can i copy word when i am inside urxvt ?? | 12:46 |
Dr_Willis | aperson: no.. thats the job of the power saver stuff | 12:46 |
aperson | jiohdi, no, did you restart yet? | 12:47 |
=== pts is now known as pths | ||
Dr_Willis | tomcheng76: select, middle click - perhaps. | 12:47 |
tomcheng76 | Dr_Willis: exactly, but it is not inside clipboard | 12:47 |
jiohdi | aperson: no, I am on the system in question... but its perhaps powersaver related, as the screen just goes blank | 12:47 |
aperson | jiohdi, I have mine disabled just by unchecking the screensaver from startup | 12:47 |
jiohdi | aperson: the screensaver was already unchecked | 12:48 |
aperson | jiohdi, yeah, that would blank your screen yet iirc | 12:48 |
irvine | Hiyas... I just upgraded from Karmic to Lucid last night, but now it won't allow me to log on... I had it set to auto logon before, now when I click my profile and enter password it loads for a sec and goes back to the log on screen... | 12:48 |
aperson | jiohdi, I know it was, you said that. I'm giving you an example of my situation :P | 12:48 |
jiohdi | ok, restarting now | 12:48 |
Dr_Willis | tomcheng76: the selection buffer is NOT the same as the clipboard. There are tools to sync the 2 | 12:48 |
aperson | jiohdi, you could just kill gnome-screensaver | 12:49 |
e04mk | ps ax |grep compiz | 12:50 |
TxPitou | I have 2 monitors, when I plug them both and run 'display' and click on find monitors it sees both, I set the proper refresh/size to the second monitor but even when "active" that monitor still doesnt turn on (it tell me (monitor) invalid size, 1440x900 @60hz required) which is what I set teh display app to... any though ? | 12:50 |
tomcheng76 | Dr_Willis: thanks. i will try to search the tools. | 12:52 |
Dr_Willis | tomcheng76: gclipper or glipper is one such tool | 12:52 |
tomcheng76 | ic. | 12:52 |
Dr_Willis | Hmm this 'global menu' panel applet is sort of nifty | 12:53 |
aperson | help! gnome-network-properties won't unset $http_proxy . I can unset it, but that doesn't work permanently | 12:53 |
=== Jasnowidz is now known as Torrentow | ||
Dr_Willis | aperson: did you unset it and then log out/back in? | 12:55 |
obscurant1st | using xsaw tv i can see my webcam but when i use camorama, its showing could not connect to video device at /dev/video0, can anybody help me to get it working? | 12:56 |
aperson | Dr_Willis, no, I didn't imagine I needed to, since you can set/change the setting without logging out | 12:56 |
iceroot | obscurant1st: is xsaw tv also using /dev/video0? | 12:56 |
obscurant1st | iceroot, how can i check it? | 12:57 |
Lin | export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ camorama | 12:57 |
aperson | Dr_Willis, oh, yes, I have actually | 12:57 |
Lin | try that | 12:57 |
iceroot | obscurant1st: dont know the program, check the settings | 12:57 |
aperson | Dr_Willis, not specifically for that reason, but I have restarted a few times since I tried disabling it via gnome-network-properties | 12:57 |
Dr_Willis | aperson: i would like to see how one app can change a allready running terminals Enviromental variables with out beung ran by that terminsl | 12:58 |
obscurant1st | Lin, that didnt help | 12:58 |
irvine | any ideas on why i can't log on after upgrade to lucid? | 12:58 |
Lin | ok .. =( | 12:58 |
obscurant1st | iceroot, let me check! | 12:58 |
bazhang | irvine, #ubuntu+1 for lucid | 12:58 |
Dr_Willis | aperson: other then that - ive no idea. I dont use proxys much. Ive never even noticed the http_proxy variable getting set | 12:58 |
irvine | cheers :) | 12:58 |
Dr_Willis | Theres a reason lucid is still called a 'alpha' :) | 12:59 |
irvine | i know ;) heheh | 12:59 |
aperson | Dr_Willis, dang, I knew I managed to unset it once before | 12:59 |
obscurant1st | iceroot, the device it is showing as camera in its settings | 12:59 |
obscurant1st | nothing else | 12:59 |
obscurant1st | :( | 12:59 |
malifal | aperson: did you go to system -> prefrences -> proxy and apply system-wide? | 13:00 |
racerx | Just had a blip in the be*matrix.. Rose St exchange Edinburgh... | 13:00 |
iceroot | obscurant1st: i huiss that program is not using /dev/video0 | 13:00 |
aperson | malifal, that would be the afromented gnome-network-properties I said I was using :) | 13:00 |
malifal | aperson: ok, did you click on apply system wide? | 13:00 |
aperson | malifal, yessir | 13:01 |
obscurant1st | iceroot, so how can i check that? can i8 use lsusb in anywaty to see it? | 13:01 |
obscurant1st | i mean which dev it is using? | 13:01 |
aperson | s/afformented/aforementioned/ | 13:02 |
aperson | malifal, I guess I never tried hitting reset and then apply system wide | 13:03 |
aperson | malifal, which did do the trick | 13:03 |
aperson | dangit, why didn't I think of that before | 13:03 |
aperson | thanks malifal, Dr_Willis | 13:03 |
Stargaze | still unable to have sound output, when i play an mp4 video file, restricted area's area's are installed, though | 13:04 |
Dr_Willis | Stargaze: try vlc and mplayer, run player from terminal. Look for error messages/codec info messages | 13:05 |
eraggo | Stargaze: vlc works on mp4's :) | 13:05 |
Stargaze | not here | 13:05 |
eraggo | duh? o.O | 13:05 |
TxPitou | Stargaze: really? how odd, it has internal codecs... | 13:05 |
Dr_Willis | a mp4 can use different codecs for audio i belive | 13:05 |
TxPitou | Stargaze: got all teh Gstreamer packages ? | 13:06 |
aperson | it's just a container, iirc | 13:06 |
Dr_Willis | yep all these .mp4 or .divx extensions just cause more annoyances. :) | 13:06 |
Dr_Willis | its all about the data and actual codecs used. | 13:06 |
aperson | sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-plugins? would install all of them | 13:07 |
Stargaze | installing gstream bluez and gstream esd | 13:08 |
TxPitou | aperson: dumb question, and probably only a matter of style, is there a difference between aptitute and apt-get ? | 13:08 |
Dr_Willis | I tend to install the ubuntu-restricted extras and the w32codecs from medibintu, and mplayer and vlc, and can play most anything | 13:08 |
TxPitou | Stargaze: Bluez ? tahts bluethooth libs | 13:08 |
Stargaze | not better | 13:08 |
aperson | TxPitou, aptitude is a package manager, like synaptic | 13:08 |
malifal | add to that -ugly packages and ffmpeg | 13:08 |
TxPitou | aperson: ok but synaptic is a gui interface that uses apt-get doesnt it ? | 13:09 |
aperson | TxPitou, it handles apt for you | 13:10 |
Stargaze | what gstream packages should i look for? | 13:10 |
aperson | TxPitou, if you run just aptitude, you'll get a curses interface | 13:10 |
bdfoster_iPhone | heyoh | 13:10 |
orson | TxPitou: it's a frontend to apt, not apt-get | 13:10 |
aperson | as is aptitude :) | 13:11 |
hipitihop | I have a MS bluetooth mouse and leyboard...although I can pair them with 'sudo hidd --search' and use them ok, they frequntly and regularly timeout, so I have to repait again. How do I stop this from happening ? | 13:11 |
TxPitou | *confused* but taht is ok... looks for more info | 13:11 |
orson | aperson: which is the better one :) | 13:11 |
aperson | orson, I heart aptitude | 13:12 |
=== Guest62747 is now known as goldenfox | ||
TxPitou | aperson: looked for aptitute... no package ... hummm... guess Ill search in synaptic | 13:12 |
orson | TxPitou: apt-get, aptitude, synaptics, kpackage etc. are all just frontends to apt | 13:12 |
aperson | TxPitou, it's installed already | 13:12 |
vishal | How to install PENCIL ?:) | 13:13 |
abhi_nav | vishal: what is pencil? | 13:13 |
TxPitou | aperson: humm I have no aptitute in gui, and aptitute command responds not valid command in terminal | 13:13 |
aperson | TxPitou, aptitu*d*e | 13:14 |
Stargaze | !mp4 | 13:14 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 13:14 |
abhi_nav | vishal: sudo apt-get install pencil | 13:14 |
TxPitou | aperson: :P | 13:14 |
MixLaToR | Hey guys...i just installed my GSM network...but the WiFi has been disabled :S and wont work again ! | 13:15 |
aperson | TxPitou, rarely do I ever use the interface for aptitude, you can work it much like any other apt command | 13:15 |
TxPitou | aperson: wow flash back to 1977 ascii interface.. lol | 13:15 |
aperson | TxPitou, believe it or not, some people prefer a terminal over a gui | 13:16 |
nyaa | hey, is there a way to set a process to run on one core without knowing its pid, or when you start the process? | 13:16 |
zus | hello | 13:16 |
Dr_Willis | I still have several 'serial terminals' laying about :) | 13:16 |
TxPitou | aperson: but so much easier to just apt-get <command> than tht ascii interface lol | 13:16 |
MixLaToR | Hey guys...i just installed my GSM network...but the WiFi has been disabled :S and wont work again ! | 13:16 |
aperson | TxPitou, and like I said, rarely do you actually need to use the interface. sudo aptitde install foo | 13:16 |
LaeTo | Hello All... | 13:17 |
aperson | TxPitou, I mean, anywhere you see apt-get, you can replace with aptitude | 13:17 |
LaeTo | If I have multiple DISPLAY then how can I come to know all those DISPLAY's value by just one command ? | 13:17 |
TxPitou | Dr_Willis: I actually terminal to a BBS not 3 days ago... now there was a flashback to the 80's | 13:17 |
ddole | does anyone knows how can i have win-d shourcut in ubuntu? | 13:17 |
LaeTo | and with their logged-in user | 13:17 |
LaeTo | as it can be seen with gdmflexiserver, but I need the console based solution. | 13:18 |
koltroll | Hi people. I have asked about tihs before. Compiz is dead slow for me when it comes to restoring the desktop after I've done "Show Desktop". Any idea why this is? | 13:18 |
LaeTo | TxMatt, alt+ctl+d | 13:18 |
LaeTo | oops it is for ddole | 13:18 |
koltroll | Eg, I first click "Show desktop" then click it again. It takes several seconds before restoring all the windows. | 13:18 |
ddole | ty LaeTo | 13:19 |
ddole | how can i access the top menu using keyboard shourtcuts: Application|Places|Systems | 13:19 |
LaeTo | ddole, alt+f1 | 13:20 |
abhi_nav | ddole: alt + f1 and then use arrow keys | 13:20 |
ddole | cool, ty | 13:20 |
JarRoDk | hallow | 13:21 |
LaeTo | ddole, now google for the rest of shortcuts | 13:21 |
JarRoDk | can i ask about debian ? | 13:21 |
JarRoDk | here ? | 13:21 |
ikonia | JarRoDk: in #debian sure | 13:21 |
LaeTo | If I have multiple DISPLAY then how can I come to know all those DISPLAY's value by just one command ? | 13:22 |
=== grj is now known as jedrzejblew | ||
brutus | hey....I need to include the X library for a particular application I'm says it needs to include /usr/X11R6/lib....but I can't find that on my machine...any help? | 13:23 |
aperson | LaeTo, echo $DISPLAY ? | 13:24 |
jared | hi, does anyone know if the ATI HD5000 series is supported yet in ubuntu? | 13:24 |
LaeTo | aperson, that will show only for the current DISPLAY only. What about multple display which I do have. | 13:24 |
toader | hi, can i read a file through ftp? | 13:25 |
ruien | brutus: there is a /usr/lib/X11 I'm not sure if that's similar, but it seems to make more sense logically | 13:26 |
TxPitou | jared: | 13:26 |
sim_sim | Hi all, i'm experiencing trouble with the sound with Karmic (I suspect PulseAudio -> by the way the daemon restart automatically, i can't really kill it, if someone has an hint..). The problem is : the sound slowly decrease, until I hear nothing => I can not hear anymore sound then, even when playing with the volume wheel. Spent ~3hours, crawling and trying, but still does not work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. | 13:27 |
soicon | sim_sim: try removing it, yet? | 13:28 |
sim_sim | soicon, nop, like aptitude purge ? | 13:29 |
soicon | aptitude remove .... | 13:29 |
soicon | then reinstall if you really need it | 13:30 |
soicon | :D | 13:30 |
baba_b00ie | is there antivirus software besides clam for ubuntu? i want to use my linux machine to do scans on windows/ntfs formatted hard drives | 13:30 |
brutus | ruien, hmmm...there is, but shouldn't it have stuff like glut.h, WinUtil.h and other C files? doesn't have any of that | 13:30 |
sim_sim | soicon, lol ok, but I may need some kind of sound server. Well, i give it a try | 13:30 |
ruien | brutus: that _is_ what you would expect from a lib directory. I see what you're saying.. let me see if I can dig up any info on it | 13:31 |
lao5 | dear all, my 'unlock' button of 'time and date settings' is disabled, why? | 13:31 |
rionstrife | hi i have ubuntu 9.04 | 13:31 |
rionstrife | when i tried to upgrade it prints an error | 13:32 |
TxPitou | !hello | rionstrife | 13:32 |
DANI_ | ola | 13:32 |
mari | ola.. | 13:32 |
ubottu | rionstrife: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 13:32 |
nibbler | lao5: you are the main (first) user of this ubuntu? | 13:32 |
rionstrife | segmentation fault | 13:32 |
rionstrife | :D | 13:32 |
TxPitou | !es | Dani | 13:32 |
ubottu | Dani: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 13:32 |
rionstrife | can u help me..? | 13:32 |
TxPitou | !es | mari | 13:32 |
ubottu | mari: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 13:32 |
mari | adios | 13:32 |
lao5 | nibbler: sorry, what 's main (first) user? | 13:32 |
Torrentow | !pl | 13:32 |
ubottu | Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 13:32 |
DANI_ | irse a tomar por culo gilipollas | 13:33 |
nibbler | lao5: the user you created while installing ubuntu | 13:33 |
lao5 | nibbler: yeah | 13:33 |
ruien | brutus: do you know exactly which header file it's trying to #include? | 13:33 |
nyaa | wuwu I beat windows in wow fps | 13:33 |
DANI_ | comemela | 13:33 |
sim_sim | soicon, it works ! Yet when i launch vlc from the console. It kind of crash : pulse initialization failed. Maybe some cleanup needed | 13:33 |
nibbler | lao5: then i am sorry, but have no idea :| | 13:34 |
brutus |'s trying to use X11/Xmu/WinUtil.h | 13:34 |
lao5 | nibbler: :-( , that's ok. | 13:34 |
lao5 | nibbler: maybe i need to reboot. | 13:34 |
DANI_ | gili | 13:34 |
baba_b00ie | is there antivirus software besides clam for ubuntu? i want to use my linux machine to do scans on windows/ntfs formatted hard drives | 13:35 |
DANI_ | pollas | 13:35 |
DANI_ | come mela | 13:35 |
sim_sim | soicon, oups NOP. It still does not work ... T_T sounds is inaudible | 13:35 |
DANI_ | cabron | 13:35 |
nibbler | lao5: there is not many things that really do require a reboot, its maybe worth a try but.... i dont believe so | 13:36 |
abhi_nav | baba_b00ie: there are other but clam is foss. see this: | 13:36 |
nibbler | lao5: you talk about rightclicking on the clock in the upper right corner, adujust date&time, set system time by the way? | 13:37 |
Stargaze | kernel update needs reboot, but you can use ksplice | 13:37 |
lao5 | nibbler: yeah | 13:37 |
baba_b00ie | thanks abhi_nav | 13:37 |
ruien | brutus: i'm currently *looking at* apt-get install libxmu-dev, but I haven't run anything. One really dodgy web source seems to imply that package has what you need. | 13:37 |
abhi_nav | baba_b00ie: hmm :-) | 13:37 |
lao5 | Stargaze: i did an update today | 13:37 |
nibbler | lao5: i'm not so sure, but for me it looks like your user could lack sudo rights, which i dont believe. you have other problems like this when doing system updates, installs etc? | 13:38 |
lao5 | Stargaze: but without reboot requiring | 13:38 |
lao5 | nibbler: not yet. | 13:38 |
nibbler | Stargaze: kernel update needs reboot for inserting new hardware or using new kernel. for that i'd not say it generally needs a reboot.... | 13:38 |
lao5 | nibbler: i could use sudo in the terminal | 13:39 |
nibbler | lao5: assumed so :\ well, maybe for now, use other means to change your time setup? what do you want to achive? | 13:39 |
lao5 | nibbler: yeah. i want to see why the button disabled. | 13:40 |
nibbler | lao5: use the source, luke ;-) | 13:41 |
aperson | brutus, find / -name WinUtil.h ? | 13:41 |
lao5 | nibbler: oh. thanks. | 13:41 |
brutus | aperson, doesn't return anything...need to find the package to install | 13:41 |
warriorforgod | nyaa: When I used to play wow I would run it under wine in linux at 1650x1080 and it was great. | 13:42 |
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aperson | brutus, xlibs-dev | 13:43 |
nyaa | warriorforgod I used to run it before wotlk and it was incredible, but they made it less good with wotlk it seems. I was able to make it better than windows by just a smidge with basic fiddling with its nice level, and also by putting all wine and .exe processis on the mostly unused 4th core | 13:43 |
aperson | warriorforgod, that's great!, but not quite what this channel is for. Do you have a support question? | 13:43 |
aperson | err, sorry warriorforgod didn | 13:44 |
aperson | t mean to direct that at you | 13:44 |
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter | ||
nyaa | hey, sorry aperson. even if it seems more game related than linux related, if processor coordination is a problem in any degree, or could be better, I think that's important. | 13:45 |
nyaa | I won't bring it up again, I don't mean to derail or flame. | 13:46 |
ddavids | hello all | 13:46 |
ddavids | pls i installed songbird from the internet after a few weeks, i got to the office and its not opening. i got some gstreamer errors at the command line but i dont know wht to do? | 13:47 |
aperson | ddavids, first off, where and how did you install songbird? | 13:48 |
code | anyone out there? | 13:48 |
code | hello? | 13:49 |
TxPitou | code: nope where all inside | 13:49 |
ddavids | aperson: i installed it from the internet | 13:49 |
code | heehee. wow. | 13:49 |
code | ok so i have been playing with Xubuntu for about 3 weeks now. I AM IN LOVE! | 13:49 |
aperson | ddavids, from where and how?, the internet is huge sir | 13:49 |
ddavids | | 13:49 |
code | guess what.... just guess.... | 13:49 |
ddavids | aperson: | 13:50 |
code | alright ill tell you. I am running Xubuntu on a emachine 600 mhz pc | 13:50 |
TxPitou | code: I dont guess, but I am sure your going to lead to a aquestion that needs technical help | 13:50 |
bdfoster_iPhone | ... ok | 13:50 |
bullgard | stfu | LetoThe2nd: | 13:50 |
Salz` | hi all, connected my secound hdd via sata while running ubuntu. Sadly ubuntu dosent automount it. Is there an way to manual start the prozess? | 13:50 |
bullgard | !stfu | LetoThe2nd | 13:50 |
ubottu | LetoThe2nd: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 13:50 |
TxPitou | !mount | Salz` | 13:50 |
ubottu | Salz`: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also | 13:50 |
Dr_Willis | Salz`: add a proper entry to the fstab for any extra filesystems | 13:51 |
=== life is now known as kafemin | ||
code | This machine would take over 20min to load WinXP. running Xubuntu, it detected my USB WiFi, and loaded in less then a min. | 13:51 |
aperson | code, congrats, do you have a question that needs to be answered? | 13:51 |
TxPitou | code: go forth and convert all those windows infidels.. | 13:51 |
Salz` | so, there is no automated way, just the good old by-hand-way? | 13:51 |
code | i am very impressed. and YES! i do have a question. | 13:51 |
aperson | ddavids, can you pastebin the errors you're getting? | 13:52 |
kafemin | Привет, Hello! | 13:52 |
erUSUL | hi | 13:52 |
TxPitou | !ru | kafemin | 13:52 |
ubottu | kafemin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 13:52 |
TxPitou | Morning erUSUL | 13:52 |
code | A co-worker is trying to install Xubuntu on his machine. | 13:52 |
Dr_Willis | Salz`: thers proberly sopme gui tools.. but i can put an entry in /etc/fstab in the time it would take me to load any gui tools | 13:52 |
warriorforgod | aperson: np. | 13:52 |
Dr_Willis | Salz`: also it depends on the filesystem in use. | 13:52 |
erUSUL | TxPitou: afternoon here :) | 13:52 |
code | i dont know why, but he set his bios (boot sequence) to load Floppy, DVD, CD, USB, then HD. | 13:53 |
digitalfiz | is there anyway to make it so even though i close out a program it doesnt clear out the clipboard of anything i copied from that program? | 13:53 |
Dark-Sun | Hi people | 13:53 |
code | but the disk isn't reading. | 13:53 |
aperson | Salz`, pysdm is a gui to edit the fstab | 13:53 |
Mattkjhkjhjk | wow? | 13:53 |
code | it goes straight to HD | 13:53 |
Mattkjhkjhjk | downloads wwow? | 13:53 |
Mattkjhkjhjk | help me | 13:53 |
Mattkjhkjhjk | downloads wowo? | 13:53 |
aperson | digitalfiz, it shouldn't in the first place | 13:53 |
Mattkjhkjhjk | have a link downloads wow? | 13:53 |
Dr_Willis | digitalfiz: use some of the various clipboard manager tools. many of them have a 'history' feature that keeps the clipboards | 13:53 |
aperson | !ops Mattkjhkjhjk | 13:53 |
Dark-Sun | windows ping is ok for linux, but Helena's ping goes TIME OUT, any suggestion? | 13:53 |
Salz` | thanks, cu | 13:53 |
code | Can I use the Xubuntu USB startup to get his pc to load Xubuntu? | 13:53 |
code | (hes running Win95 right now) | 13:53 |
Mattkjhkjhjk | don'y have link wow? | 13:53 |
Dr_Willis | well i was about to tell salz' that ive had Pysdm really goof things up.. but too late | 13:54 |
digitalfiz | apelgate, if i copy text from gedit or firefox or really anywhere if i close it the text i copied from that program no longer exists. ubuntu has always done this for me | 13:54 |
Mattkjhkjhjk | !list | 13:54 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 13:54 |
Dr_Willis | Mattkjhkjhjk: Huh? | 13:54 |
code | also, he has no internet access. | 13:54 |
Dr_Willis | !info glipper | 13:54 |
Mattkjhkjhjk | search the link to downloads game pc wow..... have it? | 13:54 |
Dark-Sun | windows ping is ok for linux, but Helena's ping goes TIME OUT, any suggestion? | 13:54 |
ubottu | glipper (source: glipper): Clipboard manager for the GNOME panel. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1.1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 68 kB, installed size 632 kB | 13:54 |
ddavids | aperson: | 13:54 |
hwilde | Mattkjhkjhjk, go to google and search. stop asking here | 13:54 |
Dr_Willis | Mattkjhkjhjk: the World Of warcraft homepage has downloads | 13:54 |
Mattkjhkjhjk | ok thanks | 13:55 |
=== phisher2 is now known as phisher1 | ||
erUSUL | Dark-Sun: what/who is helena? | 13:55 |
Mattkjhkjhjk | bye | 13:55 |
erUSUL | !details | Dark-Sun | 13:55 |
ubottu | Dark-Sun: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 13:55 |
* Dr_Willis wonders about people sometimes... | 13:55 | |
Dark-Sun | erUSUL: yes, she's my Linux Mint 8 | 13:55 |
TxPitou | Dr_Willis: I stop woindering a long time.. lol Mute is a great option | 13:55 |
Dark-Sun | ubottu: generating.. please wait... | 13:56 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:56 |
Evet | how to stop network-manager app to modify /etc/resolv.conf | 13:56 |
erUSUL | Dark-Sun: so a ping from helena to your linux box timeouts or what? | 13:56 |
Dr_Willis | Im wondering at these usb 'resets' im seeing in dmesg output.. could it be the Hard drive is going into some power saveing mode and goofing some things up? | 13:56 |
gamesNvideos | !ubuntuultimate | 13:56 |
Dr_Willis | usb 2-3: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4 | 13:56 |
gamesNvideos | !ubuntu ultimate | 13:56 |
code | QUESTION: Does Blender run faster under Xubuntu then Windows? AND if I upgrade to a quad core proccessor from a pent4 will this increase my Render time? | 13:56 |
Dark-Sun | erUSUL: no! helena tries to ping. but no result | 13:56 |
gamesNvideos | is ubuntu ultimate supported? | 13:57 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: ubuntuUltimate is not supported here.. | 13:57 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: its just ubuntu with extra packages installed by default I belive.. not really worth messing with | 13:57 |
digitalfiz | apelgate, even as far back as feisty it was an idea to stop that: about halfway down the page is what im talking about. i figured there has to be some switch to enable/disable that feature | 13:57 |
erUSUL | Dark-Sun: what is pinging? maybe the target has firewall and just drops pings that will result in timeout | 13:57 |
gamesNvideos | is there a version of ubuntu that is best for gamers trying to save system resources and have needed emulation software at the same time? | 13:58 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: best for 'gamers' is a rather vague term. I would say Not really. | 13:58 |
digitalfiz | apelgate, i can see it as being a memory saver but its more of an annoyance for me because i open text files with info i have to copy/paste into another screen all day and it sucks having to leave it open till i paste then go back to it and close it just a productivity issue i guess | 13:58 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: if you want to save ram, use a minimal window manager/desktop | 13:58 |
Sacho | emulation software and saving system resources don't generally go hand in hand | 13:58 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: but even then the memory saved will proberly be minimal. a few 100mb perhaps | 13:59 |
Dark-Sun | erUSUL: crazy FIREWAL! I should suggest it myself! | 13:59 |
Dark-Sun | erUSUL: thank you | 13:59 |
gamesNvideos | Dr_Willis, what options are there besides xubuntu? | 13:59 |
Dark-Sun | erUSUL: ;) | 13:59 |
erUSUL | Dark-Sun: no problem | 13:59 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: xubuntu is the xfce DESKTOP. theres other WINDOW MANAGERS you can use. | 13:59 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: theres also lubuntu (which uses lxde desktop) | 13:59 |
jiehanzheng | Hello, how to make a USB device automount in the VM? Currently I have to check the device name manually. Thank you!! | 13:59 |
gamesNvideos | Dr_Willis, you mean like metacity? | 14:00 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: meticity is the default gnome window manager.. yes | 14:00 |
gamesNvideos | is lubuntu supported? | 14:00 |
soicon | lubuntu ? is it ok? is there anyone used it already ? | 14:00 |
airtonix | gamesNvideos, some window managers are also desktop environments | 14:00 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: 10.04 will have lubuntu as an official release i belive | 14:00 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas | 14:00 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: its in teh repos now. but it has 'issues' | 14:00 |
=== hexdump is now known as hexdump_ | ||
gamesNvideos | Dr_Willis, what window manager saves the most ram? | 14:01 |
hwilde | gamesNvideos, ice window manager is relatively lightweight | 14:01 |
TxPitou | Dr_Willis: you do seem to know alot :) | 14:01 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: logical speking the.. most minimal one would... | 14:01 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: but then again.. you start loseing features you may want.. to save 10mb of ram... | 14:01 |
gamesNvideos | Dr_Willis, you said it would be like 100 mb | 14:01 |
tomcheng76 | Dr_Willis: autocutsel works very well or syncing firstcut, primary and selection buffer, thanks! | 14:02 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: going from a DESKTOP to just a window manager would.. | 14:02 |
=== horndog__ is now known as horndog | ||
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: differance btween different window managers are not as great | 14:02 |
IRA_36 | hi i wanted to ask whats the best way to make backup on 9.10? | 14:02 |
dataHeist | Wow... small channel =) | 14:02 |
gamesNvideos | Dr_Willis, how do you use just a window manager without the desktop? | 14:02 |
dabaR | IRA_36: backup of what/how much data? | 14:02 |
TxPitou | dataHeist: and all here to answer a question | 14:02 |
dataHeist | TxPitou: heh... only one op... | 14:03 |
Blues-Man | hi all I have karmic with 2.6.31-20 but i can't mount an ext4 device, how to? | 14:03 |
dataHeist | weird :) | 14:03 |
gamesNvideos | im sorry about the flood of questions | 14:03 |
TxPitou | !ext4 | Blues-Man | 14:03 |
dabaR | Blues-Man: what did you try, what was the error? | 14:03 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: install one.. and select it at the GDM login screen | 14:03 |
* dataHeist is trying to upgrade libgnutls26 for use with the latest weechat... still running jaunty | 14:03 | |
crackguy | does "apt-get remove" as well remove all the extras or dependencies along with the software? | 14:04 |
* TxPitou looks at the bot... you dont know anything about ext4..... bad bot | 14:04 | |
paranoid_pedlar | what is the program called that edits the global menu? | 14:04 |
gamesNvideos | Dr_Willis, is there any thing that describes this in more detail, and clairifies things? | 14:04 |
dabaR | crackguy: no, you should use aptitude for that reason. To install and uninstall | 14:04 |
dataHeist | is there an easy way to upgrade libgnutls26 on 9.04 using the package from 9.10? | 14:04 |
Blues-Man | dabaR, it was an HAL error, I have rebooted and now it is mounted :) thanks anyway | 14:04 |
Myrtti | dataHeist: it's the only *visible* op | 14:05 |
IRA_36 | whole OS i mean i want to try different things so if there is any problem in the future i could just backup everything i think at the moment i have around 10gb in total can i make like sort of back up in windows? or make usb stick backup or something? | 14:05 |
dabaR | paranoid_pedlar: maybe alacarte | 14:05 |
crackguy | !aptitude | 14:05 |
paranoid_pedlar | dabaR, thanks, I will check this out | 14:05 |
gamesNvideos | Dr_Willis, and by 'this' i mean every thing we've spoke of concerning desktops and window managers | 14:06 |
dabaR | IRA_36: you should start by googling for "backup ubuntu" | 14:06 |
TxPitou | IRA_36: there are a few backup utilities you can use , check the ubuntu software centre | 14:06 |
ubottu | aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See | 14:06 |
gamesNvideos | aw shucks he left | 14:06 |
IRA_36 | k <dabaR> <TxPitou> tnx | 14:07 |
* jiehanzheng wondering anyone can help me solve the VirtualBox USB automount problem? | 14:07 | |
dabaR | IRA_36: actually, the top two for "ubuntu backup" seem like the way to go. | 14:07 |
Dr_Willis | gamesNvideos: check google and the 'window managers for x' homepage it has some info on different wm's | 14:07 |
gamesNvideos | jiehanzheng, try #vbox | 14:07 |
ddavids1 | aperson: have u been able to decipher the log...? | 14:07 |
* dataHeist needs help upgrading libgnutls26... Is there nobody that can assist ? | 14:07 | |
jiehanzheng | gamesNvideos: Yes, but they don't know about it, most of them uses OSE version ... | 14:08 |
aperson | ddavids1, I wasn't aware you pasted one | 14:08 |
TxPitou | dataHeist: sudo apt-get upgrade libgnutls26? | 14:08 |
gamesNvideos | jiehanzheng, i dont think puel works with usb | 14:08 |
aperson | ddavids1, I got it, I'll take a look, sorry, I was eating breakfast | 14:08 |
gamesNvideos | could be wrong | 14:08 |
dataHeist | TxPitou: I need a newer version than what is in the repositories | 14:08 |
ddavids1 | pls i installed songbird from the internet after a few weeks, i got to the office and its not opening. i got some gstreamer errors at the command line but i dont know wht to do? i installed it from here - | 14:09 |
gamesNvideos | thanks dr | 14:09 |
TxPitou | dataHeist: only way I hear of using 910 libs in 9.04 would be to download the package and manually do it | 14:09 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: try the latest songbird from the songbird homepage | 14:09 |
dataHeist | TxPitou: Aren't there testing repositories or something for 9.04 with newer version of packages? | 14:09 |
aperson | ddavids1, fwiw, try to find .deb packages to install instead of manually installing things. Maintenance will be much easier in the long run. | 14:09 |
* jiehanzheng just want to make the USB devices automount inside VM. Currently I can see my device in the list, I can use them after checking them. I just want them "auto-check" ... I have already added them into filter list, but it took no effects. | 14:10 | |
TxPitou | dataHeist: unless the libs are on then you can just tarball it in place :) | 14:10 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: i can do tht but i'll like to get rid of all these loose files lying around my system...any clues? | 14:10 |
dataHeist | TxPitou: Hrmmm... Guess I'll grab the one from the 9.10 packages | 14:10 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: this is why if i use for example that tar.gz binary version of songbird i JUST install it in the users home dir. i DONT install it system wide. | 14:11 |
theadmin | Is there any good CAS in Ubuntu's repos? | 14:11 |
TxPitou | !cas | 14:11 |
airtonix | ddavids1, also, you don't need to move it to the /opt directory just extract into somewhere logical on your home folder. | 14:11 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: how do u do tht pls? | 14:12 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: i get the tar.gz extract it to the users home.. and run it from there. | 14:12 |
crackguy | aptitude is awesome | 14:12 |
ddavids1 | airtonix: sorry, im a noob and just following the instructions... | 14:12 |
rfajardo | hi there, I have compiled a "build-generic" kernel following the kernelcompile guidelines of Ubuntu | 14:12 |
Dr_Willis | | 14:12 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: download, extract.. run... | 14:12 |
rfajardo | but now I cannot install the generic-headers because they depend on the "general" linux-headers | 14:13 |
nomnex | were are the modules on 9.10? This was the path on 9.04 "/lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/kernel/drivers/misc/panasonic-laptop.ko" | 14:13 |
rfajardo | and they were not compiled | 14:13 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: looks like songbird and ubuntu are fighting again.. latest is not working here. | 14:13 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: i recall ages ago there being some ubuntu package that you removed that would 'fix' it some times | 14:14 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: i had the old one but i wantd the latest, hance my dilemma | 14:14 |
titanioverde | Good morning. Someone expert in GRUB, here? | 14:15 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: which package is tht pls? | 14:15 |
dabaR | !anyone | titanioverde | 14:15 |
ubottu | titanioverde: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 14:15 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: i dont rember | 14:15 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: proberly somthing with gstreamer. | 14:15 |
Dr_Willis | | 14:15 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: i cant ever recall removin anything gstreamer in it... cos i think i knw it makes my media work... | 14:16 |
TxPitou | nomnex: all my *.ko files are located in "/lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic" try ' locate -eiL p*.ko ' and see what it finds for you | 14:16 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: is it possible then to remove the gstreamer packages and reinstall them? | 14:17 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: do u think that will help subsequently? | 14:17 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: theres dozens of 'possible fix's' on web sites | 14:17 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: | 14:17 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: the first 'fix' worked here for me so far | 14:17 |
dataHeist | can you use aptitude to install .deb files? | 14:17 |
dataHeist | or is dpkg preferable? | 14:18 |
theadmin | dataHeist: No, you use dpkg for that | 14:18 |
orson | dataHeist: use dpkg | 14:18 |
dataHeist | can you view dependencies only using dpkg? | 14:18 |
dataHeist | i mean, view without installing a package? | 14:18 |
theadmin | Any good CAS in Ubuntu's repos? Anyone, plz, i don't wanna go buy WIRIS | 14:19 |
xuli | ola | 14:19 |
Dr_Willis | I dont even know what a CAS or WIRIS is | 14:19 |
xuli | ok | 14:19 |
dabaR | dataHeist: also gdebi. | 14:19 |
xuli | wath? | 14:19 |
datacrusher | wtf? | 14:20 |
theadmin | Dr_Willis: CAS is Computer Algebra System, WIRIS is an example of such | 14:20 |
xuli | my is español | 14:20 |
dabaR | !es | xuli | 14:20 |
ubottu | xuli: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 14:20 |
TxPitou | !es | xuli | 14:20 |
xuli | xao | 14:20 |
dataHeist | dabaR: I'm really just trying to view dependencies for a given package | 14:20 |
nomnex | TxPitou, can't find it. I am looking for the fujitsu_laptop.ko module | 14:20 |
arch0njw | dataHeist: From here ( -- "dpkg -s package | grep ^Depends:". Replace "package" with the name of the package. | 14:20 |
titanioverde | Understood. - I know this is not the better channel for it, but if you allow me, I'm a bit lost. - I installed a Debain apart, but it didn't left a GRUB entry. I tried Super GRUB disk, but it doesn't boot. | 14:21 |
arch0njw | dataHeist: That appears to work for installed packages though... hmm... | 14:21 |
=== Dark-Sun is now known as yourname | ||
dataHeist | arch0njw: sweet... thanks.. ;) | 14:21 |
dataHeist | arch0njw: oh... ermmm.... | 14:21 |
nomnex | TxPitou, it was there before: /lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/kernel/drivers/misc/nnnnnn-laptop.ko on 9.04 | 14:21 |
raven | i need a replacement for CUBASE - any ideas? | 14:21 |
theadmin | titanioverde: Have you tried "sudo update-grub"? | 14:21 |
dataHeist | right now, when i do a dpkg -i, i get dependency warnings, but the package is installed without configuring | 14:21 |
titanioverde | theadmin: First news. Trying now. | 14:22 |
dataHeist | maybe dpkg has a switch to stop from installing if dependencies aren't met? | 14:22 |
ActionParsnip | yo yo yo | 14:22 |
dataHeist | man dpkg | 14:22 |
dataHeist | :) | 14:22 |
=== otaryman is now known as jyooruje | ||
rfajardo | dataheist, you can force it if you like | 14:22 |
dabaR | dataHeist: I was just typing that for you | 14:22 |
Dr_Willis | I dont recall dpkg installing if deps are not met... | 14:22 |
rfajardo | dataheist, or you can search for the missing package and install it | 14:22 |
orson | dataHeist: "sudo aptitude -f install" to resolve dependencies | 14:22 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: it worked, the first tweak | 14:22 |
dataHeist | don't want to force... just want to view dependencies and grab those... | 14:22 |
bdfoster_iPhone | u | 14:22 |
TxPitou | nomnex: 9.10 uses 2.6.31-20-generic | 14:22 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: isent google handy :) | 14:22 |
ddavids1 | but do i always have to do tht? | 14:22 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis: you can run: sudo apt-get -f install and it will try and fx stuff ;) | 14:22 |
rfajardo | dataHeist, try and say you don't want to install | 14:23 |
arch0njw | dataHeist: do you have the deb? And yes there is a switch to stop install of dep debs | 14:23 |
dataHeist | orson: I can't automatically resovle these dependencies.. they aren't in the repository | 14:23 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: make a script that does the export and runs songbird | 14:23 |
titanioverde | theadmin: I'm using Mint 8, based on Ubuntu 9.10. It has that grub.cfg file, instead of menu.lst. update-grub asks me to create menu.lst | 14:23 |
beware | i have a feature request for ubuntu | 14:23 |
paranoid_pedlar | alacarte saved my configuration, but it doesn't apply to the menu. Do I have to press revert? I don't think that would make sense. Any ideas? | 14:23 |
dataHeist | But, it's a slippery slope... each dependency has even more dependencies :( | 14:23 |
Dr_Willis | !brainstorm | 14:23 |
ubottu | Post your ideas for Ubuntu at and vote for the ones you like! | 14:23 |
theadmin | titanioverde: That's pretty strange, try "update-grub2" instead | 14:23 |
airtonix | Dr_Willis, so the way to get songbird working is to intall or update gstreamer-plugins-good ? | 14:23 |
raven | i need a replacement for CUBASE - any ideas? | 14:23 |
ActionParsnip | raven: lmms | 14:23 |
* dataHeist reads dpkg man page | 14:24 | |
arch0njw | dataHeist: that is so true at times. | 14:24 |
nomnex | TxPitou, yes, is there any change (mdoules or modules location?) I am looking in the /lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic and can't find these modules | 14:24 |
hystreni | hmm... can any1 give me a link to download mumble 1.2.2 becouse when i press find update on mumble itself i get a link to 1.1.4 | 14:24 |
Dr_Willis | airtonix: seems thers some gstreamer issues with songbird again.. it seems they get fixed.. then break again.. | 14:24 |
paradoxuncreated | raven: have you tried Energy XT? | 14:24 |
aperson | titanioverde, edit /etc/default/grub , not anything in /boot | 14:24 |
airtonix | Dr_Willis, i mean you just tried latest songbird from their website? and you didnt have gstreamer-plugins-good ? | 14:24 |
aperson | !grub2 > titanioverde | 14:24 |
ubottu | titanioverde, please see my private message | 14:24 |
Dr_Willis | airtonix: correct.. it had issues. | 14:24 |
Jehah | Quick Q: How can I know if there is a reported problem with Ubuntu's clock? | 14:24 |
raven | paradoxuncreated, i do not want a demo.... | 14:25 |
bdfoster_iPhone | I installed b43legacy drivers by way of b43fwcutter, and when I did the restart it is using a driver called b43-pci-bridge and wireless isn't working | 14:25 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: | 14:25 |
Dr_Willis | airtonix: had to export LD_BIND_NOW=1, then ran ./songbird | 14:25 |
rfajardo | you can also try --simulate | 14:25 |
Dr_Willis | airtonix: no idea what LD_BIND_NOW does | 14:25 |
nomnex | TxPitou, I got it I guess, and yes, the path has changed since 9.04: /2.6.31-19-generic/kernel/drivers/platform/x86/fujitsu-laptop.ko | 14:25 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: pls dont loose me, i dont think i follow | 14:25 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: ALT F2? | 14:25 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: follow what? | 14:25 |
paranoid_pedlar | how do I apply the changes in alacarte? | 14:25 |
airtonix | !info gstreamer-plugins-good | 14:26 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:slicer/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade | 14:26 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: or shld i do it thru main menu? | 14:26 |
titanioverde | theadmin: /etc/default/grub? There I go. - Oh, and I've got a separated /boot partition. This won't bring me problems, right? | 14:26 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: do what exactly? | 14:26 |
ubottu | Package gstreamer-plugins-good does not exist in karmic | 14:26 |
theadmin | titanioverde: Should not | 14:26 |
ddavids1 | can i add it thru the main menu? | 14:26 |
aperson | paranoid_pedlar, it should be instant you make changes | 14:26 |
ActionParsnip | paranoid_pedlar: tey apply on the fly as I recall, just click close after sorting your stuff, should be ok | 14:26 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: add WHAT exactly? You have lost me | 14:26 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: the script pls | 14:26 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: MAKE a script.. or put the export command in your .bashrc or .bash_profile perhaps | 14:27 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: can i paste it in the command thru the main menu? | 14:27 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: is it ok? | 14:27 |
Jehah | Q: How can I know if there is a reported problem with Ubuntu's clock? | 14:27 |
ActionParsnip | !bug | Jehah | 14:27 |
ubottu | Jehah: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at | 14:27 |
paranoid_pedlar | ActionParsnip, alacarte still shows them, and I rebooted just in case, but the global menu is not showing the edit | 14:27 |
arch0njw | dataHeist: if you have the DEB file, this command will work: "dpkg --info 'DEB file name here' | grep Depends:" | 14:27 |
CosmicRay | Does anybody know if LTS has been discontinued? the download link, as well as any info about it, seems to have been scrubbed from the website | 14:27 |
ddavids1 | Dr_Willis: sorry but i dont knw how? | 14:27 |
hanc | would someone mind helping me i have several questions about running ubuntu on a hp dv6-2190us, i can get 9.04 to run in virtual box, but on a full install it wont recognize the wireless card | 14:27 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: .bashrc is a text file you can edit | 14:27 |
hystreni | ActionParsnip, nah still have 1.1.8 :S | 14:27 |
theadmin | ddavids1: Put this into a .sh file: | 14:27 |
ActionParsnip | paranoid_pedlar: thats all i know dude, i ditched gnome desktop a while back | 14:27 |
hanc | if you have any suggestions please msg me | 14:27 |
paranoid_pedlar | ActionParsnip, what are you using now? | 14:28 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: what release are you on? | 14:28 |
ActionParsnip | paranoid_pedlar: lxde baby :) | 14:28 |
arch0njw | CosmicRay: the next release will be an LTS. The current LTS is 8.04. | 14:28 |
robbit10 | How do I request the one-to-last entry of an array? I mean for example, if I have 8 values in an array, i want to request the 7th? | 14:28 |
orson | dataHeist: dpkg-deb --info file.deb | 14:28 |
dataHeist | arch0njw: thanks ;) I'm chatting with the weechat folks about compiling the latest from scratch :) | 14:28 |
theadmin | ddavids1: Then, put that file in the Songbird folder, and run it instead of songbird. It should also be executable | 14:28 |
paranoid_pedlar | ActionParsnip, why? | 14:28 |
robbit10 | oops | 14:28 |
dataHeist | orson: thanks to you, as well | 14:28 |
robbit10 | wrong channel | 14:28 |
robbit10 | sorry people | 14:28 |
CosmicRay | arch0njw: but why is the 8.04 LTS gone from the website? | 14:28 |
ActionParsnip | paranoid_pedlar: i like its lightning quickness and no nonesense | 14:28 |
hystreni | ActionParsnip, i ahve mumble 1.1.8 on ubuntu 9.10 | 14:28 |
CosmicRay | I still have the ISO I downloaded on Jan. 26, but it's not there now | 14:28 |
blackxored | robbit10, definitely, which language? | 14:29 |
LaeTo | How to kill a particular DISPLAY with gnome-session-save ? | 14:29 |
robbit10 | blackxored: PHP | 14:29 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: the repo has 1.2.2 for karmic, did the command i gave not give the new version? | 14:29 |
paranoid_pedlar | ActionParsnip, no nonsense? does that mean you have to edit configurations by file? | 14:29 |
Jehah | Thank you ActionParsnip | 14:29 |
sambagirlx | hey is there a way to update from hardy to the current level? | 14:30 |
ActionParsnip | paranoid_pedlar: some but there are many guis, i just dont like this who compiz by default, bloat that comes with ubuntu so i use minimal and then install lxde, works great and keeps the system small and punchy | 14:30 |
arch0njw | CosmicRay: it is there. On the download page, you need to click the text "Alternative download options,..." and "Download 8.04 LTS" is there. | 14:30 |
=== Guest84736 is now known as warriorforgod | ||
CosmicRay | arch0njw: ah, I see that now. thank you. | 14:31 |
arch0njw | sambagirlx: I suggest waiting until end-of-April and directly upgrade to 10.04. That will be an LTS-to-LTS upgrade which is typically well supported. | 14:31 |
trijntje | sambagirlx: no, but you can upgrade from hardy ro the next version | 14:31 |
airtonix | Dr_Willis, noob moment, how did you isntall gstreamer-plugins-good ? medibuntu ? | 14:32 |
paranoid_pedlar | ActionParsnip, I hear that. I don't know why, but back in the day, compiz was snappier on my older laptop, now on my new one it's slower. I don't know why though. | 14:32 |
hystreni | ActionParsnip, "sudo apt-get upgrade" | 14:32 |
ddavids1 | theadmin: i have checked home but there is no .sh file... i only saw a .ssh folder... | 14:32 |
hystreni | ActionParsnip, "Följande paket har hållits tillbaka: | 14:32 |
hystreni | mumble" | 14:32 |
theadmin | ddavids1: CREATE a text file with extension .sh | 14:32 |
theadmin | ddavids1: Something like | 14:32 |
craig_gnome | !info lxde | 14:32 |
ubottu | lxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 4 kB, installed size 36 kB | 14:32 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: sounds like held back, am i right | 14:32 |
Dr_Willis | airtonix: no idea really :) | 14:33 |
ActionParsnip | theadmin: the file extension is moot in linux | 14:33 |
hystreni | ActionParsnip, oh sry... forgot to translate, but yeah | 14:33 |
airtonix | Dr_Willis, woe is me | 14:33 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: try the ppa: ppa:bojo42/ppa remove the one you just added | 14:33 |
sambagirlx | trijntje how would i do that? | 14:33 |
sambagirlx | without using a cd/dvd? | 14:33 |
sambagirlx | can i online do it? | 14:33 |
ActionParsnip | theadmin: if the file is executable it will be treated as one, the file extension is not interpretted like it is in windows | 14:34 |
hystreni | ActionParsnip, then what? | 14:34 |
trijntje | sambagirlx: you have to wait untill april till the next version is released | 14:34 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bojo42/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade | 14:34 |
paranoid_pedlar | Is it just me, or are there to many different package managers for ubuntu. | 14:34 |
theadmin | ActionParsnip: True... Hm... Wait, so it means if file is an HTML page and i make it a .jpg, it will be still threated as HTML? %) | 14:34 |
sambagirlx | ahh | 14:34 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: it gets held back as the dependancies it needs cannot be met | 14:34 |
sambagirlx | ok | 14:34 |
ActionParsnip | theadmin: sure | 14:35 |
trijntje | sambagirlx: than you can just run the update without needing a cd | 14:35 |
* theadmin tries | 14:35 | |
anteaya | Is there something called a switch or switches with points the compiler at library paths to assist with debugging? | 14:35 |
orson | theadmin: don't use "./songbird" there, as it will expect songbird in $PWD. use /path/to/songbird or just "songbird" | 14:35 |
anteaya | s/with/which | 14:35 |
theadmin | orson: Told him to put it in songbird dir :/ | 14:35 |
Threetimes | Hi, I can't get a 1440*900 resolution. My card is a GF730 | 14:35 |
hystreni | ActionParsnip, still 1.1.8... isint there an install file on some site? so i can do it manually? | 14:35 |
ActionParsnip | theadmin: its handy for users to see file extensions but the file will still open as nomal | 14:35 |
anteaya | I can't seem to locate anything using a search | 14:35 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: you could run: sudo apt-get --reinstall install mumble | 14:36 |
paranoid_pedlar | songbird is overkill for me, since when did listening to music become so complicated? I prefer the old fashioned way of pressing play, then walk away. just walk away. "set it and forget it!" ;) | 14:36 |
theadmin | ActionParsnip: I created an HTML page and renamed it to .jpg, it opens in eog instead of firefox | 14:36 |
Haffe | That was before the digital music collection paradigm. | 14:36 |
ActionParsnip | theadmin: in terminal it doesnt matter, its just a file | 14:37 |
titanioverde | os-prober searches for every OS, except the current one, right? | 14:38 |
theadmin | ActionParsnip: Ah, yeah, indeed. | 14:38 |
Threetimes | The card is a GF 7300GS. I use the 185 drivers, when I set it to 1440*900 my monitor says "mode not supported". I also have to choose strange refresh rates, 51Hz and 99Hz | 14:38 |
aperson | amarok2 is great, and I'ma let you finish, but amarok 1.4.10 is the greatest audio player of all time | 14:38 |
theadmin | ActionParsnip: so if i xdg-open somefile.jpg (wherein it's really a HTML), it will open in ff right? | 14:38 |
hystreni | back | 14:38 |
paranoid_pedlar | lol, I delete my collection often. I'm not a collector I guess. I like the idea of fm . Choose a genre and listen. But then that slows down my connection. Canada sucks for bandwidth. | 14:38 |
orson | theadmin: stupid gui-filemanagers use file-extensions :( | 14:38 |
devdz | any good program i can download to connect through internet insteed using mozilla ? | 14:39 |
=== Test is now known as Guest98460 | ||
sambagirlx | hey does Seveas still work here? | 14:39 |
theadmin | orson: Hm, dolphin doesn't... So nautilus is not that good %) | 14:39 |
aperson | devdz, wget | 14:39 |
Threetimes | paranoid_pedlar: you'll like vlc. t's just a player, no fancy collector's features... | 14:39 |
hystreni | ActionParsnip, IT worked, now its the right version :P | 14:39 |
paranoid_pedlar | On the other hand, I need to learn backup procedures. Not too good at that | 14:39 |
sambagirlx | hey seveas i need help with Hoary | 14:39 |
orson | theadmin: konqueror does too | 14:39 |
hystreni | ActionParsnip, thansk you' | 14:39 |
down_to_earth_bo | Synaptic Package Manager Error code: | 14:39 |
down_to_earth_bo | E: Encountered a section with no Package: header | 14:39 |
down_to_earth_bo | E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty-updates_restricted_binary-i386_Packages | 14:39 |
down_to_earth_bo | E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. | 14:39 |
down_to_earth_bo | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 14:39 |
craig_gnome | devdz , opera , gchrome.. | 14:39 |
ActionParsnip | hystreni: yay | 14:39 |
paranoid_pedlar | Threetimes, loveit | 14:39 |
sambagirlx | eyeos a part of the synapse program manager for ubuntu? | 14:39 |
sambagirlx | brb | 14:39 |
aperson | devdz, oh, you want a browser... opera, chromium, midori, etc | 14:39 |
theadmin | sambagirlx: EyeOS is not, install LAMP server and then put eyeOS files in /var/www | 14:40 |
ActionParsnip | devdz: chromium here dude, cant fault it | 14:40 |
aperson | ActionParsnip, app shortcuts are great :D | 14:40 |
Threetimes | devdz: Opera 10.50 is really goos=d, not only on windows. the so-called alpha's are stable as a rock! | 14:41 |
paranoid_pedlar | do you think alacarte isn't working because I'm running it from a terminal? | 14:41 |
owaislone | hey | 14:41 |
owaislone | need help with LUCID | 14:41 |
owaislone | anyone | 14:41 |
theadmin | owaislone: #ubuntu+1 | 14:41 |
Pici | owaislone : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion. | 14:41 |
kremlon | do i need to install openssh-server in order to use ssh tunneling? | 14:41 |
owaislone | theadmin: thanks | 14:41 |
paranoid_pedlar | kremlon, no | 14:41 |
nomnex | what's the replacement name and path of modeprobe.conf in 9.10? | 14:41 |
paranoid_pedlar | kremlon, unless you're tunneling yourself | 14:42 |
erUSUL | nomnex: /etc/modprobe.d/ | 14:42 |
kremlon | i want to tunnel my self through an ssh server | 14:42 |
paranoid_pedlar | kremlon, then yes | 14:42 |
ActionParsnip | aperson: huh? | 14:42 |
devdz | and can i can connect with emacs or vim or i dunno ? i didnt try, i just heard such things im new still with these stuff :) | 14:42 |
devdz | can i* | 14:43 |
nomnex | erUSUL, thats a directory, does that replace the modeprobe.conf? | 14:43 |
aperson | ActionParsnip, chromium application shortcuts | 14:43 |
titanioverde | theadmin: I'm testing. Thank you. | 14:43 |
erUSUL | nomnex: files within; just create your own file there | 14:43 |
kremlon | paranoid_pedlar: then would i just specify myself as for ssh port tunneling | 14:43 |
down_to_earth_bo | Synaptic Package Manager: | 14:43 |
down_to_earth_bo | E: Encountered a section with no Package: header | 14:43 |
down_to_earth_bo | E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty-updates_restricted_binary-i386_Packages | 14:43 |
down_to_earth_bo | E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. | 14:43 |
down_to_earth_bo | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 14:43 |
FloodBot2 | down_to_earth_bo: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:43 |
down_to_earth_bo | What does this mean? | 14:43 |
paranoid_pedlar | no, because that's behind your router | 14:44 |
nomnex | erUSUL, thanks | 14:44 |
paranoid_pedlar | kremlon, no, because that's behind your router | 14:44 |
babalu | which irc terminal-based client would you recommend? | 14:44 |
erUSUL | nomnex: echo "option modulename" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/myfixformodulefoo.conf | 14:44 |
paranoid_pedlar | kremlon, goto | 14:44 |
aperson | kremlon, you want to tunnel your connection through another box? | 14:44 |
kremlon | yes | 14:44 |
ActionParsnip | aperson: not used em dude, i just use it as a browser. i launch stuff from guake :) | 14:44 |
erUSUL | nomnex: they have to end in .conf | 14:44 |
Pici | babalu: irssi | 14:44 |
aperson | kremlon, ssh -D 9999 user@remotebox , then point your proxy settings to localhost:9999 | 14:45 |
chris12 | wqwqqwqwqwqwqq | 14:45 |
nomnex | erUSUL, thanks x2 | 14:45 |
kremlon | oh so i just use my external ip address and install openssh-server right? | 14:45 |
aperson | kremlon, you shouldn't need ssh-server | 14:45 |
blackxored | someone knows how to set liferea's google reader integration with an account provided by google apps | 14:45 |
blackxored | ?? | 14:45 |
aperson | openssh-server | 14:45 |
paranoid_pedlar | aperson, he wants to ssh himself from a remote computer | 14:45 |
ddavids1 | theadmin: it says permission denied when i try to move it into the songbird folder... | 14:46 |
kremlon | paranoid_pedlar: yes | 14:46 |
theadmin | ddavids1: Do you have read/write access to that folder? | 14:46 |
aperson | kremlon, which is it, you answered yes to both of us | 14:46 |
paranoid_pedlar | lol | 14:46 |
theadmin | ddavids1: (try: sudo mv /path/to/ /path/to/songbird/folder) | 14:46 |
DexterLB | is there a way to make jack output it's audio to pulseaudio? | 14:47 |
hanc | what is the best version of ubuntu for an hp dv6-2190us model? | 14:47 |
babalu | Pici: how do you change the values of the settings ( | 14:47 |
aperson | hanc, that's up to you | 14:47 |
DexterLB | hanc, wait a second... | 14:47 |
paranoid_pedlar | haha, you know what aperson, my mom warned me about using net-speak like lol. it's a bad habit hehe | 14:47 |
kremlon | i mean yes to paranoid pedlar | 14:48 |
kremlon | sshing from another box | 14:48 |
Threetimes | I can't set my monitor to 1440*900! My card is a GF 7300GS and tried the 185 and the 173 drivers. When I try to set the resolution to 1440*900, my monitor says "resolution not supported". It worked with the default drivers, but I need hardware acceleration... | 14:48 |
hanc | i need something thats going to work with a nvidia card and broadcom wireless card | 14:48 |
aperson | paranoid_pedlar, I haven't said that in at least a year | 14:48 |
frojnd | I have logitech quick cam 9000 pro. Which is fully supported with uvcvideo module under linux. I'd like to setup broadcasting. So another person in the world can just put in her/his favourite player my IP adress and port and start streaming live video. Problem is that I don't know how to do that under VLC. I can't find any documentation. Is there any other player that can be used as a broadcast program? How can I broadcast videos under Linux? | 14:48 |
paranoid_pedlar | kremlon, press the tab button after parano.. to autocomplete my nickname. you can use it for aperson and others too | 14:48 |
genii | hanc: The 64 bit version | 14:48 |
aperson | frojnd, I use mjpe_streamer to do that | 14:48 |
ActionParsnip | aperson: just watched what the application shortcut is, not something i'd use but thanks for the info :) | 14:49 |
hanc | i downloaded it and it said it was for amd processors | 14:49 |
erUSUL | hanc: with a broadcom card install b43-fwcutter while connected to internet (via wired for example) then do « sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 » | 14:49 |
hanc | i have the i7 | 14:49 |
ActionParsnip | frojnd: you can do it with vlc i believe | 14:49 |
frojnd | aperson: can you please give me some howto? | 14:49 |
erUSUL | hanc: for nvidia System>Admin...>Hardware drivers | 14:49 |
aperson | ActionParsnip, they're great for small screens, I don't have any title bars or any other crap - just a web page | 14:49 |
Pici | babalu: /set setting value #irssi would be most helpful if you need more help | 14:49 |
orson | hanc: amd64 is intel too | 14:49 |
frojnd | ActionParsnip: can you please give me some howto? | 14:49 |
orson | for* | 14:49 |
erUSUL | !amd64 | 14:49 |
ubottu | AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See and for more information. | 14:49 |
DexterLB | hanc, you'd better use the normal ubuntu version (ubuntu for amd64). Your laptop is far too fast for the netbook remix, so the second most compatible-with-wireless version of ubuntu after the netbook remix is the regular ubuntu | 14:49 |
ActionParsnip | frojnd: not done it myself, i'd be websearching just like you can | 14:49 |
Threetimes | !nvidia | 14:49 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 14:49 |
zades | how can i use data card for internet? | 14:50 |
digitalfiz | anyone know how to make the desktop icons align to the right in gnome? | 14:50 |
koltroll | Hi. Ubuntu 9.10. When on youtube I can't click in the video player. I can't paus, maximize, not anything. I can start it, but then there's some problem with flash (I suppose). | 14:50 |
craig_gnome | koltroll , get gnash | 14:50 |
paranoid_pedlar | digitalfiz, I may be wrong, but select them all, rightclick, lock to desktop | 14:50 |
digitalfiz | koltroll, its a bug with 64bit ubuntu im guessing your on 64bit? | 14:50 |
koltroll | digitalfiz, I am yes | 14:51 |
koltroll | craig_gnome, hm I'll google for it | 14:51 |
ddavids1 | theadmin: thanks, i have moved it... so how do i run it pls? | 14:51 |
aperson | frojnd, just find a package for mjpg_streamer, and run: mjpg_streamer -i "" -o " -p 8080" | 14:51 |
digitalfiz | koltroll, | 14:51 |
ddavids1 | theadmin: i mean anytime i need it... | 14:51 |
koltroll | digitalfiz, thank you so much! | 14:52 |
ActionParsnip | koltroll: | 14:52 |
aperson | frojnd, after that, you can point a web browser to http://yourip:8080 | 14:52 |
paranoid_pedlar | where would the internet be without potsmokers? | 14:52 |
frojnd | aperson: thanx | 14:52 |
koltroll | ActionParsnip, well, a bit too late. But thank you as well :) | 14:52 |
aperson | frojnd, after you do that, the pages that'll come up will give you a bunch of streaming options | 14:52 |
zades | how can i use data card for internet | 14:52 |
zades | ? | 14:53 |
orson | zades: what kind of datacard? | 14:53 |
digitalfiz | paranoid_pedlar, there is lock to panel in the panel bars but im talking about the desktop icons they default left align i was wondering if there wss a way to right align them like on a mac | 14:53 |
ActionParsnip | zades: details dude, "data card" means nearly nothing | 14:53 |
erUSUL | zades: data card? a 3G modem ? | 14:53 |
ActionParsnip | zades: make/model of card would be useful, ubuntu release name | 14:53 |
zades | 3g modem | 14:53 |
ActionParsnip | !details | zades | 14:53 |
ubottu | zades: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 14:53 |
orson | zades: usb, pcmcia, express, pci-e? | 14:53 |
zades | erUSUL: 3 G modem | 14:54 |
orson | zades: type, name, vendor? | 14:54 |
ActionParsnip | zades: make and model? | 14:54 |
zades | orson: usb | 14:54 |
kremlon | parano | 14:54 |
orson | <- out | 14:54 |
erUSUL | zades: network manager supports some othose... check in System>Preferences>Network connections | 14:54 |
ActionParsnip | zades: can you use to give the output of: lspci; lsusb | 14:54 |
ddavids1 | theadmin; pls how do i run it anytime i want... | 14:54 |
ddavids1 | ? | 14:54 |
LauriitaH | Ola | 14:56 |
LauriitaH | ola | 14:57 |
erUSUL | !es | LauriitaH | 14:57 |
ubottu | LauriitaH: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 14:57 |
LauriitaH | hie | 14:57 |
DexterLB | hmm, or maybe the opposite is better? | 14:57 |
erUSUL | LauriitaH: hi; wellcome to this support channel :) | 14:57 |
erUSUL | !hi | 14:58 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 14:58 |
ddavids1 | i just got this message Could not launch 'Songbird' Failed to execute child process "/opt/Songbird/" (Permission denied) | 14:58 |
craig_gnome | !spyware | 14:58 |
etsorbme8 | ActionParsnip; thanks for the flashplayer fix 64 | 14:58 |
ActionParsnip | etsorbme8: np :) | 14:58 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: make sure its executable. 'sudo chmod +x /opt/Songbird/' | 14:58 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: and be sure you got Songbird spelt like it is ibn the Songbird directory. | 14:59 |
ActionParsnip | etsorbme8: flash64 is sweet :) | 14:59 |
DexterLB | !patience|DexterLB | 14:59 |
DexterLB | lol | 14:59 |
ubottu | DexterLB, please see my private message | 14:59 |
lavish | hi all | 15:00 |
ActionParsnip | ddavids1: sudo chown $USER:$USER /opt/Songbird/ | 15:01 |
devdz | whats the command to know what my processor is executing ? | 15:02 |
ddavids1 | ActionParsnip: u mean sudo chown $ddavids:$ddavids /opt/Songbird/ | 15:02 |
ActionParsnip | devdz: top | 15:02 |
craig_gnome | so how do i disable nautilus pigdin integration? | 15:02 |
cip34 | Escriba el texto aquí....hola todos | 15:02 |
DexterLB | devdz: top or ps -A | 15:02 |
ActionParsnip | ddavids1: no, the $USER variable will translate to your username for you | 15:02 |
ActionParsnip | ddavids1: so its universally usable | 15:02 |
veronica | hola | 15:02 |
cip34 | quien quiere | 15:02 |
Pici | !es | cip34 | 15:02 |
ubottu | cip34: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 15:02 |
ActionParsnip | ddavids1: just like $HOME == /home/$USER | 15:03 |
craig_gnome | veronical , hola | 15:03 |
switchgirl | hi, i have a d-link DIR-615 and a buffalo ghr-6125 and wish to use them to set up a wireless bridge, is this possible? are the features of the d-link i see it needs a firmware / software mod i don't know where to securely get this from as tomato doesnt support d-link | 15:03 |
Pici | ActionParsnip: not necessarily, but usually. | 15:03 |
ActionParsnip | !ics | switchgirl | 15:03 |
ubottu | switchgirl: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 15:03 |
rysiek|pl | yello | 15:03 |
ActionParsnip | Pici: in a standard install yes ;) | 15:03 |
cip34 | que polla tengo | 15:03 |
veronica | habla alguien español?? | 15:04 |
erUSUL | !es | veronica | 15:04 |
ubottu | veronica: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 15:04 |
ddavids1 | ActionParsnip: i just ahve a question i have added it to the command in the main menu yet it doenst open song bird but it opens from the terminal... | 15:04 |
rysiek|pl | gouys, where does GNOME keep per-user resolution settings? one of the users on my system can login flawlessly, the other has some b0rked settings, apparently, as just after login the monitor tells me the resolution is outside the supported range | 15:04 |
cip34 | si claro | 15:04 |
lavish | I've got a canon pixma ip2500, but it's not working on ubuntu. I've already read this thread but no solutions offered there work | 15:04 |
erUSUL | cip34: comportate; no sea crio. Es un canal de soporte si qieres hablar en español (respetuosamente) Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 15:04 |
lavish | can anyone help me, please? | 15:04 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: make the menu item run the FULL path to your script. | 15:05 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids1: and your script might also need to use the FULL PATH to 'songbird' not just ./songbird | 15:05 |
veronica | por que tenéis que decir tantas palabrotas ? | 15:06 |
Extreme | Hi everyone | 15:06 |
Extreme | I need your help | 15:06 |
Extreme | I want to install ubuntu to my computer | 15:06 |
Extreme | But disks not detected | 15:06 |
Bob123456 | ? | 15:06 |
ActionParsnip | ddavids1: then add a menu item using alacarte to run the script | 15:06 |
Extreme | I have RAID array | 15:06 |
Dr_Willis | !enter | Extreme | 15:06 |
ubottu | Extreme: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 15:06 |
veronica | hablas español ? | 15:06 |
erUSUL | Extreme: bios raid fakeraid) ? | 15:06 |
ActionParsnip | Extreme: did you md5 test the ISO you used? did you run the cd verifier? | 15:06 |
Extreme | AMD AHCI Compatible RAID Controller | 15:07 |
Extreme | I tried 5 different ISO | 15:07 |
erUSUL | Extreme: you have to use the instructions for fakeraid | 15:07 |
erUSUL | !fakeraid | Extreme | 15:07 |
ubottu | Extreme: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 15:07 |
Extreme | Alternates, x86_64 and x86 | 15:07 |
ddavids1 | ActionParsnip: alarcarte? wht is tht pls...? | 15:07 |
cip34 | si quiero conocerte | 15:07 |
Extreme | how to enable fakeraid | 15:07 |
Extreme | And Windows is already installed | 15:07 |
erUSUL | Extreme: | 15:07 |
Extreme | I can not lose data in disks :/ | 15:07 |
=== core is now known as Guest81072 | ||
veronica | quien eres?? | 15:07 |
erUSUL | veronica: cip34 aqui no podeis hablar español. Id al canal de español como os he dicho o hablad en privado | 15:08 |
Dr_Willis | Extreme: i would suggest doing backups befor risking your data | 15:08 |
Stargaze | !es| veronica | 15:08 |
ubottu | veronica: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 15:08 |
craig_gnome | Extreme , you want to dual boot with windows ? | 15:08 |
Extreme | So i have to install ubuntu without deleting raid arrays, i already created 50GB partition for ubuntu | 15:08 |
Extreme | Yes | 15:08 |
Extreme | I want dual boot | 15:08 |
cip34 | si quieres conoserme entra en yahoo mesenger | 15:08 |
Stargaze | !es| cip34 | 15:08 |
ubottu | cip34: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 15:08 |
craig_gnome | Extreme , when you boot with the ubuntu disk after the partitioner comes up there is an option to dual boot with n use | 15:09 |
ActionParsnip | !info alacarte | ddavids1 | 15:09 |
ubottu | ddavids1: alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.4-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 56 kB, installed size 1332 kB | 15:09 |
Extreme | Yes i understand but Partition Managers says NO DISKS INSTALLED | 15:09 |
Dr_Willis | Extreme: so you mean to say your windows install is on a RAID setup allready? | 15:10 |
Extreme | yes | 15:10 |
Extreme | I am writing from Win7 @ raid array now | 15:10 |
wk_bouter | How can I make grep search through the text in word documents? | 15:10 |
Dr_Willis | i dont even know if ubuntu can resize a windows 'raid' or not. | 15:10 |
Extreme | I created RAID in mainboard's RAID menu in bios | 15:11 |
iceroot | wk_bouter: grep -i searchstring word-document | 15:11 |
cip34 | no hai nadie por ahi | 15:11 |
sim_sim | Did anyone avec a clue for the problem I stated 1 hour or so ago ? => my sound decreases until i hear nothing.. Not because of PulseAudio (i removed it and killed the deamon.). Thanks for any help ! | 15:11 |
Dr_Willis | wk_bouter: microsoft word docs proberly have binary datga. so its proberly not going to work very well | 15:11 |
iceroot | wk_bouter: but *.doc is not readable | 15:11 |
ActionParsnip | Extreme: did you test your ISOs? and did the CDs burn ok? | 15:11 |
craig_gnome | how do you install ubuntu on a raid without windows? | 15:11 |
sim_sim | s/avec/havec | 15:11 |
ddavids1 | ActionParsnip: i already have it installed but i dont knw where it is or ow to use it? | 15:11 |
Extreme | I started a topic for this problem : | 15:11 |
Dr_Willis | !raid | craig_gnome | 15:11 |
ubottu | craig_gnome: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 15:11 |
ActionParsnip | Extreme: you should have a backup if your windows data is "important" | 15:11 |
Extreme | I tried 6 ISOs | 15:11 |
Extreme | 64bit and 32bit and alternates 9.10 | 15:12 |
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee | ||
wk_bouter | Dr_Willis that's my problem | 15:12 |
Extreme | from ubuntu website | 15:12 |
Dr_Willis | I dont even bother with RAID any more | 15:12 |
ActionParsnip | ddavids1: click add a new item after clicking where in the menu you would like the item | 15:12 |
ActionParsnip | Extreme: it doesnt matter, it can still get garbaged in transit from canonical's servers to your pc | 15:12 |
maria_mermaid_me | hola | 15:13 |
ActionParsnip | Extreme: you could download an infinite number of iso files and never get a good one, statistically | 15:13 |
Stargaze | !es| maria_mermaid_me | 15:13 |
ubottu | maria_mermaid_me: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 15:13 |
switchgirl | ActionParsnip: i mean a bridge | 15:13 |
Extreme | I understood but i tried same disk in my atom netbook and it works :/ | 15:13 |
Dr_Willis | Extreme: sounds like ubuntu dosent like the raid hardware then. | 15:13 |
RudyZonDa | !list | 15:13 |
ActionParsnip | switchgirl: thats fine, its the same bag. you need to configure the masquerade | 15:13 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 15:13 |
maria_mermaid_me | ok gracias | 15:13 |
cip34 | estoy mui caliente | 15:13 |
wk_bouter | Dr_Willis that's why I asked how to grep through the "text in word documents". How would I prevent "./binary file x.doc matches" | 15:13 |
Extreme | AMD AHCI RAID is FAKERAID i think | 15:14 |
Extreme | but i can not edit arrays | 15:14 |
Dr_Willis | wk_bouter: no idea. I dont use word.. - i only use grep on ascii text. | 15:14 |
ActionParsnip | Extreme: it will be | 15:14 |
switchgirl | this is pre internet stage ie this: isp>modem>router>_______air______>router>pc running ubuntu karmic | 15:14 |
Dr_Willis | wk_bouter: try a doc2ascii tool and pipe through grep perhaps | 15:14 |
wk_bouter | thanks | 15:15 |
ActionParsnip | Extreme: your controller may need an extra module or 2 installing or compiling, depends on the hardware | 15:15 |
paranoid_pedlar | can someone who's good with apt please pm me? | 15:15 |
ddavids | ActionParsnip: pls cld u pls offer mor explanations on how best to set up my songbird once and for all? | 15:15 |
ActionParsnip | Extreme: if you run: dmesg | less and read, you will see the controller and what appens with repect to the disks during boot | 15:15 |
=== Snoopy is now known as Guest37933 | ||
Threetimes | I can't set my monitor to 1440*900! My card is a GF 7300GS and tried the 185 and the 173 drivers. When I try to set the resolution to 1440*900, my monitor says "resolution not supported". It worked with the default drivers, but I need hardware acceleration... | 15:16 |
szccsdccd | cannot connect to WEP encrypted wireless network (Ubuntu Hardy, 2.6.24-27) with madwifi drivers. HELP appreciated | 15:16 |
ActionParsnip | ddavids: you have it setup, just click where you want the item (like in multimedia for example) then click add new item. You can then use the dialogue to point to the script you made in /opt/whatever | 15:16 |
Guest37933 | So I am testing Ubuntu 10.04... How do I get the window buttons from the upprer left side back to the upper right side? | 15:16 |
Threetimes | Oh, and I tried the latest 190 drivers from, but they don't work as well. | 15:17 |
Azelphur | !ubuntu+1 | Guest37933 | 15:17 |
ubottu | Guest37933: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 15:17 |
ActionParsnip | ddavids: you cant harm your system by adding an item in alacarte so just go for it dude, it doesnt cost anything | 15:17 |
aperson | Threetimes, are you using nvidia-settings ? | 15:17 |
Threetimes | aperson: I tried both | 15:17 |
Guest37933 | so then how can I downgrade to Karmic? | 15:17 |
Dr_Willis | ddavids: or just drag/drop/make link to yoru script on the desktop. | 15:17 |
ning | #rails | 15:18 |
ActionParsnip | Guest37933: | 15:18 |
koe | hi guys any one thats know C++ ... | 15:18 |
koe | ? | 15:18 |
ActionParsnip | Guest37933: you cant downgrade | 15:18 |
Dr_Willis | koe: hundereds of people do i imagien | 15:18 |
Threetimes | aperson: and I tested the monitor on a different pc (with a ati card), and it just workd | 15:18 |
ActionParsnip | koe: ask in #c++ | 15:18 |
koe | I cant send to that chat | 15:18 |
koe | I`m a registred user ... | 15:18 |
craig_gnome | koe , # c++ on freenode. | 15:18 |
koe | yes I know | 15:19 |
koe | but I cant write anything to that char ... | 15:19 |
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Dr_Willis | koe: identify to nickserv ? | 15:19 |
ActionParsnip | nice gratitude eh | 15:19 |
=== IRA_36 is now known as Obama | ||
frojnd | I can open video capture device in VLC if I enter /dev/video0 but I don't know how to open auido device. If I do cat /proc/asound/cards I can see Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 9000 at usb-0000:00:1d.7-5, high speed. So where is the path to quick cam pro 900 audio device? | 15:19 |
cfedde | is there a way to get ps to list the full start time for things that stared before today? | 15:20 |
erUSUL | frojnd: should be somewhere in /dev/snd/ ? | 15:21 |
erUSUL | cfedde: it it is a way it should be in ps's man page | 15:21 |
cfedde | erUSUL: I've been looking. have not found it in the man page yet. | 15:22 |
cfedde | maybe I'm just thick. | 15:22 |
Dr_Willis | you can serch man pages with the /PATTERN I recall | 15:22 |
frojnd | erUSUL: there are a lot of directories | 15:22 |
Dr_Willis | skimming the man pages - it suggests --> See also bsdstart, start, lstart, and stime | 15:23 |
ActionParsnip | cfedde: | 15:24 |
erUSUL | cfedde: what is "full start time" for you? | 15:24 |
=== lzy_ is now known as lzy | ||
ActionParsnip | cfedde: theres bootchart which can show whats what | 15:24 |
ActionParsnip | !bootchart | 15:24 |
ubottu | bootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot | 15:24 |
cfedde | erUSUL: -o start seems to show a truncated date for things that stared yesterday and before. | 15:24 |
Dr_Willis | wow ps has a lot of options | 15:24 |
cfedde | I'd like at least to see time and date | 15:25 |
Dr_Willis | cfedde: i see mention of a 'time format string' | 15:25 |
swathanthran | my friend just installed ubuntu. is there a default irc/IM client included on cd for 9.10 ? | 15:25 |
ActionParsnip | swathanthran: empathy | 15:25 |
swathanthran | can it do IRC? | 15:25 |
erUSUL | cfedde: there is also etime ; bsdstart; sstart; etc ... see man page under STANDARD FORMAT SPECIFIERS | 15:25 |
ActionParsnip | swathanthran: but you can install any you like, default does not mean its "best" | 15:25 |
erUSUL | !es | JAVILON drop the caps please | 15:25 |
ubottu | JAVILON drop the caps please: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 15:25 |
szccsdccd | cannot connect to WEP encrypted wireless network with Ubuntu Hardy, 2.6.24-27, with madwifi drivers (r4118-20100201). Unencrypted connection is no problem. It used to be working at least 2 days ago. May someone help? | 15:25 |
ActionParsnip | swathanthran: install pidgin if you lik | 15:25 |
cfedde | erUSUL: thanks! I'll do some more checking there. | 15:25 |
ActionParsnip | swathanthran: there are tonnes of clients available in the repos | 15:26 |
erUSUL | cfedde: bsdtime only shows day and month if the process is more than a day old; maybe one of the others do the right thing for you | 15:26 |
Oppe | Hello, | 15:27 |
illusive | swat: irssi for commandline / xchat for graphical. Just for reference. | 15:27 |
cfedde | erUSUL: thanks again. I apreciate the pointers | 15:27 |
JAVILON | Y TU | 15:27 |
ActionParsnip | !irc | swathanthran | 15:27 |
ubottu | swathanthran: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 15:27 |
swathanthran | ActionParsnip: sure sure.. he just started that he isn't getting it right to install stuffs from i queried for what is default. | 15:28 |
erUSUL | JAVILON: no escribas en mayusculas; aqui no puedes hablar en español. Es un canal internacional. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 15:28 |
Oppe | i want to install ubuntu.. i am using Win7 and i download the 64bit version from the official site, but it gives me an error of permission denied and it closed.. is there way to find it in a usb-bootable format to put it in a usb flash and install it that way? (moreover i have 2 partitions and 100GB of unallocated space. When i run the downloaded .exe it gives me only the optional to install it in one of those 2 partitions and not in the unallocated spa | 15:28 |
ActionParsnip | swathanthran: use command line instead, easier | 15:29 |
swathanthran | ActionParsnip: yeah already said him that. | 15:29 |
puser | hello, since nautilus in gnome doesn't prompt with a confirmation box on file deletion, even when the option is checked, do you know of any gnome utility that intercepts del key and prompts: are you sure you want to delete, or something like that? | 15:29 |
ActionParsnip | Oppe: did you md5 test the iso? did you run the cd verifier? | 15:29 |
Oppe | no and no | 15:30 |
Oppe | :) | 15:30 |
ActionParsnip | Oppe: then how do you know the cd you have is good? | 15:30 |
ActionParsnip | Oppe: you dont at all, get the ISO file checked and run the cd verifier | 15:30 |
Oppe | i dont use cd.. i downloaded from the site.. i dont have cd | 15:30 |
panopticon | Oppe, you can "burn" the ISO on to a usb-stick. | 15:30 |
=== skyred_ is now known as skyred | ||
ActionParsnip | Oppe: then check the iso for sure | 15:31 |
ActionParsnip | Oppe: the file you have downloaded may be riddled with bit errors which you have failed to check for | 15:31 |
ianwizard | UNetBootin allows you to put an iso onto a regular block device (like usb drive) and then boot it | 15:32 |
ianwizard | google around for something like "install ubuntu unetbootin" | 15:32 |
Oppe | ianwizard i checking it :) seems what i need.. otherwise i think i can not use the unallocated space | 15:32 |
javi | ola | 15:33 |
* ActionParsnip wishes more folks would md5 test :( | 15:34 | |
djoef | Hi, what would you people recommend to backup a ubuntu disk ? (I want the backup to be browsable) I do have a bootable resque disk having gparted etc... | 15:34 |
ben2010 | Anyone know why useradd -D doesn't set defaults? It's correct in /etc/default/useradd, but when adding new users it adds to a group matching the username... | 15:35 |
Oppe | ActionParsnip :) | 15:35 |
djoef | I tried using rsync, but i get errors exiting the command.. we are talking about 4million files. | 15:35 |
abhi_nav | djoef: search in ubuntuforums first or google | 15:35 |
nomnex | I want my home folder directories to be in lowercase (Documents > documents) how can I do that? The dir are hard coded. If I change the name in nautilus, the Places does not reflect the change correctly (new names appear but the default icons are gone). I was wondering if editing the ~./user-dirs.dirs file would do the trick? | 15:35 |
panopticon | nomnex, rename then? | 15:35 |
panopticon | them* | 15:35 |
nomnex | panopticon, did you read (my long) message? | 15:36 |
erUSUL | nomnex: edit ~./user-dirs.dirs as you said | 15:36 |
erUSUL | nomnex: and rename them of course | 15:36 |
djoef | abhi_nav, I did, tried different approaches, but encountered some problems. This is why I ask for your help. | 15:36 |
panopticon | nomnex, i answered your first question (only) | 15:36 |
djoef | I only ask to tell me what tool you would use for my purpose | 15:37 |
nomnex | erUSUL, will do thanks. | 15:37 |
abhi_nav | djoef: i tell u about forum becuase i remember to have a very good topic their in forum about backup. it was detail and useful | 15:37 |
erUSUL | djoef: rsync (or something based on it like rsnapshot) | 15:37 |
abhi_nav | djoef: | 15:38 |
orson | djoef: if rsync errors it has a reason. have you checked why it breaks? | 15:40 |
abhi_nav | !rsync | 15:40 |
ubottu | rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: | 15:40 |
gp5st | is there anyway to have computers on the same network "share" updates, so as not to pummel the ubuntu servers? wasn't there an experimental p2p part in apt? | 15:41 |
Esigolo | !wine | 15:41 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 15:41 |
abhi_nav | for all of you: | 15:42 |
erUSUL | gp5st: set up an apt-proxy for the lan | 15:42 |
gp5st | erUSUL: thanks:) | 15:42 |
erUSUL | gp5st: no problem | 15:43 |
ActionParsnip | abhi_nav: the things it lists are present in all linux distros. | 15:43 |
erUSUL | !aptproxy | 15:43 |
ubottu | apt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see | 15:43 |
=== ragarazzist is now known as jagajazzist | ||
abhi_nav | ActionParsnip: a just wanted to point out that article not for any debate | 15:44 |
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ActionParsnip | abhi_nav: its offtopic here too ;) | 15:44 |
abhi_nav | ActionParsnip: hmm :-) | 15:44 |
nomnex | erUSUL, mind if I ask, in /etc/xdg/ there are 2 config files user-dirs.conf user-dirs.defaults. what's the difference between editing one of these files vs. the ~/.user.dirs.dirs? | 15:44 |
erUSUL | nomnex: i guess that the change in /etc/ will affect all users. | 15:45 |
=== robbit10 is now known as robbit10|gone | ||
nomnex | erUSUL, that would be best for me. Do you know if it is reversible? i.e. can keep the default directories and icons and only changing the first uppercase letter for a lowercase. I am not creating specific directories here. | 15:46 |
nicoX | ola | 15:47 |
Attrayant | Hey hey | 15:47 |
nicoX | gt | 15:47 |
frankS2 | :P | 15:47 |
erUSUL | nomnex: keep a copy of the original files in case you want to revert and go ahead | 15:47 |
erUSUL | !es | nicoX | 15:47 |
ubottu | nicoX: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 15:47 |
nicoX | :P | 15:47 |
nomnex | erUSUL, ;-) will do | 15:48 |
nicoX | englich | 15:48 |
Attrayant | Can anyone give me a hand with evolution? I just installed Ubuntu and I'm not able to see my emails or switch folders. | 15:48 |
nicoX | yo un spanier ºº | 15:49 |
nicoX | Heyy | 15:49 |
Attrayant | Anyone? | 15:50 |
slashme | In a moment of stupidity, I bought a laptop with a SIS chipset. When I load the sis driver, the screen goes white from the corners, like the frequencies are out of whack. How do I find out what screen I have and what modeline to use? | 15:50 |
nicoX | yo espaniol | 15:50 |
abhi_nav | slashme: what is SIS screen? | 15:50 |
slashme | Ola NicoX, no hablo Español. | 15:50 |
DavidJHeinrich | I just installed the screensaver for compiz, and see it in the compiz settings area. But when I set the slider to "Start Automatically after 0.1 minutes", I don't see any screensaver starting up. What's going on? | 15:51 |
slashme | abhi_nav, screen is not sis. | 15:51 |
abhi_nav | slashme: what is SIS? | 15:51 |
slashme | abhi_nav, graphics card is sis. | 15:51 |
abhi_nav | slashme: like nvidea? | 15:51 |
slashme | abhi_nav, yep | 15:51 |
abhi_nav | slashme: hmm | 15:51 |
orson | just more crappy | 15:51 |
slashme | abhi_nav, not sure what make the screen is, and you don't see that on lspci. | 15:51 |
slashme | orson, yep. | 15:51 |
nicoX | konnt ihr deutsch¡ | 15:51 |
orson | !de | nicoX | 15:52 |
ubottu | nicoX: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 15:52 |
abhi_nav | slashme: yah | 15:52 |
slashme | nicoX, ja. | 15:52 |
nicoX | yeah mann ich bin deutscher | 15:52 |
Gemmazz | does my ass look big? | 15:52 |
slashme | nicoX, gruß | 15:52 |
orson | !ot | nicoX | 15:52 |
ubottu | nicoX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 15:52 |
nicoX | bin grade an leppi =P | 15:52 |
slashme | was is leppi? | 15:53 |
Attrayant | Anyone able to help me with evolution? | 15:53 |
nicoX | leptop xD | 15:53 |
slashme | Ah, duh, ja. | 15:53 |
damian | is there somewhere that has a deb file of python-webkitgtk that works? The deb's I've found are broken. I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 and I'm trying to install gtk-desktop-info, it's like conky, but allows html. | 15:53 |
puser | since nautilus in gnome doesn't prompt with a confirmation box on file deletion, even when the option is checked, do you know of any gnome utility that intercepts del key and prompts: are you sure you want to delete, or something like that? | 15:53 |
abhi_nav | !details | Attrayant | 15:53 |
ubottu | Attrayant: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 15:53 |
slashme | nicoX, kan ich helfen? | 15:53 |
nicoX | naja bin beim freund | 15:53 |
orson | !de | nicoX slashme | 15:53 |
ubottu | nicoX slashme: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 15:53 |
nicoX | Ne xD wollte nur was schreiben mit euch º-º | 15:53 |
Dr_Willis | puser: it does confirm when its bypassing the trash and deleting.. it dosent confirm when it just moves to the trash i belive | 15:54 |
Attrayant | I just installed Ubuntu last night. After setting up evolution with my pop account details, I'm not able to see any emails that have come in. Show all messages is selected, and if I click "Folder, New" I can see that there are 11 emails in my inbox but I cannot get to them. | 15:55 |
abhi_nav | Attrayant: try googling | 15:55 |
ZykoticK9 | !google | abhi_nav | 15:56 |
ubottu | abhi_nav: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 15:56 |
tomasz | witam | 15:56 |
tomasz | może ktoś pomóc odnośnie ubuntu | 15:57 |
abhi_nav | ZykoticK9 I told him so because when i tried i got many results for evolution in google. | 15:57 |
orson | !pl | tomasz | 15:57 |
ubottu | tomasz: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 15:57 |
ActionParsnip | Attrayant: what account do you have? | 15:57 |
Attrayant | I've googled some, but I wasn't able to find much that I could understand. I'm fairly new to linux | 15:57 |
ActionParsnip | Attrayant: yahoo, hotmail, gmail? | 15:57 |
tomasz | ok thanks | 15:57 |
Attrayant | | 15:57 |
damian | As an added note to what I said earlier, I tried compiling python-webkitgtk from source, but it errors out and I dont know further than that. I wasn't missing any dependencies though. | 15:57 |
ActionParsnip | Attrayant: | 15:58 |
ActionParsnip | Attrayant: | 15:58 |
=== hexdump_ is now known as Hellhound666 | ||
slashme | Anyone know how to identify a laptop screen's manufacturer and required settings from within the computer? | 15:58 |
e2goon | 하이~ | 15:59 |
LordofKings | hoho..ubuntu is nearly 1.5 times to its nearest rival debian | 15:59 |
ActionParsnip | slashme: most monitors identify themselves, just set up the video card and the monitor wil arrange itself | 15:59 |
slashme | !kr | e2goon | 15:59 |
slashme | !ko | e2goon | 15:59 |
ActionParsnip | LordofKings: they work together, there are no rivals | 15:59 |
ubottu | e2goon: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko | 15:59 |
slashme | ActionParsnip, not this one - silly SIS chipset needs silly out-of-package driver. | 16:00 |
jacob_ | hello | 16:00 |
jacob_ | i need help | 16:00 |
arti_ | hi everyone | 16:00 |
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest78087 | ||
LordofKings | ActionParsnip: ya correct..nearest 'friend' | 16:00 |
overmind | !ask | jacob_ | 16:00 |
ubottu | jacob_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 16:00 |
gp5st | don't we all Guest3317 :-p | 16:00 |
abhi_nav | hi arti_ | 16:01 |
ActionParsnip | slashme: then you will need to set resolutions and refresh rates, I can give you mine which should get you running, just set the driver to sis instead of nvidia | 16:01 |
Guest78087 | do u play dvd movies | 16:01 |
arti_ | hi abhi | 16:01 |
orson | slashme: xrandr, but needs running X | 16:01 |
gp5st | Guest3317: i do, but that's not a question:-p | 16:01 |
arti_ | how is going here | 16:01 |
toader | Hi, I draw figure with Dia. I have some text on my figure, but when I export it to eps file, some of text are lost. Could anybody know why? thanks | 16:01 |
abhi_nav | arti_ ask any question if you have about ubuntu | 16:01 |
knxville | Is it possible to synchronize Evolution Calendar with Gmail Calendar? | 16:01 |
arti_ | yes i have one problem | 16:01 |
Attrayant | ActionParsnip: I have the servers setup correctly, and it's receiving mail, I'm just not able to get to it or any of the other folders. Inbox, Outbox, Sent, etc. | 16:01 |
arti_ | i can creat new particion | 16:02 |
kinja-sheep | toader: You have issues. (And you're welcome!) | 16:02 |
arti_ | cant | 16:02 |
arti_ | i have more 150gigs a | 16:02 |
ActionParsnip | arti_: ease up on the enter key kiddo | 16:02 |
kinja-sheep | knxville: Try it. I know you can do this as long as your Gmail Calendar are set for sharing (find private address in gmail settings). | 16:03 |
nyaa | is there a command that outputs in a terminal the % of use of each core of the cpu at the current time? (I need it as an output that can be used not as a picture to monitor) | 16:03 |
shane_ | does anyone know if the radeon driver supports compositing?? | 16:03 |
ActionParsnip | nyaa: i think top does if you read the top bit | 16:03 |
arti_ | action i didnt understand u | 16:03 |
yotta911 | knxville: Read this | 16:03 |
gp5st | Guest3317: what's the issue you're having? | 16:03 |
nyaa | actionparsnip maybe I'm reading it wrong, I have top up but it doesn't seem to differentiate between the cores- just a lump sum | 16:04 |
abhi_nav | ZykoticK9 my one friend came here to ask his problem and leave without any solution. He observed that this is the most stricter channel. My suggestion is rather than concentrating on atiquets and/or manner we sholud see for solutions | 16:04 |
shane_ | I cant enable compositing | 16:04 |
yotta911 | knxville: Nothing wich a goog google search can solve | 16:04 |
toader | Hi, I draw figure with Dia. I have some text on my figure, but when I export it to eps file, some of text are lost. Could anybody know why? thanks | 16:04 |
shane_ | it flashes the screen and then just goes back to no effects | 16:04 |
abhi_nav | arti_ ActionParsnip wanted to tell you to ask question in ONE line and with details | 16:04 |
kinja-sheep | nyaa: "top" --> Press 1 | 16:05 |
antoitoo | ola | 16:05 |
nyaa | kinja-sheep thanks =)... now how to I grep that without actually going into top? | 16:05 |
antoitoo | ola ay alguien español? | 16:05 |
arti_ | how in ONE line | 16:05 |
Myrtti | !es | antoitoo | 16:06 |
ubottu | antoitoo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 16:06 |
kinja-sheep | nyaa: Also, with little luck and time, you could ask in #bash for support and attempt to write your own script which will save core1, core2, core3, etc and timestamp to a file. | 16:06 |
nibbler | !enter | arti_ | 16:06 |
ubottu | arti_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 16:06 |
nyaa | kinja-sheep I want to compare that, and also the number of processes on a core so I can try to write a load balancing daemon | 16:06 |
antogo | a igual | 16:06 |
antogo | mientras hable | 16:06 |
nyaa | kinja sheep I'll check bash out | 16:06 |
arti_ | what to do than? | 16:06 |
kinja-sheep | nyaa: I understand that. Also, htop is NICER than top. (It got colors!) | 16:07 |
abhi_nav | arti_ means dont use many lines for single question. try to write it in one line e.g. how to enable wireless etc | 16:07 |
damian | anyone know where I can get a working deb that isn't broken of python-webkitgtk. I'm trying to install gtk-desktop-info but am missing the dependency. I tried compiling that from source, but webkitgtk had more dependencies libxslt, when I tried configuring that one it asked for libxml2, wich finally didn't need dependencies, but failed misserably during the compile. Any help is welcome :P gtk-desktop-info is like conky, only it allows html in it. I want to | 16:08 |
damian | have link lists on my desktop to applications, but don't think there's any other program I've found that can do that. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 64bit | 16:08 |
abhi_nav | arti_ loo at damians question | 16:09 |
abhi_nav | arti_ look* | 16:09 |
arti_ | ok thnx abhi | 16:09 |
davide | salve | 16:09 |
shane_ | does anyone have any experience with ati radeon 9200?? | 16:10 |
michael192 | hey | 16:10 |
michael192 | anyone on | 16:10 |
abhi_nav | arti_ hmmm | 16:10 |
abhi_nav | michael192 no | 16:10 |
abhi_nav | michael192 :-) | 16:11 |
puser | Dr_Willis: I just checked it, it doesn't confirm either way. So, I hope there is some utility, that could intercept the del key and bring up the confirmation box. | 16:11 |
obscurant1st | how can add signatures to all the repositories? | 16:11 |
obscurant1st | actually when i tried to install vlc, xchat using apt-get it said these are not authorised? | 16:12 |
shane_ | ok does anyone know how to check and see what driver you are using ??? | 16:12 |
kinja-sheep | nyaa: With the powerful search engine, you could find more than just this -- I found one. | 16:12 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: whats the output of: sudo apt-get install vlc xchat | 16:12 |
gp5st | obscurant1st: would you be able to paste the exact error message you get to pastebin or a similar service? | 16:12 |
arti_ | I have a problem with creating new partition,i have unsused 150 gigas,my holl space is 250giga and from that 2 giga left for swap,50 giga for sistem and 50 giga free,when i want to create another paritcion with Disk utiulity than i have some eror with that,,can some one helpo me about this | 16:12 |
cisko | Hello all | 16:13 |
mardok_ | I just installed a xen kernel and it's giving me an error message "AppArmor profiles failed to load" | 16:13 |
Stargaze | !gparted | 16:13 |
ubottu | gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 16:13 |
ActionParsnip | arti_: run: gksudo gparted you can then partition as you please | 16:14 |
obscurant1st | yeah ActionParsnip gp5st i will paste it | 16:14 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: plase | 16:14 |
ActionParsnip | *please | 16:14 |
cisko | Not sure of the format hear,, noob, so I have a question | 16:14 |
Stargaze | !gparted| arti_ | 16:14 |
Oli`` | !ops iyayyc is a spambot | 16:14 |
ubottu | arti_: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 16:14 |
devdz | by default in ubuntu i have 2 desktop how i add more ? | 16:14 |
cisko | How do I go about addressing my question? | 16:14 |
kinja-sheep | nyaa: Also, there are multiple sensors packages that are capable of displaying CPU loads right on your screen/desktop all times. Conky for one example. | 16:15 |
craig_gnome | so im looking to speed tweak my ubuntu any advice thats not on google? | 16:15 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, gp5st , | 16:15 |
richthegeek | hey, is there any reason I *shouldn't* uninstall CUPS | 16:15 |
kinja-sheep | devdz: Right-click the "2 desktop" picture --> Preferences | 16:15 |
cisko | Hi, di I open a new chat window? | 16:15 |
cisko | or is this how this works | 16:15 |
arti_ | i have try with gparter,there it shows that i have unallocated 232,88 giB,it dosent show the particions but all my HDD in one place | 16:16 |
richthegeek | yes cisko, this is how this works | 16:16 |
bullgard | My Chatzilla 0.9.86 "suddenly" does not wrap lines at the right-hand side of my screen. How to fix that? | 16:16 |
orson | richthegeek: if you don't need it ... but it possibly will break other packages depending on it | 16:16 |
richthegeek | orson: any way to get a dependence list? | 16:16 |
craig_gnome | !chatzilla | 16:16 |
arti_ | arti@arti-desktop:~$ sudo fdisk -l | 16:16 |
arti_ | [sudo] password for arti: | 16:16 |
arti_ | Ignoring extra extended partition 3 | 16:16 |
arti_ | Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes | 16:16 |
arti_ | 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders | 16:16 |
FloodBot2 | arti_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:16 |
arti_ | Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes | 16:16 |
Stargaze | arti_, then create partions on the unallocated space | 16:16 |
orson | richthegeek: apt-cache rdepends ... | 16:16 |
abhi_nav | arti_ format that unallocated space | 16:16 |
devdz | kinja-sheep, thanks | 16:16 |
richthegeek | takk | 16:16 |
shaik | Hi everybody......! | 16:17 |
obscurant1st | btw can someone pls tell me where is the cache path for apt-get installed softwares? | 16:17 |
orson | richthegeek: or just: "sudo aptitude purge cups -s" | 16:17 |
cisko | Thank you,,, My question is I'm running (9.10 can not find,,a sound properties dialog box to play or adjust my sound settings | 16:17 |
Stargaze | obscurant1st: try sudo apt-cache search | 16:17 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: ok can you give a pastebin of: sudo apt-get update you need to add a GPG key for some repo you have added | 16:17 |
kinja-sheep | obscurant1st: /var/cache/apt/archives I think. | 16:17 |
cisko | I have a live disk that showes it but my installed version does not show it? | 16:17 |
obscurant1st | Stargaze, kinja-sheep thx | 16:17 |
gp5st | obscurant1st: did you google it? | 16:17 |
shaik | can anybody tell what is this "..........k...o.D..yv.{..P....D0.8" i think it looks like hexadecimal value am i right | 16:17 |
Stargaze | idd kinja-sheep, i misread the question | 16:18 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, yeah, one sec | 16:18 |
Pici | shaik: In what context are you seeing that? And no, its not hex. | 16:18 |
obscurant1st | gp5st, yep and there was nothing for the default apt-get path!! | 16:18 |
richthegeek | orson: one of the dependencies is "ubuntu-desktop"... I guess I should leave it alone | 16:18 |
orson | richthegeek:only a meta-package | 16:18 |
gp5st | obscurant1st: what do you mean default apt-get path? the first result tells you add the keyring | 16:19 |
Stargaze | shaik: hex is 0123456789ABCDEF | 16:19 |
richthegeek | orson: there are a bunch of other packages as well, and its not exactly slowing eme down | 16:19 |
shaik | Hi Pici.... i just want to convert this information "..........k...o.D..yv.{..P....D0.8" to normal text mode... how can i. | 16:19 |
richthegeek | orson: just occasional updates which are only CUPS (it gets updated *alot*) | 16:19 |
Pici | shaik: I don't know what that is. Where are you seeing this information? | 16:19 |
arti_ | what to do,in that 232 giga is my ubuntu to ,if i format that i will lose all me things from there,but gparted dosent show what is inside of mi hdd,i mean partitions that i have | 16:19 |
gp5st | shaik: that is just random data, most likely binary. where did it come from that's your best hope for decoding it | 16:19 |
babalu | i created a symbolic link to my program using 'ln -s ~/myprogram /usr/bin/myprogram' but i can't start /usr/bin/myprogram for some reason :/ | 16:20 |
gp5st | shaik: it's not hexidecimal, hex only has 0-9A-F in it | 16:20 |
obscurant1st | kinja-sheep, that folder doesnot exist | 16:20 |
orson | richthegeek: i just checked here, but it's debian not ubuntu, removing cups wouldn't break anything serious | 16:20 |
richthegeek | My system speakers buzz when I rotate the 3d cube... is this normal? | 16:20 |
shaik | i got this information through ettercap, then i can edit this information to binary | 16:20 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: can you give the pastebin link | 16:21 |
obscurant1st | Stargaze, that command gives me an error sayin, You must give exactly one pattern | 16:21 |
ActionParsnip | richthegeek: i'd ask in #compiz | 16:21 |
Stargaze | obscurant1st: what command pls? | 16:21 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, link? which link | 16:21 |
richthegeek | ActionParsnip: ok | 16:21 |
gp5st | obscurant1st: is my first google result for that exact error message | 16:21 |
obscurant1st | Stargaze, sudo apt-cache search | 16:21 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: of the output of: sudo apt-get update | 16:21 |
gp5st | it should have been on your first page somewhere | 16:21 |
Pici | obscurant1st: you don't need sudo for apt-cache | 16:22 |
obscurant1st | Pici, oh, k | 16:22 |
aya | hello | 16:23 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, actually it is still executing, i mean the update command | 16:23 |
Stargaze | !hi| aya | 16:24 |
ubottu | aya: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 16:24 |
obscurant1st | Pici, Stargaze, still the error is the same,E: You must give exactly one pattern i tried without "sudo" | 16:25 |
aya | what are the UBUNTU? | 16:25 |
Pici | obscurant1st: What are you searching for? | 16:25 |
gamesNvideos | is there a linux mint channel | 16:25 |
tisepti | how can i make a small addition [to a config file] in a preexisting ubuntu .deb package? | 16:25 |
gamesNvideos | is mint supported? | 16:25 |
Pici | !mintsupport | gamesNvideos | 16:25 |
ubottu | gamesNvideos: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 16:25 |
Stargaze | aya: please | 16:25 |
abhi_nav | arti_ can you have a screenshot of that gparted window? and paste here the address using image bin | 16:25 |
cisko | Where do I find my sound properties ? | 16:25 |
gamesNvideos | thanks pici | 16:25 |
obscurant1st | Pici, i'm tryng to find out where are the downloaded files kept for apt-get installations | 16:26 |
abhi_nav | !imagebin | arti_ | 16:26 |
ubottu | arti_: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to and post a link to it. | 16:26 |
Pici | obscurant1st: /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 16:26 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: /var/cache/apt | 16:26 |
arti_ | I have a problem with creating new partition,i have unsused 150 gigas,my holl space is 250giga and from that 2 giga left for swap,50 giga for sistem and 50 giga free,when i want to create another paritcion with Disk utiulity than i have some eror with that,,i tryed with Gparted and he shows all my hdd without pratitions that i have,this is my fdisk -l code | 16:26 |
solid999 | hi all. casual linux question: how can i see howmany sectors my /dev/sda has? FreeBSD has a utility called diskinfo; anything similar on Ubuntu? | 16:26 |
sudaya | hi all, how can i send email locally using gmail smtp | 16:26 |
obscurant1st | Pici, ActionParsnip yeah, that was it, thx | 16:26 |
erUSUL | solid999: i think fdsik -l output has that info... maybe hdparm -I has it too | 16:27 |
bullgard | My Chatzilla 0.9.86 "suddenly" does not wrap lines at the right-hand side of my screen. How to fix that? | 16:27 |
abhi_nav | arti_ read my above messeges | 16:27 |
solid999 | erUSUL: thanks! ill try that now | 16:27 |
ActionParsnip | solid999: sudo fdisk -l | 16:27 |
arti_ | oki abhi | 16:27 |
sudaya | hi all, how can i send email locally using gmail smtp, plz any help | 16:27 |
ActionParsnip | sudaya: define "locally" | 16:28 |
sudaya | ActionParsnip, i mean from local | 16:28 |
babalu | i created a symbolic link to my program using 'ln -s ~/myprogram /usr/bin/myprogram' but i can't start /usr/bin/myprogram for some reason :/ | 16:28 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, it is still updating, can i give you the sources.lst pastebined instead? | 16:28 |
sudaya | ActionParsnip, i have not installed mail server in my system | 16:28 |
ActionParsnip | sudaya: if you want an email client you can use evolution or thunderbird to name but 2 | 16:28 |
orson | sudaya: just outgoing mails? use a nullmailer like ssmtp | 16:29 |
sudaya | ActionParsnip, i want ot send email using command line | 16:29 |
jacob__ | hello room | 16:29 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: just need the output of: sudo apt-get update thats all | 16:29 |
cisko | Ive looked in SYS,> pref> but no sound properties ,, I do have sound,,In a live version cd I have I can see Ubuntu 9.10 does have a sound properties dialog box but can not find it in my installed version? | 16:29 |
allowoverride | quick security question . can you all check and see if you have a usergroup 'junior:x:123'. i sure do not remember adding this user. could someone check their /etc/group for this entry. thanks | 16:29 |
erUSUL | sudaya: do what orson said or install a mailserver | 16:29 |
ActionParsnip | sudaya: mutt is one, or you can telnet to port 25 and send it 1970s style | 16:29 |
obscurant1st | ActionParsnip, ok, i will have to wait then, it is still executing, | 16:29 |
ActionParsnip | obscurant1st: true | 16:29 |
sudaya | erUSUL, orson , ActionParsnip thankx i will give a try | 16:30 |
linux_used | hi all... anyone knows how to make this stupid phpmyadmin believe I am actually root? thanks | 16:30 |
arti_ | Abhi this is my image | 16:31 |
jet__ | hi, I'm quite disappointed by the behavior of acroread : when I hold the "up" and "down" arrows, the text doesn't scroll up and down. Is it normal? Is it fixeable? | 16:31 |
craig_gnome | !acroread | 16:32 |
orson | jet__: ask adobe :) | 16:32 |
abhi_nav | arti_ nice theme!!! | 16:32 |
craig_gnome | there is xpdf | 16:32 |
jet__ | xpdf is not gtk2 compliant and dont integrate very well in my gnome environment | 16:33 |
arti_ | thnx | 16:33 |
craig_gnome | arti , which theme is that | 16:33 |
jet__ | evince is too heavy and takes a huge amount of time to load my big pdf files | 16:33 |
jet__ | so I chose acroread, which is perfect but has this quite annoying behaviour that i'd like to fix. | 16:34 |
erUSUL | jet__: you said evince is heavy compared to acroread !!!???? | 16:34 |
cisko | Does ubuntu 9.10 have a sound dialog box in >sys, Pref>? | 16:34 |
jet__ | erUSUL, on my system, yes it is | 16:34 |
ramonmc | hi all! is there any way to select images from a pdf with evince?? | 16:35 |
=== pipegeek1 is now known as pipegeek | ||
abhi_nav | arti_ sda is only disk? or is there any other? do you mean that your ubuntu is installed on this sda and still gparted cannt show it? | 16:35 |
arti_ | so what to do,i will show u the screnshot from Disk Utility to,this is from disk utility screnshot,when i try to create that 150 gigas it says that some3 errors | 16:36 |
researcher1 | How can I login remotely to my Ubuntu pc and share desktop? | 16:36 |
abhi_nav | arti_ please tell from whre do you get this theme? | 16:36 |
Haffe | researcher1: vnc? | 16:36 |
Haffe | rdeskopt? | 16:36 |
arti_ | i will send u a code to download | 16:36 |
abhi_nav | arti_ hmm and read above mesege | 16:36 |
researcher1 | Haffe: How can VNC help here? | 16:37 |
arti_ | yes my ubuntu is installed in this sda | 16:37 |
craig_gnome | arti , send point me to that theme . | 16:38 |
abhi_nav | arti_ one suggestion can be is, boot from livecd and from there see if your gparted works proerly or not | 16:38 |
arti_ | its from ubuntu ultimate 2.3 | 16:38 |
pflanze | Hello. The download at is broken for me; "Download started" but it doesn't ask me for the download location, and doesn't seem to download anything. | 16:38 |
fission6 | where is the dictionary text file on ubuntu, i know ive come acrosss it before but can not remeber the paht | 16:38 |
mmfei_ | `h | 16:38 |
pflanze | aha, "click here to retry" sigh. | 16:39 |
allowoverride | quick security question . can you all check and see if you have a usergroup 'junior:x:123'. i sure do not remember adding this user. could someone check their /etc/group for this entry. thanks | 16:39 |
arti_ | theme is from ubuntu ultimate edition 2.3,its great | 16:39 |
abhi_nav | pflanze: first select the location and then try | 16:39 |
phajas | Hi there! I run Ubuntu server on a machine. For whatever reason, it has lost internet connection on a working network, yet can still route internally on the network. If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them, as servers stink when you can't serve anything. Also, help with static IP configuration would be great! | 16:39 |
abhi_nav | arti_ read my last mesage? | 16:40 |
arti_ | abhi,i tryed with botting with live cd ,gparted shows the smae | 16:40 |
pflanze | abhi_nav: did that, doesn't work; but the "click here to retry" makes it work. | 16:40 |
abhi_nav | pflanze: hmm | 16:40 |
pflanze | consistently | 16:40 |
pflanze | And that's with Galeon (mozilla) on Debian. | 16:40 |
craig_gnome | how do i temporarly disable compwiz on ubuntu | 16:41 |
cisko | Any advice as to where to look? | 16:41 |
abhi_nav | arti_ hmm cant say more about this :-( | 16:41 |
allowoverride | at first glance this sounds like a game | 16:41 |
abhi_nav | cisko: to look for what? :-) | 16:42 |
craig_gnome | compiz* | 16:42 |
_UsUrPeR_ | hey all. Can somebody tell me the process of adding network drivers to an Ubuntu 9.10 Alternate installation CD? | 16:42 |
allowoverride | does anyone use the polkituser? | 16:42 |
arti_ | abhi when i put fdisk -l it shows this ,i dont know what to do | 16:42 |
cisko | Hi sound dialog box for the sound properties | 16:42 |
_UsUrPeR_ | I already have the CD written to a USB key which I can make changes to | 16:42 |
cisko | it's not in SYS. Pref's> | 16:42 |
cisko | Abhi_nav? any help? | 16:43 |
toader | Hi, I draw figure with Dia. I have some text on my figure, but when I export it to eps file, some of text are lost. Could anybody know why? thanks | 16:43 |
allowoverride | nevermind, its the debian junior group, tasktel | 16:44 |
allowoverride | l8 | 16:44 |
beware | does brainstorm imply that only one solution can/will ever be chosen for an idea? | 16:45 |
beware | or may multiple solutions be implemented | 16:45 |
abhi_nav | arti_ yah i see it. i dont know further what to do :-( | 16:45 |
abhi_nav | arti_ loo this: may be you get something | 16:47 |
arti_ | abhi_nav thnx enyway,i was trying to solve that 4-5 days,and surfin in net for solve this but nothing didn get | 16:48 |
abhi_nav | arti_ hmm you visited above link? | 16:48 |
ProfessorBacon | should i try xfce? | 16:49 |
ProfessorBacon | is it good? | 16:49 |
ProfessorBacon | or fluxbox | 16:49 |
ProfessorBacon | or...? | 16:49 |
=== vincent is now known as Guest52236 | ||
overmind | ProfessorBacon: xcfe is good, like gnome but faster | 16:50 |
overmind | ProfessorBacon: xfce, sorry | 16:50 |
arti_ | abhinav no i didnt ,it seems logical,i will try that and i will tell u if i solved it ;))) | 16:50 |
abhi_nav | arti_ hmm sure :-) | 16:51 |
ProfessorBacon | thanks | 16:51 |
ProfessorBacon | downloading | 16:51 |
ProfessorBacon | i definitely could use faster | 16:51 |
Guest52236 | i encountered a strange thing, if i download the netboot images for ubuntu hardy from: it installs 8.04 is this supposed to be like this? | 16:52 |
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khider | Hello all,when I tried to boot into my computer this morning I got the splash screen for maybe two seconds and got kicked into a maintenance shaell | 16:52 |
Stargaze | what was the codename for 8.04? | 16:52 |
seanbrystone_ | !hardy | 16:53 |
khider | usplash and Filesystem check failed | 16:53 |
ZykoticK9 | !8.04 > Stargaze | 16:53 |
phajas | Hey guys, anybody have any ideas as to why my computer can only route internally? | 16:53 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: - See !lts for more details. | 16:53 |
ubottu | Stargaze, please see my private message | 16:53 |
pauljw | hardy heron | 16:53 |
khider | Perhaps I m,ust re-install? | 16:53 |
Stargaze | ZykoticK9: it was meant for Guest52236 | 16:53 |
ZykoticK9 | Stargaze, sorry man - i just saw "Stargaze> what was the codename for 8.04?" | 16:54 |
Guest52236 | ok, that was quite stupid | 16:54 |
brianherman | zykotic: hardy | 16:54 |
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Stargaze | ZykoticK9: it was because Guest52236 wanted to know -- end troll | 16:55 |
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khider | I guess there is no fix for this? | 16:55 |
khider | I simply cannot get into the OS | 16:56 |
khider | HAllmark of the Ubuntu experience | 16:56 |
Stargaze | khider: please put your question in one line, so we don't have to scroll up to read what it was about | 16:56 |
gp5st | how do i add a path to the loader w/o using LD_LIBRARY_PATH? | 16:57 |
khider | Stargaze: Two lines | 16:57 |
Rubi | ola | 16:58 |
Rubi | busco amigos | 16:58 |
Rubi | olaaaaaaaaaa | 16:58 |
Stargaze | !es| Rubi | 16:58 |
sudaya | orson, what does these error refer to | 16:58 |
ubottu | Rubi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 16:58 |
Rubi | ola,como | 16:58 |
Rubi | olaaaaaaaaa | 16:59 |
malifal | gp5st: /etc/ i guess | 16:59 |
Rubi | k tal | 16:59 |
philien | !es | 16:59 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 16:59 |
Rubi | hello | 16:59 |
Besogon | Rubi: привет | 16:59 |
philien | !ru | 16:59 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 16:59 |
Rubi | were are?? | 16:59 |
Stargaze | that means: privé :) | 16:59 |
_UsUrPeR_ | can anybody instruct me on how to add a network driver to an installation CD? | 16:59 |
orson | sudaya: afaik gmail uses port 587 for smtp | 16:59 |
Rubi | hello | 17:00 |
Rubi | im rubi | 17:00 |
gp5st | malifal: ooo, thanks:) | 17:00 |
Stargaze | !es| Rubi | 17:00 |
ubottu | Rubi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 17:00 |
Rubi | im from sevilla | 17:00 |
philien | _UsUrPeR_ : Yes of course i can | 17:00 |
daniel2 | Im having an issue with 9.10 with it randomly locking up | 17:00 |
Rubi | alguieb abla en españoool??? | 17:00 |
sudaya | orson, where do i need to change | 17:00 |
daniel2 | idk how to find out why | 17:00 |
daniel2 | Im not doing anything special | 17:00 |
orson | sudaya: wherever you defined as smarthost | 17:00 |
philien | _UsUrPeR_ : What is your problem | 17:01 |
khider | When Boot, get splash screen for two seconds then bounced into maintenance shell. usplash for terminal fails. Filesystem check failed. Now am at root promt. Rebooted several times, no results. | 17:01 |
_UsUrPeR_ | philien: yay! I have created a USB 9.10 alternate installation CD, so I can make changes without burning a CD. | 17:01 |
sudaya | orson, when i nstall mutt it doesnt ask for smarthost | 17:01 |
_UsUrPeR_ | philien: I am attempting to use a preseed which I have set up on a local networked server | 17:01 |
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philien | _UsUrPeR_ : A live CD can't be modified after burning | 17:01 |
sudaya | orson, do i need to install smarthost too | 17:02 |
_UsUrPeR_ | philien: and I am attempting to run the install on a new netbook which has a Atheros AR8132 / L1c Gigabit Ethernet Adapter | 17:02 |
_UsUrPeR_ | philien: unfortunately, the drivers to support that card are not available. | 17:03 |
orson | sudaya: read mutt-documentation howto define outgoijng smtp-server | 17:03 |
_UsUrPeR_ | philien: again, I am able to make changes to the image because I have made a bootable USB key. | 17:03 |
malifal | gp5st: man ldconfig | 17:03 |
khider | Oops I forgot. This is not a Linuix channel. My mistake! | 17:04 |
gp5st | malifal: will do | 17:04 |
Stargaze | !myth | 17:04 |
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Stargaze | !mythbuntu | 17:04 |
ubottu | Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: for more information | 17:04 |
xTheGoat121x | I'm having some serious issues with a Pidgin crash, can someone take a look at the backtrace? | 17:05 |
vlt | Hello. I have a USB webcam "Trust WB-3250p/15082-03" which is identified by lsusb as "0c45:602c Microdia Clas Ohlson TWC-30XOP Webcam". When I run an v4l2 app to capture video I first get a very low picture and after ~10 seconds only the most left 20 pixels are visible. I have to re-plug the camera to get another 10 dark seconds. Any idea where's the problem here? | 17:05 |
_UsUrPeR_ | philien: I need to get the atheros drivers for that specific card on to the CD so I can use the preseed I have on a local network | 17:05 |
gar_onn | hey | 17:06 |
gar_onn | I'm about to instal ubuntu but, will I be able to acces my windows from boot? | 17:07 |
gp5st | gar_onn: it can be set up like that. you need to make sure you don't overwrite the windows partition | 17:07 |
damian | Which python version is this exactly? Didn't get a straight answer from google. Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python (<< 2.6) getting all the python versons from the repository though | 17:08 |
gar_onn | gp5st, tnx, but I meen, will I get thet black screen to chose every time? | 17:08 |
sometux | no bidi support in terminal????????? | 17:08 |
gp5st | gar_onn: you can set the grub time to a few seconds if you want, or make it really fast | 17:08 |
b2p1mp | if windows is installed first, you may need to setup grub/ update-grub to get windows back on list | 17:09 |
Tittu | hello all. I am new to linux. I downloaded the ubuntu disc image file and burned it on a disc and having problem with the installation. I want to dual boot. I have windows in c drive and want to install ubuntu in d and keep e as extra. can someone help please ? | 17:09 |
_UsUrPeR_ | philien: no dice? | 17:09 |
gp5st | Tittu: what issue are you running into exactly | 17:10 |
Muscovy | Tittu: Are you using multiple physical drives? | 17:10 |
sometux | Tittu: so what is your problem? | 17:10 |
b2p1mp | i think he just need guidance with manual partition. | 17:10 |
malifal | sometux: there is bidi support, but results differ depending on which terminal you're using | 17:10 |
nhak | where is the init file in ubuntu ? | 17:10 |
nhak | /etc/rc.d/rc.local or /etc/init.d/rc.local ? | 17:11 |
orson | nhak: lost with upstart | 17:11 |
sometux | malifal: gnome terminal | 17:11 |
Tittu | gp5st: i booted from the cd and couldnt understand the advanced option so selected install on largest available disk space. It selected e drive. I selected 30 gb for ubuntu and the installation was going smoothly and then it gave an error. | 17:11 |
orson | nhak: /etc/rc.local | 17:11 |
malifal | sometux: i think it does, but you might need fribidi installed for it to work | 17:11 |
Tittu | now when i launch windows back my e drive is just 5 gb in size. how do i get back the remaining spacce. I have only 1 hdd | 17:12 |
sometux | malifal: I will check it | 17:12 |
gp5st | Tittu: what's the error, and was that 30GB on the same disk as windows? and are the C:, D:, and E: drives different disks or logical partitions | 17:12 |
malifal | sometux: if you're talking about arabic and joining that's a different matter | 17:12 |
sometux | malifal: yes exactly | 17:12 |
gp5st | Tittu: was there data on that E: drive? or was it empty space that was removed | 17:12 |
Tittu | they are logical partitions. windows is in C: and i want to install ubuntu on D: | 17:12 |
Tittu | all are NTFS | 17:12 |
malifal | sometux: i don't remeber how but i did manage to get it to work somehow, sorry it was a long time ago :( | 17:13 |
Tittu | my hard disk is empty, i just now installed windows | 17:13 |
nhak | orson, thanks | 17:13 |
malifal | sometux: also look into pterm and mlterm, i think they support joining | 17:14 |
sometux | malifal: no problem, I solved the the problem on my P1 slackware, but never tried on ubnuntu | 17:14 |
Stargaze | Tittu: you can use the LiveCD to install ubuntu on the D: partition, but it will have another name in the partition manager | 17:14 |
Stargaze | !gparted| Tittu | 17:14 |
ubottu | Tittu: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 17:14 |
Tittu | stargaze: i have downloaded the live cd and was using that | 17:14 |
gp5st | Tittu: ok, so, my best advice would be to boot onto the live cd, then use gparted system >administration iirc and use that to resize each partition that you want to the right size | 17:14 |
pullmandave | On my system running 9.10 the hostap drivers are broken. When I load the hostap_pci module for my Prism 2.5 card the system freezes with a CPU Hung message. Anyone else see this? | 17:15 |
Stargaze | Tittu: just click the 'install' icon on the desktop | 17:15 |
sometux | malifal: there was a tool called bicon, which runs as daemon | 17:15 |
gp5st | Tittu: then once they are all the right size, you can format the one you want as ext4 and then start the installation. then select that partition to install to | 17:15 |
malifal | sometux: yeah, but i remember getting it to work without anything from arabeyes | 17:16 |
gp5st | Stargaze: he did that but didn't do the advanced options and it resized stuff for him | 17:16 |
jagajazzist | hi people! How do I activate the cube desktop in Ubuntu 9.10 64bit? I've enabled full desktop effects.. but cant see any cube :) | 17:16 |
Stargaze | Tittu: check this webpage => | 17:16 |
sometux | just packages from ubuntu ropository? | 17:16 |
Hillshum | How do I get Synaptic to not install recommended packages? | 17:16 |
blakkheim | Hillshum: use aptitude -R instead of synaptic | 17:16 |
Tittu | yeah! i remember, it was ext4, the remaining 30GB where ubuntu was getting installed and it said that the CD might be curropt or Hard Disk error or system might be heated | 17:16 |
malifal | sometux: actually i was on fedora or debian at that time | 17:17 |
malifal | sometux: most likely fedora | 17:17 |
malifal | sometux: but it should work exactly the same on ubuntu, it's not distro specific | 17:17 |
gp5st | Tittu: what said the cd was corrupt? | 17:18 |
Hillshum | blakkheim: That's seems to still be installing some | 17:18 |
Tittu | yes, it said that but it isnt like that | 17:18 |
sometux | malifal: I will try | 17:18 |
woRg | hi, I've a problem with intel i810 on lucid, X isn't loading nor gdm | 17:18 |
Tittu | i downloaded the CD today and it burned fine into the disk | 17:18 |
blakkheim | Hillshum: aptitude -R install asdf will only install the deps, no recommended packages | 17:18 |
kinja-sheep | woRg: #ubuntu+1 | 17:19 |
Muscovy | woRg: I've had that issue in a VM. Are you trying a physical install? | 17:19 |
Tittu | stargaze: i visited that link. It's to replace windows. I want both, linux and windows | 17:19 |
Ganymede | so this is an unlikely question but if i have an SSH session open from A to B. now i can't ssh into A (it's behind NAT) but i have access to B. can i somehow reverse that ssh session from A to B to get a shell and execute commands on A? these are all under the same username and i have sudo access to both machines | 17:19 |
woRg | yes Muscovy | 17:19 |
Hillshum | blakkheim: Hmm. Maybe dependent packages were dependent on the recommended packages I'm avoiding? | 17:19 |
bullgard | My Chatzilla 0.9.86 "suddenly" does not wrap lines at the right-hand side of my screen. How to fix that? | 17:19 |
gp5st | Tittu: you're in a perfect situation to experiment. try playing with the partition sizes to be what you want, then select that partition to install ubuntu to | 17:20 |
gp5st | i have to go, ttyl | 17:20 |
Hillshum | Ganymede: You can forward ports over SSH | 17:20 |
woRg | thanks kinja-sheep | 17:20 |
sometux | malifal: also what about flashplayer? | 17:20 |
Hillshum | Ganymede: And then SSH over that forwarded port | 17:20 |
sometux | malifal: no joining | 17:20 |
sometux | malifal: any luck get it work for you? | 17:21 |
Stargaze | Tittu: you only replace winows if you overwrite it's partation during, so do no overwrite windows if you want dual boot | 17:21 |
Tittu | gp5st: there is no problem with partition size. It's something else. Ubuntu doesnt install properly. ALso, can i install ubuntu on NTFS partition ? | 17:21 |
Ganymede | Hillshum, i'm familiar with that...but how would i do that since i can't run commands on A, the computer behind NAT, since i can't reach it. the only connection i have to it is that the ssh session shows up in "who" on B | 17:21 |
archman | hello | 17:21 |
Muscovy | Tittu: I really wouldn't use NTFS anywhere other than Windows. | 17:21 |
Stargaze | Tittu: you have to format the non-windows partition to ext4 instead of NTFS | 17:22 |
squarepe1 | hello | 17:22 |
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malifal | sometux: i never tried getting to work on flashplayer, i never noticed that it was broken in the first place :/ | 17:22 |
archman | what are the modules needed for the USB mass storage? Cause sometimes, the PSP just doesn't want to mount, although it appears on lsusb | 17:22 |
obscurant1st | i need to get my webcam working can somebody help me? | 17:22 |
Tittu | stargaze: i read everything on that page. It was what i did, but instead of trying ubuntu, i selected install ubuntu, and on the second last image, where the installation progress bar is displayed, it gave error at some 44% | 17:22 |
sometux | malifal: visit | 17:22 |
Stargaze | archman: try usb-modeswitch, you find a description in Synaptic | 17:22 |
Hillshum | Ganymede: You might be able to get though the NAT. Are both SSH servers on port 22? | 17:22 |
Ganymede | Hillshum, yes | 17:23 |
Tittu | muscovy: the prob is that then windows wont read the content of ext partition | 17:23 |
orson | Ganymede: reverse ssh portforwarding, "ssh -R 1234:localhost:22 host.domain.tld" | 17:23 |
Stargaze | Tittu: that's because windows is old and disabled | 17:23 |
Ganymede | orson, which ssh server would i run that on? | 17:23 |
Muscovy | Tittu: There's individual Windows programs that you can find to do it, and Linux can still read Windows perfectly fine. | 17:23 |
gar_onn | hey if I instal ubunutu , will I always get this?? | 17:23 |
archman | Stargaze, hmm, checking... | 17:24 |
Muscovy | Back when I used both, I would move anything I need over while still in Linux. | 17:24 |
orson | Ganymede: A | 17:24 |
Stargaze | gar_onn: that's called dual-boot | 17:24 |
Take0n | How do I completely remove wine? I did sudo apt-get purge wine and then I also did a rm -rf .wine in my home directory. Should I do anything more? It didnt disappear from the menus btw | 17:24 |
Ganymede | orson, but the whole point is that i'm currently unable to run commands on A because i can't reach it through the NAT | 17:24 |
Hillshum | Ganymede: Have you tried SSHing into A right now? | 17:24 |
Stargaze | Take0n: try sudo apt)get autoremove | 17:24 |
archman | Stargaze, no info in synaptic, though | 17:24 |
malifal | sometux: i see | 17:24 |
Stargaze | Take0n: try sudo apt-get autoremove | 17:24 |
obscurant1st | somebody? | 17:25 |
Tittu | why did it gave that error at 44% ?? | 17:25 |
malifal | sometux: try installing the mscore fonts, it might fix it | 17:25 |
qUaNtiC_ | hi what happens if i upgrade to karmic from intrepid? i mean is it going to automatically configure everything and just leave the all system as it is, or at least re-create it as i did it or it will change "everything" and ill have to restart setting it all over again? thanks | 17:25 |
Muscovy | TakeOn: I've had that before. I'm pretty sure you have to edit the mnu to remove the file, because Wine doesn't remove those links itself. | 17:25 |
Stargaze | archman: usb-modeswitch, it is in the repo's and so in Synaptic | 17:25 |
Ganymede | Hillshum, yes, it gets "no route to host" because the NAT device is set to port forward 22 to a different machine (which is powered down) | 17:25 |
malifal | sometux: or the kacst fonts | 17:25 |
mvampire | Hello. Can anybody help with booting from ExpressCard SSD? | 17:25 |
sometux | malifal: they are all installed | 17:25 |
Ganymede | Hillshum, and i can only modify the NAT configuration from within the NAT network | 17:25 |
Take0n | I am doing an autoremove now thank Stargaze! Muscovy I will do that as well and also relogin to see if changes went well | 17:26 |
sometux | malifal: I think it's a bug | 17:26 |
Tittu | one more thing. how do i combine the left out 5 GB partition with the new 30GB ext partition that ubuntu created without having any changes done to others ? | 17:26 |
Take0n | my problem is that applications I install in winte wont completely uninstall.. drove me crazy so I wanna get rid of it! | 17:26 |
malifal | sometux: but not everything is broken, the ticker on the top is fine | 17:26 |
malifal | sometux: strange huh? | 17:27 |
sometux | malifal: many complain about the same problem on the adobe forum. | 17:27 |
Hillshum | Ganymede: I don't think there is much you can do | 17:27 |
mkey | hey | 17:27 |
_UsUrPeR_ | How do I add network drivers to a ubuntu alternate install CD? The network driver (atheros AR8132 on a new Acer netbook) is not being detected by the 9.10 alternate install CD, and because of that, I cannot install with a preseed.cfg over my local network. | 17:28 |
mvampire | Hello. Can anybody help with booting from ExpressCard SSD? | 17:28 |
Stargaze | !hi| mkey | 17:28 |
ubottu | mkey: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 17:28 |
mkey | thankx | 17:28 |
malifal | sometux: it's a font issue not flashplayer/adobe issue, it's the font that jazeera is using for that part, i'm pretty sure of that | 17:28 |
malifal | sometux: you should complain to aljazeera :) | 17:28 |
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Hillshum | Why do so many web server packages depend on apache? I don't want to use apache | 17:29 |
cellofellow | _UsUrPeR_: generally you can't install netinstall on wifi. No way to set up the SSID and encryption keys. | 17:29 |
_UsUrPeR_ | cellofellow: that's a gigabit ethernet card made by Atheros | 17:29 |
cellofellow | oh | 17:29 |
_UsUrPeR_ | :/ | 17:29 |
cellofellow | :( | 17:29 |
sometux | malifal: no problem with arabic text in flash on windows | 17:29 |
Ganymede | Hillshum, okay, thanks | 17:30 |
malifal | sometux: yes because it's a microsoft font that has no counterpart on linux | 17:30 |
bullgard | My Chatzilla 0.9.86 "suddenly" does not wrap lines at the right-hand side of my screen. How to fix that? | 17:30 |
sometux | +C | 17:31 |
|604| | so my hd is split into 3 parts, linux, swap and ntfs containing windows, my project using the windows partition didn't work, so i want to boot back into linux, i am on a laptop, how do i do this? | 17:31 |
mvampire | Hello. Can anybody help with booting from ExpressCard SSD? | 17:31 |
Ganymede | Hillshum, wait, so there's no way to "hijack" an SSH session connected to my computer? like injecting commands into that shell? | 17:32 |
Hillshum | Ganymede: I don't know of anything | 17:32 |
orson | Ganymede: if not using screen, no. (would make ssh pointless btw, if everyone could hijack it) | 17:33 |
archman | Stargaze, strange, i can't start it, although i installed it... trying "usb-modeswitch" :S | 17:33 |
obscurant1st | somebody pls help me with my webcam issue.. :( | 17:33 |
archman | Stargaze, getting the usual: bash: usb-modeswitch: command not found | 17:33 |
Ganymede | orson, well i'm only trying to hijack my own's logged in with the same username that i am | 17:33 |
Stargaze | archman, it runs in the background, it's not an application | 17:34 |
archman | oooh | 17:34 |
archman | Stargaze, need to reboot i guess? since it's a deamon? | 17:35 |
archman | daemon* | 17:35 |
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Ganymede | orson, by the way, suppose i already executed the ssh command without the -R option and now i'm at the shell...can i transform that ssh session into a port forward by executing a certain command? | 17:35 |
Tittu | thank you all for your help | 17:35 |
archman | Stargaze, so it should work on it's own from now on? no commands needed? | 17:36 |
orson | Ganymede: if you have a ssh-connection you always can establish new tunnels | 17:36 |
Akkernight | does wine work for Ubuntu ever? | 17:36 |
slashme | archman, I'm coming into this halfway, but usually to restart a daemon you do something like # service (yourservice) restart | 17:36 |
slashme | Akkernight, yes. | 17:36 |
omeddragon1 | get playonlinux wine work better with it | 17:36 |
orson | Ganymede: the actual session cannot be changed into a tunnel, afaik | 17:36 |
obscurant1st | Akkernight, of course | 17:36 |
Ganymede | orson, okay, thanks for the information | 17:37 |
slashme | archman, what daemon are you working with? | 17:37 |
Stargaze | !wine| Akkernight | 17:37 |
ubottu | Akkernight: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 17:37 |
archman | slashme, thanks, erm...usb-modeswitch, i guess :/ | 17:37 |
obscurant1st | :'( i need to set up my laptop webcam | 17:37 |
Korusef | !lsb | 17:38 |
ubottu | The Linux Standard Base, or LSB, is a joint project by several Linux distributions under the organizational structure of The Free Standards Group to standardize the internal structure of Linux-based operating systems. The LSB is based on the POSIX specification, the Single UNIX Specification, and several other open standards, but extends them in certain areas. | 17:38 |
Ganymede | Akkernight, i don't use wine from the official repos, i use bleeding edge wine and it seems to work much better | 17:38 |
archman | slashme, installed it right now | 17:38 |
Akkernight | slashme, obscurant1st: Wine hasn't worked for me yet, and it doesn't even work to install anything using winetricks because everything needs dotnet 2, and installing dotnet 2 doesn't seem to work, 'cause even tho I get the files installed, no other apps are capable of loading the dotnet 2 .dlls | 17:38 |
Stargaze | obscurant1st, try sudo apt-get install cheese | 17:38 |
maximo | wine never works for me, never has and don't know if ever will.... | 17:38 |
slashme | archman, often when you install a package that runs as a daemon, it starts itself. | 17:38 |
=== maximo is now known as Maximo | ||
switchgirl | apparently i'm running a web server / apache on my desktop | 17:38 |
archman | slashme, ok, rebooting... | 17:38 |
Stargaze | Akkernight, Mono is the Linux equiv for .NET | 17:38 |
obscurant1st | Stargaze, i am tryng it | 17:38 |
web5|org|ua | my system just rebooted buy yourself, where to look for cause ? | 17:39 |
Haffe | web5|org|ua: /var/log/syslog | 17:39 |
slashme | archman NOOO!!!! | 17:39 |
switchgirl | >> :s how'd i use it? | 17:39 |
archman | slashme, why not? :D | 17:39 |
mkey | plugged in wired. no wireless card...long story. is external wireless viable ? | 17:39 |
Akkernight | Stargaze, but software looks for the dotnet .dlls ... | 17:39 |
ga | Witam. Są tu jakieś polskie czaty? | 17:39 |
slashme | archman, not usually necessary. | 17:39 |
Pici | !pl | ga | 17:39 |
ubottu | ga: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 17:39 |
archman | slashme, ok, should i modprobe it? | 17:39 |
Stargaze | Akkernight, maybe you can best use Windows for these apps, then | 17:39 |
web5|org|ua | Haffe: syslog.1 too ? | 17:39 |
slashme | archman, hang on a moment.... | 17:40 |
Akkernight | Stargaze, but that's the problem, I don't wanna go back to Windows | 17:40 |
switchgirl | !apache| switchgirl | 17:40 |
ubottu | switchgirl, please see my private message | 17:40 |
Friction[laptop] | why are all the instant messenger clients crap on linux | 17:40 |
tokoto | olaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 17:40 |
Stargaze | Akkernight, then search for the linux equiv of the app you ant to use | 17:40 |
omeddragon1 | what crap do you mean Friction[laptop] | 17:41 |
tokoto | OoLaA | 17:41 |
slashme | archman, is it a kernel module or a daemon? | 17:41 |
Akkernight | Stargaze, Mortal Online, which I've pre-ordered a long time ago, can't even play it D: oh the cruelty | 17:41 |
Stargaze | Akkernight, for linux games, check => | 17:41 |
archman | slashme, i dunno, | 17:42 |
Akkernight | Stargaze, there is no Linux client for Mortal Online, I've checked | 17:42 |
slashme | archman, check the website: | 17:42 |
slashme | lol | 17:42 |
ga | No to ja przepraszam, jestem za stary na angielski... | 17:42 |
archman | LOL | 17:42 |
omeddragon1 | is that a good game | 17:42 |
archman | slashme, never checked the site, actually ;D | 17:42 |
Akkernight | Stargaze, there are Wine fixes, but since winetricks isn't capable of installing anything, I'm out of options | 17:42 |
slashme | archman, I just read it: it sets up some rules, so you should be set up immediately. | 17:42 |
archman | slashme, will do now | 17:42 |
archman | slashme: hahaha it doesn't work, then :D:D:D | 17:43 |
chili555 | mkey, i'm not sure i understand. do you mean can wireless be coaxed to work on your system? | 17:43 |
slashme | archman, that's interesting. What hardware are you using? | 17:43 |
ivano | #ubuntu-it | 17:43 |
Stargaze | Akkernight, try Cedega or CrossOver | 17:44 |
mkey | chili i have no wireless card...thankx to a friend???... should i just try to find another card? | 17:44 |
slashme | archman, that website has some seemingly relevant troubleshooting info. Probably worth reading with interest. | 17:45 |
archman | slashme, usb 2.0? | 17:45 |
archman | slashme, playstation portable | 17:45 |
slashme | archman, hmm, sounds like something 20000 linux geeks will have put their minds to already. | 17:45 |
chili555 | mkey, certainly. be sure to check the forums for compatability. some work out of the box, some require just a bit of coaxing and some are very difficult | 17:46 |
slashme | archman, usb 2.0 has been standard for a while now and runs smoothly - that's not the issue. | 17:46 |
mkey | thankx | 17:46 |
grendal_prime | anyone know if there is a way to connect multiple vpn connections with the net manager tool? | 17:46 |
archman | slashme, sometimes, it works after 24 disconnections :D:D:D | 17:46 |
archman | slashme, sometimes, after reboot | 17:46 |
glphvgacs | is this required? /dev/sda2: LABEL="bootstrap" TYPE="hfs" | 17:46 |
archman | slashme, sometimes, never :D | 17:47 |
grendal_prime | it doesnt look like i can do it with that thing But i know i can do it via the cli tools. | 17:47 |
mkey | bbak thankx chiili... | 17:47 |
archman | slashme, sometimes, nonsense...but that's ubuntu :D | 17:47 |
slashme | archman, tres funny... Have you checked | 17:47 |
GhostFreeman | I have a question about ruby and gems on 9.04 | 17:47 |
aar | Hi, is there a way of having a bash shell display a time stamp at the prompt by default? | 17:48 |
archman | slashme: yep | 17:48 |
archman | slashme: will check again | 17:48 |
slashme | archman, allrighty. Good luck.... :-( | 17:48 |
voicesinmyhead | hi noob to ubuntu here | 17:48 |
Korusef | is there bug in /lib/lsb/init-functions killproc function ? (from lsb-base 4.0-0ubuntu5) | 17:48 |
slashme | voicesinmyhead, welcom | 17:48 |
voicesinmyhead | is hard disk bad sectors a bug?? | 17:48 |
malifal | aar: check your .bashrc file | 17:48 |
slashme | s/welcom/welcome/ | 17:48 |
yotta911 | Hi, folks. How i change the system date and time by terminal? | 17:49 |
slashme | voicesinmyhead, that depends. | 17:49 |
voicesinmyhead | karmic kaola 9.10 | 17:49 |
orson | aar: change PS1, \t shows time | 17:49 |
Stargaze | !hi| voicesinmyhead | 17:49 |
ubottu | voicesinmyhead: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 17:49 |
voicesinmyhead | i just shifted from windows | 17:49 |
voicesinmyhead | 2 days ago | 17:49 |
Stargaze | !ask| voicesinmyhead | 17:49 |
ubottu | voicesinmyhead: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 17:49 |
slashme | voicesinmyhead, how do these bad sectors manifest themselves? | 17:50 |
archman | slashme, thanks for helping out =) | 17:50 |
Korusef | according to the specification, killproc is supposed to return 0 if not used with specific signal and the process not running, if I read the script correctly it does the opposite | 17:50 |
voicesinmyhead | on installing ubuntu 9.10 it said hard disk is failing... checked forums... it said it is a bug | 17:50 |
arti | hi again,finaly i have solved my problem | 17:50 |
slashme | archman, np! | 17:50 |
archman | slashme, i'll just keep on rebooting or turning the usb mode on and off :D:D:D | 17:50 |
slashme | archman, t3h lol (this cheese is burning me). | 17:50 |
slashme | voicesinmyhead, more info? | 17:50 |
archman | :D | 17:50 |
lifestream | Does anyone have one of those DDR dancing pad (PS1 and 2) to *PC* adapter thingies? What are they called? | 17:51 |
chuy_max | suppose I use dd to copy an entire HDD into another HDD, is it possible to 'verify' both hard disks have the same info using diff?, or do you recommend another app? | 17:51 |
glphvgacs | is this required on PPC970 mac? /dev/sda2: LABEL="bootstrap" TYPE="hfs" | 17:51 |
glphvgacs | | 17:51 |
slashme | chuy_max, wrong question. | 17:51 |
slashme | chuy_max, dd actually has error checking built in. | 17:51 |
igggimin | Is it possible to connect via remote desktop to my Ubuntu box with an SSH tunnel? I have a relatively stable IP here | 17:51 |
voicesinmyhead | the ubuntu forums said it was a bug ... but dont know how to fix it.. tried troubleshooting it.. reinstalled ubuntu at least 10 times i guess... still showing bad sectors and hard disk is failing.. so i chose to ignore it | 17:51 |
malifal | igggimin: yes | 17:52 |
slashme | chuy_max, in fact if you try to dd something and it doesn't work perfectly due to bad hardware or whatever, you've actually got to switch off the error checking to make dd continue. | 17:52 |
ZykoticK9 | lifestream, just an FYI, please don't ask how i know ;) MANY of the PS2-to-USB adapters will NOT work with DDR mats, they don't accept two buttons being pressed at the same time - i was lucky enough to find one that does, but had many fails first | 17:52 |
slashme | voicesinmyhead, and Windows works just fine??? | 17:52 |
voicesinmyhead | yup | 17:52 |
Stargaze | igggimin, type /join #ubuntu-server, people there are more skilled to give advice about SSH | 17:52 |
slashme | voicesinmyhead, what hardware? | 17:52 |
voicesinmyhead | yup windows worked fine | 17:52 |
igggimin | Stargaze, malifal thank you | 17:53 |
voicesinmyhead | hardware as in core2duo processor | 17:53 |
slashme | voicesinmyhead, sata? What chipset? that kind of thing? | 17:53 |
aar | malifal, orson That did the trick, thanks. | 17:53 |
slashme | voicesinmyhead, did you get ubuntu installed at all? | 17:53 |
lifestream | ZykoticK9, that really does stink! See, the thing is I have very, very little money. I was worried about getting one that doesnt work | 17:53 |
xerox1 | what's the best way in your opinion to create backups from encrypted home partitions? | 17:54 |
Korusef | ok problem solved with --oknodo param | 17:54 |
ZykoticK9 | lifestream, keep the receipts :) | 17:54 |
malifal | igggimin: create a tunnel and forward the port, 5900 or 5901, then on the other machine you connect localhost:0 or localhost:1 | 17:54 |
dunn | Ununtu 9.10 netbook keeps shutting down the screen even though power management is set to never. Any ideas? | 17:54 |
slashme | voicesinmyhead, sorry, one question at a time... did you get ubuntu installed at all, and if you did, how are the bad sectors showing up? | 17:54 |
lifestream | ZykoticK9, Will do, thanks :P By the way, do you mind saying what yours (ddr pad converter) is? My boyfriend will be annoyed if we spend too much time at the store :P | 17:55 |
archman | slashme !!! found a reason :( you need to turn off the "charge" option on the PSP | 17:55 |
archman | slashme !! :) | 17:55 |
slashme | archman, Well done!!!! | 17:55 |
archman | thanks! | 17:56 |
archman | "If your PSP is not automatically recognized see the Troubleshooting section at Mount/USB. This could be due to the "usb power" set to "on" over a usb port or wire that does not support usb powering. " | 17:56 |
slashme | archman, always a pleasure. | 17:56 |
archman | slashme, but lol, it charges anyway, just now it works :D | 17:56 |
slashme | archman, furney and strange.... | 17:56 |
archman | yep | 17:56 |
ZykoticK9 | lifestream, went and grabbed it -- it has no brand or model on it at all -- just a sticker with a serial # and "made in taiwan" -- so no help at all, sorry | 17:57 |
slashme | voicesinmyhead, you still there? | 17:57 |
slashme | ZykoticK9, post pics lol | 17:57 |
ZykoticK9 | slashme, lol - no camera! that's the first time anyone has "post pic" to me. lol | 17:58 |
slashme | ZykoticK9, ;-] | 17:58 |
flipflop_ | hiiiiiiiiiiii | 17:58 |
slashme | !hi | 17:59 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 17:59 |
slashme | !hi | flipflop_ | 17:59 |
ubottu | flipflop_: please see above | 17:59 |
jshriver | Greetings | 17:59 |
flipflop_ | I have two laptop and one external hd with ubuntu installed | 17:59 |
jshriver | anyone know how to specify the password for gpg in the cli? | 17:59 |
jshriver | the man page is huge and can't find it so far | 17:59 |
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez | ||
dunn | My screen keeps going blank when watching movies even though power management is set to never | 18:01 |
slashme | flipflop_, felicitations on your fortuitous superfluity of hardware. | 18:01 |
flipflop_ | the problem is that laptop1 have a intel graphic card and laptop2 have a nvidia graphic card | 18:01 |
akshay | how to delete a folder in /usr/src | 18:01 |
jshriver | akshay: be root and rm -rfv /usr/src/whatever | 18:02 |
slashme | akshay, and why would you want to do that? | 18:02 |
Pici | jshriver: Generally you don't want to do that, but you can do: gpg -d 0 < some_file_with_the_passphrase | 18:02 |
lifestream | ZykoticK9, thanks about the info, im goinig to google a bit now that i am aware of the problems. Have a great day :) | 18:02 |
ZykoticK9 | lifestream, just an FYI, but check out StepMania | 18:02 |
flipflop_ | and the laptop-intel load nvidia-glx module... | 18:02 |
akshay | how to enter in root mode in GUI mode | 18:02 |
malifal | jshriver: you mean generate a key? gpg --gen-key | 18:02 |
slashme | flipflop_, having one installation driving two laptops is generally not easy. | 18:02 |
jshriver | no specify passphrase like: gpgp --inputfile blah.gpg --outputfile blah -p MyPassword | 18:03 |
donpdonp | when i get a new email, there is a flash-notice in the upper right corner saying New Mail. If i dont see that notice, nothing else on the screen indicates a new mail is waiting. Is there something I can turn on or install to get a different kind of new email notification? | 18:03 |
flipflop_ | slashme: how to "force that laptop-intel load intel-glx..." | 18:03 |
jshriver | or something along those lines, my password is dynamic so writing a script that takes a couple inputs and formats the password for me and auto gpg decrypts it. | 18:03 |
Pici | jshriver: Er, my brain had an oops its: gpg --passphrase-fd 0 < some_file_with_the_passphrase OR if your gpg version supports it you can use --pasphrase-file thefilename | 18:03 |
akshay | thanks that worked | 18:03 |
slashme | flipflop_, you could maybe have two xorg.conf files, one named, and one named xorg.conf.nvidia, | 18:04 |
donpdonp | i have "indicate new messages in the panel" turned on in evolution, but it doesnt seem to do anything | 18:04 |
slashme | flipflop_, and then have xorg.conf be a symlink to one or the other. | 18:04 |
Pici | jshriver: Oh. and it looks like some versions of gpg also support putting --passphrase theactualpassphrase | 18:04 |
chuy_max | slashme, that's great | 18:04 |
jshriver | Pici: hrm might have to do that then. Problem is my password is dynamic changes daily so I dont store it in plain text. Is there another way to specify it? | 18:04 |
slashme | flipflop_, just change the symlink and bounce the xserver. | 18:04 |
jshriver | ok let me try that | 18:04 |
Pici | jshriver: That seems to be available in the version thats in Karmic. I know that on a RedHat install that I use those are not available. | 18:05 |
slashme | chuy_max, sure is ;-) | 18:05 |
Tittu | hello all. I tried to install ubuntu again and it gave the same error again. Error code 5:(input/output error). It says could not write to hard disk. The details contained a point, that hard disk might be old, which is true. does this mean that i cannot install ubuntu on my system ? | 18:05 |
Esigolo | somebody can help me to solve this issue? | 18:05 |
jshriver | hrm gives me an error gpg: [don't know]: invalid packet (ctb=00) | 18:06 |
jshriver | will just have to tinker around | 18:06 |
akshay | iam not able extract the linux kernel 2.4 in /usr/src | 18:06 |
flipflop_ | but in karmic xorg.conf... is omited??? | 18:06 |
jshriver | akshay: what is the error | 18:06 |
slashme | flipflop_, no problem! | 18:06 |
slashme | flipflop_, you just make your own xorg.conf, will explain.... | 18:07 |
orson | akshay: needs root-rights | 18:07 |
akshay | already in root | 18:07 |
Stargaze | Tittu, try Linux Mint, it's Ubuntu with a different interface and a lot of of diagostic tools and codecs pre-installed => | 18:07 |
spartan07 | Tittu: you could try installing on a usb. Have you tried loading a live cd and using gparted to format the drive? | 18:07 |
Tittu | stargaze: but whats the problem with this version ? | 18:08 |
malifal | Esigolo: what's the windows application that you're running? | 18:08 |
slashme | flipflop_, sudo Xorg -configure will create an xorg.conf for you. | 18:08 |
slashme | Then you save it in /etc/X11 | 18:08 |
Tittu | spartan07: i was using a live cd and formatted the partition through it only | 18:08 |
Stargaze | !mint| Tittu | 18:09 |
Esigolo | calls platanus | 18:09 |
ubottu | Tittu: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 18:09 |
malifal | Esigolo: platanus?? | 18:09 |
Esigolo | yes | 18:09 |
Flanker37 | i have just downloaded java but i dont know how to install it, can anyone help please | 18:09 |
flipflop_ | slashme: yes but if I have installed nvidia-glx package then is load intel-graphic and nvidia-glx... | 18:09 |
m3onh0x84 | hi all, when ubuntu using dhcp4 ? | 18:09 |
spartan07 | Tittu: did the drive run an OS before you tried installing ubuntu? | 18:09 |
Esigolo | malifal, yes | 18:09 |
flipflop_ | I think that that is a bug but... | 18:09 |
malifal | Esigolo: did you check with the winehq appdb if that application has any issues? | 18:09 |
Esigolo | malifal, not yet | 18:10 |
OerHeks | Flanker37, use Java from restricted-extra's | 18:10 |
Tittu | ubbotu: i have the original ubuntu version which i downloaded from ubuntu's website | 18:10 |
akshay | somebody help me to compile the kernel manually | 18:10 |
spartan07 | Tittu: is this Ubuntu 9.10? | 18:10 |
orson | flipflop_: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre | 18:10 |
Flanker37 | is that in the software sources. sorry im a noob | 18:10 |
slashme | flipflop_, sorry, didn't quite understand? | 18:10 |
flipflop_ | the problem is that laptop-intel load intel-graphic module and nvidia-glx module... | 18:11 |
Esigolo | malifal, the app is not listed on winehd appDB | 18:11 |
Stargaze | Tittu, instead of looking for the cause of the problem, it's sometimes to try a fresh install | 18:11 |
OerHeks | Flanker37, yes, synaptics > restricted extra's will install codecs & java | 18:11 |
akshay | please help me compile the kernel manually | 18:11 |
Stargaze | +better | 18:11 |
slashme | flipflop_, and then what happens? | 18:11 |
Flanker37 | thanks mate, will give it a try now | 18:11 |
slashme | akshay, well, yes.... | 18:11 |
akshay | ya ..pls | 18:12 |
slashme | akshay, why do you want to recompile your kernel? | 18:12 |
OerHeks | Flanker37, total download 300 mb or so | 18:12 |
flipflop_ | don't work 3d graphic capabilities | 18:12 |
malifal | Esigolo: your best bet is to check with the wine team channels and forums | 18:12 |
slashme | flipflop_, that's surely not because it's trying to load two modules: the x server should detect which module to load based on your hardware. | 18:12 |
Flanker37 | thanks OerHeks | 18:13 |
spartan07 | Tittu: did you check the cd for defects? | 18:13 |
Stargaze | !wine| Esigolo | 18:13 |
ubottu | Esigolo: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 18:13 |
Yerushalmi | If I have FCE Ultra open before opening Firefox, it takes over use of my soundcard and I have no audio in (say) youtube videos, even after FCE Ultra is closed and even if I close and reopen the tab, until Firefox is shut down and reopened entirely. Anyone know how to fix this? | 18:13 |
slashme | flipflop_, have you checked /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what error it gives? | 18:13 |
Esigolo | malifal, i'm already on winehq channel wainting for help tks :) | 18:13 |
flipflop_ | yes, that is but load "intel-graphic" and "nvidia-glx" (not "nvidia-graphic") | 18:14 |
datz | Hi, is there documentation of when kernel updates are released? | 18:14 |
slashme | flipflop_, sorry, again I didn't quite understand what you said ;-[ | 18:14 |
slashme | flipflop_, what is "nvidia-graphic"? | 18:15 |
slashme | flipflop_, nvidia-glx is the right driver for nvidia cards if I remember correctly. | 18:15 |
Tittu | sorry i got disconnected | 18:15 |
flipflop_ | lsmod |grep intel | 18:15 |
flipflop_ | intel_agp 27676 2 i915 | 18:15 |
datz | wow, dead here today | 18:15 |
flipflop_ | that is intel-graphic module... | 18:16 |
Tittu | the last message i read was that you asked me whether it was 9.10 ? | 18:16 |
spartan07 | Tittu: did you check the cd for defects? | 18:16 |
Tittu | yes it is 9.10, i downloaded it today | 18:16 |
slashme | flipflop_, sure, and that's on the intel box, right? | 18:16 |
Tittu | spartan07: how do i do that >? | 18:16 |
flipflop_ | yes | 18:16 |
nperry | !ot | datz | 18:16 |
ubottu | datz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 18:16 |
slashme | flipflop_, and then on the nvidia box? | 18:17 |
sllide | anyone knows a auto-tune program for linux? | 18:17 |
spartan07 | when you fire up the pc to install its one of the options instead of installing | 18:17 |
flipflop_ | then, in the Xorg.0.log file "say load nvidia-glx" | 18:17 |
datz | nperry: how is my question off topic? | 18:17 |
spartan07 | check maybe the cd was burned incorrectly. | 18:17 |
slashme | flipflop_, sounds right.... | 18:17 |
Tittu | spartan07: the cd was burned successfully without any errors | 18:18 |
nperry | datz: Didn't see the question just the "dead here" comment, my bad. | 18:18 |
datz | Hi, is there documentation of when *ubuntu* kernel updates are released? (sorry, I meant ubuntu) | 18:18 |
spartan07 | Tittu: did the hd have another OS that was running fine before you tried installing ubuntu? | 18:18 |
flipflop_ | yes, all is work fine, only the graphic card is suck | 18:18 |
datz | nperry: np. ;) | 18:18 |
Tittu | yes, win Xp | 18:18 |
arved | hi, i am running UNR, and i want to add a keyboard indicator applet, what is the name of the binary? | 18:19 |
spartan07 | I would check. I get successful burns with brasero that dont work. ended up moving to K3B | 18:19 |
obscurant1st | my webcam works with a custom settings done in gstreamer-properties but, only xawtv is able to detect my webcam, cheese and camorama does not detect it? anyone have any idea? | 18:19 |
nperry | datz: to Answer your question. New verions of kernel will only be realesed with a new release for example lunch is sporting 2.6.32 | 18:19 |
flipflop_ | the problem is that laptop-intel load "intel-graphic" module and that module "I think" load "nvidia-glx"... | 18:20 |
spartan07 | Tittu: how old is the box ? | 18:20 |
Tittu | spartan07: the message you typed before, without name, was that for me, is it an option available before installation ? | 18:20 |
spartan07 | Tittu: yes | 18:20 |
n-iCe | hiii how many partitions does ubuntu installs by default? | 18:20 |
nperry | datz: Current releases will only ever have secruity fixes to the current kernel (never seen it happen before) | 18:20 |
datz | nperry: thanks, but I mean just, kernel updates to individual releases. | 18:20 |
orson | n-iCe: 2, swap + / | 18:20 |
n-iCe | ok, sda1 and sd3? orson | 18:21 |
spartan07 | its I think 3rd when it says try ubuntu without installing anything on pc | 18:21 |
slashme | flipflop_, nah. What makes you think intel-graphic loads nvidia-glx? | 18:21 |
flipflop_ | but if I deinstall nvidia-glx package that problem is solve... | 18:21 |
orson | n-iCe: whatever | 18:21 |
spartan07 | Tittu: its I think 3rd when it says try ubuntu without installing anything on pc | 18:21 |
Yerushalmi | If I open a youtube video, Firefox takes over my sound card until it's completely shut down again (not even closing the tab helps) such that no other program can play any sounds. The same happens in reverse. How do I fix this? | 18:21 |
Tittu | spartan07: it's about 6 yrs old. I will check the disk for errors and come back in a few minutes. Thanks a lot | 18:21 |
flipflop_ | yes, I thionk that | 18:21 |
n-iCe | orson: uhm, how to list all of them? df -h isn't working | 18:21 |
orson | n-iCe: sudo fdisk -l | 18:21 |
nperry | datz: Does that kind of answer your question? | 18:21 |
Tittu | spartan07: but my hard disk is 4 yrs old | 18:21 |
datz | nperry: I guess not: what about these updates to the kernel for one specific version: | 18:22 |
datz | nperry: I am wondering if there are dates in which they are released | 18:22 |
n-iCe | I got one with the flag boot, and the other one says /, what's the size I need in boot | 18:22 |
I-Blocklist443 | hello | 18:23 |
I-Blocklist443 | look at how people hate left buttons on | 18:23 |
flipflop_ | my xorg.conf doesn't exist, but that problem persist if my xorg.conf is that "Xorg -configure" xorg.conf | 18:23 |
nperry | datz: No, most of them were released during devlopment process, As they start off with the standard kernel then add some modifications | 18:23 |
nperry | !ot | I-Blocklist443 | 18:23 |
ubottu | I-Blocklist443: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 18:23 |
orson | n-iCe: fdisk won't list mountpoints | 18:23 |
malifal | orson: cat /etc/fstab | 18:24 |
orson | malifal: ? | 18:24 |
flipflop_ | ups | 18:24 |
datz | nperry: ok, I see. I am just wondering if there is documentation of when they were released. | 18:24 |
n-iCe | orson: what does that mean? | 18:24 |
orson | n-iCe: where have you seen the "/"? sudo fdisk -l won't show | 18:25 |
datz | nperry: like i know 2.6.31-20 is ready now, and I am still on 2.6.31-19 | 18:25 |
nperry | datz: No there isn't. I suggest aptitude changelog linux-image-generic that'll show you what actually has channge during the versions | 18:25 |
n-iCe | orson: gparted | 18:25 |
Guest45508 | Hello, after upgrading to karmic i have a problem with my wireless card (Atheros AR5001 - on an acer aspire one). After leaving the computer for some time without doing anything the card becomes unclaimed and i can make it work again only after a hard reboot. ANY IDEAS??? | 18:25 |
nperry | datz: Normally its not major change :) | 18:25 |
archman | slashme, still there? wanna ask something about partitioning... | 18:25 |
flipflop_ | ubottu: there exist any channel for graphic card problems? | 18:25 |
orson | n-iCe: and why do you use a /boot-partition? there's usually no need for it | 18:25 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:25 |
r3c4ll | somebody with libvirt experience? | 18:26 |
r3c4ll | using bridge no NAT? | 18:26 |
=== I-Blocklist443 is now known as Stefansteve | ||
nperry | Guest45508: Weird, I've got the exact same card and hasn't happened to me | 18:26 |
reddrag0n | i need a little help with my screen resolution | 18:26 |
datz | nperry: ok thanks. I was just wondering if there was some average time between updates, and if I can skip one. It would appear that way. | 18:26 |
flipflop_ | there exist any channel for graphic card problems? | 18:26 |
n-iCe | orson: default partition I guess | 18:26 |
nperry | datz: You can always skip them as for example if .21 was ready it'd include .20 plus some | 18:26 |
Stefansteve | how do you change the buttons back to the right in 10.04? as said in | 18:26 |
datz | nperry: or not an average time, but if I can skip one... :) I just removed the old ones, saving over 500MB space... | 18:27 |
orson | n-iCe: let's start other way round: what do you need to know? | 18:27 |
n-iCe | The thing is, I see my hard drive, file syste in Computer, but is asks root pass to mount, why isn't mounting it at boot? | 18:27 |
malifal | orson: i'm jumping here, not sure what's going on with you, but that's one way of listing the mount points, the other is thru /proc i guess | 18:27 |
ZykoticK9 | Stefansteve, | 18:27 |
datz | nperry: great, that's mainly what I wanted to know. thanks | 18:27 |
nperry | datz: Not a problem :) | 18:27 |
orson | malifal: thats not a question | 18:27 |
Yerushalmi | I can't get firefox to play video/x-ms-asf objects. Can anyone help me with this? | 18:27 |
malifal | orson: ok sure | 18:27 |
ZykoticK9 | Stefansteve, Lucid questions should be in #ubuntu+1 BTW | 18:27 |
orson | malifal: i asked for output of fdisk -l and got a mountpoint back, which made me curious | 18:28 |
Haffe | Yerushalmi: mplayer-plugin and w{32,64}codecs should help you | 18:28 |
Guest45508 | nperry: and i get the same problem both with network manager and wicd installed | 18:28 |
n-iCe | orson: in Computer I see File system and a hard drive, why is that? | 18:28 |
michele_ | salve atutti | 18:28 |
orson | n-iCe: no idea | 18:29 |
nperry | Guest45508: Have you looked through dmesg, any idea there? | 18:29 |
archman | will i need to edit the /etc/fstab if i remove one ntfs partition i have and add the space to the existing ext3 (not the system one)? | 18:29 |
Yerushalmi | Haffe: wasn't mplayer-plugin replaced by gecko-mediaplayer? Though I tried installing that and it didn't work. Could I be missing the codecs, where do I get them? | 18:29 |
Tittu | hello all. I checked my disk for errors and it had error in 1 file. I will have to download live cd again. Thanks spartan07 | 18:29 |
Yerushalmi | that = gecko-mediplayer. | 18:29 |
timyeung | n-iCe, file system is most likely windows partition | 18:29 |
orson | archman: if you mounted that partition with fstab-entry before, yes | 18:29 |
damian | I keep seeing Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: pytll?hon (<< 2.6) when I go to install a deb. I already have 2.6 from the repository so why shouldnt it insta | 18:29 |
nperry | Guest45508: Best for you to pastebin whats in /var/log/dmesg | 18:29 |
nperry | !pastebin | Guest45508 | 18:30 |
ubottu | Guest45508: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 18:30 |
archman | orson, erm, i don't remember, can i check somehow? | 18:30 |
damian | python (<<2.6) odd it didnt paste right | 18:30 |
orson | archman: grep ntfs /etc/fstab | 18:30 |
babalu | hi, if i have something like: "mona: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 18:30 |
archman | orson /dev/sda4 /media/sda4 ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 | 18:30 |
babalu | how can i correct it? | 18:30 |
orson | archman: and thats the one you want to delete? | 18:31 |
archman | yep | 18:31 |
orson | archman: then delete that line | 18:31 |
archman | orson, do i need to do it before or after removing it? better before, yes? | 18:31 |
flipflop_ | babalu, find that file in | 18:31 |
Guest45508 | nperry: no haven't looked that yet i'll have to wait for the problem to happen so i can see the dmesg | 18:31 |
orson | archman: up to you, makes no difference | 18:31 |
ZykoticK9 | babalu, are you using 32 or 64bit Ubuntu? | 18:32 |
trism | damian: << means strictly earlier, which means it requires 2.5 or less | 18:32 |
archman | orson, ok, i'll pastebin you my fstab, as i got some more question, ok? :) | 18:32 |
tilen | hi all i have flash problem movie freeze when use flash its is white windows dmesg gimme this[444629.152213] npviewer.bin[9891]: segfault at ff999ea8 ip 00000000ff999ea8 sp 00000000ffdab43c error 14 | 18:32 |
nperry | Guest45508: You might have /var/log/dmesg.0 which would be from a previous session | 18:32 |
orson | archman: try it:) | 18:32 |
archman | orson: | 18:33 |
damian | *smacks himself* your a lifesaver trism I've been working on this all morning too lol wonder why I didnt see it in all the google searches. Thanks again | 18:33 |
archman | orson, ok, so, 1. i'm removing sda4 | 18:33 |
Yerushalmi | If I open a youtube video, Firefox takes over my sound card until it's completely shut down again (not even closing the tab helps) such that no other program can play any sounds. The same happens in reverse. How do I fix this? | 18:33 |
archman | orson, 2. adding 2GB to swap (sda3?) | 18:33 |
archman | orson, 3. adding the rest to sda1 | 18:33 |
orson | archman: better buy some RAM | 18:34 |
archman | orson, so, i only need to remove the sda4 line and that's it? | 18:34 |
Aciid | Yerushalmi: sudo alsa force-reload | 18:34 |
orson | archman: for fstab, thats all, yes | 18:34 |
archman | orson, ok thanks =) | 18:34 |
Aciid | !pulseaudio | Yerushalmi | 18:34 |
ubottu | Yerushalmi: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See for information and installation instructions | 18:34 |
nperry | Yerushalmi: Pulseaudio is hogging the application, this is a known issue | 18:34 |
orson | archman: hope you backed up your data before | 18:34 |
archman | orson, should i use gparted (although there's no "join partition" i guess) or something else? | 18:35 |
Noskillz | hello! How do i start a windowmanager if i accidently shut it down? (from within gnome) | 18:35 |
Yerushalmi | nperry: No known fix yet? | 18:35 |
archman | orson, i will back it up, sure :) | 18:35 |
Aciid | noskillz: alt+f2 : metacity | 18:35 |
orson | archman: sorry cannot help, i never resized partitions in my life | 18:35 |
Yerushalmi | Aciid: From the command I assume that means "wipe the sound card users list clean and start again"? There's no way to allow more than one thing to use it | 18:35 |
Noskillz | can't | 18:35 |
Yerushalmi | ? | 18:35 |
archman | orson, ok, hmm | 18:35 |
Guest45508 | nperry: yeap i found it | 18:35 |
Noskillz | aciid: can't press alt+f2 | 18:35 |
orson | archman: and i don't want to do it in future :) use lvm | 18:36 |
archman | orson, ok :) | 18:36 |
Aciid | Yerushalmi: there is start using pulseaudio,and then you can skype and watch youtube and watch movies all at one time =D | 18:36 |
archman | orson, btw, wanna add additional swap cause i wanna use the hibernation | 18:36 |
orson | archman: ok, the only acceptable reason :) | 18:37 |
archman | :) | 18:37 |
nperry | Guest45508: Good, pastebin, I'll have a look at it.. | 18:37 |
Aciid | Yerushalmi: its a rocky road to configure alsa+pulseaudio , but it's truly rewarding | 18:37 |
Snoopy1 | so how does someone get a belkin wireless N f5d8053 v. 3000 card to work? | 18:37 |
Snoopy1 | in ubuntu 64 bit? | 18:37 |
Yerushalmi | Aciid: So the command you gave me above just frees up the audio as a temporary fix? | 18:38 |
Aciid | yup | 18:38 |
Yerushalmi | Ah, okay, cool, thanks | 18:38 |
Aciid | it frees if its stuck | 18:38 |
Aciid | but look forward to pulse please | 18:38 |
Yerushalmi | Do you have the time/ability/patience to walk me through that configuration? I'm quite new to ubunttu | 18:38 |
Aciid | Yerushalmi: im at work atm, i would love to help you but im irc'ing from my nokia E71 | 18:39 |
Guest45508 | nperry: here it is | 18:39 |
Yerushalmi | Aciid: Ah, hehe. Some other time then. I'll use the command until someone's able to help with the installation. Thanks! :) | 18:39 |
kslen | sorry for going off topic, but does anyone in here by chance posess a fujitsu siemens xi 1546 laptop and have the recovery cd/dvd available? | 18:40 |
Aciid | Yerushalmi: you can find the configuring and installing steps by googling pulseaudio ubuntu. it's not that hard avtually, if you encounter any pronlems just give a shout at here | 18:40 |
orson | Aciid:sorry for offtopic, what client? | 18:40 |
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Aciid | kslen: what do you need from the cd/dvd? | 18:40 |
=== help is now known as Guest7542 | ||
Aciid | orson, i use symbian putty | 18:41 |
Bluubier | | 18:41 |
kslen | Aciid, i just want to quickly restore a laptop for a client | 18:41 |
Aciid | orson, and i have remote hosted irssi | 18:41 |
Yerushalmi | Aciid: I don't want to be left in the lurch with a half-working or non-working configuration if you or any others who know enough about this stuff happen to leave... I prefer to work with a net :) | 18:41 |
orson | Aciid: same here, hoped you found a reasonable symbian irc-client | 18:41 |
kslen | Aciid, so if you could help me out with an image of the cd it would be greatly appreciated | 18:42 |
nperry | Guest45508: Nothing bad happened there, Not to sure if it would be caught by dmesg, Have you got anymore dmesg that you could paste bin? | 18:42 |
Zenker | hello everyone, i just made the multiple wallpapers work with compiz-fusion via this page :: the links for getting the icons to work again arent working, does anyone know what page to goto to get them to, or how to get them to work? | 18:42 |
r3c4ll | somebody with libvirt experience? | 18:42 |
r3c4ll | using bridge no NAT? | 18:43 |
Aciid | kslen, fuitsu has the drivers on the website, os u need to get urself | 18:43 |
nullie | How can I pass -dpi argument to X server? | 18:44 |
kslen | Aciid, exactly what i am trying to do without breaking any copyright laws | 18:44 |
Ria | >..> | 18:44 |
Zenker | oh crap never mind, i just found that this plugin was useless and unneeded :) | 18:44 |
Snoopy1 | so how does someone get a belkin wireless N f5d8053 v. 3000 card to work on a 64 bit computer? | 18:44 |
Guest45508 | nperry: | 18:44 |
Yerushalmi | Hmm. It's still annoying that I have to make sure the program whose sound I want to use is closed before I run the command, but at least I don't have to shutdown firefox. Thanks, Aciid! | 18:44 |
Ria | @_@ | 18:44 |
Zenker | if someone is curious, the answer was : | 18:44 |
Aciid | kslen, haha =D | 18:45 |
Aciid | Yerushalmi: glad that if it helped you | 18:45 |
Guest45508 | nperry: another | 18:45 |
Ellocomotive | Hello, can anyone walk me through the terminal commands when installing the aurora gtk engine? I have instructions but keep running into roadblocks | 18:46 |
nperry | Guest45508: Nope nothing there either, If you have a look at the dmesg, you'll see a number within the brackets. If something happens the numbers would jump from ~20-30 to whenever it happens as thats only boot | 18:46 |
kslen | Aciid, the buggers like making it hard too. the laptop refuses to boot from usb. stick is confirmed working on 3 other machines, both drives ripped out of the laptop and still it won't boot when set as primary boot device in bios and selected through boot menu pop-up. this with the latest bios -.- | 18:46 |
Ellocomotive | Can anyone help me with a terminal problem? | 18:46 |
stephane_ | salut | 18:46 |
ZykoticK9 | Zenker, where you able to get multi-wallpaper & desktop icons? | 18:46 |
Yerushalmi | Aciid: This is weird, I just noticed one of the messages it gives me seems to indicate that I already have pulseaudio. Much like nperry said | 18:47 |
=== david is now known as Guest82522 | ||
hhlp | sorry my ubuntuone icon in my desktop bar desapeer how can i enable again ? | 18:47 |
Yerushalmi | It reads /sbin/alsa: Warning: Processes using sound devices: 3982(pulseaudio). | 18:47 |
=== Guest82522 is now known as dl520 | ||
nmvictor | i have an iBook, anyone know if I can hack ubuntu(or any linux) into it? | 18:47 |
Zenker | not at the moment, im still undoing what i did | 18:47 |
stephane_ | shortcut :affichage aparence | 18:47 |
maite | hola | 18:47 |
Zenker | ill brb and let you know :) | 18:47 |
Ellocomotive | @nmvictor go to and look up dual booting | 18:48 |
telmich | nmvictor: newer macs should work, it's just an intel pc. afaik there's no ubuntu for powerpc, if you have an old one | 18:48 |
maite | quienes sois?¿ | 18:48 |
Guest45508 | nperry: one more | 18:48 |
flansuse | Does anyone know here the command-line syntax that is used for Firefox to open up a "clicked link"? When I click on a link from any application, it opens up Firefox, but a blank page. It doesn't open up the URL. It is the same behavior as starting a new session of Firefox. | 18:48 |
maite | hello | 18:48 |
=== Guest7542 is now known as _Roux | ||
hhlp | !es | maite | 18:48 |
ubottu | maite: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 18:48 |
flansuse | I want to change the "Default Web Browser" to fix this. | 18:48 |
flipflop_ | maite: hola, como estás? | 18:48 |
maite | good and you?? | 18:49 |
xerox1 | anyone around who uses firefox 3.6 + flash plugin + 64 bit ubuntu? | 18:49 |
Guest45508 | nperry: that's the last one i have | 18:49 |
flipflop_ | fine! | 18:49 |
flipflop_ | XD | 18:49 |
flipflop_ | that is you problem? | 18:49 |
maite | no | 18:49 |
maite | con kien hablo??? | 18:49 |
flansuse | Did my question make any sense? | 18:49 |
nmvictor | telmich: thanks, so how about any linux other than ubuntu on a power pc? | 18:50 |
flipflop_ | then, what is you problem? | 18:50 |
Stargaze | nmvictor, check and | 18:50 |
maite | in a msn | 18:50 |
trism | flansuse: should just be firefox %s (in the System/Administration/Preferred Applications dialog) | 18:50 |
flipflop_ | what happen? | 18:50 |
telmich | nenolod: I personally would use debian for a powerpc | 18:50 |
nperry | Guest45508: Not to sure if pastbin is cutting the file short, but they just contain normal boot up which seems fine | 18:50 |
telmich | nmvictor: I personally would use debian for a powerpc | 18:51 |
flansuse | trism: when I try that, it tries to load (on ANY link I click): | 18:51 |
* keyhive is interested in starting out with 10.04a3 instead of 9.10; what are the major issues with lucid lynx currently? | 18:51 | |
=== _Roux is now known as [Roux] | ||
flansuse | trism: Going to try something, real quick. | 18:51 |
|sysop| | suse still supports it I think, | 18:51 |
|sysop| | ppc that is | 18:51 |
|sysop| | but I use kubuntu 9.10 on a emac 1.2 ghz just fine | 18:52 |
Guest45508 | nperry: no i think its all there | 18:52 |
|sysop| | I call my emac a NOMAC. like apples hw, just not their os. | 18:53 |
ZykoticK9 | keyhive, Lucid questions/support/discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 18:54 |
keyhive | ZykoticK9: it's all good, I found the alpha3 Known issues page :_) | 18:54 |
Guest45508 | nperry: is there a way to reclaim the card without a hard reboot? | 18:54 |
keyhive | looks pretty steady | 18:55 |
keyhive | none of those issues should affect me | 18:55 |
keyhive | might just take the leap | 18:55 |
keyhive | alpha software is exciting :] | 18:55 |
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nperry | Guest45508: First of all we need to find where the card is dropping to. | 18:56 |
Guest45508 | nperry: i think it has to do with inactivity of the computer, cause the problem comes always after leaving it on but doing nothing on it for some time | 18:58 |
nmvictor | telmich: thanks for that suggestion. now the reason am fussing around with apple and stuff is because some dude messed up with the mac osX 10.something by deleting the drivers in an attemt to save get some more space out of its 10GB harddisk, so having messes up, he shoved it off to me and I thought maybe ubuntu would work on it.So on booting it stops with KERNEL PANIC, Cant load drivers for power 4 .., is that the same as power pc? | 18:59 |
telmich | nmvictor: depending on your mac you need to select the right kernel (vmlinuz64 or similar for 64 bit), but i would suggest to ask that in #debian, to be not too offtopic in here ;-) | 19:00 |
zeddii_ | g | 19:01 |
__klamat1__ | anyone using e17 | 19:02 |
__klamat1__ | ? | 19:02 |
martinvdk | can I in any way change the colors of xclock, when it uses xrender? I've seen some screenshots of it, but I cannot figure it out.. | 19:02 |
ElNombre | hey guys, was wondering if someone could give me a hand, I'm trying to install a program which requires net framework, but everytime I install net framework using wine I get random errors. I've heard there's an ubuntu equivalent called Mono but how can I get apps that require .net framework to use mono instead? | 19:03 |
flansuse | Didn't work. | 19:04 |
trism | flansuse: does it work correctly if you do firefox; from a terminal? | 19:04 |
flansuse | trism: Yes. | 19:05 |
nmvictor | telmich: Sorry I just 'PM'ed you, do you mind | 19:06 |
Myx0x3 | why does the GDM login screen show a lower resolution? it shows 720x400.. and my screen supports 1024x768 | 19:06 |
trism | flansuse: so in preferred applications, the combo box is set to custom, and the command is just "firefox %s"? odd that it isn't working | 19:08 |
mattd123 | What does '-r' check in a shell script? | 19:08 |
flansuse | trism: Yeah. | 19:09 |
flansuse | trism: Removing the %s doesn't help either. | 19:09 |
flansuse | trism: This isn't too urgent, since I can always copy + paste links into the address bar. | 19:09 |
ElNombre | actually, forget the last question, can anyone help me with installing net framework using wine? I keep getting random errors (like literally random, just a bunch of numbers) | 19:09 |
orson | mattd123: "if file exist and is readable" | 19:09 |
trism | flansuse: well, %s is the url substitution, so removing it would just load firefox | 19:09 |
ZykoticK9 | mattd123, depends on what program is using the "-r", recursive sometimes | 19:10 |
mattd123 | orson, thank you much. | 19:10 |
orson | mattd123: "man test" | 19:10 |
snirp | Hey there, Some advise on installation needed.... | 19:11 |
snirp | I have a HDD with a windows install, that i want to keep using | 19:11 |
snirp | and a ubuntu install i screwed up | 19:12 |
martinvdk | can I in any way change the colors of xclock, when it uses xrender? | 19:12 |
snirp | Can i override the old Ubuntu install and still have choice in boot? | 19:12 |
ian_ | Hello My printer dosnt work correctly | 19:12 |
=== artur__ is now known as Grigorij | ||
erUSUL | snirp: override meaning what in this context? | 19:13 |
ZykoticK9 | ElNombre, get winetricks from it can install .net v1.1 v2.0 2.0sp2 or 3.0 | 19:13 |
ElNombre | zyktoick9: thank you | 19:13 |
snirp | erUSUL: format the current ubuntu partition | 19:13 |
ian_ | Can anyone help me? | 19:13 |
Yerushalmi | If I disable my wireless (with Fn+F2 on this laptop, but anyway) I can't reenable it. I press the button and the blue wireless indicator light turns on again but it continues to tell me "device not ready". This can only be fixed by reboot. Anyone know what to do? | 19:13 |
snirp | erUSUL: never to use again | 19:13 |
erUSUL | snirp: to install ubuntu again or to just have a new ntfs partition? if it is the later you will have to reinstall the windows bootloader | 19:14 |
snirp | erUSUL: and replace with new ubunutu, but keep having GRUB offering choice | 19:14 |
snirp | dont touch NTFS | 19:14 |
erUSUL | snirp: you need the windows install cd boot into recovery console and run fixmbr | 19:14 |
tjgillies | I have an acer aspire 5740 running karmic. all sound stuff works except for mic. any ideas? | 19:14 |
snirp | It is fine (well, it remains windoiws | 19:14 |
erUSUL | snirp: if you install ubuntu again you will install a new grub and you will get dualboot | 19:15 |
snirp | erUSUL: so i can just run Ubuntu installer? Even at expense of unpartitioned space and still get boot choice? | 19:15 |
damian | If a deb package requires python to be an older version than 2.6 and I have 2.5, what would be the next step from here? | 19:16 |
erUSUL | snirp: just do the same you did in your first ubuntu install and the result will be the same | 19:16 |
=== harisund_ is now known as hsunda3 | ||
snirp | erUSUL: the default option eats diskspace form the NTFS partion..... not good since i have a lot of unpartitioned and an nonworking ubuntu EXT4 | 19:16 |
erUSUL | damian: install python 2.6 | 19:16 |
Myx0x3 | why does the Gnome login screen show a lower resolution? it shows 720x400.. and my screen supports 1024x768... ive tryd to config xorg.conf, but dont find it inside /var/X11/ | 19:17 |
damian | I have both on my comp | 19:17 |
snirp | erUSUL: no it will eat even more from the NTFS, believe me | 19:17 |
erUSUL | snirp: just tell the installer to use the already paritioned spce then | 19:17 |
snirp | erUSUL, ok that is what i needed! | 19:17 |
erUSUL | snirp: or delete the partitions and tell the installer to use the empty space | 19:18 |
snirp | erUSUL: the mount point should be ""/"" then rtight? | 19:18 |
ZykoticK9 | Myx0x3, xorg.conf is in /etc/X11/ - not /var | 19:18 |
Friction[laptop] | can someone recommend a multi Im client that's not pidgeon, kopete, empathy or emesene? | 19:18 |
erUSUL | snirp: yes | 19:18 |
histo | Friction[laptop]: is there a problem with allo of those? | 19:18 |
Myx0x3 | ZykoticK9: oh im sorry.. i mean /etc/X11.. | 19:18 |
Friction[laptop] | they all have problems | 19:18 |
Friction[laptop] | at least for me | 19:19 |
Myx0x3 | ZykoticK9: no config file | 19:19 |
snirp | erUSUL: optionally /home/ for unpartitioned and have it format that a swell? | 19:19 |
ZykoticK9 | Myx0x3, it's not there by default -- what gfx card are you using? | 19:19 |
histo | Friction[laptop]: you could use a windows one with wine | 19:19 |
erUSUL | snirp: do you have/want a separated home partition ? | 19:19 |
Myx0x3 | ZykoticK9: im not realy sure! haha | 19:19 |
K-Yo | Hello | 19:19 |
Friction[laptop] | wine sucks | 19:19 |
ZykoticK9 | Myrtti, "lspci | grep VGA" | 19:19 |
xangua | Friction[laptop]: wich problems¿ | 19:19 |
snirp | erUSUL, i read about it. Seems to be all the fashion | 19:19 |
andruk | my computer went into sleep mode and now it wont come out of it - the keyboard num, caps, and scroll lock lights dont even work. how do i get my computer to wake up? | 19:20 |
ZykoticK9 | Myx0x3, "lscpi | grep VGA" | 19:20 |
damian | If you don't mind a firefox plubin, yoono lets you log into multiple IM interfaces | 19:20 |
erUSUL | snirp: then do manual partitioning and set up the things as you want them | 19:20 |
snirp | erUSUL, ok first time around this. | 19:20 |
xangua | damian: now yoono is a desktop app too; they recently released a beta evrsion for linux desktop | 19:20 |
K-Yo | I am having troubles with 7zip, I installed p7zip-full and now the archive extractor can't even open .zip files, trying to read them as 7zip :/ | 19:21 |
Myx0x3 | ZykoticK9: Radeon R350 | 19:21 |
orson | K-Yo: install unzip | 19:21 |
ZykoticK9 | Myx0x3, sorry i can't help with ATI - good luck | 19:21 |
Friction[laptop] | pidgeon crashed often, kopete works but has annoying rendering issues and is butt ugly, emesene is only msn i think and empathy hid 2 of my users when i tried moving them to a new group | 19:21 |
Myx0x3 | ZykoticK9: also called Radeon 9800 Pro | 19:21 |
xangua | K-Yo: uninstall 'p7zip-full' and install 'unzip' | 19:21 |
seanbrystone2 | andruk, i get the same thing when trying to wake the computer up, black screen, blinking cursor, keyboard completely frozen, i think it has to do with the ATI from what ive been reading on google about it :((( | 19:21 |
Myx0x3 | ZykoticK9: okay :/ | 19:22 |
blakkheim | Friction[laptop]: use finch | 19:22 |
histo | Friction[laptop]: you could use irssi with bitlbee | 19:23 |
Friction[laptop] | i'll try finch first | 19:24 |
stevecrozz | I'm trying to help a buddy with a gnome problem (immediately logs him out after logging in) ubuntu karmic | 19:24 |
Friction[laptop] | then i think xchat has a plugin for mutliple clients | 19:24 |
Cutter | hello | 19:24 |
stevecrozz | I was going to tell him to use gnome failsafe mode, but he doesn't see it, is that still available? | 19:24 |
=== goose is now known as goose[ME] | ||
K-Yo | orson, thank you, that worked to open zip files, but I can't open 7z files with the basic ubuntu extractor, I guess it's normal since p7zip is only a cli software, right? | 19:24 |
histo | Friction[laptop]: i'm sure there are multiple solutions google may be the best resource to find them. | 19:24 |
erUSUL | stevecrozz: some usefull error msg? | 19:24 |
stevecrozz | erUSUL: I've checked a number of places, I can't find any useful errors, I do have an ssh connection to his machine though, so I can scour log files | 19:25 |
orson | K-Yo: i don't know | 19:25 |
erUSUL | stevecrozz: ~/.xsession-errors ? | 19:25 |
xangua | K-Yo: uninstall p7zip-full and install just the normal p7zip | 19:26 |
stevecrozz | erUSUL: the only error I see there is '.: 34: Can't open /home/roger/.profile' | 19:26 |
justinlilly | hey folks. I'm using xrandr to correct my display resolution for awesome (windowmanager). When I do it, the "chrome" of each ui element is scaled up so things are out of proportion. Any thoughts on the cause? | 19:26 |
erUSUL | stevecrozz: ls -l ~/.ICEauthority ? | 19:26 |
stevecrozz | erUSUL: that file exists | 19:27 |
erUSUL | stevecrozz: owner and permissions? | 19:27 |
freeek | hi, i have a serious problem. i have a encrypted root partition on a lvm. i get asked for my password on boot, password accepted all fine. then i got throwed into a busybox where it says: key slot 0 unlocked. Command succesful. File descripto 3 left open. 2 logical volumes in volume "ubuntu" now active. mount: mounting /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root on /root failed: Invalid argument | 19:27 |
stevecrozz | roger:roger 600 | 19:27 |
K-Yo | xangua, thank you, I'll try that rightt away (uninstalling p7zip-full and installing unzip didn't work) | 19:27 |
erUSUL | stevecrozz: :/ then it is not that ... sometimes that file gets root:root and it causes the logout you see | 19:28 |
Yerushalmi | If I disable my wireless (with Fn+F2 on this laptop, or by unchecking "enable wireless") I can't reenable it. I press the button and the blue wireless indicator light turns on again (and the checkbox next to enable wireless reappears) but it continues to tell me "device not ready" and refuses to connect. This can only be fixed by reboot. Anyone know what to do? | 19:28 |
erUSUL | stevecrozz: without not much info in ~/.xsession-errors i dunno what else may be ... | 19:28 |
stevecrozz | erUSUL: is failsafe login still an option? | 19:29 |
UbuntuBoy | Gnome Or KDE What is the best | 19:29 |
GabrielSOE | 117 heya all | 19:30 |
K-Yo | xangua, that seems not to work, now I can't even open .zip or .7z | 19:30 |
erUSUL | stevecrozz: really dunno. he should create a new user and try and see if it suffers the same problem ... | 19:30 |
Snoopy1 | so did anyone answer my question? | 19:30 |
cellofellow | UbuntuBoy: are you looking for a flameware or are you just unaware of the fact that they are very different and no one particular one is "better'. | 19:30 |
stevecrozz | erUSUL: good idea, i didn't think of that | 19:31 |
Snoopy1 | so how does someone get a belkin wireless N f5d8053 v. 3000 card to work on ubuntu 64 bit? | 19:31 |
Haffe | ndis-wrapper? | 19:31 |
mnaines | Has anyone here tried Ubuntu Ultimate Edition? | 19:31 |
Snoopy1 | ndiswrapper only is like 32 bit I think | 19:32 |
UbuntuBoy | im looking for flameware | 19:32 |
erUSUL | !ultimate | mnaines | 19:32 |
ubottu | mnaines: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition | 19:32 |
K-Yo | xangua, still here? | 19:33 |
mnaines | erUSUL, hmm...Where can I get support for UE? | 19:33 |
professional-are | hello, i was wondering if i could make it to where my windows partition automatically mounts on startup so i can set up my music player to play files from there and not have to copy all of my music... thankyou | 19:33 |
UbuntuBoy | i want to install Kubuntu-Desktop in ubuntu but i have a big problem | 19:33 |
seanbrystone2 | are the mirrors busy? Ive tried switching mirrors, cant seem to update anything | 19:33 |
Stargaze | Snoopy1, is it internal or usb? if it's usb, try usb-modeswitch, Synaptic displays a complete description | 19:33 |
freeek | professional-are man fstab | 19:33 |
erUSUL | mnaines: check its webpage | 19:33 |
paolob | Hi guys! | 19:34 |
professional-are | freek, please be more specific i am a bit of a noob | 19:34 |
UbuntuBoy | when i do this command sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop i get this message | 19:34 |
UbuntuBoy | | 19:34 |
UbuntuBoy | plaizz help | 19:34 |
mnaines | erUSUL, my actual question about UE is...Is it any good or should I stick with regular Ubuntu? | 19:34 |
professional-are | freeek, more specific please | 19:34 |
xangua | K-Yo: works for me :S | 19:34 |
freeek | kinda french, ubuntuboy | 19:34 |
Stargaze | professional-are, type sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs | 19:34 |
UbuntuBoy | Yess | 19:34 |
UbuntuBoy | Im a french man | 19:34 |
paolob | since karmic upgrade, usb doesn't work any more on 2 pc'2: usb memories aren't recognized, nor cameras, nor card readers. Any hint? thank you! | 19:34 |
freeek | #ubuntu-fr | 19:34 |
orson | UbuntuBoy: preface a LANG=C to your commands if you expect help here | 19:35 |
Stargaze | paolob, try usb-modeswitch, Synaptic displays a complete description | 19:35 |
professional-are | Stargaze, i was wondering if i could just ad it to my startup with a comand to mout it | 19:35 |
orson | !ntfs-3g > professional-are | 19:35 |
ubottu | professional-are, please see my private message | 19:35 |
freeek | professional-are you should have a look into fstab | 19:35 |
orson | !ntfs > professional-are | 19:35 |
freeek | man fstab will give you information. | 19:36 |
seanbrystone2 | I Cant update anything: | 19:36 |
dhillon-v10 | hi all :) can anyone tell me how to exclude a folder from offlineimap? I tried google searches but I still don't get it | 19:36 |
K-Yo | xangua, ok, thanks, I'll try to figure that out | 19:36 |
freeek | orson, he didnt say it isnt possible to mount, only how to setup an automount on startup, or am i wrtong? | 19:36 |
andruk | seanbrystone2: im running an atom board though, no ATI card for me. and my monitor doesnt even turn on. | 19:36 |
professional-are | freeek, i can see it already its there but i have to mount it first and i have to basiCALY CLICK IT AND THATS IT, BUT I WANT TO MAKE IT AUTOMATICALLY | 19:36 |
orson | freeek: yes and those factoids give him all needed info to edit fstab | 19:37 |
Stargaze | !caps| professional-are | 19:37 |
ubottu | professional-are: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 19:37 |
professional-are | freeek, sorry about caps it was an acsident | 19:37 |
chan_ | caps always make me lol | 19:37 |
seanbrystone2 | andruk, well i hope its fixed in Lucid! | 19:37 |
freeek | no one here to fix my real problem ? ;) | 19:37 |
paolob | Stargaze, well, the issue is with devices that did work with jaunty and all preceeding versions... | 19:38 |
snirp | erUSUL: thx man, the install worked. It even preserved Windows, So much for survival of the fittest. | 19:38 |
andruk | seanbrystone2: why is it that whenever ubuntu gets close to a new release, all bugs start to get dismissed with "should work in lucid". why dont we investigate where these bugs are coming from and make sure that they are intentionally fixed as opposed to coincidentally "fixed"? | 19:39 |
erUSUL | !yay | snirp | 19:39 |
ubottu | snirp: Glad you made it! :-) | 19:39 |
cool | !terminal | 19:40 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 19:40 |
isleshocky771 | Was curious if anyone had heard of this issue or could help me solve it. I checked around and can't find anything related. But since yesterday firefox doesn't work. It opens fine and appears alright, but doesn't load pages. Everything else on the computer is fine including Chrome. | 19:40 |
guntbert | andruk: this is not a developpers channel - only users | 19:40 |
isleshocky771 | I thought it could've been the Kernel which came in updates yesterday so I went back to the old kernel and have the same issue. | 19:40 |
K-Yo | okay, it seems p7zip didn't uninstall, since I still get an error message from it... | 19:41 |
Ellocomotive | Hello can anyone help me install the aurora gtk theme engine through the terminal? | 19:42 |
isleshocky771 | It actually eventually does work, but pages take forever to load. As in google takes about 3 minutes. | 19:42 |
Yerushalmi | If I disable my wireless (with Fn+F2 on this laptop, or by unchecking "enable wireless") I can't reenable it. I press the button and the blue wireless indicator light turns on again (and the checkbox next to enable wireless reappears) but it continues to tell me "device not ready" and refuses to connect. This can only be fixed by reboot. Anyone know what to do? | 19:42 |
blakkheim | Ellocomotive: which part do you need help with | 19:42 |
K-Yo | does anyone know how I can uninstall p7zip-full since I did not install it through aptitude? | 19:42 |
Ellocomotive | @blakkheim the last message i got was this GTK+-2.10 is required to compile aurora | 19:42 |
blakkheim | K-Yo: how did you install it | 19:42 |
Ellocomotive | but doesnt Ubuntu already have GTK? | 19:42 |
blakkheim | Ellocomotive: why are you compiling it instead of using the one in the repo? | 19:42 |
K-Yo | I downloaded from their website | 19:43 |
K-Yo | and maybe compiled it | 19:43 |
K-Yo | I don't remember >< | 19:43 |
blakkheim | K-Yo: if you don't even know what you did, how can you expect anyone to help you | 19:43 |
Ellocomotive | blakkheim: I've tried several different ways and can't seem to find it in the repo, I must be doing something wrong | 19:43 |
HardPhuck | Hi, i have a problem. I have a server with Ubuntu and 2 gigs of RAM, which is enough to run about three web applications CMSs in PHP. How do i troubleshoot if the server becsomes slooooow :) | 19:43 |
blakkheim | Ellocomotive: aptitude search aurora | 19:43 |
K-Yo | blakkheim, well, maybe there's some kind of search feature that'd help me... | 19:43 |
Ellocomotive | blakkheim, crap i gotta go dude ill get back to you | 19:44 |
blakkheim | K-Yo: search your memories, you need to tell us what you did in order for us to tell you how to undo it | 19:44 |
K-Yo | memory's kind of a big problem for me =P | 19:44 |
K-Yo | i'll search and let u know, thanks =) | 19:45 |
Losha | HardPhuck: (charming name btw) 2G RAM is small for a server these days. How much swap do you have? Have you run 'top' to see what's eating up cpu time? | 19:45 |
notsol337 | neat it's irc! | 19:45 |
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radioman-lt | ;} | 19:46 |
HardPhuck | Losha well i don't run lot's of stuff, only 3 websites which is not much. They don't get heavy traffic, so i see no reason why should it work slow | 19:46 |
HardPhuck | i'll check top | 19:46 |
=== FatherSivel is now known as sivel | ||
K-Yo | blakkheim, I downloaded "p7zip_9.04_x86_linux_bin.tar.bz2" then extracted then launched the "" script that it contains | 19:47 |
K-Yo | the archive was downloadedd on official p7z sourceforge page | 19:47 |
seanbrystone2 | andruk, you shot the messenger (but I'll heal up soon dont worry!) I was just hoping that it gets fixed in Lucid, I didnt mean for it to sound like a cop out, I agree, it should be fixed in THIS release. :) | 19:47 |
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HardPhuck | all 2 gigs are taken, not sure by what | 19:49 |
K-Yo | blakkheim, ther's 2 folders: /usr/local/lib/p7zip and /usr/local/share/doc/p7zip | 19:49 |
ismael_ | ola | 19:51 |
ismael_ | hay alguien? | 19:51 |
Pici | !es | ismael_ | 19:51 |
ubottu | ismael_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 19:51 |
stevecrozz | erUSUL: I created a new account for Roger and the problem persists. Do you have any other ideas? | 19:51 |
ismael_ | hello | 19:51 |
dangerman_ | hi all, my ubuntu blacks out and caps lock light keeps blinking. | 19:51 |
stevecrozz | for anyone else that might be helping, gnome logs out almost immediately after trying to login | 19:52 |
stevecrozz | same situation for multiple accounts | 19:52 |
ismael_ | do yoy like my cucumber? | 19:52 |
ismael_ | yes o no? | 19:52 |
HardPhuck | 400MB of swap, all free, 200MB RAM free | 19:53 |
Yerushalmi | ismael_: I prefer your romanian lettuce, frankly. | 19:53 |
ismael_ | do yo lake my cucumber | 19:53 |
seanbrystone2 | O.o | 19:53 |
xangua | ismael_: stop if you don't wanna get kicked/banned | 19:53 |
Yerushalmi | Oh! Do you have any kiwi? I'm quite in the mood for some kiwi. | 19:53 |
ismael_ | jeje silly | 19:54 |
adrian__ | again with the same problem | 19:54 |
seanbrystone2 | lets take that talk to #veggies ok? Not here | 19:54 |
Losha | ismael_: Please go to #ubuntu-offtopic. Computer support only in here.... | 19:54 |
ismael_ | you is silly | 19:54 |
Yerushalmi | LOL seanbrystone2 | 19:54 |
adrian__ | I am using a wireless card for internet connection | 19:54 |
adrian__ | and a wired card for local connection | 19:55 |
Yerushalmi | Anyway, I'll ask my question again, hope somebody answers. | 19:55 |
Yerushalmi | If I disable my wireless (with Fn+F2 on this laptop, or by unchecking "enable wireless") I can't reenable it. I press the button and the blue wireless indicator light turns on again (and the checkbox next to enable wireless reappears) but it continues to tell me "device not ready" and refuses to connect. This can only be fixed by reboot. Anyone know what to do? | 19:55 |
adrian__ | when I connect the cable | 19:55 |
adrian__ | the Internet stop working | 19:55 |
snirp | Yerushalmi: reboot? | 19:55 |
adrian__ | could anybody help me? | 19:56 |
Yerushalmi | snirp: That's what I said. anytime I disable wireless I need to reboot to get it back again. | 19:56 |
snirp | Yerushalmi: sorry, i was not being serious | 19:56 |
Yerushalmi | snirp: I wasn't sure, hehe | 19:56 |
Losha | Yerushalmi: it's not a fix, but does running 'sudo /etc/init.d/network restart' help instead of rebooting? | 19:56 |
Yerushalmi | Hmm. I'll try. But obviously if it doesn't work you won't see me for a bit :) | 19:57 |
jensemann12 | Helo! | 19:57 |
Losha | Yerushalmi: sorry, that should be: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 19:57 |
jensemann12 | what is the first thing to learn in BT? | 19:58 |
Yerushalmi | Losha: Heh, good thing I didn't try yet :) | 19:58 |
Losha | Yerushalmi: it would just be a no-op if you typed the wrong thing :-) | 19:58 |
rastasean | hello everyone. i am having issues with my 23" lcd monitor and hd radeon 4350 video card. the max resolution does not fill the entire screen leaving about 2" border. any suggestions? | 19:58 |
richthegeek | does anyone have any screenshots of 10.04a2? I heard it had a new UI? | 19:58 |
Pici | richthegeek : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion. | 19:58 |
adrian__ | Hello! | 19:59 |
warriorforgod | jensemann12: Are you talking about backtrack? | 19:59 |
seanbrystone2 | I Cant update anything: | 19:59 |
jensemann12 | yes | 19:59 |
richthegeek | Pici: wow that was fast... a link would be better | 19:59 |
warriorforgod | jensemann12: Join #backtrack-linux | 19:59 |
jensemann12 | ok, thanks | 19:59 |
hsunda3 | seanbrystone2: can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file? There seems to be something wrong | 20:00 |
Yerushalmi | Losha: I'd have had to reboot a second time, though | 20:00 |
JoshuaL | when i use alt+tab de empathy contact list does not show up in it.. | 20:00 |
Yerushalmi | Losha: Trying now | 20:00 |
seanbrystone2 | ok | 20:00 |
JoshuaL | is this a bug or? | 20:00 |
shazbotmcnasty | Why does brasero just never stop normalizing tracks? | 20:01 |
shazbotmcnasty | WHY? | 20:01 |
rastasean | <----has got issues with monitor. any suggestions? | 20:01 |
Azelphur | !elaborate | rastasean | 20:01 |
ubottu | rastasean: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 20:01 |
shazbotmcnasty | rastasean, well that's pretty darn vague, can you elaborate | 20:01 |
shazbotmcnasty | well yes ^^ read there | 20:01 |
Losha | shazbotmcnasty: brasero is one of the buggiest pieces of software out there. It should be removed. Use k3b instead... | 20:01 |
rastasean | shazbotmcnasty, hello everyone. i am having issues with my 23" lcd monitor and hd radeon 4350 video card. the max resolution does not fill the entire screen leaving about 2" border. any suggestions? | 20:01 |
Azelphur | rastasean: configure your screen using the menu button | 20:02 |
Azelphur | rastasean: the menu button, on the screen that is | 20:02 |
shazbotmcnasty | k3b has never worked for me either | 20:02 |
shazbotmcnasty | meh | 20:02 |
Azelphur | rastasean: if your lucky it may even have an auto adjust option | 20:02 |
shazbotmcnasty | they're both crud | 20:02 |
rastasean | Azelphur, i don't think that is necessary because it is auto adjusted and it was working prior to a re-image | 20:02 |
Snoopy1 | so is it possible to use a belkin wireless N card with Ubuntu 64 bit? | 20:02 |
shazbotmcnasty | I think it's crap to have to download all of the kde libs to run a program | 20:02 |
Losha | shazbotmcnasty: then learn to use the cli equivalents, ok? | 20:03 |
shazbotmcnasty | Losha, OKAY | 20:03 |
testpage | need an opinion on a good ftp server, reliable, low load, fast | 20:03 |
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testpage | any suggestions | 20:03 |
Losha | Yerushalmi: any joy? | 20:03 |
seanbrystone2 | hsunda3, | 20:03 |
rastasean | testpage, you can use ubuntu | 20:04 |
imperius1 | Why does the new alpha freeze constantly? | 20:04 |
Azelphur | !ubuntu+1 | imper | 20:04 |
ubottu | imper: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 20:04 |
pvandewyngaerde | anyone else having problems with lucid in virtualbox ? | 20:04 |
Azelphur | imperius1: ^ | 20:04 |
Pici | pvandewyngaerde : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion. | 20:04 |
Yerushalmi | Losha: Didn't work :p | 20:04 |
Azelphur | pvandewyngaerde: ^ too | 20:04 |
Losha | testpage: apt-cache search ftpd shows quite a few choices. Check them out & pick the one with the best documentation.... | 20:05 |
imperius1 | thx | 20:05 |
Losha | Yerushalmi: sorry to hear that. Next step: google your laptop model number & see if it's a known problem.... | 20:05 |
testpage | locsha, was asking personal experience options | 20:05 |
dangerman_ | caps lock blinking as ubuntu blacks out, what does it mean? | 20:05 |
testpage | :) | 20:05 |
hsunda3 | seanbrystone2: In your file, take a look at line number 51 .. You have some spelling errors towards the end :) | 20:05 |
seanbrystone2 | ok | 20:05 |
erUSUL | dangerman_: only caps lock or all the keyboard leds ? | 20:06 |
Losha | testpage: I know, but I don't have any. ftp is so last century. But now, while you're waiting, you have something to do... | 20:06 |
dangerman_ | just caps lock | 20:06 |
Maks | hi | 20:06 |
seanbrystone2 | ty hsunda3 , i recently switched mirrors (Graphically) so i donno how Ubuntu tossed that typo in there | 20:06 |
testpage | heh, ya always have stuff to do :) | 20:06 |
Maks | Can anyone help me with intel 82845 graphics driver | 20:06 |
hsunda3 | seanbrystone2: no idea .. just change it to universe and it should be fine | 20:06 |
seanbrystone2 | k ty :) | 20:07 |
=== grj is now known as jedrzejblew | ||
Losha | seanbrystone: the GUIs are riddled with bugs, sadly.... | 20:07 |
shazbotmcnasty | I have this error: cdrecord has no permission to open the device | 20:07 |
harry-houdini1 | anyone able to tell me the significance of having 1.5 meg of bufferes/caches in use and 450 meg of buffers/caches free...would this be concidered excessive in either catagory | 20:08 |
Losha | shazbotmcnasty: cdrecord has to be run as root, I think. Either that or change the permissions on the device to give world write access... | 20:08 |
dotblank3_ | Is there a gconf editor for ncurses? | 20:08 |
seanbrystone2 | hsunda3, that did the trick, i have some errors like that on my other computer, ill see if its typos too :) | 20:08 |
hsunda3 | seanbrystone2: yeah should be mostly typos, I think | 20:09 |
H_M-Ubuntu | I have an nvidia graphics card, I was just wondering if theres a way to retrieve the amount of VRAM used on the card from terminal? glxinfo doesn't do it I think. | 20:09 |
Snoopy1 | I installed ubuntu 10.04 on a partition on my hard drive and it is somewhat stable | 20:09 |
daxter | hola soy dani el del bajo | 20:09 |
Maks | any1 there | 20:09 |
Pici | !es | daxter | 20:09 |
ubottu | daxter: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 20:09 |
guntbert | !lucid | Snoopy1 | 20:09 |
ubottu | Snoopy1: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 20:10 |
guntbert | !hi | Maks | 20:10 |
ubottu | Maks: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 20:10 |
Haffe | Guys. | 20:10 |
Maks | i am stucked with intel graphics card | 20:10 |
Maks | can any1 help??? | 20:10 |
Haffe | Are there any quick programing excersises available online to get up to speed on python 3? | 20:10 |
Pici | Haffe: #python would be a more appropriate channel to ask inhj | 20:11 |
Pici | Haffe: *in | 20:11 |
mantas | ola | 20:11 |
lightbricko | Is there a log file for empathy? (I try to connect to a server but only get "Network error" which is not very informative) | 20:11 |
Haffe | Pici: Thanks. | 20:11 |
mantas | olaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 20:12 |
Pici | !es | mantas | 20:12 |
ubottu | mantas: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 20:12 |
Akkernight | does anyone have any advice on what to do when you are thinking about getting a WinXP partition? | 20:14 |
mad_willsy | is it possible to connect to ubuntu LTS from regular ubunu | 20:15 |
Prestidigitonium | has anyone tried gOS? | 20:15 |
guntbert | !ot | Prestidigitonium | 20:15 |
ubottu | Prestidigitonium: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 20:15 |
nuki | hello | 20:16 |
Prestidigitonium | oh my bad | 20:16 |
nuki | how are you | 20:16 |
Losha | Prestidigitonium: try #linux | 20:16 |
nuki | ? | 20:16 |
guntbert | !ot > nuki | 20:16 |
ubottu | nuki, please see my private message | 20:16 |
geezenslaw | Test | 20:17 |
guntbert | geezenslaw: not here please | 20:17 |
Prestidigitonium | i already have. no response, but cya! | 20:17 |
nuki | eo | 20:17 |
Losha | Prestidigitonium: try #ubuntu-offtopic then. But it's definitely offtopic here... | 20:18 |
mad_willsy | is it possible to connect to ubuntu LTS from the normal desktop install of ubuntu with some applications installed on workstation and some on server so that without the server the workstation will still have some important programs. | 20:18 |
nuki | hi¡ | 20:18 |
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Pici | mad_willsy: Can you elaborate what you mean by 'connect' ? | 20:19 |
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nuki | bye | 20:19 |
sometux | how to install skype? | 20:20 |
erUSUL | !skype | 20:20 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 20:20 |
mad_willsy | pici: multiple users can be using the server edition installation, one at the server and another by using LTS but the client connecting to LTS needs to be able to use the workstation when the server isnt accessible as the workstation is a laptop | 20:21 |
=== PC-Ente|bluegene is now known as PC-Ente | ||
erUSUL | mad_willsy: by LTS you mean Linux Terminal Server as in LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) ? | 20:22 |
mad_willsy | erUSUL: yes | 20:22 |
Pici | ohhhh. | 20:23 |
Pici | mad_willsy: LTS genreally has a different definition when dealing with Ubuntu. | 20:23 |
Pici | !LTS | 20:23 |
ubottu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) | 20:23 |
Pici | !ltsp | 20:23 |
ubottu | LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, and/or | 20:23 |
mad_willsy | pici: ahh, i run windows atm and am looking at my options to suit my needs | 20:23 |
erUSUL | mad_willsy: then myabe edubuntu channel (if any) is a better place to ask ? never done a LTSP install | 20:24 |
hiexpo | afternoon all | 20:24 |
mad_willsy | erUSUL: will try | 20:24 |
mad_willsy | i am getting no such channel? | 20:25 |
mad_willsy | ahh missed # | 20:25 |
azareth | hi all | 20:27 |
Zenker | hello everyone, im attempting to have multiple background images using compiz, i can get multiple to show, however i cannot access my desktop icons, can someone direct me to the correct place to get the information to still be able to use them? | 20:27 |
krzys_ | hi | 20:27 |
azareth | is there a way to make my live USB to remeber my changes? | 20:27 |
Ellocomotive | Blakkheim: you there? | 20:27 |
Mike_lifeguard | Where does etckeeper keep the repository? I'm trying 'git log' in /etc and it isn't working :\ | 20:28 |
Ellocomotive | can anyone help me install the aurora gtk theme engine? it is not available in the package manager. | 20:28 |
Ellocomotive | a .deb file would be helpful | 20:28 |
Mike_lifeguard | well damn, I just figured it out :P | 20:28 |
jameswalmsley | Can anyone help with a lucid login problem (failsafe terminal always)? I'm not sure where to start. | 20:28 |
Yerushalmi | If I disable my wireless (with Fn+F2 on this laptop, or by unchecking "enable wireless") I can't reenable it. I press the button and the blue wireless indicator light turns on again (and the checkbox next to enable wireless reappears) but it continues to tell me "device not ready" and refuses to connect. This can only be fixed by reboot. Anyone know what to do? | 20:29 |
guntbert | !lucid | jameswalmsley | 20:29 |
Zenker | this is the page that i got the info for multiple background images, but the links to the page to enable the desktop icons do not work | 20:29 |
ubottu | jameswalmsley: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 20:29 |
jameswalmsley | ok thanks, I'll go there | 20:29 |
=== Atrejuz_ is now known as Atrejuz | ||
Ellocomotive | can anyone help me through installing a gtk engine | 20:30 |
Ellocomotive | ? | 20:30 |
azareth | is there a way to make my live USB to remeber my changes? | 20:30 |
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Yerushalmi | Losha: I found someone else with the same problem but not on the same laptop (or even the same company). And nobody found him a solution either, | 20:32 |
Ellocomotive | can anyone help me install aurora gtk them engine through the terminal | 20:33 |
Ellocomotive | ? | 20:33 |
andruk | seanbrystone2: yeah, i suppose i did, sorry. :-/ i too hope it gets fixed. | 20:33 |
guntbert | !repeat | Ellocomotive | 20:33 |
ubottu | Ellocomotive: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 20:33 |
Ellocomotive | sorry just trying to re-word it | 20:34 |
Teunis | hi guys | 20:34 |
condeh | Hi I have a funny issue going on. I have mounted a cifs share from my windows desktop, and it is viewable in nautilus. I can edit files in the share, and drag and drop files to it. However, i cannot delete/rename files. Also, rsync considers the cifs share readonly. can anyone help? | 20:34 |
ZykoticK9 | azareth, if you create a USB with persistence then yes - it will remember changes | 20:35 |
voicesinmyhead | hi room | 20:35 |
voicesinmyhead | hi room | 20:35 |
azareth | 10x ZykoticK9 | 20:35 |
Teunis | How come, i minimalize a window it doesn't appear in the panel? | 20:35 |
azareth | is there a way to change it after I`ve created it? | 20:35 |
VCoolio | Teunis: you deleted the window list applet? | 20:36 |
Teunis | not as far as i know | 20:36 |
VCoolio | Teunis: right click panel > add to panel > scroll to window list | 20:36 |
enav | hello guys do you know about some good internet radio like winame radio lists???? | 20:36 |
Teunis | thank you so much Vcoolio :P | 20:36 |
enav | Winamp* | 20:36 |
Teunis | i was looking for this for ages.. | 20:36 |
Zenker | i have enabled multiple background images as per this page : but the links that tell me how to also have desktop icons while doing this dosent work, does anyone know how or where to get the info i need? | 20:36 |
ZykoticK9 | Zenker, i don't think it's possible to have multi-backgrounds with icons... I was hoping you where going to find a different answer though. | 20:37 |
Zenker | i looked and looked and found no answers, from what i understand its because of gnomi or something | 20:38 |
guntbert | enav: try rhythmbox with "internet radio browser" plugin | 20:38 |
seanbrystone2 | Any Opera pros in here? Using Ubuntu 9.10 ,How do you add stuff to the "open with" context menu, i want to add vim to the list :) | 20:39 |
enav | guntbert i have rhythmbox but there is just few stations... winamp have about 300 | 20:39 |
addyy | how can I set a default internet connection? | 20:39 |
guntbert | enav: look at the plugin I mentioned | 20:39 |
ihearvoices | is there any os more lite than ubuntu??... my intel chipsets arent getting recognised | 20:40 |
enav | guntbert ok i will | 20:40 |
Zenker | i know a way to play almost any streaming radio station, you just have 2 find out their ip and create a .pls file with that addr, then load the pls | 20:40 |
Zenker | an easy way is to use a player that supports their streaming and usually you can see the ip, | 20:40 |
ownlife | Quicky! When I go to edit my sources.list, or ushare.list through nano or gedit (sudo gedit /etc/whatever) they are blank. | 20:41 |
enav | ihearvoices your problem is weard | 20:42 |
guntbert | ownlife: not related but don't use sudo gedit... - use gksudo gedit instead (for graphical apps) | 20:42 |
enav | ihearvoices tell me your computer specifications | 20:42 |
ownlife | Okay | 20:42 |
VCoolio | ownlife: sounds like wrong path; let the terminal autocomplete it for you so you're sure | 20:43 |
guntbert | ownlife: for sources.list you would have to enter gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 20:44 |
ownlife | Okay, got it | 20:46 |
Ellocomotive | Can anyone here help me install the Aurora gtk them engine? Not the Aurorae. | 20:46 |
Zenker | can someone tell me how to create a set of backgrounds like the default space set that comes with ubuntu? | 20:46 |
ownlife | My guide to installing ushare gave me .list instead of .conf | 20:46 |
ozlem | please help me | 20:46 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-aurora | 20:46 |
ownlife | Thanks! | 20:46 |
=== ownlife is now known as ownlife_away | ||
ozlem | please help me | 20:47 |
guntbert | !ask | ozlem | 20:47 |
ubottu | ozlem: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 20:47 |
Ellocomotive | Vcoolio: thanks, here is what i got after that command | 20:47 |
Ellocomotive | E: Couldn't find package gtk2-engines-aurora | 20:47 |
Espen-_- | does ubuntu global jam have a twitter hashtag? | 20:47 |
blas7 | proud user of 64-bit Karmic :) | 20:48 |
mhall119|work | #globaljam | 20:48 |
mhall119|work | I think | 20:48 |
ihearvoices | how to configure intel chipset for comiz??? | 20:48 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: I see, sorry; I enabled a repository from launchpad for that | 20:48 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: hang on, let me find it for you | 20:48 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: there shouldn't be anything to do | 20:48 |
ozlem | hı | 20:48 |
Ellocomotive | Vcoolio: thanks alot man, been trying to fix this for three days now | 20:48 |
ozlem | ı dont know anythıng | 20:48 |
ozlem | thıs program | 20:49 |
Yerushalmi | If I disable my wireless (with Fn+F2 on this laptop, or by unchecking "enable wireless") I can't reenable it. I press the button and the blue wireless indicator light turns on again (and the checkbox next to enable wireless reappears) but it continues to tell me "device not ready" and refuses to connect. This can only be fixed by reboot. Anyone know what to do? | 20:49 |
ozlem | but ı have some problems | 20:49 |
ozlem | please help me | 20:49 |
Ellocomotive | ozlem: your in the right place man, just stick with it. I think Ubuntu is awesome, although I too am new. | 20:49 |
g0tcha | hey guys, is there a way to find out which ports are open using Terminal? | 20:49 |
JLove | can anybody help me, I want to mount a second hard drive to the videos directory in my home folder? | 20:49 |
ihearvoices | i get freezes sometimes when i load too many compiz plugins.. is it cuz intel is not supported | 20:49 |
mhall119|work | g0tcha: netstat -nap | 20:49 |
Ellocomotive | Ozlem: ask your problems now so someone can help | 20:49 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: it's not an all or nothing proposition | 20:50 |
mhall119|work | intel chipsets can support some of the plugins, but not necessarily all of them | 20:50 |
ihearvoices | under hardware drivers under system i get no propriety drivers | 20:50 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
condeh | to re-phrase my question, how can i mount a samba share so that the files are editable by non-root users | 20:50 |
ihearvoices | btw qhich is the best torrent client | 20:51 |
iceroot | !best | ihearvoices | 20:51 |
ubottu | ihearvoices: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 20:51 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: not sure from where I got it; but this repo has the same version | 20:51 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: you know how to add repos? | 20:51 |
JLove | condeh: Was that a response to my question...? | 20:51 |
ihearvoices | best speed , stability , and low memory consumption torrent client? | 20:52 |
Ellocomotive | Vcoolio: no I do not and thanks for asking | 20:52 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: try rtorrent (cli) | 20:52 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: you have ubuntu 9.10 karmic? | 20:52 |
grid_ | ey all | 20:52 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: or use apt-cache search torrent client and try them | 20:52 |
condeh | JLove: nope, i was rephrasing my question from earlier | 20:52 |
ozlem | hey | 20:52 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: Transmission, the default client in Ubuntu, is relatively straight forward | 20:52 |
ozlem | ım turk | 20:52 |
JLove | sorry :-) | 20:52 |
mhall119|work | Deluge is another that I like, it has more options than Transmission | 20:52 |
ihearvoices | im noob to ubuntu.. just 2 days ago i made a switch from windows.. used utorrent in windows .. it was light stable fast... looking for something similar!! | 20:53 |
Ellocomotive | Vcoolio, yes I have the newest release, and is fully updated | 20:53 |
pulse00 | hi all. when creating a backup of a system using dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/backup, will i be able to copy the backup back to an empty disk and boot from it? | 20:53 |
=== cpdstudio_ is now known as redghost | ||
iceroot | ihearvoices: transmission (copmes with ubuntu by default) | 20:53 |
ozlem | and so ı dont speak englısh very well .. please help me.ı dont know anythıng thıs programme and ı have a problem :( please help me | 20:53 |
mhall119|work | pulse00: should be able to | 20:53 |
iVaNcH|oX^aWaY | hi everybody | 20:53 |
iVaNcH|oX^aWaY | im from argentine | 20:53 |
iceroot | !tr | ozlem | 20:53 |
ubottu | ozlem: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 20:53 |
ihearvoices | anythin similar to utorrent from windows? | 20:53 |
pulse00 | thanks | 20:53 |
mhall119|work | pulse00: but dd will copy unused space too | 20:53 |
Ellocomotive | Vcoolio: yes I have the newest release, and it is fully updated | 20:53 |
mhall119|work | do dd isn't usually an ideal backup solution | 20:54 |
ozlem | thank u | 20:54 |
ozlem | =) | 20:54 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: then 1: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:merlwiz79/aurora" then 2. add the key "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 0AAFAD78" then 3. update database "sudo apt-get update" then 4 install the package | 20:54 |
JLove | Does anybody know why my second harddrive (sdb1) would not appear in /etc/fstab? | 20:54 |
ihearvoices | lite on memory, good speed, stable torrent client? | 20:54 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: i told you transmission or apt-cache search torrent client | 20:54 |
pulse00 | mha11119, what would you suggest instead? | 20:54 |
Ellocomotive | Vcoolio: THANKS, working on it now!!! | 20:54 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: transmission | 20:54 |
usuario_ | amistad | 20:54 |
mhall119|work | pulse00: rsync is usually used for backups | 20:54 |
ihearvoices | thanx | 20:54 |
mhall119|work | it only backs up data, and only files that have changed | 20:54 |
usuario_ | 00ç | 20:54 |
Zenker | can anyone please tell me how to make a set of backgrounds that change on their own like the default space set that comes installed with ubuntu? | 20:54 |
usuario_ | podeis ablar en español | 20:55 |
ihearvoices | can some1 tell me abt how to fix bad sector bug on installing ubuntu 9.10?? | 20:55 |
pulse00 | mha11119, it doesn't matter in my case if the resulting file is large, my only concern is if i will be able to boot it on another system | 20:55 |
iVaNcH|oX^aWaY | ahh copado | 20:55 |
iVaNcH|oX^aWaY | somos muchos de habla en castellano | 20:55 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: what is the "bad sector bug"? | 20:55 |
magn3ts | How can I apply audio effects to my current audio out? | 20:55 |
Purpley | Hey, how do i install a .sh file? | 20:55 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: it's a very easy process and most of the times the commands I gave are provided too on the ppa site; if the ubuntu repos don't have a package or are outdated search on | 20:55 |
guntbert | !es | iVaNcH|oX^aWaY | 20:55 |
ubottu | iVaNcH|oX^aWaY: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 20:55 |
iceroot | Purpley: you cant install a sh-file | 20:55 |
mhall119|work | pulse00: you will only be able to restore a dd backup on an identical harddrive | 20:55 |
Purpley | iceroot, So i just run it with sh? | 20:56 |
ihearvoices | hard disk is failing".......checked it on forums it says its a bug... cant find the fix though | 20:56 |
iceroot | Purpley: but maybe you want ./yourshfile or "sh yourshfile" | 20:56 |
Marc128000 | Hello, I need some advice on kernel module loading | 20:56 |
Marc128000 | anybody feel like helping? | 20:56 |
pulse00 | mha11119, the disks are identical, yes | 20:56 |
mhall119|work | Marc128000: ask the question | 20:56 |
Purpley | iceroot, Yeah, Im just getting a java error :( | 20:56 |
mhall119|work | pulse00: then it should work | 20:56 |
=== ZZ is now known as Guest28700 | ||
alonea | why do I seem to get kicked off my network all the time? It says I am connected but after 20 minutes or so I can't access webpages. It it because its wpa2?? | 20:56 |
Ellocomotive | Vcoolio: ok got it, ppa site... Ok, so its updating through the terminal now, does that mean its installing itself, or do i need to do something else to continue? | 20:56 |
Guest28700 | I am having problems with my ATI video card | 20:56 |
Radar | Where does apt-get store the list of packages that are currently installed? | 20:56 |
Marc128000 | Right now I have kvm_intel and kvm loading at boot. How can I remove these modules from the boot process? | 20:56 |
Akkernight | how can I boot a OS installation from a USB drive, using Ubuntu to prepare the USB drive (if any preparations are needed) ? | 20:56 |
magn3ts | How can I manipulate audio out as its occuring? | 20:57 |
mhall119|work | Ellocomotive: wired or wireless? | 20:57 |
TxPitou | Guest28700: | 20:57 |
mhall119|work | Marc128000: there's a module blacklist | 20:57 |
mhall119|work | let me find the file | 20:57 |
Ellocomotive | mhall119Iwork: Wireless | 20:57 |
ubuntu | black_z | 20:57 |
mhall119|work | Ellocomotive: watch dmesg to see if it's giving an error | 20:57 |
mhall119|work | my old Atheros card used to do that | 20:57 |
Marc128000 | mhall119|work, Thanks for the help | 20:57 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: what was your last command? the "sudo apt-get update" only means updating the package database, it installs nothing | 20:57 |
iceroot | Radar: dpkg -l you want maybe | 20:57 |
alonea | so does linux still have issues with wpa2 or is it something else? I did have to ndiswrapper my wireless card. | 20:58 |
mhall119|work | Marc128000: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf | 20:58 |
mhall119|work | add the modules you don't want loaded there | 20:58 |
Radar | iceroot: I want to replace the file that has that list, as I am manually deleting the files that are installed by packages. | 20:58 |
Marc128000 | mhall119|work, appreciate the help! | 20:58 |
iceroot | alonea: linux is not the problem but maybe the driver or connection quality | 20:58 |
mhall119|work | Marc128000: np | 20:58 |
ihearvoices | can some1 tell me a lighter gui than gnome? kde xfce or anthing more lite?? | 20:58 |
Ellocomotive | Vcoolio: get update was my last command, sorry If you gotta break things down Barney style, I am fresh to Ubuntu | 20:58 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: Xfce is lighter than Gnome | 20:59 |
mhall119|work | LXDE even more so | 20:59 |
mhall119|work | but you'll lose integration and some usability | 20:59 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: xfce4 also called xubuntu-desktop | 20:59 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: you just added a new software source, that repo, so it needs to update the database; | 20:59 |
guntbert | Radar: sounds like a bad idea to me - but maybe thats only me | 20:59 |
erUSUL | ihearvoices: just a openbox + pacman and a light panel or dock | 20:59 |
ihearvoices | it lighter than xfce?.. if so how to install it? | 20:59 |
iceroot | Radar: so you want to rebuild that list? | 20:59 |
Radar | iceroot: yes | 20:59 |
ihearvoices | what about fluxbox? | 20:59 |
Ellocomotive | Vcoolio: I am assuming that I need to go to the package manager and refresh it? | 21:00 |
Purpley | ihearvoices, If you cant run a DE id try DSL | 21:00 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: that's the same as 'sudo apt-get update' | 21:00 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: LXDE uses openbox, it's about as light as fluxbox | 21:00 |
ihearvoices | what is de and what is dsl..sorry noob here | 21:00 |
Purpley | Hey whats another pasting site besides | 21:00 |
Ellocomotive | Vcoolio: ah I see, thanks for schooling me up | 21:00 |
Radar | guntbert: it is only for the purposes of running automated tests against the box. I need to roll it back to an initial state. | 21:00 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: if you want gui, then indeed refresh / reload there and find the package | 21:00 |
Purpley | ihearvoices, Desktop Enviroment and Damn Small Linus | 21:00 |
Radar | Purpley: | 21:00 |
Purpley | Linux* | 21:00 |
guntbert | !paste | Purpley | 21:00 |
ubottu | Purpley: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:00 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: should be just: sudo apt-get install fluxbox | 21:00 |
iceroot | Radar: | 21:01 |
iceroot | Radar: | 21:01 |
ihearvoices | is LXDE LIGHTER THAN xfce | 21:01 |
gustin | ihearvoices: I used to use fluxbox, but prefer xfce these days | 21:01 |
Purpley | ihearvoices, By the way DSL is a different distro | 21:01 |
mgolisch | is there any special package mirrors one is advised to use to create a local mirrors? | 21:01 |
mgolisch | or doenst that matter? | 21:01 |
guntbert | Radar: why don't you use virtualization for this purpose? | 21:01 |
kyanardag_ | in earlier installations of ubuntu, when i was writing an scp statement, like scp user@hostname:~/something/, i can get the list of remote files if i do <tab> <tab>, but now the completion does not work.. how can i fix this? | 21:01 |
Ellocomotive | Vcoolio: it appears to be installing! Thanks for helping me and also explaining what it was we were doing! | 21:01 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: yes | 21:01 |
gustin | ihearvoices: and what do you mean by lighter? CPU usage, memory, etc? | 21:01 |
Radar | guntbert: it is virtualized (VMWare Fusion) but I cannot find a way to automate the rollback. | 21:01 |
VCoolio | Ellocomotive: no problem; bookmark, very useful | 21:01 |
Purpley | anyone know what might be causing this error when I run a .sh file? IT worked last night but not now :( | 21:02 |
Ellocomotive | Vcoolio: says it installed, bookmarking that now! | 21:02 |
iceroot | Radar: snapshot | 21:02 |
laclasse | hyperstream, set up passwword less / ssh keys logins | 21:02 |
guntbert | Radar: what about snapshots? | 21:02 |
ihearvoices | lighter cpu usage , memory, lighter on most system resources | 21:02 |
joel__ | If I switch from ubuntu 9.10 to wattOS rs1; will I have to format my harddrive? | 21:02 |
JLove | Can anybody help me with a mounting issue? | 21:02 |
Radar | guntbert & iceroot: How do I do that? | 21:02 |
iceroot | Radar: look at the vmware-help | 21:02 |
hmw | 9.04/Compiz/Scale Plugin: Once I had an option to "fetch" windows from another work space, while in Scaling Mode (all windows resized) - but i cant find out, how I did it - Please tell me, where it was | 21:02 |
Radar | ... I know there's one in that. The machine is Virtualized through Mac OS X. | 21:02 |
VCoolio | JLove: just ask, good chance someone knows something | 21:03 |
hyperstream | laclasse, huh? | 21:03 |
iceroot | Radar: there is a button (i see in vmware-server-console at esx-servers) | 21:03 |
Purpley | anyone know what might be causing this error when I run a .sh file? IT worked last night but not now :( | 21:03 |
guntbert | Radar: you can issue a command like "take snapshot" from the host OS | 21:03 |
gustin | ihearvoices: there comes a point where the differences are not noticible in the real world. | 21:03 |
mhall119|work | hmw: hey | 21:03 |
hmw | mhall119|work: hey | 21:03 |
Yerushalmi | If I disable my wireless (with Fn+F2 on this laptop, or by unchecking "enable wireless") I can't reenable it. I press the button and the blue wireless indicator light turns on again (and the checkbox next to enable wireless reappears) but it continues to tell me "device not ready" and refuses to connect. This can only be fixed by reboot. Anyone know what to do? | 21:03 |
mgolisch | Radar: use the vmrun command? | 21:03 |
laclasse | hyperstream, wrong nick, sorry, i meant kyanardag_> | 21:03 |
phajas | Hi there! I run Ubuntu server on a machine. For whatever reason, it has lost internet connection on a working network, yet can still route internally on the network. If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them, as servers stink when you can't serve anything. Also, help with static IP configuration would be great! | 21:03 |
Radar | mgolisch: there is no vmrun command on Mac OS X. | 21:03 |
mhall119|work | hmw: that's in Scale Addons: Pull Window | 21:03 |
hyperstream | laclasse, thats ok mate :) had me who'ing this box pretty quick lol | 21:03 |
Gieke | hey, how do you edit the grub list? | 21:03 |
hmw | mhall119|work: aaah. thx | 21:03 |
mhall119|work | np | 21:03 |
mgolisch | Radar: /Library/Application Support/Vmware Fusion/vmrun or something | 21:04 |
Gieke | /boot/grub/menu.lst seems empty | 21:04 |
mgolisch | Radar: its just not in PATH | 21:04 |
gustin | ihearvoices: KDE 4.4 runs nicely on my laptop from 2005 for example | 21:04 |
VCoolio | Gieke: in karmic, you edit /etc/default/grub | 21:04 |
Gieke | i tried $ gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 21:04 |
mgolisch | Radar: no idea why they hide it | 21:04 |
iceroot | !grub2 | Gieke | 21:04 |
ubottu | Gieke: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 21:04 |
mgolisch | :) | 21:04 |
JLove | I've got a second harddrive and it seems to mount to a directory in /media with a random series of number. I've tried looking in /etc/fstab but I can't see an entry for this dirve, does anybody know where the command to mount this filesystem is? | 21:04 |
Gieke | hm | 21:04 |
gustin | phajas: edit the /etc/network/interfaces file for static IP | 21:04 |
Gieke | let's see | 21:04 |
iceroot | Gieke: if you are on a fresh installed 9.10 there is no menu.lst because it is using grub2 | 21:04 |
ihearvoices | if i have to choose between lxde , xfce, kde, fluxbox.. which is lighter.. if other .. plz mention | 21:04 |
Radar | mgolisch: ah, thanks :) | 21:04 |
hsunda3 | Hey I liked the old style where on booting I can see a bunch of text scroll through, as Linux started its services etc etc .. how do I disable the splash screen ? | 21:04 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: just try them! | 21:04 |
mhall119|work | JLove: it's udev doing the mounting | 21:05 |
Gieke | indeed | 21:05 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: this chat is not for "what is best" | 21:05 |
Purpley | anyone know what might be causing this error when I run a .sh file? IT worked last night but not now :( | 21:05 |
flaco | hi all... I got lucid installed, with all updates and the buttons of nautilus (minimize, max.. and close) are aligned to the left :S , how can I align those buttons to the right? | 21:05 |
gustin | ihearvoices: openbox is another option, though from the list you provided I would choose XFCE | 21:05 |
iceroot | flaco: #ubuntu+1 | 21:05 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: of those, a default fluxbox setup would be least resource consuming | 21:05 |
testpage | anyone feel like helping me with a proftpd config issue? | 21:05 |
grid_ | i have this situation, i have a ubuntu desktop, I have a ubuntu server, both the same operating system with the same settings, i just want users to see private folders and folders in a group on the ubuntu server from the ubuntu desktop, i just want i can write files to these folders with open office, so that the folders are visible in the gui, it takes time to set this up? i can easily create accounts | 21:05 |
phajas | gustin: Thanks, any ideas on no internet on one of my boxes? | 21:05 |
ihearvoices | i dont want the best .. i want the lightest.. so i can stop my pc from freeezing or restarting | 21:05 |
iceroot | !anyone | testpage | 21:05 |
ubottu | testpage: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 21:05 |
testpage | <-- config file | 21:05 |
TxPitou | grid.. samba perhaps | 21:06 |
testpage | let me finish iceroot | 21:06 |
gustin | phajas: probably no default route... check your route with "sudo ip route" | 21:06 |
Purpley | anyone know what might be causing this error when I run a .sh file? IT worked last night but not now :( | 21:06 |
testpage | :) | 21:06 |
iceroot | testpage: in one line :-) | 21:06 |
arand | hsunda3: In /etc/default/grub remove "splash" and "quiet" and then run "sudo update-grub" | 21:06 |
ihearvoices | so what to type in terminal to get options for gui?? | 21:06 |
JLove | mhall119|work: I want to be able to mount this filesystem into my home directory to a folder called "videos" as my main filesystem is too small, could you help me though this? | 21:06 |
grid_ | TxPitou: i know that | 21:06 |
hsunda3 | arand: thanks man will try it out | 21:06 |
mhall119|work | JLove: sure | 21:06 |
grid_ | TxPitou: but when a user will logon, can it has a script so the dirs are visible for that user? | 21:06 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: what machine you want to run it on? how much mhz? hoch much ram? | 21:06 |
mhall119|work | JLove: this is a USB drive or something? | 21:06 |
Purpley | anyone know what might be causing this error when I run a .sh file? IT worked last night but not now :( Please guys help | 21:06 |
ihearvoices | well my laptop overheats.. | 21:07 |
testpage | error is "error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf' unclosed configuration section | 21:07 |
phajas | gustin: Looks like there is a default route: default via dev eth0 metric 100 | 21:07 |
JLove | No it's a second hd connected to my IDE controller | 21:07 |
testpage | must be something simple im overlooking | 21:07 |
iceroot | !who | ihearvoices | 21:07 |
ubottu | ihearvoices: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 21:07 |
silentx | Hey .. there .. i got this : ID 148f:2573 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2501USB Wireless Adapter .. i want it to work with my ubuntu or at least to know if it is working or not .. | 21:07 |
JLove | mhall119|work: No it's a second hd connected to my IDE controller | 21:07 |
mhall119|work | JLove: okay, /dev/sdb1? | 21:07 |
silentx | where is the problem need help plz .. | 21:07 |
JLove | mhall119|work: Correct | 21:07 |
ihearvoices | 2mb ram.. intel core 2 duo... but it overheats .. so i need to use everything light till i get the hardware or maybe the fan fixed | 21:07 |
gustin | Purpley: that is a java error, what program is the shell file trying to run? You may need to clean up other instances of java "ps axf |grep -i java" to get a list | 21:07 |
mhall119|work | JLove: do you already have a /home/JLove/Videos? | 21:08 |
gustin | phajas: is that the correct route? | 21:08 |
iceroot | silentx: best thing is to type in the chipset-name at google and the ubuntu-version | 21:08 |
=== mike_ is now known as Guest77958 | ||
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: just vacuum out the exhaust vents, it's probably just dust | 21:08 |
ihearvoices | !tab ubotto how exactly.. am i doing it rite? | 21:08 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 21:08 |
JLove | mhall119|work: I do, yes, would it be possible to extend this or should i create a second mount point? | 21:08 |
gustin | phajas: from another computer, try using traceroute to trace an IP. If that works then you probably have no DNS on that machine | 21:08 |
phajas | gustin: That's the IP of the router, is that okay? | 21:08 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: it doesnt matter if you use xfce4, gnome, kde or something else. if your fan is broken it doesnt matter waht you are using | 21:08 |
mhall119|work | JLove: probably easiest to create a second mount point | 21:08 |
gustin | phajas: that is what routers do | 21:08 |
TxPitou | silentx: | 21:08 |
Purpley | Gustin Im not sure | 21:09 |
silentx | i've already searched google .. but all drivers cant be compiled :( .. | 21:09 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: type in the first chars of a name and press the tab key | 21:09 |
ihearvoices | btw how do i send to nicknames in this irc?? | 21:09 |
ihearvoices | ! and press tab or type the word tab? | 21:09 |
phajas | gustin: tracerouting from my computer here works, but this host without internet access does have the OpenDNS entries in /etc/resolv.conf | 21:09 |
mhall119|work | JLove: anyway, this is what you'll do: "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /home/JLove/mountpoint" | 21:09 |
JLove | mhall119|work: ok i've created a second directory "videos2" where now? | 21:09 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: press tab | 21:09 |
gustin | Purpley: where did you get that script from? | 21:09 |
Zenker | it appears that ozlem dosent speak english very well and i have figured out what his issue is, his buddy who speaks no english at all has an asus x61s and installed 9.10 via disk, i beleive with a partition n everything, not wubi, anyhow, the keyboard and mouse are unresponsive can someone please help me help him? | 21:09 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: type icer and then press tab | 21:09 |
TxPitou | ihearvoices: usually a lappy overheats because bad air flow not because ubuntu or windows is running on it. check your vents sucks the dirts out, pop your keyboard of lappy and suck with a vaccum tip the dust and crap inside it | 21:09 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 21:09 |
gustin | phajas: can you traceroute to an IP? | 21:09 |
ihearvoices | ! and press tab or type the word tab? | 21:09 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 21:09 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: stop that please, i already told you | 21:10 |
TxPitou | silentx > | 21:10 |
ihearvoices | iceroot, like this? | 21:10 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: correct | 21:10 |
JLove | mhall119|work: how do i stop the harddrice mounting to /media/32423423423 where is this configured? | 21:10 |
Marchingknight11 | can anyone help me install a php server? | 21:10 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: tab is also working on the shells for commands | 21:10 |
ihearvoices | iceroot, what is a shell? | 21:10 |
iceroot | Marchingknight11: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 | 21:10 |
Purpley | gustin,, Its a app that communicates with an android phone. | 21:10 |
mhall119|work | JLove: that I'm not sure about, but you can run "sudo umount /media/32423423423" to unmount it | 21:10 |
phajas | gustin: works on my host with working internet, the ubuntu box doesn't have traceroute installed | 21:10 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: the terminal | 21:10 |
TxPitou | mhall119|work: edit fstab and configure it yourself | 21:11 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: command line | 21:11 |
JLove | mhall119|work: should i look into udev? | 21:11 |
sometux | anyone on ekiga? | 21:11 |
mhall119|work | TxPitou: yes, JLove could add an entry in /etc/fstab as well to make it automatic | 21:11 |
Zenker | ok, ozlem just wants to remove ubuntu from this system, how do i direct him to do so? | 21:11 |
gustin | phajas: well, that makes things more of a challenge... can you at least ping an IP? | 21:11 |
mhall119|work | JLove: you can, but it gets pretty technical | 21:11 |
silentx | TxPitou: Links are did .. | 21:11 |
silentx | died .. | 21:11 |
Marchingknight11 | iceroot: how do i serve a php file now using apache? | 21:11 |
phajas | gustin: I cannot ping outside of my LAN, and I'm confident this is not hardware issue, as this machine was JUST routing out before I rebooted it | 21:11 |
heoa | What is the password if you accidentally press ^x in GNU Screen? | 21:11 |
TxPitou | silentx: I am looking at that web page I just sent you, if it is dead on yourside then its on your side the issue | 21:12 |
sometux | I want to test ekiga with someone | 21:12 |
iceroot | Marchingknight11: putting it in the web-directory normally /var/www | 21:12 |
ihearvoices | iceroot, so how do i get lite stuff installed on ubuntu like a lite torrent client, a lite gui, until i get my hardware checked and repaired if required?.. i mean what do i type in terminal ..? what commands? | 21:12 |
mhall119|work | heoa: your user's password? | 21:12 |
silentx | not the page link .. i mean the link inside it .. >> the link of the driver .. | 21:12 |
TxPitou | mhall119|work: sorry "tab" attack :) | 21:12 |
silentx | | 21:12 |
Purpley | gustin,, Its a app that communicates with an android phone. | 21:12 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: sudo apt-get install name-of-the-package | 21:12 |
Marchingknight11 | iceroot: where would i find that directory? | 21:12 |
Madwill | i want to add another ip to eth1 what is that procedure called so i can google it | 21:12 |
iceroot | Marchingknight11: /var/www/ | 21:12 |
JLove | mhall119|work: Okay, I'll try adding it to fstab and hope it overrides whatever else is mounting it:-) thanks for your help!! | 21:12 |
Madwill | the machine needs 2 ip for 2 services on port 80 | 21:13 |
wren45 | hi everybody | 21:13 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: google "crunchbang linux", might be want you're looking for | 21:13 |
gustin | phajas: to be clear, you cannot ping IPs outside your LAN? I am just checking that you were not using hostnames | 21:13 |
TxPitou | silentx: your a lazy ass you know that : | 21:13 |
sometux | I need help to test Ekiga with someone? | 21:13 |
heoa | mhall119|work: does not work | 21:13 |
sometux | wren45: \o/ | 21:13 |
Marchingknight11 | iceroot: and then i can run it by going to localhost? | 21:13 |
iceroot | Marchingknight11: correct | 21:13 |
mhall119|work | heoa: then I don't know | 21:13 |
Marchingknight11 | iceroot: ok thank you | 21:13 |
hsunda3 | arand: cat /etc/default/grub cat: /etc/default/grub: No such file or directory | 21:13 |
silentx | i know that .. but i've download that driver before coming in here .. | 21:13 |
iceroot | Marchingknight11: maybe apache needs a restart after installing php5 | 21:13 |
TxPitou | JLove: if in fstab linux will use that config | 21:14 |
silentx | but it cant be compiled .. | 21:14 |
silentx | :S | 21:14 |
iceroot | Marchingknight11: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart | 21:14 |
phajas | gustin: whoops, just tried pinging an IP. That seems to work. What's the problem then, a nameserver issue? | 21:14 |
wren45 | I need program to play dvd movies in karmic koala x64 desktop which would be the best? | 21:14 |
gustin | phajas: use pastebin and post the output from "ip route", "sudo iptables -L", "cat /etc/resolve.conf" | 21:14 |
TxPitou | silentx: did you check the other page I sent you ? | 21:14 |
gustin | phajas: yes | 21:14 |
sometux | Im for a way to test Ekiga, help pleeeeeeees! | 21:14 |
Purpley | gustin, Any idea what might of gone wrong? | 21:14 |
iceroot | wren45: doesnt matter but install libdvdcss2 | 21:14 |
silentx | Yes .. | 21:14 |
iceroot | !libdvdcss2 | wren45 | 21:14 |
ubottu | wren45: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 21:14 |
ihearvoices | what is google chrunchbag | 21:14 |
wren45 | thanks | 21:15 |
JLove | thanks TxPaiou, I'll add my entry to fstab | 21:15 |
valentin_ | Hello @ All | 21:15 |
arand | hsunda3: Hmm, so you are using grub1? (i.e. pre-karmic/upgraded karmic) | 21:15 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: it means go to, and search for "crunchbang linux" | 21:15 |
TxPitou | silentx: look closely there are 2 options for the RT us card if that one doesnt work try the other one | 21:15 |
phajas | gustin: here's the pastebin - | 21:15 |
ihearvoices | mhall119|work, what is google crunchbag n how to get it wat commands? | 21:15 |
sometux | valentin_: \o/ | 21:15 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: it means go to, and search for "crunchbang linux" | 21:15 |
hsunda3 | arand: I am using new karmic on x86_64 ... does 64 bit karmic use Grub 1? I don't remember deliberately downgrading | 21:15 |
katesmith | i wanted to ask a question | 21:15 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: if i am honest, its the best way to stay with ubuntu and gnome and dont use a light desktop environment | 21:15 |
silentx | i downloaded them both .. it gives an error when i tried to compile it .. using the instructions in Readme | 21:15 |
mhall119|work | ihearvoices: | 21:16 |
valentin_ | Is there any way to change the gnome pannel names "Applications Places System" ? | 21:16 |
TxPitou | katesmith: ask away | 21:16 |
Radar | iceroot & mgolisch thanks a lot for your help, that's much easier now :) | 21:16 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: because light is almost not very focused on usability | 21:16 |
gustin | Purpley: so you are running the Something is wrong with java. try "sudo killall java" and then try again. Java is not really my strong suit | 21:16 |
silentx | TxPitou: one of them is the driver and the other is for the firmware of the device ,, | 21:16 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: just fix your hardware and dont use xfce4 or something else | 21:16 |
ihearvoices | is crunchbang a gui or a os? | 21:16 |
Purpley | gustin, Yeah me too | 21:17 |
TxPitou | silentx: okay did youo look at the wiki for that card ? | 21:17 |
sometux | ihearvoices: go google to find out | 21:17 |
Matic`Makovec | Hello there. So aptitude safe-upgrade was roughly interrupted in the middle of installing software including kernel. Now the thing can not finish the upgrade. What is there for me to actually do to resolve the issue? | 21:17 |
TxPitou | silentx: yor your like luke skywalker and using the force | 21:17 |
iceroot | Marchingknight11: sudo apt-get install -f | 21:17 |
silentx | TxPitou, in ubuntu page ? .. or in it's official site .. ? | 21:17 |
Purpley | gustin, That didn't do anything :( | 21:17 |
TxPitou | silentx: | 21:17 |
sometux | Matic`Makovec: resume the installation | 21:18 |
gustin | phajas: delete everything in /etc/resolv.conf, and stop the network manager. Why do you even have a GUI on a server? | 21:18 |
katesmith | i cant seem to be able to made a cd , i need a password to do that, i really wanted to install ubuntu 9.10 or madriva onto the computer, is there a way i can buy a cd online that would have it on there so i can install it and its iso files, and where would i purchase it ? | 21:18 |
hsunda3 | Hey guys does 64 bit Karmic use Grub1 instead of Grub2? | 21:18 |
Marchingknight11 | iceroot: how do I copy the file to /var/www. | 21:18 |
iceroot | Matic`Makovec: sudo apt-get -f install | 21:18 |
Matic`Makovec | sometux, dpkg --configure -a returns errors | 21:18 |
arand | hsunda3: is it's a new install it definitely should be that file there... If you do "aptitude search grub" is "grub" installed or "grub-pc"? | 21:18 |
gustin | Purpley: it may work after a reboot. you may need to get support from the gmote people | 21:18 |
ihearvoices | if i switch to any older versions are they more easy on the system hardware? | 21:18 |
iceroot | Marchingknight11: cp filename /var/www/ | 21:18 |
silentx | TxPitou: i'll start every thing from the begging | 21:18 |
Marchingknight11 | iceroot: thanks | 21:18 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: no | 21:18 |
Matic`Makovec | iceroot, it says "you must manually run dpkg --configure -a" | 21:18 |
phajas | gustin: Didn't have a server disk during install. I had to instruct someone over Skype to install the server while I was away at school. I have gnome uninstalled. How do I stop network manager? | 21:18 |
katesmith | is there a way that i can buy a ready made cd for unbuntu 9.10 or mandriva ? | 21:18 |
hsunda3 | arand: grub-pc :) and I see a /boot/grub/menu.lst .. Could something I installed downgraded grb without my knowing? Both my 64 bit machines are showing grub 1 | 21:18 |
iceroot | Matic`Makovec: then run that | 21:19 |
ihearvoices | iceroot, thanx | 21:19 |
Purpley | gustin, Alright thanks for trying | 21:19 |
Matic`Makovec | iceroot, <Matic`Makovec> sometux, dpkg --configure -a returns errors | 21:19 |
gustin | phajas: the /etc/resolv.conf has syntax like this: "nameserver" for each nameserver line | 21:19 |
iceroot | ihearvoices: please fix your hardware. your pc will crash doesnt matter if you use gnome, kde, xfce4 or something else | 21:19 |
gustin | phajas: it depends on the version of Ubuntu | 21:19 |
phajas | gustin: Doh. Should I change it to match that format, then reboot? | 21:19 |
TxPitou | katesmith: | 21:19 |
iceroot | !paste | Matic`Makovec | 21:19 |
ubottu | Matic`Makovec: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:19 |
phajas | gustin: I am unsure of the version on this computer | 21:19 |
arand | hsunda3: Yea that appears as though you have grub1 setup, but the utility packages are for grub2... | 21:20 |
katesmith | okay thankyou so much | 21:20 |
gustin | phajas: newer Ubuntus are "sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager stop" or "sudo service network-manager stop" | 21:20 |
iceroot | ikonia: if you call for e.g. firefox it doenst matter if you use gnome, kde or something else if your fan is broken | 21:20 |
gustin | phajas: no need to reboot | 21:20 |
iceroot | ikonia: sorry wrong nick | 21:20 |
gustin | phajas: if you reboot network manager is going to get in the way again | 21:20 |
arand | hsunda3: And you do not have /boot/grub/grub.cfg ? | 21:20 |
gustin | phajas: personally I uninstall network manager from anything that resembles a server | 21:20 |
sometux | Matic`Makovec: run aptitude safe-upgrade | 21:21 |
phajas | gustin: I can't access neither of those. Should I change /etc/resolv.conf to use nameserver syntax? | 21:21 |
jumbers | I hate how the Close, Minimize, and Maximize buttons have moved over to the left side in Lucid. How can I move them back? | 21:21 |
Marchingknight11 | iceroot: I currently have index.html in my /var/www folder. I cannot see my .php file when i go to localhost, all i see is the index.html file | 21:21 |
hsunda3 | arand: Not on my 64 bit machines, no. It seems to be grub1 with /boot/grub/menu.lst .. I have no idea how !! (And it's not an upgrade, I had Windows on it earlier, if that counts as an upgrade :P) | 21:21 |
Matic`Makovec | sometux, this is just doing cycles. It fails, as said. | 21:21 |
Matic`Makovec | The interrupt screwed up stuff badly | 21:21 |
TxPitou | !lucid | jumbers | 21:21 |
ubottu | jumbers: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 21:21 |
iceroot | Matic`Makovec: http://localhost/yourfile.php | 21:21 |
gustin | phajas: which version of ubuntu? | 21:21 |
iceroot | Marchingknight11: http://localhost/yourfile.php | 21:21 |
Marchingknight11 | iceroot: thanks | 21:21 |
iceroot | Matic`Makovec: wrong nick... | 21:21 |
trelayne | hi all I installed Sun Java, then OpenJDK java. Now Java web start using the openjdk one instead of the Sun Java one. Is there a way to fix this without altogether removing OpenJDK? | 21:21 |
Matic`Makovec | :) | 21:22 |
phajas | gustin: I am unsure. Somewhere between 7.10 and 8.10. I know, that's really vague. | 21:22 |
TxPitou | iceroot: your on a roll on tab attack s:) | 21:22 |
sometux | Matic`Makovec: run aptitude full-upgrade | 21:22 |
Dynetrekk | hi. I have remote access to someone's (non-computer-literate person) xubuntu machine. he claims the machine blacks out immediately after graphical login. does anyone have a clue what the problem might be? | 21:22 |
Matic`Makovec | sometux, I can try that, indeed. | 21:22 |
gustin | phajas: "cat /etc/issues" | 21:22 |
mhall119|work | trelayne: update-alternatives will let you change which java is used by default | 21:22 |
Marchingknight11 | iceroot: thanks, it works now | 21:22 |
mhall119|work | trelayne: there used to be a "galternatives" packages that provided a gui | 21:22 |
gustin | phajas: erm "cat /etc/issue" | 21:22 |
phajas | gustin: Looks like 8.10 | 21:22 |
Snoopy1 | so is it posible to backup Ubuntu? | 21:22 |
iceroot | trelayne: update-alternatives --config java | 21:22 |
phajas | gustin: Also, weird characters in my ssh session: "Ubuntu 8.10 çn çl" | 21:23 |
TxPitou | Dynetrekk: ... linux prefers people that have no idea to notbeable to mess things up, see how inteligent linux is ! (JOKE) | 21:23 |
gustin | Snoopy1: there are hundreds of ways of backing up Ubuntu | 21:23 |
trelayne | thank you mhall119|work iceroot :-) | 21:23 |
mhall119|work | iceroot: it's probably javaws | 21:23 |
iceroot | TxPitou: just bad luck, because my client is using the last nick which is saying something and i only write the first character always | 21:23 |
Dynetrekk | TxPitou: get the joke. but I was hoping for something more helpful :) | 21:23 |
iceroot | mhall119|work: is it? hm, ok | 21:23 |
sometux | Snoopy1: try BackupPC | 21:23 |
gustin | phajas: probably a locale thing, from your pastebin it did not look like you were using the english version | 21:23 |
mhall119|work | iceroot: trelayne: javaws for java web start | 21:23 |
TxPitou | Dynetrekk: sorry , only here for comedy relief ;) | 21:23 |
mhall119|work | I think | 21:23 |
arand | hsunda3: Odd, well if you do have the menu.lst you should be able to do the same there, you want to clear the quiet and splash from "# defoptions" (but leave it commented out) then run "sudo update-grub" | 21:24 |
trelayne | yes javaws | 21:24 |
sometux | Snoopy1: Also SystemImager | 21:24 |
iceroot | mhall119|work: ok, i just read java jdk | 21:24 |
Aeronius | *lurk* *lurk* | 21:24 |
julio | hi there | 21:24 |
phajas | gustin: I'm pretty sure I had someone choose the english language. Is there any functionality difference? Also, after changing /etc/resolv.conf (should I do that) what should I do? | 21:24 |
gustin | phajas: do you have anything in /etc/init.d that looks like it has the word network or nm in it? | 21:24 |
hsunda3 | arand: Yeah .. thanks :) I will do that. I am still curious how my 64 bit machnes have Grub-1 but nevertheless, thanks again | 21:24 |
julio | where does gnome saves it's "themes" ? | 21:24 |
julio | can anyone tell? i've installed dust and dust extras but cant remove one of them | 21:25 |
phajas | gustin: Yep, networking and NetworkManager | 21:25 |
gustin | phajas: no functionality difference, just keyboard layout and language, though those are two seperate things | 21:25 |
gustin | phajas: ok, "sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop" | 21:25 |
gustin | phajas: you may want to look for network manager in your package manager and remove it | 21:25 |
phajas | gustin: Alright, sweet. Let me remove it too. | 21:25 |
gustin | phajas: also, once the resolv.conf is changed, it should work | 21:26 |
mhall119|work | why are you suggesting they remove NetworkManager? | 21:26 |
gustin | phajas: I usually test with "host" | 21:26 |
mhall119|work | NetworkManager is a very good thing to have | 21:26 |
arand | hsunda3: I don't know if some strange configs like raid lvm or specific bios... Might cause it to opt for grub-legacy, since grub2 doesn't support it... What you probably would want to do is to install the "grub" package (removing grub-pc) so you get the grub1 tools to work with in the install as well... | 21:26 |
gustin | phajas: the IP I used was google's dns server. | 21:26 |
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gustin | mhall119|work: not on a server. Especially the version in 8.10 | 21:27 |
mhall119|work | ah, ok | 21:27 |
Dynetrekk | the hard-drive of my troubled computer seems to be full! any general advice? I thought 20GB would be plenty for the system files... | 21:27 |
hsunda3 | arand: ah raid LVM .. there we go.. that's what caused it to intall grub1 .. my 64 bit machines have a RAID LVM partition setup | 21:27 |
phajas | gustin: Success! Looks like we're routing out! After removing networkmanager from my package manager, is there anything else I have to do? | 21:27 |
voicesinmyhead | iceroot, i just downloaded xfce.. during install my oc got shutdown... how do i search for the xfce file i downloaded n then install it ?? | 21:28 |
gustin | phajas: you can put search domains in your resolv.conf. You can even go further and run a DNS server locally (this is what I do. But then I am weird that way). | 21:28 |
gustin | phajas: if you have a static IP defined in /etc/network/interfaces then there should be nothing left you *have* to do | 21:29 |
silentx | here is the report about the problem with the "Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2501USB Wireless Adapter " | 21:29 |
silentx | please help | 21:29 |
gustin | phajas: I would install mtr, it is like traceroute but on steroids. It can be very handy for diagnosing network issues. | 21:30 |
jh2os | what was wrong with the server yesterday? | 21:30 |
iceroot | voicesinmyhead: downlaoded? | 21:30 |
iceroot | voicesinmyhead: with apt-get? or with a browser? | 21:30 |
phajas | gustin: How hard is it to put search domains in resolv.conf? Is it bad to access it while network-dependent services are running? I don't know if I'm up to snuff enough to run a DNS server, but if you have any wikis/tutorials to offer, I would love to see them. Also, I'll grab mtr, thanks for the heads up on that package | 21:30 |
voicesinmyhead | iceroot, apt get | 21:30 |
iceroot | voicesinmyhead: fix your hardware!! | 21:30 |
iceroot | voicesinmyhead: i told you 10 times, you pc will even crash with xfce4 | 21:31 |
__cheerios | what's the osx spotlight equivalent for ubuntu? | 21:31 |
gustin | phajas: you can edit the resolv.conf at any time. the line should read "search domain1.tld domain2.tld domain3.tld" | 21:31 |
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phajas | gustin: Also, weird question, but what happens when an app takes 100% CPU as seen by top? Are requests just queued? | 21:31 |
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iceroot | voicesinmyhead: /var/cache/apt/archives | 21:32 |
gustin | phajas: of course replace with whatever domains you wish to have your machine try (it appends these if you just give a hostname with no domain, and then tries them in order until it gets a hit or it tries them all) | 21:32 |
voicesinmyhead | iceroot, i used apt get.. it downloaded packages for xfce.. but it got shutdown during install... where can i find the xfce to install since it is already now i see two terminals under applications... one is the normal .. and the other shows terminal emulator..whats dat? | 21:32 |
iceroot | voicesinmyhead: also you want xubuntu-desktop and not xfce4 | 21:32 |
SpaceGhostC2C | What is the best way to remove all of KDE or kubuntu-desktop? I can't get to a browser at the moment. | 21:32 |
iceroot | !puregnome | SpaceGhostC2C | 21:33 |
ubottu | SpaceGhostC2C: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal | 21:33 |
gustin | phajas: it depends. Most of the time some background tasks are still run. Usually for me 100% CPU means IO | 21:33 |
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iceroot | redghost: please dont change the nick that often | 21:33 |
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voicesinmyhead | iceroot, it sasys /var/cache/apt/archives is a directory in shells.. how do i install it from shells? what commands?? | 21:33 |
gustin | phajas: atop and htop can help here, atop can help you understand where the load is, if it isIO based, it will show that. From there systat and iotop to track down the specifics | 21:33 |
phajas | gustin: Because I'm running a python app at 100%, and it worries me, I want it to still be responsive and everything. Also, do you mean "domain1.tld" like ""? | 21:34 |
gustin | phajas: I don't think that iotop is packaged in 8.10. | 21:34 |
gustin | phajas: no, I mean | 21:34 |
iceroot | voicesinmyhead: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop should use the already cached packages, restwill be downloaded | 21:34 |
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Snoopy1 | So what office suite for Ubuntu is completely compatible with MS Office 2007? | 21:35 |
abhifx | hi! i was installing nvidia drivers and now the xserver does not work.. can someone help me? | 21:35 |
iceroot | voicesinmyhead: and i promise your pc will crash with xfce4 or even only cli, because if you start a program its using the cpu and because of the broken fan, the pc will crash | 21:35 |
Haffe | Does such an office suite exist? | 21:35 |
Dynetrekk | Snoopy1: none. openoffice best bet, or office through wine | 21:35 |
VCoolio | gustin: would those apps help determine why gedit is using 100 % cpu for me? (not that is matters much since I switched to emacs) | 21:35 |
ZykoticK9 | !away > n3w4r3z[AwAy] | 21:35 |
ubottu | n3w4r3z[AwAy], please see my private message | 21:35 |
iceroot | voicesinmyhead: so dont waste your time with installing xfce4 or other stuff | 21:35 |
nytek_ | is there a fix for a touchy touchpad? | 21:35 |
gustin | phajas: you can set the priority of programs with "nice". 100% utilization means that there are no spare cycles. The kernel schedular usually does a decent job of sharing the resources it has | 21:36 |
gustin | VCoolio: atop might be a good start. | 21:36 |
Cygnus_ | Where am i? | 21:36 |
iceroot | Cygnus_: #ubuntu | 21:36 |
Cygnus_ | iceroot, thx crapy xchat | 21:36 |
abhifx | hi! i was installing nvidia drivers and now the xserver does not work.. can someone help me? | 21:36 |
silentx | Hey .. I've problem with "Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2501USB Wireless Adapter " .. plz help | 21:37 |
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embrik | trying to install alfresco in ubuntu hardy server and need sun-java6-jdk. I am not able to install the jdk package. Why not? | 21:37 |
walla | anyone an expert here on laptops and external monitors? | 21:37 |
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iceroot | embrik: enable multiverse repository and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk | 21:37 |
gustin | walla: I do that a lot, I don't if that qualifies me as an expert? | 21:37 |
mhall119|work | walla: you don't need an expert, just someone who knows the answer to your question | 21:38 |
iceroot | !mutliverse | embrik | 21:38 |
voicesinmyhead | iceroot, can i manually clean fan myself? or send laptop to manufacturer? | 21:38 |
gustin | walla: what mhall119|work said | 21:38 |
iceroot | !multiverse | embrik | 21:38 |
ubottu | embrik: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 21:38 |
iceroot | voicesinmyhead: #hardware | 21:38 |
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phajas | gustin: Sounds like it does a good job then already, I won't worry. By the way, I just had another machine with this same issue the other day (whose static IP settings I was changing, along with nameservers) Would you think it's the same problem? | 21:39 |
anao | Hello@ALL Does anyone knows solution for consolekit Bug? upto 80 instances? Ubuntu 8.10-9.10+Debian Testing | 21:39 |
walla | ok, question: I run 9.04 on my laptop, and it's connected to an external monitor (tv). How can I set the tv as primary monitor (so that I can watch movies from it)? | 21:39 |
jpds | anao: that's a feature. | 21:39 |
MilitantPotato | walla: System>settings>display | 21:39 |
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voicesinmyhead | iceroot, what u mean exactly by #hardware? | 21:40 |
voicesinmyhead | iceroot, fan,. processor.motherboard., harddisk, all? | 21:40 |
gustin | phajas: glad everything is working, I gotta head out now. Try reading up on TCP/IP (at the site) and read up on DNS. Most of the issues you will encounter will be helped by knowing these topics | 21:40 |
MilitantPotato | walla: move the main one around till ubuntu decides it's the main display | 21:40 |
iceroot | voicesinmyhead: /join ##hardware | 21:40 |
iceroot | voicesinmyhead: this is ubuntu-support not hardware-support | 21:40 |
phajas | gustin: Alright, sweet, thanks again for the help! have a nice day | 21:40 |
mhall119|work | voicesinmyhead: #hardware is another channel on this IRC network | 21:40 |
Snoopy1 | Is it possible to burn data to a Blu-Ray disc using Ubuntu? | 21:40 |
gustin | phajas: possibly. try using host to see if you can resolv names. mtr or traceroute to an IP is a handy way to see where the problem is | 21:41 |
walla | MilitantPotato: should does it matter that they don't output the same resolution or whether they're mirrored or not? | 21:41 |
phajas | gustin: Alright, sweet, I'll look into it, probably the same issue | 21:41 |
datta | The system i use just shut down automatically and then it gave a dark black and light black screen, switched over between it until i turned it completely off and restarted it, and it works | 21:41 |
gustin | phajas: later on you can play with iperf and hping3 and netcat. So much fun... well for some of us wnyway :) | 21:41 |
datta | did anyone else face this type of problem before in ubuntu 8.10 | 21:41 |
NotALamer | anyone had problems with win7 adding samba printers? my xp machine prints fine but this win7 machine refuses to add it with a 'can't connect' error message | 21:41 |
datta | i am not using any laptop, it's dell's preinstalled ubuntu desktop, 530N | 21:42 |
MilitantPotato | walla: don't do mirrored, and set the displays to what-ever rez you want them | 21:42 |
iceroot | NotALamer: #samba | 21:42 |
iceroot | NotALamer: there is a issue with win7 | 21:42 |
NotALamer | i did mess around with the server a bunch | 21:42 |
phajas | gustin: Hahaha, exactly, it's all about specific tastes :) Some people seem content with the defaults, others definitely like to go beyond. I'll have to check out those commands, sounds like some pretty hardcore stuff, heh | 21:42 |
MilitantPotato | walla: you can drag the movie to the external display and it SHOULD go full screen there | 21:42 |
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NotALamer | but the xp machine that already had it added still works | 21:42 |
iceroot | asdfaf: stop it please | 21:42 |
mhall119|work | datta: sounds like a graphics driver bug | 21:42 |
VCoolio | gustin: I open gedit, cpu goes to 100%, atop gives me this | 21:42 |
PaBl0 | Hola | 21:43 |
embrik | iceroot, thanks, thought I had uncommentet the multiverse repo - but I hadn't | 21:43 |
mhall119|work | NotALamer: try disable simple file sharing in windows 7 | 21:43 |
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iceroot | embrik: :-) now its working? | 21:43 |
embrik | iceroot, Yes | 21:43 |
PaBl0 | Quienes sois? | 21:43 |
iceroot | redghost: stop your nick-changes | 21:43 |
NotALamer | k | 21:43 |
gustin | phajas: it is as hardcore as you want. You may want to check out (linux advanced routing and traffic control). It gives you some basics, but also some very complicated options. Well, they are not that bad once you do it a couple of times | 21:43 |
PaBl0 | quienes sois? | 21:43 |
gp5st | i have a ruby webapp which needs a .so. when i add it's path the ld config ssh won't work because there is a libcrypto in that dir w/o a version attached. any ideas? when apache starts does it run /etc/profile? | 21:43 |
VCoolio | gustin: gedit is 30 %, it seems something in sys is bad; how to troubleshoot further? | 21:44 |
datta | mhall119|work: but's it's a preinstalled computer | 21:44 |
mhall119|work | datta: doesn't mean it can't have a driver bug | 21:44 |
embrik | trying to find a substitute for Microsoft sharepoint - installing alfresco - Am I in the right direction? | 21:44 |
Snoopy1 | Is it possible to burn data to a Blu-Ray disc using Ubuntu? | 21:44 |
datta | mhall119|work: oh | 21:44 |
iceroot | Snoopy1: yes | 21:45 |
phajas | gustin: hahaha, sounds like a good time. Is this how you learned about this topic? | 21:45 |
mhall119|work | datta: I would sometimes get that kind of thing when running Compiz with an nVidia or ATI card | 21:45 |
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gustin | VCoolio: I am heading out now, but try running gedit with strace. | 21:45 |
datta | mhall119|work: do you know how to fix this? how to fix the bug? | 21:45 |
embrik | iceroot, can I copy a blueray disk as well | 21:45 |
VCoolio | gustin: ok, i have a command for that somewhere, thanks | 21:45 |
Guest63637 | has anyone had the problem with sh:grub> | 21:45 |
mhall119|work | datta: upgrading to new versions of Ubuntu will get you new drivers that might work better | 21:45 |
gustin | phajas: pretty much. then I started getting paid to maintain networks once I realized that my home network was more complicated than some medium businesses | 21:45 |
abhifx | hi! i was installing nvidia drivers and now the xserver does not work.. can someone help me? | 21:45 |
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iceroot | embrik: not directly because of copy protection | 21:45 |
iceroot | embrik: if you mean a movie | 21:46 |
gustin | VCoolio: "strace gedit somefile" | 21:46 |
datta | mhall119|work: but the computer came with 8.04 | 21:46 |
brianherman | Snoopy1:Cdrecord supports bluray | 21:46 |
gustin | phajas: also, I was single for a couple of years, that helped | 21:46 |
mhall119|work | datta: you can either wait until 10.04 comes out, and upgrade to that | 21:46 |
gustin | gone for real this time | 21:46 |
embrik | iceroot, is it possible to rip a blueray then? | 21:46 |
mhall119|work | datta: of you can upgrade to 8.10, then 9.04, then 9.10 | 21:46 |
datta | mhall119|work: i used to use 9.04 but it was really unstable | 21:46 |
mhall119|work | datacrusher: or you can do a clean install of 9.10 | 21:46 |
iceroot | embrik: yes | 21:47 |
mhall119|work | datta: really? I found 9.04 to be very very stable | 21:47 |
embrik | iceroot, with a normal dvd-player and say, acidrip? | 21:47 |
datta | mhall119|work: well with my hardware configuration, it was really unstable | 21:47 |
walla | MilitantPotato: is it possible to log out/login to X again without killing half the running processes such as apache etc.. | 21:47 |
iceroot | embrik: no, never saw a dvd-player which can read blu-ray | 21:47 |
brianherman | embrik: | 21:48 |
mhall119|work | walla: yes, sudo service gdm restart | 21:48 |
tacata | hello | 21:48 |
MilitantPotato | walla: you can enable ctrl+alt+backspace in system>settings>keyboard | 21:48 |
embrik | ok, htnaks booth | 21:48 |
iceroot | walla: apache is not a x-application so apache will not die | 21:48 |
mhall119|work | walla: that will only kill GUI programs | 21:48 |
tacata | I no speak inglis | 21:48 |
gp5st | walla: gui apps will end though | 21:48 |
MilitantPotato | walla: or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 21:48 |
tacata | I speak spanish | 21:48 |
MilitantPotato | walla: thattle kill everything you launch at login out | 21:49 |
iceroot | !es | tacata | 21:49 |
ubottu | tacata: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 21:49 |
embrik | does anybody know alfresco? | 21:49 |
MilitantPotato | -out | 21:49 |
testpage | err can someone help me with ftp server please, cant seem to find one that will make all users go to the www directory | 21:49 |
iceroot | embrik: yes | 21:49 |
iceroot | embrik: what about using real questions instead of "anyone"? | 21:49 |
guitar-maniac | Hello! Iäve had problems with wine crashing lately and i can't do anything afterwards. Somtimes my desktop is showing but mouse cursor is visible onlyon the left side of the screen, and i have to restart my computer.. is there anyway to stop Wine without restarting? | 21:49 |
MilitantPotato | guitar-maniac: ctrl+alt+f1, login, sudo killall wine-server | 21:49 |
brianherman | is there a way to increase the number of virtual consols | 21:50 |
MilitantPotato | guitar-maniac: you can also turn off emulate desktop in wine-config | 21:50 |
PeterT | Hi all, I'm getting this error about the sudoers file, how do I add a user to the sudoer's file? | 21:50 |
guitar-maniac | militantpotato: Ok, i'll try that. Does emulate desktop have an effect to games? | 21:50 |
guitar-maniac | I'm playing mainly few years old games so they shuoldnt be the problem why Wine is crashing | 21:51 |
MilitantPotato | guitar-maniac: No idea. | 21:51 |
guitar-maniac | MilitantPotato: Ok thanks for help :) | 21:51 |
paddyyyyyyyyyyyy | why do i get the error "Error setting permissions: Input/output error" in ~/.wapi | 21:52 |
ricky__ | Anyone had problems with sh:grub> error | 21:52 |
ricky__ | Started after update | 21:52 |
savid | Is there a way using apt-get or aptitude to show what would be changed if I ran "safe-upgrade" or "full-upgrade"? ie, something like a "dry run"? | 21:54 |
embrik | iceroot, I need to find a substitute for MS Sharepoint - haven't much knowledge about MS sharepoint - but have ordered a book on it - I want to find a good alternative in open source | 21:54 |
PeterT | How do I exit visudo? | 21:55 |
embrik | iceroot, but I don't know if alfresco is anything like sharepoint | 21:55 |
iceroot | embrik: not really like sharepoint | 21:55 |
iceroot | embrik: there is a openoffice-plugin for alfrescxo for using something like sharepint but the plugin is out of date and not working anymore | 21:56 |
arti | PeteT with -v u can quite visudo | 21:56 |
arti | PeterT u can close with -V | 21:56 |
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gringochapin | Wow, the wiki has been slow lately! | 21:56 |
embrik | iceroot, ok do you know about anything in open source doing tha same or almost the same as sharepoint? | 21:56 |
PeterT | arti: How do you mean that? | 21:57 |
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PeterT | arti: Just type "-V"? | 21:57 |
arti | PeterT jus write -V | 21:57 |
iceroot | embrik: sorry dont know, maybe its a bad answer but tried google? | 21:57 |
jh2os | hey how do you find your personal ip address? | 21:57 |
PeterT | arti: I just writes "-V" into the file... | 21:57 |
blakkheim | jh2os: curl; echo | 21:57 |
benji_ | jh2os, | 21:58 |
embrik | iceroot, that's how I found alfresco - I've left a question on a debian-edu.list - I may get some answers there | 21:58 |
vlt | Hello. I want to sync evolution with my mobile K800i phone (sony/ercsson). Which opensync module do I need for this? | 21:58 |
gp5st | if i install the ubuntu libdrmaa package, how do it get it to point to sge? when i use it i get "failed receiving gdi request response for mid=1 (got syncron message receive timeout error)." | 21:59 |
iceroot | embrik: alfresco is ok but nothing on sharepoint (imo) | 21:59 |
CSWookie | I need to remove a host key from my known_hosts file. How do I find out which key matches the host, now that ubuntu hashes hostnames? | 21:59 |
iceroot | CSWookie: dont know if there is sshrm on ubuntu but with that you can use sshrm hostname to remove the key | 22:00 |
blakkheim | CSWookie: you can make it so the hosts aren't hashed | 22:00 |
dabaR | I get this error when using the ruby gem program | 22:00 |
dabaR | undefined method `manage_gems' for Gem:Module (NoMethodError) | 22:00 |
vlt | CSWookie: When you try to connect to the host you get a warning containing the line in the known_hosts file | 22:00 |
vitalsigns | I need help getting ip address from dhcp, it's not doing it automatically | 22:00 |
CSWookie | vlt: Not with the program I'm using. | 22:00 |
brianherman | vitalsigns: dhclient | 22:00 |
CSWookie | I might want to submit a patch for that... :-) | 22:00 |
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embrik | iceroot, are you sure the OO-plugin doesn't work - google seems to give me alfresco as the only alternative to sharepoint | 22:01 |
vitalsigns | brianherman: just start dhclient and it will do it automatically? | 22:01 |
brianherman | vitalsigns: it should | 22:01 |
vitalsigns | brianherman: k | 22:01 |
iceroot | embrik: when i was testing it with oo 3.x it was not working, just with oo 2.4 (2 months ago) | 22:01 |
brianherman | iceroot: < another alternative to sharepoint | 22:01 |
iceroot | brianherman: embrik needs the info | 22:02 |
brianherman | embrick: | 22:02 |
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iceroot | brianherman: but thx for the info | 22:02 |
brianherman | embrick: | 22:02 |
vitalsigns | brianherman: it worked, how do i configure it to start on boot? | 22:02 |
iceroot | !op | redghost (30 nick changes) | 22:02 |
ubottu | redghost (30 nick changes): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 22:02 |
=== redghost is now known as asdfaf | ||
brianherman | vitalsigns: sudo gedit /etc/init.d/rc.local | 22:03 |
brianherman | paste dhclient under the #!/bin/bash line | 22:03 |
brianherman | vitalsigns: "dhclient" | 22:03 |
lullabud | what do i need to install to play h.264 movies in totem? | 22:03 |
=== blueghost is now known as zzz1 | ||
* dabaR shoots himself because of the gem error. | 22:04 | |
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richthegeek | quick vote: is it worth buying a SSD yet? | 22:05 |
lullabud | !h264 | 22:05 |
linuzo | Q: Does anyone know how to prepare a WinXP USB Installer within UBUNTU? | 22:05 |
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lullabud | !x264 | 22:05 |
iceroot | richthegeek: ##hardware | 22:05 |
richthegeek | lullabud: !google | 22:05 |
lullabud | lol | 22:05 |
bfly | 22:05 | |
richthegeek | iceroot: you mean join #hardware? | 22:05 |
ubottu | While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 22:05 |
iceroot | !codecs | lullabud | 22:05 |
ubottu | lullabud: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 22:05 |
SpaceGhostC2C | richthegeek: !google | lullabud | 22:05 |
iceroot | richthegeek: correct | 22:05 |
lullabud | thanks iceroot | 22:05 |
lullabud | apt-cache search was no help... | 22:06 |
linuzo | 22:06 | |
richthegeek | iceroot: cannot, requires invite/auth | 22:06 |
ubottu | While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 22:06 |
napoleon | hi guys | 22:06 |
richthegeek | hi bonaparte | 22:06 |
iceroot | richthegeek: then auth your nick | 22:06 |
richthegeek | why? | 22:06 |
iceroot | richthegeek: to join there so you can ask your hardware-questions | 22:07 |
ylluminate | how do you modify your hostname in ubuntu? not seeing /etc/hostname anymore soooo.... | 22:07 |
ylluminate | are you to create it or is there another facility now? | 22:07 |
=== redghost is now known as greenghost | ||
richthegeek | iceroot: says it requires an invite, not authentication ... how do I auth my nick anyway? | 22:07 |
PeterT | arti: You were right | 22:07 |
iceroot | ylluminate: sudo vi /etc/hosts | 22:07 |
ylluminate | ?! | 22:07 |
iceroot | richthegeek: /msg nickserv help | 22:07 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Jeeze. greenghost why are you always changing nicks? | 22:07 |
=== Swian7 is now known as Swian | ||
vitalsigns | brianherman: thank you | 22:08 |
ylluminate | ugh. so should you set the fqdn to the public ip or have the fqdn for both the ip and the localhost ip? | 22:09 |
CSWookie | blakkheim: So, I've disabled it, but I'd rather not blow away my known hosts file. Any ideas for how to get find right line? | 22:10 |
chelz | ylluminate: i always leave that blank | 22:10 |
ylluminate | chelz: leave what blank, localhost? | 22:11 |
ylluminate | or just not define the public ip | 22:11 |
adminuser_ | lo guys | 22:11 |
ylluminate | and behold adminuser_ | 22:11 |
SpaceGhostC2C | !hi | adminuser_ | 22:12 |
ubottu | adminuser_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 22:12 |
chelz | ylluminate: i'm not sure where you're putting in fqdn, but during any ubuntu/debian install i leave fqdn blank | 22:12 |
wineman | does anybody else have a 30 second pause during bootup? | 22:12 |
FullPolarFox | I wanna sleep.... | 22:12 |
azareth | can someone tell how can I access windows shared folders from Ubuntu, I see the machine in Network but cannot access it | 22:12 |
chelz | !sleep | FullPolarFox | 22:12 |
ylluminate | chelz: already installed, on a vps | 22:12 |
adminuser_ | use smb | 22:12 |
ylluminate | i have to modify it post installation | 22:12 |
SpaceGhostC2C | azareth: do you have nautilus-share installed? | 22:12 |
FullPolarFox | I wanna money | 22:12 |
ylluminate | so i'm trying to get hostname set properly as this is a public server | 22:12 |
SpaceGhostC2C | ylluminate: you can change it. | 22:12 |
adminuser_ | ubuntu supports smb file shares azareth | 22:13 |
ylluminate | right, so right now i have localhost subdomain.domain.tld | 22:13 |
ylluminate | in hosts | 22:13 |
azareth | SpaceGhostC2C: yes | 22:13 |
rza | hi | 22:13 |
Myrtti | !offtopic | FullPolarFox | 22:13 |
ubottu | FullPolarFox: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 22:13 |
ylluminate | i *could* put ip) subdomain.domain.tld | 22:13 |
ylluminate | on another line | 22:13 |
iceroot | ylluminate: you have a puplic static ip? | 22:13 |
ylluminate | or i could leave it on the local | 22:14 |
ylluminate | yes | 22:14 |
FullPolarFox | Myrtti I wanna to fly to Pandora... | 22:14 |
ylluminate | i do have a static pub ip | 22:14 |
iceroot | ylluminate: then use the fqdn on the public ip | 22:14 |
Bodsda | !dvd | 22:14 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 22:14 |
ylluminate | gotcha, figured | 22:14 |
ylluminate | thanks | 22:14 |
iceroot | ylluminate: and not on which is the lo-device | 22:14 |
ylluminate | right iceroot | 22:14 |
FullPolarFox | Does anybody use Ubuntu on the space shattly ??? | 22:14 |
ylluminate | however, now my hostname iceroot will not show up as the fqdn | 22:14 |
SpaceGhostC2C | azareth: do you have the permissions on the windows machine set up to allow you to connect? | 22:14 |
FullPolarFox | *shatle | 22:15 |
SpaceGhostC2C | !ot | FullPolarFox | 22:15 |
ubottu | FullPolarFox: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 22:15 |
GhostFreeman | How can I resume a process i've stopped? | 22:15 |
azareth | SpaceGhostC2C: yes its not password protected | 22:15 |
Bodsda | why has it become more difficult to get dvd playback now? It seems instead of just installing one package, I have to install a raft of restricted extras and run a bash script - whats the reasoning behind this? | 22:15 |
iceroot | GhostFreeman: fg | 22:15 |
usuario | olaa | 22:15 |
FullPolarFox | SpaceGhostC2C I dont wann go to there channel.. I am scared... | 22:15 |
FullPolarFox | olaaaaa | 22:15 |
usuario | follar | 22:15 |
devdz | so when i have a compressed package .tar.gz and its a program how i install it ? | 22:15 |
SpaceGhostC2C | azareth: do you have guest permissions on? | 22:15 |
ylluminate | so that's my question iceroot | 22:16 |
GhostFreeman | thanks iceroot | 22:16 |
nerdy_kid | anyone know how to fix suspend issues with nvidia cards? | 22:16 |
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx | ||
ylluminate | now that hostname will always be localhost | 22:16 |
SpaceGhostC2C | FullPolarFox: you cannot chat in here, only ask questions. | 22:16 |
Bodsda | devdz: untar it and read the README file | 22:16 |
iceroot | ylluminate: and i gave you the answer to use the fqdn on the public one | 22:16 |
ylluminate | i won't see hostname resolve to my fqdn or subdomain | 22:16 |
iceroot | devdz: extract it tar xfvz filename.tar.gz | 22:16 |
ylluminate | iceroot: do you see what i'm saying though???? `hostname` resolves to localhost only | 22:16 |
chelz | devdz: | 22:16 |
=== sacho_ is now known as Sacho | ||
ylluminate | i get no hostname == my machine name now | 22:17 |
devdz | Bodsda, havent find any readme file | 22:17 |
usuario | fuckfuckfuckfuck | 22:17 |
mbhakm | can anyone knows how to solve Skype pulse audio issue problem on Ubuntu 9.10 | 22:17 |
FullPolarFox | SpaceGhostC2C Why????/// Do you kill me???? *crying O_______o* | 22:17 |
MilitantPotato | !language | usuario | 22:17 |
ubottu | usuario: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 22:17 |
FullPolarFox | usuario Hello))) | 22:17 |
chelz | ylluminate: i found and | 22:17 |
Bodsda | devdz: link to the tarball? | 22:17 |
chelz | !ot | FullPolarFox | 22:17 |
ubottu | FullPolarFox: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 22:17 |
SpaceGhostC2C | !Guidelines | FullPolarFox | 22:17 |
ubottu | FullPolarFox: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 22:18 |
fernandoc1 | Serious bug on USB detected here | 22:18 |
ylluminate | thanks chelz going to see what this explains | 22:18 |
SpaceGhostC2C | fernandoc1: what is it, and did you seubmit a bug report?> | 22:18 |
fernandoc1 | I recommend Ubuntu developers to pay attention on it | 22:18 |
FullPolarFox | chelz And what?? Do you kill me???? *crying O_______o* | 22:18 |
iceroot | FullPolarFox: stop it please | 22:18 |
Bodsda | FullPolarFox: stop it | 22:18 |
SpaceGhostC2C | FullPolarFox: we don't want to call for ops, can you possibly stay on topic? | 22:19 |
FullPolarFox | iceroot: stop it please | 22:19 |
SpaceGhostC2C | thanks Myrtti :) | 22:19 |
iceroot | faster then using the !ops-trigger... | 22:19 |
fernandoc1 | I'm using karmic koala | 22:19 |
Bodsda | Myrtti: stop magically appearing like that just when we need you :) | 22:19 |
fernandoc1 | and I detected | 22:19 |
fernandoc1 | that only one USB device can be used at a time | 22:20 |
fernandoc1 | because the kernel has a bug | 22:20 |
Bodsda | fernandoc1: Thats not my experience - I have 3 here, all detected and working | 22:20 |
FullPolarFox | Hello! I am on the Andromeda and my spaceshattle don't fly? Why? I have Ubuntu on board... | 22:20 |
chelz | Myrtti: FullPolarFox | 22:20 |
fernandoc1 | I'm trying to plug a USB camera | 22:20 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Myrtti: wanna handle him? | 22:20 |
fernandoc1 | and it hangs on Virtual Box | 22:21 |
SpaceGhostC2C | He's a silly one. Might need a rope. | 22:21 |
=== greenghost is now known as redghost | ||
fernandoc1 | when I'm using a USB mouse | 22:21 |
=== redghost is now known as greenghost | ||
fernandoc1 | | 22:21 |
Myrtti | FullPolarFox: this is the Ubuntu support channel, did you have a support question? | 22:21 |
Bodsda | fernandoc1: I have a usb mouse/keyboard, ipod, scanner - all usb and all working in (closed source) VirtualBox | 22:21 |
FullPolarFox | How to ugrade the Ubuntu to Windows Vista? | 22:21 |
fernandoc1 | this bug persist since 2006 | 22:21 |
WinterSky | Bodsda Can I pm you? | 22:22 |
fernandoc1 | the camera do not work properly | 22:22 |
fernandoc1 | And it works on Windows 7 | 22:22 |
devdz | Bodsda, its just one tar.gz file that contains 3 files .pl how can execute that ? | 22:23 |
ylluminate | iceroot & chelz: here's the answer: | 22:23 |
ylluminate | thanks | 22:23 |
chelz | devdz: in a terminal navigate to the directory and do perl | 22:23 |
SpaceGhostC2C | How do I upgrade from jaunty to karmic in a virtual terminal? | 22:23 |
Bodsda | fernandoc1: have you seen this comment> | 22:23 |
fernandoc1 | Some people gets this kind of bug on Karmic | 22:24 |
Bodsda | WinterSky: sure, thanks for asking | 22:24 |
jrib | !upgrade > SpaceGhostC2C | 22:24 |
jrib | SpaceGhostC2C: read the server instructions | 22:24 |
Bodsda | devdz: I think they are perl scripts, but unless you trustthe source, I would not run them | 22:24 |
ubottu | SpaceGhostC2C, please see my private message | 22:24 |
chelz | SpaceGhostC2C: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade | 22:24 |
fernandoc1 | I can't use "nousb" option | 22:24 |
fernandoc1 | since I need USB | 22:25 |
fernandoc1 | functional | 22:25 |
devdz | Bodsda, yes its perl source i trust it .. so i execute with perl u mean ? | 22:25 |
Myrtti | !enter | fernandoc1 | 22:25 |
ubottu | fernandoc1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 22:25 |
Bodsda | fernandoc1: so just use the noapic option | 22:25 |
chelz | fernandoc1: your issue is around the proprietary version of virtualbox which isn't part of ubuntu and therefore is not supported | 22:25 |
Bodsda | devdz: perl yeah | 22:25 |
SpaceGhostC2C | jrib: those are the instructions for command line upgrading? Thanks. | 22:26 |
jrib | devdz: erm, .py? | 22:26 |
fernandoc1 | Do I have usb support on the open source version of Virtual Box? | 22:26 |
Bodsda | devdz: if its a .py you will need python | 22:26 |
jrib | fernandoc1: no | 22:26 |
Bodsda | fernandoc1: no | 22:27 |
fernandoc1 | k | 22:27 |
Zombie | What's a good program for recording my face from a Camera, assuming the Camera works. | 22:27 |
chelz | fernandoc1: try contacting the virtualbox people | 22:27 |
Jordan_U | Zombie: cheeze | 22:27 |
jrib | Zombie: cheese | 22:27 |
fernandoc1 | then I'm in my worst days | 22:27 |
devdz | jrih, Bodsda, its .pl .. perl :) | 22:27 |
fernandoc1 | I don't think that I will need to do this | 22:27 |
chelz | fernandoc1: | 22:27 |
Bodsda | devdz: :) | 22:28 |
chelz | fernandoc1: | 22:28 |
devdz | jrih, Bodsda, its .pl .. perl :) | 22:28 |
devdz | oops | 22:28 |
SpaceGhostC2C | chelz: thanks junktons for the command to upgrade | 22:28 |
Bodsda | devdz: .pl scripts are run like: perl | 22:29 |
SpaceGhostC2C | jrib: thanks, I couldn't use a web browser to check, I'm sorta in a bind. But thanks tons for the info. | 22:30 |
devdz | Bodsda, btw can you advice me? im new with linux, better i learn python or perl first ? | 22:30 |
SpaceGhostC2C | devdz: my thought is python. | 22:30 |
jrib | SpaceGhostC2C: w3m, links2, etc :) | 22:30 |
SpaceGhostC2C | devdz: do you know any languages? | 22:30 |
SpaceGhostC2C | jrib: It's a mompc, trying to keep it minimal. | 22:30 |
Bodsda | devdz: python is more freindly as a first language, but perl is much more involved and fun | 22:30 |
jrib | SpaceGhostC2C: can't get more minimal than that! | 22:30 |
Jordan_U | devdz: perl will corrupt you with incomprehesible power. | 22:31 |
Jordan_U | devdz: Emphasis on the "incoprehensible" :) | 22:31 |
SpaceGhostC2C | jrib: agreed. | 22:31 |
devdz | SpaceGhostC2C, yes i know C but im not perfect at it and i know PHP | 22:31 |
jrib | devdz: I'd say look at the intro pages for both and learn what looks interesting to you. I'd throw in my two cents for python though ;) | 22:31 |
Bodsda | Jordan_U: 100000 character one liner w00t :) | 22:31 |
SpaceGhostC2C | devdz: I suggest python. | 22:31 |
chelz | devdz: python for sure | 22:31 |
SpaceGhostC2C | devdz: if you want though, try some good perl, but it's not my cup of tea. | 22:32 |
supermatt1000 | where can i get the dockbarx deb package i no its out there i used it before | 22:32 |
devdz | ok Jordan_U | 22:32 |
devdz | thanks guys | 22:32 |
chelz | supermatt1000: what version of ubuntu are you on | 22:32 |
SpaceGhostC2C | devdz: welcome. | 22:32 |
supermatt1000 | chelz 9.10 | 22:32 |
julio | where are gnome themes stored? | 22:32 |
supermatt1000 | chelz karmic | 22:32 |
supermatt1000 | chelz i think its called | 22:33 |
Coppered | Hello all...i have a simple question............I am about to install Ubunto ..teh current stable version....will it be rather flawless then to upgrade to the latest in April? | 22:33 |
supermatt1000 | chelz the newest one | 22:33 |
Coppered | I am converting my Gatewway PC or tomorrow. | 22:33 |
Bodsda | Coppered: yeah, one command usually | 22:33 |
Coppered | so the whole upgrade system is good | 22:33 |
Coppered | ok | 22:33 |
dr-know | hi everyone, i have a question. in ubuntu some websites dont show correctly for me. i think css and java script not load !! and it not depend to any browser, in all browsers i have this problem, please help me | 22:33 |
Coppered | should i just go with a beta of the latest? | 22:34 |
chelz | supermatt1000: | 22:34 |
Coppered | and not start on the older version? | 22:34 |
Jordan_U | Coppered: I would start with 9.10. | 22:34 |
supermatt1000 | chelz thanks | 22:34 |
=== zenergi_ is now known as zenergi | ||
chelz | Coppered: definitely only stick with stable released versions. 9.10 would be good | 22:34 |
Coppered | ok thats what ill do then.......and then upgrae in late april. | 22:35 |
danbryan | Hey guys. I downloaded the live CD, and when I boot i hear it boot up and all, but i don't see anything when I use my HDMI cabel, but if i use my DVI on the same monitor it works. Any idea how to boot the linux kernal with HDMI support? | 22:35 |
Coppered | ok | 22:35 |
CountDown | How do I turn off clicking using the touchpad on a netbook? gsynaptics seems broken. | 22:35 |
Jordan_U | danbryan: What GPU? | 22:35 |
Coppered | thanx! wish me luck! here i go...NO MORE MSFT HELL!!! | 22:35 |
Jordan_U | !synaptics | CountDown | 22:36 |
ubottu | CountDown: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see | 22:36 |
danbryan | Jordan_U Gforce 9800 GT | 22:36 |
Jordan_U | danbryan: You will probably get hdmi support when you install the proprietary drivers. | 22:36 |
KB1JWQ | What do I need to install to convert my Ubuntu NBR to Kubuntu NBR? | 22:37 |
erickson | Ai que tédio nada para fazer =( | 22:37 |
danbryan | ohh. Ok, well thanks | 22:37 |
chelz | danbryan: installing ubuntu then installing the drivers should work fine | 22:37 |
supermatt1000 | chelz i cant get the first command $mkdir -p ~/SVN/Dockbar to work | 22:37 |
Jordan_U | danbryan: You're welcome. | 22:37 |
erickson | BR? | 22:37 |
devdz | when i run perl i get this : Can't locate Net/ in @INC ... :S what does it mean ? | 22:37 |
chelz | supermatt1000: use the ppa: | 22:37 |
CountDown | Jordan_U: Thanks. I saw that before and ran into the problem of not being able to enable SHMConfig. I'll try instead. | 22:38 |
supermatt1000 | chelz is that deb? | 22:38 |
chelz | supermatt1000: yes. it has instructions under "Adding this PPA to your system" | 22:38 |
Jordan_U | !br | erickson | 22:38 |
ubottu | erickson: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 22:38 |
erickson | alguem pode me dar uma ajuda ? estou com um probleminha preciso reenstalar um programa qual é o codigo do terminal? | 22:38 |
supermatt1000 | chelz o ok thanks | 22:38 |
erickson | Ok | 22:38 |
Coppered | Kubuntu is easy version to use for the public? | 22:39 |
chelz | dr-know: what browsers have you dried? | 22:39 |
sakzje | Just testing | 22:39 |
chelz | Coppered: kubuntu is ubuntu with the KDE Software System. people that prefer KDE over Gnome, the default in Ubuntu, use Kubuntu | 22:39 |
dr-know | chelz: i test this in firefox,opera, chrome | 22:39 |
Coppered | i have to research what is KDE.....i have no idea. | 22:40 |
Coppered | ok | 22:40 |
Tru7h | But doesn't Ubuntu have the ability to change the environment to KDE at the login prompt; | 22:40 |
chelz | Coppered: and | 22:40 |
chelz | Tru7h: it does but there are other changes done by the Kubuntu team that don't happen when one installs kde desktop on ubuntu | 22:41 |
=== greenghost is now known as redghost | ||
chelz | dr-know: try pasting a screenshot of the issue happening | 22:41 |
chelz | !pastebin | dr-know | 22:41 |
ubottu | dr-know: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 22:41 |
Tru7h | chelz: Ah, thanks, I've been wondering about that for awhile. | 22:42 |
=== afk|ChrisSoyars is now known as ChrisSoyars | ||
Coppered | this may sound incredibly stupid.....but i would like my Ubuntu to look and feel as much like a Mac as possible...given that...i should install Ubuntu...or Kubunutu? | 22:43 |
dr-know | chelz:one minute | 22:43 |
[V13]Axel | Coppered: YOu want Ubuntu, and then google "Mac4Lin" | 22:43 |
Coppered | awesome! | 22:43 |
Coppered | thanx | 22:43 |
Tru7h | Coppered: You can do that with either one using themes. | 22:43 |
[V13]Axel | Coppered: You're welcome. I'm currently using Mac4Lin, and it looks EXACTLY like Mac OSX Snow Leopard. | 22:43 |
MilitantPotato | Coppered: either one, theming does it. Kubuntu is far more configurable and tweakable though. | 22:43 |
Coppered | hmmm so still no idea if i should go U or K...i think ill just go U.... | 22:43 |
chelz | Coppered: yeah use normal ubuntu and mac4lin | 22:44 |
Coppered | ok im going to U...and not K. | 22:44 |
Coppered | im an | 22:44 |
Coppered | ok | 22:44 |
Coppered | :) | 22:44 |
Coppered | lovely | 22:44 |
FloodBot2 | Coppered: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:44 |
teage | how do you install gdm theme? | 22:44 |
[V13]Axel | Coppered: You're better off with Ubuntu. Kubuntu's desktop is... Meh. | 22:44 |
mustelo | is there a way to change the shortcut which switches virtual terminals? ie, I want ctrl+alt+F1 to *not* take me to tty1 | 22:45 |
SpaceGhostC2C | What's the best command to get human readable CPU info? I know cat /proc/cpuinfo | 22:45 |
B|aSS | yeah its... | 22:45 |
chelz | teage: | 22:45 |
supermatt1000 | chelz thanks i got it | 22:45 |
B|aSS | no longer what it was | 22:45 |
B|aSS | kubuntu's fat! | 22:45 |
Jordan_U | Coppered: IMHO trying to make any DE emulate something it's not usually just leads something close but dissapointingly inconsistant. | 22:45 |
[V13]Axel | teage: Right-click your desktop, and click "Change Desktop Background" go to the first tab. There's an option for 'install' | 22:45 |
chelz | supermatt1000: alright. gl. thanks for using ubuntu. | 22:45 |
mustelo | SpaceGhostC2C, try 'top' or 'sudo apt-get install htop' then 'htop' | 22:45 |
teage | thanx | 22:45 |
SpaceGhostC2C | mustelo: I don't need process info. | 22:45 |
supermatt1000 | chelz you meen thanks for loving ubuntu | 22:45 |
nerdy_kid | i need to to force remove some packages ignoring broken dependancies | 22:45 |
SpaceGhostC2C | mustelo: I need information about my processor. | 22:45 |
supermatt1000 | chelz later | 22:46 |
nerdy_kid | how would i do this? | 22:46 |
mustelo | SpaceGhostC2C, what do you need that's not in /proc/cpuinfo? | 22:46 |
Grunge | Hi, I've got a problem. Not sure which anti virus to run on ubuntu to scan the windows partion | 22:46 |
SpaceGhostC2C | mustelo: human readable. | 22:46 |
[V13]Axel | Grunge: You can't really scan a Windows partition for viruses from Ubuntu that I'm aware of. | 22:46 |
chelz | SpaceGhostC2C: human readable probably would mean using a gui of some kind | 22:47 |
SpaceGhostC2C | chelz: not at all. | 22:47 |
mustelo | anyone about remapping ctrl+alt+f1? | 22:47 |
mustelo | Grunge, clamav is the most common | 22:47 |
chelz | SpaceGhostC2C: i mean in terms of tools that exist. people generally just learn what the stuff in cpuinfo means rather than finding another tool | 22:47 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Grunge: I suggest clamav. | 22:47 |
Grunge | clamav? | 22:47 |
[V13]Axel | mustelo: There isn't one that I know of, but have you looked around on Google and the Ubuntu forums? | 22:48 |
mkey | hey | 22:48 |
chelz | Grunge: most use clamav, there is a proprietary av called avg that has a free linux version, it's not officially part of ubuntu or anything | 22:48 |
SpaceGhostC2C | chelz: there is another tool, I've used it before. It just formats the info from /proc/cpuinfo | 22:48 |
mustelo | [V13]Axel, in the process, yeah, just thought i'd ask | 22:48 |
[V13]Axel | mkey: Hello. | 22:48 |
BlackDalek | I am having problems connecting my imac to my ubuntu computer. What do enter into the imac's "connect to server..." box in order to be able to send files between the two computers? I have personal file sharing, windows sharing and ftp enabled on the imac. There is no problem connecting to the imac from the ubuntu machine. What do I do? | 22:48 |
mkey | hey axel | 22:48 |
=== redghost is now known as greenghost | ||
[V13]Axel | mustelo: Well, sorry I can't be of better assistance ^^;; | 22:48 |
chelz | SpaceGhostC2C: lshw | less ? | 22:48 |
=== goose[ME] is now known as goose | ||
SpaceGhostC2C | chelz: thanks for trying. I'll ask in -ot | 22:49 |
[V13]Axel | BlackDalek: Have you tried using the logical IP address of the Ubuntu system? | 22:49 |
mustelo | Grunge, however you usually install software, search for clamav | 22:50 |
Grunge | what about using th sudo command? | 22:50 |
chelz | BlackDalek: you need to find the local IP of the ubuntu machine and enter that. you need to have shared folders already setup in ubuntu for that to work. you would type something like smb:// | 22:50 |
Grunge | sudo apt-get install clamav clamav-freshclam clamsmtp | 22:50 |
BlackDalek | [V13]Axel er.. what? As far as I know the computer only has one IP address on my network. | 22:50 |
mustelo | Grunge, you probably won't need clamsmtp unless you're running a mailserver | 22:50 |
[V13]Axel | BlackDalek: IP and logical addresses are the same thing. Have you tried using the IP instead of the host name? | 22:51 |
Grunge | roommate was watching porn from what i can guess | 22:51 |
BlackDalek | chelz - ok I know the IP, I think I was just missing the smb: part | 22:51 |
Tru7h | BlackDalek: He's talking about local IP, not external. | 22:51 |
chelz | BlackDalek: ah, yeah. in the connect to server i think you have to have a "smb://" or "afp://" or "ftp://" depending on the server you're trying to connect to. ubuntu uses smb. | 22:51 |
dr-know | chelz:its | 22:51 |
SpaceGhostC2C | chelz: actually, that got me the info I needed but wasn't the program I wanted. Either way, you answered what I needed. | 22:52 |
jenia | hi everyone, can anyone please tell me what is it called the symbol chart at the bottom corner on a map, for example? | 22:52 |
mustelo | Grunge, I also recommend getting a gui for it such as clamtk | 22:52 |
jrib | jenia: #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:52 |
chelz | dr-know: yes that does indeed look like a site without css being applied. yahoo without css here looks similar to that. | 22:53 |
jenia | thanks | 22:53 |
chelz | dr-know: what do you have set in the menu View -> Page Style ? | 22:53 |
[V13]Axel | jenia: It's called a key, just for the record. | 22:53 |
fabien__ | | 22:53 |
Grunge | would avast be okay? | 22:54 |
dr-know | chelz:basic style checked | 22:54 |
mustelo | Grunge, never used it on ubuntu myself, but probably. | 22:54 |
chelz | dr-know: would you take a screenshot of that page in a browser other than firefox? | 22:55 |
mustelo | Grunge, usually in these situations you run everything you can until it works | 22:55 |
dr-know | chelz:wait | 22:55 |
Grunge | can't find the sudo command to d/l clamth | 22:55 |
Grunge | *clamtk | 22:55 |
Crunkenstein | I need halp! | 22:56 |
timClicks | there is a really good package for scraping text from PDFs, but I can't remember what it is called. any suggestions? | 22:56 |
B|aSS | sudo apt-get moo | 22:56 |
B|aSS | sudo apt-get clam | 22:56 |
Crunkenstein | Is there a good room for quick help? | 22:56 |
=== manio_ is now known as manio | ||
Jordan_U | Crunkenstein: This is it. | 22:56 |
Grunge | B|aSS, moo and tk? | 22:56 |
dr-know | chelz:this is on chrome browser | 22:56 |
BlackDalek | chelz It's not working. I tried smb:// and - I got a password/username prompt from the smb attempt, but it won't take my ubuntu username & password | 22:56 |
B|aSS | moo was a joke | 22:57 |
hiexpo | get the latest version of clamtk deb. at softpedia | 22:57 |
Crunkenstein | I have some school program, my windows comp broke. | 22:57 |
Grunge | -_-; | 22:57 |
Crunkenstein | I'm using my ubuntu laptop | 22:57 |
B|aSS | clam should get you throught | 22:57 |
Crunkenstein | I'm trying to use wine, the program says I need MDAC 2.8 | 22:57 |
Crunkenstein | I've installed that package and the school program is still telling me I need it | 22:57 |
B|aSS | anyway with ap-get even if u misspell it gonna give you closest choice to your input | 22:57 |
Crunkenstein | I'm a total newb | 22:58 |
chelz | BlackDalek: you might have to do some of this, namely permissions: | 22:58 |
=== Nightwolf42 is now known as Nightwolf | ||
Jordan_U | Crunkenstein: What program are you trying to run? | 22:58 |
Crunkenstein | Hawkes learning system | 22:58 |
chelz | dr-know: does that happen with all sites? | 22:58 |
red | hmm | 22:58 |
Crunkenstein | For intermediate algebra | 22:58 |
linxeh | Crunkenstein: there is a utility somewhere for helping install wine components | 22:58 |
linxeh | Crunkenstein: pulls MS libraries like that from the MS site and installs them for you | 22:59 |
Crunkenstein | Is it called winetricks? | 22:59 |
Grunge | candykorn@candykorn-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get clam | 22:59 |
Grunge | [sudo] password for candykorn: | 22:59 |
Grunge | E: Invalid operation clam | 22:59 |
Grunge | candykorn@candykorn-desktop:~$ | 22:59 |
red | im running jaunty on my laptop, and the highest speeds i seem to be getting downloading via LAN (on wifi) is 80-120KB/sec | 22:59 |
FloodBot2 | Grunge: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:59 |
dr-know | chelz: no this happen for some websites | 22:59 |
linxeh | Crunkenstein: yes thats it | 22:59 |
VCoolio | timClicks: pstotext answers your description; haven't used it myself though | 22:59 |
B|aSS | clamtk | 22:59 |
Crunkenstein | That's how I installed mdac28 | 22:59 |
linxeh | ah :o | 22:59 |
MilitantPotato | dr-know: are you using the daily build PPA? | 22:59 |
timClicks | VCoolio: ty | 23:00 |
chelz | BlackDalek: this also should help: | 23:00 |
MilitantPotato | dr-know: chrome works very well for me, in the beta flash is broken, but the daily build everything seems fairly stable. | 23:00 |
dr-know | chelz:you know i reinstall ubuntu and even try on other version !! but problem still happen | 23:00 |
Losha | Grunge: apt-cache search clam | 23:00 |
chelz | MilitantPotato: he's not getting css in firefox, chrome and opera. it's wild | 23:00 |
B|aSS | also | 23:00 |
MilitantPotato | chelz: oh, ouch | 23:00 |
chelz | dr-know: it sounds like the issue might be with your internet provider. have you tried a non-linux or non-ubuntu os to test? perhaps a friend has a laptop with another os? | 23:01 |
=== ryaxnb_ is now known as ryaxnblucid | ||
dr-know | chelz:yes i tried, in windows everythings is ok !! even i run windows from virtual machine from linux!! | 23:02 |
dr-know | chelz:in windows i dont have any problem | 23:02 |
LinuxGuy2009 | If I upgraded my PATA 160GB hdd to a 1TB SATA drive would that jack up Ubuntu boot speed? | 23:02 |
Grunge | wow stil gives me the bs line of E: Invalid operation klamav | 23:03 |
jrib | Grunge: it's not bs... | 23:04 |
chelz | Grunge: did you install it? | 23:04 |
jrib | Grunge: you want "apt-get install PACKAGE", not "apt-get PACKAGE" | 23:04 |
Grunge | nope keeps spitting out that line | 23:04 |
Jordan_U | Crunkenstein: Hawkes learning system may not be usable with wine :( | 23:04 |
Crunkenstein | Do you know that for a fact? | 23:05 |
Grunge | thanks jrib | 23:05 |
jrib | Crunkenstein: why don't you just use vbox or some other virtualizer? | 23:05 |
chelz | dr-know: please post a screenshot of a website that works in firefox | 23:05 |
hiexpo | Grunge, what are you tring to install clamav? | 23:05 |
Losha | Grunge: you have to spell it correctly.... | 23:06 |
Grunge | windows partion is infected | 23:06 |
Jordan_U | Crunkenstein: I haven't found any successfull accounts of it working, and the appdb entry gives it a garbage rating ( though the entry is old ) | 23:06 |
Alan502 | hello, can someone help me "manually setting up my dns" on ubuntu? The thing is that i'm having problems with websites not loading correctly, this seems to be the problem though | 23:06 |
chelz | Grunge: BartPE may be more what you need | 23:06 |
luisito | hello | 23:07 |
Grunge | bartpe? | 23:07 |
luisito | hello? | 23:07 |
=== TXP-AWAY is now known as TxPitou | ||
Grunge | wow | 23:07 |
dr-know | chelz: this is adobe website | 23:07 |
Jordan_U | luisito: Hi, the general edicate here is to just ask your question. | 23:07 |
Jordan_U | s/edicate/etiquette/ | 23:08 |
supermatt1000 | how do i install this theme | 23:08 |
supermatt1000 | how do i install this theme | 23:08 |
=== Jasiekl is now known as Jasiek | ||
Grunge | for bartpe | 23:09 |
Grunge | --___--; | 23:09 |
Losha | Grunge: "Could not get lock" -- either some other program is running which uses packages, or you have a stale lockfile leftover from interrupting an earlier attempt which you'll need to remove. I'm not convinced clamav will disinfect a windows partition in all cases. You might wanna ask on #windows... | 23:10 |
VCoolio | supermatt1000: drag and drop the .tar.gz into the appearance window? | 23:10 |
Grunge | wow, completly forgot about avast running | 23:10 |
BlackDalek | I can't seem to get "sudo smbpasswd -a (username)" to work.. it retruns "failed to add user (username)" | 23:11 |
chelz | supermatt1000: What you want to do is first go to system > preferences > theme. Then open up the folder you downloaded the tar.gz theme archive to. To install the theme just drag and drop the tar.gz file from the file manager to the theme preferences window and that should install it for you. Hope that helped | 23:11 |
BlackDalek | What am I doing wrong? Do I need to create a samba user first before I use smbpasswd? How do I do that? | 23:11 |
supermatt1000 | VCoolio says it wont allow it i think its because its a new there | 23:11 |
VCoolio | supermatt1000: extract it and put the folder that contains "gtk-2.0" folder and index.theme file etc in ~/.themes, that's the same | 23:12 |
=== Jasiek is now known as Jasiekk | ||
hiexpo | supermatt1000, - just download the file and right click on desktop than open themes than drag and drop that file you downloaded in there ahwah | 23:12 |
Losha | BlackDalek: I think so. I use the name of an existing linux user with smbpasswd.... | 23:12 |
supermatt1000 | that dident work | 23:13 |
Grunge | well tthank you losha, B|aSS, chelz, and mustelo | 23:13 |
chelz | BlackDalek: did you see this | 23:13 |
Grunge | gonna try it after avast finishes | 23:13 |
chelz | BlackDalek: are you using "same user name as the Ubuntu Linux user we are logged in" ? | 23:13 |
B|aSS | but i was wrong Grunge :\ | 23:13 |
B|aSS | sudo apt-get install YourPackage | 23:14 |
B|aSS | now better :> | 23:14 |
Grunge | lol | 23:14 |
supermatt1000 | it says its not a valid theme | 23:14 |
VCoolio | supermatt1000: the archive contains some weird other archive, extract that too, put the folder in ~/.themes | 23:14 |
neen | hi guys, i'm running an rsync as root to copy /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.* into another directory for offsite backups. i want to change the owner/group/permissions during the copy. is there an easy way to do that with rsync? | 23:14 |
B|aSS | you can use gui as well could be easier in begining | 23:14 |
hiexpo | supermatt1000, - right click on desktop click change background than click on theme than drop your file in there you may have to extrct it first though | 23:15 |
B|aSS | like adept/kubuntu synapsis/ubuntu | 23:15 |
clickme | hi every1 | 23:15 |
chelz | dr-know: do you go through a proxy of any kind? did you install or change any of ubuntu's default network options? | 23:16 |
hiexpo | supermatt1000, - or when in theme s click install and direct it to the file | 23:16 |
Hathadar | Windows 7 sees my private and public shares but times out when trying to connect to my private share. I could use some help configureing /etc/samba/smb.conf | 23:16 |
loveless | new ubuntu user here, have a few questions, if someone could PM me that's willing to help, i'd greatly appreciate it :] | 23:16 |
chelz | !ask | loveless | 23:16 |
ubottu | loveless: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 23:16 |
clickme | Hathadar: what version of ubuntu | 23:17 |
hiexpo | !ask | loveless | 23:17 |
Hathadar | clickme: 9.10 server | 23:17 |
crc32 | I'm still confused as to how we are supposed to manage services in ubunto 9.10. I noticed service and chkconfig found their way onto my system but I can't use chkconfig to disable services as I keep getting message like "/sbin/insserv failed, exit code 1" | 23:17 |
loveless | 9.10, netbook remix | 23:17 |
outer_space | is there a linux port preinstalled with educational programs? | 23:17 |
crc32 | Whats the real way to change services in 9.10 | 23:17 |
Losha | neen: I don't think rsync will remap permissions on the fly. Run a chown/chgrp after the copy.... | 23:17 |
clickme | Hathadar: oh i don't know much about that | 23:17 |
hiexpo | !ask \ loveless | 23:17 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:17 |
loveless | !ask | 23:17 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 23:17 |
clickme | ubottu: lolz | 23:18 |
chelz | Hathadar: this might help, since windows is very similar: | 23:18 |
dr-know | chelz:no , everything is default | 23:18 |
B|aSS | <outer_space>: edubuntu | 23:18 |
Hathadar | i'll check it out | 23:18 |
valros | does Ubuntu One actually sync files with the Ubuntu One directory? | 23:18 |
underdog5004 | is there a way to get the length of a video file with mencoder or something like it? | 23:19 |
gustin | valros: it is supposed to. I have had nothing but problems with Ubuntu One | 23:19 |
chelz | dr-know: does this url load in firefox: ? | 23:19 |
BlackDalek | ok.. I see I have to use the ubuntu login username, I thought I had to enter a new separate username for samba.... | 23:19 |
Boondoklife | valros: Yea it syncs the folder with the online storage. I have been using it so far it is great | 23:20 |
chelz | BlackDalek: ah nope. the user you want to log in as | 23:20 |
gustin | BlackDalek: you can synchronise your regular user and password with samba, but usually they are stored seperately | 23:20 |
Boondoklife | valros: It is a little wonky in lucid at the moment but it works great on karmic | 23:20 |
chelz | loveless: please ask your question(s) | 23:20 |
dr-know | chelz: firefox cant load it !!! | 23:20 |
gustin | Boondoklife: have you tried syncing two computers with Ubuntu One? | 23:20 |
chelz | dr-know: you get a 404? | 23:20 |
VCoolio | underdog5004: there is mminfo, but it says for example length: 8442.944325 so how long is that?? | 23:21 |
Jordan_U | outer_space: Yes, edubuntu. | 23:21 |
clickme | anyone know what happen to Cairos themes | 23:21 |
Boondoklife | gustin: yup I have two laptops here i do it on | 23:21 |
loveless | !ask how do i get proper video to work on an Acer Aspire One AO751h? | 23:21 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:21 |
loveless | =/ | 23:21 |
=== jon is now known as Guest5133 | ||
valros | can i sync the files on another computer just by creaking that directory and logging in? | 23:21 |
crc32 | nice so how do you configure upstart to not start a given service at boot? | 23:21 |
BlackDalek | chelz.. oh... well I used the normal ubuntu username when I did smbpasswd, and it worked - it gave me an failed error if I tried to use a different username. | 23:21 |
chelz | loveless: no no, you just say your questions normally. the bot commands are for people helping others, not those being helped | 23:21 |
gustin | Boondoklife: I have two laptops and a desktop, none of them are completely in sysnc | 23:21 |
Boondoklife | gustin: It works for me just fine, had one issue when it first came out where it was duplicating the machines on the site but removed them and it worked. | 23:22 |
Boondoklife | gustin: Are they are karmic? | 23:22 |
underdog5004 | VCoolio, what _is_ mminfo? looks like a python module? | 23:22 |
gustin | ya, I had that too. | 23:22 |
chelz | BlackDalek: that's the way to do it. that second guide i linked has that in it. glad it's working | 23:22 |
gustin | Boondoklife: yes, all are karmic | 23:22 |
loveless | i think i need to use 9.04, according to some thing on the community page =/ | 23:22 |
BlackDalek | chelz... hmm.. ok, it's still not working. Now I get an infinite loop of login prompts at the apple end :( | 23:22 |
gustin | Boondoklife: one laptop is now lucid, but I have not bothered with Ubuntu One on it again | 23:23 |
chelz | loveless: video on a website, or play a downloaded video file, or play a dvd or use a webcam? | 23:23 |
Boondoklife | gustin: That is very odd. | 23:23 |
jiffe1 | hmm, I just updated 9.10 and there seems to be a version mismatch between the userland and kernel module portions of drbd | 23:23 |
Boondoklife | gustin: You may benefit from completely removing ubuntu one and the keys. Then remove your account on the site. | 23:23 |
BlackDalek | chelz it no longer says password incorrect - it just keeps asking | 23:23 |
chelz | BlackDalek: did you follow all of this ? | 23:23 |
loveless | chelz: it won't use the proper resolution of my screen, and it generally runs slow, the crossfade transition between screens is choppy | 23:23 |
VCoolio | underdog5004: yes, install python-kaa-metadata to use it | 23:24 |
underdog5004 | ok, thanks | 23:24 |
Boondoklife | gustin: After a bit then create the account again. That is what I had to go through in the begining. But now it just works. Had to do a little monkeying with lucid to get it to work, but it is now. | 23:24 |
chelz | loveless: have you been prompted to install any Hardware Drivers? | 23:24 |
Losha | underdog5004: Try 'idvid' which comes with the 'tovid' package | 23:24 |
underdog5004 | Losha, ok, I'll look into that as well | 23:24 |
gustin | Boondoklife: I am not using it anymore. Going to planB (roll my own, I have been using an rsync script for a couple of years) | 23:24 |
clickme | anyone know what happen to Cairo themes | 23:24 |
loveless | chelz: no at all, but i just performed some updates i was prompted to | 23:24 |
chelz | BlackDalek: rebooting the mac might also help, i've had to reboot macs when trying to share stuff sometimes | 23:25 |
Boondoklife | gustin: Yea that is what I was going to do myself. | 23:25 |
VCoolio | underdog5004: it's length in seconds btw, at least that comes very close | 23:25 |
underdog5004 | yep | 23:25 |
chelz | loveless: go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers | 23:25 |
gustin | Boondoklife: I am going to use csync, since it seems to be what I want, with no 2 GiB limit | 23:26 |
underdog5004 | I'm trying to write a script that will divide up a video into <10 minute segments for a youtube account | 23:26 |
underdog5004 | not copyrighted movies or anything | 23:26 |
eurythmia | does anybody use a blackberry curve 8530 with linux? If so, how is it? | 23:26 |
chelz | dr-know: you might try loading that url on a non-ubuntu OS and see what happens | 23:26 |
chelz | eurythmia: blackberries and linux don't go too well together. some use a program called Barry and others use a virtual machine to sync to the official blackberry tool in windows | 23:27 |
Losha | underdog5004: which video format....? | 23:27 |
loveless | chelz: tells me no proprietary drivers are in use | 23:27 |
valros | how can i force ubuntu-one to sync? | 23:27 |
loveless | chellz: but i still can't select the proper resolution | 23:27 |
underdog5004 | avi, which should have a .mpg inside it...if that makes sense | 23:27 |
underdog5004 | I'm probably mangling it | 23:27 |
eurythmia | chelz, okay, I'll try to stay away from the blackberry then. Thanks. | 23:27 |
chelz | loveless: are there any in the list with a grey circle next to them? | 23:27 |
IdleOne | eurythmia: there are several packages in the repositories that are for blackberry | 23:27 |
loveless | chelz: nothing comes up in the list | 23:27 |
Losha | underdog5004: you could divide it by hand using avidemux... | 23:27 |
dr-know | chelz:i dont access windows now. but i dont think reason is this. my browser cant download with this file !! | 23:27 |
underdog5004 | Losha, going to script it | 23:28 |
IdleOne | eurythmia: like chelz mentioned Barry | 23:28 |
chelz | loveless: do you know what brand of video card you have? | 23:28 |
chelz | eurythmia: just googling around should bring up good info on what cell phones work with linux. the ubuntu forums have a lot of that | 23:28 |
Losha | underdog5004: check out avisplit then | 23:28 |
eurythmia | IdleOne, do you have experience with it? | 23:28 |
underdog5004 | ok | 23:28 |
loveless | chelz: Intel GMA 500, shared video memory too | 23:28 |
BlackDalek | chelz - I couldn't follow "all" of it as the bit at the start about "system>administration>shared folders" doesn't exist anymore in 9.10.. but the rest of it I think I followed ok. | 23:28 |
Lorbasek | czesc | 23:28 |
IdleOne | eurythmia: I tried the barry packages but they lack a lot of functionality. VM would be the way to go with blackberry | 23:29 |
chelz | dr-know: open up a terminal and do: wget | 23:29 |
eurythmia | IdleOne, then I'll stay away from the blackberry if I can ;) | 23:29 |
BlackDalek | chelz - d'oh! I worked it out... I was clicking "authenticate" when I should have been clicking "ok" on the imac... now it is working properly. | 23:29 |
giovanny_17 | hola | 23:29 |
Lorbasek | helo | 23:30 |
crc32 | ok I'm guessing update-rc.d is the official way to control services in ubuntu 9.10 | 23:30 |
Lorbasek | any1 from poland can help me? | 23:30 |
giovanny_17 | hola como estan por aqui? | 23:30 |
IdleOne | !pl | 23:30 |
ubottu | Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 23:30 |
IdleOne | !es | giovanny_17 | 23:30 |
ubottu | giovanny_17: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 23:30 |
chelz | BlackDalek: good :) | 23:30 |
dr-know | chelz: output is: wget: unable to resolve host address `' | 23:31 |
giovanny_17 | [¤_iDLeoNe_¤] que pasa? | 23:31 |
chelz | crc32: | 23:31 |
hiexpo | !sp | 23:31 |
* [V13]Axel loves Ubuntu. | 23:31 | |
IdleOne | hiexpo: I alreasy gave him the !es factoid. he was trolling here last night also | 23:32 |
IdleOne | already* | 23:32 |
loveless | chelz: any ideas? | 23:32 |
hiexpo | IdleOne, - oh ok | 23:32 |
chelz | loveless: yes, this should fix it: | 23:32 |
crc32 | chelz: I used to use sysv-rc-conf back in 2007 but every thing got screwed up when ubuntu 9.10 came out. | 23:32 |
gringochapin | Hi all. questions for those with experience running a jam. How long do they usually last? How long should they last at a minimum? | 23:33 |
loveless | chelz: i appreciate the link, but that's nothing to do with the video D: internet works fine | 23:33 |
chelz | loveless: oops sorry | 23:34 |
loveless | ;] | 23:34 |
chelz | dr-know: follow this: | 23:34 |
zaizafoon | helko | 23:34 |
zaizafoon | hello | 23:34 |
IdleOne | gringochapin: what state/country are you in? | 23:34 |
scooby | whats the command to change my nick? | 23:34 |
zaizafoon | i ned help with my mint dist. | 23:35 |
IdleOne | gringochapin: I ask because the LoCo team in your area is probably going to run one. | 23:35 |
Coppered | before i install Ubuntu over my Vista.....should i set the BIOs of the computer to any special settings? | 23:35 |
mneptok | !mint | zaizafoon | 23:35 |
ubottu | zaizafoon: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 23:35 |
chelz | loveless: what is the model number and brand of your computer? | 23:35 |
mneptok | scooby: /nick $NEWNICK | 23:35 |
scooby | thanks | 23:35 |
IdleOne | !mintsupport > zaizafoon | 23:35 |
ubottu | zaizafoon, please see my private message | 23:35 |
loveless | chelz: Acer Aspire One AO751H | 23:35 |
=== scooby is now known as generic_user | ||
chelz | Coppered: some bioses can get to a menu to choose the boot device by pressing something like "esc". most would tell you to verify your boot priority has CD higher than your hard drive | 23:36 |
gringochapin | Yes, they are going to run one. I'm in Iowa. I'm helping to organize it, and no one here has much experience with them. | 23:36 |
Coppered | ok fairenough so nothing then special to do there... | 23:36 |
Coppered | yhnx | 23:36 |
IdleOne | gringochapin: the ubuntu-qc team is doing one let me link you. | 23:36 |
chelz | loveless: follow "Karmic (9.10) - New Method" here: | 23:37 |
loveless | chelz: thanks! | 23:37 |
Desciero | How do I view my terminal log? | 23:37 |
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc | ||
crc32 | Is any one here even useing 9.10? I got the feeling I got suckered into downloading it. | 23:37 |
zaizafoon | i installed linux without languag packages .... how to add my lang. package? | 23:37 |
chelz | loveless: also besides "Enabling 1366x768 Resolution" (it is outdated), you might find this page helpful: | 23:37 |
Mage_Dude | crc32: Yeah. 9.10 is fine? | 23:37 |
gringochapin | awe cool. Didn't know the QC folks were doing one. | 23:38 |
chelz | crc32: the majority of people here are probably using it :P | 23:38 |
generic_user | I changed my user password but now the NetworkManager Applet keeps requesting my old password whenever I connect to wifi. How do I change the password for NetworkManager Applet? Running 9.04 | 23:38 |
faron | Hello everybody.Hopefully,all are well today.I need some help.I am currently running Xubuntu 8.04LTS & I woould like to install the new Firefox but,at this point I'm just lost as to what to do.I have downloaded the package onto my desktop & that's as far as I've gotten.Is there anybody here who can guide me from this point in the installation process ? | 23:38 |
IdleOne | gringochapin: there are no times but the last one was from 11-5 and 11-7 | 23:38 |
loveless | im off fellas, thanks for the help chelzz :] | 23:38 |
chelz | generic_user: "All password management in network manager is done through gnome-keyring. So you will have to change it the System -> Admin -> Keyring Manager utility." | 23:38 |
Desciero | How do I view my terminal log? I installed a program from the terminal, but it just exited unexpectedly mid-install. Want to see what the problem is. | 23:39 |
crc32 | So why does it seem to be that no one knows how to enable or disable services at boot. All I'm seeing are post to the effect of "run the command service foo stop each time you boot." I'm like so theres no tools to configure this a boot up anymore? | 23:39 |
gringochapin | IdleOne: That was the quebec. Wrong country. :) | 23:39 |
dr-know | chelz:ok i test this and say you | 23:39 |
dr-know | chelz:thank you | 23:39 |
chelz | dr-know: did that work? is it working? | 23:40 |
gringochapin | IdleOne: err that was the quebec team. I'm in Iowa. | 23:40 |
IdleOne | gringochapin: I link as an example :) but take a look here | 23:40 |
dr-know | chelz:i must reboot pc | 23:40 |
generic_user | chelz: There is nothing called Keyring Manager in my System -> Admin list | 23:40 |
chelz | dr-know: alright. good luck. | 23:40 |
mneptok | crc32: man update-rc.d | 23:40 |
Desciero | Do you know where I can view my terminal log? | 23:40 |
IdleOne | gringochapin: if you scroll down some there will be more info on how to run a jam | 23:41 |
chelz | generic_user: Applications -> Passwords and Encryption keys | 23:41 |
gringochapin | IdleOne: Yeah, I've seen that page. But I don't see anything on there that talks about how long they usually last. | 23:41 |
chelz | generic_user: then Edit -> Preferences -> Select "login" and click the "Change unlock password" button | 23:42 |
gringochapin | IdleOne: Just wanted some idea of that from folks who have been to them. | 23:42 |
IdleOne | gringochapin: really I would say it is up to you and the people who attend, you don't want to go to many hours or you will burn out. I would say 5-6 hours per day would be good | 23:42 |
Losha | crc32: because ubuntu messed about with service stuff and made a hash of it. See also bum (boot up manager)... | 23:42 |
hiexpo | Desciero, | 23:43 |
IdleOne | gringochapin: SEMI-PROTIP keep it fun :) | 23:43 |
gringochapin | IdoleOne: Thanks. That's kinda' what I was thinking, but wasn't sure. We're going to only have one day, as were having a hard enough time trying a place to hold it just for one day, let alone more than that. | 23:43 |
gringochapin | err trying to find a place. | 23:44 |
generic_user | chelz: great, thanks for the help | 23:44 |
professional-are | hello, my dvd drive wont open when i push the open button located at the top of m desktop, or when i push the eject button on my keyboard, help please, thankyou | 23:44 |
gringochapin | IdoleOne: For sure. Thanks. | 23:44 |
grkblood13 | how do i change the y axis for a chart in openoffice to go from 0-1 | 23:44 |
IdleOne | gringochapin: make sure you add your jam info to the appropriate wikis :) | 23:44 |
Colrol | Is there a simple script/command to clean up boot items to only list the latest kernel? | 23:44 |
gringochapin | Yeah, will do. | 23:44 |
rafael_ | gnome-power-manager does not suspend my laptop when critical battery porcentage is reached | 23:45 |
chelz | Colrol: i'm pretty sure you still have to manually uninstall older kernels then have grub regenerate its config | 23:45 |
rafael_ | PowerDevil (in KDE) dies it | 23:45 |
Colrol | chelz: alright | 23:45 |
chelz | Colrol: uninstall with synaptic i mean. usually good to leave one or two older kernels, just in case. | 23:46 |
coldfire | is it really benifical to create a seperate /home partition if you are using only one distro and backup periodicly to another partition? | 23:46 |
Colrol | How about getting X to only boot to stage3? | 23:46 |
Losha | professional-are: is it still mounted by any chance...? | 23:46 |
Colrol | Or is it Stage1? | 23:46 |
IdleOne | gringochapin: you could also ask for more advice/info in #ubuntu-locoteams | 23:46 |
chelz | coldfire: no. separate home is only really used when using many different distros and switching between them regularly | 23:47 |
chelz | Colrol: you are probably thinking of init runlevels | 23:48 |
coldfire | chelz: it doesnt make your system more vunerable to coruption because of permissions ? | 23:48 |
LinuxGuy2009 | coldfire: I personally have a WD MyPassport 250GB USB that I backup my Ubuntu installation with Clonezilla. And then I manually copy over my home contents regularly if i get a new DVD that i rip or a new CD that I rip etc. | 23:48 |
chelz | coldfire: it does, but people doing that have to accept the risk | 23:48 |
VCoolio | coldfire: it can be useful if you want to clean install new ubuntu releases without restoring your home stuff and app configurations | 23:48 |
IdleOne | chelz: it is also used for when you want to do fresh installs of the new release and don't want to have to do backups | 23:48 |
LinuxGuy2009 | coldfire: Ive never really used a seperate home. | 23:48 |
crc32 | so with update-rc.d is there a way to see the status of a service without digging aropund in the /etc/rc?.d directory? | 23:49 |
Losha | coldfire: it's handy when you upgrade, and for backups, but it's by no means essential, especially if you aren't messing around with different versions/releases/distros... | 23:49 |
professional-are | Losha, i dont know | 23:49 |
Gnea | okay, I tried xset s off and some sort of screensaver STILL kicks in in the middle of a fullscreen game. this is wrong. | 23:49 |
chelz | IdleOne: how does ubuntu handle between versions with a separate home? i've been thinking about doing that but i'm really not sure how the legacy config files would work out | 23:49 |
coldfire | Thanks all | 23:49 |
Losha | professional-are: open a terminal and type 'sudo df -h' and see if it mentions the cdrom... | 23:50 |
LinuxGuy2009 | chelz: You have to manually partition and specify that you have a seperate home partition so it knows to pick it up and use it. | 23:50 |
professional-are | Losha, no it does not | 23:50 |
IdleOne | chelz: I have never had any issues, your milleage may vary. I don't see why the configs would change so much from one version to next that it would break things | 23:50 |
chelz | crc32: i'm not sure what you want to do. this is sorta related | 23:51 |
crc32 | seems odd. update-rc.d mangled the /etc/rc.d/ K and S scripts which is sequential and doesn't feel like the whole event driven nature of upstart | 23:51 |
chelz | IdleOne: do you only use it for upgrades or for btween distros? | 23:51 |
Losha | professional-are: does your drive have a pinhole in the front? | 23:51 |
sine | what is this ubuntu one folder i see | 23:51 |
IdleOne | chelz: I bleed ubuntu brown :) | 23:51 |
dtcrshr | i need an alternative player to audacious, that works with jack. any clues? | 23:51 |
sine | is it 2gb backup ? | 23:51 |
sine | for important files | 23:51 |
dotblank3_ | dtcrshr: Is that a sound recorder? | 23:52 |
LinuxGuy2009 | sine: Its like having a 2GB hard drive online and its free and you can use it for anything. | 23:52 |
sine | sweet | 23:52 |
Losha | crc32: did you see my msg about the startup stuff being a mess? | 23:52 |
dtcrshr | dotblank, no, a sound player | 23:52 |
chelz | IdleOne: do you ever get prompted with anything that there's a config mismatch or that older configs have to be replaced? or is it usually all automated? | 23:52 |
professional-are | Losha, no it does not | 23:52 |
IdleOne | sine: it is 2GB of free space you can use to backup any files you want | 23:52 |
sine | so anything i put in that folder will get stored online | 23:52 |
dtcrshr | dotblank3_, | 23:52 |
crc32 | for what ever reason chell the "Services" menu item is missing from my 9.10 install. :( | 23:52 |
LinuxGuy2009 | sine: Yes | 23:52 |
sine | and if i delete it in that folder it will delete online ? | 23:52 |
LinuxGuy2009 | sine: And can be accessed on any PC anywhere that you might be using. | 23:52 |
Losha | professional-are: are you sure? Nearly all of them do, as an emergency release mechanism.... | 23:52 |
awaad | Why ping is a server/client connection not a pear to pear one ? | 23:52 |
IdleOne | chelz: nope never. I have done upgrades and fresh installs and use the same /home. no issues | 23:52 |
LinuxGuy2009 | sine: Yes it works just like a hard drive. | 23:53 |
sine | cool | 23:53 |
professional-are | Losha, i checked right now it doesnt | 23:53 |
hiexpo | what is the latest kernal for 9.10 | 23:53 |
chelz | IdleOne: huh.. what versions have you gone between? | 23:53 |
sine | thats a nice little touch | 23:53 |
LinuxGuy2009 | hiexpo: go to and search for linux-image in karmic | 23:53 |
IdleOne | hiexpo: 2.6.31-20 | 23:53 |
sine | i mean i know its not anything mindblowing but its another nice touch | 23:53 |
professional-are | Losha, i know because my laptop had one but not this desktop | 23:53 |
Losha | professional-are: don't know what to tell you. Every single one of mine has it. Check in #hardware ? | 23:54 |
sine | I am effin loving this ubuntu and im glad i can finally hang my windows up in the closet | 23:54 |
professional-are | Losha, how do i do that | 23:54 |
Losha | professional-are: just /join #hardware and ask in that channel.... | 23:54 |
hiexpo | IdleOne, - thanks just wanted to make sure cause i have extra repos, enabled | 23:54 |
chelz | crc32: | 23:54 |
LinuxGuy2009 | sine: Theres a big new release coming soon too. 10.04 LTS Something to look forward to. | 23:54 |
crc32 | Losha: Yes I did and I reached the same conclusion when I first downloaded ubuntu 9.10 but every one on this channel keeps acting like nothings wrong with it and that its really intuitive. But I'm getting the impression that 9.10 users don't manage services at all but rather let them all run. Example I want proftpd installed for when I need it but I don't want it to always start at boot for reasons that should be obvious(Security stand point). | 23:55 |
IdleOne | chelz: I have been upgrading since 5.10 and also doing fresh installs. last 4 versions with same /home | 23:55 |
professional-are | Losha, it says canot join its invite only | 23:55 |
chelz | IdleOne: how do you usually handle reinstalling stuff you had installed before? | 23:55 |
IdleOne | !clone > chelz | 23:56 |
ubottu | chelz, please see my private message | 23:56 |
Typos_King | profesional-are: if you're referring to some keys on the keyboard to eject the dvd/cd drive... .those are not based on mappings to the bioos, they're usually OS dependent for the key-binding/mapping, yes, I've seen them before, I know apples have one | 23:56 |
Losha | professional-are: sigh. Well in your place, I would shutdown the machine, making sure it powers off, and hope that when you power it back up, it resets the drive and the eject button starts working... | 23:56 |
crc32 | sysv-rc-conf doesn't seem to work on karmic. It claims the service is disable but it still starts on boot. <Rolls Eyes>. | 23:56 |
Typos_King | I guess you can set a keybinding on it, mapped to 'eject /dev/dvd' | 23:56 |
chelz | IdleOne: i've seen stuff like that, including stuff with dpkg -l, but it just seems like that could lead to a world of hurt with packages having different names | 23:56 |
seanbrystone2 | Does Microsoft Office 2007 work in Wine? | 23:57 |
dotblank3_ | seanbrystone2: yes | 23:57 |
Typos_King | hehe | 23:57 |
IdleOne | chelz: the package names very rarely if ever change names | 23:57 |
chelz | crc32: you'll probably have to talk to the sysv-rc-conf people about that. you could try other tools in that guide in the meantime. | 23:57 |
seanbrystone2 | dotblank, ok ty :) | 23:57 |
dotblank3_ | !wine | 23:57 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 23:57 |
crc32 | update-rc.d seems to work for proftpd | 23:57 |
chelz | IdleOne: is that clone method how you reinstall stuff? | 23:57 |
clickme | seanbrystone yes, but i think only sp1 | 23:57 |
IdleOne | chelz: from one distro to the next the names change but within the same distro not normally | 23:57 |
crc32 | no to see if it works for ipp | 23:57 |
professional-are | Losha, lol thats what i did and it didnt work, thats why its weird | 23:57 |
professional-are | Losha, i guess il use windows to burn my isos | 23:58 |
IdleOne | chelz: yes I have used it before. | 23:58 |
seanbrystone2 | clickme, ok ill poke around later with it thanks :) | 23:58 |
Losha | professional-are: what brand/model is the drive, so I can avoid it in the future? | 23:58 |
Losha | crc32: tried 'bum'... | 23:58 |
chelz | IdleOne: no issues? at all? | 23:58 |
IdleOne | nope | 23:58 |
chelz | interesting | 23:58 |
chelz | i just might try that | 23:58 |
professional-are | Losha, i typed sudo eject and it worked | 23:58 |
professional-are | :] | 23:58 |
professional-are | thanks | 23:58 |
clickme | is this room so busy sometimes that it freezes | 23:59 |
sine | change root password ? | 23:59 |
chelz | !root | sine | 23:59 |
ubottu | sine: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 23:59 |
Losha | professional-are: good, still doesn't excuse having no pinhole. Cheap-ass hardware.... | 23:59 |
IdleOne | chelz: the seperate home, for me at least, is more about not having to backup my media files when doing a fresh install. I don't really mind having to re-install apps and such if I have to | 23:59 |
crc32 | I'm guessing this is a transitional bork that will hopefully be eliminated later on. But sooner or later better more predictable control will need to be given back to the admin. If the init.d method wasn't broke well Then don't break it. | 23:59 |
clickme | well i get dl | 23:59 |
sine | hahahaha | 23:59 |
sine | matrix touche | 23:59 |
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